havatabanca · 1 year
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wraithdance · 1 month
Hall of Shame
& Helpful Links for Writing Diverse Fiction in Fandom
Because in a perfect world we wouldn’t need to keep having the same conversations about racism and inclusion in Fandoms.
The Why
On Anti Black Racism: Link 1 ; Link 2 Racism & Mistreatment in Fandom Spaces: Link 1 ; Link 2 ; Link 3 ; Link 4 Playing Dumb about non descriptive Readers: Link 1 ; Link 2 ; Link 3 ; Link 4 Because your PoC mutuals & followers asked for it: Link 1 ; Link 2 ; Link 3 The Gaz Erasure Debacle: Link 1 ; Link 2
How to Be Inclusive
Tips on inclusivity in Reader inserts:
Inclusive Writing & Recs List PDF's of Native American Stories & Topics Writing Poc Characters (the not cringe way): When writing about sex ft a Latinx person; Race vs. Ethnicity: Latinx is not a Race ; “When I walk into a church, I only see paintings of white angels. Why?” -Eartha Kitt | On inclusion in moodboards
B-But I’m An Ally! Unpacking Your Allyship
Ally Fatigue is NOT Real Please Get a Grip! On Oppression & White Responsibility
On tokenizing and writing intent
A helpful meme on playing Devils advocate:
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greatrunner · 2 days
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When the Teen Wolf fanspace was getting shredded (justifiably so) for their virulent racism (specifically anti-Latinx/anti-Mexican sentiment) toward Tyler Posey and his family, they tried to pivot. They accused Posey of brownface, called homeboy European.
And when that didn't work they started using "white-passing" as a shorthand, despite knowing fuckall about the concept and the history behind it.
Because you can't be racist if the person you mercilessly harass isn't white.
All this to say that racism is and remains the bedrock of all fanspaces, but specifically, Teen Wolf. And the show itself did a lot to foster that behavior.
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coinshotmisting · 6 months
truly done a 180 on Kristen Applebee's and I don't know why. s1 of Fantasy High I was annoyed by people laughing at Ally just. describing the zoot suit riots (a massive outpouring of anti latinx and black racism). but now Kristen's attitude towards Galicean religion really rubs me the wrong way
idk I might just like elves too much
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vomitdodger · 6 months
Long and thorough article. Choice paragraphs below showing every step of the way is compromised:
“In May 2021, the AMA released its Organizational Strategic Plan to Embed Racial Justice and Advance Health Equity, “dedicated to embedding racial justice” in all medical practice. Among the plans key priorities is one whose implications for medical education and medical school admissions are readily apparent: “Develop structures and processes to consistently center the experiences and ideas of historically marginalized (women, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, International Medical Graduates) and minoritized (Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian and other people of color) physicians.”
The medical profession’s leaders, almost without exception or dissent, now vigorously enforce this new orthodoxy of anti-racism. Most notably, they have designed and implemented a new version of medical education explicitly grounded in ideology rather than scientific excellence. In pursuit of this project, the president of the AAMC (which accredits U.S. medical schools) and the chair of the AAMC’s Council of [Medical School] Deans stated publicly in July 2022: “We believe this topic [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] deserves just as much attention from learners and educators at every stage of their careers as the latest scientific breakthroughs.”
The AAMC’s DEI Competencies, issued in October 2021, details the new required social justice skills that medical students must acquire. In addition, the AAMC has discouraged the use of the rigorous Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) as a filter to help select medical students. Dozens of the 158 allopathic (MD granting) U.S. medical schools have made the MCAT optional. Several medical schools, including the prestigious University of Pennsylvania, have programs to admit students from designated “underrepresented” identity groups without requiring the submission of MCAT scores at all. The MCAT itself has been revised to include social justice questions that are easy to ace because the answers are always the same: structural racism is the cause of any group disparities that disfavor underrepresented groups. But even this re-engineered test shows persistent group disparities in test scores, which means that Asian applicants must score almost 4 times higher than black applicants to have an equal chance of admission.”
The MCAT was the only aspect of the entire application process which demonstrated true aptitude for a science/medical based curriculum. And they’re largely doing away with it.
And it isn’t just medical schools. The indoctrination and dumbing down of standards continues through residency/fellowship and practice. Example: This is how certain hospitals come to the forefront to promote the trans mutilation. Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston being one of the worst.
Emergency Medicine is another example. EM is represented by ACEP:
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👆the president of ACEP (black female naturally-not a racist comment-just an observation for a demographic that is less than 5% of emergency medicine physicians) actively OPPOSES that anti-DEI legislation.
And to prevent trolls citing the usual lazy dumb denial of sOuRcE???? for that 5% statistic, here it is:
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A thought about 'Minority Groups'
As I said in previous Essays- while (Indigenous) Black Americans continue to get lip service & empty tributes, i'm looking at WHO is getting WHAT. There has been a lot of activity under The Biden Administration, & I found myself looking at these events from an abstract perspective. 'Jim Crow' Joe said that he appreciated Black America 'having His back' throughout the years, & he would have Ours. Since that statement, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latinx (Citizens & Illegals), LGBTQ..., have All received legislation & funding. On top of the $113 Billion spent in Ukraine over the last Year, Israel continues to receive Billions annually from The U.S. Now provisions have been made for 100,000 Afghani & 100,000 Ukrainian refugees to relocate to America.
We Black Americans/ ADOS/ FBA/ Freemen/ Indigenous Americans can be a well intentioned, but socially naive group. The efforts of White Supremacists w/i Local, State, & Federal Government Agencies to systemically oppress Our Community has created a 'Collective Consciousness' that empathizes (abstractly) w/ the oppression of other Ethnicities. We can identify w/ the hardship of Others, & when possible, We do what We can to combat that hardship. We fought against the oppression of American Slave Codes, Black Codes, & Jim Crow Laws; simultaneously, We fought for The Rights of Irish, Chinese, Mexican, Jewish, Italian, Haitian, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Panamanian, Filipino, & Japanese immigrants that faced a measure of the oppression We experienced here.
Looking at this 'Collective Consciousness' historically, a Pattern can be seen over the centuries. Every Immigrant Group in America has gone through a 'Hazing Period', where they are the target of Social Bias & Prejudice. During this 'Social Phase', newcomers tend to identify w/ the Black Americans that they are in contact w/. We encircle these people w/i Our Community, & take the lead in protesting injustices against them. In the past, 'Brownfolk' tended to identify w/ Us. We shared Culture & Traditions; in some instances, we intermarried. In this Era, things have changed. If Black Immigrants & 'Brownfolk' start off in Black Communities, they don't always stay.
By the 2nd Generation, their children either identify w/ The Black Experience in America, or they make every effort to move away from it. Ethnic Enclaves have literally 'popped up' outside of Black Communities over the last 30Yrs, creating true Buffer Zones between Black & White Communities. Black America was oblivious to any possible agenda amongst Minority Groups- We also identified as Minorities, & assumed We were all in the same boat. Black Power isn't a selfish endeavor- Our Right of Autonomy grants other Minorities the same Right. American History substantiates this truth. To be honest, We were naively ignorant about the 'Culture' of these Minority Groups in their Native Land. We assumed they shared a similar experience of White Supremacy.
We knew about the Racism in Europe, but were unaware of the Tribalism that existed in Afrika & The Caribbean; or the Colorism that exists in Arabia, Asia, & Latin America. Many of the minorities that We had 'First Contact' w/, were friendly. As a Marginalized People, they had something in common w/ Us. We collaborated in business & in Social Action. We shared Our Community, & worked together to improve Our collective Quality of Life. We thought that We were united in the fight against White Supremacy. Then a funny thing happened- one by one, these 'Marginalized Groups' were accepted into Society, & given Rights & Privileges that We were (still) denied.
Over the Centuries, We watched- as Irish, Jewish & Italian neighbors elevated their status. The more they achieved, the more distance they placed between Us. Collectively, each group became increasingly intolerant of Blackfolk. They began to speak the Anti- Black rhetoric of Mainstream America. Our old neighbors appeared to 'pledge allegiance' to the same people that discriminated against them. Black Americans were now victims of mob violence, stemming from (perceived) competition that Irish & Italians had w/ Black Men for Jobs. The Irish in particular, were brutal in their efforts to push Black Men out of specific Trades & Sports. The only reminder of Black involvement in Horse Racing, are 'Lawn Jockeys', that many Black People see as racist. 150Yrs- 200Yrs ago, Black Jockeys dominated Horse Racing.
As disappointed as We were w/ the actions of the Irish, Italians, & Eastern Europeans, the current Anti- Black American sentiment held by today's 'Minority Groups' (POC), truly stings! We can't say that We didn't see it coming though. Many (Indigenous) Black Americans have an experience of being 'in the company' of a given Minority Group. When they are in mixed company, the conversation is civil; but when they outnumber Us, We begin to hear the stereotypes about Us. The larger the advantage, the more prejudiced the language becomes. While they may repeat White Supremacist talking points, they lack the power to truly be 'Racist'. That being said, quite a few individuals have ridden this rhetoric into Mainstream notoriety; the names represent a literal Who's Who in Pop Culture & Politics.
Collectively, these Minority Groups seem comfortable w/ their place in AmeriKKKa's Caste System, as long as they are 'positioned' above Black America... Hispanic & Asian women are currently testing the racial waters, by way of recent attempts to gauge their degree of White Privilege. Their actions legitimize the notion that White Privilege is defined by Anti- Black Racism & Oppression. The actions of these 'Karens of Color', are no different from the garden variety Karen. All of these women are trying to exercise their 'Right', but Women Of Color are also establishing their position in the Social Caste. I personally don't understand the need to gauge one's 'Power' on the ability to harass or harm what is believed to be a Soft Target. I thought that White Supremacy is a philosophy premised on strength & 'Might makes Right'- Where is the challenge?
Joe Biden's Policy actions have made clear his intention to extend White Privilege to Asians & Hispanics. Like (White) LGBTQ... individuals, & European Jews, Asians enjoy meaningful Hate Crime Legislation. Meanwhile, Black America still fights for this legislation, as the #1 Victim of Hate Crimes in America- according to the latest FBI Crime Stats. For Latinx, Biden is fast tracking Citizenship for illegal immigrants in Sanctuary Cities. Many Cities are suggesting Drivers Licenses for illegal immigrants, while California is talking about hiring non- Citizens for the LAPD & State Police. In short, 'America' has become a Multicultural & Multilingual Nation. All of this is very curious. Just a generation ago, Local, State, & Federal Officials were adamant that America is a 'Judeo- Christian' Nation that speaks 'English'. Efforts to make Spanish an Official 2nd Language were quickly shot down. 100Yrs ago, America was a 'White Man's Country!'.
Black Americans were looking for a Seat at The Table, but didn't have a problem sharing w/ Our fellow 'Minorities'. Affirmative Action was designed to level the playing field between Blackfolk & Whitefolk. It was supposed to make up for The New Deal & G.I. Bills that excluded Black Families. Despite this, We didn't complain when these resources were diverted (via Diversity Initiatives) away from Us, & given to people who NEVER had to experience what We went through. We were as compliant as Cows being bled by Vampire Bats, until We renewed the Reparations Conversation. Suddenly, We were xenophobes. The loudest voices have come from 2nd & 3rd generation Americans, who (collectively) enjoy a better Quality Of Life than the average Black American. The fact that the children of immigrants from the 1980s are now attacking Black America w/ White Supremacist talking points, is simply mindboggling!
An Ethnic Group that appears to do A LOT of 'Racial double dipping', are Hindi/ Pakistani/ Bangladeshi Americans. They are conveniently 'Black' when there is opportunity, but otherwise, they not only identify as 'White'; they subscribe to a visceral Anti- Black sentiment that needs to be addressed. This is important, because Joe Biden is putting Kamala Harris at the forefront of his Re-election Campaign. America is still calling Kamala the 1st 'Afrikan American VP', but both of her parents are Brahmin. Kamala's 'Black Experience' ends at Howard University & Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. She is otherwise an Elitist, who has a decades long resume of undermining Black Californians (Black Women in particular), & looking out for her own best interests.
Former Governor of South Carolina & U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley (Nimarata Nikki Randhwara- Haley), is the flip side of Kamala Harris. Both Women are Brahmin, but while Kamala is 'Asian' w/ a cultural leaning towards Black America; Nikki is 'Brown', but has consistently shown a cultural leaning towards White Privilege. Both Women highlight a simple truth- that 'Black' Issues aren't 'Brown' Issues. People Of Color (POC/ BIPOC) tend to be victims of Discrimination, more than Racism. This is evidenced by their Collective Autonomy throughout America. They have a Right of Expression that Indigenous Black Americans never truly had; not even during Reconstruction. It may be due to their sovereign status, but it's clear that they DON'T share Our plight.
Vivek Ramaswamy is yet another type. He is a 2nd Generation child of [Elitist] Asian Immigrants, but he tries to weave an Ellis Island narrative out of his experience. Like Kamala Harris & Nikki Halely, both of Ramaswamy's parents were Post Graduates w/ more education than the average [White] American Family. He gives the impression that they were Blue Collar Workers living the American Dream for their children. Ramaswamy casually speaks about his 'rough' Public School experience in Cincinnati, before going to a Private (Jesuit) School- that 'didn't conflict w/ his Hindu values'. This experience supposedly positioned him for College, Post Grad work, & starting his 1st Biotech Company... He implies that EVERYONE gets this opportunity in America.
Kamala Harris' Mother had the support of the Black Community in Oakland & Berkeley. Nikki Haley's Father had the support of (HBCU) Voorhees College, where he worked for nearly 30Yrs. Despite that support for their Parents, Nikki Haley & Kamala Harris have done NOTHING meaningful or specifically for Black Americans. In fact, both have supported measures that were detrimental to their Black Constituents; i'm reminded of The Tale of 'The Tortoise & The Scorpion'... Vivek Ramaswamy takes it up another notch. His 'Anti- Woke' Campaign, is a not too subtle Anti- Black dog whistle. Ramaswamy has the audacity to use his Experience (as a 2nd Generation Brahmin- American) to minimize, if he can't outright disclaim The Black American Experience altogether.
Vivek Ramaswamy's family has been in America for roughly 40Yrs. That means that they arrived sometime in the 1980s, nearly 20Yrs after the End of the Jim Crow Era; but Vivek feels that he can speak about the History of Anti- Black Racism in America. Ramaswamy, along w/ Harris & Haley represent the 'People Of Color' Prospects for POTUS. The similarity of their Agendas speaks volumes. All of them benefited from opportunities meant for Blackfolk, but they lecture Us about 'bootstrapping'. Add in Joe Biden's thoughts about Latinx being 'the largest Minority Group in America'(???), along w/ weird Culture Appropriation rhetoric coming from Eva Longoria, then John Leguizamo, & it looks like a conspiracy.
It's crystal clear that collectively speaking, Indigenous Black America has NO FRIENDS. We should act accordingly... These Minority Groups forget that Our 'Culture' is fighting White Supremacy, not bowing to it. We're not Here for a Come Up, or a Hand Out- We're indigenous to This Land. We were Here before the first Colonizer, & We'll be Here long after the Last.
-Just Sayin'
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jorgielua101 · 8 days
Blog Post Week 4: Due 9/19
How do algorithms perpetuate existing biases in society?
Algorithms perpetuate existing biases in society due to a system that his made with biases from humans. Biases within the algorithm is a deep-rooted issue of discrimination towards gender, race, sexuality, and class. This can also cause stereotypes within minorities. For example, an algorithm is made when people are applying for jobs. People with white-sounding names receive 50 percent more callbacks from employers rather than black-sounding names. Some computer scientists from Princeton examine a popopular algorithm, trained on human writing online, to see if it would exhibit the same biased tendencies that psychologists have documented among humans. The results came back that algorithms associated with white-sounding names were more pleasant words rather than black-sounding names. 
How does the "new Jim Code" create racial biases in technology, especially regarding names? What are the wider effects of these biases on society?
The new Jim Code creates this new version of discrimination systems within technology. These modern technologies and systems unintentionally and intentionally reinforce racial discrimination, which highlights how algorithms and data can cause biases against marginalized groups. This can impact law enforcement systems. For example, in a recent audit of the California gang database not only did blacks and Latinxs constitute 87 percent of those listed but many of the names turned out to be babies under the age of one, some who were supposedly “self-described gang members”. This database associates names with gang member names that are in the system causing a false algorithm that discriminates against people of color. 
How does intersectionality shape how people experience discrimination?
Intersectionality has a major impact on people's experience with discrimination creating multiple forms of inequality or disadvantage that sometimes compound themselves and they create obstacles that often are not understood within conventional ways of thinking about anti-racism or feminism or whatever social justice advocacy structures we have.  Not understanding certain problems when it comes to social justice issues is not understanding intersectionality. Mainly people fail to understand the overlapping of discrimination when it comes to race, sex, and sexuality. For example, Crenshaw states that African American girls are 6 times more likely to get suspended than white girls. The intersectionality in this is that race and gender are overlapping each other. This type of discrimination creates a lack of visibility and support for marginalized groups. 
Does intersectionality impact experiences of discrimination in a work environment?
People face intersectionality in work environments due to discrimination being shown within race, gender, and class. More especially women of color face an overlap of discrimination due to being black and women already having a disadvantage in society. For example, Emma D faced gender-race discrimination, this is double discrimination. She claims her work environment does not acknowledge double discrimination due to not understanding the intersectional approach and how it impacts policies and discrimination.
Benjamin, R. (2019). Race After Technology.
Crenshaw, K. (2016). The urgency of intersectionality | Kimberlé Crenshaw | TED. Youtube.com. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akOe5-UsQ2o&t=3s
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By: Tabia Lee
Published: Mar 26, 2023
DR TABIA LEE: Accused of 'whitesplaining'. Told students are either 'victims' or 'oppressors'. And then fired as diversity chief... my grim story of how woke extremists are taking over America's colleges
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs on college campuses are being turned on their heads.
Instead of promoting creative new ideas, fairness and welcoming spaces, DEI departments have been hijacked by ideological extremists to enforce ideological compliance.
Believe me, I should know.
In August 2021, I was hired to lead an institution wide transformation as a faculty director for the Office of Equity, Social Justice, and Multicultural Education at De Anza Community College in Cupertino, California. As a life-long teacher, dedicated to pursuing diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, and equity and equality in education this was a dream come true.
Unfortunately, my dream job quickly became a nightmare. And ultimately, I was fired.
I have now come to recognize that adherents of 'critical social justice theory' at De Anza College, who view all social dynamics through a lens of power and privilege, also use it as a cudgel to beat down and silence anyone with whom they may disagree.
Even I, someone who some may assume would be on the side of so-called 'social justice warriors,' was too heterodox in my thinking. And I was bullied out.
To be clear, I am not a liberal or a conservative, nor a Republican or a Democrat. I don't identify as a radical, progressive, or feminist. I have spent my life avoiding labels. I am an educator, scholar, humanist and critical thinker. And it is people like me who are – sadly – being chased out of education.
During the hiring process at De Anza, I was told that the previous leadership running the Office of Equity was 'too woke' and alienating people. Their approach was apparently very aggressive. They would 'call people out,' and accuse them of racism.
It was a sentiment echoed by multiple individuals in over 60 hours of conversations that I conducted to assess the needs of the campus. Many expressed discomfort with the college's intellectually oppressive culture and rigid ideologies.
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So, I assured the hiring committee that my approach would be different. As I have all my career, I pledged to create spaces of inquiry where diverse and even divergent viewpoints could be heard would be welcomed and accepted. It is my belief that through this process, people can find areas of commonality and work together in the best interest of students.
Little did I know that this approach would be considered a threat by De Anza College ideologues. And conflict erupted almost immediately after I was hired.
I discovered that fellow faculty and administrators were using definitions for White Supremacy that I was not familiar with. To me, White Supremacy is associated with White Nationalism, the KKK, and Neo-Nazi organizations.
Instead, at De Anza College, White Supremacy was often associated with qualities, such as being on time, objective thinking, using written communications, setting an agenda, and demonstrating a sense of urgency.
These beliefs were aligned with the work of a scholar named Tema Okun and these re-definitions of White Supremacy were not only perpetuated at De Anza College but throughout the California Community College system.
I set out to engage with the De Anza community to develop a better understanding of various words and practices.
I questioned why De Anza's official communications capitalized some student racial categories and not others. For example, the word 'black' was capitalized, while the word 'white' was not. I questioned the use of terms like 'Latinx' and 'Filipinx' to refer to people of Latino and Filipino descent. In my years of experience working with Spanish-speaking and working-class communities, not once did the community ever use those terms to describe themselves.
I believe that terms like 'Latinx' are manipulations of language that originated in the Ivory Tower of academia.
But when I raised these topics for exploration, there was never constructive engagement. Instead, I was put under the spotlight and accused of being aligned with right-wing extremists.
For attempting to set an agenda for meetings, I was accused of Whitespeaking and Whitesplaining and supporting White Supremacy.
As a faculty director, not an administrator, I assumed that I would be permitted all of the academic freedoms of speech and expression that a tenure track position is usually afforded. I was wrong.
In fact, my tenure review process was subverted by ideological extremists, who used it to harass, bully and eventually fire me.
I now have a better understanding of the dominating ideology at work at De Anza College and throughout many of our California Community Colleges.
Unfortunately, a few bad actors working under a banner of 'Critical Social Justice' are subverting the tenure review processes and creating an ideological litmus test for career advancement.
A tenure review process, or any teacher evaluation process should be an objective, evidence-based process. In my case, it was used as an authoritarian enforcement mechanism.
It is my great fear that if folks pushing Critical Social Justice ideology have their way, faculty in California Community Colleges will be required to profess allegiance to certain rigid ideas.
Faculty will be forced to commit to embedding these ideas into their course curriculum. They will be compelled to state their pronouns and demand that all members of their classroom do the same. They will have to view every student as a victim or an oppressor.
There is a reason why these faux-academics insist on chasing free-thinkers out of their midst – it is because they cannot defend their own ideas.
I hope that by sharing my story, I can shine a light on this issue. And since coming forward, I have been contacted by many people, who say they've experienced the same treatment.
Too many faculty members in California Community Colleges are afraid to question this emerging Critical Social Justice ideology. Too many are afraid to question or resist lest they be labeled a racist or worse. 
History has shown us that authoritarianism advances through a reliance on intimidation and the compliance of a majority that cowers in fear.
To the educators out there, I encourage you to keep asking questions and promoting critical thinking. There are resources out there to protect your civil liberties. And I want you to know that you are not alone.
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dreadfutures · 1 year
I'm listening to a deep dive into the idea of "The American Melting Pot" and assimilation as part of this suggested Anti-Racism Curriculum (voluntary) my work does, and then we're gonna have a two hour discussion session on it (we get to choose to be in groups with POC or mixed groups or "unsorted" groups as we are comfortable with). We all listened to/read different materials and are gonna talk about the feelings we have all together.
It's a really interesting podcast. I have conflicting feelings about things.
They cover so much, but right now I'm at a section about the Japanese American population after WWII, and children are talking about how their families moved (or were forced) out of Japantowns, and tried so hard to assimilate, and told their children "You will not learn Japanese; this is your country, you are 100% American." And it didn't work. And these are the words my own (Mexican) grandfather said to my dad. You know?
"--textiles, kimono making, was lost. I don't want it to die. I want it to be part of my children's history."
And these real people are seeking each other out and saying, "No, I am Japanese. I am going to learn these things. I feel comfortable here."
And I yearn for that y'know? And I do find those places with certain communities of Mexican American people in California, but there is a lot, a lot, a lot, even in real life but also especially online, of cultural violence and pushback about these people who grew up without their cultures and are trying to reconnect, and making us feel like we are appropriating something, or that we aren't actually this race/culture at all. No matter how you look. Or it becomes a question of how dark you are, whether your own people believe your authenticity.
I remember one summer of racial tension and twitter and my school were just on fire about "if you don't speak the language, if you weren't raised in that country, it doesn't matter what the White Person thinks you are--you aren't Mexican. You shouldn't even call yourself Chicano or Latinx. You're *American* and your presence is violence."
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usaigi · 1 year
Important question: if we assume that Claire Temple is Afro-Cuban and Puerto Rican like Rosario, how does Mexican!Matt relate to her when she fishes him out of a dumpster? I don’t know if her specific heritage is a factor; I'm just kind of curious how you see two Latinx people meeting as opposed to when Matt was broadly Irish.
Omg what an amazing question thank you thank you
If Matt was at all conscious while Santiago and Claire were carrying him up and he heard them speak Spanish, I think Matt would instinctively tell Claire not to call in the cops in Spanish. Then they'd have the following conversation in Spanish until they both simultaneously realize that the other also speaks English.
But, I think Claire would subsciously see Mexican!Matt as someone from her community trying to help their community instead of an well meaning outsider and trust him sooner. And while I won't call canon!Matt a "well-meaning outsider," it's based on first impressions. Claire doesn't know Matt was raised by a single dad in that same neighborhood who struggled to pay the bill and worked his way through law school, Claire just sees some white dude in her dumpster. She's heard the rumors of the guy in a black mask fighting crime but she doesn't know what his motivates are. As far as she knows, it's just some rich dude chasing fame and hoping to be recruited by the Avengers.
I think the show does an good job as showing class solidarity in Hell's Kitchen. The people most vulnerable to violent crime are poor people, not one specific ethnic group. Mrs. Cardenas and her neighbors weren't targeted because they're POC or lack English skills or are predominately undocumented workers, they were targeted because they were poor. Still, even when there is class solidarity in a community, it doesn't erase racism. A poor white person life experience will be different from a poor Latino or Black person.
Speaking from my own community (undocumented Latino) there is a great fear of calling the police due to fear of deportation and the involvement of ICE. Cops in LATAM are notoriously corrupt as well, so it's reasonable to believe that a lot of immigrants are generally distrustful of cops in the states because they're so corrupt in their home country. If you had a traumatic experience in your home country, you're not going to trust cops in the US. Because of this, I feel like the Latino community would be more support of vigilantes like Daredevil simply because they're not associated with law enforcement.
I don't think Matt and Claire's relationship would change too much since I don't think it took Claire too long to realize that canon!Matt was fighting because he cares about his city/the people (and not because of a white savior complex or ego or whatever). I have to assume that Claire had some discussion about race and crime with canon!Matt beforing fully enforcing his vigilante ways. You can't really be anti-crime without being actively anti-racist.
Mexican!Matt relationship with Luke Cage (and Danny because I hc him as Washian in my AU) might be different. Maybe there some unspoken solidarity. Or maybe there just more room for comedy
*Karen, Foggy, Jess and Trish talking in a circle*
Colleen: Are you guys better not start singing Sweet Caroline.
Matt: 🤭
Claire: Don't laugh canelo, you're already on thin ice
Matt: Hey! >:(
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Backlash is mounting against Florida over the state’s right-wing laws targeting various marginalized groups. And as the wave builds, potentially threatening Florida’s economy, we’re able to see how Gov. Ron DeSantis’ seeming thirst for the presidency — and his desire to burnish an ultraconservative reputation — is likely to undermine his own state’s interests in the long run.
On Saturday, the NAACP issued a travel advisory warning that the state is “openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals.”
“Before traveling to Florida,” the NAACP wrote, “please understand that the State of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of and the challenges faced by African Americans and other minorities.”
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The advisory follows a similar one recently issued by the group Equality Florida that warned LGBTQ people about Florida’s anti-LGBTQ policies, such as bans on trans health care and school curricula regarding the LGBTQ experience. The League of United Latin American Citizens, an advocacy group for Latinx people, issued a similar warning last week for Latinos, noting Florida’s anti-immigrant policies.
The NAACP previously issued a travel advisory for Missouri in 2017, warning Black people about racist laws and policing tactics in the state. And Black individuals devising ways to warn one another about travel destinations wrought with racism isn’t new — see, for instance, The Negro Motorist Green Book from the mid-20th century.
But the three new advisories, taken together, highlight a reality that ought to disturb people in Florida — not merely those who have thought about traveling there.
As Governor, DeSantis has been an overbearing and dictatorial executive, even when it comes to right-wing lawmakers in the legislature who are, for the most part, politically aligned with him. Whether it’s watering down the power of Black voters, demonizing LGBTQ people, maligning migrants or targeting private corporations that defy the Governor’s political will, Florida Republicans largely acquiesce to DeSantis’ wishes.
But all of these things stand to negatively affect Florida — not just by debasing its politics, but, as the travel advisories show, by threatening the state’s economy as well. DeSantis is going scorched earth in Florida as he looks toward greener pastures.
The travel advisories, much like Disney’s decision to nix a future development in Florida as DeSantis wages a political war against the company, are instructive. They show that no matter where DeSantis is living after 2024, it’s Floridians who will be dealing with the firestorm he has created.
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jyndor · 2 years
I'm so sorry you've become the blog for andor discourse 😬 can I just say it's surprising nobody is talking about how white this cast and crew is? yea diego is the lead and there are still some poc in the cast (and as you've said a lot of the black characters die) my issues with the show can be blamed on the creative team. for example maarva is something a lot of people have said they have problems with and I think an indigenous, latinx, or black writer might have taken a different route or chosen to keep cassian with his birth family.
lmao anon naur I am definitely not Theee Blog for Andor Discourse there are plenty of people blogging about it.
but yeah I 10000000% agree. Andor is INCREDIBLY white. On screen and off screen.
I mean Diego is a white Latino, even if that means he's racialized weirdly in the US for Racialization Works Differently In Different Places reasons - I mean I am not equipped to delve into this and I don't think anyone needs to hear it from me LOL. But he is Cassian so lol I mean I doubt anyones gonna be mad at him for playing Cassian since he plays him in Rogue One 🤣 although there were idiots saying he was miscast bc he's idk too old which ... LOL he PLAYED CASSIAN IN ROGUE ONE.
But they could have easily fixed how white the show feels by A) not focusing so much on Mon Mothma and like idk the wealthy Coruscanti upper class, B) keeping Cassian's old backstory lbr lol but even if they wanted to change Fest to Kenari (😡)... let Cassian have his birth family, write an indigenous mother and father* who they are clearly trying to represent to some extent, and maybe even still tell the immigrant's story with the use of diaspora - have Cassian and his family move away from home. Instead of writing his mother as a white woman coded as being from the Global North who has STOLEN an indigenous child. Idk I'm really not the person to come up with that story, it's not for me.
As for Clem, that gets to what you're saying about how like all of the Black characters die. I've talked about how it seems like all of the dark skinned Black men die in violent ways but with relatively little fanfare in comparison to white characters. Clem has the most time spent in his death, but even then he is fucking hanged (and thank God they barely showed it jfc) and it's in service of a non-Black character's story. Darker skinned characters in general get less dialogue, less screen time and experience more direct trauma than lighter skinned characters. I know, I know - something something that's the point that's how fascism and racism works. Yeah but does anyone really think these white guy writers are the ones who should be telling that story?
Idk I think there's a good argument for showing how the harm done by imperialism and fascism differs for different people but again it's also like... yeah Black people should have been in the room in order to prevent anti-Blackness. Indigenous people - especially Nahuatl people and Sami (for Aldhani) people should have been in the room to make sure the show handles the characters who are clearly inspired by their cultures well.
And yeah I can't help it, Bix's treatment was not great imo. I get the point of it, but I wonder about how much it would have helped to have a diverse writers room. Maybe she would have still been tortured, and frankly I don't need the empire's crimes sanitized? but something about that scene rubs me wrong - probably because her s1 arc does revolve around the men in her life. not like some bullshit "cassian is to blame for her getting tortured" take but it isn't about her story. It's about his.
Anyway I think many times the show does things really well but yeah their treatment of Black characters especially? Rancid.
*this is still Messy as fuck want to clarify that. Diego isnt indigenous so like ??? but whatever lmfao just bring back fest tbh
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
I think Viv said that Alastor was mixed-race (Black and White) because she used Voodoo symbols for him and she got some backlash for it because it is textbook cultural appropriation.
Clearly, since he's still white as all hell appearance wise.
Like- look at all of these "white passing" mixed people.
See something familiar?
Oh yeah...
You can see the hair, the darker skin tones. It's like mixing soup, no matter how much you mix... there will always be chunks of the other soup since this isnt just genes, that's just how "mixing" works!
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The only instances ive seen with a mixed person looking completely white passing was because she was a filipino, a race that already has straighter hair, and at times even lighter skin, so naturally, this caused her to be someone that could completely pass as "white" despite the fact that she's an asain/mixed girl. While people of African decent have a much smaller chance of looking this way when our main traits are curly hair, darker skin, and certain facial features.
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This is what we look like.
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(EXTRA: But holy shit why does Google have mostly light skin girls, girls with caucasain facial features, has weave, or mixed, and then when I found a girl that was entirely dark skined with natural hair it was a angry black girl like- WHAT THE FUCK?! It took me going deep into the archives to find a regular picture of a dark skinned girl with her natural hair. This was such a weird coisidence wth.) So Alastor's whitewashing, completely straight hair, even on his ears, and the constant appropiation of vodou using "but he's mixed!" as an excuse for a NON-BLACK (latinx) person to use this as an excuse to villainize vodou as much as humanly possible, using the "Hollywood Vodou" trope as an excuse for it- which is anti-blackism!
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camp-counselor-life · 10 months
Here on the day after Thanksgiving, we celebrate Native American Heritage Day. One thing we're doing at work is this racial equity challenge from Debby Irving:
So far it's been a really interesting challenge, because past anti-racism challenges have focused on Black people, with Indigenous, Asian, and Latinx people being less emphasized. To be fair, there is far too much racism to cover it all in a 21 day challenge, or even several of them.
No need to confine this to November, it's always a great time to learn about the original inhabitants of your land.
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First generation Latin America, specialized in problems such as corruption in my country, classism, racism, among others.
assuming that I am brown because I am Latina is racist.
Pro Snape and pro Michael Afton, (This character DID change for the better, it has been shown during the timeline) and pro Nymphadora Tonks.
I am a woman
your ancestors do not define that you are Latino, the complete experience is when you live in Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru among many other Latino countries, just as I criticize foreigners, I also criticize those from my own country, so don't take it personally.
Here we don't use the word Latinx,
book lover.
I'm multifandom
Im Ravenclaw
making random headcanons
inactive ao3 writer.
I'm pukwudgie
I'm going to expand my blog with other topics, I want to try it.
Anti Sirius Black, anti Lily Evans (I had a friend who is just as hypocritical as this character) anti Albus Dumbledore, anti Minerva Mcgonagall you know what? all the teachers (except sprout) were disgraced by 90s education, anti Remus Lupin, anti James Potter, anti Peter Pettigrew .
couples I don't like for canonical reasons/age differences: wolfstar, jily, bleur,remadora, jegulus, snupin.
for whoever reads my blog in Spanish.
Hola, espero no te moleste que publique en inglés este blog es Pro Severus Snape, si te gusta este personaje te invito a leer mi blog.
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therainbowtimes · 2 years
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Tesla’s damning allegations of racism and discrimination — in the current lawsuit against the company — are so unabashedly offensive that areas of work at the Fremont plant were called the “slaveshift or plantation,” white employees called Black people the n-word and in Spanish “negrita/o.” Black people “were confronted with racist writing while working at Tesla. They saw racist graffiti – including ‘N[ ],’ ‘KKK,’ swastikas, the Confederate flag, a white supremacist skull, ‘go back to Africa,’ and ‘mayate’ [Spanish slur] – written on the restroom walls, restroom stalls, lockers, workplace benches, workstations, lunch tables, and the break room.” The only way to ensure that Musk is paying attention is to not support his companies, period. We stand with the Tesla employees who suffered all of this blatant prejudice while no one did anything to properly address and stop it. We condemn Elon Musk’s lack of action and simple inhumanity. If we don’t take clear stances against bullies and bigots, we might as well never complain nor report on it. Let’s no forget that Musk has a trans daughter who left him and renounced his last name. Musk has been unashamedly clear of his anti-LGBTQI+ stances, especially, as of late, his anti-trans ones. Let’s make it a point in the New Year to support those who support us and our allies. Read the full story at @motherjonesmag via the QRCode after Musk’s photo. #elonmusk #elon #elonmusknews #teslalife #teslafremont #musk #fremont #lgbtq #lgbtqiap #lgbtgirl #boycotttelsa #blacklivesmatter ##transrightsarehumanrights #blmmovement #latinx #transgender #transpride #discrimination #prejudice #whitesupremacists #therainbowtimes #rainbowtimesmagazine #independentmedia (at 𝘽𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙣, 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙨) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmjsyuUuFJU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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