tiredguyswag · 7 months
Top three trashiest of the movies (affectionate) go what are the first three names that pop up in your mind?
i dont think i've watched three movies total in my life 😭 but first thing that came to mind was jagga jasoos
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kayvsworld · 2 months
it's just so insane. he looks so good. it looks good. it looks interesting. it is going to get drop kicked directly into the dumpster because they've elected to keep the problem that's had it on a bds boycott list for almost a year. when this movie does badly they're going to blame mackie and sam and not the the problem that's had it on a bds boycott list for almost a year. i'm pacing
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crossthread · 3 months
Okay I swear to God I hope the directors of avatar (the alien movie) sees this post somehow but the whole reason the way of water flopped so badly is cause it was written over 10 years ago. So I like avatar. I thought it was a cool concept and good characters and overall a solid action movie. But the characterisation is just a dacade old man. It's really outdated. It instantly turned me off when Jake was seen to be a 'hardass' to his kids, and having them call him Sir, and have Neytiri taking kind of a secondary role as the 'peacekeeper' parent who goes 'but your dad loves you, he just wants you safe' bullshit trope that's just really not what this generation is looking for rn.
Emotionally mature parents is what's on topic rn. Dad's that step up and know what they're doing and don't have the 2000s 'military hardass emotionally distant' bullcrap. Just look at all the other movies and shows with family themes that did really fucking well. The Last of Us. Ultraman: Rising. Nimona. Even Maleficent, which I think is one of the earliest movies of this trope that's well known. They did well for a reason. You can't make Jake Sully a bad father and think the current audience will dig it. All of his kids, one way or another felt the pressure of living up to their dad's expectations, and im sure, whether he really loves them. And I assure you for all intents and purposes it felt like Neteyam died thinking he wasnt enough. You can't have those 'your dad loves you but he just doesn't know how to show it' bullshit anymore and expect the audience to like or even relate to that character cause a lot of us don't take that shit anymore from our own parents. A lot of millennials are actively trying to be present and good parents to their kids. So yeah. The way Jake Sully, and to a certain extent, Neytiri were characterised is probably one of the biggest reasons this entire movie flopped. It could have been great. But it isn't. And I kind of hate it actually.
My point is: if there's gonna be a third movie, the best bet to make sure it doesn't follow the way of waters footsteps is to overhaul a lot of the characterisation and plot. See what the audience wants rn, and what they audience relates to. It was clear the writing to that movie was old as balls and gen z or gen alpha don't take that shit man. Give us good parents
Edit: okay as someone pointed it out it wasn't actually a 'flop' flop because they grossed by over a billion or smth in the box office I think but to be fair half this post has been sitting in my drafts for like 2 years and I wrote this soon after I watched it back then, and a LOT of people werent that happy with it. But yall know what I mean. I waited for this movie for 10 years and all I felt was this low simmering disappointment because it could have been so good, but it wasn't.
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trash----panda · 1 year
idea go brrrrrr
Just a general idea of a seperate but equal(but not really) society of humans and mythics. Human gets kidnapped by a naga to be prey but the naga has so much guilt they have to keep trying to hype themself to eat it. The human attempts to talk it out to escape death, a little "do you like movies" was all it took really to get the snake talking "i really like movies" he mumbled
The human took this chance "maybe we could go see one, i-i wont tell the cops come on"
The snake stares for a moment "i would like that... But i gotta eat you! Im hungry a-and normal food isnt cutting it anymore" he whined and attempted to grab the human's feet in his mouth, just getting a kick to the cheek. It took a moment to react, the human was afraid it'd be anger but the reptile just flopped over sobbing. It was akward seeing your captor crying over a kick so he just had to wait it out. Almost as soon as the crying quieted the snake tried again, this time holding the humans feet so he couldnt kick. Apologizing in between sobs before finally getting a good grip. Even with all the struggling the human couldnt do anything, getting squeezed down into the naga's tail. He didnt fight after being deposited into the stomach, what could he do? He was trapped. The snake on the other hand just starred at the lump, sure it felt good but.... It was a bad idea, but he was prone to those, hesitantly going to the movies.
He could only hope the small lump wasnt visable. He picked something most people would like, getting a ticket and headed inside. He'd made sure it was something that'd been out awhile so it wouldnt be busy. As soon as the lights dimmed and he knew he was alone he hacked the human up, dropping the slobbery mess on his tail so he wouldnt soil the chair. Small apologies escaping as he started to quietly cry again. The dazed human simply trying to figure out where he was, hesitating before telling his assailant "it's fine" those words set it off, the snake had to bite his arm to muffle the sobs, immediatly blaming himself. He could smell the blood, he'd hurt it, it was gonna hurt him he was gonna-
The human pat his head, he hadnt even noticed them getting close, watching as it slowly moved into a hug. Shifting slightly to hug back, going dead silent as he held the tiny figure whod been trapped inside just moments ago.
"do you like this movie?" His voice rang with fear, making the snake flinch
"no.... i thought you might?"
"....i do" he chuckled softly, holding back tears, he was trying his best to pretend he wasnt scared "it's stupid- i-i meant to watch it when it came out and now im seeing it cause not even a snake wants me"
He could hear the tiny heart beat against his, the dude was cute enough, maybe... "n-not as food, maybe something else?" Smooth, really smooth, he just felt dumb now.
The human blushed, the naga didnt even notice "like friends?" Great now he was wrecking it too, he heard the snake's heart rate jump, maybe that meant something.
He swallowed hard, he had to just spit it out, just maybe "if you want" crap, save it, save it "o-or this could be a first date?" Now you seem even more stupid-
The human nodded, pretending to consider it "y-yah... but only if you get popcorn"
The joke got a chuckle out of the snake, putting the other at ease, he didnt even remember his scrapes at this point.
That's all i got, suffer, good bye
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: Elemental
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(Get it, cause there is a character named Gale thats an air elemental. Lol. thanks @knightsweeties for the GP)
Now Elemental is the most recent Pixar film and it was marketed Poorly. With the recent mid to bad movies Pixar had been putting out, Disney likely wanted to just let this movie rot.
Is this a pixar flop or is it a Gem put off too soon?
The Characters
The Romance
The Lesson
Final Thoughts
Look, if there is one thing Pixar does is good animation.
Elemental is a good looking film, there is detail and the way the characters move and interact with the area of Element city is phenomenal. Its clear that the animation team wanted to really show how each elemental worked and went about their day.
My favorite bit of animation had to be when Ember and Wade were in the underwater museum, it was gorgeous and had a beautiful moment.
While it is great, it is also nothing ground breaking. Its a good looking animated film, but compared to the caliber I have seen this year it doesnt stand out as something astounding. But it is still very good animation
Ember is a fire elemental that is being prepared to take over her father's store. But as her first chance to prove herself pops up, she has a fiery outburst and it causes Wade to pop out of the store's pipes.
After chasing him around element city trying to stop him from submitting the citations to have her dad's store closed down, they end up on the same side trying to fix the leak that started it in the first place.
The two, while being opposite elementals, end up gaining a spark for one another. But her being a fire elemental and him being a Water one causes more than just a physical clash, but a cultural clash.
The rest of the film is exploring their relationship and helping Ember realize what she really wants to do with her life.
The film's plot isnt an epic adventure its actually quite grounded in reality. Its a story of a child of Immigrants that feels like she owes her parents for the life she leads and wanting to meet their expectations while also finding out things about herself. The movie also explores themes of racism, culture clash, as well as other themes that make the film more real in ways one wouldnt expect. Honestly handling the racism thing better than Zootopia, especially because there was no bad guy in this, just real life obstacles and dealing with coming of age.
But, the problems around the Film start to crack when the main reason Ember's parents left Fire land makes no f***ing sense. Only their house was destroyed, they had family and friends in fireland that could have helped them, especially because it was only their house!
Also Wade's mention of not getting along with his dad is interesting but without having a single flashback or interaction with the long gone daddy of Wade makes it ring hollow.
Then there is how things in the film wrapped up a bit to quickly in the third act.
Though with those problems aside it is a very heartfelt film.
The Characters
Ember: A Fire elemental that had spent her entire life learning and training to be ready to take over her father's store. She is confident, quick thinking, artistic, abrasive and short tempered. Which unfortunately makes it hard for her to deal with customers, her temper. And while initially seen as a negative, Wade's perspective on her anger wasnt negative, he phrased it as a positive, that her emotions were trying to tell her something. Sure enough, he was right and it was that despite living her entire life groomed to take over... she didnt want to take over the store. And hearing about other avenues and jobs made her wonder if maybe there was more to life. She loves her family to the point that she felt obligated to take care of the store. Ember is probably one of the most in depth characters Pixar has ever written and I wish there was even more explored with her.
Wade: A water elemental that is super emotional. He is in many ways the exact opposite of Ember. He is nervous, clumsy, great at communicating, emotionally secure and kind. He is lost and looking for a purpose to drive him, taking different jobs to try and find his path. After meeting Ember and seeing how driven she was he couldnt help but fall in love with her. Ember becomes the focus and drive for him as he wants to be a better person for her. Despite being smitten he is also ready to call her out on her BS, and he wants her to acknowledge her emotions. He wears his heart on his sleeve and when he cares for someone he goes the extra mile.
The rest of the characters are solid. Ember's and Wade's families being rather hilarious in their own way. And of course Clod, the GOAT. Gale is also an interesting character that shows how family memories can help shape us as people.
The characters are solid and I do wish Wade was explored more, I know the movie had only so long.
The Romance
I liked it. I think it is very well done and pulls the audience in.
It never feels awkward or weird, it just feels like seeing a relationship that wants to work despite everything going against it. Honestly it is a good allegory for couples with Cultures that are different from one another. The culture shock and how families can initially view your SO as an outsider or have a negative bias against them.
Ember and Wade bring out the best and worst out of eachother and it works because they both care about the other and want the other person to be happy. Its a love that grows and adds so much as each scene adds more.
Now since its a movie it might seem like it happens fast, but it actually is well paced.
And lets be real, you were on board once 'Steal the show' started playing over their dating montage.
The Lesson
The movie has several lessons that I think could fill this spot and it tackles each with varying degrees of success.
Loving your parents and understanding that you are not obligated to follow their dreams.
You never know who you will fall for, and even if they seem different they can show you great things
Understanding one's emotions and heart is the first step in pursuing what one wants
There are also talks on how having bias against others is bad, which is true, but I think the 3 listed address more of the core themes of the movie.
They are good lessons and some are done better then others.
Final Thoughts.
Its a solid 8/10 for me.
Pixar has been going through a weird period but this film is more in line with their better films.
I cant say I think it is one of their best, but its far from their worst. If this is the direction Pixar wants to go in then I will call it an improvement.
This film is underrated and could use more love
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mariautistic · 1 year
can you talk more abt why you didnt like the csm anime? i also wasnt a huge fan & just generally enjoy what you have to say about media
Kind of bedridden currently so I'll try to answer. Also ty <3 but yeah I think the main issue I had is that they tried to make it some artsy indie movie style thing and the pace ended up being super slow paced and chill, which is very much the opposite of what makes CSM manga so engaging. Like, not only is the fast pace really efficient and doesn't stop for no reason (making the slow, relaxed moments feel a lot more stressful) but it does a lot of the legwork of making CSM both a very exciting shounen while putting you in Denji's shoes, thrown around from one situation to the next with little to no breathing room in between.
The overproduction and crazy budget played way against it, the thing is they didn't really need 13 endings or whatever, they just had money to throw things against the wall, hoping one would stick. The fighting scenes didn't necessarily have bad choreography and were pretty well animated I think, but again I feel none of it really fit what the manga was doing (which this one is a little more subjective bc i don't know much about fights in media and it's like the one thing I'll pay little attention to despite how many shounen I've consumed in my life). One example that comes to mind is when Denji is fighting the eternity devil, they play it very seriously and all and not really indulge in how like. Silly the situation is. Or how cool and fun it is to see a guy made of chainsaws cut a guy up until he kills himself.
I've already voiced my issues with himeno in the anime but I think I should clarify that, while in the manga it's not very overt (which is very funny in the In Your Face manga that is constantly in your face about everything) the manga is like. Aware himeno is a bad person and characterizes her as such (with both her faking relief she didn't fuck Denji and getting aki back to the devil hunters to avenge her/generally dragging him back into his revenge spiral because she wanted someone to cry for her), the anime genuinely is Really into her like Really into her. It's upsetting how much the people working on the anime gave her so much focus, specially trying to make something sexy out of the scene where she tries to fuck denji while drunk and extending what is like one or two chapters in the manga into almost the entire episode.
Overall I think the problem is they went for a very different tone that the manga did without really understanding what made the manga so popular and it inevitably flopped. Did you know chainsaw man has jokes. Well the anime people definitely didn't
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229zmi · 2 years
PAIRING: Miya Osamu/Reader
CONTENT: reader is VERY in love with osamu and VERY delusional about it, mentions of food
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You don’t know what prompted your brain to come up with such an awful dream. Maybe it was the horror movie you and your best friends decided to put on for this week’s Saturday movie night, or the three year old expired fortune cookie that Atsumu double-dog-dared you to eat (you couldn’t say no to that of course, even with the lacklustre protests from Osamu, aka the sanest of you three, for you to not do it) — either way, you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, eyes wide open before your eyebrows furrow together in a relieving realisation.
The first thing you do is slide your hands down and up your face to somewhat wake yourself up. (You come to another realisation as you feel the water that stains your cheeks.) The second is aimlessly search for something on the nightstand beside your bed until your fingers latch onto a familiar rectangular object.
The light from your phone causes you to squint momentarily before you lower the brightness and start typing something.
YOU: hey u
YOU: osamu
YOU: osamu
YOU: samu
YOU: you
YOU: hello
YOU: are u awake
OSAMU: yeah
OSAMU: are you?
YOU: ur so funny
YOU: i just woke up from a rlly bad dream
OSAMU: lol
OSAMU: I told u not to eat that expired cookie
With a frown, you thumbs-down his message. If there’s anything you absolutely hate, it’s being proven wrong. Plus, you’d like to think that you did a morally brave thing by eating that fortune cookie. Maybe not the smartest course of action you’ve ever taken but a courageous one nonetheless.
YOU: shut 🆙 it wasnt the cookie
YOU: it was obviously because of the horror movie we watched
YOU: and that was mostly YOUR idea
OSAMU: I think you’re in denial
YOU: i think ur WRONG
OSAMU: leave your window unlocked I’m coming over
You start to smile fondly with a blazing feeling in your cheeks before snapping out of it, blinking a couple times at your bizarre-ish behaviour. You’re not sure what’s gotten into you lately or why exactly, but you’ve found that you have become more susceptible as of recent to a strange, uncomfortable warmth that first accumulates in your face and then rushes down to your chest, sending your heartbeat racing. And, you’ve noticed, it only happens whenever you’re around Osamu.
It’s gotten to the point where you’ve told Atsumu about it once, and all he did was call you the biggest idiot he’s ever known, second to Osamu of course (his words, not yours), before Osamu himself materialised out of thin air and defended both yours and his honour by slapping the back of his twin’s neck.
After he left, Atsumu clarified himself and said you were in love.
“With who?” you asked. Maybe the fake-blond was justified in calling you an idiot, but that’s besides the point.
“With ‘Samu!” Atsumu threw up his arms in exasperation. The two of you were currently basking under the sun in his backyard while Osamu had gone inside, so you weren’t concerned about his loud mouth exposing you around anyone else. “Who else are we talkin’ about other than that dumbass?”
“I dunno. You’re kind of all over the place.”
He snorted and then proceeded to shove you over with a hideous sneer on his face. “And you’re delusional. Can’t believe you’re into someone as ugly as my brother.”
You wrinkle your nose at the memory. Obviously, you weren’t gonna listen to some idiot like Atsumu at the time, but looking back now, you suppose he may be right as much as you hate to admit it.
Minutes later, you hear a muffled grunt outside, followed by the familiar rustle of someone climbing up the big elm tree right by your window and another grunt that makes you assume they’ve finally made it to the top. With a dramatic eye-roll, you flop over onto your side, reach over your bedside table, and flip the latch, and seconds after, Osamu makes his grand entrance into your room by sliding your window open and seamlessly jumping right through.
After shutting the window, he stands in the middle of your room, unsure of what to do now.
“Hello,” you greet him. You can’t help but observe his outfit of the night through narrowed eyes: a graphic t-shirt you’re sure you’ve seen him wear at least a million times, plain pyjama pants, and Ty Beanie Boo Pink Puppy Dog PRECIOUS Plush-Lined Slippers. Meanwhile, Osamu’s eyebrows pinch together, noticing that your voice sounds particularly nasally.
“Are you cryi—“ His question is interrupted when you promptly chuck a pillow at him, which he, thanks to his athletic reflexes, manages to dodge. For a second, he blinks and stares at the pillow, now laying pathetically on your rug behind him, and then stiffly turns back to you.
You sniffle with one exaggerated inhale that makes it extremely obvious your nose is clogged and plaster on a crooked smile for the effect of what you think is reassurance that you’re okay. “It’s just allergies,” you tell him.
He side-eyes you, clearly unconvinced, but regardless, he decides not to comment on your obviously tear-stained face or even say anything at all to the matter. Instead, there’s a Brobdingnagian thud! as he drops his bag onto the floor, which you frown at, before he shrugs off his jacket, slips his shoes off, and makes himself comfortable at the end of your bed, sitting with his legs sprawled out across it horizontally. You show no visible effort to make room for him, opting to instead swing your feet onto his lap and sink further into your pillows.
He leans his back against the wall, eyes scanning your face for a couple of moments as if he’s trying to read your mind until he finally speaks up.
“So,” he starts, his voice sizzling out near the end before he continues much more clearly, cutting straight to the point, “how’re you feelin’?”
For some odd reason — maybe it’s the gentle lilt of his voice as he asks you this question or how weirdly attractive he looks in the shitty lighting of your bedside lamp — you feel the urge to cry again. It starts as a lump lodged somewhere in your throat and then, much to your horror, morphs into tears pooling in your vision, threatening to spill out like a giant pimple on the verge of popping. With a grimace and yet another obnoxious inhale, you blink away the tears in a vehement manner as if your life depends on it, while Osamu fiddles with a loose thread on your sock, patiently awaiting your response.
“Like shit,” you answer after you’ve successfully pulled yourself together.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Oh,” he says lamely, though it’s reasonable given you’re not giving him much to work with here. Then he shifts in his seat, twisting his entire body to reach into his bag on the ground and toss whatever he retrieved at you. You catch it with relative ease and open your hands to find that it’s a plastic-wrapped rice ball, at which you gasp in surprise.
“I figured you’d say that since you’re so emotionally constipated and all, so I brought some food for ya,” he explains, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he offers a small smile. “Thought it might cheer you up some.”
There may as well be hearts in your eyes right now. You can’t believe he’d go out of his way to do this for you. He’s literally so romantic, you think as delusion colonises the rational side of your brain.
“‘Samu,” you begin dramatically with a hand against your chest in preparation for the speech you’re about to give expressing how grateful you are, “anything good I’ve ever done in my life will never amount to the kindness of your heart. Thank you so much. I am forever in debt to you. I lo—“
Right as you’re getting caught up in the moment, Osamu interrupts with an awkward cough, his ears tinted red in what appears to be embarrassment.
“No need to get all sappy, [Y/N]. I’d do anything for ya anyway,” he says, scratching an itch at the side of his head. “Now, hurry up and eat that. You’re going right back to sleep after this ‘cause” — he lets out a yawn loud enough to wake the entirety of Hyogo — “I gotta help ‘Tsumu mow the lawn tomorrow mornin’.”
Aaand cue the heart eyes again. Of course you’re only focused on the first half, though the mental image of him all disgustingly sweaty with his sleeves rolled up to his shoulders while towing the yard or whatever he just said isn’t too bad either.
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For some reason, Osamu takes it upon himself to make sure you’re asleep before he leaves. Probably out of the kindness of his heart again, you figure. He’s got a lot of that when it comes to you.
“Ya good there?”
“That’s great. Me personally, I feel like I’m gonna fall.”
“Oh my god.”
You grumble and dig your elbows further into the mattress as you shift over for the millionth time. It’s a bit… cramped, to say the least. Your bed’s only intended for one person to sleep in so trying to include Osamu becomes somewhat of a challenge. Osamu, clueless and also blind in the dark, can only lay there limp as you try to manoeuvre him onto the bed in a way so that he won’t fall out the second he moves so much as a millimetre.
“I don’t think this is working.”
“It is,” you tell him.
“It’s not. Hey, how ‘bout I just—“ This time he’s the one to be doing all the annoying movements and shifting as he turns around and wraps his arms around you. Before you can even protest, he swings a leg over yours, reaches toward the foot of the bed where the blanket currently lays, and brings up to your shoulders in one swift motion so that it covers the both of you.
“There,” he declares. “Problem solved. Now no one’s falling out of the bed.”
“Hurray,” you say dryly. You totally could have thought of this on your own… eventually.
“Thanks. Now sleep.”
“Shh. Sleep.”
You roll your eyes and then sneer at him. “What am I, a dog?”
“Something like that, yeah.”
You feel him chuckle against the top of your head, and a hand comes up to stroke the back of your head, pushing you a little closer to his chest.
“I’m kidding, ya troglodyte.” Then, his voice sounds ten times nearer, his breath tickling the shell of your ear. (There’s that weird fucking feeling again. You’re literally about to explode.) “But really. Please, SLEEP.”
You smile to yourself. He’s such a romantic.
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“Man, what the hell. Where were you last night?” Atsumu blocks the doorway to the house and sharply points a finger at his brother as if it’ll automatically arise some answers out of him. To his disappointment, Osamu only responds with a slightly unamused expression, so he repeats the question in an even more domineering tone.
“[Y/N] had a bad dream so I went over for some moral support.”
“All night?” Atsumu asks suspiciously.
Osamu shrugs. “I fell asleep. Now, shove over ya pig.”
The fake blond can only gape at his brother, who pushes past him, before grumbling to himself, “I can’t wait until you two confess your undying love for each other. All this emotional baggage I’ve been keeping on your behalves has been giving me frequent bowel movements.”
Osamu suddenly turns around, eyes wide. Atsumu panics a moment too late, realising he may have just accidentally betrayed your trust and exposed something he shouldn’t have.
“What’d you just say—“
“SHUT UP! I didn’t say nothin’!”
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mirohtron · 5 months
Watched / read anything good recently?
was watching dungeon meshi but then that gay ahh bath scene came on and my moms in the room w me so like 💀💀💀💀 reading 1984 rn bcs assignment, im ten pages in bcs i keep fawking playing honkai star rail 😭😭😭 omg, but i was in the midst of watching dil se before i realised i was getting distracted too easily and it was keeping me from enjoying it properly. was only watching it bcs i couldnt find bombay (1995, not the city 💀💀) anywhere. probs bcs nobody gaf abt archiving desi movies 😭😭😭😭 its tough out here, but like for dil se honestly i rlly liked the screenplay and the way it was directed even tho like . i literally only got to the first song of the film 💀💀 even then. also oh my god srk has not a SINGLE dancing bone in his body like ive bitched abt it before but oml hrithik roshan and tiger shroff are actually carrying the reputation of bollywood's male actor's dancing abilities on their back....now if only theyd stop FAWKING taking up propaganda films 😭😭😭
i actually kinda need to leave a separate paragraph for how bad srk dances like its not just when he was young...in chaiyya chaiyya literally EVERYBODY is on beat except him....and it KEELS me because ure telling me u cant keep tempo ??? brother 😭😭😭😭😭 but ok even in the present like, he stays on beat (barely) but hes SO STIFF?? i like saw some clip of him dancing with an actress, it mightve been deepika padukone in happy new year ??? oh my god it was SO bad. he was SO stiff. it KILLED me. bollywood actress go through HELL but sanjay dutt srk and a bunch of other male actors get away with not being able to dance well 😭😭😭😭 my queen kareena kapoor took dance classes before filming k3g yet srk and amitabh bacchan got away w shava shava....Sick and Twisted world we live in like....anyway i actually dk if thalapthy vijay is a bhakt but this is y he solos even tho i have verithanam trauma....sings n dances well etc, this is y bollywood flops consistently actually
pls take that paragraph lightheartedly if ure desi 💔 ok anyway
the god of small things by arundhati roy is good....i only read like 20 pages tho but ik plot 💀💀💀💀 i think the seven moons of maali almeida might also b good, its by shehan karunatilaka
ok last unfinished thing im gna recommend....Hot Tkae but....i liked saltburn...i still have the 2nd half of the movie to finish (stopped some time after the reveal) but again, ik the plot 😭 i still have some problems w it tho but its not rlly abt the hypersexuality. cinematography fucked. 4:3 aspect ratio choice? ATE. SO BADD. but ill also need to finish the film. but tbh its obsessed boy x rich boy trope wasnt rlly handled well in my opinion, micah nemerever's these violent delights solos in that area. and i think the story is flawed
ok NOW. i liked fleabag. actually i LOVED fleabag. think its a masterpiece. both seasons but esp the 2nd one (felt more refined but compared to other shows, s1 SOLOS). the boys s4 is dropping!! invincible s2 was alr i bet the animation studio suffered hard tho bcs wtf was that style change mid season 😭😭😭. and i don't rlly think the direction in which Nolan's character arc is gna go to will turn out that great? also, i loved gerta gerwig's ladybug! its actually crazy how she made ladybug and barbie both . one is amazing. the other is well uhm.
oh also i liked inglourious basterds and pulp fiction . quentin tarantino kinda looks like a walking talking serial killer mugshot tho i saw an interview where he was asked why kill bill had so much violence and was honestly surprised by how girlypop he was. not forgetting him choking diane kruger on set tho !
watched batman begins. it was aight 😭 rewatched matt reeves' batman right after. liked it betterr. i LOVEDDD heartbreak high, s1 and s2 !! usually with shows i only like s1 best, but w heartbreak high i literally ADOREDDD s2, the finale was so good !!! im also watching the gentlemen (the show) rn, and i rllyyy like it hehe. tried watching tick tick boom again bcs I'd actually dropped it midway when it had first released bcs that one scene where she was like "you're thinking of a song rn aren't you" was so stress inducing that I had 2 click away 💀💀 n then i forgot abt it. picked it up again and omg it's actually so good how did I miss it the first time 😭😭😭
oh yeah I also liked the fall of the house of usher . also ! another incompleted thing but im also in the midst of watching the three of us (film). its so good !! i loved the atmosphere and cast performances can't wait 2 see how it turns out :))
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cathyshifts · 7 months
just gonna post my experience here even tho no one asked
Okay whatever happened was so chaotic. It was a busy day, I went out with my parents since morning, then when I got home i took a nap at like 4pm, and i watched asmr, trying to sleep. I was in and out of sleep, i couldnt actually sleep tho, like i felt sleepy but i could only close my eyes and kept trying to count down so i would actually sleep. at first it was fine, then i would kind of yanked awake (lol i just said i couldnt sleep) a few times, and probably by the fourth or fifth times, i started feeling floaty, but then i started hearing my family outside, talking and doing chores because they have woken up, and i was like ugh im not gonna let them disturb me. So i affirm that i am capable of shifting to my dr, and nothing can stop me, i also said that bc i heard my sister’s footsteps close to my door and i thought she would open it, so i said that affirmation and was just, fuck it. and then i kind of feel myself rolled over (u know that feeling when ur soul and body feel separated?) and everything turned white. (okay so it was all so hazy i cant really tell what happened first. hmm but idk when this happened but there was a moment where i felt my body siting up, throw the blanket away from my body to get up or sth, then i feel my soul or sth just flopped down, lol like literally just flopped forward). So everything turned white? And i started to enter a dream, it wasnt a lucid dream, and idk why but i probably have some beef with Puss in boots or sth, but i legitimately forgot i was trying to shift for miguel and thought i was shifting for puss in boots instead💀 Also i have a friend in that dream, who were talking about shifting, idk who he was, but he was so handsome. Anywho, we started laughing as i finally remember that i shift for miguel, but i cant remember what we talked about tho? Like everything was so hazy yet so vivid??? but then he said sth like, why haven't u gone already? And im gone? Into another dream🙄 still, i think i landed in Nueva York 😟 Anywhoops, cant remember anything other than me finding miguel, and we hug, and i kept kissing him, kissing his neck, although my brain was trying really hard to picture his body lol, and he laughed and we hugged and kissing (god it was sooo weird bc my brain keep picturing my sister as she was the only person i have ever hugged daily💀) i felt happy, but bc i cant imagine well so its all so blurry too.
Anyway back to the dream, it kind of abruptly ended there, going into another place but still in the dream tho. So i was walking in the park, it was nighttime, and then i saw a girl holding a camera, shes filming sth, and then a boy in a wheelchair? and she was filming her, and he was going to a park bench and staying there. So they looked like they were laughing and having fun, until there were some group of bullies? Idk but they were real mean, and they started getting mad at what idk, but they started to get close to her, and she was too afraid so she was still filming them as she looked their way, and lol idk why but i picked up a bicycle near me and throw it on the nearest bully’s face (they were mostly teenagers lol) and then i grab her and try to swing my way out there, but idk i guess my brain forgot that im supposed to have superstrength so we kind of fall into a pit (it feels like we felt into a pit but it was just i couldnt carry her, there was no pit) and then it turned into a full dream, a thrilling, somewhat horror movie, i swing my way through the buildings and sth bad happened, and she still has the camera, so we were back at my apartment watching it and shivering and getting traumatized lol. Then i woke up (what a ride😻)
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fairytaehl · 2 years
For the first time, what's past is past
as said in my first mileven week 2022 post, short drabble to follow the prompt! this one was kinda weird to write but i just went with it (i wasnt confident in the prompt lmao) and im satisfied enough. enjoy! crossposted on ao3 as WubADubDub
Summary: As she turned onto her back and held the comic book in one hand, letting it flop around in the air, and radio in the other, she smiled to herself. She was grateful for how she ended up and whom she had accompanying her, since it gave her new stories to replace the bad ones with. Though El knew the memories were evidence of her struggle, she felt compelled to let them fade slowly while she rebuilt her life with the people who loved her most, with Mike at the forefront of it all.
Belly pressing against her soft bed, El smiled as she read the page silently along with Mike's voice coming through the static-y radio. He was saying the lines of a Superman comic he expressed liking several times and wanted her to read, but wished to be there ("physically, or at least audibly, I guess, is fine") to hear her thoughts live and discuss her views with her and ask her a million and one questions.
She actually found herself loving this late night activity. Since she couldn't leave her home and Mike could only stay till a certain hour, or whenever Hopper just felt like kicking him out depending on his mood, it was a good reason to talk (not like they wouldn't normally, but that's not important here), and a sweet way to end her nights. Though it couldn't be done daily, it was still most evenings of the week and that was good enough.
Admittedly, not that El didn't like the comics, she found more interest in listening to Mike's excitement and how he would end up rambling after she said her own opinion. He had such an exuberating way of speaking and was passionate with the things he shared with El that she was usually more into hearing his speeches about the story rather than the rehearsed way he would read it. She felt this way about most things with him, honestly. Whenever he retold a DnD match or recounted family memories, she loved to pay attention to the simple rises and falls of his voice and, when in person, the way his expressions changed and his hands danced around. He was so expressive when he told stories, it completely contrasted to her.
She didn't have many things she could share with him that didn't pertain to her mostly blocked out child life and would ultimately make the whole conversation grim. Sometimes she would be able to talk about a movie or show she saw while Hop was at work and Mike at school, and she'd describe the plot and ask him about words she didn't know or customs she was unfamiliar with, yet that was typically the extent of things she could say. He was always such a good listener, just as good as he was at talking. Sure, she could discuss any of these things with their other friends and with Hop or Joyce, but seldom did she feel comfortable putting any weight on them, and more than anything sometimes she just wanted someone to hear her rather than console her. It was painful to relive her past but Mike once told her that her being where she was now was proof of her perseverance and survival.
As she turned onto her back and held the comic book in one hand, letting it flop around in the air, and radio in the other, she smiled to herself. She was grateful for how she ended up and whom she had accompanying her, since it gave her new stories to replace the bad ones with. Though El knew the memories were evidence of her struggle, she felt compelled to let them fade slowly while she rebuilt her life with the people who loved her most, with Mike at the forefront of it all.
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
oh yeah i saw the mario movie last night. i dont have much to say about it? it was fine. it wasnt bad, i didnt expect it to be bad. just alright, and it was. all i cared about was jack black bowser tbh. and ya know what- even that was alright. i love jack black, he played bowser well, but i didnt really find any of the characterization of bowser, or anyone for that matter, to be all that good. (esp peach).
but actually you know what i DO have to talk about??? trailers. specifically Illuminations trailer for Migration. okay, holy shit. okay.
i randomly saw the teaser quite a while back on a twitter ad, was like "huh, why havent i seen any promos for this one?" took a look back then and was like... ok interested because this seems very different from Illuminations usual thing, but there is NOTHING to go off in this teaser. ducks migrating? they have troubles? is that it? it was just the less than a minute teaser.
so in the theater last night this trailer starts up and opens with a clips of the fist Despicable Me and im thinking oh is it another of those? is it some kinda rerelease in theater? then the video goes on to say "coming from the creators of" [lists of EVERY movie of theirs including Pets, Minions, Mario, Grinch etc] and im like ok wow this sure is a LOT of build up.
and THEN..... its the Migration "trailer" aka the short teaser. You can actually see just what I'm describing here. what the hell kind of set up is that. do they not like this movie? it almost feels like they know its different. and that no one is going to care unless they remind everyone what else they made. theyre going to fall into the typical "hm we made a movie thats weird and not our usual. lets NOT promote it and make it flop". im intrigued because it is different. i want to see this because it looks unlike their normal stuff. why the hell do corps do this thing where they take the Weird and do nothing to help it? id love a silly animated movie about ducks migrating. the art in the trailer looks really nice. but im just waiting for this movie to flop and never be heard of again.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Strong Girl 🔞☁️❤️🎀
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🍧 Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🍧 Genre: Good Girl AU!, slice of Life AU, non-Idol AU, smut
🍧 Warnings: DD/LG themes, so much love it's gross istg, a home accident if that makes you uncomfortable but we aint having a full on world's end dw, hero! Reader, no other way to put it, Koo is so proud, so so proud, showers her in kisses yes please, nsfw themes because it's me what did yall think this was gonna be, finger sucking (forgive me lord for I have sinned-), reader being cute, injuries (mentioned and described), praise kink, oral (oral f. rec.), size kink, strength kink, manhandling, subspace, Dom! Jungkook, Sub!Reader, protected sex because you won’t ever catch me slip HAH!
🍧 Summary: Jungkook is not just your boyfriend- he's your absolute hero, your knight in shining armor, your protector and personal simpBodyguard when he needs to. But sometimes, even little girls can be heroes. And they always get rewarded, in the end.
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This is part of the Good Girl Universe! (But can be enjoyed on its own)
Good Girl || Sweet Girl || Smart Girl || Brave Girl || Pretty Girl || Charming Girl || Enticing Girl || Bad Girl || Tempting Girl  || Strong Girl
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Taglist: @sweetenedcooky @ggukkieland @btsismybias22 @darkgvk @daddypkj @flowerprincess24 @crazylittlemay @zeharilisharaban @teresaisla @tangledsparkles @dammit-jjk
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The first time you said it, it made his heart beat faster.
It was on your way home from grocery shopping, a small bag in your hand as Jungkook held your hand, walking silently. You and him had been slowly but surely become a couple like the one's you always dreamt of being when you were younger- the one that fought sometimes, yes, but would ultimately be together at the end of the day, doing simple tasks such as what you did just now. Jungkook somehow made even boring things such as buying mere groceries interesting, not just by making fun of other customer's outfits, but also by explaining things you didn't know. He loved that he somehow made your eyes light up in wonder whenever he told you about a certain dish he could try out with a vegetable you've never tasted before. Or that awkward moment you said you hated brocolli, just so he could correct you and explain to you that no, you've eaten it a lot actually- he was just really good at making food taste how you liked it. He felt proud when you told him, with magic in your eyes, that he was incredible.
Because when you said it, he really felt like he was.
It all happened so suddenly, you didn't even notice yourself slip out of fear and shock- and even Jungkook didn't notice at first. A stray dog had walked up to you, but, contrary to all those cheesy movies where you'd pet it and it would be on its way quick after, it turned out to be not a stray at all; because the man that owned the big dog was desperately trying to catch up to it, leash in his hand- collar still attached to the hook.
Jungkook had never reacted so quickly in his life before, as he pushed you behind him, sucessfully shielding you from the violently barking saint bernard in front of him. You held onto his jacket in complete terror, mind filling with nothing but the loud barks as you were sure this was a nightmare. Don't get it wrong, you loved dogs- but this one wasn't so sweet.
"I'm so sorry!" The man yelled, slipping the collar back around his dog's neck, making it a bit tighter to make sure his pet was secure this time. "He just slipped out, are you two okay?" He said, and Jungkooks voice spoke out, calm, but firm in its tone.
"We're good, but please make sure to boy a harness or something, sir." He said, and the man apologized again, hurrying on his way while the dog still pulled violently and untamed at the leash.
"Baby? He's gone, you can let go now." Jungkook says with the hint of a smile in his voice, one that quickly vanished however once he feels you sniffling against the fabric of his jacket, as your head shook in denial. "Sweetheart I can't check up on you if you hide like this." He explains calmly, glad that your apartment building was already in sight. He knew that you had probably slipped, and he was unsure how to deal with that in public; it wasn't like he was ashamed of it, but he knew that others would judge you quick and easy, and he didn't want to push you into such a bad situation. "Can Kookie check up on you, baby? You're worrying me." He says, and at that, you slowly let go of the fabric, as he turns around. His heart clenches at the sight, tear stained cheeks and nose all red already. He quats down in front of you for a second as he rubs your arms comfortingly. "There we go, everything's fine, yeah?" You nodded after a moment, but refused to speak. "That was scary, wasn't it?" He asked, and you nodded, still quiet. "Let's go home, okay? We can continue that puzzle we've started yesterday, alright? And Miri is waiting, too!" He said, and at that, you nodded more excitedly, even though you still seemed timid.
But you still held his hand tightly, only letting go once you were in the safety of your own home- calling him your hero with a quiet voice he almost didn't catch.
Jungkook really enjoyed both sides of you.
Just like he did now, searching for the right puzzle pieces to place, silently watching your innocent, concentrated face. In a way, it was healing for him; since he never truly had a good childhood himself, this was somehow like a chance to enjoy all of these things he missed with you- a fact that made all of these experiences even more special to him. "Baby, I don't think that fits there." He chuckled, correcting your placement of a piece that didn't fit the edges of the picture it was trying to build. You huffed, before yawning, eyes glossing over with sleep. "Hm, this one is hard, isn't it?" He asked, running his hand over your head before pushing some hair behind your ear. "I think my baby needs to recharge her batteries, hm?" He asked, but you shook your head after a moment, making him raise his brow in question. "Oh really? Miri, what do you think?" He asked, the dog immediately skipping over, excited to be given attention so suddenly. She immediately went to sniff your face, making you giggle. "See! I knew she'd agree with me!" He said, and you laughed full on when the dog went to lick your cheek. "Alright then, Miri, off!" He called out, the dog immediately stopping her actions at the sound of his voice. Jungkook had been unsure on how to train a puppy at first, but overall, he'd done a pretty good job at keeping her fierce temper under control.
Even throughout her violent phase of chewing on pretty much every fucking thing.
So after making sure you were comfortable on the couch, he simply sat down at the puzzle laid out on the living room floor to continue silently. However, shuffling could be heard as he look towards the couch, where you'd previously been laid down on; your tired form talking towards him with eyes barely open. He chuckled when you simply flopped down close to him on the floor with your blanket, head on his thigh as you sighed in comfort. It was second nature to him almost, the way his hand immediately found your head, gently stroking your hair as you drifted off.
Days like this were nice, he decided.
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Typically when you came home, Jungkook would greet you at least with a call. Today however, you heard nothing; something that immediately set something off inside you.
Searching for him wasn't a long process- after unleashing Miri into the apartment, you went straight into the bedroom where he's usually be if he's not feeling too well. And sure enough, there he was- weirdly pale and visibly uncomfortable, even in his sleep. Squatting down in front of the bed, you gently felt his forehead, just to simply detect that he was slightly sweating, but had no fever whatsoever. "Koo?" You asked, and he stirred a little, opening his eyes, a little red looking.
"You're home? I didn't even hear you." He said, before he ran a hand over his face. "Sorry, I think I'm coming down with something." He explained, and you nodded, simply telling him to lay back down and take it easy. You made a mental note to maybe cook something light since he never really had much of an appetite when he was sick.
"Is it just me or is it cold in here?" You asked, brows furrowed as you noticed how chilly it was inside the apartment, despite the heater being set pretty high. Jungkook simply groaned, too tired to move much as he asked you to please close the curtains. You followed his request, worried figure dissapearing out of the bedroom.
However, something didn't sit well with you.
Maybe it was a simple gut feeling, but when the night slowly crept over the town, and you were slowly growing mildly dizzy yourself, you decided to make sure that your suspicions were correct, slowly walking towards the heater in the living room. It was chilly, but the heater was set to full power. And somehow, after looking at Miri whining in her bed, aimlessly pacing around, it seemed to click inside your head.
Jungkook had been home all day since last evening.
The apartment was cold, the heater's on.
Miri was already looking just as bad- and your own headache told you that this was exactly what you thought it was.
You instantly shot up from the couch, knocking your knee into the edge of the table which made you fall- the edge of the table ripping at your skin on your arm, painfully scratching it open. But it was as if you didn't feel it. Ripping the bedroom door open clumsily, you immediately opened the window, turning the heater off, before you went to wake Jungkook- or at least, try. "Kookie! Jungkook, wake up, come on!" You begged, shaking his shoulder as he slowly somehow came to his senses. He wasn't really awake- but he wasnt unconscous either. "Fuck.." You whispered under your breath, grabbing his phone and calling an ambulance- the dispatcher telling you to try and get him outside or to a place with fresh air.
But this was Jeon-I-love-working-out-Jungkook.
There was no way you could carry him all those stairs.
So you ran out the door, uncaring to close it, and knocked at your neighbours door- a familiar face looking at you with surprise. "Y/N?" He asked, visibly stunned to see you; teary eyed, with a bleeding arm, and clearly distressed.
"Namjoon, I think we have a gas leak in our apartment.. Jung-Jungkookie- they said I should get him outside but he's too heavy-" You pressed out, last words a little unclear as you finally broke. Namjoon simply went inside to grab his shoes and keys, before he closed the door, running towards your apartment, where he instantly grabbed Jungkooks arms, trying to somehow get him on his back.
"Jesus christ how much does he fucking weigh-" He swore under his breath, until he got a somewhat secure hold on the younger boy, walking out the door while you grabbed the dog, running after the two with the puppy in your arms.
Outside, the ambulance had just arrived, immediately attending to the both of you.
Seems like you owe Namjoon twice now.
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Jungkook woke up with stinging smells and bright lights around him, some birds chirping outside the opened window. His arm felt heavy, fingers tingling slightly, and as his eyes adjusted to his new surroundings, he saw the cause of it.
You, with a bandaged arm, sleeping with your hands grasping his in your slumber.
He gently moved his arm, waking you, as you sleepily looked up at him, eyes suddenly widening as they glistened- a tell-tale sign that you were going to cry. "Thank god!" You said, head burying itself into his chest as he chuckled, a little confused on what was actually happening.
"What happened?" He said, partially also referring to your arm clad in white cloth, his inked hand gently touching it.
"We had a gas leak in our apartment." You explained, sniffling. "At first I thought you were just not feeling well, but then I started to feel unwell too, and Miri.." You went on, his hand running over your head to soothe you a little, noticing how you were getting wound up again. "And then I- I checked online and thought better be safe but you were sleeping, and you looked so bad so I called an ambulance and they said I should get you outside and I really tried-" You explained, and even though it hurt him to see your tears, he couldn't help but chuckle at that in amusement.
"Baby, you tried to carry me?" He asked, and you nodded. "My strong girl!" He teased, full on laughing when you playfully hit his arm to make him stop, a small smile on your lips. "But I highly doubt you got me even out of bed baby." He said, and a familiar voice chimed in from the door of his hospital room.
"No, but she was smart enough to get someone who could." Namjoon explained, casual clothes telling you that he wasn't there for work purpose. "I'm seriously questioning your body though. How the hell do you look like a yoga instructor but weigh as much as a professional wrestler?" Namjoon teased, making Jungkook groan in annoyance.
"Oh my god, now I owe him twice!" He said, playfully exagerating his reaction to the fact that Namjoon had helped them for the second time by now. "Please someone lay me back in my bed, I wanna die!" He said, and you hit his chest.
"No!" You said. "You're ready to leave me and Miri like that?" You said, playfully pouting as you turned away from him.
"Oh baby no, I take it back- nooo, look at me!" He whined out, making grabby hands for your just-out-of-reach sweater you wore, Namjoon laughing as he watched the scene unfold.
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A couple of days later, Jungkook and you were sitting in your home again- with the pipes fixed, and plans of moving into a different apartment. For some reason, you didn't truly trust the apartment anymore- but maybe that would settle after a while.
"Hm.." Jungkook mumbled, looking at you as if checking for something, until he moved from his place on the couch, sitting up from his previously laying position. Without many words, he moved you onto his lap, his back resting against the couch, as he held you in place on his thighs. "You know everything's fixed right?" He asked, and you nodded- but he knew you simply answered to reassure him, not yourself. "Baby, I promise we can think about moving if you're really not comfortable- but let's settle down first, yeah?" He said, and you sighed.
"I know its stupid-" You began, but he quickly placed his pointer and ring finger to your lips, effectively shutting you up. You already knew that he'd argue that you weren't stupid, and you knew that- sometimes phrases like these just slipped out. So you playfully snapped after his fingers, making him shoot you a dark glance; a glint in his eyes that told you clearly that he was definitely up to play with you.
"Hm, did they never tell you to not bite the hand that feeds you?" He said, voice deep as he suddenly, and without warning, pulled you closer by your thighs, the abrupt movement forcing you to brace yourself against his chest with your hands, face inches away from his. "Or the hand that gets you off, in our case." He added, making you blush from his words.
You should be used to this by now, but somehow, as weird as it sounded, being together with Jungkook was never the same as the time before. He always found ways to make things different- either by taking it slow, or by introducing you to kinks and fantasies you never even knew were a thing. He loved excitement, loved to try out new things, even if sometimes they would turn out to be something he or you didn't enjoy. Somehow, he always managed to steer things around even if that happened however, turning an awkward situation into a sweet memory in the blink of an eye.
He groaned out lowly when you took his hand again, never breaking eye contact with him while you slowly guided his hand towards your lips- Jungkook instantly taking the hint, as he pushed his first two fingers between your lips, pushing down your tongue;
oh what a sight to see.
Both of his hands wandered towards your neck, never putting pressure- simply touching, holding you, and enjoying just how sweet you were being just for him. He loved these moments with you, these reminders that no matter how useless he felt whenever something didn't go his way, for you, he was always a hero. A knight in shining armor, your Master-
He could feel his pants getting uncomfortable at the thought of those words tumbling from your lips.
He'd probably introduce you to that someday else, because in that moment, he was way too impatient to think clear enough. He'd probably miss important clues that were sometimes so small that he himself wondered how he saw them- because you were dangerously submissive to him. He knew that if he asked, you'd do anything.
Even if you didn't like it.
"Hm.. I wonder if my baby can ride me this time?" He hummed, and you nodded, making him grin as he searched behind him for his hidden condoms in the couch- something you found quite funny at first, but by now you've gotten used to it. "Fuck." He groaned, noticing that there was no contraceptive hidden like it usually was.
"Thats a bad word, kookie." You playfully said, teasing him as he grabbed your behind quite roughly, raising his brow as his jaw clenched.
"Oh I'll make you scream out some bad words." He said, before standing up, throwing you over his shoulder in a manner that seemed to practiced to be simply winged out of nowhere. After all, this wasn't just a one time thing- he loved showing off his strength over you, and you loved it just as much in return.
Your body hitting the matress, Jungkook immediately grabbed your thighs again, pulling you to the edge of the bed where he already kneeled- placing your legs over his shoulders after almost rushing to get your clothes off. There was no gentle touching, no foreplay, he simply dived right in, pitch black eyes darkly watching you as you squirmed, back arching off the mattress every now and then in pleasure once he added the first two fingers into the game he was playing. "No smart words now, hm?" He hummed from his spot between your legs, amusement clear on his face at the sight of your trembling body. "But I'm not gonna let you suffer tonight, baby." He said, licking his lips before crawling over your body, hand reaching for the bedside table where he knew he had condoms stored in. "Take it as-" He said, while shedding his clothes before wrapping his length in the clear protection. "As a reward." He said. "For being my personal guardian angel." He said sweetly, before leaning down to connect his lips with yours. What was an innocent gesture at first, turned heated quite quick however; you would've never guessed, but Jungkook was a pretty messy kisser- open mouthed and tongue running over your lips, all while he guided his length inside you.
One thing Jungkook loved, was just how utterly small you looked underneath him. Not just that- but the way he could feel his own dick move inside you underneath his inked hand placed on your lower belly made him growl deeply as he rolled his hips in a forward motion, eyes fixed on the view he had of your cunt swallowing him as if it was nothing.
You were his.
For a long time, he didn't quite get the hype about saying that your partner belonged to you. For him, that was stupid- you couldn't 'own' a person, so why say that? But nowadays, he finally understood that no, this wasn't about ownership. It was about being able to simply have situations like these; moments of pure emotions and nothing else, with a person so devoted to yourself that you felt as if your entire life had their name.
He was yours.
Because even if he took on a more dominant role in the relationship, and a leading force in the bedroom, you had him in your hands at the end of the day. He was so utterly in love with you it sometimes hurt him to even think about it; the way you looked at him with so much adoration made him melt, the way you touched him with so much care made him feel so loved. He'd glady give his life to you if he had to choose between you and him.
"So sweet, just look at you." He mused, out of breath as he smiled, leaning over you again before kneading your soft breasts with his hands, kissing the delicate skin sweetly as he picked up his pace. "All mine, aren't you?" He said, and you nodded, mewling out something he didn't quite catch- but that was okay. "Gonna fuck you stupid, pretty girl-" He huffed out, biting the skin on your shoulder as he grew more and more sloppy. "Come on baby, cream on my cock," He grunted out, making you squirm- and open your mouth in a silent scream as Jungkooks hand found its way between your bodies, viciously moving his fingers over your most sensitive spot. The quick movement and the pressure of his length inside you finally made you come undone, hands desperately reaching for his arms as if that could save you. The orgasm you experienced made your vision bright, and unbeknownst to you, Jungkook came quickly after, panting to catch his breath, before he discarded the condom.
It took a moment for you to come back around, but when you did, the first thing you noticed was, that you were practically laying across his chest- his hand gently running up and down your arm, kisses being place on the top of your head as he bathed you in praise. "You're so sweet.." He hummed, before he noticed your eyes on him. "Welcome back princess." He grinned cockily, before placing a kiss ontop of your nose. "Come on baby, lets get you washed up and into bed, yeah?" He said, and you simply nodded.
Too tired to talk, and too comfortable in his arms to really move on your own. But that was fine.
He loved carrying you around anyways.
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"You know.." Jungkook said, while you were both at the table, eating dinner. "I know I said I was uncomfortable with you calling me daddy, and I still stand by that." He said, and you nodded, unsure where he was going.
"I mean, yeah, you've said that but what does that have to do with-"
Suddenly, he leaned forwards after finishing his plate, eyes sparkling mischieviously. "I wouldn't mind hearing you call me 'Master' though." He hummed out.
And you choked on your fries.
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
It's like a popsicle but completely different
Musical beetlejuice x fem reader
Masterbation, voyeurism, you know the drill
Beej finally gets a hold of something very personal and freshly used
i did get alittle sidetracked and slipped in another little idea i wanted to explore
I apologize for this mess
Time and time again he was so close to getting his hands on the ultimate treasure. You always snatched it away before he could grab it. But today, today was different.
A normal boring weekday, you were at work and will be gone till the evening, normally the born dead demon would be digging through your stuff looking for just about anything to use whether it was blackmail, which you had nothing, or a delicate item to help remedy some personal urges. But the ghoul wasnt exactly in the mood, hell he wasnt even in the mood to mess with your neighbors, as odd as it seemed, for once in his after life he was concerned for someone other then himself.
Earlier this morning you left in a huff, beej knew you were in a sour mood when you snapped at him when he tried to make you laugh, you weren't upset at him, but the action was still surprising, he wasnt sure what was causing you so much stress, probably work, not that he'd ever convince you to take him with you.
So here he was laying on your bed staring at the ceiling and not taking his opportunity to go wild and have fun. You were his favourite breather and it sucked that your mood effected him, whatever happened to the big bad demon straight from hell? He fell in love that's what, you sucker punched him in the jaw for trying to scare you, and snuck right into his undead heart.
The demon huffs out a sigh, not that he needed to breath, and pulled out a little clock from his jacket, youd be home soon, he sighs again, time sure did moving differently when you were dead.
The undead demon debated his opinions of how to greet you, assuming youd still be in a crappy mood, scaring the piss out of you could get him banished, which was a shame, scaring you was great, the ghoul would either get a delightful scream or a solid punch from you.
Beetlejuice decides the best option was to just survey the waters and work from that, if you were in a better mood he'd jump at you, and if you weren't, he'll go bug the old couple in the next apartment over.
With the familiar clunk on your front door unlocking followed by a slam, was a good indication that you were home, and not exactly in the best mood. Beej frowns and with a snap the demon made himself invisible to you, to avoid you, the last thing the ghoul wanted was you to lash out and banish him.
You swing open your bedroom door, beej flinches at the sudden action, not that you could see him. You toss your bag onto the bed just missing your undead pal, you rub your eyes and flip down beside him, the ghoul leans in close, were you crying?
"Fucking bitch, I'm doing the best I can" you grumble
Beetlejuice flashes from his basic green to fiery red, what the fuck was going on at your job?! Who the actual fuck was stupid enough to torment HIS breather?!
You quickly jump to your feet, whipping away your tears, you weren't gonna let this get to you, you were home and you weren't gonna waste anymore brain power on your shitty coworkers.
With that thought you strip out of your work clothes, unaware of the ghost in the room, who's fiery red hue was now a bright electric pink, wide eye and drooling watching you change into more comfortable attire, commando he was sure to note.
In your emotional entrance you didnt even notice if beetlejuice was even still present in your apartment, yes he would rush you the moment you got it, see there was a good chance he was out doing his thing.
"Beetlejuice?" You call out
"Beetlejuice?" You call out again
"Sugar, be careful with the B word" beej quickly pipes up, forgetting his words would not reach you in his current state
"Bee- Oh, my bad, almost 3 in a row there" you cover your mouth and beej let's out a sigh he didnt know he was holding.
Guess the ghoul wasnt around, which was fine, you were emotionally drained, with a headache coming on, and honestly could use some alone time, nothing against your friend, sometimes you just need some peace and quiet.
You flop back onto your bed and sigh, beetlejuice floats over next to you, frowning, guess he should duck out and let you pull yourself back together, youd be in a better mood to mess with later. The ghoul floats over to your bedroom door to leave but stops, when he hears a delightful familiar thud of very specific drawer, Beetlejuice's hair quickly shifts from its dull green to electric pink, he knew that you were up to, the ghoul spins back to you to confirm his thoughts.
Here you were, upon your bed, pajama pants abandoned, lubing up your beautiful pink vibrator. Beetlejuice was buzzing with excitement, the ghoul floats back to your side to enjoy the show.
"So wound up from work you need to blow off some steam?~" he coos, not that you could hear him.
Oh how the born dead demon adore watching you tend to your more desperate needs, yes he'd love to rip that lucky peice of silicon straight out of you and replace it with his own cock, fingers, tongue, hell anything would be delightfully. He wanted you bad, and not just in the sexual sense, he wanted you to be all his, to cuddle, kiss, joke around with, and yes he knew you liked him back, you were terrible at keeping secrets, and maybe during one spying session he herd you moan his name, but beetlejuice could see you were a coward with your feelings and for once in his undead life, he respected that you needed sometime to come around, but that didnt mean he couldnt push his luck with you. Lean against you during movie nights, cling to you like a lost child, cuddle you while you slept, you never pushed him away or outwardly said no.
You were his perfect little breather, funny, tough, jumpy, and sexy, exactly his type, plus you basically let him do whatever he wanted, so win win.
Beetlejuice sat in front of you, a perfect view, as if you were presenting your vagina to him, you were leaning against the headboard of your bed, against a few pillows, since you were alone the plan was to jerk away your bad mood, summon your favorite undead bastard, and just hang out.
You gently slide the vibrator inside, beetlejuice bites his lip, slowly pulling out his Half hard cock.
With a familiar click the toy buzzes to life, you let out a soft gasp before reaching down and pumping the toy in and out of your body.
Youd never admit it but you were a horny little thing, beetlejuice sure as hell didnt help, the bastard always had his hands on you, god you wanted to know what itd feel like to have him touch you like this. You curse yourself, he's dead, isnt that gross? Who cares, you lul your head back and begin bucking you hips to meet the toy.
"F-fuck" you utter, you really needed this, with beetlejuice hanging around and being underfoot, you really hand no time to yourself.
Unbeknownst to you the ghoul you wanted so badly was sitting inches away from you jerking his cock matching your pace, gazing bouncing from your face, to your chest, to your delightful wet pussy.
"That's it sweets, you're so good, naughty little thing~" he purred.
Hearing you moan made the ghoul shudder, oh how he LOVED that sound, and wished he was the one making you do it, soon, he can get his fix like this for a tad longer.
You begin bucking harder, and you voice begins breaking, a good indication you were gonna finish soon, beetlejuice has seen this enough times to know how your body is, he begins picking up his pace, wanting to finish shortly after you.
"Ah, ah, Lawrence-" you moan out as you cum.
Beetlejuice's jaw drops, and blows his load, hearing you moan out his first name, hell he didnt even know you knew it, fuck it sounded so good coming from you, it felt like his heart was gonna start pumping again.
"Babes" he says in a whisper, watching you regain your self.
You toss the toy aside as you put yourself back together, sliding on some pajama pants, you sigh, feeling much better. You're brought back to reality when you hear you phone ring, you make a dash to the front door, where your jacket was tossed in your emotional entrance, your phone being in its pocket.
There sat beetlejuice, alone on your bed, electric pink fading to a softer pink, soft cock still in hand, cum all over his lap, the ghoul was stuck in a loving daze, you said his name, his first name, it sounded so good coming from you, god slash satan he wanted more, he also wanted to thank whoever told you his first name.
Then it clicked, you were gone, and left behind your freshly used, hot out the oven, bright pink vibrator, finally, after all the time you snatched this treasure right from under him so many times, but here it was, as if you handed it to him on a silver platter. What did he do to deserve you is beyond his knowledge, after all the horrible things his demon ass has done, he keeps winning.
Electric pink gracing his hair once again, the ghoul couldnt help but drool at the delicious treat you have left for him, but he knew he couldnt enjoy it here so the demon snatches up the toy and vanishes, reappearing in the bathtub, his go to place to hide and enjoy some personal time. Beetlejuice could hear you pacing and chatting on the phone, indicating you're gonna be preoccupied for the next little while, meaning he's got nothing to worry about.
"Alright my tasty little thing, it's just you and me now~" tongue dragging the length of the toy, beetlejuice shivers, it was still warm, he let's out a low growl.
"Fuck, no wonder I call ya sugar, you taste just so good". His free hand finds it's way back into his trousers, pulling out his now semi erect cock for another round.
Beetlejuice's tongue roamed the toy, savoring the taste of you, oh how the demon dreamed of tasting you from the source, and this was so damn close, so warm.
"So such sweet little breather, we havent even had dinner and you're already giving me dessert~" the ghoul hums, treat your vibrator as a popsicle, starting off with long licks from base to tip, before sticking the toy in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the tip.
The ghoul was a buzz with excitement, electric prink hue so bright it practically illuminated the bathroom, reflecting off the tub and shower walls. Drool leaking from his busy mouth, eyes rolled back in absolute bliss as his free hand stocked his cock, his mind running wild, replaying the show he witnessed moments earlier, but instead of you dashing off, you as the demon to help you clean off your little toy.
"Lawrence, can you please help me with this?" You would coo.
The thought of you saying his first name again was enough to get the ghoul to start bucking harder into his hand, covk already leaking pre cum.
"Fuck" he utters "I'd do anything for ya y/n" he growls out, hips thrusting without rhythm, he wasnt gonna last much longer.
With one last long lick from base to tip, and the thought of you thanking him for helping you 'clean up' with the use of his first name again, was more then enough to push him over the edge again, shooting his load off on his hand and lap once again. Beetlejuice leans back and sighs with contentment, electricity leaving his hair and being replaced with soft pinks and greens.
"Y/n's favourite popsicles are the pink ones, heh, I dont blame her, mine too" he muses while admiring the 'clean' vibrator.
"I guess I should tidy this up" he groans looking at his cum covered hand, with a snap of his fingers his little mess was gone, yes he may be sitting in the tub, but the demon sure as hell wasnt gonna take a bath.
Beetlejuice gives the toy another once over, coding it in a thin layer of demon spit before vanishing it away to its rightful home, knowing you, youd find it in you drawer and assume you put it away and forgot. The demon felt so smug with today's events, you seemed to be happier after you jerked off, and he got dinner and a show, just not in that order.
Beetlejuice is snapped from his musing with the bathroom door swings open, with the shower curtain pulled the demon was fully visible to you, thank god slash satan he cleaned himself up.
"What are you doing?"
Beetlejuice, fully dressed, covers his chest as if he was naked.
"Dont you knock? I'm in the tub" he jokes
You snort out a laugh followed by a fake apology
"So what's up doll? Ya need to pee? Dont mind me" beej shrugs
"No" you say plainly as you wash you hands "since you're here, wanna order pizza? I had a shitty day and want to relax" you sigh glancing at the ghoul who was now buzzing with excitement, take out ment scaring the piss out of breathers. Beetlejuice pulls you close into a tight bear hug "I dont know what I did to deserve you babes"
When released, you stumble away saying you were gonna go place that order, clearly embarrassed and confused, not 100% expecting that reaction from beetlejuice.
Even though it had a rocky start today was a good day.
You were sitting on the couch fiddling with your phone after making yours and Beetlejuice's pizza order, not really thinking much of anything. The demon flops down beside you, you glance up at him, he's been weirdly quiet since he hugged you in the bathroom.
"So babes, did you know my first name is Lawrence?"
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jimsmovieworld · 2 years
MOONSTRUCK- 1987 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Fun romance/comedy starring Cher as Loretta.
Lorettas first husband was killed by a bus and seven years later she is desperate to remarry, so when Johnny proposes, she agrees. She isnt in love with him but hes nice to her and a safe choice. He asks her to invite his estranged brother Ronny to the wedding to end the bad blood between them.
She meets with Ronny (Nicolas Cage) who lost a hand in an accident and blames his brother. Loretta and Ronny immediately fall in love which leaves her to choose between the two brothers. Until Nic Cage appears i wasnt really enjoying the movie, and when he entered everything fell in place. His wild chaotic energy was absolutely hilarious. His opening monologue was brilliant. He feels completely out of place from everyone and everything in the movie and its very refreshing.
From that point in i enjoyed all of it generally not just the parts with Nic Cage. Occasionally it was too whimsical for my tastes, but really enjoyed it overall. Some very funny supporting characters like Lorettas dad.
Despite thinking it would be a flop while filming it, Cher won the golden globe and academy award for best actress.
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meteorherd · 3 years
Is Treasure Planet part of the experimental era? Bc in my head it’s kind of grouped with the other movies you mentioned. If it is, anything you’d like to ramble about with that one? (Even if parts don’t age as well, I maintain that I’m Still Here is top five Disney soundtrack moments)
YESSS. treasure planet is literally my second favorite experimental era film right under emperors new groove. it arguably ended up defining the entire latter half of the experimental era actually! oops this got long again hang on
pretty much every movie after treasure planet that wasnt nearing completion in the production process was switched over to cgi after treasure planet flopped both critically and in the box office (fun fact chicken little, disneys first cgi film, was originally meant to be a 2d film, it got moved to cgi because treasure planet flopped). like, if you could point a finger at ANY animated film and claim it caused the death of 2d animation, it would be treasure planet. undoubtedly.
THIS BEING SAID THOUGH. i will defend this movie with my life i literally dont care. its SOOOO gorgeous. im in love with how pretty this movie is. and im still here is SUCH a good song. jim was actually the blueprint for angsty teens everywhere. i also think not having a musical-style soundtrack works reallyyy well for this film, it makes im still here feel that much more impactful. amelia is such a badass and in my head she didnt have a bunch of heterosexual babies with doppler.
alsooo something i find very specific to the experimental era Brand is the incredible lengths of worldbuilding. all the alien designs are SOO cool as well as the sci-fi aesthetic. the cgi might seem a little clunky looking back at it now but i still think it holds up pretty goddamn well. it really does feel like a world that existed before this movie that we're just being introduced to. and "youre gonna rattle the stars you are" that line means absolutely everything to me. Okay.
what treasure planet largely suffered from is the fact that it was pitched back in the 80s so it was constantly shelved. that being said so was wreck it ralph but probably for the best, its super interesting how that movie was supposed to be a topical current movie for the 80s but ended up being successful by feeling retro by the time it did come out in 2012. i AM mentioning this for a reason by the way im just saying in comparison unfortunately treasure planet didnt have that sort of reframing of its aesthetic to fall back on when it finally got released around 20 years later. a lot of people just werent into the aesthetic since that wasnt what they were expecting from disney, and the pacing in the third act did drag on a little which didnt help its case.
but i honestly believe if treasure planet was released either earlier OR later, it might have had a better chance. either way its probably one of the most important films to talk about when discussing the experimental era as a whole considering how it affected 2d animation from then on. also ben never existed btw he exploded and died and wasnt there for the rest of the movie it was all just a bad dream <3
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callofdiva · 4 years
rain check - t.h.
I guess I’m doing some writing over break?? a miracle!!
It’s the incoming text that sends your heart rate up, straight up, the message popping down from the top of the screen. It’s from
You groan, your fist instinctively rising in an effort to wipe away the wetness on your cheeks, but instead, just smearing the tracked mascara a little more.
Of course he’s going to play this game again, it’s just typical Tom.
You hit the square before it retreats back into the list of notifications, flooded by snaps from concerned friends that have collected in the last two hours.
Hey hon I’m sorry
I’m with haz and my phone wasnt giving me notifications
Are you ok
Bullshit. Complete bullshit.
You’re not even sad anymore, just pissed. But not at him. You can’t be. You’re just mad at yourself for falling for this again. Because you’re never going to be able to stay mad at him, as proved time and time again.
Your thumbs hover over the keyboard, but you don’t answer. The wave of sadness hits again, tears refilling your eyes as you survey the screen. It’s completely overtaken by the blue-backed messages you’ve been sending since 7:30.
hey tommy? you on your way?
and then,
just let me know when you think youll be here :)
and an hour later,
babyyyy you okay?
and finally, most recently, a petty and short
singularly because Snapchat betrayed him to be “seen just now” at a local pub. And while you weren’t exactly proud to admit it, you’d been checking his location periodically, though it was partially to make sure that he was safe.
It’s 12:38 now, as a glance at the top of the screen confirms, and the typing bubble pulses on the screen briefly before-
Is that a no?
And again--
I fucked up
Im sorry
He wasn’t wrong. After all, he is the one who stood you up. Or could you even call it that?
Regardless, he was supposed to come round yours for a night in, though clearly it hadn’t worked out that way. This is only illustrated by the fact that you’re now in the fetal position in the dark on the sofa, surrounded by too many throw pillows and a stack of movies, favorites of Tom’s and of your own.
They’re all dumb now. You shouldn’t have wasted your time or energy on popping the popcorn and going out to find Tom’s favorite sweets, you think. It’s a mix of anger and hopelessness that fills the corners of your mind now, and it occurs to you that you haven’t texted him back yet.
I fucked up
Im sorry
You read it over, not thinking twice before you hit send.
sometimes it feels like i’m the only one who cares around here
There’s not even a second of hesitation before he’s typing again.
Im sorry
You click your phone off, well aware that the read receipt has already been sent.
Good, you think, let him feel shitty about it. It’s his turn anyways.
And then you’re silencing your phone, and shoving it in the pocket of your sweatpants, and you’re getting up from the couch. And more tears are coming, because now you feel awful, but he made you feel awfuller, so maybe he deserves it.
He does, you decide. Screw him.
The sad, empty, pittish feeling in your stomach makes you want to go straight to bed and maybe lay there for a few hours on your phone reading the texts again, but you make it shut up and instead stop in the bathroom.
Ugly is the only word that comes to mind when you look in the mirror. You grab a makeup wipe from the package in the drawer and scrub at your raccoony eyes until the mascara bits are gone, leaving you looking just tired and sad.
Fitting. Because I am.
You click the lights off and walk out, not even bothering to turn on the bedroom light before flopping into bed. Your phone is still in your pocket, but you’re tired of crying, so there’s no point in looking at it again. Despite how exhausted you are, though, you can’t sleep. So you lay there, on your side, looking at the wall.
You don’t know how many minutes pass, maybe even hours, before you’re pulled out of whatever hole you’re in by the sound of your front door closing. You pull the comforter higher up, knowing exactly what’s about to happen, knowing that Tom’s going to walk in and apologize and that you’re going to forgive him because how can you not?
You can’t hear his footsteps as he moves down the hall, but he taps on the door, snapping you out of your own mind.
“Honey.. Can I come in?”
You don’t answer. You don’t know if you even can.
There’s a pause, and there’s silence for a few seconds, or a few minutes. You don’t know which it is. You’re wondering if he’s gone, if he gave up, though you didn’t hear the front door close again. And then the silence fades back in, and you just lay there waiting.
It at least feels like a few minutes have passed, so you roll over to look at the clock.
Then 1:34.
You pull out your phone, figuring that he could’ve texted. Immediately, you wince at the brightness, letting your eyes adjust before you click onto your messages.
And sure enough, the most recent one--almost a half hour ago-- reads
If you don’t want to talk to me, I understand. I’m in the lounge if you do, though. I love you, and I’m sorry.
Suck it up, Y/N. You sit up, pocketing the phone again and hesitantly climbing out from the comforter. Your door squeaks when you open it, and you know that he’d have to be deaf to miss it. Now you have to do it, no wimping out.
Emerging from the room, you immediately see the top of his head resting on the arm of the sofa, his hair unruly.
Why does he have to be cute?
He rolls over to face you as you stand at the end of the hallway, sitting up when he registers that it’s you.
“I thought you were asleep..” He pulls himself off the couch and to his feet, stopping you in your tracks.
You nod. There’s no tension between you; just awkwardness, thick and obvious.
“I’m sorry… I forgot I was supposed to be here..” He trails off, gesturing weakly to the setup around him. “Haz invited me out for drinks.. And I was serious-- your texts weren’t coming through before I was driving home.”
You shrug. You know he’s telling you the truth, but you don’t want to admit that you were so upset over something dumb like this.
“I’m sorry, babe. I am..”
You stare at his socked feet, unable to look at him, stupidly stubborn.
“What’s going on?.. What’re ya thinkin’?”
“I dunno,” you mumble, finally mustering up the words to actually respond. “‘M tired.”
“Oh.” He’s caught off guard by that, not expecting to be shut down like that. Or maybe he was expecting it, just… hoping that you’d want to sort through it now. “Sorry. I’ll go.. I’ll let ya sleep.”
He fiddles with his fingers, with the ring on the fourth finger of his right hand. He fiddles with the cuffs of his jacket, rolling the fabric between his thumb and second finger. He fiddles with his fingernails, the cuticles already bitten down--
“Don’t.” It comes out of your mouth before you can stop it, loud and clear. Fuck.
“Huh?” He looks up, and unexpectedly, you do too, meeting his eyes before you realize that this is bad news.
It’s your turn to start fiddling now, with your own hands, your hair--
“I’m not… mad at you, Tom.”
He looks surprised. “You’re not?”
You shake your head.
“That doesn’t change the fact that I did fuck up.. and that I’m sorry.” He’s intent on giving you an apology.
You don’t need one though, you don’t want him to feel bad anymore…
“Is it okay if I hug you?” The question comes from your mouth even though you can’t recall conjuring the words up. He looks taken aback this time, caught off-guard again, and it takes a moment for him to process it because he was about to launch into a whole apology speech.
“Of course hon.. you don't have to ask, you know.”
And then you’re wrapped in him, and his body is warm and he smells nice and not like alcohol, like you’d sort of expected. And he’s mumbling sorry’s into your shoulder like there’s no tomorrow, but you shush him, squeezing his waist.
“Rain check?”
Taglist: @tbhhhhhhhhhh @toms-darling @cap-steve-rogers @skylar-mendes @multiversefangirl19 @probably-not-chris-evans @musiclover1263 @musicgirl234 @starksparker-archive @leiasfanaccount648 @hedwigthelegend @pleasantlyparker @cartwheelandfaceplant @butwhyduh @bluelalal
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