skyplayssplatoon3 · 1 month
Competitive Splatoon Update
Well-known JPN X Rank player Chocopero made a dramatic push for 5000xp tonight, hoping to surpass Melon who achieved the goal not too long ago!
Unfortunately as fate would have it, a rough last game took that chance...
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I watched this happen Live on his stream, with 22,000+ people witnessing the incredibly cruel point loss
Regardless, he went right back out there and won 9 games in a row for a piddly +60 back to his score
He's got about a week to try and make up 500+ points, which means he has to win 27 total X Series in a row, or 81 total matches won to get to where he wants to be
X Rank Is A Cruel, Cruel Mistress...
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pomegranate-pen · 1 year
If requests are open, could i ask for a part 2 fro that one Rocky x reader you did? I just read it and I am AOUYWVDOUWGD I love it.
It ended with him essentially taking himself out of y/n's life right? just disappearing and ghosting them? What if, and hear me out: reader did a little snooping and finds a way into the speakeasy- maybe they know Wick or someone else who agrees to help them out, and they just. go. OFF on Rocky(affectionately. Like they're angry but they're more hurt than anything and they don't care what he does, they just want him to come back because they love him and they miss him and they just hate worrying whether or not he's alive and okay because they don't see him anymore.)
Hope that's enough to get something going, and if requests aren't open, you can totally ignore this! I just love some good hurt/comfort with a dash of good communication. Have a wonderful day/night and thank you so much!
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A/N: oh my god?!! so many people wanted a part two to this!! I'm so glad you guys loved it that much!!!!! GAHHHH THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR KIND WORDS!!! one warning though!!! I have written this way before a few asks, so I might not have exceeded everyone's requests here, and I unfortunately do not have the time to completely rewrite this- since finals month have just begun-
Part two of the rocky rickaby angst!
warnings: these are obvious, mentions of alcohol and whatnot. this is pure fluff btw
It has been two months. two, dreadful, heartwrenching, and painful months.
‘Have you gone mad?’ is the question that always echoes in your mind. Especially when no one seems to even speak of the name Rocky Rickaby around you.
The café feels empty without him around. Ivy and Freckle keep acting like nothing is wrong, but their acting is so horrible under your intense gaze, it was like a group of people who accidentally found themselves in improv class instead of their intended one. 
And f you have to hear Ivy say ‘Rocky? Who's that?” and Freckle shaking his head saying his cousin is in the circus, you will scream.
 It was like Rocky truly has died. That night he peacefully passed away and now it is what you feared would happen. There are no more poems, no more chaos, no more silliness of the cat you have grown to love. It’s just quiet, so dreadfully quiet you feel like you’re stuck in a café themed asylum. You miss him and his horrible syrup-filled teas. The ones whose bitterness is completely overtaken by the sugary sweetness so powerful it leaves you craving water.
And as you lay on your bed, with the same drops of rain clanking through your window just like the certain night, you feel yourself getting mad. You’re enraged by his actions. Since when does he decide what you will do with your life? Since when did he want to be the good guy? Who said this is the decision best for you?
With gritted teeth and a lack of sleep, you frantically twist and turn and start running the gears in your brain. You kept thinking, stuck with ideas of what to do to get his attention. Though your half-sleepy mind was making up a very half-assed plan, you were so desperate at this point, you couldn’t handle not seeing him anymore. You couldn’t handle worrying for him through the sidelines no longer. You will get to see him tomorrow, whether he likes it or not.
“I’m not allowed to speak a word.”
Frustrating. That is the word you’d use for this situation. Horribly frustrating. Who knew that Freckle Mcmurray could be this stubborn? Perhaps since it was a request from the one closest to him, he follows through with his loyalty till the bitter end.
You’d admire this quality of his if it wasn’t a huge block to you.
“oh come on Freckle, I’m just curious!” Freckle tried to do minimal tasks around the café to throw you off. For a moment he was cleaning the already spotless tables, in another, he was sweeping the dustless floors. “ don’t you think you owe me one after I helped you guys that night?”
Suddenly, he stops sweeping and looks at the ground with silent guilt. his hand having a strong grip on the broom. “ If I paid more attention Rocky wouldn’t have gotten shot in the first place.” His ears lowered a bit and his brow furrowed. His tail slightly shifted from place to place behind him as he started sweeping again.
Oh. it seems like the situation is a bit more complicated than you thought. “Freckle…” you put a hand on his shoulder, making him stop and look at you after avoiding your gaze for a long time. “ it wasn’t your fault— I’m sure Rocky was being…well…” you huffed. “Rocky. You know? No one expected you to know he’ll get shot.”
His ears lowered even more and he looks away. Shit. You made it worse. Now a bit of guilt seeped into you. “ that’s not what happened.” He mumbled, palms holding the broom at different angles and not even cleaning anymore. “ I was the one who was about to get shot. He blocked for me.”
He sighs and leans the broom on the table next to you. he sits down with a look of stress mixed within his guilty eyes now. “if-if it wasn’t for my clumsiness we wouldn’t have been forced to come to you for help!” his hands were now grabbing his head in distress as his tail wagged frivolously more than before.
“Woah woah— calm down, Freckle.” You place your hands on his shoulders, leaning down to meet his level and stopping him from almost ripping his eyebrows off. “ don’t freak yourself out so much. No one is to blame for this situation.”
His eyes squint at you and you cough. “ook— maybe there is— but it’s way too complicated to be just one person’s fault, don’t you think?”
He’s silent for a bit, but his breathing calms down and his eyebrows aren’t as furrowed as before. “I-I guess you’re right.” He sighs. He then went into silence- one where judging from his face, was one of constant conflict. That is until he finally sighs and grumbles out a ‘fine’ as he digs through his pockets and brings out a pretty pin, with a shape of a club on it. He brings you closer as he whispers in your ear.
“did you get all that?” he finally leans back and you get up. you nod your head, the information running in your head on repeat. “good.” He gives out a breath of relief, yet his shoulders tense up again in worry. “d-don’t do anything brash! I promised Rocky you’d stay out of trouble.”
Yet here he is helping you jump into one. You couldn’t help but give a giddy grin. After giving him a playful punch on the shoulder and profusely thanking him, you walk out of the café with a worried Freckle looking back.
Dim, red lights bore the entire cave, pillars clean as a whistle overtaking some of the view and tables as far as the eye could see, yet, emptier than the café is, which is saying a lot considering how quiet that place could get.
Honestly, you didn’t expect to find this place so easily with no trouble. You expected to go over some guards or whatnot for inspection before being let in- but then again—you never were one to associate yourself with danger, you’re quite the newcomer to such things.
You only hoped that your attire was the right one for such a situation, and that you don’t leave this place getting chased by some hitman of sorts. Of which, you don’t think they have, unless you count the trio and the very scary-looking bartender. You swear you saw him glaring at you at some point. Still, you sat down a few seats away from his station and ordered a drink to not seem fishy.
you look around, no sign of Rocky, which now that you think of it, there is a huge chance Freckle told on you and Rocky stayed away. Dammnit! You should’ve expected this— as you try to drink your sorrows away, one sip of the illicit beverage has had the ends of your hair stand in horror. bitter, tasteless, and pure garbage. Oh god— is this what Rocky has been risking his life for?!
“Well well well, do my eyes deceive me, or do we really have a new customer here?” before you could mull over your new discovery, a sly, lazy voice grabs your attention. You turn around and the very first thing you sense is the high smell of his smoke. It invaded your lungs for a moment- and you couldn’t help but scrunch your nose a bit and cough.
“oh, sorry. Forgot not many people can't handle the smell.” He takes out the cigarette from his mouth and sits right next to you, burning down the roll on the counter. He leans on the counter, his shoulders holding his weight. “you new here?”
“whose asking?”
He laughs. “ the leader of the jazz band up there if you’re that scared.”
“the band?” you perked up. “ wait- uh- “You look back at the stage a few feet away from you, yet you see no violin. Perhaps he took it with him like he always does? “…do you perhaps have a violinist playing for you there?”
Zib now perks up a bit as well, giving you a confused glare as he answered. “yeah…but he’s got some new business he does here too.” He takes your glass and drinks it before you could rebuttal. And to your surprise, he doesn’t gag when he drinks it.
“I could’ve had a cold, you know.”
“I didn’t see you sniffling nor sneezin’.”
“what if I had meningitis or mumps that you’ll get now?”
He shrugged. “I’ve been through worse.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes. Best to just ignore his actions for now. “ so…this violinist-is he uh-“Oh god you probably sound suspicious now. You’re seriously way too out of your comfort zone here. “ is he perhaps the same guy who's a waiter up in the café?”
Silence takes over the space, and you're left with an awkward piano playing in the background as the stranger stares you up and down. You freeze for a moment, hoping to whatever celestial being that truly rules this world to let you live another day. Yet, the messy-looking man suddenly starts snickering, then full-blown cackling and at some point- coughing due to his weak lungs- yet still bravely laughing through it. safe to say you're embarrassed as you can ever be.
“you- hahah- you’re the-cough-lil’ cute nurse he keeps talking about?!”
“he— he thinks I’m cute?”
“No wonder you talked about mumps- err- whatever that is.” His laugh dies down and he looks at you with a look of horror and small amusement. “and you actually like him back? He wasn’t lying?”
“he talks about me?”
 “it’s Rocky. Of course he’s talking about you, every day to be precise.” He fiddles with his pocket and takes out another cigarette. You squint at him before he mumbles out a ‘relax, it’s a weaker one’ before lighting it up. “though…he’s been awfully quiet these few days.” He glances back at you. “I’m guessing that involves you coming here?”
You look away from him. “I guess you could say that.” You tap the counter, now remembering Rocky’s face that night- tired and bruised up, a face that makes your heart ache. “ will he be coming back? or is he avoiding me again?”
“I’ll be honest with you newbie,” he lets out a puff of smoke. “he’s in the backstage avoiding you. his cousin warned him.”
“I knew it!” you grumbled as he continued.
“ now usually, I’d advise you to stay away from the kid. But…” he shrugs. “I’ll admit that with your presence in his life, he suddenly got a bit more excited than usual- normally this would be a bad thing- but it does boost his performances on stage.” He then started to mumble a bit. “…although on bootlegging he’ll always be a lost cause…he still tries his best.”
“ but how do I get to him? won’t he run off?”
And with that, the cat gives a sly smirk. Okay…not the most trustworthy look, you thought. He beckons with his hand for you to come closer, and just like with Freckle, he whispers to you a strategy you didn’t expect.
A backstage, though more so a greenroom than anything else- since it doesn’t even lead to the stage- the band likes to call it a backstage since they hang out here when there’s nothing to do in the front. However, over the years, it has also become a place for extra storage, for things such as empty barrels and whatnot. And now, it is a hideout for Rocky, who surprisingly, isn’t hiding from an assassin or another angry farmer out to get him- rather a worried nurse whom he likes too much.
“…you sure you don’t want to talk to them?” his cousin, Calvin Mcmurray- though he likes to call Freckle, a habit that has been spread to everyone much to his cousin’s dismay- is staying with him for the time being. Since he doesn’t have much to do anyway, not unless Rocky comes up with a new unneeded task. “they've probably gone through a lot of trouble to get here.”
Rocky, to Freckle’s surprise, is silent. Shifting around and thinking of a solution. “I made the right choice,” he spoke to himself. Now staring at his shoulder which was once shot at. “ they couldn’t have handled this anyway.”  
“…are you okay?” Calvin was confused and no matter what he asks, for weeks Rocky hasn’t told him what happened that fateful night. “ you know if you don’t see them they'll just force you to, right?” he reasoned. “ they're not one to easily give up.”
“there you go questioning my logic again,” Rocky sighs and holds his finger up in a scolding manner. “ what did I say? The plan is simple.” He smiles, then gives a sheepish expression. “ avoid Y/n at all costs until they finally gives up, gets so mad at me that they avoid me themselves all together! Then boom! They're safe and sound and I can easily take risks again.”
“…but…they don't easily give up-“
“nonsense Freckle!” Rocky huffs. “what’s the worse they could do? join the lackadaisy?“
A loud bang erupts in the room as a familiar face barges in.
Your eyes light up when you see him again. After two long months, you can finally see the silly cat whose been on your mind for so long. after two months of constantly wondering if his wounds have opened up or not- and praying that he hasn’t gone to the Dr.Quackenbush guy he spoke about- you finally see him. yet, your expression is frustrated.
Zib whistled. “ last name used, means big trouble buddy.”
You decided to ignore that comment and walk closer to him. Rocky being seated gave you a more domineering look in his perspective, and your determined energy was radiating through the roof. “you can’t avoid me any longer.” You grumble. “especially since it’s not even for your sake- you’re choosing for me. which by the way- is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done.” Probably not the most, but you were too mad to think properly. “ if you keep avoiding me like this, then I’ll have no choice but to just get a job here.” you then shrugged. “ from what I’ve seen, they could use a nurse here anyway- or rather anyone who even knows a thing about aid kits.”
“told you they wouldn’t give up,” Freckle squeaked, though he was hiding behind his hat with lowered ears and a scrunched-up face.
Rocky clears his throat as he gets up, grabbing your shoulders and turning you around the other way. “Y/n…an unexepcted pleasure to see you again!” he laughs nervously while looking at the others. “How about we take this conversation somewhere else?”
You cross your arms and pout. “if you don’t run away then sure.”
“don’t worry, we’ll keep guard." Zib spoke as he pats Freckle’s shoulder. You made a note to yourself to thank him later.
“..shall we?” Rocky’s tone has become a bit nervous and sheepish.
With a nod to your head, you speak. “ lead the way.”
“alright— now I know there might be some issues when change happens-“
The place he chose, was just a top attic that lead to the surface, where a beaten-up car sat. and to your shock, some dried-up spills of blood on the floor. Rocky sat down on a crate box and motioned you to sit on the other next to him.
“Change? What, am I a kid now?” you sat down. “ what you did was absolutely mindbogglingly-“
“-I did it for your own good.” He cuts you off. “ think of it this way— “ he sits up straight. “your life is normal, it’s peaceful and has a good future ahead of it. though yes someone could argue mundane is boring, you seem to like the mundane from what I've seen- mine though? It isn't like that in the slightest. I work in a ….” He hisses a bit in concentration. “…very dubiously legal place doing odd jobs. You won’t like it.”
“Who said you could make these decisions for me?” you huffed, deciding to now spill your guts before he runs away again. You held his hands, making sure he was looking at you as you spoke, as stressful as it is to have someone stare at you. “ you’re right about one thing. All my life has been normal.” You give his hands an affectionate squeeze. “ but that doesn’t mean I was happy in it. I was sick of normal, of mundane day-in and day-out lifestyle. And then- then I met you.” god, you could feel your cheeks burning up. “you’re fun. Sure you can get too crazy but I like that about you. it’s so easy to talk to you and I just- I just love spending time with you because-..” Your heart was going to beat out of your chest.”… you’re my favorite person.” You huffed out. “I like your presence in my life- you make it worth living. I like how you have this weird obsession with pancakes- I love all the expressions you make while you're debating about something- I like you, idiot.”
Silence took over the room , and you couldn’t help but move your gaze away from embarrassment. Shit— you shouldn’t have said the last part- that was too much- will he ignore you forever now?—
“…so you..wouldn’t mind the injuries?”
You look up at him and shrugged. “ I mean…I’ll certainly get worried, there’s no stopping that. But if you promise to be a little more alert, then I promise I won’t freak out as much. “ you gave him a playful smile.”Just remember to visit me if you get hurt. Not the guy who uses a lot of chloral hydrate.”
“consider it done darling.”
“darling? Really?”
“would you like me to call you ‘Doc’ instead? Or perhaps something more romantic? Sweetheart? Honeydough? Love?—“
“okay Stop-“
“ Why I can go all day!— Sunshine, Honeybun, Lovebug, Hot Stuff—“
“alright alright I get it!” you couldn’t help but give out a giddy laugh. “darling is fine.”
“Anything for you, darling."Rocky gets up and gives a small bow, which the response from you was a small chuckle. “ say,” he gets up. “ how did you meet Zib?”
“the guy you came in with.”
“oh— his name is Zib? Huh, weird name.”
“It’s his nickname, though I’m not sure what his birth name is.”
“was yours always Rocky?”
He grumbles. “you don’t want to know what my actual name was.”
You grinned and tilted your head in curiosity. “oh, don’t be like that! I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
“it is.”
“I’ll be the judge of that. Now spill.”
He stays quiet for a moment, then fiddles with his tie as he answers. “it’s Roark.”
You desperately tried to hide your snort, yet a small bit was let out. Rocky shook his head dramatically. “ridiculous, isn’t it? only my aunt calls me by that name.” he then gives a worried smile. “though usually her tone is always scolding too. So that checks out.”
“no-no- “ you stopped your laugh. “I think it’s a very nice name. but I do like Rocky more.”
“Perhaps you should give me a nickname, darling?”
A small smile tugs at your lips. “perhaps I should.”
You stand up as well. Lean to his level and give a small kiss on his forehead.
“I’ll see you later, my favorite bard.”
“That’s the best you could come up with?” yet, when he says that, his grin is bigger than ever, as much giddy as yours is.
“Is this a way to treat your number one fan?" you rolled your eyes. " And anyway, I’m a nurse, not a poet.”
He gives a soft smile, and for once, you realize how much his smile was always full of energy and chaos, yet this one was different. This one felt calm. He gives a peck on your forehead, and you were certain your heartbeat was loud.
“I’m honored to be your favorite bard.”
you give a soft smile back, and for a moment, there was a sincere quiet glance between you two. that is before Rocky broke it. "by the way..." he gives his common grin. "...did you just confess your love to me?
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lottiecrabie · 11 months
Talking about the crablurbs, which ones are your favorites would say?
Oh this is such a fun ask… you have made a grave mistake sending it to me cos now i get to Talk about my writing.
ok well as i’ve mentioned i do believe my angst ones are my best written and most poignant blurbs. i reread boyfriend quite frequently and it always gives me the same feeling of hurt and anger. reader pointing out that his ‘she likes when you bite, she loves to moan for me’ is the same thing he was defending her from, which is men sharing her intimacy, and her saying she did everything she did with him because she Trusted him, and now she doesn’t, is again just such perfect heartwrenching angst. i just believe it’s a great conflict and well-done dialogue.
i do also love girlfriend and its twin as more sweet angst. they care for each other and i think that’s a lot more comforting, but you still get plenty of sadness from them being apart and Suffering. i do love that even though he’s with someone new and they’re not together, when he sees it hurts her, he drops his hand away from delaney. like oh this is so meaningful…… Also sorry for making delaney canon and giving them a past lol this is even more angsty now
drunk and morning after are the only fluffy blurbs i’ve written, and one is half angsty too. although i don’t think fluff is my Greatest strength, i do enjoy the sweetness of the sequel. i love the bit about the end of times; it’s just a neat bit of writing. drunk is especially fun with all her drunk ramblings and him literally dropping everything to come pick her up.
other than the Angst Blurbs, i do enjoy the horny ones too.
tdab cockwarming is my favorite i believe. i think it’s an interesting switch-up in their dynamic and just plain Hot. i do think about it a lot I shall be honest…. at least when i was writing, i felt as if i had portrayed the Moment and emotions very well. like i was There.
linecook threesome is very famous, and for a reason! it’s not even particularly linecook coded but damn i love that bit where they shush her and say We’re not talking to you. i will not unpack that.
i like the bi threesome blurb too. matty healy and a pretty girl is a Dream, and i just thought it was almost sweet that she needs to physically touch him to appreciate the moment and beckons him over. them working together to get her off is <33
its been reclassified so play me a song is a great blurb. sorry ross for not writing as much for you, but damn you got a banger! i’ve always loved the idea of fingering someone while they play so finally writing it was…..
i’d say others i like but think about less are linecook cockwarming, professor cockwarming and cheating….
thank you for hearing me ramble but also sorry for doing all that lol. pls share your favorite crablurbs As Well always love to hear it<3
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mysteriousmissfsart · 2 months
BNHA Rambles #1
I would like to thank Horikoshi-sensei for creating Boku no Hero Academia. I appreciate his hardwork and effort that he has put into his work. Thank you.
However, I am incredibly sad about episode 11 of season 7. Episode 10 as well.
I warn anyone reading this that there will be spoilers if you are not caught up with the anime or the manga (up to this point).
This post is just me rambling about a few things. (I mean a lot of things, actually)
Do tell me what you think as well!
Spoilers under the cut!
Like, Endeavor lost his right arm??? Now Bakugo is most likely not going to be able to use that arm as well???? Are we drawing parallels between those two? Is their redemption in not being able to use one side of their body???? This is sad???????!!!!!!!! I was literally rooting for Katsuki to become a pro hero by the end of the series.
Like, is my boy dead? (I already know the answer so please, no need to tell me. Also, I really had to know, okay?)
I basically grew up with this guy???? (I was 14 when the first season came out and now I'm 22)
Am I literally going to be watching bnha without Katsuki? He was literally the reason why I watched it in the first place! I could see where his character development was headed and I knew that it would be good! Yes, the other characters are amazing as well and I am going to watch the series anyway, I don't like leaving things unfinished unless its really bad. I am happy about Shinso getting some good screentime, though. Hope he doesn't get hurt in some way, seen or unforeseen.
(Fun fact: There are only two series I have dropped and will never finish watching; 1. Kuroko no Basket. 2. Shingeki no Kyojin. Reason: For Kuroko, the only characters that were interesting to me were Kuroko and the Blonde guy, I literally forgot his name, I also didn't like the cherry stem girl really. Overall, didn't find it appealing. For Shingeki: Only character I liked was Levi, still like him. It has too much gore, I didn't know that when I was told that it was a masterpiece. I couldn't stomach anything everytime I watched an episode. Bnha is MILD in comparison to whatever was going on in Titan land. Also, I always disliked Eren with a passion. If you know you know. My friend and my sister have already told me the whole thing. I was right about you Eren Yaeger!!!!)
I never expected his heart to get pierced????? Why did we have to do that?????
I was peacefully eating dinner today when I was shocked by the sheer evilry that scene presented. I have not cried this much over a character death before. The first time I cried over one was over the death of Hiccup's dad from how to train your dragon (I was maybe 11 at the time). But, never like this. Never like somebody I know has died. It's strange that I felt so connected to him. I don't know, my emotions never make sense really. Like, my breath literally hitched and my eyes just teared up and flowed down my face???!!! Like, what???? Why did he have to be done like that? The scene with him talking to All Might's Shadow (ghost, spirit????) and that tone change. We have never heard Katsuki talk in that way before, he seemed like himself there and not the tough facade he always dons.
The scene at the end when we see his heart get pierced and then when Jeanist realizes what has happened was just heartwrenching. I couldn't stop crying. He doesn't deserve this, none of them do. I literally made myself pretend that didn't happen but when Jeanist pointed it out, all I could do was stare in disbelief at the screen. The saddest part of all of this? His mom realizing that it will rain and saying "that kid doesn't like the rain". Why? Because that's when Jeanist realizes that his heart has been pierced by Shigaraki/All for One. IT RAINS WHEN THEY REALIZE THAT KATSUKI'S HEART HAS BEEN PIERCED.
Sad, I'm just unbelievably sad.
I just wish this series ends on a happy note.
To Horikoshi-sensei,
If you are reading this, may your readers' tears soon dry and there be a happy ending to your series. I am truly a big fan of this series and how it has turned out. I never expected to stick around for so long but it has been interesting. This series has kept me on my toes and has fed into my love of mystery solving. I loved discovering things along with the characters as well as figure things out on my own. The angst and horrifiying theme has been carried out so well. I hope I will be around for the ending as well.
Thank you!
What did you all think of this episode and Katsuki's development? I am dreading the next episode. Were you shocked by this scene? I literally couldn't keep my eyes on the screen. It hurt too much.
See you again sometime!
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gralunaisland · 1 year
I wish Juvia never existed, she's so creepy , ever since I saw her as a child I couldn't help but hate her especially in the scenes with Gray though with the continuation of the series I started to become indifferent towards her except during the scenes where she harassed Gray and even cried a little bit at her death but I have been away from the fandom for 5 years because I couldn't like ft anymore, I was really nostalgic though and heavily missing ft so I wanted to start it from the beginning but I don't know if I can anymore . I came to know that Gray has lost all personality in 100 years quest and becomes mushy for Juvia just at the mention of her name. I can't watch or read a series only to know that a character I loved has gone through "utter character assassination" . What's more insufferable is that during the ending of ft when I read it 5 years ago I myself couldn't see Gray with anyone but Juvia no matter how much I hated this pairing , Mashima forced this pairing so much that now I feel like I have no choice but to ship them, but this much of annihilation of Gray , I just can't take it anymore.
When Mashima already killed Juvia , there was no need to revive her , her death was heartwrenching for the kid me during that time even though I never liked her but his revival of all the dead characters ruined the series for me. Natsu and Gray's fight was also utterly ridiculous. And there were a whole lot of reasons.
Atleast Gray would have been single and hadn't gotten his brain been made into a mush or would have ended up with another character and honestly Gray can be shipped with so many characters whether male or female in the series, his dynamics were so interesting with so many characters but ,no, Mashima had to force him with Juvia out of all the characters.
If Juvia was an ugly character or a male character nobody would have shipped her with Gray , just because she's attractive she is shipped with him even though she is literally a stalker who sexually harasses him physically and mentally all the time. She treats him as an object of her perverted desires rather than a human being. She's obsessed with him and not in love with him. If she loved him even a little or even cared she wouldn't have crossed his boundaries all the time and neither would she have been so jealous of other characters having healthy interactions with him. I honestly think that if she never existed atleast Gray's life would have been a lot happier. Atleast after suffering so much , Gray deserved to be happy instead of being with his creepy stalker.
Ft is only successful because of fanservice now atleast in the beginning the series was actually good, the series has given me so many great memories only for them to get muddied because of the direction this series took.
Your blog is a breath of fresh air , really good work!!
Miscellaneous Thoughts on gr///via
First of all, thank you so much for your patience! I'm sorry it's taken so long to get to your ask!
And secondly, I love how much effort you put into your ask! Honestly, my thoughts aren't even needed here; you really hit so many good points about gr///via. And thank you for sharing your experiences with FT with me. I agree with practically everything you said!
Despite this, as always, I'll run my mouth down below.
I was the same as you, Anon, where I hated her immediately when she met Gray when I was a kid first watching FT. I'm glad you could also tell how awful her character so soon as well. I personally never became indifferent to her and dreaded seeing her whenever she was onscreen, since even the super rare parts of the anime where she supposedly isn't thinking about Gray are still tainted by her mean-spiritedness and disingenuousness.
I also never fully read or watched juvia's death because I dropped the very end of the series thanks to gr///via and it just not being very good or intriguing, so I can't say I've cried at her death, but I think that shows how compassionate you are if you felt sad for such a disgusting individual! I've seen panels and I've heard what happened, and it is absolutely awful. The whole fight is shoehorned in just to ship gr///via and guilt-trip Gray into taking juvia's completely insane and gross advances seriously for once, when literally any of his other guildmates would have killed themselves for him too and have tried to before, and he'd never fall in love with them, but nooo gr///via must be forced down our throats to appease the fans and fulfill Mashima's weird fantasy.
As for nostalgia, I totally get you, because after a while I always find myself drifting back to rewatch it eventually. I used to watch every scene with her in it, but on my last watch-through, I basically skipped most of her scenes. That's how I survived it, Anon, so maybe you could try the same! Though, I feel like for my next watch-through, I'll sort of have to watch her scenes and make something like a mega masterlist of how she sucks every time she's on screen lol. That sounds so painful but perhaps that's a necessary project for my blog.
I so agree with you, Anon, that I can't bear to see Gray's character assassination in 100yq, which is why a very kind Anon created a masterlist of every gr///via moment so I could read it and avoid gr///via entirely. I'll link it right here for you if you ever desire to take a gander at the admittedly apparently terrible 100yq except for Lucy's new empowerment.
I agree that juvia should've stayed dead as well. Besides me just hating her and wanting her to be gone from Gray forever, her death (and the other characters who died for that matter) really should've never been revived because it just cheapens the sacrifice they made from a story standpoint. For juvia at least, it's like "oh well i didn't lose anything in the end but now i seem like a good person! Woopdidoo". Plus, it just makes none of their deaths have any real impact. It was just for shock factor, and we all know that Mashima really doesn't like to make lasting changes. He did the same thing all the way back in the Edolas arc when he made it so that Lisanna never died, which was a terrible decision. @perfectlyimperfectcharacterfan actually gave a much better suggestion, where Lisanna actually died and the Lisanna in Edolas was in fact Edolas Lisanna, and then Natsu would get to talk with her and learn to let her go and heal. Honestly gives me goosebumps just to think about it; it's so much more mature and moving than pulling a psych on everyone.
Gray being single would've been so much better than this gr///via garbage, Anon, you're so right! Even as an avid GraLu shipper myself, I would be perfectly fine with shipping them without it being canon (as I am now), but nooo, now I have to do my best to blot such an ugly, toxic ship out of my mind.
I really have nothing to say about your 4th paragraph because I hold those opinions completely. I call out the double standard of how people treat juvia's behavior all the time, and she definitely has "pretty privilege", though personally I do not find her pretty. Gray is an object for her to obtain indeed, and I concur, he would've been infinitely happier without juvia.
And yeah, I agree that unfortunately Fairy Tail has fallen off in terms of quality hard, with the criminal pushing of gr///via going off the rails in 100yq and the lack of good story telling in general. Even the end of the main story was unravelling. Sometimes, Mashima, it's better to end and preserve your legacy. Right now, you're beating a dead horse.
Thank you so much for your kind words! So sorry I took so long to get to your ask: it was a delight to read and so very insightful!
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twistedapple · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara: What's his deal
Ok so ever since the theatre realease of Across the Spiderverse back on May 31st (yes in France we get our new releases on Wednesday, this is why the early videos on YT had French subtitles btw in case you were wondering), I have been deep in it. Like. DEEP. The main offender for that being Miguel O'Hara, who immediately started living rent free in my head and he is clearly not leaving any time soon. Anyway, this is completely out of topic for my blog but I do what I want so let me rant about the aforementioned Depressed and Overworked DILF because we love men with problems in this house.
WATCH OUT FOR THE SPOILERS (and unhinged ramblings that totally sidetrack).
Ever since the release of ATSV, a lot of videos have been available on YT to dissect everything, and of course I have been having an intense focus on character analysis, because that movie is absolutely brilliant at establishing character arcs and presenting new Spiderverse characters in one of the most efficient, thrilling and engaging way I've ever had the pleasure to witness. We've been blessed with Gwen's heartwrenching character arc (and she deserves none of the hate she's been receiving, but don't get me started on that), Hobie more like Homie in the span of 5 minutes on screen... And Miguel, who blesses us with his ego, anger issues and massive trauma while also dropping bits of a gentler side - but only bits of it. And I have been extremely normal about Miguel, since he absolutely doesn't tick all of the boxes of the Tickle My Fancy list.
I have been ranting about him in many YT comment sections for more than 2 months now (hi Purple Kisseokjin and Schnee lol), but with the digital release of the movie, I finally remembered I have a Tumblr blog where I can yell about Miguel all I want, so here we are now. Now where do I start...
First Part: Miguel's character design
I've overall been highly impressed by the various art styles given to the Spiderverse cast, and how it reflects who they are and where they come from. Miguel in particular hits many soft spots for me for a good reason: his association with architecture and industrial designs, which are topics I'm interested in (especially architecture). As such, I will begin this study by analysing both the character and environmental designs for Miguel and Nueva York, and how the depiction of Nueva York 2099 reflects the state of the narration as well as how Miles and Miguel feel and think - following the same logic as what we get to see with the use of watercolours on Earth-65B, during Gwen's sequences, to express emotional states. A mandatory tangent will be made in regard to Miguel's themes as well, because they fall in line with my arguments for the character and background designs.
There are some main points to take into account when it comes to anything related to Miguel's design: straight lines everywhere, light rough sketch lines, gouache tones. Where do we find these elements? In architecture design. Older ones made in a traditional way usually have gouache for the colours (although ink and watercolour are also present), and the light sketch lines and straight lines are present to study the perspective, as shown in the example below:
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Feels familiar? Well, will you look at that:
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One of the reasons why I am giggling everytime he appears on screen is because of these delightful sketch lines. Looook, it has the same style as architecture concept art! Even better, from the mouth of one of the character designers, Kris Anka: NO CURVES!
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Even his face has sharp angles (he truly has the most powerful cheekbone game), look at the sketch lines:
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And you know what else has a lot of straight lines and sharp angles? Nueva York.
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Look at this. Look at this. It's even in the title card when Miles arrives at the Spider Society.
Allow me to make a slight detour to explain what we are looking at while looking at the architecture of Nueva York 2099. What we are seeing here is a blend of brutalism and eco-brutalism. Brutalism is characterised by its materials, steel and concrete, as well as its intent: in a post-WW2 world, architecture is seen with more pragmatism and values function first. Eco-brutalism is a branch deriving from Brutalism, and aiming to reintegrate nature in the concrete jungle in order to create an harmony - albeit a fully man-made one.
The concept artists took (eco-)brutalism and ran away with it for a massive Solarpunk vibe, which makes the whole setting very interesting considering that in the comics, Nueva York is also very much a futuristic dystopia. Yet, using (eco-)brutalism to have us experience the place for the first time along with Miles is a great way to give a sense of awe by way of what we envision as the future to be now:
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The interesting bit about it is how (eco-)brutalism and the adjacent solarpunk aesthetic are associated with a rather hopeful future, one where humanity manages to harmonise its modern way of life with a new development of nature. It feels like a haven mixing the relaxing greens of nature with the sharp lines of brutalism architecture, and that's how Nueva York feels on first sight. Similarly, Miguel O'Hara's first appearance leaves quite the memorable impression: tall, with broad shoulders and everything about him being sharp (it's even exagerated in the comics part), even his web.
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(Fun fact time: ball pens have initially been designed for architecture and industrial drawings, they are fantastic tools to draw neat lines and create a nice variety of shading as well based on how you push on the pen and how you hatch/cross-hatch to modulate the intensity of the shading. You know who and what could be drawn solely with a couple of ball pens? Check the answer below.)
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He also shines at the Guggenheim by showing how competent he is, with a certain benevolence on top of it: he initially rejects Jessica Drew's suggestion of adding Gwen to the lineup (yes Miguel, you don't want her because she's buddy buddy with Miles), yet saves her from being shot by her own father and ends up getting her on board as she finds herself with nowhere to go. It certainly leaves a similarly good first impression as the bright and harmonious first sight we get of Nueva York.
However, the environmental and character designs both give us a deeper look into Nueva York and Miguel, and it's certainly not as pristine as it seems. Just as Miles is about to discover the truth of the Spider Society, he enters a darker lab and Hobie keeps warning him, until they reach the area where Miguel is pretty much playing Big Brother by watching them through some of his screens:
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I'd argue that the darker space is a callback to the comics, in which Miguel becomes sensitive to light after his genetic mutation, But it is the very opposite of what we've been shown when introduced to the Spider Society: soft whites and greens are traded for deep blues and the stark orange of multiple screens as well as the tone on Miguel's own costume - the bright orange light of the screens is even reflected on him. This is not a pleasant place, and everytime we see it (the Go Home Machine area has a similar style, albeit more organic in the creepiest way, as displayed above on the 4th screenshot), we witness Miguel having outbursts of anger as well. There is also something that feels disconnected from humanity in the sense that it's colder and more methodical in the design, either with all the sharp angles and stark contrasts, or the alien design of the Go Home Machine.
It's an impression that can also be found once we discover the underbelly of Nueva York, while Miles is being chased:
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Here, we also have dark tones with stark neon lights that create the impression of a colder, less caring place, that points to the dystopic nature of the place. The impression is created with great efficiency not only by intense contrasts, but also by using the classic codes for a dystopic society: the solarpunk tones can be found in other stories such as the video game Mirror's Edge (classic case of solarpunk hiding a dystopia), and of course the darker cyberpunk aspects are a staple of the Dystopic Futuristic Society, that goes as far back as the first Bladerunner movie at least, and that can also be found in movies, series and games such as the Ghost in the Shell movies/series and the Cyberpunk TTRPG/video game (which pretty much gave its name to the genre) - I'd even argue we could go further back in time for the references with classics such as Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. It matches with the atmosphere of the Spiderman 2099 as well, which is set exactly in that type of darker, cyberpunk dystopia.
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I argue that there's something coldly methodical in Miguel's design and, by extension, Nueva York 2099's design as well. And it is delightfully balanced through an initial positive introduction of both, before being broken down for a darker turn later on during the movie, as it matches Miles' own amazement-turned-disappointment throughout the sequences in Nueva York when his initial desire to belong somewhere is brutally turned on its head by the very persons who could have given him that sense of belonging he was seeking.
Interestingly, even the soundscape for Miguel, "Spiderman 2099" and "Lab 2099", expresses the underlying coldness of Nueva York 2099 and Miguel's own scientific, methodical approach to problems. As explained by Youtuber Azcona in his Miguel O'Hara Suite playlist:
"I'd argue that it has the same tonal resonance that the Prowler theme in the first movie had, though is less villainous and dreadful as that theme. Miguel's theme is a five note synth line that sounds akin to an alarm or siren. It's blaringly loud, but is also used for more calm dialogue scenes in an effective way. The words that come to mind when describing the musical soundscape of Miguel O'Hara is "methodical", because no matter how loud or abrasive his theme gets it has an underlying feeling of coldness and efficiency. This is further shown through a repetitive synth ostinato that plods and chugs during a lot of his scenes/scenes involving the multiverse at large. It's reminiscent of Blade Runner in tone and it's mechanical nature, and I think it suits someone as jaded and distant as Miguel. Not only is his theme alarming and efficient, but also efficient in it's cold, electronic soundscape and melodies."
And this very methodical, cold tone is itself used during the infamous Train Chase and Miguel's on-screen mental breakdown... But more on that in the next part!
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lenfaz · 7 months
Fic titles:
Across the sea
Form 173-B
Ring around the moon
Across the sea The heartwrenching tale of Captain Liam Jones, as he battles the sea, pirates and magical forces to reach his beloved princess Elsa. Lots of angst and ripped bodices.
Form 173 - B Never piss off a bureaucreat because they will make your life miserable. That is the lesson crime journalist Will Scarlet learned the hard way when he tried to access some old files from the library without Form 173 - B and faced the anger of librarian Belle French. Sparks ensued. He turned in the filled form. She rejected it on the basis of missing one stamp from an unknown office that only opens one day a week for 75 minutes. He turned in the form again. She rejected it again because the date was not in the correct format. It was only after he turned it in for the 5th time, his body pressing hers against the bookshelves while her moans filled the room, that she finally accepted it.
Ring around the moon As Storybrooke's prepares for its coldest season yet, Sheriff Emma Swan makes it a point to drop by (former) Captain Killian Jones' boat and convince him to seek shelter in Grannys. He's a fit of a grumpy loner, you'll see, and he refuses every time she asks, claiming he has weathered worse storms. But Emma won't give up... and she will insist and insist and insist... until finally he seeks warmer shelter. In her bed. Hey, whatever it takes to keep the citizens safe, right?
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a-groovy-beetle · 1 year
I’ve observed this in fandoms before and despite how broken everyone is left by season two, this is probably the best part to be at in an interest/fandom. There’s plenty of current content, and there is the prospect of more to come. There are theories. Questions. There’s a sense of anticipation that makes it all the more enjoyable. This is truly the richest point in any fandom, and any story. Where it most thrives. Because when it’s over, it’s over. The fandom will still exist. It will still be just as big. But it’ll be concluded. Satisfied. It’ll be done.
And with every little hint. Every little fragment that drops, the fandom has a new wave of excitement and ideas and curiosities. Ex the elevator photos and “wait and see.” This is my favorite part of fandoms, even if it’s currently so heartwrenching
Relish the painful wait.
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spockandawe · 2 years
OKAY, before I go back to gently decaying into the floor, I feel like I have to make a quick impassioned case for victoria goddard's books in general, and at the feet of the sun specifically, because I had assumed that at some point the series would reach an emotional peak and that later highs would be pleasant but not the same HEIGHTS, and... so far I have not been proven correct!
Okay. OKAY. 'The Hands Of The Emperor' was very very good. I read it, what, last year? I'd had it for a little while, one of those purchases for when I'm feeling sorry for myself and like 'surely this book will fix me' and then I impulse purchase a huge slab of paper. I think a friend was checking it out, and that persuaded me to actually dive in, and at a certain early point, the momentum tipped, and oh MAN, this slip-n-slide has no end in sight and I'm still accelerating.
The universe this is set in is called the Nine Worlds, and there are assorted novellas and short stories and a few sub-series of books, but HOTE is a good place to start. Career bureaucrat Cliopher (Kip) Mdang is secretary to the emperor at the middle of this fantasy world, a position he rose to despite being a nobody from some remote backwater and subject to a lot of fantasy racism. He periodically goes home to visit his family and childhood friends, who are all very impatient to retire, but he's still involved in piecing the world back together after a magical apocalypse (between 25 and 1000 years ago, depending where in the world you are), and is trying to improve the government at the same time.
The action begins with Kip tentatively inviting the emperor, his radiancy, the sun-on-earth, the magical linchpin at the center of the empire, if he wants to go on a vacation. The emperor does, and oh my god, I should have had such trouble getting into a story that's so.... quiet isn't exactly the right word, sedate isn't the right word, but it's bureaucracy that's front and center, and family dynamics, and politics and government, and it should have been a hard sell for me. I took a day or two off work so I could keep reading at maximum velocity.
Smash cut to the end of the book. I am about to dramatically oversimplify and also skip over a NUMBER of heartwrenching reveals. The emperor is placing a certain amount of ceremonial and political power in Kip's hands, and going off into the world to look for his heir. I thought that was the end of that, honestly? Again, usually, I would be a hard sell for an ending with those nominal stakes, but I was fully Into It here. That's 'Hands Of The Emperor'
The next book, 'The Return Of Fitzroy Angursell' (The Red Company Reformed, Book 1) follows Emperor Artorin Damara as he sets out on his hot girl summer, and while I am reluctant to drop any momentum at all for the big chonkers, this is 1) good shit, and 2) load-bearing context for the next huge book, the one that just came out. It might be possible to read the big book without this one, but I really, really recommend reading it. You won't have context for why Kip gets ancient civilization visitors, and that's only a start. I highly recommend every single novella and short story too, but this is the one that's key.
Now, a spoiler cut, because I don't think I can write about how this book hit me like a sledgehammer without getting into some spoilery developments, but I need to scream.
OKAY. 'At The Feet Of The Sun.' Kip is in charge of the government, even though he misses his radiancy and is also highkey ready to go back home and live in the house he bought and maybe invite his several closest friends from the emperor's household to come live with him. I thought I could see the shape of where this book was headed. Then. The emperor's spymaster started confiding in him about telepathic dinosaur soulmates and discussing his 'dear friend, his correspondent, the imposter' and what she told him, and I started to get a sneaking suspicion that shit was going to go off the RAILS
(also, i called it, I COMPLETELY CALLED WHO HIS PEN PAL WAS, I'm so proud of myself. It wasn't all that hard, but I nailed it the moment it came up)
Yeah, even though I was suspicious, I had no clue about why things were going to go in certain directions, or how, or where. After that first book, I expected to stay firmly entrenched in either government life or domesticity and uhhh. Nope! That did not happen.
FIRST, we've got canonical AU time, which delighted me to NO end, and was milked for all the juicy emotional potential I could hope for. If you read the book and want Even More, the discord has links to extra chapters from the pov of [spoilers redacted] during this portion.
But also, without going into context? ADVENTURE. We're off on a journey! Kip mentioned earlyish in the first book that he had a very close friend he lost contact with over the course of the magic apocalypse and hasn't heard from since, and he finally has the time and space to go looking for him! I'm sure this won't get wacky and wild, this is a very sensible book after all, starting a bunch of middle-aged bureaucrats.
HELL NO, DOG, WE'RE ON AN ADVENTURE! I can't say much context, a lot of it really, really has to be experienced, and the little book in between the big two ones is such crucial context for emotional developments. But. We're getting properly mythical up in this joint, we're in the realm of the divine, we're negotiating and bargaining with gods and other such entities. But where a strapping young lad might be doing favors and winning tokens, so that when a god gives him an impossible task he has the secret to success... Kip largely does for himself! With exquisite courtesy and skill at bargaining won over the course of a long and very successful career. I'm not making it sound as delightful as it is, but if you've been aware of Kip's success at Littleridge since the first book, and you see him come to negotiate with the Sun now, just!!!!!!
Meanwhile, Tor is hanging with the boat crew eating popcorn and learning hobbies like 'oh my god, kip is seriously the BEST, isn't he?' (this is not exactly what the emperor was doing, there were reasons he wasn't along for the ride, this was delightful to me, again, when i wouldn't have pinged this as my hole that is made for me)
And now it's time for old men in the absolute THROES of emotion!!!!! We are going to have AWKWARD CONVERSATIONS and talk about PRIVATE MATTERS, and it's going to be nervewracking for me, the reader, who was honestly trying to get back onto a decent sleep schedule!!! We're going to see some heckin REVELATIONS from side characters who bring this whole vibrancy to the life of this poor man who was stuck in a sterile environment hedged around by magical taboos for half his life! It's going to be extra moving for reasons I'm not disclosing! The scope of this second book is properly MYTHIC, and almost none of the most logical story beats I thought it would address (heir, retirement) are even fully covered, because there's going to be a third book, babey!!!!!
Oh my goodness. If you haven't read HOTE, I can't contextualize the incredible intensity of the bombshells ludvic drops in this story, and rhodin is so much more delightfully unhinged than I ever gave him credit for. Conju manages to be as wonderful as ever despite minimal screen time (i would DIE for him), and I've never seen a man so eloquently express his affection through hair care advice. The scale of this book is MYTHIC, but also, vibrantly human. Some of the passages in here put me in mind of like.... the first time I read the sedna myth, feeling that settle into my brain and hollow out a new space. But we've got some fabulous, bright exchanges over poetry, both the love of it and the creation of it (and the BANANA SCALE). It has an iguana!
It's hard to say that a book has it all, but this one really does. The first book was still incredibly good, don't get me wrong, I recommend it so, so hard. But this one had me howling with delight at each new plot development. I am painfully invested in these old men. I still need to finish the Greenwing and Dart series, but after meeting Jullanar in there and in the return of fitzroy angursell, I need to finish the series for whatever more of her I can consume. I need to read The Redoubtable Pali Avramapul, which I somehow missed, and the second Sisters Avramapul novel. I've also already started rereading HOTE, and the things that are more OOMPH in retrospect are already coming fast and heavy. I reread Petty Treasons and Aurelius (To Be Called Magnus), both of which are so GOOD, and I know that The Tower At The Edge Of The World will destroy me (and Portrait Of A Wide Seas Islander i'm saving for dessert)
I don't know how much spread this series has, I don't participate in Online Book Communities so much, I don't read often enough or thoroughly enough to make it worth keeping tabs on those tides. But this is a book where I feel like I have to recommend it at maximum intensity to anyone with the poor judgment to make eye contact with me. I love everything about this book, and I have to at least try to introduce it to anyone who's unaware of it
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
I absolutely love your writing - WHGTB was stunning and heartwrenching, while ATLWETD is darker, sharper, and filled with tension. I can't wait to see how the story develops. It gives me strong cat-and-mouse vibes (death note-esque), and I love it. I just have one question, and maybe I just missed it when reading: but why isn't Tom using legilimency to verify Harry's claims? I remember him using it at one point, but he hasn't after. Is it because it's a breach of trust, or because Harry has occulumency? I'm not sure haha. My second question is probably getting into spoilers, but who's going to fall first, Harry or Tom? Thank you for your work, and I can't wait for the next chapter to drop. 🩵🩵🩵
Thank you so much, I'm so happy you enjoyed these two stories! I have a lot of fun writing ATLWETD, with all its differences. It's interesting to see how these rawer versions of Tom and Harry could fall in love.
As for your question, Harry issues this threat to Tom in the second chapter:
"About my memories: it’s in your best interests to stay away from them. You didn’t seem to enjoy them, and it will only get worse if you try again. I told you already, we can’t know how such a collision of two worlds can affect either of us. I came into your world; maybe seeing too much will drag you into mine for balance.”
So, there are two biggest things at play here. Tom was disturbed to see himself as Voldemort. This kind of future horrified him, and he's wary of the idea of seeing it again. He would have probably still succumbed to temptation, but Harry's warning about him seeing too much and getting sucked into another world worried him enough to keep him at bay. Tom has no idea how Harry got into his universe - Harry was very vague about it, so he cannot imagine what might happen. What if the force that pulled Harry here will decide to compensate and throw Tom into his first world with Voldemort? This is the nightmare Tom doesn't want to even consider.
Not that he buys into this possibility wholeheartedly, but even a small risk is too much for him, especially since the stakes aren't high, in his view. He's curious, but he trusts that Harry told him the truth. Nothing else occurs to him because of Harry's status as his Horcrux.
Wait until he starts worrying that Harry might be taken back from him :D
As for who is going to fall first, honestly, I don't know! I think Harry will acknowledge his feelings first, I have a specific scene of this in mind, but it's possible that Tom's attraction will appear even sooner, only he'll be too uncertain and spooked to act on it. We'll see, usually these things develop by themselves, I don't have much control here, lol.
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whataboutmyfries · 2 years
Spilled ink
oh my GOSH it has been a hot minute since I wrote these lovely boys!! so here I am, coming at you with small details for fictional kisses oknutzy style!!! headcanoned about this a while ago in the sw discord and it hasn't left my mind since so here we are! characters are by the wonderful @lumosinlove featuring art by my lovely friend @tobi-tobi-tobi who somehow manages to look into my brain with every single one of their pieces and this one was no different :)
1.Whispering ''kiss me'' to your lover
Right, so I’ve been thinking about LionFish reading and annotating a book together non stop :’) 
The two of them get cosy and comfy with their different coloured pens, smiling goofily at each other as they crack open the book, jumping into a brand new adventure together. 
If you were to go look at the book after they were done with it, there’s all these little signs of love over every inch of available space.
There’s wobbly tear spots that are outlined and doodled around where the words hit just a little bit too close to home 
Sticky notes over the typewriter ink where the feeling were too big for the page to hold
Leo draws little fishes swimming across the margins and it makes Finn a lovely-dovey mess; Every. Single. Time.
Naturally Lolo sees Finn scribbling in one of his precious books, gets curious, and decides to give this whole annotating thing a go.
One day Lolo just hands Finn a book with a scribbled note inside the cover saying 'hey, i read this and it made me think of you xx' and the first thing Finn notices is that the top right corner is like a centimetre or so thicker than the rest of the book from where Lolo's dog-eared all his favourite parts and Finn english major O Hara’s eye just twitches as he tries his best to not implode
He loves it. He cries. 
It’s this book of heartwrenching, delightfully emotional poetry about love and pining. And Logan’s scribbles about Harvard, and Finn, and finding him and Leo, and finding himself through them are so vulnerable and heartfelt that the only time Finn can read the book without sobbing his eyes out for hours is if he’s wrapped up in his Logan, head resting on Logan’s strong chest so he can lean up and whisper a hoarse “kiss me” when the memories are too big and too much to handle. 
It’s one of Finn’s most prized possessions. 
Leo annotating for Finn on the other hand…..
Picture if you will: What if Leo's current read is some historical fiction book and when he hands it to finn it's basically more than twice its original size and won't even close anymore from the sheer volume of sticky notes that Leo's put in there pointing out historical inaccuracies or just dropping cute lil history facts
Finn is a mess of heart eyes and undying love as he works his way through the behemoth of the book, and it still holds a treasured place on his bookshelf 
Yet another of his most prized possessions 
Fun fact: It’s only when they get into reading together that Leo finds out that Finn will use anything as a bookmark 
One day he comes home to find the household cat’s (king’s) face smooshed gently between the pages of Finn’s latest paperback, his whiskers peeking out the pages as he sleeps
Leo can’t decide between snapping a picture and laughing his ass off (he does both) 
Of course, in an effort to get their beloved Lolo into reading, the boys decide to annotate a book for him together, potentially giving him an incentive to read it. 
They find a brilliant thriller/horror+romance book that they think Logan would enjoy and they spend hours poring over it (even though it gives leo the heebie jeebies at times) and annotating it for Lolo, Logan's super confused as to why his boyfriends are reading the same book at the same time, like ???? this is so dumb? Why don’t they just take turns? it's it awkward to have to wait for the other person to finish reading? wouldn't it be easier to do it one by one? but when they're both finally finished writing all over it and making it perfect for their boy (there's absent-minded doodles of fleur-de-lis all over the margins in the purple pen that Leo used and little stick-figure drawing of the three of them in Finn's orange ink. It clashes horribly (Logan loves it). they give to him all wrapped up and pretty and Lolo tears up a little
When Logan's reading it, he can't help but laugh at the cacophony of purple and orange on every square inch of available space and the book quickly becomes his most prized possession. He knows it's a horror book and it's supposed to be scary and stuff, but how is he supposed to be scared when there's stick figure Finn with the most floofy hair brandishing a sword against a monster that doesn't look even remotely like the thing described in the book as he holds stick-figure logan in astronomically muscly arms?
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Sometimes when Leo can't sleep, Logan grabs the book and reads to Leo, though Leo usually loathes thrillers/horror books. He's lying with his head pillowed on Logan's chest listening to the rumble of his sleep-hoarse voice as Lolo does silly voices for Leo and Finn's annotations and that's how Leo reads the book start to finish without being scared
Just them being happy and in love and the intricate rituals of storytelling <3
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kurisus · 1 year
Link Click Season 2: Thoughts
Just a post of everything that's been going through my head over the course of this season. First reflections, then theories for next time. Spoilers for all episodes under the cut, obviously. This is also so long Tumblr started glitching out on me, so I hope it reads well~
I know literally everyone had figured this out already but the execution of it was sooooo satisfying. It was to the point where if that wasn't where they were going with him, I wasn't sure what their plans were, and then everything fell into place just perfectly.
I genuinely don't have anything bad to say about that last episode. It was perfectly done in every way, and I'm super excited to see the next season play out--after we get some much-needed conflict establishment in that prequel, whatever it is.
As for the rest of the season though...I agree with the stuff I've seen about the pacing being a sore spot. It didn't ruin the season for me, but the constant recapping of scenes we've already seen + long fight scenes that didn't advance the plot was just kind of frustrating especially watching this weekly as I did and knowing I wasn't going to get answers this time. Episode 2 was the weakest for this, imo, since it felt like half of the episode was made of scenes from the first and the CXS + QL fight, while cool, didn't really do much for me. It felt like I was watching the chimera ant arc from HXH all over again, sometimes.
I've also seen takes that they forced the length of each episode to end on a cliffhanger but I kinda disagree? Season 1 had cliffhangers too, and the episodes were a little shorter. They could have shortened the episodes (to not repeat scenes and not draw out the fights) and still ended on cliffhangers, and I kind of expected those since again they were common in the first season. If I expect anything from Link Click, it's that they'll find a way to make a cliffhanger out of it.
I don't really have an issue with most of the season taking place in a single day either (again...chimera ant arc...literal peak fiction, but holy shit it took like 10 episodes to cover 1 minute in real-time but it wouldn't have been so effective if it didn't take its time), although it is a bit of a change from the first season, which was spread out over months. I rationalize it as the cases themselves happened within 12 hours, so this was kind of just one longer and more detailed case.
The director said he was going for a suspense angle this season rather than heartwrenching, and in that regard I think he succeeded. I didn't cry this season, but I did feel very stressed out the whole time, and the middle chunk of episodes simply flew by every week. They felt 5 minutes long. I have a feeling the next season will balance the best of both worlds--plot-relevant suspense with heartwrenching moments, kind of like the final scene of this season.
So yeah, a sore spot, not really a dealbreaker. I did read the interview with Li Haolin where he acknowledged the pacing issues and said he'll try to do better next season, which I really appreciated. I've seen it happen too often where the following season is too far into production or the showrunner thinks they're above criticism, and the show drops in quality as a result. I think season 3 will be the best yet, but I'm also scared by him saying the main story and ending are set in stone--what are they gonna do to us? How many seasons will they go on? I'd rather have the story come to its natural conclusion than be dragged on because it's popular.
Moving on, I liked the way they used the time travel powers this season to figure out more about the people chasing them, and to give Chen Bin some closure. Basically in a way that was plot relevant as opposed to exposition, although I wish they'd used their powers more in the back half. I thought it was a cool utilization of what we already know.
I liked the new characters we got this season, esp the parts revolving around the twins (and episode 9!!! it was so artsy!!!!). They made for very compelling characters, and I think Qian Jin will be back for more. Though I feel like the Li Tianchen we got was a bit different than his presentation last season where he was a childish, but highly intelligent, serial killer who is single-minded in his ruthlessness. This version seems to be struggling with his own motivations, mainly because his sister didn't follow him down the same path and he doesn't trust the guy giving him orders. It's a more rounded character, but not as compelling of a villain. I'm excited to see what happens when he teams up with Liu Xiao, though, since I have a feeling LX is going to be like my original interpretation of LTC. Redemption arc for LTC? Or will he get worse?
And what was up with Captain Xiao telling the main characters he was planning to resign once he caught Chen Bin's killer, then announcing he was promoted at the end? I know technically Tianchen is still at large, but cmon, he got a promotion for getting his colleagues killed? They should have just omitted the line about him resigning, tbh.
In terms of expectations vs reality for this season, I tried not to have expectations because I didn't want to be let down, but I sort of developed them anyway. My sole expectation was "challenge the idea that death is unchangeable" which they did get to--but only at the very beginning with LG's flashback, and then again in the last episode when they gave more context to it, so it wasn't the focus. This is because my vision for the season was one in which CXS experiences LG's death, then rewinds time to try to fix it, each time getting a step closer to solving the mystery. We didn't end up getting that because he remembered his character development, but I do kind of wonder what that would have been like. Maybe a little too close to Steins;Gate, and then I'd have been disappointed that they did the same thing as another time travel show I love, lol.
In any case, it seems they're going to do that next season. Or the following. However long it takes for them to elaborate on whatever the hell it is that Lu Guang did.
I also felt like they were going to go back in time to when CXS thought LG was dead and absolutely broke down, and how much of that was just a miscommunication, except this time he would be dead for real. But the more I think about it, the more it seems unlikely with the direction the story has been heading. Instead, LAN was simply trolling us with LG's fate for 2 years and pulled a switcharoo that CXS was the one we should fear for next? idk I want them to go back to the absolute despair of thinking your partner/best friend/boyfriend died while you were separated, but not hit the brakes on it so quickly.
Which brings me to my next concern--because of how everything happened so close together, the main characters didn't have much time to process everything that happened to them since last time. Qiao Ling didn't reflect much on her being possessed and stabbing someone she thinks of as a friend (remember how she screamed when she saw the blood on her hands? I wanted more of that), CXS and LG didn't get to talk about LG being stabbed, almost dying, and then kidnapped, also while thinking he was dead for a few hours there; and CXS didn't get a breather after being thrown into an extremely intense domestic violence situation unexpectedly, and coming out of it nearly collapsing. Because of the short timeskip at the end of the season, it seems like they may just skip over this and leave these conversations between seasons. Or the trauma they endured may come back up in new and spicy ways. I'll be interested to see what they do, but I'm going to be kind of bummed if they don't talk about any of what happened to each other, since that was such a big part of season 1.
So from reflections, on to theories...After watching episode 2, I developed a theory that I will lay out here because of how much I got right. Yes, I'm gonna brag a bit:
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I was right about Cheng Xiaoshi dying originally and Lu Guang apparently having both sets of powers, as seen when he clapped back in time, but the rest I have a few questions about.
First, the matter of the powers. I've seen a lot of people saying powers are passed when their user dies, but I don't think they are because I don't know how CXS would have powers in the present day unless a whole character we don't know about died in his arms before he even met LG. I also don't believe that Tianxi is dead either (they didn't show me a body and I won't believe it until I see one), so while I think it's possible QL has her powers and doesn't realize it, she didn't transfer them with death.
Next, how many times has LG rewound time? My gut feeling was that this is his first time because of how much has changed this time around. He didn't know about Tianchen and vice versa, so either CXS died before the twins came into the picture or the timeline has changed enough that now other people with powers are involved when they weren't before. Then again, he leapt so far back in the timeline (that basketball game) it wouldn't surprise me if none of the show's canon was part of the original timeline.
Third, how did CXS die? And who killed him? Maybe it was LX, maybe it was QJ (thinking of how LG's first instinct when meeting the guy was to try to LITERALLY PUNCH HIM TO DEATH), maybe it was someone we haven't met yet...I think we can agree he was murdered, though, and it wasn't an accidental death. Perhaps he was shot, perhaps stabbed, but more than anything I'm interested to see how that unfolds since LG seems to feel responsible and I have to wonder how much is survivor's guilt and how much is because he caused it.
Fourth, if death is a node that can be changed, would it have saved CXS's life if LG had died there? The times we've seen the timeline change, the same person still died at roughly the same time, but the circumstances got altered. I'm thinking here of Emma's death changing from suicide to murder (? I haven't rewatched season 1 since before season 2 started so I could be wrong), and Chen Bin going from jumping off the roof while possessed to losing the possession but being pushed (we saw the door closing on him originally). If someone else had killed themselves at that time, would he still be alive? It seems strange the laws would work as "someone has to die, it doesn't matter who." The only way I can think of this idea working in the context of our main duo is if CXS and LG are somehow the same person and all I can say is, god I hope not lmao, but then what was up with LG thinking "better me than him"?
Fifth, CXS apparently died on September 13 (or September 12, since LG leaped 5 minutes after midnight), but season 1 skipped right over that date and the end and this whole season took place in late October (going by the dates. I have seen the posts about time being broken, though, so let's see if that was stuff changing in the writing process without being fixed or something intentional). Was LG really able to delay his death by a whole month (causing a major timeline shift), or do we still have most of a year left before it happens? CXS was wearing his season 1 outfit when he died, but that could very well be a red herring.
Sixth, does LX have powers? I think he must, but what are they? How much does he know (ie just that the timeline is being fucked with, or does he know who is doing it?), and is he working for a higher power to "fix" time or simply himself? How will Tianchen help him achieve his goals? To me it seems likely LX is aware of other people with powers since he appeared to give advice to Tianchen in a crucial hour, then was in the same foreign country as our main two. Maybe he keeps tabs on all power users, or maybe he actually knows the main two personally but they don't know he's the one after them. He's certainly wise beyond his years is all I can say for now.
My post got so long Tumblr is yelling at me about a character limit, so that's why there's a break here. To the next text block~
I'm curious to see how much of what happened this season will be changed, nullified, or otherwise wiggled around in the timeline. Since it seems like a lot of this didn't happen in the original timeline, what of CXS possessing LG? Were those inconsistencies (how the window was broken, the phone being faceup/facedown, the password knowledge being only incidental) a result of animation errors or small shifts in the timeline? Will these things be important later? Until they say otherwise, my resting theory is that LG took that photo and used his power to read forward into time, see the boat's location, and send it to QL, and the actual hospital breakout was him originally. We have seen now that he can fight.
Link Click's time travel has always been less rules more vibes to me so I don't mind if these inconsistencies don't end up being important after all, but all the same it will he cool if they are.
That scene of CXS and QL as little kids is very precious to me, but it just occurred to me that took place before they knew LG and thus before he started fucking with the timeline. How much of pre-series canon will be changed as a result, ie those memories QL has? We still don't know anything about CXS's parents either, so both of these things may get overwritten in the timeline. Imagine a timeline where CXS was completely lonely...
QJ was built up as a villain a lot this season so I wouldn't be at all surprised if he busted out of prison in the second half or the end of next season. Another one for LX to manipulate? Will he be the one getting him out?
Does QL have powers now? It seems like Tianxi gave her powers at the end there, but she hasn't realized it yet. I was kinda hoping she doesn't since I'd prefer one of the three remains "normal," but if that's the direction they're taking, I trust they'll do something interesting with it, especially since that power is required for Tianchen to kill people.
Speaking of, I'm super excited to find out what will happen when CXS inevitably discovers what LG has been keeping from him. Maybe QL will confront LG first and the two of them will try to figure things out, only for CXS to feel doubly betrayed that the two closest friends he has in his life know he's died and haven't said anything about it to him, and have been actively trying to prevent his death again. The angst fallout with that will be delicious. I'm also thinking of the shot in the season 2 OP of QL turning her back on him once the song reverses, hmmm.
LTC only became aware of CXS in the first place because when he was talking to Emma on the bridge, he said he's a time traveler and gave his name. So, it's a loop, but we have yet to see how LTC figured out where CXS worked and learned who his friends are to go after Xu Shanshan. Will LG reach the same conclusion and somehow cause that action to be undone, and will that in turn affect LX's perception of events?
All in all, despite some issues with the pacing of season 2 dragging it down and making it not quite as good as season 1, I still really enjoyed it and thought the music especially was a big upgrade from what was already so good (VORTEX, Until It Dies, and Mastermind will be on loop for a while longer). I also had a great time checking the tags regularly for fanart, gifsets, and theories, and I'm excited to see what unhinged theories we'll develop by the time season 3 rolls around. Until then, see ya in the prequel!
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albertonykus · 2 years
Doraemon Movie Review: Nobita in the Robot Kingdom (2002)
What is Doraemon? The title character of the Doraemon manga and anime is a blue robotic cat from the 22nd Century who keeps an array of high-tech gadgets in a portable pocket dimension on his belly, and has traveled from the future to improve the fortunes of a hapless schoolboy named Nobita. Although relatively obscure in the English-speaking world, Doraemon is a Mickey-Mouse-level cultural icon in East Asia (and some other regions, too). The Doraemon franchise was a big part of my childhood, and there are still elements of it that I enjoy now.
Doraemon has released theatrical films almost annually since 1980, most of which involve Nobita and his friends (kind Shizuka, brash Gian, and crafty Suneo) getting swept into adventures thanks to Doraemon's gadgets. Despite being of potentially broad appeal to fans of science fiction and animated films, there are very few English reviews of the Doraemon movies, so I'm embarking on a project to write about all the films that have come out so far. Good luck to me…
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Movie premise: Nobita and his friends rescue a lost robot boy, who comes from a planet where humans and robots once lived in harmony.
My spoiler-free take: A compelling story that packs some strong emotional punches, but flubs a crucial character arc. I suspect it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon, but I’d like to see a remake of this one!
Review: It must be something about robots that brings out the emotional stories in Doraemon movies. That probably shouldn’t be a surprise, because one of the most important themes of the franchise is, after all, the friendship between a robot and a human. The dramatic setup here is an interesting one for a Doraemon film, as we learn that the robot boy Poko was the childhood playmate of one of the major antagonists, the tyrannical Queen Jeanne, with both of them having grown up under the care of another robot, Maria. For most part, the movie gets a lot of mileage out of this premise, and the scene near the end where Doraemon and Maria deliver what they fully expect to be their last words to their respective charges is especially heartwrenching.
However, there is one way in which this movie drops the ball considerably on its emotional journey: the queen’s character development happens far too quickly! Barely a montage passes before she has a change of heart. I wondered whether this was also the case in the manga adaptation of this story*, so I had a look.
*Although the original author of the Doraemon manga, Fujiko F. Fujio, passed away in 1996, his company Fujiko Pro continued to produce manga counterparts to the films for a while following his death. My understanding is that the films and their associated manga that were made after Fujio’s passing were developed in parallel from a shared story outline, instead of one being directly adapted from the other.
As it turns out, it takes much more for Jeanne to come around in the manga, including getting smacked in the face by Shizuka!
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I have to say, I really wish this version of the story had been used in the film, not only because it would have improved Jeanne’s character arc, but also because Shizuka doesn’t get very much to do in the movie proper. In fact, many of the newer Doraemon films (remakes aside) don’t seem to know what to do with Shizuka, as has been summarized very well by @creepfactors​. Whereas Nobita, Gian, and even Suneo often get to display more rarely-seen sides of their personalities in the movies, she is mainly just cast as “the nice one”, which is already her default role in the group.
In truth, Shizuka is not such a one-note character in the mainline series. There are times when she can be very direct with her words and quick to anger towards perceived slights. Lashing out in the name of justice for a vulnerable child is absolutely something she would do, yet would be unprecedented in a Doraemon movie!
There are other elements of the manga that I would have liked to see in the movie, too. For example, Poko’s ability to remotely pinpoint Maria’s location seemingly comes out of nowhere close to the end of the film, but in the manga it is mentioned that he was unable to do so earlier in the story because he had a damaged antenna. The manga also indicates that the roboticist Dr. Chapek repaired Doraemon’s Time Machine so that the protagonists could return home at the end of the story, whereas the movie never explains how the Time Machine was fixed.
Given that this is a relatively recent Doraemon film, I’m guessing that it’s not high on the priority list for a remake. However, I think it would benefit a lot from one! Newer Doraemon movies are generally longer than those that came out prior to the 2005 anime reboot, which would give a hypothetical remake of Nobita in the Robot Kingdom more room to include the aforementioned items. Furthermore, the remakes often use material from the manga that was left out of the original films.
Do I have anything else left to note? This movie might contain one of Doraemon’s most impressive feats in the series: charging into the main villain’s lair by himself and taking down the villain unarmed. It’s also funny how ready Nobita is to go on an adventure in this film. The moment that Doraemon determines that they need to travel to another planet, Nobita essentially declares, “Leave that to us!” Quite a contrast to how timid he usually is in the regular stories!
Star rating: ★★★☆☆
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Between Us Pontification - Episode 10
Ok, ya girl has had a little bit of time to sleep and rewatch Episode 10.
(Am I still miffed, yes. To the ends of the earth.) And here are my thoughts...there are a lot.
However, I think it's important (and other tumblrs have likened to this already) to keep in mind that our beautiful idiots, so full of love that they throw at others, leaving nothing for themselves, do not know how to ask for what they need; What they want and also believe that they deserve it.
Team is dealing with basically a decade of untreated survival guilt and in some ways is afraid that his love for Win is a projection simply because Win is good to him and makes him feel wanted, precious, and loved. Especially when his Aunt still grieves (and also needs some damn therapy) and probably has made way too many comments about what could have been her son's life. Team is living for two people, not even content to do it, but as a kind of forced repentance for something we all know is not his fault. And his self-loathing is manifesting as insecurity, low esteem when it comes to worth, and pushing Win away to stop himself from loving any harder, deeper, or truly in fear of loss and disappointment. But with Win, he needs certainty, clearest of day level clarity of how their relationship is defined.
And then there is Win. Sweet little competent middle child king. As someone who is also the 2nd sibling, I am painfully aware of how much pressure, expectations, and loneliness is wrapped up in it. How the only way to remain sane is to be useful and self-sufficient. Wiew is baby but a fiercely loyal one (as he should be, I love that precious nugget), and Waan is crumbling under the suffocating role he is being forced to play by his crappy workaholic father who has lost the plot in more ways than one. He needs to give that man a raise and a 3-week long vacation (with Tul there to just smile at him and play video games) and stop yelling so damn much. These three need a hug, a nap, and a break. But I digress.
Back to Win, he is a giver. Hyperindividualism manifested as the kind mediator, the soft but strong protector. He sends out all the love he never gets to keep for himself and doesn't expect anyone to stick around. He has crafted this self-fulfilling prophecy and doesn't hold tightly to anyone. Waan has even mentioned to him that his kindness could turn into something that hurts him and the ones we love, which is what we end up seeing in Episode 10. Because with Win, what he needs is someone who looks at him and tells him that he is loved not for what he provides but for just being him. Someone who wants to refill the empty cup he has been pouring from.
This is a story about reciprocation and fear of abandonment. A song of isolation and anxiety.
The confession scene for many of us was not what we wanted because we have the sweetness in UWMA that we know is on the horizon. Death by a thousand cuts, is what we are getting. But the point of Between Us is to show the complete road of how our boys with horny hearts of gold go from being in two very different types of emotional exile to a supportive and loving relationship. And I would be remiss if I didn't remind myself and others that this is their FIRST serious relationship. These boys have little to no previous experience with big feelings and taking that leap and hoping the one they love is jumping with them and simultaneously catching them at the same time.
Its a terrifying and heartwrenching saga to go through in the best of scenarios and there is so much hurt, unsureness, and need to be wrapped up and it can be scary if you are waiting for the other shoe to drop while, in tandem, praying for it not to. And in a way, both Win and Team need this kind of tension and to be forced to make solid steps forward.
Unfortunately, Win must have a moment of fear, of being confronted by the consequences of the cavalier nature he has curated. His coolness, the aloof cat-like humility that makes him so darn unattainable. He has to be vulnerable instead of hesitating and testing the waters again. He must cannonball into the depth. And Team, in direct parallel and in some ways opposition, must learn to accept that he is loved and is worthy of love. To not be afraid of being too much, of burdening someone he finds important with his affection, of handing over his feelings and feeling the reciprocation. He must trust that someone swimming with him isn't going to end in pain and loss again.
And that brings us to the emotional rollercoaster at the end of Episode 10. This is called the Black Moment or the Defining Moment when we look literarily at this story arc. Internal conflict must be confronted and we all must accept that we are gonna get a whole lot of big feelings in the last two episodes.
Have faith, intrepid travelers, and keep your arms and feet inside the vehicle at all times.
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pinerbabes · 2 years
Fallout 76 season 3
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At the time the update drops, players will have two slots. These can then be called upon later to be completely rebuilt, should you so choose to. However, now you’ll have new slots to make this a much less heartwrenching decision.Įvery C.A.M.P. takes hours to build, and tearing them down doesn’t seem worth it with the work ahead of you. Whenever you come across a brand new plot to make a brilliant C.A.M.P., it can be hard to justify destroying the old one. This update also finally brings something to the game that players have been eager to get for a long time. These are key locations around the game’s map, and are known to most experienced players after a while. loadouts specialized in different areas will open up the possibilities to go out on various types of runs.įinally, Punch Card Machines will also be present at Train Stations. With this, you can put a machine in your C.A.M.P. You can swap between each at a machine whenever you want.įrom level 25, players will learn the plan to build a Punch Card Machine of their own. loadout slots for each character available at Punch Card Machines. loadouts at level 25, so there’s a serious amount of work to be done before you reach that point. This update adds Punch Card Machines that allow you to change up your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. In Fallout 76: Locked and Loaded, you’ll be able to double-down on your perks even more. For example, making them more adept at surviving radiation or other types of damage. You can then use those cards to specialize your character in a certain way. Your loadout is made up of cards that you collect as you level up a character throughout the game. There’s a lot that this update is changing, so we’ll cover everything we know about below. Fallout 76: Locked and Loaded Update Image Source: PCGamesN This is where the bulk of the new content will come from, and what players should be most excited for. This is going to contain a number of fixes and updates to the base game. The game’s next big update, Fallout 76: Locked and Loaded, will be releasing as well. However, it’s not just Season 4 that’s starting on this date. Players in the PTS can’t progress down the seasonal track, but they will be able to see certain items that will be awarded as part of the season pass. Until that date, the season will be locked out within the PTS. The fourth season for Fallout 76 launches on April 27. Fallout 76 Season 4 Release Date Image Source: Bethesda Let’s kick things off with when all players will be able to experience this. This includes gameplay changes as well as anything else that will be applicable, no matter how small. In this guide, we’ll cover all the details that are known about the fourth season for Fallout 76. However, it also shows all of those players a brief glimpse at the gameplay changes coming with Fallout 76 Season 4. This allows players to experience the next update, Fallout 76: Locked and Loaded, early. At the time of writing, Bethesda has just updated the Fallout 76 PTS (private test server).
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love-toxin · 2 years
Heh, Eddie would wake up all loose and relaxed from one of those times when Perv!Angel came over, and he'd think, "oh shit.... this is nice...." without knowing what was going on....
I can totally imagine it escalating to Perv!Angel leaving notes when he's asleep, because Eddie is asking the empty trailer heartbreaking questions like "Am I even worthy of love?" or " Am I ever gonna get out of here?" or "Will they ever leave me alone?" And Angel comes in when he's asleep and after Angel's done playing with him, leaves a note answering his question, the heartwrenching question he asked in the darkness of his trailer on that night. And Eddie would wake up and find it, and he'd be a tad bit creeped out by it, but after a while, he'd drop his guard and smoke a shitton after a crappy day at school with Jason, and he'd ask another question in the darkness of his room, and once he's asleep, Angel would do the same routine, play with him, leave a note. And this would segue into Eddie somehow thinking that Perv!Angel is an actual Angel, stalker, or some sort of goddess, because every time this happens, things seem to get brighter, better, for him in small, little ways. Like, he gets flowers in his locker, or a new dnd mini. And Eddie just goes on, thinking that he's got a goddess, an Angel(😉), who help him when he falls asleep after a shitty day......
-🍄 (Hi! I'm mushroom anon! I'm new here.... enjoy my gift!)
LITTLE SHROOM UR OUT HERE INCREASING MY SEROTONIN FR!!!! im in absolute shreds over this....unintentionally making eddie worship you even though he doesn't even know who you are, him falling in love with you more and more every day despite not even picking out your face amongst the crowd of people he sees day to day.....him trying harder and harder to find out who you are but you just become more and more elusive, to the point that he's actually getting on his knees and fucking praying to you like he's totally lost his damn mind. and he just wants you so badly, so badly, and has no idea you're listening to every word he says when he thinks he's totally alone ♡
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