menlove · 5 months
having to wear the Hickey Hoodie Of Shame is horrible enough at this big age but the AC being out at work..... this is like textually legitimately homophobia
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sarahghetti · 1 year
can you pretend to be my boyfriend?; m.k.
pairing: marc spector x reader, steven grant x reader, jake lockley x reader
summary: the boys pretend to be your boyfriend in order to save you from a creepy stranger.
warnings: inappropriate behaviour towards the reader, female!reader.
moon knight masterlist | all masterlists
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you lean over the gift shop counter, eyes wide as you ask, “can you pretend to be my boyfriend?”
poor steven is just confused at first.
“pretend to be—wait, what do you mean—?”
he doesn’t get a chance to finish that thought because the man who’s been trying to flirt with you all day suddenly rounds the corner, and you’re out of time.
“there you are!” a smarmy grin, eyes looking you up and down. it makes your skin crawl. “I was worried that you might’ve left before I could get a chance to talk to you again.”
“yeah, wouldn’t want that, now, would we?” you mutter.
it clicks in steven’s brain then, though not exactly fast enough for him to come up with a retort other than, “right, yeah, right.”
the man’s attention doesn’t waver from you, however, and you squirm on the spot. time for a hail mary, you suppose, turning back to steven. “are we still good for lunch, babe?”
“oh, yes, lunch—right, of course, love,” steven nods, more confident. “I just need to finish up some last things here, if you’re willing to wait a bit?”
you’re ready to say no worries, take all the time you need when the guy scoffs, barely sparing steven a glance. “a sales clerk? really?”
“better than the wet tissue you are, bruv,” steven snaps back, so fast that he surprises himself a little. something simmers under the man’s expression, but steven’s faster. “do I need to call security?”
that finally gets to the guy, who just mutters curses under his breath before finally pissing off. your smile is genuine now when you look at steven. “thanks for that.”
“no worries—are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” you nod. “don’t suppose you’re actually free right now, are you? the least I could do is buy you lunch as thanks.”
luckily for the both of you, he is, and he rounds the counter with a wide smile on his face before you lead the two of you out.
he’s just waiting to place his order at a coffee shop when you walk in, some guy hot on your heels and prattling on despite your obvious discomfort.
“oh, hey, babe!” he doesn’t even realize you’re calling out to him until he meets your gaze, and the pleading look in your eyes is all he needs to understand what’s going on. “sorry I’m late.”
“it’s all good.” marc knows the drill, injecting warmth into his smile as he walks up to greet you. he gives you a small nod, letting you know that he’s got your back as he slips his hand into yours. “was worried about you for a minute there.”
“wait, are you two…?” the man looks between you, eyebrows furrowed.
“mhm.” he keeps his tone light, but is secretly watching like a hawk for any signs of escalation. when the guy’s mouth twists into a scowl, marc subtly tugs you behind him.
“you never said you had a boyfriend.” the venom in the words is terrifying, but marc doesn’t flinch.
“no need to cause a scene, man,” he says, tone amicable, but you take a peek at his face and his expression is as hard as stone. “now, if you’ll excuse us.”
marc leads you back into the line to order, squeezing your hand gently to stop you from looking over your shoulder. there’s the heavy stomping of feet before you hear the bell ring over the door as the guy leaves.
the relief is palpable. you finally let go of marc’s hand, face warm as you smile sheepishly at him. “thanks for the help. let me buy you a coffee?”
“don’t worry about it.” he shakes his head, but you offer again and, well, if you insist. he doesn’t mind spending the rest of his afternoon with you at all.
he’s the one to notice your discomfort from across the pub, how you subtly shift away from the man leaning in close to speak directly into your ear.
when you meet his eyes, you mouth, help? and jake doesn’t even think twice before downing the rest of his drink and making his way to your table. he slaps a hand down onto the guy’s shoulder, making him jump. “think you’re in my seat, hombre.”
the man’s greasy smirk twitches, obviously thinking that jake is interrupting his ‘game’ or whatever the fuck. “nah, man, I’m just—”
“trying to hit on my girl, yeah, I can see that.” jake grins at him, but you get the impression that he’s baring his teeth more than anything. he looks to you, and his gaze softens. “you okay, there, baby?”
“better now,” you say, and it’s not a lie.
the guy turns to jake fully, sizing him up. “you think you’re so tough, huh?”
jake doesn’t even blink, just raises a single eyebrow as if daring for him to suggest taking the matter outside. it’s not even a competition, because the man backs off a moment later, angrily slipping out of the booth without looking back.
you don’t breathe until the guy finally leaves the building, at which point a heavy sigh falls from your lips.
“the nerve of that guy,” jake mutters, clicking his tongue.
“right?” you shake your head, then gesture to the now-vacant seat beside you. “care for a drink? I think I owe you after your help back there.”
“you owe me nothing,” he corrects, but slides in beside you anyways, taking your offer with a smile.
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roosterforme · 3 months
Would you graciously give us a glimpse at what it was like the first time Maria invited Bob to her room ?
*loud screeching* *screeching intensifies*
Maddie, I would love nothing more. When Bob first moved in with Maria, he mostly kept to himself. Maria thought he was quiet and reserved, but not in a bad way. He had an adorable smile that he always seemed to bestow on her when they were in a room together, and he smelled good. Like really good. One evening, she found him sitting on the living room floor, his long limbs comically large compared to the sets of Dungeons & Dragons dice he was sorting into organized piles. She watched him from the doorway for a moment, a smile finding its way to her lips, before she made her presence known....
"Hey," she said casually, even though she wanted to moan when she walked close enough to be able to smell his shampoo. Or his laundry detergent. Or whatever it was that she liked so much.
"Maria," he replied, flumbling some of his dice as his cheeks turned a little pink. "Hi." He started to quickly sweep his dice into the tray near his knee with his big hand. "I was just... actually, there's really no cool cover story here. I'm sorting my dice by color like an absolute dork."
She laughed which made him smile as she waved him off like it was nothing to be embarrassed about. "Don't let me stop you. Actually... can I help? It looks kind of fun."
Five minutes later, they had opened a bottle of wine which was sitting on the table with two glasses, and Bob was telling her about his new character while she helped him organize his dice.
"I like this one the best," she said once the bottle of wine was empty. She was poking a sparkly orange d20 with her index finger, and for some reason, Bob leaned in a little closer and pushed a few strands of her hair back from her face.
"You can have it," he told her when her gaze snapped up to meet his. "Since you like it."
Her eyes were wide, and her lips were parted as her tongue darted out to wet them. "Thanks," she murmured softly, wrapping her fingers around the die and taking it to her bedroom with her for the night.
Bob was still thinking about how soft her skin was when he got home from work the next day. Maria was already there, opening her mail. "This one came for you," she told him with a smile, sliding a box across the coffee table.
Part of him was nervous to open it in front of her. She was going to think he had some sort of shopping addiction at this rate. When he unboxed another new dice set, he winced in her direction, but she just laughed in response.
"Should we go ahead and sort them into your collection?" she asked, holding out her hand to look at them. "We could open another bottle of wine."
Honestly, nothing sounded better to Bob. He poured two glasses once again, and they sat on the floor together. As soon as Maria added his new dice to the appropriate color pile where they left them on the living room shelf, she crawled back toward him.
"I kind of wish there were more to put away," she told him. "Hanging out with you is fun."
She looked and sounded sincere. He wanted to touch her again. But this time she beat him to it, crawling right into his lap, letting her fingers brush through his hair.
Maria kissed him, and she tasted like the wine. Her body was soft and warm against his, and when his hands made their way to her hips, she encouraged him to keep going. When he touched the bare skin of her lower back, she stroked his tongue with hers.
"I have an idea," she whispered, nipping at his lips while the combination of her voice and the wine started going to his head. "Why don't you come to my room and see where I put that orange die. It's very close to my bed," she told him as she pulled her shirt over her head.
He was on his feet, helping her up immediately. Maria and Bob stumbled down the hallway to her bed, making out and leaving a trail of clothing along the way. It was a few hours before he took the time to locate the d20 on her nightstand.
The Bradley Bunch
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shubblelive · 1 year
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summary : you and wilbur are having difficulty navigating life together as a couple. that’s nothing a vaguely insulting band-aid can’t solve.
genre : fluff
warnings : probably swearing, too much shakespeare, reader gets a paper cut, mentions of food/eating
pairing : cc!wilbur soot x reader
pronouns : none (you/yours)
featuring : cc!wilbur soot
requested : could i request just some domestic fluff stuff, you can do whatever you want with it honestly i just crave some more wilbur
word count : 1k
note : here you go my lovely anon, i hope you enjoy <3
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over the course of your relationship, you and wilbur had gotten to know each other extremely well. he knew what laundry detergent you used, you knew exactly where he’d put his phone, wherever it was. you’d both been splitting your time between each others’ places, but now, coming up on five years together, you figured it was finally time to get somewhere of your own.
which lead to you spending your thursday night with wilbur on the floor of your new living room, swearing heavily. you were on the phone with the nearest takeout place while he tried to assemble the new coffee table you guys had just bought. he’d already hurt himself, a bandaid with william shakespeare’s face on it stuck to his hand, old timey script saying “go thou and fill another room in hell.”
apparently thursday night was extremely busy, and you were on hold. finally, someone at the shop answered, and you breathed a sigh of relief. “hi, would i be able to get-”
“i’m so sorry we’re swamped here, would you be able to order on the website and i can get back to you?” the poor girl on the other side of the phone sounded exhausted, and you felt bad for bothering her.
“oh, the website’s actually broken,” you cringed at the fact that you were being an inconvenience. “is it okay if-”
“i’m so sorry, give me one second,” you could hear yelling in the background and decided it was better to just hang up and give the workers one less order to worry about.
you put your phone down on the bench and went to turn back to wilbur, banging your head immediately after on an open cabinet.
will heard the thud and poked his head around as best as he could. “you alright, darling? need a bandaid?” he’d been desperate to show off his shakespeare bandaids, but you just shook your head, smiling tiredly. “this should be done in like, ten minutes?” he looked back at his project. “yeah, about that.”
the coffee table was still in pieces, but you didn’t say anything, coming to sit behind him on the sofa, him scooching over on the rug to sit right in front of you. your hands delved into his hair and his chin sat on your knee. “dinner’s not coming,” you informed him, sleepiness heavy in your voice. it had been a long week. all you wanted was to crawl into your newly assembled bed with your partner and sleep forever.
“want me to go pick something up?” he asked. “or i can run to the shops and i can make something?”
you looked at him, smile widening. “maybe in a little while. come sit with me?” the texture of his bandaid was rough against your skin as he placed his hand on your jaw. you leaned into him, smiling blissfully as he wrapped his free arm around you.
“you should go shower, relax for a second. i’ll go out, find some dinner. we can leave the table. i think it’s broken,”
“you’re reading the instruction manual for the fridge,” you pointed out. “the coffee table one’s in the kitchen.”
“i didn’t think i needed to connect the coffee table to the plumbing,”
you laughed. “do you want me to come with you?”
wilbur shook his head. “no, i know your order. i’ll be back in fifteen minutes?” you nodded and he kissed your forehead. “love you.”
“love you too,” your eyes fell shut, and you allowed yourself a few moments before you’d force yourself to get up and go shower. wilbur was right, it was exactly what you needed after a hard day, and you revelled in the warm water. another good thing about moving in with wilbur was that your new shower had incredible water pressure. you fell back on the bed and let yourself sit in silence. wilbur would be back soon, and you wouldn’t have to worry about when he’d have to leave to go back to his place or when you’d have to leave him to go to yours.
he returned, as promised, less than fifteen minutes later, and the two of you sat on the kitchen floor, ignoring the mess of wilbur’s attempt of putting together your furniture. he wasn’t wrong, he’d gotten you exactly what you wanted, and your hand ghosted over the cool tile to come rest on his leg. he let you place your head on your shoulder, and murmured gently in your ear as you both ate. “y’wanna know something, honey?” you hummed in agreement. “this thing says you should leave, and fill another room with hell. i disagree, any room without you is already filled with hell.”
“you’re gross,” you couldn’t stop the smile stretching itself out on your features, face pressed into his arm, both of you tangled in each other on the floor of your new kitchen. you reached blindly for your food and yelped as the side of the paper bag sliced into your finger.
wilbur shot up, your arm buckling under the unexpected weight of holding yourself up in his absence, and he brandished the shakespeare box at you proudly. he placed the plaster gently on your pinkie finger, pressing soft kisses to make you feel better. “do thou amend thy face, and i’ll amend my life.”
wilbur gasped, mock offence prevalent on his face. “if i fix my face, your life will be better. is that what you just said to me?”
you gazed affectionately across the small kitchen at him. “not at all. my life can’t get any better.” he softened, smiling warmly at you as you opened your mouth again. “which is good, cause your face can’t get any worse.”
wilbur laughed, throwing his head back to rest against the drawer, and you couldn’t help yourself, leaning forward to kiss him open-mouthed, bandaged finger running roughly along his brows. he kissed you back, lacing your fingers with his. his index finger, adorned with william shakespeare hooked around your matching pinkie as he pulled you closer to him, deathly warm against the cold tile beneath you as you relaxed fully for the first time all week.
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For drabble, would it inspire you to write about a date or vacation with Henry? I’m obsessed with Henry being sweet behind closed doors 💕
Thank you for requesting, keep them coming I love them sm:)
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My goddess deserved to be spoiled, always so good to me. So I took my dearest girl to Paris, in hope to return to Hampden with my fiancée. It warmed my heart to see her eyes wide and sparkling from the city, it was beautiful. I obviously booked a suite for us, on the top floor, so I could see her wake up happy, with Paris at her feet.
We woke up, had a quiet coffee and breakfast in the morning, but some days we just slept in and had sex while the sun joined us slowly.
Our days were either spent sightseeing, shopping or even just chatting in a café, or even reading together.
We had dinner at an expensive restaurant every night. I loved seeing her getting ready, applying her makeup on, zipping up her dress that hugged her curves perfectly, and she always asked me to help her put on her jewellery, even if she was perfectly capable of putting it on for herself. It brought me satisfaction when her eyes rolled back at the delicious taste of the
cuisine and the wines from the finest french vineries. We talked at the soft candlelight, a bit tipsy from the wine, smoking cigarettes and softly caressing each other, knowing that the night will end with mind blowing sex.
But one night, we got ready for our dinner, except that I had a velvet box in my pocket.
We were waiting for dessert and she stroked my hand. “Thank you for the day, Henry.” She told me this everyday.
“Anything for you, my goddess, you know you musn’t thank me, I would do anything for you gladly.”
“I know, but I am so very grateful for you.” She leaned closer and petted my face. “My dear, spoiling me so nicely…”
“My pleasure. Y/N, my love…”
She giggled, a bit confused at my sudden seriousness. “Yes?”
“I never knew that I could love someone so much as much as I love you, I never thought I could love, until you came into my life…” I said my monologue that I had practised in my head ever since we arrived in the country. Tears were flowing down her cheeks, with a smile.
But, her mouth fell open when I got down on one knee, and it was no surprise when she fell into my arms, repeating ‘yes’ over and over again.
So, that night I didn’t make love to my lovely girl, but to my lovely wife. We only got engaged, but I already looked at her as my wife, ever since I first saw her. It was obvious that a girl like her only comes once in a lifetime, so marrying her was the best choice of my life.
After many many rounds, we were spent and so were our bodies. I slept like a bear everytime she was near me.
I woke up the next morning, with a groan and closed eyes I felt around the sheets, looking for my wife. I opened my eyes when I couldn’t feel her warm body near me, and I saw her at the open window, right next to our bed. She was leaning out the window, smoking a cigarette. Her curvy frame was barely covered with a white button up shirt of mine, she must have picked it up from the ground just now, not even bothering to button it or putting on her panties, while I melted into the white sheets naked.
The sun was shining down on her, and she was swimming in it. My goddess welcomed the sun with closed eyes and a gentle hum. The sun was also shining through the shirt, revealing her skin for me. Her kissable neck, her soft back, her delicate thighs and her graspable butt with wider hips. I was so in love with her, my body and heart both reacted to her immediately.
She turned around and smiled at me. “Is my husband enjoying the view?” She threw her cigarette out and made her way towards me. My cock stirred in that instant, looking for her warm cunt.
“It would be hard not to, especially with a beauty-on-earth wife like mine.” She crawled on top of me, kissing every inch of my face before leaning down and giving me a deep kiss. When I felt her plump lips against mine, I stroked the back of her hair with one hand and pushed her my shirt off her shoulders.
Her breasts were a sight for sore eyes, I kissed all around them and swirled my tongue all around her sensitive nipples, until she begged me to do something.
“Henry, my husband! I cannot take it anymore, I need you, I need you more.” I flipped us so now she was caged under me. I positioned my tip at her entrance, but didn’t push in more than the tip. She grew impatient and wrapped her legs around my waist, only to tighten them and make my hips collide with hers.
I embraced her as her tight walls embraced my member. “My sweet girl, my sweet wife, taking me so well and oh, so tight.”
I threw one of her legs over her shoulder, the sudden position change caused my tip to press into her heavenly spot at her cervix. As I pounded into her she mewled loudly and kissed me to drown out her loud moans. The sun peeked down at our heated love making, or fucking more like.
Her shaking legs and fluttery walls indicated that she was letting go, so I did too. I pumped her full of my thick cum and just stayed inside of her.
We stayed like that for hours, connected both physically and emotionally, smoking cigarettes and just chatting about anything, as husband and wife.
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headkiss · 1 year
I live in the Philippines so I've never experienced fall but I really want to 🥺 can I request for joel miller where he's with reader experiencing fall for the first time like the scenery they're out in a walk, which fall drinks to try etc tysm ❤️
hi lovely!!! tysm for your request! i hope u get to see fall one day <333 | 0.7k of fluff!
Joel was never really the big gesture type. He much prefers the little things. Making an extra cup of coffee in the morning, walking on the half of the sidewalk that’s closer to the road, being the first to the door so he can open it.
Then, he met you, and he realized pretty quickly that there isn’t much he wouldn’t do for you.
So, when you’d told him that you’d never seen fall—experienced it, even—in your life, he booked a trip for two to take you to see it. Being from Texas, growing up there, he’d gone a long time without seeing fall in its entirety, too. He wanted to be the one to give you that experience.
You’d gotten to the little inn Joel booked late last night. Late enough that you hadn’t seen much of anything before crawling into bed and crashing from your travel day.
That’s why Joel’s woken up with hands on his shoulders, shaking them gently, and your voice, light but urging. “Joel, wake up. Wake up, please.”
And, well, when you’re saying ‘please’ all sweet like that he’s gotta open his eyes. He blinks them open and is met with your grinning face, sunlight spilling through the window glowing around you like a halo, hair still messy from sleep.
“Good morning,” he says, morning voice scratchy.
“Come on!”
You’re rushing away from the bed and towards the window as soon as you’re sure Joel’s awake, and by the groan that sounds as he stretches and pushes himself up, you know he’s not too far behind.
He comes to stand behind you at the window, the heat of his chest pressing against your back, his arms wrapping around your front, chin hooked over your shoulder.
You love him like this. You love him all of the time but there’s something special about Joel in the mornings. He’s a little softer, sinewy body still relaxed from being asleep, his eyes puffy and warm. You feel lucky that you get to be with him this way.
You lean into his hold, your head tilted against his, “the leaves.”
A smile twitches at his mouth, the sort of wonder in your voice tugging at the corners. It’s what he wanted, to give you this experience, to be beside you for it. “What about them, sweetheart?”
“They’re orange. Wow.” You huff a little laugh at yourself. “I mean, I knew they would be, but seeing it… Thank you.”
He dips his head to push a kiss into the top of your shoulder. “Get ready. There’s plenty more to see.”
He was right.
Joel picked a town that went all out during fall, that seemed like it was meant to permanently be in the season. Warm-toned coffee shops, decorations hanging from street lamps, trees lining the streets, fallen leaves crunching beneath footsteps.
If your reaction was anything to go by, he’d say he did pretty good, which isn’t always easy for him to think.
His hand is warm in yours despite the cold wind that nips at your skin as you walk, wrapped in the coat that he’d gotten you for this trip, Doc Martens on your feet. You gasp a little in delight every time you step on an extra crunchy leaf.
“We might need to move here,” you say, ninety percent joking.
“Wait until you feel winter, you might change your mind.” Joel’s tone is light, because really, you could probably convince him rather easily.
“You might be right on that one. I think ice on the ground might be my worst enemy. I’d break an ankle or something.”
He shakes his head, chuckling a little because he knows you can be clumsy, but if he were around there’s no way he’d let you break an ankle.
“Come on,” he says, pulling you gently towards the entrance of a cafe, “let’s get you something warm, sweetheart. Can see you trying to hide your shivering.”
You smile down at your feet. You should’ve known he’d catch that. He seems to catch everything, like he pays attention constantly.
The bell above the door jingles when Joel opens it for you, letting you step inside ahead of him. There are fairy lights lining one of the walls, different pictures from around the town forming a collage on another, the floors a warm, brown wood. It’s perfect.
Soon enough, you’ve got something pumpkin flavored in a mug between your hands, Joel sitting across from you at a table in the corner with a mug of his own. Coffee for him.
Most people probably imagine a beach, sun burning hot in the sky, an ocean breeze when they think of a vacation. But this, your first fall and Joel, it’s the best vacation you could ever have.
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 year
the secret joint task force between the usa + denmark has ordered more intel on linger chapter 3 (rhett abbott x oc) & mickey goes for coffee (fanboy x oc). it's a matter of international security.
Should I be sleeping instead of answering this ask right now? Yes. Am I going to ignore sleep and answer it anyway? Also yes. It's a matter of an international security, so how could I not?
Linger chapter 3 takes us inside Lou's head for the first time. We get to see the town and its people from her perspective. It's a long chapter because it has three separate settings: the rodeo, the bar, and Lou's cabin. The scenes in the first two locations are shorter, while the part in Lou's cabin is long. Rhett's drunk and touch-starved and there's only one bed. Here's a snippet of the cabin scene:
“I don’t like sleeping in these,” he mutters, gesturing at his worn blue jeans. “Then take them off,” she says, stepping out of the way, closer to the headboard. “I’m not your Mama.” He huffs out a laugh before standing. He toes off his boots, almost falling over, while Lou turns on the lamp on the nightstand. She busies herself pulling back the quilts and adjusting the pillows, so it’s ready for Rhett when he is. The sound of metal hitting the floor echoes through the cabin. Rhett’s standing next to her in just the black t-shirt and a pair of black boxer briefs that leave surprisingly little to the imagination.  Her cheeks burn at the thought of what this moment would be like if he was sober. “Come on,” she mutters, gesturing to the bed. “Get comfortable, and I’ll get you some more water.” A grin spreads across his devilishly handsome face, and his hooded eyes half-focus on her face. “I thought you weren’t my Ma.” Lou rolls her eyes, but the smile remains. “I’m not,” she tells him and points to the bed. “But I’m a nice person who’ll get your drunk ass some water.”
Mickey goes for coffee is more of a general idea than anything else at the moment. Mei is at work thinking about him when he walks into the coffee shop like she's conjured him up. She's a blushing mess and when he leaves, her coworkers tease her about it to no end. This is what I have for that so far:
“You look like shit.” Mei looked up from the tower of brownies she was building in the display. Her co-worker, Sav, stood leaned against the countertop with her arms crossed and head cocked to the side. “Thanks?” “Did you stay late at the restaurant yesterday?” Mei straightened her back, sliding the display door closed as she did. “Natasha invited me to hang out with her friends afterward,” she replied and wiped her hands on the small apron. Sav raised a brow, pushing her red-rimmed glasses up her nose. “And you went?” Mei smacked her arm in mock offense. “All I’m saying is,” Sav continued as Mei walked around her to the espresso machine, “you’re constantly working and you deserve to let your hair down.” Busying herself with cleaning the machine, she tried not to crawl out of her skin at the barely concealed concern and care in Sav’s voice. She didn’t know what to do with someone who checked in on her well-being, someone who thought work wasn’t everything. That something had to exist beyond the classroom and workplace.  “Did you have fun at least?” Brown eyes and a devastatingly handsome smile appeared in her mind, and the corners of her mouth turned up. They were all nice people, but that conversation by the bonfire had stirred something in her. Some hidden, long-lost feeling she’d been yearning for started bubbling to the surface, spreading warmth in her stomach and her limbs. His heat warmed her more than the bonfire ever could. Mei wiped her hands on her apron and turned to look at Sav. “I did,” she said finally, and moved around her colleague once again. She went to the back room to help Aimee make another batch of blueberry muffins.
Thank you for asking, darling. I hope you enjoy these little snippets from some of my many WIPs. Love you!
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day 2 of doing your best 💓
hey guys! welcome back to day 2 of reaching our full potential and getting out of a rot.
ok so how did you find yesterday? if you have read yesterdays blog? 💓 idk abt you guys but i found it difficult to not pickup my phone and difficult in general but i felt less tired (even after all the exercise) and more happy and clean and confident. lmk in the comments how you felt and write it in your notebook/ journal! 
so guys we have a problem. i have exams coming up and rot + exams= fail. but we are getting out of the rot so i’ll tell you my best tips. for anything that i have to do but i dont want to i either pretend im in a tv show like rory gilmore studying for example or in a game like sims and pretend its my own house not my parents and i clean and feel grownup or i make an aesthetic for it or i pretend im a shopkeeper and i say to my customers ‘oh let me tidy the shop before you come in ‘ etc etc.
so the aesthetic one is super helpful and i have some aesthetics for you for days of the week that i found on pinterest that really helped me!
Monday: New week, new motivation, a pile of finished homework and a nicely organised pencil case. A clean, fresh bullet journal spread and empty to-do lists. Your outfit is ready for you when you wake up, prepared the night before.
Tuesday: Getting into the rhythm, your favourite tunes and morning runs. Your journal starts to fill up, cute drawings decorating the pages. The world seems slow, the week long as it has just started; yet it is chaotic at the same time.
Wednesday: Hump day. Early morning coffee and messy lecture notes, sticky notes with reminders and to-do lists, scribbling on white boards and collapsing in bed with blankets and a good book after a long day, the distant sound of rain hitting your windows.
Thursday: Grabbing brunch with friends and laughing at old memories, green smoothies and almond croissants. Friendly curious talks with your teachers and professors. Working on an assignment due weeks away and watching a movie by the fireplace.
Friday: Looking forward to the weekend, early morning study and typed notes. Going through colourful flashcards at a local cafe, friendly smiles and latte art. Going out at night and loud music blasting through your ears, walking home with friends under the cool air and peaceful stars.
Saturday: Green tea and cold water, warm showers and sleeping in. Readings and PowerPoints, looking out into the busy streets from your beautiful desk.
meeting with friends, engaging conversations during dinner and later crawling into the warmth and comfort of your bed.
sunday: lazy mornings and making pancakes in your pjs, finishing off homework and getting a head start on next weeks readings. dancing freely as you clean and organise and being comfortable in your own skin. doing your leftover homework for next week in comfy clothes with sade playing and rain hitting the windows. watching your favourite tv shows at night and going to bed early ready for the next week.
ok now for your routine for today! 
so hopefully you got a good nights sleep after yesterday. and wake up as early as you can but no earlier than 6 again! wake up, running shorts and baggy tee on again and run fast. it doesnt have to be far. just fast until your sweaty and tired and feeling wobbly and weak in your legs. walk back as soon as you feel that. now take deep breaths and stretch your body. drink water and then shower and tidy your room while playing your fav music and dancing and singing even if your terrible at it! then change into cute clothes and do your hair and makeup if you like that kinda thing (i just wear mascara and i sometimes style my hair) but do whatever suits you! then go downstairs and eat a healthy filling breakfast! then text your friends on messgaes or whatsapp WHILE STANDING. because i dont want either of us sitting scrolling our lives away ever again. then do whatever jobs you need/should do. if you have nothing, help your parents with something or deep clean your room. then meet with your friends for lunch. really listen to them. during a rot i generally just talk about myself if i meet up with people because i am too tired to pay attention. then when you get home think about what you spoke about. now eat a delicious dinner and, if you like baths, run a cosy bath just the way you like it with a tv show playing. my god you earnt it, you are doing so well if you have done up until here but how do you feel? because please, even if you are tired and not enjoying it please keep going, trust me you will feel better. before bed, hug your family and pets it will make you happy. then do your cosy nightime routine and settle into your bed at 9 / 10 LATEST and read until your tired and listen to a cozy sleep story and fall asleep.
alr guys that your routine! 
im so proud of you guys! i dont think anyone is reading this but yeahhh! if your struggling with anything feel free to message me 💓
ok let me know what other kinds of blogs you want 
lots of love xoxo
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coeurdastronaute · 2 years
Atlas: Saturn
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Previously on Atlas
With shortness of breath I'll explain the infinite How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist
The city was still waking as the sun cracked over the horizon. The view from the penthouse saw the lake to the east, now glowing pink and orange before the sun would be hidden behind the thick, heavy clouds that hung like a low ceiling. For just a moment, the city had sunlight before the inevitable storm brewing in the north would descend upon them, filling up gutters and overflowing rain spouts. 
Kara closed her eyes and took a deep breath, remembering and categorizing every smell she could find, the fresh sweets at the coffee shop down the block, the oil from the cars that kicked up the damp streets, the city, growing beneath her feet with a breeze that wafted off the water and reminded her of the pier and the boats pulling and pushing their wares from the water to the shore. 
There were flashes, of her captivity, sometimes. She had to center herself, to escape it, to pull herself from the terror that now seized her when she thought about Xenon’s hands around her throat, or the soul-freezing darkness of the cell he kept her locked in for too long. The instant terror would make her muscles lock up, her joints refusing to bend, her heart refusing to slow. It burned, in that frozen, hollow burn that only frozen, wintery sleet could burn skin, numbing it as well. 
Fear was new for her, almost. She always had a less than healthy amount of a fear. It was in her nature to have less things to be afraid of, being indestructible. But now, she had more fear than she knew what to do with, and it broke parts of her. Tiny parts. Infinitesimal parts. Like a sculptor chiseling away at marble. Tiny cracks and pebbles of her being became a pile of dust at her feet, and there was no putting it back.
The door to the balcony opened quietly. Kara had already listened to Lena grumble in bed that it was empty. She heard the patting of a hand on the vacant side of the bed. She heard the sigh. She heard the footsteps down the hall, padding along to find her, to situate her, to locate and lock her back into the world. 
But she hadn’t moved. She waited for Lena to come save her as she always had. 
Arms circled around her waist and Kara opened her eyes, smiling to herself as a chin dug itself into her back and Lena Luthor draped herself over her protectively, like a living cape. She felt warm lips on her shoulder and a cold nose on the back of her neck. 
“You love sleeping,” Lena reminded her. 
“I didn’t want to wake you.” 
“Dreams again?”
Kara snorted. Dreams was a polite way to put it. Nightmares. Violent, filthy, terrifying nightmares that made her skin crawl and made her sweat through the sheets. Nightmares that felt so real, she couldn’t wake herself out of them. 
Arms squeezed. 
“What time is your appointment with Dr. Kulhari?”
“What can I do, right now, to fix this?” Lena whispered. She rested her head against Kara’s spine and took a deep breath. “Anything. I’ll do anything.” 
Kara clenched her fists as she braced against the railing and swallowed a thick lump that seemed to perpetually exist within her throat now. She wanted to go back to work. She wanted to be back on patrol. She wanted to not feel so tiny and powerless. She wanted Lena to not look at her like it was something that could be fixed. She wanted to punch things. She wanted to not be so angry. She wanted to go back to how things were, when she didn’t feel like she was losing her grip on everything. 
“I’m doing my best,” Kara sighed. 
“I know. I’m… I… I thought I lost you, and I feel like I’m losing you. And there wasn’t anything I could do when you were gone. There’s nothing I can do when you’re here. But I’ll do anything. You want to go to a small island and live in an ocean-front villa for six weeks? We can go. You want to visit your mom? We can be there in a few hours. You want ice cream? I’ll buy you every kind. I can’t fix this, but I can’t lose you.” 
Her breath was warm against her back and Kara liked that-- the feeling of Lena being alive and desperate behind her. She ran her hand along Lena’s forearm that squeezed incredibly tightly around her middle. 
“If you think you could ever lose me, than clearly you don’t understand exactly what I did to get back here.” 
“I meant--”
“I know,” she muttered with a heavy sigh of her own. “You fix it. You do. You make it easier. I’ll be better. I’m trying my best.” 
The bruises were all healed, her body worked as it always had. Kara wondered how long it would take for her brain to follow suit, or if it ever could. She didn’t want to share that fear with anyone just yet, especially Lena. 
“No rush. I just want you to know that whatever you need, I’m ready. No notice at all. You want to move to Nova Scotia? We can. Melbourne? Quit your job? Eat a dozen donuts?”
Kara chuckled despite herself before finally turning around in her girlfriend’s tight grasp and hugging her back as eagerly as she could. 
“I’ll be okay.”
“I know, I just don’t like this.” 
“Having something beyond your control?” 
“Yes. Exactly.” 
Kara smiled and earned a kiss on her neck, on her jaw, on her cheek as her hands slipped to Lena’s hips and then lower as she pushed herself up on her tiptoes to accomplish her mission. 
“I heard you broke into a secured, top-secret government facility and then used private, proprietary technology to find me. Sara was a fan, though my sister and her wife were not.” 
“You know I like to dabble in a little cyber-terrorism in my spare time. Is it really a surprise?” 
“Not at all. Not even surprised that a living computer and an alien from the future were amazed at what you were capable of doing.” 
“Not soon enough. You were the hero who escaped on her own. If I had been able to--”
“Nope. Stop. You did it all,” Kara promised. “Alex is currently on a warpath to figure out how you did it.” 
“That’ll keep her busy for a while then. I’m quite good.” 
It wasn’t the full smile she was used to, but Lena took Kara’s grin as a victory in and of itself, tugging her neck down to kiss her eagerly. 
“I’ll be fine,” Kara promised again. “Want to go see a movie with me this afternoon?” 
“Very much. Can we sneak in food? I’ll bring my big purse.” 
“Sounds good to me,” she smiled a little longer. “You’re not going to get in trouble missing work?” 
“No one will miss me. Jess is more efficient than your sister at keeping people at bay.” 
Lena grinned now, proud of herself despite her girlfriend rolling her eyes at the dig. But Kara just picked her up by the waist until legs wrapped around her and arms clutched at her shoulders. 
“Do you think I should tell Alex to recruit your assistant?” 
“As if she could match my benefits package, retirement plan, and salary. Jess is quite comfortable and worth every penny.”
“What about me?” 
“What about you?” 
“Would you like to share your benefits package with me? I’d like to see if you’re worth every penny.” 
Lena tossed her head back and laugh. Kara liked her messy, sleepy hair, and the way a bun couldn’t contain it. She liked that the shirt fell off her shoulder a bit. She liked that Lena was weightless to her, but still dug into her shoulders to make her feel something. 
“I could be persuaded to give you a pitch.”
“I’d really like to take you inside and have a very hot shower, and explore your benefits.” 
“We can do that.” 
Kara smiled again, this time more natural though still not full. Lena returned it anyway. 
Lena had a plan. 
She thought she had a plan. 
She hadn’t considered Kara Danvers and her extreme thirst for life, and by thirst, of course, she meant nearly the actual thirst that was going to have her vagina broken by the end of the night. She should have remembered that part because Kara was exhausting when she was happy. When there were feelings, deep, dark, twisty feelings, Kara was on a mission to not stop moving until she was absolutely broken, unable to keep her eyes open. 
That was what Kara needed to sleep. Lena thought she was up for the call, but as she felt Kara kiss her back and adjust her leg again, not giving her much time to even come down from the bliss that had been enacted on her just a few minutes prior, Lena knew she was going to die. Kara Danvers. In the bedroom. With her bare hands.
“Come here,” Lena cooed, half out of her mind and exhausted. 
The bedroom was pitch black, but that didn’t matter. She could nearly see the lithe form of her girlfriend moving, prowling, feeling for something. Lena rolled only to pin her to the mattress, the sweat slick between them as it started to cool on their skin. 
“It’s four in the morning,” Kara sighed, panting somewhat. 
“Are you sleepy?” 
A head shook against her shoulder, but Lena closed her eyes, and pulled the damp hair from Kara’s neck before rubbing her back and humming in a sated, content way that meant she was not going to be able to keep her eyes open any longer. 
“Do you want a light on?” Lena murmured as lips kissed her collarbone and a leg slid between her own. 
The sheets would need changed. Again. It’d been an ongoing problem, with Kara working through her grief in the most unexpected and physical of ways. Lena did her best to survive it, but couldn’t keep going how they were. 
“No, I’m okay.” 
“You’ll sleep, right?” 
“I’ll try.” 
Lena clenched her teeth and rubbed the tip of Kara’s ear. She kissed her forehead and kept her close, kept her safe, kept her rooted. 
“What if I told you a story?” 
“I like your voice.” 
“Good. I’ll be quiet. I’ll tell you about my favorite constellations. You have to go to sleep though.” 
“Okay,” Kara nodded, nuzzling in deeper. 
Tired as she was, Lena started with all of her favorite stories, and waited to hear Kara’s breathing level and fall into a soft slumber, and even then she pushed herself to stay awake longer. 
It took months, for Kara to put the cape back on, for her to allow herself back into it. The aftermath of the entire thing had been devastating, but she needed it, she needed the normalcy and the regularity. She needed to go back to being who she was meant to be because at some point, it just got to be too much to exist. 
Kara changed at the DEO though. She was doing it differently, now. She had to. This was all a carefully formulated plan between herself and her DEO-appointed therapist. This was part of letting go and restarting. This was a job. 
She took off the suit and tossed it in a bag. She showered. She tugged on her regular clothes. She walked to the bus stop and got on, her headphones playing something soft and nice. There was no stress. It was an easy day. This was what she needed, to dip her toes back, to put out a fire, to fix a simple fix. She wouldn’t lose it all. She wouldn’t let them win. Lena liked to remind her that she was made of tougher stuff. The toughest stuff, actually. 
On the bus, Kara gave up her seat to an older woman and stood there, happy as she could be. She was going home, to Lena Luthor. There wasn’t anything better, in her opinion. Nothing made the world seem more normal. She was incredibly lucky, to have found that. She certainly wasn’t going to lose it. 
Even before she opened the door, she could smell dinner. She cracked a smile and fiddled with her keys at the door as Lena swore about something in the kitchen. Kara closed her eyes memorized the smell, the taste of the air, the feeling of it against her skin, the sounds of sizzling on the stove and Lena’s music playing softly beneath it all while she sang a little off key and sucked on a burn on her thumb. Kara tilted her head and placed her hands on the door, her palms flat against the metal, and she leaned her head between them, praying, remembering, savoring this moment. That was what she knew how to do now. 
“You’re cooking?” Kara finally murmured as she walked inside. She adjusted her glasses and took in the sight. 
Hair up and slightly falling, sweatshirt sleeves pushed up to her elbows, jeans perfectly sculpting, feet in cozy, comfy socks, Lena Luthor smiled waywardly, a little frazzled as she moved to pull a sheet pan out of the oven. 
“I’m cooking. For you. For your first day back.” 
Lena Luthor was a genius. She had the degrees and lab and membership to all kinds of clubs that had that word in the title. She was fluent in four languages. She owned a boardroom. She was complex and tough to figure out. She was worth it all, but domestic-- domestically inclined Lena Luthor was not. 
“You made me dinner?” 
The most she normally made was a reservation. Lena liked to bake. That was always nice, but dinner was Kara’s specialty, though whatever she was doing was working. 
“I did. Are you hungry? I wanted it to be a surprise, but I realized you might have eaten already.” 
“No, I’m starving. It smells great.” 
“Hopefully it tastes alright.” 
Still moving things around, Lena did her best to finish as Kara moved around the kitchen and kissed her neck, surveying the stovetop and the mess that lived there now. 
“I love you,” Kara murmured into her girlfriend’s neck. 
“I love you, too.” 
“How much longer?” 
“Get,” Lena nudged her, earning a chuckle. “Let me finish. Don’t rush it.” 
“I’m starving to death.” 
“Oh stop.” 
Kara snagged a carrot and took her seat at the island before pouring them both a glass of wine. Never before had she considered marrying Lena Luthor. She hadn’t the time. Just keeping up with her was a full-time job. But in that instant, as she swore under her breath and gratefully took a long swig of wine before looking at Kara quizzically over the rim of the glass, Kara hid behind her own and thought quite simply, I’m going to marry this woman. 
“What? Do I have…” Lena wiped at her face and lips worriedly. 
“Just a smudge,” Kara lied, leaning forward to draw her thumb across Lena’s chin. She sat back down and smiled as the genius went back to making her dinner.
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what is happiness? my teacher asks. my classmates glance at each other and a series of events flow through my mind: 
my best friends and i laugh and tease as we drink coffee and chocolate. the shop is warm, a drink is burning my hands, but my chest feels full and my smile burns muscles in my cheeks and our laughter makes my stomach hurt. 
my mother blasts her favourite songs over the car’s speakers; songs i’ve grown up with and can’t help but sing along to. the windows are down and the wind is running through my hair. my chest might explode with the emotions i feel, swelling out in my voice as i sing. 
i’m playing a game of basketball with my twin. we fight and argue but he plays good and so do i; i shoot and the ball makes a swish as it goes in and i relax. my bones are aching, but it’s a good ache; my brother scowls and congratulates me grudgingly. i grin and feel the sweat run down my face, into my shirt, soaking it.
the sun is shining and i’m curled up on a spot in our garden, a good book in my hands and a light breeze blowing. it’s hot, but not too hot; i feel like a cat as i stretch and stand up, wiping the tears from my face, the book closed and finished on the grass below me. my skin is still warm and there’s an ant crawling on my bare foot. 
the stars are out; i look up into the sky and see a constellation i’ve spent my whole life staring at, dreaming about. i tell orion’s story in my head, again and again, and i think to myself: i’m going to reach those stars. 
i raise my hand in class. i know my answer. 
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bump1nthen1ght · 3 years
I’m Still Hurting (Orc x Reader) Part 2
Pairings: Fem!Reader/Male!Orc
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Angst
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2107 words
Summary: You and your boyfriend establish a new normal
A/N: At long last, the highly requested part two! I had a bit of struggle coming up with a proper followup to the first part (which was part of why I left it with an open-ended ending in the first place lol). Little less angst this time, I felt these two deserved a little sweetness after the last chapter. Hope y'all enjoy!
Part 1
The first thing that caught your eye when you walked by the music store was the Grand Piano. It was gorgeous: Polished mahogany, a nice velvet seat, and keys that looked like they had never seen the sticky fingers of a curious 8 year old.
“Wow, is that new?”
You nod, admiring the old-fashioned air of the instrument. You knew jack shit about music, but even you could tell that this piano was an antique, one probably worth a good chunk of change.
“Must be. I’ve never seen it before and this place is on my way to work.”
Waruck hmms, pressing his hands up against the glass. His eyes sparkle when he sees the “Free to Play” sign right next to the piano. It probably reminds him of his Grandpa’s, the one he played when you guys visited his family for Christmas.
That was a long time ago.
“Want to go in?”
Waruck pulls away from the glass, eyebrows raised. He rubs the back of his neck and steps a couple feet back, trying to curb his enthusiasm.
“Uh, we don’t have to-”
“I don’t mind. It's been a while-” You pause, the slight-anxiety in the air making every casual word difficult, “It’s been a while since I’ve heard you play.”
Waruck smiles, small and polite, and opens the door of the shop for you. Before, he might have done a little bow and said “Ladies First” in a British accent.
But that was before, and this is now. Now, every comment is walking on eggshells, whispered tentatively and under your breath. Testing the waters for how comfortable you two could get around each other.
Still, it was exponential growth from two months ago.
After your meeting at the coffee shop, you had asked Waruck for a month; A month of privacy, for you to collect your thoughts and feelings, to be alone for a bit. He had agreed immediately, shuffling out of the cafe with a hunched back and a melancholy air, but he had kept his promise. You took the time to focus on other things, shifting your relationship to the back of your mind and enjoying the day-to-day.
But a part of you felt a little bad, like maybe you were stringing Waruck along for an inevitable breakup. Getting his hopes up for an extra tortuous punishment that left a sour taste in your mouth. So on one brave Saturday night, you sent him a meme you saw on Instagram, one that reminded you of him.
That second month saw the two of you texting more and more frequently, sending little jokes, asking how your day was, so and so. Each week rebuilt a little bit more of that familiarity, that comfortableness. It finally got to the point where Waruck asked if you were free one weekend. He just wanted to get some lunch and stroll around the neighborhood for a bit. For the first time in a while, that idea didn’t seem too bad.
The air is considerably cooler inside the store, a tiny bell ringing as a rush of air-conditioned air hits both of you. Waruck makes a beeline for the piano, his footsteps short and quick. You feel a smile crawl on your face; He always acted like an excited kid when it came to music.
Waruck plops down in the center of the stool, fingers lightly brushing over the keys in awe. You walk up the piano’s side, laying your hand on the wood and admiring the lack of smudge marks on the polished wood. Waruck tests out a G note and although the sound is short, it’s extremely pleasant. Waruck’s smile grows even larger.
“When I was a young boy…”
You mutter under your breath. Waruck chuckles, quickly continuing onto a G flat.
“My father took me into the city,” Waruck hums
“To see a marching band.” The two of you sing together, laughing a little bit too loudly and gaining a sharp look from the tired sales clerk. Waruck waves a little apology, but that playful grin stays on his face.
“Wow, that brings back some repressed Hot Topic memories.”
“Seriously. I can almost feel the book my band teacher used to thwack me with. Me and my buddies would sneak into the choir room and play that all the time.” Waruck’s fingers dance over a couple more notes, aimless.
You’ve always liked watching Waruck play. His fingers were so dextrous and controlled,  not to mention long and nicely articulated. He’d probably make good money from a hand-model side-gig.
“Want to take a seat?”
You shift your focus away from Waruck’s hands. He’s made space on the bench and pats the open space next to him.
“Yeah, sure.” You say, despite the fast pace your heart is now beating.
You keep a solid two inches of distance between your bodies, keeping your thighs together as to not brush your legs with his. It felt like a middle school dance, keeping a bible length away from your partner to avoid the disapproving stare of the chaperones.
Waruck nods, absentmindedly running his fingers up the scale. “Any requests?”
Immediately, all non-love songs depart from your brain. One of your favorite pieces sits on the tip of your tongue and your brain refuses to let it go. You shake your head.
“Nope. It’s all yours, music man.”
Waruck chuckles, a little louder and a lot more comfortable, as he sits deeper in his seat.
“Prepare,” Waruck cracks his knuckles, “to be amazed.”
You bite back a laugh. He’s still such a dork.
He starts to play, his hands easily finding the right keys, moving like a well-oiled machine. Your heart nearly skips a beat before it melts into a puddle of sentiment.
It’s your favorite.
The song brings back memories of your childhood, a rainy day in, and delicious food. It’s like chicken soup for the soul and you can feel any of the left over tension leave your body.
Waruck’s eyebrows furrow with concentration, but he has a large smile on his face, his large tusks peeking out from his lips. His arm stretches across the piano as the song hits its most fast-paced part. His biceps and shoulders lean more into your space, but the feeling isn’t unwelcome. It feels natural, as if his presence and yours is part of the piece itself.
Waruck’s thigh brushes against yours, but his pace doesn’t falter and neither does yours. You stay enraptured, watching how easily he slips into the music. You barely even notice how you have begun to lean closer to his side; Your mind says it’s to give his arms plenty of space to play, but it’s still far more comfortable than you are willing to admit.
How easy it feels, in the moment, to fall back into routine.
The song begins slowing to a stop, only a couple seconds left, when the sounds of the music shop return to you. A giggle from not too far rings discordant with Waruck’s piano.
Three girls stand not too far from you, watching with fascination as Waruck plays.
“Wow, he is so good!” One whispers to her friends.
There is nothing even remotely lascivious in their eyes or in their words, but a knife still twists in your gut. Your throat constricts as flashes of your bedroom, of unanswered texts, and a picture of a bar corner booth send needles down your spine and into your heart.
Is this wrong? Is this giddy feeling you have only distracting you from reality? Is it like this song, Waruck’s playing, beautiful but temporary?
“Ugh, I want what they have.”
“I know, right? How romantic.”
They’re wrong, you’re wrong, this is wrong; It’s fake, fake, fa-
Your eyes dart to and fro, trying to desperately avoid Waruck’s quickly overwhelming body heat and your audience, before it catches on the distorted shape of your reflection in the window.
The glass is old, slightly drooping, even the golden lettering of the music shop’s name looks dusty and sun-bleached.
But what is unmistakable is you and Waruck. Waruck, playing piano, and looking at you. Looking at you with the love in his eyes you thought had died, or had never been there at all. The group of girls stands in the background, small and out of focus.
And Waruck is staring at you.
“Are you okay?” Waruck asks, his warm hand on your shoulder.
You whip your neck around, almost getting whiplash.
You’re here, in the music store, with your boyfriend. He looks at you, brow slightly puzzled from your wild eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I,” You suck in a deep breath, “Sorry, I guess I got lost in my own head. That song gets me kind of nostalgic.”
Waruck pats your shoulder and you miss it’s heat when he pulls it back to his side. He smiles, but you can tell he is still slightly worried.
“No problem, I get it.”
You notice now how much closer Waruck is to you. His chest has shifted towards yours, the fabric of his shirt sleeve pressing against the skin of your bicep. Waruck’s knee absentmindedly knocks into yours, but the contact doesn’t sting or jolt you. Not even the continuing silence makes the situation awkward.
It’s nice.
“Do you want to check out the record aisle? They might actually have that piece on vinyl.”
Waruck gestures with his thumb to the piles of CD’s and records not too far from you two. You nod
“Yeah, that sounds great.”
The two of you spend about an hour in the music store, pointing out hilarious cover art and admiring some vintage finds. Waruck even gets you to chuckle a couple of times, slowly bringing out his old cheesy puns.
Waruck’s missed this.
You two walk out of the music store at the tail end of one of Waruck’s jokes, you playfully punching his shoulder.
The two of you wander, in the opposite direction of your cars, for a little while. But Waruck hasn’t lost track of time; No, he’s soaking in every moment he can, every smile and lingering look you give him. Every reminder that this is real.
He spent a week agonizing over what he did. Stuck in silence as he gave you your space. His friends (His real friends, not those assholes from the bar) had offered to come by and keep him company, but he turned it down.
When Waruck got back into routine, it was slow-rolling. It was difficult to fight the instinct to check his phone for a good-morning text, or check your Instagram for any ‘post-breakup’ partying.
No, he had already broken your trust once. The least he could do was give you some time. Spend some hour not wallowing in self-pity, but actively make a change.
Waruck began to accept those invites to a chill hang out, playing some poker and sipping on beer with the gang. He played his keyboard when the thoughts got too loud and went jogging when the music wasn’t loud enough. He called his mom a couple of times, even sent his sister a  couple of texts to catch up. They hadn’t spoken outside of holidays for almost three years.
Maybe he was the one that needed time.
God, why did you have to be so smart?
“Oh shit, how long have we been walking?” You mutter, checking your watch for the time. Waruck turns around you, already knowing the answer was 27 minutes, exactly. The both of you were nearing the edge of the neighborhood, cafes and shops turning into residential suburbs. “Dang, time really flies, huh?”
Waruck smiles.
“With you? It always does.”
You give him a half smile, patting his bicep. “Oh my god, you’re such a cheeseball.”
Waruck winks and shoots you some finger guns.
“You know it babe.”
You giggle, checking your watch once more, face turning just a little bit.
“I should probably head back, I’m getting dinner with some friends tonight.”
A small part of Waruck yearns for more time, but he lets it go.
Space, this was about establishing space.
“I had a lot of fun today, Waruck.” You step a little closer, Waruck’s heart skips a beat.
“Me too.” He whispers, his breath catching as your fingers brush against his.
It’s a simple gesture, one you’ve down a million times. But when your palm slips into his, your finger’s interlocking, it’s like fireworks have gone off.
“Same time, next week?”
Waruck nods, not trusting himself to speak without a voice crack.
That’s all he needed, all you wanted; The promise of the future.
“Yes, I would love that.”
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babykatsu · 3 years
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PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
RATING: nsfw
WARNINGS: jealous bakugou, sexual implications (no full on smut), kinda fluff?, strong language, aged-up of course
REQUEST: @anniebromberg tysmm for requesting<3 here’s a lil jealous bakugou fic!! it was really fun to finally write again. i really hope u like it <3 🤲🏻
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Katsuki, your boyfriend, made sure EVERYONE knew that you were his. Well, for the most part at least. He was not one for PDA since he still liked his privacy. You know, some things are better left just for the two of you to enjoy behind the scenes. But this habit of his led to something else... So when you were both out for a short coffee date that you had somehow managed to arrange amidst your busy schedules, Katsuki was beyond fuming to see an extra trying to flirt with you.
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The smell of roasted coffee beans filled your nose as your boyfriend gently opened the door to the cafe you frequented. The rich bitter fragrance, with a hint of its inviting warmth, filled the atmosphere. It made your mouth water and yearn for that creamy, smooth drink. The subtle chatter of the customers, the clinking of cups, and other cutlery gently grazed your hearing. Nostalgic. That was the best way to put how you felt right now. It took you back to your first date with Katsuki, and though he will never admit it, this exact coffee shop is his favorite date spot. The subtle way his hand slipped out from yours as you two approached the counter interrupted your train of thought.
"Katsuki?" You questioned.
"I'll be back. I need to go to the toilet real quick. Don't order without me, okay?"
"Of course!"
With that, he shuffled his way through a couple of people before disappearing out of your vision. Awkwardly, you made your way off to the side elsewhere. In your little corner of the shop, you eyed people regularly coming in and out of the cafe. Admittedly, aimlessly standing there observing people was a tad bit uncomfortable and honestly creepy, but you knew Katsuki wouldn't take long. Well, you hoped so, at least.
Your solitude, however, did not last long. It took barely a couple of minutes before one of the people who had entered the establishment locked their eyes with yours. Not only did they maintain their gaze on you, but they even began making their way to you. In embarrassment, you glanced off to the side, eyes glued to where you last saw Katsuki go, awaiting to see his familiar face in the masses. To your disappointment, he wasn't there. And now this stranger was right next to you.
"waiting for your order, sweetheart?" A scratchy husk voice questioned, nudging their shoulder to yours almost in a joking manner. You didn't take lightly to the friendly gesture, feeling somewhat violated by the invasion of personal space.
"I haven't ordered yet" You smiled briskly, finally facing the person beside you. Your response only acted as an open invitation for this complete randomer to get even closer, their hand slithering around your waist.
"How about I buy you a drink, darling? How does that sound?" Though you tried to budge, it felt as though it only made the stranger cling to you tighter. 
As your heart drummed against your chest, you pleaded for Katsuki to get back soon. And to your delight, you heard his familiar voice as he obnoxiously cleared his throat.
The man's seemingly tight grasp on you loosened, taking a few steps back from you as he glanced back at your boyfriend.
"You with them?" The stranger asked, seemingly anxious. It didn't take long until Katsuki interlocked his fingers with yours, palms sweaty and his grip firm.
"The fuck do you think, dumbass?"
You knew Bakugou wanted to raise his voice, but you saw his restraint.  He was clenching his jaw as he spoke through gritted teeth. And worst of all, you could see the hazy distress in his eyes as he stared down at the man in front of him. Perhaps he was holding back to save you the humiliation of causing a stir in your favorite cafe, or maybe this was his breaking point. You never really knew what went through Katsuki's head, but the defeat you sensed come from him had you worried.
"Stop just looking at me and fuck off already." Katsuki spat out before dragging you out of the coffee shop.
Oddly enough, you'd think him aggressively yelling would depict his frustration more. Only, in this case, his silence was deafening. He marched around Tokyo's streets as you delayed behind him, his hand refusing to let go of yours
"Katsuki! Hold on!" You just barely let out. "We are going home." He spoke bluntly. "Do you not have to be back to work in 20 minutes?" With a frustrated sigh escaping his parted lips, he came to a halt.
"Then can we hurry up and get home, y/n?" Facing you, he spoke in a beaten tone.
He squeezed your hand tighter in reassurance before resuming his stride, only this time walking at a more manageable pace for you to keep up.
"You know I hate it when those extras try and talk to you. It's my fault for leaving you alone." He avoided eye contact as he stared up ahead, his car coming into view.
"And I know it's not your fault that dumbasses like that approach you but it still frustrates me, you know. Like, at least if you're with me, the bare minimum I could do is make sure those jerks know their place."
You always knew he was protective over you, usually never hesitating to bark out at those who tried to approach you, yet this time was different. This time felt like he was fed up beyond recognition. A random stranger flirting with you interrupted the date you two had managed to arrange after weeks of not having any alone time.
"Please don't stress yourself over that, baby! I promise you don't have to worry. I don't want anyone but you." You reassured, encircling yourself around his arm. Pulling out his car keys, you heard the familiar chime of his car unlocking.
"I know. It's still gonna annoy me nonetheless, though. How fucking hard is it for them to understand that you're mine and not theirs?"
Swiftly, he lowered you into the car seat as you unhooked yourself from his arm. You waited as he rounded the car, taking his seat next to you. Dropping his head back, he let out another frustrated sigh.
You didn’t know how exactly to break this tension that was between you two. You clasped his hand before saying the only thing that you knew that Katsuki could never turn down.
"Then make sure they know I'm yours." you challenged with a slight grin on your face.
He raised a brow at you, doubtingly but regardless, you could see him try and contain the smile that was growing in his face.
"Do you really want to challenge me to that?" His face lit up as he tilted it towards you.
"You have 15 minutes before you have to be back at work. Do your best-" But before you could fully complete your sentence, his lips had already fallen on yours. This wasn’t exactly the way you expected him to accept your challenge. But how could you deny him?
"I'll make sure everyone knows who you fucking belong to, darling." His breath trickled down your neck as he nibbled at your ear, causing goosebumps to dance down your skin. Butterflies swarmed your stomach as you began to feel excited for what he would do next.
His silky lips glided against every inch of  exposed skin and his hands didn't hesitate to caress everything his lips couldn't reach.  Lightly, he raised his head once more, his darkened crimson eyes peering at you with his signature stare. Gaze dipping lower down your face, he studied your lips, glazed in his previous embrace.
His plump mouth reconnected with yours, gently melting against you. The taste of caramel dripping from his tongue as it swiped your bottom lip. You savored every taste of him, granting him access. Delicate yet rough, he readily explored your mouth. Whirling his tongue around yours, before pulling away to tug at your lip. From gently pecks, to deep french kisses, he kept you guessing every time he leaned back in. And he continued to devour you, breathlessly pressing further into you as he only ventured you further. His hands crawling up your shirt, kneading your waist as he drove his chest towards yours. There was no space left between you two. The thrashing of his heart more noticeable than ever, you felt the adrenaline that ran around his body similarly to your own. Breathless, he parted from you. His cheeks scattered in a pink shimmer as his chest rose up and down as he panted for air.
"Hope on" He motioned to his lap.
And you did just that, throwing one leg over and repositioning yourself to rest above him.
His hands resumed their adventure, leisurely inching up your thighs as his thumbs rubbed in circles. Higher and higher Katsuki's hands reached, and you grew more feverish by the moment. Eyes fluttering to his lips and next down his body, you felt the pit of your stomach lust in anticipation and nervousness.
"Don't tease me now! You know we don't have time" You whined, rocking yourself against him before leaning in to meet his lips. But, he yanked away.
"Say please" He tipped his head, a taunting grin plastered across his face. You couldn't help but feel yourself get warm at his words, a drop of embarrassment streaming through you.
"P-please" You somewhat stammered, but Bakugou adhered to his word, cupping your face and drawing you back towards himself.
His hands slipped up your back, chilly fingers hovering just above your skin as they traced up and down the ridges of your spine. But these more satiny touches soon turned desperate once more. You were met by the clawing of his nails against your back. Down, his lips crept to your neck where he resumed his caresses. Gentle squirms and cries hung from your lips as you felt every lick his cushiony tongue made, every moment his teeth immersed into your skin, and every kiss he settled thereafter. There was no doubt he had left marks and it excited your body all over as you heaved for air. Tugging yourself to him, he bucked his hips up causing a groan to leave him, his breath lingering softly as it cascaded across the back of your neck. The feeling of his hardened cock leaving you craving for more.
But before you continue your endeavor, the sound of an alarm broke you from one another. Bakugou reached for his phone before being greeted with the message he wanted to see the least right now.
'work starts in 3 minutes'
This only meant you'd have to continue what you two had started after work, which only riled you two on more.
“I’ll finish you off at home. Got it?”
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hogarthwrites · 3 years
bad decisions
pairing: prison flashback sam drake/reader (m/f)
genre: smut, fluff, college au
warnings: graphic sex, breeding kink, daddy kink
words: 1,262
“Speaking of,” his voice got low and he placed his hands on your hip, almost daring to go lower. “What do you say we go back to my dorm for a bit?”
i wrote this thinking of sam in the prison flashback when he was in his 20's because i love him a lot i think he's very cute
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The library was practically empty that morning, luckily for you. It gave you a reason to give Sam sneaky kisses as he immersed himself in textbooks and notes. It was routine to be studying together every other morning so he didn't mind the extra kisses on cheek.
“I'm bored,” you huffed and lay your head down on your notebook.
“Already?” Sam glanced down at you and chuckled. “We haven't been here that long.”
“I'm just not in the mood to learn about theory or whatever,” you muttered.
You looked at Sam as he focused on a paragraph on life in Nassau, admiring how his eyebrows furrowed as he read the passage over and over, pushing back stray hair falling over his hazel eyes. He had a grey hoodie over an old mustard coloured band shirt and he looked cosy as ever.
“Sam?” You nudged him. “I'm cold.”
“Okay,” he got the hint and slid his hoodie off to hang it over your shoulder.
You smiled at Sam as you zipped it up.
“You're giving that back,” he said.
He simply chuckled as he turned back to his notes. You stared at your own, eyes blurring. You yawned, wiping the tears away from your tired eyes and before you knew it, you were lying on your notebook again.
It was the kind of nap that probably just lasted twenty minutes, but in your tired, sleep deprived state, it felt so longer. You were nice and warm, dreaming about… What was it? Sam’s voice?
“Hey,” he shook you gently. “Let's go.”
“Huh?” You blinked, the sunlight from the window and fluorescent lights of the library in your eyes. “Go where?”
“Outta here,” Sam stuffed his books into his backpack and you followed. “Aren't you hungry?”
“Is it lunchtime already?” You glanced at the clock behind you. Quarter to eleven. “How long was I out?”
“Half an hour? Maybe less?”
He took your hand as you stood up, still a little groggy from your nap and led you out the library to the coolness outside. Students loitered around, others rushing to their classes, but you and Sam made your way to the coffee shop on campus where you bought two coffees and sandwiches.
You had a little spot you unofficially claimed together under a tree on the lawn in front of the campus (mostly because Sam had carved your initials on the tree). He leaned back, eating his sandwich as you put your head on his shoulder. There wasn't much conversation whenever you hung out like that, but you were just happy to be around him.
“Chloe and Nadine are playing at that little music festival,” Sam said. “Do you wanna go after class? I'll pick you up at your building.”
“For real? That'll be awesome. I didn't even know there was a festival.”
“That's because you don't care about anything happening on campus.”
“Yeah,” you laughed. “I'm just here for the diploma.”
“And to hang out with your very smart, very good looking boyfriend?” Sam gave you a smug smile.
“Exactly,” you sat up and kissed him.
“Speaking of,” his voice got low and he placed his hands on your hip, almost daring to go lower. “What do you say we go back to my dorm for a bit?”
“What are we gonna do?” You looked at him through your eyelashes.
“Oh, you know… Bad decisions.”
“Bad decisions?” You laughed.
“It'll be fun,” he grinned.
“I like fun.”
Sam was all over you as soon as the door of his dorm room was shut and locked. He hastily stripped off his shirt and pushed you down on his bed, all the while kissing and touching you.
“I'm so happy your roommate’s never here,” you giggled as he moved down, pulling your jeans and underwear off.
“Sucks for him,” Sam smiled as he spread your legs.
“Poor Steve.”
“Steve schmeve,” Sam pushed your hips down. “I love how wet you always are for me.”
“Can you blame me?” You ran your fingers through his hair, gasping as he licked you from your opening to your clit. “Oh, god.”
He held you down as he ate you out, switching between licking and sucking on your clit and sliding his tongue inside you. Your hands were clasped over your mouth, trying not to moan out too loudly just in case the walls were thin enough for anyone to hear. Sam didn't care; he continued licking, sucking, eventually sliding one finger, then another.
He sat up, his lips and stubble glistening from the wetness of your pussy, and he gave you a look that you knew was bad news. Or maybe it was good news as he started vigorously fingering you. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over you and you eventually came, squirting all over his arm and his jeans.
“God damn,” he said in a low voice as he hovered over you to kiss you.
In the fogged up state of your mind, you didn’t hear as Sam unzipped his jeans, pulling it down enough down his ass, his cock hard and ready for you.
“Oh, fuck yes,” you whispered as he pushed inside you slowly. “Is -- Is this what you meant by bad decisions?”
“Not just yet,” he winked as he grabbed your hips.
You groaned as he began pounding into you, pushing his hoodie and your shirt up over your breasts so he could watch them bounce as he fucked you. At this point, you were biting at your hand, moaning into it as Sam kept eye contact with you.
“So fucking sexy,” Sam groaned, slamming his hips into you hard. “Do you want me to cum in you?”
Just the question turned you on even more you almost came, enthusiastically nodding.
“Hell yeah, baby,” you managed to moan. “Cum inside me.”
“I'm gonna fucking cum inside you, I’m not gonna stop until I put a baby in you,” his fingers dug into your skin as he continued his quick pace.
“Yes daddy, I wanna have your babies,” you wrapped your legs around his waist. “Make me make bad decisions, baby.”
You reached down to rub yourself, feeling that familiar feeling begin in your core.Your eyes rolled back as you came again, moaning out his name.
Sam wasn't far behind as his movements became erratic. He pushed deep inside you as he came, stilling his hips inside you before finally pulling out.
“God damn,” he whispered as he watched his cum drip down your pussy to your ass. “I hope you've been taking your pills.”
“What if I haven't?”
“Then this really was a horrible decision,” he gave you a smug grin as he crawled on top of you to kiss you hard. “But seriously, did you take them?”
“Duh,” you laughed, pulling him down on the bed next to you.
You set an alarm for an hour before your class as you napped on Sam’s chest, but when it finally rang, you sighed, wondering if you wanted to go to class.
You padded your way to the tiny bathroom to wash yourself off and to get dressed. Sam’s shirts were always sprawled around his side of the room but you preferred the hoodie you were wearing earlier to hide your now disheveled shirt.
Gone to class (ugh). See you later.
You placed the letter on the pillow next to Sam as he slept, strands of his dark hair covering his eyes. He really looked peaceful in his sleep and you couldn't help but give his cheek a small kiss before leaving.
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shadowsinger11 · 4 years
Adult Fun
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Requested by @theweasleytwinsgirl: hi love, can i request a fred fic in which it is quarantine then reader and fred try do it but their baby keeps on crying, thanks love!
Warnings: smut in case you haven't figured this out, pouty Freddie is adorable af
A/N: My god, I actually loved this request a lot! And I really enjoyed writing it lmao
Gif is not mine
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Having a child with Fred was a blessing. The war was merciful enough to let you leave unharmed and years later you were lucky enough to have a baby of your own as you had dreamed for such long time.
Fred was an incredible father, no doubt, he was extremely caring and loving, showing a much softer side to your kid; one you'd never guess he had. But with the responsibility of raising a child came very limited time for you and Fred to relax, and it was understandable to say that your husband had become unusually moody over the past year since your baby was born.
Fred truly loved being a parent, but he really missed those passionate, intimate moments he used to share with you as his wife. He missed having your body trembling beneath him, he missed the feeling of your heated skin moving against his.
His need for you was growing stronger overtime and it had become terribly obvious when he started to walk around your house shirtless more often, pants hanging a little lower and hair messier than usual. But you couldn't really blame him; you'd been craving some adult time with your lover just as much as he did.
When quarantine struck, you handled it surprisingly well.
It was unpleasant to not be able to meet your loved ones for awhile, but at least you and Fred had more time to spend with each other. That's when his touches became lingering, more urgent and even slightly rough. Gentle caresses of your thighs and hips would turn into squeezing the soft flesh and chaste kisses would end with his tongue between your lips.
You hated to admit that the lack of intimacy was taking a toll on you as well. And unfortunately, baby naps weren't of enough time for you to catch up with what you both desperately wanted.
And that's why you tried very hard to keep yourselves busy while being stuck at home with your baby asleep upstairs.
Dozens of movies, TV shows, board games and even some poor cooking attempts which ended in a disaster, did nothing to help you and Fred in the months of a global pandemic and you ended up lying on the couch in your living room with absolutely nothing to.
"Merlin, I cannot possibly watch another episode," grumbled Fred, tossing the remote aside. "My head's about to explode."
You chuckled at his antic, but couldn't help but agree, "Honestly, mine too."
Your legs were nestled between Fred's long ones, head resting peacefully on his chest as he lazily ran fingers through your hair. You buried your face into the cotton of his red T-shirt and inhaled his characteristic scent of coffee and cedar, not planning to move away anytime soon. It had been exceptionally rare to be able to spend entire days simply cuddling your lover, but once quarantine happened, you often found yourselves snuggled up on the couch in your pajamas and you cherished those moments of seemingly eternal peace and security.
The way Fred tenderly caressed your sides up and down nearly caused you to fall asleep and you hugged him closer.
"You know what we haven't done in awhile?" Fred's low, groggy voice brought you back to consciousness. You slightly pulled away to look at him and sat between his legs.
After months of not having to run the shop, Fred didn't find it as necessary as before to make himself that presentable and his wild ginger hair now nearly reached his shoulders. But at the end, it was you who most enjoyed his messy, laid back look.
You lifted a hand to caress his cheek, thin stubble tingling your fingertips, and asked timidly, already having a vague idea.
Fred involuntarily licked his lips and reached a hand to the collar of your thin shirt, gently slipping the hem down your shoulder to expose your bare neck and collarbones. His thumb traced patterns over the sensitive skin, causing goosebumps to rise upon it, and you looked into his eyes, dark brown irises blown with desire which you hadn't encountered in a long time and made you shudder under his touch.
"It's been awhile since I last had you," he purred, the corners of his lips curling up in a dark smirk that immediately sent you into submission and had you craving. "Will you let me have you now, little girl?"
Your mind immediately wandered to your child.
"What about the baby?" you asked, worried.
"Nothing will happen as long as we're quiet," Fred shrugged, then switched back to his dominant persona and caressed your bottom lip with his thumb. "Can you be quiet for me?"
A strangled moan tore from your throat before you managed to stop it, and you eagerly placed your legs on either side of your lover's lap, wrapping hands around his neck. Fred's grin grew wider at your neediness and his hands came down to greedily squeeze your hips and ass. He slammed his mouth onto yours, devouring your desperate whimpers and causing you to grip the hair at the nape of his neck. 
You rolled your hips against Fred's, hinting at how impatient you were, and he was more than happy to carefully lay you back on the couch and slip off your pajama shorts. His eyes stared at your black panties, undoubtedly damp at that point, and you could tell by his furrowed brow that Fred was already recalling all the things he'd planned to do to you for quite a long time.
"Darling, we have a lot of catching up to do," he breathed and ran a finger over your clothed core. It was warm and positively soaked, and Fred's mind went wild with uncontrollable hunger. His fingers tugged at the hem of your panties and slowly slid them down your thighs and legs, aiming to savor the moment before finally getting what he wanted.
The desire growing in his pants made it very clear that Fred needed release just as much as you did, so you let a hand wander down your body, giving him a show of your exposed pussy. You knew your game had worked when you earned a low growl from Fred, and he crawled between your legs, tongue wettening your swollen lips with one long lick.
"Fred..." you sighed and your head fell back, hands coming down to fist his ginger locks once again.
A cry from upstairs caused Fred to pull away.
You shared a knowing, slightly disappointed look. Fred groaned quietly, but rose to his feet nonetheless.
"I'll get it."
You lied back with a heavy sigh, staring up at the ceiling for the few extremely long minutes in which Fred was gone. You were relieved when the crying soon ceased, and you grinned widely as your lover crawled up to you, looking at you up and down.
"Where were we?" he asked smugly, smiling against your lips. You giggled into the kiss, arms grabbing onto his shoulders for support as his hand slipped between your thighs, fingers slyly playing with your folds and getting coated in your juices.
You bit back a low moan, buckling your hips up to create more friction. Fred's pace turned more urgent and he slipped two fingers inside you, thumb rubbing your swollen clit in rapid circles. Your sighs turned into choked gasps and your thighs began to quiver.
That was exactly what Fred had missed so dearly. He missed seeing you in such a pure state of pleasure; the rising and falling of your chest, your puffed parted lips, your eyes squeezed shut from the unbearable euphoria. Fred had terribly missed being the one to make you feel ecstatic.
Soon the spark in your belly ignited and you came hard around Fred's fingers, biting into the back of your hand to muffle the filthy moans that threatened to escape. That was the moment when he found you most beautiful; natural, radiant and happy.
His patience was wearing thin at that point, his erection aching from the lack ot touch, and Fred quickly took off his pants and underwear. His thick cock was painfully hard, the red swollen tip already leaking precum, and the prominent vein from the underside had you longing to taste it.
Fred gave his length a few slow strokes and your mouth began to water.
You eagerly spread your legs, inviting your lover to take you, and he nearly did, holding your thighs open to position himself at your entrance.
But the baby cried out again.
Fred cursed under his breath, the frustration finally taking over him for not being able to make love to you properly.
"I don't understand!" he whined, pulling back to sit on the couch. "It's not hungry, nor does it need a change of the diaper. What am I doing wrong?"
You moved closer to him and brushed a strand of ginger hair behind his ear. His pouty face both made you want to laugh and be sympathetic, and you gave him a sweet, apologetic smile.
"Chances are, it probably only needs a bit of some motherly charm to fall asleep."
Fred still seemed unsatisfied with having been interrupted after finally getting some alone time with you for the first time in what seemed like forever, but he didn't object as you put your clothes back on and left to check up on the baby.
However, before you walked up the stairs, you glanced at Fred over your shoulder with a mischievous smirk that immediately replaced the scowl on his face with a hungry expression.
"Give me a few minutes. And then I'm sucking you off."
@self-ship-love @susceptible-but-siriusexual @hufflexpuff @neovannii
Message me if you want to be added to the tag list, babes
Reblog my work if you enjoyed it!
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resident-mercie · 3 years
Carlos Oliveira - Fluff Fic.
Coffee For Carlos - Chapter Two.
i'm sorry this took so long to release! i've had a pretty hectic few days at college, but tomorrow is my last day before the weekend so i can finally relax. reminder that this is from the perspective of a fem!reader, but i will keep it as gender neutral as possible!
"Yeah, partners." Carlos gave you another smile. "This place is pretty popular, so it gets a bit hectic. I'm glad I finally have another buddy to work with - you'll be rushed off your feet if you're alone."
The thought of working so closely with this man you just met was sort of electrifying. You'd hardly been in the city for a few hours, and yet you found yourself befriending someone already.
"You alright?" he leant towards you, close enough that you could smell his musk - hell, you'd known him for only ten minutes, but you felt secure around him.
"Yeah, I think so. I'm ready." you smiled back, standing up from the bench, and pushing the door open together.
You had no idea what to expect from the coffee shop, but it was perfect - the inviting aroma, dark oak furniture, and shelves upon shelves of artisanal coffee beans that adorned the walls. It was perfect, you thought. Your hometown had nothing as inviting and cosy as this, just a diner that had become increasingly dilapidated over the years.
"What do you think, huh?" Carlos placed his hands on his hips proudly. "I think you'll really like it here. Come on, let's find the boss."
Without thinking, Carlos took your hand, guiding you to a small staircase near the back of the shop. You realised that your pulse had quickened, and that much to your dismay, you'd start to blush slightly. Carlos' hands were a little calloused, but were comforting and warm regardless. Damnit! You couldn't fall for your co-worker, and definitely not in the first fifteen minutes of your first shift!
The upstairs of the coffee shop was serene, with no customers in sight. It appeared to be a staff room, with a couple of changing rooms nearby, and was also the location to your boss' office. She sat there, on her laptop, typing away, yet she still wore a uniform similar to Carlos'. Swaying with each key she pressed, her hair had been cropped at her jawline, and was a beautiful shade of chocolate brown. At the current moment, her eyes reflected her laptop screen, but seemed to be a hue of azure blue. Her skin had a healthy, radiant glow to it, with a pair of rosy cheeks to match.
"Hey, Jill!" Carlos bellowed across the room. "Our Newbie is here!"
Your boss, Jill, sarcastically rolled her eyes at Carlos, standing up from her seat, before walking over to you, and smiling.
"It's so good to meet you at last. How're you finding the city?"
You told her you'd only been here a few hours, but had so far enjoyed your time here. Jill gave you a smile again. You had a feeling she was going to be a welcoming boss.
"Listen, I'd like to talk to you some more. We can chat, and then once we've finished, Carlos can show you the ropes downstairs. Is that alright with you, Carlos?"
Carlos nodded, before heading downstairs again to start his shift.
"Don't keep 'em too long, supercop!" Carlos laughed in response. "You know the afternoons are the busiest, and even though I am one great barista, I could use another pair of hands."
"Supercop?" you turned back to Jill, laughing slightly.
"Carlos and I go back a few years." Jill smiled, pushing down the lid of her laptop. "Believe it or not, I used to be part of Raccoon City's S.T.A.R.S Alpha Team a few years back. Carlos and I ran into each other, and well... we were some of the very few people who escaped that ordeal."
You nodded solemnly. You remembered seeing headlined and reports about the disasters in Raccoon City, shuddering to think about what would happen if you were in that situation. You definitely didn't have the skills to crawl out of a deathtrap like that. To think that you'd be working alongside two of the very few survivors of the Raccoon City disaster for the foreseeable future...
"I'm... so sorry you went through all that." you shook your head.
"Don't apologize. We're here now, and we've made a pretty good life for ourselves here." Jill replied, pushing her hair back behind her ear. "Anyway, I better let you get back to Carlos, he'll be complaining all day if he's the only one down there. Your uniform is in your own personal locker in the changing room, by the way. Welcome to the team." Jill chuckled, as you stood up.
Much to your surprise, your uniform fit perfectly. It was only a black turtleneck and green trousers, but you already loved it. The turtleneck was ever so slightly too big, but you didn't mind - it made it even cosier. You went back down the stairs, and slipped behind the counter, tapping Carlos on the back.
"Hey, Newbie! How did your first meeting with Jill g-"
Carlos sputtered, completely losing his train of thought entirely. You realised he was looking at YOU.
"Are you alright, Carlos?" you asked, as he shook his head, blushing ever so slightly.
"Yeah! I'm okay, newbie!" he tried laughing it off. "Just... didn't expect anyone to pull a coffee shop uniform as well as you have."
Before you could even respond, Carlos started to talk again.
"Anyway! Do you need any tips on how to use any of this stuff?"
You nodded. As much as you didn't want to admit it, a lot of this technology was almost sort of frightening, and you had zero idea on how to use it.
"Okay, so..." Carlos lead you over to the espresso machine. "It's pretty easy. If you get some coffee beans out from the back, I'll show you what to do." he gave you a smile, but he couldn't meet your eyes. Carlos surely couldn't be shy, right?
You brought him the coffee beans, and he ground them down with ease, before putting them into the espresso machine.
"Okay, would you like to watch what I do? Or should I tell you what to press?"
You figured doing it yourself would be the best bet, as Carlos stood behind you, monitoring what you were doing - but you soon found yourself utterly confused on what to do.
"Here..." Carlos whispered, gently taking your hand in his, guiding your hands to the buttons you needed to press. With Carlos so close behind you, you couldn't help but feel his face almost against yours, with his body against your own, his stubble prickling against your cheek. It was certainly a very unusual experience to be in - especially for your first shift - and there was almost definitely an easy way for him to teach you how to operate the espresso machine, but you decided not to say anything. Carlos' partial embrace felt warm and inviting, and you felt a little part of yourself well up in disappointment when he'd finished teaching you.
"It's easy, right?" Carlos winked, your hand still grazing against his. "Looks like you'll get to put those skills to good use too, newbie. Looks like we have a customer."
He gave your hand a slight squeeze.
"You can do this."
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thank you if you made it this far!! i'll hopefully release chapter 3 at the end of the week :D
have a fantastic day! stay safe!
- mercie <3
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chisheya · 4 years
hanahaki disease [niragi x reader x chishiya] highschool au!
Summary: love is reckoned to make us powerful; not susceptible - as much as i tried to convince myself that. as much as i tried to stay strong; tough and heroic, enough to risk it all and let my emotions surge on the exterior. strong enough to be crushed yet again, to love and be loved again - knowing my fragility. 
 i’ve known the agony and lament sufficiently enough that it demolished my sanity, left my soul burning away, gradually fading into ashes and disappearing like dust under the moonlight’s breeze. and the funny unfunny part is - i wish i had told him, perhaps one day i will. 
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‘‘I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. My love bloomed like a flower in my chest.’‘
Tag list: (if you want to be tagged, let me know because the previous post got deleted for some weird reason lol)
Word count: 2.5k
The sun's soft twinkles crawl over house rooftops, and in an early hour, despite it, it still felt like a chilly morning. Early as it is, the neighborhood was caught up with parents rushing with their children, some going to work, some even rushing late. Thankfully, the riots of youngsters were vetoed by the sound of Supermassive Black Hole by Muse playing through my earphones. I was deliberately walking down the alley on my way to school, gripping the hem of my uniform and cursing to myself that this skirt was of no use to at least keep my legs warm. 
The reckless gust reaching from my left side provoked me to jump out of my skin, revolting me from my daydream. 
‘’God's sake-’’ I turn my head only to see Chishiya standing next to me, with a smirk on his lips. The sudden view of him caused me to blush, as my brain screamed oh-look-your-crush. Although you could rarely see this guy smiling and being friendly, his agenda was incompatible. Clever, crucial, and cunning as he is, he always had a special place in my heart. Why, you ask? I'd love to know that too... Maybe because he has been my friend since forever. 
''You must be that cold, huh,'' Chishiya says sarcastically. ''Y-yeah.'' I murmur, ''anyway, again one of early practicals at the hospital today?'' ''Correct.''
''Yikes,'' I add, clicking my tongue, ''good luck.''
''Have you decided if you'll stay here in Tokyo?'' Chishiya pops a question, clearing his throat, as his face remains immersed on the boulevard in front of us. ''Huh, what do you mean?'' I add, looking up at him, wishing he'd look back at me. But he never does... 
''For university.'' ''Oh, that,'' is all I say, before taking the next few seconds to think what to proceed with, ''yeah, Tokyo - I guess, still not sure yet.''
''It better be Tokyo or I'm disowning you.'' He says in a stern voice, delivering it with a smirk as he quickly runs his hand through my hair, resulting in becoming a mess.
''Hey!'' I chuckle, about to return the favor but he succeeded to grab my wrist and stop me just on time. Shucks.
Chishiya and I have been friends since childhood, as our dads have been friends since their early school days as well. He's in his third year in med school and I'm about to graduate in less than a month and enter university in few months. Not to mention, living close enough in the same neighborhood visiting Shuntaro's family every Sunday for dinner was a ritual that my dad, Aguni, and I couldn't stop doing. My mother has had enough of Tokyo so she decided to leave for England. Yeah, pretty simple...it has only been dad and me since. Not like I regret staying with dad, and if there was the father that would win The Dad of the Year award, it would be him. Playing cards meanwhile drinking wine was a post-dinner ritual for our dads, later through time, Chishiya joining them as well. In most cases, I'd end up just observing how they play and anticipating who's going to win. From Aguni being the best to, Shuntaro's dad, a few years later as Chishiya evolved enough his cunning games he beat them in it. He became a card game master, no jokes. 
I didn't notice it has come for the time for us to go different paths, as my school was in the complete opposite direction.
''So,'' I murmur, stopping and turning to face him, ''I guess time to say goodbye.''
''Good luck, kid.'' He says, giving me a soft smile. Ah, if he only knew how something so insignificant and minor to him has such a consequence on my heart. But he never will though. As I know, what we are and what we are not. 
I just smiled as I watch him turn his back on me and leave first. He always leaves first. I stayed few more seconds as his figure slowly fades of to distance I get ready to go my way.
                                                        ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ 
 After the last class, I choose to go to a nearby library to catch up on some assignments. The library is a soft of the enormous coffee shop yet one can stay all day and feel good even if one buys nothing at all. That's the discrepancy. It is a place of welcome for everyone rather than for "customers." This is not a money-nexus venue yet a love-nexus space, and that makes it a real treasure in this city.
I was relinquished and dazzled by the book in front of me, until the moment someone’s voice yanks me out of my thoughts.
''Since classes are over, want to grab lunch?'' I feel a hand placing softly on my left shoulder as a soft boyish voice peaks behind me.
''Niragi,'' my lips stretch in a smile as I embrace my best friend in a hug, ''of course, you mind if Chishiya tags along as well?''
''Oh,'' he mouths, providing it with a vague look, as I feel him stiffen up a bit and breaking the hug before proceeding, ''Chishiya..too?'' 
''Sure,'' he says, providing it with a soft smile, ''definitely..'' 
''Great, I'll let him know then.'' 
                                                        ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ 
Niragi and I walked after school side by side, on the way to Shibuya where we agreed to meet up with Chishiya. As we have arrived early, we stand by a big poster advertisement. I gently lean my back onto it, facing the industrious avenues of Shibuya wandering with people. Niragi, leaning as well, right next to me. 
''So, have you decided? Is it going to be Tokyo or London?'' 
''Hm,'' I murmur as his question breaks me out of my trance, ''regarding studies?'' He nods. 
''Honestly, not sure,'' I hesitate, before proceeding, ''but I'd love to stay in Tokyo.'' This was not a lie, but London on the other hand, was just an excuse in case my health gets worse. An agreement was made with my dad that it'd be best to stay there with my mom and focus on getting better. 
''Tokyo.'' I sigh, still caught up thinking what if I have to end up having to go back to London. What do I do then? And more importantly, what do I tell them? The minor, simple thought of lying to the people I deeply care about stings. 
''And you?'' 
''Tokyo,'' he says softly while looking down, smiling - as the thought if he had something that binds him to dwell in this city, ''I already got accepted in for game engineering.'' 
I knock him softly on top of his head, standing on my tippy toes. Though he was portrayed as the delicate and sweet guy he is, he was taller than both Chishiya and me. 
''Ouch,'' he exclaims as his hand rests on top of his head, my action catching him off guard, ''why did you do that?'' 
''Why haven't you told me, little idiot?'' 
''I planned to,'' he giggles, a wide smile as I've never seen scattering across his delicate features, ''I was waiting for you to confirm you got in your desired major as well.'' 
Yeah, I have, Niragi. It's just that I might not even be able to go because of my health. The phrases, the verdict, that I desired I could have mouthed out. But I couldn't, not now. Not when we're about part ways, and the way I want to remember these recollections is by them as their happy-selves, us cycling through alleys of Tokyo, eating noodles in the park during chilly nights, by city lights as the background noise of crickets was vetoed by our laughter. The recollections, moments I'll protect in my psyche permanently. 
I just remained silent, looking at my friend as he was smiling and looking off to distance till he started waving to someone. I shift my gaze only to see Chishiya's figure approaching us, hands in his pockets as usual. 
''Hello there, peasants.'' Chishiya teases, as he finally approaches us.
''Excuse me, lord Shuntaro.'' Niragi scoffs at him, crossing his arms.
''So where will we head to?'' 
''Whoa, Morizono, not even embracing your friend in a warm hug and you're already talking about eating,'' Chishiya says falsifying pain in his voice, ''I'm hurt.''
 ''Chishiya,'' I let out, rolling my eyes at his statement, ''I know you don't do hugs.'' I proceed, nudging his forearm slightly, hoping that the warmth I felt growing in my cheeks wasn't showing. 
''Fuunji or Ichiran Shibuya?'' Niragi says, clicking his tongue. 
''Fuunji,'' I mutter, at the same time as Chishiya adds, ''Ichiran.'' Our eyes met instantly as we both realized our choices were different.
Do I have to mention that I'm probably already blushing? No, because heck - yes I am. 
Oh boy, here we go. Let him have his way, Y/N. 
As you always do. 
''You know what, let's go to Ichiran,'' I exclaim, looking in between my best friends waiting for them to agree. 
''Ichiran it is,'' Niragi exclaims. 
A little while later, our food has finally arrived. The moment it lands on the table, Niragi digs at his sweet and sour soup and pulls out all the cubes of carrot. I don't say anything, I really couldn't care less about table manners and there's always something interesting going on in his head. Chishiya calm and collected as he is, starts eating at a slow pace. After swallowing his first bite, he breaks the silence, ''we must go somewhere to celebrate your birthday, Y/N.'' 
''I'm not sure-''
Niragi peeks up at me with sticky fingers in his mouth. Meanwhile, Chishiya adds, through the mouthful, that I could just about make out the name "Kyoto."
As my mouth was full of food as well, I just nod seriously. 
"That's a great idea, Chishiya. I never thought of that." Niragi grins, still with the fingers in his mouth, then he scoops them up and lines them neatly next to his stocking.
Chishiya holds out a cup of soju, "for Y/N." Niragi's hand comes over and snatches it up, his grin as wide as his cheeks will stretch, and scatters back.
Chishiya and I just exchanged looks, laughing at his silliness.
We drank soju, we were already merry and full, we told the most terrible of jokes. That was us. Casual, informal, yet caring enough to make the time we spend together joyful. 
                                                         ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ 
After grabbing lunch with Chishiya and Niragi, I headed straight home. The thought of visiting Kyoto for my birthday with them was still bouncing on my mind. The thing is, how to bring it up to Aguni? Hm? As loving and fond as he is of both of them, the thought of sending his only daughter away with two boys on a trip probably sounded far away from a brilliant idea. Sigh, I guess it'll take a lot to convince him. 
''Dad, I'm home!'' I exclaim, meanwhile closing the doors behind me and taking off my shoes in the hallway. 
''Someone's back home early, huh?'' Aguni says chuckling, as he plants a soft kiss on my forehead. 
''Yup, something smells delightful,'' I say, meanwhile slapping my hands in excitement and taking my seat. 
''Ah, you sneaky,'' He adds, taking the seat as well across me, ''it's your favorite - pad thai chicken wok.'' 
''So,'' I began, meanwhile randomly picking food with chopsticks in my plate, ''I have a question.'' 
''Yes?'' Aguni murmurs, mouthful, gazing up at me. ''So you know that my birthday is next week...'' I say awkwardly, placing my chopsticks gently on the table. 
''Of course, how would I forget my daughter's birthday?'' He scoffs, butthurt that his daughter thinks he's that forgetful. 
''No, of course not.'' I chuckle, ''but I did want to ask you something, uh...'' 
''Go ahead, silly.'' 
Just say it. Now or never. And I do - ''I've been thinking of visiting Kyoto with Chishiya and Niragi-'' 
''Not happening.'' 
''You? On a trip? With two boys?'' his voice stern as he glares up at me, causing me to swallow, ''you must be out of your mind to think I'll let you, Y/N. Boys your age are wild.'' 
''No, there's going to be more of other friends...too, from school.'' I start, slightly panicking as I was also trying to think of the ways to get him to approve, ''not just Chishiya and Niragi, although you know they're my closest friends.'' I proceed further, looking around the food on the table, as I noticed he has almost cleared out his plate, and yet there was still chicken left in mine. Splendid, a perfect way to bribe him now.
''Plus,'' I mutter, as I start taking out the chicken from my plate, putting on his, his eyes now fully focused on that chicken, ''I know you trust them enough to protect me if anything happens, right?'' I grin, awkwardly. 
''Only because they are aware who's your father and someone not to mess with.'' He adds, still not convinced enough, but still taking the small pieces of chicken with his chopsticks. 
''Uh, yeah,'' I murmur, as I watch him, eating up those last few pieces of chicken as if they are his last, ''beside your protectiveness, what do you think?''
''Y/N, you've forgot one thing.'' Aguni says with a serious tone, placing down his chopsticks. 
''What?'' I question, acting dumb. Expecting him to answer, he just remains silent and gives me an even worse glare now, ''doctor's appointment,'' I add, ''come on, it doesn't have to be next week as well. Just check with them if they can postpone it.''   
He preserves silent, still staring up at me with a serious look on his face. Sigh.
''A trip with my friends is more important. Not to mention, it's our last as we're all parting ways soon because of university.''  
''To you. But to me, your health is more important Y/N.''
''I...understand, dad,'' I sigh, looking up at him, falsifying a smile, ''but look at me, I'm feeling fine. I've never been better.''
''Same as you claimed in the past, until it happened again and I was close to losing you forever.'' He asserts, this time his voice louder than before.
''Dad...cheer up,'' I exclaim, as I reach out my hand, placing it on top of his, ''it's...just because it happened then, doesn't mean it will happen again.''
''You don't know that. Your condition is serious-''
''I'll take care of myself. Alright?'' I murmur, squeezing his hand, ''please, can I go?''   
''Alright, alright. Under one condition, take care of yourself and as soon as you get back we're going to the doctors. Promise?''
''I promise.'' I holler, lunging from my seat to hug him before storming off to my room. As soon as I shut the door behind me, I lean my back on it. 
There was an eerie sentiment I felt within, a good sort though - just not sure for what exact reason yet. It felt like it was the calling card of an adventure, paths awaiting, what will transpire. Whatever was ahead could be a great challenge, and there could be tears, but it was an exploration to take and so I smiled. The inklings would come, perhaps when I’d least expected it, so I’m ready to take this leap of faith.
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