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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
Israeli authorities froze multiple cryptocurrency accounts after joining forces with Binance. The move was made to disrupt the flow of funds to Hamas, a Palestinian militant group. Israeli authorities joined forces with the global crypto exchange Binance to freeze multiple cryptocurrency accounts allegedly linked to Hamas. The move came in response to a series of deadly attacks carried out by Hamas against Israel on Saturday, 7 October. This coordinated operation, spearheaded by Israel’s police Cyber Unit, saw collaboration with the Ministry of Defense, the Israel Security Agency, and other national intelligence agencies. Together, they aimed to disrupt the flow of funds to Hamas, a Palestinian militant group. Binance played a crucial role in this operation. Additionally, the exchange actively partnered with law enforcement agencies and regulators worldwide to combat terror financing. The frozen accounts, confirmed by the police, were traced back to Hamas. Furthermore, the accounts had been actively soliciting donations through various social media platforms. The Israel Police’s Cyber Unit, in collaboration with the Ministry of Defense, the Israel Security Agency, and other national intelligence agencies, has successfully frozen cryptocurrency accounts used by Hamas for fundraising their activities pic.twitter.com/PrUV4ybrxZ — Israel Police (@israelpolice) October 10, 2023 Cracking down on terror financing Hamas’s venture into the world of crypto fundraising dates back to February 2019 when they first sought digital donations as a means to circumvent international sanctions. In May 2022, Israeli authorities had already taken action against nearly 190 crypto accounts on Binance. Additionally, many of these belonged to Palestinian firms linked to Hamas. Blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis revealed that Hamas managed to amass tens of thousands of dollars over the years through cryptocurrency channels. However, in April 2023, the military wing of Hamas, the Al-Qassam Brigades, made a surprising announcement – they were shutting down their crypto donation program. Their reason? Government efforts to identify and prosecute donors had become increasingly successful, making it increasingly challenging for them to operate. Just a few weeks later, the Israeli government dealt another blow to terrorist financing in the crypto sphere. Furthermore, they seized a staggering $1.7 million worth of cryptocurrency from accounts tied to Hezbollah and the Iranian paramilitary Revolutionary Guard’s elite Quds Force. The United States declared both of these groups as terrorist organizations. Furthermore, they were also effectively cut off from the traditional global financial system. Israel-Palestine turns into a Warzone On 7 October. Palestinian militant groups, primarily led by Hamas, initiated a significant invasion of Israel from the Gaza Strip, termed “Operation al-Aqsa Flood.” Israel responded with a formal declaration of war, launching “Operation Iron Swords.” The conflict began with rocket attacks, border breaches, and incursions into Israel, resulting in casualties and hostage situations. Israel retaliated with airstrikes in Gaza, leading to civilian casualties and displacements. International responses varied according to region. Western nations condemned Hamas, various Muslim countries cited Israeli occupation, and Amnesty International denounced both sides for war crimes.
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secretummeummihi · 1 year ago
Detenidos en Israel cinco judíos ortodoxos por escupir a peregrinos cristianos en Jerusalén The Israel Police have arrested five suspects this morning on suspicion of spitting towards Christians and churches within the Old City of Jerusalem pic.twitter.com/830l0qiMlC— Israel Police (@israelpolice) October 4, 2023 De una vez anticipamos que con eso no va a pasar nada. El caso al que se refiere http://dlvr.it/Sx74q6
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vivianetex · 3 years ago
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لن ننسى ، لن نرحل ❤🤚 مازالت مظاهر القمع والتهجير القسري بحق اهلنا بالشيخ جراح / القدس مستمرة حتى اليوم بأقبح طرق التهجير وطمس الهوية الفلسطينية العربية بالمنطقة #savealsheikhjarrah #Save_SheikhJarrah_neighborhood #savesilwan #savenegev #savejerusalem #savepalestine #ethicalcleansing #israelcrimes #israelpolice #huminity #منى_الكرد #منى_ومحمد_الكرد #الشيخ_جراح #القدس_لنا #القدس_عاصمة_فلسطين (at الشيخ جراح - القدس) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY1TX7FMG7F/?utm_medium=tumblr
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It's been a busy few days for US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He visited an illegal Israeli settlement in Palestine, declared that "anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism", and directed the State Department to compile a list of "organizations that engage in, or otherwise support, the Global BDS Campaign".
Israel 🇮🇱 is a terrorist country.
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Cartoon by Carlos Latuff💥.
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sigaluna · 3 years ago
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בפנים Inside איור נוסף בסדרה - לכבוד יום האשה הבינלאומי והמאבק באלימות נגד נשים Another illustration in the series - In honor of International Women's Day and the fight against violence against women . . . . #international #יוםהאשה ##insidehouse #israelpolice #israel #fist #violence #violenceagainstwomen #woman #womensday #protest #illustration #illustrationartists #illustrator #internationalwomensday #women #digitalart #sigaluna https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca87gtoI6bZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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estherattarmachanek · 5 years ago
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#leadelhlak the Young #autistic #IsraelPolice #Shot to #death in @Jerusalem Österreichischer Presse!! beim google Suche zu Thema: Polizei erschießt autistischenPalästinenser! keine Österreichischer Presse Bericht! Verlogene Presse! lieber Geschäfte mit Korrupte Länder statt Menschliche Berichte. Google search on topic: Police Shoot Autistic Palestinians! no Austrian press report! Lying press, love doing business with corrupt countries as Human Reports. German press! חיפוש בגוגל בנושא: המשטרה יורה בפלסטינים אוטיסטים! אין דוח עיתונות אוסטרי! עיתונות משקר, מעדיף לעשות עסקים עם מדינות מושחתות ולא עם דוחות אנושיים. עיתונות גרמנית! https://www.instagram.com/p/CBLHetJF4cQ/?igshid=n46c46tr0mtt
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lightscriptor1 · 5 years ago
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#israelpolice watch over the #old #city and #templemount in Jerusalem - such a beautiful place with so much history and culture . . . . . . . . . . . #jerusalemphotooftheday #peaceisbetter #culturaldiversity #liveandletlive #createdonthate #onelifetolive #photography #natgeoyourshot #nofear #nohate #tolerance #respect (at Jerusalem Old City, Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8T5sHA1cE/?igshid=xc210nl10x7c
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zoranphoto · 2 years ago
PUCNJAVA U SINAGOGI U JERUZALEMU, IMA MRTVIH! Neki od ozlijeđenih u kritičnom stanju, napadač ‘neutraliziran’. Oglasio se Hamas
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Najmanje sedam osoba je ubijeno, a više ih je ozlijeđeno tijekom pucnjave u Jeruzalemu, priopćila je u petak izraelska hitna spasilačka služba Magen David Adom (MDA). Napadač je neutraliziran, odnosno ubijen na mjestu događaja, a neki od ozlijeđenih su u kritičnom stanju, rekao je MDA. Izraelska služba hitne pomoći navela je da je 10 osoba ranjeno u pucnjavi koju je policija opisala kao “teroristički napad”. Hitne službe reagirale su na pozive o pucnjavi u gradskoj četvrti Neve Yaakov u petak navečer, rekli su. BBC piše da je do pucnjave došlo u sinagogi.     Incident je uslijedio nakon smrtonosnog napada u gradu Jeninu na Zapadnoj obali u četvrtak, u kojem je ubijeno devetero osoba, prema izvještajima CNN-a, što je najsmrtonosniji dan za Palestince na Zapadnoj obali u više od godinu dana. U četvrtak su izraelski komandosi ubili sedam naoružanih osoba i dva civila u operaciji u Jeninu.
Policija objavila prve detalje
Prema policiji, terorist je automobilom stigao do sinagoge u susjedstvu u sjevernom dijelu istočnog Jeruzalema i otvorio vatru. Prema preliminarnoj policijskoj istrazi, napadač je čekao ispred sinagoge i otvorio vatru kada su vjernici izašli iz zgrade. Napadač je zatim pobjegao s mjesta događaja prema palestinskom naselju Beit Hanina – udaljenom oko kilometar, gdje je naišao na policajce koji su pozvani na mjesto događaja.     Ministar obrane Yoav Gallant, koji je bio u Sjedinjenim Državama na osobnom putovanju, trebao bi se vratiti u Izrael u petak navečer nakon vijesti o napadu, rekao je njegov ured. Premijer Benjamin Netanyahu trebao bi održati procjenu stanja s najvišim sigurnosnim dužnosnicima. Terror attack in a synagogue in Jerusalem: This evening at around 8:30pm local time, a terrorist arrived at a synagogue in the Neve Ya’akov boulevard in Jerusalem and proceeded to shoot at a number of people in the area pic.twitter.com/hIrtmSpVOf   — Israel Police (@israelpolice) January 27, 2023  
Hamas čestitao
Mushir al-Masri, iz Hamasa, islamske militantne skupine koja vlada Gazom, čestitao je napadaču na Jeruzalem, rekavši da je pucnjava bila “brz odgovor na masakr u Jeninu, te je dokaz vitalnosti i spremnosti otpora”, piše Washington Post i navodi da je napadač Palestinac.  
Spekulacije oko identiteta napadača
Ynet je objavio da je napadač Fadi Ayash, stanovnik jeruzalemskog izbjegličkog kampa Shuafat. Tvrde da je Ayash bio član skupine pod nazivom Brigade mučenika Al-Aqse. S druge strane Jerusalem Post tvrdi da je napadač identificiran kao 21-godišnji Alkam Khairi iz istočnog Jeruzalema i objavljeno je da prije napada nije imao nikakve veze s terorizmom. Na društvenim mrežama se šire snimke na kojima Palestinci navodno slave ovaj napad. Celebrations in Silwad after the terrorist attack in Jerusalem this evening. pic.twitter.com/U1DGKp2KMW — Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) January 27, 2023  
SAD osudio napad
SAD je osudio “očiti teroristički napad” na sinagogu, rekao je zamjenik glasnogovornika State Departmenta Vedant Patel. On je rekao novinarima da su američki dužnosnici u kontaktu s izraelskim kolegama i dodao kako ne očekuje da će zbog napada doći do izmjene plana putovanja državnog tajnika Antonyja Blinkena u Izrael drugi tjedan. “Još skupljamo informacije”, rekao je Patel novinarima. “To je apsolutno strašno. Naše misli, molitve i sućut idu ubijenima u ovom užasnom činu nasilja. Najsnažnije osuđujemo ovaj očiti teroristički napad. Naša predanost sigurnosti Izraela ostaje čvrsta”, dodao je Patel.
���Stojimo uz naše izraelske prijatelje’
Reagirajući na incident, britanski ministar vanjskih poslova James Cleverly nazvao je napad na sinagogu u istočnom Jeruzalemu užasnim. “Napad na vjernike u sinagogi na Dan sjećanja na holokaust i tijekom Šabata – židovskog dana odmora – je užasan”, napisao je na Twitteru. Appalling reports of a terror attack in Neve Yaakov this evening. To attack worshippers at a synagogue on Holocaust Memorial Day, and during Shabbat, is horrific. We stand with our Israeli friends. — James Cleverly🇬🇧 (@JamesCleverly) January 27, 2023 Dnevno.hr Photo by Haley Black Read the full article
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news247worldpressposts · 2 years ago
#BREAKING: The #terrorist killer of an 84-year-old woman has been found dead by police Wednesday morning
#BREAKING: The #terrorist killer of an 84-year-old woman has been found dead by police Wednesday morning
#BREAKING: The terrorist killer of an 84-year-old woman has been found dead by police Wednesday morning, according to a preliminary #investigation that identified the body, @IsraelPolice said. https://t.co/61BaamJL9w — The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) September 21, 2022 Source: Twitter
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maccabihaifafc · 3 years ago
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‏‎הייתי במשחק וצריך לתת על זה את הדעת, השפילו אוהדים שלנו, גררו אותם החוצה והרסו לנו את כל תצוגת העידוד שרק הקהל הירוק יודע לתת. אבל הסרטון והתמונות ששלחתי מדברות בעד עצמן, אין אחד עם מסכה ביציע של הפועל ולא הייתה עליהם אכיפה.. לדעתי צריך לתת על זה את הדעת. בנוסף בושה וחרפה שגם המאבטחים ושוטרים ללא מסכה. האוהדים שלנו חטפו מכות רצח רק בגלל מסכה, אז לפני שאתם באים אלינו אזרחים תבואו בטענות על עצמכם. באחת התמונות מצולם מנהל האבטחה שלא חובש מסיכה. @israelpolice @ipfl_football @eyal_h15 (הראל כהן) ‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/CVG4-5Wq5kB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ovaltheglobal · 5 years ago
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Top 5 of July 24 - In less than a minute, get the TOP 5 UPDATES from around the world 🌐🌏🌎🌍🗺️☕☕📰📰 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐄 👉 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽 Follow us @ovaltheglobal to get #insights on more such stories from each and every continent! 🔶Christopher Columbus' statue in Chicago’s Grant Park removed following massive protests 🔶Turkish parliament to vote on a bill that could effectively block sites like Facebook, Twitter if they comply with new regulations 🔶Turkey's Hagia Sofia Mosque opened for prayers Friday for the first time in 86 years 🔶Vietnam announced a ban on wildlife imports and closure of wildlife markets over fears of threat from any diseases 🔶Israeli police resorted to water cannons on people protesting against PM Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, and arrested at least 55 #christophercolumbus #christophernolan #discover #newdiscovery #discoveramerica #columbus #turkey #erdogan #hagiasophia #mosque #namaaz #namaz #hagiasophiamuseum #vietnam #vietnamesefood #nonvegetarian #meat #animaleating #grantpark #benjaminnetanyahu #netanyahu #israel #israelpolice #worldpolitics #worldnews #dailynews #topfive #topnews (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDB7JQBJDup/?igshid=en3g3bafuo5c
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rollingstonemag · 7 years ago
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://www.rollingstone.fr/47498-2/
Chahuté par la justice, Netanyahu reste au pouvoir
Après deux années d’enquête, la police israélienne a rendu son verdict et recommandé à la justice d’inculper le Premier ministre Benyamin Netanyahu pour des affaires de fraude, d’abus de confiance et de corruption. L’homme fort du gouvernement clame son innocence et a rejeté l’idée de démissionner. La tension monte
Deux années de travail. La police israélienne a rendu les conclusions de l’enquête menée sur le Premier ministre Benyamin Netanyahu, soupçonné de fraude, d’abus de confiance et de corruption. Elle a indiqué avoir recommandé à la justice israélienne d’inculper l’homme politique de 68 ans, ajoutant « qu’il existait suffisamment de preuves contre le Premier ministre« . Celui-ci s’est empressé de clamer son innocence, déclarant que le dossier remis par les enquêteurs était « tel un fromage suisse, plein de trous ». Désormais, l’affaire est entre les mains du procureur général Avshaï Mandelblit, qui sera chargé de trancher en faveur, ou non, d’une mise en examen du Premier ministre. La décision peut prendre plusieurs semaines, voire plusieurs mois.
PM Benjamin Netanyahu's investigation on 2 different cases has been completed:
— Israel Police (@israelpolice) February 13, 2018
Le Premier ministre est visé par plusieurs affaires. Il aurait tout d’abord reçu des pots-de-vin, à hauteur de 230.000 euros, sous forme de cadeaux offerts par de riches hommes d’affaires ou de personnalités du monde du cinéma, le remerciant des faveurs fiscales qu’il leur aurait accordé. Par ailleurs, Benyamin Netanyahu est également pointé du doigt dans une affaire de corruption, alors qu’il aurait tenté d’obtenir une couverture favorable par un grand quotidien israélien, Yediot Aharonot, en versant une importante somme d’argent au propriétaire du média. Ce n’est pas la première fois que des soupçons pèsent sur le président du Likoud mais jamais ces affaires n’ont pris une telle ampleur.
Appel à la démission
Rapidement après ces révélations, l’opposition est montée au créneau et a réclamé la démission de Benyamin Netanyahu. Une hypothèse que le chef du gouvernement a balayé d’un revers de main. « La coalition est stable. […] Nous allons continuer à travailler ensemble pour le bien de nos citoyens israéliens jusqu’à la fin du mandat », a-t-il déclaré, ajoutant que les recommandations de la police « n’ont aucune valeur juridique dans un pays démocratique ».  Benyamin Netanyau estime par ailleurs que l’affaire dans laquelle il se retrouve plongé n’a d’autre but que de renverser le pouvoir, au profit de Yaïr Lapid, dont il dit qu’il aurait « promis de [le] faire tomber à n’importe quel prix« . Ce dernier, plus important rival de Netanyahu pour les prochaines élections, est en effet un témoin clef dans cette affaire: l’homme occupait le poste de ministre des Finances au sein du précédent gouvernement, gouvernement sous lequel les affaires de corruption, de fraude et d’abus de confiance auraient eu lieu.
Ces recommandations n’ont aucune valeur juridique dans un pays démocratique – Beyamin Netanyahu
Sur fond de scandale politico-financier, la sphère politique politique a désormais les yeux rivés sur la très attendue décision de mettre, ou non, le Premier ministre en examen. « Accepter sur une période prolongée des cadeaux représentant de grosses sommes, ce n’est pas être à la hauteur des standards, [mais] nous sommes dans un État de droit, et le Premier ministre reste présumé innocent. C’est pourquoi j’ai décidé d’attendre », a résumé le ministre de l’Éducation, Naftali Bennett, membre du Foyer Juif, un puissant parti de l’opposition. De son côté, la rue, elle, n’a pas attendu. Depuis des mois déjà, des centaines d’israéliens se réunissent chaque samedi devant la maison du procureur général, Avshaï Mandelblit, pour protester contre les affaires de corruption qui pèsent sur Benyamin Netanyahu mais également sur toute la vie politique israélienne, et qui reviennent de manière récurrente.
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vivianetex · 3 years ago
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النقب الفلسطيني ، الأوضاع متوترة في النقب بعد قمع الشرطة لمظاهرة المسكن والأرض على مدخل قرية سعوة 🤚 🇷🇺 : Многие нарушения, совершенные израильской оккупационной армией в отношении палестинского народа в Негеве #savealsheikhjarrah #النقب #savenaqab #savesilwan #savepalestine #israel #israelcrimes #israelpolice #صحراء_النقب #منى_ومحمد_الكرد #منى_الكرد #huminity #hummanrights #fypシ (at Negev Desert) https://www.instagram.com/viviane939/p/CYt0KzXsqMr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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No 2. ( FRANCE )
No 3. ( USA )
No 4. ( UAE )
No 5. ( RAW )
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sigaluna · 3 years ago
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אזלת יד helplessness איור נוסף בסדרה - לכבוד יום האשה הבינלאומי והמאבק באלימות נגד נשים האיור הזה נבחר להשתתף בתערוכה ב@abrahamhostels Another illustration in the series - In honor of International Women's Day and the fight against violence against women . . . . #international #יוםהאשה #handdrawn #israelpolice #israel #police #violenceagainstwomen #woman #womensday #protest #illustration #illustrationartists #illustrator #helplessness #internationalwomensday #women #digitalart #sigaluna https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca6dbdNIyYJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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alfon · 5 years ago
The Arab child Abdul Rahman, who suffers from paralysis, has achieved his dream and became a cop for one day.. this humanitarian gesture is always repeated by the Israeli police.@israelpolice pic.twitter.com/kAOztjIs0m
— Noor Dahri (@dahrinoor2) September 28, 2019
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