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skullsterritory · 4 months ago
Hi guys. everyone wants to hear about the addisons in my Human But Not Really deltarune au
Tw parasites and corpses and stuff. Yeah
So basically they're these freak little parasites that take corpses they find and use magic to change the appearance to be A. More appealing to get them more customers and B. LESS DECEASED LOOKING
"Oh why did you make them like that" So basically I was like "Hmm. How would the empty disk and loaded disk work in a human au" and then I was like "Ok so actually the addisons are all parasites controlling a host body and that's why Spamton was able to become Spamton NEO here because he just changed hosts. Every singlr addison is able to do this now assuming they got their hands on a NEO body"
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The changes take a lot out of them because they're so small so they try and avoid switching hosts/changing appearances unless it's something small. When they do a full change they're out of commission for a few days because they have to recover THIS IMPACTS SALES!!!!!!
They are very fuzzy. They also aren't aggressive they are like. The regular addisons just shoved into a parasite. You could hold them in your hands (for $9.99)
The reason the Addisons have their eyes closed (or covered) all the time is because the parasites reside in the eyes of the deceased host. They carve out the area behind the host's eyes so they can scuttle around. Addisons don't open their eyes/remove their glasses or whatever they have unless they are around ONLY other Addisons. They don't want people to see that they are a funny little creature sales will be impacted
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Hello gay pink addison with critter in eye. This is how they like to communicate. Can they talk using the body? Yeah because they hook themselves up the brain of the host so they can effectively puppet the body. How else wpuld they sell things. Nobody is going to buy things from a 6 inch parasite. But they can't resist a fun little talk with The Girls (other parasites)
I made little ugly baby spamton parasite
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I think when he inhabits the NEO body he would be like overexerting his magic to change the form so suddenly so he would look different (probably longer) but he mostly looks like that
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xx-blueboy-xx · 1 year ago
Day Three: Inspired | Suptobber 2023
CW: None!
Words: 997
The pencil scratched over the page, and Sam tilted his head at it - his brows creased and he groaned, grabbing his eraser and scrubbing it across the page with a vengeance. Nothing looked right. What was worse? He had a sketch-phase due tomorrow and he has nothing. He knows that he could just put some bullshit on the page and turn it in and when the final looked utterly different? Well, he could just make the excuse he changed ideas. But that isn;t how Sam Winchester does anything. He is an all or nothing kind guy. Sometimes his own integrity bothers him. But when you leave your hyper masculine and toxic family to go to an art school in California? You have to want to be better. To prove yourself. 
He sighs deeply and he presses his head to the back of the wall behind him. He is sitting inside of the library, one of his favorite places on campus to work. Not only is it always quiet, but the librarians love him and allow him to be here for hours. Even when sometimes it is technically ‘closed’. He also gets special access to study rooms should he want them. Being the ‘teacher’s pet’ pays well and he still doesn’t understand why his fellow students will dig at him for it. He looks around, deciding to begin watching people. 
Afterall, Sma has discovered there is no easier way to find a muse - than by simply looking at those around you. Especially on a college campus, where so many people from all kinds of walks of life could be passing by. The library was particularly dead this time of day, considering it was a late-friday night. His fellow students all loved to go to parties, that just wasn’t his scene. He chewed on the end of his pencil as he looked around, desperately searching for anyone. That’s when he saw him. Sam had to stop himself from gasping out in awe. Standing across the way was one of the most beautiful man he has ever seen, and he isn’t even sure why. Afterall, he wasn’t all that near what most people would call attractive, and by that, Sam means he wasn’t a Hollywood hunk. Yet, he couldn’t tear his eyes away. 
He was standing across the way, in front of the massive stained glass window that depicted an archangel of some kind in the rainbow glass. Oddly enough, he was practically posed in the same way as the saint behind him, completely covering the human parts - but instead of holding a lily a large lollipop was in his hand. The large-golden wings that spread from the image behind him almost looked as if they were his, spreading from his back. His golden-colored hair helped to make the illusion almost seamless. His eyes as moonlight and the bright lights of the library illuminated him made them look as if they were glowing. The whiskey color refracting the light in a million shades of orange and gold. 
There were distinct smile lines in his features, and he looked to be at least in his early thirties. He was wearing a strangely fancy outfit for a college campus, and Sam had to wonder who he was. Why he was here? He was wearing a loose, black-buttondown that had the collar unbuttoned, and it was tucked into pin-striped pants, a deep green color. His shoes were shining. 
Sam’s hand was moving before he could even realize it as he despret;ly began to sketch. It was messy and not his best work, but he recognized that the moment the man stepped away - there would be no hope in capturing this image again. He was already committing to memory the colors of his eyes and the wings. He looked up from his paper, and back at the man several times. Who oddly enough was just standing there, chewing on his lollipop. Which made his nose scrunch up. Who the hell bites into a lollipop? It seemed he was casually leaning against the glass, looking off at the bookshelf that was in front of him. 
Sam swallowed, as minutes began to pass by and the man hadn’t moved an inch, which he was grateful for: but it started to worry him. Then, as the last pencil stroke of his imperfect sketch (it looked better than expected whoever) went across the page, golden eyes fixated on him. It was matched with a wide-knowing grin. 
His face flushed red. 
Oh. He realized with pure embarrassment coursing through his body, the man had clearly known he was being watched. He had posed for Sam. The blonde didn’t approach him; he simply wiggled his fingers at him, before stuffing his hands into his pockets. He pulled something out. There had to be at least ten feet between them, but yet, the chocolate he tossed landed perfectly in the art student’s lap. Sam fumbled, feeling the flush in his features simply deepen. He nearly dropped the chocolate as he picked it up and out of his lap, he turned it over. Mind whirling. 
He looked up, only to realize the man was gone. Which was a bit of a shock, because he hadn’t seen nor heard him walk away. Sam was usually hyper aware of his surroundings. The second thing that shocked him was that the stained glass window he realized was depicting something entirely different. There was no archangel in it, but flowers and trees. A landscape. 
He recognized slowly that it had never been an archangel. 
A chill went down his spine and he swallowed. He glances down at his sketchbook staring at the angel he had drawn. He traced his fingers delicately over the dark-gray lines that made up the six-massive wings. Golden. Just like his eyes. 
Sam stumbled up and he stuffed everything into his bag, tossing it over his shoulder. 
The next day, he would chalk everything up to his lack of sleep. 
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hidden-redrum · 1 year ago
My AEW Revolution 2024 Predictions
I am so excited for this ppv and I have to much energy on myself so, deal with it
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Tornado Tag Match Sting's Last Match - Darby Allin & Sting (AEW Tag Team Champions) VS Golf Trainers- oh sorry- AEW EVP'S Matthew & Nicholas Jackson
Let's start with the cherry on the top, I am so ready to cry on this match, even knowing that most likely Sting will appear again on AEW but not wrestling again
But for sure, 100% that the not Young Bucks anymore will win this match - I mean if its Sting's last match will Darby defend both belts alone?? I mean he is capable of it. but come on, one last match of this amazing tag team against the non Young Bucks is the perfect finish for this era
AEW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Samoa Joe (C) VS Swerve Strickland VS Hangman Adam Page
Everyone is imagining that it will Swerve versus Hangman and Samoa Joe will be like third wheeling or something like that
this one will be pretty intense both men fighting for the gold and Samoa Joe defending it
I really want Swerve to win it but I think Samoa Joe will retain it, I mean it's the first ppv that he defends it
AEW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - "Timeless" Toni Storm (C) VS Deonna Purrazo
Besides the Zero Hour one with Kris and Willow versus Julia Hart and Skye Blue, this is the only women´s match on the ppv..........come on AEW, your women's division is so freaking powerful and you still don´t know how to properly promoted, and we are on the International Women's month, come on......
I think Deonna Purrazo will win it for sure, but if Toni retains it I am so excited to see how this feud will keep going, because this feud was so well played, I am more than seated for this match
AEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP - Orange Cassidy (C) VS Roderick Strong
It has to be Orange Cassidy, if it isn´t I will shave my eyebrows
Roderick Strong is being too annoying for Orange it has to be our denim and thumbs up man
I am a bit uncertain with this one, but I think Eddie will retain it
and what an hell of a match this will be
Will Ospreay VS Konosuke Takeshita
another one that I am have no clue too who might win
but I guess Will Ospreay
TNT CHAMPIONSHIP - (Pro Pokemon Hunter) Christian Cage (C) VS Daniel Garcia
I am so excited for this one
But still for how much I would like to see Daniel with the gold, I am 100% sure that the Patriarchy will mess with this match
But its more than time for Daniel to be a champion (again)
FTR VS Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli
I am also unsure about this one, just to be different
But I think Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli will win it
ALL STAR 8-MAN SCRAMBLE - Dante Martin VS HOOK (FTW Champion) VS Brian Cage VS Magnus VS Chris Jericho VS Powerhouse Hobbs VS Brian Cage VS Wardlow
yes I am pretty HOOK biased but I dont think he will win this one, even tho I am an huge fan of this fighting big dudes agenda
also 2/5 of the Lads fighting each other
also 3/5 of Team Taz fighting each other
I think it will be more between Hobbs and Wardlow for sure, after yesterday's Collision
Zero Hour: Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale VS Julia Hart (TBS Champion) & Skye Blue
I am so excited for this one!!!
I think it will be Kris and Willow, in my mind if it Julia and Skye Blue, I think Willow will possibly turn on Kris idk why
Zero Hour: 12 MAN TAG MATCH - Bang Bang Scissor Gang VS Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, Private Party & Willie Mack
Come on it has to be Bang Bang Scissor Gang because they are Bang Bang Scissor Gang!!!!!!!!!
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Anyway, what do you guys think?? Pls talk to me-
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alarrytale · 5 months ago
If you're straight passing, straight presenting or straight acting (making out with/showing pda with women) like H or Kit, you'll have a harder time being recognised as queer, accepted as a queer role model and deemed worthy of representing the queer community.// Sometimes I think that if H just comeout as queer/bi, he´d have such an easier life because being queer is an umbrella term for everything but straight and/or coming out as bi wouldn´t ruin the "to be everything to everyone" because you aknowledge you´re into men but you also won´t ruin gf h*rries fantasies having a chance with him. But the fact he probably don´t want to cause more damage to his community and lie to them (queerbaiting accusations are already enough to deal with...eventho how he actually deals with it? He just stays quiet and let the storm pass) when the day will come and he´ll be able to open about his relationship with Louis - that is quite telling that he is in fact gay and has always been, isn´t it? Maybe I compare apples with oranges now but it´s the same as with that famous Sweet Creature interview. He could just say it´s about his sister (what h*rries loves to say) or just simply say "No, it isn´t about my relationship with Louis Tomlinson." but he knows where the truth is and so we got his reaction. It´s like he just keeps the backdoor for the moment when he will finally be able to truly open and tell the truth about his sexuality and Louis. Because he knows one day this moment will come.
Hi, anon!
Yes, coming out as bi/pan probably would make things easier for him. But right now he says he's "not into labels" and "my friends and family know", and that to me means "not straight" or "queer". So people should already see him as "not straight". The problem is, that action is louder than words. As long as he has a reputation as a womaniser and bounces from gf to gf without showing real interest in men in public, i think the general public will see him as straight.
I agree that if H is to come out he wants to tell the truth, and not keep lying and keeping his relationship with Louis a secret. He is gay so he won't come out as bi. He has addressed the queerbaiting accusations, and he did it so badly that the accusations got worse. I don't think this storm will pass until he comes out or shows pda with a man.
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ginkovskij · 3 years ago
gin, i'm simply smitten with your enjolras! he looks so young and tender, the colors you use are very light and your lines are soft, it suits him just fine! ❤️💙
🥺🥺 thank you!!
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the-travelling-witch · 3 years ago
The change of time
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summary: getting ready for a very special kind of dinner with xiao
pairing: xiao x gn!reader (feat. a bunch of genshin characters)
warnings: modern! au, very fluffy, kinda crack at the end?
a/n: this is just a little warm-up drabble to get back into writing before i tackle my requests again but i thought i´d share it anyways; i just sat down and wrote this in a single go, so not a lot of planning went into this, just my brain running wild; i might turn this idea into a longer fic if i feel like it or if you guys like the idea; i had lots of headcanons for this and i touched on some here but only briefly, do with that what you will
genshin masterlist
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“Don´t you look handsome, love,” you cooed at the amber-eyed man stepping out of your shared bedroom.
“It´s better than those ridiculous hats you used to put me in,” Xiao huffed as he fiddled with the collar of the black button-up he was wearing. “But I still don´t understand why I have to wear this for dinner. We´re only meeting people we´ve seen plenty of times already.”
“Oh, come on, the hats were a fashion staple back then,” you chuckled. “Anyway, we should honour their hospitality regardless of how long we´ve known each other for. Besides when was the last time all of us have come together like this? A chance like this is rather rare, don´t you think?”
Xiao remained silent but nodded in agreement and while he was acting like he didn´t care about this dinner you knew he was looking forward to it more than he let on. Some things would never change. As a knowing smile found its way to your lips, your lover picked up an envelope lying on the dinner table.
“What´s this?” Curiously he turned the fancy letter between his nimble fingers.
“Do you remember that girl two stories down who could see magic and used to play with Dusky Ming? I kept in contact with her and she invited us to her diamond wedding… Crazy how time flies, right?” You felt Xiao´s presence next to you before he even lifted his arm to wrap around your shoulders as he joined you in front of the large window front spanning the west side of your apartment. The sinking sun coloured the sky in a variety of vibrant reds, yellows and oranges as it slowly vanished behind the city´s skyline. “Liyue sure has changed. What do you think? How many diamond weddings would you say we have already had?”
“Too many to count. I don´t think mortals have an adequate title for the time we´ve spent together.” He intertwined your hands and lifted them to his lips to place a tender kiss on your knuckles which -even after all this time- never failed to make you giggle. “I´m happy you have been by my side through the change of times, (y/n). It was easier to accept these changes with you here.”
“And I´m happy you let me be by your side. Having you there gave me strength and reassurance.” You returned his gesture by softly sealing your lips with his, your free hand running through the hair in his nape while his found your waist. When you parted again, you couldn´t help but admire how Xiao seemed to glow in the golden light of the sun. It was a sight which amazed you no matter how often you had already seen it. “As much as I´d love to stay like this forever, we should get going though. The others are probably waiting already.”
“Hmm, I hoped you had forgotten.” His thumb traced over your cheek as a small, loving smile graced his features. “Are you ready, love?”
At your nod, the familiar feeling of weightlessness enveloped you and made you cling to Xiao´s arms tighter. When you opened your eyes again, the scenery around you had completely changed as you stood in front of a lavish house.
“Airplanes still can´t hold a candle to you, can they?” A comment which earned you an affectionate forehead flick but also a slightly smug expression. You didn´t even have to ring the doorbell before it swung open, revealing the hosts of tonight´s dinner.
“(Y/n)! I´m so glad you could make it and look! You even brought Xiao, isn´t this amazing?”
“Miko, Ei, thank you so much for inviting us!” As you greeted Yae Miko, Xiao handed you the gift you had prepared for the two of them as he exchanged a curt nod with Ei. “Both of you look stunning as always. I take it everyone is already here?”
“That´s correct. Even the bard made it here before you.” Miko´s eyes glinted mischievously as she let her gaze wander between you. “My, whatever could you two have been doing to have you running this late, I wonder?”
“Miko, don´t torment our guests before they have even stepped inside, please.” The pink-haired woman only laughed at that before inviting you in.
As you arrived in the dining room, you were met with a sight that long ago would´ve been unthinkable. At the table sat the most curious assembly of guests: Venti was talking Zhongli´s ear off about how he riled up a group of conspiracy theorists, who were absolutely convinced people with superpowers exist, with some subtle anemo gusts; Ganyu and Lumine were helping Qiqi open another bottle of coconut water; Aether held back Paimon from diving right into the food and Scaramouche looked like a teen who was dragged there by his mom.
At your arrival, all eyes turned to you as you greeted your old friends. Sure, the Teyvat you saw before you might not be the same as the one all those years back, but traces of it could still be found here and there. You just had to look a little closer.
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adaodinson · 4 years ago
I don’t know where this came from, it’s quite weird, but I liked it, I hope you do too.
Oh and a small side note, the 5 songs that I mention, I really do recommend you to hear them if you haven’t.
English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
Feedback is appreciated :)
Summary: You start working for Bucky. An important event comes but someone messes up and you have to do something about it.
Warnings: Swearing.
Relationship: Company director!Bucky x female!reader
You´re heart dropped at the sound of your phone announcing that you had received an email. You had been like this the whole day waiting for that damned answer on the job you had applied for. You were insanely nervous. Even though you were only starting in the industry, the Starsco company was a pretty good place to begin at.
You had always been good with words, you were great at convincing people of selling things, of buying things, of doing things, etc. You were a natural (which was quite ironic sine you sere socially shy and awkward) and you knew it. You had wanted to make a living out of getting and selling strange things. Sure, it sounded weird, but, isn´t weird always interesting?
It had all started a month ago, when you told your aunt you needed her help. You had found a vacancy in a company called Starsco that basically, took care of finding the weirdest things other companies might need that couldn´t easily be found or bought in big amounts. The job was everything you wanted. The company was run by James Barnes, a successful businessman that was known for being a quite unique boss, and an amazing and talented person. You had worked with your aunt for the past few years, but when you told her about the job she immediately used her contacts to get you an interview, and before you knew it, that had passed and all you could do now was wait.
And this was it, this was the moment you would know if you were gonna start working for such a company and such a person in the business you had wanted for so many years. You opened your phone without looking at the content of the email, you then slowly lowered your fingers as you read line by line until you got there.
-YES- you yelled and jumped around like a maniac through your apartment. You got it, you were starting in three days, on Monday. WOOOHOOOOO hell yeah.
After telling your aunt about the news the weekend flew by, and in the blink of an eye you were walking through the crowded streets of New York headed to the building you had only seen once for your interview. You weren´t one to lie to yourself, you were fucking terrified. You had met Nat and Clint at your interview, they were important workers at the company, and seemed quite serious at first, focusing on the “at first”. You got along with them just fine. Even though you had all been insanely professional during the interview, when it finished, they let out a bit of themselves as regular people, and you got to like them since then. You hadn´t met your boss, though, and that was your main concern.
You pushed through the huge main doors and led your feet through the crowded and busy main entrance. You spotted Nat as soon as you got to the first floor, and she headed straight to you right away. She was wearing a beautiful black suit with a white blouse underneath, and you were wearing a dark blue one with a gray blouse under it. She smiled widely at you, and you returned her the smile.
-Hey, how are you? Are you nervous?- She asked happily, with a hint of playfulness in her tone.
-Hey, I´m good thanks, and yes of course I´m nervous. How are you?- You replied honestly.
-I´m good, and happy to see you here- You smiled at that even more.
She gave you a tour of the places in the building you didn´t know, and then led you to your desk that was placed in a huge room with beige walls. It was pretty big and seemed quite comfortable. It had a computer and office supplies.
On the other side of the room there was a big window with two desks in front of it. On them there were two people already standing up to say hi to you.
-Hey, I´m Wanda and this is Thor- Wanda was gorgeous, just like Nat. She had bright orange hair and was wearing a dark red blouse with a lighter red pencil skirt. Thor was a huge (insanely handsome) guy, with blonde hair and a big smile. He was wearing a black suit with a red tie.
-Hi, I´m Y/N, I guess I´ll be working with you now- You said happily and shook both of their hands. They seemed nice, like, really nice. Nat had told you about them, or specifically, she told you about everyone in the company that she got along with and that she knew you would too.
Nat left after saying goodbye, and Wanda and Thor explained more of what you would be doing; you would basically take care of making meetings and gatherings possible by having every person that was needed present, and you needed to get whatever your boss asked you to get, as weird or difficult as it sounded. That was, of course, hard as hell, because it meant dealing with weird ass people, but as always, that was your area of expertise. This was what you signed up for, and you were really good with words, that was your “ability”, and that´s why you had been hired. You were excited, it sounded really interesting.
Wanda told you Mr. Barnes was at a meeting, but he had made himself a little space to meet you, and that would happen in exactly an hour. You started settling in your desk, glancing up at the clock that hung in front of the door to your left (door that led to Mr. Barnes´ office).
Before you knew, the door to the left had been open, letting a crowd of men and women out, and finally showing your boss. Jesus fucking Christ. You knew about his reputation of being one of a kind, but damn, he was the most freaking beautiful man you had EVER seen, even more than Thor. Fortunately, you knew how to keep your composure around attractive people, you had since your interview with Nat.
-Ms.Y/N, hello, I´m James Barnes- he said with a smile that adorned those perfect deep blue eyes of his. And dear God, didn´t your name sound beautiful coming from his mouth. You took the hand he had just offered you.
-Hello Mr.Barnes, thank you for giving me this opportunity- You said while shaking his strong hand that happened to be huge compared to yours.
-Oh no, I´m thanking you, you have an amazing resume, it´s pretty clear you know your way through words- Damn it, this man is so charming, this is ridiculous.
-Well, if I have a skill I´ll use it- You answered, realizing either of you had let go of the handshake. You let go of his hand slowly, trying to not make him uncomfortable, and it worked. He just retreated his hand.
-Mmhh I like you already, doll- you couldn’t help the smile and small giggle that came out of you at his words. And well, the nickname, God the nickname. At first you thought that´s how he referred to all women, but you would soon learn he called everyone by their last names, except for Wanda and Nat (he referred to them by their first names), and you, you were “doll”- I´m sure Wanda and Thor already told you were to start-.
-They did indeed- You answered.
-Okay, then I´ll head back to my office, I´ll use the communicator if I need you, okay?-
-Okay- You smiled widely and watched him walk back to his office and close the door behind him. You headed to your desk, to start with your work, not noticing the confused looks Thor and Wanda were exchanging after the curious interaction they had just witnessed. But they weren´t gonna mention it until they were sure it had been what they thought.
Your job was just as hard and challenging as you had expected, but you loved it. You got to talk to the strangest people ever and go to the weirdest places with a bunch of security people just to protect you. You sure as hell wouldn´t have done any of that at another job.
Three months had passed, and you already loved everyone that worked with you. You were becoming close with almost everybody: Nat, Clint, Wanda, Thor, Pietro, Bruce, Tony, Sam, etc. Nat, Wanda and Sam were your closest friends so far. You also got along amazingly with your boss. You two already even had inside jokes, always spoke to each other with a playful tone and were quite touchy. The thing was either of you seemed to notice. You two were always brushing shoulders when walking together, he played with your hands when you were casually talking (you were already used to the feeling of his metal arm, and you seemed to be the only one he trusted to touch it and be touched by it), and both of you laughed like crazy when you were together, even if you were supposed to be professional (except, of course, when you were in front of people from outside the company, but that seemed to be the only time you didn´t look like a couple of idiots).
He called you doll and occasionally by your first name, and of course you called him Mr. Barnes: But one time you had seen him at a company event he casually asked you to call him Bucky, but it just felt wrong, so you kept the professional name.
You were working on getting 384 kilos of carbon (no, you had no idea why and you weren´t sure you wanted to know) when your boss appeared and called Wanda, Thor and you into his office. You shared looks since it was weird for him to ask all three of you in at the same time.
-What can we do for you boss?- You asked with the playful tone you and Bucky (yes, in your mind you did call him Bucky) often used when you talked. He smiled widely, but a hint of tiredness adorned his face.
-Well, I need the three of you working on an event that we are having next week. I need you to make sure everyone that is needed there will attend. This is a really important meeting, and it´s not any type of event, this could be a game-changer for the company, it has to be perfect. Someone really important is attending so I need you there to make sure everything that he wants he gets. It´s Ronald Lazo and I trust you to get what he asks for. He is known for only attending meetings that have a singer singing five specific songs, I´ll give you Thor the details and I need you to get that. He only drinks some weird kind of rum that I need you Wanda to get, and Y/N, I need you at the event to check that everything is working and that he´s getting what he needs. You guys can postpone what you´re currently working on except for the Cryt check and get these things done. Thor and Wanda, thank you, you guys are excused, Y/N I need you to stay-.
All three of you nodded and your workmates left the office. Once they closed the door, Bucky stood up from his desk and walked toward you.
-Listen, I only trust you in case something has to be done at the last minute because you have proven to be capable of doing so at emergencies, so I need you to finish the last thing I requested and then make sure this place- he said handing you a paper- will be available on Tuesday next week. That´s all I need you to do these few days because you´ll be at the event on Tuesday since 5pm to check and supervise that everything works-.
You didn´t even notice when he got closer to you, but you could smell his scent (a strange but nice mixture of metal, wood and cologne) as he spoke.
-And another essential thing I need to ask. On that day I need you to stay away from anyone that is not from the company. Stay really close to me, I´ll let you know what the guy wants, what I need you to get, but please stay away from him. I´m asking you this as hopefully your friend, not as your boss. This mas is known for easily losing his shit. I know you can take excellent care of yourself, but this guy is a whole different story. Please stay safe-.
-We are friends- you answered, truthfully- and I will stay close to you, I´ll stay safe. And of course I´ll do my work as you ask, everything that is needed- You said with a reassuring tone, as he did seem worried. Your heart flipped at the thought of him considering you his friend and caring this much for you.
-Perfect- He said as he walked back to his desk, as his worried tone disappeared, almost as if he had reset. You just nodded and waited for him to nod back. When he did, you took that as your sign to go out, back to your desk and get to work.
Tuesday came by in a flash. You woke up with a knot in your stomach, but you were kind of excited. It was 4pm, so you had to rush to get ready.
Bucky had told you to dress fancy but simple, so you went for a black dress that had a lose skirt that reached your knees and a beautiful top with sleeves that showed your shoulders but covered part of your upper arms. You choose a pair of black ankle boots that were easy to walk with, but that fitted the dress perfectly. You took one final look on the mirror and since you liked how you looked, you went to your bathroom to put your make up on. After you were happy with it you took your keys and purse and headed towards the place.
After parking your car you headed to the garden (the event would be at one), and you thanked your past self again for your choice of shoes. You walked toward the table where the people you knew were. You said hi to Sam, Clint, Bruce and Nat (the ones that were attending) and went to look for your boss to let him know you had arrived.
You just couldn´t get used to how handsome he was, it was impossible. He was wearing an all-black suit with a turtleneck and you felt your knees literally shake as you walked. He turned to you in response to the person that he was talking to looking stunned by you. I mean, I know I look good but that was weird. That was your thought until your boss looked at you. His eyes widened and he stood completely still. The only part of him that was moving were his eyes, as they seemed to be exploring you. You were fucking dying. He was checking you out and you were about to faint, so you decided to smooth the tension with a joke before you passed out at how he was looking at you.
-See something you like, boss?- You asked quietly enough for him to be the only one to listen. He bit his lip. Oh you´re not fucking helping. And he giggled.
-Wow, you do look amazing, doll- he stated. You felt yourself blushing like hell, but come on, he had to be more embarrassed than you at this point.
-Thank you, you look quite handsome yourself- That seemed to take him by surprise, but he then smiled and thanked you as well. He introduced you to the people around and informed you Mr. Lazo hadn´t arrived, but that he was counting on the singer that had been requested to have arrived already since it was the first part of the event, so he asked you to call Thor for him to tell you who and where she was.
As you started walking away, still laughing to yourself at what had just happened, you heard your phone ringing. It was Thor. How convenient.
-Hey Thor, how ar-
-Y/N, shit, I need your help- He said with a terrified tone. You had never heard him swear so you knew he had either screwed up, or he had been fucking kidnapped.
-My God, what happened?-
-The singer that I hired just cancelled, she found out more about Mr. Lazo and said she´s not coming-
-WHAT?- Okay, that came out way louder than what you wanted.
-Where are we gonna get a singer that knows the specific songs at the last minute?!- You asked, lowering your tone.
-I don´t know, please help me- He was truly desperate, so you agreed to help him.
He told you the songs were: Cry to me by Seal, Missing you by John Waite, I hope I don´t fall in love with you by Tom Waits, December 1963 by Franki Valli and The Four Seasons and Do you really want to hurt me by Culture Club. Okay maybe the guy was weird for always requesting to hear the same five songs at any event he went to, but he surely had a good taste in music, you knew all of them by heart. Although it was ridiculous that he wanted a female singer to sing all male songs.
After agreeing with Thor, you hung up, but the second you turned around, you saw your worst nightmare: Mr. Lazo had arrived, and he was heading to a freaking pale James Barnes that was mouthing you the question “where the hell is she”.
You were dead, Thor was dead, everyone was dead.
Lazo sat down at his place, and shortly everyone imitated him. He was seating next to Bucky that looked like he was about to faint. You had NEVER seen him like that, like ever, before tonight you couldn´t even imagine him getting so nervous.
You knew the songs would lighten up the mode, and that show working out would probably give Bucky the confidence he needed to be himself again, so you sighed, feeling a huge knot on your throat and texted Thor that it had been taken care of.
You never would have done this unless this exact thing was happening: everyone was seated, looking at the empty stage with nervous musicians and your dying boss. It had been at least two years since your last singing class, and even though you knew you were good, you hadn´t sang in front of an audience since you were 18. Lazo was clearly getting impatient, so you rushed to the stage, nodded at a confused Bucky, smiled at the musicians and died internally.
They understood and started playing the first song, and the second the words started getting out of your mouth, you remembered how much you adored singing. No one in the office knew you could sing, so they were all stunned at how beautiful your voice was. But there were two particular people who´s reaction you loved: Nat, that had the proudest face you had ever seen in anybody (she knew about what had happened with Thor), and Bucky´s. His face was lit up in a way that made his eyes and smile shine like diamonds. He seemed lost in you, and you were doing this for him, you sure as hell would make sure he knew that later.
Weeeell, nothing can be sadder than a glass of wine alone.
Loneliness, loneliness is such a waste of time.
Oh yeah, you don´t, you don´t ever have to walk alone, you see.
Come on and take my hand, and baby won´t you walk with me, oh yeah.
Just like that, the first song ended and the crowd applauded at your improvised performance. After seeing Lazo´s happiness with you, Bucky even stood up.
Shortly after, the next song began and you continued singing the five songs until the last one.
You´ve been talking but believe me.
If it´s true you do not know.
This boy loves without a reason.
I´m prepared to let you go.
If it´s love you want from me.
Then take it away.
Everything is not what you see.
And it´s over agaaaaaaain
Eventually the last song ended, and now the whole crowd (including Lazo) stood up, clapping. Your smile was huge, you really couldn’t (nor wanted) to control it. You looked for your boss in the crowd, and when you spotted him, you realized he was pointing at a door. You took that as a sign of him wanting to talk to you, and your overthinking ass managed to worry you and make you believe he could be mad at you.
You went to the place he pointed at, it was a maintenance closet filled with garden tools, but it was pretty big. Shortly after, Bucky found his way inside and before he could say anything, the second he closed the door, you started.
-Listen, Mr. Barnes, I´m so so sorry for having to do that, there was a problem, you see, the singer Thor hired cancelled like 30 minutes ago and everyone was waiting and Lazo was getting impatient and-
You couldn´t finish before you felt two strong arms hugging you and lifting you from the floor. Your reaction was to put your hands on his shoulder as he turned you around in his arms and laughed. You were gonna need a doctor´s appointment after your boss´ action, or you were literally gonna die.
-DON´T, don´t you dare apologizing! That was AMAZING, I didn´t know you could sing, that was impressive, he was so happy, Jesus. Thank you, Y/N- He said as he placed you back down. He looked at you with those deep blue eyes that had you dying for him. You felt like he was stealing your heart and soul only with his eyes, and you couldn´t help but placing your hand on his cheek.
-You don´t need to thank me, it´s my job. I mean, I did it for the company, and for my boss, and for Thor, and for the event. I couldn´t just let everything fall apart before it started, I couldn´t do that especially to you, Bucky-.
-Especially to me, Bucky?- He asked with a smirk. Fuck, fuck, no, what did I just do.
You just stared into his eyes, expecting him not to take much from what you said, but your mind imploded and stopped working the second you felt his lips covering yours. What in the actual fuck is happening? You didn´t let your mind wander in that question for too long, after all, you were KISSING him. Your hands went to nis neck and his grip tightened in your waist. You both split your lips, letting the other´s tongue explore. He was just perfect, you were covered in his scent, in him. You tasted all you could for as long as you could. But then you both remembered you kind of do need to breath.
You two parted slowly and let your foreheads rest together with wide and dumb smiles. At the same time, you both walked a few steps away and he then opened the door for you. He followed closely behind and soon enough, you were lost together in the crowd with your minds still clouded by the other´s presence. The event started great, it could only get better, and what would happen next, well, you were pretty sure it was gonna be awesome.
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goldie90 · 3 years ago
Red, orange, and green for the colors ask game
- just-another-self-shipper
(I already answered red.🙂)
🧡/Orange(You and your f/o are going on a roadtrip! Along the way you stop at some corny tourist traps. How does it go?): Oh god.😅 I think it´s safe to say that Nubbins would want to stop at every single tourist trap thats on our way, because he would want to take pictures of everything.📸 Also, he would probably want to buy or steal some souvenirs. 
💚/Green(Does your f/o get jealous? How do they cope with it?): Well, my dear husband is very possessive, so it´s probably no surprise that he gets jealous pretty easily. In fact, some random man just having a nice conversation with me can already be enough and if he actually tries to flirt with me? Lord have mercy on him is all I can say.😅 There was more than just one situation in which my darling actually killed someone because of this. And if that isn´t an option, then he simply starts to act all possessively, putting his arm around me and pulling me close to him, while he gives the other guy the most angry and threatening look ever.😠
Thanks for asking and I wish you a nice day/night.🙂
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opasnosts · 3 years ago
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               ---Take you off and make your blood hum
                                                   And tremble like the fairground lights----
( olivia dejonge, twentyone, cisfemale ) hey, was that AMELIA BONES passing by? so much has happened recently; I haven’t seen the PUREBLOOD in forever, but I’d recognize HER anywhere. rumor has it the THIRD year is studying to be a LAWYER. they always reminded me of BABY SAYS BY THE KILLS. I’ve also heard they’ve been recruited by THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. but despite all that I think they’re still CHARMING, POISED & ATENTIVE and STUBBORN, CUNNING & ARGUMENTATIVE. and the SLYTHERIN alum still reminds me of bold red lips around a cigarette,missing something that isn´t yours,black coffee, early morning walks and stolen glances. well, then, I guess some things never change.   ( lu,cod, she/her )
Character Chart Character’s full name: Amelia susan bones Reason or meaning of name:  Trustworthy, beautiful. Character’s nickname: lia, bones, blue/green Reason for nickname: eye color Personality Good personality traits:  CHARMING, POISED & ATENTIVE Bad personality traits: STUBBORN, CUNNING & ARGUMENTATIVE Sense of humor: very dry and sarcastic Character’s greatest joy in life: to live her truest life Character’s greatest fear: to let herself down.  Why?: Since he parents banished her for joining the order, she has made the promise to herself that she will no longer live for other, but for herself.  What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Having to battle her family face to face.  Character is most at ease when: reading or walking in nature.  Enraged when: People put others down.  Past Hometown: Scotland, Paris, London and Spain. Given that she is a pureblood her family would constantly try and keep her as educated as posible, even during Hogwarts. She would never spend her summers in the same place.  Type of childhood: little affection from her parents. She was only close to her bother.  Pets: white owl.  Favorites Color: lilac Least favorite color: neon orange  Music: all over the place Literature: Anything by jane austen, but she would not admit that out loud.  Form of entertainment: reading, walking, people watching. (self destructive things, such as parties, drugs and alcohol)  Traits Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist Introvert or extrovert? Introvert  Daredevil or cautious? Cautious when it comes to the war. Daredevil when it´s for fun.  Logical or emotional? both!!!  Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? methodical and neat! Prefers working or relaxing? work, to get out of her mind
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jacobwren · 4 years ago
The saying "it's not you, it's me" is not only a cliché-it also doesn't make much sense. That saying is so centered on humans. Maybe external things play a part in a relationship as well, you know? Maybe the air we're breathing, the atmosphere of the place we're in, or the time of day affects how we feel about another person. A person can't be that far apart from their surroundings; we're all part of this universe. Sometimes I feel as if I can say everything to you or nothing. Maybe everything and nothing isn't that different. Anyway, no hard feelings, alright? I think I just need some time...
Sheung-King, You are Eating an Orange. You are Naked.
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sunflowericescribbles · 3 years ago
Time to work through some questions regarding my apprentice
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1. Rosario "Sari" Laverne
First name meaning: "rosary" (m., ital.). Since I came up with the name spontaneously, I have never explicitly searched for the meaning, so it hasn´t any real significance for my character^^
the nickname: that was the endresult after many unsatisfying tries of finding one.. Rosa-Sario-Rio
Last name: Okay, I´m a bit confused now, because I thought I had searched for some specific word in different languages and ended up with a french one but now that I´m looking for it, I can´t find the meaning anymore o.o well, doesn´t matter, I liked the name, I took it and here we are xD
...now that I took a closer look at the full name, I realize what a mess it is xD italian & french mix.. what did I do o.o I probably should go back to do research before deciding on names XD
2. Vesuvia
3. Biological family Sari knows of:
mother (deceased) never knew her first name, she was only ever called by her last name Laverne older brother Elio hasn´t met him in years & isn´t even sure if he´s still alive - he is, but doesn´t live in Vesuvia anymore
4. practicing magic - it´s also a job, but that´s totally fine there was a time where he turned away from magic for a while after his mother had died, but it didn´t last long because it always found a way back to him and he just could´t leave it
5. (dark) purple/lilac - likes to combine it with tourqouise & orange prefers silver when wearing jewelry, because it suits him better (he´s not the type for gold), also has a natural habit of wearing black or dark purple as his basic color.
6. probably everything with pumpkin in it.. there are at least 5 different ways to cook a pumpkin soup, there´s pumpkin pie, pumkin smoothie, pumpkin bread and many many more things he loves with pumpkin^^
7. "If the sleeves aren´t nearly touching the ground it´s not a real magician´s robe." The one thing Sari insists on wearing are long magician robe sleeves, even if it is not a robe he´s wearing. The robe doesn´t matter as much as the sleeves, because they´re important for dramatic hand gestures.
8. ...Oh boy.. that is hard to say.. haven´t ever thought about it^^"
9.That some things of his forgotten past will come back to haunt him. His mother did not leave a good reputation, so the name Laverne is better left unmentioned even if it has been a long time ago. Sari doesn´t know but rather feels the uneasyness that comes with saying the last name.
10. none (even though Sari always wanted one) but one day he´ll find it and it will be a black cat and it will be perfect, because it will sit on his shoulder and get carried around, and it´s just the best familiar you can have, so yea, I´m not going searching for another animal when there´s already a perfect one for him :3
11. Sagitarius - I´ve looked his birthday up again since I had forgotten it and well, surprise to myself he´s born in november xD
12. The Fool (for now, because I honestly have no clue where else I should put him)
13. Asra
14. Uuuh let´s say I still have some secrets I keep from my own MC for safety reasons xD
15. a sandy beach with crystal clear ocean view, palm trees and no one else except Asra around. Peace, Quietness and one kind of single four poster bed (made of raffia) deocarted with flowing curtains and a mass off pillows.
16. Asra (yea, he is both) & Portia (that girl is close no.2)
17. Nadia - we are eternally greatful to have a countess like her, that´s all to say
18. If it´s about where I get my inspirations for my MC: mostly daydreaming and coming up with stories, with influences from different fantasy mangas/animes
19. The one thing Sari has dreamed about a few times already: meeting his familiar as a child, but never being able to form a bond because his mother always took it away.
20. Sari´s reverse would be ending up like his mother (not necessarily dead but led by negative emotions, which would end in dark magic arts he never wanted to touch again)
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hwaarang · 4 years ago
Just Hwoarang Things™
aka random   &   useless headcanons that have been rotting in my brain that i will now make everyone else’s problem .
he was always naturally a fighter .   as a child ,   he wouldn’t hesitate to challenge other kids who gave him a hard time for whatever reason ,   even if they were older   &   / or bigger than him .   though he was a tiny kid   (   he didn’t come into a shadow of his present stature until he hit a major growth spurt around 15 or 16   ) ,   hwoarang always managed to hold his own   &   quickly gained the respect of those around him ;   enough that they knew not to mess with him or not to say things to his face ,   at least .   as a result of this confrontational disposition of his ,   however ,   he often got in trouble with his school administration ,   much to his mother’s annoyance .   one of his only surviving memories of the woman consists of her exasperatedly asking him why he’s always fighting with other boys ,   to which her son replied ,   with a widening grin spreading beneath his nose ,   that it feels   good .   that he’s just   good at it .
prior to meeting   &   being taken in by baek ,   hwoarang primarily learned to fight through experience   &   through mimicking what he saw famous taekwondo practitioners do on television .   his fiery determination to be a strong   &   capable fighter   &   seemingly endless supply of stamina allowed him to be quick of study ,   so much so that his eventual master was greatly impressed by how much the boy already knew ,   even if his skills   (   &   especially his damn attitude   )   were in dire need of some fine - tuning .
despite how frequently he dyes his hair ,   he takes good enough care of it that it remains strong   &   soft   &   healthy .   part of this sees him allowing his roots to grow out a bit before he zaps them with bleach   &   colour ,   which can be somewhat stressful for him ,   as he likes to live in the delusion that bright red / orange is actually his natural hair colour .
perhaps surprisingly ,   hwoarang has a substantial skincare routine .   it’s nothing ridiculously extensive like many more glamourous people his age subject themselves to ,   but given that skincare is popular in korea   &   most everyone does it to some extent ,   he has developed a simple four - step routine that works for him .   one thing no one will ever see is hwoarang looking crusty .
he doesn’t explicitly label his sexuality   ———   not necessarily because he thinks labels have no use to him ,   but because he genuinely isn’t sure   how   to label it .   ‘  bisexual  ’   works on paper ,   but the only thing that’s fully certain to him is that he’s attracted to men   &   masculinity ,   even if he’s been attracted to   &   enjoyed   encounters   with women   &   other feminine figures before .   he tends to just think of himself as   ‘  gay  ’   in the umbrella - term sense ,   but even then ,   it’s as simple yet complicated as him just liking what he likes .
there’s also no real plan for him to get into a serious relationship ,   as far as he’s concerned .   he’s never been   ‘  in love  ’   &   romance has never been an interest of his .   he would rather remain focused on his personal goals   &   enjoying life ,   rather than being   ‘  tied down  ’   to another person .  what he doesn’t realize ,   though ,   is that he cannot fully control whether or not he falls in love with someone   &   that it is very likely to happen   &   that his attitude toward love   &   relationships is likely to cause a crisis when it does .
though he’s a seasoned   &   talented fighter of an impressive stature ,   hwoarang doesn’t have the appetite one may expect of him .   he’s an insanely picky eater   &   tends to want to eat the same few things over   &   over .   getting him to try new food ,   especially non - korean food ,   can be like pulling teeth .   he also has no idea how to cook anything except rice in a rice cooker   &   instant ramyeon . 
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sulfurousdreamscapes · 5 years ago
While Frances—only seven summers old—admired the helmet in her small, smooth hands, her brother Vivian was perched atop a wooden stool like a gargoyle, doing his best to tease her. The barn was a safe place for the inspection, away from their snoring father.
"Are you sure it isn't a bucket?" he asked.
"I'm very sure, Vivian." Being annoyed was one thing, but looking annoyed was another, and Frances was learning to differentiate these now.
"I'm just saying, because it's also made of metal, and you can probably send it down the well and fetch water with it. I wonder how it'd taste."
Frances couldn't resist holding the helmet upside-down, as if she were already at the well. The helmet's visor creaked and slid downwards to reveal a gaping hole where the wearer's eyes would be. Frances righted it, and she was very grateful her fingers weren't caught when the visor snapped back into place.
"It wouldn't hold water," Frances said at last. Vivian lost his composure and laughed, toppling the wooden stool over and landing face-first in the haystack.
Frances laughed at Vivian now, having secured sweet revenge on her tormentor, and she cradled the helmet to her breast like it was a baby.
"Do you think papa ever actually wore this?" she asked, after she had calmed down.
Vivian shook his head, hoping he wouldn't have to say it. And then, he blurted it out, just like that. "Papa wouldn't battle a chicken if he had to. It's all just for show."
"So did grandpa wear it?" Frances asked. "Did you ever see him wear it?"
Vivian shook his head again, more confidently this time. "I barely remember his face. I don't know, maybe I'm making it up, too. But I definitely don't remember him wearing this. Besides, Frances, he was an old man. Why would he put on armour?"
"Sometimes old men fight too," Frances grumbled.
"I wouldn't fight if I was an old man." Vivian smiled and righted the wooden stool. "I'd be so weak and frail!" He imitated a hunched, shuddering old man. "And I'd need to take medicine just to stay alive. Who am I going to fight? My nurse?"
Frances laughed at that, and she placed her helmet on the stool. Taking a few steps back, she took in the view for a little while. A beautiful helmet, she thought. She hadn't seen many helmets, but she was convinced that this helmet was beautiful.
"Why is it so... silvery?" she asked.
"It's made of metal, isn't it?"
"It should be painted in some nice colour, like indigo."
Vivian scoffed. "Indigo? Expensive taste, your highness."
"Is it? Then maybe... orange? Like the sun? Maybe it can have signs on it, in red. There will be one sign for me, and one for you, and that way, whoever wears this helmet, will be reminded of me and you."
"No one's going to wear the helmet, Frances."
Frances shook her head. "Hey, grandpa would have liked us to paint his helmet. We should paint it because he would have wanted to remember us!"
Vivian ran a hand through his hair and stopped it halfway through. "I don't think papa is going to take very kindly to that."
"Yeah, but grandpa is his papa, right?" Frances grinned and went to fetch the paints.
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cobra421 · 4 years ago
Nathanial Info
Ref from pr1ncemax!
Verse: LifeLine
Date: 5/17/21
The Basics
Full Name: Nathanial
Pronunciation: umm
Nickname/Alias: Nate, but prefers real name
Meaning: Gift of God
Origin: idk honestly...
Pet Name: Kid (Aarron), Snap (Cobra), Annoying Pest (Starkiller)
ID Number: unknown soul number
Gender: Male
Gender Role: He has no limits
Orientation: Pansexual
Real Age: 10 (cant's age
Age Appearance: 10 (can't age)
Birthday: Jan 7th, 1994
Deathday: Nov 3rd, 2004
Birthplace: Denmark
Immediate Family: Unknown
Upbringing: A Good Boy
Infancy: Unknown
Childhood: HYPER
Specific Looks
Species: Human/Dingo
Ethnicity: Scandinavian
Blood Type: Unknown
Preferred Hand: Right Handed
Facial Type: Oval
Eye Color: light Green
Hair Color: Blond/orange fur
Hairstyle: kinda sticks up
Skin Tone: Pale
Build: Skinny and Short
Height: 58in
Weight: 50lbs
Birthmarks/scars: Scar on left hand
Distinguishing Features: Black tipped tail
Health: dead...
Energy: way too much
Memory: He can't remember anything
Senses: Great Sight and Smell
Handicaps: small limp in Left leg
Medication: Needs some...
Phobias: Atychiphobia, Autophobia, Belonephobia, Catagelophobia, Scoptophobia
Mental Disorders: ADHD, PTSD
Looks Overall
Grooming: messy
Posture: depend
Gait: fast and clumsy
Coordination: Very clumsy
Habits and Mannerisms: bites hands when nervous, taps foot when excited
Scent: The smell of children
Mood: Excited/happy
Attitude: Veryapproachable and friendly!
Stability: Due to his PTSD, it differs
Expressiveness: Hides feelings of unease/depression
When Happy: taps foot, runs around
When Depressed: bites hand, hugs legs, balls up
When Angry: He has no anger, just sadness
Current Residence: 8 5 11 11 (Lower Land)
Community: oH mY gOd DeMoNs EvErYwHeRe
Family: Cobra (Daughter/sister),
Friends: Viper, Reed, Jack, Aarron, Caine
Enemies: None :)
Bosses: Basically Anyone
Heroes: Cobra
Relates to: Jack...
Pets/Familiars: Also takes care of Terrance
Material Objects
Wardrobe: hoodies mostly, and little kid t-shirts
Home: Shabby House, protected by barriars. No yard. Room is shared with Aarron, with checkered orange and black carpet.
Neighborhood: Shady
Transportation: Walking Mostly
Collections: Stuffed Animals
Love life
Lovers: Aarron
Marital Status: Dating
Turn-Ons: He has no requests
Turn Offs: Aggression
Position: Sub
Plays: um
Virginity: He's a small boy leave him alone
Element: Air
Religion: None I guess
Morals: Pretty Rightous person
Motivation: Everything!
Priorities: His Family, Love, friends
Philosophy: Glass half full
Etiquette: Think of a Child
Main Goal: To protect and Love Cobra
Minor Goals/Ambitions: Nothing! He makes no goals for himself
Career: A Animal Rehabilitation Worker
Desires: Love
Wishlist: He'll be happy with whatever
Accomplishments: convincing Aarron that hate isn;t what he wants.
Greatest Achievement: Unknown
Biggest Failure: Letting Thorn get close to Cobra
Secrets: He wishes that Cobra had let him die and saved Thorn
Regrets: trusting Thorn, Not being able to protect Cobra
Worries: Aarron turning Evil again, strangers
Best Dream: He has no clue
Worst Nightmare: Cobra dies and he's left alone
Best Memories: Anytime that everyone around him was happy
Worst Memories: Thorn's Death
Hobbies/Interests: draw, watch movies
Skills/Talents: Good at Acting and filmaking
Likes: Everything
Dislikes: people being mean or rude to him, being called short
Sense of Humor: childish
Pet Peeves: Argueing
Dreams/Nightmares: PTSD of Thorn's death and his own dead 16 years ago
Quirks: twitching ears, mutters in sleep, able to make cooing noises
Savvy: Random Things
Can't understand: Politics, Anger, Complex emotions
Closet Hobby: Unknown ;)
Well Rounded
Strengths: Great listener, paitent with people
Flaws: impaitent with events, socially awkward, doesn't like being grabbed, Eye contact is hard
Perception: It could be better
Conflicts: Unknown
Instincts: look behind him, shut doors
Lures: Helplessness, fun
Soft Spot: Cobra
Cruel Streak: Get fooled he's perfect
Powers/Abilities: Teleportation
Origin: death
Ability: Pretty good for a kid!
Immunities: Unknown
Restrictions: Has to focus on where he's going
Alternate Forms: Has soul form (dingo) since he died, and human form
Small Personality Quirks
Favorite Colors: orange and yellow
Favorite Animals: Any!
Favorite Mythological Creatures: Phoenix
Favorite Flavors: ANything sweet
Favorite Foods: candy
Favorite Drinks:orange juice
Languages: A little Norweigion, English
Accent: Hard to tell cuase of lisp
Voice: high pitch
Speech Impediments: stutter and lisp
Insult: Stop it!
Laughter: -intense giggling commences)
Signature Quote: "I know there is some good in you. Now we just have to find it."
Personality Quiz Answers
Temperament: Chloric
Enneagram: The Enthusiast
Ego/Superego/Id: Inperfection and harm
The Self: (The center/core of your character)
The Shadow: clingy :(
Creator Notes
Alignment: Good
Song: I'm still standing by Elton John
Vice: Envy
Virtue: Patience/Charity/Kindness/Humility
Defining Moment: Insisting Mercy
Tropes: The little brother
One Word: Perfect
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adaodinson · 4 years ago
How it should have been
I hated many aspects of the ending of Game of Thrones, so I wrote an alternate ending that includes some of my favorite characters. It´s one story that involves all of the characters (since their stories are sort of related at this point), it´s set on episode 5 from the last season.
None of the characters are mine, nor is the beginning of this story.
Characters: Arya Stark, Sandor Clegane (The Hound), Cersei Lannister, Gregor Clegane (The Mountain), Jamie Lannister, Brianne of Tarth and Qyburn.
Warnings: Death, swearing, violence.
-Look at me, look at me!- Sandor yelled as he held Arya´s neck.
-Do you wanna be like me?- He asked with sadness but decision in his tone. She needed to go, she had a life to live and he couldn´t let her die with him.
They slowly parted, and as Sandor was about to leave Arya spoke.
-Sandor!- she called out for him and he quickly turned his head to look at the girl.
-Thank you- she almost whispered, but he heard. He couldn´t bring himself to say anything, he just nodded and turned once more.
-No! Wait!- The old-him would have gotten annoyed by the girl, but this time she needed her to stop calling out for him. He knew that if he showed any willingness to forget his revenge and get the fuck out of there she probably wouldn´t let him stay.
-You have changed- she stated calmly but with a hint of sadness in her tone- you are trying to save me, you convinced me to forget about my list and go. The old-you wouldn´t have cared. I´ve known you for quite a while and of all the things that you are a hypocrite isn´t one of them. You try to make me see there is more to live for, that I still have a life to go to, well, so do you. You may be a grumpy bitch but you have proven to not be the monster everyone once thought you were. My sister and I trust you and I can tell you that is one of the only things the two of us will ever agree on. Your brother is going to die too if he stays, and it´s pretty clear at this point that if he follows Cersei he will stay. Don´t you think the best revenge you could get is enjoying your life and knowing you didn´t die making sure he did?
She finished and her eyes were filling with a strange mixture of emotions Clegane had never seen being reflected towards him. He knew she was right, it just felt wrong; he had never really let himself enjoy his life, he had always had a purpose and leaving now would leave him with none.
-What would I do if I go with you? I have no family, I have no friends, I have nowhere to go- He stated refusing to keep looking at the girl´s eyes.
- You know that´s not true. You are welcome at Winterfell, or you could get the hell out of here and see the rest of the world. You do have friends: there´s my sister, Brianne, Tormund. Even if you won´t accept it you care for them and they care for you. You also have me, your traveling companion. And even if you wanna go on and live the rest of your life alone, at least you will have the chance to decide. But if you stay you will seal your destiny-
He didn´t know how to feel. No one had ever showed that they cared for him (according to him), it had always been him and his revenge. But maybe now that could change, maybe he didn´t need a reason, he just needed to live.
It took him a while to answer and the place was crumbling down.
-You know what, just like you said, fuck it- Arya spoke loudly as she ran over to where the big man was- Fuck your brother, fuck Cersei, fuck everyone let´s go.
She grabbed his arm and started walking, when she didn´t feel him pulling back she started running and he followed.
They manage to get out and ran through the streets. The floor was tumbling, the houses and buildings were torn and everything was covered in ashes. The attack hadn´t finish, huge storms of fire could be seen from streets away. They ran trying to avoid stumbling and hitting other people. The screams and rocks falling were all one could hear, and all that was to be seen was the red and orange mixture of fire and blood.
The pair made they´re way through the streets trying to help as many people as possible. They couldn´t do much but helping some get up, some others find their families seemed enough. Arya had her sight glued to the front, she needed to get out, but as she made her way through a corner, she felt a big hand holding her shoulder. She stopped and looked up at Sandor, he had his eyes set in something that was happening. The girl tried releasing from his grip, but he pointed at what he was looking at and Arya felt the anger fill her body as she saw.
Cersei knew Jamie was gone, but a part of her thought he would go back for her. Even if he had, it was clear he hadn´t found her. Qyburn and herself had managed to get out of the Red Keep thanks to the Mountain. He seemed indestructible. They made their way through the crowd, and no one could actually care that they were escaping, all the people had many other things to worry about.
As terrified as she was, Cersei had a bit of a smirk in her face, she was convincing herself she would manage to escape, that she would get out alive. Qyburn was also afraid, mainly because he knew the only thing stopping the Mountain from leaving him to die was Cersei: if she died he would too.
The both of them were making a plan in their heads, thinking about what they would do, where they would go next and how they would avoid getting killed in the process. This was until the Mountain stopped and turned. Qyburn tried guessing what was that thing that had stopped the monstrous man, and when he saw the Hound standing next to the Stark girl he understood.
Sandor and Arya hadn´t moved, they were just watching the Mountain move towards them with Cersei and Qyburn following behind him.
Sandor started counting the steps his brother had left to get to him. Instinctively he put himself in front of Arya. The three were just a few meters away from the pair. The brothers had already released their swords, and Arya was reaching out for Needle.
Cersei had a despicable smirk in her face meant for Arya as she imagined how satisfying it would be to see the little brat get killed by her guard. Just as a couple of meters separated the group, Arya and Sandor´s look changed as they felt the heat get close to them.
Sandor immediately grabbed Arya, carried her, and ran back to the alley they were at before. He used his body to cover the girl and protected himself with the wall.
As the orange storm passed the two immediately turned back to the street. All they saw were burnt bodies, some melted with armor, some expelling ashes. Suddenly both of them could only feel peace. Their personal enemies were dead, they had just experienced a pretty painful death and they couldn´t help but feel they had been rewarded for deciding to not kill them themselves. They had been able to see them die, to make sure there were gone and now they could go on, get the hell out of there and decide what to do later.
Meanwhile, Jamie had been arguing with himself about the decision he had made. After speaking to Tyrion and saying goodbye to him for good he realized he didn´t want to go back to the beginning. He didn´t want to be that man again, the one that pushed Bran from the tower, the one that was called kingslayer and had barely explained the real reasons behind his actions. He loved Brianne, his heart broke as he heard hear crying when he left, and he knew it wouldn’t be easy for him to get her to take him back, but he had to try.
He walked through the gates of Winterfell, cursing at the cold in his mind. He asked around where Brianne was, and the second he spotted her his heart fell. The feeling started creeping in again: he doesn´t deserve her, not after everything he had done. He was about to turn and leave, but he heard fast footsteps approaching him and as he turned, he felt her arms surround him. He took her in and refused to let go. She couldn´t believe he was back, she just couldn´t. Tormund had told her he was out there asking for where she was, but she was busy and wouldn’t fall for the red bearded´s joke. Tormund started babbling about how she deserved to be happy, that he could be left there to die and have his heart ripped from his chest. He had always been pretty dramatic, but when she saw Jamie her heart filled with joy for two reasons: in between the annoying babbling coming from the wildling, he was telling the truth, that and Jamie had returned.
-I´m sorry, I know I don´t deserve your forgiveness but I had to try and come back to you. I´m done living in the past, I wanna be with you- He said as he parted enough to look into her eyes.
-I forgive you Jamie- That was all she could say before she threw herself back to his arms and smiled like she never had before. They were together, they wouldn´t part again, they could finally be happy, finally.
Back at King´s Landing, Sandor and Arya had managed to get out of the city. The attack had finally ended, Deanerys was flying back to her army and Jon and Tyrion were around there. Jon didn´t notice his sister until after Dany had left and Tyrion had been taken away. After that it all happened too fast.
In the blink of an eye the pair had been told Jon had killed Dany, Bran had been named King, Tyrion was Hand again and Sansa would be Lady of Winterfell officially.
Arya had decided she would go where the maps stopped. She wanted to see the world. They would never accept it, but both Sandor and Arya had been filled with what they thought was a long gone joy when they decided to travel together.
She finished saying goodbye to her siblings with many tears in her eyes. She hesitantly got on board but as the shore shrank, she felt like she was where she was supposed to be.
- Are you ready for this, angry little Lady?- Sandor asked with a smirk and a small smile only Arya noticed.
-Of course, big grumpy Hound- She said happily as they sailed to who knows where to start their lives over and see where the future took them. They had no idea of what would come, but honestly, they didn´t give a fuck.
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barksbog · 5 years ago
In your opinion what's the most common misconception abt krampus in American media?
the ones that are very common and also bother me SO MUCH
calling krampus german. stop. it´s a thing in several alpine countries.most traditions and folklore don´t really follow borders but are rather shaped by geography and history. most people in northern germany, from what i have heard don´t have krampus or even really know about him.
(but generally americans like to think certain things are German when really they are kinda common in several countries like. beer. and lederhosen. and christmas markets. or eating sausages.)
and seeing him as some sort of goat man trying to steal The American Christmas. here to eat children and fight santa. krampus is associated with saint nikolaus. like you know. the actual saint nikolaus. who propably gave name to santa klaus (idk about santa lore. we don´t have him in austria) but the way he is associated with nikolaus is that he is his helper here and even walks besides him on the 6th december when the nice children get their bags or boots of oranges and nuts (and candy) this tradition isn´t fully unconected from the advent/christmas time but it leads to the last thing THAT I`M MAD AT
krampus showing up around the 24th december. stop.
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