bhaalsdeepbat · 7 months
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Gale said he was tired and old and I like to think when he gets cranky, he throws little fits and Astarion just kinda squints at him before grumbling and getting Gale to bed.
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im-not-a-l0ser · 3 months
I'm watching that episode of HIMYM where Marshall and Lily have stopped having sex bc of their kid, so Marshall is exercising constantly while Lily is just... very horny and invasive into her friend's sex lives.
And Max would definitely do that exercise thing. Like, if he were in a long-term relationship with someone, say... Richie, for example, and then for whatever reason they stopped having sex—whether it's because one is travelling, busy with work/school, or something happened to cause a discomfort—he would absolutely spend every possible moment working out.
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chronicowboy · 2 years
a picture is worth three little words | 3.9k
Buck flings the door open and Chris fumbles in shock, the Switch slipping off his bed to the carpet. Buck sighs.
"Buddy, you're getting better at this whole sneaking around thing I admit, but you've still got a lot to learn." Buck scoops the switch up, makes sure to save whatever progress he made in the last twenty minutes and switches it off.
"You could teach me?" Chris tries, shameless in a way that makes his heart ache because it reminds him so much of the week he'd spent begging Maddie to tell him how to sneak out of the house after curfew.
"Nice try, kid." Buck ruffles his hair and tucks him in, relishing in the way Chris lets him. "But no matter what your dad says, I don't have a death wish. So, I'm taking this," he waves the Switch in the air, "and you're getting to sleep. You have school in the morning."
"Who goes on a date on a Wednesday?" Chris asks with the wrinkle of his nose.
"Dads who have a standing movie night on the normal date day." Buck whispers, ducking to press a wet kiss to Christopher's forehead before he can protest. He only rolls his eyes. "Hey, are you okay with your dad dating again?"
"I guess." Chris shrugs. "I want him to be happy—" He frowns.
"But?" Buck prompts.
"I don't know." His sigh turns into a yawn. "I thought we made him happy."
"Oh, bud." Buck swallows the heartache on the back of his tongue. "You make him so happy, you know that. But you're getting more independent and having crushes of your own..." Chris groans and shoves at Buck's shoulders which shake with silent laughter. "Okay, okay. Truce." He holds up his hands and grins. "One day, you're gonna be too cool for your old man and he just doesn't want to be alone."
"I'm never gonna be too cool for dad." Chris murmurs. Buck squeezes his ankle and files that away for when Eddie gets home. "And he's not alone, he has you." Chris looks up at him then with those wide, wise eyes. "You make dad happy."
"He's my best friend." Buck replies, a little breathless. It feels a little like he's defending himself, but he's not sure what it is he's defending himself from.
"Sarah's my best friend." And then Chris rolls over, pulling the blanket over his head to end the conversation.
(OR: eddie goes on a date, buck finds an incriminating picture, and the answer to happiness is right under his nose)
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padfootastic · 1 year
Hello I have come to you with another Prongsfoot thought: James absolutely losing his mind when he comes home one day (or comes back to the dorm one day) to find Sirius wearing his jersey (and perhaps nothing else hehehe.)
oh but i’ve got just the thing for you, miss imp 😉 this is a headcanon i’ve had for the longest time, because james is absolutely the kind of person who loses his mind when his partner wears his name on them. and we already know anything sirius does is maddening for him sooooooo this is. a deadly combination.
(i’ve posted this before but it’s gotten lost in the Great Tumblr Archival System so i’m reposting it hehehehe)
“Alright, James, this can’t go on anymore,” Sirius said, voice firm, arms crossed across his chest. James blinked, eyes dragging up from where they’d been fixed on his collarbones, unusually exposed in the large jersey, to focus on furrowed brows and suspicious grey eyes.
“What can’t go on anymore?”
“This—whatever’s going on with you!” Sirius threw one arm out in emphasis. “You’ve been acting off the entire day, do you realise?”
James tilted his head in question, silently asking for him to elaborate. He knew he’s been…a little distracted, but it couldn’t have been so much as to call for this intervention, surely?
“James!” Sirius says, exasperated and really, that’s one too many times he’s called him by his full name. He can’t even remember the last time Sirius did that. “You crashed into a wall twice, tripped over Mrs. Norris’ tail and had to hide inside a suit of armor to avoid her claws—then you fell over in the damn thing and got a bump the size of an ostrich egg on your head. Five seconds ago, you almost plummeted off the staircase to your death and now you’ve been somewhere Not Here the entire time I’ve been talking. Seriously, what gives?”
Okay, maybe, put it that way, it sounded quite bad but James didn’t intend to be so scatter brained! He was having a perfectly decent time, had his head screwed on straight and then Sirius had to go and mess all that up! He was not prepared for the sight of him walking out of the shower, a cloud of steam escaping behind him. His hair was half wet and pulled back, cheeks flushed red from the heat and most importantly, he was wearing James’ Quidditch Jersey.
The one that was at least two sizes bigger than Sirius usual clothes. And the one that, when his best mate turned around, had POTTER emblazoned in huge letters across the shoulders. James had just stood there, jaw slack and fingers clenched around his tie, taking in the sight. He knew what his jersey looked like, had worn it hundreds of times, but he never knew it could be like this.
And that had just been the beginning. It seemed like with every passing hour, Sirius looked better in the damn thing than before which—shouldn’t be possible considering how extremely good he looked in the first place. Seriously, if James wasn’t as…confident as he was, he would’ve definitely gotten a complex by now. As it was, Wormtail always looked a bit peaky around Sirius. Just before their first class, Sirius’ had dried into his usual perfect curls, loose strands framing his face. By the time second rolled around, the jersey had slipped off one shoulder, exposing sharp collarbones. James didn’t even know bones could look so- so obscene but here he was, proven wrong. Right after lunch, Sirius had gotten frustrated with how much the fabric was flapping and had casually used his hair tie to knot it in the back.
This led to two things. First, his hair was now free to tumble around his face, leaving James with the strongest urge to run his hands through it, or perhaps even tick strands behind one ear. He only avoided doing so by utilising pressing his fingers into his palms to the point of pain. The second, more maddening, one was that now, it wasn’t just his unnervingly attractive shoulder but also his waist that was on tantalising display. Every time he stretched, or raised his hand in class, or ran a hand through his hair—the jersey would ride up until Sirius’ pale skin peeked through and honestly, was it really a wonder that James almost walked off the moving staircases the first time he got a glimpse of that happening?
The entire day was an exercise in making him lose his mind, he was certain. Somewhere, he had pissed off a deity and they wanted him to suffer because there was no other explanation for this. James had never been one to feel possessive. In fact, he loved sharing everything he had with the people around him. Their joy was his joy and all that. Hell, Sirius and him had been wearing each other’s clothes since first year when Sirius hadn’t had anything except uncomfortably formal robes for Christmas morning, which was an atrocity because everyone knew you wore ugly sweaters on the day so he’d given his to Sirius and DIY’d one for himself. Of course, as James started playing Quidditch and bulked up harder and faster than anyone could’ve predicted, it had decreased until the only things they really shared were robes and ties.
But seeing his name on Sirius? Plastered across his body, marking him as James’? He just knew, right there and then, that he could never go back. Now that he’d felt what it was like, that burning heat deep in his gut, the dizzying feeling of seeing Sirius look so…delicate—there was no way he couldn’t crave more of it. In his head, James had already started making plans for now he could, inconspicuously, get Sirius’ in his jersey more often. Because it absolutely has to happen again, James hasn’t had nowhere near enough of the sight.
“Jamie? James!” A hand waved in front of him, ripping him away from his pleasant daydreams of seeing Sirius in nothing but his jersey. His face flamed red, not even realising the direction his thoughts had travelled in until he blinked and saw Sirius standing in front of him, looking bemused and dressed perfectly respectably (James was trying very hard to ignore the skin visible just above his waistband.
“Er—sorry,” James said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Went away for a second there.”
“That’s exactly what I mean! You’ve been drifting away quite a bit today.”
“It’s not—Seriously, nothing’s wrong—“
“I never said it was,” Sirius said, shrewdly, making James immediately choke on his words as he tried to backtrack.
“No—That’s not…I mean—“ James’ teeth snapped shut with an incriminating ‘clack’ as Sirius steps closer to him, toed shoes touching at the tips. Close enough that they were breathing the same air, for James to see the shades of grey in Sirius’ eyes. Close enough that he could feel the movement of Sirius’ chest as he breathed deeply.
“Si?” he croaks, throat too dry all of a sudden.
“Won’t you tell me what happened, James?” Sirius’ voice was soft, pitched low and James had to strain his ears to hear him properly. He gulped unsteadily, eyes tracking the way Sirius tongue slipped out to wet his bottom lip, leaving a maddening shine behind.
“Si,” he said, again, tone matching Sirius’. One of his hands had, without his permission, travelled to the waist he’d been eyeing for the better part of the day. It was featherlight, barely even a touch, really, but the way Sirius shuddered when his hand made contact with warm skin was entirely too much for James’ already fraying self control. His fingers twitched, hard, in an attempt to stop but in the next second, they’d wrapped themselves entirely around the body in his arms. James’ forearm was pressed tight against Sirius’ back, their noses were mere inches away, and Sirius’ eyes were more than halfway shut.
James took a deep breath himself and let his hand press imprints into the curve of Sirius’ waist. The only response he got was the feeling of Sirius’ forehead pressing into his shoulder, arms wrapping around him in return.
It was then that James let his own shoulders unclench, let himself relax like he hadn’t the whole day. A soft smile lifted his lips as he thought about where to go from here
“You’ll wear this for me again, won’t you, darling?” he asked, pressing the question into Sirius’ dark curls with a kiss. He didn’t get a reply but he didn’t need one. Sirius’ hitched breath was enough of an answer for him.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
i have a fic idea. ive even started writing it. but i cant post about it because i dont want to jinx myself. but im thinking about it nonstop
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hunkydorkling · 14 days
Finding myself once again relishing in the small joys of collective yelling over chapter updates :-)
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vampiricmycelium · 5 months
I am so excited they are planning to stream together more when Fit gets back from Canada.
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caroldantops · 1 year
tumblr recommends my tags based on my most frequently used, and the kate tag finally surpassed the other characters so it’s official, I thirst over kate the most
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sorry but I can definitely see Lance goofying off with his siblings in the farm and singing silly country music right
so maybe at a party they put it on as kind of an inside joke and Lance starts singing the lyrics to Dallas Dixon's Good Looking and it's all fun and games for everyone except
Keith is just
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i-love-def-leppard · 9 months
the wip’s keep stacking up in my drafts 😭😭
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keeps-ache · 1 year
girl heplp i swallowed a bug i tghin
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nsewell · 2 years
i feel like we’re due another kind of mid dragon age novel tie in why are they putting all the good stuff in comics
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out of the blue smacked with writing inspo for not one but two horny dragon age fics?? what is happening
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qlala · 1 year
All I can say is it would be amazing to read this fun fic even if it is not your planned August fic... no pressure of course but your writing is always delightful!
thank you so much for saying this!! i'm so glad i can offer you some good news in exchange: i'm already working with my amazing beta readers on some edits, so the teacher!barry fic should be up by the end of the week!
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aturnoftheearth · 2 years
sorry i’m being weird about lord huron today there’s something in the water (<- said every day but particularly today)
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I know NFenton is a more stoic leader who governs purely on logic than emotion, and can come off cold and uncaring as a result (but really does want what's best for the kingdom), but that was just mean of him not to have any pity or compassion for Gyro's plight to save his son even tho he insulted him (plus, it was also for the good of the kingdom that Gyro and Fenton required the king's blood for the cure). And you'd think when Mads got sick later, that would better help the king sympathize with what Gyro's going through (I was going to say 'especially when he thought Mads died', but then I remembered that when a loved one dies it's obviously kinda hard to think about anything else at the moment... but idk, maybe it occurred to him sometime later, following his happy ending with Mads?)
True, though, at that point the plague had spread all over Duckburg and NFenton had heard about people's sick loved ones all day for probably the last month at least. He can't care about every individual case when everything's out of control like that or the weight of that is gonna crush him (judging by the way Mads reacted though- immediately trying to help them out and going on a whole quest with them- I'd say he did get caught up in each case and was exhausted and miserable because he couldn't really help). Of course that doesn't mean he isn't trying to help or that he doesn't care- but he did mention in the snippet that he had heard a lot of ideas from people for what they could use as a cure, and I'm sure half of them are genuine and wouldn't work and the other half were people just looking for money (and also wouldn't work). At that point he was fed up and discouraged and just automatically turning most of the ideas down, leaving the search for a cure to Blue and the other witches/wizards working at the castle. The only reason he fully heard Gyro out was because Blue stepped in and said it might work, and because Gyro said he didn't want any money (which mostly rules out the possibility of Gyro scamming him because he doesn't get anything out of this). So NFenton's 'stoic logical coming off as uncaring' thing really does play into why he's so desensitized to the details of each individual case. He's doing it to save his mental health.
#thanks for the ask!#shychick-52#So yes I think once mads is better he could empathize with Gyro better?? but also he could empathize with half the kingdom better ssdlkfjsd#the plague is hella contagious and spreads through wizards the fastest#using your magic to dry your laundry out in your yard while your neighbor (who is sick) uses their magic to shut the front door behind them#congratulations you're dying now too#in Mads' case it was dramatic because he has so much magic#the more magic you have the faster it kills you#but like in Boyd's case it took a couple weeks and so I'm sure at first they didn't know it was the plague so#they weren't as careful as they should've been#so your neighbor using their magic to shut the front door while theyre sick isn't a good idea because they're going to kill other people bu#maybe they don't know they have it yet and just think it's a cough#witches usually just use magic to create spells and activate them so they can be more particular about when/where they do it#meanwhile wizards use magic all the time without thinking so. it gets them the fastest#Mads used his magic to fly them all back to the castle once Nfenton came to 'rescue' him from Gyro#I think that's what got him sick because if they'd flown over anyone who was sick then.... yeah.#blue is absolutey The Most Careful about magic because with their strength it would kill them in hours#fenton crackshell cabrera#nega fenton#nega fenton crackshell cabrera#negaverse fenton#negaverse fenton crackshell cabrera#madfen royalty au
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