Phantanoise plays Terra - SOMA's first digital Synth. In "Hard To Bear" mainly shrill, high-pitched sounds and garish dissonance will be heard.
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Link TORNADO ORANGE. This piece of surrealism (both the video and the music were created with the help of "automatic creation") shows the contrast of different speeds and their perception. The whirlwind is so dangerous precisely because of its speed, but the thoughtfully breathing music seems to accompany it perfectly. The Lyra 8 and the Saxophone were played live by PHANTANOISE - no samples on this track.
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What a phan(tanoise)tastic experience! Grandiose sound from Lyra 8, Enner & Co. The Phantanoise premiere took place in the Viennese underground temple RHIZ - as part of the "SIGNALZIRKUS" event (My big thanks to the organisers, the mixer and the barman!). I love my SOMA instruments, Lyra 8, Enner, R.O.A.T. and Cosmos, playing at home, with headphones. But that's nothing compared to the sound these beasts produce when played through a good PA operated by such a fine sound engineer as Markus. Full, rich, even eerily "beautiful" sound of the Lyras when played "clean"; exciting, almost shocking drone, with distortion controls open, long, deep, reverb thanks to the Walrus Slöer (the only non-SOMA unit in my setup). When operating the contact pads "top left" on the Enner, one could think a propeller plane was roaring through the room. I am overjoyed about this premiere of my new show and the antonym "PHANTANOISE" I created for it! The reactions of the audience and the organisers have shown me: My place is on stage. Foto: Peter Wielscher
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Was für eine phan(tanoise)tastische Erfahrung! Grandioser Sound von Lyra 8, Enner & Co. Im Wiener Underground-Tempel RHIZ fand die Phantanoise-Premiere statt - im Rahmen der Veranstaltung "SIGNALZIRKUS" (Mein großer Dank gilt den Organisatoren, dem Mixer und dem Barmann!). Ich liebe meine SOMA-Instrumente, Lyra 8, Enner, R.O.A.T. und Cosmos, spiele gerne daheim, mit Kopfhörern. Aber das ist nichts gegen den Sound, den diese Biester produzieren, wenn sie über eine gute PA gespielt werden, die von einem so feinen Tontechniker wie Markus bedient wird. Foto: Peter Wielscher Voller, satter, ja unheimlich "schöner" Klang der Lyras, wenn sie "clean" gespielt werden; aufregendes, ja fast schockierendes Dröhnen, bei offenen Verzerrer-Reglern, langer, tiefgehender, Nachhall dank des Walrus Slöer (das einzige nicht-SOMA-Gerät meines Setups). Bei der Betätigung der Kontaktflächen "links oben" am Enner konnte man meinen, ein Propellerflugzeug dröhnt durch den Raum. Ich bin überglücklich über diese Premiere meiner neuen Show samt dafür kreiertem Antonym "PHANTANOISE"! Die Reaktionen des Publikums und der Veranstalter haben mir gezeigt: Mein Platz ist die Bühne.
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The decision has been made. Here is the setup for the Phantanoise gig, today (26.9.2023) at the SIGNALZIRKUS:
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The decision has been made. Here is the setup for the Phantanoise gig, today (26.9.2023) at the SIGNALZIRKUS:
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