somelegobird · 3 months
So many people wondering where various background characters went during the merge, wanna know who I need back?
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OKAY: headcanon time:
Jay, Cole, and Kai share one specific trait: treating certain objects like humans/with a great amount of care
Jay's resides around electronics and things he creates/is creating (any medium). Obviously, can't forget Mr. Cuddlywomp, and further more all stuffed animals he's owned.
Cole's is definitely around rocks and stones, going as far as plants even. Drawing utensils as well
Kai's is bugs, but also weapons and their mechs. Just like the dragons, he cares for then and juat makes sure they're alright.
Zane, for the life of him, cannot pick up on this phenomenon. It's one of the things that fascinates him about his team, going as far as to spy on them when this occurs.
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Nya taking up some dragon traits. Not because she's a dragon (probably has recessed genes) but because she's watched Kai do it and thought that was the norm! Like:
-Full body swaying when content/happy (Kai's entire body sways when his tail wags)
-Wrestling (affectionately, a good way to get energy out)
-Teeth baring (angry/irritated)
-Rock chewing ("Nya you can't do that" "But I wanna be like you!" (Kai trades the rocks for clay, and she eventually stops this soon before Kai joins the ninja))
But, also, Nya does things to Kai to appease certain dragon things, upon realizing that it wasn't normal for humans to (still does those traits, but won't beg Kai for hybrid form) like:
-Upside down heart, and watching Kai flick his shoulder (the tail tip flicks up to show the heart shape, his shoulder rolls upwards)
-Cuts nails, sometimes paints them (to appease some hoarding tendencies, typically of shimmery/bright objects)
-Tackles randomly whenever Kai's getting too antsy without a way to stretch wings (wrestling ensues)
-Will bring Kai to 'Ninjago City' for a little 'runaway' (to a field for Kai to stretch wings)
And Kai does things for Nya when in hybrid form to help both of them cope with the hidden truth, like:
-Cuddles during cold nights (Kai will wrap his tail around Nya to keep her warm)
-Nuzzles to openly show affection (neither like/have a hard time saying the words 'I love you')
-Itching spots (Kai has long/sharp nails naturally, so it's really good for hard to reach itchy spots. Typically in human form, but still helps)
-Hoard 'sharing' (aka, stealing from Jay and giving it to Nya (Mr. Cuddlywomp is a prime target))
-Protectiveness (Nya won't admit that she loves being part of her brother's hoard)
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