noctis-tempore · 11 months
hakuja is incredibly flexible and their movements are really smooth similar to a snake
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Pair Open winning routine | 2021 UCI Indoor Cycling World Championships
I love discovering random, obscure sports and trying to fathom how anyone came up with them. In this case, I think someone must have decided neither gymnastics, nor cycling had enough potential for people falling off things, and wanted to combine them to see more people fall off things?
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themushroomgoesyeet · 8 months
I apologize for breaking schedule already; this took me a while to figure out and I guess I accidentally forgot to actually write this up yesterday (Sunday is going to be the day that I post these, unless I decide otherwise btw)
Arcana characters as cryptids
(see I told you it wouldn't all be Disney)
Asra - the Loch Ness Monster
Water theme? Check
Mysterious to a mind boggling degree? Check
Is it a dinosaur that the asteroid missed? Is it an ancient Celtic creature with nebulous shape-shifting magic? Is it just a hoax? Who knows! Certainly not us, and I feel like this fits Asra's "no gender only magic and adventure" vibes
Both of them have an increasingly frustrating ability to disappear at random and only be seen when they want to
Julian - Mothman
Big, blanket shaped, black and red color palette, sexy for some people
Did I just describe Mothman or Julian?
Both also have a bad habit of materializing from/melting into the shadows
I think if Julian were to find this post likening him to such an edgy, mysterious creature he'd be thrilled
Muriel - Bigfoot
I mean is there really even a question about this one
Literally all you have to do is make Muriel hairier and have bigger feet and you're all set
Both of them live out in the middle of the woods & don't seem to care for company
Bro basically is a cryptid to some Vesuvians
Lucio - Goatman
I feel this needs even less explanation than Muriel's tbh
Especially since a nice chunk of this fandom double as BuzzFeed Unsolved fans
Fuck you goatman
Nadia - sphinx
Ok so I'll admit this is where I started running out of ideas
Hear me out tho
I know that some of you will say that sphinxes are mythological creatures and not cryptids, and personally I disagree; I bet in a thousand years archaeologists and the like will look back on our cryptid studies and be like "man, these guys had a weird mythology"
So long story short sphinxes are just ancient cryptids
There are two flavors of sphinx, both of which I think fit Nadia well
Greek sphinxes were usually portrayed as guardians - usually of cities, gates, and doorways - and (in the case of Oedipus) challenged people with riddles. As ruler/protector of Vesuvia, I think it's safe to say that Nadia slots into the guardian role quite nicely
I'm not as familiar with Nadia's route but I imagine she'd also enjoy riddle games
Then there's the Egyptian flavor of sphinx; while these are also guardians (of tombs and temples specifically), they are also representations of Pharos and their closeness to the gods, as well as symbols of their strength and ferocity
And of course we love the strong & independent queen that is Nadia
Portia - Tonttus/Nisse/Gnomes
For those who don't know, Tonttus are creatures from Scandinavian folklore; they look like tiny men with white beards and colorful, conical hats
While their description doesn't fit Portia (aside from being incredibly small in stature), their actions and temperament certainly do
If treated well, Tonttus will become guardians of homesteads and farms, helping with chores, caring for livestock, and warding off danger and misfortune.
If treated poorly or insulted, Tonttus will instead cause mischief in the place that they live, playing tricks, stealing from the family, and sometimes even killing livestock
Now Portia may not go as far as killing animals, but she's definitely got a short temper at times and is a wild prankster
I almost forgot about these homely little creatures but I'm glad I found something that fits Portia's cottage core vibes so well
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nugulover69 · 13 days
I too am a member of the Taiya-hater club and every episode I question why I'm not dropping this show until they show me scraps of Mira or Agent Shirabe or the Three Idiots, but I think from now on I'll be fastforwarding through new eps just for them. My only sentai are Zenkai and halfway through Donbros so being forced to watch Boonboom Red as the main character is like beibg fed cardboard after a pizza.
Oh man. if your only sentai experience is zenkai and donbros, two very experimental and Not A Typical Sentai sentais, yeah boonboom must hit a real sour note since its a return to basics lol
I personally wouldn't call it bad so far, a solid B+ imo, but Taiya is def the weakest character, and his blandness is only more evident whenever an episode is focused on him
I can suggest some good sentais that are more typical in structure for you to watch in the future:
Gokaiger- the core team is phenomenal here, bursting with personality and incredible chemistry between each of them. this IS an anniversary sentai, meaning past rangers are constantly showing up to be apart of the plot, but you do NOT need to have seen their shows to get the gist and have a fun time. you're following the gokaigers and their character arcs are always the main focus. plus they're aliens (space pirates even) that don't know jackshit abt Earth, so you and them are on the same level of knowledge lol
Idk why folks don't recommend this as a starter sentai more often. it was my first ever sentai and I picked the next sentais I watched based on how entertained I was by a past characters appearance. its how I watched go-onger and carranger (and liveman but I don't wanna talk abt that)
Also Marvelous is best red. this is an objective fact we as a community all agree on, even if he's not our own personal favorite red
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Speaking of go-on
Go-onger- the canon, main strength of this team is their stupidity. VERY CARTOONY, heavy on hijinks, light on serious plot (it was written by a veteran kids anime writer and boy can you tell). if you like loud genki kinda assholeish shonen protags than you'll love the red Sosuke. if you don't...perhaps skip this one lol. Sosuke is a biiiig make or break of someone's enjoyment of go-on. the villains are great tho, very team rocket, kinda like the Sanseaters in boonboom
(and its a much better car sentai. Speedor is there all the time. boonboom only has Speedor for one episode. I rest my case)
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Zyuohger- if you need an animal sentai under your belt, this is the best one. the red, Yamato, does get more focus than the rest of the team (many more power ups as well) but he's a likeable character played by a guy who can actually act. GREAT VILLAINS, they evolve over time as well and I can't say much w/o spoiling things, but I'll just say Genis caused his own demise
Also I haven't seen donbros but I know the donbros sixth is deranged, so if you need more deranged sixths in your life you should watch zyuoh for Misao
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Gekiranger- if you really love serialized story telling and characters growing and changing and all that, I cannot recommend geki enough. in a lot of sentai, the weapons are usually just found or given, which isn't inherently a bad thing but I can see why someone wouldn't care for that. every weapon and power up the gekis get is always earned thru them overcoming some obstacle, literal or figurative, so its that much more rewarding when the new Marketable Touy is used
Also they're kung fu fighting cats. did I mention they're kung fu fighting cats. the red was raised in the woods and literally acts like a feral animal most of the time. he does mellow out over the course of the show, but honestly if someone doesn't like Jan from the jump I don't trust them (he has CRAZY yaois with the main villain Leo btw)
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rozieramati · 8 months
hi i don’t really have anything specific to say but i wanted to let you know i really truly appreciate you and your music, as an artist myself (visual mainly- like drawings, painting and sculpture though i dabble in a plethora of art forms including music, and writing) and a young woman coming into my being as a soon to be young adult and as someone whom feels so deeply, your music has effected me incredibly, it has brought me genuine joy from somewhere far within my inner child and core self. I dance to your music, sing to it, and also listen to it intently, searching for meaning though it is not hard to find in the many beautiful word so carefully chosen by you so expertly. I have cried to your music, it is something still so unfathomably beautiful to me and i may have only found you recently, but even the ways in which you choose to share ur music and yourself on the internet is so special and very honest to the world and people who love you and your music. it has gotten me through some of the hardest times i’ve ever experienced in my young life as of late, and it brings a wondrous warmth and admiration for you and your work.
i wanted to close this with a thought and prospective i thought you might enjoy, i think you music looks like those large beautiful collections of small birds flying in smooth motions & waves bending with itch wind almost as a visual representation of the wind itself, i think it is one of the most unique and almost holy experiences to see this natural movement that is backed by the strength of the birds community, and mutual respect and understanding of each other’s love for life, i think this is what your music has instilled in me.
signed, with care & hope for love, luck, sweetness, and the best of life and happiness for you and all of your future.
Waverly Claire
p.s. ~ this is all coming from a 15 almost 16 year old (my birthday is on february 26, coming soon), & i just wanted to share my care for another artist, from one in the making. & even if you are not interested i would love to share my art with you so you can find me if the interest suits your fancy @quaking_aspen_art on instagram it is a public account so only if you would like but it would make me overjoyed if you would consider it! once again sending thanks for your inspiration to my art and others in the world including some friends i have shared you with (who love you btw). ok that is all for know! 💋🌷💞🪆
dear waverly claire,
happy early birthday :)) thank you so much for your kind words. it’s messages like these that really give me the courage to keep going. especially online. it’s been really hard finding a balance with the social media / artist aspect of things. it’s hard to tell if it’s worth all the work but you’ve made me feel very seen with this letter. it’s almost as if you’ve reached into my psyche through the art and thus all the work has become worth it.
it’s funny you say that about birds, air, water etc. those are all motifs on my album. i do call you guys my love doves. that happened on accident bc someone called me a “sweet dove” once and it filled my heart with so much warmth that i wanted to send it back to the world tenfold.
i think i love birds and flying and air bc i was always really attentive to blue birds as a child. i grew up right next to an airport too so airplanes flying are practically the soundtrack to my childhood. not to mention, my fave ghibli film is castle in the sky- which is about flying.
i think maybe i’m just making music so we can all pretend to fly.
community is so important to me. i wish i had more words to relay how lovely your message is and how much i appreciate it. all the best of love and creative spark to you and your endeavors!!!
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kingsandbastardz · 7 months
I don't know your canons but tell me your favorite female character! Or how you got into them in the first place
This took me far too long because I couldn't find images dating back to the early 2000s that didn't look like it was photographed with a potato. Why is it easier to find high res images of older b/w movies ?
btw not spoiler free- so if you intend to watch this movie at any point in time, stop reading about halfway through cuz I talk about how the story ends.
Anyway, I give you---- my favorite girl bonding movie:
Shimotsuma Monogatari aka Kamikaze Girls
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Gothic Lolita Momoko ends up in cabbage country away from all the amenities she holds dear to her hedonistic french rococo heart. She meets a bosozoku girl named Ichiko/Ichigo at a time when yankee/bosozoku were considered oldstyle and uncool. Ichigo kinda head butts her way into Momoko's life.
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So I have a hard time relating to any sort of western style bonding movie, male or female, despite growing up in the US. I just... there was always something off about it. I hated the attitudes the kids had about their parents. I hated the kids. I hated the way they expressed their disillusionment. I couldn't relate to their dreams, their daily desires, or even their interactions with their own friends. Everything about these movies were an active turn off for me.
And then I came across 2 live action japanese movies that came out around the same time that was like having the sun come out for the first time because there it was -- not one, but TWO movies that spoke to me regarding coming of age and what it means to figure yourself out as a person.
For male-centered movie, it was the live action Ping Pong movie, based off Taiyo Matsumoto's manga Ping Pong. About two boys "sun" and "moon" trying to figure out who they are in relation to each other and to competition/talent/hardwork/actual dreams. While against the backdrop of competitive school ping pong where they face opponents that are attempting to figure out the same things bout themselves.
On the female-centric side was Kamikaze Girls which features a girl who's a self-obsessed french-rococo aesthetic loner, and a biker-gangster who's actually very group oriented despite being alone much of the time. They're both from subcultures that are fading from popularity -- and were even considered lame - stuck in the middle of an incredibly rural area (so rural they only have one Tesco as their main shopping center --- think walmart), and just... trying to figure themselves out.
Ultimately, both films are about finding the strength to be yourself not just amongst others who pressure you in other directions -- but also to have the strength to do so while you are completely alone. And on the flip side, strength is also being able to find and accept community and friendship where ever you are, from whoever you feel kinship with, even if they are a rival or traveling in completely different circles or trajectories in life.
All this while packaged in an aesthetic and gender sensibility that stressed balance between polar opposites -- where one friend was masc and the other femme and how both could balance each other or come together while retaining their individual goals and dreams and concepts of personhood.
So for Kamikaze Girls - since the question was about my favorite female characters:
Ichigo and Momoko were reflections of twin obsessions I had at the time with gothic lolita and yankee subcultures. One of the girls had a love line while the other had no interest in such things. One girl only cared about her hobbies while the other only wanted freedom and friends. In the end they find what they wanted and more. They both let go of things they thought were important to themselves -- to help each other. But without sacrificing who they are at their cores.
Ichigo realizes she too have Momoko's strength to go it alone.
Momoko realizes she doesn't hate people as much as she thought and she too needs community.
They're both willing to sacrifice for each other in the way the other person needs. Ichigo gives up her group to support Momoko.
Momoko gives up on being clean and alone and gets into a massive drag down fight in the mud with a group of gang girls.
They both ride off into the sunset together on a souped up pink motorbike/scooter.
To this day, I have yet to find any other coming of age stories that I have related to as strongly.
(btw this is where the brand Baby The Stars Shine Bright became famous)
Also, this is where I first discovered Anna Tsuchiya and became a quick fan of hers. They day she and Shiina Ringo collaborated was like rocker-turned-actor heaven for me.
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
Now that we know that Tessa couldn’t do a spread eagle, how far do you think she could have gone in ballet, if she had chosen to stick with that rather than ice dancing? Is that type of turn out required in ballet? Are there ways you can develop that in ballet if you aren’t born with it?
Great question!
Yes she absolutely could have gone far in ballet. Lots of ballet dancers (including myself) have limited turnout and they just work hard to improve it. you of course need to have some turnout to start with (which btw everyone has some sort of turnout, unless there’s like a birth- related defect with the hip joints) but the other thing is figure skating mechanics and ballet mechanics are very different and the way you use the muscles in that area of the body can contribute to limiting or extending range in various respects.
(Full disclosure- this is just from my experience as a dancer- I’m not a physio or an expert on anatomy in this respect, so it’s a pov of (now retired) athlete to (no where near as talented or successful and also retired (me)) athlete- not claiming to know all the facts and of course every person’s body is different).
For skating you use and prioritise your large power muscles such as the glutes, quads and hamstrings. These muscles produce a lot of energy to get you across a 60m rink, into and out of lifts, and controlling edge changes and sustained, repetitive bending on one leg along with knee alignment and action. These muscles however contribute little to the mechanics of turnout, they help, but are not the main facilitators.
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The muscles you use for ballet are much smaller, deeper muscles such as the quadratus femoris and Piriformus muscles. These control the rotation of the thigh ball-in-socket- joint in the hip (make a fist and rotate it in and out- then imaging there’s a muscle attached to your thumb that helps control it). These are the muscles that facilitate turn out and hold it it place, then the big power muscles get you in and out of the air and sustain you through a performance in a turned out position.
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Now in full honesty, I probably can’t really explain the intricacies of what contributes to a lack or abundance of natural turnout. (If you are interested you can read more in depth here) Part of it has to do with your thigh ball-in-socket (the head of the femur) sitting more forward or back in the hip joint. That is just one but there are a lot of things that contribute to it- flexibility, range of motion- how far your joints can move etc..
Strength is another big factor, the key muscles are very different- not that I’can skate at all, but it’s obvious since they (skaters) spend like 96% of their time in parallel positions- pushing back/forward, straight or on an edge lean, this requires the power muscles almost exclusively, the smaller muscles wouldn’t be much help if the power muscles weren’t strong and had incredible endurance with contributing core control.
When I think of myself and my relative lack of turnout, I think when I plié (bend my knees) in turn out my knees don’t go very far back, like if I was to turn side on and look in the mirror they would be going out diagonally to the side rather than ‘flat’ to the side.
I don’t know T’s exact range or physicality on an anatomical level, but this would very likely be the same for her, when say, comparing her to Scott- he’s knees would go more flat to the side (I need a picture of them doing pliés in first side by side 😠).
This moment here is a good way to compare them:
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T’s knees are pointing more diagonally to the side- shown with the less than 180* angle, but Scott’s are more facing than side, closer to 180*. It’s not that her legs aren’t turning out, they just don’t turn out as far, or as you can see in motion, as easily as Scott’s. So there’s having a less than ideal/perfect amount of turnout, then there’s being able to use it. T might not have a tonne, but she uses what she has.
There is also this example that I’m going to point out before someone says ‘but she can do this’:
So while this is still a turned out position, it is much easier to open your hips when you are both a) leaning forward and b) the lower down you bend.
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So if I were to just make a quick assumption. T has average turnout, Scott has a good amount/ significant turnout. So while they are both doing the same skating, training, strength and conditioning to train their power muscles for skating specifically, when it comes to turn out moments- they come easier to Scott because he just has more of it, even though his big muscles like glutes and quads would be trained like Tessa and be much stronger than his smaller turnout muscles. But if T were ballet training, and she trained those smaller muscles, her turnout still wouldn’t be amazing, but she would be able to work it properly and therefore all those positions would be facilitated better and contribute to more overall turnout.
(And as I’ve said since I’m not a skater there may be a number of other factors that contribute to her not being able to SE, but turnout/hip mobility makes the most sense to me just watching and understanding a bit about turnout mechanics).
So if Tessa does, as I assume, not have the most amazing turnout, had she gone down the path of ballet it would be something she would have to work on and strengthen along with stretch to get the most out of her lines. She has an athletic figure/muscular structure so I would imagine things like jumps would come easy to her. When she was asked to join the NBS (national ballet school) this would’ve been something they assessed as part of their selection criteria. All major schools accepting kids for serious/fulltime training, will have kids as young as 8/9 perform a number of ‘tests’ such as splits, turnout, back flexibility, body proportions, all these things along with watching them in ballet class before selecting potential students. I know it seems a bit much for kids so young as bodies can change through puberty, but they still do it. So if her turnout (again, just assuming her turnout range here) wasn’t amazing it obviously didn’t stop them from wanting her.
So had T chosen ballet, absolutely she could’ve done it and made it far because she is beautiful and angelic, a beautiful performer and has a scary level of innate musicality, can clearly work with a partner and teammates/peers in general, can take instruction and is a perfectionist, turnout certainly wouldn’t have stopped her. She wouldn’t be dancing in Russia or anything but she certainly could’ve done it.. anywhere else. I’m kinda glad she chose ice dance though ☺️ (and I think she is to.. and Scott was as well 🥰.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
i read like two blogs here, but i’m really interested only in what you have to say bc i really respect your view on humans and human nature. sometimes i find that you kinda verbalize my feelings on different matters. so i find myself agreeing with most of your statements and in my personal life i don’t meet likeminded people that much. so that brings me comfort of somebody somewhere sharing most of my views.
i also admire your strength when it comes to you dealing with your own struggles, it inspires me a lot and adds to the respect i have.
and i just love that i can relate to you in a way that only a person who’s been through shit can relate to another person who’s been through shit.
i don’t want to call you kind and nice, bc i personally hate being called kind and nice it’s seems shallow and like the only thing that’s good about me is that i make others feel good. and that’s not exactly the point.
i think you’re incredibly wise and resilient and i’m just really impressed by the amount of strength you have. i know this blogging thing is not at all easy. i also think your blog gives me strength to act on my values even when i know i might be misunderstood or frowned upon.
( i do a little bit of teaching and i have a rule of never pushing kids over their limits with studying and i am always just very like understanding, if i see a kid is scared of doing a task bc they’re scared they’ll do it badly i WILL hold their hand through it (i ask for consent ofc) and reassure them and whatever they need. some people think that i’m just a pushover tho, but i have my beliefs, so)
for some reason tumblr mobile wasnt showing me this ask but oh gosh, thank you. this is such a thoughtful ask... i feel appreciated and seen. it's relieving to have someone acknowledge the effort i put into things outside of being kind to others. and i'm glad someone noticed the values aspect of my blog... i think the real core of this blog is that it's my way of standing up for what's right - for myself, and others, both like and unlike me.
you sound like a pretty cool person btw :) it sounds like we have a decent bit in common. and it pleases me to know you're a teacher. god knows we need more good, patient teachers in this world.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rough Sex (Vaginal), biting, scratching, breeding, oviposition, dub/noncon, kidnapping, cursing, blood, use of aphrodisiac, interspecies sex (merman and human), mentions of drowning Words:   5579 Pairing: Mer!Bakugou Katsuki x Human Fem!Reader
a/n: I’ve been getting quite a few requests for mermaid breeding. This... is probably not what you were wanting or expecting, so I won’t include anyone’s request here lol. I may write something a little... gentler later on.
BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Tags: @lady-bakuhoe​​, @hoefortodo​​, @sunkissedneptune​​, @softkatsuki​​, @marilla-eldriana​​, @sanurrwrites​​, @hopeismyhope101
There was something different in that familiar crimson gaze today. You hadn’t thought much about it at first, but now, it stuck out to you as something that should have been a huge red flag. The instant you had seen him glaring at you over the water's surface, you should have run away. You should have called to him from the safety of land, to tell him you really weren’t feeling well and decided to go home. Or that you had some type of rash or injury and didn’t want to get too close to the water? Would he have believed you? Probably not. You weren’t sure of what type of fit he would have thrown if he would have tried to persuade you to come to him or just dragged himself up into the sand to chase you down. 
He was strong enough to do that. His upper body strength matched the incredible power of his tail, his arms, and core easily able to lift himself up or drag himself around. If you ran at full speed, he couldn’t get you. Maybe. You couldn’t really think about something like that though right now. The fact of the matter was you hadn’t taken his glare as something menacing. You had ignored the rolling sickness in your stomach, the little voice in your head that told you to flee. Now, it was too late for you to do anything. 
You were as happy to see him as you had always been, greeting the merman with a cheery wave and a smile as you stepped into the rolling ocean waters. You hadn’t even made it a few steps into the cool water before he was suddenly at your feet, snatching you by the ankles and dragging you deeper into the water. The impact of falling on your back onto the hard, wet sand knocked the air out of your lungs, and before you could even breathe again, you were struggling to keep your head above water. 
He hadn’t dragged you out too far, but right now, the distance wasn’t really what mattered. You were completely pinned down to the sand, his heavy red and orange freckled tail resting over your chest to keep you down. Your legs were in his tight grip, held under the knees, and spread open so his head had easy access between your legs. The rolling waves didn’t affect him at all, but as they came washing over your face, you felt as if you might just drown. It was difficult and painful to find the opportunity to inhale as much air as you could when the tide pulled out, gasping and coughing to try and purge the burning saltwater from your lungs before you were overwhelmed again. 
It wasn’t just the water that gave you the feeling of drowning. His tongue, slick and hot against the cold ocean water, was lapping at your cunt eagerly. When he had torn your swimsuit, you weren’t sure. But again, you weren’t sure of anything that was happening to you right now. Why was he eating you out like this? He had never shown any sexual interest in you for the months you had known him. In fact, he hadn’t shown any romantic interest at all. At least, not any that you had been able to notice. Bakugou Katsuki, this fierce and aggressive merman, had originally saved you from drowning while out on a tour boat during vacation. You had been so grateful to him, so you made it a point to come visit him as often as you possibly could. You liked him. But this? This isn’t how you wanted things to happen. 
You had fallen for him. You loved him. But, how could you? You were from two completely different worlds. There was no possible way that you could be together outside of close friends, and that was even a conversation you already had. 
“There’s no way I’d ever fall for a stupid human like you! You can’t even swim!” 
So why was he doing this? Why was he holding you down just for the chance to eat you out so vigorously? If he would have just hit on you a little sweeter, maybe you would have given in to him and you could both enjoy the experience to the fullest. But all of this was for his own gratification, for whatever he felt like or wanted to do with you. It was hard for you to think with the weight on your chest, the water crashing down on your face, and the burning heat between your legs. 
God, it was hot. His tongue and his mouth were like fire, sucking and lapping at your clit with such fierce intensity. You knew that you shouldn’t be feeling good, that you should be screaming for help and struggling against him. No one would hear you this far down the coastline, anyway, but the point still stands. You should have been trying. Instead, all you could do was lay there, your nails digging into the slippery scales of his tail, fighting between coughing, moaning, and yelling out in pain. 
The longer his tongue ravaged you, the hotter you began to feel. It was so odd, how every nerve in your body was so sensitive. You had sex before, but your arousal never peaked to this level so early on. Why? Why was it happening? Why was he doing this? You didn’t want this. Did you? Of course, you didn’t. You wanted him to stop. 
“B-Bak-ack!” You hacked and coughed as water rushed into your mouth the instant you tried to speak, using what little strength you could to push yourself up on your elbows. “Bakugou, please-- please, stop-!” A yelp ripped from your throat as his hot tongue left your burning pussy, his teeth and fangs sinking into the plush meat of your inner thigh. Piercing the skin, the saltwater immediately began to burn the wound, but you still found yourself unable to pull away because of his hold on you. Even the slightest twitch had his nails digging into your skin, and by the reaction he gave from your attempt at begging, he didn’t want you to make a single move. 
His tongue ran over the now bleeding bite mark, a low groan rumbling from deep within his chest. He had found something new to taste, and he did so eagerly. “Fuck, you’re so delicious. So sweet and healthy… You’re perfect. I’ve always known you’d be perfect.” His words were almost slurred as if he were a drunken man on a ramble. That was the only way you could describe his actions as if he were intoxicated. But by what?
“I… Bakugou, what-” With a swift change of positions, you were suddenly beneath him, his hand on your throat and entire body weight on you. Before you could even scream or attempt to struggle, his mouth crashed down on yours, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth. The metallic taste of your blood would have immediately made you gag if not for the tight grip he had on your throat, which was only further making you light-headed. You tried to push up against his chest, scratch at his arms, and push his hips off you with your legs, but you couldn’t. There was no energy or strength behind your struggles. 
In an instant, everything stopped. Bakugou removed his tongue from your throat, snapping his head up to look towards the beach. Before you noticed what he may have been looking at, you could hear him beginning to growl, a deep and threatening sound that made your stomach twist nervously. What was he looking at? 
With his grip still on your neck, you didn’t have much movement, but you didn’t need it. You could hear the voices of a group of people. How far away or what they had seen so far, you couldn’t tell, as the sound was muffled by the water around your ears. The need to protect yourself suddenly burst forth and you screamed out as loudly as your burning lungs would let you, forcing your body to thrash and struggle even as your limbs burned with searing pain. Had you said anything comprehensible? Had they heard you? 
They wouldn’t have been able to save you, anyway. You already knew that your fate was in Bakugou’s hands. 
In a rush of crushing water, churning foam, and stinging sand, you felt Bakugou snatch you by the right ankle and drag you out further into the sea, not even giving you a moment to take a breath or prepare yourself. You couldn’t open your eyes or struggle, not even as your body was suddenly wrapped tightly in a strong grip. Was he holding you now? Where was he taking you? You could tell that he was moving swiftly, and the incredible pressure building in your ears and your chest told you that he must have been traveling deeper. 
I’m going to drown…! My breath… I can’t hold it!
As the burning and painful strain on your body grew more severe, you couldn’t control your involuntary thrashing, pushing against his presence and kicking where you could. It hurt so bad, worse than anything you had ever felt, and you wished that you would just drift off into unconsciousness. That’s what you had heard happened to people when they drown sometimes. Why couldn’t that happen to you? Why were you being put through this? 
You felt like you had been underwater for hours, but when you finally breached the surface, your body immediately inhaled a massive amount of air, so quick and urgent that you began to cough violently. You didn’t know where you were, and you didn’t care. All you wanted was to find that sweet relief of air in your lungs and something to secure you to reality. When a rocky surface scraped against your flailing and searching hands, you clutched onto it for dear life, somehow pulling yourself out of the strong embrace of your kidnapper to try and claw your way up the ledge. 
Before you could get far, Bakugou’s strong presence pressed up against your back, one hand holding your hip while the other took hold of your neck, constricting and preventing your body from pulling in the air it needed. 
Too weak to resist, you finally forced your eyes open, tears spilling down your cheeks and further blurring your vision. As his lips came to press against your cheek, you whimpered and tried to gasp in the air to your aching lungs. “Ba… Bakugou, please, stop! Take me back to shore!” 
“I found this cave for us last night,” Bakugou ignored your plea, inhaling your scent as if your fear was addicting. “It’s perfect. No one can interrupt us… You’re safe.” 
“I’m not!” You glanced around, trying to take in your surroundings the best you could in the dim light. From what you could tell, you were in a cave, the only source of light being a hole above you where you could clearly see the beautiful blue sky. It was out of your reach, and with no other visible exits, you knew that this was going to be your tomb. “I’m not safe with you!” 
“You’ve always been safe with me,” Growling in your ear, Bakugou dug his nails into the skin of your neck, piercing the delicate flesh and making you whine. “Now more than ever. I’ll protect you with my life. You and our spawn. Our children…” 
What? That’s… he can’t! All of this was because he wanted to mate with you, to impregnate you and force you to have his children. Was that even possible? 
“But… I’m human! You can’t!” 
“I want you, damn it! No other female is worthy of me.” Moving his hand to instead tangle into your hair, he pulled your head back roughly, leaning in to run his tongue over the new bleeding scratches along your neck. Instantly, that same heat that you could still feel throbbing in your pussy spread like fire from the wounds, making you tremble from the stark difference of cold water against your burning skin. 
What is that…? I… It’s so hot! It feels so good. Is it some type of venom? Or… I can’t think…
Your mind was beginning to grow hazy from the heat, his teeth lightly scraping across the skin of your neck and shoulder the only thing you could feel outside of the fire. 
Bite me… Oh god… Bite me! No, no- what am I thinking? I don’t want it! 
A trembling gasp escaped your lips as his teeth clamped down on your skin, easily sinking into your flesh. The fire returned with another stroke of his tongue along the wound, but this time, it was so intense that your body began to quiver, panting into the stale cave air. You felt like you were boiling, half expecting the water around you to begin bubbling and churning with your flame. Your sex was incredibly hot and aching, and you squeezed your thighs together just so you could feel something. 
You needed relief. Whatever he was doing to you with each bite and lick of his tongue against your skin was driving you completely mad. “What… What are you doing to me? Why am I so hot?” 
A low, satisfied purr left Bakugou’s lips as he smirked against your cheek, releasing your hair to run his hands down along your sides. His nails caught and ripped holes into your swimsuit, which had already been ripped apart at the crotch, so it grew looser against your searing skin. “My mate… you’re almost ready for me.” With a light nudge of his nose against your cheek, you weakly turned your head in response, immediately giving into him the instant his lips pressed against yours. You didn’t care about the blood on his lips nor the strange sweet taste that rolled down your throat, making your belly flutter and burn. 
This wasn’t right. This wasn’t safe. What would happen to you if things went wrong? What was he going to be putting inside of you? He had said children… What did that mean? 
You wanted to contemplate these things, to try and focus on the questions bouncing about in your mind, but they slipped from your fingers the instant you tried to hold onto them. Your mind was clouded by nothing but heat, pain, longing, throbbing, and aching. All the fear you had been feeling was only a vague prickle along your spine, but it was nothing compared to the new overwhelming desire. 
Both of his hands gripping on tightly to your hips, Bakugou pressed you up tighter against the rocky ledge, the roughness of the jagged surface against your breasts and hard nipples forcing a soft moan from your lips. With the sound, Bakugou released your lips, pressing his own against your ear as he growled deep and low. 
“You’re going to be my mate forever. You hear me? You’re mine. You’re my little horny bitch to breed.” As he spoke to you, so dominating and controlling in a way that made your heart flutter, you felt a new presence between your legs you hadn’t noticed before. It was slick with a slimy consistency, with a curved, ridged head and bumps along the long sides that led back to Bakugou’s hips. It was pulsing and twitching up against your sex, every soft nudge to your clit nearly enough to make you come undone that instant. 
That’s his cock… It’s so big… How will it fit inside me? It’ll rip me open…! 
“Don’t-” You choked out weakly, trying to shift your hips away from him to no avail. “You can’t! That’ll rip me apart-!” Another harsh bite to your neck made you squeal, unconsciously arching back against him and stroking your cunt along the dick still between your thighs. The pain had you squeezing them together around his girth, bringing a deep groan from his chest, teeth still planted in your skin. The longer he stayed there, the hotter the wound became, spreading through your body like the many times before. “Ow, a-ah, that’s hot! It burns, Bakugou, please!” 
Instead of responding with words, Bakugou gave a thrust of his hips, stroking his cock along your sex. The instant he ran across your clit, all your restraint snapped like a twig, waves of pleasure rolling over you as you came. Trembling and moaning, you dug your nails into the rocks you were holding on to, spouting whatever words first came to your mind in a jumbled mess. 
“F-fuck, fuck! I’m so hot; It’s so hot! I can’t take it! Please, please no more!” 
“There’s only one way to make it go away,” Bakugou lapped up the blood on your neck, shifting his hips so that the tip of his cock rested at your still twitching hole. “I have to fill you up, until you’re nice and full of my spawn. Or else you’ll burn until you die.” 
“I-I don’t want them-!” 
“You do. Don’t you want to feel better?” 
“You’ll love having me inside you.” 
“It’ll… feel good…” 
“So fucking good…-” Without waiting for your response, Bakugou began to press himself into you, the head of his thick cock slipping in. The stretch as he vanished inch by inch into your clenching pussy was unlike anything you had ever felt, his girth making you breathless. But it was unlike what you had expected. There was no pain, only an intense pressure and feeling as if you were full all the way up to your throat. By the time he had bottomed out inside you, you had cum again, just the feeling of him pressing against every inch of you enough to push you over the edge. With a low groan, Bakugou dug his nails into your hips, pressing his forehead against your shoulder. “Yes, you’re nice and ready for me. My little mate… so obedient.” 
Your mind was blank to everything but the heat and his overwhelming presence inside you. The sensitivity of your body was heightened to the point that you could feel every ridge, every bump and groove of his cock. As he gave his first slow roll of his hips, pulling all the way out to the tip before plunging in again, you immediately lost all control, craving nothing but the pleasure. 
“Fuck, fuck, I can’t take it! Fuck me, please! Use me! I’m your mate, I want your spawn, please-” Your encouragement immediately set him off to fuck you at a faster pace, slamming into your cunt. Your voice was something that you couldn’t restrain, screaming, moaning, and begging for him to use you. 
“Yeah, that’s it! My filthy little breeding bitch. Tell me who you belong to!” 
“Y-you! I belong to you! I’ll be yours forever- you can use me whenever you want!” 
“You’ll never resist me again?” 
“No, no! Never!” 
As the pleasure began to build rapidly, you rested your forehead against your arm, your eyes rolling back  and unable to stop the drool that dripped down your chin, your mouth permanently open with the most lewd sounds you had ever made. He was using you like a sex toy, fucking you at his own pace and indulging completely in his own pleasures. You didn’t care what he did to you at this point, how many scratches marked your back or how much blood you had lost to his bites. All you could think about was him and his cock inside you. 
You were unsure how long he fucked you like this, but after your third time cumming, he gripped you by the neck and pulled your upper body back. His presence inside you had your hips arched up in perfect position for him, and he didn’t stop, not even as he growled into your ear. 
“Take them all into your hot and precious womb… With this, your body will never be the same for any other man or creature. You are mine. You will be mine forever.” With a few final thrusts, Bakugou came to a stop, buried so deep inside of you that you could feel your cervix stretching uncomfortably. At first, all you could feel was a growing heat, coating your walls and making your core tingle relentlessly. Your clenching and tense core began to pulse with your rapid heartbeat in a way that was new to you, allowing you to relax in his grip. Although your mind was still aching to rid yourself of the fire, whatever was happening to you now loosened your anxious, aching muscles. 
Then came the first egg. About the size of a tennis ball, it passed through Bakugou’s cock slowly, only taking a moment to squeeze into your cunt. Gasping fearfully as it continued to slowly move closer, you gripped onto Bakugou’s hand that was around your throat, finding that you were unable to feel your legs enough to try and kick him off. “N-no, no! It won’t fit- a-ah!” Leaning your head back with your mouth and eyes wide open in a silent scream, you were unable to stop him as he lightly bucked his hips into you, urging the egg further down his shaft. With each light thrust, it moved deeper and deeper, stretching you open. When it finally reached his tip, Bakugou gave a grunt as he snapped his hips roughly into yours, bringing forth a scream from your throat as you came hard from the pressure of the egg breaching your cervix into your womb. 
The waves of your orgasm helped to pass it through, your eyes rolled back as it passed. There was no pain, but you could feel the new presence in your lower belly, tucked safely inside of you. 
Releasing his arm, your hands slid down to caress your own belly, pressing into your lower abdomen lightly. You could feel the tip of Bakugou’s cock inside you, and your light pressure made him growl in your ear. 
“Watch it, my pet.” 
“I… I want to feel it.” 
The next egg coming through was just as blissful as the first, bringing you to orgasm as you kept your fingers pressed into your body. You could feel it this time against your fingertips, bringing a smile to your lips as you bit down eagerly onto your bottom lip. Never in your life had you imagined such pleasure would be yours, to be used and adored by a creature in such an intimate way. 
It was heaven. 
Eight more followed, bloating your belly. Whatever numbing he had done to you had spread to your stomach, so your muscles were relaxed enough to take on the new presence inside you. You felt full, as if you had eaten an incredibly large meal, but there was no pain. Still, that burning need of satisfaction was ravaging your body. It hadn’t gone away like he had promised it would. Was he not done with you? 
Removing his cock from your ravaged body, Bakugou flipped you over to face him, resting you back against the side of the ledge. With a weak grip, you kept yourself up with your legs around his waist, your arms resting limply by your sides. For a moment, you just stared at each other, giving you time to observe his brilliant and handsomely fine features. He was perfection, from the blonde fluff of spiked hair atop his head, to flawless skin, to muscular frame that had you swooning the first time you had met him. He was so gorgeous, and all the sudden so… gentle. 
With your new position, he found the opportunity to caress your swollen belly, running his hands along your skin as he gazed down at your form through the clear, rippling water. It was such an odd look to you. Was it longing? Love? Or was it just pride in the work that he had done here, filling you up with his eggs and making you submit to him. 
Did he even care about you at all? Or did he just care about keeping your body to use as he pleased? 
You were pulled from your stupor of staring at him as his hands traveled up to your breasts, taking hold of the remnants of your swimsuit and ripping it apart. The fabric discarded off to the side, Bakugou leaned in to kiss you again as he squeezed and massaged your breasts, pinching your sensitive nipples between his fingers. Your mouth opened for him with a moan, allowing him to kiss you as he pleased. 
That sweet taste filled your mouth again, making you writhe and wrap your arms around his neck in discomfort of the spreading fire. Your body began to ache again, digging your nails into his skin as you moaned and panted against his lips, which refused to let yours go. Then, without a word, you felt the familiar blunt presence of his cock at your twitching hole, slipping into place like he was simply putting on a glove. You trembled against him as you tried to moan, begging against the kiss for him to let you breathe with any little moment that came your way. He didn’t. He continued to kiss you, to bite and nibble at your lip and your tongue, his sharp fangs piercing the delicate flesh when he was a bit too rough. 
“You’re so delicious,” Bakugou groaned against your lips, glaring into your gaze as your fierce need for pleasure grew more severe. “I never want to stop tasting you.” 
“I-I want to be done… Bakugou, I want to stop-” A squeak escaped your lips as he dug his cock deeper into your cunt, a new presence making itself known as it slithered up along your clit and against your pelvis. It was just as slimy and wet as the cock inside you, but it was smooth, pointed, and not quite as thick. You wanted to look down between your bodies to see, but you were too distracted by his smirk, his tongue dancing across his blood-stained lips. 
“I’m not done with you yet.” 
In that same moment, the new appendage that you couldn’t identify began to press against your cunt, beginning to enter you along with his cock. As you were stretched open, you clutched onto his shoulders, gasping and choking on your attempts to breathe. “N-no, wait-!” Clenching your eyes shut, you pushed back on his chest, but your weak body was no match against his overwhelming presence. “Don’t- not both! I can’t!” 
Sighing in satisfaction as his hand slid up your body to grip the hair at the back of your head, Bakugou pressed his lips against your cheek, his smirk only growing wider. “You can! I would have only done one at a time, but you’ve just been so naughty fighting against me like this. I have to teach you a fucking lesson, that your body belongs to me.” 
“I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I won’t fight anymore! I won’t!” Tears began to stream down your face as he forced both of his dicks into your cunt. If not for the fire within you that begged for pleasure and the still relaxed muscles from the eggs, you knew that you would be in severe pain. There was none. No, the pleasure is what was driving you mad. You couldn’t take it. It was going to make you go crazy if he kept this up, and you couldn’t bear the thought of him moving. 
When he finally began to thrust into you, it rocked your body so hard with pleasure that you couldn’t even find the air to scream or moan. All you could do was lean back against the rocks, not even able to feel the scratching against your back as he pounded into you, hard and deep. Head leaning back, you were sure that you must have had an insane look on your face, with your eyes rolled back and a wide, pleasured smile on your lips. But you couldn’t help it. 
It was amazing. You wanted nothing more in that moment than to feel his cocks inside you forever, to be fucked and bred at every chance you possibly had. Nothing could ever compare to this bliss, not even achieving your wildest dreams. Your body was going to belong to him. Your soul was going to belong to him. 
This wasn’t right. 
How could you give in like this? How could he break you so easily? 
It didn’t matter. 
“You like my dicks inside you, huh, my pretty mate?” Bakugou hissed in your ear, pulling your consciousness to the front just for a moment. 
“I-I love… I love them. So good! Bakugou-” 
“-No. Katsuki.” He purred against your lips, watching as your face contorted with your oncoming orgasm. 
“Yes… Yes, Katsuki!” 
“You’re mine, aren’t you?” 
“I’m yours, Katsuki! Fuck, I’m going to cum, fuck, I can’t- I can’t hold it! I can’t!” Your entire body seized up with your release, clutching onto him tightly. With his final few erratic thrusts, Bakugou let out a heavy groan, digging his cocks as deep into you as he could. You could feel his hot release into you, the second dick pulsing and coating your walls. What was more, you could feel the very tip of it dug into your womb, filling you up directly with his cum to join the eggs. You couldn’t believe that you could feel it all so clearly, your body so sensitive and yet so in tune with his that it had seemed you were familiar with this. 
You weren’t, of course. As he removed himself from you, leaving you feeling incredibly empty, all your energy felt like it left with him and you collapsed forward, head against his chest. You couldn’t feel him caressing you. You couldn’t feel his fingers tenderly stroking your hair. All you could feel, as the fire within your core began to vanish, was an overwhelming sense of shame. What had you just done? What had you just been forced to do? None of this was right. You shouldn’t be here. 
Those things you had said to him… you didn’t mean it. Did you? Did you really want to belong to him? Were you really going to just lay down and accept that this was it? 
Jumping at the sound of his voice, you timidly sat up, looking up at him in fear as a new wave of tears rolled down your cheeks. Too scared to talk, you waited for him to continue, not even wanting to blink in fear that he would react badly. Though, his expression was quite soft, his crimson eyes glancing over your face with worry. 
“Are you okay?” 
“I… yes.”  You could barely find it in you to speak, the words coming out as a choked whisper. Why did you say that? Of course you weren’t okay. You were scratched up, bitten, bruised, and filled with eggs, for fucks sake! Why weren’t you yelling and screaming at him?
“Here.” Caressing you carefully, Bakugou moved you both over to a different ledge, carefully lifting you up to sit on it. “There’s a blanket and other things there for you.” 
Sitting there with your legs dangling in the water, you slowly wrapped your arms around your swollen belly, beginning to tremble from the cold. “O… okay.” 
With a frustrated grunt at the fact that you neglected to move, Bakugou hoisted himself up onto the ledge, sitting beside you and reaching back to snatch the blanket he had mentioned. “Damn stupid woman, you need to stay warm!” As he draped it around your shoulders, you couldn’t stop but flinch away from him a bit, tears still streaming down your face in fear. “Why are you scared of me?” 
“I don’t… want you to hurt me anymore.” 
Bakugou gave the back of your head a gentle stroke, letting his arm rest around your back. “You got it all wrong, moron. I don’t want to hurt you. Your wounds will heal quickly because of my venom… And being sore won’t last, you’ll be numb for a while.” 
“You act like you’ve done this before.” 
“... We don’t need to talk about that. It doesn’t fucking matter. You’re all I care about, now. I’m going to protect you.” Bakugou caressed your cheek, turning your head to look up at him. “I don’t just go for random women. I picked you for more than just your body. You should rest…” 
His final words were more of a command than a suggestion, and with that gruff growl in his voice, you listened. Scooting back towards the pad of blankets he had set up on the ground, you used the one around your shoulders to first dry off the best you could, before shuffling under the others. It was warm and oddly comfortable, but you expected that you’d find even a bed full of needles comfortable with how exhausted you were. As you settled down on your side, you watched Bakugou as he slipped back into the water, vanishing beneath the surface and leaving you alone in the cave. 
With the silence, more tears began to flow down your cheeks, running your hands up and down along your swollen belly as you craved the warmth of the sun and the cheeky grinning merman you had loved just yesterday. 
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raiy-yn · 2 years
Ok i just need to say this because it’s been bothering me for a while now but bakugo and pico are barely similar as characters. The only reason they are even compared so often is because people look at how pico is commonly hotheaded and crass and compare that to bakugo’s crassness, despite differences between the two that make than comparison far more difficult to make. For one thing pico isn’t permanently set on “kill” mode, Pico has a character built off of more than one central character trait unlike bakugo. Pico has two other core traits i feel are often glossed over, for one he has a sense of heroism that bakugo ironically lacks and pico is also an introvert. This is most easily stated in pico two where Darnell is trying to teach pico the mechanics of the game. He comments on how shy pico is and while this could just be Darnell being a more boisterous than pico I think it informs his character better. in the flash game resident pico he openly offers to protect nene saying “don’t worry I’ll protect you”. I think if it were bakugo in this situation he would say something more like “get out of my way I can handle this” but pico is more disarming with his language. If anything I personally think pico could be more similar to midoriya as the two often throw themselves into danger without any second thought. Pico’s relationship with other characters are also very different from bakugo. While both bakugo and pico act as rivals to the main characters midoriya and boyfriend respectively. (Possibly another reason people like to compare the two is that these ships are the most popular in the fandom lol) bakugo’s relationship with midoriya always had a certain power dynamic that is very difficult to ignore. For instance in season one episode 6 bakugo clearly states that he sees deku as a bug he could easily squish. It is established very early on that bakugo is more naturally talented then deku and how this informs his relationship with the deku. Bakugo feels incredibly threatened by deku’s strength throughout the series and his worldview gets challenged by deku very frequently. This is completely different from pico’s relationship to boyfriend. Week three is basically the only time pico and boyfriend really butt heads in fnf and Pico is still very passive. Pico is never implied to seem better than boyfriend, the two are on equal ground both physically and emotionally. While pico is more intelligent then boyfriend by a long shot that is still a very different dynamic to deku and bakugo’s relationship. These two character dynamics COULD be similar but i just don’t think there is enough evidence in fnf to directly make a concrete comparison. Even if their relationship was exactly the same as deku and bakugo’s relationship in week 3 it evolves VERY fast because in week 7 pico literally jumps to save the two and we can assume he sticks to his guns trying to protect bf and gf despite the troubles. While i have no doubt in my mind that bakugo wouldn’t help deku when he needs it, bakugo still actively attempts to challenge deku throughout the series something pico very rarely does, instead specifically aiming to help bf whenever possible. So while bakugo and pico are somewhat similar i think their differences outweigh their similarities and i find it a bit frustrating when that is the first comparison that someone makes. It’s because i think the key difference is in how their world views inform their decisions. Bakugo is shown to act based on his insecurities and desires but pico is virtuous and acts on paranoia and that is VERY different from inferiority. Pico doesn’t think he is any better or worse than anyone else, he thinks that the world is very dangerous and that he has to fight tooth and nail in order to protect the things he loves, something he time and time again proves he is fully capable of doing.
(Btw sorry if I don’t explain my points on bakugo very well it’s been a while since i have watched my hero academia)
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haequarius · 4 years
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pairing: jeno x fem reader
genre: smut, slight angst
word count: 2.6k
warnings: soft dom!jeno, fingering (with a ring), corruption kink, mouth fucking, finger sucking, tearing, praising, swearing, protected sex
summary: prince jeno is the perfection itself; he’s cold and attractive, he seems a god. he’s dangerous and you know that, but he’s addicting.
notes: i was inspired by jeno’s resonance pt 2 teaser pic, his vibe there is immaculate; also this has a lot of plot, I’m warning you :D btw let me know if u like this/if it’s worth it to write a part 2^^ 
Jeno climbs on the bed on top of you, looking dangerously at your naked body. The red silk material wrapped around his thigh softly rubs your skin as he makes himself space between your legs. 
he smirks watching you eagerly, his heavy breath is the only sign he’s already broken at the sight of you waiting for him to take you. his confidence, his strength, the way he acts like he’s always in control, always perfect, are the things that make you weak for him. 
you don’t know if his personality is really like this or if it’s because of his role; after all, he’s gonna be king someday. his image has to be perfect, impeccable, and he knows that damn well. 
his presence is stunning and intimidating, his gaze is always scanning everyone, just like god judges souls. His eyes are bullets in your heart, and you’re sure that every person who gets to be near him feels the same. However, not everyone close to him gets to fuck him. 
He wraps his hand around your neck tenderly, then he caresses down your chest and massages your breast. He makes sure to rub your nipple with his ring, making you shiver at the sensation of the cold material. Now his grin is even wider; even if you try to hold yourself back, he’s aware of the effect his every move has on you. You’re literally down for him, for everything he wants. 
His hand travels on your body, you feel him everywhere. His touch is intoxicating. 
He rubs his hand on your thigh, up and down, making you bite your lip in anticipation. He lowers his head to leave soft kisses on your jaw.  
“There’s no way you can hide how you desire me baby, you know that” he whispers in your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin, “but the fact that you think you can, makes you so cute” he attaches his lips under your lobe, sucking hard on your skin. he lets go and licks where he sucked, and then sucks again until you let out a moan. “I wonder what I’ve done to deserve a pretty girl like you who waits for me all naked until i come back. you’re so good to me” 
you wonder that as well. before jeno, you didn’t even know what sex was. you’ve always touched yourself, from time to time, but you had never fucked or had anything like that with anyone. you’ve always thought about sex but never found someone to experiment it with, until you met jeno. 
the first time you saw him was at a royal party. you were beside the princess you work for, as always, staying behind her and talking only when she needed you. that night, as you scanned the hall to see who your princess was going to meet, you saw him. and as if he knew, his eyes were already on you, and you weren’t able to think about anything else from that moment on. 
he was like fire to you, so dangerously attractive. his gaze so deep and poisoning, so evil it makes you shiver at the only thought of it. 
you tried to avoid him, of course. he looked exactly like the kind of boy who makes you fall in love with him, plays with you until your completely broken and then leaves as if nothing happened. but from that night on, you started to see him everywhere. physically and mentally. you touched yourself, thinking of him. you thought you were going crazy and tried to act chill, even in front of him. 
then he tried to talk to you.
the way he speaks is mesmerizing; he has a soft deep voice that is so charming, the way he talks is so captivating and he’s incredibly smart. 
Judging from the way he looked at you, it was obvious he wanted your body. 
even though you were perfectly aware of being just one of his many preys, you accepted. 
as he leaned his hands on you the first time, you were completely his. 
“I can’t believe no one touched you like this before”, his hand is now on your core, caressing it slightly. you can’t stop yourself from watching down.  
He smirks against your skin, starting to rub your clit with his ringed finger. “you know”, he sucks on your lobe, “that’s the ring that’s gonna make me king, pretty girl. what would people think if they knew I fucked you with that, uh?”
you moan at his words, the pace he’s rubbing your clit faster and faster. he drags his index inside you and presses your clit with his thumb, fucking you impossibly slowly. his finger goes in and out your hole, making you whimper every time the ring slides inside of you.  
You grab his wrist with both your hands. “jeno, faster, please” you say breathless.
he grins impossibly widely. “or what, my baby?”
you’re almost crying. “or don’t move at all, please, this is painful” 
“oh baby” he fakes disappointment, frowning and pouting. he slides his finger out and tries to back off, but you stop him, grabbing his arm with urgency.
“no, no, don’t leave me, please” 
he’s enjoying this so fucking much. “why don’t you touch yourself as you want, my pretty? I’m gonna go and you get to please yourself as you want, mh?”
“no, please”, you tighten your grip around his arm, watching him with teary eyes, begging. “I’ll be good, I promise”. 
you know he’s really gonna do it, if you misbehave. It happened before and it was awful; him leaving you messed up after overstimulating you, alone in his room. 
when you least expect it, he slides his finger roughly inside of you. you moan loudly, arching your back as he presses his body on yours while fucking you, his thumb back on your clit. your body slightly moves up and down the mattress, and your hard nipples rub harshly against the metal of the royal brooches on jeno’s jacket. 
“you’re over the edge, and it’s not even because of my cock, you’re so fucking cute”.  
He adds another finger and speeds up his pace, the sloppy sound of his fingers covered in your wetness rubbing against your skin makes your walls clench.  
“you’re so tight, how’s your tight pussy gonna take my cock?” 
you’re not even thinking straight. he’s pumping his fingers so hard into you, you have to grip his hair and hold on his back, to keep yourself grounded. you moan and scream his name in non-coherent sentences as your orgasm hits you, a multitude of bright colors shines behind your closed eyelids as your reach your high. 
your breath is heavy, and as you open your eyes and start to focus on reality, you find jeno’s eyes on you. you expected to see him with an amused smirk on his lips watching his favorite show, but there’s no trace of amusement in his expression. his eyes are dark, darker than ever, his expression serious, dangerous. the last time he looked at you like this, you couldn’t walk for the next two days. 
he finally slides his fingers out of you, completely coated in your arousal. his piercing eyes are deeply into yours as he brings his fingers into his mouth, sucking your juices as if it was the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted. when his fingers are clean, he pushes them inside of your core again, coating them with your arousal til his knuckles. he brings them back into his mouth, licking them eagerly. his eyes never leave yours and you grasp for air at the sight, pressing your thighs together. 
he smiles and takes his fingers out of his mouth, touching your lips. you open your mouth and wrap your tongue around his long, slim fingers, licking them until he presses them down your throat, making you tear. you feel his cold ring pressing on your tongue, and you moan. 
“can you taste yourself?” he’s sitting on his knees, watching you from high, “of course not, I couldn’t let off a single drop, it was so sweet”
you grab onto his palm as he fucks your mouth with his fingers, a little river of saliva running down your neck. you watch his dark gaze, stoic and apparently cold. as you lower your eyes down to his crotch you feel your pussy clench. his cock is so hard, aching in his tight silk red pants. 
you moan again, not able to stop yourself. 
jeno chuckles fondly and pulls out his fingers from your mouth, pouting. he climbs off the bed with still that grin on his face. he’s playing, like he always does. he wants to tease you and leave you over the edge, he wants to have fun.
he stands in front of the bed, hands behind his back. his strong figure is impeccable as always: his tonic legs in those silk pants, his muscled torso covered by a white shirt and a black jacket covered in royal brooches; one for his family, one which indicates his dynasty, one which is the prince’s sign and so on. a lot of complicated royal shit. 
Such elegant signs on a man who watches your weak, naked figure on his bed, waiting for him to move. or speak. or even breathe. 
“sit on your knees” he orders, slightly lifting his chin to watch you from behind his eyelids. 
you do as he told you, obedient like a puppy to his owner. 
he chuckles, letting his head fall a little. “no, baby. you don’t have to face me. turn around”
you gulp. you help yourself leaning your palms on the mattress to turn, then kneel and sit. you rub your palms on your thighs. your heart pounds furiously on you chest and your hands tremble. it’s adrenaline, and you love this so fucking much. 
You hear him taking his clothes off and the sound of the fabric slithering on his skin. you imagine his beautiful naked body exposed. jeno rarely lets you touch him as you want. when he lets you it’s because you need to, or because he orders you to. the occasion you get to touch him more is usually when you ride him; you can lean on his chest, hold him, suck on his nipples, kiss his neck. that’s why that’s the type of sex you like the most, and he knows that. of course he knows.
you hear him opening a drawer, taking a condom and sliding it on his dick in a minute. you feel his weight pressing on the mattress as he reaches for your body. the first thing that touches you it’s his hard cock, pressing on the bottom of your back. you gasp feeling the tension building at the base of your stomach. 
he comes closer, pressing his length between his abdomen and your lower back. he caresses your arm, up and down, and rubs the tip of his nose on the crook of your neck. 
he wraps his strong arms around your body and holds you tight, making your back lean on him. when your back touches his warm torso you automatically lean your head on his shoulder, sighing heavily. he caresses your breast and down your stomach, making you tremble under his touch. he touches your core with two fingers. “you’re wet again, for me. such a cute baby” 
he kisses your shoulder and you pant already, wishing his cock inside of you. feeling his aching length pushed against you is torture. 
“I want to fuck you until I break you, until I bring you over the edge and you can only scream my name, until you can’t think straight, baby girl. and i want you to think of that every time you touch yourself”
you think you already do that. “jeno” you whisper softly, your impatient body moves slightly making jeno’s cock rub against your back.  
he lets out a growl. “stay still”
you nod and make a sound that is something between pleasure and agreement. when jeno touches you, it’s impossible to think straight. just the thought of his hands on you makes your brain malfunction. having your body completely laying on his, and his hands not letting a single inch of your skin not touched, is the most lustful thing you can think of.  
he holds you tighter and lifts you with him, both of you now standing on your knees. jeno presses his palm on your lower back to make it arch. he rubs the tip of his cock on your entrance and coats it with your arousal; the sound of his heavy breath is mixing with yours, both your hot bodies clinging. he taps your mouth with his finger, and before you frown and ask him why, he buries his cock inside you with a sharp move that makes you scream and catches your breath.
he fucks you just like he told he would: rough, with no mercy, like he was possessed; every thrust deep and harsh into you, until his balls are pressed against you. he fucks you hard and holds your body still, hugging tightly your torso against him. You lay on him, your eyes rolled back while you’re completely drowning in pleasure. It goes like this for a while, jeno so overwhelmed he can only say your name and let out deep growls from the back of his throat, breathlessly thrusting into you with all of his strength. It’s a matter o minutes before you leave your head on his shoulder, completely gone. Your pussy continuously clenches around his cock and Jeno starts moaning, incapable of holding it. He moans, and swears, and says your name, and you cum again, reaching one of the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had.  
“fuck, fuck. fuck, i’m losing it” he grunts, and with a few slow and sharp thrusts into you he cums, releasing himself.  
He pants leaning his sweaty forehead on your shoulder.  
You both stay like this, catching your breaths; you still hold onto his forearms wrapped around you, his is cock softening inside you. he rubs his forehead on your shoulder and slips out of you. as he backs off, you suddenly feel cold, and your still shaking body almost falls flat on the mattress.  
Your eyelids feel heavy but you don’t want to close your eyes; you watch him throw the condom in the trash and run a hand between his slightly sweat brown hair. he catches your gaze, like he always does.  
“you can sleep if you want, pretty” he says while grabbing his clothes from the floor.  
you lay on the mattress leaning your head on your arm, exhausted. You shake your head. “where are you going?”
he looks up at you for a moment while jumping into a new pair of expensive silk pants he just grabbed from his huge wardrobe. “to a boring place with boring people” he grins, “I needed something to think about, tonight”
you slightly smile. “I think you have it”
in a few minutes the usually god like jeno is back. His perfect, stoic and heavenly presence, his hair not messy anymore, his dark gaze focused on his duty. And you already miss him, you miss the jeno who loses control while drowning in your body, the jeno who looks at you full of lust and calls you baby.  
but he’s not there anymore. he looks at you briefly before leaving. “i’ll call you” he says, and closes the door behind him.  
You’re left there, caressing the white sheets where you get to have him, imagining to kiss him, to hug him, to have him for a little more time with you and you feel so, damn pathetic. You knew that’s how this story was gonna end up. you knew that.
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ellovett · 3 years
how about dating hcs for Akna, Lillet and Jesse?
i put my blood sweat and tears into this riley thank you for asking [atomizes]
Relationship HCs for Akna, Lillet and Jesse [adult/staff reader ofc, is aged 29 and above]
Akna in a relationship, honestly it's hard enough to even approach this intimidating woman, imagine trying to bond and establish a relationship ! shes very closed off
By the chance you're lucky enough to score Akna as your significant other (how does it feel to be gods favorite), be prepared to keep up with her fast-pace! [both in terms of her walking and just. overall]
While she wouldn't understand most of the flirts you'd tell her, she can be such a smooth talker if she wished, unintentionally even !
Is definitely the one to confess first, though it only happened because Krahn pestered her to and only after thinking over it for very very long, she isn't one to go out of her comfort zone so spontaneously but for you she'll go the extra mile!
Shows you off and will definitely boast about you to the others.
"Oho? You're asking about the picture in my wallet? HA! My darling of course, who else! Aren't they a beauty?" [SLAP] "Don't get your dirty fingerprints all over them, you imbecile!"
Yes. She does have a photo of you in her wallet.
She isn't very affectionate, and she stiffens like a board when given said affectionate or even compliments, as she isn't used to receiving such intimate praise.
As for giving affection, she's one to give hand kisses specifically
She does things in very unconventional or even dramatic ways, like she'd make some flashy smoke potion to wow you with on valentines day, take you to places she wouldn't dare tell anyone that she frequents [like a cat cafe], write a message on the sky using fireworks [that she made btw] professing her love to you on your anniversary, she can be quite the romantic, even though she does have some trouble showing that she cares.
takes care of you when you're sick, by the chance it ever happens she'd drop everything immediately to take care of you, and then spend the entire day concocting a medicine
Lillet I would say is such a considerate and thoughtful partner, she's so incredibly sweet and goes through many lengths to make sure you're okay and to express her love for you!
Is usually the more composed person in the relationships, is incredibly reserved and modest but you will not be exempted from her shower of compliments and teasing
she absolutely loves seeing your flustered face, while she won't go overboard with the compliments she still internally gushes on how cute you are!
"[laughs] Why are you flustered so, my love? It's true isn't it? You do deserve the world, and more~ Oh! You're red again..aha, my apologies."
talks about you fondly to the others, though sje doesnt show you off like akna does, she would absolutely gush abt you given the opportunity
Her classy/elegant/powerful demeanor is enough to intimidate everyone but trust me she is such a sweetheart and dont ever think that she',s out of ur league
is very responsible, and is surprisingly really bold, is one to make the first move or to initiate things
She would never admit it outwardly but she loves impressing you with her magical capabilities/strength. whenever she'd release a rather flashy spell she'd always look in the corner of her eye for your reaction, then laugh to herself upon seeing you in complete awe and adoration.
TEA DATES ARE AN ABSOLUTE MUST. she'll gladly invite you over to her garden for tea, or any other beverage if you're not fond of it jfjrjf she has a wide selection!
Though if she does want to be more intimate the two of you can just read together and just enjoy each other's company
honestly lillet can be lowkey unhinged sometimes so, id recommend you watch out :skull: shes planning smthn insane
You know that image of this tall girl pinning the other to the wall, yeah that's you and her.
overworks herself to the core !!! bitch needs a hug !!!! and like. really good tea !!!!
Jesse is really fun as a partner there's never really a boring moment with him, despite his prestigious past this man is..something :skull:
playful banter is smthn to be expected from him, he loves it, its kinda his love language jdfdk
you'll be surrounded by sm cursed items and artifacts, best be careful with them! If you're interested in them he'll get super excited and just starts rambling about them to you for hours
in terms of teasing goes, he's super charming ! and has a way with words, though give him one simple compliment and this man is already on the floor gasping for air he is easily swayed despite his ability to charm ppl into doing whatever he wants
HES A TOTAL S/O GUY, he would kill for them die for them literally would do anything, he may be an all powerful demon lord but he will go crazy go stupid for his s/o.
Will let you ride on his back whenever he flies, if it impresses you he'll do it more often !
"Can you just feel that morning breeze? Such a beautiful time to fly out, I need some wind in my hair...[smiles] I know that look, come on over then, hop on! I promise I'll catch you if you fall."
First date? He'll probably try to plan a Very Human Normal Date[tm] but it'll just derail and all of a sudden they're driving towards a cliff 🗿for. for some reason. I mean it was fun right?
would probably tell you abt all the gossip happening at work , hes just smiling in his seat and u ask him why hes smiling like that and hes just like 'u wont believe what happened today.'
Prepare to be turned into a moronsexual bc Jesse is the epidemy of stupid.
hes absolutely insane but u know u love him <3 funky demon bitch, icon.
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F/M Pairing: Y/N x Seo Changbin (SKZ)
Warnings: Smut, Smut, Smut (and explicit language with some mentions of violence)
Word Count: 3K
Summary: There was an undeniable relief when the referee held up Changbin’s hand to declare him the winner. Meanwhile, Y/N tried to relax inside his locker room, waiting for Changbin to return, just like he always promised.
A/N: Since everyone is losing their minds over Changbin today, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to release this little slice of smut. BTW I was kinda inspired by the movie Southpaw.
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“Ladies and Gentlemen, your lightweight champion of the world!”
I held my breath, watching the television screen as Changbin threw his fists into the air, celebrating his victory while holding his mouthpiece between his teeth. The crowd was screaming his name, roaring with their delight for his defeat of an opponent who had been taunting him for weeks at the press conferences leading up to tonight’s event. He had never once felt intimated by the man who was being carried out of the ring by local medical staff, and Changbin approached the camera with extra swagger in his steps, showing off the bruises and scars decorating his flushed skin. “I’m the champion,” he practically growled, revealing the title belt wrapped securely around his waist.
I shivered at the dark look in his eyes, leaning further back on the bench in his locker room. It was never easy to watch Changbin’s fights, wincing every time he was hit by a rival, or when he fell to the mat after suffering from a powerful blow. There was never a moment when he wasn’t a canvas of battle wounds, and I often took my time bandaging him after his matches, ensuring that I took care of my husband since he often disregarded such trivial affairs.
But they mattered to me, and I had voiced my complaints regarding Changbin’s chosen career path. It was a dangerous sport, and the risk of suffering from something greater than a few scrapes was constantly hanging over my head. Nevertheless, I was also aware that he had so much passion for the sport, and I would likely never convince him to stop because he was addicted to the rush of adrenaline that left him in a permanent state of exhaustion.
So, I always tried to support him, and I maintained a pleasant smile when I heard Changbin enter the locker room. He smirked in my direction, reaching behind him to undo his title belt before draping it across the long metal bench next to me. “Did you see me out there, sweetheart?” Changbin asked, seeking my approval which I always gave him.
“You did so good, Binnie,” I told him in return. “Will you let me take care of your hands?”
Changbin startled at the question, looking down at his fists as if just realizing that blood was steadily pouring from the knuckles. He nodded in response, keeping his eyes trained on the wounds while I fetched the first aid kit from the back room. Meanwhile, he carefully sat down on the bench. “I didn’t even realize...” Changbin trailed off, watching me as I knelt down in front of him to carefully clean the mangled skin with an antiseptic wipe before unwrapping a fresh layer of gauze to secure the wound.
“You usually don’t,” I said, pressing a soft kiss to the each hand before glancing up at him. “But I’ll always be here to take care of it.”
Changbin grinned, reaching out to brush a strand of hair away from my eyes. “I love you, Y/N.”
My heart ached in my chest at the meaningful sentiment, returning the words as I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips while also being mindful of the cut that had previously split the skin in a different fight. His lips were chapped, but I didn’t mind, tracing their shape with my tongue before I attempted to pull away from him. However, one of Changbin’s hands came around to the back of my head to hold me in place, chasing after my lips like a man starved for touch. “Binnie,” I whispered between kisses, growing increasingly breathless from his ministrations.
“Come up here,” he suggested with a sly smirk, patting his lap with both hands. I nodded before carefully straddling his thick thighs which were covered by the tight material of his shorts, wrapping my arms around his neck as he tightened his grip on my waist. “Beautiful,” he declared, reclaiming my mouth once again as his tongue made a leisurely swipe against my teeth, deepening our kiss and steadily grinding his hips into mine. I whimpered because the outline of his erection was even more apparent in the shorts that always complimented his lean body, hugging tightly to his legs and emphasizing the roundness of his ass. I moaned just thinking about about the mental image, remembering how the sweat glistened on Changbin’s well-built torso after his match, and I could feel his fingers working apart the buttons on my blouse.
I allowed the shirt to fall from my shoulders, collecting against the creases of my elbows in a delicate fashion. It exposed more of my upper body to the colder air permeating the locker room that was suddenly alive with the sound of our heavy panting and the wet smack of our lips. Changbin groaned low in his chest, allowing me to collect my breath while he trailed his lips down my neck and collarbones, brushing his mouth against the swell of my breasts. I met his dark gaze as he looked up at me, mouthing against my nipples through the thin fabric of my silken bra, forming a stain from the heat of his tongue. It was nothing short of sinful, and I couldn’t help but moan at the contradiction between the warmth of his mouth and the pleasant sting from his teeth.
“Yes,” I whispered, trembling because the friction was delicious against my sensitive flesh, watching Changbin leave behind colorful bruises to affect the pale skin of my chest. I closed my eyes in pure delight, moving my hands away from his shoulders to move down his massive chest, feeling the impossible strength in his pectoral muscles and the faint abdominal lines leading to the waistband of his shorts. His body was built like an Adonis, and I was incredibly lucky to have such intimate access to someone who dedicated a good portion of their time to sculpting those hard muscles.
I was drawn out of my lustful haze when Changbin finally removed my shirt from my arms, reaching behind me for the clasp to my bra, which left me bare and openly displayed for his eyes. “Now, we’re even,” he grumbled against my throat, nipping at the skin that was pulled taut as I threw my head back to allow him better access.
There was a noticeable air of dominance surrounding my husband, and his aggression was growing more and more apparent as he marked me with his teeth. As a result, my legs tightened around his thighs, and I could feel my panties growing damp with my arousal. “Changbin, please,” I said, desperate for more.
It caught his attention, and Changbin finally paused long enough to look at me before I suddenly found myself on my back, gasping because the cold metal of the bench was harsh against my exposed skin. His sudden display of strength caught me off-guard, and I watched as he moved further down the bench to wrestle my jeans and panties down my legs, growling low in his chest before throwing them into the floor. I whined again because there was something undeniably vulnerable about my current position: completely naked and exposed for Changbin who sauntered above me while palming his cock over the material of his shorts. “Touch yourself for me, slut,” he snarled, and I arched my back against the intensity of his gaze.
Nevertheless, I accommodated his request, jerking my hips at the first touch of my index finger against my throbbing clit, which was suddenly desperate for some form of release. I delicately circled the tiny bud, whining Changbin’s name after I realized that everything was too sensitive, and it hurt when I attempted to increase the speed of my touches. At the same time, I could barely stand to meet Changbin’s intimidating gaze, turning my head to the side as I parted the folds of my labia to tease one finger inside of my drenched pussy. “Oh!” I gasped, reacting to the sudden penetration and the way it caused my legs to shake as they fought to close against the intrusion.
“Keep your legs spread,” Changbin said, reaching down to interfere, and I moaned when he parted my thighs, fingers digging bruises into the skin. “I want to see you come like this.”
I shook my head because I was feeling overwhelmed, but I still continued to test my limits, adding another finger and using my free hand to tease my clitoris, increasing the pressure while timing the thrusts inside of my tight heat. I could feel myself clenching around my own fingers, responding to the light, but pleasurable touches. My entire body was shaking with my growing need to come, and my hips were grinding down in a desperate attempt to chase the irresistible vibrations that were contributing to the slowly building climax in my lower abdomen. 
However, even as I continued to pump my fingers inside of my warm cunt, I thought about Changbin and how much I desperately wanted him to take control, but he had an impeccable resolve. If he set his mind to something, then he would do everything in his power to see it come to fruition. The only way that I would see any kind of pleasure from his cock was after I managed to push myself over the edge on my own. It was still nice, though, focusing on how well I was stretching myself in preparation for him, and how good it felt to fill myself with anything, even if it had to be my fingers.
Thankfully, I was starting to approach my release, and I whimpered at the embarrassingly loud squelching sounds that were disturbing the quiet of the locker room. There was an undeniable pressure building in my tightening core, responding to an intense combination of the delicious friction from my fingers and the weight of Changbin’s gaze as he continued to watch me while stroking himself over his shorts. But then again, just thinking about his cock was enough to drive me insane.
I bit my lower lip to keep myself from moaning when I finally came, riding out the waves of my first orgasm as my hips continued to roll desperately, rising and falling against the metal bench underneath me. There were tears steadily falling from the corners of my eyes, and I had only started to remove my fingers when I felt Changbin grab my thighs to jerk me down to the edge of the bench. I looked at him through lidded eyes as he tugged down his shorts, allowing them to pool into the floor as he took another step forward. I groaned when I saw his cock, thick and erect, and I felt my mouth start to salivate as I remembered how it felt to taste him inside my mouth. The tip was painted with an angry red color, and I lifted myself into a sitting position. “Can I?” I asked him, placing a tender kiss against the underside of his cock.
Changbin inhaled sharply as he reached out with both hands, wrapping his fingers through my hair as he brought me even closer to his erection, allowing the head to slip obscenely across the seam of my lips. “My little slut can have whatever she wants,” Changbin replied, and I needed no further encouragement before opening my mouth and inviting my tongue to taste the bead of precum that had gathered on the tip. The result was bitter, but I relaxed my throat and took him as deep as I could manage, bobbing my head up and down the full length of his erection. Changbin grunted at my efforts, planting his feet on the floor as he gave an experimental thrust, and I started choking around him, pulling off to gather my breath before trying again. 
“Such a good girl for me,” Changbin purred, and he was more affectionate when his fingers traced my lips that were stretched around the girth of his cock. I moaned around him, watching as he closed his eyes to savor the vibrations that I had caused. “That’s right,” he said, gripping his cock at the base to feed me more of his erection until my nose touched his public hair, and the sting at the back of my throat had more instinctual tears falling down my face.
After several more successive thrusts into the warm heat of my mouth, Changbin pulled me away from his cock, breathing heavily as he reached for my waist. My legs trembled under me as he manhandled my body into the position that he wanted, bending me over the edge of the bench as he drug his cock against the crevice of my ass. There was no denying that I was a mess at this point, crying because of my overpowering need for him, and pushing back against his hips as he continued to tease me, dragging the tip of his cock against my wet slit. 
My breath caught around a moan when I felt him finally end my suffering, pushing the full length of his cock inside at a slow pace. My eyes practically rolled to the back of my head as I supported myself on my forearms, arching my back for a better angle until his hips were flush against my ass. “Changbin,” I whimpered, feeling incredibly full from the sensation of his cock stuffed deep inside where it belonged, and I was practically split open around his impressive girth.
I sniffled as I squeezed myself around him, grateful that he was giving me time to adjust, before I reached back for one of the hands that were still holding my hips. I gave him a reassuring squeeze, and he moaned in response. “So fucking tight for me,” Changbin said, and he started grinding his hips in steady circles, grazing over a pleasurable spot that managed to heighten the warm haze settling over the center of my chest. It was nice to savor the thickness of his cock, and I gasped when Changbin began to pull out, teasing me with just the tip before ending my pain and filling me again and again. In the meantime, he whispered words of praises, telling me how good I looked from behind, taking his cock like I had been made for him. His words mixed scandalously with the smack of his hips, joining the chorus of my moans and grunts as I felt myself quickly unraveling from the inside, crying even louder when one of Changbin’s hands tangled itself into my hair, pulling back and forcing me to arch my back even more.
The new angle was addicting, and my pussy was throbbing as he started to increase the pace of his well-timed thrusts, finding an easy rhythm as he played with my body like it was personal toy to be used whenever he needed pleasure. But I didn’t mind the idea, and I loved how much stronger he was, moving my body around to his liking. He liked to experiment with interesting positions, and I gasped when Changbin kicked my feet further apart, spreading my legs even wider as he somehow managed to leave me feeling utterly wrecked and destroyed around his cock. 
“It’s so good,” I slurred when Changbin brought another hand down between us, finding my clit with expert fingers. I moaned when he started to stimulate the throbbing organ with tight circles, knowing the best way to break me down. And the dueling sensations of his cock penetrating my desperate cunt and his fingers assaulting the swollen bud were bringing me even closer to the edge. 
I wasn’t surprised when my walls started tightening around his cock in response to my impending orgasm. Desperately, I started bucking my hips against his, meeting him on every thrust as I felt my vision start to blacken around the edges. Even so, I managed to look over my shoulder at Changbin, listening to his heavy panting as he closed his eyes and tossed his head to the side, thrusting even harder into my aching core and hitting my G-spot repeatedly from deep inside.
The visual was enough to break me, and I came around him with a muted scream, wrapping my hand over my mouth as he continued to push into me over and over again as I rode out my second orgasm. I cried when everything grew distorted around me, and Changbin was still chasing his own orgasm, dragging his thick cock against the fluttering walls of my pussy as I swallowed him again and again. Everything was suddenly veering on the edge of overstimulated, and I was whining and crying from the pleasure, chanting his name while my lower arms started shaking with the threat of giving out at any moment.
“Y/N!” Changbin grunted, and his hips stuttered in place once, twice, and then three times before he came inside, and I could feel his warm seed fill me to the brim. “Holy shit,” he cursed, allowing his flaccid cock to fall from my leaking pussy. 
I swallowed around a deep inhale, barely keeping myself up as I managed to  maneuver myself onto my back, looking up at Changbin as he towered over me. “Binnie,” I called for him, stretching out my arms in his direction.
“You look so good like this, sweetheart,” Changbin said, and he gently wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up into the air as he encouraged my legs to lock around his waist. “We can take a shower here,” Changbin said, pressing kisses against my lips. “Then, we’ll go home, okay?”
I nodded, feeling drowsy from everything that had happened. But there was no better place in the world than being wrapped around my husband, reveling in his strength as he supported both of us. I closed my eyes as I buried my face into the side of his neck, savoring his warmth because he always managed to make me feel safe and loved.
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Favorite Archetypes in Precure
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I was going to keep this above cut if it weren’t for the fact that there’s no way I’ll ever be able to go over every single archetype (and trope) there is...so I decided to feature just my favorites instead.
Therefore, expect this to be more self-indulgent than the usual post.
Also, big WIP, will add more as I think them up.
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Honorable Mentions: Honoka, Hibiki, Yukari
That one extremely rich gal in the main cast, complete with an esteemed family name, giant mansion, loyal servants and maybe even an exclusive villa for the beach episodes among other things. We don’t have one every season, thankfully, but it’s a very common occurrence in Precure... and honestly, pretty much almost every other anime genre out there.
The girls in honorable mentions aren’t as financially influential as the Ojous here but they do live in a big house so it’s not wrong to say they’re a little more well-off than the average person.
Also, it’s notable that despite their wealthy background, none of them really display qualities of the haughty rich bitch. If anything, a rival who does have those characteristics (especially the “ohoho!” laugh) is sometimes brought in to make them look better by comparison.
Though I can’t deny it’d be super interesting to get an Ojou Cure like that in the future, if possible. One who is selfish, arrogant and insufferable about her social standing but is noble deep down and after some time and development, learns to trade in those negative traits to become more likable. Except she keeps the “ohoho!” laugh because it’s dumb and fun. :)
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Honorable Mentions: Hikari, Aguri
Sort of like a sister trope to the Ojou, maybe? Well, the aristocratic tendencies are alike.
Only included literal princesses, btw. No girls who are only princesses in name or by virtue of magic or anything like that (sorry, Haruka). They have to come from a well and alive royal family and they also need to have an existing kingdom to be princess of.
So when you narrow it down by those criteria, we actually don’t have a lot of them in Precure. But since we get a variety of otherworldly Cures anyway, we don’t really make that distinction often.
Oh, and for Aguri, she sorta counts as well, being one half of Marie-Ange who was the princess of Trump Kingdom and all. But since the monarchy has been replaced by a republic, she has no princess title to claim anymore so...nope.
EDIT: Added Hikari to honorable mentions since her situation is similar to Aguri’s.
Yamato Nadeshiko:
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Honorable Mentions: Karen, Minami
For those who aren’t well-read in this concept, please read this first. 
That said, even though culture and values have changed greatly over the years, I believe the core definition of the Yamato Nadeshiko has remained mostly the same that there is no need for extra interpretation into it. As far as this post goes, anyway.
A soft-spoken, very well-mannered woman hiding a will of steel beneath her serene composure. The simplified version but pretty straightforward if you ask me.
Regarding Honoka and Mai, I’m still not familiar enough with the first two Precure teams to know for sure if they really match the description (especially Mai, Honoka I can more or less agree with based on what I’ve seen)...but I’ll go along with it for now.
As for Karen and Minami, they do show shades of it in their personalities given their upscale upbringing (especially Minami who cried at the thought she might be betraying her parents for wanting to chase her dream) but they’re still more Ojou than actual Yamato Nadeshiko, imo.
Lady Warrior (Cure only):
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Honorable Mentions: Ace
Lady of War.
Every Cure fights, of course, but then there are the few who enter the battlefield almost as if they were born to conquer it while maintaining all the grace and elegance of a refined lady.
Moonlight is the epitome of this trope for the franchise as a whole and to this day, I’ve yet to see any other Cure who can surpass her. But that’s fine. It doesn’t mean any of the other Cures listed here is less of a Lady Warrior than she is.
Ace is only an honorable mention because while she possesses a lot of the traits found in this archetype, including the overwhelming strength and confidence, the way she constantly and pretentiously barked on about “what makes a lady a lady” really brought down her value as one.
Not to mention, she’s a bit too flashy compared to the others and that takes away the seriousness I always associate with this archetype.
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Well, there isn’t a Precure season where nobody delves into this topic but among the Cures, these girls are known to be the most style-conscious. 
Miki and Kirara aren’t in a sub-tier, btw. They’re just grouped separately because they’re actual models.
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Yep. Don’t think I need to say much about this one.
Feline Femme:
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Cat girls. Girls with (stereotypical) cat-like characteristics.
I threw this title together with words I thought would sound the nicest but reading it now reminds me of what a friend once told me. That “felines are rather feminine creatures”.
And I think that fits these three, don’t you?
Aoi is not an honorable mention, even though her character concept is based on a lion, because she rejects the girlish image in favor of being a tomboy rock star.
Student Council/Class Rep:
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Overall, we have a good number of honor students among the Cures but this category is reserved for those who are shown or stated to be a class representative and/or participate in the student council. Strangely enough, this trope isn’t a favorite of mine or anything but I like “collecting” the ones who have these things in common.
- Known class reps: Kanade, Saaya, Chiyu (iirc?)
- Known vice presidents: Reika, Rikka
- Known presidents: Karen, Itsuki, Reika, Mana, Minami, Madoka
...alright, I’m positive I missed a few people or forgot certain details so if anyone can point out which ones, that’d be appreciated.
These aren’t archetypes so much as just tropes but I don’t quite feel like putting them in a separate post yet so I’ll leave them here for now.
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Hell, everyone here minus Rikka form the Precure idol group, Anata no kokoro o mitoshi-tai, because of this very feature.
Makoto is not included because I believe she only wears class to be incognito when going out.
Keigo (Civilian):
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Too lazy to explain this in an eloquent and concise manner so read up.
You know someone is just ultra polite to a T when their formality doesn’t let up even when they’re around the people they’re closest to. Some cases are understandable especially if they were raised under more traditional, classy circumstances or trained in etiquette (like the Ojous, princesses, etc) so this is normal for them.
Others are just more humble in nature like Tsubomi and Himari or speak that way because everyone is older than her like Urara.
I find this trope incredibly charming on certain characters and hope I’m not the only one.
Keigo (Cure):
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Carried over from their civilian forms, there isn’t that much of a difference except for the addition of Felice, who went through a huge maturity growth during transformation.
Ace is similar in that aspect, too, since she sounds less bratty than Aguri does.
Update log:
4/29/20 - Post published.
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saltiestcoconut · 4 years
Light Dragon Analysis
I swear I’m not dead just very depressed 
Oh Lord give me the strength to get up anyways next up is Light Dragon saved this bad boy for last something something since I started with the sixth Ignis it’s only appropriate that I end this series with the first blah blah parallels yada yada reverse order that lowkey references @loganelfreeces meta post here whatever whatever
PS: Light Dragon has a serpentine body according to the laws of physics that means I have to like him and I do his design is pretty cool
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Light Dragon is a rank 4 XYZ monster with the ability to save your cards from destruction or destroy monsters up to the number of @ingnister monsters you control for the low low cost of one XYZ material. Additionally he can revive a link monster from the GY when another cyberse monster you control inflicts battle damage. BTW you can either revive a link monster or destroy a monster card once per turn. 
Interesting how even if Light Dragon runs out of materials to use, it can still activate it’s second once per turn ability so it can still stay relevant in battle 
Dragons are quite literally a universal mythical beast. Pretty much every culture has a draconic creature of some kind and while Light Dragon isn’t a traditional dragon, he’s still a dragon he’s got wings and everything. So pretty much every culture associates dragons with power and Lightning is the most powerful ignis (well maybe except for Ai he does have instincts and wisdom to back him up), he never lost a duel, drawing a tie with Revolver and we all know that Revolver is an incredibly powerful duelist (it was a tie I refuse to acknowledge that Lightning won that duel because converting Jin’s consciousness into one (1) lp is BULLSHIT). Anyways, Light Dragon appears to resemble Japanese dragons only with two pairs of wings instead of an extra two pairs of legs on top of Light Dragon’s arms. Interestingly enough, Japanese dragons follow the more well known (thanks Europeans) portrayals of dragons- powerful beings that heroic figures go to fight with and defeat. We know that Ai associates himself with knights and knights are typically the ones to slay dragons (never mind the fact that Revolver stopped Lightning and it was Yusaku who did most of the fighting during the Ignis war act), this could be symbolic of the fact that the whole Ignis war arc was pretty much Ai vs Lightning, with the other Ignises asked to side with one or the other (except for poor Windy and Earth who never got the choice). It is interesting to note, however, that the Knights of Hanoi was also the ones to have largely engaged in duels with Lighting and again the leader of the Knights was able to successfully stop him, but at the price of their lives. Recall that I proposed a theory that the leaders of the Ignis were pretty much associated with dragons. We have Aqua, who became the Water Leviathan, the very much draconic creature and thanks to @nightfurylover31’s post Ai had canonically called her a dragon in her summoning chant. Aqua was pretty much the only Ignis Lightning considered a threat, locking her up (I thought it was ironic how he locked her up in a cage and one of ritual’s best known support cards is a spell card called Ritual Cage). I’m not sure if Lightning ever considered Ai to be a threat, but instead of trying to get rid of him outright, he did try to get Ai to join him, only locking him up when Playmaker showed up; take that as you will. Light Dragon on the other hand, is very much a dragon, having two pairs of wings and arms along with what appears to be horns, very traditional dragon qualities. Since Lightning is the leader of Ignis, it would make sense for him to be the most draconic of the group. 
I guess with that I’m officially done with this mini series, it was fun while it lasted thanks for reading y’all and a thank you from the bottom of my heart and core of my soul if you stuck with me through the whole thing you’re a real one.
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 4 years
Black sikols were created right after grey sikols, but for an entirely different purpose. They were created to guard the departed realm from cursed spirits. They were only modelled after grey sikols, and have a completely different construction and notch set.
They're not spirits, they're half mortals (or basically demon like creatures), and have a partially solid construction. Their base form is a wingless shadow dragon that's 4-5 meters long (13-17 ft), with a light color feather mane and glowing eyes (human souls have human base forms). Their phisical forms are much more solid than a ghosts, so they're immune to water, but can be cut into with any sharp object. They can't die though. Due to the enviroment they were intended for, they only heal with direct food intake and rest, and even then very slowly. They have 4 notches, two khale, one sadi and a special sinder notch to detect cursed spirits from a distance. They have a human intelligence and the ability of speech, but they're pretty instinctive, and extremely aggressive and protective. Their soul cores are very similar to a grey sikols, which is where the problems start.
These demons intended to protect the resting souls of the departed realm, can spawn into human bodies in the place of the soul.
Unfortunately, that completely disables their ability to heal from injuries, and destabilizes their mind and body connection (which means a susceptibility to strokes and heart attacks). Basically these people have a continuously declining mental health, and cannot recover from any mental illness at all, and usually live very short lives.
Now, despite all these problems, due to the mind not being specific to them, having a black sikol as a soul doesn't visibly show up in a person's behaivior at all.
They have a possessible body ovbiously, but ghosts are taught to avoid possessing one at all costs...
Upon possession, black sikols completely destabilize, lose most of their human traits, and go crazy and horribly aggressive due to the sinder notch sending continuous signals as the ghost is in their body. Their strength is incredible if they're not injured too much, so it's simply unwise to attempt stealing the body of one, because they can and will tear the possessing ghost to shreds. If they have a major injury called a soul break (a glowing crack on a spirit of various size and depth) hitting that will cause them excrutiating pain, and will render them unable to fight for a certain amount of time, but it's not worth to possess one even like that.
They're incredibly attatched to the people the khale notches connect to (the khales) and while needing their comfort and protection, will fiercly protect them too at all costs.
Now here's where the fun begins:
I HC Lloyd to have a black sikol as a soul, with a huge soul break going over his right eye (caused by Misako leaving him at a young age).
(My ninjago soul type HCs here btw:
Kai: red trego
Nya: malachite tria
Jay: yellow geeda
Cole: orange tria
Zane: white tria
Misako: yellow trego
Wu: golden sikol
Morro: green keydro)
...Well, chaos. That is bad news for Lloyd. And Morro.
But on a different note—based on what you’ve said, all the types and characters seem to line up pretty well!
Seriously, I am impressed by how well you’ve thought all of this out.
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