craseycazy · 2 years
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
TMNT 2012 as Disney Movies (Cast List)
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I love Disney and I love TMNT 2012, so enjoy my HC for who I would cast in a couple of my favorite Disney movies.
Beauty & The Beast
Belle: April
The Beast/Prince Adam: Donnie
Gaston: Casey
Lumiere: Raph
Cogsworth: Leo
Mrs Potts: Karai
Chip: Mikey
Lefou: Timothy
Maurice: Kirby
Fifi The Feather Duster: Mona Lisa
The Wardrobe: Alopex
The Bimbettes (Claudette, Laurette, & Paulette): Renet, Shinigami, Rook
Note: Instead of turning into objects and furniture, the people of the castle turned into mutants. Also Karai isn’t Mikey’s mom but instead they have big sister little brother dynamic.
The Little Mermaid
Ariel: April
Prince Eric: Leo
Sebastian: Raph
Flounder: Donnie
Ursula: Kitsune (My OC)
Venessa: Karai
Scuttle: Mikey
King Triton: Splinter
Grimsby: Kirby
The Chef: Pizza Face or Belly Bomb
Note: Raph, Donnie and Mikey would play the role of the characters they were given BUT they would be sea turtles instead of a fish and crab
Hercules: Raph
Meg: Mona Lisa
Phil: Slash
Pegasus: Chompy
Hades: Lord Dregg
The Muses: April, Karai, Shinigami, Renet & Alopex
Pain & Panic: Bebop & Rocksteady
Zeus: Splinter
Hera: Tang Shen
Hercules’ Adopted Parents: Usagi & Akemi
Note: Adding more characters, Leo is Apollo, Donnie is Hephaestus and Mikey is Hermes. They are the ones who tell Raph/Hercules about who he is and how to become a true hero because they wanna reunite with their long lost brother, cause these 3 Greek Gods are actually brothers of Hercules so it makes sense.
(Along with a few characters from the series)
Rapunzel: Karai
Eugene/Flynn Rider: Shinigami
Mother Gothel: Shredder
Maximus: Alopex
Pascal: Chompy
The King & Queen: Splinter & Tang Shen
Captain of the Guards: Tiger Claw
The Stabbington Brothers: Rahzar & Fishface
Hook Thug: Raph
The Thug Who wants to find love: Donnie
Drunk Thug: Mikey
Unicorn collecting Thug: Leatherhead
Mime Thug: Timothy
Cassandra: Leo
Varian: Renet
(Including cast for the 2nd and 3rd movie)
Aladdin: Raph
Jasmine: Mona Lisa
Genie: Mikey
Jafar: Newtralizer
Iago: Kraang Sub Prime
Sultan: Sal Commander
Abu: Chompy
Rajah: One of the ice dragons
Razoul: Tiger Claw
Razoul’s Gaurds: The Foot Clan
Abis Mal: Baxter Stockman
Cassim: Splinter
Saluk: Armaggon
The Oracle: Renet
The 40 Theives: Other (non Foot Clan) villians like the Purple Dragons, Lord Dregg, Bellybomb, Snakeweed, Spiderbytez, etc
Robin Hood
Robin Hood: Raph
Little John: Slash
Maid Marian: Mona Lisa
Friar Tuck: Mikey
Prince John: Newtralizer
The Sherif of Nottingham : Tiger Claw
Lady Kluck: Alopex
Sir Hiss: Baxter Stockman
Alan-a-dale: Donnie
Skippy: Kintaro
Trigger & Nutsy: Bebop & Rocksteady
King Richard: Sal Commander
Snow White
Snow White: Raph
Queen Grimhilde: Tiger Claw
Grumpy: Karai
Dopey: Mondo Gecko
Doc: Slash
Happy: Pigeon Pete
Bashful: Leatherhead
Sneezy: Rockwell
Sleepy: Muckman
Prince Florian: Mona Lisa
The Huntsman: Alopex
The Magic Mirror: Fugitoid
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins: April
Bert: Leo
Jane: Irrilia (OC belongs to @myrling-art )
Micheal: Thalos (OC belongs to @bludinkdragonz )
Mr Banks: Raph
Mrs Banks: Mona Lisa
Uncle Albert: Mikey
Ellen: Renet
Mrs Brill: Alopex
The Constable: Sal Commander
The Bird Woman: Shinigami
Katie Nanna: Utrom Queen
Admiral Boom: Slash
Mr. Binnacle: Leatherhead
Note: When they go to the cartoon world, have the cartoon characters be the 87 characters.
(Including cast for 2nd movie)
Cinderella: Donnie
Lady Tremaine: Splinter
Anastasia: Raph
Drizella: Leo
Fairy God Mother: Mikey
Prince Charming: April
Jaq: Slash
Gus: Leatherhead
Grand Duke: Kurtzman
The King: Kirby
Prudence: Rockwell
The Baker: Mona Lisa
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
Quasimodo: Mikey
Frollo: Tiger Claw
Esmeralda: Mona Lisa
Phoebus: Raph
Hugo: Mondo Gecko
Victor: Leatherhead
Laverne: Rockwell
Clopin: Donnie
The Archdeacon: Leo
The 2 Gaurds: Bebop & Rocksteady
Madellaine: Renet
Sarousch: Xever
Mirabel: April
Abuela Alma: Splinter
Isabela: Leo
Dolores: Karai
Luisa: Slash
Bruno: Donnie
Julieta: Mikey
Agustin: Renet
Pepa: Raph
Felix: Mona Lisa
Camilo: Casey
Antonio: Frida (My OC)
Mariano: Shinigami
Mariano’s Mom: Kitsune (My OC)
Note: The Hamato family are all related but not that same way the Madrigals are. Ex: Raph, Mikey and Donnie are NOT triplets, them and Leo are all still brothers. Some family dynamics/plots remain the same such as Leo being engaged to Shini, but Karai is in love with Shinigami.
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misteria247 · 2 years
A little bit of a timeline for my Turtles Forever AU because my posts are a mess and I want to explain some things:
In the beginning the 12 gang who was currently housing the Rise gang was trying to get them back to their original universe cuz while the 12 gang loves their younger counterparts they couldn't exactly stay. During the experiment conducted by 12 Donnie and Rise Donnie to try and open a portal to the Rise gang's home reality something went wrong and ended up dragging the two groups of turtles and humans into a portal and caused them to end up being thrown into the 03 lair. Due to this it caused a ripple effect of sorts and ended up not only dragging them into this strange new lair but also the 07 gang, Bayverse gang and 87 gang into it as well. Things went a bit hectic and insane when the 03 gang was bombarded by several variations of themselves and their friends.
Sometime later after a bit of tension and some secrets being exposed (12 Splinter), the groups of turtles and humans end up somewhat starting to get along and 87 Donnie, 03 Donnie, 07 Donnie, 12 Donnie, Bayverse Donnie and Rise Donnie began to work on trying to fix things to get everyone home. It was during one of their test runs where they believed that they had managed to finally get a lead that again something went wrong with the portal and ended up again dragging more people into the 03 lair. Or more specifically one person. Ronin Mikey. Afterwards things went to hell for a brief time but after getting the older turtle to calm down and not try to kill them things settled into a somewhat tense truce.
The third time the group of purple genius turtles tried their portal experiment, which again was sometime later it again backfired and again ended up dragging three more people to the 03 lair, those people being Rise Casey Jr, Rise Future Leo, and Rise Future Mikey. After that 87 Leo, 03 Leo, 07 Leo, 12 Leo, Bayverse Leo and Rise Raph put their foot down as the eldest children of their siblings and forced their genius brothers to take a breather to try and figure things out without the experiments. (They can't exactly fit more into the 03 lair given that it's already somewhat crowded with everyone). They're now currently trying to figure things out and to hopefully get everyone back to their respective universes but until then they're roommates.
Somehow due to the transportation of different variations of the gang being taken out of their respective realities, there will be brief moments where others will pop into the 03 lair for a moment before being dropped back off to their original reality. Some of these people include:
12 Karai, 12 Mona Lisa, 12 Mondo Gecko, 12 Shinigami and 12 Leatherhead.
Rise Karai and occasionally Rise Saki.
87 Mona Lisa, 87 Kala and her friends, 87 Mondo Gecko, 87 Rasputin, 87 Attila, 87 Napoleon, 87 Genghis, 87 Irma, and 87 Vernon, and 87 Lotus.
07 Karai.
Bayverse Karai and Bayverse Vernon.
Ronin Casey Marie and Ronin April.
They never stay long and it's only for brief periods of time. The boys don't know how this works and often times the group geniuses amongst them are left feeling extremely frustrated by the lack of knowledge on these occurrences.
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hyperfixated-homo · 1 year
I love Mikey’s trope being the last girl standing and psychological horror is very yummy
HIHIHIHIHI yes absolutely you can have more info on their experiences :)
I do not want to spoil too much about the actual events that they go through (unless people ask. smile) but i can give some little bits of their stories!
For Mikey (the final girl ever)
He and Raph are the only two who fully remember their respective genres' experiences. However, they did also go through very different experiences
All of them went through multiple different "storylines" but Mikey and Donnie go through an entire universe reset when their storyline restarts (in comparison, Leo and Raph go through multiple storylines in the same universe with the same people)
This means that Mikey has seen multiple alternate universes! He's seen several versions of his friends, several versions of killers, he's seen dystopian worlds and older ones and he's been in a million different places.
He would appreciate it more if he wasn't being chased down in every universe. And every time, he feels a bit upset that his brothers aren't with him, because he knows that they would probably LOVE to see some of the things he's seen
Mikey was the one who triggered the leave sequence. Technically, he was the one who let them out.
As mentioned before, Mikey has made friends in his genre-verse! I'm considering adding both some mutants and humans from other tmnt versions to this au, and most of them will be seen in Mikey's universe probably.
Including: Mondo gecko, Leatherhead, Mona Lisa, and more :))
Mikey went into his universe when he was 11. He came out at age 13, freshly a teenager. Since he was so young, this experience has SEVERLY impacted how he thinks about things
For Leo (my beloved little fucked up boy)
Most of his time in his universe was spent in the "lair", practically being tortured mentally.
He remembers some of it, doesn't remember other parts, completely makes up some things, and generally has weird memories about That Whole Situation.
There were moments when Leo would get to another place. Sometimes it was unrecognisable, but usually, it was familiar. Familiar but twisted
Like an abandoned (?) park at night, or a rooftop that he and his brothers used to frequent often, or a pool that he haden't been to in a while.
He really hated going to these places. Often because he would end up there alone (not entirely. never entirely. there were other things there watching him he swears) and sometimes it felt like days before he could see his "family" again.
With this in mind, the Leo that came out of his genreverse doesn't like to go outside much. ESPECIALLY not alone.
Also more general things: "Splinter" and "April" are in his genre too. They're less fucked up than his brothers but. Definately not normal.
Leo gains some new fears after living there for two years. A fear of heights and a fear of the dark being two of them.
Sometimes he would enter The Void as a means of escaping his problems. He could never stay there long (his brothers would never let him) but it helped sometimes. He goes back there nowadays, when everything reminds him too much of There
This ended up being more general headcanons about them, sorry ansdjd. I ADORE questions about my horror au btw, so MUCH THANK for asking!!!
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seaghosst · 2 months
For the ask game, imma spam you with questions :3
🏙️ What is the main setting of your au?
🧫 Were your turtles mutated intentionally or on accident?
💉 Do any characters get mutated during the main story?
🦹 Who is the main villain?
😡 What is your villain’s motivation?
☠️ Does anyone die in your au?
😍 Are there any romances in your au?
👤 Are there any oc’s in your au? 💛
🐇 Is there a Usagi in your au?
⚔️ Is there a Karai in your au?
Sorry for so many, and answer as many or as little as you like! :]
Hope you have a great day/night!!!!
🌃 the main setting in san francisco, california :D that’s why it’s called bay area
🧫 both! donnie and leo were mutated on purpose (specifically to imitate kappa >:)) and raph, mikey, and splinter were mutated on accident
💉 yeah! mutagen is once again created during the third arc in which stockman makes mutants to serve the shredder. alongside that i wanna include some mutant allies. though i haven’t decided exactly which mutants i’m including, most likely leatherhead, mona lisa, and mondo gecko cause i think they’re silly :)
🦹 the main villian is oroku saki who is the current shredder, though different arcs will focus on different villians
😡 shredder’s main motivation is wanting to fufill the foot clan’s goal of conquering the world. the foot clan believe that they are the strongest and therefore should rule over the world, this is a worldview saki somewhat inherited when he joined the foot clan and later when he became the shredder
☠️ so far i don’t have any plans to kill any major characters cause i’d feel bad 😔 i’m pretty attached to them. shredder will die when they defeat him but other than that no. oh wait actually shredder is gonna kill hun when his plan fails after arc 3
😍 yes and no? there’s nothing concrete but i have ideas… mainly i want to ship leo and usagi cause i’m insane about them in every universe. i want to give april a girlfriend at some point and that’s looking like it’ll be karai but we’ll see. mona lisa and raph will also probably get into a relationship but i haven’t decided how it’ll work yet since i need to decide mona lisa’s role
👤 i think when i get to the battle nexus arc there will be, cause i think i’ll make an original chaarcter to be in charge of the nexus as well as original characters to fight in it :)
🐇 eventually yes… i’m torn between making the usagi a crossover from another universe or an usagi who is from the turtles universe… leaning towards it just being srtuc yuichi usagi cause i love him so much
⚔️ yes! she’s the adopted daughter of oroku saki and next in line for the title of shredder >:)
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here’s a drawing a did of her :)
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trucetale · 1 year
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For some odd reason I thought I added this on this tumble account but what do you know I didn’t.
Anyway around the time I made Rise Mondo Gecko I also made Rise Leatherhead because aside from Bebop and Rocksteady they were my two other fav characters who if given the chance could have been included in the Rise series later down the line.
I’m going to try and work on a ref for him and maybe my own version of Bebop and Rocksteady.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
yo yo if anyone wants to talk my ear off about like, leatherhead or mondo gecko or any of those mutanimal guys, feel free. i wanna include them in my AU but I'm not quite sure whats up with their characterizations and like. what better way to learn what they're all about than hear from ppl who like them :)
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hopeaterart · 1 year
Okay, I love all your tmnt AUs despite having no idea the differences between them. But seriously what’s the main story???
First of all, thank you!!!
After that, I only really have one AU: From the Hidden City, which is more of an iteration than an alternate universe.
The basic plot is that the Turtles were raised on the road by Splinter's brother (Saki) instead of in the sewers by Splinter. Once they're fourteen, Saki suddenly drives all the way to New York, tells them they have to separate, and then gives them cryptic information on how to find a hidden city in the sewers and then their uncle Yoshi in said Hidden City, then disappears. They find their uncle, now a rat man called Splinter, and start training to be ninjas under him.
The plot of the first season starts out as pretty episodic, focused on the turtles getting accustomed to life in the Hidden City, living in Splinter's clinic, and training with him. There's also a vague plot of them trying to find their dad in New York, and encountering other mutants along the way. The second half of that season sees the introduction of April and Casey, who then get them mixed up in a plan to stop the Purple Dragon gang, led by Hun. They stop him, get him arrested, and then Karai shows up in the last five minutes to shoot him in the face.
Second season follows the episodic nature, with now a new objective: make a retromutagen. Mostly focus on Donnie, as we see him build Metalhead and start beef with Baxter Stockman on Twitter. They also bond more with April and Casey. Then, haldway through, Splinter informs the turtles that they're broke, and they react to those hy entering the Battle Nexus tournament. We meet a lot of important characters, including Big Mama, both Raph's and Leo's love interests, Zia, and the Shredder. Shredder beats the shit out of Leo, Mikey wins the tournament, and the myth arc starts kicking into gear.
Third season is basically the Turtles starting to contend with the Foot Clan and how they improve over them. Leo has a depression arc. The first actual arc is about them finding out their origins, which includes Draxum's introduction and Zia joining the main cast. The mutants get un-mutated, there's two arcs in the middle that properly introduces the Animal 5 (this verse's Mighty Mutanimals, her composed of Slash, Leatherhead, Mona Lisa, Mondo Gecko and Jennika), Rat King, Renet (joins the Hamato clan here), and Bishop, we properly meet Karai and see the more human side of the Foot Clan through her. Baxter Stockman continues being a problem and gets recruited by the Foot Clan. Raph gets a girlfriend. Last episodes drops a massive bombshell: the Shredder is actually a possessed Saki.
Fourth season is about saving Saki. Raph is temporarily made leader for the first third while Leo recovers from said depression arc. We meet Ronin, which is a future version of Mikey from a disastrously apocalyptic future. Baxter Stockman stops being a problem after he gets mutated for joining the Foot Clan. Bishop continues being a problem. We meet Krang through Karai's eyes, and he's essentially the "god" of the Foot Clan. Leo gets a boyfriend. Donnie, April and Casey all start dating each other. The season ends with Karai defecting from the Foot due to a crisis of conscience and helps the Turtles with exorcising their dad.
Fifth season is about wrapping up the mess. We find out that the ghost who was possessing Saki was Oroku Higa, his ex husband he accidentally killed during an adrenaline-filled moment. Karai completes the redemption arc she started at the end of Season 4. We meet Habiki, Splinter and Saki's mother, who made them go through horrific training as children that most sane people would consider abusive (she regrets doing that immensely). Karai succeeds in getting her gang to also defect from the Foot with some conflict, the Foot succeeds in getting some scrolls to start opening a portal for the rest of the Utroms, Ronin probably kills someone, I'm still working on that part of Season 5. Also, April has an arc where she finds out that her father has a magic crystal that can bring drawings to life, and grapples with the fact that she might be a drawing. The conflict ends with the Hamato Clan storming the Foot, the turtles tackling Krang, and Krang almost killing them, and only being foiled because Ronin finished opening the portal for him in exchange for their lives, before jumping Krang, throwing the both of themselves in the portal and closing it from the inside. His last words to the turtles are that Krang is not the end of things, that he loves them, and to know peace. The actual last episode of Season 5 is the denouement of the first five seasons, and originally served as the finale before I decided to expend beyond it.
The movie marks the beginning of the post-timeskip. The turtles are now eighteen, and have more-or-less fully recovered from the Foot and Krang. The movie's plot is basically about the Fugitoid/Dr. Honeycutt crashlanding on Earyh and the Triceratons attempting to invade the place as a result. The turtles stop them, Leo kills the leader and has a crisis about it, it's great. Also serves to establish that everyone is doing fine after the timeskip.
Season 6 is still mostly in the works, but I already have a few arcs planned: Raph and the Animal 5 going to Mona's planet to help, Mikey and Renet encountering a bunch of time travellers who turn out to be Mikey's niephlings who have the mission to foil Renet's shitty fathers, Zia and the Animal 5 (minus Mona who's still recovering from space travel arc) permanently taking down one of the biggest mafia boss in the Hidden City, Zia getting in her first relationship and it ending badly, and Leo grappling with the fact that he killed someone. I don't know what to do with April, Donnie and Casey yet, I'm thinking that Casey gets an arc about his sister and preventing her from reforming the Purple Dragons.
Season 7 has three main arcs: Karai meeting the Hamato Clan and witnessing how dysfunctional they truly are, crossover arc with Danny Phantom where Saki goes to Amity Park with April and Casey to investigate the ghosts, and Usagi having to grapple with his family's killer, Jei, is back , and the turtles + Splinter helping him. Hamato arc ends in Karai being named the heir and getting into a fight to the death with someone about it (she wins and spares him), DP arc ends in Higa almost being brought back and he and Saki doing the closest thing they can to making peace, and Jei arc ends in the Turtles and Usagi banishing Jei from the mortal plane for good.
Season 8 is still a bit all over the place as I haven't finished outlining it. All I know is that Draxum unhides the Hidden City, that Zia gets in a relationship with someone who wanted to use her position and she ends up dumping them, that Donnie has an arc with April and Casey about them going to college and how he would like to follow them, and that Ch'Rell is there.
There's obviously a tone of other info you can find by browning my tmnt:fhc tag, like my Turtles Forever idea, or more on the other characters.
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ogradyfilm · 1 year
Recently Viewed - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
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When I was but a lad, I owned a huge collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures. I’d blow my allowance on every plastic character that I could get my tiny, nail-bitten fingers on: Shredder, Krang, Baxter Stockman, Casey Jones—and, of course, multiple variations of the heroes in a half shell themselves, including cowboy Raphael, astronaut Leonardo, samurai Donatello, and pizza-launching Michelangelo. My personal favorite, though, was Mondo Gecko, an anthropomorphic lizard with the laid-back attitude of a skater dude. It was a genuine delight, then, to see him finally make his big screen debut in Jeff Rowe’s (redundantly titled) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem—alongside fellow veterans of the bargain bin Leatherhead, Wingnut, and Ray Fillet.
If what I’ve written so far makes the movie sound a bit like a feature-length toy commercial… well, that’s entirely by design. This is, after all, a franchise built on licensing and merchandising (it’s certainly come a long way from its humble roots as a black-and-white indie comic); it is therefore only appropriate that the story of its latest adaptation should resemble a child’s game of make-believe. Every scene is gleefully manic, energetic, and imaginative. An early montage, for example, utilizes precisely timed match cuts to condense several different brawls into a single seamless, continuous tracking shot that highlights the development of the turtles’ skills in battle. A later set piece revolves around Master Splinter making short work of approximately a dozen armed goons using a series of increasingly improbable improvised weapons (electrical cables, glass canisters, a spinny chair)—an obvious homage to the slapstick-inspired approach to cinematic martial arts pioneered by Jackie Chan (who happens to provide the kung fu fighting rodent’s vocal performance).
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This abundance of creativity is not limited to the structure of the plot, either; it bleeds into the film’s quirky visual style. Every aspect of the animation—from the intentionally rough, sketchy line work to the deliberately unnatural flatness of the smoke, dust, and explosion effects—oozes personality, evoking the hand-crafted quality of the original source material.
“Nostalgia” has recently become something of a dirty word in the entertainment industry, with many critics dismissively using the term to denote a lack of “real” narrative substance. In this case, however, the nostalgic tone is substantial; Mutant Mayhem reacquaints viewers with the joyful simplicity of youth, thus immersing the audience in the perspective of the immature protagonists.
And what a wonderfully liberating experience it is to feel like a kid again!
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summer-time333 · 2 years
Rise!TMNT: Planned Out Revised Characters
A lot of characters came from the IDW comics while others came from the 2012 verse. If Rise ever got renewed for a new season, I'm sure that Nick wouldn't include this many characters, but idc. I just wanna make my own Rise versions of them. SO HERE WE GO-
Common Snapping Turtle
Venus De Milo
Alabama Map Turtle
Mondo Gecko
Gila Monster
He/Him and They/Them
Mona Lisa
Yuichi Usagi
White Rabbit
Miyamoto Usagi
White Rabbit
Nile Crocidile
He/Him & She/Her
Albino Sea Turtle
Silver Fox
Tiger Claw
Siberian Tiger
Wild Boar
Black Rhino
He/Him & They/Them
Common Raccoon
Commom Platypus
American Yorkshire Pig
Poison Dart Frog
He/Him, She/Her & They/Them
Aplomado Falcon
Sally Pride
Common Lioness
Old Hob
Russian Blue Cat
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usagirotten · 2 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Mutant Mayhem Trailer Released
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Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon have released the first trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. The trailer comes after producer Seth Rogen announced the CG-animated film's main voice, which has Micah Abbey as Donatello, Shamon Brown Jr. as Michelangelo, Nicolas Cantu as Leonardo, and Brady Noon Raphael. The cast also includes Hannibal Buress as Genghis Frog, Rose Byrne as Leatherhead, John Cena as Rocksteady, Jackie Chan as Splinter, Ice Cube as Superfly, Natasia Demetriou as Wingnut, Ayo Edebiri as April O'Neil, Giancarlo Esposito as Baxter Stockman, Post Malone as Ray Fillet, Seth Rogen as Bebop, Paul Rudd as Mondo Gecko, and Maya Rudolph as Cynthia Utrom. "We are beyond thrilled by this world-class cast we've assembled to bring these iconic, beloved characters to life in a new chapter of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe," Ramsey Naito, president of Nickelodeon Animation and Paramount Animation, said in a previous statement. "This really sets a new bar for this globally celebrated franchise, and we can't wait to show audiences this film." synopsis: In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, after years of being sheltered from the human world, the Turtle brothers set out to win the hearts of New Yorkers and be accepted as normal teenagers through heroic acts. Their new friend April O’Neil helps them take on a mysterious crime syndicate, but they soon get in over their heads when an army of mutants is unleashed upon them.  Read the full article
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mikethemovieguy · 2 years
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: MUTANT MAYHEM | Voice Cast Announcement + Trailer Coming Monday!
😂 Too funny. The boys and I just watched this announcement on the Kids' Choice Awards. (Yeah, on our DVR) I believe I'm more excited for this movie than they are. 😂 The animation looks sick!
The announcement was made at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards on Saturday, March 4. The voice cast includes Micah Abbey (Donatello), Shamon Brown Jr.(Michelangelo), Nicolas Cantu (Leonardo),Brady Noon (Raphael), and Giancarlo Esposito as Baxter Stockman. Rogen also announced that the teaser trailer for the highly anticipated film would premiere on the TMNT Movie Socials and Paramount Pictures’ YouTube channel this Monday, March 6
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Team: Assembled. Shells: Polished. Pizza: Ordered.
Meet the cast of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: #MutantMayhem
Rose Byrne, John Cena, Jackie Chan, Ice Cube, Post Malone, Seth Rogen, Paul Rudd and Maya Rudolph to 
Voice Globally Iconic Characters in Original Film Debuting in Theaters August 4, 2023
Rogen Announced Star-Studded Cast During Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards on Saturday, March 4
LOS ANGELES, CA—March 4, 2023—Today, producer and actorSeth Rogen announced the main voice cast ofParamount Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies, and Point Grey Productions’ all-new CG-animated theatrical film, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, an original story following the crime-fighting Ninja Turtles as they protect the sewers and streets of New York City. The film is set to hit theaters August 4, 2023.
Rogen made the announcement at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards on Saturday, March 4, and was joined on stage by voice cast Micah Abbey (Donatello), Shamon Brown Jr. (Michelangelo), Nicolas Cantu (Leonardo), and Brady Noon (Raphael). Rogen also announced that the teaser trailer for the highly anticipated film will premiere on the TMNT Movie Socials and Paramount Pictures’ YouTube channel this Monday, March 6. 
Says President of Nickelodeon Animation and Paramount Animation Ramsey Naito, “We are beyond thrilled by this world-class cast we’ve assembled to bring these iconic, beloved characters to life in a new chapter of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe. This really sets a new bar for this globally celebrated franchise, and we can’t wait to show audiences this film.”
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem cast includes:
·         Micah Abbey as Donatello
·         Shamon Brown Jr. as Michelangelo
·         Hannibal Buress as Genghis Frog 
·         Rose Byrne as Leatherhead 
·         Nicolas Cantu as Leonardo 
·         John Cena as Rocksteady 
·         Jackie Chan as Splinter 
·         Ice Cube as Superfly 
·         Natasia Demetriou as Wingnut 
·         Ayo Edebiri as April O’Neil 
·         Giancarlo Esposito as Baxter Stockman
·         Post Malone as Ray Fillet 
·         Brady Noon as Raphael 
·         Seth Rogen as Bebop 
·         Paul Rudd as Mondo Gecko 
·         Maya Rudolph as Cynthia Utrom
In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, after years of being sheltered from the human world, the Turtle brothers set out to win the hearts of New Yorkers and be accepted as normal teenagers through heroic acts. Their new friend April O’Neil helps them take on a mysterious crime syndicate, but they soon get in over their heads when an army of mutants is unleashed upon them.
Nickelodeon Movies and award-winning Point Grey Productions’ Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg and James Weaver are producing the all-new iteration. The film marks Nickelodeon’s first-ever CG-animated theatrical production, in partnership with Naito and Jason McConnell, who are overseeing production for Nickelodeon. For Point Grey, Lukas Williams is co-producing and Josh Fagen is overseeing. Paramount Pictures will handle worldwide distribution of the film, which is slated to hit theaters August 4, 2023.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem is directed by Jeff Rowe (The Mitchells vs. the Machines, “Gravity Falls”, “Disenchantment”).
Considered one of the most popular kids’ franchises, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a classic, global property created in 1984 by Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman.  It first debuted as a successful comic book series and then became a hit animated TV show, a live-action television series and later spawned numerous blockbuster theatrical releases. The property is a global consumer products powerhouse, winning in every category that has hit shelves to date—with toys, apparel, video games, DVDs and more—and generating billions of dollars at retail. 
Nickelodeon brought the franchise to life again in 2012 with the CG-animated series “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”and then reimagined the Heroes in a Half-Shell with the 2D-animated series “Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”in 2019. 
About Paramount Pictures 
Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Paramount Global (NASDAQ: PARA, PARAA), a leading global media and entertainment company that creates premium content and experiences for audiences worldwide. Paramount Pictures has some of the most powerful brands in filmed entertainment, including Paramount Pictures, Paramount Animation, and Paramount Players. PPC operations also include Paramount Home Entertainment, Paramount Pictures International, Paramount Licensing Inc., and Paramount Studio Group.
About Nickelodeon
Nickelodeon, now in its 43rd year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The brand includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, location-based experiences, publishing and feature films. For more information or artwork, visit http://www.nickpress.com. Nickelodeon is a part of Paramount’s (Nasdaq: PARA, PARAA) global portfolio of multimedia entertainment brands.
About Point Grey Productions
Point Grey Pictures, launched by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, is known for their multi-genre films and television anchored in dynamic and authentic storytelling. With box-office hits like Neighbors, Sausage Party, and the Academy Award-nominated The Disaster Artist and series like Preacher, Black Monday, and the Emmy-winning Pam & Tommy on Hulu. Point Grey’s critically acclaimed Amazon series The Boys’ releases its highly anticipated fourth season next year. A spin-off series, The Boys: Gen V, is currently in production. Their peacock docuseries Paul T. Goodman was released this year and their Amazon seriesInvincible’ssecond season was released last year with a third on the way. Upcoming projects include Lionsgate’s horror thriller Cobweb and Joy Ride, an Adele Lim feature starring Stephanie Hsu that will premiere at SXSW, and an untitled half-hour comedy series for Apple TV+ starring Seth Rogen, who also serves as writer and director. Their film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem for Paramount Pictures releases August 4, 2023.
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andrewmoocow · 2 years
And now, for your viewing pleasure, another crossover AU involving a Disney cartoon and a wildly successful media franchise that started in the 1980s!
In this world, stepsisters Luz Noceda and April O’Neil find themselves in the Demon Realm and meet not just Eda and King, but also Eda’s old friend Splinter and his four juvenile anthropomorphic hero terrapin sons Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo. Eda and Splinter have raised the Heroes in a Half Shell in the Owl House for years ever since Splinter found the baby turtles in a pizza box while on the run from the Foot Coven, the black-ops division of the Emperor’s Coven.
The Turtles all attend Hexside in addition to training under Splinter, and their classmates include Amity, Willow, Gus, Casey Jones, Mona Lisa, Mondo Gecko, and numerous other TOH and TMNT characters. The boys also each have their own Palisman, with Leo owning Mayhem from ROTTMNT, Don with Metalhead, Raph with Pepperoni, and Mikey with Klunk. Also, Leo is on the Healing track, Donnie is Oracle, Raph is Bard, and Mikey is Beast Keeping.
Leading the Foot Coven is the Shredder, as per usual, alongside his wife Oroku Miwa aka Kitsune (based off Kitsune from the IDW comics) and their daughters Karai and Pimiko (the latter originating from the Image comics, but more based off the version from Sophie Campbell’s Secret of the Ooze webcomic).
Like in the Mirage Comics, the old live action movies and the 2003 show, the Shredder murdered Hamato Yoshi, but in a marriage of the cartoon and comic origins, Yoshi would use forbidden magic to reincarnate himself in the body of his Palisman Splinter. Gaining an increase in size and intelligence thanks to Yoshi’s spirit inhabiting his body, Splinter would go into hiding until he discovered the Turtles, leading us to today.
In addition to the Oroku family leading the Foot Coven, there’s Krang (still an alien, as the Utroms were forced to evacuate Dimension X to escape being conquered by King Aldrich Leviathan), Baxter Stockman, who in this universe is an old classmate of Eda and Lilith, the trio of Hun, Bebop & Rocksteady, Koya & Bludgeon, Dogpound & Fishface, Hattori Tatsu, Master Khan, Groundchuck & Dirtbag, Dr. Chaplin, and the Stone Soldiers consisting of Traag, Granitor, Aguila, Gato, Serpiente, and Mono.
Due to the relationship between the Emperor’s Coven and the Foot Coven, Lilith finds herself the leader of her own little team consisting of herself, Bebop & Rocksteady, Hun, Stockman, and Karai. Out of the gang, Lilith finds herself closest to Baxter, since they were classmates at Hexside as mentioned above, and Karai due to the two sharing a close, mother-daughter bond that everyone wanted out of Lilith and Amity. In fact, it’s Lilith’s betrayal that causes Karai to question her loyalties to Belos and Shredder, much like her surrogate brother Hunter. Meanwhile, Hun, Bebop and Rocksteady love picking on her for being such a nerdy stick in the mud.
Also existing in this universe are Leatherhead, the Fugitoid and Monkey Brains as part of the faculty of Hexside, Ch’rell as a member of the Emperor’s Coven, Odalia Blight being business partners with Darius Dunn, Madame Null, Max Winters and Eric Sacks, the Bards/Covens Against the Throne being merged with the Mighty Mutanimals (along with a few other members like Tokka & Rahzar, Mortu, and DIGG), some of the characters from Usagi Yojimbo being turned into biped demons, Sunita being adopted alongside Vee by Camila Noceda & Kirby O’Neil, and Jacob Hopkins being an undercover member of the Earth Protection Force.
The Day of Unity progresses mostly the same in this world, only the Shredder rises up to declare himself ruler of the Boiling Isles after Belos’s presumed death while putting bounties on the heads of Eda, Splinter, Lilith, Raine, Darius, Eberwolf, and the rest of the CATTs. Meanwhile, Luz, April, the Turtles, Amity, Willow, Gus, Casey, Lisa, Mondo, Hunter, and Karai are ejected into the Human Realm by King as the Collector is unleashed. Now, the fourteen kids seek to find a way back to the Demon Realm to save their families & friends and the multiverse from Shredder.
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hood-ex · 3 years
If we can compare ...
You think It's Leo or Mikey who are more alike Dick? Because for me,those two are kinda of like a mix of Dick's personality
Idk if that makes sense tho...
Yeah, that makes sense. I think he's definitely more like Leo and vice versa (leader, perfectionist, fear of failure, responsibility of being the oldest, more serious demeanor).
I think I can see him relating to IDW Mikey most from the issue where Mikey was able to stand up to his father in order to protect a bunch of kids. Leo was so thankful that Mikey was able to do that because he couldn't make himself disobey their father.
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TMNT: Macro-Series #2
And Dick stands up to Bruce (and basically everyone he disagrees with) in the same way. So I would say that maybe they're not as willing to conform to the wishes of others (including their loved ones) if the wishes go against what they believe to be right.
Another thing that's kind of similar between them is their ability to make connections with a lot of people. Dick's trusted and respected by most if not all heroes. He's got his core group of friends, but he's also respected enough that he can call on other people for help if he needs them.
I think Mikey is the most sociable out of his brothers. In most TMNT iterations, he usually makes friends with people outside of his clan like Woody, Leatherhead, Mondo Gecko, Slash, etc.
I guess maybe the difference is that Mikey really craves those social interactions with people and is more likely to seek them out whereas Dick just kind of takes what he can get when there's time to be social.
Dick and Mikey can also be peacemakers at times. Or maybe in Dick's case, it's more like he's the person who can settle an argument or keep people on task, and in Mikey's case, he's the one who keeps things light and fun to create positive vibes among the group. Although, Mikey has also been shown to be able to settle arguments between his brothers.
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Either way, I would still consider Dick and Leo to be the most similar, especially when it comes to their roles and the expectations placed upon them by their respective families/groups.
One example of that is that they're both the big brothers who are always gonna look out for their baby siblings 🥺:
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Batman #33
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brightlotusmoon · 6 years
TMNT Headcanon #224 and #225
Mikey in all incarnations is a naturally skilled computer tech. Playing video games his entire life and hanging out with his scientist brother Donnie has imparted more technical knowledge than he's given credit for. He's pretty good at hacking and is excellent at tracking. He likens many issues to game glitches and bugs.
Mikey is very adept at spiritual meditation, Astral Projection, and psychic manipulation in the spirit world. A natural telempath, he subconsciously receives emotional energies from both living things and the environment, but he also o doesn't consciously realize that he can and has the capacity to project his own emotional energy, altering landscapes psychically. Master Splinter noticed it in their teens but wasn't sure the boy was that interested. After the various battles, injuries, threats, and worries facing the team, Michelangelo had nightmares involving clairvoyance. Splinter subtly began training him. Leonardo started feeling jealous once he realized what was happening. Donnie began feeling relief because Mikey began assisting him medically and technically. Raph started wondering if he could benefit emotionally. (he could, he's a low level empath with no filters who needs help please,thanks lil bro.)
When with his brothers, Mikey's extrasensory perceptions and heightened spiritual senses will perceive and interact with their individual minds on different levels, wavelengths, and unique inceptions: Leo as color and shape, Donnie as words and text, Raph as feelings and sensations.* Mikey has begun teaching his brothers to form and harness their own psychic bonds between their minds.
(*this has been shown in my 2012 fanfics, particularly The Sunshine Child, which is a Season 5 extension of Mikey The Lifegiver which is coming to an end with a Year In The Future finale.)
Also: I will eventually start applying it to the Rise boys in my AU once I finish the first fic in that AU series. I dunno if I want an OC.
In the other fics I wrote Shinigami as a Canon Divergent OC, a polyamorous pansexual who winds up with both Karai and Mikey (also featuring Capritello, Ramona, eventual Leorai).
My 2003 OC is going to be based directly on 2012 Shinigami combined with my Cold Fire Sequels OC.
I headcanon Shini as having a surgeon uncle who worked for some high profile organizations, one of which is involved in cosmetology and plastic surgery, hence Shini having access to really good skin care**, which Mikey, Casey, and April take pure bisexual advantage of*** and which Donnie tries to use for prosthetics and camouflage tech.
The point is, I love all those imagines, fanfics, and headcanons that portray Michelangelo working with technology when Don isn't around, and surprising everyone with his knowledge and ability.
(**These geeks are really into body care and looking their best. April has sensitive skin, Casey has a lot of bruises and scars, Mikey needs to keep hydrated and moisturized as a turtle. Karai and Shini brought herbs and oils from Japan so April flirted with Donnie to teach her chemistry and she and Shini make balms and salves and liquid soaps. Mikey and Casey really love the body butter made with tamanu, moringa, camellia, cocoa butter, cacao extract, gotu kola, lemon balm, orange blossom, and mushroom extracts. April's father encourages her to set up an online shop but she gets overwhelmed. However she does use the money to buy all the Turtles silk robes and blankets. And Shini buys three silk night dresses - indigo for herself, black for Karai, orange yellow for Mikey. She also got Mikey a baby blue weighted blanket from an online autistic seller. Raph helped her stitch personalized patches into it. Mikey likes to drag it out to the Pit, silk gown whispering around his knees, to watch cheesy horror films. Leo and Raph like to subtly sidle up to him and run against the velveteen fabric while petting his nightgown. He's ticklish and they compete to see who makes him fall over flailing.)
(***Capril always enjoys a late night full body massage and try to drag Donnie from the lab to participate because he's Very Skilled With His Hands. If he's really caught up in work they will drag in mattresses or blankets to make a nest, and make cocoa coffee, and will flirt increasingly until Donnie gives in, pretending to complain, while his "annoyance"at being interrupted leaves Capril sore and flushed. Mikey will blatantly take any opportunity to massage himself and Shinigami, play with makeup, play dress up, and dance entire loops around the house while singing girl power ballads and heavy musical numbers. He'll open up about wanting to find Renet and take Shini on an adventure with her. He mentions his "little crush on Mondo Gecko" "and super crush on Leatherhead" before breaking into "Memories" from Cats and "In My Own" from Les Miserables - he grabs Shini to dance with. He drapes silk sheets over himself to dramatically fling himself on chairs and couches.,reciting Hamlet and Midsummer Night's Dream zm and The Tempest. Leo snaps at him to "sit in a chair properly" before he forgets who he's talking to. Sometimes Leo will join in. They wind up acting out angst episodes of Space Heroes. Raph and Karai will record the entire thing and provide commentary. Donnie and Casey pretend to be an entire audience. April provides the snacks and narrative, including intermission.)
(Since all of this takes place after Season 4, Splinter is unavailable, sort of.)
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silverthenerd · 7 years
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Okay… so this post is going to contain information about my TMNT AU and my characters’ backstory. So if you’re interested, keep reading! I’ll be updating this if there is new or different information to the AU~
SO WHAT TMNT UNIVERSE/VERSION IS THIS? Our version is kind of a mixture of TMNT 2012, TMNT 2003 and the IDW comics. The story mainly follows the 2003 plot, and then we’ll pull some things into the story that we like from other generations (such as the spill of mutagen canisters in 2012, or Hun being Casey’s dad in the IDW comics). We still don’t know if we’re gonna go with Kraang (2012) or the Utroms (2003), but we’ll have to figure that out at some time. WHAT CHARACTERS ARE A PART OF THIS UNIVERSE? Right now the characters we’ve included so far are of course the turtles (in my own style), my OC’s, 2012 Master Splinter, 2003 Agent Bishop, 2003 Shredder (at least we think so, still haven’t decided) and 2003 Foot Clan, IDW Karai, 2003 Baxter Stockman, 2012/IDW Hun (gonna have to make my own version), 2003 Purple Dragons, 2003 Casey, 2003 April, IDW Alopex, IDW Angel, my own version of Mondo Gecko, IDW/2012 Mutanimals (we kind of switched around with the members and took the characters we thought were cool: IDW Old Hob, IDW Slash, 2012 Leatherhead, 2012 Dr. Rockwell, IDW/2012 Pigeon Pete (they’re pretty similar) and my Mondo Gecko), 2003 Usagi, 2012 Mona Lisa and 2012 Murakami. I’ll add to the list if I think of more, or if more characters appear in the story. THE BACKSTORY FOR THE SQUAD Teddy, Chili, Viktoria and Cecilie were just four regular teenagers from Denmark (woop I got no regrets fite me) going on a school trip to New York City during the month of April. The four of them were best friends, sharing a love for cartoons, drawing, fantasy, generally just geeky stuff. The three girls were going to New York with their IT class while Teddy was going with his drama class, but luckily they all ended up going to the same location. When the classes weren’t going around the city to learn about their subjects, Teddy, Viktoria, Cecilie and Chili would team up and go into the city on their own to eat lunch and check out cool stores. On one of those days, they were checking out a comic book store, but since Chili and Viktoria had already finished up buying what they needed, they went out to look around for a bit, trying not to get lost and stay near the shop where Teddy and Cecilie were still looking for goodies. While waiting for Teddy and Cecilie, the two girls were standing on the side of the street, casually talking. Unfortunately they were caught off guard and as a mysterious man grabbed Chili and started dragging her into an alleyway behind them, Viktoria tried to help Chili escape him, but was caught by another man. They were dragged into the alleyway and were knocked out. The two girls woke up in an unknown room. They had been strapped onto tilt tables. Already scared and confused, the tools lying on a steel table nearby certainly weren’t helping. As they were trying to escape from their straps, a stranger appears from the shadows. He introduces himself as Agent Bishop and starts telling the girls about his plan that involves creating “super soldiers”. He tells them things that they do not understand about mutants, aliens and all kinds of crazy things. As he commands one of his men to ready the syringe with the turtle DNA, the girls start panicking and screaming at him, but he simply ignores it, takes the syringe and walks up to Chili, injecting her with a green glowing kind of “liquid”. As he steps back and the mutation begins, Chili starts screaming in pain from the changes her body are going through (think about it, her whole body is being rearranged, that must hurt like shit), while Viktoria can only scream in horror as her friend passes out from the pain. Viktoria goes through the same procedure, only with lizard DNA. Two weeks later, Bishop has placed the girls in stasis pods, checking up on them and researching them. Unfortunately for him, a certain bunch of mutant turtles have heard about kidnappings and they’ve figured out who’s behind it. They infiltrate Bishop’s lab and rescue the two girls, awakening them from stasis and taking them back to their lair. Now they’ll have to adjust to the new world they will have to live in - a world filled with mutants, aliens, ninjas, dimensions and several other things they had never even dreamed of, while they’re also far away from home and now have to live in a city they don’t know. They move in with turtles and try to cope with what they’ve been through while trying to understand what they’ve gotten themselves into. Months pass, they grow more used to their new bodies and Master Splinter starts teaching them ninjutsu, so they can protect themselves from Bishop’s men, whom they are still being chased by. The two girls hear about another kidnapping on the TV, yet they can’t figure out who the two people are, though they know they were kidnapped only a few days later and they’re most likely from the same school. Several months pass and meanwhile the turtles have found out (from Bishop) that the two people who were kidnapped were indeed kidnapped and mutated by him, but stolen from him by the Foot Clan. Now the main goal is to find a way to get into the Foot headquarters and rescue the two persons. Well, you guessed right, those two people were Teddy and Cecilie. Shredder had ordered his ninjas to kidnap them fro Bishop so he could use the mutants to his own advantage, which he was succesful in doing. Teddy was trained in ninjutsu to be one of his ninjas, while Cecilie learned to read the maps and know the city from inside and out, so she could help the Foot when going on missions. During these months the turtles have also unexpectedly reunited with Mona Lisa, who crash landed on planet Earth and now has to find a way to make her ship function again. Until then she’s living in the lair with the turtles, Chili and Viktoria. Half a year after the mutation of Chili and Viktoria the turtles, Mona Lisa and the two girls sneak into the Foot headquarters (Chili and Viktoria have weapons at this point) and eventually find Teddy and Cecilie. At first Teddy and Cecilie are very suspicious of the turtles due to Shredder manipulating them into thinking the turtles are the bad guys. At first they don’t want to come with them, but Chili and Viktoria end up convincing them to come with them. As soon as Teddy and Cecilie are assured the turtles are not evil (Murakami vouched for them) they moved into the headquarters of the Mutanimals. Even though the four friends live seperated from each other, they still make sure to spend as much time together as they can.
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