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twinkling watermelon
i started watching this kdrama after I got a clip on tiktok and decided it seemed interesting enough to start it. I honestly don't tend to have luck after getting recommendations on tiktok because they normally recommend kdramas that are only good for that one clip but this one was different.
I was confused at the beginning because there are two different stories and they don't seem to blend in but after the second episode they do and everything starts taking course! One of the main characters within the group can be very frustrating but I think that correlates to them just being a group of teenagers and they are able to portray that "angst" perfectly.
The story is interesting and showcases what we all struggled with as teenagers and also helps understand different perspectives and stories through the different characters.
I don't think I got bored once while watching it (which is not common for me, I get easily bored and frustrated with kdramas so finding any that is able to grasp my attention and keep me focused and engaged with the story is honestly a win!). It's an overall feel good romance which in a sense can also be categorized as a coming-of-age story.
Plot: 90
Acting: 90
Ending: 90
TOTAL: 90/100
recommend? yes
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#twinkling watermelon#yes#kdrama review#90s#20#kdrama#korean drama#korean tv series#korean tv show#tv series#ryeoun#choi hyunwook#shin eunsoo#seol inah
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Last song: False Kings - Poets of the Fall
Currently reading: I'm about half way through the first Asoiaf book. Never watched the TV show but I read one book from the author some time ago and I liked his storytelling style so I figure I'd give it a chance.
Currently watching: The Mandalorian, season 1. Never watched it before, but it's just as good as I've seen people say! Otherwise I finished the last season of Shadow and bone not long ago. I'm thinking of buying the books now x)
Current obsession: I'm thinking about The Advocate's backstory, like I often do. And it doesn't feel very interesting to just share my headcanons, I'd like to write them or maybe tell the story through screenshots, idk. Same for my WoL verse, actually.
Tagged by @aces-and-kings! Ty o/
Tagging @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined @zhauric @confusedtia @miqojak @alexissero @inah-ffxiv @drowxiv @spotofmummery @dreams-and-dusk @but-first--tea @cactusxwren @biff-adventurer @yloiseconeillants @under-the-blood-moonlight @green-word-deserter @allyennah @swordandsourcery @isseyas @dragoon-mid-jump @crystals-to-dust @deliev @atticflowers @mothervvoid @mimble-sparklepudding @starforger @ffxivtribehydrae @merlwybs-wife (cheating because I didn't make a tag post only to handpick a few people XD but if you don't want to talk about you, feel free to ignore my tag!)
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Buku Mewarnai Aurora
–sebuah cerita pendek dari Clara Ika
BAB 1: Rumah
Kegelisahan terhadap masa depan
"Hanya satu kejadian saja, Ra. Tidak mengubah apapun. Ingat dengan baik situasinya dan siapa yang ingin kamu temui,"
Sudah sejak pagi abang membereskan rumah seperti biasa. Aku juga baru selesai memasak dan menghidangkan sarapan di atas meja makan. Seperti yang sudah disampaikan abang semalam, pagi ini adalah hasil dari diskusi panjang terkait kepergianku. Ya, pekan lalu, bakda pengumuman kelulusan SMA, aku sudah mengatakan keinginanku untuk merantau. Ini adalah ‘tagihan’ kepada bapak atas janjinya kalau aku juara satu paralel. Aku menagihnya.
“Bapak hanya bisa membiayai di universitas negeri,” ucap bapak sambil mengunyah tempe orek tanpa gesa.
Aku melirik ke arah Abang. Ia tampak menunduk takzim sembari menikmati sarapannya.
“Tapi, jurusan yang adek mau ga ada di negeri, Pak. Pun kalo ada, adanya di jawa.”
“Jangan jauh-jauh, dek. Bapak sudah tua,” Bapak menatapku tajam. Selera makanku sudah hilang. Aku sudah paham, jika bapak berkata A, maka jawabannya adalah A. Mutlak tanpa tapi.
“Nanti adek coba cari beasiswa, Pak. Masih ada waktu seminggu lagi. Kampus incaran adek juga lagi bukaan tes masuk,” aku mencoba menawar. Memasang muka memelas paling apik.
Senggang. Tidak ada komentar. Hanya ada suara air liur yang beradu dengan makanan dari mulut yang gesa.
Pagi-pagi sekali, aku sudah ke warnet setelah menyelesaikan urusan domestik rumah. Sedari kecil, aku sudah terbiasa berbagi tugas dengan Abang. Tugasku memasak, memastikan semua orang di rumah tidak kelaparan. Juga mencuci dan menyetrika baju. Memastikan rumah kami bersih. Sementara abang berbelanja kebutuhan rumah, terkadang membantu mencuci piring dan menyapu halaman rumah yang penuh daun kering pohon mangga dan jambu air. Abang juga yang bekerja dan memastikan priok dapur kami mengepul. Kami hanya hidup bertiga. Bapak terpaksa pensiun dini bakda kecelakaan kerja 10 tahun lalu yang membuatnya sekarang harus di kursi roda sepanjang waktu. Bersamaan dengan itu, saat itu, abang baru saja lulus SMP sementara aku kelas dua SD ketika tiba-tiba Wak Dolah, tetangga kami menjemputku di sekolah. Ia bilang padaku untuk jangan menangis. Setibanya di rumah, aku melihat orang-orang memenuhi rumah panggung kami. Bapak sudah dipenuhi perban merah. Selanjutnya, hampir satu bulan lebih aku tidur di rumah sakit bergantian dengan abang menjaga bapak. Selama itu pula, aku ingat benar kulit abang kian melegam. Ia tampak lebih kurus. Beberapa waktu kemudian, baru kutahu abang ikut membantu Wak Dolah berjualan di pasar tak jauh dari rumah kami. Abang tidak melanjutkan sekolahnya.
Ibu? Entahlah. Semenjak kejadian itu ibu menghilang. Aku berulang menanyakan ibu kemana kepada abang, Wak Dolah, Bik Inah, hingga para suster, dokter, dan semuanya. Mereka tidak tahu kemana ibu pergi. Ibu tiba-tiba menghilang begitu saja.
Aku melanjutkan penelusuran di internet. Fokus mencermati jurusan yang diminati. Desain Komunikasi Visual. Jurusan itu amat menarikku ketika ada kakak-kakak kampus sosialisasi jurusan di sekolah. Seorang kakak menjelaskan jurusan ini begitu menarik. Ia suka menggambar dan jurusan ini sangat mendukungnya untuk menjadi animator. Belum lagi, ia menambahkan prospek kerja dunia kreatif yang semakin menyilaukanku. Aku mengincar kampus negeri di Bandung, juga solo atau jogja yang terkenal dengan kampus seni dan industri kreatifnya. Sejak kecil, aku suka sekali dunia melukis dan ingin masuk TV. Aku tiba di halaman utama website kampus impianku. Membaca dengan seksama syarat dan ketentuan. Selanjutnya aku membayar biaya pendaftaran untuk tes ujian masuk. Sembari ku cermati biaya uang pangkal di jurusan ini. Aku merapal doa kencang, semoga semesta berbaik hati menghadiahiku untuk lulus dengan beasiswa penuh.
Merawat bapak
Waktu melesat bagai pedang. Tidak terasa pengumuman kelulusan tiba. Sejak pagi abang juga sudah repot mencari surat kabar terkait pengumuman ujian masuk universitas negeri. Ya, saat itu selain di halaman website, kita bisa menjumpai hasil pengumuman di surat kabar. Aku merapal doa kencang. Menguatkan diri dan sangat optimis karena beberapa tahun belakang aku sudah sangat bekerja keras menjaga nilaiku stabil dan belajar giat untuk ujian masuk ini. Aku melihat urutan jurusan di surat kabar sembari mencocokkan dengan nomor ujian dan huruf awalan namaku. Aku berbagi tugas dengan bapak di sisi kiri, sementara aku di sisi kanan surat kabar. Aku mencari urutan namaku dengan detak jantung yang kian riuh.
“M…..M….M….Miranti Aurora…..”
Nihil. Namaku tidak ada. Abang juga memastikan aku tidak lulus setelah membuka halaman web pengumuman ujian. Tertulis namaku dan asal sekolahku beserta tulisan berwarna merah menyala, “Anda dinyatakan tidak lulus seleksi,”. Aku tidak pernah gagal dalam ujian apapun. Kegagalan ujian tes kampus ini sungguh menamparku berkali-kali. Aku bergegas berjalan menuju kamar. Duniaku berhenti berputar seketika.
“Ra, makan.” Abang mengetuk pintu kamarku kesekian kali.
Aku menyembunyikan diri di balik selimut. Sudah dua hari aku tidak makan. Hampir 50 jam. Selera makanku hilang. Aku melihat masa depanku yang suram. Teman-teman bersorak atas kelulusannya masuk ke kampus impian. Sementara aku? Si Aurora yang terkenal rajin, patuh, selalu juara satu, tapi tidak lulus ujian masuk perguruan tinggi negeri. Aku merasa semua usahaku selama ini sia-sia belaka. Aku gagal. Aku payah.
“Dek? Dunia belum berakhir meskipun kamu gagal ujian masuk perguruan tinggi,” suara abang kembali menggema di depan pintu kamar. Omong kosong! Justru duniaku sudah berakhir saat pengumuman itu keluar. Saat dengan jelas tak kutemui namaku di barisan nama-nama yang lulus di jurusan impianku. Juga ketika teks berwarna merah bertuliskan aku tidak lulus di halaman web itu.
“Makan dulu yuk, dek. Gak lucu loh kalo tiba-tiba ada highlight berita, ‘Ditemukan seonggok mayat perempuan kurus cengkring tidak makan dua hari karena tidak lulus ujian masuk PTN’ yok dek, buka pintunya. Makan dulu. Kamu juga udah dua hari ga keluar kamar, gak mandi, betah gitu? Abang masak belut sambal kesukaanmu loh,” bujuk Abang lagi. Aku membuka pintu kamar. Kulihat abang tersenyum lebar memamerkan barisan giginya yang putih bersih. Sangat kontras dengan kulitnya yang legam pekat. Sedetik kemudian, ia menutup hidungnya.
“Mandi dekkk!! Ya Tuhan, baunya ngelebihin bau pasar ikan, dek!” Selorohnya. Aku memukul bahu abang dengan gemas. Abang selalu punya cara untuk menghiburku.
Meja makan. Hening. Aku melihat bapak lebih banyak diam. Juga Abang. Ia tidak banyak bicara dan terlihat sangat fokus mengunyah belut sambalnya dengan nasi hangat.
“Ra,” perasaanku mulai tidak enak. Jika bapak sudah menyebutku dengan sebutan nama, bukan adek seperti biasa, artinya ada hal penting yang akan disampaikan.
“Kamu kuliahnya di sini saja, ya. Uang pensiun bapak kayaknya cukup buat bantu biaya kamu di sini. Sekalian jaga bapak. Abang kan kerjanya sekarang sudah mulai kadang ke luar kota juga,” Bapak membersihkan tangan di air kobokan lalu menuangkan air hangat ke gelasku.
“Tapi disini gak ada jurusan yang adek pengen, Pak. Adek kan pengennya kuliah jurusan DKV,” aku mencoba menawar. Sesekali melirik abang untuk mendukung argumen.
“Kan masih banyak jurusan lain, Dek. Apa bagusnya DKV? Kuliah gak kuliah kan yang penting nanti bisa kerja.”
“Adek pengen kerja di TV, Pak. Jadi animator.”
“Kerjaan Kamu gak ngasih duit, Dek. Kerja yang pasti-pasti aja. Cari kerja sekarang sulit. Abangmu aja yang lulus SMA jadi atasan karyawannya yang lulusan S1 tuh,” Bapak menegak air hangat di gelasnya. Kemudian beranjak dari meja makan. Meninggalkanku dan abang dalam diam.
Ingatan akan masa kecil
Sebulan berlalu. Diskusiku dengan ayah buntu. Abang juga tidak bisa membantu banyak karena pekerjaannya yang padat membuatnya semakin jarang di rumah. Sejak Bapak lumpuh, abang secara otomatis menggantikan peran bapak bekerja. Uang santunan dan kecelakaan kerja dari perusahaan bapak tidak membantu banyak. Sejak itu pula bapak diberhentikan kerja dan hanya menggantungkan hidup dari uang pensiunannya untuk kami bertiga.
Aku mengingat dengan baik apa yang dilakukan abang. Tapi hampir setiap pagi kulihat sepeda abang penuh dengan surat kabar. Sepertinya ia menjadi loper koran. Sesekali aku mendatangi abang di toko Wak Dolah. Abang gesit melayani pembeli. Abang terkenal pintar menghitung memang sejak kecil. Bak kalkulator berjalan. Ingatannya pun tajam. Abang juga mudah dan cepat belajar. Ketika anak seusianya baru belajar mengendarai motor, abang sudah bisa mengendarai truk. Aku juga sering dititipi Abang kue bik Inah, tetangga kami, untuk aku edarkan dan jual di sekolah. Untungnya lumayan untuk menyambung hidup dan jajan cilok di sekolahku.
Ibu? Entahlah. Ia sungguh menghilang saat kejadian bapak kecelakaan dan rumah kami penuh sesak dengan orang-orang. Sebetulnya, sejak kecil ibu juga jarang di rumah. Entahlah. Aku tak tahu kerjaan ibu apa. Ibu selalu dijemput dengan mobil panjang, seperti angkot tapi bukan angkot, saban petang. Ibu akan berangkat dengan mobil itu dengan pakaian kerjanya yang selalu berwarna hitam. Aku sering mendengar tetangga kami membicarakan pekerjaan ibu yang tak biasa, katanya. Tapi bapak diam saja. Bapak juga menyuruh kami tidak menggubris omongan orang-orang tentang ibu dan keluarga kami.
Setiap membersihkan kamar bapak dan ibu, aku selalu tertarik menatap meja rias ibu. Membuatku betah duduk diam berlama-lama di hadapannya. Dan ketika dalam hening, sering kudengar kalimat itu menggema dari dalam kaca meja rias itu.
"Hanya satu kejadian saja, Ra. Tidak mengubah apapun. Ingat dengan baik situasinya dan siapa yang ingin kamu temui,"
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How Behind The Scenes with Ynna started
One afternoon, my sister Anykka, who had launched her own production and digital company called TRIPLE A PRODUCTION, asked me, "Why don't you revive your YouTube channel?" I responded, "You know, Anykka, I'm not quite ready for that yet. I don't have the time, and there are various other reasons, but okay, I'll consider it and brainstorm what I could do."
At that time, my husband and I were planning to travel around the Philippines, so I suggested, "Why not create a travel vlog? Eventually, it could really take off. When Bully becomes a pilot, we'll be traveling all over the Philippines anyway, so why not document it? But it might be too much effort, it could be costly, and on top of that, we have a child to take care of. Also, my husband is concerned that we might share too much and expose our private life. He's not comfortable with that, and I respect his feelings."
On June 11, 2023, I found myself unable to sleep, so I began praying and seeking guidance from God. I pondered how I could continue pursuing my goals and dreams now that I was married and a new mother. I realized I needed to devise a plan to redirect and align my aspirations. That's when the idea struck me: Why not create a talk show?
Having my own talk show had always been a dream of mine. I had started my showbiz career as a TV host at the age of 14, before transitioning into acting. I hosted two seasons of a teen magazine show called CANDIES on QTV CHANNEL 11 in 2005. Landing that job involved auditioning and waiting in line for nearly six hours under the scorching sun at the GMA 7 network studio. I vividly recall the excitement of being offered the role of main host alongside Inah Estrada and Win Wyn Marquez. The show aired for 7 months, during which Rhian Ramos and Andi Manzano replaced Winwyn Marquez in the second season. After that experience, I ventured into acting, but the desire to host my own show never faded.
So, as a gift for my 32nd birthday and marked 18 years in the showbiz industry, I decided to turn my dream into reality. I envisioned a talk show that would inspire and empower mothers from all walks of life, especially celebrity moms like myself. Recognizing the lack of representation for our generation of young celebrity mothers, I aimed to create something different from the typical vlogs or travel content. Whether the show became a hit or not, I was determined to pursue my dream with faith in my project, my team, and myself, knowing that God was on our side.
And thus, "Behind the Scenes with Ynna" was born on YouTube—a talk show where every day is Mother's Day. Featuring celebrity and real moms, the show delves into daily life struggles, offering both information and inspiration for families. Join us for a roller coaster ride of emotions as we share real stories and remind everyone that celebrities are human beings too, and moms deserve to be celebrated.
by: Ynna Asistio - Carbonell
Watch new stories every Saturday 6PM on my youtube channel!
Our official OBB <3
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3.2.24 Saturday
3:13 am
Still, have windblow and I feel bitterish...
9:50 am
I forgot to share here angels Alorica was calling me yesterday.... I'm so scared for my LIFE, like what I posted as I analyzed the call centers companies here in the Philippines, they offered a lot and different kinds of surprises...I'm so fucking scared coz they sent me twice or thrice the welcoming bonus load of 300 pesoses, like what I said though I needed money but I felt something was not right that could lead to a negative situation....I have FEAR on Alorica, I'm so scared.
I needed a job as soon as possible....I'm fucking not relax, I keep on reviewing English that I always forgot some of the rules of Subject- Verb-Agreement, basics but confusing but on English conversation we don't actually point it out. You know what I mean angels? We are facing money trouble these days and I'm no longer a kid, my life is no longer a teenager as much as I wanted to go back....I don't know, we have financial tight budgeting. I do feel intimidated on other people and most specially on younger souls coz in reality my young moment has passed me by already and I wasn't that happy since this windblow came into me.... I lost my xfactor, I lost my identity some copied me, some wanted to be with me just to copy me and learned my entire persona and then they will remove me. I observed that most specially some wicked souls in Cavite, not all but some.... I feel hurt about it!!!
10:55 am
Will have my 2nd cup of coffee today... Hmm...So sad,our TV here is damaged angels... So, we are still waiting for fundings, our TV here is originally "Sharp" and it sadden me to hear yesterday that Uncle DD was working out his "home credit" to be able to get a 50 inches TV here now for nana... But it sadden me we can no longer get the one of the best brands way back but I'm open to have the latest but I do TRUST and BELIEVE that there are some good brands that we can TRUST to have...Except that fucking "Astron"! I admire CoCo Martin as an artist here in the Philippines but I started to hate him when his rice cooker that he modelled was weird...Remember angels? I posted here the "Astron"rice cooker the cover of the rice is not fitted on the body which is weird! Rice cooker means you can keep the rice warm at all times but without being toasted or not to the point that you burnt the rice underneath that we are experiencing now in "Astron".
It was weird if I saw Prince Harry yesterday or just the same face??? Did we freeze??? Huh?
If that was "Prince Harry" I owe him curtsy...
Even if having just the same face, a very handsome "a handsome Harry"... Harry,Harry...
11:34 am
Be careful some DJ's and Church of Christ are plastics.... DJ's on Eagle FM...I'm a person or I'm Human... I'm just being real...
There are so many plastics everywhere... Double check is not bad at all...
Does Mitch gave me a "simple battery"???
2:19 pm
I still have windblow....Potang inah just the basics at least you know the computer terminologies... I'm reading the website of "Amazon".... The particular are for the tech support... But I can be one, in a way...
I feel really jealous and I feel invalid coz of red... Please,get out of my hair and be responsible coz we are poorish these days...
I don't wanna feel that I'm stupid or I'm the weakest even here in Cavite, get out of my hair as well but be responsible as well... For what you did since 2007? Guilty or not guilty??
3:14 pm
I feel bitterish on Amazon site no attaching of resume, you just need to post your number and address and mail address and that's it!
I will wait for eperformax... I feel so inavlid... I need a job and money...The same thing post your name, number and email and that's it!
Did Mitch give me a "simple battery?
I wanted to leave Cavite and be Manila girl, I feel so invalid here in Cavite...
3:28 pm
I feel bitterish... It is so good to create memories here but I still want a botox and a nose perfection...
4:13 pm
I still have windblow....Unfair for 17 years they made me their supporters for nothing. There are some doctors who can't go up use me or over-competitive that they wanted to have a "double-platinum" in this world.
That they wanted to prove that they are doctors already and being an artist is just their 2nd achievement, this is for both on and off the screen....Guilty or not guilty?
A conspiracy for me and a plan for someone or for herself??? Or just their group???
5:30 pm
I still have windblow... I think, I'm having headache....I can't start my diet to flatten my tummy, I'm a single person and I have no career... I feel super fat and ugly... My timeline as a woman is expired already. I feel super self-pity... What will happen to me? My vanity,my travels and John's dog show with me???
I really wanna do a nose perfection, can someone accept me on that? I want vanity...
8:52 pm
This Uncle DD is somehow insensitive why did they put their car inside our garage though I know that is the proper way here... But the washed clothes are there in the garage... Coz they have their own laundry area inside their new house... Our dalagang Pilipinas,gets?
My nana is keep on reacting on me negatively that I should put her washed blankets in the garage, where will I put here??? The car of Uncle DD and Aunt Karen are inside the garage.
Uncle Jun is not cleaning the floor mat of John if I will not ask him a favour, he is switching his personality... Or if I can't pay him a lotion or any toiletries, I don't wanna ask him anymore to clean John's floormat... Gets the scenarios angels???
I feel tired coz I cooked this dinner but lunch was being managed by nana... Then, I cleaned John's floormat manually coz I have to do it, I love my son-dog so much... I need to keep a lysol and sprays, I need money for those...
I wanna better life with someone, someone sensitive. Someone who can accept my wants of doing vanity and keeping John and I really wanna have more dogs but I want an uphill or upper life. I still wanna do nose perfection...
9:23 pm
I posted here that I'm having headache around 5:30 pm but I feel that someone is putting a spell on me or budolling or a spell... I feel weird I feel like I'm floating...
My S-bones are in pain again that I need to strech or exercise... I feel bitterish in life... I wanna leave Cavite... I wanna find a soulmate for me... Someone cute or handsome, taller than me and stable enough to lift me up... I wanna have yaya, angels... I badly need a HUG!
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Christmas 2023
Christmas 2023 has been nice, actually.
At this moment, my kids are watching Gabby's Dollhouse while my husband watches Reels on his phone. Inah is rocking her sheep aggressively and Evie is standing way too close to the TV. I love my kids, they are my precious treasures. And I have such an equal partner of a husband, I love that for me.
This year's Christmas has been chill. We spent last night with the Mandawe's, the Luis's, Cyrene and my dad. It was fun time and the kids' sleep got messed up. It annoys me a little bit that the kids didn't get that much presents this year (compared to what we gave away). But they didn't even notice and they were SO happy with each gift they received so I shouldn't be bitter about it right haha. Inah kept saying how much she loves each gift and so I don't wanna focus too much on it. And isn't the point of Christmas giving instead of getting anyway.
My in-laws are also coming to our place very soon. I'm excited but also mentally preparing myself to calm down. I love my in-laws but I do love my privacy and peace a lot. And no matter how nice they are, getting my privacy and peace disturbed always takes a lot of toll on me. So yeah, sorry not sorry.
I've also been thinking about what Christmas was like with my mom. Christmas has been TOO chill this year, with no drama at all. I remember how Christmases used to be SO FULL of drama before. Like I literally would cry at how dramatic my life was. I just remember how dramatic my mom was and how she and my dad would fight over something silly and we won't go to an event anymore. I remember my sister not being with us and my mom being sad over it. I remember my parents having to work on Christmas and we would have to crash our neighbour's Christmas parties. I remember being sad about it, I remember feeling sorry for myself, I remember being annoyed at my mom for being so dramatic but looking back maybe she was menopausal. My Christmases weren't always happy. That's why I'm extremely determined to give my kids good, drama-free Christmases where I'm always present and they don't have to cry. Well, they're kids so there will always be tears. Anyways, I miss you Mama. This Christmas, and every day. Even though super drama ka. I wish you would've seen how "chill" I am as a mom, I know you'll tell me how proud you are of us. And correct me with whatever I'm doing wrong, but I know you would've been too much of a help for me. I miss you so much.
Ohh and merry Christmas! Happy birthday Jesus! Thank You for coming to this world to save us from our sins. I have too much to celebrate and be thankful for, but today, especially thankful for Jesus. <3
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(—) ★ 5 new connections have been added!! click here to check out all of our wanted connections !!
(—) ★ NAYELI “NELLY” REYES {cierra ramirez} would like to see their TWIN BROTHER. they should be TWENTY FIVE years old and some fc suggestions are DIEGO TINOCO, JAKE T AUSTIN, NOAH CENTINEO, UTP AS LONG AS THEY’RE HISPANIC. the twins were born in las vegas nevada and did everything together growing up, their parents wanting them to have a strong bond and be there for each other. their father owns a construction business and their mother is a high school teacher and are immigrants which makes nelly, her twin brother, and their younger brother emmanuel first gen. where you saw one twin, you saw the other. they were each others best friends growing up which is why when nelly decided to move to los angeles in 2019 after reaching five million subscribers, she asked her twin brother to come along. whether he did in that moment or didn’t and moved to la later on is utp. how he feels about his sister now is utp as she is known for being a messy/raunchy social media influencer.
(—) ★ NATHAN PARK {kim taehyung} would like to see their OLDER SISTER. they should be THIRTY TWO / THIRTY THREE years old and some fc suggestions are SEO YEJI, IM YOONA, IM SOOHYANG, JUNG SOMIN, KIM TAERI, BAE JOOHYUN, IU, KIM GOEUN, UTP AS LONG AS THEY’RE KOREAN. muse is the first born in the park line up, born to joshua park (ceo of park hyatt hotels co) and tiffany lee (socialite, fashion designer). they were born in new york but moved to los angeles in 2005 so that their father could begin to run the company from la instead. their mother signed the park family up for a reality tv show called park empire which would focus on the professional and personal life of the park siblings and their parents but mostly on the siblings. muse would’ve been twenty / twenty one when they began filming and twenty one / twenty one when it aired. nathan is the only son and thus is being groomed to take over the company, a fact all his siblings know. how muse feels about the show is utp, what kind of image they have on the show is utp, how muse feels about nathan being the heir is utp and how muse feels about their parents is utp. the only thing is that none of the park siblings can leave the show because their father won’t allow them to, holding something above their head to ensure they won’t leave.
(—) ★ NATHAN PARK {kim taehyung} would like to see their OLDER SISTER. they should be THIRTY years old and some fc suggestions are BAE JOOHYUN, CHAE SOOBIN, SEO YEJI, IM YOONA, IM SOOHYANG, JUNG SOMIN, KIM TAERI, IU, KIM GOEUN, LEE HYERI, UTP AS LONG AS THEY’RE KOREAN. muse is the second born in the park line up, born to joshua park (ceo of park hyatt hotels co) and tiffany lee (socialite, fashion designer). they were born in new york but moved to los angeles in 2005 so that their father could begin to run the company from la instead. their mother signed the park family up for a reality tv show called park empire which would focus on the professional and personal life of the park siblings and their parents but mostly on the siblings. muse would’ve been eighteen when they began filming and nineteen when it aired. nathan is the only son and thus is being groomed to take over the company, a fact all his siblings know. how muse feels about the show is utp, what kind of image they have on the show is utp, how muse feels about nathan being the heir is utp and how muse feels about their parents is utp. the only thing is that none of the park siblings can leave the show because their father won’t allow them to, holding something above their head to ensure they won’t leave.
(—) ★ NATHAN PARK {kim taehyung} would like to see their GO MINSI, JENNIE KIM, KIM JISOO, IM NAYEON, KWON EUNBI, CHO MIYEON, KIM YERIM, CHOI YUJIN, MOON GAYOUNG, SEOL INAH, UTP AS LONG AS THEY’RE KOREAN. they should be TWENTY FIVE years old and some fc suggestions are FC SUGGESTIONS HERE. muse is the fourth born in the park line up, born to joshua park (ceo of park hyatt hotels co) and tiffany lee (socialite, fashion designer). they were born in new york but moved to los angeles in 2005 so that their father could begin to run the company from la instead. their mother signed the park family up for a reality tv show called park empire which would focus on the professional and personal life of the park siblings and their parents but mostly on the siblings. muse would’ve been thirteen when they began filming and fourteen when it aired. nathan is the only son and thus is being groomed to take over the company, a fact all his siblings know. how muse feels about the show is utp, what kind of image they have on the show is utp, how muse feels about nathan being the heir is utp and how muse feels about their parents is utp. the only thing is that none of the park siblings can leave the show because their father won’t allow them to, holding something above their head to ensure they won’t leave.
(—) ★ NATHAN PARK {kim taehyung} would like to see their YOUNGER SISTER. they should be TWENTY THREE years old and some fc suggestions are KIM YERIM, HWANG YEJI, JANG GYURI, PARK CHAEYOUNG, JANG YEEUN, KIM SOHYUN, KIM YOOJUNG, KANG MINAH, SHIN YEEUN, UTP AS LONG AS THEY’RE KOREAN. muse is the fifth aka last born in the park line up, born to joshua park (ceo of park hyatt hotels co) and tiffany lee (socialite, fashion designer). they were born in new york but moved to los angeles in 2005 so that their father could begin to run the company from la instead. their mother signed the park family up for a reality tv show called park empire which would focus on the professional and personal life of the park siblings and their parents but mostly on the siblings. muse would’ve been eleven when they began filming and twelve when it aired. nathan is the only son and thus is being groomed to take over the company, a fact all his siblings know. how muse feels about the show is utp, what kind of image they have on the show is utp, how muse feels about nathan being the heir is utp and how muse feels about their parents is utp. the only thing is that none of the park siblings can leave the show because their father won’t allow them to, holding something above their head to ensure they won’t leave.
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Yacht Rentals in Cancun
Yacht Rental Cancun is a place where you can hire or rent a luxury yacht for all the family and friends. Nice for a big birthday party, bachelor or bachelorette party. Perfect for any special event you have been planning, or just a party to stay connected to your friends.
Let our crew be with you, sailing or cruising around Cancun and Isla Mujeres, in our beautiful and luxury yachts. Our yachts have the most luxurious amenities, design and performance. Explore and discover the most important areas for swimming, snorkeling, diving, fishing, sunset viewing or just cruising in Cancun. Visit Isla Mujeres, Cozumel, Holbox, Puerto Morelos, Playa del Carmen and the quiet and crystalline waters of the Caribbean. Also Los Cabos, like Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo and La Paz. Only aboard our Luxurious Yachts from Cancun you will experience a life time experience.
Azimut 100 footer yacht rental in cancunMega Yacht Rentals in Cancun
We have mega yachts that are like a house on the water. Yachts over the years innovate in design and performance, and are finely decorated with exclusive furniture and selective materials. All our Cancun’s yachts are equipped with spacious cabins, flat-screen plasma TVs, great audio system, kitchen and additional accessories. These details are carefully planned for your enjoyment to ensure a safe and comfortable journey around Cancun and the Caribbean. Yacht Rentals in Cancun will give you always the best because that’s who we are, the best.
You name it, luxury yacht vacations, snorkeling tours, dive boats, fishing tours, private group events and yacht rental cancun. You can all find it here in Yacht Rentals in Cancun. Find the best price here because unlike other websites, we own yachts, including the Uniesse 48. Our strength relies on the price, check it out! But also in the quality of service and its luxury in the newest Cancun’s yachts.
Rent a luxury yacht at night in Cancun – you also have the option of a Cancun ride thru the Lagoon at night. We have theme parties, such as a Moon Glow Yacht Party, where you decorate your Cancun yacht with black light around it, and we give you paintings to be painted. Renting a Yacht in Cancun is a great opportunity to change from the regular vacations, it’s ideal for birthdays and bachelor / bachelorette parties.
So, what are you waiting for? Come rent a yacht in Cancun Now!
Puerto Aventuras Yacht Rentals
There we’ve got this nice and wide yacht, Sea Ray 40 feet long, which has everything you might need for a nice day in the Riviera Maya’s seas. It’s a Searay boat, 40 feet long, with 2 cabins, 2 bathrooms, full kitchen, living room, dining table, wide bow to sunbathe. Its flybridge makes it a better view of the Caribbean and Puerto Aventuras’s shore. You can make jumps from the flybridge to the deep sea, go snorkeling around coastline and reefs. Also, a little fishing, troll through Playa Mamitas beach or any other Playa del Carmen’s beach. Have a tasty ceviche and/or grilled hamburgers (included), party or just chill by the sea. Listen what mermaids have to tell you. There are many reefs in the zone, such as Punta Inah and Punta Venado. Punta Venado is one of people’s favorite.
You can visit Tulum ruins from the sea (with an 8 hours trip) and Cozumel island (same hours trip).
In the event that there is not much budget, Yacht Charters Cancun have small yachts. These boats go from 125 USD to 175 USD per hour, so everyone can pay it. In the case of small Sundancer speed boats, they can be rented from 2 or 3 hours. There are also speed boats in Cancun for water sports, which can be rented for even one hour, at 250 USD. Ask for the promotion of the day, sometimes when low season, prices can go to 200 USD if you rent at least 2 hours.
New Sessa 32 feet to up to 10 people, very comfortable, with sundeck and padded on the bow, ideal for a day of island sun without spending a fortune. Check it out!
Mega yachts are very large and wide boats, and we have very luxurious and new yachts (2013, the newest). The largest mega yacht we have is an Azimut brand, 100 feet. It comes with 2 wave runners, jacuzzi on the third level outdoors, 5 cabins, 4 bathrooms, 3 lounges and gas grill. Its crew is conformed by a private chef, 3 sailors and one captain. We also have a yacht Azimut 85 foot, which is similar to the 100 feet one, but this does not have jacuzzi or waverunners. Instead it’s got newly remodeled minimalist design which adds a touch of luxury that no other gives you in Cancun. And the best yacht of all, an Azimut 85 model 2008, which is by far the most luxurious of them all. Cancun yacht rentals are every time more luxurious than ever.
A wedding yacht in Playa del Carmen, Cancun or Riviera Maya, is one of the most luxurious ways to not forgetting the best moments in life. Have your own design of a wedding on board a luxury yacht rental cancun. If not on a luxurious boat, Yacht Rentals Cancun can accommodate all your guests on a not luxurious boat, so they all can go.
We also have boats for 300 people, for bigger group parties. The yacht for this event, we recommend it to be the “Azimut 100 feet”, as it’s got waverunners for guests. Also have its own chef, many sailors/waiters and gas grill for the perfect classic lobster meal. It has wide space for everything a wedding might need. We can also quote wedding packages on boats in Cancun and Riviera Maya. For example, having everything set up for the event, priest on board, food, flower arrangements, drinks, etc. Anything you need from a wedding on a yacht in Cancun, we have it, so let‘s do it. Let‘s make a wedding on a luxury yacht in Riviera Maya. Just let us know, we’ll do it as wedding yacht planners.
If you want to go fishing but in the best vessel available in town, feel free to ask our Yacht Rentals Cancun staff for our fishing yacht services. We can take you to have a fish offshore in Cancun on a Hateras 46 feet boat, or on a Uniesse 48, with BBQ. We have the best fishing yacht charters in Cancun, try us!. Fishing yachts in Cancun have super deals on small fishing boats for 6 or 8 people, cheap!. We also have the option of combining a luxury fishing yacht charter with a snorkeling or diving yacht rental.
Yacht Rental in Cancun and fishing charters
By the way, just a few yachts have the option of diving, due to permits and regulations. In Cancun Yacht Rentals we have a yacht that offers this kind of services, for example a diving tour on yacht. Go diving on a luxurious boat in Riviera Maya is the best. Dive Cozumel on board a luxury vessel is something you can’t miss. We have dive master services, so if you don’t have a big budget, you could have a cheap diving on a cheap boat. Contact us to quote!
Cozumel Luxury Yacht Rentals for Private Charter Sea Ray 60 Feet
We also rent yachts in Cozumel Island, as it is one of the best spots for swimming activities. We have a sea ray 60 foot, for example, and a Sea Ray 40 foot. Cozumel yacht rentals have special things, not as similar as Cancun, but with the best reef snorkeling in the world. “El Cielo” beach is one of a kind, probably the best beach in this tourist destination. Look for the Sea Ray 60 foot on the Luxury Yacht section of this web page, that’s our recommendation. The Sea Ray 40 feet we have for a Cozumel yacht trip tour is in Puerto Aventuras, but we kindly take it to the island for $200 USD extra. This tour has a cost of $2500 USD, with the Sea Ray, so let‘s snorkel!.
To go to Holbox Island with “Yacht Rentals in Cancun”, we have by far the best options. It is difficult that a yacht owner lends his boat to go to this beautiful island, as it takess 4 hours to get there. Then another 4 hours back to Cancun, plus the time you stay there. We recommend staying at least one night in Holbox, so you can go out to a bar to eat a very tasty dinner. A Holbox island yacht charter worths $3500 USD, 2 days, one night, a cheap one. The yachts and boats we offer that can go to the island are Uniesse 48, Sea Ray 43 and a Carver 60. The perfect yacht trip to Holbox is on an Azimut 85 or an Azimut 100, which cost around $20,000 USD.
Cancun Yacht Rentals for your next vacations on the Mexican Caribbean
If you’re looking for a unique and luxurious vacation experience, renting a yacht could be the perfect option for you. Mexico is a dream destination with a vast coastline, from the paradisiacal beaches of the Caribbean to the stunning Pacific.
There are many reasons why you should seriously consider the idea of using a yacht rental service in Cancun to live unforgettable experiences on your next adventures in Mexico.
You can feel the freedom to explore amazing landscapes or the comfort of exclusive experience. Yacht rentals in Cancun provides you an unparalleled experience. Get ready to discover luxury, adventure, and relaxation as you immerse yourself in the marine world of the paradisiacal beaches at Mexico.
Why settle for conventional vacations when you can enjoy the luxury and freedom of opting for yacht rentals in Cancun as a plan for your next vacation in Mexico? Prepare to delight in unforgettable experiences, relax in the intimacy of your own floating paradise, and discover the hidden charms of the Mexican coast, all with the help of Yacht Rentals in Cancun. Set sail for a unique adventure and discover a world of possibilities on the high seas!
Also try our other yacht charters Cancun web site and our spanish web site Renta de Yates en Cancun.
Website: https://yachtrental360.com/
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November 16, 2022
LIDAR Uncovers the Immensity of the Maya site of Calakmul in Campeche
Canadian researchers, in conjunction with INAH, have used LIDAR at the Maya site of Calakmul in Campeche, the seat of the Snake dynasty from 635-850 CE, which dominated the Maya lowlands with a huge vassal network, have uncovered a vast network of urban construction, huge apartment compounds, some with 60 individual structures, and a very dense urban scrawl.
These were clustered around temples, shrines, and marketplaces. Calakmul was one of the largest cities in the Americas at 700 CE. Calakmul was covered with water canals, terraces, walls, and dams, for food and water.
Reese-Taylor and her colleagues on the Bajo Laberinto Archaeological Project are on the INAH TV YouTube channel.
Physorg has the report here:
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November 16, 2022
LIDAR Uncovers the Immensity of the Maya site of Calakmul in Campeche
Canadian researchers, in conjunction with INAH, have used LIDAR at the Maya site of Calakmul in Campeche, the seat of the Snake dynasty from 635-850 CE, which dominated the Maya lowlands with a huge vassal network, have uncovered a vast network of urban construction, huge apartment compounds, some with 60 individual structures, and a very dense urban scrawl.
These were clustered around temples, shrines, and marketplaces. Calakmul was one of the largest cities in the Americas at 700 CE. Calakmul was covered with water canals, terraces, walls, and dams, for food and water.
Reese-Taylor and her colleagues on the Bajo Laberinto Archaeological Project are on the INAH TV YouTube channel.
Physorg has the report here:
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Cierran Iglesia Vieja en Tonalá
Las lluvias dejaron el camino intransitable; el autoridades reportan grietas, deslaves, derrumbes y cortes en diversos tramos.
Las lluvias dejaron el camino intransitable; el autoridades reportan grietas, deslaves, derrumbes y cortes en diversos tramos. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.- La delegación federal del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) en Chiapas, anunció el cierre de la zona arqueológica Iglesia Vieja, ubicada en Tonalá. “Se informa que la zona arqueológica Iglesia Vieja en Tonalá, Chiapas,…
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#inah factura#inah facturación#inah funciones#inah intranet#inah puebla#inah significado#inah trámites#inah tv#inah.gob.mx#inahta
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/entretenimiento/inah-tv-llega-a-los-100-mil-suscriptores-en-youtube/
INAH TV llega a los 100 mil suscriptores en YouTube
INAH.- Las celebraciones por los primeros 80 años de vida del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) aún no terminan. A este aniversario se suma la llegada del suscriptor número 100 mil al canal de la institución en la plataforma de videos YouTube.
Por medio de documentales, cápsulas, videonotas informativas, animaciones y, recientemente, con la transmisión en vivo de coloquios, mesas redondas, simposios y demás actividades académicas que el Instituto realiza, el canal INAH TV, creado el 15 de febrero de 2007, da a conocer las actividades de este organismo en materia de investigación, protección, conservación y difusión del patrimonio prehistórico, arqueológico, antropológico, histórico y paleontológico de México.
A la fecha, INAH TV cuenta con poco más de 27 millones 300 mil reproducciones de sus materiales audiovisuales, mismos que han sido replicados por distintos medios de comunicación y disfrutados por el público en general, incluidos los sectores infantil, juvenil y de la tercera edad.
Los videos han sido vistos en países de habla hispana, principalmente en España, Argentina, Colombia y Chile; así como en otras latitudes como Francia, Finlandia, Italia, Rusia, Alemania, Países Bajos y Taiwan, todos ellos con más de 100 mil visualizaciones.
Destaca también que los espectadores más activos se ubican en el rango de entre los 25 y 34 años de edad, a través del teléfono móvil.
Para celebrar la llegada del suscriptor número 100 mil, el INAH hace un recuento de los 12 videos más vistos en el canal de YouTube:
Los lugares que ocuparon
El número uno lo ocupa el video titulado Hallazgo de la Tumba 7 de Monte Albán, Oaxaca, el cual ha registrado 927,043 visualizaciones. Muestra la historia del espectacular hallazgo arqueológico realizado por Alfonso Caso y su equipo, el 9 de enero de 1932, mismo que daría pie a la institucionalización de la protección del patrimonio cultural y, poco tiempo después, a la creación del INAH.
El segundo lugar es para la pieza videográfica Hallazgo en Sonora, con 864,889 reproducciones. Ahonda en el descubrimiento de restos de pimas con deformación craneal, a 300 metros del pueblo de Onavas, en el sur de Sonora. Es el primer cementerio prehispánico registrado en ese estado; tiene mil años de antigüedad y conserva los entierros de 13 individuos con deformación craneal, cinco de ellos también con mutilación dentaria, prácticas nunca antes vistas en grupos sonorenses.
Hallazgo en restauración del Señor de la Paciencia, es el tercer video con más visualizaciones: 819,744. Se trata de una videonota sobre el hallazgo, por parte de especialistas en restauración del INAH, de piezas dentales —y no de hueso de animal como era lo habitual para las tall as del siglo XVIII — en esta escultura policromada, venerada en el templo de San Bartolo Cuautlalpan, en Zumpango, Estado de México.
Le sigue, con 723,710 visitas, Los mayen dibujos animadosas audiovisual dedicado a una de las culturas prehispánicas más importantes de Mesoamérica; un material con especial tratamiento para niños.
El quinto lugar es para Hallazgos en el túnel del Templo de la Serpiente Emplumada, que aborda la investigación sobre esa entrada al “inframundo teotihuacano”, descubierta por el arqueólogo Sergio Gómez, en 2003, y que se ha erigido como uno de los hallazgos más importantes en los últimos 20 años. Al momento ya acumula más de 470,000 vistas.
Lo que se genero
La Cuenca de México fue una región generosa en recursos que desde tiempos prehistóricos ha sido testigo de los más importantes asentamientos humanos como Cuicuilco, Chalco, Culhuacán, Tenayuca y Azcapotzalco, los cuales aprovecharon el litoral del lago de Texcoco para establecerse, al igual que los mexicas, el último pueblo prehispánico en establecerse en esta región. El video descubre esta y otras transformaciones que sufrió la zona hasta convertirse en una de las ciudades cosmopolitas más grandes del mundo: la Ciudad de México. El video cuenta con 461,486 visualizaciones.
En el séptimo lugar y con 431,943 reproducciones, está la videonota Descubren extenso sitio maya al sureste de Campeche. Da cuenta del hallazgo de Chactún, “Piedra Roja” o “Piedra Grande”, un área monumental que se ubica al norte de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Calakmul. De acuerdo con el arqueólogo Ivan Šprajc, quien encabezó la exploración con un equipo internacional de expertos, se trata de uno de los sitios más grandes de las Tierras Bajas Centrales, comparable —por su extensión y la magnitud de sus edificios— con Becán y El Palmar.
Los paseos culturales del INAH también están presentes con el video promocional Grutas de Tolantongo, el cual registra 406,032 visitas y lleva al espectador en un viaje por ese sitio que se yergue en lo más profundo de una barranca entre las escarpadas montañas, donde un enorme torrente de aguas termales de un bello color azul turquesa rompe con el árido paisaje desértico, formando una vistosa cascada y un hermoso río que nos invita a disfrutar de las propiedades de sus cálidas y cristalinas aguas.
Lo que se rescato
Avanza rescate de cola de dinosaurio en Coahuila, apreciado por 364,009 personas, ocupa el noveno sitio. Da cuenta del trabajo desarrollado por paleontólogos para preservar las 50 vértebras descubiertas en 2003, las cuales unidas alcanzan cinco metros. Por las características de los huesos se definió que se trata de los restos de un hadrosaurio o pico de pato con cresta.
En el décimo lugar está Hallan plataforma de la antigua Tenochtitlan. Un elemento arquitectónico de grandes dimensiones y más de 500 años de antigüedad, descubierto por especialistas del INAH en el predio de Plaza Manuel Gamio, frente al Templo Mayor, en el centro de la Ciudad de México. A la fecha cuenta con 345,315 vistas.
Uno de los recientes descubrimientos que cambiarán la forma de entender la prehistoria no sólo en México, sino también en el mundo, fue el Hallazgo de 14 mamuts en Tultepec, Estado de México, pieza informativa que, pese a ser publicada el 6 de noviembre de 2019, ya cuenta con 341,508 visualizaciones. Se trata de un contexto inédito de cacería y destazamiento de mamuts utilizado por los primeros pobladores de la Cuenca de México, hace aproximadamente 15 mil años, donde se han recuperado más de 800 huesos correspondientes a, por lo menos, 14 ejemplares.
Finalmente, Visita guiada Zona Arqueológica del Templo Mayor en el XXVIII aniversario del Museo del Templo Mayor, con 331,348 reproducciones, cierra la lista de los 12 videos más vistos.
Esta es solo una muestra del vasto contenido que ofrece este canal cultural, que a la fecha ofrece más de 3,600 videos.
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Inilah alur cerita sinetron Dari Jendela SMP pada tanggal 8 Februari 2022 mendatang.
Kini sinetron yang tayang di SCTV ini sudah menginjak episode ke 757 episode sejak tayang perdana pada 29 Juni 2020 yang lalu.
Sinetron ini menceritakan kisah tentang Joko (Rey Bong), siswa pintar dan berprestasi. Karena prestasinya, ia mendapat beasiswa bersekolah di SMP Nusa Bangsa.
Meskipun ia merupakan anak dari Inah (Ria Probo), asisten rumah tangga yang bekerja.
Joko yang berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu, juga sering menjadi sasaran bully oleh teman-temannya di sekolah. Joko dijuluki sebagai JAB (Joko Anak Babu).
Untungnya Joko memiliki sahabat yang baik, yaitu Roni (Kiesha Alvaro) dan Indro (Rassya Hidayah).
Joko yang awalnya pendiam dan cuek, berubah ketika Joko bertemu dengan Wulan (Sandrinna Michelle). Wulan adalah teman sekelas Joko
Kini kisah Joko dan Wulan ini sudah berlanjut ke setting baru di daerah perdesaan. Mereka hidup di desa.
Adapun Sinopsis Dari jendela SMP 8 Februari 2022 yang dikutip dari Sisnet Tv. Rifki ketemu Bintang, Rifki masih bete, karena dikerjain Sena, Ria dan Indro. Bintang mencoba menghibur Rifki.
Rifki heran kala itu karena bIntang tak marah ke dirinya, padahal dirinya jalan berdua sama Angel. Dan itu alasan Sena mengerjain Rifki, gak mau kakaknya sudah menikah, namun dia berduaan dengan Wanita lain.
Yudo masih berfiir bisa nendapatkan kembali Bintang. Meskipun Bintang sudah menikah, dan Bintang menyuruhnya move on dengan Wanita langsung lain. Yudo juga kasihan dengan Bintang karena Rifki tak benar-benar mencintai Bintang.
Di sisi lain, Santi yang menyamar sebagai suster Sinta, juga terus mencari informasi tentang keberadaan Agni dan Joko. Santi juga ingin tahu, apa Agni itu Wulan atau bukan.
Inah bicara dengan Indro , dia menceritakan kalau dirinya dimarahi oleh Bu Henny. Dan menyuruh Indro jangan mencari masalah dengan Bu Henny dan Pak Kades.
Henny sangat berhati-hati dan gak mau ketahuan rencana jahatnya terbongkar smaa Ria, Indro, dan anak kota lainnya.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Lena Luthor & Zor-El, Kara Danvers/Mon-El Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Zor-El, Alex Danvers, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015) Additional Tags: Post 6x07 - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Minor Angst, Fluff, Friends & Family Series: Part 3 of Inahmin Summary:
Zor-El learns what it means to be 'human' while he is on Earth with the help from his Inah, Inahmin, and their found family.
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Been tagged by a lot of amazing friends: @heedthemountain, @your-dark-magic-man-mysterio, @morgan--inkeye, @inahe and @bluestaratsunrise. I hope I’ve not forgotten anyone..if so, sorry sorry sorry.
Tagging: @belladonna2931, @moonwich, @zeroatthebone, @mywoesaregranular, @cataclysmofstars, @barad-doom, @jirging, @any-shadow, @just-a-kj-blog, @elvenprinces, @cerulean-shark and @glorfindels-muse. Sorry if already tagged :P
Rules are that you put everything that is true in bold
I am over 5′5″ • I wear glasses / contacts • I have blonde hair • I wear sweatshirts a lot • I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing • I have one or more piercings • I have at least one tattoo • I have blue eyes • I have dyed or highlighted my hair • I have gotten plastic surgery • I have or had braces • I sunburn easily • I have freckles • I paint my nails • I typically always wear makeup • I don’t often smile • I am pleased with how I look • I prefer Nike to Adidas• I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport • I can play an instrument • I am artistic • I know more than one language • I have won a trophy in some sort of competition • I can cook or bake without a recipe • I know how to swim • I enjoy writing • I can do origami • I prefer movies to TV shows • I can execute a perfect somersault • I enjoy singing • I could survive in the wild on my own • I have read a new book series this year • I enjoy spending time with friends • I travel during school or work breaks • I can do a handstand
I have had my first kiss • I have gotten drunk • I have told a crush I like them • I have traveled outside of the country • I have flown on an airplane • I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours • I have had a near-death experience • I have caught something on fire • I have performed in a talent show • I have shot a gun • I have been on TV • I have gone scuba diving • I have broken a bone • I have slow-danced • I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship • I have been single for over a year • I have a crush• I have a best friend I have known for over ten years • my parents are together • I have a brother • I have dated my best friend • I am adopted • my crush has confessed to me • I have had a long-distance relationship • I am an only child • I give advice to my friends • I have made an online friend • I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell • I have watched the sun rise • I enjoy rainy days• I have slept under the stars • I meditate outside • the sound of chirping calms me • I enjoy the smell of the beach • I know what snow tastes like • I listen to music to fall asleep • I enjoy thunderstorms • I enjoy cloud watching • I have attended a bonfire • I pay close attention to colors • I find mystery in the ocean • I enjoy hiking on nature paths • autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle • I am the mom friend • I live by a certain quote • I like the smell of Sharpies • I am involved in extracurricular activities • I enjoy Mexican food • I can drive stick-shift • I have memorized an entire song in a day • I believe in true love • I dream up scenarios to fall asleep • I sing in the shower • I wish I lived in a video game • I have a canopy above my bed • I am multi-racial • I am a redhead • I own at least three dogs • I am LGBT+
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Happy Weekend mga Ka-Tropie! Izz your Kagawad Inah Evans atyor serbis! Ang inyong Barangay Queen Sirena! Tuloy ang bardagulan ng saya sa #BarangayPie! Makisaya sa amin araw araw 11:30AM to 3PM. Tara! Live kami palagi! Mapapanood niyo kame sa Youtube account ng @iampieofficial , www.pie.com.ph, Channel 21 sa Sky at 28 sa TV Plus! 🥧🧡 At starting May 28, nasa GCash via GLife na rin kame oye oye oye!!!!! #GrandPienaloWeek (at ABS-CBN Broadcasting Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeFoJNgr5S-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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