#IN CHARACTER ... ' thread tracker.
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letsheresy · 7 months ago
⟡ · notion template · ⟡
hop, je mets à disposition un template pour personnages & suivi des rp 💖 il est conçu pour mon forum mais peut être entièrement adapté à vos besoins. j'ai laissé les réglages afin de donner une idée de ce qui est possible (et pour vous faciliter la tâche si jamais vous craquez pour MGV évidemment 👀 nb : tw HP) et mis des commentaires un peu partout pour faciliter la prise en main — tant en page d'accueil qu'à l'intérieur des fiches des personnages.
contenu :
— fiches de personnages à l'aes complète, plus qu'à remplir les infos  — tableau de suivi des rp simplifié par des boutons ✓ et ✕ permettant respectivement de maj et démaj un topic en un clic (changement du statut, de la date du dernier post, ajout ou retrait de la view "TO DO") — tableau de suivi de recensement (case à cocher une fois le personnage recensé pour le mois)
bonus :
j'ai testé l'extension Save to Notion qui permet de créer facilement un petit formulaire lié à une database, afin d'ajouter une page à son notion, et c'est un autre petit gain de temps 🔥 ci-dessous un aperçu de mes réglages (1) et du rendu (2, 3), si jamais ça peut vous intéresser.
nb : faudra veiller à ne pas laisser d'ancre à la fin des liens "Lien-data", afin que le lien de rp affiché par le template vous envoie bien au dernier post et non en tout début de topic. expl, dans : https://lala.forumactif.com/t2-titre#10767 il s'agirait d'enlever #10767
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n'hésitez pas à jouer avec et à l'agencer à votre convenance ! vous pouvez me dm en cas de questions, suggestions d'améliorations ou juste pour me dire s'il vous est utile, ça a été long donc les potentiels retours me feraient plus que plaisir 😌
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iniziare · 2 months ago
Can I just say, I'm silly for not ever having used RPThreadTracker's 'Random Thread Generator' function sooner? I even put my 'owed starters' in this (and I go back, and edit in the respective IDs in after I've posted them), and I keep clicking until one pops up, because otherwise I'm allowing myself way too much 'choice', but said choice makes it that I'm wasting way too much time trying to choose. Have I written this much consistently any time in the last year? Nope. Is it also partly because of Dorian? Probably, but I'm having such a good time. My mood hasn't been the best today, but I'm reconnecting with this man, and his opinions, and views, and how those play into his dynamics, and— it's like... I somehow shifted my perspective of 'writing' so very slightly without realizing it through this tiniest change, and it's having a massive effect. I'm having fun writing, so much so that I'm staying up to write more of these starters, because I want t. Hello serotonin.
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fatewr1te · 2 months ago
to reply list
dc muses
bg 3 / dragon age / fantasy muses
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bloodykneestm · 7 months ago
might be running primarily on queue for a good minute, seeing as i'm now working two jobs, i'm gonna be burning the candle at both ends for the foreseeable future but i'm still excited about everything i have going here so i'm not gonna let it slip too much if i can help it
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swiindlerfox · 2 years ago
continued from here - @rachalcx
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"I already said it was an accident. What, do you think I'm some kind of animal?" An obvious joke to make and one that Rang himself didn't even find funny but he also couldn't let the opportunity pass by.
"How much was it? I might just pay you back — I'm in a good mood."
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walkedfire-a · 11 months ago
@walkeddeath sent : " i need a favor. "
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the kitchen was filled with the soft sounds of music , the oven making the small space seem warmer . it was still early in the evening but buck had nothing else to do , and the ingredients in the fridge where nearing their expiration . their lives , their jobs , made it hard to keep a fridge full . to keep the mailbox empty , to do the washing on the regular .
buck looks up as gen enters , voice drifting over the music . he reaches over pausing his spotify . he arches an eyebrow at her before he goes back to stirring the pasta sauce . "is this like the time in berlin where you needed a favour and i ended up having to skinny dip with someone's grandma as a cover?" there's no malice to his tone , just a hint of amusement .
turning the heat off he picked up a tea towel cleaning his hands . buck turns , grabbing bowls from the cupboard . "so is this a job favour or am helping you rearrange the furniture again?"
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lgcjiae · 2 years ago
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jung jiae◞ ♡ — q2 2023 tracker!
hi there, everyone. it’s finally a new quarter which means a few things: firstly, a new theme for jiae ( and subsequently kiha & arisa ), along with profile updates. and then secondly — it is time for new threads. i am happy to continue all of my past threads since i really slacked off this past quarter and heavily focused on my fabula requirements. but i’m back into the swing of things now — so i’m happy to continue threads if everyone else is. let me know if you aren’t and we can work something out. anyways, in eri fashion — please give this post a LIKE if you’re interested in plotting.
fabula mission
coming soon!
general threads
( q4 ) between us — @lgcnayoung​ ( should we drop this? )
( q4 ) bigger than the whole sky — @lgcjisoo​
( q1 ) midnights — @lgchayoung​
( q1 ) will-o-the-wisp, ( not ) so hot — @lgcxminji​
( q1 ) amusement park — @lgceunhye​
( q1 ) love month — @lgcdanbi​
( q1 ) click — @lgcparker​
( q1 ) rotten tomatoes — @lgcbk​
( q1 ) worry wart — @lgcxhaeun​
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darkconsumed · 2 years ago
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okie dokie, thread tracker is updated which can be found HERE. i will probably start queuing replies ( mostly meme responses ) so just keep eyes peeled on posts tagged with #( the stars? not queued. can't do it | queued post ) 'cause chances are, replies are in there. both links to tracker and queued posts can be found at the top of the blog <3
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for-the-greater-good-1899 · 2 years ago
Albus Dumbledore Bio
Grindeldore Playlist
Thread Tracker
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iniziare · 10 days ago
I believe I have about 3 Valentine's Day asks left to send(?), please know that I haven't forgotten (and please forgive me for it) about them, but I simply want to stew on a little bit of a better idea for each. The brain has been a little slow on these as of late!
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kiame-sama · 5 months ago
Humans Are Extinct- (Yandere!TWST x Fem!Reader) Monster AU pt 11
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(Lilia can hear extremely well and can be rather sensitive to loud noises. He often covers his ears or magically deafens himself if Malleus' temper ever causes thunder.)
Warnings; yandere, Yandere behavior, platonic and romantic yanderes, multiple yanderes, threats, blood, injury, poachers, drama, talk of eating Humans, attempts made, near-death experiences, violence, a few time skips, Shinigami, Vampire Bat, Dragon, Cervitaur, Raiju, Kelpie, Unicorn, Drider, Harpy, Genie, Naga, Merfolk, Cecilia, Nemean Lion, Werewolves, implied unnamed character death,
Everyone moved quickly through the forest, eyes keenly searching every tree for any signs that could lead them to their quarry. Not just Housewardens were looking, a veritable army of students all searching high and low for their lost treasure. The staff were also keenly looking, the last location having been searched with a fine-toothed comb. When they found the Human's bloodied and broken collar next to Grim's ripped collar, it was not a good sign.
To think, one of Night Raven College's own students would commit such a crime. The crime of harming and stealing away such a precious creature was nigh unforgivable. The student accused of such a crime was equally unforgivable.
Many had seen him slip away into the forests shortly before the attack, all recounting the way his eyes glowed with danger as he slid from view into the underbrush. At the time, no one had known what he was planning to do and so many had even begun to believe he was harmless. Looks like they were wrong.
Ortho scanned frantically, wanting to find the Human he had befriended and hoping the terrible Beast had not harmed her. Lilia's words echoing in his mind after the chilling analysis of the blood left behind.
"It's (Y/n)'s blood. This... This is too much blood for someone of her size to loose and be able to recover from without aid. If we don't find her soon, she will die from blood-loss."
Malleus was raching through the trees, leading his Hoard in their search for the soft Human that had been attacked. He knew he couldn't trust the other Housewardens with his treasure, and all this did was prove him right. There was no pride in the realization that he had been correct, there was only white-hot fear that he was possibly too late.
Riddle and Trey galloped through the paths, leaping over fallen logs and searching the riverbanks for any sign. Riddle was beside himself with worry as he knew he couldn't trust that Beast that called himself a student. Trey was worried to be the one to find the Human's broken body and what that would do to his friend whose sanity hung by a thread. Riddle already overblotted once, who knew what finding the Human dead would do to the still recovering Unicorn. Who knew what it would do to any of them.
Rook carried his poisonous Harpy over and through the woods, both keenly looking for any sign of the lost treasure. As a hunter and a skilled tracker, Rook was the best bet Vil had to find the Human and hopefully find her alive. Should they stumble across the monster that committed such violence first, well, Vil was of the mind to attack first and question later.
Kalim soared above the trees on his magic carpet, watching his faithful Naga Jamil weave through the trunks and search from below as he searched from above. The Naga keenly followed the scent trail left behind, as faint and muddled by other scents as it was, his tongue tasting the air for any sign of the soft Human or the Beast that took her. Kalim wished he could use his own wishes to find the Human, but had to trust that himself and the others would find her in time.
Jade and Floyd searched the streams and rivers, following the waters into the depths of the forest and swimming at incredible speeds. If the Human were taken through the water, they would know about it and be ready to fight for her return. Jade was furious with himself for ever suggesting he take the Human along on a foraging trip. If he had only kept his mouth shut and never asked her to accompany him, maybe she would still be safe. He would never forgive himself for the tragedy that took place, or for leaving her and that cat of hers unprotected in that clearing while he ventured into the cave. He thought he was keeping her safe by preventing her from joining him in the underwater channels of the cave. He was wrong.
The Beast's own dorm had been placed on lockdown and none were allowed to leave through the mirror. It was a precaution given the fact their own Housewarden had been the offending party. Though many wanted to aid in the search, they were under scrutiny due to the actions of their leader and to many, that meant they were all guilty.
It was Malleus who came upon the scene first, smoke billowing from his mouth as he saw that wretched Beast's golden hide gleaming in the sun. The blood that flecked his fur only angering the Dragon further. What pushed him past his sanity was the way the Beast was positioned above his precious Hoard member.
The Beast was straddling the limp body of the little Human and looked over at the Dragon in surprise as he came thundering through the trees. Every scrap of evidence Malleus could see was more than damming and the Dragon was not keen to ask questions. This Beast had obviously killed Malleus' precious Human, and for that, could not be redeemed.
"For the crime of harming my Hoard and killing my Human, I- Malleus Draconia, Prince of Briar Valley- hereby sign the death warrant of Leona Kingscholar and consign his soul to oblivion."
Earlier that day.
You were slowly becoming more and more excited as each class passed, eager to get back to your dorm and play the promised Videogames you missed so much. Even if it was not the games you were used to, they were still games and should still prove to be a good mental distraction. Hopefully Malleus wouldn't be too upset that he was no longer your guard, the Dragon occasionally peaking into the classes you attended in a not so stealthy attempt to keep track of you.
Every time the Dragon appeared in the doorway, he would leave as soon as he caught sight of you smiling in amusement at his clear protective behavior. Even Silver appeared in the halls as you changed classes, walking with you and glaring at those who got too close to you. Grim was happy to have an extra set of legs to carry him around, hoping up onto the Deer-man's back and lounging between classes.
Perhaps you would invite one of your four Diasomnia guards to spend the night. All it could do was make them feel better about the situation and let them see you were safe. The question was who you were going to invite as one showing up typically meant the others would show as well.
All sorts of things fought for attention in your mind, but you were unable to give them much focus. Though you and Grim weren't really students or held to the same standard the other students were, you did want to know what you could about this world. You weren't native to Twisted Wonderland and so the many classes actually gave you a good look into the world you found yourself in and allowed you to learn.
Grim saw himself as a fully fledged student and was eager to remind others of that fact whenever they gave him odd looks in class. Despite how some of these other students seemed annoyed with the feisty cat-beast, most refused to upset or refute his claims as that meant upsetting you. Most students knew better than to mess with you by now and simply avoided conflict all together, as not even the dumbest among them were willing to anger Malleus.
It was during one of these passing periods between class that a familiar tall figure approached you. Silver rest his hand on his sword as the merman walked up, watching with untrusting eyes and a wary gaze. Jade politely approached, nodding his head in greeting as he held his hands in front of him to show he was not armed or seeking to attack.
"Hello, (Y/n), good to see you again."
"Hey, Jade! Haven't seen you since you and Floyd last came over for some dinner. How have you been?"
"Very well, thank you. I had a question for you- more of a proposition- since you are quite new to the campus. Would you like to come foraging with me today after classes? I don't expect this trip to take long as there is a nearby cave I was hoping to gather mushrooms from."
"Sure! I would like to know where you find a lot of the mushrooms you gather, so it would be helpful to have someone experienced guiding me along."
Your words and praise made a deep blue blush fan over the Merman's cheeks, dusting the blue-tinted flesh with a deep color. Jade was quite taken with your culinary skill and was keen to learn from you, so he saw this trade of information as a good way to gain your trust. Perhaps he could show you some gathering spots and you could teach him to make your fantastic meals. It certainly seemed like a fair trade to him.
"Wait, is that okay for us to go though? Crowley doesn't want me going into the forest, but if I'm with you, it should be alright, right?"
"Perhaps we should ask the Headmage just in case your collar prevents you from entering the woods? It should be safe enough during the day to forage without trouble."
"Well, I do have time until my next class, why don't we go ask him now?"
"If you're sure? Nothing would make my heart happier than the chance to forage with you."
"Yeah, may as well!"
You reach out and grabbed the Merman's hand, not seeing the way his blush darkened at the physical contact or how he seemed to cherish the feeling of your hand in his. Silver was less than pleased, but he was also not about to dampen your happiness and excitement, even for his own sake.
"Hooman, does that mean I'm coming with?"
"Of course it does. I'm your Hooman, and you're my Grim! We have to go together, or not at all. Right?"
"Yeah! No one can take my Hooman anywhere without me coming too!"
Grim leaped from Silver's back and onto your shoulder, snuggling close to you happily. The soft purr coming from the little beast made a smile pull at your lips as you chuckled and kissed his soft forehead, happy Grim was so sweet to you. It would be a lot harder for you to navigate the school and the students without your fluffy companion by your side.
"I'll check in with you after lunch, okay, (Y/n)?"
"Alright! See you soon, Silver."
"Absolutely not."
"No. The forest is far too dangerous for a soft Human to be roaming around. My answer is 'no'."
"Jade and Grim will both be with me! And it isn't like I don't have a collar on that tracks my location. Even if my collar stopped working, Grim has one too. We won't even be going far from campus!"
Crowley frowned at your insistent begging, not keen to let you go anywhere with anyone, let alone the woods around campus. It was still daytime so there weren't too many threats so long as Jade stayed by you, but there was still danger in the form of poachers. Could he really trust this merman student with your safety?
"What if something happens?"
"It won't!"
"But what if it does? You are Human, (Y/n), and that means-"
"I'm sick of being reminded of that fact every damn day!"
Crowley was surprised by your outburst, not expecting you to be so upset by his casually stated fact.
"Every day it's 'you're Human, you're too fragile' 'you are the only Human left' 'you aren't strong enough to protect yourself' and I am so tired of it! I'm not a child to protect, I'm not an idiot that can't recognize danger, and I am not a pet to keep indoors! You said yourself that almost everyone at this school is willing to keep me safe, so why is it such a problem that I want to see what lies beyond the campus? I refuse to spend the remainder of my life in one place, never allowed to leave and never allowed to experience something new. How am I supposed to be happy or find my own purpose in life if I am kept locked away like some glass figurine?"
He sighed and looked away from your intense gaze and the heated argument. You were right of course, and he was terrified of that fact. The last Human in his care had been taken from him because he just couldn't let her be free and he kept her away from everyone except himself. He saw firsthand how devastating isolation is on the Human mind, to the point that Hades himself had arrived to take the Human away from the unfair treatment at the hands of Crowley.
He couldn't let you be taken from him too, not when you were his precious chick just fledged and seeking to see beyond the fence of Night Raven College. Crowley couldn't blame you for being frustrated with him either as he knew you would get restless being cooped up on campus. The college was large and held many secrets to discover, but it felt so very small when compared with the rest of the world. Surely he could allow one measly venture off of school grounds?
"Mr. Leech, will you be with her the entire time?"
"Yes. I swear it."
"And you'll protect her should any danger present itself?"
"With my life."
"... Fine. Don't go too far and make sure you have your phone and Grim with you. I will make sure the Housewardens and the rest of the staff are on standby. If anything seems amiss, come straight back, understood?"
Your frustration melted away at Crowley's eventual acquiescence to your request, happy to be leaving the campus even if for only a little bit. There was still your displeasure at the overall dehumanizing treatment, but this was a step in the right direction. Hopefully this would prove to the Crow that letting you explore- albeit with a guard- was something that could be good for you.
"Thank you!"
You hugged the surprised Crow as he finally agreed to allow you to go foraging with Jade. The Crow was stiff for a few moments before melting into the hug and returning it in kind. He really did struggle saying 'no' to you and it only made it more difficult for him when you responded to his agreement with such affection. Truly, the Crow saw you more and more as his own young with every day that passed. It was hard not to.
"I'll make sure the others are aware. But I am being quite serious, (Y/n), there has been an exponential rise in visitors to our little island here and it would be foolish to assume they are not here for you. Promise me you will be careful."
"I promise."
"Alright. Don't hesitate to return or call at even the slightest worry that something is wrong."
The forest during the day was vastly different from the forest at night and you couldn't be more thrilled. At night it seemed like every shadow was alive and looking hungrily towards your direction. During the day those shadows were driven back to their dens and bird-song could be heard through the trees. Sunlight streamed through the branches and gave the forest an almost fairytale feeling as crickets and grasshoppers chirped pleasantly around you.
It was less of a foraging venture for you than it was an educational lesson on mushrooms from Jade, who happily pointed out every fungi and plant species he knew. Luckily, Jade had the foresight to bring a second foraging bag with him for you to use and even seemed bashful when gifting it to you. Maybe mermen just had a shyness about giving gifts to others? Regardless of what it was, you were thrilled with the venture and Jade was happy to split the spoils with you.
"So where is this cave you were talking about? Looks like we have most mushroom types I'm familiar with already."
"Not too far now. It is the only cave I have found Agaricus Bisporus, which you really seemed to like in the soup you made for Azul, Floyd, and I that day."
"Oh, so this cave is where the Button Mushrooms grow?"
Jade chuckled slightly at the cute name you gifted to the mushrooms he enjoyed on a regular basis. They were certainly useful and clearly edible to you, so he just found it all the sweeter that you named them after buttons. Such odd creatures Humans were, but he was certainly not complaining as he found himself quite endeared by the uniqueness of the soft individual before him.
"Yes. It can be a little tricky to get where they are growing tough, so I think it would be best for you to wait at the mouth of the cave for me."
"Why is it tricky?"
"It requires some swimming to get to where they grow, and I am fairly sure you cannot hold your breath for that long. But there are still some Pleurotus Ostreatus mushrooms on the felled trees around the cave you could gather."
"Okay. So long as you're quick, I'm sure we both can gather up enough of both mushrooms and trade when you come back out of the cave."
Jade smiled at this, happy to see you seemed to be enjoying the little jaunt through the woods and keen to gather enough mushrooms for the both of you. Maybe after your joint venture he could even help you set up terrariums to grow some of the rarer mushrooms he has found deeper in the woods.
Grim didn't seem half as enthused as you and Jade were, laying across your shoulder as he watched the birds in the trees. He grew up in this forest and suffered at the claws of the other beasts that called the woods home, so he wasn't really interested in the things you and the merman gathered. That certainly didn't mean he was opposed to snacking on several of the edible plants, however.
"Didn't the big Crow say you couldn't be left alone though? Kinda seems like this Eel-guy is fixing to leave us alone."
"Well, I'm not alone because you will be with me, and you won't let anything happen to me."
"Of course I won't! I'm the Great and Powerful Grim! I'll always protect my Hooman."
"Exactly, so there's nothing to worry about, right?"
Despite the way Grim now seemed alright with the situation, you also vaguely hoped that nothing bad happened while Jade was in the cave. You trusted Grim to watch your back, but he wasn't the best mage and you knew there were likely poachers who could overpower your little friend. Naturally, you still intended to be on guard in case anyone tried to approach while you were waiting for Jade.
The three of you came up to what seemed to be a large hole in the side of a large hill, hearing the sound of rushing water from deep within. Jade paused at the cave entrance, removing his phone to give to you for safekeeping as the item did not work beneath the water.
"Alright, I will be back in a few moments and then we can head back to campus."
"Okay. Don't take too long," you gently teased the merman, "or I might have to come in looking for you."
"I'm sure you would."
The merman gave you a final smile of reassurance before heading into the cave, quickly swallowed up by the darkness. A faint sound of splashing met your ears before going quiet and you figured you could look for those other mushrooms Jade mentioned. Grim hopping off your shoulder to go bother some birds that were chirping rather loudly nearby.
Along the many fallen trees, you could see several mushrooms growing from the rotting trunks. They looked like oyster mushrooms to you, which meant they were likely the ones Jade had been talking about. Though you weren't overly familiar with the names Jade used for them, you did recognize several by their appearance.
As you crouched down to start picking the mushrooms, something odd occurred to you. The forest was silent.
Moments ago there had been birdsong and the sounds of bugs going about their little lives, now there was nothing. The only sound that met your ears was the wind in the trees. Something about the sudden quiet made a long forgotten instinct within you stir as the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end.
Where was Grim?
It was as you stood up to look around that a sudden force slammed into your side, throwing you to the ground beneath a much larger figure. You didn't recognize the beast man above you though they seemed to be some kind of heavily scarred wolf man with grey and black fur. His short whiskers were broken and his teeth were the same as he sneered down at you like a predator taunting his prey. The man on top of you was quick to slice the collar from your neck, nicking you in the process as he threw it away and to the side.
"Those fools just let this juicy treat walk right through their fingers. Idiots, the lot of them."
"Ow! Alpha, this stupid cat is more a nuisance than he is worth!"
You looked towards the second voice and felt your heart jump into your throat as you saw an unfamiliar Wolf-man with brown fur was holding Grim by the neck. Your devoted friend was struggling valiantly against the Gnoll but even you could see he was quickly running out of air and energy. Even as you tried to struggle to help Grim, a sudden stabbing pain forced you instead to return your attention to the one on top of you.
He had sunk a rather large hunting knife into your leg to hold you still and the pain made a harsh cry escape your lips. You couldn't reach your phone or Jade's phone as the bag you carried had been knocked out of your hands before you could react. With a quick motion the man ripped the knife from your leg and positioned it over your throat as if he intended to gut you with it.
"Quit your bitching! Break the damn thing's neck if it is that difficult to hold onto. I'll slice the Human up and we can scram before those students even realize-"
A sudden knobbed club seemed to fly from the forest, cracking against the lead wolf's skull with a sickening smack. The force of the club knocked the wolf off of you and for a moment you tried to get yourself to your feet, only to find your leg struggling to support your weight. In your dazed and panicked stupor, you barely realized there was a familiar golden Lion wrenching Grim out of the second wolf's grasp, throwing the wolf back into a tree. That same Lion was quick to hoist you up over his shoulder, breaking into a dash away from the wolves who were still reeling in pain and surprise.
"Damn it, hold on, Mousey!"
The gruff voice of Leona was a surprising comfort to you as the Lion swiftly ran opposite of the wolves. There must have been more wolves you didn't see as it sounded like an entire pack was chasing after the three of you. From your position over Leona's shoulder, you saw several wolf-men running on all fours after the Nemean Lion that had wisked you away. Despite how fast they seemed, Leona was faster and wasn't even slowed by your added weight.
Over felled trees and through the whipping underbrush, Leona was heading through the forest with far more grace than you expected from the temperamental and lazy Lion. Though it did seem like the school was getting further and not closer, he was still taking you away from the wolves and that was good enough for you. The pain in your leg sent shooting agony up from the wound and only hurt worse with every jostle or sharp turn the Lion had to make. Despite the fact that he was helping you escape, you still wanted to scream out to beg Leona to stop and give you a moment to address your wound.
You felt the trails of blood that ran down your soft flesh and you started to worry about how much you were losing as your leg was already fairly soaked. Only when you began to become lightheaded and started to lose track of the forest did Leona stop his sprint. The howling and barking of the wolves had faded away into the forest which meant Leona had a chance to slowdown and assess what kind of state you were in.
With a surprising gentleness you didn't expect from the Lion, he maneuvered you off of his shoulder and onto the grass. Judging from his grim expression, you were more injured than even you realized. The slight sound of ripping met your ears and you vaguely realized he had torn the leg of your pants to access your injury easier.
"Gotta stop the bleeding..."
Leona muttered as he worked, removing his belt and securing it above your wound. A loud cry left your lips as he tightened the belt and he visibly winced in response. Both Lion ears were angled back on his head as he used the torn fabric of your pants to apply pressure to the wound.
"Don't let my Hooman die, Lion-guy. Please- please, help her."
"I'm trying, you damned overgrown cub! How about you be useful and use your wings to go get help?"
"I can't use them to fly anymore!"
"Then run or something! We won't stay ahead of them for long, so use your collar to call the others before they catch up."
"That wolf-guy tore it off when he grabbed me, I don't have it anymore!"
Leona cursed angrily as he continued holding your wound. He could theoretically outrun them, but a lone Lion, even a Nemean Lion, was at a disadvantage when running from a pack. He had the element of surprise but had to throw his Knobkerrie to get the first wolf off of you. That meant he was without his Magestone, his phone- which he had left in his room that morning- and to top it off the one thing that was supposed to keep track of you and your cub had been removed.
The distant sound of howls made Leona's decision for him as he picked you back up, scooping up Grim and taking you both deeper into the woods. He couldn't make a wide circle to get you back to the school, he had no idea how many wolves there were in the pack and they could have spread out to cut him off if he tried. Staying still was not an option with the wolves already on your trail. Trying to signal to the others of Night Raven would also expose your position to the poachers. Leona would have to take you to the town in the valley beyond and hope you didn't lose too much blood in between or the wolves didn't catch you first.
Leona was getting tired. He couldn't keep up the pace forever and eventually he had to stop just to take a breath. Though he no longer heard the wolves, that didn't mean much as they were likely still in hot pursuit. No hunter would give up their greatest quarry that easily, and the soft Human was certainly a prize to obtain.
The problem was that your breathing had gotten shallower and you had fallen unconscious despite his best attempts to keep you awake. Your heartbeat was faint even to his ears and it was clearly upsetting your cub as Grim began to cry.
"No! Wake up, Hooman. Please... Please wake up, (Y/n)! We gotta go home..!"
"She can't. She can't wake up. She's lost too much blood to stay conscious."
"Help her!"
"I'm trying!"
"Try harder!"
"I am! I am trying to keep you and her alive! What do you think I was running for? Maybe shut up and let me think, damn it!"
Grim's ears went flat, the tears only falling faster now as Leona immediately realized his mistake, trying to reach out to the cat who only sobbed and fled into the trees. He couldn't pursue the little cub as he had to make sure you were safe, but it was beginning to seem like you weren't going to survive the trip. Feeling helpless and angry with himself, Leona tried to at least keep you warm and perhaps stave off the cold approach of death. If the wolves came, he would fight until you both no longer drew breath as he refused to leave even your body for the scavengers.
He was ready to fight to his last when he heard the forest rustling with the sound of approaching footsteps, what he wasn't ready for was Malleus Draconia to erupt from the woods. A fair bit behind him rushed in his usual lackeys who also seemed to be out for blood, but none moreso than the Dragon. Smoke billowed from deep within the enraged Dragon as a heavy magical pressure slammed into Leona.
"For the crime of harming my Hoard and killing my Human, I- Malleus Draconia, Prince of Briar Valley- hereby sign the death warrant of Leona Kingscholar and consign his soul to oblivion."
The loud yowl that interrupted from the woods distracted the Dragon just enough that the bolt of lighting crackling from his form barely missed Leona's left ear by a hair. Grim, with tears streaking down his little face, ran out in front of Malleus to put himself between the Dragon and Leona. His little ruined wings flapped frantically despite giving him no lift or speed.
"Wait..! He didn't- he didn't hurt her! He helped us, but she isn't okay. Please, help her!"
"If it wasn't Leona, then who-"
"It doesn't matter who did it if she dies! Help her now! She's dying!"
The pleas of the little cat moved the Dragon, agreeing to solve blame later and solve the problem at hand. Malleus couldn't hear your heartbeat and that was concerning as he rushed forward to render aid. Lilia was quick to join his draconic lord as his sensitive hearing picked up on the faint sound of your heart.
"She is alive, but she has lost a lot of blood and is going into a coma," he removed his jacket and pulled up his sleeves, "Malleus, use your magic to pull the blood soaked from the wrap, it will have to be enough for now."
The Dragon took orders easily and Leona vaguely wondered who the true leader of their group was as Lilia directed the great mage. They only really took a quick breath of relief when your heartbeat had returned to a steady rhythm in your chest. It was still weak, but not nearly as quiet as it had been. Lilia had done enough triage to know what spells would work best and by directing Malleus he allowed the Dragon to be the primary instrument in saving your life. He had his own reasons to encourage the bond between you and Malleus to flourish, but mostly the Dragon needed to be the one to help you and Lilia knew it.
"Explain quickly what took place. I am ready to listen and deliver punishment to the offending party-"
The howling on the wind was loud and almost sudden, as if intended to startle as the pack of wolves emerged from the trees all around the group. It was clearly a pack of poachers as they all eyed the prize laying between the men. The alpha, clearly bloodied and angry, wielded Leona's Knobkerrie like a sword, threatening the group that dare get between his pack and their feast.
"Hand over the meat-sack. My pack has rights to that kill and I'll fight every one of you prissy ass mages who gets in my-"
The sky went black in seconds, as if night had suddenly fallen over the woods, but instead of stars only rolling storm clouds could be seen. Lighting leaping between the masses of black oily cotton in a sickening green that churned the stomach of the foolish wolves. Hunters now turned hunted as power electrified the very air and stones began to quake in the very presence of rage defined.
Words were not needed, not anymore. They would only be wasted on fools such as this. Filth that sought to take what was not theirs and dare call Malleus' beloved (Y/n) something as demeaning as a 'meat-sack' and a 'kill' as if they had rights to feast upon you like savage Ferals.
No, Malleus would not stand for such blatant disrespect to his Hoard and himself. Punishment would be delivered and it would be by Malleus' hands. They were going to wish he had used his magic.
"You will not speak. We are leaving the area immediately. Walking, not running. We don't need to draw his attention."
Leona was silenced by a hand over his mouth as Lilia gathered up Grim with his wings, covering him with his jacket and handing the little cub into Silver's arms. Sebek was quick to get the wounded Human up onto Silver's back, climbing on himself to keep her secure on the Reindeer. Lilia spoke in a hushed tone to the Lion as his fellow dorm members worked as quietly as possible to not earn the ire of the beast before them.
Leona found himself unable to disobey the enigmatic old Fae and knew he must have used some kind of magic to hold the Lion to his commands. The ground rumbled as the sound of a true terror escaping their secondary skin to show the beast that lurked beneath. Many of Malleus' features hinted at his true Draconic form, from his long tail to his twin horns and wings, the full Dragon was still a very different beast.
The pure magic in the air was almost as difficult to breathe in as smoke. Once confident snarls turning to yelps and whines of genuine terror as the foolish wolves realized just how outclassed they were.
Lilia stayed alongside Silver as Leona took up the other side, moving with them even as he craned his neck to stare behind him at the Dragon in the flesh. Black scales glinted in the light, green lightning spewing from the sky as the elongated fang filled maw of the beast snapped around the fleeing figures. Maybe he was considered one of the most powerful mages in the world for a reason, and he wasn't even using magic at that moment.
"Lilia, what if his majesty needs us-?"
"We need to get her back to Night Raven, then we can work on calming Malleus if his temper tantrum doesn't burn him out before she wakes. She still isn't okay and we need to let the others know what happened. All we can do now is leave for our own safety and hers."
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ctrlsugar · 1 year ago
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below is a guide for the channels, as well as tips and tricks for using this template and a few recommendations for bots. ( link & image heavy )
NOTE: this is one version of the 1x1 template server i use, i will post another one if this gets traction !! feel free to request other server ideas if you have any !!
GET THE SERVER | FREE ( tips appreciated !! )
tupperbox ( for proxying your muses for discord roleplay )
threadtracker ( for tracking threads on discord )
messletters ( for fancy text )
this entire tag by @dayslily ( for discord tips & tricks )
turn on community for the forum features ( linked to tutorial )
🦋 : chatter / a channel for general discussion and chatting, not roleplay related - your main channel for ooc communication.
✨ : commentary / a channel for discussion about your currently roleplay threads, where you can chat (scream) about your plots.
🤖 : tupperbox / a channel for setting up your tupperbox proxies ( see bot suggestions above )
✅ : tracker / a channel for tracking hour thread, either by using the thread tracker bot, or just posting in it regularly.
💖 : musings / a channel for posing musings, links to character & ship musings, pinterest posts, etc.
💡 : plotting / a channel for posting plot ideas & suggestions, and for discussing potential plots.
🔗 : links / a channel for posting links, could be playlists, pinterest boards, images, or blog tags for you ships & muses.
📰 : headcanons / a channel for posting headcanons & other important information for you ships & muses.
you can make multiple of this category, one for each ship or one for each verse, depending how you want to format your server.
📸 : socials / a channel to post in character social media posts, (i usually pin templates for tweets, instagram posts, spotify now playing, etc )
📱 : texts / a channel for text messages between muses.
💭 : thread • 001 / a channel for a thread between muses - can be duplicated for multiple threads.
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walkedfire-a · 11 months ago
@healingcall continued from here
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he had spent over ten years believing maddie had just left him . that her choice to leave was because she didn't want to stay . now he knows differently . and the emotions he feels are conflicting . he doesn't blame her , could never hold it against her . in part he hates himself for not pushing more , perhaps she could have escaped with him . a small part of him is still that scared nineteen year old begging his sister to stay .
buck can see the doubt in her eyes , he knows her too well not to know it . and he hates that its been put there , he hates that she doubt not just him but the words . he places a hand on hers , gently . but as soon as he sees the tears he's wrapping her in his arms .
pulling maddie close he tucks her under his chin , rubbing a hand down her arm in what he hopes is a comforting manner . "i know," he says quietly . "it'll be there for a while . you might feel this way for a while . but i promise mads , i'll be here every step of the way okay . i'm not leaving ."
buck pulls back just enough so he can cup her face , wiping her tears away . a mirror of what she used to do when they where younger . she had always been the one to comfort him , to protect him . buck only hopes he can do the same now . " its us against the world okay . me and you ," he removes one hand , holding out his pinky like they where children again ; making promises about childish things , but the memory lingers . " there is nothing i wouldn't do to protect you , like you protected me."
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whamykablamy · 10 months ago
Love that we got to move the plot forward via Kristen and Tracker moments. It added to both of their characters while giving Tracker a reason to be relevant to the investigation on Ankarna.
Now if only one of the other Bad Kids had an ex-girlfriend who was suddenly plot relevant. Someone who was at the Mountains of Chaos months ago. Maybe she could also be someone who is a barbarian that has an interesting relationship to their rage. Someone who knows Tectonya Karkovnya, and went to Auegfort. Perhaps someone who also has been possessed by a God that made them freak out and go into a frenzy. Someone that speaks both Giant and Sylvan perchance...
But who would check all those boxes, and have some small unresolved plot thread that was mentioned early in the season and quickly forgotten?
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tenebriuscodes · 11 months ago
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CERBERUS is a medium, minimalist, multi-sale, and responsive skin for Jcink optimized for Google Chrome.
You can purchase this skin at my Ko-fi: https://ko-fi[DOT]com/s/4eeab85b68
Basic features:
— Fully customized Jcink HTML Templates. — Guidebook codes. — Main profile application with shipper and section to add an automatic thread tracker. — Pop-out profile. — Mini-profile. — Basic templates. — Isotopic memberlist filters. — Accent color coordinated to character group. — Easy customization of site graphics. — Location forums with backgrounds. — Custom user profile fields. — Forum counters. — Customized login and register page. — Custom sidebar menu. — Basic templates codes (You can check them here: www.tumblr.com/tenebriuscodes/748268049043488768/cerberus-templates)
Please, read my policy for more information: tenebriuscodes.tumblr.com/policies
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tewwor · 20 days ago
this is me being transparent and not apologizing ( allegedly ) while also reminding yall how much i adore you, your writing, characters, creativity, and patience.
longer replies ( 3+ hefty paragraphs ) will take a lot longer for me to get to than 1-3 para threads. it's probably noticeable by now if we currently have one, but it's in my drafts! i haven't forgotten! i just .. have enough words for a few smaller things or one big thing before i need to go rinse my head or something. stare at a wall and reset.
i love all of you rockin' moots that have a ton of threads with more than one of my ridiculous characters, but i will be prioritizing the ones that retain the most interest / is the easiest for this pea brain of mine to cling to. so there might be some threads that only last a few rounds before i retire them. nothing on you or your writing! i just need to narrow things down a bit more so i don't speedrun myself into burnout and drop everything entirely.
mostly telling myself this, because i know i have a habit of doing this — i will try not to turn every single ask into a thread. that does not mean i don't love what you've written ( i absolutely do ), but it's stacking up numbers in my drafts and tbh? it's not necessary to continue every single thing unless there's super high inspiration. we can ( and i probably will ) yap about it on the sideline! so, not nullifying this completely but being more intentional with what i choose to continue!
i think besides short starters, i'll mainly be sticking replies / answered asks to queue based. if i had a smaller thread count i'd update my tracker again to show who's in line to post, but i ... just don't have it in me yall ( sad goose noises ). so if you're ever curious about about the status of a thread or ask, let me know!
last, but not least, i've noticed that i'm shifting away from discord rp again as of late. it's temporary! but if we have a server / threads there, many gomen 🙇‍♀️ it will take me even longer to get to unless you'd like to move it onto this hellsite!
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