tv1xx · 6 months
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HIiiiii. I’ve been busy the past couple of days, classes start for me soon and I am picking up more hours at my current job, I head back to college tomorrow but I promise I will pick the content back up as soon as i adjust to my schedule and when invincible airs again (if ever lol). I’ve also been learning Pro Create tips and Im actually getting used to this app now compared to how clueless i was last year. I decided to draw Atom Eve and make a full colored line art drawing. (Shocking,,,,rare,,,,,) Im pleased with how this turned out. I was going for a cute anime style. Anyways, I just wanted to hop and say hi. Im alive. Hope you guys are awesome. Have a good day/night :3. Enjoy!
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nightgambler · 1 year
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One year older, can't believe that time flies by so fast
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heelcody · 11 months
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stumbles onto this blog covered in blood and clutching this in my hands
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gojosatoruwifey · 2 months
Hello everyone! Geru here 🤗 just checking in to say I'm still alive barely and I've been busy with irl stuffs so I haven't update here that much
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heyallnorahere · 9 months
in a constant state of "its so over" and "were so back" everytime a month-old post gains traction again
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ashy-lyn · 2 years
sorry i was so inactive this week- school's taking a toll but I'll try to be more active + sakusa hcs will be posted soon along with an hq angst wip!!
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causalityparadoxes · 8 days
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I will come to storm down his gates of gold | Doctor who, Empire of Death
I cannot get over how Mrs. Flood, faced with the certainty of her imminent death, immediately threatens to usurp God so she can rule over the afterlife.
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wykart · 5 months
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The elder men spoke low. They took a vote and said no. They turned around real slow. Where did they go? Where did they go? And the question oh, the question: can the kid keep his eyes, if the fire doesn't die? They said no.
They Took a Vote and Said No - Sunset Rubdown
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cupophrogs · 4 months
1. Dog day…why did you say when you saw your husbands picture “ he’s alive????” Did you think he was dead.
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"The passage of time is worthless when you there's nothing you can count on, except pain. So I always assumed my past life, and everything in it, was already gone. Hope is a very fickle thing, down here."
(Based on this song)
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indistinctchatt3r · 6 days
Disney social media actively encouraging the "Yord Horde" to form knowing they were gonna kill him off is the funniest thing me. Caught you guys hook line and sinker huh
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harvestmoth · 17 days
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what do we think about pet store workers team xen
#for the pet thing i had a bit ago#neved doesnt work with them hes just a delivery driver for some of their supplies. he mostly helps out with his wifes orphanage#idk if clear kieran and eden are around too or not though im not thinking that hard about it#jenner used to work there too but he quit and works for something at home#hes like a stay at home dad now or something#cassandra is either part of corporate or shes just the evil mayor of gdc still and has no affiliation to them idk#she still has something going on with madelis no matter what though#eli and sharon work part time and ren is like the guy who gets them coffee or something. runs delivery too maybe#regina comes in sometimes too to flirt with nastasia when she can but thats like a side thing and completely unrelated#btw zepto is like a clay figure zetta made and is either alive or just a figure. you decide#sorry i was trying to think of something rejuv related to draw and ended up thinking a little too hard about the pet thing. my bad#pokemon rejuvenation#if you have no idea what im talking about with the pet thing its just rejuv but they have weird looking pets instead of pokemon#and i guess technically a modern au. whatever. melia still has the power of god and anime in her. dont worry about it#zetta isnt a clone though hes just a guy. idk where he comes from but hes jenners son and melias older brother#im not drawing madame x im sorry. but know she really does show up to her store wearing all that and never takes it off. + the uniform#oh and nastasia still just straight up has deoxys. dw about it
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peachybunana · 1 year
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Did I like the resolution of the episode ? No, it was obvious. I didn’t expect more tbh.
But I find very interesting those episodes where the central theme is the companion and how they manage without The Doctor being there to save them, because you see how strong and surprising they are, how far they can go without him. How they wait for him but he arrives late or doesn't show up. But they still live their lives and learn to adapt or solve the new problem that plagues them.
I loved Ruby in this episode and how she learned to live after that mysterious woman and her mysterious words took everything from her. She lost her mother to that woman, the Doctor disappeared because he stepped on a fairy circle (bro, start looking at the floor please, next time you'll step on a trap you can't escape from or maybe something disgusting. I don't know but still LOOK AT THE FLOOR!!) and no one agrees to help her. We don't know what convinces people that she's a hopeless case and not to contact her, or how that works! Bc Ruby couldn't hear over the phone what the woman said to Carla, but Kate heard what the woman told the UNIT soldiers, so that's interesting (and will probably never be answered).
She’s a 19 year old girl with no one to go for confort or for help, so she takes matters into her own hands. She’s resilient, she survives. She copes with the fact that the woman won’t go, will follow her forever, no one can get rid of her, and no one can help her. so she learned how TO USE HER TO HER BENEFIT! SHE SAVED EVERYONE FROM THAT MANIAC!
With how the episode was built I expected the end to be bland, to be confusing and to not solve a lot of things. But, it wasn’t bad, it wasn’t the worst episode ever and I loved Ruby bc she’s a sassy, crazy and intelligent woman (ohh I’m in love)
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twingeof-cosmic-angst · 7 months
adric nation are we crying? because I'm sobbing.
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suolainensilakkart · 7 months
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Hmm. Au Ra Axel
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berryliciousjam · 10 months
Life Update 2: Chaotic Boogaloo
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Yeah so—the drawing speaks for itself, which is why I had to renew my Artist ID after being inactive for more than 2 weeks 💀.
In all seriousness, I am really thankful that all of you for still interacting with my posts despite my indefinite hiatus. I really wanna give back to you guys but since it is inevitable that I will fall into the downward spiral of art block and writer's block.
Importantly, Me and my boyfriend have been making our own Transformers AU/Continuity which takes place in the Philippines and we even created our OCs(both Transformers and humans) for this particular passion project. The thing is—I am unsure if I am ready to show it to the world, especially since there is so much work to do—and it's not even final. Sure, I can softly launch it through goofy or omnious artworks and writings, or maybe I'm just worried of what people think(It's not even that serious—I think???). I guess you all can just stay tuned for it as I plan on what or when to post. All I can say is that—the Decepticons took care of a human/cybertronian hybrid and chaos ensues.💗
The million dollar question—When will I start posting again? Honestly...whenever I feel like or when I have the free time. As mentioned, I just started college and the university is notorious for the heavy workload so my neurodivergent ass gotta keep up(hopefully). I hope all of you understand and not only that, I have to slowly get back to drawing so it will take time :'3
I know it's a long post but I know some of you guys are worried about me, so it is neccessary to tell what happened throughout the weeks. It is truly chaotic and upsetting because I missed the opportunities because of a damn viral infection—It is what it is.
Thank you so much again everyone! 🫶💗✨
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