macabrelinguine · 2 years
Hi I luv ur blog sm! If you can could you write a scenario between Jay and the reader where it’s just jay finally breaking down of how tired he is of dealing with the operator and the reader is there comforting him . The more angst the better please :) thank you !
awww thank you!!! And haha yess all the angst
You walked in on Jay going through his tapes again, trying again and again to pause at one specific moment when something flashed across the screen. “Are you alright, Jay? You’ve been here for a couple hours. Anything important going on?” You asked. He sighed, turning off the camera. “I-it’s nothing. Don’t worry” he sounded weird as he said it. “Are you sure?” He paused. “No. I keep seeing something weird in my videos.” “Oh, was the film corrupted?” “…in some places. But it’s not that. I keep seeing this figure in the background, and I’m pretty sure someone is stalking me-“ you interrupt him. “Then we need to go to the police.” His answer was surprisingly fast. “No!!” “..no?” “No, please. I’ve been trying so hard- I know so much!! And I haven’t been doing…the most legal things. I’ve tried to go, they dont think he’s real!” “Don’t think who’s real?” Jay turned the camera on and paused it at the part he was trying to. A tall, white figure. You blinked. “Jay, what…?” He sighed. ”I’ve been seeing him. A lot. Please don’t tell anyone. I’m just- I’m so tired.” You moved to behind him and wrapped him in a hug. This queued his tears to start falling, and he spoke again, though his voice was hard to understand. “I can’t do it anymore. I’ve been trying so hard but I cant figure it out and I’m just tired. So tired.” “Hey, hey, don’t worry about it. I’ll keep you safe” that just made him cry harder. “No! You’ll get hurt! It’s dangerous and-“ you cut him off. “That’s why you shouldn’t have to do it alone. Please, let me help you.” Ever so slowly, he nodded. You dried the tears falling from his eyes and kissed his forehead. Everything would be okay.
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
7/13 angst please! sorry if i didnt clarify that before
no problem luv! thanks for the request 🥰 here’s some more joonmi! except it doesn’t end in fluff aksjhdfh im sorryyyyyyy but here you go
italics indicate english conversations’
prompts: “Don’t you ever do that again!” “I’m worried about you.”
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Yoonmi settled right by the Han river where she watched the water flow by. She always enjoyed watching water flow past all the rocks. It was like a reminder to just push past whatever was going on and to keep moving forward. She scoffed to herself at that thought.
“How am I supposed to move forward if they keep bringing that up?”
She kicked one of the rocks outside of the water but tripped and landed right on the ground. She heard someone call her name. She turned to the side and saw Namjoon running towards her with a worried expression. She just frowned and hugged her legs.
“Are you okay?” he asked her the moment he got there.
She didn’t answer. Namjoon knelt next to her and checked over her arms and legs just to make sure she wasn’t injured or hurt. She didn’t say anything, which she was pretty sure was the reason Namjoon looked a little disappointed. She hated it. He doesn’t have the right to be disappointed. Not after the conversation the group just had.
“Why are you here?” She asked him.
Namjoon surprisingly winced at her tone of voice. He’d seen her mad a total of two times in the seven years he’d known her before that month, but never did she sound as cold and mad as she did just then.
“I’m worried about you,” he told her.
“Oh, so now you’re worried about me? Not back in the conference room when I felt scared? Not when I could see you guys, my literal life, falling apart in front of me?”
Namjoon stared at her. She was speaking in English. That meant her emotions were just running free without a filter.
“You ran away, and you didn’t even have your phone or your bag on you.”
“That’s not the point!” Yoonmi looked Namjoon in the eye and glared. “You can’t just decide to do something like that! You’re our leader, and the most you say about this is we’ll think about it? We shouldn’t have to think about it! No is the only answer!”
“Yoonmi, listen to me!” Namjoon nearly yelled at her. “That’s not important right now.”
“Not important?!”
“Yoonmi, your safety is important! You ran away without having anything that could help us contact you. We called Chan and Yoonsung hyung. We called Haechan. We even called Onew hyung and Daehwi. We were all terrified. Don’t you ever do that again!”
“I don’t care,” Yoonmi stared back at him while shaking her head. “I don’t.”
Yoonmi stood up and slowly stepped backwards, away from Namjoon. She took a deep breath.
“I’m staying at Yoonsung oppa’s today,” she said. “I need some time to just— ugh. If anyone really really needs me, send Jungkook oppa. Or Taehyung oppa. Anyone that’s on my side. If not, I’ll be back in time for rehearsals in a few days.”
With that, she turned around and walked away from Namjoon. He watched her figure get smaller and further away before taking out his phone to message Jungkook. He’d at least get her some clothes plus her phone and wallet.
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