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blue-is-grey · 8 months ago
Official Destiny lore tab confirming the Guardian made out sloppy with Cayde NOW
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xwiedzmax · 21 days ago
okay. so. i said i will not shut up about this song and.. well here we are
analyzing Watch Me Soar by Willemijn Verkaik (and Scott Alan) (guys i love Willemijn shes such a great singer and me when her Elphaba and i could rant about her for hours and-) [basically] line by line, here we go
"I know that it's hard for you to imagine That I'm not that young girl you once knew I'm no longer 12, what you see is a woman Standing in front of you"
first line and it starts off *strong*. like. 'im not that young girl you once knew, im no longer 12'. thats literally what would happen when Icarus came back, everyone only remembered them from the times before they first died. dropping the age like that is crazy everyone would remember them as that small child (we dont look at Chronicles of Wonder i found this song before that came out guys i promise this is still coded) and the first line just straight up calls that "And I, I have been patient, I have been kind I paid all my dues and I gave up my time I can't be confined to the past anymore My wings have grown"
the first two verses are just about them being Quixis. about trying their best to do their job, trying their best to just do the right thing and come back as fast as possible and- 'i cant be confined to the past anymore' is so- cuz like- theyre not the same person they were as a child. theyre not the same person they were during all the seasons. theyve changed, many things have changed, they want to be better than what they were before, they want to be a good brother, a good friend, not be remembered as the person who killed multiple of their friends, the person who hurt so many of their friends and family. they want to redeem themself and the line 'my wings have grown' is just so- because they dont have wings in the worldport. and their wings are important to them, theyre such an important part of them, and they dont have that in the worldport. and they finally get to experience having wings, experience the freedom of flying
"Everyone says just to be thankful, just to be grateful Or just let it be But I'm tired of this waiting, it's always tomorrow I'm done with perceptions that you've had of me"
something something Icarus just having to wait and wait and wait. wait for their job as Quixis to be over. with the knowledge that their family doesnt remember them, many of their friends dont even know who they are
"I've given you blood, you've given me tears I've given my heart and so many years It's finally time to fend for myself And open my wings"
now. first two verses are about their time as Quixis again. about how long theyve had to spend, waiting, working, alone. theyve given up so much, spent *so many* years alone, watching over the universes, with no one but a chicken to keep them company
the last two verses are them just being happy about being back. finally being able to do the things they *want* to do not the things they *need* to do they can open their wings again, fly, experience weather, nature, be themself again
"It's my time to soar, yes My time And I don't need you to love me, that's not what I asked I just want you to see that I'm more than my past"
its their time, they can soar the skies, experience things again, make bonds but they dont immidiately ask for forgiveness, they know theyve done a lot of bad stuff in the past. they just want people to see them as a new person, not what they were before, want people to see past the things theyve done. and this just fits so well
"You have expectations, well they're just too small And I'm dreaming big So watch me soar Watch me soar Watch me soar"
theyre so excited to be back, after being stuck for years. they just want to experience joy and do everything they werent able to do before
"It's time to let go, take a leap, touch the sky Feel the wind press against me as my wings learn to fly Then soar, I will soar Watch me soar"
they deserve to be a happy birb boi me thinks. 'feel the wind press against me as my wings learn to fly' because they would need to get used to that. they dont have their wings in the worldport and theyve spent so long without them, it would take some learning and figuring out muscle memory to fly like they used to
"Yes, I know that it's hard for you to imagine That I'm not that young girl you once knew I'm no longer 12, what you see is a woman Soaring in front of you"
this entire section is just so Icarus after coming back from being Quixis, especially singing to Rae, but just to everyone too- and.. even tho this is the wrong gender, its still *so frickin coded*. perfect ending to this song and honestly im actually amazed how coded this whole song is. especially because i know it only because Willemijn sings it (im normal i promise im not hyperfixated at allll-)
and in general the way this song sounds is just so hopeful, its giving new energy and happiness and just- pure joy of experience, and i love it if you for whatever reason read this all, have a nice timezone<3 hopefully some of my rambles actually made sense <- local guy is eepy and totally not writing this at 5am- totally-
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househaunterz · 2 months ago
return of my wife btw :)
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radi0-shack · 10 months ago
i love how in ace attroney the girls just call people clearly older than them their "little" sibling.
Like, Franziska just constantly calls Edgeworth her little brother because he entered the von Karma family after her.
And Maya just takes on the role of big sister for Pearl and Phoenix, she literally says, "I guess I have to adopt the role of big sister now, for Pearly... And you, Nick !"
I love them
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genderqueermercury · 7 months ago
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Look at this still a friend got from this Disney instagram post
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friends2go · 4 months ago
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sketchbook scan of my john page
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freakedcanine · 1 year ago
sorry mutuals i am about to be feral because baby's first rarepair is from hazbin
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your honor, i think they need to kiss a little
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ms--lobotomy · 10 months ago
Starting this part at 1 am, iced coffee in hand. Thanks @angronsjewelbeetle for hyping me up. [Previous] [Next]
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Summary: Typhus's showed up at your place uninvited. Oh no
Word Count: 1105
Content Warnings: I did not expect this fic to become a telenovela but HERE WE ARE, wound stuff,
Image Credit @squishyowl
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The gate hung slightly open, and Typhus grinned at you before his eyes slid down to the merman. "I'm just here to check on the merman," he said, walking closer to you.
Every bone in your body screamed to run, but you held your ground. The pool was precariously close, but you had more pressing matters to attend to. You balled your hands into fists. Mortarion edged closer to you, his shoulders tensing up. His pupils had narrowed into slits. "You weren't invited," you repeated, your breath ragged as you shook.
"Listen," he said, before your name was on his lips. "This is bigger than you. This is bigger than me, even. We have proof that merpeople exist, and we can't let it get into the wrong hands."
"Maybe..." you said, taking a shuddery breath. "Maybe it already is."
Mortarion was at the edge of the pool, resting on the stairs. His eyes were intent on Typhus, and he said nothing, his yellow-green tail remaining still in the water. You moved closer to the pool, and Typhus followed you.
"Do I look like a fed to you?" he asked, a snarl beginning to creep into his voice.
"You..." you say, your voice faltering. He stepped closer to you, and you stepped back. Your bare foot caught the side of the pool, and you fell back. Mortarion was lightning-fast, moving to catch you as soon as he could. You fell back in his arms and looked up at him as he steadied you. His attention was focused on Typhus, and he had an angered expression on his face.
"You're a pest," he finished, turning his back and carrying you away. "I want nothing to do with you." You felt your heart beat in your chest. He turned around, shielding you from Typhus as he swam away, careful to at least keep your mouth above water.
Typhus stared at the two of you, dumbfounded. "You barely know me!" he exclaimed. "And you," he said, his attention shifting towards you, "I thought we were friends!" There was a bit of a hiss in his voice, he was clearly not pleased.
"I..." you croaked out before Mortarion put a finger to your lips. He looked over his shoulder to make sure Typhus couldn't see you before he started to stroke your hair.
"You are lucky that I am confined to this pool," said Mortarion, "otherwise I would have to teach you the hard way how my species kills. When I am healed, you will release me, and then you will pray that you never see me again."
Typhus looked closely at Mortarion, seeing your feet dangling out besides him. "Well," he spat, "I could tell everyone at work how close you and your little friend are."
You froze. Mortarion sighed, deposited you at the side of the pool, and turned around. He looked Typhus up and down. He was in the same uniform you were, except his pants, socks and shoes were still on.
"Who would believe you?" asked Mortarion, his voice cold. "Think about it. It's your word against ours, and you're outnumbered." His tail brushed against your legs, and you opened your mouth before he spoke again.
"When you release me, I can be easy, or I can be incredibly, extremely difficult for you in particular," he says, his expression a full-on glare now. You felt his tail against your legs again, the scales smooth against your flesh. "And for both of our sakes, I hope to be an easy release."
Typhus snickered. "What are you going to do, smack me with your tail?"
Mortarion pulled back for a moment before lunging out of the pool with a wet splash. He crawled towards Typhus, faster than he had any right to go. Typhus's eyes widened and his eyebrows were pushed down before he turned around, speedwalking before dashing at full speed out of your gate. You heard his car door slam shut, his car starting before he drove himself out.
"Mortarion, your stitches..." you mumbled, swimming towards him. You were sopping wet as you got out of the pool, casting the blanket aside before kneeling next to him.
"Please, I'll be fine," he grumbled, looking behind him. All but the tip of his tail was out of the pool. He turned around. "Ah, it may take a minute for me to get back in the pool."
"You're going to get infected," you protested. "Please, flip over. I need to look at your stitches."
Mortarion paused, then turned himself onto his back with a slight huff. You gasped as you saw the new scrapes on his body, old wounds newly bleeding and barely kept together by the sutures.
"Oh, oh fuck," you said, a shiver going down your spine. "Let me get the hydrogen peroxide, some bandages..." you murmured, running into the house as fast as you could. You left wet footprints where you ran, but you had miraculously managed to make it back with first aid supplies.
He was turned back on his stomach now, crawling back to the pool. "Mortarion, please, can you turn back over?" you asked, kneeling next to him.
He looked at you and turned over to reveal his stomach. There was dirt in his wounds, you noticed, and you grabbed a paper towel from your roll to clean it. As you pressed it to him, he winced.
"Oh," you said, pulling back a little. "It might hurt for a bit, but I promise it'll be less likely to be infected," you said, scrubbing the dirt out of each scrape, each cut.
"We have apothecaries in the sea," he said, letting you scrub the wounds clean. You used paper towel after paper towel, casting them aside with dirt and blood on them alike before you opened the bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
"This is going to sting a little bit," you said, pouring a little onto each wound. Tiny white bubbles fizzled out on him, and he looked down with curiosity rather than pain.
"Water does not normally do that," he remarked.
"Oh, this is hydrogen peroxide," you replied as you dressed the last of the wounds.
"We do not have that potion where I hail from," he said, watching you screw the cap back on the bottle.
"Don't drink it... or breathe it, now that I think about it," you said. "It kills bacteria, so hopefully your wounds won't get infected now."
"What a strange potion," he said as you put it down.
"Alright," you said, grabbing for the bandages, "I'm glad I splurged for the waterproof ones. Sit up, if you can?"
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Taglist: @bispecsual@justeverythingnothingelse@bleedingichorhearts @nekotaetae@historitor-bookshelf
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arkeusruin · 10 months ago
Dew always rubbing up against phantom after applying his testosterone gel, slowly dosing the oblivious quint ghoul and seeing how they start to get more needy, how their voice lowers over time, how sensitive what little bottom growth they grow gets...
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heyitslapis · 10 months ago
Seeing pictures of Abby makes me lightheaded
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toughtttz · 2 months ago
I had a dream about someone with blotchy scars all over their arms. It looked to be a few different methods of burning, like some friction burns and some from the obvious burning methods.
They seem to be the most beautiful person I've ever met and I can't remember anything about them other than their arms. I wonder if it was my chance to get a glimpse at one of you or someone I'll meet in the future. I don't want to wait
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ghostherlig · 1 year ago
another swap!au drabble
please enjoy another johnshi offering- and excuse any typos, it's really late but i can't stop thinking about them :)))
A small get together between timelines was now a fairly common occurrence. Not something that happened all the time, but it was certainly something that the time keepers liked to do every now and then.
Admittedly, for Shang Tsung's timeline, it was a little harder. Apparently it was very rare for a Shang Tsung to be... good, as the others had put it.
Johnny thinks that's an unfair way to judge someone, but what does the ex-assassin know?
It was loud in the dining hall everyone had gathered into, and to Johnny it was near unbearable. Despite most of the noise being easy conversation and joyous laughter, it was still loud.
His powers could only help so much with his sight, and outside of that his senses had increased to help combat his lack of vision. He navigated the dining hall with a hand on his Kenshi's shoulder, the horror star easily swerving through the tables and finding their own.
It was supposed to be a celebration, a get together to show that their timelines were allies and that the people within them could get along.
"You two are always so fashionably late," Raiden piped up, Johnny hearing Kung Lao's laughter follow the comment.
"Comes with the job, being on time just doesn't look as good." Kenshi smiled, the two across the table laughing along with him.
Johnny thought it was strange to seat them all together when the point was to mingle, but again, what did the ex-assassin know?
They sat for a while, eating and talking amongst themselves when suddenly there was a raucous behind them, Kenshi and Johnny turning to spot... themselves.
It was certainly different seeing himself, especially in such a nice suit and with such nice glasses, and with... eyes. His vision was still short and in a monochrome green, but he could tell that this other him wasn't blind.
And when he turned his attention to the other Kenshi, the first thing he noticed was the blind fold over his eyes.
"You two must be us," Johnny heard his own voice, a little crisper and a touch more jovial. It was strange.
"So it would seem." Johnny heard his Kenshi speak back, heard and felt him stand and turn to face this other him. They stood for a moment, the two just inspecting each other.
Johnny almost wanted to laugh, watching them size each other up. He focused his vision on the other Kenshi, noticing the quirk in his lip that meant he was about to laugh.
"So you're the actor in your timeline?" His Kenshi asked, and the other Johnny smiled.
"I didn't think I could be anything else." The other him smiled, and Johnny stood, turning.
"Think again." He answered, mouth in a thin line as he crossed his arms.
"Relax, Jaybae, it's yourself you're staring down," His Kenshi smiled, and he watched his alternate self blink harshly, his stance loosening. Everything he did when he was flustered.
"Never heard that one?" Johnny teased his doppelganger, and the actor stammered for a few minutes before the other Kenshi stepped in.
"No, I don't call him that. Though I have given him other names," Other Kenshi smirked, and Johnny heard his Kenshi laugh.
"I'm sure I know a few of those." He tacked on, and Johnny watched the two swordsman fist bump before he watched his other self roll his eyes.
It was... strange. He had never seen himself so loose and carefree, had never really known what it would've been like had he gone down a different path.
It was more than strange to see it at all, let alone see it up close. But with the smile on his Kenshi's face, the mirth in his eyes, and the fond smile he found himself wearing, he couldn't say he minded.
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huellitaa · 10 months ago
told her i want u so bad in the middle of a conversation i think i got a bit too silly guys
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notnyxxy · 1 year ago
me after sharing random art or other nonsense to anyone who will listen
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wittness · 4 months ago
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clay in this.
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thearchertheprey · 2 years ago
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“Rain is hard,” she whispers, vulnerable and small.
“Rain is hard,” he echoes. “I know.”
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