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cherrycilly · 21 hours ago
Whatever you do, don't think about young tommy shelby, don't think about this young man that used to run barefoot and prank his friends and brothers and laugh to his heart content go off to war and see his brothers and friends get hurt or be killed , don't think about this horse lover that would fight grown men with sticks to defend horses and animals go off to war to see horses in the mud in the trenches , he was 24 when he went to war, 24!
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damnamour · 4 months ago
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dovewingkinnie · 2 years ago
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glamrock chica loses her friend can you tell im devastated by montys death in ruin
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hoothootarts · 1 year ago
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lisaphantasia · 10 months ago
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Look at this precious man! I've never seen him so happy
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tinesleftnipple · 1 year ago
fuuuuuck me. In his will, Yuan's dying wish was to see wei qian one last time.
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Here he gets to, and in this moment, Yuan is prepared to die without regrets. He's looking at the love of his life, smiling to reassure him. He gets to tell him he loves him.
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cadence-is-silly · 9 months ago
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firewasabeast · 5 months ago
get you a man who will take care of you after you've been injured, sleeping on a tiny couch with a much too small blanket just so he's nearby in case you need him. get you a man who will come to the hospital twice in less than a week because you, or someone in your found family, have been injured and you need the support. get you a man who will listen to you talk about the curse you're currently under even though they're exhausted and don't believe in curses themselves. get you a man who will wake up before you and make you breakfast and serve it to you on a platter. get you a man who will tell you you're not gross even when you're covered in boils. get you a man who will put on a suit for the funeral of the outlaw who is cursing you and drive you to the cemetery. get you a man who will ask said outlaw to please lift the curse even though he doesn't believe in the curse.
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archvaxe · 6 months ago
sharp angles and all.
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When you're having a flare up and leave the room to reheat your bean bag and your kitten starts crying and scratching the door because she's worried about you and then wants to be held as soon as you get back-
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babsggordon · 3 months ago
This is from yesterday, but HE GROWS SO FAST
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Happy 4th birthday Sebas :)
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ellianasdeadpointeshoes · 7 months ago
Congrats to Savannah Manzel on starting her ballerina journey at Elite Classical Coaching. SUNNY, We love you. We will miss you at larkin but I know that ECC will take care of you and help you reach your goals.
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mochinek0 · 1 year ago
Daminette December 2023: 28-I'm Not Crying
This was not the day Marinette and Damian had expected. They had gone into town to grab some more paint and ended up in a hostage situation with some of the Penguin's goons. They had their guns pointed at them.
Mari noticed that they didn't seem to understand or have full control over the situation. The guy infront of them seemed jumpy and he kept tapping his finger on the trigger, as if he was expecting something. She noticed a rock hurtling towards the window and shoved Damian. Just as the rock hit the glass, the guy slammed his finger on the trigger and hit Marinette in the thigh.
As the bats burst into the building, Damian had taken off his blazer and began to tear his shirt into shreds. He took no notice of the people of Gotham pointing and gasping at his scarred back. He quickly tied his shirt around Marinette's thigh, hoping to stop the bleeding. When police and medic arrive on the scene, he went with her in the ambulance.
Marinette woke up to a bright white room. As she looked around, she noticed Damian asleep on a chair, holding her hand.
"Are you okay?" Marinette questioned, squeezing his hand.
Damian quickly shot up, "Marinette!"
"Are you okay" she asked again.
"Me!" he shouted, "You were shot!"
Mari could feel her eyes well up with tears.
"I apologize for yelling at you, Habibiti." Damian whispered, "I don't want to see you like that, ever again. You were in pain and you were bleeding and-"
Mari opened her arms out for him. Damian crawled into the hospital bed.
"Please, Habibiti." he whispered again.
Marinette could see how much pain she had caused him. She had made her stoic boyfriend cry.
"I didn't mean to make you cry." she whispered back.
"I am not crying." Damian declared.
Mari smiled, "My mistake. I'm interrupting your brooding with the invisible rain cloud over you."
Damian hugged her tighter and she softly brushed his hair. She cuddled into him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and fell back to sleep.
The Waynes closed the door softly, not wanting to interrupt. They knew Damian could sometimes be hostile when his emotions came out. Bruce just smiled at the closed door.
'She's a good pick, Son.'
"I think we should give them ten minutes." Bruce declared.
"Uh, B." Dick called out.
Bruce turned to his eldest.
"You're gonna have to talk with the nurses. Apparently, Damian made a nurse cry and she threatened to quit." he answered, sheepishly, "They ended up changing her to a different room, for now."
Bruce sighed and began walking back toward the nurses' station.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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xxnghtclls · 1 year ago
Chapter 48
(Chapter 47)
True Form Sukuna x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Graphic Depiction Of Violence
Please see Chapter 1 for tags!
Leaves and twigs crack under your feet, leaving trails and patterns on the snowy forest floor.
It’s night. Darkness interrupted by red, little sparks flying through the air. The stinging smell of smoke creeps into your nose. Remnants of the moonlight, far away, quietly shine through the branches of the trees, painting creepy shadows on the white canvas you’re walking on. The further you walk, the more those shadows dance on an orange tint, that starts to coat the snow, coming from a source, that you’ve set up not far away. Carefully, listening to the sounds of the forest, you walk back to that source.
A flame, a campfire. Right here, in the middle of the woods.
Step by step, you’re approaching that fire, holding wood in your arms to keep it burning. The sound of munching echoes in your ear, the sound of feasting, devouring.
It’s been years, since he liberated you. Unintentionally freed you from a miserable life in a miserable village.
Not knowing, what you were destined to become.
A destiny that no one foresaw.
Not even the King of Curses.
Coming closer, you can see the silhouette of your King, sitting on the very same tree he did a year ago.
When he waited night for night, waited for you to go back with him.
You start humming his melody, as your feet carry you back to the fireplace. The fireplace that made you fall in love with this monster, before you put the new wood down onto the ground.
And then, quietly, you turn to him, watching how he’s gnawing some meat off a bone, occasionally humming in satisfaction.
It’s been months, since you completed the ritual.
Since you’ve been killed and reborn and marked with a sign on the skin that covers your heart.
Months of being his and him being yours.
In the shrine you can now call home.
You look at him and smile softly to yourself, finding it cute how invested he is not to waste any meat that’s on that bone, although you have plenty left.
Sitting down on the log to the left of your King, you feel the warmth of his body on your skin and hear his gentle munching in your ear.
And you feel your love for him, still, despite putting you through all this. You lost your heart to him and, no matter what he did, you don’t want it back.
Ever again.
It’s been days since the both of you came back to this place.
A place you cherish in your heart.
And maybe, you hope, Sukuna cherishes it, too.
The crackling of the fire becomes louder and his noises quiet, making you both just sit there in silence, next to each other. He flicks the bare bone into the flames, before you gently lean against his shoulder, let your head quietly bump against him to be closer, feeling his calm breath beneath your soul.
And both of you just watch the fire in front of you, like you did so many times a year ago, when neither of you could express what’s going on.
It’s been seconds, since he let you know how he feels about you.
Although he never says them out loud, those three words that you’ve told him over and over again and still do.
But he doesn’t has to. Because, you know.
This curse.
So overwhelming, so consuming. Tying your souls together so tightly.
And some words don’t need to be spoken to be true.
Sukuna grabs another piece of meat and holds it under your nose. You cooked it yourself, with fresh herbs that you found earlier in the nearby bushes. It smells delicious. You lean back and sit straight again, before you grab the meat and take a bite.
It’s hot, warming you from the inside. You keep blowing and carefully gnawing and nibbling, until you finally can rip off a bigger piece. Feeling his bottom pair of eyes watching you constantly, you peek over to him quickly.
“What?” you ask with your mouth full, making him smirk, as he musters your stuffed cheeks and big eyes.
You pause your chewing, pondering.
“Is it how I eat?” you ask, already knowing the answer.
And he doesn’t respond, just keeps focusing on the fire, a hint of his smirk still decorating the corners of his mouth. The flames flicker in his red eyes, the orange light dances on his face and wrinkles. You can’t help to take them in, over and over again, although you already know his features so well, as if they’ve been imprinted on your eyelids.
So beautiful.
You smile to yourself, before you focus back on your meal, until you throw the remaining bone into the fire. Satisfied, you sigh, until you swallow the last bite you took.
Suddenly, something cold gently falls upon on your forehead and you look up. Delicate flakes of fresh snow are illuminated against the dark canvas of the night, falling down right upon you and Sukuna.
You smile softly, before you turn your head to look at him. He’s looking up into the sky, too and you witness, just in time, how a small flake lands on the tip of his nose, melting in an instant. You huff lovingly, before you gently touch that very spot with your finger. More flakes follow, landing on his mask, his eyebrows and lashes, before he opens his mouth, trying to bite your finger that’s resting on his nose.
His teeth close around nothing and you quickly retrieve your hand to poke him into his shoulder instead.
It makes his lip twitch, before he leans down to you, close to your face, cocking his eyebrow.
“Harder.” he whispers with a smirk, with this… undertone.
And you blush, remembering it’s what you moaned into his ear last night.
When you felt cold and the fire was not enough to warm your moving bodies.
When your skins and limbs and lips were intertwined, like those of lovers are.
When you kissed each other and hold each other dearly, when your hearts started to miss each other and their embrace.
“Are you sure?” you mumble, trying to keep composure. His gentle eyes roam over your face, scan how your delicate skin rushes full of extra heat.
And then he nods, almost unnoticeable, almost hypnotised, as his gaze falls down to your lips.
The string on your heart pulls you in, let your breaths collide and mingle, until they merge, as you start kissing him on his soft lips while feeling small, freezing flakes fall upon your faces. He quietly sighs against your face and keeps squeezing on your beating heart, before you gently lick and suck on his tongue and bottom lip.
“Okay.” you breathe against his pretty mouth, your breath and heartbeat quickened. “Wait here.”
His pupils are blown, already drowning in your being, before you stand up and walk into the snow.
You feel his needy eyes bore into your back, the string on your heart pulling harshly.
To make you walk back to him, to devour your flesh once again. Like last night, like lovers do.
But first, you crouch down, shove some snow between your hands and form a ball. Then, with all your strength, you turn around and throw it at him. Sukuna leans back to dodge but-
The snowball hits his shoulder with a wet impact, shattering in a million pieces.
And you gasp in victory, as you throw your arms up in the air.
“Ahhh hahahah!” you exclaim, before a wide grin spreads onto his lips and he flashes his teeth. A sadistic, aroused chuckle escapes his throat, as his eyes flicker right at you, as he slowly rises to his feet, cracking his neck and knuckles, before he growls in excitement.
“So, you wanna play?”
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glows-n-the-dark · 16 days ago
Sterek || U N C O N D I T I O N A L L Y
Whhhyyyy can't we have this!!! Just once can producers and networks listen to the people!!! 😭💚😭💚😭 This song and video is chefs kiss!!!
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saggi-tan · 1 year ago
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Pages 3-6 big sad arc
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