curiosity-killed · 2 years
This fucking dude: well [my name] says she has some background in writing in a certain voice and I don’t disbelieve her but I haven’t seen it
Me: my last job was literally purely writing In Voice for a huge-ass org with global publication but Ok.
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coldarena · 5 months
Please, I need to know at least a crumb of a Hillbilly thought 🙏
i have enuff thoughts and hcs on hillbilly jones to fill a library. its mainly me muggin the pple who only consider him in relation to ack ack and not the rest of him. or writing him as sullen or self hating??? bit tekky (especially before the whole 'he killed one of his own enlisted boys after being made lt' situation). this man took a guitar to a warzone he's actually so unserious. no helmet just vibes.
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intheholler · 7 months
So i'm not quite in Appalachia, but i do live in a pretty rural region and people visiting the area keep telling me how they appreciate how not redneck I am, or as one person put it "civilized", or talking about how everyone's a greasy mullet hillbilly round here then turning to me and going "oh but not you" and honestly it's the most insulting shit anyone's done to me.
(to make it extra fucked up, when I ask them to elaborate on what they mean they say it's cause i'm polite, leftist, and smart....)
Any recommendations on how to keep people from doing this shit?
i wish you could see what my face was doing while i read this. some people's kids, man.
"civilized?" excuse me? like bitch go home and stop wasting our resources and our time if that's what you think. why are they even there??
like yes i, too, enjoy walking into someone's home and making sweeping, insulting assumptions about their entire culture in polite conversation, directly to their face. assholes.
im so mad for you lol. how insulting. idt those kinds of people are ever gonna stop unless someone starts shutting that shit down when they try it. flip a switch and let your uncivilized, impolite redneck fly
"you're so [ compliment that apparently sets you apart ]" would be met by one of a few responses from me depending on my mood
"so are all of those gross greasy mullet hillbillies around here you just dismissed, actually. only difference is i've been forced, by people like you, to learn to put on a show and shape my mouth the right way in order to keep you happy so as not to get insulted for no fucking reason"
or perhaps more concisely
(but not you) "no, it's me too; this is my home. those are my people. but im glad to know what you really think about me"
most likely id probably just gape in awe at the absolute audacity and say go home you fucking leech :) how's that for civilized.
UGH. do you live in a touristy area by chance? i got all kinds of condescending comments like that, that they clearly thought were compliments, back when i worked at a hotel off a major highway :/
sorry you have to deal with this so often. the lack of self awareness in some folks i swear
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cacao-snorter · 8 months
creepypasta headcanons!1!1!!1
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Aight here are some creepypasta headcanons cuz im bored
-his tentacles are furry and look like really long cat tails and get puffy and zig zaggy when he’s mad. -He is a father figure to the proxies but not a super good one and typically ends up seeming like an evil boss when he wants to appear as a father figure.
-There are two computers in the whole mansion that are old but work enough to search the internet and play minecraft
-Slenderman usually doesn’t leave the proxies alone when he’s going out for awhile because the one time he did, Jeff and Ben downloaded 69 bites of gay old man 🌽 on his computer and then Clockwork shat on it after. He cried when he got home.
Jeff The Killer
-I headcanon he’s vegan bc he loves animals
-absolute baby with fragile ‘masculinity’
-his friends joke about him being a republican hillbilly because he’s southern. (actually has a very slight accent too.)
-He’s friends with Nina despite knowing that she has a crush on him. He doesn’t mind. -he makes really gay jokes with ben
-Showers like once a month and smells bad. -I headcanon that he’s asexual and fairly androgynous. Doesn’t really know what he’s romantically attracted to, nor does he care.
-Wants to be friends with Jane again but knows he can’t.
-he was high on pain killers when he killed his family and Jane’s family in the same night and continued killing because he thought there would be no going back and now is afraid of drugs.
-edgy 15 year old with offensive tumblr humor
-Toby jokes about him being fat
-His favorite song is sweet dreams.
-was actually friends with Randy, Keith, and Troy. But a massive argument caused them to stop being friends and led to the whole incident.
Ben Drowned
-Doesn’t shower
-100% gay
-Can control the power in the mansion and make the lights turn off or something.
-Surpringly good with technology and doxxes people when he’s mad. He also jokingly threatened to leak Liu’s address which scared Liu half to death.
-Has a best friend trolling trio with Jeff and EJ
-His room smells bad
-owns a worn out gaming chair
Eyeless Jack
-Doesn’t actually like eating kidneys, Chernobog just makes him, but sometimes he fools Chernobog by eating kidney beans
-Gets weirded out when somebody calls him the “son of Chernobog” because he thinks it’s weird and too fancy.
-Listens to rap music
-Tried to become a rapper and used garbage YouTube beats, he made five songs that were all about fingering Otis (Bloody Painter). He also sampled an audio of Jeffrey beatboxing sweet dreams in the background of one of his songs. This same song had kazoo in the bridge
-ex zalgo goon but nobody knows but Slenderman and he’s too scared of what everyone would think if they knew.
-Extremely insecure about his face and always has his mask on. Only people who’ve seen are Jeff and Slenderman.
Ticci Toby
-Asshole with hatchets -joked about being flat earth but now thinks he might actually be flat earth
-besties with Clockwork
-Hates waffles. He hates them so much, he went into a gas station at 9pm, shoplifted a box of frozen waffles, threw them at a group of middle schoolers, and popped a cap in the cashier’s ass when he tried to stop Toby. He actually got his face on the news for this. One time, Lazari poured syrup in the vents and the mansion smelled like waffles for a whole week, Toby had constant headaches while throwing up and crying because he thought the mansion smelled so bad.
-Very quiet and always cooperative, so he’s like Slenderman’s favorite.
-bullies jeff for apparently being fat.
-literally doesn’t sleep
-Around most people he’s his canon self, that is very cold and quiet. Around his friends he’s more fanon Toby, annoying, immature, and has a weird sense of humor.
-encouraged Jeff to go full hillbilly mode and run over Offenderman with a truck.
-smells like cat pee and butter
-Always has an attitude and mad about something.
Bloody Painter
-Listened to all 5 of EJ’s soundtracks. Has the kazoo one on his Spotify playlist.
-Comes off as smart but says the dumbest thing every now and then.
-Scared of potatoes. He thinks they crawl around his room at night.
-Had the weird ice cream cut in middle school.
-Doesn’t wash his hands
-has a very stylish pixie cut.
-people often look at her clock eye to check the time.
-makes up things to be mad about
-has a Barbie doll that Sally gave her that was naked, bald, and didn’t have arms. She twisted its legs backwards and gave it prosthetic tampon arms so that it could sit on her nightstand on all fours. His name is Hector.
-shat on Slenderman’s computer
-besties with Toby. They were actually a couple once but then Clockwork found out she was lesbian and they broke it off. Now they’re best friends and both assholes and say the meanest things to each other as jokes.
-Has freckles all over her face. Like literally everywhere.
-Has vine humor
Nina The Killer
-absolute scene queen
-Jazmin Bean listener
-Has more anger issues than Jeff
-Didn’t kill her family. It was her bullies who killed her family.
-Toby hit her with a shoe and then chased her around the mansion to hit her with the shoe more.
-“I’m not like other girls” mindset.
-actually very sweet when she’s not mad
-dyes the streak in her hair a different color every month
(Part 2?)
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clatterbane · 1 year
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New batch of pickles just dropped!
I had one big zucchini left that I didn't know if I'd get eaten up soon enough, so why not. It still feels very strange turning out a jar or two of pickles at a time, but that's apartment living for you. May as well work with what you've got.
Today that also included a big carrot, because why not.
The direction I decided to go in was pretty close to this:
Only, I also threw in one pretty generic pickling spice blend, hillbilly style. Mustard seed, peppercorns, a few allspice berries, red pepper flakes (before I remembered we have some whole chiles stashed in the freezer), bay leaf. That got sliced ginger and chopped frozen garlic, since I forgot we were out of fresh bulbs.
The turmeric is still sitting on the bottom there and hasn't colored the brine yet, btw.
A few green tea leaves have worked really well in the past for a touch of tannins to help keep things crispy, without adding any strange flavors. Here's hoping the leaf Assam black tea--which was the best option we had today outside of bags--won't get overpowering. I thought these pickles might be spiced enough for the tea not to overwhelm, but I guess we'll see.
Considering I am still not so used to working with the coarse salt we have, this time I did actually go ahead and get the weight of the combined veggies and water, to add 3% of that in salt. Weight to volume can vary an awful lot depending on the crystal size you're using, and may as well play it safe. IME summer squash can also be touchier than some other vegetables, so yeah.
I cut part of the carrot into sticks, to help hold those sliced vegetables down better under the Kilner pickling weight meant for a narrower mouthed jar. Wedged-in carrot can work pretty well to keep everything else from floating up to the surface of the brine and molding, even if you don't use a weight. One minor lifehack I figured out through some kitchen MacGyvering years ago.
Originally, I was planning to use one of those Kilner jars with an airlock lid--which won't fit anything else in the house 🙄--but the one I had out to use escaped to the floor and broke. (Leading to some fun cleanup last night, since it happened to be mostly full of some old dill pickles Mr. C made last year and promptly forgot about in a cabinet. I took it to dump the contents down a toilet, so thankfully the jar did meet its end on the tiled bathroom floor rather than wood. I am still getting whiffs of Swamp Pickle in there, though.)
Anyway, I said fuck it, and just grabbed one of my old trusty saved jars today. This one is actually from some Polish brine dills. An airlock provides some extra insurance against anything you don't want getting in, but basically any jar will work fine for fermented pickling. Just make sure everything is well covered with brine, leave the lid a little loose to avoid jarsplosions from the CO2, and you should be good to go.
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And, going! Banished to one of the pantry cabinets for probably a couple of weeks. Definitely in a container to catch any brine overflow once it starts bubbling away, especially with no more headspace than I left in the jar. 😒
I am planning to check it periodically for the first few days, and also scoop out any floating bits of seasonings or anything else. Pieces of the sliced onion are already wanting to bob up around the edges of the weight, because of course they are.
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
Are there still people in hospital beds like im🙃gay
I can be Schizophrenic with groups at a time.
You end up with schiff
That's what the fuck Jenns talking about immunity with George concha tele its good jacket
Trump is allowed to sign as me or my title during the period that you failed in over the last 33 years to admit no. Two different people. Maybe we can get them to kill each other! Sometimes we do, I dont think he knows when he does, but I've got phoneys receiving hey check university remote paff
Pill Elonsmile I can do
Diet mountain dew.
They weren't even hillbillys and they know it's either mountain dew mountain dew blue ras death rush and mountain dew straw mellon
If it helps, when I originally entered the digiworld all that was left of me late sides still there. But while I was on tour I lost a jacket on the internet
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Pretty sure the woman playing Becca in the 100 or allies whatever needssome help. You people cannot be held to blame by the Clinton legal strategy for getting advantagest force work copies occasionally create loose clones. Its scary true. But the securities been off since the 1880s cuz someone wanted to use the vaccine for wine flu to clone me but ...
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C through U ukno LAY just wrong
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Hey you ever get chest gina
See, that's bone doctor stuff again Callie maggot one fuck they're fast
She's to busy to aim
Nothing about that was 3d
Are you on th3 ferry to capri
They actually have a working internet Cafe there jus since ever
Do you have discover
AKCoat animals WEM
But legend has it if you saw it in theaters you missed the opening scene of all the hieroglyphics that's like hide this shit from the OSS scene in trailer so fuck yeah I'd say the OSS has you surrounded. Even ground level anchor is just a snaking wire the Mike scream Yum that did make
Long pen
Marlena Diamond shoulder conga lily has permission to watch SpongeBob now. Progress!
Beth's apartments up scale so we might need the train.
I only know the hole
The rests heat
How'd it you get biked
0 notes
halloweenbitch2764 · 3 years
Hear me out, max has been locked in that room for so long and we see him escape in his time trailer but is caught. What if young reader - same age as him - helped him escape and been the only source of kindness in his pre entity life showed up years later as a survivor against him ? What’s his reaction ?
Im a hopeless romantic sorry
This is actually such a cute ask. I guess I haven't been seeing my asks recently or I would have done this sooner-
TW: Abuse
You had stumbled upon the child on accident. He was a boy your age. You lived on a farm of your own nearby but had gotten lost and ended up on their property. You knew next to nothing about your neighbors, being so young. You only knew of a man and a woman. So hearing crying and wailing coming from a wooden shed like structure that was built into the barn freaked you out.
Running over you tried the door and it was locked. Your eyes scanned around, finding a rock and smashing it against the handle. It was all you could think to do as the wailing became louder and more fearful. It took multiple attempts but the knob broke and you were able to push the door open.
A boy sat in the room, a chain wrapped around his leg and kept him chained to the wall. His face was disfigured but he was your age, you could tell. He whimpered and you quickly shushed him, fearing someone would hear.
"I'm not here to hurt you. I'm gonna take you with me so you wont be kept like this." He was obviously malnourished and had scars on him from what could only be assumed to be beatings. You used the rock and slammed it against the chain connected to the wall. It took a few hits before the boy took the rock, beating his chain off the wall in only a few hits.
You couldn't get the chain off his leg so you gathered it and ushered the boy back towards your house. Surely your parents would understand and help.
"Come on let's go back to my house." A worried expression etched onto your face as the boy reluctantly nodded. You two began to run towards your property. As you entered the tree line that separated your properties you heard a loud "Hey!" but you two didn't dare look back. You collapsed once you got far enough onto your property, him doing the same beside you.
"What's your name?" You asked between pants. "M-Max." His voice was gravelly and sounded as if he barely understood how to speak. His mouth seemed unsure of the movements to make. "I'm Y/N."
You sighed softly as you sat at the God forsaken campsite. The good memories were the only thing keeping you grounded. You can only go against someone trying to kill you, and succeeding more times than you'd like to admit, before your sanity starts wearing. You missed Max. He was your best friend growing up. You understood what he tried to say despite him not speaking clearly.
Your parents had taken him in and given him a better life than his parents had. His parents never called the cops about it either. You and Max grew up together before one day he vanished. It broke your heart. Nothing left. Not a trace or clue as to what happened. It wasn't long after that you had awoke in the Entities realm.
A couple of other survivors sat nearby, anxiously awaiting a call to another trial. "I heard there's a new killer." Meg spoke. "W-What?!" Dwight seemed terrified at the prospect. You could agree you weren't too enthused at the idea of someone else trying to kill you. "I don't know much besides that he's called "The Hillbilly"." That didn't sound promising.
Before the conversation could continue an internal tug signaled a new trial for you. You sighed as the world went black before you saw a new place come into view. It felt...familiar. Déjà vu was working overtime. You started walking into the land. Tall corn rows, a farm house, and a barn.
You seemed to be alone and away from everyone else so you started working on a generator as you always did. Soon your heartbeat picked up and became almost unbearable. You instantly took off and ran in the opposite direction. You got enough room to look back and at least decipher who you were going against. Obviously not Huntress since there was no humming. And not the Wraith since there was no bell. That still left a lot of options.
You were met with a familiar face. You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. It was undoubtedly Max. His disfigured, yet handsome face. White tank top and jeans. A chainsaw by his side. He seemed to nearly trip as he realized the same thing at almost the same time. You two stood silently as you cautiously eyed each other.
"M...Max?" Your voice came out uneven as the shock started to wear off. He let out a whimper and tossed the chainsaw to the side. You ran over to him and jumped up, hugging him tightly as tears rolled down your face. He wrapped his arms tightly around you, his face burying in your neck as he let out sobs.
You wiped your eyes and pulled away, wiping his tears and kissing his forehead. "Are you okay Max? Oh I've missed you so much, I was so worried! You just vanished and- and I was so scared-" You felt yourself getting choked up as he made an unintelligible noise. It was one you recognized as him trying to comfort you. He ran his fingers through your hair as he had always done when you were upset.
You jumped as a couple generators popped at once. You looked up at him and he smiled. "Promise I'll come see you when the trials over but go do what you need to. I don't want you to get in trouble or anything." You didn't know specifically how the Entity worked. You had only ever heard rumors of punishments when killers would fail. He gave a hesitant nod before kissing your forehead and setting you down. He picked his chainsaw up and after one more look he headed off. You lazily did generators to try and buy him more time but to not be seen as blantantly interfering with the trial.
You may hate being here but this made it a lot easier.
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sheerneglect · 3 years
im sick and bedridden so here are my .... *drumroll*
- film photography
- athleisure. stop with the lululemon and nike
- going to the thrift but buying things that are genuinely ugly. just because its thrifted doesn't mean its cute
- silk scarves im so over silk
- watching tv
- (romanticization of) eating d!sorders
- crystals and manifesting. if you want something then you better work bitch
- tanning
- tabi BOOTS*
- vaping and wax pens ..... flower only baby. everything hand rolled
- america
- having an ego
- owning a car. having a carbon footprint
- nyu, fit, parsons, etc.
- gender
- social media except for tiktok
- 20 step skincare routine
- birth control
- cory kennedy/thecobrasnake/indie sleaze vibe (but we already knew this)
- marie antoinette/18th century french/rococo style. lace, frills, big hoop skirts, drawing on beauty marks, pale skin, pastel/regal colors, etc. corsets have already been popular for years so this progression seems natural
- unique hats i.e. raccoon tail hat
- owning a gun
- digital cameras with bright flash
- being multilingual or being able to play a musical instrument
- acne
- fully growing out your pubes (actually ALL of the hair on ur body but specifically pubes). full bush 2022
- nascar/racing jacket
- girlfriend being taller than boyfriend but like it works
- beaded curtains
- marxism
- tattoos that are deliberately amateur and not perfect i.e. auto_christ, elektrastation, and dirtyl00ks on instagram. in 2022 we will see an overall greater appreciation of error and imperfectness
- setting and enforcing boundaries & respecting ourselves
- southern culture and hillbilly/hick culture
- gym wear (DIFF FROM ATHLEISURE) gym shorts, gym socks, sweatbands, wristbands, etc. juno/american apparel vibes
- motorcycles
- CDs
*you'll notice i didn't mention the tabi sneakers on either list. i have a pair of the sneakers but in my mind they are neither here nor there and i used to love them (i still like them) but im dying for a pair of the slingback kitten heels
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carrickbender · 4 years
A Sunday 7... of sorts.
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1. I got something up inside a tooth that is scheduled to be pulled soon, and it decided to become an abscess. I looked mostly like a chip monk, until it started creeping around my sinus cavities. Then I looked like I had a stroke, which I had not had a stroke, but my face sure said it. Thankfully, masks. Day 4 of antibiotics and im better...mostly.
2. The thing that has gotten me through this week? Music, and in specific im trolling through the waters I did in my mid 20s, when I actually was passably attractive and in a LTR with a narcissist whom I would eventually marry and divorce. There's so much more for me in MCR and Panic! than I remember. Not that I need more dramatic stuff...lol
3. So the drink is the contrast from my CT scan. I told him that there must be some mistake, because I ordered a large and this was most definitely a small... he laughed, I cringed.
4. And those were the results- on to oncology and a PET scan. I'm hoping we can do radiation and extraction, so I don't have to be off work that much. H made a morbid but funny comment- "either way, you are going to lose part of your stomach which was the goal, right?". She's been so supportive, and I appreciate her presence in my life.
5. So keeping it lighter- we took a drive to look at houses and went by this gem in South Bend, WA. Apparently, they were bucking for the capitol at one point, and talk about a diamond amongst the dross!
6. And on to other crazy stuff- so Thursday am, I was waking up and heard a sound like something hard hit the house. Like BLLLLLAAAAAMMMM!!!! And it was this poor fellow, a ring necked phesant, who hit the side of the house hard enough to break his neck. I went outside to see if there was anything we could do, as it was kinda warbling around trying to fly at first. But by the time I got shoes on, it had died. Now, lemme say, ring necked pheasants are not very bright. But this one was dumber than most! I mean, we are a terra cotta coloured house surrounded by greens- we stick out!!! He was a big bird, but did we eat it? No. Im a bit of a hillbilly, but no. My mother did, however, come and take a bunch of feathers. I took a few for fly tying too.
Anyhow, much love to all. These next few weeks are gonna be miserable, and I dred even mentioning the word cancer to my mother, who lost both of her parents to cancer. But I swear we are gonna kick this, whatever it is, things ass. I wanna live, and im glad I have you all from whom I draw strength. Many blessings!
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emakenz · 3 years
was talking abt symptoms of autism to my parents and my dad put his head in his hands saying he wish the internet didnt exist and that i should go to a library. bitch. you stupid slut. i am expressing my emotions and thoughts just like you have encouraged me to do then you fucking insult me? right to jail. go to big meanie jail. i am sending you to prison.
i was saying how i present a lot of the symptoms (such as social impairment, lack of understanding in social cues, RSD, not understanding social standards and therefore not abiding by what i "ought to do" //like shaving my legs bc im a girl. hell no. hate the feeling, and im not cis, and im not your fucking doll on display//, sensory issues, difficulty processing shit, hyperfixations, etc etc) and he goes and fucking. pretty much SHAMES me for it. not outright saying it, but definitely implying that im just trying to get attention or be special or that im a hypochondriac. im sorry, but last i checked, IM the one whos taken CLASSES. AT SCHOOL. about similar shit. and you have the nerve to blame THE INTERNET for me spitting straight fire. burn in my wrath you dumb whore. im SORRY for EXPRESSING MYSELF and RAMBLING ABOUT THINGS IM INTERESTED IN. god forbid i fucking talk about anything that goes against YOUR VIEWS. you always say that you "dont push your beliefs on others" and that others "shouldnt push their beliefs on you" but yet you stand there and belittle MY BELIEFS when im the one that actually RESEARCHED what IM TALKING ABOUT. what do you know. you only have "experience" (living in a small town full of closed minded hillbillies that strut their problematic asses through life. THATS NOT EXPERIENCE. YOUVE ONLY LIVED IN ONE FUCKING CITY YOUR WHOLE LIFE. YOU DONT LEAVE, YOURE ALWAYS AT HOME OR AT WORK. YOU DONT INTERACT WITH PEOPLE DIFFERENT THAN YOU. YOU DONT KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT EXPERIENCE AS YOU HAVENT FUCKING LIVED OR LEARNED.). you always compare yourself to others, saying how youre laid back and lenient and the most easy going dad in town, yet when i compare literally anything saying that something is better than this (like i can say i believe that so and so is better than whatstheirface) and if it goes against your opinion, you fucking go on and on about how youre right and im wrong because im just a kid that hasnt lived. bitch you havent lived and youre 45. get over yourself you white cishet privileged motherfucker. your only "discrimination" is being poor, but that comes with living as a LOW LIFE THAT DOESNT TRY TO BETTER THEIRSELF OR TAKE AN OPPORTUNITY WHEN YOU SEE ONE. ive lived in the same broken down trailer since before i was born, ive only went to one school up until high school, (one school for elementary and middle school then the high school, thats it), i havent had a job or done anything with any impact to society so therefore im worthless in your eyes? you provided this for my life. im not going to be your doll, your pet, your servant or what have you. im a fucking person, an individual with my OWN "experience" and views and beliefs. im not following your rules, the rules that have no reason to exist other than it displeases you if i dont follow them. i try to educate myself, i research, i interact with different kinds of people, and while i may not have firsthand "experience" with much, at least i fucking try to not be ignorant. youre so willingly ignorant, you dont care about the facts, you dont trust anything or anyone. youre so skeptical of every little thing. but somehow your beliefs are the definite reality? that you hold the truth? youre so skeptical you dont even trust your own views, you claim to be open minded, then turn around and claim to be closed minded and that your views cant be changed unless proven otherwise, yet even when your view is proven against being true, you still dont believe it. you dont have the confidence in yourself to hold yourself accountable by your own words. youre an ignorant, close minded, hypocritical asshole. i love you, but DAMN you make me mad. everyone has flaws but.. damn. problematic king behavior over here, get him the crown of dumbassery. goddamn.
hes apologized and explained that he tries to be mindful and how much he has to hold his tongue and that hes being polite to me compared to others and how he wont change etc etc. thats not an apology thats a half hearted explanation of why you act that way and that you dont really feel the need to actually try. you say its hard for you to talk to me bc im so "political" and take things literally and personally (the last two are true, but if im to be officially diagnosed with autism, im throwing that in his face. ill give HIM and explanation of why I dont fit his eyes.), im not even political im just honest. if i notice you saying or doing something thats genuinely Wrong, im going to say something, i dont want to be the judgemental "millenial" (im gen z, not that it matters really) but i also dont want to just stand by without saying something. you say im so "politically correct" and it hurts me that you feel so passionate about your fragile mindset that you feel the need to call me out on my "argumentative attitude". im just trying to spread awareness, go ahead, call the pharmacist a slur, say it to their face, you coward. you wont. because you know that its wrong. if you have the balls to say it, i hope someone actually tells you off and gives you the same treatment. you couldnt handle it. being "discriminated" against, while in reality, you were the discriminater. dont fucking dish it out if you cant handle it. be mindful, respectful, and educate yourself. check yourself before you wreck yourself. or someone will come to wreck you themself to teach you a lesson.
very big vent here im tired. ignore this lmfao. everythings fine im just a petty bitch.
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genderdruid420 · 3 years
Hey! When did you realize you had ADHD? Do you think you showed signs as a kid (because i didn’t)?
i have defs showed signs as a kiddo i would get irrationally mad over homework (still do) and just. not do it at all. but like I COULDNT HELP IT AT THE TIME! ( < that part i can now help, the emotional turmoil that comes wit it,,, still there. just not as bad since im aware of my adhd now) id often fidget also, if i could get away wit tappin my pencil u bet ye ass i is (why do i talk like a fucking hillbilly. oh ya cuz i live in the midwest SDDDS) id also often get waayyyy distracted, and when i would like. come back from spacing out or from focusing on entirely smth else- ive found that ive missed all the important info ! so im just. super mentally blank when the teach actually hands us said assignment in doing my school work too as a youngan, i noticed that i would miss the most important details- and make the weirdest fucking mistakes and i would also have hyperfixations (still v much do and im cool wit it) , where like. ur brain seeks out all of the happy vibes u get from investing emotionally in this one topic when i realized uhh,, well, slightly tmi but i had started thinkin "smth is wrong wit me" when my academic skills just. slowly went BYE BYE as it declined over the year. i started doin terrible in school, save for a couple classes, and i found that i cannot do well in certain enviroments. even asked my principal smth like: "do u think i have adhd?? cuz there are somethings i just cannot control about myself" then his ass went like- "no lol ur not failing class xDD i dont see how u could have it" that. made me relapse in my thought process of telling my dad i could possibly have adhd and id like to be treated (whats funny is that i had to stop stimulants a few weeks ago SDDS so all that thinkin was fer nothin! /lh) also. dont think u have to be failing school to have adhd, i masked this shit like a pro and did fucking well in elementary n middle school, high school however is absolute hell now _______________________________________________ now, i have researched like. causes of adhd and just general info about it cuz im also a nerd but im not sure if adhd can also manifest without a genetic element? when ur a teen i think is when it can be noticeable, but can also develop in adults?? my brain is foggy in this certain area so dont take me too serious but ya! if u showed symptoms as a tiny person, its very likely youd fit the criteria for a diagnosis (WELL. IN THE US ATLEAST idk where u live) i also havent looked up add that well,,, i just hope these help!
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S2 E5
quarantine diaries: may 28 2020
season 2 episode 5: “Human Trials”
i guess a mother always recognizes her daughter even through all that dirt. ngl i cant help but think about how much clarke stinks. Literally was in a pile of bodies and was covered in blood and mud. yet her mother is there hugging and kissing her. 
side note: what if clarke was just a salty bitch and the first thing she said to abby was ‘im still not talking to you. because do you remember when you killed dad?’ i would die  
i love how they are flipping this stereotype of mountain men as in you know how we generally associate mountain people/hillbilly’s as poor uneducated lower class citizens but in this show it’s the opposite. im pretty sure this wasn’t intentional tho. i just watch the documentary “hillbilly” it’s just been on my mind recently
wow kane be doing the important work out here planing a tree. rebuild the ecosystem. side note is climate change/global warming still an issue in this universe or nah?
clarke you just escaped mount weather, survived being hunted alive, survived that fight with anya, survived being shot at. all within a day?! you need to rest. but i guess if you have solar radiation blood you just operate at a different level
bellamy!!! with a new girl around his arm and wearing bellamy’s jacket
nvm. its back to bellamy and clarke. that hugg was like....ok i feel it. i feel the zutara energy. octavia even ships it. but her eye also be saying ‘bitch if you hurt him i swear...’
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i swear if finn dies before reuniting with clarke. this show would tho. or like clarke find finn in his final moments
what tf are they doing to lincoln?!
why the hell is bryne in this meeting? is she not going to face any repercussions for shooting at two innocent kids one of whom she killed?! you cant just shoot and kill innocent people without facing consequences? (let me remind you abby was lashed 10 times for less) im not going to get deep into this rn because this blog was not meant for this stuff and i know this show takes place in a different time but with everything that is going on right now in the u.s. i just have to say that pulling out a gun and shooting a person should not be an automatic response and police abusing their power, abusing their authority is not okay.
bellamy bringing up some good points. fight abby! run away with clarke!!
now would have been a good time to bring up your father clarke but maybe shes just waiting to use that one.
raven is the real one with the guns and electrical fence. why was it so easy to escape the camp. like too easy.
maya causing a rift between monty and jaspers. noooo! did we not learn from what happened with Octavia?
maya and the radiation. a bit much. how does this show keep out doing themselves. scene after scene. just when you think that it is safe.
jasper really is a simp giving that blood. octavia? jasper doesnt know her. 
clarke’s face when bellamy told her that finn killed for her. she was like ‘wow. really. i love him more now.’ i know it wasnt meant to be taken this way but clarkes doey eyes don’t lie. 
finn really just threw some fire into the villages whole food supply. woah finn is going crazy here. he really just turned this into a hostage situation. i guess when you hang out with murphy you turn into murphy.
“this one is thoroughbred.” a thoroughbred of what? the British Royal Line? i swear if they tell me that lincoln is a descendant of queen Elizabeth ill die (if you’re wondering about my thought process on this...the best explanation i can give you are those memes about queen Elizabeth being immortal)
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monty out here asking the right questions. monty straight up put his hands and sat down. staying right by his friend’s side. we stan a loyal king. monty really shined in this scene. you have to agree. this is my favorite moment of the show thus far.
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abby slapped a one legged girl. abby she is a kid and you is an adult. yeah abby just lost some points in my book.
preach raven preach. yeah these kids loss their sense of innocence a looooong time ago. get with the program abby
jaha and kane reunited!! I guess my ship hasn’t been sunk yet. but also wasnt he just in the desert?
woooow this is full on hostage situation? is finn gonna go full anakin? and just embrace the dark side?
murphy suddenly a good guy?? 
now lincoln is a drugy? waht?
also what with the veins on these mountain people. please tell me they’re vampires and thats the real reason they don’t go to the outside in the sun. plus all the blood transfusions a bit suspicious if you ask me
aahh daddy. nepotism. fun fact about me absolutely no one asked for: “nepotism” is one of my favorite office episodes
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but also that son be looking like he don’t listen to daddy. i swear the son is gonna turn on him. bet.
yep finn really killed kids and woman. this boy went full anakin. but i guess the writers be planting this plot point: spacewalker more like skywalker. yes this is a dumb theory but what if this is what the writers were actually thinking when they wrote finns character...
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finn out did himself. i think he has highest body count out of all those from the 100. i think the real turning point in his character development was when he killed that reaper in the mines with clarke. it was right there and then that the knew he was willing to kill for clarke and hes not just gonna stop now. love really makes people do crazy things. big yikes when clarke caught him in the act. but ofc the show would have clarke appear 5 minutes finn goes ballistic. 
but also finn is joe from you. literally doing the most for the one he loves even tho his love never asked for any of it. and not feeling that bad about it. the boy literally massacred a village but the first thing he says to clarke is “i found you” ...yeah finn really did a 180 in the worst way possible
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side note: to anyone who thinks im being hypocritical about bryne/the guard and finn. let me remind you that finn is a kid whose brain has not fully developed. he also has been through a lot shit since since being sent to earth so he is bound to be unstable. now im not saying that finn doesnt deserves any repercussions because believe me i do. i will get mad if he faces no consequences. but the fact of the matter is that byrne and the guard, people who are entrusted with power and authority cannot just abuse their power and authority shooting at random on the whim that anyone and anything is a threat.
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baberoe-archive · 4 years
back on my museum shit i am thinking about the Shenanigans of gene roe the paintings conservator renée the sculpture conservator anna the paper/manuscript conservator hillbilly the textile conservator and snafu the frames conservator heres a list
i mentioned this in the original post but renée always pretends to fuck up and she’ll say smth like “oh merde” just to give gene a heart attack (not when hes working on a painting though because he will end her life)
snafu likes to do the same thing to sledge so he and renée have lunch together sometimes to recount their pranks and plan together. if either gene sees this lunch meeting happening they will alert the other.
eddie pretends to ask snaf and renée to stop but actually he thinks it is very very funny
sometimes snaf and renée dont talk about pranks though they just talk about wood. they LOVE that shit 99% of their emails to each other are “LOOK AT THIS WOOD!!!!” and “LOOK AT THESE WOOD CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES”
anna is a big painting buff despite her specialization in paper objects so sometimes gene will be like “anna can you tell me if this is pencil?” just so she has an excuse to look at paintings and talk about them
the whole department speaks french. obviously they will Gossip okay. they just will. 
this bars eddie and he is PISSED about it like i am the head of this department let me in on your stupid french secrets!!! hes tries to take them down a notch by france bashing but snafs like “none of us are from france we all hate france. besides you are from english lineage” and eddie’s like well cant argue with that
anna and snafu are pretty good artists in their own right, so they have Special Lunch Meetings where they go out and sketch and unwind
gene and renée and eddie are decidedly Not artists so departmental pictionary games are fun
and the department meetings always devolve into pictionary okay you give snaf a whiteboard and a marker he is drawing on it
gene and snafu join forces to check up on the paintings and frames in the vaults, and they always have to block out an entire afternoon because they never want to go back to work afterwards. gene is a very calming presence for snafu and snafu knows how to get gene to unwind they just vibe HARD during these sessions.
when they are out of the studio, eddie fucking bails. he likes to pretend he is a professional but actually he is a stupid sap and he is going to see his bf okay. goodbye losers im saying hi to andy. meanwhile, anna and renée like to talk to each other about the projects they are working on and what they want to get to soon and also if they flirt a little bit then that is no ones business okay!
sometimes the department fights about techniques and theory and when they fight... oh boy Do They Fight
one day lipton enters to ask a quick question about a baroque end table, he feels the tense silence, he sees everyone with their earbuds in and Not Looking at each other, and he leaves immediately. he sends out an email that says “they are fighting give them a few days”
this excludes eddie who is whistling to himself and marveling over stitching patterns and is completely unaffected by the showdown that occurred not even an hour ago
eddie brings in his guitar sometimes on fridays and serenades them. sometimes its fun but sometimes they simply do not want to hear acoustic my neck my back by khia for the third time in a row
every month they have lunch together on the department credit card and they claim it is a Very Important Meeting Expense. it’s not much they just go to the diner down the block and spend an hour together and have fun :)
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smallestdogswilldie · 4 years
it was so gross literally after i broke up w my ex he literally thought he could win me back witha. mcnuggets meal im not fucking joking. i told hom to leave and go away but once i came outside to talk to him he said all that shit like “oh so those 2 and a half years were for nothing” trying to make me feel guilty for cutting his disgusting ass off and i hugged him and said “i want you to live for yourself now okay? please take care of yourself” because i was soterrified i was gonna wake up to the news that he was dead and it would all be my fault and this lmotherfucker has the gall to say to me :”i know youll be back” like FUCK YOU actually FUCK YOU for setting up threesomes behind my back just to inform me of them last moment and get really upset whhen i say no and tell him it makes me feel ugly and unwanted and oh oh oh he just wants to “experiment” and im being “closed minded” which is probably why he cheated on me lol i fell out of love with him the second he told me he cheated on me with a 30 year old man but forgave him and stayed with him so he wouldnt kill himself and the second time he told me about cheating and near fucking this hillbilly girl i broke down because he promised to never do it again and i trusted him and he did it again to my weak stupid exploitable ass.... but i felt myself fall out of love with him and asked for a break. i was planning to just ghost him but the next day i was so mad and i was like 5 months sober i felt so empty and mad and betrayed so i fucked one of my coworkers in his expensive car mommy and daddy bought for him in our work parking lot after close and then i immediately went to a party took shrooms and had the worst trip of my life ego death and realizing im trapped in a fucking cage and the world is harsh and unforgiving and it made me want to go to the mental hospital i WANTED to go so where did that lead me. where did this bad trip lead me?????? right back into my cheating exs arms lol and it took me 7 more months to finally end it.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
Abandoned amusement part for spooky locale prompt
Oooh, thank you for sending this. I love this idea, by the way. One thing came to mind when I got this and that was that I wonder how this would play out in the Walking Dead universe . So, hope you don’t mind! I hope you like this. I also hope it’s actually worth a shit. The idea came to me like this so I went all in with it. And I really, really enjoyed doing it. FYI, I almost went with AHS:Freak Show, but yeah..
I enjoyed doing this, again. Thank you for sending it.
[ send a character name / spooky scenario and location and I’ll write a drabble about it ]
uhh.. An OC of mine, Evie Grimes has been revamped. And she may or may not be a little out there in some ways... Like.. Too much. Idk. Lots of swearing. Mentions of gunshots. Me, dicking around with my own alternate universes and what actually took place on the series.... Again, lol.
** off the top of my head, these are the only people I could think might even want a tag.. If you wanna be tagged in my writing on this blog pls see the tag doc link below. Or tell me.]
[ masterlist - about page - tag doc ] 
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My lungs burned but I didn’t dare stop. A chain link fence stood between me and my doom and without thinking, I scaled the fence right as a decayed hand raised and very nearly got hold of the heel of my biker boot. I kicked free and tumbled down onto the other side.
I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t turn back. Give the finger to the horde of zombies I’d been outrunning. Probably wasn’t the smartest idea I’ve ever had, but... I did it. After turning away from the horde and moving quickly past a tattered and worn red and white striped tent close to me, I crouched down and started to work on reloading my gun. Once I got that reloaded, I reached behind me and produced my bow, making sure I still had a few arrows left in my quiver. Satisfied that I had my gun loaded and I hadn’t used all my arrows yet, I took a second or two to catch my breath.
The smell of smoke hung heavily in the air and I noticed it then... The flickering light over by an older model pop up camper. “What the hell?” the words came in a quiet gasp because I still hadn’t gotten my breath back completely yet, but curious as to who else might have taken cover in this empty amusement park, I made my way over to the source of light.
This was probably my first -and biggest, mistake. Before I even got halfway across the amusement park, I felt the cold metal of a gun barrel against the back of my skull.
“Where th’ hell you think yer goin, huh? You the reason them damn Walkers are lingerin outside the gate right now?” - that voice.. There was something so familiar about it. Take away the coldness and the anger in the tone and I’d almost swear on my life I’d heard the man currently speaking before. On numerous occasions.
“First of all, lower your fucking weapon.” I tried to stay calm as I said it. The man standing behind me chuckled. “You’re dumb if ya think I’m gon just put down my weapon. How do I know you ain’t with Rick’s group... Or that other sumbitch, Negan?”
And then, it clicked. Shane Walsh. My former childhood crush. My brother’s best friend and former partner at King County PD. ,, it can’t be. he died. Rick told you exactly what happened that night before you got separated...”
“I said... Lower your goddamn gun.” I repeated myself. “If you’d just let me turn around, you fucking idiot, you’d know exactly why I’m not the enemy. Now you on the other hand... You’re supposed to fucking be dead.”
I could hear him shuffle his feet. Clearing his throat. I didn’t have to be looking at him to know that my assessment shocked him. And yeah, parts of me were wondering if he’d put two and two together on his end of it all yet. Given what I remember about Shane, it’s highly doubtful. Man was kind of a meathead like that.
So it shocked me when he muttered in a quiet and shocked tone, “Evie? ‘At you?”
“Lower your gun and let me turn around and you’ll find out, meathead.” I retorted, tapping a heavy sole against the pavement and shivering at the chill in the air. He lowered the gun as I asked and I turned around, coming face to face with him.
Given what my brother told me before I went my seperate way from his little group, I had a lot of understandable concerns. So the first thing I did was to pull out my Bowie knife and hold it at his throat. He swallowed hard, eyeing me in confusion. “What th’ fuck?”
“Well, you’re alive when Rick saw you die with his own two eyes. Carl told me he shot you to make sure you didn’t come back. So... Until I know you’re not going batshit feral on me and attempting to eat my brains, I’m gonna have to keep this right here. You understand, yeah?”
“Evie, put the goddamn knife down. Carl didn’t finish me off, first of all. He tried but he couldn’t. I told ‘im to tell everybody that. Left and went my own way. Been stayin here, “ he swept his arm towards a particularly creepy clown mouth shaped entrance to a nearby funhouse and met my gaze to continue, “Since. Thangs were goin swell. Til you bought the fuckin Walkers right to my gate.”
He rolled his eyes in irritation and I fumed at him angrily. As I considered the story he presented, I held the knife exactly where I’d put it. A smirk formed as he suggested with a smug tone, “What, you want me to strip down and show ya I ain’t one of ‘em? Because darlin, I wouldn’t mind that one bit.”
“Oh I bet you wouldn’t, you colossal ass... But we have bigger problems right now. I wasn’t just running from those undead shitbags outside... I may or may not have pissed off that Negan guy you mentioned. I may or may not have set fire to some shit... Stolen some things. And he may or may not have been chasin me.”
“Woman, what the everlovin fuck?”
“Look. I went there, determined to get my goddamn revenge, okay? He... He killed someone I... I really cared about them. Then all that shit with my brother and his people and Negan.”
Headlights cut through the darkened night and I grumbled. I could hear Negan’s boys whooping and hollering and I gulped, taking a deep breath. “I’m gonna lower the knife. But if I even think you’re one of those zombies, Walsh, I swear to God. I’ll kill you in your sleep and I won’t think twice.”
“Fair enough... Guessin this ain’t because you’re feelin generous.”
“No. We’re about to be up to our asses in hillbilly dumb fucks. I can’t take ‘em alone.” I hated admitting I needed his help for anything, it left a sour taste in my mouth. 
And his smug smirk didn’t help at all, either.
“First ‘f all, let’s get to higher ground. There’s a control tower back around where you came crashin over the fence at. If we get higher, we can see ‘em. And all my guns and shit are up top.”
I nodded and I didn’t waste any time, crouching amongst the tents. I passed the battered bumper cars attraction and I froze in place when I heard the shuffle-groan-shuffle heading our way. My heart started to race and my stomach jumped clear into my throat. I couldn’t move, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself it was move or get my ass eaten alive. I could hear the trucks getting closer too and that didn’t help. Gunfire was starting to fill the night. This was not a good situation, not by any stretch.
Shane ran up, grabbing me up by my hips, hauling me over his shoulders just as Negan’s vehicle came crashing through the back gate.
“Woman, you brought more trouble than y’ might be worth, y’ know that?”
“Less bitching, Walsh.. More getting us to higher ground.” I muttered as Shane stood me on my own feet and I scrambled up the stairs leading to a control tower. Once we were inside, Shane threw a heavy machine in front of the door and knelt down, loading up his Mossberg.
And outside, the shuffling and groaning got closer. The sounds of revving engines and the sound of bullets echoed through the night.
All I know is I’m not getting a good feeling about tonight, not even slightly.....
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jesterkard · 4 years
Any advice on how to play dbd? I just got the game and I would appreciate anything to help me along my journey-Noob at Everything
oh this is gonna be a long one Im forced to put this under a readmore (sry mobile users)
about character advice u should level everyone up and try their perks out, your main wont depend on the perks (as u will unlock all perks for everyone else) but rather if u can rly “play well” in the characters model. I recommend nea and claudette for beginners as nea is a stealth-aligned character (specifically the perk “urban evasion” that lets you crouch faster) and claudette is one for teamwork but also can heal urself. (perk is called self care) but in the end you can choose whoever just looks good to u and learn theri perks. make sure to not get too dependant on one perk and learn to adjust to any situation
honestly u wont have a lot of perks at the beginning, mostly the one of ur character and the genreal ones available to all survivors. a very good perk is “spinechill”- a perk that will give u a lot of insight on when the killer is going into ur direction and a good way tosee if he is still following you when you Are running away.
DONT WEAR BRIGHT CLOTHES you get spotted easier and if youre not more advanced ur just gonna be a quick target
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save up the purple colored items, like the purple flashlight. ESPECIALLY the purple flashlight. if you are a beginner and dont know how to deal with a flashlight yet its good to save them up and use the green and yellow flashlights instead to practice and by the time u become level 50 (and are about to prestige to prestige I) u will feel more secure and testing+playing around wtih the flashlight
honestly? I only use my purple flashlight wtih a white ward (an offering that prevents you from losing ur item PLUS addons when you die) I cant handle to get tunneled and lose a good item!! they rly are rare keep that in mind
work on gens thats the main objective and what will get u out, if someone JUST got hooked and hasnt like lost half of the hooked bar (the yellow bar underneath the survivors name) theyre still in “stage 1″ and u can work on the gen/try to finish it up before they get to “stage 2″.lets say you get unhooked and u were on stage 1, then you get hooked again. you get just put on stage 2 and just have to struggle while your teammates come to save you.now lets say you get unhooked and you were on stage 2, if you get downed and hooked youre fully dead. so keep that in mind and dont let teammates come to stage 2.
feel the courage to run to the generators that are more in the middle- and think of it that way: by getting the gen done in the middle you basically make the killer take longer to go check all gens. by the time a killer is going to another gen, kicking it and coming back, you can already finish one gen at one side.
you dont have to crouch around if the killer isnt near you (heartbeat wise) you can run, gameplay changes when you playagainst a myers, pig or ghostface (or any killers wiht a tinier terror radius) bc you wont hear the heartbeat that shows that hteyre near. 
looping is when you make the killer follow you around one obstacle, dont throw the pallet down if the killer is A: not close enough and B: youre not injured. pallet efficiency will make your gameplay and the one of ur teammates easier.
when you get chased by the killer around like jungle gyms (multiple walls wiwth like one window and one pallet), always look behind you to seeif the killer is still after you and not already going to the other side so you walk right into him. 
when the killer actually breaks a pallet that you dropped, take the time and immedaitely book it to the next jungle gym/out of sight. if you were not injured and the killer no longer can see you, stop running and sneak somewhere to hide- wait for the killer to come by and look around and then leave: run to the other side then. 
when you get hooked, DONT attempt to escape. there is a 4% escape chance. as long as youre not cowsIAM (who is KNOWN for unhooking himself all the time somehow) you wont have much luck. you can attempt to escape if thers rly no other way though. 
NURSE if she blinks and is about to teleport to you, run to her so she already teleports too far away 
HAGcrouch over her traps to not trigger them. if you get unhooked and the hag put traps around, immediately crouch the moment u get on the ground and sneak away.counter perk: urban evasion
THE SPIRITlets say the spirit suddenly stopped running after you- shes most likely in her phase power and about to teleport to you. if you are not injured immediately stop running and normally walk somewhere out of sight and hide. the spirit relies on scratch marks AND the grunts of paint the player gives.if you are in front of a pallet and the spirit is on the other side just standing still WALK AWAY dont walk over the pallet there are spirits who “fake phase” so they just stand there and grab you when you walk over.counter perk: iron will
MYERSrun away and always try to break line of sight so he cant stalk you. when you loop him just crouch when he tries to stalk you so he cant see your modelcounter perk: spinechill
HILLBILLYrun around obstacles so he more likely runs into the obstacles than you so you dont get immediately chainsawed downcounter perk: sprint burst
THE HUNTRESS IM STUPID. THIS IS NOT GHOSTFACEif you are looping her and are at the pallet, and you see her raise her arm to throw a hatchet- keep running. the pallet drop animation doesnt make u invincible and the animation is locked so she can easily hit you with the hatchet. KEEP RUNNNIIIING counter perk: not spinechill this rly does nothing for u
TRAPPERif the trapper is playing, always look around for traps. they are almost always at pallet spots etc. if you trigger a trap either to disarm it or u walk into it- the killer gets a notification and will most likely return to it. avoid the place in general.
PLAGUEdont cleanse, if you cleanse urself in one of teh devotional water..things Idk you basically “corrupt it” and when she gets to it, she can get insta down attacks. u dont want that. it sucks either way since you will have teh broken status effect (youre injured and cant be healed up) but ykno. 
WRAITHif you flashlight him (just point the flashlight at him) when hes using his invisible power- he will get stunned :) be careful doing this they get easily mad and facecamp u either that or Im just that hated
DEATHSLINGERdont run ina  straight line just do curves and keep an eye on him when hes chasing you so that when he starts aiming you start running “chaoitcally” so he has a harder time to aim & hit you 
DOCTORwhen you are shocked and on any madness level, there might come up “fake doctor visions” that are just the model of the doctor looking at you. its not the killer himself just an illusion- and you should always stay on the move bc the killer can also see the illusion, know that somewhere is there, and imediately go to check it out. counter perk: calm spirit
CANNIBALdisconnect its not worth it (jk u get a penalty if u do disconnect.)
FREDDYwake urself up always byusing the time clocks, waking eachother up will at one point take way too long.counter perk: object of obsession
LEGIONloop him and try to avoid getting hit. outrunning him with speed perks is always good so he cant hit you. this is the dumbest tip so far. dont drop pallets too soon as he is able to vault them like you are. try to stun them when dropping the pallet if theyre close enoughcounter perk: sprint burst, lithe 
THE PIGthe pig is most likely always trying to sneak up on you so always make sure to keep ur surroundings in check. the moment you hear a ..groan? u will know what I mean- immediately run as she was about to attack you and has a light sprint animation.counter perk: spinechill, sprint burst
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