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stinkymicrowavedfish · 1 year ago
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Can we please talk about @bozers rainko fanfic?
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cherllyio · 9 months ago
A timeline of the Season 5 trailer
This was a timeline i made with @lu-zijing in a youtube video we made together.
Video that helped me notice some details: "Lego monkie kid season 5 trailer breakdown" - Ash_Is_Bored
First scene:
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I theorise this to be the first scene for 2 reasons:
Wukong isn't wearing a circlet yet
The Sky isnt destroyed yet, and it just looks like normal training between Wukong and MK.
But, after they finish training, MK goes to bed but wakes up somewhere... different:
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The mystical monkeys got dragged to court in The Underworld, by The Underworld Kings, clearly by surprise since MK is in his PJ's. Also Wukong is still not wearing a circlet.
They are: "Do you three know of the crimes you have done", so its clearly the first time they are down there.
I imagine they are bassicaly told: "Everything is going wrong because of you three, so stop interfering with this, we will fix it".
This then followed by them getting sent back and being welcomend back to flower fruit mounatin... or what remains of it...
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(notice the volcanos around flower fruit mountain from the pilot ep):
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Wukong and Macaque are clearly pretty chocked and scared by this revalation, and even give eachother THAT LOOK.
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Ep 1 ends here.
After this they probaly gather all the monkeys from the island, and try to find a shelter for the time being.
And after everything is secure, they send MK home with a little: "We will figure this out, Bud, go check on your friends, they are probaly worried sick for where you have been."
What happens after MK gets home, i have no idea, but we do have a couple of scenes that look to be the closest to what happens afterwards:
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Pigsy has put up a noddle stand here, to celebrate some kind of "festival". Yet it is then intereupted by the sky suddenly breaking again.
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And if that wasnt enough, Li Jing (and Nezha in his mech) shows up, (probaly thinking that the skyes are breaking because of MK, Wukong and Macaque, hence why they were in court earlier)
Li jing sucks MK in his magical pagado (notice how MK is the only one dragged forward)(As mentioned in that breakdown i linked to)
Li Jing(to MK); Don't even think about running!
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We are then up in The Underworld again, where Li Jing is formely introduced and the monkeys are told that he is gonna be the next Jade Emperor:
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This is also here we learn about the "Pillar of Creation", which is the thing currently on beaming on Flower Fruit Mountain, and is also currently breaking apart (therefore why the sky is breaking)
MK: Sorry what the is "The Pillar of Creation"?
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This is also the same scene, where Wukong gets a new circlet on by Li Jing (because Li Jing and The Kings of the underworld think our mystical monkeys are the cause of the sky breaking)
This then followed by the monkeys getting teleported away(to what im guessing is going to be some kind of prison, since they probaly dont trust them out in the world).
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The scenes become a bit more scattered after this, and probaly take place further from eachother from now on, but MK, Wukong and Macaque are clearly breaking out prison here:
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They then join with the rest of the gang, and try to figure out how to prove that the mystical monkeys are innocent, while also trying to find out how to save the world.
In one of these scenes they stumble upon Li Jing, where Macaque stays behiend to give the others some time (but sadly gets trapped in the pagado in the process)
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This was mentioned in the breakdown with the glow, Macaque has on him in this scene, which is the same that shows when Li Jing uses his Pagado:
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Hence why Macaque isnt in the following scenes after this.
I can imagine Macaque gets trapped in The Underworld after this again (which would cause defintly some BAD MEMORIES to come back) (Shadowpeach backstoryyyyy????)
This though would also give us someone "on the inside", who can figure out why they are getting blamed for all of this (maybe he even meets the traitor king)
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Anyway, back to the rest of the gang.
On their way, they found out about "four mystical creatures" that can save the world.
But as they go too seek them, where they atleast found two of them, they are dying as they are trying to protect two magical stones.
Therefore, right before they die, they give the stones to MK (notice how they are the same place, in both scenes)
Mei: It seems to have something to do with the stone.
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They are though quickly interupted by our dear Li jing(who is honestly such an asshole at this point)
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Hopefully, they manage to get away with the stones.
There is a lot of other scenes i could talk about(but since Tumblr wont let me put in any more pictures) i am just going to talk about the last scenes in the season (before the special atleast):
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Wukong: Ok MK, there is something inside you that you cant control.
They have clearly gathered all the stones here (so its clearly near the end) , but something has gone wrong, and from what i could figure from others theories( @lunamikobrony2 ) its probaly that something happend to Wukong.
More specifically that (like the other magical creatures) he had to sacrifce himself, since Wukong is the LAST STONE. (again go check out @lunamikobrony2 theory)
So bassicaly this is going to be MK's "Apeshit scene". (and i dont know if that is going to be a good or a bad thing)
And thats all from me folks! If you want me to analysis more scenes from the trailer and where they fit in the timeline just ask me in my inbox.
!Or! if you have any changes you would like to make to the timeline, be free to say so! I am open to changing my mind about this!
Translations used: 1 (here) - 2 (here)
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newkatzkafe2023 · 6 months ago
i dont know if u did this already...!
Btw hi <33 its me ander :3 giving wholesome asks sometimes ♡
What about an Madoka!reader and Wukong being homura type of relationship? I just wanna read your troughts (troughs? Trought? How is it spelled hellnmdmsj) about it :3
Can even do an mini story about it i dont mind <33
You can ignore this if you did it already :3
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(Lmk Wukong) Next to Mk, you are his Priority, his queen, his love, his reason to continue on. He wants nothing but to please you and protect you because you bought him a brand new view of life. He couldn't admire you enough to be in your presence, to take care of you. To have you with him forever. He doesn't care who he has to sacrifice or disregard as long as he has you and Mk. Everything in his little world was fine🥰
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(HIB Wukong) Safety of his family is his top priority, both yours and the children. You're very powerful in your own right, but your husband would usually quickly and brutally take care of the threat. So you don't ever have to step in. Of course, you tried to argue with him about this, but he would distract you with his affection and make sure you don't have to do anything. In his private time, he'll make you forget about everything bad , and he will take good care of you and everything.
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(MKR Wukong) He's cares very much about two things in his life Fruity and you, He spends all his private time with you. You became a source of genuine joy, and he would do anything for you to make you proud of him. His biggest fear was losing you to the world who made him so miserable, I mean, he almost lost fruity to the demon king, so imagine what would happen if he lost you. That would be terrifying because that would be like losing his mid and sanity. Everyone will suffer, it doesn't matter, friend or foe, he's gonna burn the realms to the ground, just like he did to heaven.
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(NR Wukong) His obsession with you makes everyone look concerned. You are his first and only love, and he would do anything for you. I really think he would fall into madness if he lost you somehow either in death or to someone else, the Scarier part is what he is willing to do to get you back even if it's gonna turn him into a monster. Just as long as he got you back, all is right with your little worlds.
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(Netflix Wukong) He would break bones and cry blood for you. Your approval is his number one priority and goal, and his insecurities would kinda be his downfall because of that. Wukong would do anything to protect and have you by his side, which is why the quest for immortality was very important. So he can spend the rest of his existence with you, and nothing gonna matter. Nobody's gonna matter.
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hiemaldesirae · 11 months ago
i have less than 24 hours left before i have to go through one of the most stressful days of my life so. heres a list of my fav radiostatic fic recs in no particular order
clarification: by radiostatic i mean fics where vox is 100% not the dom in the relationship. most of these dont contain explicit sex though, and im not recommending any straight porn fics here because you can easily find those with a click and search through the bottom vox tag lmao
most of these fics are unfinished, so be warned that i will not take accountability if you get attached to these without them being finished properly. in fact ill just laugh at you because then we'll be suffering together
now, that aside- starting off strong with some of the more popular fics:
RHTVS / Radio Healed the Video Star by Aspiring_Forest_Witch
notes: LONG fucking fic. like this guys almost 700k words long fic. one of the best things ive ever read in my life though and it has a plotline thats frankly more engaging than the actual showing of hazbin on amazon. so. you know. if you have the time to read it Please do you wont regret it
Unraveling Emotions by Xaelei
notes: one of my favourite fics ever on god. started my brainrot for dad!husk, portrays one of the most scrumptious radiostatic dynamics and is generally so very well written that i might end up trying to recreate one of the scenes in comic form. genuinely in love with this fic and im so glad i can say i was the first comment on this fic because my God its such a treat to see new chapters drop for this. unfortunately i havent had the time to write out a detailed comment as of now but if someone wants to let the author know that im still in love with their fic and will continue supporting it until i drop dead go ahead for me
Safe with Me by rillyrillo
notes: the prequel and main fic of this series is human radiostatic, though the sequel is set in hell. it comes with gorgeous gorgeous art and frankly one of the most exhilirating endings ive ever had the pleasure of witnessing play out. i recommend you guys check out their other fics too, the art continues in them + their radiostatic is written wonderfully across all universes!
A Month of Rut by Vylad
notes: this fic is very self indulgent to me. i love the way radiostatic is written in this one because theyre very soft and sweet, but others may not prefer it if theyre looking for freak4freak radiostatic. if you just want something to indulge in and relax with at the end of a heavy day though this is my #1 rec. i read this sometimes when i find myself crying at night lmao
Down, Up, and Back Down by CowboyEnthusiast
notes: made me sob like a baby. 10/10 no notes whatsoever read it for yourself because you WILL not regret it. i genuinely am always at a loss for words whenever i reread this because it is among the most gutwrenching but beautiful and poetic works that ive ever read and i think it deserves some recognition
Mind the Gap by ZLynn
notes: again, to reiterate, i do very much dislike the abusive!staticmoth portrayal i see in a lot of fics. but in this one... it's written so perfectly, i can definitely see it actually happening. i enjoy the way that val does still seem to care about vox, albeit in his own twisted way that eventually breaks and fractures their love and trust, and its just. Ugh. So fucking good
+ with the less popular but still wonderful depictions of radiostatic that i love to indulge in:
i'll give you a show (cause it helps fill the seats) by dead_and_dreaming
notes: absolutely shameless plug from me for my dear mk's work because i cant stop thinking about the way that she's portrayed al here. its actually insane how fucked up that stupid little deer is and i just. i really fucking love the way that their alastor is written, it's genuinely probably my Number One depiction of alastor ever. i demand more of this stupid little freak RIGHT NOW!!!!
Any of the fics by Rachello344 in the Hazbin Hotel Fandom Tag on their profile
notes: so remember when i told you guys i wouldnt be linking straight porn. looks away... okay in my defense though i read the smut for the characterization and their unique dynamics. its sooo interesting to see how their radiostatic is explored here and im honestly refreshed by the depiction of their relationship. im here for it !!!
The Read 'Em and Weep Series by TooManyPseudonyms
notes: so from what i was able to piece together (everything flies over my head when im reading, forgive me for my low media literacy) this is an au set before the hotel where (in the first work) al and vox are in a qpr relationship. in the second work this evolves into a romantic relationship, and the exploration of their dynamic through this is just... Yeah. please read it its 100% worth your time and so underrated it hurts my heart
Uneasy by Saezs
notes: this fic is one of the first radiostatic fics i read (the others being RHTVS and... i think i tried the 666 series, but it didnt appeal to me lol) and its actually just wonderful. i really love saezs's genderfluid vox and how supportive the other vees are of them <3 their portrayl of the characters puts a smile on my face whenever i reread their work
Heat Waves by HappyPRAWN
notes: i'll be fr dsmptsd hit me like a truck when i read the title but it is such an interesting debut! only at one chapter as of me making this post but the way the author wrote this is so engaging and it really makes me wonder what they have next in store for the fic
Do I have your attention now? by Chi_Chi25
notes: wow no way we have the same name... anyway ahem. ill be completely honest this ones a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. this fic is a bit fragmented and short, so for people who click off fics when they see imperfect grammar this one may not be for you. however if you can look past that, it has an engaging storyline and quite the juicy concept :)
Killer Ex by FanGirl48
notes: gorgeous, gorgeous little human! radiostatic oneshot. i love the relationship that vox and al have here... the reasons why they both stayed away from each other even though theyre still so very clearly down bad for each other... anyway. i think about this one a lot and i still go back to reread it sometimes lol
Negotiations by FanGirl48
notes: i didnt realize until i started making this list that this fic was also written by fangirl48.... go off queen keep feeding us (me). this one was a fic recommended to me initially by link nonny, and i can 100% vouch for how good it is. its got appletv interactions, radiostatic plus lucifer trying to navigate heaven, angels... basically everything needed for a very varied and well packed with flavour story
The diary of a Serial Killer by ShippersCave
notes: okay im running out of brain juice at this point but. yeah this fic is soooo self indulgent to me. this ones another human au, with al as a serial killer and vox as the journalist trying to conduct interviews with him. its got SUCH a good dynamic between al and vox, i encourage you guys to check it out and give it a chance even if youre not really into human aus.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid by ShippersCave
notes: pirate/siren au !!!!!!!!! RAAHH !!!!! i dont have to say anything else for this if thats not enough to get you to click then i dont know what is
System Shutdown by Swoolie
notes: i cant believe i nearly forgot about this one LMAO... vox goes onto a temporary hiatus and everyone goes crazy about it. im not really sure if this counts as radiostatic frankly because of the way its tagged but its so good i think you should give it a read anyway
Together in Radio Static by Anonymous
notes: QPR media husbands radiostatic au !!!! i love this one especially because it opens off with vox slapping alastor across the face for leaving him LMAOO (deserved)
What Has Been by Tianren
notes: another human au (YEAH YEAH I KNOW. JUST HEAR ME OUT OKAY i swear im cooking) look, as someone with religious trauma deeper than i can properly express and the worlds fifteenth worst parental issues, the depiction of vox in this fic just really hits home. i really adore the exploration of voxs past and how the themes of religious guilt and cults are woven in so far- and it blends very seamlessly with their human au, despite the characters eccentricities
you're too sweet for me by awestruck_atrophy and moonbeanies
notes: basically, vox and al make a deal where vox tries to help him out of the shackles or whatever that are bound to him because of his stupid dumbass lusting for power. its very intriguing so far and i love the setup and worldbuilding the authors have done, so you should check it out if you want a unique perspective on radiostatics relationship
candlelight by curtailed
notes: the best way i can think of to describe this one is like... fake marriage but instead of fake marriage its. fake roommates??? the author probably puts it better than me tbh. its super interesting so far, i cant wait to see where this one is headed especially with how unique its premise is!
Zero Day by Anonymous
notes: this one is like those time regression manhwas. you know, the ones where the protag goes back in time and proceeds to try and avoid everyone who made their life miserable- only to fail because for some reason now they're paying attention to them more than they would have had they stayed the same person. its certainly very promising, though! i do love indulging in time regression stories, especially when the mc is someone i love like vox. i really cant wait to see which direction this one is headed in :)
Never as Good as the First Time by IComeForFanficsNowin403
notes: okay. so, uh. um. so- this one is in spanish. HOWEVER its premise (serial killer alastor meets television star (?? i think. its not quite clear) at a party hosted by rosie, moves into his neighborhood to keep an eye on the pretty prey) is just so unique i honestly think its worth the experience to pull out google translate and try living the machine translated life. really. give it a chance. also its got beautiful art to go along with, so.. you know. thats just a bonus!
+ honorary staticmoth and one-sided/past radiostatic fic rec:
Freak-A-Zoid by Femalefonzie
notes: this fic deserves every single piece of praise its ever gotten because good lord. its SO good. i was not seeing the radiostatic twist come in, but it *is* mostly staticmoth. and also a/b/o but i mean. who *hasnt* indulged in a little bit of a/b/o before honestly
there are other fics that i personally like to indulge in, but i frankly wouldnt recommend to anyone else because they're either the kinds of fics that i myself can only bring myself to read after ive spent 8 hours at work crying into my pillow and need to look at something entertaining, or when im starved of content and cant be bothered to cook myself so i pull out the translator and start going at it. (technically i should know how to read french by now but. urgh. anywway..)
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buggyjuggie · 1 year ago
I know this might be a weird request but I saw on one of your old post and it was mentioning a swap AU with kenshi and Johnny, I wanted to do something kinda similar and it be instead swap, be opposite personality (ex johnny instead of being confident and cocky hes timid and insecure) I'm new to MK so im not sure how opposite kenshi would be but I hope you understand, if you have any questions feel free to ask me again!
──★ ˙ ̟Johnny and Kenshi Swap personalities AU
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( There’s little hints of johnshi here but can be read as just platonically)
「 ✦ Kenshi ✦ 」
* So because this is swapped personality but not positions Kenshi i imagine is in a higher rank in the yakuza than normal.
* Because of his cocky attitude he takes more jobs and is more confident about his missions.
* He still doesn’t like doing them but he hides his guilt using his personality.
* I feel 50/50 about the idea of him being a show off for example in MK1 Johnny tends to show off his wealth, fame, movies, everything but i feel like even in this AU if Kenshi did it would make him look insane on one hand he’d do it because of the amount of time he’s spent in this bussines has at least semi desensitised to it but im not sure at the same time cuz i dont feel like it’ll fit his character so idk let me know what you think.
* When Kenshi broke into Johnny’s mansion i want you to imagine the scene where johnshi + Kung lao are walking to Baraka’s village and basically take the dialogue and put it here Kenshi just straight up shit talking Johnny to his face
* After losing to Johnny, Kenshi is absolutely pissed because he’s never failed a mission.
* Johnny and Kenshi’s relationship initially starts off very hostile they bicker argue and insult each other but trough training at the academy they slowly start to put that behind them and it evolves to a sort of rivalry less hating each other and more competitive if that makes sense.
* Kenshi was surprised when Johnny gave him Sento while yes he’s cocky and acts childish Kenshi still feels guilty for all the lives that he has taken while being a part of the yakuza, Kenshi doesn’t feel like he deserves this until Johnny explains his reasonings and slowly starts to put the past behind him and starts hope for a brighter future.
「 ✦ Johnny ✦ 」
* Because his personality is different in this AU instead of being knows for action movies Johnny is most known for horror and historical films.
* His social media presence is small but he’s still got big fanbase that likes him for his mysterious aura.
* Because of his now more silent personality when Johnny drops movie quotes in conversations it tends to sound more ominous and makes people scared of him.
* Johnny and Cris break up still for the same reason as normal : Johnny’s spending habits and perhaps some looked over alcohol problems.
* Did not understand at all what was going on when Kenshi broke in. Whas this a movie ? A prank ? Or is it real ? Dont look at him because he doesn’t know either.
* Johnny keeps sento to himself not because of it’s monitory gain instead for it’s history and doesn’t give it to Kenshi because he think that he’s untrustworthy.
* Eventually after being in the Wu Shi academy for long enough he starts to slowly open up to the people around him.
* Kenshi tends to rile him up so after a while when he gets annoyed he’ll talk shit back to Kenshi and they’ll be off just bickering (like love birds WHO SAID THAT)
* As for the dreaded Mileena poking Kenshi’s eyes out™ i imagine it goes pretty much the same Johnny realises that Kenshi saved him. Even trough all the bickering and rivalries that they had Kenshi still choose to sacrifice his sight for him.
* After the incident Johnny gives Sento to Kenshi as a token of his appreciation of the man and the sacrifice that he committed.
「 ✦ Random hc, these can be read as platonic or romantic ✦ 」
* Because Kenshi was part of the yakuza since he was young he didn’t have many chances to see any type of movies so when Johnny suggest to watch something Kenshi is on board,he’s really excited and keeps talking and making comments while watching.
* Kenshi’s favourite movies tend to be action and thrillers.
* Yes Johnny did show Kenshi the movies he played in but only because he was forced to after loosing a bet. Kenshi just talked about how hot Johnny was.
* Because Johnny doesn’t flaunt his fame like in MK1 his mansion is diffrent. It’s smaller, has simple designs, the awards that he’s won in his carrier are stored on a shelf in another room, all the items he bought are expensive but in the modern art type of way aka simple shapes, basic colours, some of them are small and don’t take up too much space.
* Johnny and Kenshi have different aesthetics when it comes to clothing Johnny tends to wear more basic and neutral colours while Kenshi if he’s not on some sort of mission wears more vibrant clothing.
* Ok i know this one is basic and practically canon to the fandom but still i gotta do it. Johnny buys Kenshi blindfolds, they tend to differ in colour so Kenshi can match them to the outfit that he’s currently wearing some of them have embroidery on the front(?) to make them fancy.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Happy new years !!! I wanted to get this out before new years in my time zone so I’m a bit late lol. This one was a bit hard to write and get idea and I’m REALLY hoping that i didn’t make the character OOC if i did please let me know so i can improve but yeah hope you like this :3
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glitterrosesnzz · 8 months ago
spices (part 1)
so. here we go- i'm writing something for a show only me and one other person 'round these parts knows hdslfksjdlfkjs
(not tagging the show even with slashes cause im too paranoid about getting found)
as you can tell there's a part 2 to this, but im currently in a post-convention crash state so this was the most i could write tonight hsdlfkjsds there shall be more later on.
anyways. it's a lil short but here y'all go;
Wukong sniffled. 
From the corner where he’d been lurking on the other side of the room, Macaque’s ear twitched, the other monkey demon glancing at him, Wukong turning his head to the side to avoid eye contact, staring at where MK and Mei were sitting at the Noodle Shop’s bar counter instead, talking about- 
“Yeah, Pigsy’s trying out some new recipes for once.” MK lightly passed a bowl over into Mei’s hands, “He does this sometimes, just to see if there’s anything worth adding to the menu. He ordered a bunch of new spices this time around- he’s been using me as a taste tester, but I figured it’d be good to get a second opinion on it.” 
Mei said something along the lines of a “Don’t mind if I do!”, but Wukong was no longer paying attention, instead rubbing his nose. The strong spiced scents in Pigsy’s Noodle Shop didn’t usually bother him, but- 
Out of the corner of his eye, Wukong could see Macaque glaring at him, with an expression that very clearly read ‘Don’t you dare’. Wukong decided to glare back at him- it wasn’t like he got much choice in the matter thank you very- very m-much-
“Hh- H’NTxttu!!” Wukong stifled a sneeze, but it was still enough to make Macaque shudder, and draw MK and Mei’s attention. 
“Uh, you alright Monkey King?” MK asked, Wukong attempting to wave him off even as his breath hitched again. 
“I’m f-fihH- fine-hIH- hHi’NTtxu!!” Wukong tried rubbing at his nose more, as though that would make the itch go away- fuck, his eyes were already watering- “Hiih- h’NXTtuu!!” 
“Stifling isn’t good for you, y’know.” Mei said, and- Wukong had to stop himself from startling at the fact the dragon girl was now directly beside him. A quick glance to his other side revealed that his apprentice had appeared at his other side as well. “It’s like, bad for your sinuses- and your brain I think? Not sure about that one.” 
“Nah, that sounds about right.” MK nodded his head in agreement with her, “Regardless, it’s bad for you, Monkey King- and don’t even think about giving me the whole immortality speech again!” 
“I- I wasn’t gonna- hIH- i-it’s- with this ihH-” Crap, Wukong wasn’t going to be able to get through an explanation like this- “If I d-don’t- hH’NTxttu!! Hih-” 
MK and Mei suddenly grabbed hold of Wukong’s arms, using their combined strength to move Wukong’s hands away from his face. Wukong instantly started struggling, but between their powers and his current distracted state- 
“Guys- pl-please, yhiIH- you don’t get i-it- hH-ghh…” Wukong gnashed his teeth together, trying to hold back as his tail thrashed- “Hh…hIH- …hHAH-hH-” 
Just as Wukong’s breath pitched to the more desperate, Macaque suddenly appeared out of a shadow portal directly in front of him, pinching Wukong’s nose shut. 
“Hh’NTtu!! ‘NtXttu!! Hih’NXttu!!” Wukong’s trio of stifled sneezes was almost entirely enough to block out the sound of Mei and MK’s offended shouts of Macaque’s name, but Wukong still had enough of a mind to use their distraction to break out of their grip, shoving Macaque away from him as he returned his own hands to his face. “Hh- hH’NXTuu!!” 
“Not even a thank you huh, as usual.” Macaque said in a tone that was somehow resting between annoyed, cocky, and disappointed- only to pause as he was faced with MK and Mei’s glares. “...What?” 
“Why’d you go and do that for?” Mei asked, arms crossed, “It’s not good for Monkey King to stifle-” 
“Sure, it might not be good for Wukong-” Macaque interrupted her, “But it’s certainly best for us. Seriously MK, your mentor is, unfortunately, one of the most powerful people on the planet, remember? Did you not stop to consider what might happen if that magic went out of contro-” 
“You’re still going?!” Macaque reeled around to glare at where Wukong was standing, hands still hovering in front of his face. 
“I cahH- can’t hel-hH’NTtuu!! help ihH- it- it’s too tihH’NXttuu!!-ugh, tickly- hIH-” Wukong’s next hitching breath was cut off by a yelp as he suddenly fell down through the shadow portal that appeared below him. Macaque tsked, crossing his arms as the shadow portal closed, tail shifting in clear agitation. 
“Uh.” MK’s voice made Macaque’s tail freeze as he remembered the other two people still in the restaurant with him. “Where did you send him?” 
“Tch, don’t worry about it, I sent him back to Flower Fruit Mountain.” 
“And you didn’t do that earlier because…?” Mei trailed off, tilting her head to the side, MK somehow perfectly in sync with her. 
…In truth, it was because Macaque had panicked and forgotten that was something he could do, but- 
“Cause you two were clinging on to him.” Macaque huffed out a breath, shifting a little into a slightly more cocky pose. “Seriously, you two do not want to be caught up in a magic explosi-” 
Macaque was cut off as the ground suddenly shook, making the three of them stumble, several plates and pans falling in the kitchen. He gripped onto the counter as the shaking stopped, letting out a short laugh. 
“Right. Noted.” He said, “Next time, I’m sending him to the fucking Arctic.”
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horror-princess-2002 · 1 year ago
Can I get a matchup? Also I apologize I knew I was chatty but damn..
I'm 5'1 (💀) and I have like shoulder length auburn hair and dark brown eyes. I have a skinny hourglass body type and extremely pale skin and i wear boy clothes, girly clothes, lol I wear just about anything but I like just like dolphin shorts and a tank top. Yeah i don’t know if that’s like if you know whst I mean but yeah.
Im pretty introverted at new places and still quieter around people who aren’t my friends but once we have been friends for like 3 days im really loud and kinda obnoxious tbh. I kindaa have anger issues (yeah no it’s bad like this bitch Talan called me friend a bitch the other day so I went and cussed him out but he mocked me so ima beat his ass once my winter break is over, it started on Wednesday but this occurred Tuesday, no one and I mean fuxking no one messes with my friends because I am weak and not good at fighting but I have a hard punch and kick and will use it in the most deadly places.) but yeah anyway I love horror and like dark af shit but then I also like Sanrio, and I also have severe social anxiety and all my friends think I have bipolar depression so there’s that ig. 
I love art, and music like Melanie Martinez becuz uh it’s MELANIE MARTINEZ and I love to play games, for example I use to loveee dumb ways to die bc the deaths have a fair amount of blood lol and I love horror movies like love love love but for some reason they’re all predictable and none ever scare me. I’m still looking for traumatizing ones tho so feel free to give suggestions. Also yeah not me typing a whole essay anyway I think this is good oh yeah one more thing
I LOVEEEEE SPORTS‼️😍 like I love football, soccer, baseball, basketball, badminton, tennis, rugby, swimming, you name it I play it mk? ❤️⚽️❤️🏀❤️🏈❤️⚾️❤️🏸❤️🏐❤️🏊❤️
okay byebyebyebye 🤡
I hope you enjoy hun ❤️
I match you with Jason Voorhees
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ethereal-originate · 1 year ago
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AXEL: (B) S1, she really didn't leave an impact to me, since she was eliminated early. All she was is a person who believes the zombie apocalypse will happen. But she nice enough to make breakfast for everybody (even tho it was gross). S2, I started to like her more since she tries to be nice and makes friends as possible. It great that she has hobbies of Art 🎨(I will like to see more of that than Zombies since no teenagers talks about Zombies). I honestly didn't expect her and Ripper will happen. It actually cute pair together. But, I didn't like how they were making out a lot in ep 7. But I understand why the writer did it so they can be double eliminated. It feels dirty that she got eliminated bc she a “biggest threat” even tho there Caleb & last season winner, Priya. If there S3 , I want both of them to agreed to focus on the challenge while together. If Ripper is eliminated early, the writer can focus on Axel. I wonder how Axel family will react if she brings Ripper for family dinner. 😆
BOWIE: (B) S1, he alright. I like his friendship with Emma. Wishing they talk more.
CALEB: (B) S1, Actually surprised he the first person to be eliminated. S2, from the first person to be eliminated to a person who actually got to the finals. He alright. He got more role this season. His relationship with Priya is alright. I don’t like when they were fighting again when Caleb ally with Julia, it was nonsense.
CHASE: (D) He rude. He’s delusions and has no remorse for cutting Emma car brakes. I don't know why no one defend Emma when she trying to tell Chase it over. If S3 gives him a redemption arc, I’m ok with it.
DAMIEN: (B) One of my favorite characters.
EMMA: (C) S1 is just about her and Chase. She could have simply ignored Chase. And just say no whenever he says something. S2, she finally break up with Chase. Hopefully in S3 it won't be the same as S1 and has a new loving boyfriend.
JULIA: (B) Julia & MK friendship came out of nowhere. I won’t be surprised since the writer always write things out of nowhere and it only 13 episodes they can make, so of course they will fast paced.
MILLIE: (C) She was ok.
MK: (C) She was meh in S1. But the writer did good job of both her & Julia in S2 villain. Isn’t it dumb that she exposed herself that people shouldn't underestimate her in a live reality show?? She literally caught stealing! Like how come no contestants aren't threatened by her? Shouldn’t she be arrested? I feel S3 she won't have no purpose since everybody knows she & Julia are cheaters. I won't be surprised she will be the first person to be eliminated. I will like to see 2 new villains taking their places, pretending to be nice as Alejandro did.
NICHELLE: (B) Same as Caleb & Axel. She didn’t left an impact but revealed she doesn’t do her own stunts. S2, I actually thought she will be in the finals. But sadly no. Hollywood should hire her for the hard work she been doing. I like her friendship w/ Damien and hopefully in S3 she will train him.
RAJ: (B)
RIPPER: (B) S1 he gross. I waited for this guys to be eliminated early. When they hinted that his parents are abusive, I felt sorry for him. In S2, I started to like him more. He becomes a better person this season. (Did he realize that girls are strong & wise bc of Priya & Axel)? I’m honestly surprised he developed a crush on Axel. This guy has a lot of confidence to win Axel heart. 😆 It so romantic once he found out Axel interest, he wrote a poem just for her. Very Sweet! 💕 Hope these 2 last forever and isn’t written terribly like the former couples.
WANYE: (B) Just like Raj, he such a goofball. I’m ok he S2 winner. ZEE: (A) Also one of my favorite characters! He funny and nice. Im so glad they don’t have to shove down my throat that he disabled, like very dumb woke shows/movies. He just a guy who born as an amputee. Nothing wrong with that! I actually love that a Soda company made him to sponsor their drinks! 😆 Never change Zee!
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whiptrip · 3 years ago
ONE DAY i’ll actually sit down and work on my verses page, one day -- in the meanwhile please know i find great entertainment from mashing crossover verses together, its like trying to fit puzzle pieces from one puzzle to another. if you have a will, there’s a way!!
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lunar-wandering · 3 years ago
Yes please post about the new OC
yknow what i’ll just talk about him here
aight so his name is Qiū Shí (Autumn Stone) (秋石)
he’s Wukong’s (adopted) older brother. like he saw Wukong leap through the waterfall and was like “alright, that lil new monkey is my brother now”. Wukong was not informed of this until like, 3 years later, when Wukong shyly approached him like, Wukong: i uh......kinda see you like an older brother... Qiu Shi: Qiu Shi: ?????????? this is news to you??????????????
he was trapped in tree roots under the ground for like 200 years, and just. there’s this whole scene of him dramatically breaking free, and pulling himself up to stand, bathed in the light of the sunrise, and then it’s a direct cut to him knocking on Wukong’s door at Flower Fruit Mountain asking what the hell a cell phone is
im not joking about the cell phone thing like- Qiu Shi: hey Wukong can you tell me wha- Wukong: aren't you supposed to be dead Qiu Shi: well im not so can you tell me what a cellphone is Wukong: why are you in my house Qiu Shi: im asking you what a cellphone is
later MK enters like normal and is just faced with Qiu Shi, eating calmly, while Wukong is literally clawing and scratching at him to try and get him to sTOP EATING HIS FOOD- 
and then Qiu Shi notices MK and stands up, and the following conversation is just- Qiu Shi: WUKONG!! you didn't tell me you adopted a kid! Wukong: i didn't! Macaque: yes you did Wukong: you shut up Qiu Shi, kneeling down to be MK's height: it's nice to meet you kid, im your uncle- Wukong: WE'RE NOT RELATED- Macaque: yes you are Wukong: you shut up Qiu Shi: as you can see my little brother here- Wukong: i am OLDER THAN YOU Macaque: no you're not Wukong: YOU SHUT UP Qiu Shi, continuing like all That isn't happening behind him: -hasn't really kept me updated on anything- Wukong: you were supposed to be DEAD Qiu Shi: -so would you mind telling me your name MK: .....what the FUCK is going on
if you’re wondering why Macaque is there, he originally showed up to antagonize Wukong like usual, saw the Family Drama going on and tried to leave, but Wukong wouldn’t let him because he was not Dealing With This Alone
Qiu Shi didn’t actually have a shirt when he showed up on Wukong’s doorstep (clawing your way out of the ground will do that to ya) and so Wukong gives him one of his and Qiu Shi takes it. pauses for a moment. looks thoughtful. Wukong: don’t you FUCKING dare- Qiu Shi: *(runs his claws over the front of the shirt, creating claw marks)* Qiu Shi: there, now it’s more appealing Wukong, head in hands: *(muffled yelling)* Qiu Shi: if you liked this shirt you shouldn’t have given it to me
Wukong does on some level view Qiu Shi as someone more powerful than him (even though thats not true) mainly due to viewing him as an older brother, and, because of this, his subconscious MAKES that true, in that he can’t get the upper hand on him
that is, unless someone reminds him. like he'll be struggling to grab something Qiu Shi is keeping away from him and then someone will just go "aren't you more powerful than him" and IMMEDIATELY Qiu Shi gets knocked to the ground as Wukong kicks his legs out from under him
don’t question how Qiu Shi got these powers because i don’t know but his abilities are all mainly sound based. he’s got a Sonic Scream (think of like Black Canary’s Canary Cry or Danny Phantom’s Ghostly Wail), can do this thing where he can like. become “one with the music of the world” and be completely inaudible (mainly cause i think it’s funny if he can sneak up on Macaque), and he can like. ride soundwaves in a way that makes it seem like he’s teleporting. of course i only made him yesterday so this could change but that’s what we have now
he can’t exactly do his sonic scream right now though. the necklace around his neck prevents him from doing so.
he can’t dance. like, the last time Qiu Shi tried to dance he made a hole in a wall and Wukong had to pay for it.
need to give yall the mental image of Wukong in the process of teaching MK something, and behind him Qiu Shi just. shapeshifts/glamours himself to look like Wukong and starts mimicking him and MK is just trying not to laugh while off to the side Macaque is like "he's stealing my job" 
Qiu Shi: so. Macaque huh. Wukong: i have just decided. im going to kill you. Qiu Shi, calmly pouring himself some more tea: like, how would you kill me?
Wukong probably took Qiu Shi’s name out of the book of death sdlkfslfjsdk
Qiu Shi needs Wukong for something or other, then like, sees him talking to Macaque and just. walks over and picks Wukong up and starts walking away Wukong: hEY Qiu Shi, loudly: sorry lil' bud, but your conversation with your loverboy is gonna have to wait Macaque: hUH????? Wukong: IM GOING TO KILL THE BOTH OF YOU
Qiu Shi’s nickname for Wukong is lil’ bud. yknow. like a. like a flower bud. like a peach tree flower bud.
Qiu Shi has trouble staying still, mainly because of the “trapped underground for 200 years” thing
he has this whole “brother seeking instinct” thing, just. inexplicably can always know where Wukong is.
he’s friends with @wolfcamellias OC Lixue. their friendship dynamic is fucking hysterical
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yamiiwaii · 3 years ago
i also realized i actually gotta tell yall my world building that i dont plan on writing full fledged fics about so let me. actually do that AJCKSKCJ
so the thing with mac and wukong right is everything leading up to their big break up is the same in squashed apricots. what happens after is where things change. wukong kills mac and sends him into hell for a bit, mac stays there for as long as the journey is before hes brought back. (by who ?? i havent figured that out yet) mans is absolutely devastated and also rightfully full of rage and he spends a few years getting use to being alive again. he travels around causing mischief in an attempt to cope and also spends alot of that time training and trying to push the limits of his powers. this is where smokes (his kaiju) kinda starts playing a bigger role but i’ll elaborate on that some other time maybe.
after blowing off a bit of the bigger steam, mac goes to look for wukong to get revenge for leaving him and betraying him. he finds him, it wasnt hard ajcksk, and he torments the king constantly. (he like, shows up to ffm to pick fights with wukong or to start arguments but he never actually tries killing him because he knows his limits) eventually he gets fed up with this same old routine, wukong isnt giving him the reactions he wants anymore so he decides “you know what? im trying something else out) so he stops bothering wukong and goes to permanently stay in his dojo where researches different job options (thank you human internet) and even considers therapy.
fast forward some years, the dbk vs wukong fight doesnt actually happen in Squashed apricots (i’ll elaborate on that some other time too) and mac is much calmer and actually on his way to properly healing, he picked up medicine and gets demon patients at his dojo quite frequently, he even been thinking about moving and trying out human patients too. he grew out his fur and all that and its all fine and dandy, until he remembers wukong. and their break up. and the gold bracelet he still wears sometimes. so he decides “ah fuck it” and goes to visit wukong again, this time to actually try and work things out. wukong agrees, albeit a little hesitantly, and they start hanging out a bit more. as they get a bit closer, wukong suggests mac move in with him again so its easier to hang out and mac agrees (after alot of thought).
its only been a few days since mac moves in when wukong finds baby mk on his island (im writing this out so i wont elaborate muuuch) and they keep the baby for a year to see if hus parents come looking for him, when they dont the monkies decide to fully adopt mk. their (wukong and mac’s) relationship doesnt start going back to its romantic nature until mk’s about 2 ish ?? mac starts letting wukong be clingy and affectionate when mk’s 1 but they dont officially put a label on it until mk’s like 2/2 and a half. all throughout this point these two have not had a FULL on serious talk about the break up yet. mac has mentioned it a few times here and there, or alluded to it because sometimes something will trigger him and he’d spiral but wukong would dodge any serious serious convos about it. (smokes would sometimes alluded to it too through his behavior around wukong). wukong notices mac kept their wedding bracelets all these centuries and tells mac he kept his too, and tells him that he [wukong] would like them to get remarried when the time is right. mac agrees and they leave it at that.
fast forward to when mk’s 6, they finally have that serious talk and all that and theyre well into dating by now but they dont ever get ‘officially’ married until mk’s older (mostly because wukong forgot). wukong honestly just likes calling mac his husband and mac never corrected him so when they call each other husband in the new update its mostly because they like the implication of being married again and they havent officiated anything yet. mac still isn’t entirely ready for that commitment with wukong just yet
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scalproie · 3 years ago
Mortal Kombat X
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"mkx saved the franchise!" "mkx is the best mk game!" fair fair fair but riddle me this: why is Sub Zero ugly in there?
LIKE LITERALLY WHATS THE DEAL WITH THE BROWN LEATHER STRIPES ON HIS HOOD??? THE MASK? DRIPLESS? HIS CLOTHES LOOK EVEN MORE FLOATIES THAN USUAL. THIS SUCKS. Only things I kinda like are the knives on his arms and belts, the multilayered loincloth and the pants. Like those are fine. (but also trust me there is MORE brown leather straps on his knees guards). Other than that, this is literally the opposite of Scorpion because here, the entire head design ruins the whole thing for me. This is literally breaking my heart but I think Im gonna give it a 4/10.
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So some genius at NSR was like, after 20 years of unmasked Subz, "Why dont we give Sub Zero a beard?" and I never wanted to shake someone's hand more in my life. The impact. I hope he never shaves.
ANYWAY RETURN OF THE TITS BABEYYYYYY!!! OPEN BACK!!! EASTERN DRAGON ON THE LOINCLOTH!!! CHINESE SYMBOLS ON THE FLOATIES!!! BLUE LINES ON THE TIGH PANTS!!! THE INTRODUCTION OF KUAI'S SIGNATURE SCAR IN THE NEW TIMELINE!!! CHEST HAIR??? And the proof that Kuai can rock any eye color ever. Lord Above he's basically shirtless. God Bless. Daddy Ice Dragon. Makes you tea. My man gets an 8/10 for this entire combo. Take it away, Mr. Blum.
on as for the alts:
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Revenant Subz: MY BOY HAS A BETTER LOOK WHEN HES AN EDGY UNDEAD THAN HIS MAIN OUTFIT. this 20-something decided his hair was too pretty for a hood and im glad he did. I love how aggressive the belt and pointy loincloth are. His pants are really, really tight, trust me. Only unfortunate thing are the yellow veins and eyes, like yeah "revenant have explosive lava blood" or something but its messing with the whole look... I wish it was blue :( anyway 7/10.
2/10, still ugly even in blue.
3/10, god im STILL not a fan of how hyper realistically leathery this looks.
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lovelylusts · 4 years ago
Love & War || Min Yoongi
Pairing: Tsundere!Yoongi x Jung!Reader
Genre: College!AU, angst, fluff, smut
Warnings: Jiwoo is here but idk if her family still refers to her a Dawon so we’re just gonna call her Jiwoo, everyone is aged down by a few years bc college, Hoseok is a very weird brother but then again aren’t they all, Im Jinah/Nana and Jung Wheein make appearances as friends bc i’m a major simp, none of the cross-fandom ships represent actual ships and they’re there for p l o t, Vmin’s relationship is very vague but just know they act like an old married couple, I want a friend like Jungkook, AU where 2020 just didn’t happen mk, mentions of underaged drinking, actual drinking but legal this time, Dom!Yoongi, Sub!Reader, oral sex (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), protected vaginal sex, biting, squirting
Remember that the whole “boys are mean to girls because they like them uwu” saying is not entirely true, and that this is fiction! If a guy is an ass to you, don’t automatically assume they have a crush on you, because they may just be an incel.
Word count: 6.5k
A/N: figured some of us could use a lil fic to get us in the holiday spirit! School has been a bit stressful for me, but now it’s Thanksgiving break, and it’s around this time that my family and i start planning Christmas and New Year’s. I didn’t really center this fic around Christmas bc not everything is abt Christmas, but New Year’s Eve is important to the fic! This was requested by @d-2-moonlight who wanted a tsundere!Yoongi fic! Hope you enjoy!
All is fair in love and war, and Min Yoongi, your older brother’s best friend, happens to use one as an excuse for the other.
You loved your older brother, Hoseok, to death - you really did - but you always had to find excuses to escape him when he had his best friend, Yoongi, over. He and Hoseok had been friends for as long as you could remember, and while you were glad he had such a close, life-long friend to confide with, you hated that such a friend hated you for seemingly no reason. He had never been that nice to you, mostly blatantly ignoring you or giving you one-word answers with no emotion behind them. Or, you would argue about who got to use the family room to watch movies or play video games, and Hoseok would always agree with him and override your quality alone time. Why could Hoseok never take your side?
But it had been quite a while since you had seen him - nearly three years. Last holiday season, he and his family had gone out of town on a joint-vacation with family friends, and coincidentally the family of his girlfriend; and you were pretty sure the year before that, they went on some cruise. Not that you cared, right?
You were aware that he and Hoseok were still close, evident by the constant Instagram posts on your brother’s spam account that showed their day-to-day lives on campus at the university they both attended. Because of course they’d go to the same college. ‘Soulmate shit,’ or whatever it is they say it is. You were aware that Yoongi had grown to be even more attractive than you remember him being last time you saw him in person, and you’re certain that the shitty-quality of the random photos weren’t doing him any justice.
It was now time for both you, Hoseok, and Jiwoo to all return home for the holidays, finally reunited after your stressful sophomore year fall term and Hoseok’s even more stressful senior year - Jiwoo was doing great, though, with her successful fashion line, and that served as big inspiration for you. But for now, you were stuck with your stressful art courses. Why did nobody ever tell me that art could be this stressful?
You went to school a few hours away from home, away from all of your family members, but you were excited to return back to your hometown and not only see your family, but also visit with your high school friends. While it was a lonely drive home, it was worth it seeing that some of your old neighborhood friends had awaited your arrival, waiting inside your home and conversing with Hoseok and your mother.
“She’s here!” you heard Wheein squeal as you opened the front door to your childhood home, seeing that virtually nothing about the house had changed since you were last home. Your two close friends ran to you before you could even put your bags down, and you found yourself nearly being tackled to the ground once they reached you.
“We missed you,” Jinah beamed, squishing your cheeks together. Not only were you the youngest, and therefore babied, by your family, but you were the youngest of your friends, meaning you were babied by them as well. Not that you minded, you missed being treated as such while you were off at school.
“I missed you guys, too,” you said, your voice laced with joy as you held your two friends, your bags long forgotten by the door. Your attention turned to your older brother as he neared you with his signature broad smile plastered on his face, and you smiled even wider upon seeing him. “Hey, Hoseok-oppa,” you greeted. “Sad how you weren’t able to reach your own baby sister before her friends could, huh, Mr. Athlete?”
He chuckled at your teasing, reaching out to ruffle your wind-frizzed hair. “I’m a dancer, not a track star,” he retorted. “Besides, I’ve known these two as long as you have, and they’re fucking vicious when it comes to you!”
“Hobi-hobi!” you heard from behind you. It was from a very familiar voice, who was using a very familiar nickname. A nickname that only one person in your life used. Jinah and Wheein pulled off of your body as you turned around, being met with the surprised gaze of none other than Yoongi. “Oh, it’s you,” he mumbled in an annoyed tone. “Long time, no see, Baby Jung.”
You narrowed your eyes at the nickname that Hoseok would call a ‘term of endearment,’ though you knew it was always a name Yoongi used to remind you of your place at the bottom of the Jung food chain as just a baby who needed to respect her elders. “Hello to you, too, Yoongi-oppa.”
Jinah and Wheein exchanged a glance, one that made it clear that they were very aware of how awkward these next few weeks would be now that you and Yoogi had been reunited, albeit against your will. Having grown up around your house, they knew of the unfair treatment you received from Yoongi, which obviously led to a silent hatred towards him from the two of them. Besides, they had interests in Hoseok’s other friends.
“Uh, do you wanna go get dinner tonight? Jimin and Taehyung both got here last night, and Jungkook should be in today!” Jinah said, pulling your attention away from the two seniors. “Also, we need to go shopping for Taehyung’s birthday! Jimin will keep him busy tomorrow while Jungkook comes with us,” she explained.
You nod enthusiastically, excited to finally spend some time with all of your close friends after such a long time without seeing them. You were aware that Jiwoo wouldn’t be in town until Christmas Eve due to her work schedule, meaning your parents wouldn’t mind you going out with friends because they were prioritizing a full-family day together. “Yeah, that sounds great! Same spot as usual?”
“You know it,” Wheein exclaimed with a wide smile spread across her face. “We’re planning on meeting at six, if that works for you?”
“Yeah, definitely.” With that, both girls left to go to their respective homes to visit more with their families and settle in, and you turned your attention back to see Hoseok and Yoongi in the kitchen grabbing various foodstuffs and beverages. “What are you guys up to?”
“We’re gonna have Seokjin-hyung and Namjoon over to help them plan their New Year’s Party,” Hoseok explained as he rummaged through the pantry, scouring for whatever chips or candies he could find, as Yoongi grabbed a case of beers from the refrigerator. You looked over at Yoongi, who’s gaze met yours with the same stoic face you had grown accustomed to seeing every time he was around you - odd, because he seemed to enjoy your friends’ company more than your own, his best friend’s little sister.
“Can I help?” you offered. Maybe you could make Yoongi like having you around. Sounds simple enough! Or so you thought.
“This isn’t a party for babies,” Yoongi grumbled with a bitter tone, not daring to make eye contact with you as he passed you to grab a bottle opener from the other side of the kitchen.
You narrowed your eyes at him, not fully comprehending that he had the audacity to say such a thing to you. “You realize I’m only two years younger than you guys, right?”
“Yeah, but I’ve seen you try to drink. You’re such a lightweight, it’s embarrassing,” he chuckled darkly. You snapped your head over to look at Hoseok, who was very clearly trying not to laugh at his friend’s insults.
Some fucking brother you are.
“That’s a lot of talk from someone who can’t stand being around me for longer than a goddamn minute,” you shouted at Yoongi. “Forget it, I’ll just spend New Year’s Eve with people that actually want me around.” You left the kitchen swiftly, grabbing your bags that were still set down by the front door from your arrival, and you hauled them up the stairs to your room.
Your room was just as you left it the last time you were home during the summer, some of the books on the shelf by the door collecting dust from not being touched in God knows how long, along with some snow globes and picture frames filled with pictures of your friends and family. You smiled as you saw one of your favorite pictures - a picture of your group of friends, as well as some of Hoseok’s and Jiwoo’s own friends, on New Year’s Eve during your junior year of high school. That night was the only time you could remember Yoongi being nice to you, though both of you had had quite a bit to drink that night. He had kissed you that night as a dare from Taehyung, who thought he was doing both of you a favor by making you both realize that there wasn’t just hatred between you two, but his effort was deemed futile. The next time you saw Yoongi, he yelled at you, berating you for being a liar and trying to trick him because you thought he was stupid for getting so wasted. You weren’t sure why you loved that picture so much, seeing as it was a reminder of so much pain - maybe it was because nearly all of the most important people in your life were in it, or maybe it was because you had the best kiss of your life that night.
The rest of your afternoon was spent unpacking your belongings, filling the space in your nearly empty closet, which had many old clothes that held sentimental value, such as your senior prom dress, and your old school uniform. Once the small, glow-in-the-dark digital clock on your nightstand read 5:30, you figured it was time to leave for the night, for a fun night with your best friends awaited you. You skipped down the stairs, hearing the familiar laughs of Seokjin and Namjoon; and luckily for you, they were two of Hoseok’s friends that genuinely loved you.
“Hoseok-oppa,” you sang as you entered the living room. “I’m leaving now, I’ll be back later tonight.”
“Aw, you don’t wanna stay and help us plan the party?” Namjoon offered with a warm smile. Ever since Hoseok met him in middle school, Namjoon had always been super sweet to you. Much to Yoongi’s dismay, he always tried to include you, whether it be discreetly saving a few slices of pizza for you, or letting you be his backseat gamer during Mario Kart sessions with the boys. Hoseok had said before that Namjoon had always viewed you as a little sister - odd coming from him, considering he never stopped Yoongi from acting in the complete opposite manner of Namjoon. 
You glanced over at Yoongi, who just grumbled, sighed to himself, and rolled his eyes, clearly not fond of how his other friends tried to include you in stuff. “I’d love to,” you started, briefly flicking your gaze to Yoongi, narrowing your eyes as him for a split second before redirecting yourself to look at Namjoon. “But I’m meeting up with my friends for dinner. Haven’t seen any of them since the summer.”
“Why don’t you invite them to the New Year’s Party. That small one we had a few years ago was super fun!” Seokjin said. Seokjin, who Hoseok had known since his later high school years, was similar to Namjoon in the sense that he tried to treat you fairly, inviting you to eat with them and he even bought you little stuffed animals or figurines as Christmas or birthday gifts. You really wished that Yoongi could be more like him and Namjoon.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Yoongi’s face drop at the mention of the New Year’s Eve party - you both knew that Seokjin was talking about the one from three years prior, the night the photo in your room was taken. “You guys plan it first, then I’ll ask them,” you conceded. “Now, I gotta get going. See you guys later.”
Upon arriving at the usual restaurant, a small seafood place that was close to the high school you all used to attend, you saw Jungkook and Jinah waiting by the front door for you, their eyes lighting up upon seeing you approaching.
“Jungkookie-oppa!” you exclaimed as you neared them, throwing your arms around him, nearly knocking the air out of his lungs upon the impact of your intense hug. “I missed you!”
“Missed you, too,” he chuckled, finally returning the tight hug you had surprised him with. “The others are inside waiting for us.” You simultaneously let go of each other, and you both followed Jinah into the crowded restaurant, letting her lead the way to the circular table in the back corner by a nearly empty lobster tank, where Taehyung, Jimin, and Wheein were waiting. 
Taehyung and Jimin, the infamous chaotic duo that they were, nearly knocked over their respective glasses of water from how quickly they shot up from their seats once they saw you, both of them rushing over to you to engulf you in a hug, sandwiching you between them.
“How’ve you guys been?” you asked them, your voice muffled due to the fact you were enclosed by their bodies.
“This semester totally kicked my ass,” Jimin grumbled. “But I’m just glad to be reunited with my bitches.”
“Excuse me” Taehyung interjected. “I think I’m the only dom h-” Taehyung’s snarking remark was interrupted with a huff that followed the sound of impact, seemingly from Jimin slapping him on the arm. “You hate me because I’m right!”
“Can you let go of me now?” you asked with frustration, attempting to push the two boys away from your body, whining. “I’m hungry.” All six of you took your spots at the table, you found yourself seated between Wheein and Jungkook, with Jimin across from you, and a waiter soon came by to take drink orders.
“So, Hoseok and his friends are throwing a New Year’s Eve party,” you remarked once the waiter left towards the bar to bring the six bottles of soju. “They told me to invite you guys. I don’t know how big it’s gonna be, or where, for that matter.”
“Is Yoongi-hyung gonna be there?” Jimin asked in a teasing tone, raising his eyebrows at you with a mischievous smirk taking over his plush lips.
“Oppa, I will kill you. That is both a threat and a promise,” you said with a slight snarl. All of your close friends were very aware of the kiss that a very drunk you and a very drunk Yoongi shared three years prior, and they were equally aware of how crushed you were once Yoongi returned to his normal asshole antics. “He doesn’t feel that way towards me, you know that. He can hardly stand being around me. I’m not going to the party for him; I’m going because Seokjin-oppa invited us. Besides, they’re still planning it.”
“Have you ever, I don’t know, asked him why he dislikes you so much?” Jungkook asked, not looking up from the menu as he spoke.
“That’s such a weird thing to ask, though,” you whined. “Imagine if someone went up to you and asked you ‘hey, I’ve known you for most of my life and you still act like I’m the bain of your existence, why is that?’ It’s so odd!”
“I agree with Jungkook,” Wheein said. “You should try to talk to him. At least so you can know why he’s so cold towards you.”
“Asking him would require that he actually wants to talk to me, and he definitely doesn’t.” Your friends were treating your complex relationship with Yoongi as something that could so easily be solved, yet you knew it wasn’t that simple in the slightest. Although you had known these friends for many years, they never seemed to fully understand everything that happened and continued to happen in your time knowing Yoongi. “We’ll just see how the party goes, I guess. Besides, Jinah-unni,” you said, changing the subject to aim your friends’ teasing towards somebody else. “Since Seokjinnie-oppa invited us… are you finally gonna try to talk to him?”
Jinah’s face immediately reddened at your question, her eyes shifting around the table as she choked on her own words. “I… I mean, I want to. I just get so nervous around him. I feel like he’d want to date someone closer to his age. I don’t know, I just don’t wanna be disappointed.
“You should definitely talk to him at the party,” said Wheein. “Maybe even get a New Year’s kiss!”
“Shut up!” Jinah exclaimed with a glare. “You all are awful.”
“Yes, but you love us anyway,” said Taehyung through a chuckle. “Now, what are we gonna do for my birthday?”
The first two weeks of your winter vacation went by quickly, having spent most of it with your high school friends, and your family upon Jiwoo’s arrival. You spent the early half of Christmas Eve exchanging gifts with friends and watching cheesy holiday movies, and then spent the evening and Christmas Day with your immediate family. Taehyung’s birthday party was fun as well, all six of you getting immensely wasted (and maybe Taehyung and Jimin making out, but that’s neither here nor there). You were having the time of your life - and then it was December 31st.
You stared in the mirror, nervously checking over the outfit you picked out for the party as Wheein did Jinah’s makeup on your bed, various palettes, makeup brushes, and product tubes laid out on the fluffy comforter as she carefully worked. The party would be at Seokjin’s family’s house, seeing as it was the largest house of the four party planners, and his parents gladly (or so Seokjin says) gave up the space to their son.
“You look great!” Wheein reassured you as she watched you check over your appearance in the mirror. “Who knows? You might meet someone nice tonight,” she suggested.
“Maybe,” you mumbled. “Jinah-unnie? Are you actually gonna try to talk to Seokjin-oppa tonight?” You needed to talk about something else, anything else, to keep your mind off of Yoongi. You were terrified of seeing him tonight, the third anniversary of the moment you’d rather forget. What if it happened again? What if he snapped at you in front of everyone?
What if he went the rest of his life ignoring you?
“I think I will,” she said with a smile audible in her voice. “I really like him… and if I get rejected, we don’t go to school in the same city, so I don’t have to ever see him again and relive the shame,” she cheered ironically, trying to make light of her nerves.
“I’m sure he’ll give you a try,” Wheein insisted. “Who wouldn’t want you, unnie? If he turns you down, I’m sure there’s plenty of better men out there for you.”
Although you were invested in the conversation, the nerves were still eating away at you. Even as the three of you picked up Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, even as you arrived at Seokjin’s large, crowded house, even as you took the first tip of the concoction you had your brother surprise you with - you still felt every ounce of nervousness. You compulsively looked around at your surroundings, scouring for Yoongi - so you could try to avoid him, or try to make conversation with him, you weren’t entirely sure yet - but you were only met with some people you recognized from high school, as well as many strangers.
Your friends, save for Jungkook, eventually dispersed - Wheein started talking to some random cute guy she spotted, Jimin went to go do body shots, Taehyung was hitting up an old high school crush, and Jinah finally found the courage to talk to Seokjin. Jungkook knew how nervous you felt at the moment, so he decided to stay with you and talk about random subjects to help calm your nerves until you found Yoongi.
You didn’t have to wait long, however, because pretty soon you saw him approaching you and Jungkook with a wide smile, a soju bottle in hand. “Heyyyyyyy,” he greeted with a slight slur. “You guys having fun?”
You and Jungkook exchanged a brief look of confusion before nodding at his question with awkward smiles. “Hey, uh, Yoongi-oppa… can I talk to you? Alone?”
“Yeah, of course!” he said, taking your hand and dragging you through crowds of college students towards the nearly empty backyard. You were able to turn around for a split second, shooting Jungkook a thumbs up before following closely behind Yoongi. “What’d you wanna talk to me about?”
“I… why are you being so nice to me right now? Why are you only nice to me when you’re drunk?” you asked him, your voice shaky.
“All you ever do is ignore me or make fun of me and call me a baby. You’ve done that since we were kids. The only times you’ve ever been nice to me are right now and three years ago when you kissed me! And even then, you didn’t remember and said I was making shit up. It fucking hurts Yoongi. I’ve tried so hard to be nice to you, and all you do is shut me down. Why? Why can’t you at least try to be nice to me?” The words spilled out of you, practically unfiltered, tears welling in your eyes as the alcohol in your system made you hyper-emotional.
He blinked, his face void of emotion as he took in everything you just said. The realization hit him all at once, sadness overtaking his face. “I… I’m really sorry.”
“That doesn’t answer my damn question, Yoongi-oppa.”
“Because… I really like you. And I thought you wouldn’t like me because I’m your older brother’s best friend. Wanted to make it easier on myself.”
Your sadness was immediately overtaken by anger. His feelings for you didn’t even matter now that he had confessed his shitty reasoning. “Are you fucking kidding me? You asshole,” you exclaimed at him, watching as he winced at your reaction. “I’ve liked you for years and you made me thinking you fucking hated me. Go fuck yourself, oppa.”
You made your way inside, not looking back and in desperate search to find any of your friends. You found Jinah still talking to Seokjin (seemingly less awkward and nervous than before), Wheein was dancing with some of her other friends from high school, and you found your three boys at the bar together. Their eyes lit up as they saw you approaching, but Jungkook noticed your negative demeanor and rushed over to you.
“It didn’t go well, did it?” he asked with a downturned tone. You shook your head, leaning against Jungkook’s body to bring him into a much-needed hug, nearly breaking down as you felt his arms wrap around you. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“I don’t wanna ruin your fun. Stay here, I’ll call a cab,” you insisted. You were about to leave by yourself, but you felt Jungkook grab onto your hand. You turned to face him, and you were met with his warm-hearted smile.
“I’m going with you. I’m not having much fun here, anyway,” he said, flashing his teeth, before turning back to Jimin and Taehyung to let them know that you were both leaving and that you’d explain later if you felt comfortable.
It was a short, quiet ride back to your house; he softly held your hand in the back of the cab, this thumb stroking your cold skin. There were no words between you two, neither of you wanting to have such an important talk with a complete stranger in the driver’s seat; but as soon as you got home to your empty house, you broke down.
“He said he likes me,” you said. “And he didn’t want to get hurt so he pushed me away.”
Jungkook’s facial expressions changed from concerned to annoyed in an instant. “Are you serious? What an ass.” He pulled you into your nth supportive hug of the night. “Fuck him. There’s plenty of better guys out there who won’t treat you like shit just because they like you.”
So you tried to forget about Min Yoongi. You spent the rest of your time at home with your friends, finding any excuse you could to spend time away from home when Yoongi was there hanging out with Hoseok; and you went back to school without talking to him again - letting go of him hurt a lot, but you supposed it didn’t hurt as much as him acting like he hated you for years to mask his feelings. You tried to find boys on your campus to get your mind off of him, many one-night stands following dorm parties, and maybe a few dates here and there, but there was never a spark with any of them. Maybe I’m just destined to be alone and own a hoard of cats. Yeah, that sounds nice. Luckily for you, you didn’t have to see Yoongi over Spring Break because your close friends whisked you away for a week-long trip to Tokyo, Japan to sight-see and get lost in the bright night-life. But when you had finally let go, you just had to see him when you went home for the summer.
You nearly broke down upon seeing him in the living room of your house the night that Hoseok arrived at home, the boys ready to spend their last summer together before entering the real world. He had seen you coming down the stairs, grabbing your shoes from their location near the door, a pang of sadness hitting him as the hazy memories of the New Year’s Eve party that occurred many months prior.
“Y/N?” Yoongi called out to you, though you ignored him, much like he had done to you for the many years he had known you, casually continuing to lace up your sneakers. “Jung!”
“Fuck off,” you grumbled. “I’m not talking to you. See you later, Hoseok-oppa. I’m going to the mall with my friends.”
You were relieved to finally be with all of your friends again - they were the five people who managed to keep you sane, no matter how much you loved your roommate back at college, and you definitely needed some quality time with them knowing that Yoongi could possibly be waiting for you when you got back to your parents’ house. The six of you walked around the mall, popping in to random stores and browsing, making terrible jokes about random objects along the way, before you all decided to go to the food court and grab lunch.
“So,” Taehyung started. “Jinah-noona. How are things with Seokjin-hyung?”
Jinah blushed as she reached over to pick up a dumpling from the large plate that sat in the middle of the rectangular table. “It’s going great. Luckily for me, he’s staying in town, so we’ll be close. He’s really sweet.”
“Yeah, I’ve known him for a while. He’s really a sweet guy. Don’t let go of him,” you chuckled.
“Have you seen Yoongi-hyung lately?” Jimin asked out of nowhere, causing Jungkook to kick him under the table. “What? I just wanna know!”
“Let him Jungkookie-oppa. I saw him before I left my parents’ house. He wanted to talk to me; I just blew him off,” you said with a shrug. “I plan on spending the rest of my summer ignoring him. If I’m lucky, he’ll take a hint.”
“There's not any cute guys on your campus?” Wheein asked.
“I’ve tried hook-ups and dates but… I don’t know, I haven’t found anyone I like.”
“I think you should try to talk to Yoongi-hyung,” said Jimin. “Maybe he’s realized how shitty he made you feel. He’s just graduated college, I’m sure that’s been a big wake-up call for him.”
You thought about Jimin’s words, thinking about both sides of the singular Yoongi-shaped coin, which just so happened to be the same shape as the void in your heart - on one side, it could be a wonderful, loving relationship, because he’s shown that deep-down, he’s quite the softie. But, on the other hand, you barely knew him outside of what you had seen of him through the minimal amounts of time he had acted like himself around you, like when he was gaming with his friends, or watching terribly made movies with Hoseok in the middle of the night. You had the entire afternoon to make your decision, or at least that’s the time limit you gave yourself because the feeling of loneliness and missing Yoongi was starting to eat away at you. You had to act on it
You arrived home later that night to see that Yoongi had gone home; but luckily for you, he only lived a few houses down. You found him outside in front of his house with the Min family dog, the toy poodle known as Holly, playing tug-of-war with a bright blue and green braided rope toy.
“Yoongi-oppa,” you called out quietly, standing a few feet away from him. “We should talk.”
He sighed to himself, standing up from his spot on the concrete driveway. “Yeah, we should. Look, I’m really so-”
“I’m going to give you one chance, oppa. I need to see that you’re actually going to treat me like a human being and that you’re not using feelings as an excuse to be an asshole to me. I don’t need an apology, I just need something real,” you said, interrupting his apology.
He looked shocked, not quite expecting your response. “I- yeah. Yeah, no, of course. I promise I’ll do right by you. I promise,” he rambled. “I’m still sorry, though. I spent the entire second half of my senior year really fucked up over what I did. It doesn’t even make any fucking sense. It made sense to high school Yoongi, but I don’t know why it continued. I’m sorry.”
“Oppa, it’s ok. Calm down. I forgive you, but just remember you’re on thin ice. You need to show me that you can be a good lover,” you said with a warm smile.
“I promise I won’t let you down.
He split his summer between hanging out with Hoseok and hanging out with you, which meant he ended up spending most of his time at your family’s house. He managed to make good on his promise, doing both large and subtle things to show you how much he cared, whether it be taking you out to nice dinners, or cuddling you during movie nights with all of your friends. His kisses were just as amazing as you had remembered from over three years ago, and he made you feel so warm around him - the spark that you had failed to find in your time apart had been ignited by him, and you never wanted to forget the feeling.
Summer fled nearly as fast as it arrived, and you feared that shortly you’d have to be returning to your campus, cities away from Yoongi. He was now part of the list of people who you missed dearly while you were away, along with your best friends, but this would be your first summer away from him as your lover.
“I want to have sex,” you blurted out as you lied on your bed one hot afternoon, about a week before you had to drive back to your campus.
“Come again?” he asked, evidently shocked by your out-of-the-blue confession.
“We have a week before I leave, and I wanna fuck before I go,” you said bluntly with a shrug, turning on your stomach, the thin straps of your tank top sliding down your shoulders - not planned or intended, but you were very appreciative of gravity in that moment. “We don’t have to.”
“N-no, I want to. I really want to,” he admits. “Just… I tend to be a bit rough. I don’t wanna make you do something you’d be uncomfortable with, or hurt you, or…” he trailed off.
“Oppa, you realize we went to the same high school, right? And Hoseok-oppa and I share a wall? I’ve heard all about what you’e like, both from you and, er, outside sources. I’m well prepared,” you said with a chuckle, moving over to straddle him, watching his body language to see if he tensed up, but he instead brought his large hands to your hips, his fingers fiddling with the top hem of your athletic shorts.
“Oh yeah? What have you heard about me?”
“You’re quite large, a little bit of a sadist, have a good tongue… never heard of a girl who’s had to fake it with you,” you said, trailing a finger up his side until your hand was cupping his jaw, and you leaned down to kiss him. By now, his hands had trailed lower, now resting on your ass, gently gripping and guiding your hips to move against him, the hardness beneath your core growing as you moved against him.
“Hm, you’ll just have to find that out for yourself, won’t you?” he teased, his sentences becoming more breathy as you ground against his hardening cock. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“We won’t see each other for another few months, honey. I want to do it now before we have to wait until December,” you said. You saw up, pulling the plain grey tank top over your head, your sports bra following soon after, smirking as you watched Yoongi bite his lip at the sight of your bare chest. He reached forward, gently brushing his thumbs over your nipples, watching intently as they hardened beneath his touch, much like his cock beneath you as you continued moving your hips. Without warning, he flipped you over so you were beneath him, and he quickly tore his own t-shirt and gym shorts off before grabbing your own shorts and underwear and quickly removing them.
He wasted no time lowering himself to be face-level with your cunt, delivering an experimental lick to your swollen clit before going all in, shoving two fingers into your wet pussy as he sucked on your clit. His tongue was definitely better than any old high school rumor could have set you up to believe - so many other boys had disappointed you in this department, leading to equally many faked orgasms, but you already knew that you would not have to fake with Yoongi. His fingers curled perfectly against your walls, hitting the sweet spot within perfectly; in combination with his skilled tongue, you were sure it wouldn’t be long before you came.
You felt him insert a third finger into your heat, his tongue not letting up as he quickened the pace of his fingers. The stimulation was causing your thighs to shake, and your back to arch off of your bed as the knot in your stomach continued to tighten.
“O-oppa… I wanna cum with you inside me,” you said, running your fingers through his soft black hair. 
He peered up at you from between your legs, only his darkened eyes visible to you as he pressed one more kiss to your clit before removing his fingers. He sucked each finger into his mouth, tasting your essence once more before speaking. “You taste fucking amazing, by the way. Do you have any condoms here?”
“There should be some in my nightstand,” you said.  You rolled over to your nightstand, opening the singular drawer and rummaging through; and luckily for you, you managed to find some. You grabbed one and handed it off to Yoongi, watching him hastily pull down his briefs so he could put the condom on.
It was at this moment that you understood every piece of gossip you had heard regarding his bedroom abilities. To put it simply, he was huge, but to elaborate, he had the prettiest cock you had ever seen: long, a slight upwards curve, a few veins, and a pretty red tip that was leaking pre-cum. He put the condom on over his length - luckily you had grabbed the right size - and he lined himself up against your entrance. He looked to you for assurance that you were ready and wanted him, smiling at your shy nod, and he pushed forward slowly so you could adjust to his size.
“Oppa?” you asked as he bottomed out. He looked at you with mild concern, hoping he hadn’t already hurt you. “Don’t hold back.” He smirked at your request, asking you if you were sure you were making the right choice, and once you gave him the reassurance, he started thrusting in and out at a quicker pace than he had initially planned. He filled you perfectly, almost as if he were made for you. It was a tight fit, but the type of tight where it left the pleasurable feeling of being stretched out rather than the feeling of being torn open. You wrapped your legs around his waist, bringing him closer to you so you could feel him hitting you deeper.
“You feel so good,” he groaned out. He buried his head in your neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your skin before softly biting you, which caused you to whine in pleasure. “Hm, you like it when I bite you, don’t you?” Yoongi didn’t need an answer. He already knew, judged by how whiney you became after the bite, so he returned to the same spot on your neck, biting a bit harder than before.
“I-I’m close,” you moaned, the stretch of his cock in your tight pussy mixed with the sensation of him biting you were too much at once. Your moans became more persistent - thank God nobody else is home - as you grew closer to your climax. Yoongi quickened the pace and intensity of his movements, his cock railing against your g-spot with every harsh thrust; and one he reached between your bodies to rub your clit, you were done for. You came undone in an instant; however, he didn’t slow down at all. He kept fucking into you, kept rubbing your clit, the contracting of your pussy around him bringing him closer to the edge himself. The persistent stimulation was too much for you, making you scream out at the overstimulation, and pretty soon you found yourself experiencing something that you had never experienced with another person. You squirted around him, which was the catalyst for Yoongi’s own release, his warm seed filling the condom.
“Holy fuck, that was hot,” he said as he looked down between your bodies, seeing both pairs of thighs covered in your juices.
“I’ve never squirted because of another person before,” you admitted, equally shocked as he was at what had just occurred.
“So… I take it I live up to the hype,” he joked as he pulled out of you, chuckling at how you whined at the empty feeling after being stuffed so perfectly, before getting up to throw the condom away and grab some towels from the bathroom connected to your room to clean you up with.
“I think the hype couldn’t live up to you.”
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lunatic-fandom-space · 4 years ago
Time to fix some of RWBYs Magic Bullshit
Hey! Im about halfway through the first episode of Volume 6 and Im writing this so I have something to stimulate my brain a bit while also still paying attention to RWBY. I will mostly focus on the "real magic" and whatever the fuck Silver Eyes are and only mention Semblences, Aura and Dust if I need to adjust something. Lets go!
Silver Eyes
In my opinion it would be better to just not have them in the first place, but I feel like that would require more reworking than Im willing to do right now, so yeah.
First of all, make them a little less OP. Like, they can still kill a whole bunch of small Grimm at once if you need them to (they are god-given if I understand it correctly) but the stronger and bigger Grimm should only be weakened. Maybe that Silver-Eyed hound-thing is completely immune. Another idea that might be pretty cool is Salem creating like, Grimm/Human hybrids or Grimm/Faunus hybrids that have Aura, making them immune to it as well.
I also dont like how theyre just like, a genetic thing. It unintentionally makes Ruby seem even less special than she already seems because of Oscar anyway. Instead, I think Silver Eyes should be "granted" to kind-hearted and pure souls to tie better into the whole 'Victory is in a simple soul' thing.
Raven and Qrows Bird Magic/Semblences
Literally just. Switch them around.
Make Raven and Qrow being able to turn into birds their Semblence and Portals and Bad Luck the result of magical experimentation. I literally cant believe that MK went "yeah, being able to basically bend the universe so that it makes you miserable is pretty sick but yknow what else is? Birb"
Basically, I have this idea where Raven was the first one to get her aditional powers and everything went well and now she basically has two semblences, thats nice. But then when it was Qrows turn, something went wrong... Or did it? Like, okay, theyre trying to make Oz all morally grey and all that but from what Ive seen (and read) so far, the worst he ever did was 'be incompetent' and no one (in the show atleast) even complains about that. So, if Oz had deliberatly given Qrow his bad luck for some reason, their distress would be more justified.
Now, this concept would not really work in this current version of the story. Personally, Id like him to be a bit more of third party, who distrusts Oz but still wants to actively fight Salem, unlike Raven.
Maiden Magic
Just, make them more than just basic elemental powers. Id really like it if they were more specific to each season, yknow what I mean? Like maybe they each control the weather thats associated with their season or something; Winter controls snow/hail, Fall controls the winds/rain, Spring can make the clouds go away/make it rain too, Summer can also make the clouds go away/make it hotter. Obviously more than that too, but I cant really think of anything rn, so Id be cool if you guys could share your ideas
Next, tie them closer to the relics and also get rid of the vaults alltogether. Apparently Oz created the vaults himself using magic sometime after he already granted the Maidens their powers, which is just so.... Ugh, it breaks a lot of things, I feel.
I propose making it so that only real magic can actually activate the relics and bring out their respective weird blue thing. I'll elaborate more on that after I assign each Maiden a new Relic, because while I dont know which Maiden goes with which Relic off the top of my head, I do know that it doesnt make sense.
Spring - Creation, because thats when everything blooms and shit
Fall - Destruction, because thats when everything starts to look barren and dead
Winter - Knowledge, because the relic lets you ask anything about the past and something something, frozen in time
Summer - Choice, mostly by process of elimination because I dont exactly know what the relic even does in this case. Ive heard somewhere that it lets you see the future, so Im assuming its kinda meant to parallel Knowledge, like how Creation parallels destruction even though Jinn did tell them about the future when she said Salem cant be defeated
Now that thats out of the way, I'll explain what I mean by "only real magic can activate the Relics". Instead of the magical vaults that correspond to each Maiden, the Relics themselves correspond to them. So the Winter Maiden is the only one who can ask call out Jinn to ask her something, the Spring Maiden is the only one who can call out Ambrosius to create something, and so on and so forth. Theyd still be kept in vaults obviously, but instead of being magical they vaults would be really hi-tech.
And given that Oz was the one to grant the Maidens their powers and Salem and he seem to have same ones, they should also be to activate all the relics. So during that scene before The Lost Fable when Oz and Oscar are fighting for control, Oscar could touch the lamp and activate it instead of telling them Jinn's name. Once shes out, Ruby could ask her about Ozpin and the flashback carries on as it does in the show proper. And now, last but not least
Salem and Ozma's Magic
I'll admit, I didnt technically come up with this one myself, but make the vague runic glyphs Magic rather than a Semblence. Basically, just give them all the powers Weiss had that the writers forgot about. Time dilation, platforms, projectiles, all that jazz. And they should just be able to use the additional abilities that Weiss was able to use with dust, but without needing dust, yknow what I mean?
And since that means the Schnee Family Semblance cant be Glyphs, I think it should be Summoning. Winter is as good at summoning as she is in the actual show but Weiss can only summon simple structures like walls or maybe additional weapons or a shield if Myrtenaster gets knocked out of her hands during a fight or something like that. That way we can still keep her whole arc about learning summoning.
So, those are all of my fixes for the Magic in RWBY, please let me know whag you think!
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neouibinjari · 4 years ago
re: mychems fall to capitalism i kinda wonder all the time how much resistance it was met with and by who (if anyone) didn’t want it
i mean as an aspiring artist n stuff i completely understand wanting to get signed cuz it’s mostly just a way to have more resources for wut ur doing n more ways for ur band to be known n for the word to be spread (not that im saying that that’s the only way AT ALL cuz thats not even like the best way to get known whatsoever) but the trouble w that, specially when it comes to major record label deals, is that ur just basically giving them absolute permission to capitalise off of u however they want as long as it sells n they don’t always care abt wut u want to do.
i do think warner n mcr sometimes just overestimate us cuz they think that no matter wut they do or how much they fuck up we’re gon still b hoes for em to which... they’re not wrong but when u give just so much n barely get anything back the relationship sort of like breaks i’ve seen so much discontent on the fandom sometimes i get lowkey worried KDJSKDJDJ
but now referring to the second part i constantly question that too n specially lately after reading the interview gerard did w billy corgan n the soundcloud one he did the other day talking bout jersey cuz... i lowkey feel he rlly take us for granted sometimes but i wont get too much into that cuz mi opinion on gerard its a tad too biased at this point i think. but like he’s so pro-corp now it makes me feel icky n thats not like smth that comes from now even but it hurts just like so much watching lotms n how they were/showed themselves to be in 2004 at how they r now n they prolly have their reasons but their message n personalities aged like milk i think. also u know how in the reunion concert he was like “omg i cant believe u guys showed up i thought no one would come uwu thx👉🏻👈🏻” n when the tix for mcr mk dropped he just captioned the pic like “you know what to do” like okay...
for frank id rlly like to think he lowkey opposes considering that all his solo stuff have been released in local/his own labels n that he’s the only member that still lives in jersey but then he releases nEw eXcLuSiVe LiMiTeD eDiTiOn LiMiTeD QuAnTiTy merch every like two weeks n ion think i’ll ever forgive him for 25 bucks skeleton gloves (no shipping included) n well ig everyone at this points knows that if ur in mcr n u disagree creatively u like... get kicked out (not a bob apologist just saying that cw should’ve been a full length record).
for ray n mikey i cant read them too well mostly cuz they dont show/get to talk much but what i will say abt them is that: 1. mikeyway is THE BIGGEST gerard way fan n he’s his brother 2. ray gives HARD vibes of those type of friends that will follow u to the end of the world “as longs as it makes you happy” + wbk how close ray n gerard are so thats that
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scaryscarecrows · 6 years ago
Boy Wonder, MK II
AN: Hilariously, in some...I wanna say it was pre-crisis, but I don’t remember now...older Robin!Jason comic, Bruce really does just leave the kid in a seedy bar. Luckily for him, the Friendly Neighborhood Sex Workers take a shine to him and nothing bad happens, but still. Bruce. He’s like twelve.
* * *
Dove is not Batman’s biggest fan by a long shot. Oh, sure, he’s not that terrible, all things considered, he’s not blowing up factories and eating people, but. But. He breaks windows. He makes Penguin mad. And he stuck a kid in tights and told him to go punch serial killers.
So. No, Dove really doesn’t like him very much. He’d better hope to God she never finds out who he is, or CPS will be on him so fast…
Robin hasn’t been seen for months. Two-Face beat the hell out of him (not Dent, Two-Face, there is a difference, Harvey felt guilty about it) and...that was sort of the end of it. He’s not dead, Dove knows, because there’s been reports coming out of Bludhaven about some ‘flippy punchy bastard’ and if that’s not the kid, she’ll go back to the streetcorner. Dove’s not...happy about it, exactly, but Batman hasn’t press-ganged any more kids and that’s...fine. Maybe he’s learned his lesson.
Cobblepot’s trying for the straight and narrow again (well, for him, he hasn’t stabbed anybody in forever and the last five shipments were legal), which means Batman has no business being in here-what is that.
It’s...it’s technically Robin, but it’s not the one in Bludhaven. This one’s shorter. Oh, for fuck’s sake, he got another one. Another one! Really?
Cobblepot frowns, raises the eyebrow behind the bottle, and says nothing to him.
“What do you want.”
“Information.” Batman always sounds like he’s drunk a gravel milkshake. Dove wonders if he thinks it sounds scary or what. “There’s been a murderer targeting the homeless population.”
“Tragedy. But not my forte, Batman, don’t even attempt to blame it on me.”
“Hn.” Batman stands, somehow, even taller. “But you might have heard something.”
“I might have.” Cobblepot tilts his head. “Step into my office. The child stays outside, I will not have...breakages.”
Yeah...Robin the First (????) had a habit of doing handstands on the furniture. Among other things.
“I’m not gonna break things,” the kid grouses suddenly. Then he takes a closer look at Penguin. “Hey, s’that a real bottle?”
Alley kid. Christ on an ostrich.
Dove tenses to either prevent Cobblepot from stabbing the boy or to get the hell out of the way. Cobblepot breathes deeply, visibly counts to ten, and turns sharply.
“Office. Now. The brat stays here.”
Batman looks like he might be laughing. Fuck Batman.
They go, though, and Dove’s left with a tiny, scowling child who, on closer inspection, is trying to puff himself up like, well, a scared bird.
“C’mere, kiddo,” she says. “You hungry?”
At first, he doesn’t answer. But then he turns on the same cocky grin his...predecessor...had, or somethin’ in that ballpark, and chirps, “C’n I have a vodka shot?* I got ID, I swear, I just left it in my other cape.”
Pfft. Sure, kiddo, and she rides a unicorn to work.
“No,” she tells him, “but I can getcha a hot chocolate.”
“Spike it?”
“Keep dreaming.” He clambers onto a bar stool and Jesus, he really is tiny. “So where’d Big Bat pick you up?”
“I stole his tires,” Robin announces, twisting dangerously to look at a painting behind him. “And beat the shit out of him when he asked for ‘em back.”
Dove refrains from laughing at him. Barely.
“I did! Ask ‘im!”
She just might, if only to see the look on his face.
“And he made you Robin.”
“Uh-huh-oh, wow.”
What-oh. Yeah, the Iceberg has an enviable wine rack, but the hot chocolate recipe was Cobblepot’s mother’s. There’s supposed to be a heaping helping of Irish cream, but Robin doesn’t need to know that.
“Here ya go, kiddo. S’cold outside.”
He’s not too sure about the wafer stick, at first, but he ends up eating it and accepting the other one she gives him. It’ll be a little bit, probably, before people catch on that he’s new. Which. It probably doesn’t matter, but...but. Still.
Batman comes back and Robin leaps off the stool.
“So? Are we gonna get ‘im?”
That must be Batman for ‘yes’, because Robin cheers and bounds towards the door with a shouted, “Thanks for the drink, Miss Marquis!”
And then they’re gone.
Goddamn Batman, teaching his...whatever they are to him...his stalky habits. And then some.
Oh, boy, and then some. Hopefully this one’ll fare better than the first. Or see the light and get out before it’s too late.
*Jason, in all reality, would get that shot and either choke on it or pour it into a plant when no one’s looking. :p
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