#IM LESS SICK NOW??? I THINK???? i was in n out of the hospital for the past week
tacc0yak1 · 11 months
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Lilia warmup sketch before i continue back to work 🫡
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froggibus · 1 year
Resurrection - Wally West
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Pairing: Wally West x gn! Reader, platonic! Dick Grayson x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 5.5k
Summary: it’s been almost a year since Wally died, and life has not been kind to you. it doesn’t help that when you get the flu and your fever spikes, you start seeing the speedster everywhere you turn
CW: loss of a loved one, grief, sickness, hallucinations, reader is worried they’re going crazy, overactive imagination, mentions of death, mentions of suicide, panic attacks, ghosts, reader was a part of Young Justice, mutual pining, friends to lovers, resurrection
This alludes heavily to the Young Justice tv show, especially Wally’s death. I apologize in advance because I have poor knowledge of the Flash Family and speedforce!!
day 1 of me pushing my Wally West agenda!! i absolutely adore Wally, and im so happy to be writing about him. this is literally the longest thing ive ever posted on this site but I got so into the story that I couldn’t stop. hopefully this makes sense and isn’t just a jumble of words 😭also i think from now on im gonna include wally in any of my dick/jason/tim hcs
also im very tempted to do a pt2/make a series of wally adapting to life afterwards
You groan in your bed, your fever spiking to an almost unbearable temperature. You spend a lot of time in bed nowadays—ever since your best friend died almost a year ago, you haven’t had the drive to do much. But being sick the past week has only confined you to your bed even more. 
You roll over, hoping the other half of your pillow is somehow cooler than the side you’re on now. It’s not, and your body feels like it’s going to overheat. If it was possible to put less clothing on, you would, but the chances of your roommate coming in and seeing you naked are too high. 
Speaking of your roommate, you know that when Dick comes home and sees how bad your temperature has gotten, he’ll rush you to the hospital. Paranoid, big brother Dick who insists he can’t lose another friend. Dick, who moved in with you a few months after Wally died because he was afraid you might hurt yourself. Dick, who forced you to put socks on and keep most of your clothes on because even though you feel hot, he knows you’re still vulnerable to the cold. 
The socks scratch at your ankles now and you long to pull them off, lazily dragging your feet together. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to calm your burning nerve ends. 
As much pain as you’re in, this is the most you’ve felt since Wally died. From the day you watched him get vaporised, everything around you has just gotten duller by the day. You can hardly stomach to put on your costume, let alone look at Barry or Bart. Even seeing The Flash on the news is enough to make you sick. 
“Y/n,” a soft voice echoes from the bed next to you. 
You force your eyes open, your dark room greeting you. “Hello?”
There’s no answer, and you’re able to close your eyes again. You relax into your bedsheets, kicking the blankets off of your legs in a desperate attempt to get some relief. Clearly your fever has spiked to the point where you’re losing it. 
“Y/n!” The voice is stronger now, and it sounds more desperate than before. More than that—there’s something familiar to it. 
You open your eyes again and gasp, all of the breath leaving your body. There, sitting on the bed next to you, is Wally. His green eyes are full of concern, his mouth pulled into a tight line. 
“Oh god,” you whine, “I really am losing it.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, willing the hallucination of your dead best friend to go away. How could any god be so cruel to inflict this on you? Knowing how you felt about Wally—and what he’d said to you during your last moments together?
When you open your eyes again, he’s still sitting there. His unruly red hair is falling into his face and all you want is to reach out and brush it away. 
“You’re not losing it,” he says. 
“I’m so sick that I’m hallucinating my dead best friend. How is that not losing it?”
He shrugs. “I mean it does sound pretty crazy, but I’m here, aren’t I?”
“You’re dead,” you say simply, voice void of emotions. “You died and you left and you’re never coming back.”
“I got better.”
Everything about him screams Wally. His voice, his mannerisms, even the stupid jokes he makes. But you know it’s just your brain playing a stupid trick on you. Your braincells have overheated and you’re left staring at a ghost. 
“No, you didn’t. And you never will, Wally. And I know that so I don’t get why my stupid brain can’t leave this alone.”
He lays down on his side next to you, looking up at you with those doe eyes. “There wasn’t a body, you know.”
His words make you angry, they make you choke on the lump in your throat. But he’s right. Something about his death always seemed wrong to you, and even after this long, you still can’t accept it. He’s saying all of the right things, and it almost makes you believe he’s really here. 
“So say you are here…why now? Why here? Why am I the only one who’s seen you?”
He strokes his chin, pretending to be deep in thought. “I don’t really know, y/n. I’ve been here the whole time. I’ve watched everything. I know how hard things have been for you guys…” 
You don’t say anything, just staring at him expectantly, forcing him to keep talking. 
“I’m sorry you’re sick, but I’m glad Dick is taking care of you.”
“Answer the question, Wally. Why now?”
He sighs. “I think it’s because you’re sick. I think once your fever got past a certain point you were able to hear me, and once you could hear me, you could see me.”
“How would that even work?” You squint at him, “how did you even know I could hear you?”
“I didn’t it’s just—it’s a habit to talk to you, you know? But anyway, I think it has something to do with the speed force being attracted to the release of energy, and whenever you have a fever, you release massive amounts of it. But since yours is so high…” he gestures at himself for emphasis. 
“So as long as I stay sick, I can see you?”
“I think so.”
“Then I never want to get better,” you murmur. 
“Y/n,” he sighs, and the tone he uses makes you freeze. You’ve only ever heard him use it once before—with you on the day he died. 
The thought brings a tear to your eye, his words echoing in your ears. I love you, y/n, I always have. I’ll be back for you, okay?
When Dick gets home from work, he’s surprised to hear you talking. His first instinct is that you’re feeling better and you’re arranging to go back to work, but as he gets closer to your bedroom door, he realizes it’s not the case. 
He listens in for a bit, hearing a one sided conversation. As soon as he hears you say ‘Wally’, he’s barging through your door only to find you talking to the air. 
“Dick!” You cry out, gesturing to the empty bed next to you, “look! He’s back, he’s here. Wally’s here!”
Dick’s heart aches for you. You’re clearly unwell and in your feverish state, your mind is playing tricks on you. 
“Y/n,” Dick sighs, “I think it’s time we go to a doctor.”
He approaches your bedside slowly, trying not to startle or upset you. He knows you’re hallucinating, and he really doesn’t want to trigger anything worse to happen. 
He kneels at your bedside, just behind Wally. “Come on, we need to get you to the hospital.”
“N-no! I can’t leave Wally!”
Wally’s face crinkles up the way it always has when he feels guilty. “Y/n, I think you should go with Rob.”
“No!” You cry out, “you can’t leave me again!”
Dick gives you no warning before he’s pulling you into his arms, your feverish skin scorching his. He holds you securely, even as you cry and beg him to take you back to Wally. 
“Wally, please! Do something! Let him see you! Don’t—don’t leave me again!”
“Y/n,” Dick rubs your sweaty hair out of your face. “It’s gonna be okay. You’re really sick, and you’re hallucinating, but we’ll make you all better. I just need you to trust me.”
You take a deep breath, and then another, looking over Dick’s shoulder at the redhead sitting on your bed, giving you a sad look. He gives you a wave, “it’s okay, y/n. Everything will be okay.”
You just hope he’s right. 
The hospital takes an eternity to admit you, leaving you lying on Dick’s lap in the waiting room. You keep your eyes closed, hoping that if you open them Wally will be there, but you know he won’t. 
Dick strokes your hair, rubs your back, does anything he can to keep you comfortable. When a nurse finally calls your name, he helps you to your feet and half carries you down the hall. 
They leave the two of you in a small, isolated room with a bed covered in scratchy sheets. Dick helps you climb up while the nurse insists a doctor will be by shortly. 
Dick holds your hand the whole time, the skin on his palm turning sweaty from where your hand touches his. Your fever has only gone up since you left the house and you feel like you’re going to burn alive. 
Finally, a doctor comes in and she starts to run all kinds of tests on you. After a while, they insert an IV into your arm and push fluids to keep you hydrated. They give you medicine to help you drift off to sleep, your eyes fluttering shut before you realize what’s happening. 
You wake up a few hours later, Dick no longer asleep at your bedside. Your temperature has gone down, and while you still feel feverish, you’re coherent enough to know what’s going on around you. 
“—hallucinating our best friend who died almost a year ago.” Dick tried to keep his voice down but you can hear it from the hallway. 
“It’s common in extremely high fever’s to experience visual, auditory and sometimes even tactile hallucinations,” the doctor explains. “Y/n’s fever was beyond high enough to cause any number of these complications.” 
Your shoulders slump. You knew deep down that Wally wasn’t really there, that he was a hallucination, but a part of you just hoped…
“But it’s going to be alright? There’s not any permanent side effects?”
The doctor sounds tired of Dick’s questions. “No, we’re keeping y/n overnight for observation but there shouldn’t be any long term side effects.”
Dick thanks the woman and slips back into your room, stopping in his tracks past the door when he realises you’re awake. “How are you feeling?” He whispers. 
“Somewhat better,” you admit. “Not hallucinating anymore.”
He sits in the chair next to your bed and squeezes your hand. “That’s good to hear.”
“I-I’m sorry if I upset you earlier…talking about Wally and everything. I just—it seemed so real, you know? He was right there, Dick.”
“I know. You don’t need to apologize. Your mind was playing tricks on you, n/n. I know you didn’t mean any harm by it.”
You can’t help the tears that trickle down your cheeks. “I just—I miss him so much!” 
“It’s okay,” Dick leans over your bed, pulling you tightly to his chest. “I miss him too. I miss him so, so much. And if there was any chance…you know I would take it too.”
“Did I ever tell you what he said to me that day? Just before he passed?”
Dick shakes his head. 
“He said—,” your voice shakes so severely it’s hard to get the words out. “He said ‘I love you, y/n. I always have. I’ll be back for you, okay?’” 
The gears in Dick’s brain click together, and suddenly everything makes sense. It was no secret that you and Wally had been pining after each other for years. Always cuddling and fighting and loving and hating each other. Dick was close to both of you, and he of all people knew how your feelings were bubbling over. He knew how badly you wanted to be with Wally—and how badly Wally wanted to be with you.
It’s a cruel joke, he thinks. That in one day you got everything you wanted, and an hour later had it ripped away. No wonder you’d been like a zombie this year.
“Y/n…” he squeezes your hand reassuringly. 
You squeeze his hand back, and between the fever and the medicine and Dick’s skin on yours, everything in the world feels right for a minute. 
It takes two weeks for you to fully recover from being sick. If it weren’t for your roommate being the ultra rich adoptive son of Bruce Wayne, you probably would have had to go back to work sooner. Dick insisted that you stay home until you were fully recovered, though, offering to cover your bills for the month. 
It’s also been two weeks since you saw Wally. It’s been easy to brush it off as a fever dream, but something deep within you wants it to be something more than that. Still, you try to continue on with your day to day life, putting thoughts of the speedster as far away from you as possible. 
You pull into the Bludhaven News parking lot with ten minutes to spare. You grab your bag from the passenger seat and clip your badge to your shirt before grabbing the coffee you’d stopped for on the way. You’re determined to make today a good day. 
You settle in at your desk, smiling at the picture of you and the original Young Justice team was kids. It makes you happy, but in the most bittersweet meaning of the word. You run your fingers across the glass, stopping them at the lightning symbol on Wally’s chest. 
You’re interrupted by your boss stopping at your desk. 
“Hey, l/n, good to have you back,” she smiles, and you feel as though she really means it. “We’re having a meeting in five minutes.”
You nod, thanking her. She leaves you at your desk, letting you get organized before you have to meet them in the conference room. 
You bring your laptop and coffee and settle in at the big round table in the spinning desk chair. Other journalists, reporters and higher ups slowly file into the room, filling it up until it’s so full it feels almost hard to breathe. 
Your boss enters the room last, standing at the front in front of the tv. She welcomes you back before explaining what’s going on in current events, and what she expects everyone to report on. 
You sip your coffee, zoning out for the majority of her presentation. Every once and a while, she clicks a remote and the screen changes to a new slide. You don’t pay much attention to the tv, only glancing at it every so often. 
When the screen changes to three familiar figures, you freeze. It feels like someone dumped cold water on you, and you’re painfully aware of everything going on around you. 
The screen shows Wally, Bart and Barry on the day he died. Wally has a big grin on his face, clad in his Kid Flash suit, giving a salute to a security camera. You’re not sure how they got this picture, but a part of you wishes they didn’t. 
“—the one year anniversary since the Flash Family saved the world, and since Kid Flash bravely sacrificed himself to achieve this goal. We want to honour them for their ultimate sacrifice, and that’s why this month, we’ll be doing daily pieces on the great exploits of the family. Also—,”
Her words echo in your ears, everything feels far away from you. The only thing you can focus on is the way your heart is pounding and the way all the air is sucked out of your lungs. Wally’s face stares at you from the tv screen, and the walls close in. 
You’re on your feet in an instant. “Pardon me,” you rasp out, before almost running out of the room. 
You’re not sure where you’re going. Your head is spinning, your heart is racing, everything is fading away. You stumble your way into the bathroom, locking the door behind you before your knees buckle and you hit the floor. 
You claw at your throat, desperate for air. You squeeze your eyes shut, clenching your fists, desperate for pressure. When you open your eyes, you swear Wally is there. 
“You’re not here,” you gasp. “You’re not real.”
Wally’s green eyes are wide, staring at you with concern. “Y/n—,”
“You’re not real! You’re just some ghost—fucking haunting me for no reason at all!”
It breaks his heart to see you like this. So sad, so hurt, barely able to breathe. 
“Stop,” you choke out, “stop haunting me! Stop, stop, stop it!”
Wally hasn’t seen you have a panic attack this bad since you were kids. Curled up in a ball, gasping for air and repeating the same word over and over again. He’s desperate to help you—help you like he did back then. 
He doesn’t even register what he’s doing until he pulls you into his lap, arms tight around your waist. He keeps a hand over your heart, tracing circles over it. 
“Y/n, y/n…” He murmurs softly, “y/n, listen to me. Deep breath in, okay? Follow my example, feel my heart beating.”
You’re not sure how you can feel his arms on you, feel his heart beating against your back. You’re half convinced you’ve already fainted, and you’re laying on the bathroom floor having another fever dream. 
Still, you follow his example. You breathe in when you feel his chest rise, and breathe out when you feel his chest fall. You stay silent for a few minutes, leaning completely against Wally until you can breathe again. 
Wally rubs your hair, his other hand tracing circles on your hip bone. “How are you feeling?” He asks. 
“Better,” you admit. 
It takes a few minutes longer for either of you to register that he’s touching you. His hands are on your body and you can feel them. 
“Wally, you’re touching me.”
“I’m touching you?”
The shock is almost enough to send you back into a panic attack. Ghosts can’t touch people, neither can fever dreams. But somehow, someway, Wally West is holding you in his arms. 
You leave the bathroom ten minutes later, after you and Wally went back and forth on if he was really there with you or not. You insist you’re losing it, but Wally insists he’s there, and somehow when you were sick, you connected to the speed force and now you can see him. 
You head back to your desk with no intention of working, set on researching the speed force and if it’s possible to connect to it without being a speedster. Of course, Google doesn’t yield the results you hope, so you decide to go a different route. 
You pull out your phone and text Dick. 
You: do you think you could get me Barry’s number? need it for work 
Robin 1.0: I think I can manage 
You: you’re the best 
Robin 1.0: don’t you know it
It only takes a few minutes before he texts you his contact for Barry Allen. You waste no time in opening the contact and sending him a quick text. 
Of course, you don’t get to see what he responds because suddenly your boss is over your shoulder. 
“Y/n, you know what our policy is on personal devices at work. There’s too much sensitive information here.”
“I know, I know. But if I play my cards right,” your ability to think on your feet coming in handy, “I could get us an exclusive interview with the Flash.”
She lights up at that. “Okay, but remember, no pictures or recordings.”
“Sure thing,” you nod and wait for her to leave before opening up your phone and seeing that you have a new text. 
You: can I ask you a few questions on the speed force?
Barry Allen: sure thing
You: i know the speedforce is like it’s own separate thing that speedsters connect to, but is it possible for non speedsters to connect to it? 
Barry Allen: only under extenuating circumstances. not every ordinary person can just connect to it, but if you’ve been in contact with the speedforce unwittingly or if a speedster has accidentally shared particles with you it’s possible. why?
You: just…a theory im working on for work. we’re doing a piece on Flash Family to honour you guys for saving the world and I wanted to look into it more 
You: thank you
Barry Allen: do you think you’ve been in contact with a speedster recently?
You: i don’t know, if I’m being honest. 
Barry Allen: okay…keep me updated, okay? if you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask 
You: thanks
You frown, your conversation with Barry only making you feel more confused. How would you have had contact with a speedster or the speedforce? It’s been almost a year since you last touched Wally, and there’s no way the symptoms are only coming out now. And the speedforce—there’s no way for you to have connected with it either. 
You look up from your phone only to see Wally sitting on your desk, looking at you with amusement. “Get what you wanted?”
“Why are you still here?”
“What?” He holds his hand over his chest, feigning hurt. “You don’t want me here?”
You go to speak but realize your coworkers are giving you strange looks. You quickly put your phone up to your ear, pretending to be on a phone call. 
“Of course I want you here. I lo—miss you, okay? But it’s not possible. You shouldn’t be here.”
“But I am, y/n. And did Barry not just confirm that to you?”
You sigh. “I will admit, what Barry said does confirm my theory, and what you said while I was sick but…”
“It shouldn’t be possible. You were vaporized, Wally. You’re dead. So even if you are here, you’re just a ghost.” 
“Ghost, schmost,” he rolls his eyes, leaning in to flick your arm. “Does that not feel real to you?”
“I don’t know, okay? Just—I need time to think. About everything.”
You don’t say it, but it lingers in the air: I need time to think about you. 
You put your phone down, indicating to the boy that you’re done talking, before returning to your job. The day goes by fast when you’re contemplating if you’re actually being haunted by the ghost of your best friend or not. 
Before you know it, you’re heading home. When you get through the door of the apartment, Dick is nowhere to be found. He must still be at work, you think. 
You kick off your shoes and set your bag on the counter before throwing yourself on your bed. You lay down for only a minute before a familiar cologne fills your scent. One you haven’t smelled in a long time. 
You don’t need to open your eyes to know that Wally is back. “What are you doing here?”
“I was hoping I could catch you changing,” you can hear the grin in his voice. 
You sit up, staring at him with wide eyes. “Wait—if you’ve been here this whole time then…?”
“Yeah,” he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I didn’t! I mean, I thought about it but…it feels wrong.” 
“More wrong than confessing your love to me and then dying?”
Both of you freeze after that, and your hand flies up to your mouth as if you can force the words back in there. 
“I—y/n…you know that if I had a choice, I would have come back to you. Right?”
You nod, “I know. It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine,” he places a hand over yours. “I wanted to come back to you. Even though you didn’t say it back, I just thought—”
“You didn’t give me a chance to say it back! You dumped all that on me and then you ran away and left, Wally! You didn’t give me the chance!”
Your outburst surprises both of you. Wally isn’t sure what to do—if he should apologize or be angry or both or neither. So he says nothing. 
“I-I think you should go, Wally. You’re only doing harm by being here. You’re dead and I need to move on and I never will if you’re just here haunting me.”
You expect him to argue or to make a joke, but the boy doesn’t do any of that. He gives you a lazy, one handed salute, like the kind he would give before speeding away as kids. 
And then he disappears. 
You feel sad and angry all at the same time. You know it’s not fair to Wally to lash out at him like that, but how is it fair for him to open up old wounds? For him to haunt you? 
When Dick gets home, he’s surprised to see you dressed in your old costume. It’s been so long since you put it on, you look almost strange to him. 
“Uh, y/n?” He asks, “not that I’m against this but, what’s up with the costume?”
“I was thinking I could go out on patrol with you tonight,” you explain. “It’s been a while. I need to blow off steam.” 
“Okay, let me get changed.”
That’s good enough for you, so you settle in at the counter and wait for Nightwing to suit up. He comes out a few minutes later, clad in the black and blue Nightwing suit. 
He looks at you seriously through his domino mask. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“If I don’t get out, I’ll go stir crazy.”
“Okay, okay,” he raises his hands in surrender. “But don’t push yourself, okay? And I’ll be there the whole time.”
“Alright, dad,” you roll your eyes. “Let’s go.”
Patrol goes fine. It’s just the usual robberies and gang violence, nothing that you and Nightwing can’t handle. Of course, that’s until you hear there’s a bank robbery over the scanner. 
The two of you are about to take off and head towards the bank when you hear the radio go off again. This time, it’s a jewellery store being robbed. 
“Go!” You say to Nightwing, “you get the bank, I can handle the store.”
He seems content with that answer, grappling to the nearest rooftop and heading off towards the bank. You turn and head towards the jewellery store, hoping it’s enough to take your mind off of Wally. 
You get to the store just in time to stop the robbers from shooting the owner.  You knock the gun out of one of their hands, turning to fight the other one. There’s five total, maybe six, but your vision is tunnelling and all you can focus on is the adrenaline pumping through your veins and your need for a distraction. 
You make your way through three of them, and just as you turn to fight the fourth, you hear someone yell from behind you. 
“Y/n, look out!”
You knock out the fourth and turn around, just in time to see Wally West pass through you and punch the man in the face. He hits him hard enough to send him falling to the floor.
You stare at Wally in shock. “You—you hit him!”
“Are you okay?” He’s breathing hard, chest rising and falling rapidly. 
“You saved me…” You mutter. “How did you do that?”
“I-I don’t know,” he admits, placing his hands on your shoulders. “I just didn’t want you to get hurt and then I passed through you and—”
“Dick!” You exclaim, realising you haven’t heard anything from him in a while, and that he still hasn’t returned to you. “Somethings wrong, Wal. We—I gotta go!”
Wally goes to protest, but you’re already running away. Not only are you running away, you’re running at the speed of light, yellow lightning crackling from your ankles. You don’t realize it, too focused on getting to Dick. 
You arrive at the bank to see a bunch of lackeys passed out on the floor. Nightwing is leaning on a counter, holding his hands over a bullet hole in his side. 
“Hey!” You cry out, skidding to a stop next to him. The bank smells gross, like gunpowder and..burning rubber? “Are you okay? Did you get them all?”
He clenched his jaw. “All but one. He headed North, there’s no way we’ll catch him. He’s probably out of town by now.”
“No, he’s not going to get away with this. We’re going to find him.”
And before Dick can ask, you’re tearing away from the bank, lightning in your wake. His jaw falls open at the sight. In the dark, with the speed you’re going and the lightning coming out, you almost look like Wally…
You run as fast as you can, keeping your eyes peeled for the man driving the truck of jewels. You catch up to him in no time, throwing your body weight against the truck fast enough to tip it over. 
Your veins are electrified, pure lightning in your system, better than adrenaline ever could be. You rip the man out of the truck and toss him onto the street. It only takes one hit for you to knock him out, and only a few more seconds to tie him up. 
It’s then that you realize what just happened, how fast you were going. You look down to see the soles of your shoes on fire, the thighs of your costume torn open from the fabric chafing so fast.
Something about the ruined shoes and the torn fabric makes you think of Wally, and the thought of the ghost in the bank saving your life only makes you want to run even more. Is this how he felt everytime he ran? It’s exhilarating, it only makes you want more.
You keep running, running straight up the side of a building before stopping in your tracks on the roof. How did this even happen? You look around, half expecting to see Wally there, but he’s not. 
Your legs quiver, threatening to collapse beneath you. Your feet ache from all of the running and your shoes have practically disintegrated into nothing. You know you’re done for the night, your body at its absolute limit. 
Your knees buckle, but before you can hit the ground, there’s a streak of yellow and suddenly Wally is holding you up against his chest. 
“I—what’s going on?” You ask. 
Wally holds you up with one arm, staring at his other hand. He shakes it, going fast enough to make it seem as though his hand is vibrating. 
“I don’t know,” he admits. “I—something’s changed. I can feel it.”
You hear the unmistakable sound of a grappling hook before Nightwing is landing on the roof. “Holy shit, y/n. How were you going so fast? For a second there, I thought it was—Wally?”
His face pales at the sight of the redhead, clad in his Kid Flash suit, holding you up against his body. There’s no way he’s here now, alive and well, right in front of his eyes. 
“You…you can see him?”
Dick is running across the roof in an instant, feet pushing him closer to his best friend. He jumps on both of you, arms wrapping around you both. “Wally,” he sobs into his shoulder. “How—how are you here?”
There’s another flash of lightning—red lightning—and suddenly The Flash is standing next to you guys. “I can answer that.”
Wally grins insanely wide, making sure you’re steady against Dick before jumping to hug his former mentor. 
“How did you know I was here?” He asks. 
Barry smiles, “I could feel it. In the speedforce. There was a huge amount of energy released and then for the first time in a year, I could feel you.”
“But how did that happen?” Dick interjects, before adding, “not that we’re not happy to see you.” 
Wally goes back to hugging you, wiping off the tears that have slipped from your eyes and kissing the top of your forehead. “I think y/n here somehow borrowed my speed and-and opened a portal into the speedforce.”
“I brought you back?” Your voice is so quiet it’s barely a whisper. 
“You brought me back!” He’s beaming at you. 
He wraps his arms around your waist, spinning you in a circle. He sets you down on the ground, only to tip your head back and plant a kiss to your lips. It’s intense, passionate, full of the longing he’s felt for you since you were kids. 
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, using him to keep yourself up. His body is so warm and hard under your touch, so familiar to you. You draw him closer, not even caring if Dick and Barry are standing there staring at you. 
When he finally pulls away, he flashes you the biggest smile in the world. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for that.”
“So,” Dick awkwardly says, “why don’t we take this back to our place?”
Wally grabs your hand in his, squeezing it tightly. “I think that’s a really good idea.”
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chronicbloodynoses · 6 months
honestly mbikmb is actually me rn
the drum - i feel such a depressive cycle everyday and im not getting fucked up bc i cant w my situation but if i could i prob would b!
happy news 4 sadness - my ex lied 2 me constantly + my perception of love is actually so fked up after him and i constantly tried 2 change myself and use sexual stuff for him 2 love me (he treated me like shit and then convinced me i wanted too much from him)
sunburned shirts - honestly i see this as a nostalgia where it ends up not being what you remember, he used 2 look at the sun and he thought of it fondly, but it hurt more than he remembered
stoop kid - its me! im stoop kid! ive been so conditioned to my mother's baby-ing and when i try to be independent im not allowed and then i get yelled at for never helping out and im terrified to leave bc shes constantly saying that i'll fail completely on my own! also in my later "growing up" yrs i watched hey arnold LOL
something soon - i feel so strongly abt this song. trying to do things to keep from losing it + cutting off my hopes bcuz i feel incapable, i feel like the only way i'll ever b seen is to cause problems! break shit! my mother talked a whole bunch of shit about my dad so now i'll never ever see him the same despite him never actually doing anything to me! i both fear and hate him and miss him and wish i had a dad!!!!! treating what im going through as the past to keep myself from focusing on my problems so i dont kms!!!! wanting to hurt myself to have some reason to be upset!!!! wanting to express my emotions but never being able to!!!! if i cant feel better soon then im actually gonna lose my shit GENUINELY! i am completely unable to tell my mother anything bc either it has to do w her and she can do no wrong or its my fault how i feel! (fun fact- i got yelled at in eighth grade 4 listening to help let me go danny gonzalez bc of the kidnapping a girl part and my music is "too dark" LOL (she threatened to send me to a mental hospital on the same car ride to school)) this town is freezing cold!!! i need out!!!!!!! im not allowed to do laundry and my mom barely does it and acts like if i literally have no underwear then its the hardest thing in the world and i have to wait til bc shes constantly too tired (girl i just wore my last pair and im NOT wearing the ones with holes in them) wanting to be somethig more and never feeling content. ignoring my problems w content and procrastinating to complete guilt, i want to leave n sneak out (i literally could ive snuck someone in multiple times b4 LOL), if i dont romanticize what im going through i'll ACTUALLY fucking lose it (im already inching toward a breaking point xP) i hate this house!!!! ive grown up in the same butt fuck nowhere town in the same horrible traumatic house!!!!!!! i need!!!!!!!! to escape!!!!!! so bad!!!!!
guys we're halfway through the album LOL
no passion - this song is actually so depressed dancing 4 me but i honestly dont really listen 2 this one much n think abt the lyrics so no comment VERY EXTREMELY sorry for no passion fans i WILL think of u and listne 2 it more
father, flesh in rags - i love/hate this song honestly, like it kinda reminds me of my ex (scoliosis! his relationship w his dad was a big problem of our relationship!) thats all u get it kinda hurts LOL not in a way of missing him but i get really upset thinking abt all the shit i put up w and forgot abt bc of my SEVERE case of rose coloured glasses
strangers - im actually wanting to create are 4 this song LOL anyway this song is less specific 4 me (honestly i burnt out from something soon LOL) but i too am not gonna last much longer! im sofa king sick of it!!!! all of it!!!!!!
lawns - its okay will my dad left too <3
pow - fun fact my great grandpa was a prisoner of war! he was taken while he was in a plane over russia and there he learned the language in his 3 years there n idk if he escaped or was let go but hes honestly such a cool guy like! love him but he died when i was really young so i didnt get much of a relationship w him but if i was a great grandparent i'd be really happy 2 meet my great grand kid so im really happy i got to meet him
open-mouthed boy - i too call god a SHIT and then scamper off
ne way im so obsessed w car seat even if i dont have much to say and im just saying a bunch of nothing burgers i have so much appreciation for everything car seat headrest has done even w the songs i dont like (im looking at you hymn and famous) i know somewhere other people like them n are also so affected by car wseat and its just like wowzerz! love this band sofa king much! cant wait to see them live in june!!!!!
0 notes
enhais · 3 years
Could you do a reaction of vampire enhypen helping their s/o through their transition after biting them?🥺💖💖your writing is amazing btw
vampire!enhypen helping their s/o through their transition after biting them
content: vampire!enhypen x gn!reader, use of “car crash”, blood. they are really sweet in this one!!
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he cried when he was alone, afraid of the outcome. of course he did anything he could to help you, whether that be stealing blood from the hospital or cooking you food. he wanted to make it less painful for you.
your body was in pain from transitioning and all you wanted to do was sleep. jungwon traced his hand on your forehead, “baby, you’re hot, drink some of this, yeah?” he reached for the glass on the nightstand and put the straw to your lips for easier access. you took a big sip of the irony liquid and felt shivers down your spine as it went down your throat, “thank you.” he was there for you, through thick and thin.
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he didn’t want you to feel like this. it wasn’t even his choice to turn you, but he couldn’t do anything about it. you were dying - the love of his life was leaving the face of the earth, and he couldn’t have that.
you had been in an accident. a car crash. heeseung got a bad feeling the moment you crashed, his vampire senses coming to the rescue. he picked you up from the crime scene and put you down on the bed back home after sinking his teeth into you. “seungie? why do i feel like this?” your view was blurry and you felt sick to your stomach. this wasn’t right. quiet sobs came from the boy beside you who held your hand tightly in his, “im happy you’re alive. i will help you from now on.”
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he hushed you, stroked your forehead, and told you stories to make you feel better. human blood was off the table, so he went to the woods to get you the other kind. it was not good enough, he knew that, but you could live through that.
the craving for the sweet taste was driving you mad. “no! it’s like i want to crawl out of my skin! i hate it her-“ he shut you up with a glass of blood, just enough to make you feel like usual for a couple of hours. “you better behave, baby. nice things come to nice people, hm?” he massaged your scalp as you sipped quietly, nodding in agreement. “im sorry... thank you for everything.” he kissed you on the cheek before suggesting to watch a movie which immediately put your thoughts somewhere else than this bad feeling you had.
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he was very careful with words and actions, not wanting to upset you. he had felt like you did once before and he didn’t want to experience it again. every bit of his attention was on you though, his angel.
“baby, i brought some medicine!” he stated as he locked the door behind him. you were laying in the bed, trying not to throw up. “oh no, angel, let’s get this pain away, shall we?” he nodded to himself as he got the medicine out of the bag - some kind of iron drops. “open your mouth, please.” you obeyed without opening your eyes, letting him put some drops on your tongue. you sighed with immediate relief and looked up at him with a smile, “thank you, jakie.”
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he wanted you to turn as fast as possible, so he read up on everything from myths to family stories to make that happen. he didn’t find anything for hours until a sentence in his great grandfather’s diary caught his eye. “kisses were the greatest power - she didn’t feel any pain at all.”
kisses, yes, that would do it. you were making some lunch in the kitchen when sunghoon looked for you. “y/n, baby! my kisses will heal you!” you, thinking it was one of his jokes, laughed it off the best you could considered the coughing. “no, im serious. it’s proven to work.” his puppy eyes made you cave in and now there you were, on the couch, sunghoon kissing your pain away. “does it feel better?” he questioned carefully. you nodded, eyes closed, “yeah… it feels nice, thank you.”
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he’d help you with everything. be there like the doting boyfriend he was. you wanted the disgusting kind of food you never craved before? no problem! he would get it to you in a second. you had a fever? nuh-uh! not in his sight.
“sweetheart, would you like some water? anything to eat?” he sat down on the side of the bed, rubbing his hand on your leg for comfort. your weak body was in need of blood and you hated it, but there was not a chance in hell you would tell him about it. however, he could tell that something was off. “i’ll get it for you, don’t worry.” with a peck on the cheek and a squeeze on the leg, he was off.
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who would’ve known his little angel would want to be like him? a monster? he loved you dearly and did everything you asked of him, which sometimes took its toll on him.
“i gave you food, your iron meds, candy, and a bunch of blankets,” he was out of breath explaining his side of the situation, “let me rest, darling.” he ended and sat down with you on the couch. you smiled at his state and gave him a kiss, “thank you for everything. i know im a bit too much right now, but im honestly so grateful for you.” a blush covered his cheeks as he smiled softly, looking over to you. “i love you.”
686 notes · View notes
h2bakugou · 3 years
Hey! i just wanted to say that i love your writing. So this may be a little complicated if thats okay but i had cancer when i was younger and i would like to see if you could write about kirishima and bakugo (separately) crush being hit by a quirk that makes them younger again or something like that and them seeing their crush in a horrible state like they cant walk anymore . IM SORRY if this is complicated you dont have to do bakugo if its too much.
a/n: hi! tysm <3!! of course, i hope you're doing well hun !! if there's anything you need me to change/edit within this please let me know!!
headcanon: them reacting to their s/o being hit by a quirk that makes them the age when they were sick
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing, angst
;cut for length;
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
It’s been a tough day on the field, especially with a villain attack appearing from seemingly nowhere. It’s caused a mess, and everyone’s on edge.
Most noticeable though is Bakugou. You’re fighting one on one with this villain and he doesn’t doubt your abilities by any means, but you’re worn down and tired, your movements are slower, you’re starting to reach your limit.
And all it takes is one hit from this nameless villain’s quirk and you’re down for the count.
Bakugou’s tired of fending off goons and dashes over to you, taking down the villain to the best of his ability.
But what he doesn’t expect is when he turns back to you, instead of seeing you, he sees the pile of your clothes covering a much smaller version of you.
You’ve shrunk?
No, you’ve gotten younger. 
Just barely lifting your head, you start to cough. 
“Shit, hey get someone over here!” Bakugou shouts to one of the other students, hoping an adult could rush over and try and help-not that he needed it, but he was worried.
It wasn’t long before another pro hero was wrapping your younger self up in your clothes.
If Bakugou had to guess, he’d say you were around five to eight years old.
You sat in a hospital bed for a few hours before Aizawa finally arrived, noticeably worried about the state you were in. You didn’t even remember the people standing around you.
“They’re in critical condition. If this age regression quirk has sent their body back in time, we’re going to be in a bit of hurry to get them back to their normal state. They’ve had a history of medical concerns.”
Bakugou has to step out of the room, supported by Kirishima and Kaminari as he tries not to seem like he’s heavily affected by the state your in.
“They’re going to be fine, if it’s just some sort of temporary affect, they’ll be back to their healthy old self soon!” Kaminari tries to lighten the mood, but it doesn’t seem to help.
When you’re released from the hospital to return back to campus, you’re placed under surveillance.
You’re much younger now, and you can barely walk, it’s tearing everyone apart. All of your friends stop by whenever they can, trying to see if you remember them which usually never works.
Bakugou stops by often as well, normally at night when no one else comes around.
He talks about little things like All Might and always brings in his little toy figurines that he’d swore he’d never show anyone.
You laugh and smile, waving them around making all sorts of noises all while ignoring the fact that Bakugou is nearly in tears at the sight of you.
The effects last two weeks. It’s the longest two weeks of everyone’s lives, most importantly Bakugou’s.
When you wake up and see Bakugou sound asleep beside you, his head laying on the medical bed you’d been sleeping in for the past two weeks, you’re confused.
“Hey, Katsu’?” You ruffle his blonde hair and he’s up instantly.
He’s embracing you in the tightest hug known to man, surely putting All Might’s to shame.
Kissing you too, he can’t stop himself from holding you and mumbling about how worried he was about and how he’ll never let something like that happen to you again.
“I never dabbled in my past much, but I’m doing much better now, I’m sorry I gave you a scare.” You rub his cheek, wiping away a few rare tears that fall from his crimson eyes.
“I love you so fuckin’ much.” He utters, his lips pointing upward in a smile.
“I love you too.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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»»————- ★ ————-««
The fight is surely rigged. There’s no way you’re going to win, not alone anyway. 
Kirishima is making his way to you as fast as he can, but when he gets to you it’s far too late.
You’re cowering before him, your costume baggy on your visibly smaller and weaker frame, tears pouring from your eyes as your body strains to stand upright.
The villain is gone, but not too far gone that they don’t get captured by patrolling pros on the scene.
Rushing you to the nearest hospital to undergo some sort of evaluation, all Kirishima can do in the meantime is wait alongside Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and even a slightly less angry Bakugou.
When the nurse returns to explain your situation, Kirishima is mortified.
Refusing to leave your side until he’s forced to by Mina to take care of himself because it’s what you’d tell him to do, all he can do is wait and hope that you’ll get better.
You can’t walk without having someone help you, and the worst part is, you don’t even recognize him.
Kaminari takes the role of making you smile and laugh while Kirishima adds throws in random memories turned into stories hoping it’ll jog some part of your memory connected to how old you actually are.
But nothing seems to work and all you can do is sit in wonder as he tells you about how present-pre age regression quirk you is really super awesome.
After being scolded by Mina on day one, Kirishima manages to take care of himself, but he spends most if not all of his free time with you. 
In a way it’s domestic, imagining the possible inevitability of raising a family with you, you’d always jokingly said he was great with kids.
Taking care of you is nice, he enjoys doing it now, buying you little gifts, helping you get something off a high shelf or just being a gentleman for you.
Holding the door for you, carrying your bags even when you yell at him not to and he swears a part of you has been inspired by Bakugou.
After the first week, he begins to get settled in, thinking if this is going to last a while, he wants to help however he can.
Aizawa ushers him to pay attention to studies and that you’re strong enough to power through this, and he understands, he believes wholeheartedly you are.
But part of him is sort of upset. He’d never known that you used to be like this. He hoped when it was all over you could explain.
And sure enough, after two weeks, you wake up, as if those two weeks had never happened.
You don’t seem to have much recollection of the two weeks, only a few hours on the last day seem to make it through to you.
Kirishima greets you with a hug and thousands of kisses.
He doesn’t let you go for hours, weeping into your embrace as he begs you to never scare him like that again.
You console him all while telling him about your past and the history of your medical condition and he understands. He’s thankful you’re where you are now, and he’s so happy to see back to your normal self again after those two weeks.
“I stayed with you as much as you could.” Kirishima whispers, kissing your cheek. Kaminari lifts his head up and starts laughing.
“Yeah, he was so worried about you. You’ve got yourself a keeper.” He jokes, making Kirishima’s cheeks match shades with his hair.
“I love you.” You mumble against his skin, hugging him tightly.
“I love you too.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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sly-merlin · 3 years
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre : (fluff)  angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au.
warnings of this chapter : cursing, mention of drugs, character death.
words : ~4k
summary :
“life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
“ curiousity got the cat hitched”
K.M masterlist
K.M 13
TAGLIST : @kpop-choco @moon-yuta @kawaiiayasan @btm-taeyong @exfolitae @lanadreamie @cheersskznct ​​ @hyuckiesgf ​​ @theworld-accordingtocasey ​​@simplybree
@yiyi4657 @sorrywonwoo @sillywinnergladiator   @minejungwoo @leesalts @mal-nakamoto23 @ro2424 @itlittlefangirl @nctzens-world @bl–ankhaeji @jeaneteflo @nuoyii @bralessmermaid @minhoseyeliner @tyongpoetry @swimmingkpopblog @jkjkseo @orphicmoon @floralescapes
A/N : this chapter marks the celebration of this blog surpassing 600 followers! thank you so much for all the support! also for minor readers, the sfw versions of nsfw chapters are given at the end of the masterlist so check those properly before reading.
y/n! Are you sleeping?”
Registering his words, you replied in a groggy voice,“What the fuck do you want?”
“Your phone. I left mine in the medical room. I need to call Mark right now.” with some authority, he spoke.
Whining loudly, you fell back on the bed. It was only due but flailing your arms and legs like a kid in a toy store, you let out a screech full of annoyance, cursing your fate.
Were you really going to babysit him now?
"Have you suddenly lost your hearing? Stop with this sick attitude and open the door."
A puff of air left your nose, your chest moved rhythmically with your stomach and you relaxed your arms beneath your head, eyes fixed at the fan above and ears ringing with his voice. He kept calling you and after a number of shouts, you started humming to distract yourself, afraid that you'd end up helping him otherwise. That was something, naturally, you were not interested in. Last time he had ignored your voice and now nature had presented you with an opportunity to return the favour. Just with a bit less flavour.
"Are you dead?"
"Hmmm. To you, yes I am." Mumbling, you yawned and pushed yourself up to reach your side table and fishing out your earphones from the bottom drawer, you untangled them and fixed them comfortably in your ear, hiding yourself underneath the sheets.
Sonata no.14 instantly transported you away from the noise and the stress that was your unwanted husband, yuta. The smile playing on your lips widened as you realised that you were his only mode of communication at the moment.
But You were going for a nap. Until then, he could wait. And thrash. And cry. Or die.
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Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you rotated the handle of the door to walk outside but your little trip was interrupted when your body collided straight into a wall. No. The obstruction was too soft for a wall.
Opening your eyes properly, you saw yuta standing stiff. Surprised at the sudden appearance, you immediately stumbled back and in hurry, hit your spine on the wooden door. The glare of his eyes, that always spoke more than you could comprehend, coupled with a clenched jaw, was not a very pleasant sight for sure yet you found it harder to dart your own eyes away from him.
"Your phone" he seethed, breathing deeply.
"Huh?" You croaked out.
He raised his brow and in an instant, the previous scenario played like a short movie in your head. Snapping your head down, you regarded his leg with pity. He obviously noticed it immediately but seemed to ignore it and refrained from saying anything. Good for you, you thought.
"Are you deaf?"
Your furrowed brows met his eyes and with a roll of his own, he picked up his finger to force his demand but you managed to walk back inside your room before he could've done that.
Your back faced him as you contemplated your options while slowly stretching your arm to reach for your phone on the other side of the bed.
should you even be giving him your phone?
You had more trust in Taeyong than the man you shared a roof with so there was no way you were doing that.
Unbeknownst to you, yuta was watching your movements intently and the way you bobbed your head, he knew you were scheming something so he decided to be polite for a moment. Only until you were needed. Or your phone was needed.
Once the phone was in your hand, another thought crossed your mind.
"Wait. Where is the house phone?" Crossing your arms, you asked him slyly, already knowing the answer
"You fucking never got it installed. It's still in its stupid package" he seemed rather impatient.
"And you could've called reception through the door telecom. He would have phoned Mark for you. These rich apartments certainly have more hospitality tha-
He inhaled and exhaled and you just watched until he opened his eyes again, hand reaching out to you.
"Chill. I've every right to be sceptic especially when you are the one asking for it."
Finding Mark's number on your phone, you called him.
Yuta's hand threaded through his rough hair as he noticed what you were trying to do.
"Hey mark!" Your chirpy voice resounded in the room and yuta was sure this was some different spirit speaking. You sounded too bubbly for the way you were investigating him just a second ago.
"Yes yes. His phone exactly.i don't trust him enough to hand over my phone so that's why I'm calling you myself. Just hurry up if you can or you might have to clean up a dead body in the next few hours."
With that you cut the phone. Without meeting yuta's gaze and resting your hand on the handle, you mumbled,
"He'll be here in an hour."
You were about to close the door when he stopped it with the palm of his hand, alerting you with the force.
"Tell him to get some food too."
And limping, he retired back, to the couches.
Sighing, you messaged mark. Had it been for something else, you'd have ignored but your own stomach had signalled you that it needed some good food so you chose not to fight against your own body.
Now, only the taste of the food could decide how many days you were going to tolerate that barbaric human.
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"Are you still going to that stupid internship?" Johnny hesitantly murmured from your desk chair while taking big bites from the plate.
"It's not stupid please! I’m just waiting for them to actually pay attention to my awesome capabilities so they can transfer me to the main branch. This is not bad either but”, you stopped to lick your forefinger and tasting the sauce, continued, “but I really wanna go into the criminal unit. That’s where the actual fun is. As long as i’m being paid decently, i’ll suffer with the stupid research work here.”
“With the tongue as sharp as yours, I think you should be getting ready for a demotion instead” he laughed, showing you his fake bunny teeth in the most annoying and childish way.
“Ha ha ha ha. Some well wisher you are! Thank you so much for looking out for me but I'll be fine. Who knows the gatekeeper’s pay package is more than me. So it’d be a win-win in that case too I guess?” when you did a drum roll with your chopsticks to stress upon your point, he laughed harder.
"So being broke is the new black?" Rolling his eyes, he dragged out, "I swear you kids don't know how this world works."
"And you, grandpa of the century, knows?"
"I'm aware of what I need for my survival and from what I've learnt, you can either take risks or look for job security. In your case, " he fake coughed, "where the proportions of risk taking have already exceeded the acceptable limit, a job security is the best and safest option to choose."
"And that would justify my greed and desire to work for the biggest company of this city."
"Kun. The security you need and the independence you seek would be given by kun. Chois are hmm how to say? Cheap? Yeh cheap. They have no work ethics. "
"Have you worked with them, johnny?"
"No. I'm ju-
"Then was your ex a choi?" You saw his eyes comically and cutely widening at your remark.
"No. My ex wasn't a choi and that's not what I'm saying and you know that."
"Oh. So your ex wasn't a choi. Then a lee? Kim? Im? Oh my god! Look at your cheeks seo!" You dragged out. He shook his head as you kept wiggling your brows at him.
"She was a kim but that doesn't mean I would hate all kims dude. That's baseless and stop ignoring the topic. I want you to apply in Kuns. It's the best option. Do it as soon as you-
"Yeah yeah we'll see about that. First take that bitch back. I can't even nap in his presence. "
"Umm. Yeah. You gotta tolerate him. And besides he's injured. Injured yuta is like a gun without a bullet. He's gonna shout for a day or two and then peace out. He'll be sleeping and reading in his room and you won't even know if he's alive or not."
"Now that's bullshit. What is he going to do here anyway? I hope he can hop himself on one leg because even if the sun rises from the north, I am not going to do a single task for him. He can die hungry , for all I care.”
“Do you think you can endure him for some tasty dinners?”
Clicking your tongue, you quipped, “Do you really think you can buy me with a few homemade meals?”
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Day 1
Yes. you were sold. The moment the tasty noodles had melted in your mouth, you knew you had no dignity. And you were indeed ashamed of yourself.
Earlier, Renjun had called you to inform you that he had delivered the food and medicines for yuta and had left your dinner box but he had failed to mention the special and endearing note that was pasted on the glass box. In the curvy letters, it read bitchy piglet and you swore the only person you’d be killing before yuta would be jaehyun. But you were going to use jaehyun to build up your tolerance instead.
When you went out to clean your dishes, he was playing some game on his phone, excitement evident from the way he was laughing every other second. Maybe if he remained occupied, he would not be so insufferable.
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Day 3
"Oyii! Oyii!"
No. You were wrong. He was very very much insufferable.
At midnight, his voice echoed, disturbing your sleep. You cursed at the cool atmosphere that had prevented you from using the air con which otherwise would have blocked his annoying screeches. But it seemed like bad luck wanted to change its name to y/n instead. With your name being called like a broken record, it was a fight between you and him that you were not going to lose. Shuffling to your side, you covered your ears with the other pillow and tried to drown out the annoyingly demanding and hoarse voice. There was no way you were giving him the satisfaction of having any power over you. He could cry for all he liked!
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“What the fuck do you want at this hour?”
Attempting a glare at him through sleepy lids, you spewed with irritation. Unlike you, he was very much awake, breathing with the sole purpose of making you question your whole existence.
“Pillow” scratching his non-existent beard, he mumbled.
Your nostrils flared and jaw clenched at such inconvenient command.
“You summoned me for a pillow? A pillow that can normally be found on a person’s bed? Can you please rectify your demand or did I just simply hear something wrong?”
The opened curtains and the moonlight that drenched the room was the only source that illuminated his face for you and even with drooping eyes, you could see how serious he was and yet you couldn't hold your tongue back because he simply deserved every shit you bestowed him with.
“Turn the lights on and count the pillows on my bed! And when you are done, get me some pillows from your room.” he simply stated.
“Why should i give you my pillow? I need them!”
“Because I don't use a pillow and I need it asap!”
“Then why do you suddenly need one? To disturb my sleep? Oh that makes sense.” and suddenly, your eyes had synced with your body to side with your fight mode.
“I need them for elevating my leg. The bandage is too tight and it’s not comfortable.”
“Then why don't you walk out of the room and get some cushions for yourself!” you raised your volume.
“Because my leg is in pain and i’m unable to get up? What makes you think I'm dying to see your ugly face at this time of the night. I dont wanna have nightmares of you as well but i can't help it ok!”
“you should have kept them near you. And who are you calling ugly hmm? You poop fac-
“Okay scream for all you want! But get me a pillow when your battery dies down!”
“What the fuck d- are you covering your ears? Wow ways to be generous!”
Stomping your foot, you left the room to get the hardest cushion on the couch.
“Here! Next time call Mark if you want anything. Don’t raise your voice ever again to call me because unlike you, i have work in the morning and hence I need some sleep..”
Just when you were about to leave after shoving the cushion in his hand, he spoke up again,
“This is damn hard! I asked for your pillow specifically and not th- AHH!”
A scream left him as you harshly removed the support , leaving his leg to painfully meet the mattress.
“How about you fix your attitude before fixing your leg?” suggesting, you dropped the cushion on the floor and left.
He didn't call you after that. Nor that you cared. However, the sleep in your eyes somehow vanished. Dancing on your sides didn’t help. Neither did drinking a glass of water. So, with a groan, you listened to your conscience and picked up your extra pillow that was sadly too perfect for your enemy.
Padding to his room, you tried your best to scrutinise and hearing his heavy snores, you placed the pillow right under his thigh and the cushion under his calf. Scoffing at his sleeping figure, you internally groaned to remind yourself that you hadn't done it for him. It was just a debt. For the blanket he had once covered you with. Nothing more and nothing less.
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Day 5
You just wanted him out of your hair. He was just being a load on your head. At first, only the work was kicking your ass, then jungwoo was kicking you like a punching bag for an hour straight and adding to your distress was yuta.
"I'm not your maid! Stop piling up the dishes for me. I've had enough mercy on you. From today onwards, get a cleaner for yourself or buy disposable cutlery. I'm not going to clean after you!"
With a roll of his eyes, he had ignored you.
And so did you. Pasting a warning note on the sink tap, you had left for the library with a dying hope that maybe the kitchen would be spotless on your arrival or you'd be dialing some numbers in the evening.
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For someone who despised the solemn atmosphere of libraries, you had successfully spent 11 hours in the said hellish room. It was 11 p.m and you wanted to sleep, more than anything but here you were, waiting for yugyeom so he'd just pick you up for a good drinking session that you were dying to have.
Fortunately, you weren't the only one who had missed living these past days. Everyone, for different reasons, was suffering so you felt a little less bad for yourself even though you knew your troubles were far more grave than their academic burdens.
"Wake up shorts" someone whispered in your ear. Squirming on your seat, you whipped your head in your sleepy state and found jungkook caressing your head, goofily smiling at you.
"I thought you wanted to hang out till the next morning" air quoting the last words, he picked up your bag.
"Yeah. Let's go. I'm all ready for a night full of vodkas." You yawned out.
"Definitely. No. You are going home. We can have a small get together me and yuggy are done with our final project." He dragged you out into the parking lot.
" I feel like it's been years since we got drunk together. You are never here anymore!" You whined at him, complaining your heart out.
"I will be. Soon. Then we can celebrate your little choi job as well."
"Oh please. Don't even mention it. If I had penny for every time they rolled their eyes at me, I'd be richer than your parents kook." You huffed out and as his gentle laugh surrounded you, you closed your eyes resting your back against the seat, expecting to be up by the time he'd park.
But the next day, you woke up tangled in the sheets of your bed, unaware of the events of the previous night.
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When you had warned yuta about the dirty dishes, you hadn't expected him to fill the corners of the kitchen with disposable containers. It looked like you had missed a whole drama while sleeping in the library. The kitchen was shining except for the new utensils. But as long as you were not babysitting him, you were fine with anything. You didn't want to jinx your relief, however, you were glad you would be able to get some work done. finally.
You had spoken too early for your own good. Just when you sat down to write your paper, passionate and enthusiastic howls of that man pierced through your earphones and once again, you opened the window and hopped outside, in the balcony, ready to drown him out. Sipping on your lemonade, you gaped at the scenery the not so distant traffic provided you with and somehow, your thoughts wandered to the only person these horns reminded you of. Johnny.
What are you doing? Your fingers hovered over the text but once again, you deleted the message, declaring it to be too childish for someone as mature as him. Maybe you were just being silly. Maybe you were not. But who was going to put a stamp on your maybe?
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Tears pricked your eyes as the harsh words of your senior thundered in the room. He kept shouting and you had no option than to consume each and every word he directed at you. Even if you were being insulted in front of your twenty other co-workers, staying quiet was the best option, you ascertained. so along with your saliva, you gulped your explanations down your throat.
Howsoever unconscious, you were still in the wrong. There was no excuse as to why you had mailed the wrong bills, apart from the headache that was caused by the person possibly lying on the sofa and watching t.v back home. No matter how much you tried to run away from his existence, he had somehow managed to let himself inside your head.
Glaring at the kid who asked for his turn on the park swing, you pushed yourself a little higher, letting the wind greet your stinging eyes as it hit your face in waves. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you chose to ignore jungwoo for a day as it was the time, you decided, to let all the lessons that the past few months had taught you sink into your mind, to bleed into your soul so you won’t ever be able to deviate from them. Ever.
Only if that was so easy. You knew blaming others for your problems was no solution but trivialising them by not paying heed wasn't a smart move either.
When you reached home, your frustrations had died down. So when yuta simpered and pointed towards your empty container, telling you how he had already finished your supposed dinner, you simply rolled your eyes at him, robbing him of whatever he wanted to achieve by riling you up. Heating up the water, you were about to open the noodles packet when yeong called you.
You stared at the shattered phone screen in disbelief as the endless tears ran down your cheeks. As you verbalised the words to yourself again, your body met the floor with a thud.
Jungkook. Drugs. No more.
Three words had silenced the screeches in your head and your mind busied itself in rejecting what you had heard for it had to be a lie. But what how were you going to ignore the heart wrenching screams that yeong had let out. How were you going to dismiss the truth.
How were you all going to accept it?
next update: Some day between 5-7 June.
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
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📣: boyfriend!Jun // idol!au // am not sure what to tag this lol a little angsty i guess? // hurt and comfort? //1441 words
warning: reader fainted
A/N: thank you for the prompt anon!! i rarely write junhui bc ive only written him like...once so i hope this isnt to ooc of him😭 enjoy!
find the rest of requested drabble here
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People around you have always said you can be too hardheaded for your own good. At times, it brings you good things because your determination to push for the title track of your group’s last comeback has turned into a very good decision to say the least. Now your group even gets to perform somewhere near the last half of an award show due to the success of that comeback.
Sometimes, though, it’s probably the bane of your existence. You’ve been feeling like you’re going to get sick since at least a week ago; the tell-tales your body is showing you says so. A lot of time you get a sudden wave of headache and a few days ago it hit so hard you couldn’t even stand on your own.
Junhui knows about this from your members. One of them has called him, telling him to stop you from pushing yourself too hard because even they can tell you’re nearly burnout. He has called you right away, nagging you with his lecturing tone on why you should rest now so you can perform your best later.
His words only last a day.
After that, you’re back to forcing yourself because the award show is two days away and you can’t afford anything less than perfect. A trip to the hospital with your manager to inject vitamins and such seems to be enough conviction for you to tell the company things should be okay until d-day, that you’ll rest after that. They’re sceptical, but you do seem a little better so they let you be.
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[14:22] Junpiii: saw you on rehearsal earlier
[14:22] Junpiii: you sure you’ll be ok? The choreo seems harder than usual
[14:34] You: im fineeeee. Its gnna be cool and youll see why im pushing this performance
[14:34] You: ill rest immediately after this, dw
[14:35] You: gtg eat and do my makeup
[14:35] You: see youuuuuuuuuuuu
[14:40] Junpiii: be careful ok?
“I really think you shouldn’t perform,” your leader tells you in concern.
You look up from your phone, rolling your eyes. “Seriously, why are you and Jun always nagging at the same time? It’s literally hours away, I can’t back away now.”
“We’ve literally been telling you to slow down,” she crosses her arms. She remembers the way your body just gave up at that one-day rest Junhui has forced you to take: you slept for almost 15 hours straight, your body finally happy with the rest only to be forced back to work the next day.
You just shrug, there’s no need talking about this again when the stage is right in front of your eyes. Plus, you feel fine enough now, just a little lightheaded earlier but it’s nothing compared to the headache from the other day. That should mean you’re good to go, right?
Walking out of your waiting room to go to the restroom, Junhui catches you by the elbow as you’re passing by, having gone back from one of his idol friend’s room.
“Oh, hi!” you greet him happily, it’s actually been a few days since you get to see him this close. The end of the year has always been hectic for idols, having to prepare different stages back-to-back for year-end shows and music festivals. “You looking good as usual,” you nod approvingly at him, patting his broad shoulders.
“And you’re not,” he says bluntly, frowning at you. How is it possible to be able to tell you seem less lively even when you have makeup on?
“Geez, what a way to support your girlfriend, Jun,” you scoff, pretending to be upset. “I know you think I’m pretty.”
“I’m not saying you don’t look pretty,” he exhales a deep breath, his hand carefully moves your hair behind your shoulder. “I really don’t think you should perform today.”
You hold back a sigh, not wanting to upset Junhui. You understand these people are trying to look out for you, but it can be disheartening to hear it over and over again when you just need to wait for a few hours more and be done with it.
“I can’t disappoint my fans, Jun,” you settle. Fans are always a sensitive topic, and you know Junhui would understand where you’re coming from once you bring them up. “They’ve been waiting for this special performance; I can’t let them down over some headache.”
“You know it’s not just headache,” he tries to reason with you, there are some staffs moving around the corridor, a few idols bow to the both of you in greetings. “You know I’m not the type to say this easily.”
You gently grasp his hand, giving it a firm squeeze before letting go. “I’ll be okay.”
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Junhui has never been this much uncomfortable during an award show.
It’s almost your group’s turn now and there’s just a bad feeling hanging around his chest. For once, Junhui hopes his guts are wrong and you’ll really be okay, that you’ll finish the stage like it’s a piece of cake and then you’ll sleep until tomorrow once you’re back in your dorm.
But of course, bad feelings always prove to be right.
So far, it has been okay. Your stage is amazing, even, much more powerful than what he’s seen during rehearsal. But Junhui can’t even enjoy the stage when his eyes are too busy following you, making sure everything is okay and you’re feeling well.
Your smile might seem like you’re the happiest person on earth, and maybe you are, Junhui understands what it feels like to stand on the stage and perform for the people who support you. But the way you subtly miss your cue, the way you wince once the camera is off you, and the way your legs wobble a little when staying still tell him otherwise.
There’s about a minute left now, and Junhui genuinely hopes it’ll pass soon so you can go off stage and sit down for a while. One minute more, he digs his nails to his palms. One minute more and it’ll be okay.
For a moment, it really seems like it’ll be okay. Junhui almost lets out a sigh of relief when the song comes to an end, his vision darkening because the lighting is turned off for dramatic effect.
Yet, the sound of his heartbeat can’t be louder to his ears as he sees you fall down just in time the camera switches from you to your maknae, your leader catching you by her arms as you limply stay still.
His members subtly throw him concerned glance, worried and confused. Junhui stays still, his body tense with worry and shock from what he’s just witnessed. Five minutes later, when Seungcheol tells him to go to the restroom, he doesn’t reject the offer.
“Oh, Jun,” your leader greets him as she sees him by the door. “She’s… she’s conscious but she’s still laying down.”
He just nods, following her in with his heartbeat still ringing through his ears.
“Hi,” you greet him weakly as he catches your eyes. There’s a staff holding a fan to your face, another one massaging your overworked legs. “I’m sorry?”
Junhui doesn’t even know what to say, he whispers a thanks when the staffs leave you both for privacy, taking the seat near your head. His hand moves to caress your head, he really wishes the situation is as easy as telling you he’s told you so and he can move on with a laugh. But it’s not. You’re laying weakly there and he has to go back in a moment.
“Did you get a bed rest notice?” he asks instead, his fingers softly waving through your hair.
“For a few days, yeah,” you tell him sheepishly. “It’s not as bad because I came to in a few minutes.”
“You know that doesn’t make it any better, right?” Junhui says again tiredly, holding your hand in his as he drops a careful kiss there.
“This won’t happen again, I promise,” you say first. You know Junhui’s worried sick and he’s trying to stay calm under this situation. You’re lucky this didn’t happen in your practice room, to be honest. You know Junhui would openly freak out if that had been the scenario.
There’s something unreadable in his eyes, but he eventually nods before he checks his watch again. Junhui leans forward to drop a soft kiss on your head, mumbling into your hair before making his way out right after.
“You better rest after this, I’m going to check with your members if it comes to it. Will tell you if I can drop by later.”
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fanficwritinggirl · 3 years
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Thunder (Fred Weasley x reader)
You could say that thunderstorms scared you. I mean the loud bangs of the thunder and the heavy pour of the rain really caused you to panic. It just made you feel trapped. That there was nowhere you could go to get away from it that you were stuck. It sucked to say the least and it made you feel quite childish in all honesty. I mean you were 18 years old for god sakes. You should grow up and get over it right. But this was easier said than done.
It had been dull all day and you knew that it was at least going to rain. But you didn't realise that it was going to be a thunderstorm. And even though you were in the safety of the Weasley home you still were unsettled. The only thing about the Weasley home was that you didn't really get much privacy. There was always someone there and sometimes when you were in a state of panic you just wanted to be on your own. You just wanted to be able to curl up into a ball and forget that it is happening. This is purely due to the fact that you are ashamed of the fact that you are scared of thunder and don't want anyone to know this fact.
You had tried your best to stay downstairs with everyone as the storm grew outside. Everyone was just normal. They were fazed by the heavy rain outside and it made you feel stupid to be honest. The fact that everyone else was fine and you weren't. So that was when you decided that you were going to go to bed. It was a good reason for you to be left alone for the rest of the night. It also meant that you could crawl under the covers and hide from the storm.
So after saying goodnight to everyone and going to bed you try to go to sleep. Lying there for hours just trying to get some sort of sleep even if it was for a few minutes but the adrenaline in your body was not helping you. Everytime a crack of thunder came your heart beated faster and faster and you could feel tears at the brink of your eyes but they never fell. You turned over and looked towards Ginny and Hermione who were both fast asleep, something that you envied.You were sick of lying in bed so you decided that you should go downstairs and get something to drink to lower your nerves.
You sneak down stairs being as quiet as possible trying not to wake anyone up. If anyone saw you in the state that you were now you would never be able to live it down. You get into the kitchen and put some water in the kettle and warm up some water for the tea and you stand waiting for it to boil you look outside. You look at the rain and see that it is coming down very heavily. It makes your heart race again so you try to keep your head down and look at the kettle. When the water is finished boiling you put it into a mug that has a teabag in it and let it steep for a minute while you grab some milk from the fridge. After making your cup of tea you sit down at the table and drink it trying to engross yourself in it so that you can try to ignore the storm.
Though when a huge crack of lightning comes down and you can see the white from the window of where it came down you freaked. You felt unsafe again so without even really thinking you get under the table and curl into a ball rocking back and forth with heavy breathing trying to calm yourself down not being able to.
When Fred walked down to the kitchen in the middle of the night after hearing someone up he didn't really expect the scene that he saw when he walked in. The first thing he saw was the cup of tea on the table and the chair pulled back but when he lowered himself ever so slightly so that he could look to see who was under the table he was shocked to see you in the state that you were in. It broke his heart. "Y/N" he whispers as he circles the table so that he is closer to you and gets down on the floor next to you. He shuffles a bit so that he is right next to you. He could see that you were too frightened to even acknowledge that he was there. You just started on forward with your eyes wide in a trance. He didn't know what to do. Yes he had dealt with frightened people before. I mean he had younger siblings who used to get nightmares all the time but this wasn't just someone who was scared. This was someone who was petrified. "Hey Y/N. Hey, it's ok with me. You're ok. Im here" he says trying to get you to come out of the trance. Give you some comfort.
You could hear him talking to you. Feel him. But you were frozen with fear it was like you couldn't pull out of it. "Hey, I'm here. Im here" he kept saying over and over again and then you feel him wrap his arms around you and pull you to his chest. It was then that you could feel yourself calming down. "Listen to my heart Y/N. Listen to my heart" he says. You felt safe. The sound of his heart beating normally in rhythm calmed you down. Something you hated was when your heart started beating faster than normal making your breathing increase and you panicked thinking you could get it under control. It scared you. But the fact that Fred could keep you from thinking about your breathing and just his heart so that you would just naturally start breathing normally was comforting.
You didn't know how long you sat there for but it didn't feel that long to you if anything you just wanted it to last forever. But Fred pulls back and looks at you. He puts your hair out of your face and takes a good look at you. "How do you feel now?" he asks you. You nod your head at him. "Better" you tell him. He nods his head and you are happy with the answer. You stare at each other for a second before he speaks again.
"How long have you been scared of storms?" he asks you quietly. You knew that you were going to be asked for it. I mean of course you were. Like you couldn't just expect him to calm you down and then just not expect questions. But the thing was other times people asked you about this and this was less than a handful of times. You felt uncomfortable and just brushed it off but you felt comfortable feelling Fred.
"Umm... since I was 7 years old. Ummm... me and my family used to live in the country near some corn fields and something that I used to love to do when I was younger was to go play in them. It was pretty fun when playing hide and seek with your friends. One day it was nice and warm. Sunny. And I decided that I was going to play in the fields like I did all of the time. I must have been running around in them for an hour or so when within the course of about 15 minutes the sky went from sunny to just pure black and heavy rain was coming down. I remember trying to jump up and see where I was but it was just so dark and the rain was just coming down so hard I could see anything. I just keep trying to get home. Or to find shelter to stop the water coming down on my body. And then the thunder started and it just kept getting louder and louder. I could hear it getting closer and closer and I could go anywhere. I was in the middle of nowhere drenched. I was so cold. So cold. I was in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that didn't have sleeves and I was just so cold. I remember I was walking when all of a sudden thunder came down super close to me. Everything around me just went white and I thought that I had died. After a few seconds everything came back into view and I freaked. I ran in a random direction just hoping that it would be the right way and then I slipped and fell. I was covered in mud and I just had no energy. So I lay there until the morning. I remember waking up to the sound of dogs and voices calling my names. A dog camping running towards me and then sitting and barking its head off. The next thing I know I was in the hospital after having really bad hyperthermia and I had to stay for a few days due to me having a really bad cold. They said that I wouldn't have lasted much longer if I had stayed out any longer than I was ''I recount with tears going down my face.
Fred just pulls me closer and kisses my head. "Im sorry Y/N. I had no idea. Why didn't you say anything? '' he asked me. I shake my head. "Because I was ashamed that people would judge me. I mean it was 11 years ago. I should be over it by now. But everytime i hear the thunder and the rain I just can't forget that night. '' I cry and he sighs. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. It is ok to be scared of storms. But you most of all. Don't be ashamed of it. We all have our fears" he explains and I smile. This was why he was my favorite. I pull back and smile at him. "Thanks Fred". He nods his head at me. "No problem".
We sit for a few more minutes before he gets up. "Come on, let's get you back to bed," he says. I nod and stand up taking his hand as a help. When I stand up another crack of lightning comes down and I grab onto Freds waist and cling onto him for dear life. He wraps his arms around him and puts his chin on my head. "Why don't we sleep on the couch tonight. That way I can stay with you" he asks. I nod my head quickly. I didn't want him to leave me. When I was in his arms I felt safe.
We move towards the sitting room and Fred sits down on the couch and lies down. He pulls me towards him and I lie on top of him. He wraps his arms around me as I put my head in the crook of his neck. I smile as I finally feel sleep overcome me.
The next morning we both wake up to the smell of food in the air. I move my head a little bit and feel that I am still on top of Fred. I smile. "Well this is not what i thought i was going to see this morning. Finally found where you went to Freddie" George says smuggly. I groan. Great, now I am going to have to deal with teasing. "George why don't you shut up and go and help mum with breakfast yeah" Fred says as he slowly wakes up. George chuckles and nods his head. "Ok loverboy i will do that" he says before walking out. I sit up and get off of Fred. I look down at him and he is rubbing his eyes trying to wake up. "Umm... thanks for last night" I thank him awkwardly as I'm looking at the floor. He nods and gets up. "No problem" he says. I nod before starting to walk towards the stairs.
"Hey Y/N" he calls. I turn and look at him. He walks up to me and presses his lips to mine in a short but sweet kiss. I pull back and breathe out in shock but I have a huge grin on my face. "Umm..." I said quietly. "I'll see you at breakfast, yeah" I asked him. He nods with a smirk on his face. He kisses my cheek before I turn and run up the stairs feeling shocked but happy.
Fred stands at the bottom of the stairs with a smirk on his face. "Well took you long enough" George calls and Fred groans. "Shut up Georgie".
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falcons-wings · 4 years
an easy mission
sam wilson x reader
summary: the reader gets hurt on a mission where they received bad intel (this is a terrible summary but we move)
warnings: fighting, injuries, blood, swearing, guns, knives (i think that’s it?? pls tell me if there’s anything else)
wc: 1.5k+
a/n: i’ve written for quite a few different fandoms but never marvel for some reason idk, but i love this man with all my heart and he does not nearly get the love he deserves so i thought i’d write this little work for him - also i havent written in a while so im rusty so apologies in advance - hope you enjoy :)
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This was meant to be an easy mission. A nice break from all the stress, fighting and pain you had been experiencing recently since you started working with Sam and Bucky. You had even been sent in on your own to where the target was supposed to be whilst the boys kept watch because it was, as Sam so incorrectly said, “a simple in and out job”.
You had decided it was not a simple in and out job.
The target you had to extract was only meant to have two of his men guarding him, hence the easy part of the job, but the twelve guys who were now all either pointing guns at you or in fighting stances, proved that information very wrong.
It didn’t take long for all hell to break loose - there were gunshots flying everywhere as you began taking out some of the men closest to you. You threw a couple of knives from your harness at two of the men who had guns, not even looking to see if they had hit the mark (but you knew they did - you never missed) before running at the guy closest to you. A swift kick to his stomach followed by an elbow to the face was all it took to for him to go down, allowing you to focus on the other guys now approaching you - and a couple more knives were thrown in succession, getting rid of all but one of the shooters before you engaged in hand to hand combat with two of the assailants.
“Y/n? Is everything alright in there?” Sam’s voice spoke through the comm.
“Oh, everything’s just peachy Sam, I just want to say-“ You felt a sharp pain in your abdomen, interrupting your train of thought and speech, but your momentary pause cost you when one of the guys you were fighting got lucky with a hit to your face. Annoyed that you had let down your guard and most likely had a broken nose now, you kicked your leg out towards his shin and as he tripped slightly, you elbowed him in the gut and pulled his arm down as you rolled towards the floor, flipping him over so his front collided with the ground hard enough to knock him unconscious.
You turned your attention back to the remaining assailants when you registered Sam shouting your name over the comms.
“What Sam? I’m a little busy.”
“You stopped mid sentence I thought something had happened, we were about to come and see if you needed help.” You could hear the worry in his voice but the stubborn part of you still refused to ask for help from them even though they were your friends and you knew they wouldn’t think any less of you.
“No it’s all good here, I was just going to say that we’re never listening to your informant ever again and if we do, you’re getting sent into the hideout.”
“What? Why?”
“Well it turns out the two guys guarding the target,” you tackled the last armed guy to the ground, stabbing him in the chest in the process before getting back up and approaching the last couple of people left, “was actually twelve so I’ve not been having the best time here.”
“Shit. We’re coming in.” You could hear him saying something to Bucky but you didn’t care as this was when you noticed the original target was no longer in your sight, only two very angry looking dudes.
“No I’ve got this handled, but I’ve lost the target - he must’ve got away whilst I was distracted. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise y/n, Barnes is going to get the target and I’m coming to you.”
Before you could respond to him, the last two guys came charging at you. You ducked underneath the arm of one, dodging the knife he had trained on you, and kicked him in the back with enough force that he fell to the floor and didn’t get back up. This left only one who swung at your face, which you sidestepped out the way of, but unfortunately failed to see him swing his leg out to kick you in the stomach. You stepped back, doubled over in pain for a moment, but quickly recovered and took out the last knife from your harness, throwing it at his chest with perfect accuracy as he made another approach at you.
The body fell to the floor just as you heard loud footsteps running into the room behind you. Still on high alert you spun to fight this next person but instead relaxed when you saw Sam run into the room and stop in his tracks when he looked at you.
“I did say I had it handled.” You smiled smugly at him, ignoring the stab of pain from your nose at the movement, but the smile quickly faded when he still didn’t say anything, not even one of his normal comebacks.
“What? Is there something wrong?”
He shook his head slightly and began walking slowly towards you, “Y/n, you’re bleeding. We need to get you help.”
“It’s just a broken nose Sam, trust me I’ve survived worse.”
He was right in front of you now, his dark eyes conveying so much worry as he looked you over more closely. “No y/n, we need to get you to a hospital.”
You didn’t get what he was on about until he angled his head at your stomach, where you could now see the bullet wound you must’ve received in the mess of the fight bleeding profusely.
“Oh. Well that’s not ideal.”
You stumbled slightly as you started registering the pain you were in, the adrenaline from the fight beginning to wear off now. Sam was quick to steady you with his arms, and the concern on his face, his concern for you, warmed your heart a little even amidst the pain.
He manoeuvred you to the floor to rest whilst he spoke to Bucky over the comms to update him on the situation, and it might’ve been the blood loss speaking but you couldn’t help but think to yourself that he looked even more attractive than normal. He raised an eyebrow at you when he caught you staring, and quickly shaking the thoughts out of your head you began speaking.
“I’m sorry, I fucked up, I didn’t want to call for back up so you would know I can handle things and then I lost the target and then apparently got injured in the mess. All in all not my best mission, so I’m sorry.”
He shook his head at you, crouching down in front of you, “No y/n, you have absolutely nothing to apologise for. This is 100% on me and I’m so so sorry - I hate to see you get hurt, and that’s exactly what happened here.”
“How’s it on you?”
“It was my informant who gave the wrong information which I believed without confirming it, and then you went in here with no back up. You could’ve died y/n. I- No, we, can’t handle another loss, especially if it was you, you mean too much to Bucky and I now.” He looked down at his hands, avoiding your eyes, “I’ll do better next time.”
You hated how sad and broken he looked as he admitted this to you, and bad injuries or not, you were having none of his wallowing today. “Listen to me here Samuel Wilson - you are not to blame for this, sometimes there is bad intel and that’s just something we have to deal with. And if you will not let me blame myself for anything that’s gone wrong today then I ban you from thinking the same about yourself okay?”
He finally looked up at you to see the sincerity in your eyes and gave a small smile, “Okay.”
“I hate to break up the moment,” you both sat up quickly, ready to fight, to see Bucky approaching the two of you and dragging the target behind him, “but we need to get you to a hospital and this guy to a cell.”
“That might be a good idea as my vision is starting to go a little blurry.”
“Shit, okay, I’m gonna pick you up is that alright?” Sam asked, only needing a nod from you before you were in his arms bridal style and following Bucky out of the building.
As you approached the vehicle you were using, you poked Sam’s cheek to get his attention.
“I don’t want to see you get hurt either by the way, you mean too much to me as well.”
His eyes shined as he looked down at you, but his attention was quickly caught by Bucky muttering under his breath “God, just kiss already, you two make me feel sick.”
You huffed a laugh, ignoring your own blushing cheeks, and instead looked at Sam who had his own red cheeks and was now glaring at Bucky with a look, that if it could, would kill him.
He soon gave up with glaring at his friend, and instead looked down at you with a small, possibly hopeful smile on his face that you readily returned.
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kaimelia · 3 years
atticus lincoln x reader pls
unworthy of your love
a/n: hi! first of all, a huge thanks and dedication to a ton of people. this fic would not be possible without all of you!
@wordsxstars @hurricanery @herrera-n-hayes @somegreysfics @dakotasgreenkitchen @oboevallis @thedefinitionofendgame @greys-for-days
disclaimer: this is a joke and I am sorry
"Good morning, y/n," Link whispers beside you, his hand reaching out to brush a strand of your hair behind your ear.
He smiles, and for a moment, the alarm clock blaring beside you seems irrelevant, because he looks so incredible in the dim light peeking through the blinds.
"We have work," you groan, pulling the pillow from under your head and slapping it against his face. He laughs.
"We could call in sick." You shake your head and stand up, pulling the sheet around your body, and walk toward the dresser.
"We were sick last week and the week before. Not believable anymore." Link groans dramatically and flops back on the bed, and you throw a shirt at him. "Get dressed. You have surgery, and Nico's plenty pissed at me for the last time you were late."
"Do I have to?" He pouts his lip out like a begging child and pulls the shirt over his head. You walk to the closet, pulling out a sweater and pairing it with jeans, buttoning them as Link walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. His lips press against your ear, and you both laugh. "There's no way I can convince you to stay home?"
"Link," you turn around to face him, your hands cupping his face and your thumb lightly rubbing against his cheek. "If we leave now, we can stop for coffee on the way."
"Deal." He drops his hands and grabs yours, tugging you to the doorway. You grab your bag from the couch and chase him down the stairs of the apartment complex and to his car, where he holds the door open. "M'lady," he gestures, grinning as you get inside.
"So chivalrous," you mutter as he rounds the car and hops into the driver's seat, reversing the car and placing his hand over yours on the console, your voices both lightly humming along to the songs on the radio as you pass through the drive-through of the coffee shop, where Link recites your order by heart.
"So, I'll find you at lunch?" His hand lingers in yours for a moment in the hallway, and he's smiling as you both tug away from each other and your arms stretch farther.
"Sure." Link drops your hand and blows a kiss before running down the hallway as he usually does, the people around him staring in some mix of horror and shock as he passes.
"Y/n!" Amelia calls out, dropping Richard's hand and throwing her arms around you. "Are we still on for tonight?"
"You're sure it's not awkward? With Link?"
"Y/n, Link, and I are old history," she shakes her head. "I'm with Richard now, and I'm happier than I've ever been."
"I know, it's just, weird?"
"When have our lives ever been normal?" She waves a quick goodbye to Richard, who smiles at her like you've never seen him smile before. "Besides. Going on double dates always makes things less awkward. Link and Richard can watch whatever sports game is on, and you and I don't have to pretend to be interested in it. It's fantastic."
"Okay, okay. You've convinced me."
"Yay!" Amelia nearly squeals, clapping her hands together. "I'm so excited! I'll see you later!" She runs off, and your pager buzzes.
"Okay, so remind me how you two got together?" Amelia smiles, and the dimple on her cheek catches a shadow from the light above.
"We go to A.A. meetings together, and we would talk after, and one day Richard asked me to get coffee," she interlocks their hands, twirling their fingers around, "and that's where it started."
"Turns out we have a lot more in common than we thought," Richard added, quickly leaning over and kissing Amelia's head. "Sometimes, you just need to forget about whatever the world thinks is right."
"I think it's beautiful," Link grins and raises his eyebrows. "I'm glad we could all find the one we're meant to be with." He places his hand on your back, his thumb lightly rubbing up and down in a soothing pattern. "And, we can all be friends through it."
"Sometimes love comes from where you least expect it," Amelia whispers, looking up at Richard and her eyes glimmering with the reflection of the restaurant lights above them. "I mean, y/n, you and Link barely knew each other before this past year."
"Yeah, well, I didn't work at the hospital before this year," you laugh softly, and Link smiles at you.
"Top of her intern class, what can I say? Caught my attention."
"Although, you need to keep your distance because otherwise, everyone's gonna think I'm all for ortho."
"That wouldn't be the worst thing, getting to spend all day with each other, would it?" You shrug and playfully shove his arm away.
"Hey, I'm neuro, and we barely get to work with each other, but I think it's for the best. It makes coming home to each other so much better each evening. Plus, there's no messy work interaction."
"Yeah, well, I'm interested in trauma," you mutter, stirring the straw in your water around. "So, I think we'll see each other a lot."
"You know, when I was an intern," Richard leaned forward, "we weren't allowed to pick a specialty in our first year."
"Yeah, well, things have changed since the 1600s," you shrug, and Amelia bats her hand out towards you.
"I'm not that old," Richard holds his hands up in defense.
"You're old enough to be my Dad," you mutter.
"And mine," Link adds, shrugging. Amelia narrows her gaze at him. "What? It's true!"
"And if you were a teen Dad," she points at Link, "you could be her Dad." She moves her finger to you. "You could call him Daddy."
"Please stop," Link shakes in disgust, and his hand drops away from your back. "New topic. Find your new neuro prodigy yet?"
"Here, take my coat," Richard speaks quietly, dropping his jacket around his girlfriend's shoulders. She smiles as it hangs over her figure.
"Thank you," she whispers, and their fingers intertwine as the group walks down the sidewalk, Link's hand in yours. "So, y/n, how are you not dead from the intern workload?"
"It helps when you've got an attending who likes you and is nicer on you," you smile and shove Link lightly. "No, but in all honestly, Link helps me study, he helps me with patients, I have no idea what I'd do without him." You can see Link beaming proudly out of the corner of your eye, and he drops your hand to wrap his arm around your waist.
"We've just gotta get Owen to like you so you can stick here for a fellowship," he raises his eyebrows at you.
"I've got plenty of time until then, babe; I'm sure we'll figure it out when the time comes. Besides, who knows if you'll even still be at Grey-Sloan?" He shrugs.
"You never know," Amelia interjects. "Richard been there for how long, exactly?"
"The number doesn't matter. But, my whole life."
"I think the number does matter," you mutter under your breath, and Link squeezes your waist gently.
"Well, this is where we leave you," Link turned to the street beside them. "We should do this again sometime." You smile and lean your head against his shoulder, waving goodbye to Amelia and Richard as they walk away and speak drawn-out goodbyes.
"Well," you sigh, "that wasn't nearly as awkward as I expected."
"Dinner with three of your bosses, one of whom you're dating, another who is your boyfriend's ex, and the last, who is his ex's new boyfriend, but also old enough to be our Dad? Why would that be awkward?" You chuckle, and Link grins. He wraps his arm around your waist tighter and guides you down the street. "But seriously, I'm glad you're getting along with everyone at the hospital."
"Certainly get along with you." He pulls his keys from his pocket.
"You know, I was thinking."
"I do that sometimes."
"Move in with me." You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Link, don't you think it's a bit soon? Plus, is it really the best idea for me to move in with my boss?"
"Y/n," he turns to you, his hands on your waist. "It's not too soon if it's the one thing that feels right."
"Okay," you whisper, feeling your back press against the wall of the staircase. "I'll move in with you." He beams widely and grabs your hands, pulling you up the stairs and into his apartment. No, not his apartment, your apartment. You smile as he pulls out a bottle of champagne, not even bothering to ask why he had it, and pulls out two flutes, clinking your glasses together and celebrating the new start to your life together.
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gumdecay · 7 years
#getting Real Close 2 the anniversary november is a bad month n i always try 2 make it better but it never lasts i always end up nostalgic 4#the hospital n nurses who like me n bandages around my wrists n routines that i dont get 2 give up on n showers that u have 2 keep pressing#the button for or theyll go cold and ruined socks from that one brief bit u have 2 walk outside n i always forget those tacky sandals they g#ive u n trying not 2 laugh at the med check bc whats the point of hiding it when i Want To Be Here i Want To Get Better but i never rlly do#ive said it b4 n ill say it again probably until i die I Want Residential!! i want 2 live in a hospital 4ever i want it 2 b someone elses re#sponsibility 2 take care of me its 2 much weight 4 me to carry i want to push it off onto someone else whos equipped 2 carry it!!#winter is a bad season and i see it coming but i let it smack me in the fuckin face Every Time like ppl joke abt seasonal depression bc we'r#e depressedall yr long right l o l but like.. winter makes it worse ok!! im already suicidal bring on the cold n its amplified by a million#like i cant go a damn minute cant go 60 fuckin Seconds w/o thinking abt how badly i want 2 die lol and november is the worst going 2 grandma#s n sam commenting on how bad my acne is when rlly i spent the last 40 minutes scratching at my face until it bled plans 2 od until l came a#nd ruined that plan (still bitter abt it esp now we're not talking again like shoulda just let me die bitch!!) stuffing my fucking face on t#hanksgiving n hating myself for at least amonth after guilty over the money spent on me @ christmas but not enough 2 tell them not 2#the whole fuckin month is cursed the whole season is cursed this fuckin Life is Cursed ok n im tired of it i just want 2 b taken care of n#As Always im blaming it on my mother not comforting or holding me as an infant/child bc fuckin Johnathon shared the bed until he was a yr n#a half n she didnt want 2 go thru that again so she just let me cry alone lol :') anyway uhhh todays bad this month is bad this season is ba#d n im not allowed 2 attempt so im not gonna but like. today feels like a Great Fuckin Day 2 slit my throat so :')) we'll see :')) if i do i#gotta make sure itll work bc if i attempt n dont die im inpatient n then No dbt for a Year lmfao so if i do it i gotta do it!! :'))#no od for me bc that never fuckin works just lands me in the hospital with sick down my front and a brain that works a Little Bit Less each#time :') this brain is already shit cant get rid of anything else or ill literally stop functioning so like. what does that leave but slitti#ng my throat?? too cold 2 drown id chicken out in a minute n theres nowhere good 2 hang myself so if i do it i gotta do it :') one slash n i#ts Done n Over with!! wonder if my bitch ass will go thru w it lmfao :'))))
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
The Forgotten Girl P10 & 11
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Media The Maze Runner
Character Newt (Thomas Brodie Sangster)
Couple None
Rating Cute + Spooky
Concept ‘Another’
Minho took me to the water fountain so I had a long drink before sitting on the hallway floor as he took a drink too
"Great. Whole class thinks I'm mental" I sighed "so much for a first impression"
"Knowone thinks your mental newt" he says
"I look crazy!"
"Look" he says sitting down beside me "everyone knows the stress you've been under with being sick and all."
"So you don't believe me either"
"Newt. Sometimes things are… more complicated then they seam."
"Besides. Anyone thinks your crazy just tell them your on some magic pain meds" he laughed getting up "come in let's go to lunch"
"Minho. What do you mean somethings are more complicated?" I asked holding his arm so he couldn't walk away
"I didn't mean anything just -"
"Minho. I'm not crazy. I saw her. As real as you and me. And at the hospital too I saw her, I spoke with her. I smelt her perfume. I'm not crazy"
"Your not crazy newt. Come on let's go see alby" he says leading me though to the canteen
We headed into the canteen Minho got himself a canteen lunch and even gave me his orange jello cup as I had the lunch I packed this morning, we sat at a far table away from the noise looking out the window to the sports field.
"Maybe I am going crazy" I sighed playing with the jello on my white plastic spoon
"What makes you think so?" He asks having some of his apple
"Maybe I did imagine her."
"What does this girly look like anyway?"
"She's…. Cute" I smiled "beautiful y/n braided like a fantasy princess, this cute little nose that just makes you wanna give her Eskimo kisses, and a cute little waist perfect to wrap your arms around,"
"Awwwww somebody's in love"
"What! No! I've seen her twice I can't be in love"
"Love only takes one look newtie"
"Im not in love. Besides knowone else sees her anyway"
"So knowone sees what I imagine at night either doesn't mean I love that beautiful goddess any less" he explained "what about her?" He asked moving his hands to mimking fondling breasts
"Big. But not too big. Perfect for my hands" I smiled
"And her?"
"Perfect too. The kinda ass that makes you desperate for a wind day, when she wears a skirt"
"Shut up."
"When did you first see her?"
"At the hospital, she was getting gummy bears at the vending machine in her cute schoolgirl uniform"
"Wait our school uniform?"
"Yeah, did I not mention that?"
"No too busy talking about her nose and her waist"
"I know it sounds crazy… but she's real I know she's real. And yeah I might…. Have a bit of a crush" I blushed
"Afternoon Isaac" Alby smiled as he sat down across from us within Brenda in tow
"Hi" I smiled
"Are you feeling alright?" He asks
"Fine. Just a tad concerned everyone now thinks I'm nuts"
"Your not crazy newt" she says "just a… victim of circumstance"
"Look….. janson. Can be a rough guy. He'll chew you up for breathing too loud. And he will alter your grades for disruption and such. It's best if you just…. Keep your head down and get your work done fast and quietly, don't look out windows, or turn around in class just focus completely on the work at hand" he explained
"Thanks" I nodded
They nodded and went to leave but Brenda stopped "and if… you see someone, who doesn't exist. It's best to keep that information to yourself. Some people don't exist for everyone's benefit" she says before they left
"Cryptic. Brenda must have been reading Sherlock again" Minho shrugs "come on hurry up or well be late for class" he says
"I- what did she mean?" I asked so unbelievably confused
"Don't read to deep it's just Brenda Being spooky"
I glanced out the window and… I saw her in her little uniform books in hand just as I had seen her earlier sitting on the bench by the field
"I uhhh I need the bathroom" I told him grabbing my bag and rushing off outside making sure he didn't follow me I quickly found her sketching in one of her books sitting beside her "who are you? What are you? How come I'm the only one who can see you!"
"You shouldn't talk to me-" she began nervously trying not to look at me
"Because you don't exist? So I'm imagining you? Your voice? Your body? Your perfume?  I can't imagine all that I'm not smart enough. Please just tell me what's going on?"
"I can't -"
"Please!" I begged but the bell suddenly rang out from the school making me look over
"I'm sorry newt" she says quickly and as I looked back she was gone. But I noticed left in the table was a beautiful drawing under a pencil.
The drawing was… of me. The night we met.
In my PJs with my headphones, she had drawn me from the memory of that night.
I blushed hard at it,
And at the pencil let on top of it to prevent it blowing away, it was a little pencil with black wood and lead, the long shaft of the pencil red with little black hearts and a small sheer red tinted eraser with flecks of sparkling glitter, the pencil itself smelt like strawberries and of course lavender perfume that lingered on it.
I pocketed them both and headed to class not wanting to get in trouble.
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callemreine · 3 years
Brave face, talk so lightly(hide the truth)
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'All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them.'
Au August
Day/Prompt: Day 26 - Soulmate
Ship: Prinxiety, brief logicality, creativitwins
Word count: 3k (I'm so sorry I got carried away)
Cw: swearing / brief murder mention / implied death / crying / nightmares(?) / anxiety mention / caps / claustrophobia(?)
A/N: the prompt is your dreams are your soulmate's memories. The title is from the song "Sick of losing soulmates" by dodie. I wrote the first 1/4 of this a few days ago and the rest in one sitting and I couldn't care less about proofreading it so Im so sorry if there are any mistakes ;-;
I see a girl in the distance. She has her back turned. Long chocolate-colored hair tied in a low messy bun. My hand is reaching out to her. I feel this sudden longing to be held by this woman. Craving her caring and loving words. Telling me that everything is going to be alright.
Wait. Why is she getting farther away?
She looks back at me with a sad smile. Everything gets dark. I let my eyes stray from her to look around. When was I in a hospital corridor?
"I'm sorry, Pumpkin. You're gonna have to continue our adventure without me. But, fear not, Little one. I'll always be there by you. You just gotta learn to know where I am,"
She caresses my cheek, giving me the warmest smile I have ever received.
She's gone, suddenly. I touch my cheek, still feeling the ghost of her warm touch. Along with… something wet? Am- Am I crying?
I don't move. I feel stuck. But, also free, somehow. Just unsure of what to do, I guess?
"Roman! Wake up. You idiot!
"Oh, thank all things unholy! I thought someone was in our room, trying to murder us! You were crying, and- and whispering stuff! And it's creeping me the fuck out! And I'm not easily creeped out, you know that" Remus exclaimed as he sat on Roman's chest, grabbing his twin’s shoulders.
"Man, you're soulmate must have some twisted memories," He continued, getting off of Roman and returning to his own bed across the room.
'Yeah. Twisted…' Roman thought.
"You okay there, Sweetie?" Roman heard from where his head was buried on the kitchen counter. "Yeah... Just thinking about my soulmate again," he admitted.
"Another bad dream?" His mom inquired as she sat next to Roman, patting his back. "It's not just that. It's about the move. Like, we're never really sure which of our memories they see, right? But, they've seen all my memories from this place. Like, they know where I've been my entire life…" he trailed off.
"I'm just not sure how they would feel seeing a whole new different place… They don't seem to be in a place to experience a big change right now. All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them. And, yeah, my dreams don't really change that much. But, I make an effort, y'know?" Roman looked up at his mom to seek at least some kind of reassurance.
"I understand what you mean, and I think that what you're doing is great. And I know that you're gonna be the bestest thing that's ever gonna happen to them. But, I'm really sorry. We don't really have any choice with this move. I know your soulmate is in a dark place right now, but you can't always do everything for them. You're also your own person," His mom hugged him.
Roman felt like he was hopeless in this situation. And, he was always hoping for the best. For his soulmate or otherwise. Maybe his mom was right about putting himself first sometimes.
Virgil was in his first period when someone he didn't expect to walk into his classroom… walks into his classroom… They were wearing an army green shirt, a denim jacket with neon green highlights and spikes at the bottom, ripped jeans, and platform boots with more spikes and vulgar words written on them. To say that this man was familiar was an understatement. He KNEW this man's entire life THROUGH his dreams.
Virgil felt like he was trespassing someone's life. Like, he wasn't supposed to know the man. And that, they shouldn't be in any way related. Especially to their sibling.
He wasn't really ecstatic about meeting his soulmate. IN SCHOOL NO LESS. It wasn't really an ideal 'meet-your-soulmate' place for someone like Virgil.
"Alright, students, I'm sure you've all noticed that we have a new student right here. Now, why don't you go and introduce yourself, Mister," their teacher said to the denim jacket guy.
"Umm. Sup? I'm Remus Duke Kingsley. Nice to meet you all. And, if you see a guy that looks like me but without the mustache and wears red all the time, he’s always loud, you can’t miss him. That's my twin brother, Roman. The boring one," Remus says, yawning by the end of his introduction.
'HOLY FUCK, TWINS?!' Virgil thought. Fortunately(or unfortunately, depending on which part of Virgil's brain you're asking), Remus already gave him a vague description of who to look out for.
Virgil continues his day and falls into his daily routine, which mostly includes attempting to avoid being perceived by anyone. It usually succeeds if you exclude his friend, Patton, from ‘anyone.’ He only hopes that his soulmate also sees Patton in their dreams cuz, to be honest, Patton is the ray of sunshine everyone needs. Yeah, he was also friends with Logan, but he’s more like a moon if you ask him.
Virgil goes into the cafeteria and sits at their usual table, his back facing the entire cafeteria. He takes out a paper bag from his bag and grabs the sandwich he bought earlier, not waiting for his friends.
A few moments pass before Logan and Patton reach his table. “Hey, kiddo! You alright?” Patton says as he sits down. Virgil just gives them a nod and continues to eat. “I heard this morning that there were new students,” Logan inquires before Patton interrupts “Oh yeah! They’re twins! I have first period with one of them. He’s really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!” Patton shouts and waves his arm toward a student that just entered the cafeteria. “Hope you guys don’t mind that I invited him over to sit with us,” He continues and flashes both Virgil and Logan a smile no one could say no to.
“Hey, Patton.” The guy says to Patton. “Hope you guys don’t mind me crashing your table. I’m Roman by the way,” Roman says to the other two. “Pleasure to meet you, Roman. I’m Logan. And, no, we wouldn’t mind at all,” Logan answered him back. Roman looked over to Virgil who just nodded and said his name. Roman then proceeded to sit next to Virgil but not paying him any mind.
And, though Virgil seemed to be calm about the situation, his mind is currently in flames having his anxiety and his gay panic fight over each other. Virgil is currently waiting for who would win, that's why he seems so calm on the outside. After finishing his sandwich, he was trying to think of something he could do to keep himself from leaving and be noticed. He looked over to Logan, attentively listening to Patton talking about the dog he saw this morning. Roman was silently eating his lunch, also listening to Patton, but looking around the cafeteria every once in a while.
It seems that Virgil’s anxiety won the fight because he decided that he doesn’t want to stick around with his friends and his apparent soulmate without doing anything. So, he stands up and excuses himself from the group. "Hey! Wait!" Roman calls after him. Virgil stops a few feet from the table to look back at Roman who was already jogging towards him.
"Virgil, right?" He assures.
Virgil nods. "Ok, there’s just something I wanna ask you. Are those two soulmates?" Roman throws his thumb back, pointing at the two left at the table. "Cuz, as much as how adorable they look together, I kinda don't want to be stuck as a third wheel," he continues.
"Oh. Yeah, those two are soulmates. Sometimes, I wonder if they ever do notice me every time I leave the table," Virgil elaborates, looking back at his friends with a slight smile.
"Umm. Class doesn't start for a few more minutes. I was wondering if I could join you for a while? Wherever you were going…" Roman trailed off, realizing he didn't know where the shorter male was headed.
"Uhh. Yeah, sure. I was just headed to the courtyard to pass the time,"
'Shit. Virgil, why are you doing this?! Why did you agree?! You have anxiety!' Virgil mentally scolded himself.
"Ok. Cool. I'll just go get my stuff," Roman flashed Virgil a smile before heading back to the table.
'Fuck. I am so screwed,' Virgil thought.
"So, what's the deal with those two? I mean, how did they deal with the soulmates thing?" Roman finally spoke a few moments after they found a bench to settle on. "Uhh, well. Logan is my childhood friend and the first day we started high school here, they both had a dream of roll call the other had that day, I guess? They both heard each other's name and boom. You got your glasses gays," Virgil discussed, reminiscing the events that happened that day.
Roman let out a chuckle at Virgil's last words, causing the other's heart to skip a beat. They remain silent for a while, watching the other students passing by.
"What about you?" Roman spoke up.
"What about me?" Virgil glances back.
"I mean, what about you? Have you met your soulmate? Do you know who they are? You just seem like an interesting individual to me, having to stick around knowing you're third-wheeling all the time yet valuing your time with them and your time with yourself all the same. Well, either that or I'm just embarrassed that I think you're uncomfortable with me here…" Roman rambled, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed.
Virgil chuckled, "Nah. I just get anxious when meeting new people. Plus, I think you're a pretty nice guy." They smiled at each other, Virgil feeling his face heat up, and looks away immediately. "And, about the soulmate thing. I think I have a clue of who they might be, I just…" he trailed off.
"What's holding you back?" Roman muttered, lowering his head, attempting to catch the other's eye. "I… I just think that my memories aren't that… for them. They're just this amazing and joyful person… I just don't think they deserve to see my bland memories every night,"
The pair fell silent, Roman feeling sympathy for the other. Virgil felt Roman shift in his seat before speaking up, "I don't think anyone's memories are ever bland."
Virgil looks up at Roman who has a far-off look with a slight smile on his lips. "I think that our dreams are what shows us what we're missing in life. What our soulmate has that we need and what we have that they need. You know, what makes you both feel complete when you're with each other," Roman smiled.
Virgil pondered on the other's statement for a while. "Is that... Is that how you feel when you're with your soulmate?" He said, being careful with his words. Roman sighed but remained smiling, "I haven't met them yet. But, what you said earlier reminded me of them. I always think they're a little different. My moms said that dreams are supposed to show my soulmate's memories. But, no one is ever sure which ones we see. Well, my dreams always have one thing in common… There's darkness every time…" Roman trailed off, looking more sad as he continued.
"Sometimes, they walk out of their house and, suddenly, everything goes dark and I see pairs of eyes staring at me as I walk. Or sometimes, they lie in bed and, suddenly, it's dark again and I'm stuck inside a box too small for me. But, there’s always this one dream that always repeats itself. Though, I'm not sure my soulmate's gonna be comfortable with me sharing," Roman finally snaps out of his trance and looks up at Virgil, looking embarrassed.
At this point, Virgil is now entirely sure that the person in front of him is his soulmate. He feels tears cloud his eyes so he looks away to play off wiping them away before looking back at Roman with pity in his expression. This is exactly what Virgil was afraid of, having his soulmate also experience the darkness that clouds him every day he wakes up.
"Wow… They- I- I don't know what to say… What are you gonna do when you meet them?" Virgil glances at Roman, pity still in his eyes. Roman let out a sigh but smiled, "I'm gonna give them the biggest hug they've ever received and reassure them that I'm always gonna be with them and that they'll never have to feel alone all the time ever again." Roman looked at Virgil with a smile. But, before he could notice the tear that fell from the other's eye, a loud shrill of their school bell rang throughout the courtyard, signaling the start of their next class.
"Talk about first impressions," Roman said with a chuckle, standing up. "Well, see you around, Virgil. I got a few more 'Hi, I'm Roman' to do," he continued, leaving Virgil on the bench.
I hear my converse squeak as I walk through the hallway. There are people around me, but they're all just silhouettes of the same familiar darkness. I'm walking to what seems to be the cafeteria. I sit down and grab my lunch from my bag. A few minutes pass, two figures sit in front of me. There's something familiar about them despite being two black silhouettes.
"Hey, kiddo! You alright?"
"I heard there were new students," Logan?
Wait. Am I…
"Oh yeah! They're twins!"
"I have first period with one of them. He's really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!"
Before I could look over to… me…
Darkness. Again.
I hear muffled voices. Too muffled to be recognized.
I stay in darkness for what felt like hours before I get surrounded by light.
Too bright.
There's a silhouette in front of me. It doesn't have any facial features but I can feel it stare at me. Slowly, the light around me doesn't feel too bright anymore. It feels… warm and comforting. Similar to the feeling I have in my chest, along with a squeezing feeling. I feel tears cloud my eyes, but I feel happy, somehow?
I feel someone embrace me. I look up to see the silhouette. Its arms around me, like it's protecting me. I feel secure. I feel loved.
I hug back, breaking down in its arms.
"You don't have to be alone anymore"
I hear my own voice. I break down sobbing, seeking more of the silhouette's warmth.
I stopped sobbing after a while but remained in the silhouette's arms for what felt like hours.
"You gotta wake him up!" I heard a distant voice say in a hushed tone.
"No, he hasn't slept like this since who knows when… Something must've happened yesterday..."
I feel myself slowly drifting from where I was standing.
"We can just tell the school he's sick"
"On the second day?"
I feel someone caress my cheek.
"You can stay too if you want"
"Hey, sweetie," Roman opens his eyes to his mom in front of him.
"What's going on? Why are you all in our room?" Roman asks as he sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He eyes Remus standing in front of their mama. Their mom is sitting on the edge of Roman's bed, facing him.
"Well, sweetie. You see, you just had a full night's sleep," their mom explained.
"You looked so peaceful too," their mama added with a smile. Roman stopped to let the events of his dream last night come back to him.
"Roman, is everything ok?" Their mama walked over to him, tucking a few strands of his hair behind his ear. "Yeah… Yeah, I'm okay!" He flashed a smile to his moms, meaning what he said.
Roman hadn't been able to sit still ever since he got to school. 'Late', he should add. Apparently, he overslept while Remus and their moms decide whether to wake him up or not.
When they got to school in the middle of first period, they were excused because their moms were there to explain. With a slightly bent truth, of course.
Roman had to wait three(and a half) classes to talk to Virgil. They didn't have any classes together, to which Roman was bummed to find out. When the bell rang, signaling their lunch break, Roman hurriedly headed to the cafeteria. When he got there, he spotted Virgil just about to sit down at their usual table.
"Uhh. Virgil? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Roman felt awkward, to say the least.
"Uhm. Sure," Virgil replied, standing up. Roman led them under a tree in the courtyard, away from other students. They stayed silent for a while before Virgil spoke up, "So… what'd you wanted to talk about?"
Roman just stared at Virgil for a few moments, examining him, before enveloping him in a tight hug. Virgil stood frozen for a while, surprised at the gesture. He slowly placed his hands on Roman's back, still confused at the sudden affection.
"You're not alone anymore, Pumpkin," Roman said in a gentle voice, cradling the other's head. Virgil froze when he heard the nickname. His expression then softens and hugs Roman tighter, burying his face on the taller male’s shoulder.
"How did you find out?" Roman heard, slightly muffled by his jacket. "Had a dream about yesterday," Roman simply stated, not elaborating more. "What about you? You said you had a clue. Oh! That rhymed,"
They both laughed.
"I have first period with Remus and I recognized him right away," Virgil replied, his face still buried on Roman's shoulder. "Oh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with him," Roman chuckled.
"No, I'm sorry you had to deal with him your entire life,"
"Well, we're not alone anymore now, are we? Roman asked with a serious tone. Virgil parted a few inches from Roman, still holding on to him. He smiled as he looked up at Roman, "No, we're not."
This might be the last one I'll do for AU august but I'm also deciding if I should go back to the prompts I missed when I was sick hmm
I wish I included Remus more in this but it was already 3k words and thats the longest I've ever written so maybe its for the best XD
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Pass Out (Request)
Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!teen!co-star!reader, Tom Holland x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: can I request a Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal x teen!reader where she gets sick during the press tour and ends up passing out in front of fans? love your writing btw!!
Warnings: none, really? sick reader, slight insecurity, language
(A/N): yeah im in berlin (we’re being very safe and wearing masks all the time :D) and thats why i havent updated much. im trying to update a bit, im writing this at 7:43 to make it before breakfast hsghssgs anyway hope y’all enjoy
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“Y/n, you don’t look too good? Caught a stomach bug?” 
You sighed at Jake’s question. You did quite literally feel like shit that morning, all three of you padding out of the hotel to enter the car. It was going to be another day of press, and while those days could be a bunch of fun, this time the thought just worsened your pounding headache, nausea, weakness, and general shit-feeling.
“I don’t know what it is, I just feel real bad,” you grumbled irritably. Tom and Jake exchanged glances over your head. 
“Think you should stay home today? Me and Jake can take a yelling from Marvel, it’s totally fine. They hate me anyway.” 
“Yeah, I was gonna say, there’s really no way Tom can worsen his image to Marvel. He can take the blame. I mean, he’s already hit rock bottom.” 
You snorted at their banter, and without looking, knew Tom had that undoubtedly offended face. Though, you still shook your head sadly. 
“It’s not that bad. It’ll be fine.” 
There wasn’t much arguing then. The boys never knew you to be a liar about such things, and trusted your judgement completely. And, to be fair, you didn’t lie about how you were feeling. You just thought it was less bad than it was, which is why, when you entered the car, sitting between the two man-children, you got very nervous when it suddenly worsened drastically. 
You were sickly-looking, and both your head and stomach hurt. Your legs felt like jello (which is a very weird sensation, by the way, causing you to wriggle your legs to give them life again), and an overwhelming feeling of nausea hit you. Overall though, you felt weak.
Jake and Tom were still watching you worriedly. Your worsened state was easily spotted by them. 
“We’re here,” the driver announced. Out the window, you could see the sandy building that you were filming press in that day, and a pretty sizeable group of fans (mostly beautiful young gals) who were looking to meet their idols. 
“This is a bigger group than usual,” Tom mumbled, and the comment made you involuntarily groan. You loved fans, but today everything sucked. 
Soon enough, you three exited the black car, and The Jello Effect was in full effect, as you wobbled to the front door. 
“Oh my God, hi! We’re super big fans!” A nice-looking lady smiled brightly when she spotted you all. Her voice was pleasant, you thought. 
“Oh wow, I can’t believe we’re actually meeting them. I didn’t think they’d show up here today. Guess you were right,” came the mumblings from between them.
“We can sign a few things, if you want? We still have a bit of time before our schedule,” Tom offered kindly, because he was such a celebrity that really loved the fans, possibly more than both you and Jake (not that you two didn’t, Tom just had so much love to give out). 
All the fans (girls and boys and nonbinary alike) gathered to have their shirts, comics, papers, and anything else that they wanted signed. 
You felt horrific, but didn’t object, signing and smiling the best you could, but overall staying quiet. You even joined in on the pictures. 
“C-Can I, um, also have a-a picture?” a shy boy asked stepping forward. Both Tom and Jake smiled and said “yeah” and “of course”, but in that moment the world suddenly got very blurry for you.
Everything was very overwhelming, the noise, the questions, the requests, and the responsibilities, and all of a sudden your legs were gone, and the ground was very close to you. And then it was black. 
Jake and Tom were standing in front of the boy, when a thump came from behind them (your jello body falling down, in case you were wondering). They looked, and surely enough, there you were, on the ground. 
They both immediately jumped down to you, crouching beside your collapsed body. 
“Holy shit, are they okay?” one of the fans asked, as a worried murmur spread throughout the crowd of people. 
“Uh, I don’t really know-” Jake said nervously. “Damn it, Y/n,” he cursed you, because, of course, you would underestimate the seriousness of your sickness. 
Thinking quick, Tom grabbed the rather shy boys phone, angled it so the boy was behind him, and then tapped Jake’s shoulder. They both, comically, duck faced simultaneously, and Tom snapped a picture. 
“Here,” he gave the kid back his phone, whilst Jake grabbed and lifted you. 
“We gotta get them to a hospital. I don’t want to risk anything,” Jake whispered, not wanting to further upset the fans that stood beside them, with wide eyes and filming phones. Tom nodded. 
“Alright, it’s been good, but, uh.. Well, we’ve got things to fix here,” Tom waved goodbye, and then followed Jake, who was sprinting to the parking lot with you in his arms. 
“W-What?” you mumbled and blinked awake. You felt drowsy and sick and simply quite terrible, and it was hard to understand, but you realized you were in someones arms. 
“Holy shit, Y/n, you scared the crap out of me!” Jake exclaimed breathlessly, as you awoke from your nonconsensual nap. You looked around in confusion, at Jake’s face (you had a great view of his nose and chin), the parking lot, and then a moment where you wondered what the hell was happening. 
“Did I- What happened?” your mumble was weak.
“You passed out! We’re bringing you to a hospital!” Tom came from behind Jake. This made you stir. 
“Uh, no. No, you’re not!” you (with much grunting and effort - and probably Jake simply letting you go out of respect) jumped out of Jake’s grasp and onto the parking lot. You stumbled, overestimating the solidness of your legs, and almost falling down again, but this time Tom was prepared. He grabbed your arm and pulled you to stand up. From his eyes came a warning look.
“Y/n. You’re sick. We’re going to a hospital. Just to make sure.” 
You knew he was right, but still you couldn’t help but feel like a bother. The boys both saw your stubbornness fade slightly. 
“Alright, I’ll go to the hospital. But you guys go and do press. I can’t have you getting in trouble with Marvel..” you mumbled somewhat angrily. 
Jake and Tom looked at each other for a moment, and then shook their heads. They begun moving at the same time, each taking one of your arms and just starting to walk. You looked back and forth between them accusingly. 
“I called an Uber. It’ll be here five.”
“Sounds good, sounds good.” 
“Excuse me? I said, I’ll go alone!” 
Tom stopped, turning to you. Surprisingly, he smiled playfully.
“Look, N/n. We’re going wether you like it or not, because me and Jake, we care about you too. So stop being so selfish, and let’s go get you checked out, because we can’t have you feeling sick and passing out on us. Alright?” 
His voice was surprisingly light and his smile was upheld, but you could tell he was still a bit concerned. The feeling of someone caring about you. It warmed your heart a bit. 
Jake ruffled your hair from behind, and you all started walking again. You smiled stupidly, and, though still present, your nausea was much smaller now. Jake eyed you from the side, watching your smile. He shook his head.
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906​ @xiumin-girl99​ @frostedgiant 
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sanchoyo · 3 years
ok some Free Range bnha thoughts. I think I left off around 300 when I paused reading it week to week so I started at 290 to Refresh. obviously, spoilers below the cut , but I'm not saying anything that hasnt been said b4 probably. just My Thoughts. turns out I wasn't like, 80 chapters behind but roughly 30-40, which is. A lot less thank GOD. but yes these are my thoughts (mostly typed as I went, borderline liveblogging lol) as I just binged and caught up completely ✌
-afo needs to Not Be a BodySnatching DICKBAG!!!! love spinners lil moment of wtf. youre not who im following </3 same bestie get your boyfriend and run!!! or pick up ur sword and Stab afo. whichever.
-I really have mixed feelings on the whole todoroki situation that im reserving to talk in depth about until the manga finishes because, im not sure if this is true but ive heard its near its end, and I'd like to see how they tie it up and 'resolve' that situation before being too harsh. but for now: rei was brave to go in the hospital room and talk to endeavor. I think bb touya is SUCH a sad situation. I just feel bad for all of them UGH. my kids now.
-the talk w the ofa users in dekus mind had me kinda laughing, it looks like a kingdom hearts cutscene w the THRONES. also deku quitting school, oof. the series is called my hero ACADEMIA NOT MY HERO DROPOUT!!! (i can make this joke as a dropout. deku 🤝me dropping out I guess) Nana asking if he could kill shigaraki HURT I KNOW SHE DOESNT WANT HIM TO EITHER BUT STILL. READING IT HAD ME LIKE NOO!!! NO!!!!! very happy with dekus answer tho. good egg. u better not. trusting u deku. dont
-first ofa user Pretty. they said his name and I immediately forgot it <3
-dekus vigilante look is SOOO SICK THE EYES MAN!!! obsessed. also all might basically acting as support/sidekick is SOOO good. making him eat n stuff. Dad Alert.
-im glad they brought back some of the villains in the jail break!! it was a rly nice way of showing dekus progress, like the muscular fight was so hard for him way way back when and he just basically took him out super fast/easily now..the Progress!!! I love to see it.
-lady nagant top 10 girlbosses. hawks wishes he was her. chad nagant vs virgin hawks etc etc shes what I wanted his character to be (im not...super disappointed w hawks bc I never 100% believed hed go bad fr like some ppl did, but I loved the fanworks that explored it, and shes basically the Defected Ex Hero I wanted...and shes VERY PRETTY and I am very much a lesbian, so I love her. Her colors too!! are cotton candy colors!!!! and shes got the Guns (literally and also Muscles!!!) she looked afo in the face without flinching and was like oh why Should I Help u U Bastard, no fear at all. even if she ended up working for him or whatever for a few chapters. still A Queen <3 a very small screentime queen but. women in shonen mangas. u know.
-class 1A literally Fighting To Get Deku to Come Home and Bathe. is touching and very sad. the power of friendship plots always GET ME. URGH. BAKUGO!!!!!!! APOLOGIZING!!!!!!! ITS FINE THIS IS F I N E "SAVING PEOPLE IS HOW WE WIN" GOD THE CHARACTER DEVOLPMENT!!! BAKUGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O;
-I know we've seen it before (or partially) but thirteen has an incredibly cute face. it has to be said
-NAME a more iconic duo than uraraka and that bigass megaphone
-ragdoll SPOTTED. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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-and the guy from the very first chapter!!! this dude has always been the real mvp. hes stll being nice and supportive. king. give him a spinoff
-im glad they explained why kurogiri(and, bc we havent seen them, im assuming also gigantomachia and compress?? are also there or somewhere thats kept private??) werent in the jailbreak (that they carted them off elsewhere) I was wondering abt that...
-all the callbacks really makes this arc feel FINAL. my god, even the woman all might saved from kamino is back!!! I knew abt stain coming back (tho I didnt know exactly what hed do) but seeing HER got me for some reason. anyway. gay icon stain . also feminist ally stain (slitting the 'woman collector' guys throat) we have no choice but to stan
-tsukauchi stubble???? ok??? its a look I guess. is all might into it
-'shigaraki tomura will be a Complete Vessel in three days time' NO THE FUCK HE WONT!!!! STOP THAT. THATS ILLEGAL
-...has spinner just been stuck in a cave with afo. stuck with him, sassing him. this is hilarious to me for some reason god I would be at my fucking limit. spinner stay strong you amazing wonderful funky guy. wheres the rest of the league. LOOK at spinners face, hes so done with this I cant. this is the Most Important Thing.
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-'the one who SPINS this tale' look I know its a line from afo but that RULES and hes right. spinner is SO important. stan spinner or Die
-god, the league members basically being promoted to being cult leaders/borderline WORSHIPPED 'hold them sacred, endow them with divinity' thats SO RAW I'm!!!! losing it like they all came from nothing now theyre SYMBOLS. my god. spinner doesnt even seem happy about it, none of the league members they were showing looked remotely happy. Makes U Think...
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hot. next question (wait is it weird to simp when hes partially afo. hm.) (also that HAIR GROWTH!!!!!! NEVER CUT IT NEVER NEVER NEVER.) it spontaneously grew after I typed that, so consider ME pleased
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-YESSS MR WORLDWIDE COME TAG AMERICA WE LOVE U HERE. ABSOLUTE JOY. sorry about the fact ur fused with afo rn and will possibly have uhh. identity related crisises and traumas from this later but. glad u look like ur havin fun :')
-damn america getting his ass. im so sorry :( (but also, kicking afo ass which is a good thing?? SOO conflicted I dont want tomura to die but afos gotta GO)
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-again, hot, which is conflicting bc afo is very much also present, but, cmon, its tomuras body and face....n probably at least 25-50% tomura still...:/
-im...glad?? they delayed the complete fusion?? but owchie. at what cost to my boy :(
-the scene with afo patting shigaraki (who is thrashing around on the floor) parallels the scene of that happening when afo had taken in shigaraki at first and he was on the floor crying and wanting to kill those random alley thugs!!! that has to be intentionally calling that back, right? the imagery is very similar. again, loving the callbacks
-I rly thought they were gonna make invigirl the traitor and i was like ok who Cares abt that tho. then they did a lil switcharoo and made it MY BOY AOYAMA?? MY SWEET SON WHO I SHARE A BIRTHDAY WITH??? WHAT THE FUCK!!! HOW DID I NOT GET SPOILED ON THIS?? I remember the cheese stuff and being like haha good red herring. FUCK!!! NO!!!! hes such a good boy im WEEPING. HE WAS ORIGINALLY QUIRKLESS TOOOOO NOOOO!!! baby. babyboy. hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever, and omg invisible girls FACEEEE SHES SO CUTE. but god. aoyama. and dekus reaction to his whole story and still reaching out to him I AM. EMO. the drama of it alllllll . hes literally one of my fav student characters in this class and HAS BEEN FOREVER bc I love his whole knightly costume and SPARKLES and this just made him SKYROCKET FURTHER ON MY LIST OF CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME. hes so so so good. I need everyone to take a moment to just. Appreciate him.
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-THIS is what absolute perrfection looks like. look at her!!! her belt is a cat. cat girls always win and save the day.
-toga sucks her own blood as a ?? comfort thing?? thats. should I say cute?? would it be weird to call that cute. would it be weird to say dabi burning her house down was also very cute, and nice, because she said it too, so like. very nice of him. top 10 reasons hes not Totally Lost: hes Nice to His Friends :)
-spinner being the...new symbol/leader in redestros place is SO???? UGH. UGHHH. HES ALWAYS BEEN A FOLLOWER AND NOW HES JUST BLINDLY FOLLOWING ORDERS TO BE MADE A SYMBOL, OR WHATEVER, I GUESS. very sad and I feel like him saying 'it doesnt matter what I think, this cant be stopped' are u implying u want to stop it. u can. u gotta. reach out to him man u HAVE TO BE THE ONE!!! its the bakugo/kiri kamino situation all over again. even if deku has to guide u it HAS TO BE U!!!! STOP FOLLOWING AND THINK FOR URSELF!!! U CAN DO IT!!!!!! 'anyone can become someone elses hero' YEAH HES GONNA. U BET HES GONNA. I BELIEVE IN HIM!!!
-....YOU NAMED YOUR STRONGHOLD TROY???...ALRIGHT. SURE. THATS FINE AND NOT WORRYING. I mean we already KNOW the war is gonna Go Down But. cmon man. CMON.
-togachako REAL
-shouto is too good for this world he wants to go to dinner w his big bro :( DABI COME HOME 2K22
-im sure ppl have figured out theories about this before but, something about the way they phrased it when they were wondering why afo needed tomuras rage (and why he was always smiling, implying smth is Fucking Wrong with Him, besides all the Murder and Crimes) had me like. hm. are we.. actually going to get more afo backstory at all or an in depth explanation for that? I'd kind of like to, even if I think its fine if we don't because we Get The Gist and idk how much the creator wants us to sympathize/understand his character beyond the ~evil demon king~ (and thats not me saying he needs anything beyond that, tbh not every villain needs it and esp not the big bad in a lot of cases) but. this story, esp in this last arc has us AND the main characters sympathizing with the villains a Lot and exploring why theyre like that, and it makes me wonder if theyll extend that to him at all, or just, keep trying to Get His Ass. And we do know togas quirk is the reason shes Like That, so it doesnt feel like a stretch to say afos quirk is why hes Like That also. (NOT ME SAYING HE NEEDS ANYTHING LIKE REDEMPTION DEAR GOD. AFTER WHAT HES PUTTING MY BOY THRU. ARGH. deku would have to be a SAINT. which he is, but...) actually, proof of this is also just. him going after star and stripes quirk KNOWING tomuras body wasnt finished, even saying it was a risk but basically being like. 'well..but... I WANT it. even if i know its dangerous to get it Right Now. But I want it Right Now.' as a reason KJDSHKJASNJ its very likely thats the case. quirks being a very literal nurture vs nature exploration I guess?
-very glad I typed all the above out WHILE reading bc if I wouldve waited, I wouldnt have had a coherent thought. its almost 5 AM but I am...caught up. And about to look at leaks before I sleep >:")
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yesimwriting · 3 years
Anastasia (prologue)
A/n ive been talking about my Anastasia x SOC story for awhile and im finally ready to post the prequel,, ive also been working on some requests and thinking about my next multi-part fic (ive made some posts about it lol)
things to know before reading: i tend to like to make up my own countries when writing these type of politically/plot driven fics that revolve around a royal family bc i think it makes it not only easier to write but less confusing bc it takes out the issue of potentially conflicting with canon, so i made up the country ‘Anastasia’ is from,, this also follows the musical Anastasia a little more bc i feel like that version of the story is more mature and easier to write for SOC (the only difference is that not everyone is happy that Anastasia is alive and someone tries to kill her bc they hate the royal family)
Series Summary: y/n makes an unconventional deal with Kaz to save the life of her best friend. No one’s ever made a deal with the infamous Dirtyhands that resulted in them shedding the title of orphan from a revolution-torn country that can’t remember her life before the orphanage and taking on the title of Princess Anastasia. As time progresses, things are made more complicated as y/n has to deal with royals, revolutionaries, a grisha general who has a lot to gain from an alliance with a princess that doesn’t know what she’s doing, and potential feelings for a conflicted Kaz Brekker that has more to do with Anastasia’s disappearance than he’s ever admitted. 
The world seems to be made up impossible things. Each day, people defy odds, strangers fall in love, the universe expands, and the Saints watch it all. I am not the kind of person to sneer at a miracle, to try to explain it away instead of acknowledging it for what it is. 
But what this stranger is proposing is laughable. 
I lean more into the chair, doing all I can to get away from the desk that he sits at. A nervous kind of giggle threatens to escape me, a laugh at the expense of the foolishness of the situation. If his demeanor was any less brooding, I would have already laughed at the irony. Kaz Brekker, the Dirtyhands, creating a ploy so colored by the fairytale notions of dreamers.
The longer I go without reacting, the worse this situation becomes. I haven’t seen Verne since Brekker and his people separated us. I can see the world of torment my eldest friend must be experiencing at this very moment while I sit at this desk. 
“Me?” I’m the most ridiculous part of his plan. He said the only reason me and my partner are still alive is because I fit the general description of the kind of person he needs, and if I’m blackmailed into it he won’t need to waste kruge paying me. “A princess?” 
He blinks, as uninterested and stoic as he’s been since he first ordered me into his office. “A pretend one,” his correction feels like a slight, “a surrogate one.” 
My eyebrows furrow together. “But what--I know the odds of the real Anastasia coming back are beyond slim, but if we’re caught in a lie the Dowager Duchess of Avila will have all of us killed. She may be in Ravka now, and her title nothing more than decorative due to the revolution, but she still has people loyal to her.” 
“Anastasia can’t come back.” The graveness of his voice is so certain a part of me has to wonder if he could have anything to do with her death. I dismiss the thought almost immediately, I don’t know his exact age, but he doesn’t look much older than me. He couldn’t have been more than two or three years older than Anastasia when she died, and she was a child at the time. “No one remains missing that long unless they’re dead.” 
I awkwardly scratch the back of my wrist, “You’re the expert here.” No--I did not just say that out loud. “Sorry--I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Not that thinking it makes it any better, but at least then you wouldn’t know and I’d seem like less of an idiot and I wouldn’t be talking about it right now, and just rambling at a really inconvenient time for me to just...” I cringe slightly, opting to stare at his desk instead of meeting his judgmental gaze. “Sorry, again. Normally Verne is here, and he just kicks me in the shin or something to shut me up.” 
“If you’d like to see what apparently is your only source of impulse control alive and in decent enough condition to kick anything ever again, you’ll agree to what I’m proposing.” 
I straighten my posture slightly, nerves and guilt twisting in my stomach. “I’m going to be as transparent as physically possible.” The warning is for both of us, the urge to hide all my weaknesses bubbling in my chest. “Mr. Brekker.” That’s awkward--what am I supposed to call him? “I’m a university student that’s only in Ketterdam because of an academic scholarship. I’m from somewhere average--I’m not from a place nice enough to give me the manners I’d need to pass as a girl who spent her fundamental years growing up in luxury and I’m not from a place grimy enough to make me a quick enough liar to make up for what I don’t know.” I inhale slowly, ignoring the sting of the flaws I laid out for a cruel stranger. “I’m not particularly graceful or sly or talented in any field that someone like you would value. The closest thing I have to talent involves things that can be tracked on paper. I wasn’t even supposed to be here tonight, I was just doing a friend a favor.” 
“You claim that you’re not a decent liar or a thief and yet your closest friend is one who believed himself talented enough to challenge me?” 
I resist the urge to shrink back into my seat. “This is Ketterdam, you try finding someone that doesn’t dabble in crime and ambition.” He does’t reply to my retort, which I think means I won. “Cards on the table, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to save Verne, but you don’t want me for something like this.” 
He pauses, jaw locked and eyes too stony for me to interpret. “Every flaw you just pointed out, every reason you think makes you unfit for this job, is exactly the reason I’m offering you this.” I keep a thousand questions to myself as I wait for him to continue. “Those used to lying lack the warmth that will be needed to sell this. The Dowager Duchess is a grandmother first when it comes to Anastasia, that’s why she’s offering so much gold. She, and the rest of the royals that desire to know what happened to Anastasia, want to believe the story I’m telling. If you present yourself as someone real and warm and you understand table manners enough to not disturb the serene picture they want, they’ll squint at ugly details until they disappear.” 
Wow. I know that he’s intelligent, but what he’s constructing is so much more bullet proof than I thought it’d be. “I’ll admit you’ve constructed an airtight narrative.” 
I know my approval means nothing to him, but it’s the most agreeable I’m willing to be. “A narrative the background you told me of fits perfectly.” I shouldn’t have answered all those questions he asked me earlier so honestly. “A child born in Avila who was sent to a Kerch orphanage due to a war-relief effort during the revolution. A faceless orphan who was found during the height of the revolution with no memory of anything before the morning she woke up in a hospital cot.” 
I say nothing. My skin burns in protest of someone knowing so much about me. He must take my silence as a sign of me teetering the line away from what he wants, because he then says, “your friend is fortunate, if things aligned a little less perfectly he’d be dead already.” 
Dead already. The words elate my heart in a way that pinches. He’s still alive. Verne is alive. “If I agree, you let me see him and then you let him go.” 
“If you need a contract to believe me, I can have that arranged.” The words have an almost mocking edge. I guess it’d be a little ridiculous to get an official contract drawn up for something so small. “If you at any point change your mind, I’ll do the same.” 
The threat is clear. I back out and Verne pays for it in blood. Verne’s safety is once again in my hand. This situation is much more precarious than Kaz Brekker wants it to seem. “You need me to do something that will literally last the rest of my life. Tiaras aren’t something you can slip in and out of.” 
“Yes, I’m forcing you to give up a life in the slums for a palace for your friend’s life. This must be a difficult choice for you.” 
I look down to avoid rolling my eyes. “It’s still permanent, and it’s large because at any point I could reveal the truth and take you down with me.” 
“Remember who you speak to.” His voice has turned to pure darkness. 
Don’t wince. Don’t wince. Don’t wince. “All I’m saying is that you’ve offered Verne’s life to buy my cooperation, but you have yet to mention the cost of my silence.”
His expression is sharp enough to draw blood. “The Dowager Duchess is old and sick, wait at most two years and you’ll have more gold than you could ever spend. The revolution took that family’s power, not the wealth the Duchess took with her to Ravka the night of the massacre.” 
I shift awkwardly. “I’m not trying to get kruge from you for me.” I fold my hands neatly on my lap to avoid fidgeting. “Verne--he’s beyond desperate for kruge, that’s why he risked angering you.” The urge to shy away threatens to break my resolve. I think of all the times Verne has saved me. “Let him keep what he tried to take.” The request is awkward from my lips. I’m asking for more when I should should be grateful any type of mercy came from him. Any type of offer. “Half. Let him keep half.” 
He’s silent for a long moment, weighing the implications of loss. “You’re already entitled enough to pass for royalty.” I don’t let myself shrink. “Deal, but not because you threatened me--try that again and you’ll find yourself wishing you had never left the orphanage you came from.” The relief is practically crushing. Verne is going to be okay. He’s going to live and my resistance earned him enough kruge to have a week or two without worry as he plans what he’ll do in my absence. “You better be as good a study as you made yourself seem to be.” 
I don’t understand the second threat. “Studying?” 
“You didn’t think you could wander into the Dowager Duchess’s home, use the excuse of amnesia to explain why you don’t even know your own mother’s name, and expect them to think you more than an Avilan orphan with a desire for wealth.” 
“I actually don’t know my own mother’s name because of amnesia.” 
He’s in no mood to be contradicted, glowering sharply, “not anymore, anything that doesn’t fit the narrative I’m constructing is no longer true.” He straightens slightly as he begins to pace away from me. “You’ll have five minutes with your friend and then we’ll see where your table manners are at. I know someone who knows enough to correct you.” 
I try to picture where someone like him would meet someone that knows about etiquette. My mind provides nothing useful, but it doesn’t matter--I’ve agreed. It can’t be undone, not without having the blood of my dearest friend on my hands. 
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