nex-eats-eyes · 10 months
also i think i love dedfish now i see what yall see.
i love you nintendo
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skepticalfrogcat · 2 years
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 months
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lunasfics · 9 months
Found Family - Preview
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summary: In which Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent engage in a custody battle over a clone created from both their DNA, or, in which you get saved from a lab and gain two new families who would move mountains for you.
pairing: Bat Family x f! Reader, Supers x f! Reader
full fic is posted here!
a/n: hihihi :) here is a preview of something I've been working on, hopefully it'll be posted in a few days, I hope you like it!
reblogs are appreciated!!
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Clark sat in silence in the batcave, Conner standing to his left, his eyes wide as he stared at you, possessing some features belonging to both he and Bruce, and other features that seemed to be entirely your own.
You stared back, that same stoic nature radiating off of you that radiates off the Batman, however, he noted the defensive look in your eyes, one so similar to the one he saw in Conner when he first met him. He eyed your suit, noting the familiar “S” symbol, only it was a burgundy color, a combination of the Batman and Superman emblems, and he was utterly confused.
He looked over at Bruce, still in his bat suit, his cowl pulled off, “Bruce, what the hell is going on?” 
“I had to call you here because Luthor decided to create another clone. I did the DNA test, Clark, she’s a combination of both our DNA” Bruce looked at him, Dick and Damian standing to his right. It was silent for a moment, you felt like a guinea pig, the way they all stared at you. It made you angry. 
Conner was the first to speak to you, stepping forward before opening his mouth, choosing his words carefully, “What’s your name?” 
You responded immediately, it felt automatic. “Experiment attempt number one. Code G6B24. I was made to be the future killer of the Batman and the Kryptonian.” 
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mat-tematix · 1 year
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I think he enjoys gardening a bit..
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
Julian and Keiko headcanons because Keiko gets sidelined so much and deserves the world and I wish we got to see them interact more
when they get stumped on their respective projects, they'll do late night work sessions together and bounce their research off each other to see if the other can help them figure out where the problem is. they'll do this in person when theyre both on the station, but also over call if one of them is away, and after the O'Briens move back to Earth
they edit each other's papers (Keiko marvels at Julian's ability to spell out complex chemical compounds with his eyes closed, and somehow use 'their' instead of 'there') (in his defense he wrote that bit at 4 in the morning after going 2 straight days without sleep) (she threatens to sedate him)
Julian sometimes brings back plants from planets they explore in the Gamma Quadrant and gives them to Keiko. sometimes he does it because the plant has medicinal properties and the two of them can do a joint research project, but most of the time he does it just to give her a nice gift
when Miles goes away for particularly dangerous missions, Julian will keep Keiko company and help keep her mind off of it. sometimes she has trouble sleeping because shes so worried, so he'll hang around and start rambling on about whatever he's currently working on until she falls asleep. he jokes he's boring her to sleep, but it actually means a lot to her
they have a weekly tea date. this is their prime gossip time. sometimes Jadzia is invited
when Keiko's mad at Miles she'll rant to Julian about it. Julian learned very quickly that this is not a time where advice is wanted, so he sits back and lets her get it all off her chest, because she really just wants someone to listen and let her blow off some steam
Julian makes a concentrated effort to learn more about plant husbandry and care after the incident where he accidentally killed some of Keiko's prized plants because he actually does feel very bad about it
Julian hovered over Keiko nearly as bad as Miles did when she was pregnant with Kirayoshi (and then he hovered over her even more after the pregnancy transfer, and he wouldnt tell anybody why, but Keiko knew it was because nearly losing her shook him up pretty bad)
when Julian gets outed for being augmented, Keiko goes to him and gives him the tightest, warmest hug he's ever gotten in his entire life
Julian gets invited to girls nights with Keiko and Molly (steady surgeon's hands make him the best one to paint nails) (he pretends to complain but he loves it)
anytime Julian has to go away for a scientific conference of any kind, if he gets to bring someone with him, his first choice is always Keiko
in short: theyre besties they told me so themselves <3
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umblrspectrum · 1 year
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i love getting hyperfixating on things i'm literally not allowed to show people because i KNOW there are sekaiju fans here and i can't risk showing them
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ilyfynn · 26 days
you guys had better be prepared. in two months prepare for the ultimate mcsr au, featuring slightly-crazy-and-unhinged!fruitberries, sadly-clueless!feinberg and what-is-going-on!couriway.
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THIS is 5 days' progress. please ignore how 80% of the doc is 'planning'. that's my bad. but as a part of the mcytblr aufest me and @im-bored-so-i-draw are collabing to produce an HBG boxing au that consists the most GORGEOUS art EVER (kier you goat) plus also a fynn!written fanfic which is so much longer than usual. it's coming. i'm just putting it out there. i need you to share my excitement. it's coming.
frequenters of the HBG Arena will gather in a THOUROUGHLY UNSCUFFED (in terms of logistics) (we started planning this before event-that-i-know-you're-still-thinking-of btw) Twitch Rivals tournament to compete for money in their natural element; boxing. for some reason, something else is askew, but that's coming in two months when we reveal our work to the world :3
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rosefires20 · 10 months
No one knows just how happy I am Niki and Tubbo joined the QSMP and the characters they have already started to take on.
Phil being gone this week has really given them a chance to prove themselves and their role as Chayanne and Tallulahs godparents. Nikis been very busy lately but Tubbos been on almost every single day since he joined.
Tallulah and Chayanne are two of the most closed off eggs in terms of how often they just hang out on the server. Usually, they log on, do quests with Phil, chill for a bit, and then go back to sleep with occasional times of hanging out with other QSMP members.
Q!Tubbo, since he's been on the most, has allowed for the most Chayanne and Tallulah content outside of Phil doing their quests. Tubbos already given all the eggs blankets permission to just show up and hang out which Tallulah and Chayanne have taken up quite a bit.
I absolutely adore how q!Tubbo treats the eggs. He cares for them so much even though he can't completely protect them and isn't their direct parent. He is instantly trying to include them in his projects when they show up and always chatting with them which is really cool. It's an interesting dynamic to see since everyone's had an egg of their own since just about the start.
Q!Tubbo has similar mannerisms to both q!Wilbur and q!Phil since they are close friends and deemed family by q!Phil. He treats Tallulah and Chayanne very similarly to how q!Wilbur and q!Phil treat them which is something I think both of them needed from a non-parent individual. They both been dealing with the absence of a father this whole time so I'm sure new faces are refreshing to see. There's no expectations or previous understandings that the other islanders have about them.
Q!Tubbo has made sure to take care of them so well. He always pauses to make sure their tasks are done and that they are doing something they want to do or help with. Q!Tubbo also uses nicknames a lot which I love. He calls Chayanne, Chay. Tallulah, sweetie and both of them poultry queen/king/prince which is adorable.
I really want to know Tallulah and Chayannes thoughts on q!Tubbo since they've spoken about how they don't feel the most comfortable being openly themselves around the other QSMP islanders. Tallulah hasn't completely opened up to q!Tubbo and started sassing him like she does q!Phil but I'm sure it's refreshing to have someone new like q!Tubbo focus his attention on her and her brother when they around, making sure they read all the signs, and keep track of them all the time.
It's just such a refreshing dynamic to see for two characters that have been going through it so much lately.
I also just love q!Tubbo in general because he fits right in. He's constantly involving everyone if they want to join. He's also someone who is challenging the Federation constantly in a way not everyone else can because they have the eggs. He's abosultely on Cucuruchos shit list for his shenanigans and he's already started poking holes in the story that the Federation has laid out.
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 751: Hakogaku's preliminary inspection
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Pag 1
1: Plunging into a new chapter!!
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Pag 2
1: The rivals standing in their way in the Inter High!!
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Pag 3
1: Kanagawa Prefecture, Hakone city
3: Huh, a preliminary inspection
4: for the Inter High!?
5: Yeah... well... it's a usual thing
Now, really? Really?
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Pag 4
1: Gwaaa hoii!!
2: I'll go, I'll go, I'll go!!
4: Huh, preliminary inspection? I might be a little interested
He's suddenly acting cool!?
5: Ah
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Pag 5
1: Coough
He's suddenly vomiting blood!?
2: He definitely bit his tongue while jumping around in excitement earlier....
3: 'm ohey
It's obvious that your tongue hurts....
This guy is always injured....
4: If nohing!!
I get it, I get it!!
5: 'en u we 'eave? (When do we leave?)
In thirty minutes, before the clubroom... you'll take a car to the train station
6: It's so obvious he's happy about it
7: Was that right? They didn't give us details
I guess, it's what Manami-san told us
First year Tobirama
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Pag 6
1: Last month, in the club's tournament he won the F-group climber race
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Pag 7
1: Yeah, I see, and he's gonna run in this year's Inter High as the sixth regular member of Hakogaku!!
2: Seriously, I
3: I want to be considered cool by everyone!!
4: What's up with him, he looks so cheerful
Cool, cool, Kyuushu~
That Tobirama is so festive
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Pag 8
5: Huh!? It's just me and Manami-san!?
Isn't- like, Doubashi-san coming!?
6: Hn.... I told Jou-kun and Yuuto, too, but they had their practice menu, so they said “no”
8: They said no!?
Huh!? But it's a preliminary inspection!?
9: For the Inter High!! A preliminary inspection, right!?
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Pag 9
1: A preliminary inspection for summer's great battle, right!?
2: That's right... the place we're going to now it's the biggest “mountain”.....
3: A mountain we absolutely have to overcome
4: And yet the other members didn't come!!
Ah... Manami... I'm seeing now that apparently the train stopped because of an accident
Should we just go there directly?
Is that okay? Thank you
5: Directly!? By car!?
6: To Kyuushu!?
7: The Inter High is in Kyuushu, right? How long will it take from here....
Hm? Around
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Pag 10
1: Two hours and a half
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Pag 11
4: Yeah... we arrived in two and a half hours, but- this is Chiba, isn't it!?
5: Where is Kyuushu!? Ah!? Is there a theme park like the park in Kyuushu here too?
And what abaout the splendid nature!? The big volcano...!!
6: Ah
7: Where will he have the preliminary inspection?
If you hurry up and get ready...?
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Pag 12
1: We'll do our practice menu here, today
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Pag 13
2: Our menu.... did you want to practice here just for a change of mood?
3: It's here, right? Where they do tournaments and stuff
It's Chiba's
4: Minegayama, right?
5: Hakone is better though
6: I wanted to go to Kyuushu
7: Ah, by the way, speaking of Chiba, an acquaintance of mine lives here
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Pag 14
1: You know, I was in the basketball club when I was in middle school
Ehh... I didn't know...
2: A good senpai of mine meddled with their basket club....
3: And apparently he was a good friend with my club's teacher advisor, and so they often organized practice matches with Chiba's middle school
4: I got injured a lot back then, too
So I often got injured and that guy from that middle school took care of me
5: He was so good at treating injuries that in my school they called him the “super manager”
6: I guess he's still in the basket club?
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Pag 15
2: Ah, by the way, what's today's practice menu?
Fifteen minutes at a fixed output... three or something?
3: Since they'll probably come, it's “do your best to win against that guy”!!
3: Huh!?
Who's gonna come!? You organized this with someone?
4: Any time now... probably
But we didn't
5: Organize it
6: Huh!?
The sound of wheels.... from behind us!? A bike!? …. no, more than one
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Pag 16
2: They're here
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Pag 17
1: Last year's champion, Sohoku High School!!
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Pag 18
5: Teh!?
7: Yo
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Pag 19
1: It's been a while, Sakamichi-kun
2: Hakogaku's captain, Manami Sangaku- why is he here!!
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Pag 20
1: Wearing their jerseys and riding their bikes, there's no way they came here to sightsee!!
2: Manami-kun!!
3: The Inter High is next week already, isn't it? Bu before that.... I thought we should cross that “mountain*” once
(*NdT.: here, the kanji say “mountain king”, but the reading says “mountain”)
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Pag 21
1: “Mountain”.....!! “That we absolutely have to overcome”- so this is the “preliminary inspection”!!
2: How about... that summit over there?
Your team... we're at an overwhelmind disadvantage, but
3: We don't plan on losing
It's a “preliminary battle”!?
5: Manami-san's concentration.....
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Pag 22
1: it sprang up!!
Sounds interesting, doesn't it!?
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Pag 23
1: A preliminary battle!?
He wants' to challenge us!?
2: Now!?
3: You came here... on purpose... for this?
4: Yeah
5: I came here for this only?
7: Uh!! Sohoku's captain's.....
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Pag 24
1: Onoda-san's concentration sprang up too!!
Got it!!
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Pag 25
1: Onoda!!
2: Onoda-kun!!
3: Seriously!?
4: Waaa
5: We're starting a race against those two!? Teh!?
6: Oh, oh oh?
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Pag 26
1: Really?
Those jerseys
2: It's Hakone Academy and Sohoku!!
#yowamushi pedal#yowamushi pedal translations#yowapeda#yowapeda manga#yowamushi pedal manga#yowamushi pedal spoilers#ride 751#THERES SO MUCH GOING ON IN THIS CHAPTER OH MY GOD#WATANABE YOU ABSOLUTE MADMAN WHAAAAAAAT#okay okay in order: let's start from Tobirama who is sUCH AN ADORABLE DORK I LOVED HIM SINCE THE FIRST TIME HE APPEARED BUT NOW HE'S!!!!#ANOTHER ONE OF MY BABIES!!!#trying to act all cool when hes actually just a giant excited dork asdhaksfasjhdk now this is a kind of character that hakogaku missed#and he knows rokudaiiiiiiii the way i screamed when i read that page omg#d e s t i n e d r i v a l s im telling you#and theyre both climbers !!(i mean it was pretty obvious already that theyd be rivals and the new ge onoda and manami BUT!!!#it still makes me so excited#then!! Manami just straight up going to chiba and challenging onoda sadgjasf#he really said 'i want to have a nice chill race against you and if we cant have it at the IH then we'll have it here and ill take things*#*into my own hands' and i respect him for that#also excuse me my shippy sansaka heart but when onoda said 'you came here just bc of that'#and manami said 'yeah i only came here to do this'#and then onoda made that face- looked to me like he was kinda offended that manami didnt go there just to hang out with him asdasdghj lmao#AND THEN THE END OMG THEY WAY I YELLED WHEN I SAW THAT LAST PAGEEEEE#KIJIIIIIIIII MY LOOOVEEEEEE#i swear watanabe loves him more than we do he never misses a chance to make him show up#everybody say thank you watanabe!#is he gonna meet manami next chapter???? pleeeaseeee#at first i thought he would join the race but then i noticed he's riding a mtb and not a road race#soooooo :eyes emoji:
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puppyeared · 10 months
When you backread through a fun conversation you had with someone for hours an angel gets its wings
#I was talking to my brother about Norman doors and I had fun in my UX class and he was telling me about demon cores and the trolley problem#in his class. AND I remembered to take my meds today so I can feel every cell in my body. i can feel the neurons rubbing together#and yesterday I infodumped about the specialists bullseye chart to crow and how it ties with witch hat atelier#WHICH I MANAGED TOGET THEM TK READ IM SO HAPPY. I MAKE SQUEALING GUINEA PIG NOISES EVERY TIME THEY TELL ME WHAT THEYVE READ SO FAR. AHH#i might not even be scratching the surface with witch hat there are so many themes i could not possibly fathom or go over my heasd#and thats what makes it so exciting there are so many spaces in between that you can fill with your thoughts and i. i#waves my hands around manically#for anyone interested in my insane ramblings. the bullseye chart is from are we all scientific experts now by harry collins#in my own words its basically saying everything we know about anything is a game of broken telephone#and it discusses how information gets lost in translation between experts and laymen including things that arent in control#one of the main points was how things that happen between experts are complicated including debates and findings#that you can only really understand thru research and experience in that field and cant be smoothly shared without it being reworded#and risking some of those key points. or even concepts that are hard to understand that cant be shared at all#like if you tried to tell me about how DNA works using words scientists are familiar with but i am NOT- i risk missing concepts that i need#to understand to know how it works on the level you understand. or i risk having it reworded and understanding it but not on that level#AND IT DOES TIE TO WITCH HAT THE WITCH AND NORMAL FOLK COMMUNITIES I PROMISE. ITS SO INTERESTING#anyway i spent hours reading back thru that conversation and i might as well admit it goes for almost every fun conversation i have#and it might be the 20mg of adderall in my body but i am in such a state of peace and love i have to verbalize it. ahh#yapping
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darnellthefirestarter · 2 months
It's a little hard having friends who don't understand this kind of thing
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k4pp4-8 · 11 months
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I'm so glad I finally get to share the zine I have been working on! I hope you guys will enjoy this as much as I do!!
By buying it you'll be supporting the Sea Turtle Conservancy so you can get access to incredible content while helping the trutles🐢🥰 @turtlestogetherzine
Here's the link to the shop ↓
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deiaiko · 1 year
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#9 - Rescue
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
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justanotherfanfolks · 3 months
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20001541 · 10 months
just realized that once afo reaches where izuku is at then yoichi is finally going to be able to see rewinded afo looking like his younger self, which is a form he hasn't seen in over a century. I hope the nostalgia of seeing him like that hits him like a freight train.
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