a-moth-called-mof · 1 year
Okay so I was going through old drafts and I found this one from MARCH 26TH 2021 AND MAN.
I feel like the Dream SMP is one of those things where you have to have been there to fully experience and enjoy it. I'm not saying people 5 years from now won't be able to watch all the VODs and enjoy/understand the story. I'm just saying I don't think people 5 years from now will fully be able to appreciate and experience what makes the Dream SMP so good. To be put it simply, I think one of the things that makes the Dream SMP so good is the ability to watch the story unfold in real time and find things out at the same time as the characters. Watching VODs is cool and works great if you can't watch certain streams live but watching events or plot point play out live is such a unique, immersive experience
Another thing that makes it more enjoyable for me personally is just how fleshed out all the characters are and how all these different stories and arcs are happening at the same time(although that does make it hard to keep up with sometimes lol). Or how you can watch different/multiple POVs to get a better understanding of a situation or gain information/insight that some other viewers might not know from watching a specific POV. Unfortunately I feel like people in the future will probably stick to watching only Tommy or Techno's or maybe Ranboo's POV, which is a shame because it means they'll probably not fully understanding/miss out on the Pet War, C! Niki's arc, C! Jack Manifold's arc, THE ENTIRETY OF C! FUNDY'S CHARACTER(rip), the slow rise of the Eggpire, C! Eret's redemption arc(also C! Eret as a whole), El Rapids, the Badlands in general, Dreamon Hunters, *insert most canon romantic relationships*, C! Hannah existing, C! Puffy's backstory and so much more.
I mean this is already kind of happening
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spooksier · 2 years
me when the emotionally repressed character is revealed to have had something happen in their childhood that was completely out of their control but changed them in a way they can never come back from
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f4llingsidways · 9 months
Hey there internet people☹️
Long time no...public service announcement.
Trying to cover all my bases cause I need people to be aware of what's happening cause none of us read our emails.
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They fired all staff out of nowhere and sent everyone home.
Nobody knew this was happening.
(Ps, this is for all ai campuses)
Legit only had 3 months left before I were done.
Pls pls pls get ahold of anyone you know who is attending or just graduated!
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tzarrz · 17 days
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i listen to fog lake too much
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caelanglang · 11 months
chuuya will go insane seeing dazai cry? zamn would pay to see that lmaoo
hi, i kinda went insane thinking and drawing about this one.
a continuation of the drunk fem!dazai post !
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mini bonus:
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update: now with extra here ~
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litt1e-prince · 1 year
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"Who's your friend, MK?"
INSPIRED BY THE FIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46162438/chapters/116212117
Which, if you 'haven't read yet- why not?? go read it now!! It's literally so good, its so good- had me crying- LIKE. I WANNA FIGHT WUKONG FROM THIS FIC SOOOO BAD but at the same time,,, i wanna hug him and bring him nice things and make sure he's safe and happy! The author writes so amazingly and aaaah! the pain!!!!
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rox-of-iu · 11 months
my old blorbos are back in my brain
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heart pirates my absolute beloved. shame theyre chillin somewhere in the ocean lol (do not mention the pre-time skip hats of penguin and shachi I'm still attached even tho its already been a million years since then)
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anyway every time i remember that Law and Kid are assigned german and Scottish by Oda i gain one hundred years
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cobaltfluff · 3 months
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so i started playing persona 4
where are the QoL features
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code-dy · 1 year
Holy shit i have the capability to draw things for my favourite fanfic authors!!!
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Here’s a quick sketch for that lovely author who wrote that absolutely lovely vampire thorin fanfic inspired by wwdits
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plulp · 10 months
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kylar with the teeth
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soupbtch · 2 months
ummm. my fic is done.
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confusedmothboy · 7 days
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no one talk to me i just finished mob psycho and i need a minute. i need a minute guys let me get up. let me get up
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hatsunevitu · 1 year
okay so since the Cupid Ye was aired i’ve been constantly thinking about cartman’s mental condition. we know he’s probably taking medication now, so i hc him having antisocial personality disorder and bipolar disorder. and i’ve been imagining him having his depression episode for the first time after he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. he’s not used to it, he has no idea what’s going on and why he suddenly feels so tired and numb all the time, so he just stays at home skipping school and avoiding social contacts. he’s scared and the “it’s all because of your illness, poopsikins!” from his mother doesn’t help at all.
and sooo i wrote a short moment about this?? i’m sorry for any mistakes because it was originally written in my native language, not in english :(
Ever since early childhood it was clear and obvious to everyone that Eric Cartman had problems. Not even like that, Kyle corrected himself in his thoughts. Eric Cartman had Problems. Sociopathy, sadism, aggression – all that a person could notice in Cartman after only half an hour of communication.
And Kyle wasn't too surprised when bipolar disorder was added to all of the above in a sloppy psychiatrist’s handwriting.
By the time Cartman was finally diagnosed he had already gone through several phases of mania. Kyle even did a little research on the disorder. "To know what to prepare for the next time I meet this psycho," he told Stan. "And to know how to help him if necessary," he added silently to himself.
By the age of fifteen, Stan's company was already used to Cartman's regular explosive mood swings, which were accompanied by crazy ideas, aggressive behavior, and, if absolutely unlucky, deaths of a couple or more people.
It was typical: after a short break, Cartman would burst into Kyle's room (often through the window), start showering him with business plans, startup ideas, and opportunities to have extreme fun. Kyle was silent, trying his best to ignore him and frowning irritably when Cartman smiled ecstatically and rushed to Kyle, tugging at his sleeve and almost shouting that everything would be better this time and that it’s a one hundred percent successful scheme.
For some time Broflovski genuinely believed that everyone in their friends group was going through such tortures, but after a short questioning, he found out that they had not seen Eric's mania with their own eyes. Kyle understood — and they won’t, when Cartman just chuckled at the outraged "What the fuck, Fatass?" and replied, "I guess you're just special, Kahl. They wouldn't understand." His eyes flashed especially maliciously, and Kyle looked away hastily so as not to give Cartman the opportunity to start another fight.
Well, all in all, no one's world collapsed when Cartman was diagnosed with a new mental illness. Over the past months of insane hallucinations and obsessive intrusive thoughts, he managed to make everyone sick of him. He refused to go to the therapy sessions for a long time, shouting, running away and trying to get into a fight, and Liane was too afraid to find out another unpleasant truth about her son, preferring to go with the flow and shut him up with the fulfillment of every single of his whims. Kyle doubts that anyone would have done anything to help Cartman if he hadn't intervened. Why – it was unclear to Broflovski himself, but Cartman's first depressive phase hit them both unexpectedly too hard.
Disappearing from everyone’s sight for two weeks, Cartman ignored calls and messages (although Kyle had a serious doubt that anyone other than Butters and Broflovski himself texted him) and skipped school despite Mr. Harrison's threats of expulsion.
Liane avoided answering questions, pursing her lips in frustration and talking her way out with a trivial "He's sick." Kyle didn't believe a damn second, knowing that if Cartman was sick, Kyle would have known about it the very first. Something was wrong. For some reason, the desire to find out what exactly was much stronger than it should have been when it came to Eric Cartman.
Perhaps Kyle really shouldn't have worried so much — not to the point of climbing into Eric's window at night. But the Cartmans hadn't opened the front door all day, and by that time Kyle's nerves were so stretched that they threatened to break if he didn't get answers to his questions in the next few minutes. Disturbing thoughts and images of possible turn of events appeared in his head. Perhaps Cartman was dead? Or, on the contrary, has killed someone and had been dissolving dismembered body of his victim for two weeks? One option was no better than the other, but nothing was even close to what he saw in Eric's bedroom.
Haggard, seven kilograms thinner, with an unhealthy skin color and bags under his eyes, he looked painfully wrong, not Cartman-like. He didn’t look exactly ill — more like lifelessly tired. But that wasn't even what hit Kyle so hard.
He did not suspect how much had been hidden in Cartman's eyes before – lively fire, hatred, anger, enthusiasm, passion – all this was gone, dissolved, buried under this empty, dead, unblinking gaze. For a second Kyle even thought (hoped?) that he was really dead, but the heaving chest under the blanket and almost inaudible sound of breathing exposed life in Cartman. He was lying on his back, his head slowly turned towards the window. Kyle sought recognition on his face, but did not see a single shade of any emotions.
He froze in the window, making eye contact with Eric, feeling like he saw something he shouldn't have. He tried to revive the old familiar hatred that usually boiled in him as soon as their eyes met, but Cartman’s emptiness totally killed all the anger. Kyle climbed through the window – Cartman didn't react in any way, lazily closing his eyes – and walked up to the bed, touching his shoulder timidly.
“Hey, Cartman?” he said, shuddering at the way his voice echoed throughout the bedroom. Cartman didn’t open his eyes but smiled hardly visibly.
“Hey, jew”. His voice was empty and emotionless and Kyle pursed his lips with a bit of a pain.
“You need to see a doctor, Cartman”, he said firmly as Eric finally opened one eye disinterestedly. “I’ll help you. I promise”.
And he did.
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cheeriochat · 3 months
Have fun!
• Dante is Aromantic, and going off of that
• Dante and Lady dated for a brief period when they were 20~ish for a month but they soon broke up, Dante realised he was Aromantic and Lady realised she was a lesbian. It was really awkward and they don't talk about it.
• (also Demisexual Vergil fight me)
• Nero's the type of guy to crush a can of cola in his hand when he's angry
• He would never actively admit it, but Vergil instantly bonded to Nero, even if Nero himself didn't bond with Vergil. It's probably to do with some weird demon biology thing, as Vergil tries to show He cares in odd ways like offering to clean Nero's weapons (making sure the demon spawn can protect itself) or staring at him from across the room (monitoring the demon spawn to assure its survival). It freaks Nero out as he doesnt know what's going on.
• Nico plays pranks on Nero and Kyrie that border on being illegal
• Trish and Vergil kind of have an unspoken bond/connection (?). Like demon to demon communication especially after the V and Trish talk
• Vergil moved into Devil May Cry without asking Dante after dmc5 and claimed a couch and a portion of the office as his. Dante won't admit that he doesn't mind.
• Also about vergil, When Patty came to Devil May Cry after the events of dmc5, she yelled at Dante for an hour for missing her birthday among other things. Vergil thought it was hilarious but he stayed quiet the whole time as usual.
• Nero roughhouses with the kids at the orphanage, and he always tries to stay gentle, but those kids man... they're out for blood. One time Nero ended up with a huge gash over his eyebrow that surprisingly left a scar.
+ plus scent choices!!!
• Lady likes Versace perfume or light floral scents. Don't know how to explain this one
• Trish likes deeper, more musky scents. For example Kyoto in Bloom by glasshouse fragrances (my signature scent lol). She also smells of this hair oil my mum uses. Very nice ^^
• Vergil likes cool, crisp scents, but not very masculine ones. More androgynous or feminine. Otherwise he smells like old books, like the old sci-fi books my dad gave me
• Nero likes cheap cologne, anything to cover up the blood smell that seems to hang around as to not scare the kids
• Kyrie likes either light, sweet scents or deep, stormy scents. She tends to lean to more deep scents.
• Dante smells like pizza grease and Lynx Africa All the time (go argue with a wall) but if he had to choose he would probably smell like roses or something with sandalwood. Heavy scents.
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nicosraf · 3 months
i checked barnes & noble and apparently the ABM audiobook is (tentatively) coming out in June ?!?!?!?!
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the-holy-ghosted · 7 months
Started reading Torn Water. If there is one thing that I am normal about for certain it is deeply disturbed children with extremely complicated relationships to death
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