liazrad 2 months
August is NOT being good to me so far 馃槶
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milesofstars 2 months
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im finally getting out of my art slump so my style is getting a lil better/ more natural again
some doodles based on my gameplay of drv3 from last night,, im at the start of chapter 2 still (i already know all the trial outcomes but its fun anyways cuz i never watched/played it fully)
if you couldnt tell i am spending all my free time events with kokichi.. hes silly please.. i gave him a hammock and he was flabberghasted
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theonlymadmanonmars 8 months
Hi hello hi. As an AroAce individual in a QPR who has no desire for a romantic or sexual relationship, I think shipping Alastor in QPRs is so so fun and people should do it more. I also think it works for a good amount if not all of the ships I've seen him in.
Alastor and Rosie: Hell yeah. They're already great friends and every interaction we've seen between them has been pure and adorable. Rosie Gently guiding Alastor through his identity because he isn't exactly up with the slang. Them going out for tea and human flesh Sunday afternoons. Them giving each other forehead kisses and holding hands platonically.
Alastor and Angle dust: Mhmm. Angle not really wanting Sex or romance after all he's been through. Angle respecting Alastor's identity and not pushing for anything more than friendship. Alastor not really liking Angle at first because of their differences, But tolerating him regardles. Alastor explaining to Angle that Romantic relationships don't have to involve Sex (I'm an Asexual Angle truther.) Angle offering Alastor a hug that Alastor reluctantly accepts. Them cuddling at night with a pinky Promise of nothing more.
Alastor and Vox: Go ahead. A fic about Alastor trying to Navigate exactly how he feels about Vox, Because when he died the term AroAce didn't exist, so he thinks it's romantic attraction, Maybe they kiss and Alastor is like "Ha! No!" Maybe that's why they had their falling out? Who knows.
Alastor and Lucifer: So So SO much Yes. (This is my personal favorite) The two of them hating each other, but putting up for each other for Charlie's sake. Slowly growing to actually tolerate and maybe even like being around the other. Exchanging snarky remarks in a more playful way. Alastor finding Lucifer sitting in a pile of ducks and despair and offering his hand to help him up and take him to the hotel. Never letting go of his hand. Fuck Enemies to Friends to Lovers I want an Enemies to Friends to Qpr arc goddamnit.
I do think it's okay to ship Alastor even outside of QPR's, BUT. If you do, don't just ignore Alastor's identity. AroAce people get far less representation than the rest of the LGBTQ+ community. I can think of one other canon Character off the top of my head. So it's not okay to erase the little rep we do get. In the end I think it's important to listen to what AroAce people have to say on the matter, it is our representation after all.
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heartorbit 1 year
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can i get a magical girl set please
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ramvur 4 months
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"& how many times have you loved me without my asking? how often have i loved a thing because you loved it? including me."
Day 1 + 2 of #PricegazWeek : smoke + shotgun
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nibbelraz 9 months
I love identity reveals with Shang Qinghua and Mobei, even with Binghe but I desperately so desperately want to know what Mu Qingfangs reaction was to knowing that everything in the world was created by Qinghua and how this guy is the one that made almost everything be cured the way it was
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dlldior 1 month
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i'm sorry but why does sebastian look like a mourning dad who can't accept the fact that his child is dead so he keeps reading to him every night out of habit
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toocooltoodorky 6 days
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this guy has to be spending hundreds on wigs. how many haircuts can one teenager possibly have?
(ft gary saying slurs)
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buckyscap 13 days
5 times people think deadpool has a new gf and 1 time they find out how wrong they are vs 5 times wade goes around telling people he's dating the wolverine and 1 time they finally believe him
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dendroaspis-viridis 3 months
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I'm begging you, BioWare... Learn from the mistakes of Baldur's Gates past...
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darylssunshine 4 months
I just saw @brainddeadd 's post about daryl pacing around like a dog being attractive and it immediately reminded me of this video (I couldn't post it in a reblog so I'm making it a separate post)
I could write an essay about this video. so I will.
FIRST off, the way he immediately lunged at and tackled the guy with no hesitation. oh my god. he would protect me so good
I would like to thank AMC for this angle. I will be seeing it in my dreams.
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secondly, THE AUDIBLE GROWLING??????? literally someone sedate me right now. thoughts are being thought. wow.
third, after Rick says "we can't do this now" you can hear daryl say "Tell him." AND ITS SO RASPYYYYYYFVSJDJ GOD I LOVE HOW HE SOUNDS WHEN HE'S ANGRY
forth, he wants to tear him apart so bad that he doesn't respond at all when Rick tries to get his attention and literally has to pry him from the guy. god. fuck. he's so feral. I need it.
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peachywritesstuff 3 months
I'm given every single hotd fanfic writers 48 hours to write sub!Aemond Targaryen with heavy mommy issues and a mommy kink. Thank you.
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blueggrass 20 days
not to terrorpost on main- but i'd like to say a sincere thank you to the temeraire fandom for introducing me to the terror.
i would also like to say FUCK you what the FUCK is up. what the FUCK is your problem. HUH? do you know what i dream about now? the terror. do you know how i spend my day? reading the terror. do you know how many times ive watched this edit? i couldnt even tell you (go fucking watch it RIGHT now this is a THREAT).
im in shambles, im a mess, im a different person than i was a fortnight ago and its YOUR FAULT 馃
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tuunbaq sketch <3
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opal-owl-flight 2 months
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I found out that the reason theres a braid hairstyle in Sploon3 was bc its a pun for 3 in Japanese (or something like that). I havent been over it since
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sciderman 2 months
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Deadpool/Wolverine WWIII (2024) #2
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ollylotl 5 months
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a dream of home
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