cryptidfuckery · 22 days
As a city person nothing pisses me off more than people not practicing any fucking public transit etiquette
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beigehearts · 4 years
The Price of Self Respect
this is part one of a series of yandere chrollo x fem!reader. this story will contain explicit content. Warnings at the beginning of the chapter. Please send me requests if you wish to for hxh characters and scenarios! ❤
PART I Read part two here!  CW: mentions of death, murder, and gore 1,730 words
It had been many days since you had received an assignment as a hunter. At this point you would have taken a request to open a pickle jar. You had an agent who sourced your jobs through to you that way no one could know your identity. Your agent barely knows your identity outside of your phone number. While you are no where near as infamous as the Zoldyck Family- you definitely are not unknown. “The Creator” is what most people would refer to you as- quite fitting for your ability. Specialists are not as scarce as people make them out to be; a specialist who utilizes their ability as best as they can is scarce. You conjure a pencil, and you can draw anything into existence. Your nen concentrates in your hand and you can create life (or at least a husk of life). Drawing animals or weapons, even humans (who aren’t quite sentient) earned you your high respect as a hunter.
You gaze out of the window at the quiet streets of a city you’ve never travelled to. While the hotel is large and towers over the town, it is probably the biggest building for miles. Bzzzz. You turn towards your bed and see your phone screen is lit up. Picking up the phone you see a single message from the only saved number on your phone.  York New. 14:00. 1278 Pearl Street. G Watanabe- Room 207.  You scroll down to see the status of the person. Alive. Wanted Dead. 7 Days. Employer ---
A smile graced your lips knowing that you finally have a job. While town hopping and sight seeing for the past few weeks was a nice rst, you can’t just halt your income. You enjoy your job anyway so the money is a bonus. Ill pack in the morning you think to yourself, once you land in York New you may have some extra time to research your target. 
The plane ride was smooth and quite comforting- you paid for first class. While you could use your hunter card to be priority seating, it leaves a trace of where you’ve been. Plus, you’ll be getting paid soon enough and the 12 hour plane ride in first class would be nothing compared to the fat check that would be wired to your account. Murder is expensive you know. 
Stepping out of the taxi, the driver gets out and opens the trunk for you. You grab your one small backpack filled with nothing but snacks- drawn snacks are not particularly tasty. Just because you can create it doesn’t mean it’s true to the real deal. You jog towards the doors, fat rain drops assaulting you meanwhile. You get your room key under for the room you reserved under an alias and make your way to the elevator. You press the button to go up and when the elevator reaches your floor it sounds a satisfying ‘ding’ and the doors open almost soundlessly. You stepped into the confined space and to your surprise a man steps in with you. You hadn’t even sensed him nearby, it seemed as if he just popped into reality. 
He’s tall, is the first thing you think when you look at him. Not necessarily tall as in feet wise (though he definitely had quite a few inches on you) but his aura and the way he carried himself made it seem as if he towered you. The corner of his lips turn upwards and suddenly he doesn’t seem so intimidating. It’s as if he was dragged back down to earth. 
“Good morning, awful weather it seems.” The man says with a chuckle. You take a moment to drink in all of him. His black hair is somewhat messy, a middle part with water dripping down a few strands. A bandage is wrapped around his forehead and you wonder if it’s an injury or a fashion statement. A large fur coat cover most of his body, you’re only able to capture a glimpse of a white button up shirt at his neck. 
“Terrible. My flight almost had an emergency landing.” You groan, recalling your annoyance when the captain announced this over the speakers.
“Ah so you just got in today? I got into York New about a week ago. What are you here for?” 
Your eyes travel to his and you notice that they’re unusually large while seeming to only make him more attractive. “I’m on a work trip, though I shouldn’t be here long.”  His lips stretch a little further into something of a grin, “What a coincidence, I’m here on business as well.” 
The elevator dings and you give a quick goodbye, not necessarily because you didn’t like talking to him but because you wanted to take a nice warm shower. You sashay out of the elevator, and the back of your neck tingles, you can tell that his eyes are boring into your back.
You drop your bag onto your bed and wander over to the mirror. Looking at you in the mirror is yourself. Though you never seem to recognize this person as you. You pose in different angles but can’t find one that makes you like yourself. You grab the chub of your stomach and groan hopelessly. A world renown hunter who has killed the unkillable is staring at herself in the mirror and grimacing. You remind yourself that you’re one of the strongest specialists out there and you shouldn’t be critiquing yourself. 
A day passed and your deadline is growing nearer. You draw your outfit for the day, and put on the jeans, hoodie, and heels that were super comfortable thanks to your nen. An assassin has to look good as well as kill. Your rented car waits for you in the hotel garage and when you finally make your way down there, you do a onceover of the car. There are no signs of foul play, tracking, or marking so you hop into the drivers seat comfortably. Once the car is started your phone buzzes. 
+ $2000 to your account message attached: get his pass for the auction and send it to client
You nod to yourself, you had completely forgotten about the auction. Of course you were supposed to kill a member of the mafia during the auction. How could you not have made that connection. While you are intelligent, you wouldn’t say you’re smart. Once you arrive at the hotel your target is staying at, you book a room despite the fact you will not be using it for long. In the hotel room you draw a dress that makes you look like a model, all you need is to look good and your nen for this mission, this goes for most missions.
Each minute on the clock seems to last hours, you need to leave at 01:30, in order to complete your mission at 2. This is the part you hate the most, laying on the hotel bed listening to the clock tick and tick and tick. It feels almost like the clock is mocking you, and sometimes you want to just break it. Though despite this you lay on the bed staring at the ceiling, counting down every minute until the clock strikes 1:30. 
The last mocking tick sound rings and you get up quickly. Walking confidently out of the room and down the large and foolishly elegant hall. You make your way to the elevators where you had a run in with that man and go down to the second floor seeing as you were residing on the fourteenth. The second floor was reserved for the mafia only, many families used this hotel to be near the auction. 
The elevator opens up and you examine the hall. It is much different than the one where your room is. Lights are dimmer and the color pallet of the hall was that of red and black where as yours was blue and white. You step out onto the marble floors and your heels click against the cold surface. Something’s not right. Something is very wrong, very out of place. You can smell it. The smell of blood. 
207 is closer to the end of the hallway than it is to the elevators. The lights are completely off at the end of the hallway as well. With each step towards the room of your target the lights get dimmer until there is no light. You halt and look at the room with gold numbers on it stating ‘207′. The door is cracked and you approach it cautiously. You push the door open and see your target laying on the ground in hundreds of pieces, it’s a bloody mess.
A man stands in front of the window that is the entire wall, his form dark. Now the only sound present is that of the rain pounding against the glass of the window. He turns towards you, and you quickly recognize the large fur jacket. It’s the man from the elevator, his coat is open and he’s shirtless, but covered in blood. His forehead is uncovered by the bandage that was on him previously, revealing a purple cross. His demeanor is still friendly and inviting but something is different about his eyes. 
He smiles and for some reason you feel drawn to him, so you take a step forward. “I’ve been waiting y/n.” 
You swallow any sense of fear you have and nod, “Oh you have?” 
“Of course, I thought I would make your job easier for you.” He chuckles just like he did in the elevator, as if he didn’t just commit an atrocity. But who are you to judge? “Don’t worry, I’ll still be paying you every jenny of what was promised.” 
Your head cocks to the side “So you’re my client?” He nods in response. 
“And I got his pass to the auction so I would say you did a pretty good job of completing your mission.” He waves the pass at you as proof. 
“Can I have the pleasure of knowing your name since you know mine?” You question.
He nods again, “Chrollo is my name. You were commissioned by the spiders.” 
The spiders... It quickly clicks in your head. The phantom troupe. Which means, in front of you stands the leader of the Phantom Troupe.
“It’s nice to meet you Chrollo.” 
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Ah!! My bad!! Didn't know you couldn't write controversial stuff!! I'll be happy to resend the ask!))May I have Enji, Bakugo, and Deku with a very punk S/O?-Anarchy anon
• He thinks its very entertaining.
• V e r y
• He likes what you wear 🥺🥺
• He thinks they suit you
• they match your skin
• and your body
• thigh highs?? Yes.
• skirts??? He loves it
• tight jeans?? Baby pop the duck off
• studded collar? Y e s
• all your bracelets? Shits dope as duck
• Listen I know his parents literally work in fashion- but he did not inherit the genes needed to be good at it
• so you're gonna have to help hi
• and your make up blows him away
• You teach him how to do eyeliner
• bc we all know he abuses the power
• so you sit him down and you show him how you do yours
• and then you give him an extra eyeliner pen and he copies each step
• Now his eyeliner is sharp as fuck
• its great
• he'll help you dye your hair
• which you love because the feeling of him playing with you hair or running his fingers through it to even out the dyed strands feels like heaven
• you've fallen asleep from it before
• he thinks its funny
• bc here you are
• big scary punk babe
• falling asleep bc he's playing w your fucking hair
• There just this ion give a fuck attitude that punks have
• and he lives for it
• except when it comes to school
• or anything else productive
• so basically just when you're dealing with other people
• bc he's absolutely on your ass about grades
• he'll come w you to get new piercings
• stick n pokes are a no go tho
• seriously he'll flip lmaoo
• Bro you and Dekj are literally the opposite
• he's ✨🧚‍♀️🥰😍💋💫❣❣
• a fucking bottom
• and youre 🤬👺😈💢♠️⛓💉🩸🗡
• its very amusing to see a babey decked out in black and blue and purple with crazy fucking hair, screamjng profanities at some bitch who had the misfortune of messing w ur bf
• and then a broccoli boy w green hair panicked and trying to pull you away from the fight
• :)
• he's enamored with your makeup tho
• heavy eyeliner?? Yes
• blush??? Yes.
• eyeliner in places thats not your fucking eye? Yes.
• Black lipstick? Yes.
• Babey wants to try and to it 🥺
• its harder than he thinks
• he's looking at the best he just made on your eyelids and he's like 😓
• he likes to try on your jewelry too!!
• just chill with it throughout the day
• like he'll walk into class one day wearing your spiked choker and no one bats an eye
• bc they just know
• its a deku thing
• or he'll come in wearing your cool hand chain things on days they don't have to train
• or your bracelets!
• also?? He sees your coping method of piercings
• and that you do them yourself
• and he'll watch as you do it like 🥰🥰
• he'll make sure its all safe tho!!!
• just because you're punk doesn't mean you can't be safe!!!!
• he likes to see all your cool pins :(
• he'll steal those too
• @ arthur making a fist meme pin
• your favorite one
• n your like sir??????
• whomst??
• you can't take it from him tho 😔
• he's just too cute and he'd be sad if you took it
• he'll sometimes pick your outfit to go out
• or he'll have you style something he can wear so he looks 😤😤 too
• and its a vibe
• You'd never think
• THE Enji Todoroki
• would end up
• w someone
• like
• you
• He's a very composed man
• He dresses well, expensive designer brands
• he's always put together and well-mannered (for the most part)
• and then there's you
• the fucking gremlin from hell that runs on caffeine and energy drinks that looks like a hottopic advertisement
• Its awesome tbh
• Shouto LOVES you
• Bc you're in your late 20's- Early 30's and you fr just living not giving a shit
• Not acting like his mother
• knowing you have like 0 authority over him
• just fucking vibing
• And somehow you managed to snag his dad??
• youre the embodiment of ill marry your date and make you my stepson bitch
• he's like yo, I see you
• Enji lowkey (highkey he just doesn't think its obvious) finds it hot
• that you dress the way you too
• and your attitude
• it just does things to him
• he just really really likes the vibe
• theres an excitement of finally just letting go and saying fuck it after a long day of being composed
• and it appeals to him
• I feel like lowkey part of the punk vibe is making/thrifting/mismatching clothes and just good hard as fuck
• like
• I got these pants from Walmart, this shirt from 7/11 that I cut up and I found these shoes behind the dumpster of an Arby's so here we fucking go
• so when he buys you fancy and expensive punk shit you're like 😤😤😤
• but also like 👁👁
• bc get that bread sis
• mans just watches you kill your hair with bleach and hair dye
• "Would you like me to call and schedule and appointment with Fuyumis hair stylist?" He asks with confusion
"No!! We're fucking shit up is what we're doing. We HAVE to do it this way!!!!"
"Okay, would you like help? I can try the best I'm able to,"
"Aw bby, help is for the week."
• you end up needing help to get the back lmaoooo
• you do your own haircuts
• bc like I said
• fucking shit up
• thats the vibe
• m u l l e t
• or you know the girls that cut lil bits of their hair so short it looks like lil horns??
• please do that
• I promise he'll get rlly soft about it
• "I believe it suits you," he'll say softly, running his fingers through the ends of your hair
"Thanks, I fucked it up and went for it."
• he tends not to curse as much
• so
• :)
• you'll curse for him
• some shit goes wrong? You're right next to him?
• get ready for the storm bb
• "oh you mother fucking cu-"
• he honestly doesn't mind the mouth
• bc like I said before
• its refreshing for him to know he can come home and not be expected to be composed
• He will absolutely be willing to pay for whatever tattoos you want
• and honestly just take him up on it bc tattoos are expensive like
• 3 letters is like 150 bruh
• but!! Piercings are done at home!
• unless they're in your mouth :)
• tongue piercing or that peircing above your teeth
• he won't let you do shit like that at home
• when you did get them he helped you take care of them
• but esr piercings are free game
• overall he's very very supportive in the way you dress and act all around• he really doesn't mind at all
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critical-ramblings · 5 years
Realer than You
(Also on AO3!)
Yasha thought she was going crazy.
Crazier, anyway.
She could remember things again, after she’d run into that biker in Stockholm. Time made sense, mostly. But space was starting to fragment, the further west she came.
When she was tired, she would smell salt water and grease, reach out a hand for a railing that wasn’t there. Look out and see only the ocean where there should have been fields.
When she was hungry, she would be on foot in a German street. The noise and press of people buffeted but did not touch her. Someone else, with dirty ginger hair and a thick beard, peered back at her, then was gone.
When she was lonely, there was a train. Or many trains in succession. She would be sitting in a luxurious seat, watching houses and trees blur past.
There were times when the emotions weren’t hers, either. Anger would flare deep in her chest, a hot rage that Yasha never let herself feel, and with it came a humid summer night. Cursing in Mandarin--a big eighteen wheeler pulling away from her and a lean young woman with her middle finger in the air. She looked at Yasha with her teeth still bared, but the connection broke under the weight of Yasha’s fear. She sat under a cloudy sky in Latvia with her hand pressed to her chest. She stayed that way for a long time.
And then there was the circus. It was after she’d stopped for the night, pulled off the road and hidden her bike. Yasha didn’t have the paper she’d need to cross these borders legitimately, and even if she’d wanted them she didn’t have the money.
Still, her long wander through the Siberian wilderness had left her with the skills to make her way back through civilization unnoticed. With the increasing frequency of her visions, Yasha was just as glad to go days without seeing another human being.
She was sitting on the side of the road to watch the moon come up, and all of a sudden there were lights. Neon reds and blues and purples danced through the forest for a moment, before resolving into carnival booths and tents and a ferris wheel that sparked and glowed in the fading sunlight.
“Hey now,” someone said next to her. “Can’t have you sitting in the middle of the road, can we?” A thin brown hand reached out to her, covered by the tattoo of a green snake with a brilliant red eye looking up at her. The first thing she noticed was his coat, a knee-length masterpiece full of stars and moons and stranger things, the embroidery glinting in the light of the circus.
And then she saw his swords, jeweled scimitars hanging from his belt as casually as someone else might carry a purse or a backpack. Yasha took his hand without thinking, let him help her up, and never took her eyes off those swords. Oh, her gang had never had anything so pretty, but they had loved grinding down old pipes and rebar and scrap into things like swords. Things meant to cut and kill.
“Buy me dinner first, at least,” he said, and Yasha snapped her eyes back to his face. There was something about the wrinkles at the edges of his eyes that made his smile softer, unthreatening. He held himself like a conman, a huckster, but his smile gave him away. “What’s your name?” he asked, only to pull her out of the way as a horse-drawn buggy clattered down the path.
“Watch it, Molly!” Two girls shouted at him in unison. Molly flipped them both the bird and then turned his attention back to her. The head of a peacock just peeked out from the open collar of his shirt, it’s dark purple and green feathers curling up the side of his neck and cheek.
“I’m...Yasha,” she said, and somehow smiled back at him.
“Well, I’m Mollymauk, Molly to my friends. Which we most certainly are!” He put his hands on her shoulders, looking her up and down. After a second in which Yasha fought and failed to contain her blush, he announced, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so in need of a good time. Come on,” he wrapped her arm in his, like they were walking into a ball. “Let’s get you some cotton candy.”
“I don’t--what?” Yasha laughed as he half-dragged her through the almost empty booths of games, a few carnival goers just starting to appear at the gates behind them. “You know I’m not really here, right?” For a moment she was back in the forest, walking too quickly among the dark trees with Molly still on her arm.
“Ah, gloomy place, that,” he said, tugging gently on her elbow. They turned left and were back in the carnival, passing one of the teacup looking rides. “Nevermind that.”
“But that is real,” Yasha said, a little desperately.
Molly only turned his crooked smile up another notch, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he said, “Is it?”
Yasha groaned, feeling her mind waver under the weight of this thought. She’d had enough of unreality already. Hadn’t she? If she couldn’t remember...?
“Don’t sprain something, now,” Molly said, with just the faintest hint of worry creeping in to further ruin his persona. “Listen, if you’re real, and I’m real, which I am. On most days, anyway--” Yasha shot him an exasperated look from behind her hands. “Okay, I’m real. Then what does it matter  how  we’re talking, or seeing each other? What matters is that you were sitting by yourself in the middle of fucking nowhere, and I happen to have the--purely metaphorical--keys to party central! I meant it when I said you needed a good time.”
Yasha took one deep breath, and then another. The air smelled like fried food and sugar, here, and a small group of stands were selling drinks and popcorn. Most of the tables were occupied, here. Carnival-goers looked up as Molly passed, then back at their food when no act began. While her friend acquired two bags of popcorn and a cone of literal spun sugar, Yasha closed her eyes and just...thought. It did matter, what was real and what wasn’t. But if she couldn’t deny that Mollymauk was real--and she couldn’t, not to his face--then both things had to be true. He was here, and she was there. And also they were together.
Well, it was fantastic, unbelievable. But it was real. So Yasha decided to believe it, and having decided so, she could stop hurting her brain so much trying to logic it out.
“Done?” Molly asked, holding out the cone like a strange fluffy bouquet. “Taste this and tell me I’m a figment of your imagination.”
“I still don’t know if that’ll really work,” Yasha said, but she smiled anyway and bit into the purple cloud. For a moment, she could feel the crackle of melting sugar on her tongue, could almost taste something sharply sweet--then it was gone. Molly stuck out his tongue to reveal a faint purple stain. He sighed and looked mournfully down at the popcorn she wasn’t going to be able to eat.
“I shall suffer, in the name of friendship,” he announced, and dragged her off back towards the rides.
If he was supposed to be working that night, Yasha never saw a sign of it. Molly only had to wink at whoever was manning the booths and breeze past them. “One of those nights!” he called over his shoulder, when a black woman with shoulder-length dreads and flames painted on her face tried to catch him. “I’ll be fine, Orna, no worries!” He rushed away before Orna could weigh in on the matter.
They sat at the top of the ferris wheel for half an hour, Molly pointing out the lights of the nearby town, “And that’s the pub, down there with the red star. Nearly got kicked out last night, not my fault of course,” and trying to get Yasha to eat the popcorn. She kept expecting it to vanish when she picked it up, but seemed to be that Molly was the one who got the actual body of the food, she could still taste and enjoy it. “There’s absolutely too many ways to abuse this power,” Molly said happily, licking grease and salt off of his fingers.
He took her through the back of the main tent, where a tall man in a red coat and top hat was telling stories to the small but dedicated audience. They saw Orna’s fire dance and Desmond’s flying violin before Gustav caught sight of them and used the shadows to sidle up before Molly could slink away.
“Aren’t you supposed to be out telling fortunes?” the tall man asked pointedly, poking Molly’s chest pocket.
“Oh, we’re fine without my little sideshow for one night.” Molly patted the deck of cards concealed inside his beautiful coat, glancing sideways at Yasha. “I just needed a break, Gustav.”
“Hmm. Well, mind you don’t make a habit of it, Mollymauk. I’d hate to see you lose your flair.” The lights came back up before either of them could think of an answer, and Gustav hurriedly stepped back into the ring.
On their way back towards the teacup ride, Yasha pulled to a stop next to the strength tester pole. A couple of people were already here, watching a man with broad shoulders and a long tangled beard step up to the plate. “How do you think this one works?” Yasha asked.
“Well, mostly by making the weight heavier than it looks, so no one hits the bell,” Molly replied.
“No, I meant. With the thing, with us, you know. Is it me or you swinging?”
“Oh.  Oooh, I see.” Molly glanced quickly between her shoulders and his own much smaller biceps. He grinned. “Let’s find out.”
They only had to wait a couple of minutes in line, and then the minder was handing Yasha the hammer with an amused look. “Trying your luck, Molly?” he said.
“Uh, yeah?” Yasha looked around a little frantically, but Molly just stood a few feet away and gave her a double thumbs up. So to other people, she looked like Molly. She was Mollymauk, even though he was also here.
But it was Yasha who stood with her feet shoulder width apart on the black rubber mat, Yasha who hefted the ill-balanced maul in both hands and eyed the little weight. If her body wasn’t really here, maybe it was just that her mind expected muscles to react differently. Or that she knew how to lift heavy things, to hit heavy things, more than Molly did. Whatever the cause, the reaction was just as unbelievable as the rest of her night: the weight shot up, past green, past yellow, past orange, and hit the bell at the top with a resounding RING.
It wasn’t just the game minder who was staring at her with his mouth open, but everyone else in line as well. And her smile wasn’t as crooked as Molly’s, but it was just as sharp. Yasha handed the hammer back with a little bow and a laugh as Molly rushed up and pulled her into a one-armed hug with a wild laugh of his own.
“Such a skinny little bloke,” someone said, as they walked away. “Wouldn’t’a thought he had it in him.”
Eventually they ended up sitting on the grass by the gates, watching people leave. Molly would guess how much they’d spent under his breath, and Yasha would try to guess what relationships there were going on. The most memorable was when an older man walked out alone, a huge stuffed pink bear clutched tightly under his arm.
“Spent at least fifty euro getting that thing,” Molly swore up and down.
“For a daughter, maybe?” Yasha tilted her head thoughtfully.
“Nah, for himself. Definitely for himself.”
They both laughed, and Molly bumped his shoulder against hers, and Yasha leaned against him back.
“Well?” he asked, turning to smile up at her from under his bangs. “I know it wasn’t a magnificent ocean cruise, but. Did you have a good night?”
Yasha looked back up at the lights, at the ferris wheel and the games. She saw, underneath them, the forest trees and black sky somewhere to the east. “It was a good night,” she said at last.
“Great! Excellent. And we’re both still real?”
She was too tired for a laugh, but she did chuckle a little as she got to her feet. She could feel the connection fraying between them, fatigue and the fading edges of her headache wearing him away. “We’re both real,” Yasha said. She reached out to touch his shoulder, then thought better of it. She had only just met him, after all. “Goodnight, Mollymauk.”
“Goodnight, Yasha.”
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hte-spagheti · 5 years
every single one of the roaring 20s asks
ajfjshfdskj ok 
1. Are you more emo, scene or punk? liek 70% scene 20% emo 10% punk
2. Favourite band? MCR gerard way transes my gender :)
3. Any New Year’s resolutions? no lol 
4. Favourite music video? hmm maybe im not ok i just dig tha vibes
5. Favourite song? nyall can choose 1 fav song??? out of all tha songs that exist??????
6. Panic! At The Disco or Fall Out Boy? no lol
7. Favourite album? re songs idk sdjfjfgjshkdfs 
8. Do you own a pair of fingerless gloves or skeleton gloves (or the combination)? YA i hav red n black striped fingerless gloves and i hav skeleton gloves somewhere but idk where they went :(
9. Do you own any band merch? If so, from what bands? i hav 2 mcr shirts n a mcr wristband and 6 kandi singles x3 (1 just says mcr n 1 is conventional weapons n tha other 4 r 4 tha studio albums)
10. Got a jacket with pins? no i hav sum pins on my backpack tho
11. Have you got dyed hair? What colour? (copied frm other post) YA i just dyed it 2day its mostly purple rn n my coontails r just purple n blond
12. Any hair dying or haircut plans for 2020? im gonna grow it out again cuz i cut it all off recently also im thinking abt doing tha teal roots thing liek gerard way that 1 time cuz its epic
13. Crush on any band member? not liek Legitimately but *thinks abt ray toro shirtless pic*
14. Killjoy name? (copied frm other post) arsenic taurine cuz i amn just mad scientist aligned,,,,, arsenic is a poison n taurine is a monster energy ingredient :3
15. Are you into The Used? i dont think ive evr listened 2 them actually lawl 
16. Do you want any tattoos? Of what? idk ive been doing sum epic doodles n i think itd b kewl 2 hav sum tattooed on me but not anything liek legit rn 
17. Can you play any instruments? Which? no :pensive: i played violin 4 a while n i tried guitar liek 800 times but i nevr stuck w it its hard xD
18. Favourite My Chemical Romance song? see 5 xD
19. Do you think Twenty One Pilots are emo? NO ill kill them w my bare hands
20. Are you into Taking Back Sunday? no same as 15
21. Do you wear any make up? a little sumtimes,,, mostly smeared black pencil eyeliner or liek goffic drippy eyeliner yknow or green clown triangles :)
22. Do you have black painted nails? not atm but sumtimes ya!!
23. Have you got any band posters? Of what bands? no i hav liek no wall space its sceniephobia
24. Do you want any piercings? ya i wuz thinking abt canine bites when i get my braces off cuz itd b epic
25. What’s your opinion on All Time Low? Sleeping With Sirens? Pierce The Veil? ive listened 2 them a little but i dont rlly liek them that much tbh im in2 unbearably edgy lyrics (liek mcr n snow whites poison bite) or painful autotune (liek subscene n scene kidz)
26. Do you think it’s just a phase or that you’ll be emo/punk\scene forever? ill b at least a little edgy 5evr i know that cuz ive been at least a little edgy my whole life xD
27. Favourite magical/mythical creature? idk?? 
28. Are you into Black Veil Brides? see 25
29. Do you like any newer emo/scene/punk bands? Which? does ayesha erotica count?? also sum bandcamp scenecore edm
30. What’s your favourite music genre besides emo/punk\scene? 80s punk, Just Weird Stuff (aka lemon demon n oingo boingo) and dorian electra Nothing Else
31. Are you into Mindless Self Indulgence? no they say a whole buncha slurs all tha time
32. Favourite Fall Out Boy song? none lol
33. Are you mostly into the so-called “emo trinity” or “emo quartet” or do you listen to a lot of other bands too? EMO TRINITY SHUT THA FUCK UP mcr is worlds better than those othr bitches ill legit attack any1 who evr says 1 word abt any alleged “””””emo quartet””””” 21p SUX in this house we listen 2 mcr and NOTHING ELSE
34. What’s your opinion on Waterparks? Palaye Royale? I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME? ive only vaguely heard of idkhow but they dont rlly seem emo liek at all
35. Are you into Bring Me The Horizon? re 15
36. Favourite solo project by a emo/scene\punk band member? LEATHERMOUTH 1 frank iero owns my uwus 2 literally iconic of him to write president and get on tha fbi watchlist xD
37. Are any of your friends IRL emo/scene\punk? i dont rlly hav irl friends LOLZ :,)
38. Are you into drawing? If so, show some of your art! YA its all @owo-owo-nya
39. Favourite colours and colour schemes? neons ESP yellow n pink :) i just think its neat
40. What are some of your favourite lyrics? all of them asdkgfhsflg,,,,, rlly i cant think idk 
41. The Black Parade or Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge? 3 CHEERS im liek totally a revenge bitch 
42. What’s your opinion on Paramore? Green Day? Blink-182? 1 heard tha gal wuz kinda racist 2 its p good ig but hes said tha r slur twice 3 major emphasis on tha pop in pop punk idk i dont rlly liek them
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slurrmp · 5 years
               all you need to know about spyro’s original characters:                                             oc: gwendolyn murdock                                         fandom: star wars / daredevil                                                   status: very active.
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Name: gwendolyn murdock Nicknames: dock, gwen, murry Gender: female Pronouns: she/her Sexual Orientation: pansexual Age (actual age): 28 Place of Birth: hell’s kitchen, new york Citizenship: american
Age they appear: late teens, early twenties Hair colour: dark brown Hair style: naturally wavy which was due to her birth mother, but she normally straightens it. Eye colour: brown Birthmarks/scars/marks: birthmark just behind her right ear. has a scar on the inside of her left foot from falling off her bike when she 10. self inflicted scars along her arms from when she was fourteen and her brother had to leave her in the care of the church orphanage when he left to go to college. Piercings: both lobes pierced. Tattoos: tiny devil horns on her shoulder blade.
Build (curvy, toned, etc): rather tall and lanky, bulked up quite a bit when she decided to join her brother when he picked up the hero gig. Weight: around 60kilos Height: 5′7″ Clothing style: gwen never had the nicest of clothes when she was still with the church, however, when her brother started to earn some money - he would often buy her clothes for her birthday and christmas. when gwen finally was able to leave the church and get a part time job at the local hospital, she wore very comfortable clothing. jeans, t-shirts, sometimes blouses and even dresses. Overall appearance: neat. she’s a doctor in training, she has to make sure that her appearance as well as her personality is friendly and inviting.
Trinkets/jewelry: when she was younger, she would mostly never be seen without her father’s boxing robe. when she got a bit older, the golden band that is around her right ring finger, was that of her fathers. Equipment/accessories (things they are never without; ex: a backpack or a notepad) mostly her pager, she may not be a proper doctor yet, but her placements keep her well occupied and pagers are still a thing in hospitals. but as a superhero she is never seen without her crossbow.  
                                          INNER WORKINGS
General mood: cheerful, happy, generally in a good mood all of the time. her bedside manner was the one thing gwen wanted to work on. she has to be friendly, other wise she’ll start to f e e l bad. Mental state (any mental illnesses?): oh man, gwen had always been a cheerful kid. but when she saw her father murdered before her when she was only six years old. she doesn’t remember much only that her brother had held onto her and never let her go after that night. gwen managed to come away from that night slightly unscathed but it was the orphanage that really took a toll on her. with her brother being given special care because of his disability, gwen always felt left out. especially when stick entered the picture. she’s not exactly the type of person to talk about her feelings, so keeping them bottled up inside doesn’t really do her any good.
Alignment (neutral good, chaotic evil, etc): chaotic good Morals: morals are to look out for those who need it. to help and never kill. Temperament: she is naturally known as the student doctor to go too, gwen is almost at the top of her class and is willing to get her hands dirty if need be. she’s not judgemental and she is willing to help whenever she can.
Quirks: chews on her lower lip. cracks her knuckles. bounces her leg. while also having picked up some of her brother’s quirks as well, Pet peeves: selfishness. rudeness.
Strengths: loyal. strong stomach. her ability to help everybody. Weaknesses: she would never turn anyone who needed help down. even if it meant helping a sith.
Fears: flying. it gets worse over the years she’s a part of the 501st. Intelligence: gwen had a complicated time when going to school, being raised extremely catholic but she never really believed as much as her brother. gwen managed to finish school with high marks which landed her in medical school, where she managed to get to her fourth years (before she was pulled into the star wars verse)
Priorities: her brother. in sw verse. the 501st first and foremost. anakin, ashoka, even obi-wan. Desires: to finish med school and become a registered er doctor. in sw verse. it get home and to survive the clone war. Likes: dancing, spending time with her brother. in sw verse. caff. lots and lots of the stuff. Dislikes: not being able to help her brother when he needs it the most. especially when he dealt with wilson fisk. in sw verse. the war.
Vices: too standoffish. even foggy had trouble getting into gwen’s good books, even when her brother and he went to law school and started a firm together. too blunt. makes for the best doctors i suppose.
Friends: surprisingly jessica jones, it’s slightly messy and complicated but they grew incredibly close when she helped claire help jess that one night. eventually foggy and karen as well. in sw verse. gwen became incredibly close with anakin and ashoka, who she would reference too as her brother and sister. most importantly the 501st, along with commander cody, commander wolffe and even captain fox.
Significant other: that relationship with jessica ? well it gets even more complicated as time goes on. in sw verse. fives
Kids: none at the moment
Enemies: wilson fisk. more to be added.
                         EMPLOYMENT AND EDUCATION
Jobs: student, doing her placement at the st. vincent’s midtown hospital. in sw verse. the jedi allowed her to join the 501st, however she is mainly stationed on kamino when not needed in battle. Profession: will be an er doctor.
Income (if any): kaminoans allow her a room at their facility and almost 100 credits per shift to be able to survive.
Furthest education: high school. Degree (if any): will be at NYU school of medicine 
                                   EXTRA INFORMATION
Criminal record: a few misdemeanors as a minor. which upgraded to grand theft auto when she was a teenager, after falling with the wrong crowd that use to hang outside of st agens’s orphanage.
Social media accounts (if any): instagram, twitter, facebook, snapchat (well she use to use them)
Reputation: gwen gained her title of dock, christened by jesse, when she appeared during the second battle of geonosis, helping almost twice as many of the clones as clone medics could, with her mind still blurry and unable to make sense of what was happening, gwen still managed to get her body into gear and help. many go to see her instead of their medical brothers, a reason being because she was a pretty face, something fresh from the same old, but she also makes connections with each clone she treats, remembering their names instead of their numbers.
Skills: extremely talented with a crossbow. as well as the batons that her brother uses. gwen also took up boxing when she was grounded after the many times she was in trouble. she is also able to fire a gun, however never liked to do so. in sw verse. can handle a blaster, which is a lot like a gun, only more ... laser-y and somehow even a lightsaber.
Talents: she’s a rather talented singer. Hobbies: video games was a big part of her childhood, as well as her young adulthood, as it was the only thing she could do to relax her after a long day. running, (usually does a lap of her kamino quarters before going around one of the domes.) boxing.
Special abilities (if any): she’s slightly force sensitive. gwen figured this out one day in the medbay on kamino.
Transportation: she use to walk everywhere, hell’s kitchen is not exactly a big neighbourhood to get around, but if needed to travel father she would catch the train, sub or bus. Living conditions: shared an apartment with her brother, only until she graduates medical school. in sw verse. apartment on kamino, while sometimes she would stay at the jedi temple.
Pets: looks after a stray cat that likes to sit on balcony of the apartment.
Colors associated with: pastel baby blue, deep shades of purple Their personal aesthetic: the clear warm sunny days on naboo. the rain can get to her sometimes. Song that suits them: WHY AM I LIKE THIS - ORLA GARTLAND
╳ BIO:
proper bio coming soon. however, the main story, is that gwen being from the mcu, knew everything about star wars. it was a big part of her childhood as well, it was basically her only saving grace (a part from video games) when she was child. then something happened one night (may say that it was the snap) which caused gwen to wake up in the middle of the first geonsis battle. not knowing how or why she was brought there, thinking it was just a dream, gwen decided she would put her learnt skills to use and try and save some clones along the way.
during the flurry of the battle no one even seemed to take notice of someone completely new and different was suddenly around. as long as gwen stays in the star wars universe, the more she would forget about the story line and what would happen.
meaning she tried her best to write down as much as she could when she first arrived. getting as far as underlining anakin skywalker = darth vader and about order 66, but not remembering the inhibitor chips in the clones heads, onto a data padd.
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rahirah · 6 years
via Barb's Place (again stolen from shadowkat) 1. How would you describe your current fashion style? Uh... no clue. I decided some time back that I had two clothing objectives: I wanted to feel comfortable, and I wanted to look decent. There are a lot of looks I like that just don't work on me. Instead of focusing on what I couldn't wear, I decided to concentrate on finding things I liked that I DID look good in, and building a style around that. So I went through my closet and got rid of a bunch of things that I'd bought because they looked good on the rack, and started replacing them with things that looked good on me. I take some inspiration from soft butch/tomboy-ish styles, but with a lot of modifications. What it boils down to is, in summer I wear jeans and assorted short-sleeved shirts or tank tops, and in the winter I wear jeans and long-sleeved shirts with a sweater or a jacket or sometimes a vest if I want to be fancy. Boots/sneakers/sandals as weather dictates, no high heels except for costuming. 2. What’s your favorite decade for fashion? 90s-present, if I bother to think about it? The 80s were fun in some respects, but I couldn't pull those looks off then, and they're vaguely appalling now. The 70s are right out. 3. Formal or casual? Casual. 4. Thrift store, boutique, or online? Thrift store, occasional online. 5. Do you like to accessorize? Earrings always, wedding ring and another similar ring inherited from my father's family always, occasionally a necklace or bracelet if I'm dressing up. I use a belt with pants that will slide off my hips if I don't wear one, and that's about it. 6. What piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? What piece do I spend money on the most, or what piece do I spend the most money on? It's two different things. I buy pants and shirts most often, but the individual pieces I've spent the most on have probably been either shoes, or my Elaborate Handmade Steampunk Hat. 7. Do you wear hats? I should, because AZ is Skin Cancer Central, but I have a small head, and so I have a hard time finding cheap ones that fit, and if I wear one too long, I tend to get a headache. I have some knit caps that I wear in the winter to keep my head warm, one good leather cowboy hat (they kick you out of Arizona if you don't own at least one cowboy hat) and a sort of safari-dude-looking sun hat. And two incredibly awesome steampunk hats for costuming. 8. What is your opinion on wearing socks and sandals together? If it's cold enough to wear socks, I won't be wearing sandals. If you like 'em, though, go for it. 9. What colors do you like to wear? Blues, greys, reds/pinks/burgundies, red-toned browns, black, white, ivory as long as it's not too yellowy. Purples are meh. Avoid orange/yellow/green like the plague. 10. What fashions do you hate? I don't really have a fashion that I hate. That's expending entirely too much energy on fashion. If I don't like it, I just don't wear it. 11. What do you think of body piercing? Neutral. I don't like pain, and I doubt I'd ever have anything but my ears pierced. Besides, I have vague allergy/sinus issues a lot of the time, and having a nose piercing of any kind when you have to blow your nose a lot seems ill-advised. And anything else tenderer, imagining the pain makes my tits want to retract inside my body. (That said, I do want to get a cartilage piercing in one or both ears eventually.) 12. Do you like dyed hair? I don't like dying my hair to hide grey, and I refuse to do that. I don't mind dying it now and then for fun effects. 13. Can you wear heels? What is the highest heel you can wear? I can wear 1-2 inch boot heels with no problem. I don't like wearing anything much higher than that. I have a few 3-4 inch chunky heeled shoes, but I wear them very rarely, usually only for costuming purposes. Stillettoes, no way. 14.Do you have any experience with makeup? Tried messing with it a couple of times in my late teens/20s, decided it was pain in the ass, chucked it and never looked back. 15. Have you ever worn a uniform or traditional clothes? Choir robes. A Girl Scout uniform. That's about it. 16. What’s your favorite piece of clothing? The leather jackets I've got that it's too hot here to wear. :cries: 17. Have you ever had to wear something you didn’t like? Who hasn't? I think the thing that's stuck in my head most over the years was a pair of second-hand Oxfords that one of my aunts sent Mom in the yearly Big Box Of Hand-Me-Downs that we got from our older cousins. They were too big for me, nothing like anyone else at school wore, and heavy and clunky and uncomfortable. I hated them. Mom loooooved them, and couldn't understand why I didn't want to wear them. 18. How do you feel about wearing fur? I can't afford fur, but honestly, I love the look and feel of it. I'd never buy anything endangered, but I'd be fine with stuff like hair-on hides where the animal's being killed for food anyway. 19. Do you prefer simple or detailed outfits? Simple for everyday, but I don't mind detailed for special occasions. 20. How often do you wear jewelry? Earrings and two rings, almost always, anything else, rarely. 21. Do you have any souvenir clothing from trips or concerts? A couple of t-shirts. 22. Do you paint your nails? Very rarely. I'm not very good at it. That would improve with practice, but I don't like the feel of polish on my nails. It makes my fingers feel heavy. 23. What are your favorite pair of shoes (add a photo if possible)? A pair of vintage Doc Martens. 24. Do you carry a bag, backpack, purse, or something else? I have a leather messenger bag type thing, a backpack, and some smaller purses. Depends on how much I'll be carrying and how fancy the occasion is. 25. What does your hair look like right now? Very short, bleached on top. In fact, if I had to pick THE most important fashion thingy not to cut corners on, it would be get a good haircut. It is SO worth spending a little extra to go to someone who really knows what they're doing. And don't be afraid to lay down the law about what you want, either. 26. Have you worn something you or someone you know has made? Yes. My mother and grandmother made a lot of our play clothes when we were small. And I've made a lot of costumes over the years, and a few regular pieces of clothing. 27. Have you made any clothes/ jewelry? Yes. I was into beading for awhile and made a lot of necklaces and earrings. I still have a few of the necklaces. I've also made lots of costumes over the years, and a few regular pieces of clothing. 28. What are your thoughts on perfume/cologne? Neutral. I don't wear it myself, and I have a very poor sense of smell, so when people describe a wild profusion of scent notes they get from a perfume, all I can do is say, "Uh... sweet, I guess?" 29. What do you wear to go swimming? A swimsuit. 30. What would be your ideal outfit? Jeans, Doc Martens, long sleeved shirt with a vest, leather jacket, maybe a belt, earrings. I can only wear this for like three weeks in the middle of winter. :P comments
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dazingsky · 7 years
Late for class (Reddie)
HELLO!!! so this is super late, and quite short but i needed to write something ughguihr! my school trip was awful but im back!!
Summary: (modern au) Eddie forgets his books, and the love of his life is kind enough to go and get them for him
Words: 1,552
Also please leave me requests!!! I love getting requests and it really helps me with what to write because i only have like two ideas left lmao
But enjoy this!!!! I didnt proof read cause im too tired, so im sorry if its a flop!!!
Eddie Kaspbrak was always a bundle of nerves. Maybe it was the way he was raised. That was probably it. HIs mother was a complete psychopath, so it made sense that he was a bundle of nerves. The day that Eddie decided he would tell Richie he loved him, he was the biggest bundle of nerves, in the world. At least that’s what he felt like.
He woke up that morning, full of dread for the day ahead. He had given himself a pep talk the night before, persuading himself that it was a good idea. He had called Bill, and whined down the phone to him for around an hour. Bill had hung up in the middle of Eddie talking, after shouting down the phone about how he needed sleep.
Eddie had gotten dressed slowly, picking out his favourite pale pink jumper, and black skinny jeans. He was just putting his pastel purple vans when his mother called him down for breakfast. He felt his pulse quicken, as he checked his hair in the mirror, slipped his phone in his pocket, and grabbed his bag.
Forty minutes later he was stood at his locker, beside Beverly, who was talking about Ben. She was basically gushing about how sweet he was, and how lovely his personality was. Eddie was only half listening, and only slightly nodding along.
His thoughts were purely consumed by thoughts of Richie. He was desperately trying to think of what to say to him. How to open up to him. He was even trying to imagine Richie’s reaction. What would he do?
Eddie’s thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing loudly, and dragging him out of his thoughts. Beverly grabbed Eddie’s arm and guided him down the hall towards their homeroom, continuing to gush about Ben. Eddie continued to think.
Eddie sat at the back of his homeroom, in his usual seat, yawning quietly. He had been so deep in thought he didn't even notice Richie walk in, until he was sat down beside him, muttering a quiet, “Morning, Eds”, under his breath.
Eddie turned to look at Richie, taking in his appearance. He was wearing his black hoodie, with an old nirvana t-shirt under it. He was also wearing ripped, black, skinny jeans, and beat up, old black vans. His hair was curly, and slightly messy, and Richie was wearing his contact lenses. Eddie always thought he looked cuter in his glasses.
Richie had began dressing in mostly black, and mostly band t-shirts, around the same time that Eddie started wearing pastel colours, and putting flowers in his hair. They looked like polar opposites. But they were still the same people as they were when they first met. Their personalities never seemed to change.
“Morning.” Eddie murmured, playing with his hands.
“You okay, Eddie Spaghetti? You seem sad this morning.” Richie said, looking at Eddie, closely. “Oh shit, did you see me sneaking out of your mom’s room this morning?”
Eddie rolled his eyes at the joke. “Shut up, I'm just tired.” Eddie shrugged, opening his bag to get his school journal out. “And don’t call me that.”
“Relax, Ed’s, I’m just teasing you.” Richie watched Eddie, running a hand through his hair. “What’s wrong..?” Richie asked, after he noticed Eddie beginning to panic.
“I forgot to get my books from my locker. I was talking to Bev instead, and I completely forgot to actually get my books.” Eddie’s hands seemed to be shaking, and he didn’t know how to stop them. “I’m gonna be late for class. Miss Clarkson’s gonna kill me.”
“What’s your locker code?” Richie asked quickly. Eddie looked at him, his face covered in confusion.  “I’ll get your books, what’s the locker code?” Richie asked again.
“Then you’ll be late for class..” Eddie said slowly.
“I don’t care about that type of thing, Ed’s.” Eddie bit his lip, writing his locker code down, and handing it to Richie. Richie gave him a small smile, and as soon as the bell went, he was gone.
Eddie grabbed his own bag, getting up slowly, and walking out of the room, with Beverly, once again. They walked to class, in silence, which Eddie was actually thankful for. He wanted to be alone, in his head, with his own thoughts.
They took their usual seats, in Miss Clarkson’s class. Beverly sat at the front, beside Ben and Bill. Eddie sat at the back, beside Richie, who hadn’t arrived yet. He took his seat slowly, opening his bag and taking out his pencil case, and his notebook. He looked around, as the room began filling up, his eyes falling upon the door. He was desperate for Richie to just walk through it, holding his book, and grinning.
Eddie waited patiently, hoping Richie could sleep in before Miss Clarkson turned around. But she did, clasping her hands together, her eyes scanning the room. She sighed, clearing her throat, as she stared at Richie’s empty seat. “Where is Mr Tozier?”
“Here!” Richie said, quickly, stumbling into the class. “I was talking to my homeroom teacher!” Miss Clarkson eyes him slowly. She was suspicious. But she sighed, giving up.
“Just take your seat Mr Tozier. Don’t be late for my classes again.” Miss Clarkson waved her hand toward his seat, turning back the the board. Richie hurried down to his seat, sliding into into the chair, and pulling his backpack into his lap, as Miss Clarkson began teaching the class.
Two books landed on Eddie’s desk. He looked over at Richie, who had a bright grin on his face, and Eddie almost melted into his seat. He didn’t know what came over him, but his thoughts were flooded by the fact that Richie would risk getting in trouble just so Eddie wouldn’t. Eddie had no idea what he was doing when he opened his mouth. His mind was too full.
“I love you.” The words tumbled out of Eddie’s mouth before he could stop them. Richie’s eyes widened in shock at the same time as Eddie’s did. They both stared at each other for a second, before Eddie turned back, to face the front of the room.
His entire face had gone red, and he couldn’t bare to look at Richie. He simply opened his book, and attempted to catch up with the class. But his mind was racing, and his pulse was quickening. Eddie played with his hands, fidgeting. He felt sick. He felt like he was going to be violently ill. But he pulled through, attempting to pay attention to the class.
As soon as the bell rang, Eddie sprang out of his seat, dragging his bag behind him. He wanted to race to his next class, and hopefully avoid Richie for the rest of the day. But just as he was joining a crowd, in the hallway, which was shuffling towards their next classes, when a hand grabbed his arm, dragging him to the side.
He turned with wide eyes, to shout, until he realised it was Richie. He attempted to pull his arm away, but Richie tightened his grip, pulling him into an empty classroom, and closing the door quickly, locking it. Eddie sighed loudly, turning to him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to just.. Just spring that on you..” Eddie said slowly, looking down. He felt stupid, and uncomfortable. He ran a hand through his hair, quickly, glancing up at Richie.
“You’re not wearing flowers in your hair today.” Richie observed. He seemed oddly calm. HIs hands were shoved in his pockets, and he was leaning against an empty table.
“I didn’t have time..” Eddie shrugged, shoving his own hands in his pockets.
Richie stood up straight, pulling his bag off his shoulder and unzipping it. He leaned down, reaching into his bag. Eddie watched him, curiously. Richie stood up after a second, holding whatever he had gotten out of his bag behind his back.
“Close your eyes.” Richie ordered. Eddie stared at him for a second, opening his mouth to protest, but Richie cut him off. “Do it.” Eddie huffed, covering his eyes with his hand. He heard Richie walk closer to him, and he held his breath, unsure of what Richie was going to do. He felt something get placed on his head, and he immediately pulled his hands away from his eyes, putting them on his head.
“Did you just put a handmade flower crown on my head, Rich?” Eddie rose an eyebrow. Richie blushed slightly, looking down.
“Beverly taught me how to make one.” He explained, shrugging slightly.
“Why’d you wanna make one?” Eddie questioned, watching Richie.
“So I could give it to you when I told you I loved you.” Eddie’s breath hitched in his throat, as Richie said it. He opened his mouth, attempting to say something, but no words came out of his mouth.
His mind was still attempting to process what Richie said, when Richie grabbed Eddie’s cheek, and pulled him into a soft kiss. Eddie kissed back immediately, melting into Richie’s touch. He felt his entire body relax. Every thought he had was gone.
Richie pulled away slowly, leaning his forehead on Eddie’s. “I love you.” He stated, staring into the shorter boys eyes.
“I love you too.” Eddie said, pulling Richie into another kiss.
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saturnmyg · 7 years
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Min yoongi x Mafia!reader
warnings : violence, drug abuse, cussing 
genre: angst, fluff, romance, drama
word count: 1,624
character profile 
summary: Min yoongi aka Agust D an underground rapper on the come up , finds y/n outside of a club hurt and on the verge on passing out, little did he know saving her would turn his world upside down
AN: hey hey hey! this is my first bts x reader fic i’m kinda excited!!!, english is not my first language so please be nice with the critic! i had my friend matt proof read this so to make sure that i didn’t make any mistakes. this is going to be be multi chaptered, ill try to update once and if i can twice a week so i still have time to write one shots! also this one is more of an introduction but there is a teeny bit of yoongi x reader interaction at the end of this fic. hope you have fun reading this- sora 
@josh-the-smol-bean-dun wanted me to tag them when the chapter comes out so here it is dear!  
 Intro           chapter one 
Sighed y/n walked into the living room,  the evening sun illuminating her friends brown skin who was laying on the couch playing with her phone.
''Wheres your sis' y/n asked the short haired girl
.’'She has a game , supposedly shell be pitching for all nine innings.’’ came a lazy reply. One would think that for twins they would be similar which turned out it wasn't the case all. 
while rukiya had the same face as her sister imara they couldn't be more different Imara was the bubbly, popular one who loved sports and early mornings ,while her sister was more stoic, cynic, a homebody who loved to sleep and watch tv.
 Don't misunderstand rukiya was popular too but it was more that people were drawn to her because of her good looks and ''mysterious'' aura instead of her personality. ‘’By the way akiho sent me a message that said we should be at 9pm at sin city’’ said the girl.
 ‘’Well lets hope there wont be a brawl or she's going to lose her job’’ came a muffled reply from y/n as she was taking off her hoodie.
’’If that happens she's going to kill ya you know''
y/n laughed ‘’ill burn that bridge when i get to it.’’ 
‘’don't you mean cross the bridge when you get to it?’’ rukiya asked confused ‘’i like the sound of burning a bridge better, kinda dramatic don't you think?.’’ y/n said. 
 Rukiya rolled her eyes at that ‘’anyways hyun-jin cant come she has a date night with her girlfriend but if something comes up we can call her’’
 ‘’aight aight’’ said y/n and walked towards the kitchen. Today's mission wasn't really that big or important just a meeting with a low grade gangster who thought he was slick by running his business in the streets that was obviously y/n's territorial.  
As she arrived in the kitchen she immediately took out some vegetables, meat , noodles and started to cook. Thirty minutes later she took out two plates , placed them on the table and called rukiya to come to the table. The tall girl  plopped on the chair not bothered to sit upright and started to shovel in. ‘’your food really is the best’’
 y/n frowned ‘’stop talking with your mouth full you're going to-’’ rukiyas coughing interrupted her , sighed walked over and hit her on the back several times and sat back down ‘’from the way your scarfing down that food someone might think you haven't eaten for days’’ 
Rukiya looked at y/n ‘’you know damn well that akiho  cant cook and hyun-jin has a girlfriend who cooks for her the whole time’’ 
 Y/n raised one eyebrow ‘’and your point is?’’ she asked
 ‘’I'm trying to preserver just in case that day comes’’ rukiya shuddered , to be fair akihos cooking was disastrous how she always managed to mess up a simple recipe was a mystery to y/n 
‘’You do realize that i cook most of the times?’’ 
‘’exactly most of the time which means theres a time where you don’’ rukiya replied. ‘
’Gosh what would y'all do without me’’ she sighed , stood up and started to collect the dishes and walked into the kitchen
 ‘’we'd probably be dead’’ came rukiyas voice from the living room who was still sitting at the table
‘’anyways-’’ she continued ‘’ I'm going to take a shower start getting ready.’’ 
‘’Aight aight heard ya don't use all my shampoo tho its from lush and was expensive as fuck!!’’ Y/n replied as she was putting the dishes into the dishwasher. She walked back into the living room looking for any mess that needed to be cleaned up. The apartment was simple. The walls were painted white , there were a few decorations on the walls , mostly paintings that either y/n or praveena  hyun-jins girlfriend drew. 
Pictures frames were scattered everywhere around the apartment some with people  that were long gone or not involved in her life anymore some with her current friends . A red couch was to be seen on the left side of the living room with a tv and  a small zen table that had a vase full of sunflowers that were withered. 
‘’I need to throw them away-’’ y/n thought as she spotted them. ‘’Maybe ill go by the florist tomorrow when everything goes well tonight.’’ she continued.  She decided that shed throw them away another day as she simply didn't feel like doing it at the moment and walked out of the living room straight to her bedroom. 
Turned on the light, opened the wardrobe and took out a pair of black jeans and a black sweatshirt. ‘’too much black?’’ she asked herself and chuckled remembering how once akiho told her ‘’that you couldn't go wrong with black even if it means you're head to toe dressed in it.’’ She quickly got dressed, took a hairband and pulled her hair into a low ponytail. Brooding over tonights plan she didn't notice the tall girl standing in her doorway 
‘’you kinda remind me of those ninjas or spies from the movies.’’ Y/n jumped
 ‘’Holy mother of fuck, can you stop doing that you're going to give me an heart attack’’ she wheezed her hand on her chest trying to calm herself down. Rukiya chuckled and revealed her pearl white teeth.
 ‘’ I'm called panther for a reason’’ 
‘’ok first stop that cuz you look creepy as fuck right now and secondly i gave you that name when i was drunk as hell but for some reason it stuck with you’’ 
‘’ah yes-’’ rukiya replied , her hand on her chin looking up as if that would help recollect the memories of said night. ‘’That was at the freshmen frat party wasn't it? didn't you-’’ 
‘’we don't talk about that night’’ y/n interrupted and grimaced ‘’just like how barton and Romanov don't talk about Budapest, which i still wanna know what happened  but i digress’’ she continued. 
‘’Anyways i'm ready lets hit the road i want to check out the fuckers before we officially meet’’ rukiya smirked and dangled the car keys. They both put on their shoes and walked out the door. Similar to y/n rukiya was wearing black pants with a dark purple hoodie with a black beanie on top. They arrived at the car , y/n sat into the passengers seat while rukiya walked around the car and sat into the drivers seat.
 ‘’Please for the love of god , just for once drive safely’’ y/n said. 
‘’The hell do you mean i always drive safely’’ rukiya replied while lifting an eyebrow 
‘’uhm no remember how you almost ran over that old lady at a crossroad? Or the time where you almost crashed into the car in front of us? god its like you're playing need for speed or something’’ y/n countered back. 
‘’Aight granny-’’ y/n playfully glared at her ‘’ at least let me pick out the music.’’ ‘’Yeh whatever we have the same music taste so sure go ahead.’’
The sun has already gone down, taking with her the bustling and business of people trying to get to their destination. The sky was painted dark blue, speckled with stars that could faintly be seen because of the city lights. the window rolled down as the summer wind blew into her face. Yn truly loved summer, the time where all types of people came out a night to gather and drink, talk have fun together and just live life. ‘’How ironic’’ she thought and scoffed bitterly. 
Here she was , on her way to something that could lead into a blood bath while people around her wont be knowing whats going on in the shady parts of Seoul. ‘’We've arrived’’ came Rukiya's voice pulling y/n out of her thoughts. 
She unclasped the seat belt , reached to the backseat and fished out a backpack. ‘’We cant take the whole backpack with us so you gotta hide the guns and knives on your body’’ said y/n.
 Rukiya nodded absentmindedly while storing a few pocket knives into her holster around her forearm.
 They got out of the car, locked it and started to walk towards the club. Already from a far you could see people lining up to get inside. ‘’Apparently theres this rap battle going on and a few famous underground rappers are here’’  Rukiya said and lifted her eyebrows looking excitedly at y/n  ‘’we’re here for work’’ she reminded the tall girl . ‘’Honestly i could give a rats ass about work’’  ‘’me too but if they continue to do this bullshit in our district what do you think will that say about our group?’’ Y/n countered. 
‘’Yeh yeh whatever you say boss.’’ 
They arrived at the front door of the club where a big buffy security guard was standing ‘’business again?’’ he asked, his voice being almost drown from the beat that could be heard till outside.
 ‘’As usual’’ y/n replied. He stood aside and opened the door, just as they were passing y/n saw a boy that had striking mint blue hair . 
He was leaning against the wall next to the security guard holding a cigarette , dressed in black skinny jeans a white shirt and gold chains.  As she met his eyes, that seemed to be darker than the night, she saw that he was smirking as if he knew what kind of effect he had on people. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe it! the nerve he had to be smirking at her like that. Unknowingly to her he continued to stare at her as her figure vanished as she stepped into the the club.
part two tba next week!  
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