#IKEA Art Event
furbhii · 8 months
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a piece i did for aleena over on twitter in lieu of stickers from my raffle, given that she already owns most of them LOL
they requested flug in the camp leader outfit from the Elmore short, and given that that's probably my favourite short i was more than happy to oblige!
(considering making that middle one into a sticker... he's just so cuuuuute)
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infinitycarrot1 · 10 months
I'm holding a dtiys challenge to celebrate Potato's birthday 🥳 more info under the cut
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year
can't find my little ikea greenhouse anywhere so i bought a new one 🤡
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knchr · 1 year
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bunnyswritings · 1 year
50 (unconventional) date ideas for your otp
Attend an art fair together
Go on a hot air balloon ride
Furniture shopping date at Ikea
Visit an aquarium and have dinner in an underwater restaurant
Have a picnic at sunrise or sunset
Play 20 questions to get to know the other better
Take a pottery class together
Attend a silent disco party
Go indoor skydiving / bungee jumping
Take an aerial yoga class
Rent a couple bike and ride around town
Attend a poetry / book event
Have fun at a board game cafe
Visit a psychic and have fortunes read
Have a dine in the dark experience
Take a cooking / baking class together
Challenge each other at arcade games
Have a home movie night with popcorn and homemade nachos
Ice-skating when one doesn't know how to
Take a painting class / go for an art jam session together
Attend a play together
Go scuba diving together
Take a dance class together
Visit an animal sanctuary / shelter to volunteer together
Go for a kayaking adventure
Go to a comedy show
Organise a get-together potluck event with friends
Go to a drive-in movie theatre
Attend a beer or wine tasting event
Go to an escape room together
Visit an amusement park
Sign up for a themed run together
Go stargazing at a local observatory
Visit an art museum or gallery and have their caricatures drawn
Assemble a lego set together
Go on a scenic drive and have a picnic
Go on a nature trail walk together
Go camping together
Attend a themed costume party
Go to a local fair or festival
Take a horseback riding lesson together
Pet-sit a friend's pet together for a day
Play mini golf together
Have a spa day together
Take a sailing lesson together
Go rock climbing / bouldering together
Go to a karaoke bar
Take a sushi making class together
Visit an old bookstore or library
Play a game of laser tag
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Tumblr President Sulemio is back🍅✨🍅✨🍅✨
We're doing a 100 themes of sulemio challenge! Tag the account and/or use the tag #sulemio100 so we can reblog your work! Check the link for more info🍅
You can make any content (edits, amvs, fanfiction, art, cosplay etc). 🍅
If your work is nsfw please tag it appropriately for us to retweet.
There is no time limit to this event, we will keep retweeting as long as you use #sulemio100 and or tag the account🫧
If you're posting on ao3 you can add it to the collection archiveofourown.org/collections/100_themes_of_sulemio_challenge
You can interpret these prompts however you want!✨
This event will happen parallel on twitter so be sure to check it out🌈
You do not need to do all the prompts.👍🏼
Have fun!
The link will have FAQs🎈
If you have any questions give us an ask or a message✨
1- Prologue 2- Angel 3- Gaming 4- Syzygy 5- Ocean 6- Gurgle 7- Childhood 8- Supplication 9- Picnic 10- Desert 11- Cereal 12- Hot Chocolate 13- Trespassing 14- Princess 15- Harpy 16- Summer 17- Forest 18- Crepes 19- Birthday 20- Interpreter 21- Cooking 22- Boat 23- Ikea 24- Lifetime 25- Yuri 26- Vibraphone 27- Date 28- Mountain 29- Popcorn 30- Goldfish 31- Collar 32- Hound 33- Cuddles 34- Hiccups 35- Thunderstorms 36- Mercenary 37- Enamel 38- Donuts 39- Psychopomp 40- Debauchery 41- Gunpla 42- Shapeshifter 43- Fatherhood 44- Kaiju 45- Couch 46- Sex 47- Prohibition 48- Lies 49- Hobby 50- Wallpaper 51- Video Game 52- Sky 53- Skiing 54- Hotdog 55- Rome 56- Alcohol 57- Gamer 58- Stockings 59- Kiss 60- Christmas 61- Tattoo 62- Ruins 63- Flowers 64- Nature 65- Codependence 66- Kamasutra 67- Azure 68- Poof 69- Snowball 70- Magic 71- Break 72- Nostalgia 73- Doomed 74- Cozy 75- Heaven 76- Family 77- Virtual 78- Desperation 79- Mental 80- Misanthropic 81- Musical 82- Trainspotting 83- Gardening 84- Stupid 85- Oblivious 86- Thief 87- Jealousy 88- Forearms 89- Eri 90- Forever 91- Yearning 92- Surfing 93- Neck 94- Pining 95- Headpats 96- Cassowary 97- Forgiveness 98- Metanarrative 99- Overstimulation 100- Epilogue
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Vlad, Viago and Deacon as parents headcanons [pt.2]
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[Part 1] [Part 3]
Author’s note: I love writing this shit to a very unhealthy degree. I might make a oneshots out of this later. Also does anyone know Deacon’s nationality? Some say Polish, others say German. I’m still not sure.
Also, if some of you want pt. 3, please let me know what scenarios would you want me to explore specifically, because I am running out of ideas a bit…
When you first appeared in the house, Viago found some old suitcase in the attic and proposed that you’ll sleep in it, until they get you an actual casket.
You tried it, but couldn’t really slumber because of the constant nightmares and it was too scary to open the lid, because of the sun.
So you started sharing a coffin with Viago, at least until you felt calmer.
It resulted in him sacrificing a bit of his sleep to your rather constant tossing and turning, but he quickly got used to it.
He sang you German lullabies to put you to sleep or whispered some calming affirmations (you didn’t understand a word, but it was sweet).
He found these moments so precious, that he actually got upset, when you obtained your own coffin and started sleeping separately in the attic.
Since the attic was now technically your room, Vlad, Viago and Deacon decided to help you decorate it to your liking, so you went on the town basically robbing thrift stores and supermarkets by hypnotising the cashiers.
They helped you assemble the random ikea furniture you got, even though neither of you could understand the instructions on the box.
In your free time, you’ll often find yourself hanging around in Vladislav’s room, posing for his portraits. He likes your expressiveness, it really gives his paintings the right look. And so you won’t get bored sitting there for hours, he asks you about your life before you became a vampire.
You also speak a lot of Romanian together, because Vlad wanted you to know another language, so he only communicated to you in Romanian for a while and you unwillingly started to understand it with time.
If you miss your family, he will take you to your childhood home. Of course, you can’t really interact with them anymore, but you can at least watch and it might make you feel a bit better to know they are still living a good life and that they miss you just as much.
At one point all three of them realise, that you would benefit from some friends within your age group. So they take you out to an arcade pretty early in the evening.
Unfortunately, living with ancient vampires kind of killed any chance for your social skills to develop properly, so you ended up scaring a bunch of kids and getting very upset.
To compensate for it, Deacon called you along to watch videos on the laptop, that Stu set up. You accidentally stumbled upon Bill Nye reuploads and binged them together, because you thought he’s the smartest person to ever roam the earth.
All of them have some kind of a default nickname for you. Viago calls you “Mäuschen” (little mouse), Vlad calls you very simply “Child” and to Deacon you are “Rodent”.
Stu and Nick are kind of like uncles/siblings to you. When the three have to leave somewhere, they usually leave them to babysit you. You have a lot of fun together! Since all three of you still remember what it’s like to actually be a living and breathing human, you get to talk more about recent news and events, rather than reminisce about the past.
You are also the only person in the group, who can’t really steal your clothes from victims, since neither of the vampires is very keen on killing children. Mostly, they ask their newfound werewolf friends to pick something up for you during the day or steal it themselves during the night.
Considering you can’t go to a normal school, they decided to teach you at home. Vlad teaches you literacy and art, Viago teaches you sciences and history and Deacon teaches you actually important shit like hypnotising tax collectors, draining the blood of your victims into mason jars and looking cool as fuck.
If you call Viago “dad”, he will be over the goddamn moon. It’s like he accomplished a goal he didn’t even know he set.
If you call Vladislav your dad, for a moment he would almost feel this long forgotten warmth in his chest. It’s like his heart started to beat again.
If you refer to Deacon as “dad”, he will be very startled and confused at first. It’s a weird feeling for him to have someone trust him and depend on him so much. He won’t admit it, but he really loved that emotion.
The more you are around, the more they get into being parental figures.
Tagging people who asked for part two: @italakthoughts and @rthounasty (this is a fire username btw)
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sweetbottletops · 1 year
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Can we just take a moment away from dumb jock Koga to appreciate the fact they are inching closer to how they look in that future Ikea "roommates" art?
ch 62
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Aya is playing this way cooler than I'd have thought. Koga inviting herself over for the first time? And to study of all things? "No worries, I was completely free today." Exchanging social niceties like this is at all normal.
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Oh, that's better. Her silly little "welcome to my home" hand is covering up her heart palpitations and the twin snitches are onto her too.
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"...isn't this too much of a gap?" Koga not being good at school isn't a surprise to me. We already saw when Narita wanted to copy off her school work she hadn't even done it herself and she never seemed particularly interested in school or standing out academically. She was just going through the motions for so long. Uncle Joe's worries weren't entirely unfounded.
The real surprise is that Aya isn't that bad at school despite her appearance ("I could say the same about you...") and seems to be trying to get her act together after that earlier panic when she found out her other friends changed their minds and were going to cram school.
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It seems like Koga's new interest in exams is her trying to stay beside Aya. Or to at least get a better sense of where they stand and what Aya's doing next. She got a TWO? Yeah, she's not book smart. This will lead to tears.
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Aya's mom is cute. She raced up the stairs with her groceries still in hand. That's how rare this "boyfriend" event was.
She missed meeting Koga back when she walked Aya home after the concert but already got primed by the twins into thinking it was a boyfriend. Now her quick look before getting rushed out didn't help. "So cool!" At least she's ok with his her look.
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It's never going to compute. Maybe not even at the wedding.
What else isn't going to compute is Koga catching up with Aya academically. Those are are a lot of X vs Os there. Hopefully she doesn't get discouraged.
Them both feeling like they are failing at their quests when they've really already won... would be exactly what they do.
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advice-to-try-8d · 10 months
What you can outside the internet
With no or almost no money for entertainment:
Mancala: Search Mancala Rules and how the game looks online dig some small holes on the ground or instead of holes draw circles on paper get some small stones or other small stuff and that's an easy 2 player game
Diy Bowling: get a couple of empty bottles you can take from a recycle bin if you have non fill with sand and throw a ball in that direction and call a couple of friends
Library: they don't only have books but some have free movies free computers comics or free events check them out!
Make Belive: you can play pretend almost anywhere in the world with enough imagination you can pick up some sticks to add extra stuff or use building as part of the story if you get kicked out make it a part of it and move to a diffarant location! With some time and diy you can even make extra props look online for advice!!
The Apricot Pit Game: It's a game where you dry naturaly apricot seeds (after you finish the fruit) and try to throw them to score the most point into a predetermined area harder to throw more point for example you can cut holes in a shoebox and the hardest to score is more points or from farther away etc etc
Meeting at a friend place
Free art galleries schools may have more of those made by the students
Diy arts and crafts when your about to throw away something if you think it cam make a nice craft save it for later to have extra metirials to have fun with don't save all to not start accidently hoarding stuff but yes some an empty cardboard box can make a nice fairy house with some colors as I say
Planting stuff many ppl eat fruits and veggies that have seed when you finish you can plant some and see how it goes maybe search tutorials online and use the water from outside to not higher the water bill
Water Fight: if there's any hoes or chip balloons or even bowls you can fill with water you can start throwing water at each other good for a hot fay
Snowball fight: if you have opposite weather
Sand castle: If you have any sand near ya you can get some water maybe some spoons or even just your hand and start building sand castles aren't just for beaches they can be made anywhere there's sand
Going for a walk and following a random safe animal see where it goes maybe it will interact with you too ^^
Draw: if you have some paper and a pencil or even your finger and sand you can do that you can even look outside for inspiration and draw in the street
free outdoor games search that phrase online you will find there's more than you think!
Go visit ikea play pretend there or hide and seek the place is huge and cool
Invent games look at what you own what's near your home and do stuff inspired by it! Just keep it safe
Go visit a mall try on some clothes as you would play dress up with buying non or explore teh area
Search free event near me just eat beforehand cause the food is probably not cheap to cover it
You have old clothes your not happy with or don't fit you anymore make them into something new! If a jacket gloves crop top tank top doll clothes pillow case new bag whatever you pls! It's free fabric now same with old bedsheets or curtains your about to change if you want even more free fabric tell your friends taht if they are about to throw away clothes pls give them to you!
Ask for specific birthday gifts many ppl want to start hobbies they can afford or go on a specific adventure but sometimes if you ask for your birthday from a bunch of ppl to come togather fir the same gift you may be able to have it!
Picnic: if everyone brings a bit from home you can have something fun togather!
And there are many more! Just search the internet and use your imagination!
Humans are not ment to be trapped inside a digital world at all times so let's change it!
By letting ppl know they have options to live outside of it too!!!
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cboffshore · 1 year
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"I hear the sea, it roars/and I want out of here." - Coeur de Pirate, "Our Love"
For #quins1kdtiys: ol' reliable couture art meets a proper model in "And That's All We Are".
(Writeup under the cut, as usual. Minor Dragons Rising part 2 spoilers there, by the by, but you'll see them coming. I'll let you know.)
Congratulations on 1k, @quintastiic! I hope this does that milestone some justice.
I've done Skybound couture work before; I've done Nya analysis before. Somehow, I have never blended them, and this DTIYS gave me the perfect chance to try that out.
For the first time in my fashion fanart history, I'm not using a boilerplate mannequin - I got my hands on one of those IKEA artist figurines and decided, well, if there's any time to try and draw someone, let's start with a favorite. I'm not hiding behind a standard template here.
For the most part, this is a simple urban riff on Nya's Skybound gi: a black velvet vest and fingerless gloves over a crimson blouse, paired with bright combat boots and flared jeans. A durable ensemble, I like to believe this base of blended aesthetic represents what Nya spends the first five seasons building herself up to be: well, herself. She scrapped a mech and her own role together - and built a legacy in the process. In one way, that's all she is: everything she's crafted so far.
Overtaking the outfit, though, is a cropped leather jacket with a sheer train designed to resemble waves.
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It doesn't match the base at all - it glows. It floats. It almost seems alive with motion and light, but at the same time, it's a weight on her shoulders that makes her conspicuous among her teammates. It's a dilemma that plagues her throughout Skybound and beyond - can she make herself work with her powers? Does she want to? In another way, that's all she is: her powers? Or not?
Bridging the gap between the wave jacket and the base ensemble is an element inspired by Nya's monologue to Jay about being friends - and nothing else.
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That, of course, is the friendship bracelet inspired chain belt, adorned with four venom-shaded charms:
Closest to Nya herself is another symbol of her powers, and the way she has to reform herself to solve the problems at hand: a simple water droplet, a symbol of life turned into one of risk with the venom-green tint.
On the next layer down, something more classically Claire's jewelry rack bracelet set: a lightning bolt with a tiny heart, representing Nya's evolving relationship with Jay throughout the season. Although I find it important to analyze Nya as her own character in the context of Skybound, it is important to acknowledge Jay's influence, and that's what this is for.
(Partial Dragons Rising part 2 spoilers in this one!) Dangling as far away from Nya as she can get it, but apparently trying to climb back up close to her of its own accord, is a twelve-pointed sun motif that appears in the second half of Dragons Rising to - without getting too spoilery - indicate a curse on the bearer and mark them for inevitable suffering and eventual death. In Skybound and beyond, Nya narrowly evades this fate; the symbol overtakes both of her gloves here, representing her struggle and the hand motif I adore in the season. However, she does eventually escape - and wears it dangling loosely, even casually, from her belt, almost like a trophy.
Hidden beneath the jacket and attached to a belt loop for easy access, like a tool, hangs a charm modeled after the flask of venom used in episode 61. This is resilience, almost to a fault, and a bittersweet reminder of the events of the erased timeline - they go to such lengths to keep the venom, and for what end? Nya's eventual death - and their victory. And everything that comes with that.
The charms round out the trifecta of all she is during Skybound: the circumstances, mortal or not, that shape her actions and determine her destiny.
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infinitycarrot1 · 1 year
I'm holding a dtiys challenge to celebrate Marigolds birthday 🥳 more info in pictures
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littl-podval · 6 months
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The art depicts an event from a role-playing game with a friend.
I'll explain a little bit: Here Adam was taken to another world, giving a second chance at life. The brown-haired girl under the wing and the blond man are original characters.
The girl is Marie, the Creator God The man is Alex, her lover.
There are two creators in the world, and the second, the eldest, threatened Adam to protect the youngest creator if possible when entering another world, which in the plot is something like an Event.
On art, they are in Ikea-3008, overnight. They are in hiding, and Adam, realizing that it is better to stay with them, since the manikin monsters are weaker than him. ***
На арте изображено событие из ролевой с подругой.
Чуть объясню: Тут Адама забрали в другой мир, дав второй шанс на жизнь. Девушка-шатенка под крылом и блондин-мужична - оригинальные персонажи.
Девушка - Мари, Бог-Создатель Мужчина - Алекс, ее возлюбленный.
В мире два создателя, и вторая, старшая, пригрозила Адаму защищать по возможности младшую создателя при попадании в другой мир, что в сюжете - что-то на подобии Ивента.
На арте они находятся в Икее-3008, ночь. Они находятся в укрытии, а Адам, понимая, что лучше остаться с ними, так как маникены-монстры слабее его.
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official-arbys · 6 months
heyo i'm here to collect your info for the website! all are optional :3
Any names you use
Any corpverse relatives
Affiliation in the corp/gimmickverse (Such as browsers)
Occupation (Such as shitposter)
Your character's date of birth
Your character's place of birth
Your character's species
Character's Gender
Character's Height
Any major events within the corpversepersonalityappearanceany other lore
Any photos you'd like on your page! these r superhelpful for breaking text up
-@the-corporation-information-blog (@unity-real mod)
Names: Arby’s, Arby’s official, “trans gay cowboy”
relatives: none that i know of, though id like to think of @definitely-spencers-gifts as a friend/ acquaintance!
affiliations: restaurants/fast foods
occupation: reblogger/shitposter
dob: july 23 (the day arbys was founded)
place of birth: Ohio (location of the first arbys)
species: human(?)
gender: transman, he/him
height: 5’8
major events: no major events as so far and is currently neutral in the party city/ikea war, but is waiting to hear from ikea.
appearance: Picrew by Krispy Bits
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Yes he's a white boy 😔also i might post some art of him later so be on the lookout for that if youd like 👍
and let me know if you have anymore questions!
Edit: forgot the slut cowboy hat from spencers that i traded for a spicy sandwich
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Edit 2: arbys is now on the side of IKEA in the IKEA/party city wars
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AO3 Collection・Event Masterlist・Prompts ・Guidlines
All's Fair in Love + Paint Wars by @starfall-spirit
Three Birds of a Feather by @areyoudreaminof
Mother of Nightmares by @shallyne
This Love is Alive Back From the Dead by @itsthedoodle
Buried Alive Inside My Dreams by @separatist-apologist
Cops and Cups drabble by @shallyne
The Dust of the Stars in her Eyes by @rosanna-writer
Take My Hand, Wreck My Plans by @the-lonelybarricade
Crying in the IKEA parking lot by @dawninlatin
Feysand pregnancy comissioned by @separatist-apologist and @the-lonelybarricade from artist @/Eneritoart
The men that would do anything for their high lady by @whettpaint
Feyre Doing Her Daughters Hair commissioned by @shallyne from artist @rosebudart
Feysand fic recommendation - High Tide Came and Brought You In from @ultadverb
Feysand family headcanon by @harperbrynne
Incorrect quote by @shallyne
Feysand parenting headcanons by @dreamlandreader
IC Finding Out Feysand Are Mates Headcanon by @darling-archeron
The High Lady, The High Lord, and The Prince of Night Court moodboard by @shallyne
If we missed one of your contributions, kindly reach out to us!
🎨: @dreadart
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footemoji-talks · 7 months
February 28th, 2024 (Tooth Fairy Day)
Day Rating: 6.5/10
Main Events
-dropped my phone in water so i spent the majority of my morning trying to get the water out of my speaker :(
-almost got into a car accident :(
-had lucky charms for the first time and loved it :)
-went to ikea for the first time dont really get the hype but we bought a skog :)
-traffic was terrible :(
-took forever getting groceries at trader joe’s :/
-mom got mad at me for taking so long to get home :(
-finished a lesson for my online english course :)
-drew a couple of things :)
-had cereal as my late night snack :)
Current Grades
Spanish 2- 51.88% (F), American Lit- 48.77% (F), Art- 39.49% (D-), Alegbra 2- 44% (F), US History- 80.95% (B-)
note of the day: skog
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ultipoter · 1 month
concept of a guy who goes home and begs and cries and prays every night and hears nothing yet suddenly hears the voice of God while at the job he can’t stand. i love your art and i hope this event kills me lol
YES EXACTLY DHJF like he's made a specific special little outfit as a tribute to Arceus, but then he gets acknowledged and deity boosted in his IKEA uniform. It's just a silly thought to me!
Thank you!! Same HDJFJF I can't wait to see more
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