lunastars21 · 1 year
I find it funny how Twitter is always arguing what is better to call fang
Like many grew up with "Nack the weasel"
And others "fang the sniper"
A new generation going to get used to "Fang the hunter" plus "jet the Jerboa" being a new one mentioned but still an old name.
Yet no one's asking the proper question
If all these are fake names! Then what the hell is his real name! Or at least a name that makes him freeze up like "how do you know that!?" No one seems to ask that! No! Everyone's arguing that if you call him a certain old fake name of his than the other you're wrong! Like guYs, WHAT THE HELL IS HIS ACTUAL NAME THEN LMAO.
Nack the weasel is the closest one because well, he debuted with it and in my headcanon that's his actual name while fang is just a fake one.
But if NACK is just another fake name then WHAT IS HIS NAME I NEED TO KNOW-
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horrorwebs · 1 year
i hate my best friend earlier i was like "im scared that this guy likes me bc he said something that i would only say to people who i like, but i recognize thats its a normal ass thing to say anyway and i rationally know he does not like me, but still, my brain decided to play with that concept and made me have a terrible nightmare the other night about it and now im subconsciously scared that he will like me ( with the underlying concept of "i am scared of men")" and shell go ohohioo what if youre projecting and its actually YOU that likes him. ????? bitch did you not hear the part about having a dream where he abused me or ...?sometimes being asexual is a nightmare nobody gets it
#and i have actually considered that btw.! and no i dont like him. if i like anyone its someone else entirely.and i dont like them either so#but she did not get it for the most part which i understand my feelings are unconventional and irrational and hard to follow. but i am#quite literally scared of the concept. of a man liking me. of this guy specifically bc we are good friends why ruin it!but just guys in gen#and i dreamt he abused me.....#literal nightmare i woke up scared and confused all bc my brain hates ne#anyway. she wants to have a gotcha moment so bad#like i said before. no its not about projecting and being scared of liking him#its about being scared that someone who i care about sees me in a way i dont and demands things from me i am not willing to give#+ someone being intimidating by having more experience compared to my 0 amount#+ feeling a bit intimiddated that my new friend group will find me immature as i am the youngest one#theres a lot of complicated feelings and a lot of confusing things bc of my asexuality but she sometimes doesnt get it#its not rly about liking him. also if i do in the future i wont really give myself a headache about it ive decided to stop worrying#about things like that it never helps.#anyway this is the friend i was hopelessly in love with and i can safely say i am over her now [tangent]#anyway. idk. sometimes i feel so stupid but this fear was idk a bit more than justa silly highschool 'what if i like them'and more#'what if the people i meet want to take advantage of me and i cant learn to say no' + 'what if i have a way of self sabotaging perfectly#good friendships by implanting irrational fears into them via dream' ?#you know. a bit more heavy#idk if anyone reads my rants id you doo cool thanks but whatever this is my diary maybe i should go nack to the psychologist idk#spikeposting
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insanitysoup · 2 years
I thought I fell in love but it was just food poisoning.
#soup rambles#no really. i think actually it's both food poisoning and a new crush#I was on my first con since the pandemic and fell in love with at least ten people#it happens.#also an older friend i had a crush on came back to the city as well and we were hanging out and it was really fun!#like she was abroad and came nack to the country to stay and visited the con as well! good times!#but the main guy. the main crush of mine. he looks like a musketeer. with the moustache and wild hair#i laugh at my own crush. that's who i am. i judge my own taste cause its bad#but the guy was really nice and at least i spoke with him a bit and even know his name!#also. i am awaiting further contact from him! cause he was one of the photographers on the con!#he took a picture of me when I didn't notice and said something like 'gotcha now!' and it was the moment#the moment my heart decided yep he's cool. i wanna kiss him. or rather i want him to kiss me#either way. this rant is getting long and no one will read it but. i had to scream it to the world you know#and if i scream here there's a great chance no one will hear it#and about food posioning: I'm fine mostly. just ate meatballs and didnt notice they in fact weren't gluten free#so now my tum hurts. but I'll be fine!#I'll be wary of meatballs for the future. stay safe out here celiac gang!#(did i mention the photographer guy added me on facebook first??? idk i think hes kinda into me lmao)#(no he's probably not but a girl can dream shut up!!!)
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omgfiredragon18 · 2 months
mom says it's my turn on the writing
Hey, this is my first contribution to the DOAI sitcom au after lurking for literally a month and a half-
Also this is my first fanfic on Tumblr so I'm sorry for any formatting issues
Anyway enjoy
Alex remembered the days after that terrible Halloween: the panic, the curfew, the interview, the loss, everything. However, the thing they remembered most of all was the public service announcements. The warnings played almost every hour at the beginning of fall, warning the citizens of Eastridge about the Smiling Snatcher, the Eastridge Demon, Clyde. For months all they could think about at night were the phrases "You do not hear the knocking," "Do not trust anyone you see wearing this costume," and "Keep all doors and windows locked."
It used to scare them—the thought of something being out there. At this point, however, Alex couldn't help but whisper, "Keep all doors and windows locked," as they slid their window open. They then paused for a moment, fidgeting until the window slotted into place with a click.
They understood that this was probably a death sentence, but it was also the only thing they could think of to stay alive. A cool breeze started to slowly drift into Alex's room as they peered out of the open window and into the night, looking for any people or flashes of orange. When they didn't see anything, they let out a relieved sigh and walked out of their room, making sure to close the door behind them to try and fight the chill. 
The yellowing fluorescent light in their kitchen was on, illuminating the space. It had the essentials—a refrigerator, a stove, cabinets, a dishwasher, and just enough counter space to house an assortment of random nick-nacks. The lights hummed quietly as Alex opened their cabinets in order to retrieve a jar of peanut butter. It was the cheap stuff—a store brand—that stuck to the roof of your mouth. They then moved to the fridge. Letting their hand trace the scratches Clyde left in it the first time it had entered their home. Then Alex opened the fridge and pulled out a random jar of jelly. They weren't sure how old it was, but it didn't look like it was actively rotting, so it would work. Grabbing the bread, they made their way back to the peanut butter. Pulling out a butter knife, they began to spread the sticky substances across two slices of bread. Once there was a decent amount of each, they pushed the slices together into a sandwich. Taking the sandwich, they went back into their room only to freeze. 
Crouching in their window was a dark shape with a mouth full of yellow teeth and two crooked yellow eyes.
"Your window was open," the creature said with its many overlapping voices.
"I know," Alex said, trying not to let their voice show just how nervous they felt. This was not the first time that the Smiling Snatcher had entered their home, but they still had to fight off the urge to run and hide from it. Ignoring their gut instinct, Alex held out the plate to the predator.
"You're an idiot," Clyde said, finally entering the room and grabbing the sandwich. It took a bite and then walked past Alex. They flinched as the demon passed, trying to ensure there was no contact between themself and it.
Once the Smiling Snatcher had exited, Alex rushed over to the window, looking out once more to make sure no one could have seen the demon. Once they were sure no one was watching, they closed the window.
Making their way out of their room, they found Clyde curled under their table, still munching on the sandwich and rumbling contentedly. Phantom shapes clung to the edge of the room. Half-formed illusions that did nothing but put Alex on edge. Seeing as the hallucinations were only half-baked, Alex assumed they probably weren't going to die tonight. With this half-reassurance, they went over to the television and turned it on, letting the sound of a random channel wash over them.
They leaned back and closed their eyes, trying to let the stress of the day flow out of them. The auditory hallucinations in the Lankman Foundation had really started to get to them recently. The pleas for help were harder to ignore every day. They started thinking about their time spent in that red-tinted hellscape. The constant, unending feeling of being watched was soaked into the bedrock. The caretakers wandered the halls like robots. Sweeping through them, occasionally entering patient rooms. The whole place had a bad atmosphere that followed Alex long after they clocked out for the day. 
Their train of thought was interrupted as they felt the couch shift under them. They opened their eyes to see Clyde crouched next to them.
"What are you watching?" Clyde asked.
"Uh," Alex paused to look over and see what exactly they had been watching. The screen showed birds flying around a city while a cheery voice explained how pigeons use the shape of their feathers to help them glide.
"It's a documentary; basically, a person explains a bunch about a certain topic; um, this one is about birds," Alex explained. Clyde let out a little hum that sounded like radio static, tilting its head as it watched the television with interest.
They sat like that for a few tense minutes, just observing the birds, before Alex suddenly got up. "I'm gonna... go," they said, turning to the demon. The Smiling Snatcher twitched its tail in a way Alex took as a go-ahead, so they turned around and walked to the kitchen.
Once they were back under the yellow lights, they leaned up against the wall. Now that they were out of Clyde's sight, they realized just how hungry they were. Alex walked over to the fridge, opening it to see what they could find. They leaned into the fridge for a second, grabbing a string cheese stick and an entire head of broccoli. With a sigh, they grabbed a plate and mentally prepared to consume their "dinner."
As they exited the yellow-tinted room, they saw dark birds flying through the space. Ghastly apparitions that swirled around on imaginary air currents. Alex walked into the living room with their slap-dash meal to find that Clyde had disappeared. Alex froze, eyes scanning around as they attempted to locate the veldigun through the hallucinations. Their eyes then locked onto a splash of orange and black sitting in front of the TV. It was glued to the screen, its tail twitching side to side as it tracked the birds.
Despite the scare caused by the veldigun, Alex managed to make their way over to the table without having a heart attack. Forcing themself to ignore the illusions and focus on their food, Alex started to eat. Despite their attempt, however, they felt their eyes drifting to the strange companion they had seemingly gained. They wondered briefly when this unlikely allyship would end. It wasn’t like this could last forever. Even if the veldigun didn’t kill them, the foundation would. Shaking themself out of their thoughts, they continued eating.
That was until they noticed Clyde sitting straight up, its muscles tensing as the program lingered on a shot of one of the pigeons. Alex felt their stomach drop as they recognized the same posture their old family cat had used to make before it pounced. They started getting up, not even sure what they were going to do, watching Clyde freeze for just a moment before the television cut away from the shot. Clyde let out an annoyed huff and relaxed. Alex all but collapsed back into their seat. They closed their eyes and pressed their hands against them. After a long moment, they decided to try and go back to eating. Everything settled into a small moment of calm before the sounds of birds suddenly cut off, a familiar blaring alarm pouring out of their TV.
"As Halloween night begins to set in..."
Alex snapped their head up, noticing that all the hallucinations had frozen. Then ever so slowly, Clyde began to creep closer to the television, their eyes reflecting on the surface as they began to watch the PSA.
Neither of them said anything as the announcement began to play. The basic elevator-esk music was the only sound for a few minutes. It permeated the air of the house, seeping into every crevice. The only interruption was after rule two when Clyde let out an amused huff.
"Stupid humans think locking their doors can keep me out. If I really wanted to, I could break through any of their doors or windows."
Hearing this caused Alex to feel like a stone was dropped into their stomach. Of course, from their time at the institute, they learned about just how much stronger the veldigun were compared to humans. However, they never really internalized it until just then. If it could just break down anyone's door, then there was really almost nothing protecting them and everyone else in the town from the demon currently sitting in their living room.
"Well, of course they could be more dumb," The demon continued looking towards Alex with a grin. Alex felt their blood freeze as they stared at the veldigun in front of them. Suddenly it let out a laugh, or more specifically, a cacophony of different laughs all layered on top of each other like a sitcom's live audience gone horribly wrong.
The laughter slowly came to a stop, and Clyde got up, stretching themselves out like a cat, before they turned to Alex once more.
"Thanks for the sandwich." It then made its way back towards Alex's room. Alex found themself letting out a breath they didn't know they were holding. They then quickly stood up, only to almost collapse as their legs tried to give out.
Abandoning what was left of their meal, Alex stumbled over to their room, finding the window wide open once more and no trace of the Eastridge demon.
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frozen-waters · 6 months
General Johnigail/Marston family hcs?? <3
ofc ofc yay yay yay!!!!!!! sorry for making John a little lover boy whenever I write johnigail and there are also a few angsty-ish hcs in here
More Johnigail and Marston Family hcs!!!
• John loves when Abigail plays the piano (canon but it makes me giggle)
• John also watches Abigail sew new clothes or mend old ones. I don’t mean this in a weird way but he likes watching her sew without her knowing. in like a sweet way. she looks peaceful to him
• I’m not sure how to explain this but the Marston family (or mostly Jack) is a few The Smiths songs to me
• speaking of The Smiths modern Jack would listen to them
• after Abigail died, Jack wished he had read to her more in his tween/teen years
• even as Jack gets older, he still laughs sometimes at the stories Uncle tells
• Jack also kept all of Abigail’s dresses that she had after she died. he didn’t really know what he was gonna do with them but he couldn’t stand getting rid of them. he did the same with John’s clothes but he kept them so he could wear them
• in modern when Abigail has to go to work in the morning or something John will wake up before her and turn on the car for her so it’ll be warm by the time she’s gotta go
• John and Abigail dancing together!!!!!!!!!!!!!! idk when but maybe if Uncle still plays the banjo or overhearing music is Blackwater!!!!!!!!!!
• modern John had a gamecube when he was in highschool but the only games he played were like. sonic, eternal darkness, and resident evil. dug it out of Hoseas garage or attic when Jack became a teen and "gifted" it to him -> has it in the livingroom and John plays it and Jack will watch him sometimes -> John also thought Jack was insane when he didn't know what he was supposed to do w a gamecube. to him its The Gift
• in modern when Jack was like 7-10 he'd infodump for an entire dinner about a book or show he read or watched in excruciating detail
• Abigail loved dressing up Jack and his sister
• the Marston daughter used Johns shirts and basketball shorts as pajamas for like. five years straight in modern
• mosquito's were Jacks worst enemy in his tween years
• Abigail loves the horses they keep on Beechers Hope. she likes keeping them all pretty and clean
• John buys Abigail jewelry sometimes. it takes all his brainpower to find something that will look nice with an outfit of hers but its worth it when he sees her get giddy over a necklace he got her
• John bought Mary-Beth's books for Abigail since they were mostly romance and he would read them to her. after John died Jack would read the books to her on her and John's anniversary along with taking her to the movies. or he'd read them to her if she asked
• in modern I know deep in my bones John had some weirdass senior quote
• in modern the Marston daughter was afraid of the dark and had a horrible habit of going into John and Abigail's room and accidentally scaring them
• modern Jack wants to have a bunch of little nick-nacks and cool stuff in his room but everything he finds he feels like it doesn't fit the "vibe" he wants
• John does recognize Jack's empathy towards the animals on the ranch. not that he knows what to do or say about it. tried sugarcoating some sickness among the animals to Jack once but eventually had to tell him what was actually happening and Jack was very sad about it
• Abigail did teach Jack to sew a tiny bit
• John would give Jack "relationship advice" (as if he fucking knows anything) when they'd go into Blackwater to sell the ranches goods
• every year for John and Abigail's anniversary he'd take her into Blackwater and take her to see a movie
• Abigail always notices when John wears a gift she got for him no matter how long ago its from
• when Abigail's sick John tries to keep the house nice and tries to cook for her even though they're both fairly bad cooks
• Jack absentmindedly tells Uncle about the book he's reading when they sit on the porch together and Uncle comes up with some story he witnessed similar to the book
• John also takes Jack to see a movie for his birthday. the first time he did Jack does that thing where he gets excited and cant really talk straight and John was proud of himself
• Jack does occasionally like helping Abigail cook or gather things in the garden
• as Jacks hair gets longer he braids little pieces of it without thinking sometimes
this wasn't as long as the last one whoops
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sconc middle names but me and cori are stupidt
last night me and cori got slap-happy and made a list of characters’ middle names so happy birthday sonic enjoy. tw catholicism jokes bc when we get slap happy we end up on that train
Sonic: His middle name is actually not Maurice. He won’t tell anyone what it is but it isn’t Maurice. Not in the “noooo it’s totally not ;)” way he legit doesnt know where anyone got that misconception from
Metal Sonic: His middle name IS Maurice. That’s where people got that misconception from
Tails: When he and sonic were filling out paperwork to make sure he legally existed Tails realized he didn’t know his middle name and could reasonably put “Tails.” Instead he put “Terminator”
rouge, losing it: oh my god are you serious tails: i was like five and thought it was cool sonic: you were right 
Knuckles: He literally doesn’t care so once again when filling out paperwork he’s like.
knuckles: so i guess my last name would be my tribe shadow: the knuckles tribe? knuckles: yeah shadow: so you’re putting down knuckles knuckles knuckles: yeah probably shadow: so what’s your middle name? knuckles: well take a fucking guess buddy
Amy: Also picked her own name. Debated between “Amy” and “Rosy” for a while before sticking with “Amy Rose”– rose for the pretty flower she loves and its symbolism, “Amy” because it means “much loved” and she’s desperate for affection. and then she well. picked a middle name that sounded cool
shadow: oh my god tell me your middle name isn’t “terminator” too amy: oh my gosh no amy: amy: it’s velociraptor shadow: oh my god amy: JURASSIC PARK JUST CAME OUT I WAS HYPED
Shadow: We had two (2) options: #1.) It’s something extremely Catholic like Clementinus. It doesn’t fit his brand so he just doesn’t tell anyone. also he can’t pronounce it. #2.) It’s like a deep, guttural screech/roar. Everyone assumes it was Black Doom’s name for him but no that was Gerald’s idea actually
Rouge: Francisca. Shadow was like “oh something really catholic as well” “actually my family were very much not catholic that’s just a funny coincidence.”
Omega: Terminator. Stole the idea from Tails
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Blaze: She has like 48 middle names cause she’s royalty and they’re like that
Silver: “In the future we don’t have middle names. We ate them for sustenance.”
Vector: ALSO something extremely Catholic like Benedict or someshit
Espio: “A ninja’s secret name is to stay absolutely secret. It is the key to their identity. Their soul. None shall know of it.” He picked his own middle name and it was SasuNaru and he’s embarrassed about it.
Charmy: Vector named him so it is also EXTREMELY Catholic. Charmy cannot remember it. “It’s VALENTINE, Charmy!! It’s literally one of the easiest Saints to remember!! Saint VALENTINE!!” “look i made a necklace out of gummy worms :D”
Mighty: it’s something like super normal like Evan or Thomas
Ray: Sunshine :D
Fang: It’s actually Nack. whudda think
Bean: And similar to Fang, it’s ACTUALLY “Dynamite.” Did he name himself? You’ll never know.
Bark: Something super Russian like Vladimir
Big: Big has no middle name he has no last name he is too powerful for all of us
Tikal: yeah we didn’t have middle or surnames in my time. Closest was just “oh that’s Pachacamac’s kid.” Tails: Okay but you need a middle name for paperwork so pick something Tikal: Termi-- Knuckles: No. Tikal: Okay. Lesbian
Jet: Tony. you know why
Marine: It’s just literally “Australian”
Sticks: “Classified.” Everyone is like “oh geez Sticks ok” and don’t realize her middle name is literally Classified
Surge: When she got to pick hers she picked Azula for obvious reasons
Kit: He picked “Surge.”
Belle: Periwinkle
Sage: Ann Ima. believe it or not, that is also. Catholic™
Tekno: Terminator
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baby--b4t · 16 days
Could I request a mini fic of Ghost with a toddler regressor who, when in little headspace, has trouble pronouncing certain letters and sounds and has a lisp? And no matter how hard anyone else in 141 tries, they can’t understand the little one. Ghost, however, can.
ghost actually has a superpower and its understanding the most incoherent speech anyone has ever heard B) hes just that cool /j /silly
anyways i hope this is actually coherent enough to read TuT
There were a million more interesting things to do rather than watching the morning news with Price. You wished you could be watching cartoons or a movie, but Price always watched the news at six am sharp. That was like an unspoken rule in the 141.
Gaz walked out from his room and went towards the small kitchen area. Price and Gaz exchanged their “Mornin’”s and went back to what they were focused on. You, however, watched Gaz as he grabbed one of the yogurts from the mini fridge.
“‘Nack?” You mumbled, glancing at Price. Your stomach was starting to feel a bit empty after thinking about the snacks you could have.
“Hm? Nack? I dont know what that is, bud.” The Captain responded, turning back to face the Tv. You huffed and got up, going to the kitchen to ask Gaz instead.
“‘Nack? P’ease?” You asked once more. Gaz stared at you like you had just spoken to him in some foreign language.
“I dont know if its because its early or youre speaking gibberish, but I cant understand you.” He replied, shaking his head slightly before eating a spoonful of his yogurt. The fact that nobody seemed to understand you was starting to get on your nerves.
“‘Nack!” You said again, pointing angrily at the fridge. Youd think pointing at what you wanted would help them understand, but that was the furthest from the truth. Gaz and Price were still confused about what you wanted.
It was around then that an angel came down the hall, his eyes still as sharp and tired as they normally were. Ghost entered the scene, not really acknowledging anyone as he poured himself some coffee. He didnt pay much mind to you talking to Gaz until he heard you getting irritated.
“Whats the matter?” Ghost asked, turning his body to face you. You repeated your question again and he nodded. “Sure, just no sugary things.”
Gaz and Price just stared at him in awe.
“You understand him?” Price asked from the couch, amusement clear in his tone.
“You cant? He was just sayin’ ‘Snack’. Whats hard to understand about that?” Ghost replied with his normal biting attitude. Gaz had just given up at that point, shaking his head and walking off. He felt like he was still half asleep trying to figure out how somehow Ghost understood you.
Ghost went to turn his attention back to his coffee. He let out a sigh, trying to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes. His head quickly turned back around as he heard you getting into the box of cookies.
“Oi.” Ghost glared at you slightly, warning you. “What did I say? Put ‘em back ‘n find something healthier.” You slowly slid the box back into the cabinet and shuffled over to the bananas in the bowl on top of the mini fridge.
“Is ‘nana?” You asked, holding up one of the bananas to Ghost. The Lieutenant nodded, turning back to stir his coffee. His smile was hidden by his mask.
“Cheeky thing…”
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confessions-official · 10 months
an artist i follow had their amazon wishlist up for people to buy them things, i find it a little weird honestly, theyre not a huge artist but they have a following but like whatever, its nice that people want to buy them a new blanket or slippers or $50 nick nacks ok cool... they recently made a mini fundraiser for tickets to a concert $200 WHAT who on earth is paying that, they're not getting anything out of it (which bla bla they dont have to get something its nice to be nice, but like???? theyre not in trouble or need help or money, just giving money to a stranger cause they asked for it FOR CONCERT TICKETS is a little weird imo) and idk just the nerve of going "pay for my concert tickets xox" is so strange
its not a big deal but just like what the hell? im def jealous and would love for strangers on the internet to spend money on me doing things for fun but like hello???? im kinda judging ngl.
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How is it that I, a Fang fangirl for 23 years, managed to not know about Sonic Superstars until two months after its release??!!! I NEED THIS GAME IN MY LIFE.
Also, I am totally psyched because I have never cared for Nack's characterization in either Archie or Fleetway comics. He's either too stupidly incompetent (the Triple Trouble "adaptation" was painful to read, so, so painful), too evil, or both. I always felt that if the games further developed his personality, it would be something palatable to me. And from everything I've just looked up about his expanded personality in Sonic Superstars material, I'm right! They characterize him as greedy and a crook, but not really evil. He presents as calm, cool, and collected until things blow up in his face and then he gets cowardly and runs. (Sounds like a certain badly scarred blond fellow I love to write for.) He's also willing to work with the good guys (if he's paid for it, lol). He makes up funny nicknames for most characters, like Sonic is Fleet-feet. But he doesn't have a nickname for Knuckles, indicating he respects Knuckles.
I want to role-play this version of Nack now. He sounds so fun! I really, really hope we'll get a figure and maybe even some TV appearances with this characterization.
Finally, justice for Nack!
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simsfromupthere · 11 months
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do mfs legit do gameplays where they replace Sulami lots/housolds with shit like SPAS AND HOTELS!?!!?!, the only PUBLIC lots i ever replaced in Sulani with a diff builds that slightly served diff purposes were replacing one bar w a restaurant 💀 all other lots i keep the same for the sake of the world's lore it just feels off to change a world and sims that clearly heavily mirrors Polynesian islands with islands of Hawaii being labeled as the main inspirations; regions which have been highly stripped of their riches, hijacked, colonazied, treated like amusement parks for entitled rich people, contributing to land & sea pollution and who's indigenous population have had their cultures diminished, appropriated etc. I KNOW ITS a simulation game blahblahblah, i obv know Sulani doesnt exist dog, but its quite clear that the world and its the sims are heavily inspired/mirror cultural aspects of those Islands and their indigenous people, customs, spiritual believs, folklore, food, garbs etc. like the inclusion of real life roots/drinks/foods like Kava and Taro who are real life staples in many indigenous cultures within the Islands in Hawaii (not only just included within those cultures ofc but in many others as well, esp. Taro i believe), THE FACT that one of the main storylines ur sim follows in Sulani is about POLLUTION within the island with ur sim choosing to positively, neutrally or if ur playing an evil ass sim negatively contribute to the level of pollution which starts to increasingly affect the island's overall environment like can it be MORE OBVIOUS LMAO; but like doing a cartoonishly evil twirly mustache sim type gameplay i would argue is more silly and very different than actually mirrorring exactly what happens within that region in real live and the attempt to erase traditional/cultural elements or hijack them into a "themed" hotels or spas so like seeing people basically being like "u know that awful shit Hawaii people have to experience and esp. experienced during c*vid with influencers FLOCKING to their islands and leaving locals to fall ill to the point of overcrowded hospitals etc etc? hm how about i just do basically the same thing in this game i can be a damn mermaid in and replace all the original sims, do whitewashed "makeovers" that stripe character from them compared to every other world, replace existing lots and hosehold with to mid mega mansions..yeah that sounds pretty cool 😀" like idk if ppl are gonna get gen. upset about my opinion LMAO bc again this is my opinion cant control what ppl choose 2 do w their online game but at the same time is it not boring to have a life simulator where u can be a werewolf, mermaid, vampire, ghost, plantperson or whatever and choose to make it just as boring as real life is? i mean thats basically taking gen. complaints ppl have on EA making shit dull on any world that isnt meant to mirror an american surbuban neighborhood/metropolis and choose to take the few that acc have some different nack and e-gentrify them LMAO like idk dog i havent been able to play this game in some time but even though i rarely play household living esp. in Sulani ive never felt like hm this household with the island elder sims are meant to seek advice esp. spiritual from who wants to pass down generational knowledge to her next of kin would be much cooler if it was a 2 story box with walls made out of jumbo windows 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but thats just me and how i did my gameplay (in past till i get my pc fixed...one day...one day 🙏) but yeah random opinion from useless Casper the Friendly Ghost ovah here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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hamsamwich23 · 2 years
hello, it is I
I'm emotionally attached to Nick so I'm both curious and scared of the angst [/j I love angst] but getting to the point of this ask basically I'm saying I wanna hear about him in your AU hygtfrds
ALSO Twenty seems really cool and interesting, lowkey gives me confidence to work on my own OC yhgtrfds 👀
[it took me forever to gain the confidence to send this ask]
Unreality Nick-Nack facts!
Nick always knew he was his father's least favorite. However he ended up being a very relatable character for children and teenagers who watched the show.
He's one of the most popular characters from the entire series
That didn't make Owen care about him any more or less unfortunately
Nick disliked his father's clear distance and neglect towards him. But he wanted to be loved by him, he craved to be cared about by his fucking parent
Unfortunately it never happened
He wasn't that surprised
Nick is trans in this au! He's got added top scars to his design and he's trans coded in the actual show
His powers include him being able to paint dimensions or rooms of his own that all exist inside of his paintings. All he has to do is add a drop of his blood to the painting and the effect takes place.
His paintings are his, he controls whatever happens in them. Who lives, who dies, it's like a game
Many hosts/humans that trespassed have been trapped inside these paintings. They're either still trapped, part of the attraction forever, or dead inside of those paintings. He didn't let many go free
He is technically the youngest out of the four Handeemen (by six hours), but was the first one to be affected by the curse at age fourteen.
He can also teleport between paintings or paint himself an opening to places. He does have to mark where the way back would be is though. Because if he gets lost far away from his home...well.... he's fucked unless he can get a ride home
He's closest to Daisy and Scout in the au. Daisy being the only one there after Mortimer and Riley began spiralling and Scout seeing him as her favorite uncle (he still Is their favorite)
His relationship with his brother (Mortimer) is a bit rocky due to them having past issues and disagreements with each other, as well as Nick being upset that Mortimer was barely around to a concerning point. They're working on it right now and are decently getting along. They can joke about some things from the past, but it's best not to bring it up completely with them
He and Riley don't speak to each other often anymore. They've had a LOT of physical and verbal arguments that have ended in themselves and even sometimes overs getting hurt if they came at the wrong time. They're trying to work on it. But it's difficult
He vents out frustrations and other negative emotions through painting.
He's still very upset with Owen. He knows he was an asshole and he's simply tired of hearing any mentions of his dad and what a horrible person he was. It's stressful enough on him and everyone else.
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lunastars21 · 2 years
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Light and Darkness in a constant battle
Many of the fighters progress to the top, struggling to stop this endless war against light and Darkness. Heroes and villains alike, working as one to stop this madness. Some spirits would be at their side, granting them abilities to make them stronger (and also wishing to obtain their bodies back to their regular form), taking out any fake fighter that blocks their path.
Two spirits let the others advance as a wave of fakers appear, granting them access to keep moving upwards towards the two gods, without being slow down. One was a rodent with a red top hat and red cloak, spinning a wand that can blast ice and freeze any enemy in his way, wishing to protect the young star warrior from his world. The other was a Hybrid, a skilled marksman and a bit greedy, but his money cannot shine when the world is taken over, and being a spirit isn't the most comfortable form.
The duo would be back to back as the fake fighters swarm them, either covered in light or darkness, The rodent turns to the hybrid. "Think you can keep up?" The marksman chuckles at the question, as he loads his gun, "I should be asking you that question mate." They grin and charge forward at the sea of enemies, confident that balance will prevail
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lemonlovemeanslove · 1 year
there is something so freeing about doing something that you are not good at, that you dont have a nack for, that you do just bc you think its fun. i dont know how to take a photo, i just go out and take one, i go out and see something that i think looks cool and so i take a photo. and i love it. its just fun. I feel no pressure or anything really. need to fill other areas of my life with that
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nackseo2 · 4 months
Stainless Steel Shaker - Black 600ml
Made with stainless steel, our shaker is double-walled and designed for great insulation. The whisk ball inside ensures that you can shake it up to get the smoothest Whey shakes. With a capacity of 600ml, it’s perfect to enjoy generous amounts of your favourite protein at the gym, on-the-go or simply at home.
Designed In Sweden
The Näck shaker is crafted from high-quality stainless steel with a sleek matte finish. The double-walled insulation keeps your drinks cool and prevents condensation, making it a durable and stylish workout companion.
Shaker Ball Inside
Equipped with a mixing ball, The Näck shaker ensures smooth, lump-free shakes every time. With a capacity of 600ml, you can enjoy generous amounts of your favourite protein shakes at the gym, on-the-go or at home.
Leak Proof Design
Our shaker features a secure lid and sturdy construction, designed to prevent spills and leaks, ensuring your beverages are safely contained when you're on the move.
How To Use
Simply add your protein powder and liquid of choice to the shaker, drop in the whisk ball, secure the lid, and shake for a smooth, well-mixed drink. Thanks to its insulated design, this shaker also works perfectly for keeping other beverages hot or cold. Enjoy your drinks at home, at the gym, or on the go!
To Know More: https://nack.life/products/nack-stainless-steel-shaker-black-600ml
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shadow-tumbler · 6 months
Whispers of the Spirits, Roar of the Dragons
Chapter 1
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3rd person pov
Things had just clam down after the hole gorka situation and it was business as usual for the spending but what nun of them knew that there'd another situation to deal with readin8g their way. In a old wearhouse on the outskirts of the city lived a few unusual people "are you sure this is how you wanna protect them? Maybe you going would be better?" A younger female says to an the older looking one "that would simply lead to more questions and I don't think it's the best till I know they'll be okay" she says to her younger friend. The younger one takes a deep breath "well I got the internship so I'll be able to keep a closer eye on things like you wanted" she says and the older woman nodded "thank you dear, now we need to do a check of the city" she says and the two head out. Meanwhile at the paranormal research center an unusual looking orbe was brought in and to be safe after last time it was put in a special lock box till it was time to fully study it.
*the next day*
Cleo's pov
I was kinds nervous for this, I mean I've been a fan of the ghost for basically my hole life and I'm getting the opportunity to work with them so I may be internally fangirling. I took a breath as I step into the room and I'm amazed at everything I'm seeing "you must be the intern" I hear someone say I'm met with the sight or Winston Zeddemore himself "that's right sir" I say with my best smile. He returned the smile "well welcome to the paranormal research center, from your resume I can see you have quite the nack for paranormal investigation" he says "yea well it was all just me conforming or denieing any claims of hauntings by people" I say as he starst showing me around. There was a photograph on the wall "who's that?" I asked pointing it out "that is Talyn Spengler, she was a ghostbuster along side me, egon, Ray and Peter, this hole centre was actually her dream so I did this in her honour" he says. There was a ting of guilt in my gut but I kept myself cool "I'm sure she'd of loved all of this" I say trying to comfort him as the doors open and a few people walk in "that would be the rest of Spenglers" Winston says as he went over to them leaving me standing there.  okay this is gonna a lot harder than I thought, I looked around and my eyes landed on one man that made everything stop and I felt this pull towards him "hey lars would you mind having the intern work with you for today?" Winston called out and the man looked over at me.
It was like everything felt so right form just that single glance and I walked over to him "hi there my names cleo" I said "well as Winston said my named lars" lars says and I worked with him. It was so fascinating to watch him work but since i was just an intern I couldn't stay at night "I'll see ya tomorrow" I said to lucky as I see that girl as like the sister I've always wanted "see ya Tomorrow" she says and I take one last look at lars before walking out.
3rd person pov
It was a couple hours later that the ghostbusters got the call and they rushed to investigate, as they get to the location Phoebe swears she sees a pair of eyes watching them from the treeline opposite the building they were heading into. She sneaks off to take a look and Callie just catches her as she disappeared into the tree line "Phoebe!" She called out as she, Gary and Trevor go after Phoebe starting to run when they hear a scream but when they find Phoebe the sight before them was unbelievably. Before Phoebe was a dragon that had completely black scales but something felt familiar about its eyes "hi" Phoebe says softly and the dragon smiled softly at her. Another dragon pokes its head out of a Bush this one was had a white body and legs but a black head, black wings and a black tail "GUYS!" egon was heard yelling and the dragons quickly flew off before the other ghostbusters came over. Phoebe was still stood there in shock as her mother explained what they had just seen "I may or may not know someone who can help identify them" Winston says and he quickly made a call.
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m0thcl0wn · 11 months
zou ramble post
whyd Wanda lick Luffy
also Pedro <3
OH Robin and the dragon, shes adorable shes really grown to be one of my favourites over all (i dont think i could list like 1-10 my favourite straw hats, theyre all my favourites)
Luffy getting washed away after being told to hang on. love him. idiot.
"then its true they must be-" "A Cannibal Tribe." "NOOOOO"
i love Shachi's voice
i like the new eye catchers theyre fun
the chumby gatormobile (Wany)
Zoro letting Usopp puppet him. like he just goes along with it
Nami sleeping on the sheep (shes so pretty in the purple/blue? dress)
theyre all happy to see luffy the most they love their captain
Sanji :(
Zoro noticing Nami get upset at the mention of Sanji
(god WCI is going to fucking HURT)
((like im already crying, Sanji has been one of my favourites since the beginning, i know some what what happens in it but GOD its nothing like the real thing yknow? the same with when Ace died, i knee it was coming but it hurt like hell))
they keep apologising for Sanji, my chest hurts
Brook with his hand on Luffys shoulder, hes a dad
the dog minks going after Brook cos hes bones LEAVE HIM ALONE and the straw hats just letting it happen
(side note sanji with his shirt/jacket over his shoulders hes SO HOT)
i love getting to watch Brook actually fight, hes so cool
them using Ceaser to carry the canon balls wheeze
"shippy" (sadly)
god Sanji
Law holding up Bepo (his lil smile) hes so happy seeing his crew again
Luffy making the bridge jump usopp telling him to read the room
"Luffy dont talk about the samurai" "wheres the ninja our SAMURAI FRIEND KINEMON wanted to see" youre such an idiot Luffy i love you
Shishilian <3
Dogstorm big and him falling asleep mid convo about Shanks
Pekoms crying over his family and changing his hatred for the straw hats to Nack and beast pirates wheeze
Ceaser is v cute, i like him a lot (i like his cunty leotard and eyeliner)
i wonder if Sanji *knew* that this ends up the way it does (ep 762, idk if its confirmed after this, thats where i am while writing it), the looks he keeps giving makes me think he does, does he know that this will lead back to Germa 66 and his family?
"Sanji gets a startling invitation" aAA
do you ever think about the dudes in Bege and like, do you wonder what they thought the first time around getting inside this dude?
"i can kick your lumpy ass anytime"
Ceaser is a girlfailure
"i imagine youd have to slice through his abandon" thank you robin
do they never show us haow to get in the castle castle fruit, thats what i wanna know, thats freaky as hell
oh Sanji has gotta know right hes so angry
oh god this is really gonna hurt
he looks so disgusted at the invitation poor dude
Brook knows about the Vinsmokes?
they all love their captain so much
poor Sanji
(he is so handsome though)
two smokers staring each other down across a long table
sanji my poor self sacrificing boy
this is going to hurt so much
Zoro stop being a little bitch
(hes not really but like cmon yknow, you can just be honest that youre worried)
Luffys lil tongue licking his sting
i love whenever Brook gets to sing it always slaps and i just love him
master cat viper(tm) the song slaps idc what anyone says
the raindeer/deer mink chopper falls in love with for like 30 seconds
"youre worried about Sanji too, huh?" Luffy knows his crew like the back of his hands
the heart pirates posing for Luffy
"not cool not cool not cool" you tell him
"we're not friends we're strategic allies" oh law youre already in too deep
cat viper is garfield?
Brook, Franky and Robin trying to guess what the drawing was
Kin'emon and Kanjuro share one braincell
FUCKING SHISHILIAN WHEEZE whyd he scream!! cmon man!!!
dogstorm and cat viper (enemies to friends to lovers 80k words)
the minks letting their city fall for their friends sobbing
the soft soft music
lord momonosuke wild
"nin nin NINJA"
theyre so sad its not the ninja they wanted
(more and more talk of wano, so fucking close)
Luffys frowny face
theyre menacing Raizo poor man
"so, no shadow clowns?" sobs Law i love you hes so fucking excited when Raizo does it
theyre all so happy about it
"shes SUPEERRR" frobin stans rise
feral for Rayleigh that man is SO hot i shouldnt be allowed near him (also Roger. actually worse with Roger, tumblr would delete me if i said anything)
hes gonna say no
overtaken getting louder in the background god i love the music of op
"straw hat you shouldve run this be me first" "but its cool right?" "well yeah but"
they fist pump for the alliance
"do we need the ninja part?" "OH COURSE WE DO"
"us being allies means we're best friends"
Zoro is so jealous of his captain praising Sanji
the beast pirates planning on killing Zunesha makes me think, what is zous plan when Zunesha died?
Luffy being like who the fuck is marco? "he looks like a pineapple" OH THAT GUY
"dinner time dinner time dinner time dinner time"
"captain could you bring back a poneglyph rubbing pretty please" "THAT WAS SO CUTE" youre right usopp it was
love Luffy being a special little guy
Pedros tail LONG
Zoro getting lost and Law making fun of him
new clima tact lets gO
starting to see some,,, odd art choices
and just like that no more Zou
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