sharkikive · 3 months
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match made in heaven (ken sato x fem!reader)
Summary: You were Professor Sato’s research assistant and your apartment just got destroyed by Ultraman.
Somehow, this led to a matchmaking project between you and the infamous baseball player, Ken Sato.
Word count: 6,887
A/N: I yap a lot when it comes to writing. Just writing this because the Ken Sato brainrot is too damn strong. Just a bunch of gibberish. Not my best but currently too hung up on Kenji. Includes mention of Professor Sato, Mina and Emi (definitely having baby fever because of her).
Ken Sato.
His name was a staple in your daily life, yet you had never met the man face to face.
The moment you thought you had escaped from hearing the broken recording of his name, it was brought up once again as the news of him returning to Japan plastered the news.
You rolled your eyes at the screen, but were careful enough not to let the old man hunched over the table, poring over some papers on Kaiju, see you.
Well, you could not exactly tell the father that you were tired of hearing his son’s name everywhere, could you?
“Professor Sato,” you started. “I shall take my leave for today.”
“Ah yes, sure. Please have a safe journey back home. I’m sorry this old man can’t send you back safely,” he replied, to which you quickly dismissed.
“Professor, I’ll be fine.” You chuckled lightly, “In case you have forgotten, I’m already 26. I’m already an adult. No longer the wide-eyed, 17-year-old you first took under your wing.”
He gave out a breathy laugh, sniffling as you knew what’s going to come out of his mouth next. You resisted the urge to stop him, purely out of respect.
“Kenji is the same age as you. I wish you could meet him, but that child is very stubborn. He wouldn’t even answer my calls, let alone meet me.” He paused, as if thinking of the next sentence, but went against it.
You only smiled weakly, the only response you’d always given when he mentioned his son’s name. You took this as a sign to leave before bowing and setting off to your apartment.
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that you were tired of listening to that man’s name every single time. Yes, you knew that it was Professor Sato’s guilt that kept him talking about his son, but the more you heard about him, the more you found him less likeable.
He came back to Japan, yet he did not even contact his father even once? Yet Professor Sato would talk about him every day.
You knew nothing about baseball, and did not care to find out, but the appearance of Ken Sato forced you to learn that he’s apparently about to be the saviour for the Giants.
You sighed, stopping under the night sky as you watched people milling about the streets.
You were an ambitious girl who had a deep interest in Kaiju and without shame, Ultraman. Ultraman was the first hero you knew and grew up with, so imagine the elation you felt when you found out that Professor Sato was affiliated with both. He agreed to take you under his wing with the condition that you finished your degree, so the moment you had gotten your scroll you showed up in front of him, eager to start.
He probably couldn’t turn you away considering how you seemed… pitiful. Yup, that’s probably the word.
You enjoyed working as his research assistant, but found out soon enough that he was a lonely man who missed his wife and son dearly. He was a father figure to you, considering that you were orphaned at a young age.
It was a peaceful night.
Well, if you consider the scene of Neronga choking Ultraman as a peaceful night.
Correction: It was supposed to be a peaceful night.
You stepped back as the gigantic hero got slammed into another building, destroying yet another public property. You winced as it was obvious that the hero was not upholding the principles and seemed more like he was trying to destroy as much as he could.
The thing that irritated you the most? You knew exactly who it was under that suit.
You shook your head, not even bothering to see how the fight would go. You were 100% sure the KDF would be gunning down the Kaiju in no time.
You set off again, mildly hoping that your apartment did not get obliterated in the chaos, or you would definitely hunt that baseball player down.
It was hard to ignore the fight when two giants were stomping around the city, and you dropped dramatically on your knees when you saw Ultraman being launched in the direction of your building.
“No-” you weakly said, knowing that your voice was merely a speck of hopelessness among the gasps of the crowd, Ultraman’s groan and Neronga’s roar. From behind your glasses, a tear rolled down your face as you saw your apartment building crumbling, all thanks to that stupid, cocky, asshole of a baseball player.
Now thanks to Professor Sato’s beloved son, you were homeless.
Maybe it was your lack of sleep from worrying about how the progress of rebuilding your house went, because you were dragged by Professor Sato at 2 in the morning to the secret base, facing a scene that you promptly found ridiculous.
Right, seeing the giant hero hunched over in front of you was no surprise because you knew exactly who it was. A little bit weird how he’s here considering his relationship with his father, but that wouldn’t be an issue.
But what was an issue was that the said giant was cradling an equally gigantic pink baby Kaiju and was- you took a step back.
Something must had happened because Ken Sato was crying in front of you. Not the scene you’d expect in the morning while being sleep-deprived.
Your mind was only registering the words ‘injured’, ‘need help’ and the rest was a blur as Professor Sato helped in correcting the fracture in the Kaiju’s arm. The Kaiju was calmed down, brought to sleep and you could not help but smile at the sleeping baby.
Part of the reason you were still there was because you found the baby Kaiju so adorable with her chubby cheeks and twitterings.
Another part was because you were curious to see (discreetly, of course, under the pretext of looking over the Kaiju) the dynamic between Ultradad and well, the son. You were facing the Kaiju but you were straining your ears to eavesdrop on the conversation.
“Doing this-“ you picked up a sentence, -“doesn’t suddenly make you Ultradad.”
You felt slightly perturbed. Kenji came in here pleading while crying, Professor Sato helped him without any questions yet the son was barely grateful for it.
But you knew you’re no one to be meddling in their family affairs.
So you kept quiet, straining your ears with Mina - the robot - hovering nearby.
Your mind wandered to whether it would be plausible for you to chip in a request for Ken Sato’s autograph and sell it high to make up for the costs of your destroyed apartment.
That’s the least he could do after reducing your safe space into rubble.
You snapped back to the present as you heard your name being called, and was greeted with the sight of a smiling father and a son looking like he’d love to be anywhere but here.
Ken Sato was not smiling, but he didn’t look like he hated you either.
The next thing you knew was that you were left alone with Ken, and you couldn’t help but think Professor Sato had a hidden agenda because he left with a chuckle. Even Mina was nowhere in sight.
What could I possibly say to this man I’ve never met before?
The young man in front of you looked starkly different from the confident, boastful man you had seen in interviews. Instead, he seemed more like a sad excuse who looked so distraught you swore you could see him shrinking.
“So uh-” he started, scratching his head with an awkward smile. “Y/N… right?”
Your eyebrows lifted at the mention of your name.
“Dad told me about your apartment.” He grimaced. “I’m sorry.”
You clicked your tongue. “Other than the fact that I became homeless, it’s no issue.”
You did not intend it to be a joke, but it seemed that the only immediate response he could give was to laugh awkwardly, before he buried his face in his hands. “God- I’m so- sorry.” He pried his fingers slightly to look at you, before continuing. “I came back to Japan because dad wanted me to continue this- I don’t know what you call this. Legacy?”
Your eyes trailed his movements; you got slightly startled as he suddenly sprang up and you pushed back your glasses.
“High hopes from everyone ever since I started playing for the Giants, dad wanting me to become Ultraman and-“ he sighed exasperatedly, “it was too much.”
You rubbed the tip of your nose before shrugging. “Well, you did seem confident while you were on TV. If you ask me, you gave them that confidence.”
He left his mouth slightly hanging open as he didn’t expect you to give it to him straight.
You continued, “Ultraman is a hero for some, if not all. Some of them may not care. But all,” your eyes collided with his as he plopped back down onto the sofa, “don’t know who is under that suit. All they know is Ultraman is supposed to be the hero protecting the city with-“ you pressed your lips into a thin line, “-minimal damage.”
He blinked. Did he look like he wanted to cry again?
The corner of your lips lifted up slightly, but you quickly switched it off as he looked at you imploringly.
You raised your hands shoulder-level, hiding a yawn before managing. “Don’t expect me to become your counsellor, but what I’m saying is, when you’re Ken Sato, the baseball player, of course they’d expect you to play well. When you’re Ultraman, people expect you to be the hero.” You interlinked your fingers. “They don’t see you becoming both at the same time. And now, you added another point to your resume. You became a single dad.”
He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. He sucked in his lower lip and for the first time ever you thought that maybe Professor Sato’s son wasn’t that bad at all, both personality and lookwise.
“I can’t comment much about what you feel about your father. I won’t deny that my opinion on you was formed only based on what I saw, but I now know that you must have had a reason why you acted that way to your father.” You shrugged. “I saw a lonely father and a distant son. Because I spent almost all of my time with Professor Sato, please trust me, he talks about you every single day.” You spread your arms, “Your father talked about you, the TV was blaring news about you 24/7 and I was exhausted hearing your name all the time.”
He didn’t seem offended, but was merely focusing on the one sentence. “My father talks about me every day?”
”Every day,” you breathed. “You and your mother.” You smiled, “He never stopped thinking about both of you.”
”Huh.” It seemed like he didn’t know how to react.
This time, you couldn’t help but yawn so you got up quickly, intending to leave the base. If the conversation wasn’t finishing, you were sure you were about to finish it. Your eyelids couldn’t hold much longer.
It was nice having a talk with this infamous baseball player and it sure did change your perspective of him.
He looked on, confused, as you gave a slight nod before heading towards the exit.
”Hey-“ he started, doing a slight jog to catch up to you, who was almost asleep standing up. He gently grabbed the strap of your sling bag, and you snapped your eyes open. He retracted his hand, citing, “Sorry. But where do you think you’re going?”
It was your turn to look confused. “Home?” You said it as a question rather than a statement. “Wait,” you tracked back, “not home. My temporary home at the inn down the road because,” you giggled, clearly drunk from the lack of sleep, “Ultraman destroyed my home.”
”And because Ultraman destroyed your home, you’re staying with me,” he said smoothly, slightly nudging your back with his shoulder. Clearly he struggled as you were much shorter than him.
”With you?” You had no idea where the idea was going yet so you shook your head. “Why would I want to stay with you?”
He took a step back and tugged at the strap of your sling back, essentially dragging you with him. “Don’t misunderstand. Dad’s staying with me as well, we have Mina and you’re joining me because we need to train her.”
”Wait, wait, wait.” You slapped a hand on his shoulder, but he was still holding on strong to the strap. “We? Her? What are we even talking about?”
You were clearly guided by him as you found yourself standing underneath his gaze in front of the Kaiju’s enclosure.
”We as in you, me, dad and Mina.” He nodded, looking satisfied. “Her as in this baby.” He did a show of hands towards the sleeping Kaiju.
You grimaced. “Sir, I did say that my perspective on you has changed, but that doesn’t mean you’re dragging me with you.”
”You’re my dad’s research assistant, right?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Yes…” You didn’t like where this is going.
”You don’t have a house… yet.”
You took a step back, and what you could describe him now was as a puppy as he imitated your actions. There was a twinkle in his eyes as he leaned down to level his eyes with yours before saying, “Your boss is here, and you currently have no home to go back to. So why not? Take it as me being sorry for destroying your house as well. Deal?” He put out his hand to give you a shake.
You laughed nervously. “And what is it in for me…?”
”You… get to live in the same house as Ken Sato?”
”Nice, yay,” you said flatly. You rolled your eyes. “No.”
“Oh come on,” he groaned. “I feel bad.”
”There’s no need for you to feel bad, okay. I put that behind me, whatever.” You threw your hands in the air. “I’m going, bye.” You turned around, ready to leave.
”I’ll give you my autograph, as many as you’d like,” he quickly chipped in. “Signed possession, whatever you want.” He grinned in satisfaction as he saw you stop in your tracks and you quickly turned around. “It sells. A lot.”
”Hmm…” You seemed to consider it before you shook your head. “Your reputation lately isn’t the best so to sell them might be a bit hard…” You trailed off, clearly more of an effort to swat him away since you did think about it.
You couldn’t deny, it was a nice offer. But you were more worried about how you would cope, considering that you may have found him slightly attractive…
“I’m sure dad would be happy for you to stay here as well?”
You gritted your teeth. First time meeting him in real life and he already knew your weakness. He knew that using his father’s name would cause you to waver.
Still, you held on to your decision.
He blinked slowly, and you heard the baby Kaiju stir in her sleep.
You ran your eyes towards the Kaiju before sighing. There was one thing you were interested in.
No, not the man in front of you.
You walked over to the enclosure. “How is she with strangers?”
Kenji popped up beside you before winking. “If I say the stranger is a friend, you’ll be glad to have her around.”
You took a moment to think, weighing the pros and cons. “Full privacy? Separate bathrooms?”
He scratched the nape of his neck. “Well, there is one separate bathroom for the guests but the shower’s faulty.” Something dawned on his face as he just realised this. “The only working shower is in, uh, my room.”
You stared back at him. “So there is a chance I might run into you naked?”
“I’ll preserve my dignity.” He paused. “You know what, take my room. I can use the guest room.”
You chuckled, taking his hand in a forced handshake. “Fine, deal.”
He looked surprised, but trailed after you as both of you took the ride up. “Wait, what was the dealbreaker? Because of the Kaiju? The room? The-” he looked at you almost accusingly. “-chance of seeing the Ken Sato naked-”
“Shh-” you clamped a hand over his mouth in an attempt to silence him just as the entrance pried open, revealing a smiling Professor Sato.
“Dad,” Ken said in a muffled voice, and you pulled back from covering his mouth. “Dad,” he tried again. “She agreed to staying here.”
You looked at the professor from the corner of your eyes. So it was his doing. You wondered what the father had held over his son’s head to make him obey.
“Can I retire for the night?” You did an exaggerated show of stretching. “I’m becoming delirious from the lack of sleep.”
“Room’s to your right,” Ken offered.
“Make sure to lock the door,” Mina reminded you.
“Mina,” Ken groaned. “What are you implying?”
“Just general safety measures. Ken-” she hovered near the baseball player, “-are you okay? Your heartbeat is increasing-”
He groaned. “I’m fine, Mina. I’ll be using the guest room.”
Both of you went separate ways, leaving Professor Sato and Mina in the living room.
Professor Sato whispered, “Mina, status report on the project.”
Mina obediently replied, “Matchmaking project is showing positive progress. We can expect to see rapid progress in the next few weeks.”
Training and taking care of the baby Kaiju - which the professor had named Emi - was no easy feat. Contributed by your almost non-existent stamina, you were left cheering from the sides as mostly Ken and Emi did all kinds of simulation to train her. Dealing with a 20-feet monster was not on your bucket list, but you had proudly ticked it off mentally.
You heard whooping from the two and you held onto your bottle as the ground shook when Emi jumped up and down. Subconsciously, you smiled as you saw Ken cheering for the baby, and he almost got crushed when Emi gave his human form a high-five.
You quietly went up the lift as Ken was fussing over Emi to make her go to sleep. You plopped down on the sofa, switched on the TV and to no surprise, his name decorated the evening news.
Ken Sato showing good progress…
Ken Sato showing a more mature side…
Ken Sato helping the Giants to pick themselves back up…
“I definitely look better in person,” Ken’s voice came from behind and you could feel his presence near you. “May I?” He asked for permission to sit beside you but both of you knew the answer as he plopped down right next to you.
You see, these are the small things that could make you wonder whether he’s doing it on purpose or he really had no idea how they affected you.
You gulped when you could feel his knee bumping against yours, or when he casually put his arm on the back of the sofa across your shoulders. There was no contact but there might as well be something because you felt like your heart would jump right out.
Your romantic encounter with a guy was only as far as a guy who called you a creep because you were following him. That day, you were navigating the world half-blind because you broke your glasses and it seemed that he was going to your destination. Sure, you admitted that it was your fault and you apologised profusely, but that made you avoid taking the train for at least two weeks.
You got startled when Ken pressed a cold can on your cheek. The corner of your eyes caught the words ‘COCONUT WATER’. Remembering how Mina had essentially pestered Ken to drink coconut water as a ‘healthy option’, you smiled. Mina had also reminded Ken multiple times that because you didn’t drink, never, ever offer you a can of beer.
”Nah,” you refuted. “You look better on screen.” You imitated taking a camera shot of his face before chiding. “Up near you’re just…” You trailed off.
”Just what?” He asked, prying open his can of coconut water. Without asking, he took yours before helping to open it up for you.
This. These small gestures were what convinced you that you were turning crazy.
”Ugly,” you supplemented.
”Hey, play nice,” he tapped the opened can on your cheek before shoving it into your hand.
You chuckled, taking a gulp of the drink before both of you basked in silence. To him, it was a comfortable silence but to you, you were currently hoping that your heartbeat would just… stop.
You thought that maybe spending time and living together with Ken Sato would further confirm that you hated his guts, but so far, you were only getting the opposite effect. You were sure there was some character development somewhere… from that first moment he destroyed your house to that moment you met him again as he was cradling Emi.
You hated this growing feeling you had towards him and it’s so painfully obvious what Professor Sato (and Mina) were planning on doing to both of you.
The worst part was it seemed like it’s either: 1. Ken was too oblivious, or 2. He knew, but didn’t want to entertain the thought.
Was it a better idea to just leave? They did say your house would be finished being rebuilt in a few days.
”So…” you croaked. “My house will be done in a few days so I think it’s better for me to start packing.” You stole a glance at him. Now… Why am I hoping that he would stop me?
A flicker of disappointment behind his eyes but he was quick to switch it off. “Sure,” he rubbed his nose. “If… that’s what you want.”
You pursed your lips. This stupid erratic heartbeat wouldn’t stop and you hated that you didn’t know what to do with it. “I’ll… start packing then.” You took another peek at him. He wasn’t looking at you.
You stood up, but he stopped you. Your heart was making its way out of your ribcage for beating too loud, but it slowed down when he uttered, “Hey, don’t forget your coconut water."
You looked at him with an ‘Are you serious?’ look before taking it, not once unlocking your stare from his and standing up, finished the drink in one gulp. You crushed the can, and threw it in one shot towards the dustbin.
”Oh, okay.” He looked surprised by your reaction.
You stalked your way to the bedroom and closed the door. Sighing exasperatedly, you pressed your back against the door and slid down. You buried your face in your hands before lightly hitting your head with a fist. You felt bad for reacting that way but you found it harder to deny the feeling when you were so confident that you would manage to resist.
Outside in the living area, Ken looked troubled, his forehead wrinkling when he tried backtracking what he did. He turned to look over his shoulder as the spherical robot hovered near him, and he threw his head back.
”What is it, Mina? Are you here to chide me again?”
”In these kinds of situations, the woman is usually hoping the man would stop her from leaving,” Mina said.
”Mina,” he pleaded.
”I believe a misunderstanding had happened,” she offered again, to which he appeared confused. “Please, do look at the screen.”
Ken’s eyes travelled to the projection Mina made. He looked even more confused as one of his solo interviews was displayed. He looked inquiringly at Mina, before the latter sweeped her robotic hands to ask him to focus on the interview.
It was an interview he did some time last week. His face changed when he started catching on what Mina was trying to show.
“So your name has become the talk of the town again for a good reason now.” The interviewer paused for effect. “This is a question that I’m sure everyone has thought of at least once when we’re talking about Ken Sato.” The interviewer looked at him. “Do you have anyone you’re interested in or at least, someone you have set your eyes on?”
Ken’s response was immediate as he laughed and shook his head. “No, no. Not right now.” He leaned back, a relaxed stance as he waved his hand in front of his face. “Right now I’m only focusing on my baseball career. Still got a long way to go. I don’t want to waste my time on something so unimportant.”
The interviewer turned back to the screen. “You’ve heard it directly from the man, folks. He’s-“
Mina switched off the replay while Ken looked regretful.
Exasperated, he said, “Mina, you know I don’t mean it that way.”
“I believe you should be clarifying that with Y/N herself and not me. She is the subject of your affection.”
“Affection-” he mulled over the word. “Do you really think so, Mina? Is this what this…” He put a hand over his chest. “Foreign feeling is?”
“From my observation,” Mina replied as she stayed close to Ken’s shoulder. “Your expression becomes livelier, your smile becomes wider and your eyes twinkle more whenever she is around. Now,” she paused, “you do have that same reaction whenever you’re with Emi. However, I do sense your heartbeat increasing every time you’re with Y/N. I believe this is what they would call a romantic attraction.”
“So in short,” he sighed, “I like her but I’m saying the opposite thing? But-” he almost grabbed Mina to ask her more, “how would I know if she feels the same way? I- I don’t think I can handle rejection from her. Do you sense anything from her?”
There was a silence as Mina backed up, making way towards her room. “I believe that is not a question for me to answer, Ken. Why don’t you sort it out with her?”
Ken looked at the door of the room you’re in, gathering the courage to make his way. He stopped in front of the door, he shook his hands, breathing in and out as his mind reeled with all sorts of apologies and words to offer to you.
He raised his hand to knock on the door, and at the same time you swung open the door, causing him to knock a fist on your forehead.
So much for Ultraman reflexes.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” Ken shouted, automatically cupping your face to see the damage he’d done. “Are you- are you okay?”
You blinked, everything happening at once too much for you. He knocked on your door, you happened to open it at the same time and now he’s-
“I’m… fine. Can you…” you tapped your palm on his hand. “...let go?”
“Oh, right. Sorry,” he let go as he laughed nervously. “Reflexes fail you at times like these, right?” His face fell as he saw you avoiding his gaze. “Hey. Can we talk?”
You looked up, finally looking at him. “Yeah?”
He exhaled. “Like, properly.”
“Have we not been communicating properly?”
Mina suddenly appeared beside both of you. “I apologise for having to interrupt but yes, I do observe some miscommunication going on. So if both of you may sort it out.”
Mina’s hands pushed both of you into the room and shut the door.
There were protests from both but they quickly died down before silence stretched. Both of you exchanged glances but not words, and neither had any idea what the other was thinking of.
All the apologies and words Ken was thinking of offering to you went up in a cloud of smoke. Instead, he asked the one thing he wished he could take back. “So when are you planning to leave?” Dang it, Ken.
Your face contorted, obviously offended. “As soon as I can. Don’t worry,” you walked over to the bed, shoved your clothes into your duffel bag and zipped it up. “I wanted to tell you that I finished packing.”
”You’re leaving tonight?” This time around, he didn’t hide his disappointment. Why, why is it so hard for him to ask you to stay? To tell you what he really feels?
Sure, he couldn’t deny that his attitude came from growing up mostly without his father around. He had grown up with this wall built around him as a defensive mechanism. He found it hard to communicate with others, to explain what he really was feeling.
He pressed his lips into a thin line. He figured it was best to let the feeling die down. You’d be better off with someone else anyway.
”Just tell me when you want to leave,” he finally uttered. “I’ll open the door for you.”
You gritted your teeth and only nodded.
He turned around and shut the door. Mina and his father were outside, the latter having a worried look on his face.
”Kenji,” Professor Sato uttered.
”I want to be alone, dad,” he mentioned. “Mina,” he turned to the supercomputer, “just make sure she gets to where she wants to go safely.”
As Ken shut the door, Professor Sato turned to Mina, to which he uttered, “I trust this is not the time to ask about the progress.”
Mina answered. “Yes, Professor. I believe we may have hit a wall.”
You decided to leave early in the morning and with only a note, saying that you’d like to have some time off. Mina was kind enough to open the door for you, but when she asked whether you’d like to have Ken and Professor Sato see you off, you shook your head vigorously.
”Mina, tell them I’m going somewhere nice for a vacation.” You winked, but it was obvious that you were trying to hide something from breaking. “They better not look for me.”
Mina paused, as if she’s using her electronic brain to figure a way to stop you. “Kenji has a reason for acting that way.” A pause. “Though I am merely a robot with little to no experience in romantic relationships.”
You chuckled. “Thank you, Mina. Really, all of you were so kind to me. It’s just that,” you sighed, “I understand why he’d act that way. He has a whole career to look forward to. Adoring fans. He can’t be wasting-“ you gulped, the words bitter on your mouth, “-time on something so insignificant. I shall take my leave.”
”Y/N,” she uttered. “If I may ask one last question before you leave?”
You tilted your head. “Sure, Mina. What is it?”
“Were my calculations wrong about what you’re feeling?”
”And that is?”
”You hated him at first, but that hate has turned into something more… lovely."
You couldn’t help but smile. “It’s so obvious isn’t it?” You crinkled your nose. “I better take my leave before the three of them wake up.”
That was the last you saw all four of them - Professor Sato, Ken, Mina and Emi. That was what… a week ago?
Now you’re sitting, slumped in your bean bag as you groaned, bored out of your mind. Nice vacation, my ass. If that means reading the same books over and over again, surfing the web and watching the same TV shows while being cooped up in your house, you’re definitely having a nice vacation.
Even then, you found it hard to avoid that person. He was literally everywhere.
You switched off the TV, stretched, before something gigantic shook the whole city. Your eyes went wide as you realised that there was a possibility of another attack. Without much thought, you pushed up your glasses and took a glance through your apartment window.
There they are.
You saw both Ultraman and Emi traversing the landscape. You turned around to leave your apartment, but stopped as you heard sharp chirpings.
Emi was hovering near your window and you laughed, amazed at the sight in front of you. “Emi, you grew wings! You can fly now!”
The baby Kaiju smiled at you, seemingly proud that she could finally set off from the ground.
”Emi, come on.” You heard the one voice that could shatter your resolve then and there.
You tried to close the window, had enough, but the hero stopped you from shutting the window.
“Ow,” he complained, flapping his hand. Ken quickly stopped you from leaving as he said, “Look, I’ve been a jerk and-“ a loud boom resonated through the whole city, “-I want to start over.”
You sucked in your lower lip, mulling over his sentence. You lifted up your eyebrows as if to say, ‘Really, right now?’
He nodded. “I’m sorry. I like you, okay? But I didn’t know how to say it. Or maybe I was just afraid of rejection.”
You tried to keep a straight face but failed; you didn’t expect to hear a confession from Ultraman. You cleared your throat as you looked away. “Become a hero, save the day and then say all of that again,” your voice dropped to a whisper, as if anyone could hear you, “as Ken Sato.”
You’re not sure whether it was possible, but his eyes lit up brighter as he nodded. He started a light jog to launch himself before shouting, “Wait for me!” He disappeared in a twinkle in the night sky.
With your best guess, you assumed the fight must be going on between them and the KDF. Knowing that you’d be anxious waiting to see the results of the fight, you grabbed your jacket, set off into the night and tried searching a vantage point where you’d be able to at least get a view of what’s happening.
You found a spot and narrowed your eyes as you tried to get an idea of where the two of them stood. Emi… Ultraman… Is that Gigantron?
You became confused as you remembered clearly Professor Sato claiming that the most magnificent creature on Earth had died. What the hell is going on?
You gripped the railing of the bridge you were on, the fight getting further and further away from you. You watched the fight unfold… breath battered as you were silently cheering them on. You gasped as another figure launched himself into the fight.
”Professor,” you muttered to yourself. “Please, please be safe.”
The fight was a distant chaos, you could barely see what was going on. You gritted your teeth as you waited for the final call, but dropped to your knees as you realised what was going on.
”No, no, no. Ken…"
You saw the shield. Ken underneath the shield, the explosion that should have been loud, but was muffled inside the enclosure Ken had made before blinding light filled the atmosphere.
Tears filled up your vision as you saw the giant hero collapse into the sea.
You stared blankly at the unmoving body in front of you, while another person was strategically standing near the exit. You looked over your shoulder as you felt a light, reassuring tap.
Professor Sato wanted to offer some words of reassurance, but you merely shook your head. He let out a heavy breath, saying, “I’ll leave the two of you alone. I'll continue working on restoring Mina.”
”Thanks,” you sniffled. “Professor.”
Apparently on the day the fight happened, Mina was caught in the frenzy and was almost shut down, while the secret base was partially destroyed. Now the Professor was working on recovering Mina, while Ken…
You sighed, looking at the patient in front of you.
Nothing to worry about, actually. Despite the quick thinking of Ultraman in front of you throwing himself over the bomb, he actually managed to escape with just a broken arm. He’s not dead, Ken Sato was still here, recovering.
But what annoyed you was that it seemed every time you came to visit, he would pretend to be asleep. Not even stirring, obviously faking sleep to avoid talking to you.
So what, all that confession was for naught? Just an adrenaline rush from becoming the hero?
This time around though, it did seem like he was fast asleep. His chest was rising and falling steadily. His hair was messy, and you resisted the urge to tidy it up.
”You jerk,” you grumbled. “I was so worried for you, but… you’re really planning on leaving me hanging like this?”
You stopped grumbling to yourself as you heard the man in front of you mumbling your name. You leaned forward, curious to hear what he got to say.
”You look so…” he continued, eyes still shut.
You strained your ears to catch more.
”I like you…”
You pressed your lips together before punching his unhurt shoulder, almost too hard.
He gasped, sat up straighter, taking in big gulps of air as his irises move frantically to search for the source of the punch.
”Who-“ he blinked. “Y/N?”
”In the flesh,” you deadpanned.
”What are you-“
”I told you,” you interjected. “Tell it to my face as Ken Sato.”
He looked guilty for a moment, and you leaned back in your chair.
”You’re going to say it was a mistake, aren’t you?” You asked, clearly exasperated.
”No, it wasn’t a mistake!” He quickly said, searching for your eyes. “After the fight that day I felt like being a hero means that there was a possibility I would just-” he imitated an explosion, “disappear.”
You grabbed his collar. “If you know that even any single day you have a possibility of disappearing, that your life is short, then-” the grip around his collar became tighter, “-it means that you have to grab every opportunity as soon as you can. That includes confessing to someone you like.” You threw your hands up in frustration and stood up, pacing back and forth. “God! Why are relationships so complicated? And why am I so, so, so stupid?”
You buried your face in your hands.
“I don’t know,” you said, tears pooling in your eyes. “When you said you didn’t have any interest in anyone, and that you didn’t want to waste your time on something so insignificant. Hearing that, I just-” you sighed. “-thought that the answer was so obvious. You have your priorities straight.”
“Y/N-” he stopped you by touching your arm lightly, pulling you over to sit beside him. “That was-” He winced as he felt pain shooting up his arm. He tried again, “That was what I’d usually say in interviews before this, because baseball was the only thing that put a smile on my face. But now…” He took your hand, caressing it. “You came and it was just one, big confusion for me. You are the only person who has managed to,” he chuckled, “cause the Ken Sato to waver. It was a foreign feeling for me."
“Idiot…” you mumbled.
He pulled you closer with his good arm, and obviously inexperienced, you shut your eyes tight as you felt him softly breathing against your cheek. Of course, you thought he’d go for a kiss on your lips, but you heard him chuckle before he pressed a light one on your cheek. You opened your eyes and he was grinning.
He thought you looked adorable.
“What was that?” you asked flatly.
“A kiss?” he said, unsure of what exactly you were implying.
You grabbed his face, and he looked surprised as you leaned in to kiss him on the lips. Your glasses were in the way so you took them off, and you felt his arm snaking around your waist to hold you firmly in place.
In the heat of the moment and flurry of emotions, you found yourself pinned under him, his good arm caging you. He kissed you again, but this time around you felt your heart beating so loud you had to place your palms against his chest to slightly push him away.
“Ken,” you warned him. “We’re in the hospital.”
He blinked, feigning innocence. “Really? I had no idea.” He traced a finger on your cheek, wiping away the traces of your tears. He pinched your cheek as he said, “The doctor told me that I’m good to be discharged tomorrow.”
Suddenly conscious of how you’re pinned under him, you looked away. “That’s good. You can go back home in no time.”
He tapped a finger on your chin, causing you to look back at him. “My house is still under repair, remember? I’m essentially homeless.”
“You can live with your dad-“
“Take the hint, sweetheart.” He kissed your forehead before collapsing beside you, both of you cramped on the small hospital bed.
You thought about how you had never, ever brought a guy home. And now Ken wanted to…?
“I’ll think about it,” you said.
He smiled, squeezing your shoulders as you buried your face in his chest. “Can I ask just one… question?”
“Sure, shoot.”
“What was the dealbreaker, really? The one that made you agree to stay at the secret base?”
“You really want to know?”
“Of course.”
This time, you didn’t even hesitate. “The chance to see the Ken Sato naked of course.”
“Damn it. I knew that was the reason.”
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thatrandomsarahchick · 9 months
DC x DP short
I'm picturing Danny moving to Gotham once he's an adult. He came out to his parents, and it went fine. More than fine. They listened to how he was struggling at school because he kept having to chase down the ghosts they let out by leaving the portal open. Jack was super proud of his son for being a ghost hunter even as a ghost, but Maddie understood his concern and set up some new protocols for the portal.
It now automatically closes after two minutes unless a specific command is put in by Danny to keep it open while he is in the Zone, and the shielding around it actually works to stop ghosts coming trig without hurting them now.
The shine of the mortal world has worn off for most of his regulars now, and those that come through have figured out compromises so they can still fulfil their obsessions without hurting others. The meta-protection act officially disbands the GIW, and Red Huntress is given a very thorough speaking to about personal bias and vendettas. She's not allowed back in the field until she comes to the realisation that ghosts are people too, and that she been the bad guy by hunting them the way she did. Phantom is officially recognised as a Hero, but he turns down working for any teams or joining the Big Leagues. He agrees to act as a back up though, in case of any world ending event.
By the time senior year rolls around, Danny has gotten his grades up enough that he can go to a pretty decent university if he wants to. He chooses Gotham University for his engineering degree because they're a feeder school for Wayne Enterprises, who in turn are a feeder company for working for the Justice League as a civilian engineer. Tucker also chooses GU for their tech program, while Sam elects not to go to university straight away.
Tucker and Danny move into an apartment right on the borders of Crime Alley and The Narrows. Tucker manages an impressive 4 months as a local hacker before Oracle notices him, but Danny only manages 3 weeks before he's spotted by a Bat.
He's lying down a foot above his building's roof, looking at the stars. It's a very rare cloudless night, and the power is out in his area. Poison Ivy had launched an attack earlier in the day that had taken cut the power lines, with her mutant plants feeding on the smog and pollution to get stronger.
Duke was up late, finishing the day shift by a quick loop of The Narrows, when he noticed a slightly glowing teenager(?) floating on one of the roofs. He takes note that the man isn't causing any harm and is just peacefully stargazing, before calling it in to Jason. He was technically supposed to be off the clock an hour ago, and besides, the building was on the Crime Alley side of this street. It's Jason's problem now.
Jason, on the other hand, is exhausted and just wants to have a quiet patrol before collapsing in bed. He hadn't been hit by Ivy's plants, but had taken a couple of tumbles while dodging them. He heads over to the address Duke gave him, to find the guy still floating there staring at the sky. He gets it, he does, he would float above the grime that coats Gotham rooftops if he could, but it's dangerous for a meta to be so unawares of his surroundings like this while obviously displaying his powers.
Danny, meanwhile, had clocked both of the vigilantes coming near him, but was really hoping that they would leave him alone. It had been a very long day for him. He'd finally managed to get to campus for his class, only to find that the place was covered in overgrown plants. He'd had to freeze a few to get into the building, and had then spent most of the afternoon in the library due to his class being cancelled. Unfortunately for him, his nearly finished assignment that he'd spent the day working on was eaten by one of the giant flowers on his way home. He'd been 'saved' by the stabby Robin, which had caused him to then also lose his laptop as they crashed to the rooftop a few streets over.
Thankfully, he had an amazing best friend in Tucker, who was doing his best to recover as much data as possible. On the downside, though, Tucker was mad at him for now having saved a backup of his files since they left Amity. He'd fled to the roof to escape his wrath, plans of bribes in the form of food running through his mind, when he'd caught sight of the Stars. Holy shit. It was so clear tonight!
He didn't even realise he'd begun to glow and float, too caught up in naming all of the stars and constellations he could see. His Obsession was feeling very satisfied tonight. Usually he had to invisibly fly above the cloud cover to see such a sight. Sure, the light pollution was still bad, but his mind was able to fill in the blanks across the sky.
The moment Jason landed on his roof, Danny heaved a great sigh. Damnit. The fun police were here. He wrenched his eyes from the sky, only to notice that - oh, shit - he was floating again. He fell to the roof with a light thump.
"Heeeyyy stranger, come here often?" Danny asked, as he rolled over to his side, propping his head up on his hand.
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muniimyg · 2 months
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ bbydaddy!jk (7) ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ *nsfw*
series m.list // taglist request closed
note: i literally can't take myself seriously with this concept LOL where have my morals gone? lmk if anyone remembers classic kimi fics where smut was nonexistent HAUWHAUA 😭
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @pamzn @defzcl @maryy1300 @whoa-jo @taetaecatboy @jksusawife @un06 @firesighgirl @rrosiitas @butterymin @parkinglot-nights @musicjournalsjdb @kissyfacekoo @jkslvsnella @vampcharxter @bloopkook @somehowukook @bbystarcandykoo
jungkook has been looking over revisions for the past three hours. the promotion was more exciting when he worked for it... now, he feels way too overworked and honestly? for what?
the truth is, he only chased after the promotion because he knew it would be something you'd be proud of him for doing. you've always been the type to chase after things greater than yourself and wished for jungkook to do the same. well, this is it. this is jungkook doing just that for you. he hopes you can see it. he hopes you know it.
currently, he feels like his eyeballs might roll out of his head. he's bored and might lose his mind if he goes through one more slide (he has at least 200 slides left). irritated, he pushes away from his desk and stands up.
he stretches, trying to wake himself up a little more. then, he stares at the view from his office window.
the city is beautiful but he would much rather be looking at you.
suddenly, as if the angels heard him, his phone rings.
it's you.
he picks up immediately.
he doesn't know why, but he feels nervous. you never call. you always text or facetime... a call? what the fuck could be going on?
"hi... are you busy?" you ask, a little quiet. you sound tired.
he raises an eyebrow. "uhh... what's up? everything okay?"
a small laugh escapes your lips. "yeah. why? do i sound—"
"a little sad," he cuts you off, concerned. "___, what's wrong?"
you stay silent for a moment.
he doesn’t believe you until he hears you sigh in relief.
continuing, you vent; "i just... i think i'm just stressed. i don't know. i wanted a break and suddenly i picked up my phone and called you. s-sorry. i... you're probably busy with the new promotion and—"
"i'm not that busy—"
like perfect timing, jungkook's office line interrupts. "mr. jeon, your 2pm meeting is being pushed back so you have time for lunch today."
jungkook clears his throat and thanks his assistant.
"new assistant?" you ask, letting curiosity get the best of you. "she pretty?"
"she's fired if you want."
"shut up!" you laugh. "i could care less—"
"oh, you care..." jungkook smirks. "hey, i'm glad you called. you can always call. i'm here for you when you need.. i don't want you to think anything else."
"okay.." is all you say.
jungkook takes a deep breath in. "did you eat today?"
"i ate. did you?"
"been busy—"
"you said you weren't busy!"
"hey, i'm not the lawyer!"
"still... i... listen, i'll let you go. i should probably get back to work or something—"
jungkook panics. "i'm cancelling my 2pm."
"y-yeah... i'm looking at their revisions and i haven't even gotten through half of it. it's also shit so i'm just gonna tell them to redo everything. will i be the most hated boss? we'll find out."
on the other end of the line, you snicker.
"you can't blow off work."
"i can."
".... c-can i confess something?"
jungkook gulps, feeling sick to his stomach.
you fidget with your fingers, unsure if you should continue.
"honey, what is it?" jungkook asks softly. "whatever it is... i'm here for you. you know that."
"i... uhm... i called because i was stressed..."
"... yeah?"
"jungkook," you pause, biting your bottom lip. is it too much to say this? at the same time... it's not like he has ever denied you anything. you might as well... "i need to relieve some stress. like, i need to focus on something that isn't work or our son. you know what i mean? everything is fine, honest! i just... i want to be focused on something and be present. i feel like i've been mindless for a hot minute... i just... look, if you're going home... is it okay if i come over? can i suck your dick or something?"
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jungkook rushes home.
he changes his bedsheets and runs a quick shower. it's not like he needed to put in this much effort (it's literally the bare minimum) but it's the first time in a long time where you needed him. having sex and initiating was more so 50/50; but this was different. you need him.
he's your relief.
and also... it's a little funny, is it not? it's only 2pm on a random wednesday and you need him.
when you arrive, jungkook takes a few deep breaths before opening the door. his studio apartment is definitely smaller than your place (aka the place you two shared for 4 years), but it's okay. it's only temporary. he knows in his heart that he'll be back home with you in no time. this afternoon proves exactly that...
if today you need him for his body and tomorrow you need his heart; he'd give it.
"wow... i hate this already." you take a minute to laugh at yourself. you feel so beyond stupid and embarrassed... it's practically indescribable. though you and jungkook fool around and have always had an active sex life... right now felt different. right now felt... weird? but if it was ever going to feel weird; at least it's with him.
before you even step foot inside his place, you're turning your heel. "you know what? i should... uhm, this was stupid. sorry—"
jungkook grabs your arm and pulls you inside.
you stay still as he leans towards you face. he pokes your cheek and chuckles. "come on, honey. i said i'd be here for you. let me be here for you."
squinting at him, you move his finger off your face. "you just want your dick sucked."
"you offered," he snorts. "so pull through."
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in hindsight, jungkook should've been more prepared than this.
but he isn't.
he fights to urge to spill himself all over your pretty hands every time you pump his cock. it's toe-curling the way you drag your wrist up and down. he throws his head back so much, it's beginning to get sore. leaving him with no option but to fucking watch you give him the most life changing blowjob of his life.
"are you okay?" you ask, batting your eyelashes at him. "you look stressed."
"i am stressed."
"what? why—"
"no! f-fuck, don't stop." he growls, not liking the way you suddenly stop. you purse your lips, catching on that he just feels edged out.
... okay.
you continue to pump him, gripping on the base of his cock and moving your way up. his skin is so soft yet he's so hard. like... so fucking hard you know for a fact you don't want to fuck him right now. it'd hurt too much.
"you're so hard already," you utter under your breath. "and i swear to god, it's like your dick gets bigger every time i see it."
"i love you more every time i see you that's why."
"damn," you hiss. "can you... just let me do this? i wanna focus on... wanna focus on—"
"shut up."
you laugh, reaching up to place a kiss on his lips. he leans forward, gladly meeting your lips. when you pull away, you plop yourself in a more exact position in front of him. jungkook feels his balls get heavy as you kneel, part his legs, and begin to tie your hair up.
he helps you.
gathering your hair, you give him your hair tie. he quickly ties your hair before leaning back and trying to catch one last good breath.
he fails.
his breath hitches as you kiss his tip.
you don't.
you lick his length, dragging your tongue down to his base. there, you suck his balls and use your hands to pump. jungkook gulps, watching you do this. he doesn't know what to do. usually, he's really into it but there's something different about right now.
right now, he's in a trance.
he's mesmorized at how much your touch changes all the chemistry in his body. saying you send electricity throughout his body is an understatement. butterflies don't mean a damn thing either. it's captivating and everything but sweet.
it feels twisted in his stomach. it feels like he's on the edge on a cliff and the only way he can ease his fear is by jumping off.
he has to give in and let his body react to you.
he has to let you have this and from the looks of it (and feel of it); you've giving him everything you've got.
just then, you snap jungkook out of his thoughts as you attempt to take him inside your mouth. you make an effort to look up, eyes teary from holding in your gag. he's so big. there's no other way to explain it and there's no way you're going to stop thinking it.
he's so fucking big.
like what other choice do you have but to slobber all over it? you just have to. not to mention, he always tastes good. his cum, yes, but just his dick in general... is that weird? who cares.
jungkook's dick barely fits in your mouth. but you try to make it work. you want him—all of him. as you bob your head, easing your way to his full length, jungkook lets out a loud moan.
you look up and see his chest rising and falling. his abdomen twitches and so does his dick. you like the way he looks right now. as you suck, his breathing intensifies. soon, he's panting and you're near gagging.
you take a moment to catch your breath.
pulling away, your hands continue the show. jungkook brings his attention back to your hands and watches as the tip of his cock turns angry. god, it's getting bigger?
you practically drool.
jungkook leans over and wipes the access saliva around your lips. then, he shoves his thumb into your mouth. happily, you suck on it. bobbing your head, shutting your eyes, and letting out little moans; jungkook feels like he's losing his mind.
you look so fucking pretty.
when he takes his thumb out, you dive back to his dick. this time, he holds you by the back of your neck and guides you through it. jungkook pushes your head slowly but surely. then, he stops moving it. he keeps it in place as he lifts his hips and rolls them.
before you know it, he's fucking your mouth.
rolling your eyes back, jungkook moans at the sight. of course you're taking it like a slut. of course you're enjoying it too.
"you like this, huh? you like having your face fucked?" jungkook hisses in between breathy pants.
you gag in response.
jungkook pulls his dick out and slaps your mouth with it. his veiny member feels so good against your lips. you want it back in your mouth.
"answer me."
"mhmm," you whimper. "i like it so much. put it back in—mmhph—"
"fuck yes," he shoves his cock back into your mouth. "so pretty, honey. the absolute prettiest."
suddenly, he lets you go. it's then that you take the liberty to give it everything you've got.
you twirl your tongue around his tip, suck his length in every way possible. your hands pump to compliment your oral skills and jungkook can't help but think he's the luckiest man on earth.
then, it happens.
you feel his dick twitch. he instantly thrusts himself more aggressively to chase the climax. you behave and take it. then, squirts of his cum escape his tip. he cries, pulls out of your mouth, and aims at your face.
you shut your eyes, feeling his cum hit your cheeks and lips.
he lets out a moan of relief.
after a moment passes, you get up from your position and sit on his lap. wrapping your legs around him, he offers you a tired smile. then, he lifts his hands to wipe his cum off your face. opening your mouth, he gives it to you like icing.
you swallow and he feels like he might need a fucking minute.
then, you let out a little giggle when you notice how sweaty he is. you push his hair back and begin to laugh.
"w-what?" he worries. "why are you laughing at me?"
"you're sweating? as if you did any work—"
"i was literally fucking your face!"
"yeah but you're not the one that's gonna have sore cheeks for like three days or bruised knees!"
he shuts up.
you roll your eyes at him and continue to play with his hair. you feel his dick calm down under you. thank god. that fucking beast is scary when you're not in the mood...
"what time is it?" you ask, breaking the silence and breathing in the smell of sin.
jungkook shrugs. "dunno. also don't wanna move. stay like this with me."
you huff. "should i take my panties off or something?"
"wanna cockwarm me?"
he just might be the luckiest man on earth.
jungkook clears his throat as you straighten up your posture. "wait, i'll just put my panties to the side like this—ahh, mmhmm... y-yeah. like this.... feels good."
by now, jungkook's soft cock is inside you.
you like the feeling and so does he.
suddenly, you rest your head of his shoulder. he wraps his arms around you and holds you. kissing the side of your head, he asks; "you feeling better? relieved?"
"good." jungkook tightens his lips, as he brings his hands to your hair. he runs them through and you take a deep breath in. you like the way he feels right now... so intimate.
"hey... did we talk a lot during sex?" he asks.
"don't remember."
"oh, okay..." jungkook looks around his studio apartment and suddenly feels embarrassed at how messy it is. "can i come with you to pick zion up today?"
jungkook tightens his hold on you. you laugh and tell him it's too tight. he stops squeezing you and asks for a kiss. you give it to him. against your lips, he mummbles; "am i talking too much? i think i'm nervous or something—"
"then shut up."
you pull away and cup his cheeks.
"i feel your dick rising inside me. i don't have the energy for round two. either make the boner go away or i'll get off."
jungkook gulps. then, he shuts his eyes and thinks of every possible un-sexy thing ever... and it works. his dick softens again and you thank him with a kiss. jungkook takes his chance and intertwines your fingers together. you let him do so and his heart soars. something about him being inside you makes you feel so whole. there’s no denying that… and you love it, really. you love him, truly.
for a few more moments, you two stay like this.
you two are together.
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rbfclassy · 3 months
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SYNOPSIS...after still messing around with your ex husband, you began to wonder if you’re still in love with him after finding out about his new girlfriend…
INFO...ex husband!toji x fem!reader, reader & toji have two kids, megumi is readers bio son, jealousy, smut, angst, arguments, alcohol, drinking problem, family problems, arguing in front of kids, toxic behaviors, crying, mentions of divorce
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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A pounding headache awoke you from your sleep, the feeling of warm arms wrapped around you brought you comfort, mind still groggy and eyes barely open. You took a deep breath, licking your dry lips as the taste of alcohol with still on your tongue, making you slightly cringe at the bitter taste. You closed your eyes again, hands moving towards the warm arms wrapped around you. “Kento.” You smiled to yourself, voice cracking. You gently caressed his skin before gaining the strength to turn over towards him.
You slowly opened your eyes only to be met with familiar black hair, and an all too familiar scar. Your brows furrowed and you immediately sat up. “What the fuck?!” You screamed. Toji jolted awake, looking around the room before his eyes landed on you, a confused look on his face. “What the fuck are you doing in my bed, Toji?!” You screamed, not helping the fact your head was still pounding. You quickly scrambled out of the bed, mind running a million miles per hour and heart beating just the same.
“Woah, woah, woah, calm down, y/n!” He sat up, holding his hands out in defense. “Nothing happened between us, okay? We didn’t do anything,” he tried to explain.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” you mumbled under your breath. What happened last night? Where was Kento? “What the fuck!” You screamed. “I can’t with you, Toji. We strictly agreed that this wouldn’t happen no matter what. We agreed that we only communicated if it came to the kids and now here you are making your way into my bed again! Oh my god! I should’ve fucking known!” You scoff in disbelief.
His brows furrowed at your words. “You called me last night!” Toji yelled back, getting out of the bed. “Crying, begging for me to come over here! Don’t pin this shit on me!”
“Oh, bull-fucking-shit, Toji. What’d you do, huh? Threaten Kento? Scared him away? All so you could have a quick fuck again?!” You clenched your jaw in anger.
“You don’t remember, do you?” Toji stared at you, lips parted.
“Remember what?” You shrug your shoulders, throwing your hands in the air.
Toji pulls his phone from his pocket, calmly walking over to you. You eye him up and down as he does so before he turns his phone towards you. “You called me, late last night, drunk, crying, begging me to come over, asking me to stay.”
You stare at the screen, seeing that you were the one who made a call to him last night. “I…” You quickly shut your mouth, not knowing what to say.
“Apparently you and your new boyfriend had gotten into an argument. Don’t ask me about what, I didn’t care to know. But, I don’t need you yelling at me and blaming me for being in your bed when you were clinging onto me with tears in your eyes saying that you—” Toji quickly cut himself off before he made the situation even worse. “Listen, y/n, I came over because I was worried something had happened to you. Otherwise, I would have respected our decision to leave each other alone. We didn’t have sex or anything of the sort like you’re assuming! I only stayed because you asked me to.”
You looked up at him with sincere eyes, poking your cheek with your tongue. “I’m sorry, I just—I thought…” You sigh, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“Yeah, whatever.” Toji grabbed his shoes, slipping them on. “I’ll be sure not to come again when you call unless the kids are here, I don’t want this happening again.” He opened your bedroom door before stopping in his tracks. “It’s best if you don’t remember last night.” He walked out of your bedroom, the sound of his footsteps growing farther away.
You sat there and pondered about what he just said, biting at the skin of your lips. “Shit.” You quickly grabbed your phone, wasting no time to call Kento. Your leg bounced up and down nervously as it kept ringing and ringing, hoping that you’d hear his voice on the other end of the line.
Whatever happened last night between you and him needed to be talked about, it’s sad that you can’t even remember it, but deep down you felt that was the right decision.
“Hello?” His voice was soft but raspy, like he had just woken up.
“Kento…hey,” you responded.
“Y/n,” he sharply spoke, like your name was something forbidden.
A deep sigh left your lips. “Can we talk about last night, please? I just want to apologize to you about being so harsh and making you leave—letting you leave. I just…I want us to work out. You’re an amazing person and I appreciate you in my life—”
“Y/n, I’m gonna stop you right there.” He cut you off, leaving you slightly shocked. “After our small argument last night and after I had left, I realized one thing about this whole situation that I don’t even think you realize yourself. In no way am I blaming you or shaming you because you’re also amazing, beautiful, and kindhearted, but…I know you’re still in love with Toji.” His words hit you like a truck, your mouth dry, eyes darting around the room as if you were searching for what to say. “Whether you believe it or not, it’s what I noticed, what I see.”
“Kento, but, I don’t want this to end between us just because you think I’m still in love with Toji. I’m sorry if I hurt you last night or said anything that offended you, but I want us to work out. Can you just come over so we can talk? Please?” It was embarrassing, but you were begging him, that heavy feeling starting to sink down on your chest.
You heard sigh on the other end. “I’m sorry, y/n.” Your phone beeped as he abruptly hung up. You threw your phone on the bed as tears pooled in your eyes.
Maybe it was you, always you. Maybe you just weren’t meant to be happy and find real love. Maybe you were the one who was always making the mistakes. Why was it so easy for him to leave? To forget you just like that? It all felt too familiar, making you reminisce about your arguments with Toji. You wiped your tears stained cheeks, taking in a deep breath. You’ve barely even woken up fifteen minutes ago and your day has already gone to shit.
“Mom?!” You heard Megumi call as the front door squeaked open. Quickly, you wiped away your tears, trying to pull yourself together before your kids saw you. You didn’t want them to know you were crying.
Naya’s little feet could be heard running down the hall as she entered your room with a smile on her face. “Mommy!” She jumped into your arms, hugging you tightly.
“Hi! Good morning, baby!” You giggled. “How was aunty Shoko’s?” You asked, wiping a crumb off of her cheek.
“It was fun! She took us to a trampoline park, then the movies, and then we ate a restaurant!” She smiled.
“Hi, mom.” Megumi walked into the room, a tired look on his face, still dressed in his pajamas. You couldn’t help but laugh as he waddled over to you like a zombie, holding his arms out to hug you.
“Hi, my love,” you chuckled. “You look so tired.” You gently caressed his back. All he did was nod in return, nearly falling asleep on you. “Here,” you slipped his backpack off, “sleep a little longer in my bed and I’ll wake you up when breakfast is done, okay?”
“‘Kay.” The young boy plopped down face first into the pillow, pulling the blanket over his body.
“Mommy, can I help you make breakfast? I want blueberry and raspberry pancakes.” Your daughter batted her eyes at you, tugging on your shirt.
“Of course, let’s go and let your brother sleep.”
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“So you ended up at her house last night, in her bed, and she said she loved you?” Gojo asked, taking a sip from his drink. Toji nodded in response. “Fucking hell,” he chuckled with a shake of his head. “And you didn’t say anything to her?”
“She was fucking drunk, Gojo! What’d you want me to do, confess my feelings, getting married again and get her pregnant all in one minute? She one hundred percent didn’t mean a thing she said which is why she went off on me the moment she woke up. She’s with that dude anyway, it’s got nothing to do with me.” Toji just shrugged, taking a swig from his beer.
Gojo rolled his eyes. “Something tells me that you didn’t tell her what she said last night.” He stared at Toji, brows raised. Toji just stared back in silence, biting the inside of his cheek. “I knew it,” he scoffed.
“She wouldn’t have believed me anyway.” Toji sounded defeated, like he’d given up all hope that you and him would ever be together again. Which was true. Maybe it’s time that he stops fighting and let’s go. Let’s you go. “I think I’m starting to accept that me and her will never happen again.”
Gojo suck his teeth, waving Toji off. “Ah, come on, don’t say that.”
“It’s the fucking truth. But goddamn is it hard to accept.” He clenched his jaw.
“Kiss her,” Gojo bluntly stated.
Toji looked at him, confused. “What?”
“Kiss her and see. If she goes back for more, she still loves you, if she pushes you away then you know it’s over,” Gojo explained, like it was as easy as blinking.
“You are one stupid motherfucker,” he laughed, sipping on his beer.
“What?!” Gojo asked, voice slightly high.
“I can’t just kiss her, that’s weird, and she’s still with that guy. It’s not right. I can’t.” Toji shook his head, fiddling with the ring on his middle finger.
“Look,” Gojo slightly leaned forward, “I’m just tryna help you get your ex wife back, okay? Might not be the best ideas, but they’ve worked for me…in the past. Point is, it’s your best shot. Everything else you’ve tried has gone to shit. If she’s still with the guy, then don’t do it. If she is, well there you go.”
“But how would I know if they’re still together? I can’t just ask,” Toji mentioned.
“Be patient.” Just as soon as Gojo finished speaking, Toji’s phone went off, a text popping up on his screen.
Kids came back from Shoko’s a few hours ago, said they wanna see you.
Toji stared at the text, contemplating if he should go over there today, especially after what happened just few hours ago between you and him.
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You stared at the text you had sent, waiting for his reply as he usually responds quickly, but there was nothing. You shut your phone off, watching as the kids played in Megumi’s room, Naya with her dolls and Megs on his video game.
“Did daddy respond?” Naya glanced up at you.
“Not yet, but I’m sure he will,” you assured her, a soft smile spread across your face. As the two were occupied with their things, you walked into your bedroom and laid down on the bed. You began to think about what Nanami had said, making you second guess everything about yourself. Were you still in love with Toji? How could you possibly know? What is it that you do or say that makes it so obvious to others? The questions began piling up, crowding your brain.
You weren’t in love with Toji, not anymore. Nanami is just saying things, still hurt over the argument that occurred. You were sure that you guys would be back together in no time. A misunderstanding is all this is. But then again, you called Toji last night, not Nanami. It was Toji you ran to first when you were upset and drunk. It was Toji who stayed when you asked him, even when he most likely knew you’d react the way you did this morning.
You toss in your bed, inhaling deeply as you stare at the ceiling and your phone buzzes.
I’ll be there in ten. Tell them I’m not coming, I wanna surprise em.
You chuckle through your nose at the text, getting up out of bed and walking over to your son’s room. “Hey, babies?” You said in almost a sad tone.
“Yeah?” Megumi responded, pausing his game.
“Daddy can’t make it today, said he’s busy. He’ll be here tomorrow though.” You frown.
“But…I miss him,” Naya said.
“He misses you too, that’s why he said tomorrow. Sometimes daddy gets busy just like mommy does,” you explained.
“Okay…” Megumi had a small pour on his face as he unpaused his game.
You walked back out the room and pulled your phone from your pocket.
They got so sad when I said you weren’t coming lol. Get here quick don’t wanna see one of my poor babies crying
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jaysgirlx · 7 months
I think I NEED a some head canons about about Jason Todd meeting his lovely girlfriend at one of Bruces annoying get together at the opera where an ballet piece plays as entertainment, just with the slight specialty that she’s the ballerina
Btw love your work <3
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Jason Todd Gala Meet Cute Headcanons
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— To be frank, Jason Todd hates galas but when Dick doesn't want to go alone or when he wants to support Bruce or Cass he'll be there. Family is Family.
— When he first sees you his jaw nearly drops because he's never seen anybody as stunning as you. As graceful as a swan, you glide across the stage with ethereal elegance. Each movement is a dance of precision and passion, your body a canvas painting a story of love and longing. Jason Tood was now indeed a lovesick boy.
— You've got the poor boy hooked, watching you like you're his last meal. Even Dick could see, that you caught Jason's eye. At the end of your performance, you took a bow and you looked right over at him and smiled.
— He wasn't sure if that had really been meant for him but that didn't stop him from blushing a bit. So he's nearly on the floor begging Bruce for your name or to at least introduce him and he agrees just so Jason would calm down.
— Bruce invites you to join the rest of the gala if you're interested, since his son was very fond of your performance, "Oh is he the one with the little white strip in his hair? he's quite cute isn't he?".
—Dick's grinning ear to ear, watching his brother stare at you from across the room, while guides you to one of the private bathrooms. He'd never seen Jason so whipped for a girl who he didn't even know.
— Once you finally finished changing, you found yourself drinking a glass of red wine, standing in the corner alone. You usually don't come to events like these but since you were personally invited by Bruce Wayne you saw no reason not to.
— When Jason spots you from across the room, he debates on waiting for Bruce to introduce the two of you but just says fuck it and goes for it.
— "I didn't know ballerinas, came to galas like these, there's not much fun doll," he asks putting his hand out for yours. You hesitate but place yours on top of his, allowing him to kiss the back of your hand. "Only when pretty boys like you request for us," you say giggling, and now for sure you're fucked. Jason Todd wasn't just cute, he was hot.
— He butters you up by asking your favorite composer, "Well I've never performed any of his music but I'm quite the fan of Vivaldi" you say while he leans against the wall next to you. He asks the questions and lets you do most of the talking since he'd prefer to listen to you. By the end of the night, there was nothing Jason didn't know about you but it seemed like you hadn't gotten to know him.
— He had spent the whole night flirting with you and buttering you up and you're not even surprised when he asks to walk you out, "Why not but only on one condition, you have to take me out on a date and let me get to know you this time" and Jason had no objections to that.
— Now you've got the Jason Todd following behind you, people are whispering and watching the two of you. How'd you manage to pull one of Bruce Wayne's sons, especially the standoffish one? You weren't even his girlfriend yet and people couldn't stop talking about you and exactly what Jason wanted, well at least before he made you his.
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castiwls · 5 months
"uh-oh, i'm falling in love."
being Bobby's adopted daughter and falling in love with Dean... [requested - anon]
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You were around 15 when your parents were killed in a hunting incident and as a result, Bobby ended up taking you in.
You’d spent the first few months sulking around the house, something which began to worry Bobby as months passed and your behaviour seemed no different.
He knew he had to break your behaviour somehow but he was completely stumped. That was until one day he woke up to John quickly shoving his sons in the door before running off to do go knows what. 
Silently cursing the man out he quickly invited the two boys inside before continuing with breakfast (now for 4 people). 
“Who are they?” You looked up from the book you’d been reading, frowning in slight confusion at the two boys who were currently standing in the doorway. The younger of the two smiled brightly before almost tripping over himself to see what you were reading while the older silently gapped in the doorway. Since when did Bobby have a daughter?
After this, you quickly found friends in both the boys. 
While Sam was someone who you could talk to about lore and any other books you might have been reading, Dean was someone who you were able to fully confide in.
Over the three weeks the boys stayed you and Dean quickly became inseparable and for the first time in months, you didn't feel grief-stricken constantly. You actually felt happy.
Over the years Sam and Dean became a constant in your life. As you grew older Bobby began letting you go on hunts with the Winchesters (something which Dean enjoyed more than he would admit.)
Over time though you felt a slight shift in your feelings towards the older boy. Every time you saw him or even heard his voice butterflies would swarm in your stomach and your cheeks would quickly grow hot.
The shrill ringing of your phone pulled you from your book. A small frown played on your lips as you noted the name on your screen. “Hello?” Placing your book down you crossed your legs sitting up properly on your bed. “Hey. I didn’t wake you right?” Dean sounded sheepish almost as he spoke. At the sound of his voice, a small burst of butterflies exploded in your stomach. “no..no I was awake.”
Late-night phone calls quickly became an almost daily occurrence whenever you weren't together, and when you were together these phone calls were exchanged for late-night diner trips just the two of you.
Every day you felt yourself falling harder and harder for Dean Winchester and little did you know he felt the same. 
After Sam had gone to Stanford Dean had showed up on your doorstep only hours later, his eyes red as he’d quietly asked to stay the night.
He’d ended up staying for a few weeks after that. You’d spent every day together over that time simply listening to him talk about what had happened between his dad and brother and how he was scared for Sam being on his own.
As happy as you were that Sam had gotten out it broke your heart slightly to see how Dean was handling the situation.
Over this time you’d found yourself more than once falling asleep beside him (something which Bobby wasn’t too happy about) and you’d also felt yourself grown closer and closer to him.
He’d allowed himself to be vulnerable around you, something which you knew was hard for him. The idea that he trusted you enough simply left your heart fluttering in your chest.
During these few weeks, Dean quickly found himself falling further and further in love with you. He’d known for a while now that he had feelings for you but the way you’d allowed him to unload onto you and made him realise how utterly in love with you he truly was.
One night when you’d both been sat on one of the old cars in the scrap yard he finally felt his feelings bubble over.
The world was quiet as you and Dean both sat watching the stars above. You knew he had to leave soon, his dad had been relentless with his calls saying that Dean needed to come back to his job and that he’d had enough time. Truthfully you didn’t want him to leave. Over the last few weeks, you’d grown used to the warmth of him beside you. “My dad’s coming in the morning.” Dean turned to face you. “He insisted this time.” He frowned, rubbing his thumb over your hand. “What time?” You asked quietly turning to look at him. “He didn’t give one,” Dean answered. You both fell slightly for a moment, simply gazing into each other's eyes. As if being pulled in by a magnet you felt your body move on its own until you met Dean halfway. As his lips pressed against yours you felt his hand cup the back of your head while your own moved to his knee.
After that night your relationship changed. Neither of you actually asked the question but the unspoken promise was there. Dean Winchester had stolen your heart and it seemed you had also stolen his. 
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lani-heart · 5 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, smut, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au p aring(s) -> ( eventually ) ATEEZ x reader warning(s) -> abuse, mention of sex / pregnancies, etc. words -> 2.3K
abstract -> Never owe people favors it could one day cost you your life...
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y/n’s perspective
“Taeyong, you can’t be serious,” I said as I was now in the office of the devil himself. And he's called to get his end in a favor. “You owe me,” he said and I scoffed. 
“You’re literally chasing in a favor from when I was in college,” I said and he only grinned. “You still owe me. Besides, it shouldn't be dangerous” and I scoffed at his reassurance. 
“It's just an interview. You’ll wear a wire, and all I need is evidence” he asked and I sighed. “Fine. But I won't risk my life for this, Taeyong” I said and he nodded. 
“I would never put you in a dangerous situation. This won’t hurt you”
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“Do you have to do this? Or at least take one of us with you?” Yeosang asked and I shook my head. “I have to repay him. He helped me a lot in college… besides he's trying to do a good thing” I explained and they sighed. “You’ll be okay right?” Wooyoung asked as he hugged me tightly. 
“Of course, he explained that I'll be going in for an interview and he’ll be listening in case. He will only interfere once he's gotten information though, so I won't be in danger. This won't affect us” I assured them and they nodded. 
“Be careful, circus hybrids are some of the most deprived and abused hybrids” San warned and I nodded. Over the years people stopped performing with animals and advanced to hybrids because of their ability to be trained and have a human way of thinking
Even though many people thought it was better it's not too well known that it's abusive to them just repeating history. “Be careful” they said as I was now on the elevator waving bye to the boys. 
They've really grown. 
I’ve officially had San and Wooyoung for five months. Whilst Yeosang joined us two months ago. It's actually been seven months since I originally adopted Son. I couldn’t be happier to have them by my side. 
Now I had to pay my debt to the devil named Taeyong. He truly does hold grudges… 
I walked into the VIP line where I showed my journalist ticket. I would be able to take pictures, and even conduct an interview. As I walked in I noticed the hybrids on display. 
There were two specifically at the entrance. They had bold big letters ‘MATZ’. They were meant to sit there in a glass box… it didn’t even have enough room to walk one step. In a smaller print were their names. 
Seinghwa was the one smiling and bowing, whilst Hongjoong only stared. He would be too far down, he could probably be dangerous. The ones around me started flashing lights at them… it clearly bothered them. I made sure to ask Taeyong to give me a camera without a flash. I took a photo of the surroundings. Another reason why he had me do this job and not Mark was because I have a hybrid specialist license to see and even handle red-coded hybrids with supervision. 
I knew how to analyze their behaviors. So when I saw Hongjoong, he had the potential to be a black code hybrid. 
“Hello! Welcome, it's an honor to see such esteemed guests !! I hope you may enjoy the show !--” as he spoke I saw his ringmaster look. He had jesters and clown costumed people handle hybrids. A few were assigned to cuff and ensure ‘MATZ’ did not act out.
They were tigers and therefore dangerous. 
“-- Of course, if you need help please ask one of my staff. I look forward to the interviews I’m scheduled for” he said as he left. As the staff looked at our tickets I was led to the back. I was given a pre / post-interview. 
“Hello, I’m going to be conducting an interview?” I said as I now saw the ringleader with the two tigers. They had chains connecting to their collar which looked like ones that were for black code hybrids. 
“Ah yes, may I ask which firm it is under?” he asked and I nodded. “It would be under the N.E.O. Firm” I stated and he nodded. 
“I see. How is Moon Taeil?” he asked and I smiled. “He’s actually on vacation at the moment. Last I heard he was in China visiting a few friends. '' I answered and he chuckled. 
“I know, your firm isn’t too keen on me,” he said and I noticed the curious eyes of the tigers. “Well, the firm has hybrid rights associated. It has been for years now” I answered and he nodded with calculating eyes. 
“That it is. Though I can assure you, our hybrids are treated like family” he said and I smiled softly as I wrote down notes of the two hybrids behind him. They were clearly agitated by his words, almost like he was lying.
“Well then. What are your questions?” he asked politely. “How many hybrids currently do you have registered?” I asked and he nodded. “Around fifty dear,” he said and I nodded. “And all are vaccinated with the current hybrid regulations, health up-to-date, VISA’s registered?” I asked and he answered yes. 
So he denied hybrid trafficking, and hybrid health neglect.
“May I ask you to talk about MATZ?'' I asked and he nodded. “These two were born into the circus. Their parents are a mix from our circus and a breeder which I know personally” he explained and I saw how Seonghwa kept on staring at my coat. His ears were twitching and I noticed Hongjoong’s glare at me….
“These two are such close friends we thought that a show would be most beneficial and fun for them,” he said while lifting his hands to pet their heads making them both clearly uncomfortable. Seonghwa stared wearily whilst Hongjoong looked like he could bite any minute.
“May I ask if I own hybrids?” He asked and I contemplated. “Decline anything in your personal life” I heard on the headpiece Taeyong gave me.
“No, I do not,” I said and he nodded. “Are you against the ownership?” He asked and I shook my head. “Not necessarily… it would take a lot of circumstances for me to adopt a hybrid,” I said and the ringmaster only nodded. 
“I can assure you every hybrid here is taken care of, and we’ll look after it, '' he said and I noticed Seonghwa's gaze. It wasn’t like Hongjoong’s glare; it was almost like he was pleading for help. 
“What’s the situation with heats?” I asked and he chuckled… “I don’t believe in heat suppressants. I let them go on with it with the other gender hybrid” he explained. 
Meaning it's how he has so many hybrids… he’s illegally breeding them. “Are you not worried about pregnancies?” I asked.
“No… some of our female hybrids are sterile so they can’t reproduce either way” he explained.
It wasn’t abuse per se to sterilize a hybrid… but it was being argued for hybrid rights.
“How long have you had this duo?” I asked curious. “Hmm, these two rascals? Well, they were born in 1998 and they’ve been with me since then.” He said and I nodded.
Would they speak out against their master? They would’ve seen everything… been through… everything.
“Sir?” I heard a clown asking for the attention of his boss. “Ah give me a moment my dear, why not have an exclusive interview with a MATZ performer. Hongjoong needs some touching up so Seonghwa treats her nicely '' be said and I knew the reason why they took the orange tiger away was because of his behavior.
“Be careful, an abuse hybrid can be triggered at any mention of abuse. Ask simple questions.” Taeyong said and before I could start I looked at him.
He stared at me with soft eyes and a smile... it shocked me how gentle his expression looked.
“I’m not fragile for you not to ask me,” he said and I felt my eyes widen. “The moment you walked in I heard that radio of yours… it kinda hurt at first” he confessed.
“I’m sorry,” I said but I couldn’t turn it off for my safety.
“It’s alright… you're not the first person to come here to infiltrate this place,” he said with his ears flattening on his head. He was losing hope for himself.
“How many hybrids are there?” I asked and he sighed. “I’ve lost count… it is over a hundred by now and more to come” he explained. “Oh, and he doesn’t register hybrids in case they die. It’s a miracle to even survive birth here… let alone survive being a baby here. We aren’t checked for until we’re cubs… after that, we’re never looked after again. The only thing he’ll ask to do is hygiene for his top performers” he explained.
“I’ve heard of your firm from the clowns… they hate you,” he said and I chuckled. “They said something about a girl writing about hybrid rights. Since then they’ve shut down several enterprises” he said and I smiled.
My reputation follows me.
“They might know who you are, be careful,” Taeyong said and Seonghwa only stared at me with twitching ears.
“You must have really good hearing to catch it,” I said and he smiled softly with his tail swishing behind him.
“Thanks… but it comes in handy with the staff,” he said and I sighed. 
“Do you have anything you want to tell me?” I asked and he swallowed down saliva showing how nervous he was.
“I’ll tell you everything if you manage to burn this place down,” he said and I sighed. “How about we make a promise?” I asked and he looked at me confused.
“I’ll shut this place down… but that’ll be the easy part. I’ll still need some more evidence after to concrete it” I asked and he nodded.
“Good luck”
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The show was like any other hybrid show. 
You could see the fear in hybrid's eyes when they made a mistake and had to cover it. Clowns and performers have the upper hand. 
MATZ had the opening… they did dangerous stunts. There were a few times they stumbled but otherwise did the best they could. The crowd loved them… I saw the contrast of the two… fear and anger.
Once the show was over I did a closing statement with the ringmaster and some staff who showed me around.
“And our opening act. Did you enjoy it?” they asked and I smiled when I saw Seonghwa and Hongjoong in a tiny cage. It had enough room for the both of them but it must've made them feel trapped.
The staff were talking to other reporters when I noticed the heavy glare Hingjoong was giving me.
Seonghwa got his attention and looked to be scolding him only for him to scoff. He looked over at me and bowed in an apology in which I shook my head. 
“I hope you enjoyed the show” 
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seonghwa’s pov
As the reporters left with the staff, Hongjoong glared at me. “Quit acting that way” I scolded and he scoffed
“She’s not the first person to come here asking for questions with a wire,” he said and I sighed.
“You heard what they said about that firm though—“ “She also said how she didn’t own any hybrids but owned three,” he said and I was confused. 
“She has hybrid scents reading out of her. You shouldn’t trust humans so easily… one day it’ll be you they’re disposing of” he said and I looked down.
“I… sorry. I didn’t mean for that to come out that way. I’m just sick of this Seonghwa but this is our life and it’ll never change” he said and I chose not to believe that. 
I had hoped that she’d complete her promise.
“Hongjoong…. Sometimes you just have to have faith that people are still good. We don’t know how it is outside… maybe it’s different” I said and he sighed.
“But is it any better?” He asked and before I could respond I heard yelling.
“Woah!? What are you doing?!” I heard as I saw the ringmaster following… policemen? 
“This place is being temporarily shut down for inspection and so are the hybrids in this vicinity. If we find anyone trying to smuggle or hide evidence you’ll be under arrest for tampering with a crime scene” he said and I also noticed people with white lab coats. 
“Start arresting staff members and performers. Contain all the hybrids as well” he ordered and the last thing I saw was Hongjoong defying them whilst I felt a sharp pain in my neck.
Everything could only get better… right?
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Waking up in a white and cold room was not what I expected…
“White tiger hybrid seems to be malnourished, untreated second-degree burns, underweight, untreated cuts, and dehydrated. Seems to be approximately 25 years old and unclassified code due to tranquilizer” I heard… Was that a doctor?
I tried sitting up but my wrists were bound. 
“You’re awake? Are you going to comply?” he asked me and I noticed how close he was. He seemed to purposely try to annoy me… “Classified as yellow. He’s one of the tame ones” he said into the radio. Classifications? I knew very little of that… but yellow wasn’t bad?
“The orange tiger is awake, and is showing a lot of aggression” I heard on his radio… Hongjoong? “Tranquilize him,” the doctor said and I struggled against the constraints. “He’s your partner, right? They won’t hurt him, but he will hurt us… he’s in good hands'' he said and I scoffed. Like I’d trust humans now after… 
“What happened to the reporter?” I asked and he looked at me confused. “She promised to help me… what did she do?” I asked and he hummed. “She’ll be conducting interviews this following week. So be on your best behavior or you’ll end up in a higher code” he said as he left the room. 
She actually… helped us?
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flamingpudding · 4 months
do you still take requests? if you do can you write your take on this idea https://www.tumblr.com/ilydana/746501696852819968/cloneclonedbatman?source=share
Thanks for the Ask! That's is an interesting one!
Also as long as I can write something to it I don't mind getting requests, if I can't I will let people know if I can. So no worries about that K?
Out of courtesy and because I believe its is the right thing to do here the Link and a Tag to the original writer @ilydana I hope you don't mind that I am taking inspiration from you for this.
Also I don't know Conners Timeline well and I like to base my writings on the Wayne Family Adventures settings so.... yea sorry if I got some facts wrong....
Clone double Wamy
Thinks were never easy for the Waynes, Bruce realised that when he sat in the meeting room. Usually he would have confronted his best friend in a more private setting, like when it was just the two of them or only Diana with them. But his best friend had been grating on his nerves with this for a while now. Bruce had honestly believed Clark had gotten better with the whole Clone thing but apparently he hadn't.
"All I am saying is that Conner is a person and to stop referring to him as 'it'." Bruce wasn't sure what had this brought on but maybe it was also having listened to his own kids rants about the way Conner had been and sometimes still was treated by Clark. Usually when someone called his friend out on it he would laugh awkwardly and say it was a slip of the tongue. That he still wasn't completely used to the idea of having a clone.
It's been years and Bruce wasn't buying that excuse anymore.
Well his persistent nagging had now caused this petty fight in front of everyone. He knew his children present, Dick and Tim, would have his back as well as most of their friends. But he also knew that those that prefer to keep the peace would try to argue in Clarks favor to sweep this hole problem under the rug once more.
"You don't get what it is like to be cloned or how long it takes to get used to it!"
His eye twitched under his cowl, he could also feel his kids tense up, especially Tim. His entire family had expirence when it came to cloning. The number of labs from the LoA they had shut down and destroyed was a testament to it. But there was one thing his entire Family aside from Alfred didn't know either.
"I actually do."
He stated calmly watching Clarks reaction as he stared unwaveringly at his best friend. He could see the colour drain, the paling and the pure look of disbelief he was getting, while Nightwing and Red Robin stood up to stand behind him with crossed arms. They probably thought he was referencing the time they had to fight Damian's Clones that sadly couldn't be saved like Conner had been.
"What do you....?" His best friend started but wasn't able to finish his question as Bruce decided to rip the bandaid off.
"The original Bruce Wayne died before he even was one month old. My parents, unable to cope with the loss cloned the baby with the help of a pair of scientist from Illinois." If the situation was different he might have laughed into the faces the people around him were making, not very Batman like of him but it was kind of funny. Still he was thankful for the comforting hand his son, Dick, placed on his shoulder or the way his other son, Tim inched closer protectively like. These two while probably shocked still stood by his side.
"And i was not the only clone that resulted from my parents original grief."
He left it at that as he stood and left the meeting without any further explanation. Bruce had made his point clear, now the ball was in his friends court. He was thankful that his kids followed him out as he went straight to the Zeta-Tubes to return to the Batcave. He knew his kids had questions for him, but he was not willing to answer them in front of the other heroes and thankfully his kids knew that that. So they silently followed him until they were back to the cave.
"B?" Dick asked tentatively once they were back in the came.
"It is as simply as I stated. My parents grieved the loss of their original son and unable to cope they cloned their own child with the help of a pair of scientist." He reiterated his earlier statement not looking at the two at first. For a brief moment he was thankful his other kids were out and about busy with other things.
"A pair of scientists?" Tim propped further and Bruce sighed wondering how much he should tell or if he could keep some things secret.
"Family actually. Estranged but they were... are family." He nodded. "The Fentons. Jack Fenton was my fathers cousin. Because of his field of research he got estranged from the family, not fitting into the perfect image my great grandparents had in mind for the Waynes originally. My father contacted him for help regarding the cloning back then."
"You said you weren't the only one?" He gave Tim a small smile, it was just like him to catch on to the small details and focus his questions on that.
"I didn't know until many years later when my parents died." He smiled a little remembering back to his training with Lady Gotham and how she asked him if he had siblings and then proceeded to introduce him to his clone twin. Ever since then Danny had become quite the fixture in his life, a reconnected family member. Though they had needed a lot of help when it came to actually speaking with each other but that thankfully Danny's sister Jazz helped.
He couldn't help the laugh that escaped him when he noticed Dick's stare of realisation. "Uncle Danny!"
Bruce just smirked, chuckling lightly as he gave his eldest a slight nod. "Danny."
Dick was the most familiar with Danny having meet the other a couple of times when he was younger and just started out as Robin. Bruce wasn't ashamed to say that Danny and Alfred had been the two he had asked for advice the most when he had taken Dick in back then. Danny had already expirence in raising kids from an even younger age than Bruce had. That their two cousins Dan and Danielle were in a way clones too was however something he would not be telling his kids yet. Frankly it wasn't his place and honestly if Danny hadn't become as comfortable as he had with this fact over the year he wouldn't have outed his clone twin to his kids either.
"So...." Tim started, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "...what now? Not that it will change anything now but uh...."
"Nothing really? I mean if Clark still got a problem then well I guess we don't have a super uncle anymore? But hey maybe we could introduce Uncle Danny to Conner?" Dick shrugged turning to Tim.
"But that would mean we admit to Uncle Danny that B let us in in the secret and that could make things awkward and..."
"Tim you are overthinking! It will be fine!"
Bruce smiled as he watched his two sons start to argue wether or not to introduce Danny to Conner. Well even if they did Danny wouldn't mind it. In fact Bruce had kept his clone twin updated on a lot of things that happened with his work as Batman. One of the reasons was that Danny had started out in the hero business way sooner than Bruce had but also because Danny was his last resort contingency plan against everything.
His twin would probably laugh in their faces and ask why it took them so long to introduce them and then drag his own daughter to meet Conner so they could have some 'clone'-bonding time and knowing Danielle, she was going to drag Dan along and then Bruce himself too. Bruce chuckled at that thought, he also knew that if Clark doesn't clean up his act than Danny would most likely swoop in and adopt Conner right out of under Clarks nose.
Well all he had to say if it came to that was that his best friend wouldn't be able to blame anyone but himself then.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 6 months
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[1:08 pm]
(cw: a baby, parenthood, (gn!reader))
Fatherhood was something that dad!Doyoung never thought he could ever be ready for. He'd never been around babies! He didn't know how to change diapers. He didn't want to change diapers. He couldn't imagine going a day with a 3 hours of sleep. He couldn't imagine your usual calm home being filled with crying and the wailing of a baby. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be comfortable holding such a fragile little thing. It was overwhelming for him to say the very least. He felt as if he'd never be prepared.
But despite all his worrying and anxieties, he'd overcome all that. His and the baby's sleep schedule had slowly but surely started getting back to normal. As normal as it could get with a baby boy waking up at the ass crack of dawn to eat. The diapers also hadn't gotten easier, but Doyoung was more used to it now. He was used to holding the baby now, and he was a complete natural.
The only thing that had gotten better, and subsequently gotten worse after a few weeks, was the crying. There had been a few weeks of pure bliss. The crying was normal, the baby was hungry, needed a diaper change, or hungry. But then, god, god of course you both knew it was coming, but you had hoped it would take a few more months like your friends kids did. The teething.
There was not enough numbing gel, teething rings, teething toys, teething tablets, frozen wash cloths, or teething snacks to sooth your poor baby's sore gums. This was one of the things you'd failed to think about. For the people around you it happened around 8 or 9 months, your poor baby boy was 6 months, today.
You were having a small, intimate group of people over to celebrate your son's half birthday. Just some dinner and cake.
Doyoung was talking to Johnny with his son on his lap, bouncing his son on his knee when the very familiar whining and whimpers started. "Honey! The gel is wearing off!" Doyoung called out to you.
You dug around the freezer, "None of his toys are in here! Did you remember to put them in?"
Doyoung sighed, he had forgotten. He was so busy helping you set up while your son was down for his nap, he had forgotten. He knew he had forgotten something!
You sent him one of your well-known "what did I tell you?" looks and handed him the teething gel before going back to your conversation with his brother.
"Sorry, this will only take a second. Anyway, I was just saying how the book is really well written..." Doyoung continued his conversation with his pointer finger rubbing over the baby's gums.
Johnny stared at the baby with a humorous gaze. The baby hummed and gurgled happily as he held Doyoung's finger in his mouth and gnawed on it. Doyoung was hilariously unphased, forgoing his mission of applying the teething gel and just letting the baby chew on his finger.
"Anyway, I think you'd really like the book. Do you want to borrow it?" Doyoung asked with raised brows.
Johnny chuckled, "I'm sorry I wasn't listening. I was just watching little man go to town on your finger."
"This will hurt a lot more when his teeth are fully out, but they're just breaking through. I don't even mind it- but the drool. The drool is the real problem, I think. We have to change his bib at least 5 times a day," Doyoung explains while wiping up a string of baby saliva.
"You're a good dad, Doyoung," Johnny smiles, clapping Doyoung's shoulder.
You caress your son's wet cheek and kiss Doyoung's , "he's the best."
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wellcollapse · 2 months
today's hot take: if the show ever gets around to introducing eddie's sisters onscreen, i want there to be a reason why it took so long for either of them to show up. because all we've gotten over the past six years are a few passing mentions from eddie and his family, and i don't want that to be a mistake on the show's part. when it comes to sophia and adriana, i want there to be distance. i want there to be anger. i want there to be resentment.
we know that eddie was parentified at a young age and spent most of his childhood feeling responsible for sophia and adriana only to get his girlfriend pregnant at age eighteen. we know that eddie wasn't ready for any of it — he wasn't ready to get married. he wasn't ready to be a husband or a father. to have his own child as a child. and we know that he did it anyway. and from the minute that eddie held that tiny baby, every single thing that he did was for his son. every single priority that eddie may have had before that was second to the living, breathing embodiment of his heart — christopher.
we also know that part of the reason why eddie didn't want to leave texas when shannon asked him to is because he didn't want to leave his sisters. but eventually he did. he did need to leave. he needed to leave his parents, and he left sophia and adriana there too. and like. it's heavily implied that adriana is much younger than eddie, and given that ramon was never home and eddie was heavily involved in raising her, it's more than likely that she would harbor some kind of resentment towards him for leaving. and obviously he didn't mean to leave her — i feel like that goes without saying, but i want to reiterate it so nobody misunderstands me. but i want her to feel abandoned anyway. i want her to have so much love lying dormant with nowhere for it to go. i want them to have drifted away from each other during the years when he was at war and focused on his new wife and baby and i want to hear that his sisters had to watch him leave again, barely a year after they thought that they got their big brother back.
listen. i know that the diaz siblings are very popular in fic and most people hc that they have a really close relationship but at this point in canon, it's been a full six years since eddie was introduced, and in my opinion we're way past the point where it would feel natural for either of them to be (currently) actively involved in eddie's life. so i hope the show does something with it, because i think there's so much potential for an estrangement/reconciliation arc between them and i'm so excited at the prospect of what it could do for eddie's character.
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miley1442111 · 4 months
Promises- a.donaldson
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a/n: intended for fem! reader but as usual, imagine what you like :))) Tashi isn’t hurt in this universe
art and you have three kids, Daniel, Tiana, and Harry
summary: a quiet moment in your life with art
pairing: husband/ father art donaldson x wife/ mother reader
warnings: fluff, reader is a mom, suggestive at the end :)
He sat beside you on the couch, braiding your daughter's hair while humming along to ‘Tangled’ which was playing in the background.
“You ok Momma?” Daniel, your son smiled at you as he sat between your legs, eyes focused on your face. Art faced you with a concerned look that turned into a grin. He would never get used to how beautiful you looked, especially when taking care of his and your children.
“All good baby,” you smiled at your son, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Getting tired yet?” You yawned and he shook his head. “Alright, just a little longer, then bedtime.”
“Are you guys excited to see daddy play tomorrow?” Art asked and all three of your children responded with whoops of excitement. “Are you all excited to see mommy play tomorrow?” Was met with even louder shouting.
You laughed at his antics and squeezed his bicep as you giggled.
“Mommy!” Tiana, your eldest daughter called for you, showing off her hair. “Did daddy do a good job?”
You looked at the perfectly-done braid and wondered how Art had gotten better than you. “It’s amazing darling,” You smiled.
“Now, bedtime?” Art offered and was met with groans and grumbles of ‘more time!’ and ‘I’m not tired!’. He groaned and looked at you. You smiled back and pressed a kiss to the hand he had draped over your shoulder.
“Come on, dad will sing you all a song before you go to sleep, how does that sound?” You offered and all the kids got up, running to their bedrooms without hesitation. Art groaned into the pillow beside him as you stood up, folding up the blanket you had been using before putting it back. Your children loved his voice yet he only sang when you asked him to.
“I have to sing?” He asked, getting up and hugging you from behind.
“Do you want them to go to sleep at a reasonable time?” You chuckled as he buried his head into the crook of your neck.
“How do you feel about tomorrow?” He asked and you tensed. Tomorrow. You were going up against Tashi.
“Awful,” you tried to make it off as a joke but he could tell you were struggling with the thought of losing.
“You’ll be amazing, and even if you don’t win, it’ll all be ok,” he promised. “I’ll love you the same. The kids will love you the same. Tennis does not define you.”
Your heart swelled. He could see right through you sometimes (all the time) and he always knew exactly what to say.
“I’ll still fuck you after it too,” he smirked and you hit his hand away, chuckling at his horrible joke.
“Dad! We’re waiting!” Daniel shouted from his room. Art chuckled and rolled his eyes, kissing your cheek.
“You’re in demand,” you joked and he flipped you the bird. You chuckled and followed him into your children’s rooms one by one, listening to your husband sing softly to your children.
You loved your life.
Oh, and you won the match.
And Art did fuck you after it.
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games :)
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byunpum · 8 months
Safe Heaven | Part 2
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Pair: Neteyam x Human!reader (sully family, others na'vi)
Warning: 18+ (some smut...a little) Neytiri being a bit(a lot) controlling, forced pairing, cozy moments, comfort moments, All characters are adults.
Note: I promise you that the third part will not be as late as this second part. Still…I hope you enjoy this part.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4[final]
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That night was too cold for your taste, if you had known you were going to sleep in your secret place you would have brought a blanket. But the warm body heat that neteyam's body gave off was very warm, you had snuggled more on his chest, feeling how his arms wrapped around you completely. You had gotten up as soon as the sun started to rise, but you decided to stay still and enjoy this moment. Feeling neteyam's calm breathing, and breathing in his scent. This man had such an addictive natural scent, you could only think how addictive it had to be for the female na'vi. If you were a human you could smell him, you didn't want to know what the female na'vi who had a sharper sense of smell smelled like. Sometimes you didn't understand what neteyam saw in you…just sometimes you didn't understand.
You feel his arms tighten, and he starts yawning. "Baby…" says neteyam sleepily, looking down to see you curled up on his chest. "Good morning…did you rest well?" you can see neteyam laugh out loud, of course not. The airplane chair wasn't comfortable, but you knew he wasn't going to say he slept uncomfortably. He preferred this more than anything. "Well…I'd prefer to sleep on top of a rock," Neteyam speaks, listening as you now laugh. Lifting you off his chest, lowering you to the ground to stretch, behind you was a sore neteyam. You are thankful that he had endured a whole night of discomfort for you. You move behind him, and since he was sitting it was much easier for you to stroke his back, and begin to massage him. "You are so tense teyam" you reach over and give him a quick kiss on his skin. You can hear him humming, and relaxing into your touch.
You didn't want this moment to end, but it was getting late. You were supposed to be in your respective homes, you were practically on the run. "And what are you going to tell your mom?" you ask, pausing to wait for an answer from neteyam. He looks at you, and lifts his shoulders. "And you?" neteyam asks you. "I don't know… I'll say I was with kiri" you watch as a smile tugs at neteyam's lips. Kiri didn't know anything about your relationship, but she didn't mind being an accomplice in your adventures. She will always be there for you. After getting ready, before leaving the plane, Neteyam gets off the plane. Neteyam comes down to you, giving you a quick kiss. "I want to see you later? Yes?" says Neteyam between kisses, you push him away a little. "Go away…otherwise they will kill you" you were all giggles, while he continued to kiss you all over your face. You ended up pushing him away seeing how he was running away, it was getting a little late. He was supposed to come home and lay in the hammock and make it late at night. But it was already too late for that. On the other hand, you turn everything off…pick up everything you had to take with you and start walking to the lab.
On the other hand… neytiri practically didn't sleep all night, she realized that her son never arrived. Sure, neteyam was a man now…and he had his own life. But she wanted to know who he was with, he liked leeka?. She had barely spoken to him…plus she suspected something was going on. Neteyam was not one to do this, he was a well-behaved boy. The whole family was up, and they were eating together. Noticing Neteyam arrive, he looked a little agitated as if he were running. Stopping for a moment at the entrance, watching as his family looked at him curiously. "Good…morning" neteyam says, coming over to sit next to his brother. Carefully taking his portion of breakfast, he dared not speak, as he felt his mother's piercing gaze. "Good morning son…hey where did you spend the night?" asks jake, but it was not in a tone of authority but one of forming a conversation and breaking the ice. "I was standing guard" says neteyam, chewing his fruit. "Oh… was it calm?" asks jake, looking at his son noting that he was a little nervous, neteyam just nodded his head.
But this didn't convince neytiri, she knew something was up with her son. "Teyam… why did you leave leeka alone last night, that was very rude of you" speaks neytiri. Kiri, tuk and lo'ak look quickly at their brother, as if he was in big trouble. And yes he was… because he didn't really have a clear answer to tell his mother. He just didn't like leeka, and he had no business talking to her if he wasn't interested. "Ahh I had to leave, because I remembered I had guard duty" says neteyam, swallowing hard, hoping neytiri won't pursue the subject. "mmm and what do you think of that girl?" asks neytiri. "Ahh she's…fine" says neteyam. Feeling his brother push him a little "'fine? Are you kidding?" lo'ak almost gives him a fit, leeka was the most counted na'vi of the clan.
And he was rejecting her. "you should get to know her better" says neytiri, jake was getting tired of this conversation, it was very clear that neteyam didn't want to talk about this topic. "Ok… it's too early for these topics, why don't we just eat and spend this time as a family" says jake, giving neytiri a look. She just rolled her eyes, she knew that jake didn't really care who her son was hanging out with. After he was safe was more than enough for him.
But for neytiri, this was a cultural thing…something that had been passed down from generation to generation. She didn't want neteyam to make a mistake. After breakfast, all the family members began to divide into their daily chores. Neteyam was about to leave, just when neytiri called out to him. "Neteyam?" neytiri approaches her son, it was just the two of them so it was the perfect time to talk to him. "Honey… I don't want to burden you with this stuff. But the mating season is coming up and I just want to…" neytiri speaks, watching as her son begins to shift uncomfortably. Neytiri did not understand the disdain her son had on this subject. "Mama I have a lot of things to do" neteyam says, taking up his weapons. "Neteyam I wish you would choose a mate who will give you the position that belongs to you…just that" says neytiri, watching as neteyam only answers her with a 'hmmm' and walks out of the hut. Leaving a more worried neytiri. Besides knowing that her son was lying, she could detest a different scent…a scent that was attached to her son's skin. It was feminine…but which one was the na'vi girl? Who? She had to act fast, she had to have a second plan.
In the lab… You had arrived a little late, you had gone back to the plane to look for other things. And you stopped on the way when you met mo'at. She told you to stop by her hut, she wanted to show you some things. Mo'at understood that there was something wrong with you, and that you were in a hurry. But she didn't want to ask too much, eventually you were going to tell her what was wrong. You had always been like that… saying goodbye to her. To run to the lab, finding it empty. "uhhh I'm safe!!!" you cheer a little, you didn't have to lighten up with awkward questions. But you weren't expecting your favorite intruder. "Safe from what or who?" asks spider, making you jump a little. He had been sitting in the back all this time. " Nothing…just ahhhh where's norm?" you ask, watching as spider chuckles a little. He knew you had done something. You and spider had grown up together, you were practically like brothers, so he already knew when you were lying. "He's sleeping…but the real question here is…where did you sleep last night?" asks spider, approaching you. You nudge him, sometimes it could be very annoying. "I was with kiri" you speak, turning away from him and starting on your way to your room. You didn't really have much to do there, but it was the best place to escape from spider. Spider laughs, winking at you…he knew you were lying to him. But he didn't care where you had spent the night either, he had his suspicions but he wasn't going to say anything until he was sure. "Well… that 'kiri' smells a lot like ….neteyam" says spider, seeing you stop in your tracks. And you turn quickly signaling for silence. "Shut your mouth…you idiot!!!" you whine, ignoring him. Listening as spider laughs out loud.
Spider didn't know anything, or so you thought. Maybe he could have been suspicious, but you ignored his comments. And you go on your way, you wanted to get ready to go help mo'at. So you practically run for your materials, and run out of the lab. Running as fast as you could, you knew mo'at didn't like to wait, so you had to be there in seconds. To your bad luck, or out of pure conscience…you were so distracted running that you could barely see who was in front of you. Without realizing, you were about to crash into neytiri and leeka. Hitting your head on leeka's thigh, falling sitting down on the ground. "Hey…watch out!" the girl speaks, looking down. "Sorry" you groan, you'd taken a good punch. Neytiri reaches over, and grabs you by the forearm. Helping you to stand up.
The relationship you and Neytiri had was not great, but you knew she treated you better than spider. You always thought it was because mo'at treated you like a daughter. But you never got close to her, you barely talked to her. You had always related more to her children and jake. "Are you all right?" asks neytiri, helping you to adjust the ornaments that covered your breasts. "Yes…I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. Mo'at is waiting for me" you speak, thanking her for helping you and running towards Mo'at's hut. Both women look at you as you walk away. "She is…strange. Well, she's a sky person so everything about her is strange" says Leeka, she had a bad look on her face. Neytiri is silent, she didn't want to comment much about you. But she did have some very respective comments about you and your relationship with her family, but she kept them to herself. "Well…as I was saying. I think you should meet neteyam one of these days?" says neytiri. The girl was a little disappointed about the night before, neteyam hadn't talked to her much and then left without saying anything.
"I think he doesn't want to talk to me" says leeka, neytiri laughs a little. But it was a more ironic smile. Touching the girl's shoulder, so that she calms down. "Sure he is… he is a little shy" neytiri says. "I'll try to talk to him…I'll ask him if he wants to go hunting with me or for a walk" says leeka, seeing how neytiri smiled approvingly. Neytiri didn't want to force anything, but she knew what she was doing. She had to support the girl. "He'll love it…I'm sure," Neytiri says. Staying quiet for a moment, she had smelled a familiar scent on you. She wanted to think it was because you were always with neteyam and his children. But this awakened an alarm in her.
You quickly arrive at the mo'at hut, seeing how the woman was already waiting for you. You excuse yourself, and sit down next to her. "Where were you?" mo'at was cutting some herbs, preparing for the demonstration she had prepared for you. "Ahh I was in the lab" you speak, nervously. "Mmm but we ran into each other earlier… so you weren't there" mo'at looks at you for a moment, noticing how your little eyes widen. She had caught you, but she wasn't going to say anything. Mo'at hands you the container she was working on. "Ok, let's get to work" Mo'at speaks, watching you settle more into your space. She had to teach you everything she knew, she had plans for you in the future. You had shown her that you could stay in charge of the medical area of the clan. The people in the clan trusted you, and little by little you were improving every day. Mo'at knew you were doing a good job, you were a very good girl. It had been a while, since morning. You were in a corner eating something, enjoying your free time. While listening to mo'at. "I hope this mating season will be successful…and many couples will come out" says mo'at.
"Yes" you speak, lowering your head. This was something you did not like to talk about. You were aware of your position, neteyam could tell you that he wanted to get away from you and choose a na'vi woman. You knew what happened every week, every week neytiri tried to match his son with different girls. They were so…perfect for him. You couldn't compete with them, you were…just you. And you had a lot of confidence in yourself…but you were aware that you and neteyam were different species. You didn't know what was going to happen. "There's no one you're interested in?" mo'at looks at you curiously. "ahh there are no boys my age here" you laugh nervously. "And spider?" mo'at asks, watching as you fall silent and then start laughing. She joins you… she knows that you and spider are like brothers. But she wanted to make you laugh. "H-hello" speaks neteyam, carefully entering the hut. "Ahh what are you doing here?" asks mo'at, examining his grandson with his eyes. He looked very well.
You get a little nervous, chuckling a little when your gaze meets neteyam's. "I came to see if you would help me…with this cut" neteyam points to his shoulder. "teyam…there's nothing there" mo'at says, watching as his grandson laughs. "Grandma…it's really annoying, I cut myself on a branch" says neteyam, sitting down on the ground. Mo'at gives you a look, causing you to laugh. "Y/N…clean neteyam's deep wound" says mo'at, you get up from the ground approaching neteyam. To sit in front of him. Taking a cream that was in one of the many bottles that mo'at had. You can see the smirk of confidence on his face. "You're bleeding to death" you joke, watching as he moves closer to you. "I just wanted to see you… it's been a long time" neteyam takes your hand, to caress it.
"It's only been a few hours" you place some medicine, moving closer to him. You two were now very close. "That's a long time….hey" neteyam whispers. You look back, glancing at mo'at. The woman was too busy at her work, so she wasn't paying attention to you. "What?" you say, while pretending you were putting in more medicine. "How about we meet at the waterfall?" neteyam asks you. "What for?" you feel neteyam's hand hold yours, pulling it closer to his chest. Lowering his head further, so that it is now closer to your ear. "To bathe together…you and me" neteyam laughs a little, watching as you place your hands on his mouth. He had to be quiet, his grandmother couldn't hear anything. Seeing mo'at still not paying attention to him. "close…touching us" speaks neteyam, a little loudly. You tell him to shut up, laughing at him.
Mo'at looks at you from afar, the scene ahead of her was interesting… the two of you were in front of each other. Your hand on neteyam's chest, he held it caressing your skin. While both of you were laughing, whispering to each other. The woman takes a deep breath, the feelings she was feeling that you two were transmitting was something that she knew would cause problems, but it was something strong. Something unavoidable, it was more than evident that the two of you were together. Mo'at turned her attention back to her work, it was best if she pretended not to see anything. She knew that when they needed her help you would talk to her. "Well…see you at sundown,ok?" neteyam waits for your reply, you nod, watching as neteyam walks over to you and gives you a quick kiss on the shoulder. You push him away, pushing him out of the hut as you two were giggling. You sit back down next to mo'at, you can feel her giving you a few glances. But you see that she doesn't speak, she doesn't seem upset. So you assume she didn't see you and doesn't suspect anything.
That same afternoon… Neteyam had finished all his chores, he was ready to go to the waterfall as he had planned with you. Today had been a good day, the only downside was the conversation he had with his mother that morning, but everything else had run smoothly. Neteyam had rushed to the family hut, leaving his hunting tools behind. Feeling more relaxed and to come find you at the lab. This meeting was important to him, being with your company was very precious. With you he could be himself, no longer the perfect son that his parents wanted him to be. Well…that his mother wanted. Neteyam was aware of his mother's plans. And he knew that in the end he had to make his decision, but at this moment he was not going to think about anything and he was going to enjoy the afternoon.
Just as he was entering the laboratory he bumped into Leeka. The girl greeted him from afar, neteyam tried not to make a bad face. He didn't want to be rude, but he didn't want to talk to her, especially knowing that she was doing what his mother asked her to do. Leeka approached him. "Hello, how are you?" the girl asks. "I'm fine…thanks" neteyam was already feeling uncomfortable, and now even more so that he was in a hurry. "Hey…I was wondering if you I…can we walk for a while" says the girl, noticing how neteyan tenses up and laughs uncomfortably. "It can be now…or whenever you want" leeka was sure neteyam would agree, he looked like a guy who wouldn't say no. "Leeka….I don't" neteyam was about to answer her, but just at that moment the door to the lab opened. "Y/N!!!" neteyam shouts a little, coming closer to you. Taking your hand quickly, pulling you closer to his side. "Is something wrong?" you are a little confused, you were going to go look for him. You weren't expecting him at the entrance, and even less so with this company.
"No…I was just waiting for you. Why don't we leave?" says Neteyam, the boy is anxious to get out of there. "Aren't we going for a walk?" leeka looks at neteyam, she still couldn't believe he was denying her request. "no….we'll talk later" neteyam drags you with him, while you look back feeling how leeka's gaze is glued to you. You decide to ignore what happened a moment ago, and focus on neteyam. The path to the waterfall was a bit far, so he ends up carrying you like a little horse on his back. Talking about anything, and enjoying the moment. When you arrive at the waterfall, neteyam puts you down. While he goes to check on the water. "Love… this water has a nice temperature" says neteyam, seeing how you were taking something out of your bag. You had been carrying a strange bag all this time. A long time ago neteyam stopped wondering what were the things you sometimes brought with you, it was a common thing with you. Always with bundles, and boxes with you. You are kneeling on the floor, your back to Neteyam. "Baby what are you doing there?" neteyam kneels behind you. Putting his head on your shoulder, you push him a little. "Wait!!!" you speak up, you wanted to show him something you had been working on for weeks.
You had been working on your new oxygen mask for weeks. And you had waited all day to show it to neteyam. Neteyam sees you take off your current mask, and gets nervous. "Baby what are you doing?" but within seconds you turn around, showing neteyam that your face was free of that annoying glass. "Taraaaa what's up?" you were very happy that it worked well, you had tried it but you still had your doubts. "This…I can't believe it, you finally finished it" neteyam kneels down to be at your height, getting closer to you. Watching carefully how everything worked, small tubes that entered through your nose and traveled behind your ear. Then connecting to your oxygen machine. Neteyam takes your face with his hands, kissing you. It was the first time he could kiss you, being in his environment. He felt needed, as if he couldn't have any more of you. "ok, what are we waiting for" neteyam gets up from the floor. You were still a little shaken by the kiss, you didn't want him to pull away from you. You move closer to him, moving to his arm to rest on his forearm. But you can see how neteyam moves away from you and starts to take off all his clothes, the bracelets.
"Hey…what are you doing?" you laugh nervously, trying to stop him by placing your hands on his waist. "We weren't going to bathe?…we have to take off our clothes. Come on," Neteyam says as if it were the most normal thing in the world. And yes it was, you were the one who had that conflict. But even so, you knew from the look neteyam was giving you that he had other plans in mind. You watch as he continues to remove his clothes, reaching for his loincloth. "You're going to leave me alone, come on love…" neteyam starts to take off his loincloth. While you look around worriedly, you didn't want anyone to see you naked. Well, it's not like you have a lot of clothes on at the moment. Your top of ornaments, didn't cover much of your breasts. The last piece of neteyam falls to the floor, leaving him completely naked in front of you. You shift your gaze, you felt your cheeks were getting hot, neteyam was very beautiful…too much of beautiful. "Do you want me to help you?" asks neteyam, approaching you. Neteyam kneels in front of you again, coming over to help remove the knots from your top, moving it out of the way. You swallow hard, you loved it when he took care of you. Pulling the knots out of your loincloth, leaving you naked.
Neteyam pulls away a little, looking you up and down gently. It made you nervous, when he did these things. You laugh shyly, touching his chest. Neteyam meets your gaze, and there was a tender smile on his lips. His look was one of love and admiration. Damn…you had him so in love. "Hey…come on!!!" you move closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, to kiss his cheeks. "Ok, ok" netayam wraps his arms around you, standing up suddenly. Making you scream, as he walked towards the water. Sometimes you forgot how tall neteyam was, holding you tightly. As neteyam got deeper into the water you were stealing sloppy kisses all over his face and neck. When the water finally touches your shoulders, you can feel neteyam tighten his grip on you. Taking your thighs, to wrap them around his waist, you squeeze him intently trying to seek friction on his skin. He begins to kiss your neck, while his hands move over your hips, and squeeze the soft skin. You were getting a little desperate, kissing and seeking more of his touch. "I thought we were just going to bathe" neteyam says giggling between kisses, enjoying the attention you were giving him. Holding you tighter, lifting you higher on his body. "You started it" you laugh. "Hey…did you know I can hold my breath for 5 minutes straight?" says neteyam, looking at you mischievously.
"And?" you speak, feeling neteyam pull you a little away from his body. But he still holds you so you don't move too far away. "I would like to know if I can break my record…and I need your help. What do you think?" neteyam starts to go down in the water, while you laugh. Feeling him pull you closer to him. He dives completely into the water, kissing your stomach leaving a line of bubbles rising up. You place your hands on his hair, helping him a little. You knew the way he was going. Lowering it further, feeling neteyam take your thighs, to wrap them around his shoulders. Sinking his face into your cunt, His tongue flicked your clit and then spread from the bottom of your pussy to the top. The sensation of rough tongue, the feeling of bubbles caused by neteyam's lack of air. They caused you to shudder, and squeeze your thighs tighter against the sides of his face. Tangling your hand in his braids, you didn't know how he was managing to stay underwater so long, but he was making his point.
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Leeka thought about what had happened. For her it was strange enough that a boy like neteyam was denying her proposal to count. Leeka was a highly demanded na'vi in the clan…but she had her eyes set on neteyam. But what she was most curious about was the strange relationship neteyam had with you. She knew that you had grown up together, and that he had always been around demons. But… neteyam was very very close to you, and she was thinking that this was not normal. She was beginning to believe the rumors among the younger members of the clan. The romantic closeness the two of you had, how neteyam's scent was wafting over you. How you had been seen together, in unusual situations. But she knew she could fulfill what she promised neytiri…besides neteyam couldn't be with human, that's ridiculous. Leeka decided to go for a walk, she wanted to clear her mind. But she also wanted to look for neteyam, he couldn't be far away. The girl had walked quite a long way, she thinks it's been an hour. But she can hear the sound of water very close to her. She was going to stop and get some water…but stopped when she heard some voices.
Neteyam climbed up, breathing fast and with a stupid smile on her lips. You were stunned by the previous activities. You felt your cheeks burning, when Neteyam placed his hands on your face. Leaning in for a kiss, pulling away a little. Enjoying the view, of his partner all shattered in his arms. And that was just a little bit…of everything he wanted to do with you. You relax into his touch, resting your head in his hands. As you try to regain your normal breathing, neteyam slides his thumb across your lips…sliding it into your mouth. Watching as you instinctively suck it gently as he withdraws it, leaving a 'pop' sound. "You're a good girl" neteyam says, moving closer to kiss your lips. "Thank you" you speak, watching as neteyam lets out a laugh, pulling you close to his chest, so you can hug him. After a moment of cuddling, keep silent. "I want us to unite before eywa" says nateyam out of nowhere, noticing how your eyes widen in surprise. "What?" you ask.
Neteyam was getting tired of playing these little games with you, he wants you to be his partner. May you be his woman completely. That he could have you completely and he knew that you wanted too. He could feel it. “But what will your family say,” you speak, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I will talk to my family…they will understand. I want this to be serious, I love you” Neteyam is interrupted when they both hear Leeka's voice calling Neteyam. “Neteyam?” Leeka is standing on the shore, the girl glances at her feet. Noticing the mountain of outfits on the grass. And seeing how you and neteyam were together. You quickly move away, swimming further. Meanwhile, Neteyam turned around, now looking at the girl. "What's going on?" Neteyam asks. "What are you doing here? “I thought they were somewhere else,” Leeka says, crossing her arms. “I never say where I was going…besides, why do you care so much?” Neteyam sounded arrogant and annoyed. Leeka sulks, but she knew that she was no one to complain to him. “Sorry…I only found you guys by accident” Leeka says, looking at you intently.
You were trying to cover yourself, you didn't want her to suspect anything. Leeka looks at clothes again, and then laughs a little. “It seems like you are enjoying the river,” she says sarcastically. “Yes… and you are interrupting us” says Neteyam. “teyam!!!” You scold him, but he ignores you. His attention now was on Leeka leaving them alone. “Well… sorry for interrupting, see you later teyam” she laughs and looks at you as she says the last word. They both stay there, watching the girl walk away from the river. Leaving you alone again, Neteyam watches carefully, making sure she's not around. To turn to see you. He can tell how upset and scared you were right now. “Y/N?” neteyam calls, trying to take your arm. But you walk away, swimming towards the shore. “I told you that someone would come…and ahhh” you start arguing to yourself. You knew it wasn't his fault, but you were also aware that this could cause problems. “It's no big deal…she won't say anything” Neteyam says, keeping up with you. You guys had already gotten out of the water, and you were starting to put on your clothes.
“Of course…neteyam that girl was chosen by your mother. She talks to her, spends time with her…her” You turn to look at him, as you put on your last piece of clothing. “I want to go back to the lab, yes?” You give up, you didn't want to talk about this topic now. Your good time had been ruined by her. Neteyam also felt like you. “Okay…but” neteyam takes your hand, kneeling down to be at your height. “How about we meet in our place today? Yes…please” Neteyam begs, kissing your hand. You think for a moment, you didn't want things to escalate, but you also wanted to spend more time with him. You smile at him, and move closer to kiss him on the tip of his nose. “Ok…we'll see you at the same time” you see how the boy gets excited. They both finish getting ready, and begin their way back home. But this time, neteyam would carry you all the way, you were too tired to walk back.
Neteyam dropped you off in front of the lab, he was aware that what had happened had hurt both your spirits. You had barely spoken on the way home, but he was not discouraged. Maybe all you needed to do was get some rest and then you could go see each other. Neteyam came up to you, giving you a big kiss on your cheek. And another on the crown of your head. "I'll see you…yes?" neteyam looks at you hoping you wouldn't stand him up. "Yeah" you speak, smiling shyly and walking into the lab. Looking back, watching as neteyam stood there waiting for you to come back to him. But you decide to continue on your way, leaving him more frustrated. The boy sighs loudly…why that girl had to show up, why his mother was so insistent. He was going to put a stop to this whole situation… his family had to know the truth and accept it.
Neteyam arrived at the family hut, to his good fortune he found his mother and grandmother. Mo'at was visiting the hut, helping her daughter. Both women watched as Neteyam entered the hut, they could see that he was upset. But not in comparison to his mother, who had barely turned around to greet him. "Mom?" speaks neteyam, approaching his mother's side, to sit next to her. "I have to tell you something" neteyam didn't mind that his grandmother was with them, in the end she always found out everything. "I want to talk to you too" neytiri says, neteyam is silent so that her mother can start first. Neytiri looks up, her look was one of confrontation. "What the hell were you doing naked, and kissing Y/N in the river this afternoon" neytiri blurts out, neteyam gets nervous quickly. Jumping out of his seat, looking quickly at his grandmother. Mo'at looked shocked, but she already knew her daughter was going to ask that question to the poor boy.
After Leeka left the river, she went ahead. Running as fast as her feet would allow, she quickly reached neytiri. Telling her everything she saw, this left neytiri astonished. She couldn't believe it, it was one thing for her son to be friends with these humans. But that he was romantically involved with one…she couldn't believe it. As soon as mo'at arrived to visit her daughter, she told her everything that was happening. Even neytiri complained to her mother, because of the closeness she had with you. "Are you suggesting that because of me the two of them are together?!!!" shouts a little mo'at. "Don't say they are together" neytiri was falling in crisis. And now she finally had the chance to ask him in person, neteyam had to tell her the truth.
"Mom…" neteyam looks down for a moment, takes a breath and begins to speak. Now…this was the moment. After so long he was going to tell her everything. "Y/n and I…we want to be a mates. And we are going to unite before eywa. That is my wish and Y/n's wish" says neteyam, he had a confident voice. He knew what he wanted and that no one was going to change his mind. Neteyam's statement left Mo'at speechless, she looked at her daughter. Neytiri's eyes were closed, and for a moment she bit her lower lip in anger. "You're going crazy…that's impossible. I won't allow it" neytiri shouts, turning completely around now. "Mama but" neteyam tries to defend himself. "No…you know all that we have sacrificed for those humans and now you tell me that you want to join your life with one of them…that is something, impossible. It is something almost…grotesque" neytiri speaks, neytiri's words hurt neteyam.
And yes, he didn't have the heart to yell at his mother. So he just lowers his head, letting his mother vent all her frustration. "Daughter" mo'at tries to rationalize with neytiri, touching her shoulder. But neytiri pulls away, getting up from the ground angrily. "Listen neteyam… you're not going to see that girl again. I know you're of age, but I won't let you give away your future" neytiri storms out of the hut, not before stopping at the entrance of the hut. "I'm so disappointed in you" neytiri says, walking away. Meanwhile neteyam had remained there, sitting with his head down. And mo'at could notice, as some tears fell to the ground. Her grandson had been an exceptional child all his life…she knew what was going through his head now. And how bad he felt…but she also understood that no one was in control of his heart.
Mo'at settles down next to her grandson…wrapping him in her arms. Giving him a kiss on the side of his head. "neteyam don't worry… I will talk to your mother" Mo'at says. Watching as the boy looks up quickly. His face was teary, some tears were still running down his eyes. "You're not upset?" asks neteyam. Mo'at was a little confused, but not upset. She had learned that things in life cannot be controlled, that eywa has its own plans. And even if you interfere with them…it never works. Besides, they were talking about you, she knew you. She had practically raised you, she knew you and she knew you were a good girl. Neytiri was either overreacting…or she was already going crazy. But she was going to support her grandson…she couldn't leave him alone.
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ts1m1kas · 2 months
Original Ask: Could you do Jenson Button with wife reader? He was interviewing for Sky Sports with Danica Patrick. He was fed up with her and he always made that face whenever he was around her which was amusing to his wife. She was having a field day when one day she was at his interview. Just something fluff and cute. You decide how it goes. Tag me later!! Thanks!! :)) ( @pear-1206 )
Word Count: 645 words
(author's note: i hope you enjoy love !! i enjoyed writing this quite alot 🫶 )
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If there was one thing Jenson hated about working with Sky Sports, it was Danica Patrick. He couldn't stand to listen to her outlandish and disrespectful takes on races and drivers, especially her opinions about Logan Sargeant.
During his time in the Williams garage, Jenson became very close to Logan, and the pair developed a father-and-son relationship over the years. This only furthered when Jenson’s wife, Y/N, met Logan. She absolutely adored him and quickly became his biggest supporter alongside her husband.
So, when Y/N was invited to participate in a post-race discussion with Jenson, Danica and some other regular Sky Sports figures, she jumped at the opportunity. Jenson however, was not as keen as his dear wife.
The group stood in the paddock, each one of them holding a microphone. Y/N was smiling from ear to ear, so excited for the opportunity. Her husband watched her intently, realising that he took his job for granted far too often. However, once the interview began it wasn’t long before Jenson remembered why he disliked Danica so much.
“I just don’t think that Sargeant has the skill required to drive at this level. He can’t keep up with the car or the fast pace of the races which is reflected in his poor results. In my opinion, Williams should start looking for a new driver.” Danica said critically.
Some of the other interviewers nodded, but before she could begin talking again, Jenson cut in, “I disagree fully. Logan is a talented driver and we’ve seen just how well he can perform under pressure. I simply believe that this is just a slight rough patch in his career and that it won’t be long until he’s back on track and in the points.”
“I agree with Jenson,” Y/N stated while smiling at her husband, “I’ve spent a lot of time speaking with Logan and he puts far too much pressure on himself. He isn’t happy with how he’s driving at the moment but I don’t think the amount of criticism he receives isn't fair at all.”
Admiration and pride shone in Jenson’s eyes as he listened to his wife talk. He knew Logan would feel the same way too, but more appreciative that she had defended him.
Danica pretty much accepted their statements and moved on to discussing the race and giving even more unwarranted criticisms. Towards the end of the interview, Jenson was finding it harder and harder to suppress his eye rolls and sighs at Danica’s words.
Y/N on the other hand, was finding her husband’s behaviour hysterical. She knew very well that Jenson did not like Danica but watching his reactions made her struggle not to laugh.
Eventually, the interview ended and Jenson and Y/N walked off towards the Williams garage.
“You’re hilarious you know that right?” Y/N said to Jenson as they strolled along hand in hand.
“What do you mean my darling?”
“The way you react to Danica is unbelievable. I could barely stop myself from laughing when you rolled your eyes at her.”
Jenson snorted with laughter, “Sometimes what she comes out with is so ridiculous that I can’t help myself. Especially when it’s about Logan. I nearly kissed you on the spot when you started defending him.”
“Jenson!” Y/N said slapping his arm “You would’ve gotten us into so much trouble! But I’ll always defend Logan, he’s so talented! I don’t see why anyone would question his ability to drive.”
“God I love you,” Jenson said looking down at his wife.
“I’d hope so Jense,” Y/N replied.
The pair continued their walk to the Williams garage, still laughing every so often at Jenson’s previous antics. Other people might see him as rude, but Y/N wouldn’t have her husband any other way.
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onlyangel4 · 2 months
Toto Wolff with wife reader. Lifting the shorter one up so they can be seen in photos and always teasing her about her height but only him could do it. No one else was allowed. Thanks!! :))
little one. toto wolff.
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toto wolff x author wife!reader
in which you are five foot tall and toto finds it the cutest thing ever or a few moments with toto based on your height.
warnings- cursing. fluff. smut. size kink. unprotected sex in a very established relationship. fingering.
author's note: i know this request was meant to be cute and full of fluff but i may have gotten a little carried away. please do keep on sending requests, the more detailed the better! i write written fic and smaus for most of the grid and a handful of associated people.
"papa she is doing that thing again", jack spoke. your son had seen you pulling a chair over to the kitchen cabinets and knew exactly what you were about to do. something that your husband had made clear he did not like you doing.so jack had made a beeline to toto's home office to go and get his father so that he could deal with it and help you.
"okay son, i've got it from here", toto spoke a slight smirk on his lips. toto made his way through the house and to the kitchen where he found you on a chair that you had dragged next to the cabinet. "schatz", he tutted softly making your head whip round to look at him, "what have i told you about doing that"
"well i wanted biscuits and you put them at the top to hide them from jack and i couldn't reach them. and you are busy so i didn't want to bother you", you spoke still standing on the chair. "issue is i still can't reach them, they are right at the back", you spoke a pout now on your lips making your husband laugh.
"i'll get them but first get down", toto spoke his arms wrapping around your waist and effortlessly moving you from the chair and onto the ground. he then reached up and easily found the biscuits placing them in your awaiting hands.
"you need to stop doing that, you could fall and break your neck"
"don't be dramatic toto", you spoke shaking your head at your husband. he approached you his arms wrapping around your waist pulling you into him so he could place a kiss on your forehead. "i just worry schatz"
"i know but not all of us are blessed with being six foot five", you laughed softly.
"i will get people to lower the cupboards if it makes you stop climbing on the counter like a cat little one", he laughed softly.
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
deep down toto loved the height difference between you both you were so small so delicate especially contrasting against toto's hulking figure. it was so obvious a fairy and her giant.
toto was completly captivated by it and there were sometimes where toto could not help himself.
this particular time toto had come home from work to find walking around the house in just one of his white button up shirts with only your favourite white lace thong underneath it. you had been icing cupcakes that jack had helped you make before your parents had come to pick him up for the weekend. you had icing sugar dashed across your forehead, hair pulled up into the messiest ponytail to keep it away from your eyes.
toto cleared his throat alerting you to his presence. your face turned to look at him, "evening love", you chirped looking at him, "the kitchen is a bit of a state jack wanted to make cupcakes before going to see my mama but we didn't have enough time to ice them", you spoke but from toto's gaze you could tell that he was looking at you but not listening, "you alright love, what are you thinking?"
"that i should burn all of your clothes so you have to wear mine all the time", it was so matter of fact, a bold statement from your husband. once that made you blush. you moved to approach him, your arms tugging at his collar so he would bend down to kiss you. which he did. but usually these kisses after work were an innocent greeting but this one was anything but. there was heat behind the movement of toto's mouth. he was putting his all into the kiss, his hands moved to your waist large hands gripping handfuls of your ass. as he pulled away from the kiss he looked down at you, "i need you now little one. is anything in the oven?", he spoke not wanting to cause a fire in the house. when you shook your head that was the green light that he needed to pick you up by your waist and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
toto quickly walked you both to the bedroom, once inside he pressed your back against the wall and allowed his lips to run up and down your neck nibbling and biting at it, glad that you were currently in the middle of writing a book so you had no public appearances, meaning that he could leave all the marks he wanted to on your skin. he kissed from your neck back up to your ear, "I am going to fuck you in my shirt schatz", he whispered huskily in your ear. his eyes were blown with lust as he moved to throw you down onto the bed, this manhandling making a wetness form between your legs.
you loved being reminded of your husband's strength and simple acts like this were the perfect examples of this. you laid back on the bed watching as your husband moved to hover over you, "you look so pretty in my shirt little one. it swamps you and you look so perfect. makes me want to fuck you just so you know how much i love you."
"i know how much you love me toto"
"sh just let me show you", he whispered as his hands moved to bunch the shirt up at your waist revealing your clothed pussy to him, "isn't she pretty", he cooed as he pulled the flimsy white lace down your legs discarding it on the floor. toto placed a kiss on the inside of each of your thighs before he moved his thumb to your sensitive clit. he began to rub circles on your clit relishing in each moan that tumbled from your lips and the way that your hands fisted the bed sheets.
"let those moans out little one, i want to hear them", he spoke before pushing one finger into your pussy, thrusting it at a steady pace. "fuck, you are so fucking tight princess, such a good girl taking it for me", he praised.
"toto", you whined, this was the warning that your orgasm was near, so he began to use more pressure on your clit as he fingered you and soon enough that wave of pleasure came crashing down on you soundtracked by a moan of his name leaving your lips.
toto was feral by this point, all he wanted was to be inside of you, and you knew it. so you moved your hands down to the belt holding his slacks up and unbuckled it. he then helped you pull his trousers down. he was rock hard. "i can't wait to be inside of you my love", he spoke softly before kissing you again, full of love and passion.
toto tapped your clit with his cock before he pushed inside of you, an all to familiar groan falling from his lips as he did so. you were so tight, fucking you after all of these years still felt like that day he took your virginity. it was such a perfect feeling to be so deeply connected with his wife.
toto set a steady pace with his hips, he still had his shirt on and you were still wearing that button down that made him go feral. you were so desperate for him that you did not care that you were still fully clothed. "that's my girl. taking me so good", you growled in your ear as his hips pistoned against you. your back arched the feeling of pleasure washing over your body. getting to be intimate like this with the man that you loved was such a blissful feeling, it left your mind reeling.
toto bit down on your neck hoping to leave a pretty little mark there and that was the point where you lost all control, "toto", you moaned softly, "i'm so close"
"i know schatje, i know", he whispered softly in your ear, "come with me darling"
and with that your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks a loud moan falling from your bitten lips, that was all toto needed to push him over the edge and he found himself emptying inside of you.
"such a good girl", he praised, "you always take me so well", he spoke as he pulled out peppering kisses along your neck as he did so before he pulled you into his arms letting his body protect yours.
you both laid there incredibly content and so unbelievably in love.
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lady-ashfade · 9 months
Fighting The Storm
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—£ Twin!Lucerys Velaryon x Fem!Reader.
—£ Ask“Lucerys twin sister who went with him to storm end and you can decide what happened next.”
—£ Warning: Dragon fighting, Your dragon is called Nightshade, Short story, this is mostly seen as platonic but idk! You choose!
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Luke was anxious about leaving. He had many fears of something happening along the way or from storms ends. His only since of relief was to find his way to you and share his feelings and doubts.
As always you brushed your hands into his hair and gave him a pat on the shoulder, “It is our duty.” You pulled him closer and kisses his forehead.
“But if anything happens don’t wait for me, me and nightshade will handle everything. You and arrex can not handle much, promise me this.” You grabbed his hands and made him swear on your mother.
Your whole life you had done what your mother wished for herself and trained to be a knight. You could handle yourself well and it helps that your dragon was a adult, having to claim one as your own.
The way to storms ends put a distasteful taste in your mouth and made your stomach sink but you put on a brave face for him. All your life you had been doing so, keeping him safe and calm.
When the two of your saw Vhagar you grabbed onto him and ask him if he remembers his problem. Making him swear again to keep it.
When you both arrived in the castle you both saw your uncle who sent a shiver down your spine. He looks evil and sadistic when he looked at you, a cocky grin at his lips. You hated him for years but this wasn’t the time to get into family hatred.
 Of course this was never going to be a civil night with him here so one thing lead to another and you took Luke’s hand and ran out. He was to be protected at all cost.
You both sattled your dragons and took off into the storm that now whistles and cries over the sea.
You kept yourself close to your brother and since your dragon was bigger then his, making sure to keep a eye out for aemond.
When vhagar started to appear you hopped in front of your brother and tried to keep the focus on yourself. The whole situation you were protecting your brother, yelling at aemond to stop and let you both go. War had no beginning yet. He only laughed and continued to scare Luke.
You got separated from your brother and you called out for him and listen for any sign. The rain and clouds covered most of your view that you began to panic. “Brother!” You called out for him.
You couldn’t lose him. From the moment you came into the world he was there, your twin. And best friend.
The larger dragon came into view and you couldn’t take it anymore of the torturing and games. “Dracarys.” You screamed and flew closer. Fire was blown onto the dragon as you quickly turned away to kept yourself from harm.
You hoped that Luke had gotten away and that you could buy him time to rush back home.
Seeing aemond tug his ropes back and screaming at vhagar you knew it was a mistake but one you had to own. It would have ending up badly anyway so as long as you saved Luke. That was all that matters.
Luke rushed into castle and searched for his mother while soaked in water but he didn’t feel on his skin. He was on fire, his blood pumping and heart racing. ‘I left her there, my own sister. I left her there to die.’ Those words repeated in his head since he left the storm. At this moment while he breathed in the air you could be drawings your last breath or already be died.
All he sees is your braided hair laying on his shoulder as the sun beamed down on you in kingsland. The both of you sitting by your mother as her bell swelled with a new babe on the way. He sees your smile when you kiss him goodnight on the forehead each night as you jokingly check under his bed for monsters. And, his body wants nothing more then to feel your arms wrapped around him.
“Lucerys.” His mothers voice was finally heard and his head snapped towards her. She clinched her dress and rushed over to her son and checked his body for injuries. He looked more pale then should be possible, and his lips were blue and floor trailed with rain water. “Where is your sister?” She glanced behind him for you since you were never far away from your twin but she saw nothing.
Whimpering, his eyes filled with tears. “I lost her.” His breaths started to pick up and he was losing his breath. “Aemond separated us. They both were no were insight. She made me promise to leave, and I shouldn’t have- I-” he broke down as his mother pulled his head into her shoulder and shh’d him while her own mind raced. Her brother was there, and chasing them no doubt.
“I will ride at once.” Daemon spoke from behind as he grabbed his helmet and sword. Rhaenrya watched him get up, “It is a storm- Daemon.” Rhaenrya did not know what to do at the point. Vhagar was out there and in a storm it would be hard to fight but her little girl was out there somewhere. In the cold, in the rain and probably fighting for her life while praying to get away.
Daemon went to say something but a large dragon call was heard from outside and it was a familiar call. Nightshade. They rushed through the halls to make it outside to see you return, they were anxious.
There stood the tall black scaled dragon with a few cuts on its skin with blood dripping down but it seemed to pay it no mind. The dragon watched a few guards heavily while they focused on something on the ground away from their view. “Y/n!” Rhaenrya knew what it had to be with the dragons intense gaze. She ran across the ground and over to where the scene had taken place and she saw you.
Her little girl laying there with eyes shut and blood staining your clothes. Your mouth stained the same tint as your brothers and skin almost un life like, you looked…Dead. She dropped to her knees and placed up your head into her lap and the men works on the wounds on your body and checked to see if you were still alive. You still had a faint pulse and breath but you could lose that at any moment.
The night was long as the maester did their best to keep you alive. Your mother pacing outside the door wondering if she was to lose another daughter. Daemon sharping his sword and planning a way to make aemond pay. And lucerys, who sat with tear stain cheeks knowing that if you died tonight it would be his fault. It was him who left, it was him who took aemonds eye many years ago to make him do this, it was him he was after. And all you wanted to do was keep him safe.
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storm-angel989 · 5 months
Fix it, Vox. (Valentino x Daughter)
SHOUT OUT TO absolut3lyn0t  for all the help with the Spanish and for being a FANTASTIC human in general. You are AMAZING!
The weight of her body jolted him awake. A tiny head against his chest, and muffled tears. The bright red clock flashed on his nightstand. Three thirty. He had literally gotten to bed less than a half hour ago. He tried to ignore the aching in his head as he struggled to talk to the sobbing child. 
“Beibita, what’s the matter?” He mumbled as he wrapped his arms around the crying toddler. “Shush. Papi is here, niñita. Vuelve a dormir.”
“Papi, will the angels come and get me?” She choked out. “Daddy, I’m scared. I don’t wanna get ex..er…”
Now he had her full attention. ¿De que ella habla? What was she talking about?
“Princessa, no one is going to take you away. Who told you that?” He asked, trying to mask the fury in his voice. “Papi is here, bebita. Shush.” He rocked her as gently as he could as he tried to bite back his exhaustion.
Of all the weekends for her mother to go out of town. 
“The tv said so, I heard it! I…I…” She sobbed. 
God fucking damn it. He told that son of a bitch. He told him his daughter wasn’t asleep. He warned him not to change the channel for another half hour until they could be sure she was safe and sound in bed and not about to try to sneak out to curl up with them or try to con him into letting her watch just one more episode. After all, she did it every single night. But no, Vox  insisted he put on the news right away. He insisted it would be fine. And now here Valentino was, paying the goddamn price. 
“Shush. Papi won’t let anything happen to you, okay?” He said softly as he sat up. “Come on, bebita. Papi will make you a warm bottle and you can sleep with me, okay, pequeño amor?.”
She cuddled closer into his chest and he lifted her up effortlessly. He carried her cradled against him to the kitchen. With one arm supporting the weight of his daughter, the other carefully warmed up a bottle of milk and flicked it on his wrist before trying to hand it to the toddler. 
“Drink up, mi amore.” 
She refused to take it. “I want Mommy! “And Uncie and Auntie! The angels are gonna get them! Papi, we have to do something!” She burst into another round of tears.
God fucking damn it, Vox. He silently cursed as he set the bottle off to the side and tried to sooth the hysterical toddler. “Mommy will be back tomorrow night, shush,” he replied softly as he bounced her soothing
He looked at the clock. Four am. There was a good chance Vox was up and in his office. A twinge of anger made its way through Valentino. If Vox was awake, it was only fair that he helped clean up the mess he made. 
“Let’s go see if Uncie Voxxy is awake, alright mi amore? Your mommy will be home tomorrow and Auntie Velvette is sleeping.” He shifted her weight and pressed the bottle to her lips, willing her to take it. A full tummy was the key to getting her to sleep- he learned that when she was first born. “Come on, bebita.”
She refused and he sighed in frustration. He nabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and walked towards the elevator, hoping that by the time they got to Vox’s office she would have at least settled down. 
No such luck. 
The sound of a crying, screaming baby tested every single bit of Valentino's last nerve. Even if it was his daughter, and he loved her with every single beat of his heart, he was absolutely at his wits end.  There was no reason for her to be this afraid; it was absolutely uncalled for. Vox should have listened and then maybe, just maybe he would still be asleep. By the time he walked into Vox’s office, every single part of him struggled to maintain control. He stormed from the elevator and stomped over the shark tanks. 
“You broke it, you fix it,” he growled as he tried to hand reader over to Vox. “I told you not to put on the news. I told you she wasn’t asleep yet, and now look!” 
The anger in her fathers voice only triggered more tears. Desperately she clung to Valentino’s neck and dug her hands into his shirt. “Daddy!” 
Valentino put a protective hand on her back and glared at Vox. 
Vox was up on his feet in a matter of moments. “Woah. Alright, take a breath Val. What happened?” His eye began to swirl. “Babygirl, why are we crying? Come here, Val. Take my spot. Sit down. Breathe. You relax. She’ll relax.” He took the bottle from Valentino’s hand and set it off to the side. 
“The angels are gonna get us,” Reader sobbed into Valentino’s shoulder. “I saw it on TV!”
Valentino shot Vox a look and guilt spread across Vox’s features. 
“Shit. I mean, fuck. Sweetie. Baby. It wasn’t real, I promise. It was a story. Like..” he struggled for a moment and then his expression lit up. “Like a bedtime story your Daddy tells you. It was just a scary story, it’s not real. I promise. Now come to Uncle Voxxy, let me hold you sweetie.” 
She reached up to him and Vox wrapped her in his hold as he rocked her. She heaved a hiccup and Vox gently tilted her head up to meet his eye. “Who controls the television, my sweet baby girl?”
 “Uncle Voxxy….” she answered tearily. 
“Right, sweetheart. So wouldn’t I know best?” He asked as he stroked her hair. “Uncle Voxxy, and Daddy and Mommy and Auntie Vel won’t let anything happen. I promise babydoll.” He picked up the still warm bottle and guided it to her mouth. 
She sucked on it gently as he continued to rock her. Carefully, Vox handed her back to Valentino. Valentino carefully laid her head over his heart as Vox wrapped her in the blanket. 
“Duerme bebe niña papá está aquí,”  he said softly. “You’re safe, we’re safe, it's okay.”
To both their relief, she fell asleep almost instantly, soothed by the beating of Valentino’s heart, a full tummy, and the feeling of security. Vox caught the bottle as it fell out of her hands and set it on the desk.
“Are you okay Val?” Vox asked softly. “You look like shit.” 
“I’m exhausted, Vox. I went to bed like thirty minutes before this all began,” he replied tiredly. “I need you or Vel to watch her this morning- I’m begging you.”
“Just call me when she wakes up,” Vox replied quickly. “Or you can give her to me now. I can work with her in my arms.” 
“No, I can take her for a few hours…”
“Nonsense. Give me the baby. Take a breath. And get some sleep.” Carefully, Vox lifted the bundle to his own chest and laid her head carefully against his heart. “She won’t wake up now that she’s out. Go get some rest, Val. When you wake up you can take her back.”
Grateful, and with one last kiss on his sleeping daughter's forehead, Valentino made his way back upstairs. In his control room, Vox adjusted the little girl against his body as little as he possibly could. Guilt washed over him as he worked. Valentino had warned him she wasn’t asleep. It was his own fault for scaring her so badly, and for his friend to be pushed beyond the point of exhaustion. 
“I’m so sorry I scared you. It won’t happen again,” he said quietly to the sleeping toddler. He kissed her on the forehead. “And I promise we will always keep you safe.”
Against him, she snuggled closer and he leaned back in his chair as he held the sleeping toddler. He closed his eyes for a moment and let out an exhale. To his surprise, she did the same. He felt something stir deep in his chest. Love. Protectiveness. The desire to never let this sweet little girl feel afraid again. 
“You’re safe, babygirl,” he whispered as he held her carefully. “I promise.”
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