mysterygrl20 · 4 days
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hello beautiful, we meet again.
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sixersigned · 10 days
notes on the mind electric v! affiliated w/ @deciphver </3
essentially an au where bill didn't 'fumble' ford, and essentially doubled down on the long con. he didn't out his plans immediately, and kept it under wraps. gaslit, girl kept, girl bossed.
ford is. unfortunately still very enamored by him, and that doesn't help things in the slightest. they're not formerly a thing but it feels like they are.
fiddleford tried to erase stanford's memory, knowing about bill's plans and regrettably knowing how much bill had ford wrapped around his finger, this was the only way to stop both of them. fidds and ford fought, and ford won, and erased FIDDS' memory in retaliation.
stanford smashed the memory gun not long after doing this, angry at himself. he was emotionally beaten up over losing fiddleford for months, even years--much to bill's annoyance. he won't forgive himself. bill moved the body and that night was a blur.
construction on the portal continues, but things keep happening that are detrimental to its progress. the society of the blind eye is knocking about, making getting resources more of a nightmare, and all around interfering. college grants are in the air having nothing to show for them, and bill is getting irate that somehow, fidds is still somehow getting in the way.
ford is still grieving, and it's in these times that his mind wanders to his brother. he knows full well his muse tells him not to waste time thinking about someone who he should've eaten in the womb, but ford has lost all support systems except bill and he's scrambling for the first semblance of another human being. but there's no one he can trust with his work except his muse.
bill takes note of this. decides to bring stan to gravity falls as a surprise for sixer's own good, but it's really just an underhanded plot to turn ford against his last semblance of a support system. stan knows something's up, but he can't reach his brother basically. something is doing something to him but he can't find the puzzle piece. portal fight breaks out, and ford pushes his own brother into the portal.
the guilt? immeasurable.
ford wishes he hadn't smashed the memory gun. he has intrusive thoughts about that thing, how he wishes he could forget what he's done. but he remembers to hold himself accountable, hold himself to the mark.
meanwhile bill tells ford white lies about how he's looking for his brother with no luck while ford continues to work on the portal. smth smth haven't plotted it in detail, but stan did something to set back the progress (and ford doesnt have fidds degree) and its postponed for another 30 years.
another 30 years with no social contact other than that of a twisted dream demon. the years change stanford into an anxious morbid mess, and though he doesn't really portray sadistic traits like his muse does, he doesn't bat an eye anymore when the other's facade slips.
no metal plate in his head! he's still free possession estate bc he didn't get portal'd in this verse. he couldn't step out of line if he wanted to. if he did.
very much aware of how much power his muse has though. and very wary of the fact that people who speak ill of stanford suffer the worst fate imaginable.
the pines twins come over to visit for the summer, close to the portal's completion. ford knows his muse will probably be upset with him, but it hits hard hearing mabel and dipper's parents arguing over the phone & getting flashbacks to a broken home. he excuses that the twins will be gone by the portal's completion anyway, and that he'll hide everything.
how much damage can two children do? he was a child once. he knows. but he insists he has a handle on it. however, bill isn't too pleased about it, and if ford doesn't handle it, then he will. ford is avoiding that at all costs because ugh god, these kids grow on him.
he has a support system?? he cares about someone other than bill?? these kids fill him with so much joy, and he wants to do all he can to make them happy and inspire them. overall a bit more anxious but in a better mood.
nwhs, stan comes back, and he calls out stanford's bs. a la. 'yo my brother's a cultist' 'whaaa no im not!!' distrust all around
though his relationship is rocky with stan, he cares so much abt those kids, it might be a problem, especially leading up to weirdmageddon.
he is hiding weirdmageddon. like actively. he didn't seal any kind of rift.
miiight have doubts leading up to the finale?? but who knows still plotting
smth smth they have to erase fords memory to stop bill. or this is one of those canon timelines where the pines lost. idk
that's all we got so far gdfkngd
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mahoushojoe · 2 years
hiii!!! as the authority on neji, I wanted to ask your thoughts on how you would've written the hyuga clan plot, because you actually have good opinions - where I struggle to reconcile it is how im stunned neji almost sent hinata into cardiac arrest and hiashi didn't like. kill him over it. I'm not displeased but it does surprise me!
HIYA!! first of all thank you for the ask hehe its very flattering when people genuinely ask for my (humble) opinion about neji stuff considering i am Just A Guy That Likes Neji so thank you 💖
hoooo boy how i would have written the hyuga plot. oh well okay. under the cut bc this got AWAY from me.
so first of all before all of that i'll answer your question about how neji got away with almost killing hinata. here's the the doylist interpretation of it: kishimoto just Did Not Care. there's a billion contradictions in just the way he wrote the hyuga plot alone bc he wrote it to serve a certain agenda and that was:
1) establishing neji as a powerful antagonist - an antagonist similar to sasuke in abilities and attitude and, maybe unintentionally, position within the shinobi system. making neji similar to sasuke is important bc in the context of shonen his Biggest rival at the time was sasuke, so setting naruto up against someone similar to him and having him win would be a way to (weakly imo) establish naruto's growth as a ninja and the ways in which he has approached sasuke in terms of skill or ability or power
2) establishing hinata as a....idk ally to naruto. character in a similar position to naruto. maybe even love interest for naruto. in any case, it was an introduction to hinata who would provide an emotional stake for naruto in the plot that leads up to naruto vs neji.
3) write the dogshit "fate vs free will" type themes he was trying to go through with. kishimoto needs naruto to smash the idea of being predestined to fail and what other opponent is better to have than someone whose fate is literally tattooed on his forehead?
4) provide worldbuilding for the hyuga clan, which, by the way, was intended to make us feel sorry for HINATA, chiefly, not neji. sure, we get neji's side of the story later, but that is more of an explanation for his behavior and not given as a reason to root for him. WE root for him bc we have common sense.
moving past all that, the point i'm trying to make is that the reason neji doesnt face consequences for what happened with hinata is that this story and this arc literally ISN'T about neji. it's about naruto, and, very peripherally, hinata. for us to know or witness whatever consequences neji faced for his actions -his cruel but PERFECTLY ALLOWED ACTIONS WITHIN THE RULES- we would actually be provoked into feeling bad for him, and, god forbid, taking his side, which kishimoto doesnt want us to do bc this arc's power entirely derives from hinata being the victim of this narrative and naruto being the one to avenge her. neji is genuinely, and i say this with love, a means to an end here. he is there to serve a specific purpose, and he does a lovely job of being shit at it.
but that's the doylist analysis of it. the watsonian analysis would be that neji DID face consequences, we just don't see them. what happened was a huge rebellion against the head family, i suppose, and assuming that there is any type of consistency in the way kishimoto set up the hyuga, he would have been punished with the curse mark at the very least. we just see the story from naruto's point of view, so we don't see it literally happen. maybe. people like to argue that neji wasn't punished because hiashi doesn't give a shit about hinata, and like, okay, fair, except even in a world where hiashi wouldn't bat an eye at his nephew almost murdering his oldest daughter, hiashi would still care that this prodigy from the branch family is running around seriously injuring head family members with impunity. its not about hinata here, its about neji. like, if this kid can literally attack and almost KILL the heiress of the clan and get away with it, what's to stop the rest of the branch members from doing the same? from the way the hyuga clan is presented, branch members do most of the actual physical labor for the hyuga clan- including protecting it of course- which means they're better fighters, which means there's only one thing holding them back from fighting back, which is the Brain Melting Curse Mark. which is why, in my perspective, neji totally got punished for it, just like his father got punished for just THINKING angrily about hinata all those years ago. it's not about hinata, it's about branch members rebelling and getting away with it. so yeah. i think neji did face consequences, we just didn't see them because kishimoto Literally Did Not Care and because it would have poked holes in naruto's free will spiel and it would have made hinata look like kind of an asshole. neji went on defying the hyuga anyway because he's a bad bitch!
why hiashi didn't KILL neji over it- hm. hm indeed. i think he could have. he'd have grounds for it, in the fucked up system they live in. and its frustrating because the story can't seem to decide on a correct characterization for hiashi. does he care about hinata or not? does he care about hizashi or not? does he care about NEJI or not? is he genuinely emotionally attached to him or is that just guilt bc of hizashi? i don't know. he could have easily gotten away with killing neji outright and it would have been a lot less trouble for him. im just gonna assume he felt like he owed his brother to keep him alive or something, or like, he was astute enough to realize that the whole situation was his fault anyway, although that implies that hiashi has anything resembling a conscience or backbone or common sense or self awareness or- whatever. hiashi didnt kill neji. yay. neji died anyway so its all wins for him in the end
now.... for how i would write the hyuga plot....oh, tumblr user jewchihas, the can of worms you have opened...
well, for the hyuga plot to go the way i want it to, a lot of things about naruto as an entire story would have to structurally change. we have two options to use with hinata here, but im going to go with making her someone sympathetic and not an annoyingly privileged artificial victim.
hinata could have easily been a great character during the fight with neji. and all it would have taken was someone mentioning the curse mark.
it was already established that hinata witnessed the time hiashi tortured hizashi for thinking angrily about her. she was hiding behind hiashi, but she saw it, and thus she knows the position of branch members relative to her and the means with which they are disciplined and prevented from harming her. she herself is a head family member, meaning she would theoretically be taught how to activate the curse mark herself - especially after it's established that neji's father held ill will towards her.
now, that presents us with a situation where, during neji vs hinata, hinata, being beaten to hell and back, could EASILY win the fight - and humiliate neji even worse than he was humiliating her- by just activating the curse mark. and yet, it needed to be shown that she Actively Chose Not To Because It's Wrong, and because she feels empathy for neji that hiashi didn't feel for hizashi. THAT is what would have made her character someone I could genuinely believe had a kind heart and a genuine desire to have a fair fight and improve. in reality, all hinata actually did was taunt neji about their differences in status, which just really makes it even more understandable why neji was so fucking pissed at her.
so, yeah. that would just be for hinata's character. not a lot of time is spent showing what actually happens to hinata hyuga-politics wise but i guess we could say that she learns about her privilege and works to make things equal. maybe even rejecting heirdom if it means being the heir to all this suffering. but whatever what do i know.
neji and hiashi's relationship needs to be more accurately defined. i dont know, like, how exactly does neji feel about hiashi? how does hiashi feel about neji? and if hiashi actually loves neji which is what is implied later in the story, how can hiashi just go on upholding the branch system? once these parameters are defined, we can go about actually having neji using that to poke holes in the hyuga system.
but the actual hyuga system can't fall on its own, because it serves konoha's purposes. the byakugan remaining konoha's exclusive property via the insular ways of the hyuga and the endless supply of cheap soldiers in the form of branch members it provides is too beneficial. konoha's leadership actually doesn't care about the hyuga people's wellbeing similarly to how it doesn't care about the uchiha's wellbeing- to them, they are an endless well of powerful ocular jutsus and nothing else, because that is how the dehumanizing shinobi system treats people's bodies, lives, and ethnic identities. the difference between the hyuga and uchiha's positions re: konoha politics is that the hyuga - at least the head family hyuga - aligned themselves WITH konoha's leadership whereas the uchiha aligned themselves, as whistleblowers (a job they were purposely marginalized and forced into, by the way!) against konoha's leadership. thus, in order to topple the hyuga branch system and keep it toppled, one must topple konoha's shinobi system, and neji and the other branch members (and hinata if she's a good person) must believe in this wholeheartedly.
i dont know how it would go down. it would require a total rewrite of literally all of naruto and i genuinely dont have the facilities for that 😅😅😅 all i can say is that it would be rad if neji and sasuke allied somehow, or if one or both of them led the branch hyuga into total revolt against the head family. the only thing we have to lose is our chains etc etc. naruto needs to grow tf up regarding the hyuga and realize that the stuff he said to neji was a bunch of horseshit. or, funnily, neji takes naruto's words to him in the chunin exams to mean "okay LITERALLY break your fate like literally get rid of those people lol". so yeah. i dont think neji should go full itachi im just saying that the branch family needs to run the show now and the head family wouldnt exactly lie down and let it happen. big mess. so um tldr as most of my naruto opinions go: neji was right, sasuke was right, fuck hiashi, fuck the hyuga, and fuck konoha.
i am so fucking sorry at how long this reply is by the way
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portaldisaster · 2 years
thanks @/hungry-skeleton for making the list and linking it to me ^^
this is the skylanders ask game, but again i am just gonna answer em as a list. get opinion'd. idiot.
do it yerself here
💙 Who's your favorite skylander?
❌ Who's your least favorite skylander?
thunderbolt. awful horrible terrible
💚 Who's your favorite non skylander character?
🚫 Who's your least favorite non skylander character?
the candle head guy in trap team
🖤 Who's your favorite villain?
glumshanks kaos
💢Who's your least favorite villain
dont have one honestly. i barely pay attention to the non trappable villains
😈 Favorite trappable villain
nightshade or chill bill
👿 Least favorite trappable villain
rage mage. his themes good but otherwise sucks ass
❔ Who was your first skylander?
tree rex? ik hes a starter pack skylanders but i dont rember. maybe series 2 flameslinger? or hot dog
🌐 What was your first skylander game?
✨ Which game was your favorite?
trap team
☔ Which game was your least favorite?
superchargers racing. ive never played the actual game but the racing game for the wii which i did have sucked ass
🔥Favorite fire skylander
spitfires design goes so hard but wildfire will always be my boy
❌🔥Least favorite fire skylander
series 2 eruptor hes kinda ugly
🌊Favorite water skylander
zap <3
❌🌊Least favorite water skylander
rip tide and punk shock. sorry their designs r awful
🌱Favorite life skylander
❌🌱Least favorite life skylander
ninja stealth elf specifically
🌄Favorite earth skylander
head rush and i will die on this hill. also terrafin on account of cool shark hehe
❌🌄Least favorite earth skylander
fist bump or smash hit. im very neutral on earth skylanders as a whole tbh
💀Favorite undead skylander
fright rider
❌💀Least favorite undead skylander
bat spin, but only marginally. there arent any undead skylanders i dislike, her design just irks me in some way
💨Favorite air skylander
whirlwind. stormblades cute too
❌💨Least favorite air skylander
thunderbolt no question
🔌Favorite tech skylander
bouncer n drobot. the senseis look cool
❌🔌Least favorite tech skylander
🌠Favorite magic skylander
enigma. if he doesnt count, trap shadow. another element where the senseis r cool too
❌🌠Least favorite magic skylander
blastermind. fuckign look at him
🌞Favorite light skylander
spotlight. blastertron seems cool too
❌🌞Least favorite light skylander
knight light, aurora and astroblast all suck im sorry
🌙Favorite dark skylander
❌🌙Least favorite dark skylander
hood sickle
♫ Favorite song from the soundtrack
the giants intro music or blastertrons theme
🎮 Favorite minigame
skystones smash. im real bad at it i love it
💠 Favorite level
mesmereldsa level i forget the name of it. but that was fun. i rlly struggled on it as a kif
❎ Least favorite level
telescope towers. i have had to redo that level a million times bc it always crashes on me
🔆 Your strongest skylander
enigma. i main him so
🔅 Your weakest skylander
any skylander that isnt a) a trap master or b) a fave. on account of me not using them as much
🔷 Your rarest skylander
i dont have any rare ones, especially not any rare variants. of the base figures, apparently springtime trigger happy isnt super common? idk
⭕ What skylander do you want the most?
i have all the skylanders i want honestly. ive never played imaginatiora and have no figures for it but if starcast or ro-bow scratch that i want a light trap and sunscraper spire. also blackout n spotlight would be neat
💔 How many skylanders are you missing?
no idea
💞 Skylanders OTP?
whirlwind/drobot or whirlwind/sunburn. ir them as a t4t4t throuple
❗Why did you start playing skylanders?
same answer as below
💙 How did you discover skylanders?
dont remember. i think my mom just bought me skylanders giants and said she thought id enjoy it. and i did
💖 Any skylanders OCs?
sort of? i have ideas for characters that idk if ill do anything with em. i have a portal master sona as well as a mabusona but thats it rlly
😉 Most memorable gameplay moment/moments
flynn dialogue. maybe i have dumb humour but some of his lines r still very amusing to me. also the beginning of the 2nd giants level, mostly on account of how often i restarted my game and played it
😇 Your favorite experience with the franchise
when me and my bestie were playing trap team together. i was enigma and xe was bushwhack and though i dont remember much, i remember we were in utter hysterics the whole time. honestly think it was one of the happiest days of my life. we just roleplayed as them for hours and its the reason i like enigma/bushwhack.
we had to stop playig at telescope towers bc that level was glitched on my wii and the fun came to a grinding halt but god i miss it
💛 What do you like most about skylanders?
the characters. i think they r funky lil dudes
🔪 What do you not like about skylanders?
the cost. they were pricey before for what they were, and now those prices are worse. also, wa snever fodn if hiw fast the gamrs came out. the series needed a breather
💎Do you hope the franchise continues?
yeah! i just dont really want another mainline game, or ar least dont want a game that introduces new characters
💜 What does skylanders as a franchise mean to you?
nostalgia? it means a lot but idk what its meaning to me is tbh. its just a fun game
💗 Describe your dream skylander game
i dont want another mainline game tbh, id want something along the lines of pokemon masters ex. id rather see more love given to preexisting characters than get any new ones. id wanna use toy codes to get characters i have in the game and have some sort of chat system between whatever story mode there is so it can at least somrwhat feel like were friends with these guys.
💯How many skylanders do you have?
i have 112 total figures: 86 skylanders, 87 counting trigger snappy; 7 items and 18 traps
💘 Will you continue playing skylanders if the franchise continues?
yeah - even if i dont like whatever may come next, id want to encourage them to make a better game ig
💝 If you could recommend skylanders to others what would be your points of persuasion?
point them towards an emulator tell them about the diversity in characters u can play. thats always been the appeal to me
🕒 How long have you been a fan?
past decade at least, thought most of that ive been a more passive fan
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officialleotolstoy · 3 years
Oh Danatole Brainrot We’re Really In It Now, aka Danatole playlist annotations!
I am NOT going apologize for making this. I’m not. But know I am feeling shame.
Nobody - Hozier
“I wouldn’t fall for someone I thought couldn’t misbehave”
This is a bit of a best-case-scenario song, but I really feel like the vibes are encapsulated here. It’s got the energy of “i love you because we sin together and it’s fun” and also “I have a lot of lovers but lowkey.... you’re my fave 😳” which is, as I said, the best I could ever see them getting to.
Bad Decisions - Bastille
“So we’ll make the same mistakes til the morning breaks”
This song is about being idiots together and also knowing it’s not good for you which is the vibe. Also the refusal to have an Actual Relationship in “love me, leave me, rhythm of the evening” pops off. This song GETS that it’s a more casual thing but also weirdly important to them. Oh and “maybe this is where it ends” can be interpreted to be about the elopement plan if you want to stretch it.
Quarter Past Midnight - Bastille
“Good times, bad decisions”
“Let’s go be stupid together in public and also maybe hold hands uwu”
Glory - Bastille
“Passing the drink from hand to hand, we admit we really know nothing at all”
“Let’s go get drunk together in private and also maybe hold hands uwu”
Nocturnal Creatures - Bastille
“We’ve only got ourselves to blame, again and again and again”
The whole deal with this song is like. We’re in love kind of I guess but like only when in certain situations when our guard is down. Does that make sense?? It does in my head. And the idea of it being something stupid that they both keep coming back to despite being aware of it really fits. Disclaimer I’m not trying to suggest these two are Deeply In Love I’m just bad at wording things
Nicotine - Panic! At The Disco
“I taste you on my lips and I can’t get rid of you”
“You’re bad for me but we keep coming back to each other” vibes again. I don’t think Anatole is aware of how bad this actually is, he canonically has no idea he’s being manipulated, but I do think Dolokhov has a much better perspective on it. In my mind, Dolokhov really wishes he did not feel Anything for Anatole but. That is not working out the way he planned it, so a lot of these “why do I keep doing this :/“ songs are more from Dolokhov’s side than Anatole’s.
The Waves - Bastille
“Oh what would your mother say if she could see what we’re doing now?”
Look I added this for the Dolokhov’s mom jokes okay. That was the whole reason. I could very much see Anatole saying this exact thing to him.
Hell and You - Amigo the Devil
“Live with me in this sin forever”
Man the ENERGY of this song. The admittance and focus on them both being terrible people but enjoying being terrible together...yeah that’s them.
4am - Bastille
“You are my familiar”
The idea of just accepting something maybe not so great because it’s familiar which becomes easy which becomes fun...I very much think that’s how their relationship progressed, at least from Dolokhov’s end (You’re probably thinking “wow Wren, this playlist is super skewed toward Dolokhov’s feelings on the matter” and you’re right it’s because I hate Anatole 🥰). It’s definitely too forthcoming about actually enjoying the experience but oh well. Oh, and I stole a line from it for a fic once so it gets a permanent spot.
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
“You and me could write a bad romance”
It is objectively a bad romance, but the real reason this song is on here is that I always forget it is and it makes me laugh every time
It Will Come Back - Hozier
“Don’t let it in with no intention to keep it”
Man Dolokhov really said ok I will manipulate this kid for a lil bit for money and then seven years later he’s helping him plan some illicit elopement for no personal gain huh. Life is crazy. Basically this song covers the “you were not intending for me to stick around but I’m a fixture of your life now!” thing. I wholeheartedly believe Dolokhov never planned to spend this much time with the Kuragins he just accidentally got attached.
Mamma Mia - ABBA
“You know you won’t be away too long”
It doesnt work super well but it makes me laugh okay!!! The concept of being bad for each other and not really working well but coming back to each other for some reason anyway is there.
No Light, No Light - Florence + The Machine
“No light in your bright blue eyes”
I heard the phrase bright blue eyes and smashed the add to playlist button, that’s it. But the more I listened to it the more I decided it could work post-elopement if you stretch it. “I’d do anything to make you stay” is obviously intended to be a romantic don’t-leave-me thing in the song but you can take it as the preparations scene if you really want. Not to suggest preparations is a romantic don’t-leave-me thing, that is very much not what I mean. “You cant choose what stays and what fades away” We all know Anatole wanted to flounce off with Natasha but in the end he was left eating dinner with Dolokhov 😔✌🏻 Dolokhov stayed and Natasha faded away hmmmm. Yes, purposely misinterpreting media is one of my favorite pastimes, why do you ask?
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody - Fergie
I don’t even have a lyric for this this is straight up just there for the hedonism/partying energy
We Are Young - fun.
“Maybe we could find new ways to fall apart”
This is mostly also just here for the friends/lovers at bars and parties living it up type beat. But the line “I know that I’m not all that you’ve got/I guess that I just thought maybe we could find new ways to fall apart” bit does kinda hit. It’s by no means exclusive but they do kinda have fun yknow? Also the awareness that they are falling apart rather than doing anything worthwhile or loving is pretty fun.
Fine Line - Harry Styles
“You’ve got my devotion, but man I can hate you sometimes”
Obviously Dolokhov would not admit to being devoted to Anatole, and I don’t think I can in good conscience say that he is, but I think he’s definitely more devoted than he wants to be. It’s more about the hate line anyway. I initially just added it because I was like oh it works as a fine line between love and...not love, but honestly some of the lyrics work pretty well. Now that I’m armed with the knowledge that Anatole’s name means sunrise, I can say “you sunshine, you temptress” fits too.
I Dare You - The Regrettes
“I never wanted to get too close to you but now it looks like I’m getting too close to you”
RIGHT OFF THE BAT this one gets it. That lyric is The Vibe. “You’re gonna fall but I’ll catch you” is reminiscent of Dolokhov helping Anatole get out of (and into) messes constantly, although in an ideal world it would be a lot more grudging. And not to harp on about this but “you’re the one that brings the sun” 🔈ANATOLE MEANS SUNRISE🔈
Nine in the Afternoon - Panic! At The Disco
“Your eyes are the size of the moon”
I did warn you guys there would be several songs on here that are only there because they mention eyes, right? I definitely said that somewhere. I am going to use Dolokhov’s bright blue orbs for my nefarious Danatole playlist purposes and there’s nothing you can do about it. “You could cause you can so you do” does encapsulate Anatole’s thought process pretty well though, I think.
The Mighty Fall - Fall Out Boy
“Your crooked love is just a pyramid scheme”
Not Dolokhov constantly using Anatole for money 🙄✋🏻 MLM in more ways than one. But also the idea of falling for someone being a kind of defeat works well. Admit you like him, Dolokhov. I dare you.
Bromance - Chester See & Ryan Higa
“Bromance, nothing really gay about it”
Historians will say they were roommates. I’m sorry this song just makes me laugh and I refuse to remove it.
Sarah Smiles - Panic! At The Disco
“You fooled me once with your eyes now, honey, you fooled me twice with your lies”
Rhyming eyes with lies is peak Dolokhovcore! And the “Sarah doesn’t care, she lives in her world so unaware” is Anatolecore because he’s stupid. The bit about “my destiny lies with her” or whatever is irrelevant ignore that.
Fred Astaire - Jukebox the Ghost
“Those eyes, they get me every time”
The entire rest of this song is someone being blind to the other person’s flaws and initially I was like wow this doesn’t work at all and then I realized it could be stretched to mean Anatole being super oblivious to Dolokhov’s manipulation. But when it comes down to it, it’s about the eye lyric.
I Don’t Know Why I Like You But I Do - The Wombats
The title says it all. Literally that’s the whole explanation.
Daft Pretty Boys - Bad Suns
“I don’t like you, you look so pretty from afar”
If you don’t think Dolokhov calls Anatole a pretty boy (derogatory) you’re so wrong and I cannot help you. That was why I added it but the vibes of “you’re hot but wow your personality is terrible and I hate you” are there so. Enjoy! Oh and the bit about wasting your time works too, I can think of like sixty three better things off the top of my head Dolokhov could be doing than hanging out with Anatole, including but not limited to stapling his own fingers together and arson.
Rich Friends - Portugal. The Man
“I could really really really use a rich rich friend like you”
Do I HAVE to explain this one? I also like “Hey man I’m cool to lean on but I’m not your property” for them, if you stretch it it gets across the way Anatole thinks Dolokhov is His Friend but in reality. He’s using him HDHHSHDHDHBS Also the chorus has hedonism vibes, which ALWAYS works with these two.
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junquisite · 4 years
You just can’t get enough - The end
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WARNING : Mature. Nothing sexual but can be triggering for few. Dream Manipulation, Implied murders, Manipulation.
GENRE : Supernatural AU, Goblin! Junhee X OC
This is written after much insistence for a follow up but in no way does this end happy. It has an open ending but in no way can be interpreted as happy. If you liked the first part and how it ended, maybe not read this.
To avoid any confusion, the italic are her own thoughts. 
It was dark. Nothing unlike her dreams but was she actually supposed to be dreaming? It felt too real to be a mere dream as she looked around the darkness. The last thing she remembered was going to the club of Donghun’s friend..a fire? and actually seeing him amidst it all?
As if her dream was out of her own control and more like a movie, she found herself in a room. A bedroom to be exact. It was furnished with pictures of a couple and the man vaguely looked familiar to her. Then there was a lady, sitting on the bed, crying, cursing someone. She tried to walk towards ehr and maybe comfort her but she could not  move, so she stayed where she was.
A velvety sound filled the air as she felt a shiver run down her spine, it was the same voice as her dreams - the guy - Junhee. 
“I can do whatever you dream of - make that man suffer - make him regret ever hurting you at a very small cost. Don’t you wanna see that?” he almost purred, softly taking a seat beside her as she looked at his face- he looked the same as she saw him in the party. Where was she?
The lady looked up at him with red rimmed eyes as if she was surprised to see him but also as if she was waiting for him as she nodded.
“A deal is a deal alright? You can't go back on your words - I'll take what I want then..” he spoke and the scene in front of her dissolved into smoke until it all went black again.
The next scene was of a dark room. She saw Donghun walking in to stare at Junhee who was lounging on the bed.
“You fed.” he observed and junhee smiled like a cheshire cat as he nodded.
“A lady was kind enough to give up her life to seek revenge upon a  man who left her for someone rich. Dont worry donghun-ah, you can take whatever we gain out of him.” 
This time the room change was quick - she saw a couple, the lady holding a small baby and she gasped. It was her parents - she could recognise them from the pictures now. A slight fear creeped in because he was the same man who had his pictures on the wall of the previous woman..that meant her father would die. She tried to remember - her mother died when she was very small and her father left her when she was slightly older. So now the question was how did it all went down.
She heard a door being smashed and in walked in a smirking Junhee followed by an unbothered looking Donghun. “Good day to you all!” Junhee said as her mother screamed and scurried behind her father, hiding her baby self tightly in her arms and her heart clenched. Something bad was about to happen.
She saw as Junhee settled himself on the couch and Donghun stood behind him, staring her parents down. She had never seen Donghun like that but then again, did she even knew him if he was not human?
She saw as his father questioned who they were and Junhee chuckled at it.
“3 years ago you left a woman to marry this one and she begged us to take revenge on you. So here we are. We’re here to end your life.” Junhee said with a huge grin mirrored by Donghun and she felt a cold shiver run down her own spine - she couldn't even imagine how scared her parents must be.
“I - i don't want to die..” her father said and Junhee smiled as if he was expecting this response.
“Oh we know. But someone in this house has to die tonight. You can choose who to.” 
She saw everything as if going in slow motion and she could pinpoint the exact moment her dad decided - decided that her mother must die as he snatched her from her arms and pushed her in front of the two people.
Junhee chuckled as her mother, flustered, begged for holding her daughter, crying “Minji-ya!” and her father took her upstairs, leaving her mother struggling to get out of the vicious grip Junhee had around her arm.
“Time to go~” he sang and the scene vanished.
She was feeling nauseous. She wanted to stop - she didn't want to see anymore but a chuckle resounded in the darkness - she didn't have a choice.
Another scene set in her own house. It was her, about 10 years old. With horror she realised it was probably the night her father left, or did he? She was bidding her father goodnight and going upstairs as he was laying on the couch in front of the television. She recognised bottles of beer in front of him and she scrunched her face in disgust.
Instead of a bang this time, there was a slight poof! Sound from the kitchen and she saw as her father didn't even bat an eyelash at it. She wanted to scream at him.
As if on cue, in walked in both of them, Junhee smirking but this time Donghun was looking towards the stair going upwards, a slight worry on his face. It made her slightly happy.
“Did you missed us old man?” Junhee asked loudly as he snatched the remote laying on the table and switched the television off.
“Why are you back?”she saw her dad slur out,  clearly drunk and she felt a slight embarrassment settle in. 
“Because there was only so long that wife of yours could have sustained us. And as I told you before, we need to kill you.” junhee said, still spinning the remote control in his hand.
“But- but you said anyone can die?” her father asked.
“Yes, but i guess you can say.. I lied?” Junhee said and then laughed loudly, thoroughly enjoying it.
Again, she saw her father’s brain working at top speed even in the drunk haze, and she saw as it came to a decision - another sacrifice for his life.
“Take the kid! Take her. She’s upstairs, you can take her.” her father cried and she whimpered.
“Oh we will..” Junhee said as he nodded his head to Donghun who nodded in response and stared her father down.
“ I was promised I can have you.” Donghun said as he smirked, revealing sharp teeth and red glinting eyes as the scene darkened and she heard her father’s screams. Before she could sob, the room brightened up again, the house a mess but no blood in sight.
“We will come for the girl when she’ll be the perfect age - 21.” Junhee said as Donghun nodded and Junhee turned to leave.
“Let me leave a note for the girl lest she thinks her father died.” Donghun said as he started writing the note she remember finding the next day and she saw as Junhee looked at Donghun, amused.
“I don't want her to mourn such a man. He doesnt deserve a mourning.” Donghun looked in disgust where her father was sitting before and she remembered that letter saying he was leaving her to live on her own and not to look for him. The police tried for a bit but they never found him. She just found out why - because he never actually left.
The scene changed again and she was dreading it already. What would it be this time?
“Its time.” she heard Junhee’s voice and looked around. They were at the terrace of a huge building and Donghun nodded at him, eyes glinting red again. The scene changed again.
It was an office. Her office building, she realised with a jolt. She saw herself entering from the elevator, looking nervous and looking at her clothes she realised it was her first day. She saw Donghun in the cubicle he has been in since the start - the one in front of her. She saw he was looking at her and she felt uneasy. He was ready and here for her, then why did it take him 4 years? And for what? 
She saw her awkward self introducing herself to a smiling Donghun and remembered how flushed she was - an attractive coworker AND she would sit in front of him? She remembered feeling super blessed and lucky. Well how her feelings have changed now.
She saw herself leaving and watched as Donghun stared after her and whispered,
“The one you like the most
Because i’ll become all of that”
She heard him. Did he knew all along how attracted she was to him?
Another scene change and she was in the room she had only seen Donghun and Junhee in. Donghun had brown hair unlike the red one as the scene from her meeting him and she figured it was about a year after that.
“You fed.” Junhee murmured as he entered the room and Donghun nodded from the bed. “But not from her.” Junhee added and Donghun nodded again.
“Why.'' The question hung in the air as Donghun looked away from Junhee.
“I’m waiting for the right time.”
Scene change. It was slightly making her dizzy now. It was a hotel, the christmas party a few months ago, she recalled. She had drank too much and she still didn't remember much of what happened. Were the two men involved?
She saw as her drunk self excused herself from the people surrounding her and went into the hallways murmuring about looking for a washroom. She also saw Donghun leaving behind her and strangely, she could follow too, so she did.
She saw herself leaning in a dark hallway, it was way past midnight as she saw herself check the time on her phone,and then her drunk self took a couple deep breaths. Donghun came soon enough from the shadows and she happily leaned towards him, soon enough standing thanks to his hand around her waist. She was reminded of the club - how he didn't touch her at all and how much she craved it. Why was he touching her now?
She saw him lean down and herself strained to hear what he was saying, “The time is slipping away. I have to make up my mind.”  and he leaned into her neck, slightly nosing around until he came to her lips and kissed her.
She saw his eyes flashing red - and saw herself leaning even more as if her legs were giving out - but way too quickly he pulled back.
“I can't do it, I took too long, waited too long, I'm weak now.” and he turned around and left her in the hallway. Vaguely she heard him calling Eunbi and telling her where she was but she was confused.
Too long? Weak? What did he mean? What was going to happen now?
Another scene change and Donghun was angrily walking into the room as Junhee lounged on the bed.
“You're going into her dreams.” 
Junhee turned around and just smiled at him.
“4 years are soon to be over Donghun. Have you been so engrossed in your human life and her that you’d forgotten what that time period means to us? Soon I can claim her and she no longer would be yours.”
Donghun avoided his eyes.
Another scene change and it was bright. She was on the roadwalk and Donghun was walking. She turned around to see her walking in the opposite direction and figured it was the day of the accident - when she was sure she saw Junhee. If only had she turned around even once to look at Donghun, she would have seen Junhee. The end was coming close.
“She almost saw you.'' Donghun spoke as she saw Junhee joining him right beside him out of nowhere - the same golden shirt she saw him in in the club and imagined seeing him in. 
“I intended to show myself.”
“I invited her to the club.” Donghun said and Junhee looked at him, an amused smile on his face.
“Are you giving up?” Junhee asked, Donghun didn't respond.
Scene change and she was in the club. Donghun was at the bar and Junhee came to stand beside him.
“You know you stole her from me.” Donghun muttered and Junhee chuckled.
“Did I now? You were not making a move for years now. 4 to be exact. She was full game.” Junhee said, emphasising on 4.
“I won't blame you but the friend is mine.” Donghun said and she was scared. Eunbi? Why?
Junhee raised his hand in surrender and turned around to look at her who was looking for Donghun. She saw herself get up as she made eye contact with Junhee and saw as Donghun made her sit down - the eyes glinted royal blue this time.
The scene changed and she knew in her guts that it was the last. 
There was fire. And she saw herself walking through it towards Junhee as he smiled. Eunbi was thrashing but calmed down when she looked in Donghun’s eyes. She knew she was trapped but what about Eunbi? How is she now? Where was she? Was she okay?
The scene turned to black. Silence and black. But then a voice resounded.
“I think it's time you wake up, doll.”
As if she was drowning and finally found the surface, she sat up wherever she was and took a few deep breaths, finally she felt like she could breathe again and then she took a  look at her surroundings. With a chill she realised she was in the same room she had seen Junhee and Donghun both talk in and she frantically tried to get off and get away when she heard someone click their tongue.
“Leaving so soon doll?” and she turned around to see Junhee - only that his eyes were not his usual blue but red. She had figured enough it meant he wanted to feed but she didn't want that. Definitely no.
The door opened and Donghun walked in - eyes emotionless and face set in stone, eyes golden.
“Did you feed already?” Junhee asked him, ignoring her presence as he talked to him.
Donghun nodded. “Not as good as her though.” Donghun said as he shook his head towards her and she cowered in fear on the bed. Were they talking about Eunbi?
“Aah! forgot you have had a taste of her already.” Junhee said as he looked at her hungrily and she wondered if it was that kiss he stole from her at the party.
“Sad you couldn't feed more and had to work with the friend.” Junhee said, pointedly looking at her as he said it and she knew he purposely did it. He wanted to break her before doing whatever he wanted to.
“What are you both?” she whispered as both of their heads shot up to look at her.
“Wouldn't you like to know.” Junhee said and laughed loudly and she could not understand why it doubled up the fear inside her.
In a  blink she was off the bed and on his shoulder as she protested and hit him on his back but he stayed unbothered as he walked out of the room down the hallway. She tried to look at Donghun but he had turned his back at her.
They entered another room - it was white - pristine and she felt the first pang of panic hit her as he threw her on the bed - the only furniture in that room.
“Now doll, we can do this the easy way or the tough way depending on your squirming but you can't stop it so you might as well accept it.” he said as he turned around to lock the door.
“What are you..” she asked again, scared to ask but wanting to know.
“A goblin. A goblin who’s going to find out how you made Donghun so weak for you that he gave up.” he said as he slowly walked towards her - each stop somehow turning the room colder and she felt herself shiver involuntarily.
“But i won't give up. I'll go all the way.” he whispered as he crawled on the bed as she tried to crawl back to the corner when he caught her ankle and pulled her close,”You can't escape doll.” he said as he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her close, only to  whisper in her ear,
“You just can’t get enough.” 
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neerasrealm · 4 years
could I get some headcanons for Third Base?
just like toby im gonna start with his tics? idk how else id start tbh
doby’s origin story goes pretty in depth with his tics thank GOD it makes writing him so much easier to write HDSGHFGDSH
or at least it would be easy if i lived in a country where baseball was an actual sport people played. i know none of the terms and its all a guessing game ngl
while most of toby’s tics are fairly quiet just like he normally is, doby’s tics are fairly loud.
doby is pretty outspoken and outgoing. he likes being loud and talkative while toby is quiet and reserved.
doby is pretty friendly! he likes talking to people and going out when he can
most of the time when he goes outside the woods around the operator’s shack he picks up food, tries to catch the local baseball team when they’re playing in the park, and just kinda chills out. he likes being around people
he also often buys (or steals) fruit and vegetables to smash up with his baseball bat. his favorite thing to break is of course watermelons. sometimes toby joins in with him. he likes to smash up pumpkins and tomatoes
while doby cant join an actual baseball team, he still takes every excuse he gets to do something involving it. sneaking into stadiums, watching local teams, and of course, hitting a ball around with toby. he says theyre playing baseball but. is it really baseball if theres only two of you???
doby ADORES horror movies and always forces toby to watch them with him
doby and toby share a bed often. it feels more comfortable that way. the operator’s shack isnt a warm, friendly home like slender mansion. its cold and relationships are tense. at any moment someone could betray you or leave you for dead. toby and doby stick together like glue. 
doby always has his nails painted. always. toxic masculinity? never met him
doby wants a tongue piercing. so bad.
oh and he still totally has a crush on jay LOL he misses him a lot
he always has gum with him. always. its good for emergencies
doby doesnt like to cry. not openly. he’ll be completely silent when he does it. theres been times hes cried in the same room as someone and they didnt even notice. toby is pretty much the only one that doby will cry in front of
uhh i cant think of anythin else and im pretty tired so i think im gonna wrap this up and head off to sleep lol. thanks for the ask!! gonna tag @krayolacolor real quick oop
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Ghost BC + Breakups HCs
so if you know this or not i also post all the hcs i write onto a thing on wattpad and i got a lovely message on there with a few requests and this is the first one!
What would the Papas, Cardi C and the Ghouls do or how would they go on if they and s/o would break up bc it doesnt work ?
i am sad. these are going to be sad. and then you will be sad too. 
Papa I: he’s just plain old sad. he doesn’t sugar coat it, he doesn’t shut himself off. he heals the most healthily out of the entire group. without you in his life, something is missing, but that doesn’t mean he cant go on without it. and he will. he’ll get his work done, get back to any hobbies he forgot about when all of his spare time was taken up with you, he’ll hang out with friends. he’s not afraid to let people know when he’s upset and when he needs to be alone, and hopes they understand. but he’ll call. he’ll text. he’ll invite you to lunch. he doesn’t understand why you two cant just be friends, even after everything. you say that you cant be friends because of everything, and it cuts just a little deeper than the breakup itself. hes losing you. really losing you, forever.
Papa II: he doesn’t let himself get invested quickly. he doesn't have crushes, or eyes for everyone, and doesn’t have time for the trivial. when he says something, he means it. when he says he loves you, he meant it. and when you told him things were over, you meant it. and he knows that. he’s angry for a long time. that he loved you so much, and showed you a softer side of him no one else got to see, and that you could leave him when he thought things were fine. he doesn't call, and tells himself and everyone else that he wouldn't answer if you did. he would. once the heat of anger dies down and the embers cool, hes just empty in a way he wasn't before. there is a space in his heart that should be taken up by you and your smile, but you're not there, so it’s vacant. 
Papa III: here is your gutted and forlorn papa III im sure you have all thought about. there's a bouquet of flowers in the trash can. he sits on the window sill and stairs outside to the spot in the garden he picked them from, just for you. it stays dark in his house, without your light. he stays in the shower for two long. stays in bed for too long. he just.... lingers. everything he does reminds him of you. the cold side of the bed. cooking dinner just for one, now. the silence in his house without your loud music or tv shows or laughter. he wants to call you, but only tries when he’s so drunk he cant breathe anymore. he knows you wont answer, but at least he tries, and at least he gets to hear your voicemail.
Cardinal Copia: if it wasn’t extremely serious between you two, he’ll act like nothing is wrong and that he knew it was never gonna work, even if he’s upset about it. he doesn’t want people thinking he got in over his head like they say he does. but if you two talked about getting married, being together forever, soulmates type love, he will spare no expense at trying to forget you. he’ll do whatever it takes, things that aren’t like him, things he doesn’t want to do, hes willing to try anything. he’ll drink, and gamble, and sleep around if he has to. but when he’s not trying to forget you, he’s afraid one day all his efforts might work, and that he really will lose the last of you he has left.
Aether: Aether’s Soul Has Left The Chat. he gets the worst out of all of them. III shuts himself out, Copia acts out of character, and II gets angry, but they have nothing on Aether. He won’t leave his house for anything, under any circumstances. he has the person who delivers his food and alcohol meet him in the living room. he’ll drink himself stupid and drink to keep the hangover off. low energy, he’ll piss in bottles in the room so he doesn't have to get up and go to the bathroom. high energy, he will take a bat and smash every single thing in his house and everything you left behind. he doesn't care if he shouldn’t be doing it. he doesn't care if people are worried. he doesn't care if his friends need him - at least for the moment, hes so sick of being the kind dad friend. he’s sick of letting everyone unload their problems on him, and just taking it, and sick of constantly being nice and open and letting himself get hurt. losing you, that was the last straw.
Swiss: gets drunk about it with the lads the next night. that’s about it. he doesn’t really like to be sad, so he just doesn’t do it. you can say hes bottling it up and repressing, you can say he never cared, but he’s just really good at accepting things like this and moving on. the only change is that he spends a little more time alone. most likely to go on vacation to Cuba alone to find himself and relax on a white sandy beach near the ocean. and who does he meet in Cuba? the New love of his life whos way better than the last one. he’ll bring home some girl to live with him and bring her to every party, to make you jealous if thats what you say, but he really has already moved on. his infatuation with new toys knows no bounds.
Mountain: a lot of alone time. if he cant be with you he doesnt want to be with anyone. but he takes care of himself. eats, does his work, goes outside, he’ll go walk through the forest with his hands in his pockets untl he realizes hes lost, and has to find his way home. most likely to take a vacation, just to get away and find himself and be alone for a while. he gets over it relatively quickly, mostly because hes the one actually taking care of his health while he’s going through everything
Rain: He just wants to be with his friends and take his mind off things. he’ll talk about his feelings if he’s in the mood, but he would much rather get cozy with his friends and watch a few movies or play a board game. even if he’s talking about it, and not actively being crazy, he still bottles up a lot of it. he doesn’t want to burden his friends or have them thinking he’s weaker than they already do, so he keeps a lot more in than he lets out. but after a while, he’ll let it out, but only to himself. he’ll do the healing and the soul searching to make sure he really is okay again before telling people he is, and especially okay before he ever looks at another person in that way again.
Dew: he doesn’t care?? haha! he never cared! he will stop at absolutely nothing to make you feel like shit for ever thinking he loved you or that he was capable of such a thing. hes the one you tell your friends is crazy in the group text. he tells himself he hates you and that he never cared and that he isn't hurt so much so often that he starts to believe it. he starts to accept his own lies as the truth - but that's what he does with everything. he pretends it doesn't exist or matter until it doesn’t anymore. one day that man is going to explode and who will be there to pick up the pieces? probably aether if he gets it together any time soon.
- Kat
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lesbianrobin · 5 years
Im dying to know, do you have any holiday-themed Steve, Robin, Party, etc. headcanons?
god you KNOW i do!!! first of all i celebrate christmas and i dont rly know anything about other holidays this time of year so im just gonna... work on the assumption that they all celebrate christmas, but if anyone who doesnt celebrate or celebrates something else wants to reblog and add their own hcs i encourage it!!! okay this is gonna be so scattered but:
steve never really liked christmas very much. it was always just stressful and he hated having to spend time with his family and he always got like the most generic expensive boring gifts from his parents and it just wasn't really fun... the first christmas he really got into it was the christmas he spent with nancy and after they broke up, he was like oh christmas just fucking sucks!! but then...
that next christmas dustin invites him over for christmas eve and he brings a pie that he bought from the grocery store and claudia thanks him a million times and he wishes that he'd baked it himself so he didn't feel so guilty
dustin gives him a little baseball bat ornament and claudia is like "oh i thought you played basketball!" and steve is like "oh uh i do but i like baseball too :)" and he and dustin kinda smile at each other and steve ruffles his hair and they watch rudolph on tv and steve is like oh christmas.... is good......
speaking of dustin he always starts thinking about christmas gifts in like october but somehow ends up with absolutely nothing on december 20th and he has to run around in a panic finding gifts for the party
he drinks hot chocolate like a maniac... he doesnt drink water the entire month of december it's hot chocolate or it's nothing
hes one of those people who will say "come on it's christmas!!!" on like the tenth
lucas is one of those people who will say "no asshole it's december tenth"
lucas loves christmas!! he just thinks that it's a day and not a whole fucking month!!! he thinks anything before like december 15th is too much
the only thing he hates about christmas is that his parents always make him and erica pick out gifts for each other with no help from them... and since erica is an evil genius she always gets lucas the perfect gift just so she can hold it over his head for the entire year when he accidentally gets her a toy she already owns
she literally watches him open his present like >:) and lucas is pissed when it's this extremely specific action figure that he's wanted for a long time but he swears he never even mentioned it to anybody
and then he just sits there feeling like a stupid asshole as she unwraps a random doll that lucas figured she might like since its hair looks kind of sort of vaguely like erica's and she's like "thanks lucas :) i think i have this one already but it's sweet" and his parents are like "hey it's the thought that counts! erica see your brother knows what you like :)" and she's like "yeah :)" and then as soon as their parents aren't looking she sticks her tongue out at lucas and he sticks his out back at her
the sinclairs have such a disgustingly perfect christmas like they bake cookies together and shit it's adorable
speaking of adorable families the byers house is so full of love on christmas
almost all of the ornaments on their tree are handmade little crafts from when will and jonathan were younger and they buy tinsel at the dollar store and just go fucking ham with it their tree always looks like a hobby lobby threw up
growing up joyce would usually try to get them some things they need on christmas and then like one or two special things for each of them and she could never buy the fancy new toys that were in all the ads on tv and in magazines but she knows her boys.... jonathan got his first camera on christmas and it was from a secondhand store and kind of dinged up and definitely old as shit but he loved it..... will always got some new construction paper and crayons or markers so by the end of christmas day joyce would have new drawings to put up on the fridge or a new little ornament that he made for her.....
sometime in november jonathan would always be like "okay will i have a secret mission for you, you need to find out something mom needs that we could give her for christmas!" and will would be like "you have to say your mission should you choose to accept it" and jonathan would say "well i know you're gonna accept the mission" and will's like "jonathannnnn" and jonathan would be like "okay fine your mission should you choose to accept it" and will would be like >:) im a spy >:)
so little baby will would action roll around the house humming the mission impossible theme and peeking around walls at joyce and then after like a week he'd say "i think mom needs a stool she keeps jumping to try and reach stuff high up in the cabinets" and jonathan's like awesome thanks and he finds a cheap folding stool and some chocolates that he can afford with whatever money he has saved up and he has will wrap it because he figures it's like ten times cuter that way and joyce cries when she sees the little christmas card will put with the stool for her
i'm going way more in depth than i need to thvjdjcd but basically the byers house is all love man... so much love ..... they don't use colored lights anymore they only use the solid strands but they still have fun decorating together and will makes paper chains and stuff to hang up and i'm about to make myself cry
so!! this is getting super long fjvndmcmd
nancy is absolute dogshit at buying presents for people she's just terrible at it. she always just asks mike and holly and her parents what they want and buys exactly what they tell her and if they don't tell her anything then she has like a mental breakdown about it and panics and buys like. a flannel pajama gift set from the department store.
when she's dating steve he tells her not to worry about getting him anything which she takes at face value until her mom asks what she's giving steve like three days before christmas and then she starts panicking and she goes to a sporting goods store and just asks the first employee she sees what a teenage boy who plays basketball might like
steve can't tell if he should be like happy or vaguely offended that his girlfriend gave him like shoe deodorizers and a water bottle and socks for a sports team that he doesn't root for... she tried though and thats all he cares about
she and jonathan agree they'll exchange gifts but nothing over like MAX fifteen bucks which is easy she just finds a tape or a record she thinks he'll like and she's set (she spends a full hour in the music store and almost just gets a gift certificate for him but eventually she just says fuck it and picks some random shit she's never heard of and hopes he likes whatever it is)
mike on the other hand is actually like... insanely good at gift giving because he pays close attention to the people he cares about and he just like Knows if lucas or dustin or will is gonna like something
he just doesnt really buy into christmas all that much?? it's cool to get free stuff and eat cookies and all but he thinks people make it into a bigger deal than it should be
holly still believes in santa though so he likes seeing how excited she gets on christmas... it warms his cold tween boy heart.....
the first christmas he gets to spend with el he turns into a fucking christmas enthusiast and he makes her hot chocolate and gives her a tape full of christmas songs and he asks his mom for a bigger gift allowance because he has a GIRLFRIEND now and she's never- uh, THEY'VE never celebrated christmas TOGETHER so it has to be SPECIAL MOM!!!!
karen is like buddy calm down but it's so nice to see him excited about something again that she caves and gives him like forty bucks and tells him not to tell nancy or his dad
el and hopper christmas... i cannot go into detail or i WILL cry but hopper takes her with him to pick out their tree and she's so meticulous about it like examining all of them and he's just standing there in the cold freezing his ass off letting her do her thing because she's so excited that he doesn't have the heart to tell her they're basically all the same and to just hurry up and pick one
he gives her a lot of books... there are so many books under their ugly fucking tree because el picks one thats extremely crooked because she says it seems nice and hopper cant find any of his old decorations so they have to start from scratch...
el enlists the whole party for help finding hopper a present because it has to be the best present of all time!!!! they're like well what does he like and she's like uh tv.... coffee.... gun...... and they're like uh we can get him a coffee mug?
so on christmas morning el presents him with a "BEST DAD" mug full of candy and he hugs her so she won't see that he's fucking crying
she also gives max a drawing she did of max as wonder woman and it isn't very good but max says it's her favorite present she's ever gotten and she keeps it folded up in her nightstand
max has mixed feelings about christmas
i should not have saved her for last this is depressing
fuck her family fuck all of that okay max spends christmas eve with the sinclairs and christmas day with el because her mom and neil don't really feel like celebrating this year and so for the first time in a long time her christmas is full of love and joy and hopper makes them cinnamon rolls for breakfast which el has never had before and it's great
the party usually does a big gift swap and they don't get each other anything too fancy or expensive but it's sweet... they all gather in mike's basement like the day after christmas and eat the leftovers from the wheelers' christmas dinner and give each other comics and action figures and dice
once robin enters the picture she and steve lowkey get smashed on christmas eve together off peppermint schnapps and they play rockin around the christmas tree like ten times and jump around until they get dizzy...
they give each other little things like every other day leading up to christmas so by the end of december they've exchanged gifts like ten times but it isn't their FAULT okay!!! steve just saw these earrings and thought of her so he got them... and robin couldn't just leave that wham! crop top sitting in the store...... and steve couldn't resist the cheap bff necklaces he found while looking for a gift for erica....... and what is robin meant to do, ignore the stuffed kermit doll she saw in a store window?
it's just unrealistic
i like to think that everybody gathers at the byers house for lunch or dinner on christmas eve... they just hang out and exchange presents and make cookies and watch christmas movies and argue over which ones suck and which ones are actually good...... they just spend time together without any fear or danger and it's good
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thej0ry · 5 years
I had this dream the other day about a bunch of people gathering behind this old diner in a drive in theater. I feel like they were gathering there to do some sort of mad max mode stuff- although it never happens because I wake up before it happens or my brain was like nah nevermind.
Before the mad max stuff happens everyone needs to gather at some sort of hospital building. So everyone gets in their mad max cars and heads off. There was this guy who was full mad max mode, the leather and pads and loner guy but he just completely disappears from my dream after making a remark to the diner owner about, taking the owner's neon sign when he wins the mad max thing? Idk
This was one of those dreams where im like nowhere in it(right now atleast), im just like following a bunch of the people in this group. Theres this huge like Italian guy, like dreammode, not human, huge. Theres also two guys who drive a truck, a like punk biker girl, and alot of other people but those are the ones I can remember the most.
Theres some part I cant super remember about the trucker guys stopping at this huge apartment complex and they use a ghost? Or something? To float through all the walls to find something.
But anyways everyone gets to this hospital/medical building. And it turns into a sorta like, scavenger hunt thing, but the thing you find you have to get rid off/kill. Theres a room with some staff/security guards. Im in the dream now too.
Somehow everyone gets a baby, some are real and some are like toys. We're also given instructions to get another baby somewhere in the building and get rid of it/kill it. And alot of people start freaking out over this of course but no one is able to leave until we complete the scavenger hunt game thing, in true shitty horror movie rules.
I have a real baby, and my mom who is there too apparently has a real one. The huge Italian guy thing has a rubber doll and comes to me saying we should trade since hed be better at protecting the real baby. I agree since that would free me up to help my mom protect her real baby.
I dont remember what happens after that but at somepoint its getting really chaotic of course like everyone running around, some people trying to kill the babies and some people not wanting to and just like running around. I look down the hallway through the lil window on those big double doors hospitals have that swing open, and see the baby i originally had on the floor, dead, and the Italian guy thing comes through a door around the corner like holding his bloody neck yelling back at someone. Since hes like looking back at who hes yelling at he doesnt see the baby and steps and slips on it and gets even more angry. I feel awful, and am just like we gotta get outta here.
The Italian guy thing( i keep saying thing because he is huge... Huge) starts yelling at the security guards in the room, and busts a window to get it and I run away from there.
While this is happening the two trucker guys and the biker girl get to the building, and the two guys start messing with the biker girl. She smashes a bat over their head. My friend Brandon shows up and i think I call him and tell him whats going on in here. They get a bunch of weapons from the truckers truck and bust in. The Italian guy is like leading all the people who are trying to play the game they all have weapons because they killed all the security guards and handed out the guns they had.
I remember we get the Italian guy up against a wall, with a gun to his head and as I shoot, he slips down, avoiding it. Also the gun turns into a like giant gun hammer thing, like pulling the trigger makes the hammer launch forward, and it smashes into the glass.
Then( in what im guessing is because ealier when I was awake my brother showed me Scooby foo zombie island clips to see if I remembered watching it like everyday as kids) zombies show up and start just ripping everyone apart, and theres like music playing over it and as each person dies it turns into like a cartoon.
And thats the really vivid dream i had a couple of nights ago😊
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newer version of my ninten smash moveset oh boy
Tumblr media
blue: based on commercial
red: based on clay model (the shorts are based off that qugre guy’s really cool drawing of ness lucas ninten and travis)
brown: based on flint
orange: based on lloyd
purple: based on mr carpainter
pink: based on kumatora
black: based on eve
white: based on starman 
neutral attack: jabs with the left hand, knees with the right leg, kicks out with the right leg
forward tilt: stabs outward with his bat
up tilt: headbutt
down tilt: dropkick (low startup lag, major end lag)
dash attack: backflip kick wih psi (multihit sends upward)
forward smash: aluminum baseball bat. as expected, it has more lag than ness’s but deals more damage and knockback. reflects projectiles the same. he picks his front leg up before he swings
up smash: backflip kick with psi (identical to ness’s yoyo but with a multihit property and no charging hitbox)
down smash: hands onto the ground, psi on either side (like mega man’s down smash, and is multihit)
neutral aerial: basically mario’s nair
forward aerial: big swing in front with aluminum bat (spikes)
back aerial: kicks backwards multiple times with legs and psi
up aerial: a “pokey” up air with his bat (like the links’ and yoshi’s)
down aerial: basically zero suit’s but with a psi effect
grab: uses psi to grab opponents, resulting in a large grab range (like pac man’s)
pummel: headbutt 
forward throw: grabs opponent, spins once, and flings them forward followed by pk fire
back throw: slams opponent into ground behind him followed by pk fire
up throw: flings opponent upward (main kill throw)
down throw: uses bat to hit them into the ground
floor attack front: sweep kicks as he gets up
floor attack back: kick up
floor attack trip: swings bat around loosely as he gets up
edge attack: swings at stage with bat as he gets up
neutral special: pk brainshock - it’s easy to control moving it forward and backward and shoots down very quickly if you tilt the stick downward. if the projectile hits a platform (not semisolid) it will immediately explode. if it hits an opponent with the center of the explosion, they will be stunned. the amount of time the stun lasts depends on how long it is charged for. if it hits an opponent with the outside of an explosion, it will do less damage but the same knockback but with no stun. fully charged, it is roughly as big as a b bomb before it goes out
side special: basically ness’s pk bonfire custom move but faster. if used in the air, it is shot straight down and move ninten up slightly.
up special: pk thunder - i know what you’re thinking. “but retro, this has got to be 4th d slip have you lost your mind???” hear me out. this pk thunder is a lot more difficult to control as it moves on a hexagonal grid system thing but it does massive damage. with this version of pk thunder, when ninten is hit, he will deal the most damage at the end of the rocket. its range is the same as that weird green pk thunder custom for ness in smash 4
down special: 4th d slip - ah, here it is. the way i do 4th d slip might be a little different cause most people make it like zelda’s or mewtwo’s up b. in my version, you can go in one of 8 directions (5 if grounded) those being the basic up down left right and in between. each direction on one side has its own attack and opposite side mirrors it. down basically ends in ness’s dair (it spikes). left down kicks down and to the right with psi. left releases a punch with psi. left up releases an uppercut with psi. up basically ends with ness’s up tilt but in midair. all moves to the right mirror the ones to the left. he is not left in freefall and he still has a second jump if he hasnt used it yet, but he can only do it once in midair. this makes up for pk thunder’s short range. slip has about the same range as meta knight’s down special.
final smash: lloyd and ana appear to assist ninten in pk starstorm
his ground speed is worse than ness and lucas’s but his incredibly floaty jump with exaggerated upwards, downwards, and horizontal movement and his higher air speed makes up for this. he has a slightly deeper voice than ness and lucas with an accent that i havent decided on yet and is slightly taller than ness. his psi is triangle shaped to contrast from lucas’s hexagons, ness’s circles, and the diamonds that show up in pk fire. he’s also got eyebrows.
idle animation: like ness’s but he rotates his upper body with his knee bouncing and keeps his arms to his side
occasional idle animation quirk 1: puts one finger between his eyes, closes his eyes, and points forward with that finger while opening his eyes after a few seconds
occasional idle animation quirk 2: slows his knee bouncing and puts his hands on his hips like in his clay model
duck animation: kind of squats in place while slightly lowing head and pushing one leg slightly further out 
up taunt: sings a few notes really fast from one of the 8 melodies chosen at random
side taunt: coughs and uses his inhaler
down taunt: fingerguns with psi
hope this doesnt conflict with any eb beginning canon or whatever you call that (except for the fact ninten doesnt know offensive psi. that doesnt count)
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xitzcaathewstj0nesx · 5 years
"y/n... i dont know how to say this....." cacker whispered his voice breathey.
"w-what is it??" you gasp looking at cacker in all her glory. cacker took a depe breathe."
"i love you y/n" said cacker with agoy. come with me to sanfransisco and we will live inn my condo by the beach. wecan stay together forrevre." cacker looks at you with despurashun. "please y/n... i..... i dont wanna loose you....."
you look at cacker disbelefingly "im sorry cacker.. but.... i cant....... i cnt go with you..... i need to stay here where im from....... i cant go to sanfransisco with yo" cacker crys "please y/n i cant bare to be with out you"
"im sorry cacker" "dont leave me" "i have to" cacker falls to her knees and sobbing.
you look at cacker "stop crying you say your being a baby about this" cacker crys harder. "ok the oh well im leaving goodbye" you shout and start walking to the door
suddenly you see light from behind you. "what is going on here" a voice says. you turn around and cacker turns around. "bellatorta what are you doing here" says cacker. "no roleplaying in chat this is spam" she says "read the rules"
"who are you" you say
"i am bellatorta angriest of all cats protector of the chat rules"
"cackre how dare you cheat on me" you say "what" says cacker" "you know what i mean" says you.
"y/n i dont know what you mean"
suddenly a voice says loud "club recruit"
"well then who are you to cacker" you say to bellatorta
"i dont know but im giving birth" said bella. "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"oh my god so you had a child with bellatorta!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!! HOW DARE YOU" you say
"that is not my child" said bellatorta "i am not the parental figure to this thing i do not pay child support"
"its not mine either" said cacker. they played hot potato with baby spyro_chan
"STOP BICKERING OVER THE BABY NOBODY CARES" you yell. how dare they worry about that there are so many other important things! you take the baby and throw it in the crib
"ok" said bellatorta
"im leaving" you say
"no my love dont go" said cacker "please'
"taxi" you say  you get in the taxi "where do you want to go" says your taxi driver wafflefishes. "new players chat room 1" you say. "okay but i dont have a license" wafflefishes slams the gas pedal and you go speeding off. suddenly someone is on the road. "oh no watch out for eccentric 20" you shout.
waffles tries to hit the brakes but misses and stomps through the floorboard. something thuds under the car. you get out of the car "oh wow" said wafflefishes. BANG suddenly she drops to the ground she is dead. "oh my god" you scream.
king blows the smoke from the hole of his gun "she has been dealt with. she always tried to get rid of my ex wife, mr lollipow, but i wont let her do that anymore. hes too hot to die. also he paid me" suddenly a cloud of ospreys and pelicans and puffins and owls soar down from the clouds. king makes all of their calls at the same time as he is lifted away into the clouds.
you are scared and lost. "psst" a voice whispers. "whose their" you ask. "come here" it says. you walk towards the voice."i am bubbies youre safe with me follow me". you follow bubies. suddenly there are lots of people. "welcome you are safe here. we are the bubs. the super smash bubs" says bubbies. suddenly you are grabbed by the arms. "the cat game gods will protect you" says bubbies. "no let me go" you yell. you are put on a stake
"we sacrifice to the gods today. they are named staff. let the staff be appeased" says moontrain the second in command of the cult. "yes huzzah" the cult members cheer. "burn them all, theyre all fat and gay" says the other cult leader desbee. "wilted wants to see them burn" says wilted rose
"no dont burn me" you say. another stake is lifted up beside you. "dont worry the gods will protect us" says Vanya_Hargreeves. they set her on fire. "AHHHHHHH" she screams. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". the cult blows party horns and cheers.
suddenly cacker arrives. she has a sword and is fighting with her sidekicks prayerlynx, moon cloud, denmother, and cheshie. they fight the cult members off. "hurry" you yell "im comeing" says cacker and she cuts away the ropes "lets go" says cacker and you run with her away from the fight. you find cheshie waiting for you and cacker and the rest in a cat. "get in we need to leave NOW" she says. you get in and hold cackers hand and you drive off
you stop at a restaurant to eat. "what can i get you" says yawndere the waiter" you all order and she leaves. you decide to move to sanfransisco with cacker. "cacker i want to go with you to sanfransisco" "i knew you would" said cacker.
you get the check and go home. "have fun" says everyone and they dirve off leaving you and cacker alone. "cacker......." you say "im...... im-" "shh its okay" says cacker pressing a finger to your lips "you dont need to say anything i know what you mean" you share a passionate kiss
"what is this" says saes. "WHY ARE WE ALWAYS INTERRUPTED" YOU YELL. leon chan and loki965 eavesdrop. "sorry about them" says cacker "ill tell them to leave" she says "GET OUT" yells cacker.
"are you going to spend the night y/n?" cacker asks. "yes, i dont really have anywhere ellse to go" "okay but youll have to stay in my bed because we dont have room anywhere else"
you are sleeping when the door opens very quietly footsteps get close to you. you sit up fast and suddenly a knife is pressed to your throat "get up" says a voice. you obey and follow them downstairs. they sit you in a chair. its leon chan! edgy mcgee is also there. "you shouldnt be here" they say "were going to get rid of you we dont want you here " "cacker" you yell scaredly. "cacker wont help you" "ill leave if you want me to" you say. "you have nowhere to go we know that" says edgy. "how" loki steps forward looking akwward. "im sorry" says loki. "its okay" you say. "im not talking to you" says loki. suddenly she throat punches edgy mcgee and leon chan.
"HOW DARE YOU" edgy mcgee roars. she doesnt have any chance to do anything though because cheshie smacks her in the head with a table. "take THAT" she says. cacker runs down the stairs "whats going on? oh no!" she says. cheshie and loki fight the two kidnappers "ill come back" says leon chan running off. cacker chases them with a bat.
cacker comes back sweaty and glorious "are you okay" she askes "yes im fine. lets go to san fransisco i dont want to be here anymore" "okay says cacker "i love you y/n" she says and kisses "i love you too" you say back
you get a plain to sanfransisco with cacker and live with her happily ever after. cheshie, prayerlynx, moon cloud, and denmother protect you from any bad things like cults. you knoew your safe when you hear the cry of five different birds as king-pelican sors overhead.
the end
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Another horror film... Fender Bender
I decide what to watch films from listicles and stupid articles posted from facebook. I decide to do reviews/re-action blogs/liveblog posts, not because of the film but just if I have time/effort to put in. The Wikipedia entry for this film make it sound like a modern day slasher film/tribute. I like those films, Halloween, Nightmare On Elm Street, Scream etc, so let's hope this is a worthy successor. Ominous repeated music, not quite the Halloween piano but building tension Woman pours a tiny glass of wine, pauses, and then fills up the glass. Nice. Why is she wearing her housecoat from the bedroom to the bathroom? You live alone there's no need to be shy...or was that just for the censors? Closing the door when getting into the bath. Even when we know we are alone (or at least we think we are) then we still need to close the bathroom door for privacy. Wonder why? Too many bubbles in this bath so for those looking for a quick peek you'll be disappointed She drys one hand to pick up her phone but uses both to type her text, surely this will still get her phone wet? Also her fingers look too wrinkled for her to have just sat down in the bath, but that's just continuity and was probably the 20th take or something The texts are from her "Fender bender friend", woo movie title is mentioned! Her keyboard makes typing sounds. Does anyone still have that? Do we not all just mute it and have our phones on constant silence? He told her to enjoy the bath. Definitely freaking out now. I guess this is gonna be more of a stalker than a whodunnit The bathroom door just creaked open. I get its to add to the tension but hes not on the direct other side of the door so that was what, wind? She goes downstairs (in her housecoat) and one of the windows is wide open. Now surely if you're a psycho killer sneaking into someones house, you'd shut the window after you to avoid detection. Or at least I would...or I will now... Now she's given up on her bath and pulled the plug. Poured half her wineglass down the sink but didn't rinse it so thats a waste of a good glass AND gonna leave a stain She got into bed and the dude was literally lying in her bed like how did she not realise someone was there before she got in? And what kind of plan is that, to lie in their bed? Now she's out and halfway down the stairs before he's even got out of the covers! Also, what kinda gimp mask is he wearing? She tries to get out of the window she closed earlier and gets caught halfway. No fight. No resistance. Just screaming. Poor show. Three stabs from his weird knife thing but not a lot of blood spray or gore. Guy just put his change slowly on the counter at the petrol station. Customers like that are dicks. Give it to him in his hands! Girl's facetiming her friend, crying in the car as her bf and random cheerleader slut are on a date. Fuck him! Dry your eyes girl, you can do better! Andy (cheating bf prick) sees Hilary (crying gf) in the car and runs over saying the cheerleader doesn't mean anything. Hope she heard that and they both leave you, asshole She stops and The Driver (as the credits called him) hits her and causes the accident. He's lucky that shes not been paying attention or she'd realise he's been following her all the way. A more observant victim and you'd be in trouble mister, not a good serial killer plan really He calls her a virgin cause its her first accident, like if I didn't know you were a killer I'd still think you're a creepy dude It's her mum's car and it has a DNCEMOM personalised licence plate, maybe the car deserved to be scratched! She got in the car to get her information and I wonder what would have happened if she'd just drove away then and there? I also wonder if he gives over the real information to his victims. I guess there's no reason why he should, but I bet he's so full of himself that it probably is his right name. Now she's driving away and facetiming with her obviously-gay-best-friend... now I'm sure if I was just in an accident I'd be driving extra carefully and not keep looking at the phone screen every two minutes! Back home and her mum says she almost called the police because she was missing. Bit of an over-reaction; when your licenced daughter and your car are both gone it's not rocket science. Hilary has dance trophies - ok so the licence plate is justified, that still doesnt make it right Her dad says shes not to leave the house for any reason over the next day while they go on a trip, guess she's limited with hiding places when the driver comes for her later. Ok so you're not going on the trip with them Hil's but still - YOU HAVE AN EMPTY! Get over your boyfriend with a tub of ben and jerrys and wine... maybe keep a knife handy too, k? The car insurance woman is called Davidson. That's not a name, that's a surname! Oh ok apparently she's friends with the car insurance people and it's Mrs Davidson. Why would you answer the phone with your last name tho, that's just confusing? And who's on chatty minor-life-details-sharing basis with their insurance providor? She notices the drivers car going round her house-nows the time to get a big knife and carry it with you everywhere you go! I wonder if the phone number she gave the providor actually works? And who would answer? Hilary take your shoes off before you lie on the bed! You're just getting the place dirty! Her bear is called Harry Manilow...I'm sure barry is very proud Hilary's bedroom still has glow in the dark stars on the walls. I like it. She gets a txt saying sorry about today and she thinks its her ex. Surely you'd have his number saved? And there'd be a message history? He's calling himself a "fender bender friend" again, like this is not how you meet people. Especially when you're at least 12 years older. You don't need to be creepy with people before you kill them mate Her phone makes the noise when she's typing too, omg why? He's mentioned her parents leaving in another car, like obvious warning sign, do you like your victims to be scared first before you attack? At least he can't hide in her bed cause Hilary's not left hers yet Also once he's killed them I hope he deletes their message history because itd be pretty easy to track him down if not. There's a package left on top of her mums car that she was driving. Nope. Fuck that. You can get it in the morning. Leave it alone Hilary! The package was a cake that said sorry - could be from him or the ex, not sure I'm guessing he sneaked in while she was getting the package but seriously if he's in her bed I'm gonna start calling him the bedspread killer and not fender bender. Nope he's not, thank god. Well, not yet at least. Nice slow artistic panning camera shot...of Harry Manilow. Now she's going for a shower. No free nudity shots though you pervs Back in her bedroom she sees her phones been moved, and the last photos on if were her in the shower...nows time for that big knife Hils Instead, she's went back to the bathroom just to see, as if she doesn't know what her own bathroom looks like in pictures There's muddy footprints outside the bathroom but not anywhere else in their clean whitetiled house Ok so not a knife but shes got dressed and now has a baseball bat - its a start :) She's shouting out who's there though, like he's gonna actually answer her... Ok now it's her obviously-gay-friend and unnamed-blonde-lesbian-vibe friends from earlier. They have pizza :) That doesnt answer for who took the shower pictures though... Obviously-gay-friend says he took a picture of himself on the toilet "for shits and giggles" yeah cause thats a normal thing to do... Obviously-gay-friend is confirmed as gay, ha! He wants dessert but they havent actually eaten anything. Like no time lapse or anything. Full slices of pizza sitting right there untouched. Not impressed dude Obviously-gay-friend trying to defend creepy older man txting Hilary saying maybe there's some decent people left in this world. Sorry to disappoint you but nope, he's genuinely creepy Unnamed-blonde-lesbian-vibe confirms they didn't take pictures of Hilary in the shower Andy's at the door, drunk and being a prick. But he has muddy boots so maybe it was him taking the shower pictures? Hilary stays firm, smashes a vase and threatens him - you go girl! Aim for the head next time! The driver catches Andy at his car and kills him with the knifey thing. Three blows, one obviously in the head but again a distinct lack of blood splatter :( Ah well he deserved it. And also was he gonna drive away drunk? Did he drive drunk getting there? Driver might've actually saved more lives by killing him Obviously-gay-friend says although he's a stalker and creepy its a shame to let the apology go to waste - yeah fuck him eat the cake! She gets a phonecall from Mrs Davidson at the insurance place - like its obviously really late at night now - what you doing? Go home! Ok so the information The Driver gave Hilary was from the woman he killed at the start, just changed the first name. And that person reported as dead yesterday so this is the very next day. He moves fast. There's a powercut and suddenly he's in the middle of their living room just standing there chilling with his bloody knife. He smashes Hilary's phone before chasing them - takes care of the pictures and creepy txts I suppose, but still there's a trail with the insurance company and with her service providor if the police were to look Both gay friends who ate the cake feel ill - obviously drugged. Hilary takes obviously-gay-friend down some stairs and the rest of their house looks like its still being built because reasons. unnamed-blonde-lesbian-vibe's hiding under Hilary's bed, the driver walks around the bed then lies down beside her until she notices like why does he like lying beside people? He couldve pulled her out by her feet and saved himself the hassle! Rachel. Blonde-lesbian-vibe is now named! He trips up and she almost hits him over the head. He's not an invincible killer-if she wasnt drugged he'd have been in trouble He stabs her and she goes through a window-increasing likelihood of a neighbour hearing that or hearing her scream in the driveway. Not a good plan. All you serial killers, keep your victims in the house if possible to avoid detection Now he has to go outside to finish her off - lot of avoidable hassle He drives the car over her-messy. And I don't get why she didn't roll out of the way. Obviously-gay-friend's real name is Erik, but I'll stick to obviously-gay-friend He seems to be taking his time to search through an empty room of plastic sheets and only two other doors. I don't know if hes trying to build the tension and freak them out or if he just cant see because of that mask He leaves via the other door somehow and Hilary starts talking and moving, like no - stay hidden until he actually leaves ffs! Theyre heading for the same exit The Driver took, seriously? The Driver stabs obviously-gay-friend and finally there's a whole lot of blood. Took them long enough! Blood from his neck has somehow got on the back of his hand and dried into the shirt - continuity people! Hilary goes outside and finds Andy hung from a railing/fence - not subtle at all! The Drivers now back in his car and chasing Hilary around slowly - because reasons Rachel's also been hung on a fence in a different area for reasons which will be unexplained. It's like he wants to get caught. Hilary looks like she's now decided to fight - you go girl; you'll probably win, he's easy Finally grabs the big knife I've been telling her about She stabs him and he drops his bladed thing - TOLD YOU IT'D BE EASY!! She pours petrol over him though, and tries to light a match, when shed be easier just to keep stabbing him Hits him with a crowbar AND KEEPS HITTING HIM WITH THE CROWBAR - YES! GO FOR IT! She hits him again while they're walking outside - maybe the whole creepy txts and drugged cakes are to scare the victim to make up for his own inadequacies as a killer Looks like he managed to cut her arm but there's no blood or show of pain so maybe he missed? She sits in his car and notices on the roof inside is licences of all the other girls he's killed. But how has he managed to get away with it for so long? He's sloppy, and messy, and not that good a fighter. She throws the cigarette lighter at him and sets him on fire - but really she was doing so much better with the crowbar tbh. Takes him a good while to remember to stop drop and roll - if he did that first she'd have been fucked - stupid plan, but stupider killer She's going to get a phone from his pocket when what she should really be doing is hitting him with that crowbar first to make sure he's dead Also - I thought he smashed her phone earlier... Hilary's went inside to her bedroom like what the hell girl, phone the police! Oh yeah, house phone died earlier with Mrs Davidson. But yeah mobiles not really working either She looks out and he's not lying outside where he should be. Told you - shouldve kept at it with the crowbar He's watching her and she just backs away saying no - where'd your fight go? You can take him! Nah shes just a scared mess now, shame. He cuts her knees and we have blood! More blood from her legs than from the first victim... He says her life's meaningless but her death will be legendary. Not really getting a motive here are we? He's getting changed in Hilary's bedroom - leaving a whole lot of trace DNA and evidence everywhere And now he's using her shower - I tell you how this guy gets away with anything is beyond me, All the dead kids are in their own cars in the driveway, while he drives off - now with the DNCEMOM licence plates on his car. They're still not acceptable. Ahh so the money he uses for petrol is what he's stolen from his victims. Still doesn't explain why he didn't just hand it to the guy, dick
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jaxcns · 6 years
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y’all know this mans? yuh.. really gets ya thinkin that men might deserve rights after all huh? i mean they dont but it makes ya think! anyway.. i’m urayai ( uri for short ), eighteen, she/her, and from bumfuck nowhere usa over in the est timezone. we livin in a winter wonderland over here rn issa nightmare :) if ya feelin the vibe now then check out my statistics page yuh maybe i went the extra mile MXDDDN! anyway if ya poppin ya p*ssi to nct, love wastin time playin the sims, or are prayin for both taes scalps then smash that heart! we need validation in order to live in this economy laid ease!
basic details
( wong yukhei, cismale, he/him ) — meet jaxon wu, the nineteen year old sophomore at washington state university. i heard that the hedonist is a literature major who spends most of their time either practicing on the soccer field or interning at dorrance publishing two days a week. if you ask around, you’ll find out that the scorpio was born on october 28th, that the last song they listened to was uncomfortable by chase atlantic, and that they currently live in the kappa zeta nu fraternity house. ever since the death of carter hayes though, the only thing anyone can seem to recall when it comes to them is that they used to share a room with him at the frat house.
+ smoke-filled lungs, constellations in his eyes, denim jackets, disappearing acts that rival houdini, heart-shaped boxes, thumb rings, lazy grins, broken promises, and rainy mornings.
full sleeve on his right arm plus a chest piece in progress
ears and nose pierced but he doesnt always rock the nose
emotionally stable? no. financially stable? also no.
on an athletic scholarship for soccer but he loves hockey more so its #emohours
plays soccer, hockey, and baseball
loves the finer things in life but can barely afford the free breadsticks at olive garden ja feel
hes a snake who loves that 5 finger discount
selfish but also too invested in people he cares for
impatient as hell like.. chile
middle child ya he was dealt only the best cards in life
loves space and conspiracy theories #wow so original amirite
gets super obsessive over projects hes def a perfectionist
bisexual / bitter / bilingual
mom is a bank tell and dad is a professor at boston u
not very close to his older brother since hes off gettin his doctorates degree
very close to his little sister tho they’ve always been best friends
enjoys goin on hikes to clear his head
other than writing he also enjoys all other things creative like painting, drawing, sculpting, photography, etc
he attends a weekly art class in the city
he def dabbles in drugs so if ya lookin he can probs hook ya up
he was carters roommate 
ADAMANT — stubborn as shitttttt like fr. once he sets his mind on sumn and believes hes completely right cant be wrong then theres no changin his mind! at all! even if he realizes later that he was wrong he’d rather lower himself into the grave than admit it. he’ll also argue with you til the ends of the earth until the bitch literally dont have vocal chords anymore!
CONFIDENT — if i could’ve picked an alternate label for him then it woulda been the bellwether. he always carries himself with confidence which he gets from wearin nice clothes and accessories plus always bein well groomed ig? like his hair is always done, you’ll never find a speck of dirt on his shoes, that type of shit. even when his hair is messy it was done that way he would never go outside lookin like a wreck so jot that down!
IMPETUOUS — this bitch reckless af! he does things to benefit himself and only himself most of the time without taking into consideration other peoples feelings or how it might impact them. thats not to say that he doesnt regret it after the fact but lbr he normally? doesnt? see: selfish. hes just tryna get ahead tryna get dat coin tryna get him sum gucci slides!
PETULANT — sulky, bad-tempered, etc is jax thru and thru! and he aint afraid to take everyone down with him either. hes def the type to stir up drama ngl but he’ll back it up too and he aint afraid to throw hands! hes been in his fair share of fights and with his shiny new fake id y’all been knew hes been in more than one bar fight with more to come i’m sure!
plot ideas
MUSE — pretty self explanatory i think? this person just ignites fuckin inspiration for him whether it be thru takin pictures of them, writing about them, filmin them, drawin them, etc etc. jax always knows that when hes in a slump he can find them and that shit will come back as quick as flippin on a light switch!
RIDE OR DIE(S) — y’all already know wtf it is! we love those friends who just talk shit with each other, those that’ll go to bat for one another, but also arent afraid to be like “yo step back ur gettin a lil outta line” ja feel? literally gimme all that!
ANGST — i live for anything angsty tbh like im one of those bitches that gets bored when things are goin too well for my chara so i need someone to fuck that shit up fam!
RELATIONSHIPS — im here for it all! im talkin enemies, friends, rommates, party buddies, smokin buddies, fwb, exes, partners in crime, etc etc! im here and ready to snatch em all up!
TEAMMATES — jax plays hockey, soccer, and baseball so if ur chara does too then? uhhhh we def gotta plot cause we could go any way with the teammates thing like imagine teammates who hate each other and purposely try to hurt one another durin practices.. ugh we love pettiness!
ADVENTURE BUDDIES — hiking, goin to abandoned / haunted places, spontaneous road trips, etc! need someone or multiple people who’re down to just drop everything and go. doesnt even matter where tbh they’re just always up for a lil adventure.
SEESAW — lemme be basic for a sec ok just hol on! i rlly want a plot based off of yoongis song seesaw where maybe the two of them were together and at first it was great but then they just fell out for wtvr reason and obvs didnt wanna be together anymore. neither of them wanted to let go tho maybe it was like a comfort thing? so they just kept repeatin their same old shit and actin like everything was cool until one of them finally took the step and ended it just.. ik there’d be angst ik it and i need it!
PARADISE — the new song by chase atlantic! bitch! i felt it in my soul maybe i cried? jax dabbles in literally everything hes truly a mess so havin someone who just checks on him would rip my soul in half? someone who gives him a call randomly in the middle of a sunday night and is just like “hey ya been ok? not fallin back on bad habits are u?” shit like that. it would def be a thing where he falls a lil bit in love with them because its smth hes not used to tho that def doesnt mean at all that they feel that way about him! it can unrequited i dont rlly care tbh.
ik i forgot sum shit and ik this is a damn m e s s but if ya wanna plot then just lms and i’ll hit ya up! we can brainstorm or pick from one of our wcs idc just give this h*e sum plots i’ll literally die without em? im def the type whos down to prettymuch™ fill anything so if ya got a plot that ur rlly wantin but no one seems to be takin then give it to me i’ll 100% take it lmao! ya im desperate what about it?
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the-wail-is-in · 3 years
She smashing the plates away with her makeshift bat, yelling as shards fly around “There’s a whole bazaar of food outside! I was gonna get him food! HE DOESNT NEED TO BE IN YOUR STUPID ZONE FOR FOOD!” She shouts, yelping as a plate narrowly misses her head
The next one gets blasted away by a shot from the fire extinguisher, Evan carefully aiming “Doc! Try the ceiling!” He shouts “Get out of here!”
Doc flies up, but the Lunch Lady summons piles of dishtowels and drops them all on Evan and Doc, knocking them both down!
Doc groans from under the pile of dish towels. It had been a complete accident, the pile merely meant to trap them for just a moment, but Doc had hit his head on thee way down.
The rings spark to existence... and turn him back to human.
The Lunch Lady stares, aghast. She drops Sia and floats over to Doc.
"Oh, dear... oh, this poor child." She lifts him out of the pile with her powers. "We must get him to the Zone, something is very wrong."
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I've never watched Matilda before. Time to do so now~
it's super old but already charming right off the bat
i made a good assumption in this being kid wendie's fav movie
I can imagine kid wendie watching it and when matilda's brother bullies her (she thinks of nolan) and when she's crying while reading a book, WENDIE FEELS for her!!!! and the narration over it xD i feel like it inspired her a lot as a kid
"Matilda longed for a friend, like the kind people in her books. It occurred to her that talking dragons and princesses -- might exist only in story books. But she was about to discover she had a strength she didn't know of. But she was about to discover she had a strength she didn't know of."
Dont you think this would move and excite wendie as a child
haha since she named her skunk matilda, i bet she puts a lil bow on her too
lol listening to this and hearing how a car can go for $500 and he raised the price to 2K I'm like...that's still way cheaper than a modern car
wow wendie loves the idea of punishing her parents and siblings lol
I also see where she got the idea of putting glue in her brother's shampoo
I feel her rooting for little Matlida crawling all around the floor lol, holding her breath and hoping she doesn’t get caught.
it's amazing how this movie is so old yet it has way more charm than the stuff i see these days interesting from the get go
matilda's about to glue her dad's hat on his head and wendie's egging her on
i feel so stressed for matilda tho like her parents are so abusive im always flinching in case they hit her
Wow, does wendie see her parents like that?
Nah her parents dont even show an eighth of the aggressiveness in this show
omg matilda was like "im reading moby dick" and her dad is like "moby what?" and starts ripping the book apart and calling it filth
she broke the tv!!!!! wendie is so happy
also I guess sometimes she thinks her parents arent as nice as they could be xD when they dont do things her way; especially with heather
so i can see her fantasising all these possible "pranks"
the principal threw a kid out the window what
the kids are so cute omg. I cant believe i feel stressed out by these adults. Wendie doesnt feel any stress just indignance like WHAT A BAD PERSON!!!!
she just SWING AND FLUNG A CHILD this is so stressful for me
Yeah it's roald dahl haha. He always writes like that
dude has no chill..
You know Ms Honey is the good guy because she is Beautiful(TM) like damn i'd hit that lol
there's a Thou Shalt Not Kill framed on the principal's wall....I don't know if I should feel relieved or concerned ... maybe she's hanging up ironically. Someone report this lady.
Wendie likes Ms Honey!! I love her voice so much... I'm reminded once again that I"M GAYYYY ... If my teacher was like that I might have an illegal and unprofessional crush.
Lavender is soooo cute btw.
Wow is that ONE SLICE of a cake?!?!! Wendie thinks the cake looks good. She’s so enraptured in this show. I think kid Nolan would be enjoying it too.
Also does Roald Dahl have something against fat people...
THAT KID LOOKS LIKE HE’S ENJOYING THAT CAKE. I don’t even like chocolate cake but he has sold me. He looks so blissful...His face is so red.
HOLY SHIT THAT CAKE IS FUCKING HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SHE’S GOING TO FORCE FEED HIM TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s going to send him to a shock..
AWWWW EVERYONE IS CHEERING FOR LIL BRUCY!!!!!!!! Wendie feels jubilant! And this, my friends, is how competitive eating started...
NO!!!!!!!!! THE BAD CAR MATILDA’S DAD SOLD THE PRINCIPAL!!! She’s making Matilda PAY!!!! ;A; She put her in a Silent Hill contraption. Jesus.
oh my God the way the teacher and students scramble to hide all the happy colourful crafts in the classroom from the principal is hilarious...
Okay, not to be that person but when Lavender snuck in the newt into the water pitcher, Matilda was in the Chokey. There was no way she would’ve known Lavender did it so when Lavender was like “Thanks for not telling” and Matilda was all “Best friends don’t tell”, I’m like YOU DIDN’T KNOW!!!!
Only in an innocent show like this where a teacher asks her child student if she wants to come home with her, it’s a good thing.
“You were born into a family that doesn’t always appreciate you. But one day, things will be very different.”
Considering how Wendie was brought up in such a loving home, she feels this a little way too much.
“All grown ups are afraid of something.” is another line that strikes kid Wendie. She can’t fathom Matthias or Heather being afraid of anything.
Also wow, the kid actor who plays Matilda has the most beautiful eyes wow. They are like gems in her eye sockets wtf.
Also the house is MASSIVE. That’s MANSION and then some!
are you kidding me the father's chocolate box after all these decades past is still there with EDIBLE CHOCOLATES STILL IN THEM ... ok I guess the principal loaded them up or something.
"Father's chocolate box. After supper, he'd take a chocolate and cut it in half. And he'd give me the bigger half."
AWWWWWWW.......this sounds like something Wendie would say about Matthias ;;
Matilda is now asking her teach to steal the chocolate....thE TEACH DIDN”T PUT IT BACK ON STRAIGHT
I’m not sure who’s more terrifying....Lucy Doll or the principal...
It’s amazing how they managed to film and present the principal as so terrifying.  there are some parts int this movie that be edited to look like a horror movie xDDD
wow that whole scene where they were hiding from the principal in this house was so tense
that whole sequence was taken straight out of my nightmares except they survived
Hahaha Matilda telling her dad to yell at her. That’s adorable. I wonder if kid Wendie thinks it’s possible she has latent telekinesis like Matilda.......she probably does and tries to get others to make her mad to activate it. 
She probably tries to get H&M to yell at her and they are amused and playfully chide her and she's FruSTRATED like "No!!! You have to do it for real or it won't work!" I imagine she stares very intently at things and blinks really hard. Nolan laughs at her.
The effects are so cute. You can almost see someone shaking the cereal off screen.
omg the cops called Matilda the "female minor" EVEN THE COPS ARE ASSHOLES THAT BULLY AND THREATEN KIDS WHY!?
oh my god Wendie would love to use her powers to get back at Nolan just like Matilda and her dipface brother.
Matilda is going out in the middle of the night to steal back a doll and the narrator is calling it heroic. Oh boy, I can see this movie having a lot of influence on Wendie.
Does the principal spend every waking hour being evil. Because damn. That looks like a lot of energy. I’m thinking she doesn’t suffer from depression lol.  SHE JUST ATE A FERRERO ROCHER WITH THE WRAPPER STILL ON!!!!!!!!! THAT'S TRUE EVIL!!
Goddamn Matilda’s shuffling items from the roof into a room; girl’s got range!!!
omg....when Matilda starts tampering with the principal's house and making it seem haunted........Wendie wants to do that to Nolan. I bet she already does it to some extent since he's afraid of ghosts. Like I bet she made him cry before... x’D He wants to sleep with H&M after the "hauntings"
MATILDA WHY WOULD YOU BRING THE DOLL TO SCHOOL/!?!?! YOU COULD’VE TOLD MS HONEY TO MEET YOU AFTER CLASS AND GIVE IT TO HER TO HER COTTAGE LIKE YOU KNOW WHERE SHE LIVES GIRL!!! I think this would be an issue Wendie picks out in the movie that doesn’t make sense to her. Like Matilda is a smart kid and doing this risks being found out.  One of the things that bugs her; like how it bugged me how Angel ate more spaghetti in Lady and the Tramp 2 despite Scamp offering her the first bite.
omg........I'm not even surprised she's called Agatha.............I like the name though. But it always becomes the bad lady's name.
“No more Ms. Nice Girl.” WENDIE SAYS CAN GET A HELL YEAH!!! She probably wasn’t allowed to say that. Heather would be so shocked.
Ms Honey may be pretty but god DAMN WHERE ARE HER BALLS. “Ms Trunchbull, please don’t throw him.” GIRL. 
The principal had a good actress. It seems she tends to be cast evil roles tho.
I know all the kids are happy about Trunchbull (guess who finally learnt her name) being beaten up but i assure you, if Nolan was there he would have wet his pants because he would have thought it was a ghost and he would've been TERRIFIED
Bea: I love how Nolan is not as tough as he looks Me: hahaha he's disgruntled Bea: Love how he's easy to spook 😂😂 Nolan: "AM NOT???!" Bea: Sure whatever Nolan says
Also is there literally only one teacher in this whole school.
“Trunchbull was gone, never to be seen or heard from, never to darken a doorway again.” bUT...THE SCHOOL?
“Get in the car, Melinda!” “Matilda!” “Whatever.
Matilda, there’s no way you could’ve gotten adoption papers with your parents’ name printed on them from the library. But hey, the library is magical right. When I was a kid I thought libraries truly had everything in them. But I couldn’t find anything I wanted. Lol
"Miss Honey was made principal of the school." BY WHO?!
ah...1996...where there were no after-credits scene..
ANYWAY this was a lovely movie. One of the best things I’ve seen this year and it’s over 2 decades old.
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