#IDNFD fic
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
My fic like:
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Chapter 8 is up! Chapter title “Lamentation de Deux” (fic is “I Do Not Fear Death”)
Chap summary:
Death snarled, heatedly drawing his trusty twin sickles, and, with a fierce swipe of shining steel crescents cutting through the cold night air, hell-hot flames shot out like a blast wave in a deadly arc, slicing clean through all the trees encircling the clearing as easily as a hot knife through butter. The trunks all fell as one and instantly ignited, pink flames engulfing them along with the stumps left behind.
He then let out a primal and guttural roar, flames shooting high into the air and spreading to still-standing trees as his anger spiked, soon raging like a wildfire and making his fur glow with their unnatural pink hue as he began to see red.
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
@daily-pussinboots Omg, this is giving me ALL the feels 🥹 It looks amazing and fantastic and I LOVE it!!💖💖 Thank you SO MUCH for gracing me with your radical art 🙏🏻✨
And aww thanks, glad to hear you like my fic!💕 (oof, in that case you might want some tissues for the upcoming chapters~ #SorryButNotTooSorry 😇 and thanks again!!)
Yes, of course!! You deserve all the praise!!❤️ And thank you, I’m happy you liked the scene~ This really does capture the emotions and feel of it so well 💜✨
Hi, I wanted to tell you I think your art is radical and dynamic! It looks so good 👀
And I just saw that you take requests, so I was wondering if you’ve possibly read any of my Puss in Boots fic “I Do Not Fear Death” and could maybe draw something from it? If not no worries, just thought I’d ask, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 💖
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Day 11
Based on chapter 6 of "I Do Not Fear Death" by @revolvingfanatic
Omg I didn't realize you were on tumblr!! Yes I did read your fic and I loved it a lot!! 💙💙 (gotta say though, these last couple of chapters have truly been breaking my heart 😭😭 kudos to you!!)
Thank you so much for your kind words!! It truly means a lot!! I always thought this scene was so sweet so I hope you like it!! You have a wonderful day too!! 💙💙
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
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Death's Mark of Protection in chapter 12 of "I Do Not Fear Death" https://archiveofourown.org/works/44847817/chapters/120081973
Chapter 12 summary: Death clenched the cape in his hands tightly at the unwelcome thought, then took a deep breath and slowly released it along with the fabric. No, Puss would be fine. He refused to believe otherwise, and would do everything within his power to ensure the hero’s continued existence.
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
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You know he would
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
Oh my gosh, this is great!! XD Freaking love how Puss is *zooming* outta there (you can just *feel* him going from zero to a hundred) 😂 And wow, those details; Puss’ extended claws from being startled, and the dappled sunlight on Death under the tree? 👀 That’s what I’m talking about! 🙌🏻✨😆
Thank you, this is wonderful and I love it!! 💖
That oughta do it.
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This took me sometime because my dumbass messed up the background on the first image, so I had to remake the background, if it isn't clear by now, I suck at backgrounds.
Hope you liked the drawing! (From Chapter 1 itself)
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
New chapter drop for “I Do Not Fear Death”! (Chap 9)
Title: “Disaster”
Summary: Puss spared a moment to think that it likely hadn’t been wise of him to have insulted the wolf as hard as he had—essentially calling him an asshole in multiple languages and everything—cuz while his words had been accurate, it probably wasn’t exactly the best idea to piss off the all powerful specter of death.
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
Puss and Death be like
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
i absolutely ADORE your writing skills. every fic of yours that ive read so far go in incredible detail and such amazing storylines! how do you write so well?? what's your writing process like??
First off, thank you!! 💖 So happy to hear you’re a fan of my writing style and ideas ✨ Thirdly, sorry if this post becomes a little long, as I’ll likely end up getting into the minutia 😆
My process is probably kinda odd, and definitely extremely time-consuming.
I start off with a rough draft(?), which is basically just me jotting down random possible ideas and thoughts for a given fic, sometimes in no particular order, just whatever comes to mind when I’m brainstorming. Sometimes fully formed paragraphs with dialogue, sometimes just little suggestions. Then when I’ve gotten that out of my system I start to organize it by rearranging everything until it seems to be in a good order, then deem that the fic’s overview and move it to a lower section of my document.
Next, I reference said overview and start typing up scenes and dialogue in a section above.
Anything I end up removing, instead of just straight up deleting it, I move it to the very bottom section which I label “cut stuff” and occasionally go down there to use an idea/line I’d thrown out because it didn’t fit, but found a new place for it to go where it does fit.
I also noticed I write everything in present-tense when it’s in the idea phase, then change practically everything to past-tense when I’m putting it into the actual fic.
Another thing I do is have the same paragraph pasted several times in a row with slight variations to lines so I can see which version looks best to me. I’m extremely particular about my wording; I have literally texted my sister to ask which of two words sounded better in a sentence. Many times. 😂 Part of the reason for that is because I don’t like using the same word twice within a few paragraphs when I can use a synonym. Like instead of “apple” a second time I’ll say like “the green fruit”, then “the healthy ingestible/the sour sphere” if I want to be funny. XD
I also have been blessed with a very active imagination; I have over 20 PiB fic ideas written down, most of which will never see the light of day, as it would take way too much time and energy to flesh them all out, lol (although if anyone wants to hear about them I’ll gladly show what I do have written for them~)
I’ll include a few pics for reference of what my fics look like while in varying stages of the writing process. (spoilers if you aren’t current on IDNFD or AFfaL btw)
(Also sorry I took so long to respond; I was in a car accident where I got T-boned by someone running a stop sign and had/have a bunch of bs [and pain] to deal with <.<)
Anyway, I hope my reply was satisfactory, and if you or anyone else has any more questions I’d be more than happy to answer them!
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
Omg, exactly 🤣🤣 Poor Death can’t stop making decisions he instantly regrets 😂
Puss when Death recommends “Beauty and the Beast”:
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Death realizing what he had just said:
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From the fic: “I Do Not Fear Death” by @revolvingfanatic
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revolvingfanatic · 1 year ago
I absolutely love your "I Do Not Fear Death" fanfic!🤩 The dynamic between Puss and Death was so cute, which made the fight between the two all the more painful😖
But I gotta ask, will you ever update the fic? It's been a while since the previous chapter's release. 🤔 There's no rush from me tho, just wondering since I really loved reading your story😃
Heehee, thank you!💖 I’m definitely happy to hear it had the intended sucker punch effect I was going for 😈 I tried to make it hurt as much as possible 😇✨
And yes, I definitely do plan on updating at some point; and have in fact been chipping away at the penultimate chapter, but I have a lot going on right now so it's been slow-going. Classes, and a recent car crash (I got T-boned by someone running a stop sign ಠ_ಠ) that I have legal stuff and physical therapy and junk to deal with are taking up most of my time, but I really enjoy writing, and NEED to finish this fic!! Plus a close friend of mine did a beautiful piece of artwork for the next chapter and I’m excited to show that off 🖼️ 🥹
Thanks again for your kind words and inquiry, and I look forward to seeing what you think of the next chapter! ✨(whenever that will end up being 😆)
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
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Wolf in sheep’s clothing anyone? XD
This is basically what I imagined Death wearing at the masquerade festival in chapter 4 of my fic (“I Do Not Fear Death” on AO3)
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
Saw this in a bookmark for my fic
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The answer is yes. Yes, I am proud of myself 😎
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revolvingfanatic · 1 year ago
When will the next chapter of I Do Not Fear Death coming out?
I actually answered an ask about this just yesterday, so you can take a look at that for my full answer if you want, but basically I’m not sure when I’ll update, I just know that I will at some point, and I’ve been working on the next chap whenever I get the chance. Today I have physical therapy, then a 2-hour conference call, then a study session for my Japanese class, then homework and more studying, so not much time for writing 😭 And that’s kinda how my schedule has been lately ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
Hi my friend!
First off I would like to thank you so much for your wonderful Puss in Boots fanfiction. Every new chapter fills me with joy and I have been following it since you started! I've seen some of the fanart Swanpit made for you and I was just wondering... could you guys maybe try to collaborate on some illustrations for the fic? Maybe you could also get some of the other amazing fan artists to help you give an artistic touch to the story? That would be literally the best thing ever!
I send you lots of love and support for your next chapters and hope the story will end well!
From a fellow Puss in Boots enthusiast. ❤️
Aw, thank you for your kind words! It’s really nice to hear you enjoy my work and have been an avid follower~ 💖
While I do absolutely love your illustrations suggestion (and wholeheartedly agree it would be the best thing ever!), I don’t want to impose on anyone. For instance I know Swanpit is already swamped with projects and while I utterly ADORE their work I wouldn’t want to add to that pile. But if anyone was interested in doing a collab of some sort with me I would totally be down ✨ (seeing anyone do art of my fic always motivates me to keep it going 💕)
Thank you much for the love and support, and I look forward to seeing what you think of the next chapter! (Also I promise you there is a happy ending in mind [I cannot stand a sad ending myself, so I don’t want to subject anyone {myself included} to that with my fic], so no need to worry about that 😆. I will, however, definitely be putting you all through just a little bit more torture~ 😇)
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
When is the next chapter coming out?
I’m going to assume you’re asking about “I Do Not Fear Death” here.😎 To be honest, I’m not sure, but if I had to take a guess, I’d say about a week or so? My writing moods can be mercurial at the best of times, and every chapter takes quite a few hours of work, so guess we’ll just have to wait and see, but I’ll try to get it finished up sooner than later~ ✨
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revolvingfanatic · 2 years ago
Ahem, and I absolutely love your art! Thank you so much!!! 💖 Now you have *me* laughing my butt off XD I keep cackling at Death’s inner panicking; you captured the emotion well 🤣 And omg, your Puss is just, *chef’s kiss* fantastic.
Also ahhh!! I have more awesomeness to look forward to?🥹❤️ Then I am excited to see what you do next, I love this so much 😆✨
I absolutely love your fanfic, it's top peak comedy!
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Like! IBS?! I was laughing for 10 minutes straight! It is truly a pearl!
Also bonus
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When you tell your bf you have ibs due to no better excuse
Btw, I will be making more art of the fanfic!
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