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joyffree · 7 months ago
Lynch's Match (Inferno's Clutch MC Book 16) MC Romance by E.C. Land is Live!
Once burned the pain is all that’s left.
The past is finally come to the present and nothing else can stop the anger building inside me. She was supposed to be my match. The one person who was always mine and mine alone, but that was a lie.
Now she’s back in town and I didn’t even know it until it was too late. She’s going to get herself killed if I don’t do something about it first.
With the past always comes the demons and they seem to have targeted her. This is something I won’t allow. To protect her, I’ll keep her close. Make sure nothing happens to her. Keep the monsters away from her.
However, I have to do this, it won’t be easy. She’s still my match. The one woman meant for me, but that doesn’t mean I have anything to offer her. Nothing more than my protection.
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giocentric · 1 year ago
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Today marks exactly five years since my first diagnosis. Yes, first kasi nag-iba iba since I jumped from one doctor to another. I vividly remember that day, that was Saturday. I was first year in college. NSTP was our only class on Saturdays and it's morning session. Right after class, I went directly to ICMC. I was really anxious because I don't know what to expect. I waited for an hour or at least two before my scheduled session. And when my name was called, my battle began.
During the session, I was asked different questions and I answered what I think were the right answers. I was silent all throughout the session because there are a lot of thoughts and questions running through my head. Am I considered insane? Will people get scared if they discover my secret? Then the session ended. Kuya and I headed home. Kuya went to my ninang, who is a Psych grad and asked her about my condition. Btw my first diagnosis was 'depression with psychosis and paranoia.' Unusual and quite heavy diagnosis.
After a few months, I transfered to Doc Joey. He diagnosed me with depression with anxiety. Then to JBL where my diagnosis was depression with psychotic features. After to MMH in Mariveles where I was diagnosed the same diagnosis as JBL. Then after, I was transfered back to Doc Joey when I took my second suic*de attempt in September of 2019, during suicide prevention month.
Fast forward to this day, I am still under medication with Schizoaffective disorder and still seeing ny psychiatrist regularly. I am also an incoming fourth year psych student. I've come a long way and for sure I have a long way to go to. I'm grateful for the strong support system I have through the years. I still cling on to that little hope to find the light after the tunnel.
Ps. I chose the photo because it was taken today. 🫶
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tetsunabouquet · 2 months ago
I am sharing another one of the character designs for my upcoming webcomic. Meet Shade & Penumbra!
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Trivia -Fraternal twins, Shade is obviously male and Penumbra is female. -These two were collecting information to blackmail one of the high ranking ICMC members because shadowbeings are amongst the species of magical creatures that have been living in poverty for centuries. -They discovered many things, including how terrible the magical prisons have been built which is why they're amongst the people jailed to be silenced. -Shade is gay and often likes to flirt with Greg for funsies. Greg is 100% straight but he doesn't minds it as Shade is his friend and he does thinks it sucks that Shade is the only gay male that's stuck and has no one to love. -The two now live in riches because they get to live in a copy of the world with all luxuries available to them but they feel horribly guilty towards their old community who is still living in poverty.
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teliusyikwa · 23 days ago
Riwayat pengungsian di Tanah Papua
Keluarga pengungsi Papua yang menetap sejak 1984 di kamp pengungsian di Port Moresby, Papua Nugini. – dok. ICMC Jayapura, – Krisis politik dan keamanan melahirkan arus pengungsian warga di sejumlah daerah di Tanah Papua. Mereka menyelamatkan diri karena tidak ingin menjadi sasaran kekerasan dari aparat keamanan maupun kelompok bersenjata.Arus pengungsian menjadi salah satu bagian dari sejarah…
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jssa-info · 1 month ago
JSSA先端芸術音楽創作学会 第56回研究会
開催日時:2024年12月14日(土) 13:00-16:30 オンライン開催
非会員で聴講をご希望の方は、 https://forms.gle/1xVUvqkHK1NXWq7R9 にお申込んでいただき、前日夜までに申し込みフォームに記載されている方法で参加料をお支払いください。 非会員の聴講参加は500円です。
問い合わせ先:JSSA事務局 [email protected]
1. アルゴリズム作曲環境プログラムOpenMusicを用いた交響曲の作曲  今堀拓也(作曲家)
2. フルートと電子音響のための《Anamnèse》における幾何学曲線を用いた音響移動の制御  渡邊裕美(名古屋市立大学)
3. テレマティックマルチメディアパフォーマンス:異分野コラボレーションに基づくセンシングとネットワーク技術をもちいた美的統合と作曲手法の探究  Iannis Zannos(イオニアン大学)、平山晴花(北海道情報大学)、磯部英彬(東京音楽大学)、Justine Goussot(作曲家)
4. 音に変容する声―《目覚めよ、日本国民!》を例に  大久保雅基(名古屋芸術大学)
5. テクノロジーベース音楽の歴史再考―音楽史において日本の電子音響音楽を記述する枠組み  水野みか子(名古屋音楽大学)
オンライン開催の定番である告知タイムを設けます。 12/12(木)までに、メール題名を「JSSA第56回研究会 告知タイム申し込み」として、概要を本文に書き、[email protected] にお申し込みください。
1件目 発表タイトル:アルゴリズム作曲環境プログラムOpenMusicを用いた交響曲の作曲 発表者:今堀拓也(作曲家)
[PDF] 創作ノート
本稿は筆者作曲「交響曲第1番」において、アルゴリズム作曲環境プログラムOpenMusicを用いた 作曲過程についての創作ノートである。
筆者の「交響曲第1番」は、2024年11月24日に初演される、演奏時間約24分の単一楽章のオーケ ストラ作品である。この作品の作曲にあたっては、OpenMusicを用いて全体の時間を決めてそこ からテンポと拍数を割り振って各主題提示部の発生時間の配分、また主題ごとに使用される和音 が計算されている。そのうちのいくつかは微分音を含んだものとなっており、周波数移調と比率 圧縮の技法が用いられている。
本作品の先行事例として、時間配分を計算した音楽作品、和音構造を周波数移調によって決定した 音楽作品の作例を挙げ、それらを踏まえて本作品に生かした手法について述��る。
2件目 発表タイトル:フルートと電子音響のための《Anamnèse》における幾何学曲線を用いた音響移動の制御 発表者:渡邊裕美(名古屋市立大学)
[PDF] 研究報告
3件目 発表タイトル:テレマティックマルチメディアパフォーマンス:異分野コラボレーションに基づくセンシングとネットワーク技術をもちいた美的統合と作曲手法の探究 発表者:Iannis Zannos(イオニアン大学)、平山晴花(北海道情報大学)、磯部英彬(東京音楽大学)、Justine Goussot(作曲家)
[PDF] Research Report
本稿は、日本とギリシャのコンピュータ音楽作曲家、ビジュアルアーティスト、ダンサーによる異分野協働創作プロジェクト『Magnetic Dance』(2023)における創作方法論に焦点を当てている。同作品は、2023年10月にエレフシスで開催された欧州文化首都フェスティバルで発表されており、ヘレニズム神話の『エコーとナルキッソス』と中世日本の能作品『井筒』をもとに、双方に見出される“神秘性”(2023年EU文化首都エレフシスのテーマ)をコンセプトとしながら、独立しつつも関連する2つのパートから構成されている。さらに、このパフォーマンスは現地でのパフォーマンスシーンだけでなく、テレマティック技術を用いた遠隔からのパフォーマンスシーンも含まれ、その両場面から構成されている。
4件目 発表タイトル:音に変容する声―《目覚めよ、日本国民!》を例に 発表者:大久保雅基(名古屋芸術大学)
[PDF] 創作ノート
5件目 発表タイトル:テクノロジーベース音楽の歴史再考―音楽史において日本の電子音響音楽を記述する枠組み 発表者:水野みか子(名古屋音楽大学)
[PDF] 研究報告
ソニックアーツ、電子音響音楽、サウンドアート、コンピュータ音楽、メディアサウンドといった用語で今日指し示されるアート分野は、数十年遡れば別の用語(電子音楽、ミュジック・コンクレート、テープ音楽など)で呼ばれていた音楽と共通する表現要素を持つ。しかしながら、20世紀後半のテクノロジーベース音楽の歴史が西洋音楽史の系譜に沿って議論されることが比較的多かったのに対し、近年のICMC、NIME、EMSなど音楽を中心とする電子芸術関連国際学会での歴史的議論では、数十年単位で技術の種類や文化圏ごとの区分が明瞭に打ち出されているものの、作品系列や美学の系譜について、数百年スパン、ないしは西洋音楽史との照合で論じられたケースは多くない。近過去を対象とすることによる歴史記述の困難さがあるにせよ、20世紀西洋音楽史との異同をグローバル化と異文化受容の脈絡で議論することは、日本の電子音響音楽を再考するひとつの視座になると考えられる。本発表では、Marc Battierの近著やAREM 等関連学会でのアーカイヴ研究や歴史記述を参照しながら、日本電子音響音楽史へのアプローチを議論する。
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asiajaco · 7 months ago
◆International Computer Music Conference 2024◆
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Ayako’s piece “T-P-T” will be performed at the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2024 - July 7-13). It is programmed for “Concert C” on July 10 at Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea. 2024年7月7日-13日に漢陽大学(ソウル、韓国)で開催される ICMC 2024 にて、電子音響音楽作品《T-P-T》が上演されます。上演日は7月10日です。 ・ICMC 2024
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cocktailsfairytales · 7 months ago
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♥️☠️ NEW RELEASE ☠️♥️
Lynch’s Match by E.C. Land
Inferno's Clutch MC Series Book 16
Available on Amazon & Kindle Unlimited
Link: https://geni.us/lynchsmatch
Once burned the pain is all that’s left.
The past is finally come to the present and nothing else can stop the anger building inside me. She was supposed to be my match. The one person who was always mine and mine alone, but that was a lie.
Now she’s back in town and I didn’t even know it until it was too late. She’s going to get herself killed if I don’t do something about it first.
With the past always comes the demons and they seem to have targeted her. This is something I won’t allow. To protect her, I’ll keep her close. Make sure nothing happens to her. Keep the monsters away from her.
However, I have to do this, it won’t be easy. She’s still my match. The one woman meant for me, but that doesn’t mean I have anything to offer her. Nothing more than my protection.
☠️ Have you caught up with the rest of the Inferno’s Clutch MC Series? ☠️
Link: https://geni.us/Ih5MIP
. • ✰ 𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙔 𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙉𝙀𝘾𝙏𝙀𝘿 ✰ • .
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calaycay · 9 months ago
A Repost from FB (July 30, 2023)
Today, I stand before you with a heart filled with joy, gratitude, and a sense of accomplishment as I proudly announce the completion of my MBA journey at UP Diliman. Sumablay na ako finally! It has been an extraordinary adventure, full of challenges and opportunities, pushing me to discover new things within myself. I offer this achievement to the Lord, who has been the source of my strength and wisdom; Tatay, who has been so patient, understanding, and proud; Inay, who has been very supportive in every way; my furbabies – Othelo and Pepper, who have been my stress reliever and source of my happiness; and of course, my friends, colleagues, and mentors, who have been my motivation and constant reminder of my potential.
The path to earning my MBA was anything but smooth. It demanded relentless dedication and sleepless nights, striving to strike a balance between academic excellence and professional commitments. Yet, every hurdle and obstacle I faced turned out to be a stepping stone toward my personal growth.
Throughout this journey, I had the privilege of meeting some remarkable individuals who became my friends, my mentors, and my inspiration. To Kath and Van, my Ohana, thank you for all the memories and learnings that we shared. To Block X and Y, thank you for the experiences I had with all of you even though most of them are online.
The learning experience was exhilarating, and I couldn't have asked for more passionate and insightful professors who pushed us to think critically and creatively. Imagine writing case studies almost every day until dawn. They challenged us to go beyond the obvious, encouraging us to question the norms and explore new paradigms.
But amidst the challenging coursework and intensive requirements, there was an element of fun and excitement that transformed the MBA journey into a truly unforgettable chapter of my life. I discovered the joy of collaboration, the thrill of presenting ideas and solutions, and the satisfaction of getting the approval of the professors on our proposed courses of action for the problem.
And again, I can't thank my family, loved ones, friends, colleagues, and mentors enough for their unwavering support throughout this journey. Their encouragement and belief in my potential were the driving forces that kept me going even during the toughest times (remember COVID?) and even during those times when I broke down and lost confidence and motivation.
To all those who stood by my side, who lent a listening ear, who shared laughter and tears, and who believed in me when I doubted myself—thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your belief in me made all the difference, and I dedicate this achievement to each one of you. Please know that I just really need to mention a few – Tatay, Inay, Ching, Ate Yan, BLB, Sir Gamats, Eva, Jessa, Mary, ShotPuno, Jygcy, Honey, Kakampink – thank you for your full trust, for making me feel that you genuinely believe in me, for your motivations, for uplifting me during all those hardships and tears, and for always being there, reaching out when I needed you the most. BIG THANKS AND APPRECIATION. Mahal ko kayo. Salamat rin mga Tita, Ninang, Tito, and mga pinsan ko sa pag suporta sa Inay and Tatay, for always looking out for them. Thank you po. I am grateful also to Aki – now I can share my achievements, goals, and dreams with someone special to me.
As I close this cherished chapter, I carry with me not just a degree but a treasure of memories, learnings, and a mindset that embraces challenges with open arms. This MBA journey has transformed me in ways I could have never imagined, and I'm excited to embark on the next chapter with a heart full of ambition, thirst for continued growth, and unbreakable grit. I also promise to honor excellence and integrity in everything that I do and will do.
Sa lahat ng nangangarap, remember that no dream is too big, no goal is unattainable. Embrace the challenges, cherish the moments, and believe in your abilities. With prayers, faith, dedication, perseverance, law of attraction, and a dash of fun, you can conquer any mountain standing in your way.
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nuadox · 9 months ago
Brazilian scientists design innovative heart valve
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- By Agência FAPESP* -
In Brazil, researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP) and the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) are trying to perfect the Wheatley aortic valve, a device that could improve the lives of millions of people affected by aortic stenosis, a narrowing of the aortic valve opening that blocks the flow of blood from the left ventricle to the aorta.
Aortic stenosis is common among the elderly, and in severe cases, the only viable alternative to improve the patient's quality of life is to replace the dysfunctional natural valve with an artificial one.
The studies have already won the 2023 USP Post-Doc Award in the field of exact and earth sciences for UNICAMP professor Hugo Luiz Oliveira, a member of the research group.
The improvement of the Wheatley aortic valve is important because it should eliminate the need for anticoagulant medication in the post-operative period, as is the case with other polymer valves.
Anticoagulants are used to “thin” the blood, i.e. they prevent the formation of clots and facilitate blood flow. This type of drug treatment requires extreme patient care and attention, especially when bleeding occurs which can lead to other complications.
The research, developed within the scope of the Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI), consists in the computational modeling of the device that replaces the natural aortic valve in patients with severe cases of the disease. CeMEAI is a Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center (RIDC) supported by FAPESP and based at the Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences of the University of São Paulo (ICMC-USP), São Carlos campus.
CeMEAI's research focuses on the Wheatley aortic valve, created in 2012 by Scottish professor and cardiac surgeon David Wheatley because the inventor himself felt the need to better understand the mathematical and computer model of the device. The study opportunity for the Brazilian researchers came about when Professor Wheatley contacted Sean McKee of the University of Strathclyde, also in Scotland, UK. McKee, in turn, contacted a former doctoral student under his supervision, USP professor José Alberto Cuminato, coordinator of CeMEAI, who is currently on the faculty at Strathclyde.
Process steps
A high-fidelity computer model not only reduces the time required to design the valve and its internal mechanisms but also the cost of physical prototyping and experimental testing.
The CeMEAI team set out to create a computer model of the Wheatley valve in order to reproduce its mechanical behavior under operating conditions. This allows any improvements that may be made to be tested virtually, without the need to produce new parts for each proposed change.
The experiments aim to ensure that the valve opens and closes quickly and that the shear stress in the blood flow is always above a critical limit. In this way, the system prevents the formation of thromboses and guarantees a longer service life for the device compared to conventional valves.
To achieve the proposed result, the researchers tested several software packages. The option that best met the needs of the research project was the LS-DYNA solver, which allowed the mechanical and fluid dynamic performance of the Wheatley aortic valve to be reproduced on the computer under controlled flow and pressure conditions.
*With information from CeMEAI's Communications Office.
This text was originally published by FAPESP Agency according to Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND. Read the original here.
Header image: Models of the Wheatley aortic valve, which the Brazilian researchers were able to model on a computer. Credit: Jornal da USP.
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hirvi-acousma · 10 months ago
hirvi Acousmonium Live in Kyoto "CEREMONIAL"
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昨年に引き続き今年もhirvi Acousmonium Liveを開催いたします! hirvi Acousmonium Live in Kyoto "CEREMONIAL"  関西を拠点として活動するヒルヴィは、多層立体音響装置「アクースモニウム」を用いたライブを定期的に開催しています。今回はヒルヴィのメンバーに加え、石上加寿也、かつふじたまこ、Leo Okagawa、Shuta Hiraki各氏をお招きして、総勢9名の電子音響音楽作品を上演します。  コロナによる移動制限が解除され、人々の集いが再開されました。しかしその中で災難が続き喜びや悲しみ、祈りが行き場を無くしているように思います。再びその思いを集約し共有する為に共通コンセプトをCEREMONIAL(儀式の)としたライブを企画しました。  またアクースモニウム演奏の第一人者である檜垣智也によるアクースモニウム体験会を同時開催いたします。 開催日: 2024/5/11(sat) - 2024/5/12(sun) 開催場所: FRAME in VOX 604-8031 京都市中京区大黒町44 河原町VOXビル 3F WEB SITE: https://frame-in-vox.com/ MAIL: [email protected] バス:「河原町三条」各停留所より徒歩1〜5分 京阪線:「三条駅」6番出口より徒歩5分 地下鉄東西線:「三条京阪駅」2番出口より徒歩5分 阪急線:「京都河原町駅」3B出口より徒歩7分 ※駐車場・駐輪場はございませんので、近隣の有料パーキングをご利用ください。 料金: アクースモニウム体験会:一般 2,000円(学生 1,000円)※定員6名 1コンサート券:一般 2,000円(学生 1,000円) コンサート通し券:一般 3,500円(学生 2,000円) ※通し券はアクースモニウム体験会を除く Artist: 石上加寿也 かつふじたまこ Leo Okagawa Shuta Hiraki 天野知亜紀 牛山泰良 大塚勇樹 永松ゆか 檜垣智也 Program: 5/11(sat) 18:00 - 19:30 アクースモニウム体験会( 講師 檜垣智也) 5/12(sun) 15:00 - コンサート1 檜垣智也、永松ゆか、天野知亜紀 16:00 - コンサート2 大塚勇樹、Leo Okagawa*、Shuta Hiraki* 17:00 - コンサート3 牛山泰良、かつふじたまこ、石上加寿也 *……招待作品 お問い合わせ・予約: ヒルヴィ事務局 [email protected] 主催 ヒルヴィ hirvi 協�� FRAME in VOX, MEDIA SHOP GUEST ARTIST: 石上加寿也 KAZUYA ISHIGAMI   1972年、大阪生まれ。DRドイツ公共放送からの委嘱作品制作をはじめ、WDR(西部ドイツ公共放送)、MUSLAB国際電子音響祭(メキシコ)、Zeppelin国際サウンドアート電子音響音楽祭(スペイン)、ICMC国際コンピュータ音楽会議2015(アメリカ/テキサス) 、Music From Japan 2020(アメリカ/NY)などで作品上演をおこなう。自主レーベル”NEUS-318″と“OMODARU”を主宰。 かつふじたまこ TAMAKO KATSUFUJI 音作家。90年代半ばより詩や言葉を用いた音作品の制作を始める。2000年フランス国立視聴覚研究所INA-GRMにて作曲を学ぶ。何気ない日常から小さな奇跡(音)を拾い集め紡ぎ出されるその作品は、日常の隣のちょっとへんてこな世界を表現する。フランスMOTUSよりの委嘱作品ほか、作品はフランス、イタリアのフェスティバル、スペインやNYのラジオ番組でも上演され、海外のファンも実は多いとか?! https://hello-tsukineco.jimdo.com/ LEO OKAGAWA (招待作品) サウンド・アーティスト。2014年よりフィールド・レコーディングをはじめ、録音した素材やアナログ機器のノイズ、シンプルな電子トーンによる多層的なコラージュ作品の制作を開始する。2017年からは即興によるパフォーマンスもおこなう。いくつかの電子機器類を使用し、シンプルなトーンの組み合わせによる構造的な可能性を模索する。 Shuta Hiraki (招待作品) 長崎県在住の音楽家/批評家。音響合成、フィールド・レコーディング、アコースティック楽器の演奏、サンプリング・コラージュなど様々な手法を駆使し、構造/思想の両面からアンビエントやドローン・ミュージックの臨界を志す。KYOU Records、Rottenman Editions、LINE、VAAGNERなど多数のレーベルから作品を発表。近年はシュルティボックスと電子音の連携によるライブ活動を展開。 hirvi 2014年に設立。関西を拠点として、メンバー全員がミュージシャン。アクースモニウムを運用し、メンバーの作品発表を中心に活動している。またアクースモニウムの魅力を社会に発信するために、コンサートやワークショップの企画・制作、芸術祭への参加、音楽出版、音響技術支援などを行っている。 現メンバー:檜垣智也(代表)、天野知亜紀、牛山泰良、大塚勇樹、 永松ゆか、ミユタシマヤ
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infoiberico · 10 months ago
Desde el pasado día 7 de marzo y hasta el próximo 31 de mayo, el Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Extremadura (CICYTEX) pone a disposición de propietarios y gestores de alcornocales un servicio de estimación de calidad de corcho en campo (Plan de Calas), dirigido por técnicos especializados en muestreo forestal y descorche del Instituto del Corcho, la Madera y el Carbón Vegetal (ICMC). La finalidad de este servicio es conocer la calidad media del corcho de una finca antes de que comience la saca. También, permite hacer una valoración del estado general de la parcela desde un punto de vista sanitario, productivo y de gestión. Este doble diagnóstico puede utilizarse como referencia en las operaciones de compra-venta de corcho de la campaña en curso. Procedimiento Para solicitar el Plan de Calas se ha habilitado un espacio en el portal web de CICYTEX en el siguiente enlace : Trámites de Plan de Cala con la documentación necesaria para su tramitación, así como información sobre la metodología de trabajo empleada. Este espacio incluye además un documento con recomendaciones para una saca de corcho adecuada de cara a la próxima campaña, cuyo inicio está fijado el 15 de mayo. Una vez formalizada la solicitud, un equipo del Instituto se desplazará hasta la explotación para recoger muestras de corcho de 75 alcornoques seleccionados previamente, aplicando un método de muestreo diseñado por el propio centro. Dichas muestras, denominadas “calas”, tienen un tamaño aproximado de 12x12 centímetros. En campo también recopilarán datos sobre el uso del suelo, plagas y enfermedades, podas, descorches anteriores, etc. Posteriormente, las calas se trasladarán al laboratorio forestal de ICMC para su tratamiento y análisis. Para ello, los técnicos disponen de equipos piloto que permiten reproducir el proceso de la industria a pequeña escala: secado en estufa, cocido en caldera, recorte, calibrado y determinación de aspecto. Una vez procesados los datos obtenidos, los solicitantes recibirán un informe técnico sobre la calidad del corcho de la finca y otro sobre su estado selvícola. Estos documentos se completan con recomendaciones para mejorar ambos aspectos. Los muestreos comenzarán previsiblemente a principios del mes de abril, ya que el ciclo biológico de los alcornoques se ha adelantado aproximadamente 3 semanas debido a las condiciones meteorológicas.
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tetsunabouquet · 8 months ago
So, whilst I am finishing up my Moonrabbit sketch for Subaru, I decided to share a 2nd character design of my upcoming webcomic, hereby I introduce everyone to Princess Nenami of the Sea Sprites!
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NOTE: My comic will switch between the more detailed style on the left, and the more simplified style on the right depending on the type of scene. The right one is what I call, the filler style. To be used during stuff like info dumps, filler scenes and quick action scenes. The more detailed style is reserved for the important scenes, like ones important to character development, flashbacks and romantic moments as well as chapter designs. Reading more manga then I do comics, one thing that stands out to me as someone who read Vampire Knight is how each chapter has a beautifully designed artwork with the chapter's title. Whilst the cover art for my comic is in the filler style, I will also be making chapter covers in the detailed style. As a matter of fact, I am working on a Princess Nenami artwork for Mermay which will be a good expectation of how my chapter covers will look like! Trivia on Princess Nenami:
-She is the banished princess of the sea sprites and one of the figures who landed herself in jail because of the corruption of the ICMC. -The reason behind this is her wild personality which made her a liability. She is a chaotic bisexual on the levels of being a female equivalent of characters like Klaus Hargreeves or Magnus Bane. -Adores the human world and loves to explore the human world now that she isn't restrained by her duties to remain in the sea. -Often wears yellows, oranges and purples. -The lower half of her body in her aquatic form can take the shape of any sea animal she wants. She can go from looking like a mermaid to an Ursula-like kraken figure, each having their own strengths and weaknesses.
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poxanikita · 1 year ago
As frutinhas do icmc
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renandreyvibes · 5 years ago
In the Corner of Millennium Coffeehouse Ch4
Here’s Chapter 4!
We’re moving a little slow as I pick back up, but I promise it’s gonna start moving :) I plan on updating regularly after this weekend!
In which Rey is a very disgruntled writer with major deadlines looming over her head and a whole lot of writer's block getting in her way, Ben Solo is a barista with an edgy alias, and midnight caffeine is a necessity.
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ryryo88 · 5 years ago
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I participated in the International Choice Model Confidence 2019 as a language staff. I was really motivated though this conference. Latest technology is really hard to understand but I’ll try hard to reach this level...! . . . #internationalstudent #english #englishlearning #civilengineering #civilengineeringstudent #urbanplanning#urbanplanningstudent #icmc #icmc2019 (神戸国際会議場) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1jLkxfnPHv/?igshid=ggbgwlxvkg5t
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michaelgogins · 6 years ago
Reflections on ICMC/NYCEMF 2019
Looking back at the combined International Computer Music Conference/New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival held July 16th through the 23rd on and near the campus of New York University, I here offer my reflections as one of the organizers, as a composer with a piece in the conference, and as an audience member for many of the concerts. 
I was also a referee for music, but that does not enter into my remarks.
First, I will briefly mention pieces I liked well enough that I would probably go out of my way to hear them again. Please note, I did not attend all the concerts, I do not mention pieces for which I was a referee but that I did not hear in concert, and I have my own biases and predilections in the field of electroacoustic music. I am mainly but by no means only interested in algorithmic composition and in through-composed music for fixed media, what we used to call "tape music." 
Where possible, I provide hyperlinks to online renderings of the pieces.
Concert 3, Monday June 16, 16:30, Hebrew Union College sanctuary
Ewan Stefani, black drums rolled, fixed media. Complex and accomplished collage of sampled/processed sounds.
Concert 7, Tuesday June 18, 16:30, Hebrew Union College sanctuary
Angelo Bello, Ricercar, fixed media. Builds on years of experiment based on the algorithmic synthesis/composition methods of Iannis Xenakis. I have heard a number of Bello's pieces and this one was by far my favorite, especially as there was a change of texture towards the end of the piece where melodic whistles and glissandos introduced a different mood.
Concert 12, Wednesday June 19, 20:00, Loreto Theater
Naotoshi Osaka, Kakekagami, with Kourtney Newton on cello. A lot of interesting goodies in the sounds.
Natasha Barrett, Dusk's Gait, fixed media. My interest in this spatialized, hyper-realistic pseudo-collage of "natural" sounds never flagged.
Concert 16, Thursday June 20, 20:00, Loreto Theater
Mara Helmuth, Sound Dunes, with Esther Lamneck on tarogato. Harpies skirling wild and free.
Orlando Garcia, separacion, with Enzo Filippetti on soprano saxophone. Very nice drone that kept me listening through over 12 minutes.
Manuela R. Blackburn, Snap Happy, fixed media. Glitchy, bass ostinato, musical.
Zurine F. Gerenabarrena, Barne, with Patti Cudd on percussion. Frankly this was mostly just Cudd playing with the electronics providing some sonic decorations and fillips. But what playing! Virtuosity on Cudd's level is totally engaging.
Concert 22, Saturday June 22, 20:00, Grand Hall of the Kimmel Center.
Russell Pinkston, Zylamander, with Mark Zyla on French horn. Jazz harmony, rhythmic, an engaging mix of electronic and acoustic sounds and processes.
Concert 24, Sunday June 23, 16:30, Grand Hall, Kimmel Center
Dafna Naphtali and Jen Baker, Clip Mouth Unit, with Jen Baker on trombone and Hans Tammen on blippo box, processed vocals by Dafna Napthali. Slushy sludge, slipping and sliding with lots of processing, musical. Note: the hyperlink is to a different performance from this group.
Concert 25, Sunday June 23, 20:00, Loreto Theater
Mario Davidovsky, Synchronisms No. 11, with Ross Wrightman on double bass. Just good.
Kang Shinae, Aruna, fixed media. The sounds were a bit muddied, perhaps from over-processing, but very musical and with spiritual content.
Timothy Sapp, There Is a Piece Missing, interactive electronics. Wonderful and inventive. The multiple controllers actually contributed to and drove the music.
Rainer Burck, Lamento industriale, fixed media. Really enormous sounds, like a foundry in Heaven (or Hell), musically coherent.
It has been a continuing topic of discussion among the organizers of the NYCEMF how best to present this music. Currently the festival is funded almost exclusively from registration fees. In order to generate enough revenue to pay for theaters etc., a large number of composers must be registered. This has several effects: the audience consists mostly of the composers and some of the performers (and associated friends and family), many pieces are scheduled, and the overall quality of the pieces is, I think, somewhat watered down compared to a festival where a smaller number of pieces would be selected with an eye towards attracting a wider audience.
If the concerts consisted exclusively of pieces on the level of those above, there should be no trouble attracting a wider audience, not to mention more critics and music journalists. But then the difficulty of finding, renting, and running theaters becomes greater.
If someone out there wants to generously assist the future of music in New York City, please grant sufficient funds to the New York City Electroacoustic Music Society to rent, on an annual basis, a suitable venue for the festival. I will spell it out. The venue should have two or more theaters, each seating at least 200, both suitable for the diffusion of electroacoustic music which means a dry sound without a lot of echo and preferably a square shape, acoustically isolated from street noise. The festival has been borrowing really good speakers from Genelec, as normally music theaters do not have speakers adequate for the demands of electroacoustic music, but an exception would be delightful. And there should be a room or so for installations and just generally hanging out and talking. Ideally, this venue will be located where the life in the city is, which means lower Manhattan, Williamsburg, East New York, or such.
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