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harmonyhealinghub · 1 year ago
Liberation: The Journey of "I Am Set Free" Shaina Tranquilino March 18, 2024
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The quest for liberation and freedom is a common thread that binds us all. The phrase "I Am Set Free" carries profound significance, reflecting a personal and often transformative journey toward emancipation. Whether it be breaking free from societal expectations, personal limitations, or self-imposed constraints, the liberation encapsulated in these words is a celebration of the human spirit's resilience and capacity for growth.
The Path to Liberation:
The journey to uttering "I Am Set Free" is unique for each individual. It may begin with self-reflection, a realization that certain beliefs or behaviours have confined us for far too long. Liberation often demands the courage to confront these constraints head-on, questioning societal norms and challenging the status quo.
One might find themselves shedding the layers of expectations that have been draped upon them by society, family, or even their own fears. This process of self-discovery is akin to peeling away the layers of an onion, revealing the authentic self beneath. It requires a willingness to embrace vulnerability and confront uncomfortable truths, paving the way for true liberation.
Breaking Chains:
"I Am Set Free" often echoes in the moments when individuals break free from the chains of their past, allowing them to step into a new, uncharted territory. This could be leaving a toxic relationship, overcoming a personal trauma, or simply letting go of ingrained beliefs that no longer serve one's growth. Liberation comes in various forms, but the common thread lies in the act of breaking free from what no longer aligns with our true selves.
Embracing Change:
The journey towards freedom is marked by change. As one utters the words "I Am Set Free," they acknowledge the inevitability of change and the necessity of embracing it. Change is the catalyst for personal growth and evolution, and it often requires stepping into the unknown with open arms.
The Power of Authenticity:
"I Am Set Free" is a declaration of authenticity. It signifies the rejection of societal pressures to conform and the embrace of one's true identity. Liberation comes when we let go of the need for external validation and live in alignment with our values and passions.
"I Am Set Free" encapsulates a powerful narrative of personal triumph over adversity. It is a proclamation of autonomy and self-discovery, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. As we navigate the intricate journey towards liberation, let these words be a mantra that reverberates through the core of our being, inspiring us to break free from the shackles that bind us and embrace the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.
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encouragemyheart · 3 years ago
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Standing on the promises of God my Savior! I have ALL that Jesus Christ died on the cross for! I declare and decree I AM HEALED in Jesus' name!!! Join me in proclaiming this over your life too! #EncourageMyHeartConsulting #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #IBelieveGodsMyHealer #IBelieveMyVerdictsInHeaven #ICarryOutMyVerdictsOnEarthAsItIsInHeaven #IBelieveHesMyPortion #IAmHealed #IAmSetFree #HeIsMyStrengthWhenIAmWeak #HeIsMyStrength #ThankYouJesus #MoreThanJustSurvivors #Thrivers #ThriversNotSurvivors #Waymaker #PromiseKeeper #MiracleWorker #ThatIsWhoMyGodIs  Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CbgFY_lrzrj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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livinhealthee · 3 years ago
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You're stuck in a cycle of sin and guilt, and you don't know how to break free. It's hard to break free from your past mistakes, but it's even harder to stay trapped in them. The Bible says "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." This means that we have been freed from the bondage of sin so freedom is possible, and that we are all set free by Jesus Christ. When we believe this truth, it sets us free from the chains of our past and empowers us to live in the present with hope for the future. #coachmelonie #iamsetfree #setfree #mindfulness #mindset #affirmation #affirmationoftheday #biblicalaffirmation #biblicalliving #womeninhealth https://www.instagram.com/p/CaspOaLuuxX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cboards · 7 years ago
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The truth is the key to set you free. See story feed for the full image 🗝 #thetruthwillsetyoufree #iamsetfree #paulcarterart #pcartjourney #thekeytohappiness #iamfree #keepcreating #stayfocusedonthegood #inspiredart #letgoofego #letgoletgod #growforward #healthyrituals #healthyboundaries (at Mission San Juan Capistrano, CA)
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getyourfaithup · 8 years ago
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It's so easy to quote a scripture when someone is lost, broken, or confuse, but how about grab them by their hand and show them your scars??? I was lost, broken, angry, and lonely until I took my burdens to the cross! Clubbing, Sexing, Holding Grudges, Mouthing Off left me broken, but when I met Jesus, I found a greater love that no man possess. When I found Jesus, I no longer cared what people say or thought about me because I was created for Purpose not to please People! I no longer had an appetite for Sex because my body is my Husband's Treasure and God's Temple... At the Cross is where I saw the light and the burdens of my heart rose away.. I offer the CROSS to you today as a believer in Christ #getyourfaithup #jesussaves #godislove #lovefeelsgreat #godisgreat🙏 #blackwriters #bloggerlife #christlove #christianwoman #christianblogger #iamsetfree #thecrosssavedme #jesusisreal #jesuscalling #iamdelivered #ihavebeensetfree #mygoodoutweighsmybad #thechainsarebroken #nomorechainsholdingme #goddeservesallthepraise #takeupyourcross
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takethisheartofmine · 8 years ago
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"The need for acceptance is a poison that seeps into our thoughts and becomes an obsession, which eventually becomes toxic to our spiritual lives [...] The truth of the matter is, it's not about who we can impress or what we can achieve--it's about Jesus. Through His finished work on the cross, those who trust in Him are completely accepted!" (Rachel Lovingood) . . . This weekend, I spent Friday-Saturday evening in the Poconos with more than 20 beautiful, powerful, inspiring women of God. Although our time together was seemingly short, these 24hrs alone were enough to give me a glimpse of what it looks like to "surrender and step forward in faith" and "claim our full and unique value in Christ" as women fearfully and wonderfully made. In the time we spent talking, praying, laughing and crying together, God demonstrated (not for the first time) what it means to allow ourselves be defined by HIS love and acceptance of us, not others' approval. . . . I don't know about you, but I've spent a lot of time--especially as a dancer--allowing others' opinions of me shape and define me as an artist and person. I am constantly guilty of wondering "Am I good/beautiful/talented enough in others' eyes?" or "Am I living up to others' expectations?" As I continue to draw nearer to God, He reminds me that my worth and value does not lie in others' opinions or standards, but in His Love. Because of His Love, I have the freedom to be exactly who He created me to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically, without needing to compromise or seek approval. If I am worthy in His eyes, I can be unapologetically myself despite what others may think. As we step into yet another week, I hope you'll join me in facing every situation with the openness, freedom, and confidence in who we are in Christ. #iamsetfree #accepted #loved #treasured #worthy #delight #dancingforhisglory #inChrist #HisLove #lent #tgcunfiltered #40days #day26 #almostmissedithaha #PC @gabe.auyeung (at Washington Square Park)
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gracewan1 · 8 years ago
May we sing daily of the freedom and hope we have been given through the blood of Christ, continuing to set our eyes on Him as we run this race of faith. @kuhchang @janetli_ #sf #getaway #ladiesofrenew #IAmSetFree #allsonsanddaughters #acapella #singing #hope #faith #freedom (at de Young Museum)
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fbmarketplace-blog · 6 years ago
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Thanks to @iamsetfree for this find! #area51 #stormarea51 #ufo #alien #facebook https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-0Q5fF1ld/?igshid=pt8a4vseetbf
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kensaiftion · 5 years ago
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Thor unmasked! 😎👊 Event: @comicconla photographer: @snapshot360photo Model & Cosplayer: @princessnatkins ⚡️💥🔨🌩⚡️ Foam: @mike_schiffbauer @dragonfyredesigns 3D printing: @iamsetfree . . . . . . . #laCC #Losangelescomiccon #thor #godofthunder #goddessofthunder #powerofthor #marvel #cosplayer #marvelcosplay #thorcosplay #janefoster #janefostercosplay @natalieportman #janefosterthor #janefosterthorcosplay #marvelrising #watchmerise #sideshowcollectiblesthor #marvelcomics #TheMightyThor #natalieatkins #princessnatkins #Photoshop #lighteningandthethunder #ladythor https://www.instagram.com/p/B3nPJsnB4mQ/?igshid=6xfnbcpgykna
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comicsnmorenj · 5 years ago
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repost from @cosplaymarvels . . Thor by the talented @princessnatkins (@get_regrann) - Everyone meet Thor Goddess of Thunder!!! So excited this costume came together the way it did!!!! Thank you to @iamsetfree and @mike_schiffbauer for your help! ⚡️💥🔨🌩 Leather work &sewing: me Foam: @mike_schiffbauer @ @dragonfyredesigns 3D printing: @iamsetfree 🌩 🔨⚡️ #hammer #thor #godofthunder #goddessofthunder #powerofthor #marvel #marvelcosplay #thorcosplay #janefoster #janefostercosplay #natalieportman @natalieportman #nycc #nycomiccon #janefosterthor #marvelrising #watchmerise #sideshowcollectiblesthor # - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B3OLjnahrLh/?igshid=vk35q404kqlw
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beautifulballers · 8 years ago
Dope Skit with Beautiful Baller @jennabandy21 + Actor @najeedetiege_ | Shout out @rise_wear for the awesome apparel/shoes 👟🏀 and @iamsetfree for filming 🎥 #InstagramSkits #Skits #Risewear #Rise #AnkleBreaker #Crossover #BallisLife #BeautifulBallers
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bigjon722 · 9 years ago
#ChurchFlow #PraiseAndWorship #JamaicanStyle #IFeelLike #Running #Skipping #PraiseTheLord #WhatHesDoneForMe #IAmSetFree #ThankYouJesus (at Breadnut Hill, Saint Ann, Jamaica)
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fbmarketplace-blog · 5 years ago
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Swipe for more description. Thanks to @iamsetfree for this find! #everykissbeginswithkay #facebookmarketplace https://www.instagram.com/p/B2VeOr3lDCJ/?igshid=1xwtxcgoy7fvd
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illsayitagain · 10 years ago
Free, free indeed
"Is this it? Is this the Good News?" I thought "because if it is, and the only other alternative is to backslide and lose my salvation...then I'd rather be dead." These were my thoughts as the Skype sermon finished. There was no emotion, not even sadness. Just a blunt emptiness and I knew I'd reached the edge. Pushed there by each sermon reminding me that I was full of sin and needed to repent. Again. That my piety could be shown in how much I cried during worship, or suffered for the gospel or accepted whatever dire situation life had thrown at me as being God's will and an opportunity to examine myself to identify the sin He wanted to deal with.
I'm sure - in fact I know - that there were people who were very happy with that message, who actually felt set free by it. But no church is a one size fits all, and a message which is meant to convict can very easily condemn.
I was tormented by fear of God's disapproval and filled with despair that I would never be the Christian I longed to be. I was ashamed just to be me. I was ashamed that I had chosen to pursue a degree instead of serving God. I was ashamed and frustrated that I was in a town physically far from the church where I'd been born again, when clearly that was where God was moving.  I had adopted a bad habit of sitting with my head bowed down. My mother often corrected me on this, saying it made me look sad. At the time I thought it was just a quirk, in retrospect I can see that it was actually my body reflecting the state of my soul.
There were moments of happiness, like sunny days in the middle of winter. But like a sunny winter day, there was a perpetual chill in the air and the threat of clouds or, if in Cape Town like I was, wind and rain. 
The depression started out like a storm. I've read somewhere that 'depression is frozen anger.' I tend to agree. I was 14 when my life took a turn for the difficult, both personally and as a family. Like any hormonal teenager, I had hopes and expectations which were dashed. But there was also a voice which whispered in my ear that 'God is trying to teach you a lesson, to punish you' and which threatened me with a future of hopes denied. Without even realising it I became angry with God, in the most Christian way possible. I was angry with Him because I felt as though I would never have His approval and that He had destined a sad and difficult life for me, never mind Jeremiah 29:11.  I wish at this point when I had confided in someone they had told me that I already did have God's approval, but I was told to examine my heart further for sin, to repent, to carry my cross, to suffer for the gospel. I swallowed the bitter pill and continued to serve God with the anger gradually settling into distrust, fear and a pervading sadness.
I came to believe that whatever happened to you, was your 'lot.' If poverty happened to you, that was your lot and God's plan for your life. Prosperity teachers received severe criticism, and I participated in gleefully dissecting all the teachers who preached a 'false gospel.' But it's easy to preach against prosperity when you have never had to miss school because your fees couldn't be paid, or you learn to appreciate a diet of soya chunks and sadza  because that's all there is to eat. 
I came to believe that the truest followers of Christ should abandon everything to serve God, that pursuing a degree so you could have a job was 'worldly.' Never mind the fact that many Christians I've since met actually got saved at university because they met followers of Christ there who were studying.  So I  found myself isolated from other Christians, judging them silently for what they said or didn't say; did or didn't do. They may as well have been unbelievers for how I treated them, and I grieve the fellowship I missed out on because of this. At the same time, ironically, I failed to live up  to the standard I had set for myself. 
As a result comparison became the latest ingredient in  the lethal cocktail of thoughts I was drinking daily, as I watched my peers at church serve God full time, get married and generally live the Christian dream. I felt as though I had been spit out of the church I'd always known and I felt forgotten and destined to to be nothing and no one. It didn't help that I was blatantly told that I was in 'Moab,' (ie, not where God wanted me to be) and told that God just didn't have a specific plan for my life. I forgive the people who made these statements, they erred, and I am now free and I know that God is with me always and does have a good and wonderful plan for my life.
I went through the motions, and it culminated in that small Skype-church meeting, where I asked myself if this was the good news. In all truth, up to this point I'd thought all the fault lay with me, that I was just imagining things. I'd never once questioned that maybe the message I was hearing was encouraging unhealthy thought patterns.
My mother soon introduced me to a preacher whom I'd dismissed before as one of the ones I shouldn't listen to. But this time the Holy Spirit opened my ears, and I heard. This teacher preached a sermon on God's love , something I technically knew of but had not fully experienced.
I'd never heard a sermon so gentle yet so powerful before. It felt as though rays of sunlight began to pierce the seemingly endless winter I had endured. That was 3 or 4 years ago now, and I'm still amazed to see how God has slowly but diligently transformed my heart and revealed the real GOOD NEWS to me. 
The good news is that though I have sinned and fallen short of His glory, He died for my sin and I can now have fellowship with Him. Sin is no longer the focal point of my relationship with God. I can come before Him boldly, as a daughter and not a servant. I am clothed in His identity and He calls me by my name. It doesn't matter which country I'm in, He will never leave me nor forsake me. It doesn't matter which church I go to, if the name of Christ is lifted up I am at home there. Wherever I go, He is there, He is the good Shepherd. He DOES have a specific and wonderful plan for my life, He has prepared good works for me to do in advance, and only wants good for my life so I can testify of His goodness. I have been completely set free from the fear of man and the fear of what life may throw at me, because Jesus is in my tomorrow already. I don't need to compare myself, or to feel despair anymore. God approves of me already.  I now know that the devil is a liar, a thief and a destroyer who sometimes uses people in church to try and uproot God's word from your heart, but thank God for the people He uses to bring back truth and light! I still stumble, and life can be hard, but instead of fighting God, I'm fighting the good fight of faith, believing God even when times are tough. It's wonderful to go through life knowing God is for you and not against you. 
I could go on and on, but words cannot begin to express the freedom I have found in Christ. All I want is to be good PR for God, to people who, like me, where bound by legalism and condemnation, and I want them to know that GOD IS GOOD!
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encouragemyheart · 3 years ago
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Proclaim your verdicts from the Heavens! You've been healed and you are healed in Jesus name! I'm speaking this over me and I speak it over you in the name of Yeshua! I plead His blood over us all! I will not let what I see or feel in the natural dictate to me any longer! Jesus lives in me, so sickness and disease cannot be there! Amen! #EncourageMyHeartConsulting #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #IBelieveGodsMyHealer #IBelieveMyVerdictsInHeaven #ICarryOutMyVerdictsOnEarthAsItIsInHeaven #IBelieveHesMyPortion #IAmHealed #IAmSetFree #HeIsMyStrengthWhenIAmWeak #HeIsMyStrength #ThankYouJesus #MoreThanJustSurvivors #Thrivers #ThriversNotSurvivors #Waymaker #PromiseKeeper #MiracleWorker #ThatIsWhoMyGodIs  Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CbG5WWiLf-6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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