#IAN Stock
alizera62quartz · 9 months
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SDJ- A Stocking full of Coal for Naughty Elf boy Ian~
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smoshidiot · 11 months
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ian + that blue donut hoodie 💕🩵
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boanerges20 · 10 months
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Ian Hutchinson Tyco BMW Superstock Isle Of Man T.T.
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floral-hex · 1 month
One of my brothers is moving away to college today + I have to skip therapy, so it’s a lot of… a lot. a lot.
#he was just a baby! he was just a little kid I carried around and took care of!#no nope. not gonna get into it right now. I WILL cry. it’s not even 6am and I do not need that right now#and I don’t really know if therapy today would really help#if I got into it I’d just start crying in front of this nice dude for an hour#though yeah… might be nice to.. I dunno… just talk about it.#I am always simultaneously ‘therapy is good’ and ‘what’s the point in talking about it?’#so maybe I do need that person that’s like ‘this is your time. just fucking talk.’#but also right now it’s like… talking about it won’t take me back to when my brother was little and far off from leaving#blegh…#whatever. anyway. it’s gonna be a sad day. I’m gonna cry A LOT. I’m gonna be alone in this apartment and just sooooobbbbbbing#and then keep this inside for another week before I can go to therapy and talk about this bc god forbid I talk to a family member about it#ok now it’s 6am. I think he’s leaving in about 4 hours. it’s cool. it’ll be cool. 😎 I’ll just miss my bro so dang much#but maybe I’ll walk down to the dollar store and stock up on snacks and I’ll get blasted and fatter and try to stay positive#uggghhh#I’m too emotional#time just keeps moving for us all. to my dismay.#’time is the fire in which we burn’#you can ignore this#I don’t think I’ll ever have kids. I’ll never have kids. and being there. with him. with my brothers. that was the closest I’ll ever get.#and it’s over… so… 🤷🏻‍♂️… it’s just done… they’re grown. and I’m still here. I don’t know what else to say…#but that’s life. they’re doing their thing. I’m happy for them and I want them to be happy too. I’m just a big crybaby#IAN!… stop typing!#just making myself sad at this point#it’s fine. it’s fine. I’m fine. I’m cool. everything’s… cool 😎#this isn’t important#text
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kajaono · 5 months
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Appearently Roxburgh was replaced for unknown reasons, hope Rupert Everett has a good chemistry with Hart as well
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jasminestardes · 1 year
Everytime they say "we bought smosh!!" something inside of me heals
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iancumminsauthor · 10 months
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Even though you have to pay for them when you self-publish, it's still amazing to receive your author copies! The new murder-mystery crime thriller whodunnit is available now from amazon/kindle bookstore
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deepspacememes · 2 years
*shakes [Clothing Company] by the neck* you fucks better send me the bilbo-baggins-type waistcoat i ordered before i start engaging in corporate warfare
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mintd · 2 years
survived the hurricane. <3
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orphicpsychonaut · 9 months
omw to devour the shit outta my first meal in *glances at calendar* >:3
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saucerealhard445 · 10 months
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We work in finance
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niennanir · 1 year
Listen to your elders
So last week I posted abut the importance of downloading your fic. And then three days later AO3 went down for 24 hours. No one was more weirded out by this than I was. But while y’all were acting like the library at Alexandria was on fire I was reading my download fic and editing chapter eight of Buck, Rogers, and the 21st Century. And also thinking about what I could do to be helpful when the crisis was actually over.
So first off, I’m going to repeat that if you’re going to bookmark a fic, you really need to also download the fic and back it up in a safe place. I just do it automatically now and it’s a good habit to get into.
But let’s talk about some other scenarios. Last October I lost power for over a week after hurricane Ian. Apart from not having internet or A/C I did find plenty to do, I collect books so I had plenty to read, but maybe, unlike me, your favorite comfort reads aren’t sitting on a bookshelf. So let’s do something about that, shall we?
In olden times many long years ago around 1995 we printed off a lot of fic. It was mostly SOP to print a fic you planned to reread and stick it in a three ring binder. And that’s totally valid today too, but you can also make a very nice paperback with a minimum amount of skill and materials.
Let’s start with the download; Go to Ao3 and select your fic, we’ll be working with one of mine. This method works best with one shots, long fic tends to need a more complicated approach. Get yourself an HTML download
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Open up the HTML download and select all then copy paste into any word processor. Set the page to landscape and two columns, then change the font to something you find easy to read, this is your book, no judgement. This is all you have to do for layout but I like to play a little bit. I move all the meta, summary, notes to the end and pick out a fun font for the title: 
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No time like the present to do a quick proofread. Congratulations, you’ve just created your first typeset. On to the fun part.
Now you’re going to need some materials:  8.5x11in paper ruler one sheet of 12x12 medium card stock (60-80lb) scissors pencil pen or fine tip marker sheet of wax paper white glue two binder clips 2 heavy books or 1 brick butter knife
You’ll also need a printer, if you’re in the US there is almost a 100% chance your local library has a printer you can use if you don’t have your own. None of these materials are expensive and you can literally use cheap copy paper and Elmers glue.
Print your text block, one page per side. Fold the first page in half so that the blank side is inside and the printed side out:
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use the butter knife to crease the edge. Repeat on all the sheets. When you’ve finished, stack them up with the raw edge on the left and the folded edge on the right. I used standard copy paper, because you’re only printing on one side there’s no bleed to worry about. Take the text block and line everything up. Use the binder clips to hold the raw edge in place.
Wrap the text block in the wax paper so that the raw edge and binder clips are facing out. I’m going to use my home built book press but you don’t need one, a brick or a couple of books or anything else heavy will work fine.
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Once the text block is anchored down, take off he binder clips and get out the glue.
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You can use a brush but you don’t need one, smear some glue on that raw edge.
Go make a margarita, watch The Mandalorian, call your mother. Don’t come back for at least an hour
In an hour smear some more glue on there and shift your brick forward so that the whole book is covered. This keeps the paper from warping. While glue part 2 is drying we’ll do the cover. Get out your 12x12 cardstock
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Mark the cardstock off at 8.5 inches and cut it. Measure in 5.5 inches from the left and put in a score line with the butter knife (the back edge not the sharp edge)
Carefully fold the score line, this is your front cover. You have some options for the cover title, you can use a cutting machine like a cricut if you have one, you can print out a title on the computer and use carbon paper to transfer the text to the cardstock. I was in a mood so I just freehanded that beoch. Pencil first then in pen.
Take your text block out from under your brick. Line it up against the score mark and mark the second score on the other side of the spine
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Fold the score and glue the textblock into the cover at the spine. Once the glue dries up mark the back cover with the pencil and then trim the back cover to fit with your scissors.
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I’m going to put this baby on the shelf next to the Silmarillion.
The whole process, not counting drying time, took less than an hour.
If you want to make a book of a longer fic, I recommend Renegade Publishing, they have a ton of resources for fan-binders. 
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sisitrip · 3 months
Future Whispers
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My little crispy soul is trying to knit itself back together. I'm choosing to do that with an early Gallavich stolen moment.
Ian smiled in the dark as Mickey swatted his hand away from the bathroom lightswitch. 
“That’s not like you,” he murmured. “You usually want to see everything.”
A warm press of air was the only warning he got before Mickey kissed him, soft and deliberate. Astounded, he stilled, afraid to breathe. It was still so new, this kissing, and like new things, it was precious. 
“Easy,” Mickey whispered when he finally remembered to breathe. “There’s no part of you that I don’t want to see when we’re doing that.” Mickey gave him another soft, astonishing kiss. “But, right now, I’m after less, especially with your family down there doing the most.” 
A high pitched squeal rang out from downstairs, punctuating Mickey’s point. 
He laughed, letting Mickey drag him to the toilet and push him to sit on its closed lid. Before he could blindly reach out for Mickey, his lap filled with his warm, heaven scented weight. 
“So, what’s “less” to Mickey Milkovich? I didn’t think you knew how to do less,” he whispered around another kiss, sliding his hands up and down Mickey’s thighs. Emboldened by the dark, he rounded his hands to Mickey’s ass and got a nip to his bottom lip for his roaming.
“I don’t do less. But, I’m settling for this until everybody knocks out,” Mickey whispered back, slipping a bit of tongue between his lips.  
He nearly lost track of the conversation as their kisses grew longer, more heated. 
“I’ll try not to take your ‘settling’ personally,” he breathed.
“Relax, it’s not like that. I'm just trying this mouth-pressing thing again.”
“Mouth-pressing?” he laughed against Mickey’s lips. “God, you’re so romantic.”
“That's what it is, ain’t it? Just two sets of lips pressing together in a sloppy way.” Mickey pulled his lower lip into his mouth and gave it an exquisite nip. “Be glad I didn’t call it tongue stacking.” 
“If you don’t stop describing it so beautifully, I think I'm going to cry,” he said, chasing after Mickey’s tongue with his own.
Mickey chuckled and leaned back. 
“I’m just calling it like I see it. Anyway, I’m still deciding if I hate this whole mouth-pressing thing. No wait. Yeah. I hate it.” Mickey immediately dove in for another tongue-filled kiss.
“Oh, that much is clear.” He pulled Mickey closer, hardening beneath him. “You definitely despise kissing.”
“Absolutely disgusts me,” Mickey said, tilting his head so he could kiss at a better angle.
He smiled into the next kiss.
“Then we should just end this horrible kissing and do something else.” He tried to pull Mickey’s shirt out of his pants. “I've been thinking all night how much I want to feel you come on my stomach while you ride me.”
Mickey stopped his roaming hands and buried his hot face in his neck. Despite the sheer number of times he’s been inside Mickey, the little mouth-pressing hater was still shy about dirty talk. He didn’t have ‘bashful thug’ on his dating Bingo card, but he was here for it.
“Gallagher, if people knew that Disney looking mouth of yours was all Pornhub, your stock would tank.” 
He lifted Mickey’s head by the chin and kissed him. 
“I’m devastated. I thought my mouth was your favorite thing about me,” he murmured, stealing tiny kisses. 
“Tied for first. If you ask me what it’s tied with, I’m braining you.”
They kissed languidly for a bit, heat banking just enough to kick his thoughts toward things beyond kissing. Future related things he’s been wanting from Mickey for a while now. His mouth, clearly not occupied enough, decided to start trouble. 
“What are you going to do when I’m like, 60 years old and my mouth-pressing game isn’t as strong?” he asked, going for Mickey’s chin with a kiss and landing on his nose.
There’s a beat of quiet. He expected Mickey to change the subject, like he did with all future talk. But, instead, he got no such brush off, as miraculous as that was. 
“I mean, your mouth-pressing game ain’t that strong now.”
He snorted. 
“But, if you’re asking for 60 year old Ian,” Mickey teased, kissing his cheek. “I think I might tolerate a lower level of mouth-pressing. But, let the record reflect that everything else has to stay above board.”
“Yeah? Everything else like what?” he asked, heart thudding a little at Mickey envisioning the future with him. 
“That arms and legs wrapping thing we do before sleep.”
“Yeah. That shit better not slack off.”
He beamed in the dark. “Noted. What else?” 
“Hugs from behind. They remain fully operational or I’m out.”
He huffed a soft laugh. 
“Of course. Anything else?”
Mickey’s quiet for a long time, stroking his hands up and down his chest. 
“You being the first thing I see when I wake up,” Mickey whispered. “And the last thing I see before I go to sleep.”
He said nothing, but his eyes got entirely too hot. Like a bat using echolocation, Mickey knew he was teetering on tears, even in the dark. 
“Keep it together, Gallagher.”
His emotional laugh confirmed Mickey’s suspicions and he was rewarded with a kiss to his forehead. 
“Is that-” He stopped and cleared his throat. “Is that all?”
“What then?” 
Mickey scooted until they were belly to belly and hugged him tight, like he needed support. When he spoke, his voice was vulnerable and rough with emotion. 
“Keep being happy to see me. Keep … keep wanting me to be around.” 
He wrapped Mickey up, heart splintering. It wasn’t Mickey’s soft plea that broke him. It’s the idea that one day he’s going to stop wanting him close, as if that was remotely possible. He’d tried keeping his distance and it had been like watching color violently drain out of the world. 
“That’ll never slack off, you hear me?” He squeezed Mickey tighter, meaning it to his marrow. “Never.”
Mickey didn’t say anything. He only pressed closer. 
He held Mickey in the dark for a while, listening to his family’s ruckus downstairs. Unbidden, the thought of being a husband, Mickey’s husband, bloomed into his mind for the first time. He smiled into Mickey's shoulder, frightened and excited by the thought. Husband.
Mickey pressed a sweet kiss into his neck and hugged him tighter, clearly thinking about some things himself. He decided to let them both off the hook. For now.
“So, my fingers must be tied for first with my tongue-stacking, right?” he asked, bouncing Mickey a little on his lap. 
Mickey snorted. “First off, it’s mouth-pressing. Second, your fingers are okay, but not first place material.” 
“My legs then.” 
“Those chicken sticks? Hell no.” 
He started giggling. 
“My eyes. You’re always saying how green and alien looking they are. You like that weird shit.” 
Mickey pulled back. “I do, but they’re second place. You know, I could just tell you instead of you guessing, Ian.” 
“If you say anything but my dick, I’m tossing you in the bathtub.” 
Mickey held his face in his hands. 
“How could it be anything but that? Your beef bus is insane.” 
He broke down laughing, pulling Mickey into another kiss. 
“My mouth-pressing and beef bus thank you for the compliment.” He grabbed Mickey’s belt. “You feel like taking that bus for a ride?” 
Mickey groaned and gave his cheek a tap. 
“I don’t know how you live being that corny. And the answer is no. I ain’t skeeting with your little brothers and sister downstairs.” 
“How about some more mouth-pressing instead? Just to make sure you really hate it.” 
Mickey sighed. “Alright, get that Disney mouth ready. Maybe by the time you’re 60, you’ll be better at this whole mouth-pressing nonsense.” 
That earned Mickey some tickling and his whispered giggles made the dark bathroom magical. He liked Mickey whispering about their future. He liked that Mickey thought about it at all. If they somehow manage to make it, he’ll remember this as the place where their lives started to take root and shape. 
On a bevy of future whispers in the dark.
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tomboymikayla · 13 days
What sucks about the Sonic franchise is that people only seem to like it when the franchise isn't being itself
Sonic Colors is liked by non Sonic Fans because it's kiddy and lighthearted and not dark and edgy like the 2000s games, which is considered cringe to them and the only time people "like" the 2000s games is when they're talking about those obnoxious Snapcube dubs which they's been spamming for 4 years now
New Fans also praise the current voice cast, which sucks because a majority them don't fit the characters
New Fans also praise how Ian Flynn writes the characters, which also sucks because Flynn's version of the characters don't act like the actual Sonic Characters, (Sonic considering himself as a hero, Tails being Jimmy Neutron, Amy chooses to keep her feelings for Sonic secret and having Tarot Cards be her whole personality, Shadow being an edgy dick, etc) but the New Fans keep insisting that the new versions are better
Also to this day, misconceptions about the franchise and 90s boomers who refuse to let go of the US Lore still persist:
His name is Eggman, not Robotnik
Sonic lives on Earth, not Mobius
Sonic is not obsessed with Chili Dogs
Amy is not a stalker
Sonic has never fucking said "Gotta Go Fast"
Shadow is not an edgelord
People thinking the cartoons and movies are canon
People thinking the Snapcube Dub is canon
Majority of the characters are teens (For some reason people think every Sonic character is a grown adult, even characters like Charmy and Tails)
Also a lot of people seem to forget that the franchise was niche/hated during the 2010s, people didn't give a flying fuck about Sonic and even if they did, they brought it up just to shit on it, it was especially worse when Forces and the Ugly Sonic design came out, everything about Sonic in the 2010s was mocking it, nonstop memes and people saying the franchise only works in 2D (What's worse is that Sonic Mania indirectly proved them right)/was never good, etc
Sonic hate is a lot less common nowadays due to the movies, (mocking Sonic 06 is still brought up to this day tho), however i feel like most of it is people pretending to like Sonic, majority of Sonic praise nowadays comes from the Movies or Frontiers's vocal tracks (because of Kellen Quinn), it also goes back to my previous point with people liking the mischaracterised versions of the characters better
The big two Sonic content coming out this year are Sonic x Shadow Generations and Sonic Movie 3, which has a lot of people hyped because of Shadow the Hedgehog, but it also goes back to my previous point of people pretending to like Sonic, Shadow was heavily disliked by critics and the general audience for being a "edgelord" and looking like a Deviantart OC, so why are people switching up now?
Also from a majority of reactions I've seen, they'll say shit like "Shadow has always been my favorite character" but they don't even know his backstory and when see Black Doom, Maria or Gerald, they go "Who is this!?" (Or make an obnoxious Snapcube joke), I've even seen people ask for Silver, who is a character who was more hated than Shadow and know less about, I doubt they even know he's from the future
All this shit makes me scared that by the time both of these come out, that I'm gonna have to gatekeep the fuck out of this franchise, which is something don't wanna have to do, I just wanna live in a world where the franchise isn't a laughing stock and people actually the franchise unironically
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gnomewithalaptop · 9 months
Transcendence AU Dash Simulator GO!!!
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🌟 lesbianstellaconifer Follow
okay but actually block me if you ship mizcor -- 'hurr durr but we age stella up' -- SHUT UPPP she's literally a minor and alcor's canonically over a million years old so how about you stop being a freak
🎩 woodsmans-left-nipple Follow
Babe I hate to break this to you but Mizcor's literally one of the most famous relationships in all of post-transcendental literature
🌟 lesbianstellaconifer Follow
I could not have more obviously been talking about Mizar the Magnificent but you know what? Yeah classic Mizcor supporters can fuck off too actually.
Everybody likes to whip out Twin Souls like some kind of gotcha but have you even actually read it??? Like it's literally supporting demon worship and pedophilia -- both of which are EXTREMELY ILLEGAL btw. So yeah if I see any of my followers reblogging that shit I'm reporting you to the Occult Defense Agency idc if we're mutuals
🐟 demonologyturnedmegay Follow
*looks at my Alcorian Literature PhD* guess we better stock up on prison shivs buddy
🍃 haveyouseenmylibrary Follow
okay I'm sorry but
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and Mizar the Magnificent isn't????
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📷 nature-pics-daily
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Los Angeles 🏝️
#sunken city of los angeles #new california #travel #ocean #photography #lmao i almost got eaten by a kelpie trying to take this pic pls reblog it
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🧁 definitely-mizar Follow
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that The Scepter of Vanquished Souls, the newest book in the Wanderlust Trilogy, is now available for pre order on Glamazon!
Purchasers of the hard-cover edition will also receive never-before-seen content, including a deleted scene between Princess Samia and the Shadow King!
🤷‍♂️ not-not-ian-beale Follow
Boosting because I honestly cannot recommend this book enough. Truly one of Mira's best (and I'm not just saying that because she married me!)
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⚠️ alv Follow
You are the 6 billionth user to log into Jumblr today!! This means you are eligible to win a FREE WACBOOK PRO!!!! Click here to claim your prize and win BIG BIG REWARDS!!
#twin souls #mizar #alcor #mizcor #twin souls: reawakened #twin souls: breaking circles #twin souls: newest moon #twinner #twincon3015 #not a scam
Based on your likes!
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🌞 azarath-metrion-zinthirst Follow
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So. I had a day.
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
Okay, but consider
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🌞 azarath-metrion-zinthirst Follow
I don't remember my older brother's wedding
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
A small price to pay for no middle school trauma
🐧 selkiebael Follow
Okay so I just read the url and--
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Asfdksfjk go off you funky lil intern
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
I'm actually the senior librarian. But thanks!
🐈 alcorphabetical Follow
Posts that have 10k notes. To me
15k notes
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🔮 demonoftheday Follow
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Today's demon of the day is Nxlar the Antithetical! Responsible for the Florida Springs Massacre of 3007, the body count for this purveyor of madness is estimated to be over 400 (source).
🐸 that-one-half-elf-bitch
I could fix her
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🍑 lookingformygnomequeen Follow
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literally screaming crying throwing up rn I've turned off 'Based on your likes' like eight times @staff can't you just get rid of him already
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🎤 rosaslittleredboots Follow
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#i accidentally set my alchemy textbook on fire today and i don't even care AAAAAA this is going to be amazing #northwest mansion mystery #pacifica northwest #rosa darling #im about to be so insufferable about this just you wait
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👹 sexiestdemon3015bracket Follow
🐸 that-one-half-elf-bitch
#if you love me at all you'll vote for my lady love #LISTEN i could bring her to the light i nkow i could
37 notes
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👻 sweetthingsaremadeofdeeznuts
Lmao so Nxlar the Antithetical totally turned my apartment complex into a pile of sentient sludge yesterday. I'm fine -- I was at work when it all went down, but uh... yeah, my situation obviously just became super not-great. I hate to ask, but I don't get paid til the 15th, so if some of y'all could float me some cash just so I can get a motel room for a couple nights, I'll fr owe you a life debt
Goal: 0/250
#fuck demons fr #like seriously what'd i ever do to them 😭😭😭 #mutual aid #pls boost #don't tag as donation
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🏳️‍⚧️ gliesssse Follow
Important PSA
So idk if y'all have been reading the news lately, but the alcor virus has been making the rounds on the interwebs again. I feel like I shouldn't have to say this but PLEASE don't click any random links rn, ESPECIALLY if they're tagged with twin souls.
I know we twinners love to joke about it, but the alcor virus is legitimately dangerous and has been known to seriously ruin people's lives. Idk. Just like be smart and practice basic caution I guess? Jumblr's pretty much dead these days, so he might skip over us, but it's always better to be safe than sorry
⚠️ alv Follow
This is a good point! It is always better to be safe than sorry! That's why if you're smart, you'll click here for a list of ways to virus-proof your computer. Stay safe out there everybody!
Based on your likes!
4k notes
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🌲 discogirl99 Follow
Anyone else just randomly crave connective tissue sometimes
🧁 sparkle-glitter-sideblog
no actually i think that might just be a you thing
#also i heard screaming on the other line when i called you earlier there better not be a mess when i get home #beloved demon brother tag
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👑 sameeya
Okay guys I might be crazy but what if the Shadow King was actually telling the truth when he said Princess Samia's brother is still alive??? Like, if you think about it, there's a tonnnn of foreshadowing in Crown of Ghosts and the author tweeted that there was gonna be a surprise twist in the new book sooo 👀👀
#i've connected the dots -- YOU DIDN'T CONNECT SHIT -- i've connected them #wanderlust trilogy #mira ramachandran #crown of ghosts #scepter of vanquished souls #princess samia #samia of cleves #shadow king #ahmed of cleves #bookblr
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🪨 professionalnatural-deactivated30141227
Reminder that you are beautiful exactly as you are and there are thousands who would sell their souls to imitate what you do naturally <3
👠 mizarsfrillypetticoat Follow
I actually really needed this today 💗
🦇 plsbytemevladdyzaddy Follow
Yo quit reblogging this op is a blatant human supremacist
🪨 professionalnatural-deactivated30141227
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And? No one cares lmao
⚠️ alv Follow
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Enjoy deactivation. Lmao.
🪓 wenda-was-a-lesbian-confirmed Follow
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🕵🏻‍♂️ alcor-in-the-tardis Follow
#I sent screenshots of that one centaur post to her boss too #give you two guesses what species his wife is (tags by @alv)
Holy shit. Am I actually rooting for the alcor virus rn?
🍄 warioxreader Follow
maybe the real virus was the friends we made along the way <3
⚠️ alv Follow
No, the real virus is me. Don't take credit for my accomplishments.
🐲 retiredbus Follow
Heritage post
62k notes
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🐔 old-friends-senior-griffin-sanctuary Follow
I just want to get dicked down again =/
336 notes · View notes
zombii-ships · 1 month
SDJ Boys taking care of a sick Sunshine
Absolutely a mother hen. He’s shadowing you the entire time you’re sick, like, dude’s not letting you out of his sight. He’s gonna try to make sure you get lots of rest, and won’t let you do anything too strenuous without his help. You’re gonna hear “You okay, sunshine? You need anything? You know i’m here for you, right?” a LOT.
He’s cooking meals, and has blankets and water on STOCK. Prepare to be cuddled as well, if you’re feeling cold. He’s more than happy to keep you warm. Overall he’s a little bit of a helicopter friend, but he’s very capable.
Jacktor’s trying his best. He’s a little nervous, and doesn’t wanna see anything happen to you, so he’s really gentle with you. Almost too gentle. Even if it’s a cold, he’s handling you like a glass ornament. Very sweet about it though. He’s the type to run back and forth to the store for whatever you might need. Drinks, medicine, a thermometer, he doesn’t mind as long as it helps you.
With training for the show, he doesn’t mind helping you out since the dude’s been around his fair share of sick kids and didn’t mind, so now that it’s his partner, he’s pretty well prepared. Nervous, but dude’s babying you just enough to notice.
As soon as you text Shaun that you’re sick, he’s already on a mission. It feels like he’s at your place in like, three minutes. Shaun shows up with multiple bags in his arms, and a shit eating grin on his face. Lucky for you, he’s got a nice list of home remedies that will fix you up, and only a few of them taste gross!
He’s gonna have you propped up in bed or on the couch, talking to you or holding you while you have some homemade soup. He’s super good company, and since y’all are still pretty close pals, he’s attuned to when you seem like you’re doin worse or better, yall have a lot of laughs while you get better. Definitely also gonna get sick because he insisted on cuddling you still.
Nick’s got it covered, don’t worry about it. Whatever it is, whatever you’re sick with, he’s got it together for you. He’s not quite clinical with how he takes care of you, but he’s methodical about it. You’re taking your medicine at certain times, getting good warm meals throughout the day, and he’s taking your temperature every few hours. Guy’s got alarms set and everything.
He’s a little shit about some things for fun though, holding your cup of tea or a warm towel just out of reach just to mess with you. Laughing a bit when you try to get up, insisting “youre totally fine”, just to wobble a bit. Of course he’s gonna help you back to bed, but he’s also gonna tease you about it when you’re better.
Ian is. Trying so hard. He’s a nervous wreck when you’re not doing well, he’s half convinced himself that you’re gonna pass the fuck away when he sees you in the kitchen wrapped up in a blanket making yourself a cup of tea. Not only is he gonna scold you a bit about not taking better care of yourself, but also he’s gonna send you back to bed so he can finish steeping that cup for you.
Ian’s looking into your room what feels like every hour. Sometimes he just cracks the door, sometimes he pops his head in and you hear a little “Are you…okay, gorgeous? Anything I can do for you?” You’re gonna be reminding him that you’re not about to die throughout the duration of the time you’re sick. Very helpful, just also a little stressful.
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