#I've missed you guys
redbootsindoriath · 9 months
Merry Christmas!
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And an early happy new year, since I'll be traveling at that time and won't be able to post anything. Sorry for the long disappearance. I wish I had some exciting excuse like being abducted by the fae or becoming a spy, but really I've just been going through a lot and haven't been drawing much. Here are a couple of fantasy style Klausen (or maybe the more widely recognized Krampi) by way of apology. I hope you all have been good this year.
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Life Update:
Hey all, Apologies if I haven't been on here as much I've had alot going on not only that I'm finally going Abroad in July after 13 years!! Yay we've only waited to go Malta since 2020 and finally going in July for 2 weeks, so yes busy times especially with work too. I hope you are all well and healthy.
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cyi-can-you-imagine · 10 months
Hello, my lovelies!
After an extended absence (has it really been two years?) I have returned. There's certainly a lot to share with y'all. But that will happen soon enough.
I'm hoping to share some new stories with you. I have some new drabbles and one longer one I'm not ready to post yet.
In the meantime, I'd love feedback on what I do post. Hopefully, I haven't lost my touch after 2 years of not writing (like I said, a lot has happened.)
If you aren't familiar with my writing, I write mostly wincest. I write sensual passionate stuff, like "Miss Me", and some a little rougher, like "Ride".
Also, much angst is coming. And cliffhangers. What can I say, I like drama...:)
In the meantime, any requests? I hope I can write stories for you again to make you smile (or cry, I guess...)
I guess I'm really writing again...
And Happy Thanksgiving :)
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 2 years
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Omg, you guys 🥺 thank you for this~~
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pink-bird-30 · 2 years
Hournite Fic Under Construction
About a month ago I said someone should write a fic about Rick and Beth secretly dating the entirety of the Stargirl show...
I've been working on it!
Here is what to expect over the next few months:
Fic name: "I Want you to Myself"
Release: Chapter one hopefully done this week, early next week. (I am a grad student, please be patient with me).
Format: Multi chapter!!! We're going through all the seasons and even the breaks and I will write season 4 too.
Sneak peek below the break.
As always, happy reading!
“If you didn’t go with Courtney and Yolanda to Cindy’s party, I probably would have never found out the truth about my parents.”  She continues to avoid his gaze plucking at the invisible lint of her purple pajamas.  “I probably would be one step closer to being like my uncle Matt, an angry broken drunk.”  Beth turned her gaze to Rick.  He could see the fear and anxiety behind her deep brown eyes and something else that makes his palms sweat and his heart race.  Even when Beth was deep in her own feelings, she still has this ability to show compassion and love for others with a simple look.
The same damn look that took a hold on him months ago.
This wasn’t some stupid crush.
This was love.
EEEEEEPPPPPP I hope you all enjoyed the sneak peak!
I really miss you all and this fandom, it has honestly been a blast writing for you all over the years! And I can't wait to release the first chapter!
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jessahmewren · 1 year
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nemorialex · 4 months
Or were they?
Woe! Tail for three days!
On one hand, I love peer pressure and reverse psychology
On the other, I need a new pair of pants because this isn't going to work out...
(( Alex rn..
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arvandus · 8 months
Going back to my Dabi roots today and seeing all my Dabi followers coming out of the woodwork like ants following a sugar trail....
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alena-draws · 8 months
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Sketch commission of those two for @hdaymanzanaa! Thanks for the commission and giving me a reason to draw these two again! <3
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palettepainter · 9 months
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@spookyflavors you left your siren on my blog
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lotus-pear · 8 months
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bsd rewatch w my friend means obligatory art of my fav found family ever
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daily-odile · 3 months
AUGH I’d love to see more time looping odile if possible,,,,, how do you think she’d like; “devolve” over each of the acts as compared to Siffrin over time :O
ok im gonna be honest i did like portrait edits months ago and just never finished them. so here you go
act 3:
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act 5:
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ponydoodles · 1 year
Can I have a drawing of sharp note? The punk pony from issue #95 of the comics?
She's really neat :)
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This horse is EVERYTHING
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a2zillustration · 11 months
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Would anyone ELSE like to admit they've been personally victimized by the god or goddess they follow?
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months
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stressfulsloth · 1 year
I've seen a couple of takes about Disco Elysium being copaganda going around recently, and beyond the fact that DE is relentlessly critical of the police force in general and makes explicit reference to the failures of the system that allow the officers in game to abuse their power, I also think it's important to note that there very literally is an in-world version of copaganda that the writers of the game use to parody that romanticised view of the brutality of policing. The RCM at their inception were structurally inspired by in-world copaganda- their culture, their "fashions, even weapon preferences, borrow heavily from classic Vespertine cop shows." Every investigation is it's own little drama, every officer imagining themselves to be the bad-ass hero of their own crime serial. Detectives name their cases like they're naming episodes of a TV series in a "robust but literary system"; a title that "draws inspiration from snoop fiction and Vespertine cop show staples". They give themselves nicknames to sound like cool, suave fictional officers- Ace, Dick Mullen, etc.- from the cool, suave world of copaganda.
The legend of the RCM's inception, the "point of contention" over its uncertain origins, is even an extention of that; the whole organisation is shrouded in this self-fictionalising mythos that allows for distance that in turn obfuscates much of its violence to the officers that participate in it. They get to convince themselves that they're not abusing their power; they're the hero of the story! The dichotomy of "good guy" taking out the "baddies," a manifestation of the libertarian fantasy of the "good guy with a gun" who does what it takes, just like in Annette's detective novels, and at the same time who rails against oversight bodies like Internal Affairs/'the rat squad' because due process slows down the immediate satisfaction of Swift Justice, despite Internal Affairs existing to protect the citizens from overreach on behalf of the police. "Wanton brutality" from police in their real world is a cold bitter reality but Dick Mullen was "made to crack skulls," "bend the rules and solve cases no one else can," and which version of that story is more comforting to the overworked, underfunded officers of the RCM?
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The level of fantasy and detachment required for the cops to still see themselves as the good guys after everything that they do in the line of duty mimics The Pigs and her breakdown too; she parallels Harry so clearly. Both "did right by the kids" in the past, hoping for a better future- Marianne (The Pigs) by looking out for Titus and the Hardy boys when they were young, Harry in his role as a gym teacher. Both abandoned and left behind by the system that the RCM uphold- a brutal capitalist landscape with no safety nets. Both turning the source of their trauma into a costume, a performance, a shield, shaped by "radio waves and cop shows." The Pigs uses RCM items scavenged from the Esperance where they'd been thrown away, while Harry uses the Dick Mullen hat that Annette gives him but both are essentially in costume.
Harry identifies himself with the fictional detective as a kind of wish fulfilment; Dick Mullen is "wicked smart." He doesn't fuck up his cases and when he's sad it's not pathetic; it's effortlessly cool brooding and everyone sympathises. Everyone loves him. His violence- "skull crack[ing]"- is justified because he's a "good guy" enacting that violence against the victims of police brutality sorry "bad guys". He doesn't ever face repercussions; "Dick Mullen won't be sent to the clink for the sake of some legal niceties!" So if Harry is Dick Mullen then his failures, his breakdown, they're all just a part of being a "bad-ass, on-the-edge disco cop." He's not wrong, he's a hero! This idealised fictionalised idea of the police force, this "new, sadly better, reality" that both Harry and The Pigs cling to is "escapist stuff," "receed[ing] into a ludicrous fantasy world," so far removed from the brutal material reality that they're in.
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My point is, idk. Disco Elysium is so far from being copaganda. It is a multi-million word long dissection of it, of the purpose of policing, of state sanctioned violence and its interaction with capital and the fallout experienced within the wider community as well as the trauma cycle created for individual officers. A dissection of how copaganda interacts with RCM culture and perception, and by extension how we interact with irl perceptions of police through that lens.
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