#I've got two weeks of a fishing trip with my parents
aliensubstance-011 · 3 months
New chapter! It's been so long and it fought me all the way, but it's done.
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theloveoffootball10 · 14 days
sᴛɪᴄᴋᴡɪᴛᴜ : s ᴇ ᴠ ᴇ ɴ
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m a s t e r l i s t
s ᴇ ᴠ ᴇ ɴ
Arriving back home on the Tuesday night I slump back on the sofa with a huff. The whole weekend has been incredible and now I have to prepare myself to go back into the office tomorrow. After I left Lando at the hotel on Monday morning I spent the rest of my time with my dad.
We went for breakfast before I met him back at home in Oxfordshire for the night. Being at my dad's home has always been one of my biggest security blankets and getting to spend the time there with him always reminds me of being a kid. Although I grew up with my parents not being together my mum would always drive the near 6 hour round trip from Cheshire to Oxfordshire and back again if I wanted to see my dad and he was home. We'd never tell him, we'd just jump in the car and be welcomed with open arms at the end of the journey.
"Hello to you as well, talk about moody Margaret walking through the door" my mum says from her spot in the corner of the sofa.
"I don't want to go back to work tomorrow" I feel like I'm on the biggest comedown of my life after spending so much time with Lando.
"Right who is he?" My mum asks as she pauses whatever she has playing in the background "come on tell me. You're never this depressed when you come home from your dads and you've been in the house less than 10 minutes"
"Mum do we have to" I say with a groan. I don't mind telling my mum what happened, I tell her literally everything I just don't know if I'm ready to have this conversation out loud.
"Yes we have to, you're not having a pity party for one over this. Which driver is it?" Turning my head to my mum I nearly give myself whiplash as I frown "don't give me that look. I've been there. Only a formula one driver can turn a girl to this"
"Lando Norris. Fucking hell I can't believe I'm saying it out loud to you"
"Ooh he's a good looking lad Lucía! He had a good weekend and now I think I know why" I can't believe my mum has just said that! "Look, I've been there Lucía and you've grown up in that world so I'm not surprised you've met someone working in formula one, if Lando Norris makes you happy then I'm made up for you"
"Muuuum nothing has happened other than sex" I say with a groan knowing in her head my mum has my wedding planned and is thinking of names for her future grandchildren "he wants to take me out in Miami for an actual date though"
"And I'm guessing you said yes? I'm sure he's got something insane up his sleeve if it's in Miami but after that date you had with that Jake lad even going to Starbucks for a brew is an improvement"
"Don't ever mention that date again! It was traumatic, I think I'm mentally scarred from that experience! Who tells a girl they're taking her out, tells her to dress to impress then takes her fishing! I won't ever be over that mum" I cringe at the thought of the worst date I've ever been taken on, sitting in the rain at the side of a lake surrounded by fishing gear absolutely freezing was never my idea of a good time.
"To be completely serious for a minute though Lucía, if you think you could have feelings for Lando give him a chance. If you don't that's fine, you're an adult and I trust that you're sensible enough to make the best decision for you. As always this stays between us until you're ready for your dad to know anything"
"Thanks mum. I appreciate it. We both have completely different lives but I'll see how it goes in Miami and then go from there" I can always count on my mum to make me feel better about a situation "did the stuff I need for Tomorrowland come?"
"You've got a load of parcels that came over the last few days so I'm guessing so. When is it you go?"
"Just under two weeks time, so this weekend I don't have plans then I have Tomorrowland, I'm home for like a week then fly to Miami" when it comes to summer I'm always back to back with plans. Since I was old enough to do my own thing I've always made the most of my anual leave throughout the summer. It would be easy for me to not work and live off my dad forever but I actually really like my job.
"I won't see you until you're back from Miami. I fly to Ibiza with the girls on Sunday when you're in Belgium. I'll make sure I leave your birthday present for you to open before you go or for when you're in Miami" my mum may be in her forties but I love that she still has girls party holidays to places like Ibiza. Me and some of my friends have been on holiday with my mum and her friends one of the most memorable being a long weekend in Magaluf.
"Mum don't worry about it. I can get it when we're both home. I'm going to shower and get sorted for work tomorrow" making my way to my bedroom I throw myself on the bed. I need to shower but I can't get Lando out of my head. Checking instagram I notice I don't have any messages from him which makes me wonder if this was just a Silverstone thing. I suppose I'll have to see what happens between now and Miami. I'm not saying I want scheduled phone calls from him but a few messages would be nice especially if he is serious about taking me out in Miami.
Nine days later I arrive in Belgium with some of my closest friends for Tomorrowland, the sun is shining and we're staying in a mansion rather than camping this year so the ten of us can stay together. As a group we do this trip every year, kind of like a ritual but we've grown up together and since we were all old enough it became our thing. Posting a photo of the girls to my instagram story I pour the first of many drinks I'll be consuming this weekend.
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As we're all getting settled in our home from home for the weekend I sit on my bed when I see a notification pop up on my phone. Lando Norris replied to your story. I've spoken to Lando a few times since we left Silverstone and still it's always a dm. Neither of us has asked for the other's number but I always feel like I have a heard of elephants in my stomach when I see his name on my phone screen.
I guess I'll see you Sunday and won't have to wait until Miami x
You're coming to Tomorrowland?
Aren't you in Hungary?
I'm flying straight over after the race and when I'm done with media x
I might just sack off the media now I know you're at Tomorrowland x
That wouldn't be a good idea would it Mr Norris. I can only imagine how much the media and your PR manager would disapprove. However I would appreciate seeing your face x
Mr Norris is my dad plz don't ever say that again 🤢 you can see my face as much as you like. Enjoy the weekend as much as you can, I'm jealous I can only be there Sunday x
we both know your weekend will be even better when you see me though so it doesn't matter if you're not here for the full weekend 😜
See you Sunday Lando x
I'm fucked. Lando Norris has well and truly got me under his spell and I'm hanging on his every word. I might love Tomorrowland but I'm wishing the next three days away until it's Sunday and I get to see him again. The fact I get to see him before Miami has made my weekend.
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its-an-obsession · 3 months
Hunter Smart
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Supernatural Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Part One
Request: Okay, so I just finished Book Smart and AAAAAAAAAAA - it was so amazing! Now, I know I just requested a one-shot, and you are totally welcome to tell me no on this, but may I request a part 2 to Book Smart..? if you do not have any ideas, I've got a couple; otherwise, I'd love to see where you go with it❤
A/N: Yay!! I'm so glad you liked it. And I'm so sorry this is super, super late! I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: A couple months have passed since your date with Sam, and the two of you have talked on the phone almost every day, video chatted, and have even sent letters when you can. He had stopped by your town a few weeks ago before continuing their trip. After that, you visit your hometown to see your family. During the visit, you can't help but notice a strange phenomenon. Remembering Sam and Dean's profession, you don't hesitate to call Sam.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Y/F/M: Your Favorite Movie
Eliza and Joe are your parents
Set during season two
Long Imagine
Warnings: language, a couple of time skips
Sam Winchester x-reader
(One Month Ago: Third POV)
"So, how was last week's hunt?" Y/N asked, swinging her arm as they held hands. Sam chuckled and put an arm over her shoulders. "It was something," he said. Y/N smiled at his response. She leaned her head against his arm.
The two of them had been walking in a park near Y/N's apartment. Sam was sweet and cooked them an early dinner before heading to the park. He told Y/N that Dean had asked to come, but of course, Sam convinced him to stay at their motel. "You know, you could've stayed at my apartment," Y/N said, "You didn't have to stay in another motel."
Sam smiled. He held her hand as they sat down at a bench overlooking a little pond. "I know, but I didn't want to intrude," Sam said. "You could never," Y/N put her head back on his shoulder. He kissed her on the forehead, resting his head on top of hers.
It was quiet between them as they looked at a few people fish in the small pond. Sam held Y/N's hand, running his thumb on the side. She looked up at him and couldn't help but smile at him. Y/N always thought it was funny how they met.
But she loved that he was committed to continuing their relationship regardless of whether he and Dean traveled a lot. And Sam was surprised that she wasn't taken aback when he told her about his family.
The conversation was tough, sure, but she didn't bombard him with questions. Instead, she sat there and let him explain. He didn't want to lie to her. Sam wanted to be honest, especially since he wasn't always in one place.
Sam felt her eyes on him. He looked down at her before kissing her forehead softly. She closed her eyes at the feeling of his lips on her face. "What're you doing tomorrow?" Sam asked. "Not much," Y/N replied. Sam smiled, softly kissing her lips.
He pulled back, his hand cupping her face, running a finger along her cheekbone. "Want to head back to your apartment?" Sam said. Y/N smiled. Sam stood up from the bench, reaching out for her hand.
(A Week Later: Third POV)
Y/N put some dishes into the dishwasher as she was on the phone with Sam. He and his brother were on their way to South Dakota to visit a family friend, Bobby Singer. Y/N could hear Dean talking in the background as Sam was trying to explain something to her. "Dean, just shut up," Sam said.
"Bitch," Dean said.
Y/N rolled her eyes and closed her dishwasher. She leaned against the kitchen counter, holding her phone to her ear. "Do I need to let you go?" she asked. "No, no, it's fine," Sam said. Y/N smiled, walking over to her living room to sit down. "What're you doing right now?" Sam asked.
She draped the blanket, from the back of the couch, over her legs. "Not a whole lot. Just got back from the store," Y/N answered. Sam smiled, leaning back in his seat. Dean glanced at his brother and then at the road ahead of them.
Sam ignored Dean's look and leaned to the side so his head rested against the window. "Sounds like loads of fun," Sam commented. Y/N laughed and pulled the blanket closer to her. "Let me know when you get to Bobby's, okay?" Y/N said. "Yeah, yeah, of course," Sam replied, nodding.
It fell quiet for a split second. Y/N grabbed the TV remote to try to find a movie to watch. "Y/N/N, I'll let you go, and I'll call you tonight, okay?" Sam said. Y/N smiled at the nickname and nodded her head. "Yeah," she replied. They said their goodbyes, hanging up the phone. The smile didn't drop from her face when she faced the television.
Sam smiled to himself and looked out of the window as the trees passed. Dean glanced at Sam then the road of them, like he had been doing for the past five minutes; including the phone call. Sam rolled his eyes and turned to look at his older brother.
"What?" Sam said.
"Nothing, nothing," Dean shrugged. Just you...." Dean paused for a second and continued to speak. "You seem happy, for once," he added. Sam nodded and looked out of the window again, still a small smile on his face.
(A Couple Months Later - Third POV)
"How do you do it?" Y/N asked, sitting on her bed as she was on the phone with Sam. Sam furrowed his brows and propped up against some pillows on the motel bed. "What do you mean?" he questioned. "Well," Y/N sighed, "How do you do all your hunting stuff and still have time for me?"
There was that expression again. Sam crossed his arms, leaning up against the pillows with the same smile. "I don't know. You're special, I look forward to talking to you," Sam said. Y/N blushed and nodded, thankful that he couldn't see the effect he had on her.
"Well, I am honored," Y/N said.
There was a short pause between them. Sam usually spared the details when talking about hunts with Y/N. "Anything interesting happen since we last talked?" Sam asked. "Uh...." Y/N trailed, looking around her room in thought.
"I killed a few gnats near my plants today, so that was very eventful," Y/N remarked, "Oh, and I surprisingly fixed my dishwasher. It was acting up this morning, and I don't know how I did it. But I fixed the little tray at the top, and it started. I call it a miracle."
Sam laughed. Dean walked into the motel room after stopping by the diner down the street. It seemed that every waking moment, Sam was on the phone with Y/N. Typically, Dean would tell him to get back onto the case. However, Dean encouraged the calls.
"Wow, sounds like you did a lot."
"Yeah, I'm pretty cool," Y/N said, sighing. Y/N picked at the frayed edges of her comforter as they continued to talk. Sam told her about a few case details for their hunt, seeing if she had any other insight. Of course, her love for books helped a little bit.
"Oh, I'll be out of town this week visiting my family. But I should still be able to talk," Y/N informed. Sam nodded and sat up in bed. "Just let me know if you need anything. I'm only one call away," Sam reminded.
"I know," Y/N said, flattening out the edges of her blanket. "I'm gonna call it a night. I've gotta get up early for work in the morning," Y/N sighed. "Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow," Sam said.
"Yeah," Y/N nodded, hanging up the phone.
Sam set his phone on the table and stood up from the bed to see what Dean had gotten. All the while, Dean was sitting at the table, chowing down on a burger and fries.
(A Week Later: Y/N's POV)
It was about a five-hour drive from my apartment to Crossville, my hometown. Thankfully, I had a couple of CDs with some of my favorite music, including one that Sam and I made together. A couple hours passed, and I arrived at my parent's house.
My mom, Eliza, ran down the steps when she saw my car parked in the driveway. I smiled and stepped out of the driver's side. "There's my girl," Eliza greeted. She wrapped her arms around me, swaying from side to side.
"How was the drive?" she let me go. I smiled and stepped towards the backseat to grab my things.
"Not bad. I hit a bit of traffic, but nothing major."
I closed the car door, slipping my arm through the strap of my duffle bag. My mom grinned and put an arm around me.
The two of us walked to the front door, where my father was waiting. She opened the door and helped me with my things. "Joe, your beautiful and loving daughter is here!" she shouted. He jumped from the recliner and walked to the foyer.
My dad gave me a tight hug, making me think that he'd never let me go. He's always been like that. "Your room's upstairs as always," my dad said, letting me go with his hands on my shoulders. "Don't worry. We didn't touch it," my mom added.
I laughed and walked up the stairs. My childhood bedroom was at the end of the hallway. The smile on my face grew ten times when I noticed the lilac-colored walls looked the same. I could even see traces of daisies that I attempted to draw when I was fourteen.
(Third POV - At Bobby's House)
Sam leaned against the couch, watching a random show he found on cable. He looked down at his phone after not hearing from Y/N for a couple hours. Sam glanced at the TV one more time before giving his girlfriend a call.
"Hey, Sam," Y/N said, putting her phone on speaker. She began unpacking her bag while he was still on the phone. "Did you get to your parent's house alright?" he asked.
"Yeah, just got here a few minutes ago. I'm unpacking now," Y/N said, taking the phone with her as she put her clothes into the dresser. "Good. How was the drive?" he questioned. "Trafficy, but nothing I can't handle," Y/N answered.
Sam chuckled at her response. Y/N finished unpacking her bag and set it beside her dresser. "What're you gonna do?" he asked. "Nothing for change, it'll be nice," Y/N answered. Sam smiled. He told her a bit of what he and Dean were doing. It sounded like they were back at Bobby's for the week.
They continued talking for a few minutes until Sam had to go. Sam smiled as he hung up the phone (GIF Above).
(Later That Night: Y/N's POV)
My mom had prepared one of my favorite meals in honor of my visit. She, my dad, my brother, and I had a talk about what's happened the past few years, mainly talking about how I left so suddenly. After considering my feelings, they apologized.
The conversation went better than I had initially thought. "So, Y/N, how's the job going?" Alec, my brother, asked. "Good, good. My coworkers are great. And surprisingly, I have a flexible and considerate boss," I replied.
Alec chuckled and handed me the pitcher of Lemonade. I thanked him, pouring a glass for myself and my mom. It was quiet between us. We had already exhausted the use of topics, mainly consisting of what had been going on in my life and theirs.
Speaking of topics, I purposefully didn't mention Sam, knowing that my parents would ask a bunch of questions and would want to meet him ASAP. It was a quiet dinner, but not an uncomfortable type of quiet. I helped my mom clean up the dishes before settling in on the living room couch.
"Hey, Y/N/N," my mom said, peeking her head into the living room. I looked up from the TV and over at my mom. "Do you mind stopping by the store real quick?" she asked. I shook my head, standing up from the living room sofa. "What do you need?" I asked.
"We're out of paper towels, and there's a spill in the kitchen," she answered. My mom handed me a small list, and I headed to the grocery store. It wasn't a very long drive from my parent's house to the store, so I parked my car closest to the entrance.
Thankfully, I had gotten to the grocery store about thirty minutes before closing. I quickly found the aisle where most of the items were. As I coasted down the frozen treats aisle, the lights above began to flicker. I ignored it and continued down the aisle, excusing it for the store's poor electricity? I don't know.
I found some of my dad's favorite ice cream and dropped it into the grocery basket. The man at the register smiled at me as I put the basket on the conveyor belt. He scanned the food items and set them into some bags. I wished him a good night, picking up the bags as I made my way over to the sliding doors.
When I unlocked the doors, my car beeped. I set the bag in the trunk and opened the driver's side door. The store's front sliding doors opened just as the cashier from earlier walked out. He turned around and locked the doors behind him. I started my car and made sure everything was all good.
While pulling out of the parking spot, I couldn't help but notice a black shadow extending across the lot ahead of me. Taking my knowledge from watching horror movies, I neglected the spot and continued driving out.
Once I reached the stop sign to exit, I heard loud and terrifying screaming coming from the parking lot.
At the sudden sound, I felt my whole body go stiff. I tried pressing the gas on my car, but my body prevented me from doing so. The shadow from earlier took over the damp concrete, causing the tall lights to burst. That's when I noticed the shadow had taken the shape of a tall figure with long and narrow arms, its eyes glowing a piercing red.
Its slow pace began to speed up once it noticed my car. My breathing grew uneven, and my survival instincts finally took over. I pressed on the gas and turned awkwardly down the street, speeding home. I couldn't help but glance behind me every once in a while to make sure it wasn't following me.
(Later That Night)
I sat on my bed, my back pressed against the headboard with my blanket covering my legs. The TV that sat on my dresser was on, but I wasn't really paying any attention to it. After seeing that....that thing I sped home and gave the groceries to my mom. I already knew she wouldn't believe me.
So, rather than explaining why I looked as pale as a ghost, I said I wasn't feeling well and went straight upstairs. From there, I took a brisk shower and then hopped into bed. And now, here I am, staring into space with the television on in the background.
My mind kept replaying what the hell I saw and heard. None of which I understood. But I know who would: Sam and Dean.
(The Next Day)
Before I went to sleep, I immediately called Sam. I felt bad for calling him late at night, knowing that he was probably in the middle of something, but he assured me that I wasn't interrupting anything. Thankfully, he and his brother were not on a hunt, and they'd come to Crossville as soon as possible.
I had gotten a few hours of sleep, but not enough to keep me alive throughout the day. Since Sam and Dean were coming into town, I told my parents that some friends were passing through and wanted to meet up.
Of course, my mom wanted to meet them, which also meant that she'd have to meet Sam. I sat on the front porch of my parent's house, busying myself with reading a book. The familiar roar of the Impala tore me away from the book.
I looked up from the page and smiled when Dean pulled into the driveway. I stood from the bench, dropping the book on the cushion. The two brothers stepped out of the car. Sam closed the door behind him and ran over to me. He met me halfway and instantly wrapped his arms around me.
He kissed me on the temple and set his chin on the top of my head, hugging me tightly. "My parents are out right now," I said. Sam nodded, letting me go with his hands on my shoulders. "You holdin' up okay?" he asked.
"Can't get the thing out of my head," I answered. Sam nodded again and kissed me on the forehead. I led them through the front door and into the living room. "Did ya'll want anything to drink?" I offered.
"Uh, water's fine, Y/N/N," Sam said, sitting down on the couch. I nodded and stepped into the kitchen. The boys sat in the living room as I grabbed them some water.
"Thanks," Dean said, taking a quick sip before setting the water on the coffee table. It was quiet for a bit until Sam broke it. "So, I know you explained last night, but tell me what you saw?" he asked. I sat down on the other side of Sam as Dean was in the chair across.
"Well, I noticed a shadow, to begin with, but didn't really pay any attention to it," I explained, "Then when I was pulling out of the lot, that's when I heard screaming. And I looked behind my car, and that's where it was. It was this tall shadow, and it eventually turned into a black figure with these arms. It had these terrifying red eyes."
Sam set a hand on my knee as I explained. I smiled softly and set a hand on top of his. "When it started walking towards my car, I left," I added, "Then I checked the news this morning, y'know, out of habit. That's when I saw that a man's body had been found in the grocery store's parking lot."
Sam's brows raised. "It was the same guy who had checked out my groceries," I finished. Dean took another sip of his water and cleared his throat. "Did you get anything else on the 'thing'?" Dean asked.
I thought for a while and shook my head. "Only that it was slow and dark," I said. The brothers were quiet for a while as they exchanged looks. I looked between them and spoke. "Look, I have no idea what this thing is. But I know what I saw. I know it was out of the ordinary and something that I wish I never knew existed," I said.
Sam glanced at me and nodded, lacing my fingers with his. "You think you could show us the grocery store?" he asked. "Yeah," I answered, nodding. The three of us got into the beloved Impala and headed to the store. Sure enough, the parking lot had been cornered off where the man's body had been discovered.
It looked like there was still police there. Dean parked the car, but before we stepped out, he reached into the glove compartment. I watched as he pulled out two faux FBI badges. My brows raised at the sight. Sam looked back at me, shooting me a reassuring smile.
We stepped out of the car and walked over to the parking lot. There was a line of yellow crime scene tape. A local sheriff walked over to where we stood. Sam and Dean, almost on instinct, pulled out their 'badges'. The sheriff simply nodded and lifted the tape for them.
He glanced at me as I stood there, not really knowing what to do. "She's with us," Dean mentioned. The sheriff slowly nodded and let me through. "Does this look familiar?" Sam asked.
I nodded. "That's where the shadow was," I pointed at two light posts, separated by a median between them, with a small patch of grass on it.
"When I was pulling out over there, the shadow was slowly making its way to the cashier and his car," I said, "Then I heard the scream as I was beginning to leave."
"Did the lights flicker before, after, or during?" Dean asked, looking at the blood stains on the concrete. "During," I replied. Dean nodded, walking towards the light posts. He walked a few steps and stopped, where I said the shadow had transformed into a figure. He looked over at Sam, using his expression to talk.
It seemed that the two of them only needed to look at each other to know what they were thinking. I looked around and stood there, taking notice of the blood stains. That's when I noticed something. There were scratch marks along the dark concrete.
"Sam, Dean," I said, gaining their attention.
At the sound of my voice, they both turned over to look at me. I pointed to the markings on the ground. Sam stepped over to me, setting a hand on my lower back as he passed me. They shared yet another look.
(A Few Days Later)
The boys found some EMF readings at the parking lot, which I'm still trying to understand, but it's a work in progress. It had been a few days since we investigated the parking lot, and only one more body had been discovered. The three of us decided to stop by a local restaurant in my hometown.
"So, what're you thinking it is?" I asked, sitting beside in the booth.
Dean walked over to the booth after speaking to the hostess at the front of the restaurant. "Not sure," Sam answered, "Leaning toward Shadow People." Sam grabbed a journal from his satchel.
He opened a page and pushed it towards me. "I mean, you said that it was this tall figure-like thing that flickered and had weird eyes, right?" Sam said. I nodded, still looking at the journal.
Sam took a sip of his water and shared a look with Dean, who had sat across from us. I handed my boyfriend the journal again. "So, is this what your hunts normally look like?" I asked, "Educational guess, with a few theories?" Dean tilted his head from side to side, his brows raised.
"Yeah, yeah, pretty much," he said.
I nodded in response, playing with the salad a bit. Sam glanced at me and then his plate of food. "We'll figure it out, Y/N/N," Sam said. He set a hand on top of mine, squeezing it in reassurance. I looked up at him and nodded. The three of us had our lunch, mainly talking about what should happen next.
Afterward, Dean drove the Impala to my parent's house. He parked the car in the driveway and let Sam walk me to the front door. "I can help, y'know," I said, "I was the one who saw it." Sam chuckled and nodded his head, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"I know, but I can't risk you getting hurt," he said, "Dean and I have been doing this longer than you have. I mean, you've only been doing it for, like, three days."
I sighed and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you've got a point," I said. Sam smiled and stopped walking. The two of us stood in front of the steps leading up to the porch. Sam took his hand out of his pocket, reaching for my hand.
He laced our fingers, running his thumb along my knuckles. "You'll be safer here than out there with me and Dean," Sam said, "We know what we're doing, Y/N/N." He raised our clasped hands to his lips, lightly kissing my knuckles.
"Got it," I said, ignoring the fluttering in my stomach. Sam kissed me on the forehead before giving me a quick hug. We said our goodnight and goodbyes. I watched from the front porch as Dean pulled the Impala out of the driveway and down the street.
(Later That Night)
Sam and Dean had both updated me through the rest of the day. My parents were out, again, with a friend of theirs in the town over. Even though I wasn't too fond of being alone, I didn't want my parents to think their daughter was going insane. So, in the meantime, I had my leftovers from lunch and watched my Y/F/M's.
After the first movie ended, I put on the second one. The whole night was quiet. Typically, I would like that, but currently, I hate it. I kept the movie a little louder than usual and all the lights on inside the house. I threw the empty leftovers container into the trash and grabbed a drink from the fridge.
When I sat down on the couch, I noticed the front porch lights starting to flicker. I watched them for a second, remembering that the wires weren't secured correctly. I ignored the action and continued to watch my movie. But that's when I kept seeing it in the corner of my eye.
Then, as if things couldn't get worse, the lights outside sparked and never turned back on. I stayed on the couch, my eyes strained on the front door. My hands gripped the blanket draped over my legs. It almost felt like the blanket would be stuck to my hands if I happened to let go. The whole house went quiet despite the hum of the ceiling fan and the laughter coming from the TV.
I felt my heart race, and I could hear it in my ears. It was like the whole parking lot incident over again. I took a deep breath and released it out through my nose and then my mouth, regulating my fear.
It was then that I saw the reflection of two long arms in the window beside the door. "Shit," I mumbled. I let the blanket go from my grasp, allowing it to drop from the couch and onto the floor. The movie kept playing in the background as I rose from the leather couch.
My pace was slow, and my eyes were still on the front of the door and windows. I quickly made it to the kitchen, grabbing the UV-A flashlight and knife Dean had given me. They had mentioned something about the creature's weakness.
I didn't know if that would work, but my choices were limited at this point. I pressed my back against the frame of the opening that led into the hallway. The sound of the front door creaking stopped me from going anywhere else. I held the knife in one hand and the flashlight in the other.
The hardwood flooring made unsettling sounds from the porch. I wanted to close my eyes, hoping that that would somehow make the Shadow Figure disappear. I slowly peered over the edge of the frame, noticing that the thing wasn't there. With furrowed brows and slow actions, I cautiously stepped away from the frame.
I crept down the hall, keeping the grip tight on the knife and flashlight. The figure had found its way into the living room. It stood in the middle with his gaze on the TV playing Y/F/M. My breath hitched in the back of my throat, and I quickly pressed my back against the wall, hiding myself.
The air around me suddenly went cold, too cold for my liking. The floorboards creaked, the sounds slowly making their way towards me. My eyes stayed forward, but I could feel the figure moving nearby. I whipped around and pointed the UV-A flashlight at the Shadow Figure.
"Duck!" I heard a voice shout.
And I did just that. My hands let go of the knife and flashlight. I crawled over to the wall, pressing myself against it. Screeches were heard from above me as I felt someone roughly grabbing me by the arm. My boyfriend brought me up from the ground and outside.
Flashes from inside my parents' house followed by a loud scream that thankfully didn't belong to Dean. Sam held me in his arms, one arm wrapped around my waist, his hand cradling my head. "You're okay, you're okay," he repeated, his lips lingering on my forehead.
I wrapped my arms tight around him, trying to shield myself from what I just witnessed. "I got you," he said, not taking his grip away from me.
(A Few Days Later)
After the incident at my parents' house, Sam hadn't really left my side, and I didn't mind that. Sam and his brother stuck around for a few days, telling me that they needed a break anyway. It was their second-to-last night in Crossville, and my parents wanted to finally meet Sam and Dean.
I stood beside the door, awaiting the sound of Baby down the street. My mom was over the moon to meet Sam and Dean. I had told her a little bit about them, but unfortunately, some of them were lies, keeping their monster hunter profession on a down low. My mom was setting the table as the Impala pulled into the parking lot.
I opened the door just as Sam was about to knock. Dean followed pursuit with a bottle of wine in his hand. That was most definitely Sam's idea. My mom rounded the corner with a cheerful expression painted on her face. I stepped aside so the two boys could walk in.
Sam hugged me, giving me a tight squeeze before letting me go. Dean shut the front door and joined Sam's side. My mom glanced at me and then at the two boys. Sam stuck out his hand to shake my mom's. She grinned and accepted the gesture.
"I'm Sam," he introduced, "Y/N's boyfriend, and this is my older brother, Dean." Dean waved with the bottle of wine. My mom's expression turned to pure excitement if she wasn't even more excited than before. She grinned and gave both of them a tight hug.
"Oh, you're a hugger," Dean said.
I chuckled despite my heart racing when Sam introduced himself as my boyfriend. "This is for you, Mrs. Y/L/N," Dean said, handing my mom the bottle of wine. She thanked him and took the bottle.
Before I could say anything, my mom was leading Sam and Dean into the kitchen. Sam stopped for a second and looked over at me, noticing my expression. He grabbed my hands and pulled me close to him. "Boyfriend?" I questioned.
He shrugged and leaned down to lightly kiss me. With that, the two of us stepped away from the foyer and to the kitchen, where my mom was showing Dean around.
Taglist: @nix-rose @nyotamalfoy
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canirove · 2 years
The Nanny Diaries | Chapter 5
Author’s note: Part of this chapter is an imagine I posted months ago and that kind of inspired the story, so some of you may have read it already, though I did some tiny changes.
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It's been two weeks since Alice's hen do, and I still don't remember what the hell happened with Ben on that lift. Well, that’s a lie. I actually remember one thing: that I kissed him and that it was one of the best kisses I've ever had. But everything else? It's all blurry. And I hate that feeling, because who knows what stupid things I said.
We haven't crossed paths either since that day. According to his Instagram, he is on a work trip in Italy, enjoying the good weather and amazing food, while here it is pouring with rain and I've been living out of white rice and boiled fish because Levi has been sick. And if we didn't eat what he ate, he would not eat at all. Kids.
"Hold the door!" someone says, running towards the lift. No, not someone. Ben. He's back from his trip. "Hello, neighbour" he says with that big smile I love so much.
"Holy shit."
"Is that your new way to say hello to people?" he asks, still smiling.
"No, sorry. Hi" I say, trying to make my brain work again and stop staring at him. But I can't. I just can't.
He is not wearing his usual kind of ugly sweatshirts, jeans and sneakers. He's wearing a suit. A freaking suit. And on his hand, he has a trench coat, a Burberry one judging by the bit of fabric I can see on the inside. He looks like he was shooting one of their ads. Or maybe that he was an extra on one of the Kingsman movies. He looks stupidly hot and elegant, and I can't stop looking at him.
"Do you want to take a picture?" he says as he moves to push his floor's button.
"You keep staring, so maybe you want to take a photo and keep staring later. When you are alone" he smirks.
"You are so funny, Benjamin" I say, trying to roll my eyes. But I can't. They are stuck looking at him.
"How was the hangover?"
"Not bad."
"Sure" he chuckles.
"It was horrible. Happy, now?"
"Not really. The thought of you being sick is one I don't like."
The thought of what? Did he just say what I think he said?
"How is Levi?" he asks.
"He was sick. One of those stomach bugs."
"Poor boy. I actually got him a gift, when is he coming back from school?"
"Around three."
"Great. I’ll see if I can stop by" he says as the lift stops on my floor. "It was nice seeing you again, neighbour."
"You too, Benjamin" I say, speaking before thinking.
When the lift’s door close, he is smiling from ear to ear, and I can only think about one thing. That I'm falling for him. Hard. Damn it.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I yell, quickly turning around after seeing the door opening on the mirror's reflection, and the person that shows up.
"I’m so sorry, I didn't know there was someone in the bathroom."
"Leave. Now!" I say, holding the tower I'm wearing a bit tighter against my body.
"But I need to use it" Ben says, closing the door behind him and nodding towards the toilet.
"Don't you have a house where you can do that? What are you doing here?"
"I came to give Levi his gift, but Mrs. McKenzie told me he was out with his parents. Then she invited me to a cup of tea, we had a chat, and now I need to pee and she said I could use the bathroom on this part of the house.”
"This is for staff only."
"I didn't know" he shrugs.
"Well, now you know. So please, leave."
"The other night you weren't so keen on me leaving" he says, taking a step closer to where I am standing. "When you kissed me on the lift, I mean."
"I didn't kiss you."
"Yes, you did. You threw yourself at me and kissed me. Said I have very kissable lips."
"I was drunk, I wasn't thinking" I say, feeling my cheeks burn.
"The nanny being drunk and kissing her neighbour. Imagine if Mr. and Mrs. Kloss found out."
"You better not say a word, Benjamin" I say, threating him.
"Or what?" he says, now standing very close to me. "Will you kiss me again? Because I really want to kiss you. Now."
"What are you..." But before I can finish my sentence, he is doing it. He is kissing me, one hand cupping my face while the other is holding onto the sink, pinning me against it. And for some reason, I kiss him back, my hands still holding my towel.
"Ben..." I whisper when he starts kissing my neck, my collarbone. "What if Mrs. McKenzie comes looking for you?"
"She won't" he says, looking me in the eyes as his hands move to mine, taking them on his and letting them rest on the sink, one to each side of my body.
"You can't know that."
"I do. She was busy getting everything ready to make dinner" he says with a big smirk before his fingers are back on my towel. “Do you trust me?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you trust me or not?”
“I do.”
“Good” he says, undoing the knot on my towel and letting it fall to the floor, leaving me stark naked in front of him.
"Benjamin!" I say, trying to sound mad at him, outraged at what he is doing. But my voice is just a whisper, a whisper that turns into a gasp when I feel his mouth on my nipple, his tongue playing with it.
"Shh" he says when I hear myself moaning. "Mrs. McKenzie is in the kitchen, remember?"
"She..." But again, I'm not able to say anything else, his mouth now on my other breast. When he gets tired of it, he kneels down and starts kissing my stomach, my bellybutton, going down as my body tenses under his touch. 
“May I?” he asks, stopping just there.
My only answer is a nod, one that is followed by a loud moan when he finds the spot he was looking for, my hand instantly going to my mouth to stop me from doing it again. From Mrs. McKenzie being able to hear me. But it's impossible. Whatever he is doing feels too good, and I can't control what my body is doing.
"Ben" I hear myself whispering again, one of my hands on his hair, pulling him closer to me, asking him for more. And then, I'm gone. I don't know what the hell he is doing to me and for how long, but I am completely gone. 
"There" I suddenly hear him say in front of me, bringing me back to reality. When I open my eyes, still trying to catch my breath, he is putting the towel back in place, a big grin on his face.
"I..." I mumble, not knowing what to say, still feeling... I don't know what I'm feeling right now.
"I'll see you around, neighbour" he says, that stupid big grin still on his face as he opens the bathroom door, winking at me before closing it and disappearing, leaving me speechless and definitely in need of another shower. A very cold one.
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its my sisters birthday in two days, and i was thinking about what to get her. but the thing is i think im the only one, and i've been kinda in charge of gifts for a while now. my parents kinda have stopped.. thinking hard about presents...? i dunno. for the past year or so from my sisters reactions the gifts i get and pick out for her are her favorites. its not that my parents are bad gift givers; they got my sister a cute notebook from her last birthday and she's been using it all year for her drawings. and they just booked a hotel water park thingy for her birthday which cost a lot, so they do care!! and there's a school camp trip thats in two weeks that she's going too (and im going to help out thanks to a program at our school) but so far all the gifts that i had to argue with my mom to buy were all from me. yesterday i had a small argument with her about gifts. she told me that she had an ideas, and that was to get her a bracelet. i asked her what else. she was quiet for a good 10 seconds and then i asked again, and she got all kinda mad and said 'i dont have to tell you everything' and i think i speak for all kids is that thats the reaction of a parent who doesnt know. its the same as because i said so. i've found two other gifts for her that are on sale and i hope that my mom will get them for her. she told me that 'i cant do everything for her' and yeah well i wouldnt be if i knew that you were already doing so.
i remember when i was in fifth grade, me and my friend were talking about our birthdays since they were on the same day, and after she told me about what she did she asked me what i did. i told her i went to a trampoline park. she asked what i got. i said i didnt get anything. she was shocked. my teacher asked us what we did too, and when i was answering she asked what else we did. i was quiet for a few seconds, and she asked if we went out to a restaurant. i lied and said that we did, that we went to a fancy one. she asked for the name and i said i didnt remember. we were actually supposed to go to one of my favorite places. it was simple and nothing fancy but i really liked their burritos lol. we didnt go tho, my mom (kindly may i add; i feel like i've portraying her as bad but i swear she's good) asked if she could just make salmon at home instead because it was easier. i said okay, because yeah i would have prefered to go out but i liked the fish she made. to my memory though she didnt end up making it. my mom actually got mad at us that year, so none of my siblings or i got any gifts. it was okay though. we still had fun though.
two years ago, a week ago my mom had to fly back to her old home because my grandpa (her dad) died. i cried in the front of the whole class for a bit when i was called to leave early. but basically my mom was leaving and was going to be back on my birthday. when she came back, we welcomed her and all. i was waiting for her to say happy birthday to me. i tried to tell her and get her to say happy birthday excitedly, but i dont think she did. she gave me a smile and nod and turned back to my dad. tbh it was valid. her dad died a week ago and she hadnt seen her family back at her home in a year and us in a week. i think i still cried a bit in the car ride form the airport though. we waited until saturday to do something for my birthday. but like, it wasnt all that bad though. she brought back gifts, and i got two, maybe three extras vs my siblings as a birthday gift. they were really nice. we celebrated my birthday two days after on a saturday, with cake and happy birthday.
but yeah. this al got really off topic. hopefully my mom listen to me about my sister or gets her some stuff on her own.
dunno if this counts as one of your weird anons, but yeah. praying i dont come off as selfish im just getting my thoughts out. your my new therapy inbox if thats okay. thanks.
-bad at feelings anon (help im writing this and listening to gracie adams and some ttpd there were some tears at some point)
It’s ok I can be your therapy inbox if you’d like
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i-spaced-sorry · 1 year
For day 9 enjoy a little fluffy Will and Jay brother bonding as kids time! I was inspired from watching people at the park near my house feeding the ducks with bread and wondering what if they took it from their parents secretly!
Will is 10 in this and Jay is 8 in this! Enjoy:)
Title: Saturday mornings
"shhh, you'll wake dad" angry whispered Will, as he pushed little brother Jay out of the way and shut the kitchen cabinet himself.
"Sorry" whispered Jay back.
It was early Saturday morning and the boys decided that instead of watching cartoons like they did every Saturday that they were going to go feed the ducks at the lagoon in the next neighborhood over.
"Won't mom get mad we took her sandwich bread" asked Jay as the two biked away from 47th street and towards 37th street and towards the bus they would need.
Shrugging his shoulders Will replied, "as long as we don't use all the bread, we can claim we were really hungry and made pb&j sandwiches after school on Friday."
That sounded like a solid albi to young Jay so he backed off his questions.
Hopping off the bus, the boys headed straight for the lagoon and nature trail. Their mom had taken them here plenty of times and occasionally Jay's little league soccer team would have a game out here, so they were rather familiar with the layout of the park.
"Ooh, look at the goose!" Exclaimed Jay while fishing out a piece of bread out of the bag his brother held.
The boys spent the next 45 minutes feeding the geese and squirrels, and looking at the birds flying around the nature trail.
"Hand me a piece, I want to feed the little guy!" Stated Jay while honing in on a squirrel near the tennis courts.
"Last one, then we should head back, it's already 9" replied Will while holding the bread bag out for Jay to take.
Sticking his hand in, Jay realized just how far his hand had to go to reach a piece, "uh oh" he stated when he looked down and realized more than half the loaf was gone!
"Uh, it's okay, mom probably won't notice! I've been making our lunches the past 2 weeks anyway" reassured Will.
"I think she goes on another grocery run this week anyway" added Jay.
The boys started their trip home while adding to the story of hopeful reassurance that they wouldn't get in trouble for using up all the bread!
Several hours later, Mary Halstead decided that she was going to make her sons' their favorite lunch....grilled cheese and Kraft Mac and cheese, it was the one meal she knew picky eater Jay would eat and big brother Will never complained about it.
Opening the kitchen cabinet that housed the bread, she noticed 75% of the loaf was gone.....she had just gone grocery shopping on Thursday night right after she got paid.
"Jay Alexander! William Patrick!" She shouted
In the living room, the boys turned from watching TV to look at each other and they muttered,
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faveficarchive · 2 years
The Apartment
by Lena
Disclaimers: There are none. This is an original work by myself alone. These characters belong to me and, though they may hold a physical resemblance to certain characters we know, they are created from my own life's experiences and so has this story sprung from that well. Please do not plagiarize. This work comes straight from my heart and soul through a lot of sweat.
Warning: Contains references to a loving relationship between two adult women. If this type of relationship is illegal in your neck of the woods then.................SCAT!
Rating: I rate it PG14 for adult themes. This would likely be considered a Hurt/Comfort story.
DEDICATION: I dedicate this work to my friends, Liz and Val, who've always believed in me and truly loved me unconditionally, and to all my gal pals at Club Uber, especially Vi. My deepest gratitude to Jerry and Mom, without whose help and support I shutter to imagine where I'd be now. I love you all.
This story takes place in a small country town about 85 miles north of New Orleans.
"Second floor apt. avail., rent free, to responsible RN student"
for personal companion services. Must have good driving record and be available one day a week to drive me to my many and varied appointments. You must be able to do a little cooking and to help lift the heavy stuff. No smoking, drinking or partying. I would also like to speak to your parents so they are comfortable with the arrangement. I am a retired nurse and can help with your studies. I live less than five minutes from campus in a quiet area on several acres with a fishing pond. Lots of breathing space here. If you are qualified and interested, please contact me, Josie, at 555-1377 asap. HAVE A GREAT DAY.
"Good gravy, Beth, maybe this ad thing wasn't such a good idea. All I've gotten is calls from 18-year-old children who have never been away from their folks before and haven't got a clue about real life. I don't want some young impressionable girl living here. I am too old to change my manner of living, and speaking, to protect their virgin ears. All I need is some irate parent causing trouble cause the town dyke lured their unsuspecting child into her lair."
The petite brunette rolled her hazel eyes at her best friend of 25 years. "Jo, no one here knows you're gay and you are not exactly the SPIDER WOMAN. Maybe you need to be more specific in your ad as far as age and maturity. It couldn't hurt. Write a new ad and I'll stop by the campus on my way home and replace the old one. Let's just see what happens. You need help around this place, Josie. And, you can't be driving 50 miles, alone, just to see your Chiropractor and go to the mall. I know you do fine around here, but you just can't concentrate long enough for these trips you have to take into the city, not to mention the 85 miles you have to drive to see your Mom. This was a great idea and I still think it will work." Beth walked up behind her friend and placed both her hands on her tight shoulders. "Now go get me a flash card and let's get writing.
"Upstairs apt. avail. free to mature, female, RN student"
for PERSONAL COMPANION services. Must have good driving record and be able to drive me one day a week to all my varied appointments and shopping, do some lite cooking and cleaning, and help lift the heavy stuff. No smoking, drinking or partying. I am a retired nurse and would be able to help you in your studies. Would prefer a more mature woman. You youngsters are a bit much for me. My home is on several acres with fishing pond. Lots of breathing space here and only five minutes from campus. If you fit these qualifications, call Josie at 555-1377. ASAP HAVE A GREAT DAY
"Hi, I'm Sandra Abbott. I'm here to be interviewed about the companion position for Josie." The RN student stared uncertainly at the adorable blonde in the doorway. 'Maybe she's the daughter.' Sandy thought to herself.
"Oh, yes. You're the woman who called this morning. Come right in. Can I get you a cup of decaf? It's hazelnut. I grind the beans myself. Just made a pot." Josie gestured to the beauty to have a seat at the table while she slipped into the kitchen alcove to retrieve two cups of her aromatic blend.
"Thanks. Mmmmmm. That smells sinful." Sandra gratefully took the cup and devoted a few seconds to breathing in the intoxicating aroma.
"I see you are a true coffee enthusiast too. I was reared in New Orleans and drank caf' au lait with breakfast as a toddler. Been hooked ever since. People here usually don't appreciate a good cup of java. There are condiments on the table there. Just help yourself." Josie rattled on as she grabbed the notebook containing all the pertinent questions she wanted to ask the applicants and the information she needed to give them.
"Beautiful home." Sandra complimented, admiring the taste and warmth of the medium sized home. She noted how the 9-foot ceilings and polished cherry wood cabinets gave it a feel of the old city.
"Thanks, I designed it to fit my personal needs. I'm afraid I'd have a time reselling it because it only has two bedrooms and two baths, but the second floor is a separate apartment." The petite blond offered eagerly. "Now lets get down to the interview. Shall we."
Sitting down in her director's chair at the head of the dining table, Josie made a concerted effort to be professional about this, but her immediate harmony with the other woman made that difficult. "Now, you read the add and all that will be expected of you, right."
"Yes, I did. Do you want to go over that some more. And, I'd like to meet her. I think it is important that we can get along together. Your mom might not like me." Sandra said in all sincerity.
"My Mom?" Josie was puzzled.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I just assumed it was your mother I'd be caring for." Sandra was a little embarrassed.
"Oh boy.....uh..... No. You'd be a companion, kinda "girl Friday", to me." Josie stated hesitantly, looking into blue eyes full of confusion.
"I don't understand. Why would you need a companion? Are you having surgery are something?" The raven haired beauty tried to figure out what the heck was going on.
"No..... Listen, Sandra, I am ill and have been for a very long time. Some days are much worse than others, then sometimes I'll go into remission for weeks to a few months at a time. But, I literally don't know what I'm gonna be able to do, activity-wise, from one day to the next. I need some freedom to plan my week like everyone else does and to do that I need dependable help. And, I do mean dependable." Josie's sea green eyes held no room for doubt about the gravity of the situation.
"I'm sorry. It must be very hard on you. May I ask what kind of illness it is?"
"Don't worry. It's not catching." The fiery blond sat back in her chair her defensive wall slammed into place.
"I didn't mean it like that. If you don't want to tell me, that's your prerogative. It might help me to better care for you if I knew what to look for." Sandra tried to keep eye contact with her potential employer, but the intensity of her glare was too great.
"Well, I guess this didn't go so well..... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I'll just go now. I hope you find the right person. Thanks for the brew." Sandra let out a sigh of defeat as she raised from her chair and walked to the front door.
"Wait." The word was barely a whisper.
Sandra eagerly turned toward the still seated blond waiting as she'd been bade.
"Would you like to see the apartment?" Josie asked looking at the grain in the wood of her table.
"Yes..... Yes, I would like that very much." Sandra felt her heart become lighter.
"Good. It's this way." Josie released an impish grin as she led her new employee to the garage stairs and up toward her new apartment.
"It's not very big but you have a full bath and kitchenette. The rest is all open with two dormer windows with seating area. I love to sit in the window to read or just daydream so I made certain the contractor put that in. If you don't have furniture, I could put a bed, desk and sofa in for you."
"No, I have furniture in storage in New Orleans that I might could have one of the students help me bring over. All these country-types have pickup trucks. It seems to be a requirement." Both women chuckled at that observation.
"So what do you think?" Josie asked hopefully, trying hard to hide the shortness of breath she was experiencing at the exertion of climbing the stairs.
"I think it's perfect. Just what I need. If you'll have me, I'd like the apartment and the job."
"Then, it's a deal." Josie offered her hand and they sealed their agreement.
The next two weeks were spent moving Sandra Abbott into her new home, then getting her oriented to Josie's routine. Sandy found it very easy to familiarize herself with where things were due to Josie's nearly religious devotion to the motto "a place for everything and everything in its place". Even with two little dogs running about, the house always seemed orderly. That was likely due to the fact that the larger member of her canine family was not allowed inside, except on the rear screened porch.
Her boss was up every morning before 0600 to walk the dogs and get her head cleared of the fog that dulled her mind and senses. The walks never lasted more than thirty minutes, then she soaked in her over sized tub and washed her short blond hair. Feeling rejuvenated, she was ready for coffee and breakfast, which took longer than most folks because of the large number of medications and vitamin pills she took every morning with her meal. It was her habit to read a good mystery novel during breakfast while she relaxed. This, Sandra was soon to learn, was her quiet time and she new to leave her alone. She'd call upstairs if she needed her.
Tuesdays were Sandra's easy days at school. There were two early morning classes, but no clinicals, so it was decided that Tuesdays would be Josie's errand day. Sandra's time and boundless energy was her's from 10am to 8pm for whatever Josie needed. A bulletin board was placed next to the staircase in the garage so they could communicate. Josie had an inexpensive intercom system put into the house so that Sandra didn't have to have the added expense of a phone. She let her use the phone in the house whenever she needed.
Things were working out to both women's satisfaction. The only sign of Josie's failing health was in her exhaustion when they'd return home on Tuesday evenings. Sometimes she'd fall asleep in the car on the way home and Sandra would assist her to the house, Josie's much smaller body leaning heavily against her arm. She'd deposit her boss on the bed, retrieve her evening meds and a large glass of milk, then tuck her in for a short nap.
Sandra enjoyed cooking for Josie on Tuesdays because she got to experiment with all kinds of delights in her state-of-the-art kitchen. Her boss had rather eclectic culinary tastes and, both being from New Orleans, were accustomed to the spicy flavors and lots of cayenne.
This particular night, she'd whipped up refried beans with low fat sour cream and jalapeno peppers on a whole wheat soft tortilla. The scent wafting from the kitchen awoke her charge and brought her tousled head shuffling into the living area in her bugs bunny slippers, and long sleep t-shirt with Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs dosing on the front. As she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes her companion thought she'd never seen anyone so adorable in all of her 33 years.
"Hey, did you bring your appetite with you? I've made some of your favorites." Sandra couldn't help the silly grin plastered on her face.
"What? What ARE you grinning at?" Josie inquired as her sleepy eyes focused on the sweetest little grin on that strikingly beautiful face.
"I can't help it. You just look so damned cute. Like a six year old." It was hard for the taller woman not to reach down and ruffle her boss' hair. But she didn't want to over step her bounds as an employee.
"Uh...huh. Will you stay and eat with me? It's such a nice night, why don't we eat out on the screened porch. I'll put the ceiling fan on." Josie asked hopefully as she pointed towards the back porch.
"Sounds good to me. Why don't you go get comfy and I'll bring this out to you."
"No. I want to help. Let me pour the Barq's and bring our drinks outside and you can bring the plates and napkins. Ok?" Josie said as she busied herself in the kitchen.
"Sounds good to me. Let's eat." Sandra gathered their plates and proceeded to follow her employer onto the porch where there was a small wicker table with four chairs for just such a meal.
The women ate in comfortable silence for a time until Josie asked, "Tell me about yourself. We spend all our time together with me drilling you on your studies in micro, anatomy, nursing diagnosis and interventions, but never do we talk about you. Where are you from originally, do you have any family, why is a beautiful woman like yourself alone, etc., etc., etc."
Sandra took a deep breath. She had learned to care for this little spit fire and wanted for them to become closer friends but didn't want to say or do anything to compromise her position. "Not much to tell. I'm originally from New Orleans, my parents are divorced, I'm close to my Mom and my little brother, but he got married to a girl he met while studying law at Loyola and moved to Wyoming so she could be close to her family. I don't get to see him cause I just can't afford to travel right now. But, hopefully, once I graduate and start making a descent salary I can go visit them a couple of times a year. I hope I'll be an Aunt by then." Sandra looked up into curious green eyes and smiled.
"Wouldn't that be great. You like kids?" Josie inquired around chewing.
"Yeah, I get a big kick out of the little rug rats. It's teenagers that I find a trial." She chuckled.
"You and the rest of the sane adults in this world. That's such a difficult time in everyone's life and the one time you are least likely to accept advice from an experienced adult. Go figure."
"Yeah. Go figure." Josie watched as a pall of grief passed over her companion's beautiful blue eyes for just a flicker of a candle's flame then was squelched by a noncommital small smile.
"So, go on." Josie urged. "Why is a beautiful woman like yourself alone?"
"I'm not alone. I'm here with you." Sandra smirked.
"You know what I mean." Josie rebuffed. 'This woman and I seem to share the same personality traits. That should be interesting.....not.'
"Yeah, I know. How's about a cup of decaf. I'll get your lap rug and we'll have a real talk. Ok." Sandra proffered as she collected their plates to put in the dishwasher. She didn't know how much about her past she wanted to share with her boss so she decided to just play it by ear. She wouldn't lie to her, but she wasn't gonna offer herself up for sacrifice either.
After cleaning the dishes and brewing some freshly ground coffee, Sandra rejoined Josie on the porch, then covered her up with a warm, soft chenille lap rug. "You warm enough? We could move this party inside, you know." Sandy asked concern written on her face.
"No, I love it out here. I'm fine, really." Josie pat her friends arm and noticed a feeling of warm pleasure. She liked it.
"So, you ask the questions and I'll do my best to answer them, unless I don't want to then I won't. But for every two questions you ask me I get to ask you one. I figured I'd give you the upper hand you being the boss and all." Sandy smirked.
"Fair enough. How old are you?"
"33 back in October."
"Have you ever been married?"
"Yes" Ok, my turn. At the risk of being redundant."
"I know..... I am 44 years old and divorced from a very kind moron..... My turn. Why'd you leave the big city to go to Nursing school in a small town?"
Sandy thought about this answer carefully before responding. "I wanted to get away from the dirt and the crime, not to mention the traffic and one way streets. Going to school here was much cheaper and it was much easier to get accepted. The RN programs in New Orleans are either very expensive or there's a huge waiting list. So, it's all working out and I think I made the right choice. Of course, I miss the food and the culture. You don't seem to have any culture here and not a decent creole restaurant for 50 miles." The tall beauty pouted.
"Oh yeah, I miss the food, the French Quarter, the museum and the zoo. Oh, and the beautiful architecture of the homes with their graceful Great Oaks." The little blond sighed. "But, there are always sacrifices for the things we want." Josie said with quiet conviction.
"Yes. That's true. Now, what made you leave the Big Easy for small town USA?" Sandra sat back with her coffee cup in both hands enjoying the aroma.
"That is a very long story best reserved for a more decent hour. I'm afraid it's passed my bedtime."
"Oh, I've kept you up too late. I'm so sorry. You must communicate with me. Tell me when you're tired. Tell me what you need." Sandra looked sincerely into the gentle green eyes. She felt her gaze captured then released.
Josie saw the concern in her companion's strikingly blue eyes and something else, something that drew her to the young woman. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. "I'm fine. Just tired. Tuesdays are a big day for me now and I do very much enjoy them, thanks to you. The women stood in close proximity of each other feeling slightly awkward like they should hug or something. Josie, being the more physically demonstrative of the two made the first move. Reaching her arms up to the much taller brunette she instructed, "Come give me a hug." Sandra was a little off balanced by her boss's affection but slid her long, graceful arms around the tiny woman's waist as she leaned down so Josie could hug her neck. "I'm glad you're here. Now go home. I'll talk to you tomorrow if I need anything." The smaller woman pulled away and began to turn toward her bedroom.
"I'll...uh...just lock up before I leave, Ok."
"Ok. Goodnight Sandy."
"Goodnight Josie."
The following week was pretty routine. There were no notes from Josie requesting Sandra's assistance and the only time the nursing student saw her boss was through her window each morning as she made sure she left for her walk and returned safely.
Returning from her clinicals on Friday there was a note on the bulletin board letting Sandra know that her boss was going to be volunteering her time, along with some other nurses and doctors, offering free vaccinations for the lower elementary school children. She'd been offered a ride by one of her friends and didn't know what time she'd return, but not to worry because she was in good hands.
'It's fucking 10p.m. No school inoculation program goes on this late. Where is she? She should have left me the number of her "friend" who was driving her.' Sandra mumbled to herself and she paced from window to window.
'Now don't panic, Abbott. What kind of trouble could she get into in this podunk town?..... A woman who looks like her....., plenty. Shit! I'm gonna find her.' Sandra grabbed her keys and headed out to the car determined to search the whole damned town if she had to, starting at the lower elementary school.
No one was at the school. In fact, no one was anywhere. The whole damned town was locked up and everyone had gone home. The eerily empty town just served to frighten Sandra more. 'Maybe I should just go home and sit by her phone in case she calls.' The worried beauty turned her car around and headed back to the house.
'I'll pass once through the park just in case.' Sandra thought just to soothe her mind that her friend hadn't been dragged off by some rapist into the many shadows of the small park and playground.
'What was that?' Sandra asked herself as her eye caught the glint of moon light off metal. She backed her car up to get a better look and could make out the outline of a vehicle tucked into the shrubbery. Obviously, somebody didn't want to be seen.
'Let me check this out.' Sandra said to herself as she left the protection of the vehicle and crept over to the rear of the concealed car. Her eyes had not yet adjusted well enough to the darkness to tell definite shapes but the golden hair of her missing boss' head was unmistakable. A white hot rage gripped the companion inspiring her to take action and she ran to the door nearest her friend and ripped it open with great force reaching in and grabbing the dumfounded woman and quite nearly dragging her to safety.
"Hey!!! Hey!!! Hey.....what are you doing? Let me go!" The terrified woman screamed at her assailant.
"Stop fighting me. I'm trying to save you from being raped, here."
Sandra was totally nonplused by her boss' reaction to her heroism.
Josie managed to squirm her little body away from her companion's grasp. "I don't need saving. Damn it all! I wasn't being raped. Now, let me go, Sandra." Josie had composed her voice to a hard command and Sandra let her go as an imposing looking redhead slid out of the back seat of the car tucking her Wynonna t-shirt into her jeans.
"You Ok, cher?" The redhead looked at the little blond who had just recently been making intense love to her. "Who is this crazy woman? You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend now. You need to tell me these things so I don't get shot." She grinned.
Sandra just stood there trying to figure out what the hell was going on and who this woman was and what they were doing in the back seat of a car and 'OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!' "Oh shit, shit, shit....., I'm....., oh god....., so sorry. I thought, when you didn't come home, that something had happened to you and..... Oh shit! It never occurred to me that you were....." Sandra pointed back and forth between the two women. "Oh Shit!" The very embarrassed companion paced in a circle, running her trembling hands through her long black hair. "I'm really sorry. Oh shit!"
"You've said that. Let's all calm down. Kathy meet Sandra. She works for me, at least she did up until a few minutes ago. We may have scared her away with our antics. Kathy is a very old friend, a nurse I worked with for years who called to tell me about the drive and we kinda took advantage of the moment." Josie smirked
"You do have a house you know with a nice soft bed. You didn't have to park out here in the dark where lord knows what could happen." Sandra felt her anger rising again.
"Like getting attacked by a crazed nursing student?" Josie giggled. "Come on let's go home. Kathy, sweetheart, sorry for the interruption. Call me. Maybe you'll give me a rain check?"
"Anytime, ma cher. I think you and Xena here have a lot to talk about." With that she leaned down to kiss Josie's cheek and waved goodbye to the still stunned companion.
Josie looked up into vacant eyes and said, "Come on, I'LL drive YOU home." Sandra just nodded and followed her boss to the car.
Josie pulled into the garage and stopped the engine. "You want some brew and we can talk about this?" She lifted worried green eyes to study the stiffened features of her friend.
"No....." Sandra sighed then looked down at her hands surprised to find them wringing the tail of her shirt into a wrinkled mess. "I have to think. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Does that mean you'll be moving out?" Josie was very concerned she'd loose her companion and friend.
"No, no I'm not going anywhere....., unless you want me to leave." Sandra held her breath fearing the worst.
"No..... Stay. I want very much for you to stay." Josie softly responded.
"Good. Tomorrow then." Sandra practically dove out of the car and ran up the stairs to her apartment, locking the door behind her.
Saturday morning Sandra kept watch as she always did to make certain her boss safely returned from walking the dogs. She'd not known Josie to skip her morning walk, shorten it now and then, but never not walk her little buddies. They were like her children and she took excellent care of them. There was the big mongrel, Rover, who had just shown up one day after apparently being dumped and decided to stay and then there were the babies, two little sickly long-haired chihuahuas that she adopted from the vets because she felt her nursing skills could improve their quality of life. One had a heart condition and the other was born with a deformed rear leg. She named them Scooby and Doo after her favorite cartoon character, who just so happened to be a Great Dane. Scooby was totally devoted to her mistress as her mistress was to her.
'I'd better go check on her.' The companion decided not to just sit and worry when her boss could be in trouble.
She knocked for the 4th time with no response before using her key to unlock the kitchen door. Calling out her boss' name softly, so as not to frighten her, she walked in. Getting no response to her calls, Sandra quickly ran to her friend's bedroom, then through to the bath. Not finding her there, she turned back around into the living area. There she found the little blond sitting askew on the sofa next to the fireplace. The logs had burned down hours before. Her skin looked pale and waxy with a sweaty sheen covering her but her chest rose and fell rhythmically. Sandra released an audible sigh of relief.
"Josie.....?" Sandra came to sit next to her boss on the sofa and reached out to touch her forehead. It was burning up. "Come on now, boss, it's time to wake up." There was no response. Sandra became alarmed and took a small hot hand into her own, patting it and calling to her more assertively. "Josie, can you hear me. It's Sandy, honey. Please wake up. You're scaring me." The tiny woman stirred, eyelids fluttered to show blood shot green eyes that wouldn't quite focus.
"Sandy?" She slurred. Her tongue felt thick as the fog filling her mind.
"Yeah. It's me."
"Sandy? What's the matter? What time is it?" Josie tried to orient herself, but it was difficult to concentrate. She recognized the symptoms and new she was no longer in remission. She was sick, yet again, and would need her companion's assistance to function until she was able to arrest the symptoms one more time. She groaned with the knowledge of what lay in front of her. Then groaned again when she remembered the night before and what Sandy had seen and the talk she knew they had to have. "I'm sick, Sandy."
"I know, honey. Tell me what you need and I'll do it. Ok? Can you do that for me?" The sympathetic woman gently brushed the blond's bangs off of her wet forehead to comfort her.
"I need my morning meds and the prednisone that's in the medicine cabinet and bring me the tin that's in there too. I need a big glass of milk and some tin roof Sunday ice cream." She concluded her list with just a trace of a grin on her pale face.
"Ice cream?" Sandy looked at her friend in amusement.
"For medicinal purposes only. It'll help bring my temperature down faster..... Well, it will." Josie giggled, swallowed and made a face. "Gods, my throat hurts. Shit."
Sandra retrieved all the items requested as well as some tylenol and chloraseptic losenges she found in the cabinet. "Here, let me help you sit up and get comfortable. Now, take these." The companion handed her boss a few pills at a time and her milk. It took a while since there were about twenty regular morning vitamins and meds. "Now how much prednisone do you need to take?"
"Give me 10 mg for now. And, would you draw up 1000 mcg of the B12 that's in that tin, please?" The companion did as requested and injected the B12 into her boss' deltoid muscle. She didn't even flinch.
"You've had to do this often haven't you."
"Oh yeah. Too often."
"Why did this happen? What caused it?"
"I've been feeling really good so I've been doing more. Yesterday I went way over my limit in activity tolerance. I was on my feet for most of 12 hours, then I had sex, several times, which requires an amazing amount of energy and taps the bodily fluids. Then, getting upset does a real number on me. Add in the pretty good bet that I came in contact with a child who has a cold or pink eye and my immune system went bat shit and attacked." Josie stopped to catch her breath and closed her eyes to rest. Sandra went into the kitchen to fetch the ice cream as requested.
"Here ya go. Sugar free, huh? Any good?" Sandra noticed how badly the little blond's hands were shaking while trying to scoop some of the treat from the bowl. "Here, let me do that." The companion fed small bites of the frozen treat into her employer's mouth. Causing a small grin to crease her lips.
"Mmmmm." Josie purred.
"So, if you have an immune system to attack, then you don't have AIDS." Sandy said.
"AIDS? No I don't have AIDS. I have a form of CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, alias Chronic Epstein Barr. It's like having Mononucleosis one too many times and it decides to live in. Though I've had it for at least ten years now, it didn't get debilitating till about a year ago when I had to have some surgery. It became acute and caused me to quit working so I wouldn't permanently damage my liver and kidneys. Not everyone gets such an acute case. I'm one of the unlucky few. It's probably because I have diabetes too and it adds just so much more stress on my little body. Now that it is active again, my blood sugar is probably going banana's. I'll need you to check that for me now. My case is in that tin, also." Josie pointed to the small leather container inside the antique tin.
"I've done that for several patients already so I do know how." Sandy said as she opened the kit and set up her cotton, alcohol swipe, stick gun, test strips and accu-check machine. "Ok, I'm ready when you are." The nursing student took the finger offered her and proceeded to check the blood sugar.
"Josie, it's 350mg/dl. That's really high. Should I get you to a hospital?" Sandra looked at her patient with concern.
"No. It will be Ok. Give me 12 units of regular insulin. That along with my glucophage will keep me under control for now. I'll start taking 70/30 tonight. That covers me really well during these episodes. I'll have to check it three times a day to make certain I don't peak. I'll need you today and tomorrow to be close by. After that I should be able to monitor myself. Right now my head's too damned fuzzy to make sure I'm not giving myself the wrong dosages."
"But you are SURE you need 12 units, right?" Sandra asked reticent to trust her friends judgement under the circumstances.
"Yeah, I'm sure. What I meant was I can't focus my eyes well enough to gauge the dosage in the syringe." Josie pat her friends hand and smiled reassuringly.
Sandra gave her boss her insulin injection, then assisted her to the bathroom to brush her teeth. After helping Josie peel off the sweat soaked clothes and wash up a bit, the companion tucked her into bed in a fresh pair of PJ's. "You get some sleep. I'll walk the dogs and feed them. Ok?" She asked as she walked around the room, shutting off lights and closing the blinds so her boss could get some much needed rest.
"Ok. Thank you Sandy. We'll talk later, deal?"
Josie tried to keep her eyes open, but to know avail. Before Sandra could close her bedroom door she was soundly asleep.
"Come along, children, your "Auntie Sandy" is taking you out this morning. You'd better put your Rebock's on, cause I'm not your mom. I run." Sandra jogged out of the door and onto the walking track that Josie had created with her riding mower and a grating attachment. It wended through over twenty acres of land that she chose to share with her little canine family and one tall, beautiful nursing student.
Sandra had taken over the dining room table with all her books and notes for class so she could keep an eye on her patient and still get her school work done.
It had been three hours since Sandra had put her boss to bed and she was beginning to worry about her. As quietly as she could she opened up the bedroom door and peered in to find her charge still asleep with no visible signs of distress. 'She looks so small and helpless lying there. I've never wanted to protect someone so much in my life. What's going on with me?'
Sandra sat in the bedroom chair and was instantly joined by two equally distraught little fur balls, both perched on her knees staring over at their sleeping mistress. 'She's gonna be Ok , fellas. I promise. I'm gonna take good care of her.' That's when the decision was made to move her things into the guest room/exercise room and purchase a noise device so that Josie could get her attention when she needed her.
Sandra was busy cooking in the kitchen and reciting the names of all the bones of the human body, all 206 of them, when she was joined by her freshly scrubbed, clear eyed boss. "Hiya, I'm starving. What ya cooking there?"
"Oh, Jesus...! I didn't hear you walk up. How are you feeling? You look so much better. It's amazing." Sandra just kept letting her eyes rake over her patient's body in awe of her seeming recovery.
"It's the prednisone mostly and the B12, along with the myriad of other vitamins I take. The prednisone stops the inflammatory process and gives me a false sense of well being and energy. It makes me feel human again. I only take it during bad flare ups. I was able to take a bath and dress myself which I find very valuable in life. How's your studying going?" Josie asked as she plucked an artichoke heart from the salad Sandra was mixing.
"Great, I find I study really well at your table. I have no problem concentrating here at all." The tall beauty smiled.
"Good. I'm glad. When's dinner gonna be ready. I'm starved. Did I eat today? I can't remember." Josie looked slightly confused as she took a seat at the table.
"How much do you remember exactly?" Sandra went around the kitchen preparing a plate for her boss and herself to eat as she listened intently to her explanation.
"I remember you fed me ice cream." A contented smile creased her lips. "That was really sweet of you by the way. I remember you giving me my meds. My sugar was high and you gave me insulin. You washed me up and you helped me to bed. Thank you by the way for helping me get cleaned up. I am sure that was hard for you." Josie said as she stared at the grain in her table unable to make eye contact discussing something so personal.
"Not a problem. I've cleaned more than my share of bare behinds this past clinical. I don't get embarrassed anymore. I've never found flabby butts enticing." Sandra tried to lighten the mood with a little levity.
"So, then, mine was an improvement?" Josie gave her friend a lascivious grin.
The tall nursing student looked up and winked in retort.
"Do you remember how high your blood sugar was?" Sandra asked.
"No. I remember you took it, but none of the details. Short term memory loss is a problem with this disease and so is concentration." Josie stated matter-of-factly.
"You probably haven't eaten anything since supper yesterday, so let's eat." Sandra set their plates down and poured them both some Barq's.
"I want to talk to you about what happened last night and, please don't interrupt. I have limited stores of energy so I can only talk for so long before I peter out. Ok?" Josie stated as she arranged her food on the fork.
"Ok. But can't it wait till after you've eaten?" Her friend implored.
"No. I want to do it now and get it over with. Now don't argue with me." The older woman accentuated her point with her fork.
"I am a lesbian. In case you hadn't figured that one out yet. I was married, but for all the wrong reasons. He was in love with me but I didn't reciprocate. We had been friends for many years. He knew my history with women, but we were both willing to believe that I could change because I was so fond of him and I wanted children so desperately. It didn't work out. It's like being a heroin addict and just smoking pot. It will eventually bring you back to heroin because that's your drug of choice. When I started having sexual relations with my husband it left me feeling unfulfilled and brought me back to my first love.....women. We had as amicable a divorce as possible. But, it was still damned painful." Josie studied her companion's face looking for any signs of shock or disgust. Finding none, she continued.
"The woman you saw me with, Kathy, is a very old friend and occasional sexual partner. She is a very desirable woman. We thought we might fall in love once, but found we made far better friends than lovers. She knows about my health problems and hasn't let it negatively effect our relationship. We have a little roll in the hay once every few months when one of us gets a bit too randy or needy. There is no one else. Most women lose interest in someone who is sick all the time. They don't want to be a care taker or they resent the fact that I don't have to work to get the bills paid. Thank God I have enough income from my investments to pay the bills, at least, most of the time. I couldn't afford, however, to pay a companion, hence the apartment idea and an RN student. That would be you."
"I hope this won't effect our working relationship or our friendship. I also hope you will respect my privacy and keep my private life to yourself. I have to be very discreet living in a small town. I'd like to feel that I can trust you." The older woman looked tentatively at her employee and friend.
"You can depend on my discretion, Josie. What goes on in this house and in our lives goes no further. I've had a lot of experience keeping secrets. Believe me I have no problem with that, nor do I have a problem with your sexuality."
Sandra took a deep breath and looked at her friend for encouragement before continuing. "I have often wondered, myself, what it would be like to be with another woman. I have noticed in recent years that all my true friends have been women and I'd much rather spend my time with them than with any man I know. Maybe that's why my marriage failed. I just lost interest in him, especially sexually, to the point of being repulsed. That made me feel just awful. Then he began looking elsewhere for his satisfaction. Everyone felt badly for me because my husband was screwing around on me. But, it was my fault. I didn't want him anymore. In fact, I hadn't wanted him for a very long time. Ever since I got sober. I realized that I had to be drunk to make love to my own husband. I haven't made love at all since I divorced Jack Daniels along with Frank Abbott." Sandra took a shaky breath to settle her nerves. She hadn't spoken this openly about herself to anyone, ever. It felt really good, but scary.
"I'm so sorry, Sandy. How long have you been sober?" Josie reached over to touch her friend's forearm.
The companion searched her employer's eyes but found only compassion and understanding in them. "It's been over three years now."
"That's wonderful. You should feel very proud. It's quite an accomplishment. I'm so glad you told me. Thank you for trusting me and thank you for accepting me the way I really am. Now, why don't you go on home and get some rest. I'm just going to read until I fall asleep. If I need you I'll call you on the intercom." Josie began to get up from the table but was gently pushed back into her chair.
"Actually, boss, I moved myself into the guest room while you were sleeping. I'd feel much better if I was in close physical proximity of you for the next few days or until I am sure you are safe. If you need me I bought you a bicycle horn for you to summon me with." Sandy took the horn from the kitchen counter and handed it to her patient. "It's easy to use. Just squeeze the bulb and it makes quite a racket. See." Sandy squeezed the bulb and a loud "Ah...ooooo...gah" came out.
"Oh, my. Let's hope I don't need to use this too often. That's downright obnoxious." Both women giggled. "I am glad you'll be so close by for the time being, but please don't let it interfere with your school work. I haven't been putting you through all those drills for nothing you know. I feel like this is our degree and I intend to complete it. Deal?" She smiled.
"Deal. Now let me clean up and I'll get you your meds. I'll check your blood sugar just before supper." Sandra got busy in the kitchen as Josie curled up on the sofa with Scooby and Doo.
"You know, fellas. I am one lucky lady to have found that guardian angel in there. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
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Excuse the screaming on here, don't want to scream on twitter because thats easier to connect back to me and this is stupid enough I really don't want to talk to folks I know IRL about this.
And this is gunna be like mega privileged problems so putting it in a cut just need to scream to the void
Aghhhhhh my dad is selling his business. Which is fine, but I still rely on my parents for support a lot financially. I feel awful, I'm a grown ass adult with a full time job but life is expensive and my parents agreed to help support me because I'm super passionate about my job but it's a job that famously does not pay well. For about ten or fifteen years I got REALLY lucky, dads business was doing amazing, I got to live a very privileged fun life for I'd say about ten years. I got two college degrees out of it, got to live in multiple countries, traveled a lot, got to enjoy expensive hobbies, I built a wonderful wardrobe and collection of nice things..... and just the general feeling of not having to stress about bills or basic expenses. Then dads business got stolen from to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars this last year, and he ate the whole cost so no one else would be effected benefits or jobs wise. So I tightened my belt so I could ask less from them, and I'm now barely scraping by. Each paycheck I now have a hundred or so to my name before I get paid again. Ive hardly been able to touch the debt I've been trying to pay down. And now that he's selling the business that flashing light of 'no help' is getting bigger and closer and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. Sort of panicked and went on a huge spree canceling as many subscriptions as I can (I already deleted most of them, but it broke my heart to start canceling subscriptions to friends patreon's or artists I want to support or to favorite games and such), deleted all of my worst spender apps from my phones, and looking into more side gigs. I really have no room to complain, this is no more than most people have to do and I'm honestly still incredibly lucky and blessed. But I'm going to miss being able to pick up the bill for friends or buying them presents, I'm really going to miss leaving huge tips on places, and GOD I am going to miss traveling, I already do. My friends are planning a trip to Japan rn and I'm so happy for them but I know I cant afford it no matter how much I want to go.
But most of all I'm going to miss the lack of stress. I went from never having to look at the price of the menu at a nice restaurant to eating nothing but tuna fish sandwiches for the rest of the week because I don't want to spend more money on food. Like I'm gunna be fine, I'm not going to starve, but the stress of money has been dwindling my already not super great mental health and the knowledge that it will always be this way from here on, is frankly fucking terrifying. Spending the rest of my life doing the mental gymnastics I need to make sure I have enough money for bills each month, and knowing I wont be able to buy a house or really build up savings (at least not until my parents die, and I am understandably not wanting that to happen either) is fucking depressing.
Especially knowing that if I have kids I wont be able to give them the opportunities I had growing up. I've for so long tied my self worth to gifting things to others, buying meals, treating my friends and so on. I really am going to have to tackle how I view my self worth and what I bring to the table friendship wise because gifts and generosity are things I just cant afford right now and with the job I have I don't know if I ever will again. (well.... unless I marry rich lol) I'll figure it all out, look for more expenses I can cut, look for more side jobs and so on. I'm probably making it out to be worse than it is, but having such a radical change in lifestyles has a bit of whiplash that really stings. Hopefully after a while I can start paying down my debt more which will help with interest rates, and if I keep cutting down on expenses maybe I'll be able to start saving. I doubt anyone has read this, if you did thanks for listening to me whine and I hope you have a good day.
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
Hello I hope you're doing well! I saw your requests were open so here I am. I just got home from a 3 week trip and I think all the exhaustion just fell on me so I feel sick. Plus my parents are still on vacation so I am currently alone. Anyways I'm telling you all that to ask a comfort fic or headcannons with Frodo taking care of you in that circumstance (or just with the reader being sick in general)
Thank you in advance, love your work!
Hello! I am doing okay, not the best but I've been worse for sure! I'm so sorry that you fell sick, my body does that to me too when I'm too anxious or stressed. Its kind of like the body says: "well if you aren't going to take care of me then I'll make you."
Anywho, I hope you enjoy it and thank you for reading!
Frodo hadn’t seen you all morning. Usually, he’d first see you on his way to the market. You’d just be leaving your hobbit hole yourself, basket on one arm, hat over your head to avoid the sun warming your skin too much, and a parchment paper in the other with a detailed list. How many tomatoes you needed, for each recipe, how many sprigs of thyme or rosemary, he knew by heart that on Tuesdays is when you seemed to run out of cream and on Friday is when you ran out of carrots. 
But today, you never came out. 
At first, he stumbled, shutting his mouth. You see, it was practically his nature now to say good morning to you and ask to join you in your adventure to the market, helping you get good deals whenever he knew that Farmer Bloomson was trying to pull one over on you by trying to get you to buy three tomatoes for a copper coin when just earlier he heard that your neighbor Mrs. Foust got six for a copper coin. 
So, whenever he first approached, he nearly spoke to the wood of your house. Tilting his head, Frodo waited a few moments, reaching into his pocket to check his watch before pushing it back into his waistcoat. 
You were late. You were never late. 
Frodo sighed through his nose, looking at your gated garden one more time before disappearing down the path, checking over his shoulder every time he heard a door open, thinking you were to come down with your big hat and your basket like usual. 
“No (Y/n) today?��� Farmer Bloomson questioned, to which Frodo didn’t even reply with words; simply nodding in agreement as he bought a fresh fish and two lemons. It was Sunday, the day you’d run out of tomatoes. 
Eyeing them, Frodo sighed through his nose and shook his head. 
“Just these two,  please,” He pointed out the lemons he wanted, the fish already wrapped and in his own basket. 
Bloomson motioned for Frodo to hand him his basket, to which Frodo confusedly agreed, passing the wicker item to the older man who began to put much more than lemons in his basket. Tomatoes, potatoes, two long carrots, and two onions. 
“They haven’t been here since Thursday morning,” Bloomson said almost as if he was speaking to himself. “And even then, they didn’t look so good,” Bloomson looked up to Frodo before handing him the basket. 
“It would be nice for someone to check to make sure they’re okay,” Bloomson hinted as he only took one of the four copper pieces Frodo fished out to hand to him for all the produce. 
Nodding, Frodo gave a polite smile as he adjusted the weight of the basket onto his hip. 
“Have a great day, Farmer Bloomson,” Frodo waved, eager to go knock on your door to see what was wrong. 
“You as well, Mr. Frodo.” His reply went unnoticed as Frodo bounded up the path. 
As Frodo approached your door, he peeked through the window. No candles burning, no sight of you in your kitchen. No kettle on, nothing. 
Carefully knocking, Frodo stepped back, waiting for you to come open the door. 
One second. 
Two seconds. 
Three seconds. 
Frodo only waited a solid four and a half seconds before he knocked again, slightly harder against the (f/c) painted wood. Concern washed over him as you didn’t answer his second knock, leaning his ear against the door. Instead of hearing feet shuffling like how he expected if one was approaching, he heard coughing. 
Knowing where you kept an emergency copy of your key, he unlocked your door, entering the home and carefully clicking shut the door behind him. Fixing the lock back in place he put your emergency key on the entryway table before setting the basket on the floor. 
“W-Who’s there?!” Your voice sounded panicked before you erupted into another coughing fit. You had choked on your water, the liquid going down the wrong pipe. 
“It’s just me! Frodo!” He called out from the doorway, unsure if he should come closer. 
What if you were indecent? That was all he could think of as he stood awkwardly before he heard the familiar sound of footsteps shuffling across the floor. 
Emerging from the back room, you cleared your throat of the last bit of liquid. “What’re you doing here, Frodo?” You asked, making him look up. 
You were beautiful, as always,  but you looked so tired. Your eyes had bags beneath them and your skin was sickly, your breathing almost labored from just the short walk from your bed to the hallway. 
“No one had seen you since Thursday,” Frodo explained, making you nod. “I was worried and recalled where you put your key-”
“I’m fine, Frodo, I apologize for making you wor-”
“Are you, though?” His voice halted your words, your body freezing as he combatted your urge to push away your struggles like they were nothing. 
“You don’t seem fine,” Frodo tried again, more gentle than before as he approached. 
“You seem exhausted, physically and mentally,” He wasn’t a fool, he saw how over the weeks you seemed less and less cheerful, plastering on a fake smile, and when you thought no one was looking it fell into almost a frown as your head swam with thoughts you didn’t want anyone else to know existed. 
“I know it’s not my place,” Frodo looked towards the basket, “But I’d like to help you feel better if you’d let me?”
You could feel your eyes begin to sting with tears as Frodo acknowledged how exhausted you were, and how sickly you did feel from everything you were dealing with. 
“I’d like that,” Your voice came out smaller than intended, but Frodo heard you nonetheless, giving you a grin. 
“My Uncle Frodo taught me a great soup once, he said it healed the soul,” Frodo lightened the mood as he picked up the basket and began to enter your kitchen. 
“You sit down and rest, it will be ready soon.” 
Forever Tag:
@lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18 @raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @ladylouoflothlorien @ten-tenya-iida @legolaslovely @bthtallmadge2 @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf @aspookybunny @keijibum @moony-artnstuff @sirkekselord @guardianofrivendell @fluffymadamina @izbelross @fandomhoe101 @acahope311 @kitkatd7 @mooseetx @themerriweathermage @elvish-sky @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @laurfilijames @frequentlychangingfandoms @cameronsails @linasofia @starryeyedrogue @shethereadinghobbit @beenovel @onlystarshere @fckmini @spidergirla5 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @myselfandfantasy @strange-old-worlds @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @broken-ghost @mbruben-stein @tschrist1 @hai-kbai
Frodo: None currently
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rattyoakenbitch · 3 years
❝𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠❞ ─ 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐦
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after all this time, i start asking why i'm staying
were you ever mine?
are we something that's worth saving?
❥ content ; gn reader, eventual fluff, angst, happy ending
❥ warnings ; cursing, themes of cheating
❥ synopsis ; you're will's s/o. when he comes home from work, you can tell he's off. what you didn't expect was him to kick you out.
❥ a/n ; none!
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You call out after hearing the front door to your house open and shut. When you don't get a response, you get up from your laying position on the couch and approach the front door.
There, Will stood. His back was turned to you as he hung up his coat, and although you could not see his face, you could immediately tell he was off. Even the energy around him felt dark and tense.
"Oh, hey, hun.." You said anxiously, trying not to set him off in any way.
Will didn't react to your voice. Instead, he backed away from the clothing rack and walked past you, not even bothering to spare you a look. This wasn't the first time Will acted out like this, especially considering he was exhausted all the time from the work Crawford gave him. But he would at least greet you soon as he walked through the door, not flat out treat you as if you didn't exist.
"Will," you sighed dejectedly, more to yourself than to your boyfriend. You quietly followed him upstairs to the master bedroom, where he began to strip off his work clothes, changing into something more comfortable. Still, he ignored your presence. You had to make another move.
You slowly approached him from behind, placing your hands on his shoulders. You were immediately taken back when he forcefully removed himself from your touch and walked away to another corner of the room.
"Will, I just-"
"What?" he scoffed mockingly, "You just want to help?"
"You're my boyfriend, Will, of course I want to!"
He laughed.
"It certainly doesn't help when you breathe down my neck every fucking minute."
Tears pricked in your eyes, Will's vicious tone scaring you. You searched Will's own eyes, trying to find any trace of remorse or regret. He had none. You didn't even know who you were looking at.
"What are you talking about, Will? When you want space, I give you space. When you want love, I give you love! What more do you want from me?"
"I want you to leave."
And then it was quiet for a moment. You both stood there silently, feet away from each other, eyes burning holes into the others.
"..What?" You stared in disbelief. "Wh- What are you saying right now, Will?"
"I want you to leave. I want you gone, Y/N. I don't need you anymore."
"No," you bit your quivering lips, hot tears spilling down your cheeks. Will averted his stare from your crying form, the floor suddenly becoming more interesting.
"No, you're lying. You're just saying that. You can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me."
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Lies. "It's best if you just leave."
You choked on a sob. "What?! Where is this coming from all of a sudden? We were okay just the other day!"
Will remained silent, still not daring to make eye contact with you.
"Is there someone else?"
"I- No, Y/N. I don't owe you an explanation."
"So this is it, then? You're just gonna kick me out?"
"Please, Y/N. Don't make this harder than it already is."
"This is hard for you?! You're not the one getting kicked out!"
Will sighed, somehow managing to remain calm while you screamed at him.
"I'm sorry." And the conversation ended there.
You began to pack your bags. You also phoned a friend, asking them if you could crash for a bit until you had a stable job and a home. You were not about to sleep on the sofa tonight.
You opened and slammed drawers, taking your anger out on furniture as you took your belongings with you. You also did it to spite Will, who attempted to get some sleep. But he did not complain. He continued to act as if you didn't exist.
It made you wonder. Where did it all go wrong? How long has he thought about leaving you? Was there another person?
Will wouldn't answer your questions. At this point, you didn't wanna know.
You were able to finish packing up within an hour. Will was still wide awake during that time, listening closely to the angry banging of furniture, quiet sniffles and shaky inhales as you tried the best you could to keep your composure.
You loaded all your bags into your car, getting ready to head to your friend's place. You went back inside to get a couple more things and look around the house a final time. You stopped by the front door as you were about to leave, your eyes landing on a picture on the windowsill of you and Will. Your already tired, red eyes welled with tears again. You opened up the frame, sliding the picture out and folding it into your pocket. Not like Will would want it in his house anyway.
And so you left.
You didn't say your goodbyes. You just left.
A week had gone by. Will carried on with his job as usual, attended his therapy sessions, but he never once mentioned you. Not a lot of people knew about you and Will's relationship, or what was once a relationship. Since his coworkers already knew so much, or what Will deemed to be enough information about him, he wanted to keep your relationship secret. Not that you minded.
The only person who knew of your relationship was Alana Bloom and Jack Crawford, but even when it ended, he didn't tell them anything. He didn't tell them how guilty he felt the night he kicked you out. He didn't tell them he still had nightmares about you being harmed. He didn't tell them how he was the one harming you in his nightmares. He didn't tell them how empty he felt when you blocked his number and social medias (ok sorry but like little headcanon here?? will has an instagram and it's just pictures of him fishing / or of his dogs fnsmdnskdjsk).
He never told them how he tried not to stay in his house as often, because it reminded him of you.
He was definitely acting strange at work. It was easy to tell. Even Bev pulled him aside to inquire about his health. But he continued to keep his mouth shut, until he couldn't.
Will rushed to the front door when he heard little taps on the metal screen. Secretly, he hoped it would be you. But when he opened it, there stood Alana Bloom. Will always thought Alana was beautiful. But how could anyone disagree?
Her long, dark waves that framed her perfect, slim face were never unchecked and unkempt. Makeup or none, preppy work uniforms or pajamas, she always seemed to look her best.
You even found yourself feeling small and insecure when Will invited her over for you to meet. But he assured you that she could never even compare to you. You believed it.
Alana's thin lips curled up into a soft smile. "Will. Can I come in?"
"Y-Yeah, sure." He let her in and she walked through the front door for the first time in forever.
"Jeez," she chuckled. "How long as it been?"
"Maybe too long," Will simply replied.
Alana walked around the house, scanning every detail while Will patiently trailed behind her. The dogs were playing outside, so it was just the two of them.
"Why did you decide to come over today?"
"I've been worried about you." She turned around to face Will, who stopped a few feet in front of her. "But now that I'm here in your house, I can see why you've been acting off."
"What's your diagnosis, Doctor?" Will joked, an attempt at lightening the tense air.
"Y/N. They left, haven't they?"
There it is.
Technically, Alana wasn't wrong. You did leave, but Will never clarified in what circumstance.
Will looked at the ground.
"Yeah.. Took all the photos too."
"Hey," Alana began, her finger resting under Will's chin, prompting him to look up at her. "You don't have to hide from me."
A week had gone by. A long, lonely, miserable week. You crashed at your friend's for two nights before your parents invited you to live with them while you worked on getting back on your feet. They didn't live too far, so you thanked your friend for their hospitality and moved in with your parents.
As you finished unpacking your stuff, you realized you were missing some things. You cursed at the realization you would probably have to pick up some stuff from Will's.
You still had the key, so you would have no problem getting in, unless he had the lock changed of course. You were only worried about running into him.
What the hell?
You got dressed. You didn't wear anything fancy, but in case you ran into Will, you felt obligated to look presentable and show him that you could still make it without him. You decided on doing a bit of makeup. Again, nothing fancy. Just enough to conceal the dark circles under your eyes and make your features pop.
And then you headed on the dreadful drive to Will's place.
When you got there, you were too nervous and too focused on making the trip quick to even notice Alana's car in his driveway.
However, what did catch your attention, were the many dogs Will owned. They ran up to you as soon as they recognized you. They panted as they jumped and wagged their tails, expressing their happiness the most they could. You tried your best to pet them all, your mouth lifting up into a smile. You didn't realize it but you really missed the dogs.
You dug around for the key in your pocket and pulled it out, quietly unlocking the front door and letting yourself in.
"You don't have the hide from me.."
Your eyebrows furrowed together at the sound of a female voice.
When you walked into the living room, you were horrified to see Will with another woman. Alana.
Their lips were locked, engaging in a passionate kiss, not even noticing your presence. You felt sick as you put the pieces together.
"Now I know why you kicked me out," you whispered, half to yourself and half to Will, who almost about pushed Alana off him at the sound of your voice.
Both their cheeks heated up in embarrassment when their eyes fell on you.
"Y/N! I'm so sorry, I thought-"
"Look, I only came to pick up some stuff. Then I'll be out of your way." You didn't once look away from Will, deciding to totally disregard Alana's presence and apologetic mutters.
With that, you rushed out of the living room and into your bedroom, searching under the bed and in the closet for your missing items.
You heard faint talking from the living room but tuned out most of it, deciding it wasn't worth your time or even your business in the first place. Then you heard the front door shut and a car start from outside.
Before you could process what might've happened, you heard Will's footsteps stop outside the bedroom.
"Y/N, we should talk."
"No, we shouldn't."
"You blocked my number."
"What good would it do if I kept it?"
"Please, hear me out."
Disgruntled, you turned to face Will, sending a cold glare his way.
"Look, unless you found a way to make a time machine and give me back the time I wasted on you, I don't want to speak with you."
"Why won't you just listen to me?!" he snapped.
You scoffed, "Well surprise, douchebag, I have feelings and you hurt them!"
"Well, I'm sorry, alright?" he calmed down now.
"Are you? Really?" You shook your head. "A sorry won't fix this, Will. Not after what you did. Gods- I can't even look at you right now."
You laughed. "You know what fucking sucks? After all you did, after the cheating and the lies, I'm still in love with you."
Will teared up. "I was never with Alana, Y/N. It's always been you."
"Then, why, Will? Why did you throw me out so coldly like that?"
"I began to have dreams, Y/N. Nightmares," Will admitted, his voice beginning to break. "Nightmares about people hurting you. Criminals. It was too real. As much as I loved- As much as I love you, I never wanted you to choose me. I don't want people using you as a weapon against me. To hurt me."
You slowly walked towards Will, stopping a foot away from him. You looked up into his glossy bambi eyes as he spoke.
"It was when the nightmares got worse, when I was the one hurting you, that I realized you weren't safe with me."
You cried. "Oh, Will. I wish you had told me."
"I couldn't. I didn't want you to remember me that way."
You laughed. "Well, I ended up remembering you as the asshole who kicked me out, instead."
Will managed to give you a smile through his tears.
He brought his hand to your shoulder, and gently lead it up your neck to the side of your face, cupping it lightly and brushing his thumb across your cheek.
"I would never hurt you, Y/N."
"I know. I know, Will. You aren't a monster for having nightmares you can't control." You brought your own hand up and placed it against Will's, leaning into his warm touch. "I'm still here. I'm alive. In your hands. And I feel safe with you."
Almost hesitantly, Will leaned in, connecting his lips to yours. His body felt tense, but when you kissed him back, you felt his worries disappear into the air.
He pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.
"Stay with me tonight?"
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fics-n-stuff · 4 years
Empty Castle
Pairing: JJ x reader
Summary: Three weeks after John B and Sarah Cameron were lost at sea, Kildare is still reeling from the dramatic events surrounding the death of its sheriff. JJ in particular has been struggling to get back to normal, so Y/N goes to try and help him get back on his feet. Sequel to Holding Cell.
Warnings: tiny bit of swearing, v sad JJ
Word Count: 4.2k (about double what I originally intended)
A/N: This took way longer than expected and I didn't mean for this to be so sad but it got real sad, so there isn't really anything beyond platonic until towards the end. I would highly suggest that you read Holding Cell first (perhaps because I worked hard on it and I want people to read it) but if you really don't want to then all you really need to know is that JJ and Y/N were childhood friends but hadn't spoken for two years until they both got arrested on the same day and they decided to be friends again. Cool, enjoy! :)
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The bell for the end of school rang and the crowd of teenagers swarmed out, and you made your way to the bike rack along with your friends.
"So, my house for movie night?" Jess said, and the rest of your friends chorused in agreement.
"Actually, I have something else to do." You replied, fastening your helmet. "I'll come by after if I finish up in time."
"What are you doing?"
"I need to go see someone." You replied, quickly getting on your bike before any further questions could be asked. "Later guys."
You cycled out to the house that you knew was where John B lived - basically the entire island knew where he lived after everything that had happened - and left your bike on the porch. The front door was open.
"JJ?" You called tentatively. "Are you here?" You heard movement from one of the rooms and turned towards it, seeing JJ walk out a few moments later. He looked disheveled, shirtless and with messy hair.
"Y/N?" He asked, surprised. His voice was slightly gravelly, like he'd woken up not long ago. "Why are you here?"
"I came to find you, JJ. School started on Monday, you've missed the whole week."
"School started?" His question made you frown in worry. "Wait, how did know I'd be here?"
"Because you're not anywhere else." You answered, putting down your school bag. "Nobody's really seen you. I stopped by at your house and your dad said-"
"You did what?"
"Relax, JJ, it's not as if he has any idea who I am. And he told me that you haven't been home in two weeks."
"I'm surprised he's kept track." JJ muttered.
"Clearly you haven't." The comment made JJ pause. He ruffled his hair and let out a long sigh, looking down at his own appearance. "What have you been doing these past weeks?"
"I don't know." He shrugged. "It's kinda blurred. I go to work, I go fishing, I smoke. I really didn't realise that school had started." He crossed the room to the sofa and grabbed a tank top off of the back of it, throwing it on before making his way to the kitchen.
"So I take it you've just been living here." You stated, looking around the mess that had accumulated in the house.
"Yeah. Pope and Lie have been staying away from the place ever since, uh..." He trailed off, pushing his tongue against his cheek and clearing his throat. "But me, I'm here basically all the time. They use Heyward's boat so I've got the HMS Pogue all to myself; they use Kie's car, I get that busted up van." He laughed, but there was a real sadness behind it.
You watched JJ as he made himself a sandwich, and even from a distance you could tell that there was barely any food in that kitchen. A few seconds passed and you spun on your heel, starting to collect empty food packages from around the room.
"What are you doing?"
"Cleaning." You answered matter-of-factly. "If you insist on staying here, I insist that you keep it clean."
"Why do you even care?"
When you turned around to face him JJ was leaning against the kitchen door frame. He wasn't looking at you, rather he was staring at the floor. His body language was relaxed but you knew that that wasn't how he was feeling.
"What happened to the 'giving to whole friendship thing another try' deal?" You replied. "I'm just trying to live up to my side of the agreement."
"Maybe that wasn't such a great idea."
"Okay." You muttered after a stretch of silence. "Let's try this again later. You go off back to your bedroom or whatever, I'll clean up here and we can reconvene at a later time." You pushed past him into the kitchen to look through the cabinets for trash bags, and when you found them you pushed past him back to the living room.
"I'm not leaving, JJ, so don't even try it." You interrupted, throwing empty bottles and cans into a trash bag. You heard him mutter something under his breath and disappear down the hall, slamming the door shut behind him. You scoffed and continued clearing the house.
You got rid of all of the trash from the living room and the kitchen before knocking on the door to the room JJ had shut himself in. By now he'd had about half an hour of preparation for a civil conversation.
When you opened the door he was lying on his back on the bed with a hat covering his face, but you knew he was awake because he kept fiddling with his fingers and tensing and untensing his jaw.
"You ready to talk about it?" You asked softly, taking a seat at the foot of the bed.
"No." He mumbled, his response muffled by the hat over his face.
"Want a hug?" He didn't answer, so you took his silence to mean 'yes but I don't want to say it out loud'. You kicked off your shoes and shuffled up the bed so that you were lying beside JJ, draping an arm over his body and resting your head on his chest. He let out a long sigh and slowly wrapped his arm around your body, pulling you in closer.
You stayed like that for a long time, just listening to yourselves breathe while you waited for JJ to be ready to talk to you.
"We really ran off a cliff, didn't we?" He finally broke the silence, his voice quiet and full of emotion as he removed the hat from over his face. "Pope lost his scholarship, I've become a complete pothead, John B and Sarah are missing. We don't even have the gold."
"Gold?" You questioned.
"We found the wreck of the Merchant, Y/N." He whispered, staring up at the ceiling. "And we found the gold, underneath the Craine house, and Ward Cameron took the whole lot out from under us while the town was on a manhunt for John B."
"Oh my god, JJ!" You exclaimed, sitting up. "You seriously found the Merchant gold?"
"Yep. To finish what Big John started. But it doesn't matter now, it's gone. Just like John B." His voice broke as he said his best friend's name, and you lay back down beside him.
"I'm sorry."
"They could still be out there, right?" JJ murmured. "I mean, they found the Phantom but they didn't find John B and Sarah. Maybe they got picked up by a ship."
"Yeah of course, that's totally possible." You nodded. The silence stretched out again, JJ sniffling every now and then as if holding back from crying.
After a while you sat up, getting JJ's attention and he turned his head to look at you.
"Let's go grocery shopping." You said. "There's barely any food in this house, you need some supplies."
"I haven't really got the money, Y/N."
"My parents just left town and I never spend all of the money that they leave so we can use that." You replied adamantly. "You need to get some human contact, okay? So let's go."
You climbed off of the bed and put your shoes back on before pulling JJ up as well. Reluctantly, he put on some shoes and grabbed the keys to John B's van.
The two of you were out for about an hour. You stopped off at your house to grab the cash before going to the grocery store, where you ended up leading the shopping trip because JJ apparently had basically no knowledge of nutrition. Being with another person seemed to bring JJ out of the haze that he had been presumably for the past few weeks; he even smiled at a joke you made while you were at the checkout.
"I didn't expect you to have enough money for a full grocery shop." JJ said as the two of you packed the food away in the kitchen.
"Well, because my parents don't talk to each other they also don't coordinate their trips out of town which most often results in them both leaving money for me." You explained. "I never tell them, I just keep the extra cash as compensation for the neglect." You smiled, closing the cabinet you had been packing things into and turning around to take a seat on the counter. JJ finished putting away the last of the groceries and leant against the wall opposite you, folding his arms over his chest.
"Why'd you really come find me?" He asked.
"Well, after John B and Sarah got lost in the storm it was obvious that you weren't going to be doing the best." You answered, watching him carefully to gauge how he was feeling. "And when you didn't show up for school all of this week, I figured that you might need a friend to bring you back to reality."
"I, uh, I appreciate that." He nodded, his lips turning upwards into a small smile.
"Happy to help." A silence settled between you again, as it had many times throughout the evening, but it felt a little different this time; slightly more tense, but not in a bad way.
"Do you wanna go out on the boat?" JJ suggested. "The sun's about to set."
"Sure. Sounds nice." You replied, hopping off of the counter. His smile grew and he kicked off the wall, adjusting his hat on his head as he headed back to the front door, you following after.
You took a seat on the bow of the boat while JJ got it going, and you stayed in silence as he drove you out into the marsh. The sky was orange and violet when he anchored the Pogue, and he came to take a seat beside you.
"It's nice, isn't it?" He said quietly, looking out at the sun setting over the water. "I come out here most nights if I'm not still at work."
"Yeah, it's beautiful." You nodded. "What's your job?"
"Busboy in a hotel restaurant. You got a job?"
"Nah, I've got my absent parent money." You looked over at JJ and you could see sympathy in his eyes. "Don't feel bad for me, it's really not so terrible." You chuckled. You didn't need sympathy; certainly not from JJ, who was in a far more difficult situation than you.
You talked idly as you watched the sunset and when the sky turned dark you had settled into silence and lay back on the boat to look up at the stars. The two of you were lying with your hands on your stomachs, your elbows touching with the proximity in the small boat.
"What if they're not out there?" JJ whispered, barely audible.
"Then... we learn to keep going." You answered, turning your head to look at him. "Look, JJ, I was never as close to John B as you were, and I have no idea how you guys became friends with Sarah Cameron, but whether they're out or not, and whether they cane back, you'll always have them with you."
He turned to look at you too, tears shining in his eyes, and you reached a hand out to grab his and interlocked your fingers.
"I know it's cliché, but it's true." You smiled reassuringly. "They left you a piece of themselves to keep in your heart, and nothing can ever take that from you." He held onto your hand tightly, a single tear escaping his eye as he tensed his jaw to try and hold back any more.
"I really miss him, Y/N." He sniffled. "He was my brother, you know." You quickly moved to hug JJ, your body half on top of his as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and buried his face in your shoulder as he started to break down.
You maneuvered the two of you into a sitting position so that you could wrap your arms around him properly, cradling his head in your hand. He held onto you tightly, his tears soaking through your t-shirt and his body shaking with his sobs.
Minutes passed before JJ calmed down, and you held onto his shoulders as you broke away from the hug.
"You'll be alright. Okay?" You said softly, and he nodded. "I'll drive us back." You wiped away the tears on his face with your thumbs with a smile, before getting up to bring up the anchor.
JJ stayed where he was sat while you drove the boat back to John B's house. You docked the boat and went inside, the atmosphere heavy. He took a seat on the sofa while you flicked on the lights.
"Can I tell you something, Y/N?" He asked.
"Yeah, of course."
"I used to have the biggest crush on you when we were kids." The confession left you a little shocked, but you didn't show it, and JJ continued. "John B used to tease me about it all the time. When we were thirteen, after, like, four years of pining after you, he told me that I just needed to man up and tell you... but I never did, and then our friendship kind of just fell apart."
"Why are you telling me this now?" You questioned, and JJ let out a sigh before shrugging.
"I don't know. With John B missing and you suddenly back in my life... it just feels weird." He answered. "But I'm glad that you're here. I think I really need it."
"I think you do too." You chuckled. "Now, I'm gonna make us something to eat."
"What, you don't want me to stay?"
"No!" He defended himself loudly, making you laugh. "No, that's not it at all. I just wasn't expecting you to."
"Well, I have nowhere else to be." You smiled before disappearing into the kitchen.
You busied yourself in cooking, cutting up some chicken and vegetables and throwing them into a stir fry. You were completely absorbed in what you were doing, humming to yourself while you pushed the food around the pan with a wooden spatula, so when you felt a hand on your shoulder it made you jump.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." JJ apologised quickly, taking a small step back. "I said your name but you didn't hear me."
"Oh, really? Sorry." You chuckled. "What did you want?"
"Just... You weren't weirded out that I used to have a crush on you?" He asked tentatively.
"No, of course not." You shrugged turning back to the pan. "I'll admit it was a little surprising, but we were kids and we were super close. Jess used to tease me about that all the time."
"About us being close?"
"Yeah. I remember one time she totally freaked out because you called me pretty. Can you get a couple of plates out for me please?" You heard JJ open a cupboard and take out a couple of plates.
"For what it's worth," He said, setting the plates down on the counter beside you and taking out some cutlery. "I still think you're pretty."
"Aw, thanks JJ." You smiled. "You're not too bad yourself."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He countered, feigning offense, and you laughed.
"Nothing. You're a good looking guy; not at all like the chubby cheeked little kid that I used to know."
You dished up your meals and you and JJ went back to the living room to eat. You kicked you legs up onto the sofa with your plate on your lap and tucked in. It was later in the evening than you would usually eat, so you were eager to get some food into your stomach. Even still, JJ practically vaccumed in the food and finished before you did. He took the plates back through to kitchen when you finished.
"You gonna head home any time soon?" He asked.
"I'm not in a rush." You shrugged. "I'll just be going back to an empty house." JJ hummed in acknowledgement. He lifted your legs up to sit on the couch beside you, putting them back down on his lap once he'd gotten himself situated. Maybe him being in such a vulnerable situation earlier had accelerated your connection, but it was like those two years that you didn't talk at all never even happened; you were just as close as ever, if not more somehow.
"You're gonna stick around, right?" He said, turning to look at you. You tilted your head slightly.
"Of course." You reassured, smiling. "I'm not gonna leave you now, of all times. Besides, I missed you and we were supposed to be trying the friendship thing again anyway."
"Yeah, the friendship thing." He muttered, downcatsing his gaze, and you frowned.
"What's wrong?"
"JJ, you can tell me." You took your legs off of his lap and crossed them under you, shuffling forwards towards JJ and lowering your head to try and catch his gaze.
"I..." He began but trailed off immediately. He let out a loud sigh, running a hand over his face and through his hair before taking a deep breath. "I know that I might just be saying this because I'm kinda fucked up in the head with my friends being lost at sea and all, but I think I still like you Y/N. As more than a friend." He rambled.
"JJ, we didn't speak to each other for two years." You replied, taken aback by what he was saying and trying to introduce some reason into the conversation.
"I know- I know that, Y/N, but... it doesn't feel like anything has changed for me." He explained, mirroring your body language and crossing his legs under himself to face you. "I get it, it's stupid, but I can't help that. I mean, I know that we were literally twelve years old but when we were friends before I think that there was something there. Maybe I'm biased because I liked you, but maybe..."
He looked at you, his eyes searching for any tell of what you were thinking, and there was a long pause while you thought.
"Even if there was something." You started slowly. "We were kids, JJ."
"We still are kids. We're sixteen." He argued. "When we were at the sheriff's station I felt something there, even though we hadn't spoken for two years. Tell me you didn't feel it too."
You looked away from him and took a deep breath. You would be lying if you said that you never had any feelings for JJ - he was probably the first real crush that you had - and it was probably your feelings for him that made you react so strongly when he would get himself into trouble. And you did think that being with JJ again felt much the same as it had done back then; plus, you hadn't been lying when you said that he'd grown up to be pretty handsome. Even still, he was going through an incredibly difficult time and you didn't think it would be a good idea to start any kind of relationship.
"Maybe... Maybe there might be something." You mumbled. "But right now really isn't the time to try it."
"Why not?"
"Because... well, you..." You struggled to articulate what you wanted to say.
"Y/N, I know it's a really messed up time, okay? Two of my best friends are lost at sea and I haven't spoken to the other two in weeks. I have lost all of the people closest to me and I feel completely alone, so maybe the fact that you're literally the only person that I have right now is making my feelings more extreme - I recognise that - but that doesn't mean that they're not real."
"JJ, I can't in good conscience agree to pursuing anything with you right now." You replied softly, shaking your head. It hurt you to have to say no.
"Don't you want to try?" He asked, voice a little weak as he looked into your eyes. "It doesn't need to be a huge commitment, we can just give it a try."
You looked over his face, the cogs turning in your mind as you thought through the situation. You really did want to give it a try, you were just worried that it might do JJ more harm than good. But the longer you ĺooked and him and the more you thought about the possibility, the more you wanted to pursue it.
"No promises, no big commitments... but I'll stick around." You smiled slightly, and you put a hand gently against JJ's cheek when he smiled back. "I just don't want you to get into something that's not good for you." He chuckled, taking your hand from his face and holding it in both of his.
"You've always been looking out for me." He mumbled, brushing his thumb over your knuckles. "Where would I be without you?"
"Somewhere messy I'm sure." You smiled.
You sat in silence for a minute. You were watching JJ's face while he fiddled with your fingers. He let out puffs of air every once in a while like he had just remembered something funny, and it made you smile. You yawned, suddenly realising that you were actually really tired.
"Since I'd be going home to an empty house anyway," you began, breaking the short silence. "Would you be alright with me maybe staying here for the night?" JJ looked up from your hands with an amused smile.
"Of course." He answered happily. "I could use the company."
He stood up from the sofa and gently pulled you up after him. Your hands remained connected as he walked you through to the same bedroom as earlier and flicked on the lights.
"This is where I've been crashing." He said, quickly scratching the back of his neck. "You can stay here with me if you want, or you can stay in the other bedroom if you'd rather do that." He became noticeably more tense at the mention of the other bedroom, and you just knew that it was because that was John B's room even though you'd never been there before.
"I'll stay here." You smiled, giving his hand a comforting squeeze. "Can I borrow a t-shirt?"
"Yeah, sure." He let go of your hand and crossed the room to a duffel bag in the corner. "There's stuff in all the drawers so I've kinda just been living out of this thing." He pulled out a t-shirt and handed it to you.
"Thank you." You smiled as you took it. JJ nodded awkwardly and shuffled past you out of the room, pulling the door shut after himself.
You quickly rid yourself of your school clothes and put on the t-shirt that JJ gave you - which was long and baggy on your body - before hopping onto the bed and covering your legs with the covers. He came back in not long later carrying two glasses of water.
"I figured you might want a drink at some point." He mumbled, setting the glass down on the bedside table. You gave a grateful smile and quiet thanks as he turned on the bedside lamp and then went to turn off the main light.
"We used to have sleepovers sometimes when we were kids." You mumbled as he walked around the bed and climbed in beside you. "Do you remember?"
"Yeah, of course I do." He smiled, lying down. "We used to stay up until midnight thinking that it was a big deal."
"It was back then. Midnight is really late when you're ten years old."
"I miss when little things like that could be so exciting." He sighed, staring up at the ceiling. You looked down at him thoughtfully, absentmindedly reaching out to brush a piece of hair out of his face.
"Well, anything can be exciting with the right company." You said softly. His eyes shifted to connect with yours and he smiled ever so slightly. "We have the whole weekend ahead of us, maybe we could do something fun. Go surfing, like old times, maybe?"
"That sounds nice." He murmured.
You shuffled down the bed to rest your head on the pillows and reached over to flick off the table lamp. You lay on your side facing JJ as he remained looking up at the ceiling. With the moonlight coming through the window you could just see the silhouette of his face and a slight shine where the light reflected off his eyes.
"What are you thinking about?" You whispered after a while.
"Lots of stuff."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Maybe tomorrow." He answered with a sigh, turning his head to look at you. "But thanks."
"No problem." You smiled. "We'll talk tomorrow." You shuffled towards JJ and curled into his chest as he wrapped an arm around you. You felt him press a very light kiss to the top of your head and it made you smile. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." He replied, holding you a little tighter, and you fell asleep in each other's arms. For the first time since John B and Sarah went missing, JJ had some comfort and you were happy to be the person to provide that for him.
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I don't think I've told tumblr yet, somehow, but back in May I adopted two ADORABLE baby girls from a coworker and named them Peggy and Angie.
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That's Angie on the left (with the gray nose) and Peggy on the right (with the white nose). Yes, that's about the only way to tell them apart. They're precious.
In their first weeks at their new home, they had several adventures...
* They crawled INSIDE THE WALL under the bathtub, and when my dad reached down to fish them out, Peggy actually ran AWAY from him. (That bathroom is mid-renovation, and the opening around the bathtub was immediately closed off. No further speulunking has occured.)
As to how we realized where they were? They were suspiciously quiet for several hours, until my dad goes to the bathroom and hears...bells. Tiny, jingling bells. Such as might be on the collars of the two tiny kittens you adopted not 48 hours previously. They weren't lying in their cat bed, they weren't tripping over his ankles, and they weren't hiding behind the toilet, so that left...the dark pit under the hollow of the bathtub, accessible where we'd taken down the wallboard around the shower for reno project that never got finished. Again, this opening was IMMEDIATELY closed off as soon as we fished the kittens out.
* While exploring along the back of the piano - which sits between two floor-to-almost-ceiling bookcases - Peggy fell into the small gap (that no one knew existed) between the wall and the back of the piano. My parents flipped out, because "OMG baby kitten just fell and we can't IMMEDIATELY reach her!" There was also a huge pile of books, more books, and other clutter in front of and on top of the piano/piano bench, so it took a minute to clear enough space to move the piano so she could get out. (I was at work during this.) Finally, she trots out, all innocent and unconcerned, like "that was fun! What's next?"
* Their favorite sleeping spot was behind our sofa in the living room. They'd disappear at night, two tiny gray shadows, and go still so you couldn't hear their bell collars, and we couldn't find them for HOURS. And then magically reappear, right as rain, in the morning when they wanted breakfast.
* So much wrestling. Wrestling everywhere. And racing. Oh man, the wild zoomies. Wait until 3am and you're woken up by Kitten NASCAR, interrupted by Wrestlemania, ON TOP OF YOU. I made the mistake of purchasing a brand new cat tree and placing it next to my bed, which rapidly became a favorite jumping/climbing perch. And bed, of course.
* Did I mention we have an adult cat? Leo is five years old, and he took a few weeks to warm up to his new sisters. Now he just wrestles them until they squeak whenever they annoy him, instead of hissing or walking away, which is actually progress. Also, he lets them cuddle him. <3 (If they lie still. Which they're both TERRIBLE at. But sometimes they get it right.)
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* Also, they firmly believe that everything belongs to them, and everything is a kitten toy. This has led to some...difficulties.
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* Have I mentioned that Angie loves to creep up and lick my face? Especially while I'm sleeping, or using my phone/nintendo switch? #1 fave kitten habit, right there. That and her incessant need for cuddles, combined with her inability to HOLD STILL for cuddles, makes her an A+ bed partner when I home late from work.
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heartbreaker-johnny · 6 years
Doyoung (TATBILB)
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(credit to the gif owner)
So this is the first addition to the To All The Boys I've Loved Before series! I'll be doing a oneshot on each boy and they will all reveal in the first sentence on who the boy is to you, so there won't really be a need for a summary. I hope you guys like it!
genre-fluff (it's not romantic just cute)
Doyoung and I have been friends since we were kids.
When I was 10, we lived in a smaller town for a few years. My dad was temporarily relocated for his job and we were only expected to live there for two years. We lived in a rental house that was paid for in full by my fathers company, part of their relocation package. Jisung was just starting kindergarten and we had yet to be in the same school building. My parents were often more concerned with him, their baby finally starting school, which is probably why he was picked up first that day. It was only two weeks after school started when it all happened.
School was out and I was waiting in the schools lobby area, waiting for the sight of my mothers car. It was always my mother who picked us up, considering while we were in that town she wouldn’t be working and my father was being picked up by a company car every day. The sky was grey, seemingly getting slightly darker by the second. The clouds were close together and there were a lot of them but I didn’t think much of it. It had been a bit of a windy day but the breeze felt nice so I didn’t mind.
There was another boy, sitting on a bench across the lobby, wearing headphones and reading a book. He was in the same place, every day. I had never seen him picked up before me but then again, I was picked up almost always on time, never having been waiting this long. I wasn’t too concerned, chalking it up to traffic or maybe Jisung giving my mother a hard time. Perhaps he had gotten sick at school and she had to talk to his teacher. I didn’t mind waiting, patience was something I was good at as a child.
By the time my mother was 10 minutes late, I began to worry. The wind was picking up and the clouds were coming together, it was almost as if they were starting to form a circle. I had tried calling my mothers cell phone with the emergency phone I had been given, but she never picked up. I knew my father would be in a meeting so I didn’t  bother calling him. This was very unlike her but I was sure she would have an explanation. I looked around for any teachers or school staff, but most people had left for the day, those who were still here were in their classrooms or offices. I decided to go use the restroom, hoping by the time I got back my mother would be there.
When I came back out to the lobby, the sky was now a blackish grey and the wind had picked up, a lot. A loud noise broke the air, sending my small heart into a panic. The tornado siren. I knew the way back to the rest of the school, where there were no windows, was blocked off as it usually was after school. Where should I go? Should I go outside and find a ditch?
“Come on stupid, don’t just stand there!” A arm tugged on mine. It was the boy with the headphones.
He led me to a small hallway that ended with a door. He opened the door and led us down some stairs, to a large room I had never been in before. There were shelves of hundreds of copies of the same few books. It was like a little library, if you just wanted to read a different copy of the same book. He set his stuff down and sat against a shelf.
“Where are we?” I asked, confused and scared.
“This is where the teachers keep all the books for us to read in class. You know, when we all read the same book and the teacher has a bunch of copies? This is where they keep them. There’s no windows down here so we’ll be fine.” He explained.
“But won’t all of this just fall and crush us?” I asked, looking at the shelves.
“Maybe. They could also fall on us and keep us safe from anything else.” He shrugged.
I looked around for a few more minutes, before accepting defeat and sat down next to him. He was still reading the same book as before, as if nothing was happening outside.
"What’s your name?” I asked, not caring if I interrupted his reading. “I’m Y/N.”
“I know. We were in the same orientation last year.” He said, not looking up from his book. “I’m Doyoung.”
I couldn’t seem to remember meeting him last year, but I never really was good at remembering things.
“How did you know about this place?”
“I helped my teacher bring up books from here once. She said it used to be a bomb shelter a long time ago.”
“Is it always unlocked?”
“I don’t know. You ask a lot of questions.”
“Well if we’re gonna die I at least wanna know where I’m gonna die in and who I’m gonna die with.”
He closed his book and looked up at me, obviously annoyed.
“We’re not gonna die. It’s a bomb shelter, it works for tornados too.”
He started reading again and I looked around for something to do. I wasn’t fond of books at the time and I was more anxious than anything, so I kept talking to him, which he eventually got over. We talked about our hobbies and who’s classes we were in and other silly things kids found important to talk about. Something I was most curious about, was why he was still at school.
“Is your mom late getting you too? My moms picking up my little brother first. She must have gotten stuck in the storm.” I said, twiddling my thumbs.
“My mom doesn’t pick me up. My nanny does. She can’t get here until 30 minutes after school is out because she has another job. My parents both work really late, I hardly see them during the day, just weekends.” Doyoung explained to me.
“Does that make you sad?” I asked.
"Not really. I have my nanny and my older brother to keep me company, but I like being by myself. I’m used to it. My brother has a lot of stuff to do on weekends so my parents are with him a lot.” He shrugged.
“Well…if you’re ever bored you could always come over to my house. My mom makes really good kimbap and on Fridays we get to go out for ice cream and fish cakes! We have games and coloring books and lots of movies.” I got excited at the thought of bringing a friend home. I had yet to bring anyone home since moving here.
“Don’t you have friends already?” He asked me.
I shrugged. “You can never have too many friends.”
He smiled a bit, then looked back at his hands.
“How long do you think we’ll be down here?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Depends on how much damage the tornado has done. We may have to dig our way out of the rubble.” He said, looking up.
“How do you know what to do during stuff like this?”
“I’m by myself a lot. I taught myself how to handle these situations if I’m alone. Didn’t your parents teach you what to do?”
“They just said to find an adult and do what they told me.”
Doyoung then spent the next hour or so teaching me about all kinds of different way to protect yourself when you’re alone. He taught me about what to do during a fire or an earthquake or a home invasion. He even showed me a few karate moves he had learned from his older brother.
Eventually, we were found after the storm subsided. The tornado had passed right over us and no damage was done. No one knew where we were so it took them a while to find us, of course making my mother frantic. Once we were free, we took Doyoung home and my mother told him he was welcome at our house at any time.
We stayed close friends the whole time I lived in that town. He was over at my house every weekend and several times during the week. Teachers had even started having to separate us because he refused to go anywhere without each other. When it was time for us to move back, I was devastated. Doyoung had become my rock and my very best friend and here I was, abandoning him.
We vowed to stay in touch and still hang out on weekends, which we did. Once we got into high school, we saw each other less but Doyoung was excelling in school and was on the track to going to med school. We skyped and texted each other all the time, not letting anything keep us apart.
When Jaehyun moved, I spent a week in the summer at Doyoungs house, trying to keep myself together. His parents were gone on a business trip, his brother had moved out years before. Doyoung did his best to keep me distracted, he himself never being a very emotional person. When Yuta and I broke up, Doyoung took me on a weekend get away to the beach. He had rented a small beach house and brought all the games and movies we had watched together as children. He was doing his best to distract me at first but he quickly realized that it wasn’t going to help. So he let me cry. He let me lay in his lap and cry for hours, pouring my heart out over Yuta and how stupid I felt I was being. It was very unlike him and his actions confused me at first.
"I can’t believe you’re letting me fall apart like this. You always tell me I need to suck it up and get over it. You should be telling me I’m doing the right thing for myself.” I said, gripping his knee as I sobbed.
“You are. I really thing you’ll be okay and better off at some point. I never really cared for Yuta so I can’t tell you you’re making the wrong decision because I don’t think you are. But right now, you need someone to listen to you and let you cry it out. I know I tell you all the time we have to be independent for our good, but sometimes you need someone else there. I’m gonna be your someone else. I owe it to you for everything you’ve done for me.”
I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight, thankful that I had someone like Doyoung.
We’re still close, though we may not see each other as much as we want. With his med school  and my classes, we don’t have a lot of time to spare. We do make an effort to meet up for lunch twice a month, no matter what. We still talk almost every day, almost as if we didn’t we would disappear.
The love I have for Doyoung doesn’t seem to fade, no matter how busy we get. He’s too important for me to forget. He taught me how to do things for myself and how to pick myself up after I fall, and in return I taught him what it’s like to have someone who will never let you be alone. Those are some pretty important things if you ask me and the people who teach them to you are even more important.
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matthillica · 4 years
Pandemic - Day 355
This week marks 1 year since Covid was declared a Pandemic in the US.
As things began to shut down and the world changed before our eyes last March, I picked up this blog again thinking it would be interesting to document. At the time, although we hadn't told anyone yet, my wife was three months pregnant with our second child. My daughter was about to turn two. What better way, I thought, to show my kids what Covid was like than to document the pandemic's course as we muddled our way through daily uncertainty.
What I hadn't counted on was the duration and depth of the pandemic. I figured we'd be locked down in quarantine for three months, tops… maybe six if things were handled poorly. 
As the novelty of Covid and prepping pantries and Covid memes began to wear off, we learned more about how Covid is actually transmitted. That meant aspects of our lives went back to normal while other abnormal aspects became second nature. Fear subsided, somewhat. I no longer stressed as much about grocery store trips. We still wear masks everywhere, but aren't afraid of Covid lurking behind every corner. For the most part, we understand that by taking a few simple steps, we can protect ourselves and our family from this disease.
Then in May came George Floyd, which took a world already turned on its head and lit a fire underneath it. A summer of protests against police brutality followed, then the politicization of masks, racial tension, and the most heated election cycle in my memory, all capped off by a coup attempt… the year we found ourselves living through became about so much more than just a pandemic.
The overwhelming was soon mired in disinformation and propaganda and the overwhelming-ness of it all became too overwhelming to even care about documenting, even for posterity.
I quit updating. Who gave a shit anyway? Certainly not me. I had bigger fish to fry than documenting the slow motion train wreck. I shared pics from my Instagram when I felt like it. I helped my Mom move from Kansas to Atlanta and then we packed up and moved to a new house ourselves. This was a welcome distraction from the horrible world, but Covid never really leaves your consciousness. It's always there, especially in weird, unexpected moments. This guy is trying to talk to me and he's getting too close but I don't want to offend him. I just filled up with gas and I'm all out of hand sanitizer, so I drive home reminding myself not to touch my face for the entire 15 minute ride. Mom wants to go to the salon, but I’m worried about exposure because my wife and her father are both high risk and I’m afraid to offend her by saying something. You're always thinking about it. How could you not? Covid is always there, always forcing you to adjust your life and habits around it.
With over 500,000 dead at this point in the US alone, the story of our little pandemic lives seemed so miniscule and, quite frankly, blessed. Sure, we'd lost income due to my unemployment, but our family managed to stay healthy (so far) and happy and together. We had it so much better than so many.
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But then I have days like today where small things just rip me apart.
I got my car stuck in the mud in our backyard trying to unload a toolbox in our basement the other day and now I can't get it out of the goddamn grass. It's now sat there for three days while I waited for the ground to dry out so I could try again. I decided this morning to try and get it out by laying a cardboard path of old moving boxes. It was a massive failure that only succeeded in creating more muddy ruts, my car even more stuck now than it was this morning.
I sat in my driver's seat this morning… yelling at my stupid tires and two-wheel-drive, pounding on the steering wheel; the weight of all these little thoughts and worries crashing in around me. My daughter's entire second year was spent inside a fucking house. My son is already getting his first teeth and has only met six people. My hands have been cracked and bleeding for 12 months from constant hand washing. I haven't had a haircut in a year. I haven't seen some of my closest friends in over a year. I have a niece in Las Vegas who I was supposed to meet in March 2020 when she was four months old… now she's walking and talking. My friend lost her uncle and father to Covid in the same month. My other friend has been suffering with Covid for almost two months. My brother caught Covid in September shadowing home inspections to become a certified inspector because MGM’s shows were all closed. I haven't seen my father in a year and he’s 71 and lives by himself. The last time we were together (a year ago this week) he helped me buy a handgun for protection. Political division, social unrest, and America's tenuous grip on democracy. What kind of world did I just bring children into? Are we gonna make it?
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I know there is light, but there are days when it still feels pretty damn dark.
And I guess that's where I'm at, mentally speaking. Exhausted. Sad. Grateful. So incredibly grateful. Even when the exhaustion takes over and guts me, I remind myself to be grateful. I'm grateful that the pandemic hasn't been worse for us as it has for so many others. I'm grateful that I've been able to cobble together an income off freelance work. I'm grateful that my kids are happy and healthy, not to mention too young to remember any of this shit once it's over. I’m grateful that I've learned to cook. I'm grateful that my wife and I still love each other. I'm grateful for family who have helped us navigate being working parents without daycare. I'm grateful that my parents and my wife's parents have been vaccinated. I'm grateful that now an end is in sight. When that end will be for us, I'm still not sure, but at least we know it's coming. And for that, I am grateful.
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Now we brace for a return to "normalcy", whatever that means… and however long it takes. A regular topic of conversation in my house is what the first restaurant we eat inside will be. Or what vacation we'll take first. These all still feel very aspirational to me, but at least we're aspiring, I guess. In my mind, I'm ready to burst out of my unfinished basement office and folding table desk to tackle the world again. I'm ready to dive into another marketing department somewhere, go see a concert in the front row, take my kid to the aquarium so she can see the fish she only remembers from pictures. In my mind, I'm ready for all of these things and telling myself that attitude is everything.
But in my heart I know that it will probably be a long time before I can eat comfortably at a restaurant again, stand next to a stranger on a train, or sit in an airplane with other passengers without it doing a number on my head. In my heart I know that the first time I experience live music again, go to a museum, watch my child take in the majesty of a real shark, or feel the hug of a friend I've only seen over Zoom for 12+ months, I will be reduced to a puddle. And that's OK. I expect there are many, many others who feel exactly the same way and will be going through the same thing.
Still, if there's one thing the last year has taught me, it's that the abyss of the unknown is crossable and I'm ready to cross it, for better or for worse.  
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