#I've got a lot in my inbox that I'll get to eventually
rileys-battlecats · 1 year
popping in to say, im gonna be pretty gone for the next few days lol, im picking up the new zelda tomorrow and that's going to consume my brain i can already tell
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quill-n · 1 year
please more t4t edgejeanist theyre so perfect in ur style
yes ofc!!!
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meanbossart · 3 months
Ask Compilation: Advice, influences and Misc.
Apologies for taking so long on some of these, admittedly I'm much more likely to entirely forget about asks that are about me and my interests 💃 Thank you for all the questions regardless! And thank you specially to everyone who just drops nice messages into my inbox out of kindness.
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I'm brazillian and a native portuguese speaker!
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I'll probably return to twitter eventually, but a) I hate that place and b) It didn't make much sense to me to turn it into a BG3 account out of the blue. I am considering making an Instagram or a new twitter just to have more places where people can follow in case they don't care for tumblr, but it's just been a very busy year so far and so that's kind of low on the list of priorities. If I ever do that I'll be sure to announce it here. Have a nice day yourself!
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Sorry to hear that! I've gotten a few messages before about this issue, and the problem is that since I am myself not from the US, my options are also limited :( a lot of patreon alternatives don't work for me because they either don't go through paypal, take insane currency conversion fees, or just straight up block me from signing up.
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Speak for yourself, I just assume everyone I speak to online has committed some sort of atrocious crime until proven otherwise. Except for me - of course. I have never done anything bad in my life.
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I still have a lot to learn! But I will basically use whatever works for me at the moment, as well as make a sincere effort to learn about musculature and anatomy so I can understand those components and how they move, instead of only knowing what they look like when still - that's how you get better at drawing from memory. Volume mostly comes from coloring and understanding light, which is it's own beast but can very much be learned from similar reference materials and observing it IRL!
My favorite places to get reference are medical diagrams, weird pictures I take of myself, 3D software (often Virt-a-mate) and questionably phrased image google searches.
My favorite artists are Jason Shawn Alexander and Sean Murphy, but I'm not sure how much of it reflects in my art nowadays! I generally seek to pick up techniques from artists rather than to emulate style.
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Honestly I love that you guys generally do the thing he would hate the most: take him very non-seriously LOL
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I've been in a real Chelsea Wolfe and Amyl And The Sniffers kick lately! But usually you'll also find me listening to stuff like Boy Harsher, Swans, FWF, JK Flesh Lingua Ignota, Nick Cave, David Bowie, and so on. Music for the weird gays, basically.
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I went insane and wrote a 23-chapter-long-and-still-ongoing fic in like four months. But also - I'm not that good, I'm just shamelessly pretentious LOL
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Hm. That's a good question, but I'm not really sure. Sincerely not trying to be a edgier-than-thou here (in fact, this has made me a little self conscious at one time or another) but a lot of art that I don't mean to be horror-y in nature at all has been associated with the genre. So perhaps I don't know what I'm doing either, LOL.
I think just leaning on making things look slightly "wrong" or "ugly" on purpose is the way, but I also find that if you just seek to depict people as they are instead of idealized versions of themselves, you will arrive at that either way.
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Thank you for reading! Honestly, I'm guilty of having not read much at all since I was in my late teens, and the style I'm employing for ANE is very different from the things I would call "influential" for me, or even that I used to enjoy reading at all before. I read a lot of Chuck Palahniuk as a youth (and, no slight to people who do like him still, but nowadays I'm not sure why I ever did. His stories don't speak to me at all anymore) as well a lot of weird experimental lit that I didn't even care to remember the name of. My last book stint from one or two years ago was composed solely of historical and medical literature, and last year I got really into Cormac Mcarthy thanks to the internet.
So, all in all, I'm absolutely all over the place LOL if you put a gun to my head and told me to list my favorite books, I'd say The Indifferent Stars Above and Blood Meridian.
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(Consider the reading portion of the question to have been answered above) I really really liked Beau is Afraid and think it's a really great "horror" movie. Sue me.
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danieyells · 4 months
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. . .I could've sworn I did Ritsu's already. Apparently not. Yuri's one of my favorites and he's the one I chose in the beginning so I'm saving his for when I'm a little better rested(I have Monday off because of another doctor's appointment, so that's the lastest i'll post it)
RITSU IS SO. . .I LOVE HIM. I'll rag on him a lot because he's so tunnel visioned and just like. . .repressed. And he needs to touch grass(figuratively) but also. . .when you've been set from childhood to work and care only for your work and only know your work. . .it's understandable that he is the way he is. . . .
The way he changes as his affinity goes up is very repressed too. . .but you can still see the change at the end a little. He's a very stagnant character. . .but still interesting to look into the mannerisms of.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Any self-respecting inspector would stay comfortably ahead of schedule—I suggest you get into the habit. Let's go—there's no time to waste."
dude this is the 'you've logged in for the first time today' dialogue why are you assuming that i must be late! rude.
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Did you check that notification yet? We could have a request from a client, so please do so right away."
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"I have been assigned to Sinostra, so I will not allow them to stand trial, no matter how villainous their actions. That is the Shinjo family policy."
"I shall ensure the Gala is held this year, and that Sinostra will wear the Laurel Crown. I have never made a promise I couldn't keep."
boy i can't wait for that to fall through--he, respectfully, needs the humbling.
"I've read the Compendium of Laws countless times since I was a child. Memorizing its contents is a rite of passage for the eldest son of the Shinjo family."
and somehow it ended up an artifact he can use as a weapon? I really wanna know what it does tbh.
"What business do you have with me? Please keep in mind that I charge 5500 yen per half hour for consultations, tax inclusive."
(roughly $35USD, although it's faster to just think of it as $55--) WE ARE BUSINESS PARTNERS. WHAT ARE YOU CHARGING A MFER FOR.
"As long as I have a notebook, my business cards, a binder, paper, and my voice recorder, I can handle the initial stages of any case."
i need my binder every day too ritsu.
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"{PC}. Are you aware of the responsibility your position as inspector entails? I suggest you tidy your appearance and wipe that vacant look from your face."
they do not need to be aesthetically in order to be inspector. as long as they're paying attention it may even be better to look vacant. lure them into a false sense of security. also it's easier to pay attention if you're comfortable, in my experience. . . .
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You've lost your notebook? Just a moment. ...At 9:04 AM, it was inside the photocopier. Yes, I do have that information recorded."
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Have you seen Taiga Hoshibami? Strange... According to my behavioral model, he should be in the casino at this time..."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"At the end of each day, I compile information about every person I encountered in my notebook. It always proves useful eventually."
yandere adjacent behavior, except it's for everyone and not just one person lolol
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"The vice-captain has asked me to organize some documents. Let's start by making copies of everything in case the originals become lost or damaged."
Romeo has a line that references this as well!
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I always have my business cards on hand. It should go without saying—any lawyer who fails to gain their client's trust during the first meeting is not worth their salt."
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"A post-meal coffee must be drunk black. Unnecessary additives only interfere with the natural flavor."
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Until the age of three, I spent my days visiting the greatest sights the world has to offer with my mother, as from four my studies would prevent me from doing so."
is that child abuse? i think that's child abuse. you learn the source of ritsu's problems very early on in his affinity--he has had zero normal social interaction opportunities and no childhood. From birth until he stopped being a toddler he was just flying around the world looking at beautiful things, no stability in his location or world aside from the presence of his mother, and then he went home and probably basically got locked away to study law the moment he could sort of read. His whole existence was molding him to work. . .Subaru is similar, even down to what age they were forced to start preparing to work at. But Subaru is at least better adjusted, probably because acting awarded him better opportunities to try and think about how other people think.
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"According to my behavioral model, there is a 29% chance that Taiga Hoshibami is currently at the baccarat table."
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I review the day's coursework for two hours then prepare for the next day's classes for three— no more, and no less. Six more minutes of silence, please."
WHERE DO THE RECORDINGS COME IN TO THIS. This mans somehow has 40 hour days. Maybe his artifact slows down time or something lol
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning, {PC}. We have a meeting at 3 PM today, so please adjust your plans accordingly."
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Darkwick Rulebook Article 183: "For the protection of anomalies, unnecessary running indoors is prohibited." This rule has been in place for over one hundred years."
wait how old is this school? how old is the Institute???
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"All right. We need to organize our notes from today's investigation, so let's relocate to the diner. Our usual booth, of course."
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"The content of our classes may be novel, but I topped the year in the scholastic ability test—they are nothing I can't handle."
so among the first years' scholastic ability tests, Ritsu was 1st, Leo was 2nd, Sho was 5th. Considering there are only four new first year ghouls then that must include the general students too. I wonder where Ren placed? Probably not very high. But still, Ritsu is a genius. . .or at least very very good at memorizing information. Lots of book smarts, minimal other smarts.
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"As your business partner, I request that you improve your conduct. Please refrain from consenting to any further uncompensated labor."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Our Anomalous Law classes are truly fascinating. There is a long history well worth learning about— though of course, I have already mastered the basics."
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I cannot afford to be complacent, even before bedtime. It's vital that I check the day's notes again to ensure nothing has been missed."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I set time aside in the evening to watch opera performances online. It allows me to get my thoughts in order, and provides a change of pace."
when??? what time??? because he has to review all of the audio recordings and notes from the whole day--what time does he have to do anything in???
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I just finished checking my recordings from today. You sighed a total of four times— is something troubling you?"
i love the vibe of this. rather than silently nothing your sighing and potential exhaustion or scolding you for not caring for yourself, he expresses concern towards you. also, it's so soft yandere. like he already records everything you say and do, to confront you over it on top of that he shamelessly defends his recording and notetaking. . .if not for that he recorded everyone it would really be so yandere lolol. instead it's just his odd and overbearing way of showing he's beginning to care.
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"You struggle to get up in the morning? I can contact you each day at a set time if you like, but I'll have to think about how much to charge..."
affinity 20 and my guy still wants to charge for his time. . .we're gonna have to teach him to have A Singular Normal Social Connection aren't we. and we're probably gonna fail.
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You wish to have lunch with me? All right. We are business partners, so I will accompany you free of charge."
wait maybe i spoke too soon.
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"This is for you, {PC}— it's the takeout coffee I often purchase. Your performance will decline if your mind isn't sharp."
his increased attachment is shown in the bare minimum of understanding normal human social interaction and caring for you by sharing his things and his time without charge. In trying to make you the best you(from his perspective) that you can be. Because that's what his parents did for him--so surely that's the best expression of love he has, aside from obsessive study and understanding.
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I feel we made solid progress toward the reinstatement of the Gala today. Let's reconvene again tomorrow and continue working together to realize our goal."
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Could I ask you to accompany me a little longer, {PC}? I realize it's outside of business hours, but...I would appreciate it if you could make a special exception."
He wants to spend time with you. And he's realizing he can just ask that. But he's so entrenched in legal and business mannerisms he doesn't know how to say "i want to be around you for longer". You're his business partner. It's bad form to request your attention outside of work, it has no value towards your goals and business efforts, but. . .that he's making a sort of formal appeal for your attention outside of work is as far as he can get in terms of expressing his affection right now.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"It seems we make better business partners than I would have expected. I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with you."
kind of comical that his max affinity line is still so formal after a more friendly 'please spend time with me late at night' 24th. . .but also, he wants you to be his business partner for longer. i think that counts towards something! It's a reason to stay with you! Maybe over the course of your business partnership he'll learn how to express deeper feelings. . .he's going to need an heir, after all--
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"There has been a noticeable increase in reports of suspicious activity of late. More incidents means more business. Be prepared."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"You have a petal in your hair. A little more to the right. No, not there. Just let me remove it. Hold still."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Indeed, the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Incidentally, Japan's oldest cherry blossom tree can be found in Yamanashi Prefecture and is estimated to be 2000 years old."
ritsu would probably kill at historical trivia night.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I had tempura at the cafeteria today. It didn't come close to the tempura I would eat with my father at the historic soba restaurant we used to frequent though."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"This one is for my face, and this is for my body. I have six handkerchiefs with me— enough for morning, noon, and night. I cannot let my opponents see me sweat."
why's this giving me ace attorney prosecutor energy. . . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I witnessed a half-naked man running around in this vicinity. Did you see him? He is risking a charge of indecent exposure."
but we saw Kaito in his underwear and you said that meant he wasn't at risk of indecent exposure. . . . . . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The warmer it gets, the more of a racket people make. Honestly, how were these people raised?"
to relax and have fun during the summer break. . .you should give it a try.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"You want to go and watch the fireworks? A rather childish request, but all right. So? Where would one go to view them?"
FIREWORKS DATE FIREWORKS DATE just don't touch him without getting his consent first that could be counted as sexual harassment and he'll Get Your Ass.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"The weather is much more pleasant for going out on professional errands now. A first-rate lawyer keeps their boots on the ground. Now then, let's get going."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I object to the cultural assumption that fall is the season of the arts. The arts should be enjoyed throughout the year, regardless of the season."
you and yuri would get along well i think. until you realize the guy is a medical malpractice suit waiting to happen. then you'd criticize him and he would take that so poorly.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Once I've perused the relevant documents in the library, I plan on doing some reading. Please excuse me."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The nights may grow longer in the fall, but daylight hours should not affect the time you rise and retire. I'll see you tomorrow."
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"I have detected a change in how Taiga Hoshibami divides his time since the weather has taken a cold turn. It has created quite a quandary for me..."
yeah he doesn't like getting out of bed when it's cold. he also eats a lot more, like a bear about to hibernate. shockingly behavior patterns tend to change with the seasons.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I've never experienced snowfall heavy enough to obstruct my movement, but I'd like to deepen my knowledge of the phenomenon for future reference."
to frostheim then! i'm sure that place is just awful for movement in winter.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm heading to the diner to fulfill a request from Ren Shiranami. Perhaps I shall enjoy a warm bowl of soup while I'm there."
. . .I wonder if this is an Obey Me!Raphael situation where he has no grasp of that the food is not good. . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"People say that hard work is the key to success, but it only took me a year to master German—as was the case with Italian and French."
His birthday: (January 13th)
"Indeed, today is my birthday. I've always celebrated this day by enjoying my mother's cooking, but from this year I am striving for a more self-reliant existence."
MAMA'S BOY MAMA'S BOY tbf up until he was 3 his mother was probably his only social connection and then he was locked away studying so. . .his mom is probably the only one he has like. . .personal feelings and attachment for. you'll be a tradwife too :) but also that he's trying to be more self-reliant at darkwick. . .that really does explain that he's like. not used to any sort of social interaction or doing things he hasn't been told to do by his parents. maybe in his time at darkwick he'll realize how good it feels to just. . .be a person. dedicate time to fun and relaxation. realize that work isn't everything. or maybe he'll be so judgemental towards the lifestyles of others he'll retreat even further into his current habits.
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday. A year older, a year wiser. I have high hopes for your performance in the coming year."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. Let's devote these next 365 days—or 8760 hours—to finding fitting solutions to the challenges that come our way."
what if it's a leap year. can we take the extra day off?
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Thank you for the chocolates. Are you gifting them to me out of social obligation, or is this an expression of affection? Your answer will influence what you receive in return."
(for the uninitiated, that is very much a thing in Japan where on valentine's day a girl give some men in her life--like coworkers--obligation chocolates, which are generally not as nice and most likely store bought, although this practice is losing ground. friends get friendship chocolate and you give people you're actually attracted to or in a relationship more extravagant, expensive, or homemade chocolates to express your true feelings or a desire to be in a relationship with them. Ritsu is essentially asking 'is this because we're coworkers or are you asking me out' because White Day is the day for return gifts in response to given valentine's day gifts, and in the case of chocolates given to someone you wanna go out with they can act as a response to that proposal. presumably if you're asking him out he wants to give you chocolate to agree to get with you, since he's bothering to ask. . . .
White Day: (March 13th)
"White Day has its roots in Japan, having been invented by a certain historic confectionery shop. With that knowledge, please accept this."
'here's some trivia. and some chocolates. we are now in a relationship. should this be as fruitful as our business partnership, we can discuss marriage plans within the year.'
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"The spreading of false rumors is subject to strict punishment under Article 233 of the Penal Code. Do you still intend to continue this ruse?"
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Coercing another party to choose between a "trick" or a "treat" could amount to intimidation. Engage in such festivities at your own risk."
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Religious freedom is guaranteed by Article 20 of the Constitution. If this is a day that you wish to celebrate, then I will accept that."
he can't make you work on religious holidays you need off!!
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Five seconds have elapsed. Yes, that is how long you've kept me waiting."
(13 affinity and above)
"How long do you intend to keep me waiting? As always, I am on a tight schedule today. Please hurry up."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"I've been expecting you, {PC}. You weren't planning on breaking your promise to me, were you?"
SUCH A HARD-WORKING, SOCIALLY INEPT LAD. But Ritsu's a lot of fun, I give him a lot of shit and i desperately need him to touch some grass and get a reality check and learn about how others live and maybe experiment. . .but like i love him for being such a little shit. he's so. . .ignorant to the rest of the world and how other people are. . .i love seeing him try and dissect other people's behavior and intentions and coming to the conclusion that they must want the same things as him because he just. . .has no grasp of interests and intentions that aren't his own. . . . It makes me facepalm but also makes me laugh 8'D good boy. quality boy.
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Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I binged your Star Patient series in one go and I love how you write! I was so immersed I actually got so disappointed when I realized I hit the end of the uploaded chapters haha. I'm really loving Reader's character in terms of how she deals with the verrrrry questionable obstacles coming her way, girlie needs a break to just cuddle it out with Andrew or something. Anyway yeah I just wanted to drop by and let you know I'm absolutely eating your writing :D
Thank you so much! It means so much to know people enjoy the personality I chose for reader! I honestly love writing her.
I didn't want a Mary Sue type of reader, or a reader who just seems like a replacement of Ashley (I'm getting real tired of seeing these rip-offs of Ashley, she has her own charm nobody can compete with).
I wanted a reader with her own psychological issues and problems, this series is for Andrew, who is from the psychological game genre! It only made sense having a unique character to go with him! I wanted to match the game's elements and have the reader just like it; battling with her morals and if what she's doing is right, just in a different type of context and setting.
Reader's obstacles and drama in her life is just crazy, but we embrace the crazy. It'll be boring just reading the same thing you've already seen inside of the TCOAAL game, so I wanted to flesh out my own plot and characters. Reader might not be everyone's cup of tea, but she's mine and I love her.
Honestly, I'm still trying to understand Andrew's personality because of how complex it is (I simp for this man so hard, we need more fics of him). Andrew is such a pain in the ass to write sometimes, but I really love him for it, so please bear with me if he seems out of character, because he is! He's my own version of Andrew I wrote for this story, so he's not going to be canon, just like how the timeline and characters aren't canon either.
She really does need to sit back and take a breather with Andrew, but her trust issues refuse to and we'll see why in later chapters~
I've been hinting the introduction of a new character, and chapter 6 will have plenty hints of that, so I'm really excited for their eventual release since it'll really spice up the story and characters. It's a yandere story, after all.
Slight spoiler for chapter 6 down below, if you didn’t already piece this out:
I don't know if anyone has pieced this out yet, but our reader is bipolar (hence part of the psychological aspects of her), and it's something we'll see more of in chapter 6 and onwards. I'm going to do my absolute best to not make her a stereotype of the typical bipolar stereotype (0-100 real fast, sudden mood shifts, etc). I don't want it to feel like anybody is being targeted or portrayed inaccurately, nor to do I want it to feel as the disorder is glamorized/romantized. I want reader to feel like a real person, just like how disorders (especially mental) are real too.
I'm definitely going to have to update my warnings because I'll be honest, the plot is being written as I write along and I don't want to trigger anyone or have unsuspecting readers read something they weren't expecting, so make sure to reread my warnings when chapter 6 is out!
I genuinely didn't believe many people would care much about this series, and I wrote it for fun, but it's such a wonderful surprise seeing people engage in my stories and ideas, you're apart of this journey just as much as I am.
Chapter 6 is currently at 6,000+ words and still has a lot more to go through, so it'll be a long chapter! Thank you my stars, for your support, patience, and giving me motivation!
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The Andrew "Andy" Graves complete masterlist
Inbox is currently OPEN for questions about the story and new plotlines/ideas, temporarily closed for requests!
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myunghology · 2 years
hi jian,i hope you're doing well these days♡´・ᴗ・`♡!i've seen your post reharding about your inbox being opened,so i'll give it a try!can i request a scaramouche/wanderer and albedo hc with their s/o,g/n reader,who turned into a cat and how would they react?👀iyw to add more,you can add some domestic stuff.Its okay of this request is too much,you can ignore it!
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ʚ scaramouche and albedo with an s/o who turned into a cat, + domestic headcanons ɞ
— ✦ gender neutral reader, headcanons, pure fluff! [ a/n : I think I'm in my Sabrina carpenter phase ]
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didn't realize it was you when he visited. tried calling you and said "what's this cat doing here?" but then you don't reply. are you not there? he looks around the living room and sits beside you and pets you.
but in his pov, he was wondering why you weren't there. so he tries asking the cat (he's a lil silly okay) and then you try to convince him that the cat is you. obviously doesn't believe you
and then, you finally convinced him.
he's mad. but not that mad. who would do this to you? or did you do it yourself?
you totally did it yourself.
"are you stupid" - scaramouche
asks if you can turn back into a human. "meow meow meow raaaaaaaaa hiss hiss" translation = "IF I COULD I'D BE A HUMAN RIGHT NOW"
"dang okay"
tries buying cat toys to tease you. and you just sit there with a :// sick and tired of his bs.
bought more like stole something to make you turn back into a human. but of course, things don't always go that well.
you basically turn into a cat for the rest of your life, but you can turn back into a human anytime. and to be honest? it's not bad.
you have sat on this man's lap multiple times, human or not, he finds it comforting
STAWWPPP im literally thinking of scaramouche with a s/o who turns into a cat when they're flustered
you definitely sit on his shoulder when he's working in your cat form
I'm gonna tell you. Living with him is a nightmare. No it's not those type of aesthetic couples let's be fr... You two literally have fights every hour. Playfully of course
"scara what do you use for your eyeshadow?"
"my aunts ashes"
"scara smile for me"
"fuck you"
definitely knows how to cook.
also, definitely late night walks / dates.
buying lots of random shit in 7/11 is considered a date. to him at least. or mall dates!
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+ taking baths together... not sexually omg
washing each other's backs and hair :), you accidentally got soap in his eyes and he hissed so badly HAHAHAH
"(#(#(#(! #? @) @? @?? #(#() 1#(#("
oh btw he definitely does skincare. forces you to do it with him.
random goofy ass selfies in the mirror wearing face masks with scara >>>>
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he was definitely the one who turned you into a cat let's be honest
he. he doesn't really have that much of a reaction.
but he tortures you 'trying' to find a cure and says 'it's hard' BUT IT ISN'T. HE JUST LIKES TEASING YOU AND LIKES SEEING YOU AS A CAT
doesn't turn you back until he's satisfied. sorry.
you knock down some of his materials to annoy him LMAO, acts like he doesn't care but inside he's like "dyk how much I spent on that"
your paws on top of his hair gripping on to it forcing him to turn you back into a human.
eventually, he did.
but he was missing one material,, and apparently you can't get it anymore.
insert incoherent cat noises
and finally, you did turn back.
you'll still turn into a cat from time to time though.
he sends you to places when you're in your cat form because he thinks it's probably faster to get materials that way.
i don't think he's wrong though..
living with albedo... eh..
he's rarely home. most of the time he's in the lab— that's acceptable.
and half of the time he's taking care of klee.
but he all makes up for it, he can't leave you hanging just like that of course.
it's good that he gets home early, you two spend the rest of the day painting together, or either just doing random things together. also— when klee is there, is definitely more fun.
baking with them, coloring, playing hide and seek, making random potions!
“albedo do you know how to make slime” — klee
you three tried making slime. it got stuck on klees hair LMAO
eventually got it out after an hour.
swore to never make slime again.
klee sees you as a sister figure, and that makes albedo really happy :)
she keeps clinging on to you, while albedo just stares in awe at you two smiling and tilting his head slightly.
at the end of the day, you three all take a rest together on the couch looking like a cute little family. actually people have actually mistaken you guys for a famil-
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©myunhology — all works written are made by ©myunhology. DON'T steal / copy my works. if you do see someone stealing my works, please report them :).
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albentelisa · 9 months
Hello!!! Jim here from the @theonceandfuturetrollhunter blog, but I'm making this text anonymous because Clotpole (who owns my blog) doesn't want the reply back- I'll have to search for it instead 😂😒
Anyway, we love your headcanons and the AUs you create with adks back here in Arcadia- Claire is obsessed with reading them- and we wanted to know how you wpould take to this AU...
What if mine and Claire's roles were swapped over (me being the wizard and Claire being the Trollhunter) but we found out about our respective roles at the times we did in the show (me first, then Claire)?
Can't wait for the reply!!!!
Hi, Jim:)
This ask is something I really like, so I've put it up my queue of asks (there are more than thirty of those in my inbox, holy trolls!).
Anyway, to the AU.
So, in this AU Kanjigar manages to escape during his battle with Bular, so Jim and Toby pass through the canals as usual, with nothing happening. Toby sees that his bro is slightly disappointed that it's just a regular day and suggests investigating the stone monsters Eli mentioned. Obviously, Toby doesn't believe in any supernatural creatures, thinking those are just another one of Eli's delusions, but he thinks Jim needs some fun (and a minor adventure is better than no adventure at all).
It turns out to be a horrible mistake as Bular is pissed because of his failure and is actively looking for a consolation snack. Jim and Toby look like a wonderful meal for him. Bular nearly catches Toby - and it's when Jim awakes his shadow magic, firstly blasting and injuring Bular and then teleporting Toby and himself to the safe location. Jim collapses afterward as he has pushed past his limits.
The next morning, Toby is excited, but Jim is conflicted as he isn't sure it's the kind of adventure he wants. Besides, his newfound magic keeps acting on its own, complicating his life.
Jim comes to Strickler to talk about his issue, but chickens at the last second and tells some lie. Strickler initially believes that it's something trivial, but later notices Jim falling through the shadow portal, and everything clicks. After all, last night, Bular came back enraged, cursing some fleshbag wizard who injured him and swearing to kill that bastard. Strickler deduces that the wizard in question could be Jim. Unlike Bular, he wonders if he can use Jim's talent (after all, all the changelings are connected to shadow magic) and decides to get even closer to his student.
Meanwhile, Douxie visits Jim (as he learned about him from Archie who witnessed the encounter with Bular). Douxie wouldn't get involved in most cases, but apparently, Jim's magic is too strong for someone born during this age, and Jim lacks control, which could easily lead to a lot of damage. So Douxie decides to teach him a bit.
Because Bular has a personal vendetta against Jim, soon enough Kanjigar contacts him as well. Jim learns about the Trollhunter and his mission and proposes to help him (after some initial shock, Jim starts to wonder if there is some meaning to the fact that he got magic). Kanjigar is against it - he has worked alone since the very beginning, and well, Jim is a kid. Jim and Toby still sneak to the Trollmarket, and meet Blinky and Aaarrrgghh there. Blinky believes that having a trollhunting team might not be such a bad idea, so now there are four of them trying to help Kanjigar. Draal eventually joins too, becoming the fifth member. Jim keeps this fact from Douxie because Douxie forbids him to risk his life needlessly (out of concern that there might be another spike in Jim's developing magic which can be harmful to his soul). As for Toby, he gets his Warhammer early on.
Meanwhile, Strickler gets close to Barbara, wondering if she knows her son's secret. He discovers rather fast that she is in the dark about everything and uses it for his own profit.
Much like in the canon, Jim is in the school play, but he skips less because his outings are more controlled (be it magic lessons with Douxie or visits to the Trollmarket), so he has less friction with Claire. Claire still senses that Jim hides something and tries to talk to him about it.
Jim and Toby are the ones who discover the hideout at the museum and basically trigger all the changeling-related events, including Enrique's kidnapping. Enrique is picked because Jim is a regular guest at Claire's house by this point, and Strickler feels that he can use another pair of eyes.
Jim is the one who goes to the concert with Claire in this AU, while Toby babysits Enrique. Claire is initially upset with Jim afterward as she thinks that Toby and Jim decided to prank her together, but after giving it some thought, tries to investigate what is wrong.
Jim still gets Grit-shaka from Draal and ends up exposing his connection to trolls before Douxie before running to fight Bular. Much like in the canon, Bular exposes Strickler.
Claire catches her fake brother herself and encounters Jim, asking if he knows too. Jim decides to tell her everything.
Kanjigar decides to face Bular head-on together with his team (plus Douxie, who joins at the last second). Together they slay him and recover the Killahead.
Now that everything is more or less safe, Claire comes to Kanjigar and asks him to save her brother. Jim and Toby join her pleas, and Jim says that he'll travel to the Darklands himself if Kanjigar disagrees. Kanjigar agrees after some consideration (the previous Trollhunters are against it, but Kanjigar reminds them that his team has slain Bular).
Strickler frees Angor Rot, much like in the canon. Angor, however, disobeys the first command to attack the Trollhunter and judge his skill and goes for Jim instead (he senses his shadow magic and decides to get rid of someone who can possibly become a second Morgana). In this fight, Jim manages to wrestle out the shadow staff. After some examination, Douxie allows him to use it - as the shadow staff, apparently, stabilizes Jim's rather chaotic magic.
The Trollhunters recover the first triumbric stone, but during the quest at the Quagawumps' swamp, the tragedy happens - Kanjigar dies, taking the hit from Angor meant for Claire (it's something that will haunt her for a while). The amulet chooses her as the next champion, but she is conflicted wondering if she can be a good one. After all, she couldn't protect her brother, and Kanjigar died because of her. Draal also doesn't help as he questions her worth (he isn't as bad as he was with Jim in the canon, but his words are still mean).
Jim, however, believes in Claire and says that she can be the best (after all, she is a quick learner, brave, and loyal). Claire starts training, hoping to be able to catch up quickly. Draal warms up eventually and comes to help her.
Angor doesn't make any deal with the Trollhunters in this AU, as he doesn't trust Jim by default. Douxie is the one who suggests stealing Inferna Copula from Strickler, but much like in the canon it ends destroyed, and Angor unleashes his anger at Strickler, Jim, and everyone else. Barbara walks in amid the fight and gets wounded. In this AU she learns everything without losing her memories. Obviously, she is mad at Strickler for using her to get to Jim.
Angor Rot is the first Claire's major opponent, but she manages to defeat him with the help of Jim, Toby, and Draal. Draal feels that his father is avenged and thanks Claire.
However, for Claire, it's not enough. She doesn't want to lose another team member, so goes to the Darklands alone (besides, she was the one who requested that mission to start with). She saves Enrique but ends up trapped.
And here's the problem - only the Trollhunter can open the portal to the Darklands. Jim tries to find an alternative solution and finds a book in Douxie's library about summoning spirits and letting them possess the body. There is a risk, however, as the one who performs it is more vulnerable to possession later, but Jim is willing to risk. He summons Kanjigar's spirit and the team heads into the Darklands to save Claire.
Gunmar getting out isn't the only consequence of that venture. Morgana senses Jim's mind's vulnerability and starts to take over. She resurrects Angor first, then contacts Gunmar.
No one realizes that something is off with Jim at first, chalking most of the stuff to the shadow magic acting up. Claire gets suspicious first and goes to Douxie, demanding if all of that is actually shadow magic. Douxie admits that his fellow student Morgana was odd at times too. After hearing that, Claire is even more worried, and she and Douxie encounter Jim - only to realize that Morgana already fully possesses him.
Claire and Douxie restrain possessed Jim and decide to travel inside his mind to free him. They also bring Toby and Barbara with them, as more meaningful people should make it more likely to succeed. Jim is free, and fighting Morgana gives him a better understanding of his own magic.
With Gunmar and Morgana around the team decides to wake up Merlin (per Douxie's suggestion). And, well, Merlin isn't excited to learn that Douxie got involved and even took a shadowmancer as an apprentice (he is pretty much convinced that Jim will end the same as Morgana if not worse).
Merlin also plans to turn Claire into a half-troll, but as Douxie is around, he investigates the ingredients and discovers what they might do. The team encounters Merlin, and he admits his intentions but tells everyone there is no other choice. Strickler, however, intervenes and makes a guess that there might be some alternative in the Janus Order's records, which turns out to be true. The alternative just requires some blood from a shadowmancer, which Jim gladly provides. Claire becomes a shapeshifter with the ability to change forms at will.
However, Merlin also comes to Jim regarding Morgana. It's possible to seal her inside the Shadow Realm, but all the links between it and the outside world should be cut, meaning that Jim should stay inside the Shadow Realm for good. Merlin appeals to Jim's insecurities and reminds him that the shadow magic is evil, convincing Jim that it'll be better for everyone.
However, Claire overhears this conversation and confronts Jim about it. She also reminds him that Merlin's solutions have already proved to be not the only answer and that their team has already found an alternative once, so it's possible to find another one.
The encouragement from Claire prompts Jim to craft his own spell for the first time to use against Morgana. So, once the Eternal Night comes, both Claire and Jim defeat Gunmar and Morgana respectfully.
@theonceandfuturetrollhunter, I know that you feel down now, so hopefully, this one cheers you up a bit:)
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daily-crabbys · 1 year
mmg,, i might hiatus again,,,
I'd hate to do it, but there's no joy in crab posts as of right now, and also as of a long while ago.
Managing messages and responding to people in replies and being tagged and all the stuff in inbox is. a lot.
I never intended or expected crab blog to get this big, and it feels like such a chore to do at this point. Not that I dont like it, and not that I dont enjoy the fellow crab lovers, but it's certainly overwhelming.
That plus other socials and such that I manage and real life stuff is just. IDK, it's a lot. Usually, if I get to this point, I just drop off, maybe delete the account if I really can't stand it, but I'm definitely not going to do that here.
At the very least, I'm going to empty out the submissions that have been piling up, but after that, I'm not sure. I may not even get through all of those, I've already been relying on those for a long time at this point, and I think that's pretty obvious.
It feels like a hassle to deal with those anyways since most people don't even identify what type of crab it is that they submit, so I have to take the time to find it, which is usually not at all easy. There are so many posts that I've just had to guess what to tag it as because I just don't know, and there's no solid answer that I can find, at least not usually.
Which is also partially my fault, I've never said anything about it before, and I never specified it at an earlier time to make incoming ones less stressful to deal with, but even so I just. I don't know, I don't.
I don't know exactly when it'll happen, but it's the most likely thing to happen from here. I think I'll modify some stuff about how I handle the daily-crabbys blog to make it easier on me when I come back, but I'm not entirely sure what that'll be. I've never managed a successful daily posting account before, I haven't the slightest clue how to make it all easier on me.
Sorry that this has gotten so long, I didn't mean to rant. There's just so much that I feel like I need to say.
This isn't something coming out of nowhere, and it isn't going to be immediate. I've thought about wanting to do this for a while, and I know I did this already not too long ago, but I didn't really change anything for myself, so I'm just burnt out a lot faster.
Sorry again, both for the length of this and the fact that it's going to happen, but I've just got to make things better for myself before I carry on long term. I really just fucked myself over by not doing this the first time, but if I don't do something about it eventually then I'll just end up hating this blog too much to continue.
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tomystars · 1 year
raysand/sandray theories + analysis
(because im insane)
This is a little post where I'll be focusing on what's to come for raysand mostly based on the trailer (original trailer too) and what we already know from the episodes that have aired already. I'll be using pictures so the text doesn't feel too eavy.
Also want to mention I didn't think about all of this myself, it's mostly a compilation of me and my friend throwing ideas and thoughts at one another and I decided to make a post on this now because me and her predicted something that happened on yesterdays episode...
Before I begin, considering it's based on our thoughts, ideas and what we know of the trailer (which is often edited in a way where sometimes certain dialogue doesn't end up being the same one we see on the episodes) please take everything with a grain of salt. If you want to share your opinions, feel free to do so my inbox is open!
Let's begin!
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Although this is mostly a theories focused posted, I do want to first talk a little bit about how Ray & Sand's relationship is at the moment.
We all know things are going to escalate more but for now both Ray and Sand consider each other as friends. I've mentioned this in another post before (that has recently been deleted because it wasn't very well written) but one of Sand's best qualities and what makes him, in my eyes, the best character in this series, is that out of everyone else he's KIND.
First episode we have him meeting Ray for the first time and the only reason he got mean was because Ray was being an asshole first. Yet, after all of that, he still understood Ray was drunk and he gave him a ride to his own home, let him puke on his toilet, gave him a place to sleep on... All of this to a complete stranger by the way! You can't with certainty tell me everyone would do something like this. In return, Ray acted like an asshole once again which lead him to being kicked out of Sand's place (later on I'll talk about why I think Ray reacted that way), and eventually Ray did end up apologising which I think was something Sand didn't expect.
Another thing that made it more easy for Sand to forgive Ray was when Ray said "Thanks for saving my life." which was a very honest thing to say and Sand realised that, he kind of got a little bit of an insight of what Ray truly is like. I often see people commenting about Ray being dramatic by saying that when he was not. He meant what he said and frankly Sand DID save his life. Had Sand left him alone, Ray would've driven while drunk which could've very well ended in an accident.
Fast forward, Ray keeps seeking him out (another thing that will come into play later on), hires him to be his drinking buddy, convinces him to leave a girl Sand was trying to take home to drive to drive him instead, they have a talk, seem to be on the same page, hook up and everything is fine. For now.
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This is the first fight they have in the trailer. I think, at this point, they have already started to hang out more and being more close together, so Sand is starting to expect more from Ray, specially the way Ray acts around him, always being flirty, always saying certain things ("I care about your feelings. That's why I'm here." previews are always a bit deceitful so maybe Ray isn't even saying this to him but we move), always going after him, always wanting Sand to spend time with him, but at the same time saying they can never be more than what they already are, which will most likely give Sand a lot of mixed feelings.
Just like we saw on yesterday's episode, Ray will most likely keep leaving Sand for Mew, which I don't really mind considering that Ray is a girls girl and he will always put his friends above himself, but at a certain point I get why Sand would get upset considering they are friends too and it's just very horrible being the one left behind specially when you keep get mixed messages from this guy you're starting to like. He'll probably realise there's something between Mew and Ray too.
In this fight scene, Ray is probably once again leaving Sand for Mew which is why Sand says "Focus on me for once will you?". In return Ray says this:
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"What are we to each other?" is a very key sentence in their relationship. The way I see it Ray will too start questioning their relationship, thinking "What are we?" because they'll both be floating around each other but no one will ever say anything. I'll get a little bit more into Ray's personality later on but Ray might be just as confused as Sand, he probably never had a relationship quite like what they both have and it's scary. At the same time, he could also just be saying that to be mean (I'm not trying to paint him as a villain, I love him and this all ties in with what I'll be saying later about his personality."
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The second fight scene we see in the trailer. I don't know if any of you remember but in the original trailer there's a scene where they're both in the car and Sand says "I don't want to be in anyone's choices." (there's also a scene where Ray gets arrested but we won't talk about that), which could mean Sand doesn't want to be a choice, someone in a "competition" with someone else, but the one Ray would want to be with no matter what.
This scene we're seeing is most likely the equivalent of that scene in the old trailer. I think at this time in their relationship Sand has already confessed that he wants more from Ray, that he doesn't want to keep being a "choice" and that he wants them to be in a relationship which leads to them having a fight, and eventually to Ray saying this.
Now, I can finally get into Ray's personality and the reason why he acts defensively in both of these scenes with Sand. Ray is scared. I do think Ray has a crush in Mew but I don't think it has ever been more than a crush, Ray just hasn't let it go because it's safe and easy. He likes Mew, Mew doesn't like him back and that's it, he doesn't have to worry about complicated feelings. But then Sand comes along and he is unbelievable KIND and he treats Ray like a normal person, he's honest, he doesn't push back and even apologise for being nosy about Ray's mother, he worries about him when he's drunk, he talks back and he's FUN to be around, he never wanted anything from Ray even after taking him home when he was drunk, he refused to accept money from them hooking up, he gave up one of his nights to sing at Yo's bar just so he could sing at Ray's party...
I mean, since episode 1 we've been getting a look into Ray's self worth. He thinks he's worthless and a burden, probably because he's an alcoholic, and I'm sorry to say but his friends don't really help him when it comes to that. He doesn't want to keep burdening his friends with this so he turns towards Sand, hires him as his drinking buddy, to just listen to music with, have fun and relax, he even says "I just don't want to be alone." and even later on Sand sayshe can be his friend without having to hire him he even says "If you're my friend, you have to look after me in every way." and Sand does just that!
Ray is confused and he probably has never had someone to be this way towards him in his life, someone that wants to help him (with his alcoholism as well I'm fairly sure), someone that cares this much about him, but most importantly, confused as to why he's feeling this way thinking "Don't I like Mew? Why do I feel this way towards Sand?", so of course he's scared about what he's feeling and he's scared of being vulnerable and ending up being hurt, so he pushes Sand away by being mean. It's all too much for him.
What's worse is that Sand has been the only one setting up rules like the not sleeping with each other more than once, saying he'd never date someone like Ray and other less significant situations but Ray always convinces him to break those same rules (wonder why that is...) which Sand is at fault too like, my guy you need to be confident and just say no. Sand most likely set those same rules precisely because of an old relationship that started this way and ended up horribly so he's trying to not commit that same mistake again. This time I think Sand will fight back instead of just letting go like his old relationship, probably because he can tell Ray feels the same way as him.
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Then we have this scene, It's a bit ambiguous because it's impossible to know exactly in what part of the timeline of this relationship this fits in but I personally like to think it's after all the fights Ray finally takes some time to think and get his feelings in order and realise what exactly Sand means to him and this is the scene where Ray goes and finds Sand to apologise and I guess 'confess'. It also fits really well with the last scene I'll talk about which is the bathtub scene.
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In this scene we can clearly see Ray breaking down crying in a bathtub while Mew is hugging him from behind (in the old trailer Mew had clothes on so this doesn't really make me think much). Personally, this is probably a scene where Ray feels horrible for hurting Sand and might also be the moment he realises how he truly feels for him which of course has him feeling like this. Gut wrenching heartbreak. My friend thinks it might be a time where Sand has decided to stop talking to him, refusing to see him which could also make everything worse.
To end all of this I think it's very important to note that by no means do I think either of them are in love already but no one can deny they're clearly attracted to each other and that they have a connection, but most importantly they ARE friends and they consider themselves as such no matter what, they would do a lot of things for each other, Ray even as far as defending Sand's band to Top (it's Top we're talking about whom he hates, but nevertheless) so that's something to keep in mind.
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senashenta · 2 months
My Unplanned Hiatus
I don't know if anyone on here still cares about me and my work or not, but I've been on an unplanned hiatus for practically forever and I'm just getting ready to come back (ish) so I thought I'd explain what's going on with me, at least a little.
Basically: I'm seriously mentally ill. I'm bi-polar. I'm depressed. I'm suicidal. Until recently I couldn't focus on anything but the blackness I was living in. I was recently diagnosed as ADHD as well, which wasn't surprising but like. Come on. It explains a lot about how my brain works (or doesn't work, as the case may be.) It turned out to be a good thing, though, because the ADHD meds change my brain so much that they're actually making me less depressed. Still passively suicidal, though. Passively. But things are looking up, and now that I'm on the new meds I'm also becoming productive with my writing again. I also recently got glasses, which means I can read and do my hobbies (jewelry making, painting, just crafting in general) again, which will help with my mental health. Progress.
I've been posting here a little bit lately, mostly pics of my cats that I thought were worth sharing, but hopefully I can get more active again.
About my writing: I'm currently 85 pages into a 10-page Supernatural fic. My very first Supernatural fic, even though I've been a fan since day one, episode one. My first Destiel fic too. A lot of firsts. But I'm having fun. Here's hoping it gets a good response when it drops.
I currently have the next chapters of both Chemistry and Marked open in Word to work on once I'm done my SPN monstrosity, so I haven't completely given up on my Hijack stuff just yet.
I want to write more stuff in The Witcher universe, but I don't know if I'll get around to it any time soon. My writing never really caught on in The Witcher fandom, despite my best efforts, so the motivation isn't as strong there as it is in other fandoms.
I have a SHIT TON of new Valdemar stuff to write/work on, as well as older fics that I want to finally complete, so that's coming down the line as well. Eventually.
I think that's all the big ones. Anyway. So that's the basic run-down. Direct your questions to my inbox. To any of you who are actually still around, thanks! Hopefully I'll catch you soon!
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eveenstar · 2 years
hi! for a while now I've had the idea of the proxies (specially tim and brian) taking care of the reader, who used to be their friend before the whole operator thing happened, but from far away so to not put them in danger. maybe the reader has been helping jay out with the tapes he found in hopes of finding their old friends (and maybe more???). Feel free to ignore this if it's not interesting<3
Hello! I love this idea! I did these two together but if you want one separately, hit my inbox up and I'll gladly do it for you! I see a lot of potential in this for a part 2 or even part 3. I feel like I got a bit carried away but hey, hope you still enjoy it! :)
Masky and Hoodie watching over you | Headcanons
How did you end up in this situation? It was bad enough with Jay, now you're in it too. Will you end up 'missing' like the others? There are multiple times were both ponder on it, though Masky is more inclined to not let it escalate that far while Hoodie thinks he could save you afterwards.
Bit of backstory, you met Tim first. He was the quiet kid and you were new to the school, that's how the little 'alliance' formed, then Brian came along and two became three. Of course, you already knew some of the others, that's how they all got up together.
So in the beginning, Masky and Hoodie watch you from afar, trying to shield any dangers away, but of course they can't do that forever so eventually things might get physical.
They don't 'take care of you' together'. Absolutely not. Hoodie hates Masky and he's not being forced to work together with him on this, so he won't share you. For them to be aware that both are watching over you like some messed up guardian angels, they probably bumped into one another on one unfortunate night. No fighting, just an intense stare-down.
Unconsciously take turns on days/nights. They always know when the other isn't available.
I assume you know, conscious or not, that you're being stalked by them, or at least by Masky. Hoodie is way more skilled in not being found while his 'partner' will slip here and there. They won't harm you unless you're being careless, then get ready to be pushed around or even knocked out cold and taken to safety.
As you have noticed by now, I'm referring to them in their 'dark' counterparts. You've probably read my general headcanons about them so you'll know that Hoodie is Brian and Brian is Hoodie no matter how much he'd like to pretend otherwise, while Masky is...Masky and Tim is Tim. He won't even be aware that he's stalking you until you three meet (as in you and Jay).
Back to business, Masky is not at all gentle with his methods and he's also very much in your bubble. Hope you're a heavy sleeper or you'll wake up in the middle of the night with this guy watching you. He messes everything up to try to push you away from Jay and go back to minding your own business, far away from this. By this I mean, fucking up all your plans of finding Alex or even them. Things will go missing, especially keys or cameras.
He has, and will again be given the chance, grabbed you out of a situation after the Operator made its presence announced. He left Jay behind but hey he can take of himself.
The way he grabs you is rough, partially uncaring even. If you struggle he might hop you over his shoulder or knock you out so you don't get in his way more. He sorta...means well, or at least some deep part of his mind tells him that.
Now, you won't even notice Hoodie. He's far more gentle and planning with his moves and places to hide. I don't mean gentle as in very caring and dotting, no, I mean he can be borderline creepy with the way he'll hold your chin to look at him while you lay on the ground, as if saying I told you so. Still, Hoodie in his MH era is still very insecure and new to all this, so you'll catch his hands shaking from time to time, or the way his chest goes up and down quickly as if he's about to break down. But he won't, never, not even for a second.
He'll leave threatening messages on walls or mirrors warning you not to go with Jay, or to meet up with Alex. Whatever you two have planned, you shouldn't do it. Or a simple "Stop".
Before this, he saw you as one of his best friends and potentially more had Alex and Tim not ruined everything. Maybe it's why he's risking his plans to protect you. You're not to blame for any of this or for what happened to him, you're still pure (yet intoxicated by the Operator as you continue this ridiculous ghost hunt). He can save you, if you only listen to his threats advices.
Different from Masky, he watches you from outside if you're sleeping. You'll never have to worry about seeing some masked guy looming over you if you never see him. He uses the shadows to his advances. He may be new but not totally unskilled.
Brian's mind is shattered, broken, just a shell of who he used to be. But he knows you deserve a chance. He's not gone in his Hoodie state, at least not in the way Tim is when he becomes Masky.
When you and Jay eventually find Tim and the gang's back together, it becomes a mess. Of course, it gets brought up that Tim (unaware) had been stalking you for months. Deep down, it's like he already knew. He hates seeing you in this, putting yourself in danger for something that's not even your fault! But he also hates that he scared the shit out of you multiple times as Masky.
Gods he's,,, very annoyed at himself but more at Jay. Look, the entire confrontation is a mess.
Hoodie on the other hand is...enraged. Tim will fuck you up just like he did him and- he can't have that. He'll change his plan accordingly, and you'll be safe, at least that's what his twisted mind tells him.
Anyway, with these two watching over you, it's tricky to say if you'll be safer or more in danger than before. They're like your messed up guardian angels but they're not stronger than the Operator, but let's remember that Tim has faced up that creature before and he'll do it again if it means he gets to protect you.
Hoodie...well...he just might take you away.
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emeraldhazeart · 3 months
📓 Your turn! 💜
Thank you for asking 💚
Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
OK, so I've got quite a few ideas bouncing around inside my brain, but I've already got too many WIPs right now to start a new one.
That said, one of the ideas that has been rattling around inside my noggin for years now is a take on Underfell after the monsters reach the Surface.
Under the cut because I wrote more than I expected 😅
The monsters are free from the Underground, at last. But things immediately go wrong.
Just like the monsters, the humans in Underfell are a lot less trusting and a lot more aggressive. So, the moment a whole population of monsters emerges from Mt Ebott, the humans turn on them.
Frisk is "rescued" from the Evil Monsters™️ and taken away to a de-programming facility where the humans try to free them from the monsters' "brainwashing".
Meanwhile, the monsters are rounded up, locked up in a sort of anti-immigration facility and treated harshly. They're all worried sick about Frisk and their loved ones, but they're Fells so they show it by aggression and distrust.
Eventually, without Frisk there to be the go-between, tensions boil over, a new war breaks out between monsters and humans, and the monsters break out of the facility and form a resistance movement. Their first task is to rescue Frisk.
Meanwhile, Frisk has been working on their end to get back to the monsters.
The idea for the story was very much inspired by the song Never Going Back by The Score:
I've literally only written one paragraph for this story, but here it is if you're interested:
Frisk didn't cry when they were seized. Despite everything they'd been through, they hadn't shed a tear throughout the entire Underground. In all honesty, they doubted they even could anymore. Their reservoir had been cried dry long before they met any of the monsters.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 4 months
Ok ok, NOW i'm ready to scream about Book 3. Can I just say that out of all the Curse!Geto variations I absolutely adore yours the most?? I love how you kept the monk motifs and blended it with that of a demon. And the death mask! Chef's kiss. Also the hair. The hair is GORGEOUS.
There's so much I love about the third book, the way we get to look in at their bond through other people's lenses. Especially love that we got Shoko!! Having her words close out the story just felt particularly intimate and insightful. It felt like closure, even though it was so bittersweet. And the way you interspersed all of it with Geto and Gojo touching hands? That was so, so tender.
Speaking of hands! The parallel frames between Yuuta's last hand gesture and Gojo's!! Just genius.
100/10 I love the way you tied up Book 3. Now i'm going to go re-read everything and ugly cry all over again. (Also still living for the butt slap. Lmao Kenjaku really said "worth it")
I just got the JJK fanbooks and I. AM. SOBBING. One, they are so beautiful. Two, the STORIES?? The first one already made me ugly cry and I was in pieces by the third. Thank you for the amazing art and the stories and most of all for all the little alternates of what could have been. It's always so bitter when they don't end up together, or they do so too late, but I think it just draws more attention to how strong their feelings are for each other. It takes a lot of devotion to try again and again, especially when a happy ending is never guaranteed.
Sorry for the ramble. Had to come ugly cry in your inbox. I love the books so so much and you're amazing 😭
Same anon! I need to scream about Book 2 now. I love love LOVE the paneling for High Cost Of Living! The way the words were turning on their sides??! CHEF'S KISS(once i stopped crying).
The assortment of your artwork in between?? So precious. And why is your chibi Geto so cute??!
ALSO THE KENJAKU BUTT SLAP IN THE "WISH YOU WERE THERE TO CHEER ME ON" SCENE. The whiplash from ugly crying to screaming with laughter was so real lmao.
Hi, sorry for getting to this so late but i just really love your massages, so i keep going back to them again and again without knowing how to formulate a proper reply... TT_TT
Limits of the World will forever be special to me cuz it's the first time i did such a big project and it turned out amazing (the reason i got my current studio job is because the book caught the attention of my boss lol), so it's always a joy to hear ppl enjoy it !
High Cost and Alea, on the other hand, mark my growth when it comes to paneling and storytelling because i did them when i've been working in a professional environment for a while, so it brings a smile to my face when those two got compliments for the page and design arrangement ! My curse Geto design will always be one of the best things i could contribute to the JJK fandom, srl i'll visit him again eventually hehe. thank you for your support and kind words !!!
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delta-orionis · 4 months
Tuesday Again No Problem 5/28/24
I noticed I have a handful of new followers, so I'll explain: this is a post series based on my friend @girlfriendsofthegalaxy's series of the same name. I basically round up the media I've been consuming and things I've been making over the past week. With that out of the way...
I've been listening to a bit of retro synth-heavy music again lately. Near Machinery by Jeffrey Koepper stuck out to me in particular:
I like the way the synths build on each other gradually until it sounds like you're listening to the noises of some otherworldly machine.
I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I've already watched through Jenny Nicholson's new 4 hour long Star Wars Hotel video twice in the span of a week.
I'm not a Star Wars fan, and I didn't even know this hotel existed until I watched Jenny's video(s) about it. (She has a more extensive vlog on her Patreon, which I also watched). I love Jenny's videos in general; the way she talks about things is extremely entertaining no matter what the topic is. She could talk about literally anything and I'd happily put it on in the background and listen to her ramble for hours about an obscure piece of media I've never heard of while I sit back and crochet. And I have in fact done that. Many times.
More of Rain World's Expedition mode. More of the same. If I'm being honest I'm putting off playing through Saint's campaign- I want to do it but I'm scared that it will be too hard. @_@
I've been making a lot of things, actually! I continue to work on my iterator amigurumi. I promise I'll post them eventually, I know I'm kind of teasing them at this point. The only real hangup I have is the fact that I hate sewing, and that's the only thing I have left to do.
In other news, though, I caved and made an ask blog for my Rain World OC, Three Stars Above Clouds.
Tumblr media
If you follow me you're probably familiar with them. TSAC has quickly become Blorbo From My Brain. I like talking about them and I'm constantly coming up with new ideas, and I figured an ask blog would be a good place to direct some of that energy. Iterator ask blogs are kind of a Thing in the Rain World tumblr fanbase, and after seeing other people have fun with them I became inspired to join in.
I'm legitimately very surprised and happy about the engagement the blog has been getting. It's only been a few days, but it already has about 20 followers and I've also got a handful of asks sitting in my inbox waiting to be answered. I was very scared that no one was going to interact with the blog at all, haha. I'm happy I was proven wrong.
(A tiny part of my brain still thinks it's cringe that I, a mid-20's person in the year 2024, made a tumblr ask blog for my video game OC, but whatever. I am cringe but I am free, etc etc...)
Also- a couple of people have already sent in science-related questions, which I plan to answer in earnest. You fools... this may look like an ask blog, but it is in fact my excuse to do scicomm under the guise of my Rain World OC. Ha!
As May turns into June, my work schedule is going to shift from part time to full time for the summer. I expect it to be very draining (though not necessarily in a bad way). I might not have as much energy to draw and whatnot. But I know people don't follow me for Content(TM), so I'm not really worried.
I'll check in again next week!
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clotpolesonly · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @wellhalesbells!! ❤️
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
the fics i have on my AO3 are overwhelmingly Teen Wolf (174) 😂 with Merlin as the distant second (32), and then 5 for TRC, 1 for Captive Prince, and 1 for Dark Rise. 1 of TW's is also a crossover with Supernatural, which is not something that i would ever write for independently lol. currently i'm not doing much writing at all because writing is HARD and i've been low on writer juice for a very long time now, but when i do, it's TRC/TDT. that's what i want to be writing and what all the stories living in my head are for.
Top five fics by kudos:
Metamorphose (Merthur, Merlin) - 8278 kudos
Happiness is Effortless (Sterek, TW) - 8113 kudos
Much Ado About You Two (Sterek, TW) - 7632 kudos
I'll Dissolve When The Rain Pours In... (Stackson, TW) - 6549 kudos
We Duel At Dawn (Merthur, Merlin) - 5140 kudos
Do you respond to comments?
i respond to almost every comment i get, though i've taken to letting them pile up a bit before i get up the energy to do so 😅 just yesterday i busted through my backlog of comments, which had gotten up to like 50+ lol, i had just been ignoring it for 3 months. but it's been a point of pride for me since i was like 13 and yelling into the void on FFN to respond to every comment and review on my stories, and i've stuck to it reasonably well over the years. the only ones i don't reply to are the ones that make me anxious adkfjgh ones that ask questions i don't know how to answer yet - primarily, "will you/when will you finish this?" on fics that i INTEND, IN THEORY, to finish someday but don't have hope of doing so any time soon. i don't want to tell them no when i really do mean to finish someday, but i don't want to claim that i will and then fail to actually follow through. so i just. leave those comments in my inbox to haunt me like a heart beating under my floorboards. so i've got 22 of those lmao.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably either 1) These Gordian Knots We Tie (Sterek), which is a sort of an open-ended tragic self-sabotage the-journey-isn't-over-this-is-just-the-low-point kind of thing. i'd originally intended to keep writing, but frankly, i like it as it is. i've gotten several comments complaining about it, which i soundly ignore. or 2) An Empty Glass Is An Ugly Mirror (Dydia), which is an AU fic of Lydia trying to get Derek to leave his abusive wife Kate, but it ends with Derek going back to her. the A/N is optimistic about him leaving eventually 😂 but the story itself leaves off on a very unhappy note.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
a LOT of my fics are just pure unremitting fluff adlkfjgh, there's no way to answer this question
Do you get hate on fics?
i don't, really, which i'm grateful for. i've gotten a handful of kinda shittyish comments over the years, disagreeing with my authorial choices or characterization or arguing about the choices characters made, but i don't THINK i've ever gotten anything that was really aggressive or outright hateful. which, proportionally, with how much i've written and how many comments i've gotten overall, i find rather astounding. maybe i'm not writing controversial enough stuff 😂 i need to step up my game.
Do you write smut?
i have on occasion, but not very much, lol. gotta run the numbers again....... 6% of my catalog is actually E rated and E+M makes up a little under 10% haha. i can write smut, it's just a lot of work, and i don't usually care enough to bother.
Craziest crossover:
the only true crossover i've written is my SuperWolf one, One For The Road, One For Me (Stiles/Dean Winchester), which i had a great time writing and of which i'm quite fond 😂😂😂 i've got a crossover that lives in my HEAD, though, of TRC and the Hunger Games, where the main TRC cast takes the place of all the main characters in the games but where Snow and Coin remain themselves because there's just no one in birdverse that can really fulfill those roles, and if that fic ever makes it to the page, then it's OVER for you bitches alkjfdhg
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i did have someone steal To Be A King (gen, Merlin) and post it on wattpad with some name changes, but like......not the right names?? like they changed some of the regular character names but not any of the names of the OCs that made the fic unique to me personally, it was really weird, anyway i had to make a WP account so i could message them to take it down and it immediately disappeared without them actually responding to me directly lol. if anything else has been reposted elsewhere, it hasn't been brought to my attention.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had 15 fics translated and linked back to me on ao3, which is super duper cool!!! 8 of them are by the same very dedicated russian fan ❤️
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
people have asked to co-author with me before and i always tell them the same thing: bad idea alkjdfhg 😅 i'm a very opinionated perfectionist control freak of a writer, i would be a TERRIBLE person to co-write with. i would either steamroll the hell out of my partner or end up stewing in quiet nagging resentment forevermore that noooooo it should've gone like THIS it's so WRONG it would be better if THISSSSS on everything from narrative structure to word choice 😂😂😂 if you've ever asked to co-write something with me, TRUST me, i turned you down for everybody's sake ...........that being said, me and my best friend cami do collaboratively generate stories together on a regular basis, a kind of Yes, And-ing spiral that can end up thousands and thousands of words long and include details down to verbatim dialogue and body language. but!! the loosey-goosey nature of those chats doesn't quite trigger the same possessive instinct that real actual prose that will be posted and have my name attached to it does. those stories are BANGERS btw, if i could beam them directly into your brain, i would do so 😂 i hesitate to try and write them, though, cuz then it would take them out of our hands and into mineminemine and we'd end up in ^^^ the above situation.
All time favorite ship?
illegal question, impossible to answer, i am too much of a multshipper
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
For Shell And Safety (love this fic DEARLY, an OC i'm actually proud of, stalled out 7 years ago in the middle of the climactic fight scene and just......couldn't find my way out of it)
REM-DAC (soooo proud of the worldbuilding in this fic, got so close to the end until i realized i couldn't finish it because what it really needed was a sequel and i couldn't set up for a sequel until i planned out the sequel, and i could never find anybody willing to read 45k of WIP to help me brainstorm the sequel, so it's just been languishing for 6 years)
Thinking About Blue Skies (a Laura/Allison fic i started writing for the very first LHAW 7 years ago and couldn't finish before posting time. i weep for this one. never had an ending in mind, couldn't figure one out, gave up)
In The Absence Of Scars (i hurried this one out for posting before it was finished specifically so that i could be one of the first 20 fics posted to AO3 for the Dark Rise fandom 😂😂😂 i succeeded!!! but i stalled out, and by now the second book has come out with more info that jossed some of my speculation, and there will undoubtedly be more in the 3rd, and i just, hmm, idk if i'm ever gonna end up writing any more of it. it never really had an endgame to it anyway, i guess)
Merlin Ambrosius, King of Carthis series (the fics already posted in the series are finished, but i promised a threequel 8 years ago and even started planning it out, but then i switched fandoms and never wrote it. rip to the epic Merthian lovestory featuring baby dragons and dragonrider!Raime that may or may not ever come to be, idk, maybe someday i'll circle back around to it)
What are your writing strengths?
i've been told that i have very strong dialogue, and that i capture characters' voices/language patterns well. i'm rather pleased with my ability to convey emotion implicitly through action, body language, and expression rather than having to state it outright. i think my descriptions are good and i'm getting better at balancing description and dialogue. i've got a few action sequences that readers really seemed to like, so i think i've more or less gotten the hang of those 😂
What are your writing weaknesses?
structuring longer narratives is a struggle. knowing when to back off and let tension unwind instead of continuing to winch it higher. i can get stubborn about what i WANT even though it's not working well lol. and in line with that, i'm not the best at taking criticism. not in the sense of getting upset about it, but in the sense of just ignoring it alkdjfgh. like, sometimes i'll ask for critique, get it, and be like mmmmm suddenly i can't read sorry i'm jared 19, and then leave everything exactly as i wrote it the first time 😅 to the detriment of my story. working on that, lmao.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
depends on what you're trying to achieve with it. i wouldn't usually bother with it, cuz it's obtuse and confusing for your reader if you leave it untranslated and if you do translate it then what was the point of writing it out in the other language in the first place instead of just indicating that [the thing it means] was said in [language]?
First fandom you wrote in?
Harry Potter, i think, with early forays also into Wizards of Waverly Place, iCarly, Newsies, and Little Mermaid II 😂😂😂 but by bulk, primarily HP
Favorite fic you've written?
how could you ask someone with 213 fics that question??? that's rude and uncalled for and also impossible to answer. i feel like i'm contractually obligated to say To Be A King, my magnum opus of a fic, longest thing i've ever written and also the single most satisfying ending i've ever managed. that's my default answer for this kind of question, but seriously, it's rUDE, I LIKE MANY OF MY FICS FOR MANY DIFFERENT REASONS!!!
tagginggggg @adamprrishcycle @flightspathfic @cheeeryos and as always, i KNOW i know more writers, but i can only ever think of so many at a time, consider yourself tagged if you wanna do it
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Do you think if Autumn becomes pregnant that internally and maybe externally she’s gonna have to fight demons and stereotypes on what a “omega mother” should be?? We know she doesn’t speak to her family but like they got word of the pups????
like what if she can’t breastfeed or they don’t latch or a million other stupid things that normal mothers get ridiculed for?
this ask has been sitting in my inbox for like a month because i had written the first draft of the wedding planners and i figured it would be best to answer it after i posted it sdkjfsjdfsdf
i'd actually like to write a story from her perspective for once! and i think now's a good opportunity to do that. we've always seen changbin's pov, i think it'd be nice to see hers too.
autumn's possible motherhood is definitely something that can affect her both positively and negatively based on her omega designation and her alpha tendencies. she's worked a lot to be independent and become her own self, but now she'll seemingly fit the stereotype of an omega afab wolf, so i'm sure that will come with some distress... then there's the whole thing with her family and former pack....
i've got many thoughts on this topic, but i don't want to discuss them publicly yet.
i guess we'll have to wait and see 👀 maybe one day i'll write about this in depth. if i don't, then you'll surely see it somewhere on my blog eventually
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