#I've been watching too many tiktoks
kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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...Was I supposed to have gotten over this already? 👀
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ispridestillasin · 9 months
thinking about chuck and michael as that one tiktok trend that's like "my father is a horrible person and i'm his favorite daughter" but with those two it's more like "my father is a horrible person and i wanted him to love me so badly it destroyed me" and i might actually post this but also i have no idea how to do tiktok so maybe it'll be a photoset instead
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confessedlyfannish · 8 months
Writing Prompt #11
It's an innocent ("please," Jason sneers, "there's nothing innocent about a plagiaristic propaganda machine encouraging minors to dance for sick ol' pervs while it spews misogynistic hate speech.'"
"okay, boomer,"
"the fuck did you just call me, replacement?") TikTok, one of those ones that kind of simmers in the background for a few weeks until someone with a decent enough following posts it on the Platform Formerly Known as Twitter and from there it seriously catches traction, blowing up until Tim knocks on Bruce's office door, phone in hand. Damian stands behind him, arms crossed and clearly simmering.
Bruce, fresh off a series of zoom conferences, raises an eyebrow.
"Okay, so you haven't seen it," Tim decides, striding forward.
Bruce's eyebrow jumps a smidge higher, on the edge of concern, as Tim thrusts his phone into his grasp.
"So," he begins, reaching over to refresh the mobile page "there's a video that's been making the rounds on Twitter and—well you should probably see it," He sighs over Damian's scoff as he clicks through the pop-up asking him to sign in or join TikTok, and presses "Watch Again", unmuting the video.
🎶 "Doo, badoo-badoo-badoo Badoo-badoo-badoo-badoo,"🎶 an upbeat background song hums as someone, presumably a student, films a school hallway with their phone. They walk past students talking near their lockers, some of whom flash peace signs and silly grins as the camera swings their way before continuing on.
But the main point Bruce gets stuck on is the all lowercase white text at the center of the screen that an automated woman's voice awkwardly narrates:
"when you go to school with bruce wayne's other long lost lovechild"
The student filming comes up behind a much taller student who faces away from him, in conversation with a black haired pale teenaged girl. She spots the cameraman and shoots him a confused, disgruntled look, saying something to the boy who then turns around.
Bruce quietly observes as the camera zooms in on a boy around Tim's page, possibly older. Tall and broad-shouldered, with a strong jaw, he raises an eyebrow at the one filming, looking beyond the camera, pitch black hair with blue undertones falling into his blue eyes. The camera momentarily zooms too far into those eyes then abruptly pulls back as he quirks a puzzled smile at the viewer, mouthing out an easily understandable "hi?".
The TikTok ends and seamlessly transitions to a person balancing their cat on an exercise ball with minimal success and this time Bruce presses the Watch Again button. The heart on the right side claims 750k likes.
Damian scoffs, louder, as it ends. "Clearly it is a hoax, but it has been popular among my classmates."
"The board hasn't made much noise about it—" Tim starts.
"And they won't," Bruce says, lifting his eyes from his phone. "Wayne Industries doesn't give statements on videos like these, no matter how viral they become. I've been getting lovechild claims since before I adopted Dick."
Which Tim knows, which is why his insistence on showing Bruce this one raises his hackles. He pins Tim down with a stare and despite Tim's perfected PR mask, he can see Tim is unsettled.
"B...he really, really looks like you." Tim admits. Damian scoffs for a third time and Tim shoots him a glare, "I get it, you don't see it, but you haven't seen the pictures of Bruce when he was younger."
"I don't need to!" Damian says angrily. "You're all being ridiculous!"
"All?" Bruce asks. Tim shifts awkwardly. "The family group chat has been talking," he says.
"I see," Bruce says. Because he does. Many claim Damian to be his doppelganger, but the boy actually favors Talia not just in skin tone but in the shape and color of his eyes, as well as the soft slope of her mouth and ears. Whether those features will sharpen once he goes through puberty is anyone's guess.
But this young man has Bruce's eyes. Martha's eyes.
That night they have a suspiciously full house for dinner, with even Jason dropping in, but no one says anything until Barbara wheels in for dessert, carrying a manila folder on her lap.
"What?" she says, when everyone stares. "Dick told me it was crème brûlée today!"
Bruce extends a hand wordlessly, and Barbara sheepishly hands the folder over.
"Bruce," she says, before he can open it, "I wouldn't have looked into this normally, but,"
"Just say it," Jason says, leaning back in his chair. "Take away the gray hairs, the receding hairline, and the wrinkles and the kid's a dead match."
"Take it back, Todd," Damian growls, "Father has a very full head of hair!"
"Not to mention a failed track record at keeping it in his pants, Exhibit A," Jason continues, pointing a fork at Damian, "oh wait," he says gleefully, "kid is definitely 18, so I guess that would make you Exhibit B!"
The table erupts, cutlery tinkling as Damian gets a knee up on the table to hurl himself at a cackling Todd, Dick jumping up to grab him as the others lean out of the way—
"Ahem!" Everyone stops cold as Alfred stands in the doorway, porcelain ramekins of crème brûlée stacked perfectly on a silver tray. Under his gaze, everyone sits back down, Damian and Jason both quietly uttering a "Sorry Alfie/Alfred," as they straighten up.
Bruce is oblivious to the chaos, Barbara biting her lip beside him as he stares blankly inside the folder at the printed copy of an adoption certificate.
Two days and several million likes later, another TikTok goes viral from the same user. Caught in the moment as whoever is filming runs up to the group, the same young man is chatting with a blonde in a red letterman jacket, a partially formed crowd around them. Even with one leg still in the cafeteria table, he towers over everyone.
"—sh. Look, we're all possibly Bruce Wayne's son!" the boy snarks. He has his hands out, palms up as if he's making a great point, and as he looks around he catches sight of the cameraman and his smirk drops.
"Ah Mac, c'mon dude not again—" and the TikTok ends.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Leaving VII
Alexia Putellas x Teen!Reader
Summary: Olympic chaos with your sister
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Y/NPutellas.S has started a live video. Click to join!
"-Got two backpacks," You're saying as Alexia clicks on your video," I think one of them might become my racket bag because the one I'm using right now is falling apart."
You shove the bags away, glancing around the space as you drag more towards you.
"There's a toiletry bag as well which is full of stuff I probably won't even use."
You pause as you scroll through the comments.
"What sport am I competing in? Oh, I'm doing tennis...Who will be the hardest to play against? Iga, always. I train with her most of the time and I think I've only beaten her a few matches this year. She's scary. Coco always gives me a good competition too. I think she text me a few hours ago but I haven't answered just yet."
You go back to showing off your haul.
You're very complimentary of all of the shoes but you seem confused as to why you've been given so many socks.
Alexia takes a screenshot of a weird face you make while trying on the bucket hat and hastily makes it her profile picture.
"I'm not a fan of the opening skirt," You tell your followers," It's not really my style. I'll wear it because I have to but...What's that? My sister's here?"
You crowd a bit closer to your phone, brows furrowed as you scroll up looking for Alexia's comments.
She feels triumphant at the look of horror on your face when you see her profile picture.
"Alexia!" You shriek," Change it back! My eyes aren't even open! Ale, please!"
Alexia does not change it back and you swear under your breath at her.
"I'm telling Mama!"
Alexia Putellas: Go ahead, you little snitch
"I'm not a snitch!"
Alexia Putellas: Yes, you are
"Don't listen to her guys! She's such a liar!"
You've always been more active on social media than Alexia and fans eat up any content you post on your TikTok. Most of your fans are just people that watch tennis but you've gone viral overnight when you posted a video of you and Iga reuniting at the Olympic Village.
Suddenly, everyone wants content from you and you're posting more than you ever have before.
A lot of it still centres around your tennis, out on the practice courts with the rest of team Spain but there's more domestic things like you retaping your racket grip and showing off everything in the Olympic Village.
Something in Alexia snaps when you make a video complaining about how uncomfortable your cardboard bed is. Suddenly, she's stitching your video.
Her camera pans across her normal hotel bed and ends with her giving a thumbs up to the camera with a smug grin on her face.
Her own fans go crazy over her posting something outside of sponsorships and it's strange to see that some people don't even know who you are.
woso.alexia.engen: Who was the first person in the video???? -> captainklittle: Alexia's little sister! She's representing Spain for tennis!
A second stitch appears hours later, piggybacking off a video of you complaining about your lack of AC. There's no sound apart from the very deliberate flick of Alexia's own AC switch.
It seems every complaint you post, Alexia finds a way to show off how much better she has it in a hotel outside of Paris.
You decide, perhaps a little pettily, to show off what she's missing.
"Hi, guys!" You say," I know a lot of people were wondering about pin trading so I thought I would bring you along for the ride! I've already got a Poland one from Iga and a US one from Coco but I've been wanting a Team GB one and I'm also meeting up with Paolini so she can give me an Italy one."
It's another live video and thank god there's a break in training, so Alexia can jump onto it again.
Jenni and Misa crowd around her at the same time, curious as to what's going on with you.
"I was talking to Carlos at breakfast and he was telling me that the coaches have ordered us all mattress toppers because the beds have started to affect how we're performing."
Alexia Putellas: Sucks to be you, doesn't it?
"Alexia, I swear to god if you keep bullying me then I'm telling Mama and she'll fly out to whoop your ass!"
Alexia Putellas: 🤪
"And Jenni I knew that it's you that just sent that because Alexia doesn't understand emojis."
"Fuck," Jenni mutters.
"Wait, give me the phone. I'll fix it," Misa says.
Alexia Putellas: Who's Jenni?
"Misa, I know that's you as well. Stop trying to cover for each other and I'll tell Mama and she'll whoop all of you."
Alexia doesn't get her phone back for the rest of your live but she does get a strongly worded text from Eli after it's over to grow up and not let her friends bully you.
Alexia calls you a snitch.
You remind her that she should stop bullying you.
"Look who it is!" Jenni cajoles as you come running out of the village to crash into Alexia," Baby Putellas!"
But you're not really listening to her as Alexia presses her forehead against yours, whispering fast Catalan to you as you giggle.
"Aw..." Misa continues where Jenni left off," Look at them! Two sisters! Reunited!"
You and Alexia push each other away, turning your back and pretending that you weren't hugging just a few moments ago.
You turn back to her quickly, hand out. "Can I have your pins?"
"What? No! They're mine!"
"You're not even in the Village! You can't use them!"
"Yes I can!" Alexia splutters out," I've been trading them!"
"Yeah? With who?"
"Liar! You've got the same pins! Come on, Ale. Give them over!"
"I will...for a price."
As Alexia lays out her terms, you bring everyone up to your room.
Jenni and Misa split off briefly to check out the dining hall but Alexia comes straight up with you.
"It's actually cardboard," She says, poking at your bed frame.
"Yeah? Do you think we were all lying about that? It's proper cardboard. You can draw on it if you want."
A smile splits your sister's face open.
"Never mind. I don't want you drawing on my bed."
Alexia pokes it. "Do you think it's true? That two people can't get on it at the same time?"
You shrug, rummaging through your bedside table. "I don't know. Why?"
You never get your answer though.
Arms are around your waist suddenly and you're being hauled backwards as Alexia slams herself onto your bed, dragging you back with her.
You may not get an answer but Alexia certainly does because the moment the two of you land, there's an almighty ripping noise and your bed goes to ground very quickly.
"Oops," You sister says.
"You don't sound very sorry at all."
"Yeah...You're right. I'm not sorry in the slightest. Hey! Stop hitting me!"
"You're lucky I'm not beating you with my rackets!"
"Hey. Hey! It's fine! You can get a new bed."
"Jenni and Misa are going to take the piss out of me! How could you do this, Ale?"
As annoying as your sister is, she at least has the decency to push the blame off onto her friends as you both hastily raise your bed up again and wait for Jenni and Misa to arrive.
They seem to have the same idea as Alexia, jumping onto your bed without so much of a greeting.
But, as planned, the bed collapses under them and the shock of their faces is enough for Alexia breaking your bed to be worth it. Their faces are even funnier as they head downstairs to ask for a new one for you.
Behind your back, Alexia passes you a handful of pins.
JenniHermoso10 has started a live video. Click to join!
"Forward! Forward!"
"I am going forward!"
"More forward! When I say forward, it doesn't mean shuffle! It means walk forward! You're a person not a pigeon!"
"And here we have Olympic football player Alexia Putellas and Olympic tennis player y/n Putellas, attempting to climb onto the rings," Jenni narrates from behind the camera.
"It's not going well," Misa says, as Alexia nearly throws you from your spot on her shoulders," Alexia is clearly struggling."
"I'm not struggling!" Alexia insists, yelping as you twist her hair in your hands.
"This is as forward as I can get!"
"That's such bullshit! Move closer!"
"I can't!"
"You can!"
"I don't think they're ever going to make it," Jenni says," It's like they can't-"
"Stop! Ale, stop! Left a bit. No! Too left. Right again. Left! Right! Left!"
"Left, right, forward, back," Alexia mutters," Make up your mind."
"Left and...got it...Wait! Don't let go!"
You haul yourself from your sister's shoulders onto the centre ring, positioning yourself perched on the sliver of the yellow ring that enters the black one.
"Alright," Alexia says," Give me a hand."
"What? No! You'll pull me off!"
"Give me your hand!"
She braces herself on the lower rings and grabs your hand, pulling herself into the centre ring before you can even shove her off.
"Oh," She says," That was pretty easy." Alexia grins at you but the smile drops from her face when she notices the pensive look you're wearing. "What is it?"
"I've just realised," You laugh in disbelief," When Mama said she wanted a picture of us and the rings. I think she meant in front of them. Not in them."
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success life story ♡
heyy i'm here to share about my success story, the beginning is only before i started manifesting and about when i just started, all my success are on the very end of the blog, so feel free to skip directly at it if you're not interest by all the rambling !
have a good read ☆
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michiko is so pretty, i've literally been told so many times i looked liker <3
the old story that i don’t live in anymore
okay so before i didn’t hate my life, at all, but i just found very dull and so poor of entertaining like it was just too fucking regular and repetitive.also a bit depressing. i thought of myself of such an unlucky girl before and i was like affirming all the fucking time that i was unlucky and guess what? everything really used to go the way i didn’t want it to go every single damn time and i’d be like i knew it im so unlucky boo-hoo.
same for the money i would just go every single fucking day rambling to my friends how poor i was and how i wanted money so bad and the same story every single fucking for days, weeks, months.
i really wanted a new appartement and my own room cause i used to share same room as my sister and it really was getting on my nerves, i had no privacy and place for myself. the apartment was small, my mum always kept complaining about it and then she would argue about my dad about it but the reason why we couldn’t move out despite trying for several months was cause my dad had whole lotta debts and my mom had a really low paying and hard job she was exhausted and, it was quiet hard to see them being this unhappy and they still tried their hardest to make us happy so i really wanted to get back at them.
about social life i had very few friends and barely went out, i'd say probably one time a month. and i really wanted to get that life of the party, and those big ass friends group and also i was crazy desperate about having black friends cause i am black and literally the only black out here without none of black friends and i felt pretty left out like wtf am i the only black girl with no black friends cause all of them (that's so dumb tho.. ) were friends and gets invited to the most fun hangouts and i was embarrassingly jealous of that and also complained a lot about it…and kept asking tf was wrong with me.
STRONGLY on this one : i wanted a relationship so bad and i kept hating and being sad to those couple on tiktok’s. one time i actually cried cuz i wanted a boys’s love so bad like i was craving it so bad. i was in such despair state before..cringy ahh ☠️
i used to be rlly insecure about my looks too even tho at some moments i felt more confident, i kept comparing myself and waisting dozens of minutes enumerating my "flaws ". i knew about manifestation but not really about law of assumption , for me manifesting was really all about listening to subliminals, method and scripting. we all once knew that phase yeah? i used to manifest from time to time but then would just give up again,since i was not seeing results and so on. so useful wow.and then there’s the others things like mediocre grades, poor family health, just constant tiredness and fatigue feeling,
tw : mention of being depressed,sh,ed, : felt empty like life had absolutely no meaning, suicidal thoughts, tried to end by over-consumption of medication, self-harm and bulimia, constant complaining and NEGATIVE ONLY mindset.
but now, NOW i tell you ever single thing i’ve just listed changed completely like every single damn thing i’ve just listed is no more, it’s out of the date, dead, buried and no longer existing !
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it clicked
then at some point at my life i was just like. yk what? fuck i just wanna change it all. then i really like really  got into it all over again and for good. no more 1 week i try then giving up cause i ain’t seeing no « results ».
i watched hours and hours of ppl talking about loa (i’m not saying you should do this at all it’s just that i was very under-informed and wanted to know everything about loa)on youtube, shoutout to rita kaminski and hyler who really put me into it and informed me. then i started reading neville’s pdf books, and tumblr blogs, kinda overconsuming but i liked getting myself informed.
and then that’s where everything started and that i got aware of all the power i actually hold. all the things i actually can do just cause of my mind. i wrote down all my wishes in present tense ,like every single aspect i wanted to change/have in my life. and i started fully living in the end like really got myself into and at first of course, wavering from time to time in the beginning. it was pretty easy for me since i was used to manifestation.but what i didn’t do before is persist no matter what and that’s what was really tricky for me in the beginning to persist no matter what and not just give up to bullshit 3D. but when i kept moving forward no matter the 3D and made it facts the only my 4D matters and everything has already happened, ALL and every single wish down to the last one flowed into my life. ONE by ONE every single hour of the day i would get my manifestations down to the last letter i wrote in my notes.every single thing
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success storyy
in a matter of few weeks like really 3 week-ish like- 1 month max.
starting off LUCK i’m extremely lucky now every single time i play gambling activities i win. i’ve won insane amounts at scratch cards i think i’ve won in total more than 5’000$. JUST FROM SCRATCH CARDS.and before i started i NEVER EVER WON. now whenever i play there’s not one time that i’ll win absolutely nothing even just a small prize
won huge lottery prize (from 200 to 12k the biggest i’ve won yet)
winning a gambling games, either online or dice rolling luck,bets, bingos etc.. its literally insane every one keep telling that i literally has got god’s blessing (i’m the god guys🥰)
financially freedom, my parents upgraded jobs and i’ve got lots of incomes + the money my parents give me 
all the debts my dad had, he got rid of ALL of them and when i tell you mf had a lot of em☠️
move out in a new huge ass condo which is a duplex (like really like i wrote it it’s actually scary how powerful we are..) I’VE FINALLY GOT MY OWN ROOM and we’re getting my desired furnitures and decorating the house i’m so grateful
friends and popularity i think biggest shock for me is really this. like my social life has gone from very paisible to completely fully booked and passioning life. like seriously i’ve been to more parties, concerts, birthdays, and hangouts during the last 2 weeks holidays than in my entire life
got lot of new friends, healthy relationships and quality time passed on lots of fun activities and sm memories
black groups friend. WITH AN S.so thankful to myself to be this good a manifestation i litteraly got into a black friend group of girls and i’ve never felt more at my place and understood this much. and these girls know the black group boys (when i tell you that 2y ago they were the person that i wanted to be close with so bad..also they’re really hot and funny lol)so we hung out with them and i was literally so highlighted and became pretty much friends with all of them !! 
my man. HELLO I LITERALLY MANIFESTED MY DREAM RELATIONSHIP? when i met him i didn’t actually realize right on the spot that he was exactly how i wanted him to be and reading back to when i scripted out all the things i wanted at the beginning, everything matched. he’s literally physically and mentally the man of my dream LIKE REALLY. we’re no bf and gf YET cause it’s just a little soon but we see each others super often and we have the best relationship ever i swear it’s giving wattpad. the flirting is crazyyy.
dream bod.from head to toe my desired body. heavy on the lower body all for that azz and wide hips.ive got smooth and clear skin and smell good all the time!! litteraly flawless face + got my braces which suits so much and dimples
plenty of vacations (went to ibiza, usa and dubai )
lenient parents they use to be so strict before i swear its crazy they let me go so easily now, i can hangout without asking 3 days ,like they accept even if i've gotta go in the next hour or if wanna go on trip that's in another country. i can come back home so much later too
attractive & magnetic aura + being really charismatic (everyone i met keep telling me i’ve got this thing that really makes them want me, get closer to me)
good grades without doing much
perfect self-concept - as i kept living 24/7 in the state of wish fulfilled, my self concept only got better making me really know what i’m worth and never wavering/ going back to the old story
whole ass pc set up
all of my desired skincare/makeups/shoes/clothes
and so much more...
i hope y'all liked my blog and that it motivated some of you to NEVER GIVE UP cause y'all are reallyy some powerful mfs and y'all already got all of yours desires !!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ honey kisses, shayama
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vivwritesfics · 10 months
Mr All American
Just cute moments between Logan and his not American girlfriend
Godamn I want him so bad - in something non fanfic that I've written one of my main characters is called Logan and, ugh, it's such a pretty name
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Y/N held her phone up towards Logan, giggling away as she filmed him. "Can you do your best British accent?" She asked him, phone shaking in her hands as she giggled.
He rolled his eyes, but Logan was unable to hide his smile. "What do you want me to say?" He asked, looking down at her.
If it was possible for a person to have heart eyes, Logan would have. His heart would have been beating out of his chest like a cartoon character. "What do you want me to say?" He asked as he leaned against the wall.
"Fancy a cuppa."
"Fancy a cupper?" He said in his usual American accent.
Her giggles grew into full blown laughter.
Logan let out a huff and rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "Alright love," he began in an incredibly bad British accent. "D'you fancy a cuppa?" He asked, emphasising the A.
It was hard to see Logans face in the video, not with the way Y/N was laughing uncontrollably. Her tiktok was a goldmine of Logan videos, where most of the fans got their content.
It was rare for a video of Y/N to go viral. Her videos of Logan always blew up, and she was always seen liking the compilations fans made of them. But she never got herself in the videos, that wasn't her style.
But then she logged onto tiktok. Her phone was silent as Logan slept behind her, his arms wrapped around her and his face pressed into his neck.
They didn't spent the entire night cuddled up. As much as Logan wanted to, it was near impossible. He fell asleep holding her, but when Y/N woke up in the middle of the night Logan was almost always no longer holding her. But then she woke up and once again Logan was holding her.
She had a theory. She suspected that Logan would wake up at, like, 5am, just to wrap his arms around her and spend the next the next few hours asleep and holding her.
So, Y/N had her phone on silent as she watched Tiktok. There were a few Logan edits, too many clips of Lando Norris streaming and at least thirteen Charles Leclerc edits.
And then Y/N came across another video. It was from the live sky sports feed that played during the last grand prix, focusing in on the Williams garage before the race.
Logan was there, walking to his engineer. And Y/N was in front of him. He had his arms around her, swaying her from side to side as he spoke. It was subconscious, he didn't even realise he was doing it, but it was so cute.
At least the fans thought so. Careless Whisper by George Michael played in the background of the video as Logan put his chin on the top of her head.
Groaning, Logan slowly woke up. He kissed the back of her neck and sat up slightly, tired eyes looking at the screen over her shoulder. "What're you watching?" He asked as Y/N saved the video.
She showed him. In response, Logan kissed her shoulder and tightened his grip on her.
This is a couple who loved to tease each other. It could be about anything, but their main targets were spelling and pronunciation.
Well, it depended what grand prix they were at. If Logan was caught spelling 'colour' as 'color' during the Silverstone weekend, Y/N wasn't going to let it go.
But the same went for her at any of the US grand prix.
When she landed for Miami, the first thing she did was text Logan. 'God, I didn't realise I was so tired,' she texted him as she climbed into the taxi.
'Couldn't hear you, what was that?' Logan responded.
'You didn't realize you were so tired?'
There was no response for a good minute. He could see that she had seen the message, but she didn't reply.
And then...
'I hate you'
'I wanna marry you'
When they got dinner that night, Y/N wanted a burger, something stereotypically American, but with no tomato.
Logan sat opposite her in the restaurant, hand covering his mouth, hiding his laugh as she ordered. "Can I get a burger with..." She looked at Logan, the enthusiasm dropping from her voice. "With no tomayto."
Logan couldn't hold himself back. his sniggers turned into full blown laughs as she gently kicked him under the table. "You're adorable," he said as she glared at him.
Oscar had known Y/N just as long as Logan had. He loved her like an annoying little sister that he pretended he couldn't stand but actually couldn't live without her.
He, Lando and Logan stood together, talking before the first practice session. Y/N hadn't arrived yet, set to arrive on Saturday, and Oscar missed her.
Not as much as Logan missed her, though.
He hadn't stopped talking to her, managed to slide a mention of her into every conversation.
Lando hadn't had the pleasure of meeting Y/N yet. "How did you guys get together?" He asked him, and Oscar sighed. He audibly sighed and rolled his eyes.
They'd been friends for years, since Y/N's karting days. But she'd quit to focus on studying, focusing on getting into a good university and landing her dream job.
When Logan was in F3 and Y/N was completing her first year of university, he missed her. Oscar missed her too, but not as much as Logan. So, during the summer, after her first year of university, he invited her to Florida.
It was maybe the most incredible summer of her life. Not because anything in particular happened, but because she was spending time with Logan.
Y/N knew he liked her. She knew she liked him too. But Logan wasn't going to do anything about it.
Actually, he tried. He tried to do these ridiculously subtle things that she was never going to pick up on. So, she took matters into her own hands.
They were in the back of the truck she had rented out for the summer. They'd done maybe everything, from go karting to carnivals. They were underage so they couldn't really experience spring break at its best.
In the back of the truck they looked up at the stars. "This has been sick," she muttered as she laid against him. "Properly, properly sick." (Genuinely can't imagine an american person using sick to be cool, pls correct me if wrong)
"I can't believe you have to go home tomorrow," Logan replied as he wrapped his arms around her.
Y/N snuggled closer to him. It was warm, but she didn't care. Music played from her stereo, and Logan hummed along.
"I'm gonna miss you," he said as Y/N sat up and stretched her arms up.
She faced him, crossing her legs and getting comfortable in her new position. "Are you gonna miss me? Or are you gonna miss me?"
Logan didn't answer, and that told her all she needed to know. "Dude, just ask me out already," she said, emphasising the 'dude'.
Again, Logan didn't answer. His cheeks were red as he looked away from her face, looking back at the stars.
So, Y/N leaned forward and kissed him.
Once Logan finished his story, Oscar shook his head. "You forgot the most important bit," he said and continued the story. "So Rick Astley started playing on the stereo, so Y/N pulled him up from the bed of the truck and made him dance with her. It's disgustingly cute."
Logan was a grinning, blushing mess. Oscar was right, it was disgustingly cute.
Fuck, he couldn't wait for Y/N to get there.
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pricefieldsuperiority · 5 months
Yearning Allegations
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Pairing: Paige Bueckers x reader
Genre: Friends to lovers slowburn (Series)
Summary: You've liked Paige for the longest time. Is there any chance she likes you too?
Paige Bueckers was your best friend.
She was also one of the most popular players on the Uconn Huskies.
Although many loved her, none of them knew her like you did. Most certainly, none of them loved her like you did.
You had known her since the first year of high school, where you two hit it off in English class, teasing her about how slowly she read. She had just shot some stupid comment back at you, and from then on, you two were inseparable - which is why you were sitting courtside at this very moment, happily watching her play.
"And that's time, another win for Uconn!!"
The announcer shouted loud as Paige threw the basketball at the last second, arcing perfectly into the net. She beamed wide as she turned around, her cheeks pink with pride, scanning the crowd for you. Her eyes seemed to shine a little brighter, or so you thought, upon landing on you.
She grinned in your direction, nodding slightly at you, as she ran past you to congratulate her teammates. They tackled her, nearly knocking her over. The crowd's roar was racious in your ears, their shouts nearly as loud as yours. Uconn had won again. You smiled to yourself, Paige was gonna be absolutely insufferable after this. She always was after games like these.
You waited patiently outside the change rooms, scrolling mindlessly on tiktok, waiting for Paige to finish up. Usually, she stayed a few extra minutes afterward, yapping with the team about whatever, and then would come out with KK, jokingly bickering about some nonsense. You hadn't been waiting more than 5 minutes when Paige came bounding out alone, grinning proudly. You grinned back, amused. She was like a 6 ft tall puppy.
"Yooo y/n, did you see me out there??!" Paige threw her arm around you as you guys started the familiar walk to her dorm. After wins, she'd refuse to let you get any work done so you didn't even bother going back to your dorm at this point.
"Yeah, I saw!!" You say, unable to stop yourself from smiling back. Paige's smile was genuinely infectious.
"Dude, I'm the best hooper at Uconn for reallll hahah." Her laughter echos around the hallway.
You roll your eyes and pat the hand she has draped over your shoulder.
"Ehhhh, I think you're alright"
Paige scoffs at you, eyebrows raised.
"Come on, just alright?? You love me, don't lie. " Her eyes are alight with happiness and you fight the corners of your mouth, looking away.
"That play at the end was eh, I've seen better"
Paige rolls her eyes, scoffing yet again before holding the door open for you, leaning against it.
"You're a terrible liar y/n"
Before you can reply, Paige ruffles your hair, and you bat her hand away, complaining. She grabs your hand, and you bodycheck her, but to no avail, cause she takes off running to her dorm just to annoy you on purpose. But you laugh anyway, cause it's so typical Paige.
It's only a few days later when you find yourself at an infamous Uconn house party, and the alcohol in your system is making your cheeks feel warm. Your red solo cup of vodka is half empty, and you peer at it, wondering if you should leave your comfy spot on the kitchen counter.
You're admiring Paige from across the room, watching her talk to some fans.
She looks hot as hell tonight, dressed in a black cropped tank top and low waisted baggy black cargo pants. Her middriff is on display, and a tiny bit of her boxers peak out. For a second you wonder about what'd it feel like to put your hands there but you force yourself to stop thinking about her, nails digging into your palms as you take another sip of your drink.
Your feelings for Paige had only intensified over the years, becoming harder and harder to ignore as you two got older. In high school, you could just explain it all away because she was your best friend, but now? You guys had only become closer since starting at Uconn, and these days resisting the urge to make a move was becoming nearly unbearable, especially with the looming fact that everyone and their mother wanted Paige.
Normally, you'd just go over to her and yap her ear off, but the amount of alcohol you've had tonight makes you feel like being around her might be a bit dangerous.
So instead, you just stare from afar, watching her put her arm around the girl who's exclaiming she's "her biggest fan." You roll your eyes, inner monologue already snarkly thinking that Paige gets told that at least once a day.
You're so engrossed in watching Paige take pictures- she's now laughing with the fan over some stupid joke- that you don't notice KK's slid over to you.
"Damn girl, you really ain't beating the yearning allegations huh"
Her voice shocks you out of your reverie, and you glance over at her.
"Huh!?? What do you mean-"
KK's eyes are knowing, and she just raises one brow as she pours herself a new drink.
"Boo, we all see the way you look at her"
You roll your eyes, trying to play it cool. Although you're pretty sure the whole team already knows how you feel, you still refuse to admit it cause what if that got back to Paige? You want her, but not more than your friendship. You could never forgive yourself if something happened to you two. You resist the urge to do anything about how you feel solely to protect your friendship.. but also because you're scared. What if she doesn't like you like that? It'd probably just make everything awkward anyway.
"I don't know what you're talking about- Paige's just my friend." You keep your voice steady, but your expression darkens as you see the girl is STILL talking to Paige, her hand lingering on Paige's waist as she draws back from a hug.
"Uh huh.. whatever you say, " KK says, leaving the kitchen with her refill.
A few minutes later, you're busy answering some texts when Paige comes over.
"Hey, KK told me you're being all edgy and hiding out in the kitchen instead of having fun at the party. You're scaring off the hoes, dude. "
Paige is always more affectionate than normal when she's drunk, and tonight is no different. She places her hand on your thigh, grinning as she peers at your face, and you look at her for a few seconds before you move off the counter to stand.
"I'm not hiding, I was dancing a bit ago I just got tired-" This is technically not a lie, considering you did dance for a few minutes before deciding to become the next Joe Goldberg.
"Rightttt..." Paige towers over you, an annoying fact that hasn't changed since high school.
You're about to reply with some smart ass answer when some girl walks into the kitchen, cup in hand, her jaw dropping open as she spots Paige.
"Oh my God, Paige Bueckers?!?" The girl's voice raises practically 3 octaves, and you feel so annoyed you resist the urge to just sigh at the sight.
"I love you so much! I was watching you the other day - that final score was so good you really clutched the game-" The girl gushes, her hand resting on Paige's arm. Paige is, of course, grinning broadly. She loves the attention - and you can practically feel a headache coming on from the sound of the girl's voice.
"My head hurts real bad, gonna go back to my dorm-" You murmur as you pass Paige to leave.
"Oh, are you okay?" Her attention is momentarily distracted by your leave, and you try to inject some pep into your voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Authors Note: Hope yall don't mind a slowburn! Thought it'd be cute to make a short series <3
Trilogy: Part 2 here / Part 3 here
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oracle-of-dream · 5 months
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Minors DNI
(Not Proofread)
Summary: After a prank, you end up stuck in an elevator with your boyfriend whose problem is getting worse by the minute.
Warnings: Male reader, Degreading, Rouch Sex, Lots of Cum, Sex Drugs (Consensual), Blowjob, Swallowing Cum, Multiple Orgasms, Semi-Public Sex, Creampie, Dom!Myungho,
Wordcount: 2.4k
While scrolling through TikTok, you landed on a page of a couple that both took sexual enhancement drugs and tried to make it a full day without touching each other. The loser got some sort of punishment, but only after mindblowing sex.
You looked over at your boyfriend, Myungho, who was innocently watching TV. Would he be able to hold out? You leaned onto his shoulder and he patted your head to acknowledge your presence. You kissed his neck, "Hey babe, would you wanna try a fun trend?"
Myungho didn't look at you as he said, "If this is the orange trend from last week, I already told you I'd peel however many oranges you want."
"It's a new thing! Just hear me out before you say no."
Your boyfriend looked away from the TV with concern on his face. "Why would you think I'd say no?"
You gave him the best puppy eyes you could. "Please just promise you'll hear me till the end," You begged.
"Okay, I promise," He chuckled. Myungho turned to face you and muted his show, giving his undivided attention.
"So the trend is for us to take a sex drug and we try not to have sex. The loser gets a punishment from the winner."
Your boyfriend frowned slightly. "Are you sure that's the trend? That sounds like a waste of money."
You groaned, "Please! This would be so fun, and we can fuck it all out when it's finished."
"We could just fuck now, it's not like I don't want to have sex. Plus, this wouldn't really be a competition. You're way hornier than I am, you'd cave before the medicine kicked in." Myungho smirked at your expression as he teased you.
"That's so not true! I could totally outlast you!" You pushed him, "I bet that you'll cave first. If you do, you have to buy me a meal every day for the month."
Myungho raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Are you sure you want to do this? If you lose, I want the same thing. And I've been eating a lot lately."
You laughed cockily. "I know I can beat you without trying."
"I'll go out, and buy the meds right now, and we can start today." Myungho left shortly after to go buy the medicine. While you were confident in your ability to hold back, you already had a plan to make sure you'd win... You poured two glasses of water and mixed a powered sex drug into one of the two cups. When Myungho came back, you were ready with the water.
"I've got the water for the pill. Let's do this already!" You were smiling like the devil, and your boyfriend was none the wiser. He gave you one pill, and you gave him the cup of water you specially prepared for him. "On three, and you have to swallow it," You added.
Myungho nodded. "Don't try and cheat to win. If you do, I'll break you later," He said as he winked before swallowing the pill and the whole glass of water.
These words made your whole body shudder, but it was too late to back out now... You swallowed your pill and drank some water. Waiting for it to kick the boring part. You sat on the couch, watching your phone while Myungho went back to his show. It wasn't immediate, but you felt your body get warmer. You peeked over at Myungho, who looked fine. You could see his muscles from the opening in his sleeveless shirt. He'd been going to the gym a lot lately, and it was really paying off. He looked good.
You mentally slapped yourself, pulling yourself out of it. That's just the drugs talking. If you were feeling fucked up, then Myungho had to be the same, right?
You peered at him. "Feeling anything?"
"Nope," He said flatly. "I told you this was a waste of money."
"Just give it time!"
He shook his head. "I did. Nothing's happening, and we've got somewhere to go tonight. So let's forget the game and just get ready."
You pouted to yourself as Myungho got up to go get dressed. The two of you were invited to a party, and you've been begging Myungho to go with you. So you couldn't pass it up now.
The two of you started getting ready, taking your time to do so. Even though he said to forget the game, you couldn't let it go. Every chance you could, you would accidentally tease him. Bending down in front of him, showing your ass. Making him button your shirt. Even forcing him to help you put on your pants. But still nothing...
"Y/n. Are you trying something?" He asked as he pulled your pants over your butt.
"No? What could I be trying?"
Myungho held your chin and lifted it to make you look at him. "Are you trying to seduce me?" Fuck. You were instantly hard. Myungho teased you, pulling you close to him so he could help you with your belt, making you press against his hard body. He moved and shifted, grinding your cock against him. You moaned into his shoulder. "Kitty?"
Fuck! Even calling you that name was enough to get you going. He only called you that when he really wanted your attention. "Y-Yes?"
"Are you being naughty? Do you need me to take care of you?"
You caught yourself about to say yes, but the smile on his face stopped you. "Babe! You're doing this on purpose!" You hit him, pushing him away from you as he chuckled.
"Weren't you doing the same not too long ago?"
"So!? You don't even look like you're bothered by it."
"Of course, I'm not. There's no way some silly drugs is gonna mess with me, but clearly, it's got you." Your boyfriend palmed you over your pants, making you melt into his embrace. "Just say you lose, then I can help you."
"You said the game was stupid..."
"Doesn't mean I don't like winning, right?"
You pushed him away from you again. "I'm not gonna lose! Just go get ready!"
Myungho raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you want to go to a party like this? You might bump into someone and cum," He said as he tried to hold in a laugh.
"I'm fine!" You stormed into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you.
"No jerking off either!" He yelled from the other side of the door. "I'll know if you cum."
"S-Shut up!" You buried your face in your hands... There's no way you'd make it through the night. Much less the whole party. But you weren't going to drop out yet.
After calming down, you left the bathroom. Myungho was waiting for you in the living room. "Didn't cum on your own, did you?"
"No. Let's go." You pouted as you walked out the door.
Your boyfriend chased after you, catching up when you were waiting for the elevator. "Don't be like that, you suggested this game."
"Like what?" You pouted.
"Like a brat."
The door opened and you entered it with him.
"I'm not a brat. And I'm not mad."
Myungho leaned on the rail. "Then give me a kiss, show me you're not." You pecked him on the lips. "No. I want a kiss," He demanded.
You sighed before giving a real kiss, your lips meeting his gently. You went to pull away but his hands held you in place. One on your neck and one on your back. He continued the kiss as he bit at your lips–begging for more.
"Hey–" You pulled away before he pulled you back in. He devoured you with a hunger you'd never felt before. You danced around the elevator until you hit a wall, making the elevator shake to a halt. "What the fuck?" You pressed a button, but the elevator wouldn't respond. The symbol said you were on the 8th floor, two floors from your apartment. "Are we stuck?"
"Maybe you bumped into the emergency stop?"
"I didn't–you were attacking me and I backed up!"
"I'm not trying to say it's your fault," Myungho patted your head. "We're probably stuck in here until someone can turn it back on."
You sighed, thinking about the party. "Can we call for help?"
"No signal for me," Myungho showed you his phone. Your phone also had no signal...
"No signal, no way out... We're stuck! This really can't get worse..."
Myungho cleared his throat. "Well, I don't think this is a bad thing."
"How is this not a bad thing?"
"We have each other..." Myungho hugged you from behind, pulling you close to him. You could feel his cock, hard, rubbing against you. You pushed back against it, grinding softly as your own dick started to wake up from the action. "We're stuck in this small elevator, for who knows who long... We should try and make the best of it, right?"
"Yes," You moaned as your boyfriend kissed your neck.
Myungho's hips sharply hit against you, each mini-thrust knocking your breath away. "You want it, baby? You wanna take me in this elevator?" You nodded slowly as your body squirmed under his touch. "I'll have to cum in you so we don't make a mess, is that okay?"
You nod again. "Please, hurry up."
"Say what you want."
"I want you to fuck me, please, do it already..." You moaned as he slid your belt off and pulled your pants down. Your cock jumped out, twitching in the cold air.
"You're so cute. How can I resist you?" Myungho bit on your ears, before spitting in his hand. You could hear him wetting his cock, rubbing the excess on your hole. "I can't wait anymore..."
"Me either..."
Myungho pushed against your hole and his tip slipped inside you, making both of you moan loudly. It felt like your whole body was on fire, tingly all over, and it was just his tip. Your boyfriend's arms wrapped around you as he slowly pushed deeper, his muscles flexing and squeezing you. You've fucked Myungho before, but his cock felt bigger and stiffer than the other times. You could also tell he was trying his best to hold back from slamming himself into you.
Once his cock was completely sheathed in you, you moaned loudly at the fullness. "You like that? Full like a slut, and taking me so well," Myungho whispered to you, his voice low and husky as he panted heavily. He turned you and pushed your against the wall, your skin touching the cold metal, and your cock rutting against the railing.
"I–just–need–more!" You moaned in pleasure, each word jutting out of you as he thrust experimentally. "Myungie, more!"
"Don't say that! I'm trying to take it easy... If I don't hold back, I might hurt you," He smirked before thrusting again. He drank up your moans, his head resting in the crook of your neck. "You keep moaning so loud, someone's gonna hear how much you love my cock. Tell me how much you need my fat cock!" He grabbed your waist and thrust harder, his other hand made its way to your hair as he pushed you more against the wall. Your hard nipples were rubbed against the cold metal of the elevator walls.
All you could do was moan and scream as he picked up the pace steadily. You whined and moaned yourself into a mess, looking at your reflection in the metal. A slut, Myungho's slut, but you loved every second of it–arching your back to meet the thrusts given to you.
"Who owns you, Kitty?" Myungho slapped your ass, and a loud crack rang in your ears.
"Y-You!" You sucked in the air sharply from the pain. Myungho was fucking you so good already, but you needed more. "Myungie! I cheated, in the game. I was naughty–please break me!" You told on yourself, listening closely to his reaction.
"What did you do, Kitty?"
"I put stuff in your water. More sex stuff, to make you wanna fuck more."
He chuckled. "Really? You just wanted to get fucked even harder, didn't you? Even cheating to make sure I would absolutely break you?" Myungho pushed into you completely, pulling you against his body as he peeled your sweaty body off the wall. "Bad boys have to be punished," He whispered in your ear as his hand left your hair and squeezed your neck. He had a tight grip on you, cutting off your air as he slowly fucked you. Each thrust was slow but hard, knocking any remaining air out of you. Your eyes rolled back as you felt dizzy, you held on for as long as you could before tapping on his hand. He released you, as you gasped for air, but he didn't give you much time to recover. Both hands tighten a grip on your hips and thrust into you harshly, shaking the elevator. He wasn't holding it back anymore.
Your walls tightened with joy as your climax approached.
"And don't you care cum before I say so?" Myungho ordered.
You already knew not to, but he was abusing your spot so hard that it was hard to hold it in.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum–all inside you, fucking slut!" He said, breathing hard as he continued fucking you aggressively. It was a few moments before he dumped a massive load inside you, he wouldn't stop cumming and his whole body twitched. You bit your lip as you felt his load inside you. "I– can't stop cumming. Holy fuck..." Myungho bit into your shoulder as he lazily thrust his cum deeper into you.
When he finally stopped, you remembered to breathe. "Jesus... that was so good," you sighed, your whole body shaking.
Myungho pulled out of you with a loud squelch. "It's your turn, filthy cheater. I want you to cum for me." Myungho got on his knees, slipping your cock into his mouth as he jerked you off way too fast. You jerked and twitched from his roughness but moaned the loudest when you came. You came more than you have ever before, more than Myungho was expecting–cum slipped down his cheek as he tried his best to swallow it.
Once you stopped, you both took a moment to breathe before realizing... Myungho was still hard. He looked at you with a smirk. "Kitty, you're responsible for all this."
You couldn't escape him, trapped in the elevator–Myungho fucked you four more times before he finally tapped out. He had to carry you out of the elevator once it was fixed. He apologized to the apartment staff for the mess before rushing off with you–leaving them to clean a heavily cum-stained floor...
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moviecritc · 5 months
Being patos bestie and going crazy over that photoshoot 🧡
she's like a poem ⋆ pato o'ward smau
pairing: pato o'ward x bestfriend!reader (fc: gracie abrams)
warnings: none
a/n: i was flabbergasted by that photoshoot, i also included that one tiktok where he appeared covered in chocolate out of nowhere bc omg
remember that requests are open <33
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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yourusername just posted a story!
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[caption: there's a pato stuck to my piñata @patriciooward]
user1: oh to be that piñata
user2: whose birthday is it?
user3: you guys need to be a couple NOW
patriciooward just posted a story!
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[caption 1: happy birthday bicho 🎉] [caption 2: you're such a weirdo but i love you] [caption 3: can't believe you made it to 25 after eating the whole box of cheese balls 😻]
yourusername: thank you wey 😘😘
user1: THREE stories for wishing happy birthday? you're such a simp
user2: pls just date her we know you want to 💋
patriciooward just posted a tiktok!
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patriciooward they're also perfect for a birthday
view all comments
user2 im still not sure if i want to buy them, do another one
user3 looks so good, and the chocolate too 🥰
user4 birthday? wasn't y/n's few days ago
user5 omg yess. we see you pato
user6 don't ask me how many time i've watched it
yourusername ⚠️jumpscare⚠️
user3 Y/N- user7 i can't with these two
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patriciooward just posted!
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liked by yourusername, elbaoward and 12,545 others
patriciooward Some shots from the other day :)
view all comments
elbaoward give this man a model contract
user1 i'm feeling woman things
yourusername oh wow
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patriciooward just posted a story!
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[caption: 🌊⭐️]
yourusername: who's that bitch? oh wait it's me 😊
user1: it's that yn???
user2: finally soft launching her
yourusername just posted a story!
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user2: oh pato and you are so together
user3: please tell me that you kissed at least
patriciooward just posted!
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patriciooward she's like a poem i wish i wrote (she made me write this)
tagged yourusername
view all comments
yourusername aww 🥰🥰 you know this is just to win over your sister right?
elbaoward anytime babyy 😉😉 patriciooward wait no it take me too many years to date her you can't take her from me this soon :((( yourusername too late bye
user2 it's like watching those friends that everyone knows they're gonna end together ACTUALLY getting together
user3 shut up this is so cute
user4 y/n has always been my favourite wag even when she wasn't
user5 i love that this isn't even a surprise no anyone
user6 we knew they were dating before they were actually dating user7 FRRR
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vanteguccir · 8 months
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          𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Matt has a crush on Y/N, an influencer extremely well-known in the USA, but when she goes to the Zach Sang Show, Matt discovers that she also has a crush on him. When the two meet at a party, how will Matt react?
REQUESTED?: Yes, from anon.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
"Hi beautiful people! I'm Zach, and that is Dan, and welcome to the studio for the first time after many requests, Y/N!" Zach began with his standard intro, the camera moving away from him and onto Y/N, who was sitting comfortably on the couch facing her microphone.
"Hii, wow... I've lost count of how many nights I've spent hours watching your show, Zach, so being here is an honor! Thank you so much for having me." Y/N spoke with a smile on her face, her eyes shining with excitement.
"It's amazing to have you here too. Believe me, the honor is ours." Zach replied, smiling just as much. "But tell me, how is life? Crazy, I imagine." He asked with a smile, taking in Y/N's features.
"Don't remind me, literally crazy! As I have Instagram, Tiktok, and YouTube to manage and post content every day, at least in one, I haven't had time to stop much, you know?" Y/N spoke while gesturing with her hands. "But it's been incredible. Over the past five years, I've loved every moment of it."
"I can only imagine, especially since you have a knack for fashion too, right? I see you a lot at events." Zach commented, taking a sip of his water.
"Yes, exactly. My content is a little bit of everything: humor, fashion, relationships, makeup, Q&A, day-to-day life, etc. I like this really mixed stuff." The girl let out a laugh when she finished.
"Yes, I think that's what attracts so many audiences to you too, right? You have subjects that cover all audiences." Zach commented, receiving a nod from the influencer. "And tell me a little about how it all started, from the beginning."
"Well, I've always been a person who loved to talk, my friends at school joked that if I sat next to an unknown person for ten minutes, within the first minute I would come up with a random topic and start a conversation." Y/N smiled when she heard Zach comment that that was something super interesting and traits of an extroverted person. "Plus, I've always liked having an audience and social media. I had Musical.ly many years ago, where I posted short makeup and hair videos."
"Wow, Musical.ly, I completely forgot it existed." Dan commented, laughing along with the other two.
"Yes, it looks like it was a crazy dream." Zach nodded, glancing briefly at Dan before returning his gaze to Y/N. "I saw some videos from that time. You once mentioned that you took makeup courses, right?"
"Yes, I took makeup courses at Make-up Forever Academy while I was at school. It's always been my favorite hobby." Y/N said, as she stirred her Starbucks coffee cup, her drink still warm. "And on Musical.ly, I only posted that, but over time, the app lost popularity, and people started looking for me on Instagram. At the time, my Instagram was pretty empty, I didn't post almost anything there, just some also makeup things. But then, I needed to change that since Instagram gave me a lot more tools to create more expansive content. It was the moment that I completely lost my shyness with cameras, you know? That's when I started talking about other things besides makeup and hair, and the audience grew. Famous people started following me as well, I remember I panicked about that." She paused, laughing, accompanied by Zach, who was listening intently.
"And my followers started asking for a YouTube channel, where I could make longer videos and each one about something specific. I thought a lot about it, but I took courage and created my channel, and it totally exploded, almost all of my followers from Instagram started to follow me there, but on YouTube the number of people doubled."
"It caught the attention of the public who only used YouTube, right?" Zach commented, nodding in understanding.
"Exactly! And I was just with this two social medias for a few years, until I discovered Tiktok, that's when I discovered that it was like an improved Musical.ly, and that a lot of people made content just on it. I remember thinking: why not? I was already fully on the Internet, and it wouldn't hurt to have another social network. The audience continued to grow, and there were shares all the time, likes, and comments, and with that, we reached 16 million subscribers on YouTube and 6 million followers on Tiktok and Instagram." Y/N finished, her face showing a smile as she momentarily remembered her long journey there.
"Your history with the Internet is truly incredible, you are one of the biggest influencers in the United States and well known all over the world, having started at 15 years old and fighting to grow and gain your own space." Zach praised, clapping playfully as Y/N waved her hand like it was nothing, her face turning red in embarrassment. "But you mentioned a subject I wanted to bring up: celebrities." He said, laughing when he saw the girl take on a fearful look.
"Jesus, what are you going to say?" Y/N asked with a smile on her face, she had already opened up her life and tastes so much to her audience, that she knew she would definitely have said something about celebrities that she didn't remember at that moment, but that Zach would bring up.
"There was a video on Tiktok where you were answering a question from a fan, who had asked what your favorite YouTube channel and your celebrity crush were." Zach began, approaching the microphone to his face. Y/N widened her eyes, taking a sip of her drink to hide her expression, vaguely remembering the video in question. "And you answered that your favorite channel was the Sturniolo Triplets and that your celebrity crush was Matt Sturniolo, is that correct?"
"Oh my God." Y/N muttered, hiding her red cheeks in her hands. "Yes, it is." She let out a nervous laugh. "The triplets are super funny, I just love their content! I'm not going to lie, I've never missed a video of them. I saw that Chris came here this year, right? I think their journey with YouTube is incredible." She said, Zach nodding as he confirmed that Chris had been on the show recently.
"They really are incredible people. Their content is gold. But, is Matt still your crush?" He asked again, looking at her with a smile on his face.
"You're not going to let this go, are you?" Y/N asked as she smiled sheepishly. "Yes, he's still my crush. I mean, have you seen that man? He's hot, has an incredible sense of humor, and is kind! Just perfect, just no more than Harry Styles." She counted the characteristics mentioned with the fingers of her right hand, laughing when she mentioned the British singer, trying to take all attention away from her admission about her crush.
"Yeah, guys, it seems like if you're not Matt, or Harry, you don't enter Y/N's list." Zach joked, looking at the camera, receiving laughs from the other two there.
The triplets were lying on the sofa in their home, each in a corner of the space, while using their phones. Sounds of tiktoks and reels echoed through the walls.
Nick was on his tiktok, browsing his For You, watching the millions of edits that his fans made for them, some videos of other subjects appearing from time to time. The boy let out a laugh when he saw an edit of himself with clips taken from the last car video, double-clicking on the screen to give it a like before scrolling his thumb up, Y/N's voice suddenly sounding from his phone.
Nick took his thumb away from the screen momentarily, paying attention to what one of his favorite influencers was saying, smiling as he heard her tell a little about her history with social media.
His smile was replaced by wide eyes seconds later when the girl's comment about his channel with his brothers and about Matt sounded.
"What?" He asked loudly, catching the attention of Matt and Chris, who had confused looks on their faces.
"What what?" Chris asked, locking the screen of his phone and tossing it to the side.
Matt only looked up from his own phone screen momentarily, returning his attention to his Instagram feed.
"You know Y/N?" Nick asked, his eyes darting from Matt to Chris quickly.
"That super famous influencer that Matt has had a crush on for years? Yes." Chris agreed, nodding his head as he adjusted himself in his seat, receiving a slap on the arm from his brother, who lowered his cell the moment the girl's name left Nick's lips.
"She knows who we are, and not only that, she talked about us on Zach's show." The redhead said with wide eyes.
"Zach Sang?" Matt asked, receiving a nod from Nick, who got up and walked closer to his brothers, sitting between the two and raising his phone, increasing the screen brightness and volume before hitting play on the tiktok again.
The video was a compilation of the show's favorite moments with the influencer. The triplets watched in silence until they got to the part where Y/N talked about her channel, also confirming her crush on Matt. Chris quickly turned his face to Matt with his mouth open in shock.
"Matt, THE Y/N has a crush on you." Nick reinforced, pausing the video and turning to his brother, who had wide eyes as he looked at the phone that had Y/N's face on the screen, a disbelief look on his own face.
"That's crazy." He muttered, shaking his head in denial. "It's not possible that my longtime crush has a crush on me, too. That only happens in movies. Right?" Nick rolled his eyes at the comment.
"It might be crazy, but it's not a lie. She wouldn't talk about our channel and reveal her crush on you if it was a lie or a joke." Chris commented as he fixed the hood of his sweatshirt, earning a nod from Nick.
"Next week, there will be that huge and super chic party for the biggest influencers and YouTubers in the United States here in LA, and we received an invitation. I'm absolutely sure she will be there. It would be a great opportunity to make contact with other YouTubers and get to know her, maybe even ask her to participate in a video with us." Nick reminded his brothers of the invitation, locking his phone screen and looking at the two.
"Are you sure about that?" Matt asked, an expression of uncertainty on his face. Out of the three, he was the least fond of parties, although none of them were very fond of it either.
"It would be great for the channel, Matt." Chris reinforced, shrugging. "It wouldn't hurt to try. If we don't like it, we can leave right away. But meeting Y/N seems amazing to me right now, and it would be a great opportunity for you."
"Are you guys sure about this?" Matt asked after turning off the key in the ignition, keeping his hands on the wheel as he looked ahead, his ears picking up the loud sound coming from the party.
"Matt, it's just going to be a test, okay? It's interesting for us to make more contacts." Nick responded from the backseat, resting his hands on the sides of the front seats as he looked in the rearview mirror, waiting for Matt to look back.
Matt looked up, focusing on Nick through the mirror, who had a neutral expression. The boy shifted his gaze to Chris beside him, who was already looking at him.
Chris offered a reassuring smile, taking his left hand to Matt's right shoulder, squeezing the area.
Matt exhaled deeply as he mentally prepared himself. It had been years since he had attended such a big party.
It didn't take long for the triplets to get out of the vehicle. Matt locked the doors before they started their walk to the mansion where the loud sound of pop music was coming from.
Nick quickly pulled from the pocket of his jeans the invitation he had received in the mail that stated his and his brothers' names on expensive-looking paper and beautiful writing, holding it ready to present to the security guards at the front.
After being granted entry, the three entered the house, stopping for a few seconds at the beginning of the living room while their eyes traveled over the people there, recognizing some of their social media.
The mansion was extremely chic, decorated with golden tones and diamond chandeliers, long marsala red curtains covered the huge windows and columns that resembled those of Greek temples were spread throughout the space, along with two staircases in each hemisphere of the room with wooden handrails and a red carpet that led upstairs.
Youtubers, influencers, and celebrities filled the space, talking or dancing, some drinking, dressed in extravagant and expensive clothes.
Chris surreptitiously pointed to a specific point, making his brothers look there.
"That's Y/N, right?" He asked, earning a nod from Nick.
To Matt, the earth seemed to have stopped spinning, and the world seemed to have become static. The celebrities in the room suddenly stopped, the sound became muffled, and the smell of drinks and perfume disappeared. His breathing seemed to catch, and his throat felt dry.
Y/N looked perfect, having opted for an all-silver outfit: a mid-length skirt with a thigh-high slit from Diesel draped in synthetic silver along with a white crop top also from Diesel adorned her body. A pair of thin silver high heels decorated her feet, complemented by a silver Diesel bag and jewelry in the same color.
She looked like she came out of one of those galaxy movies, but much prettier than its characters.
Matt could have watched her from afar for seconds or minutes, just admiring her beauty and every detail of herself, but it still seemed to be too quick for his liking. Nick woke him from his hypnosis with a weak slap to his chest, getting his attention.
"You definitely don't know how to disguise it." He commented, rolling his eyes.
"Shut up, Nick." Matt responded quickly, frowning and briefly looking at Y/N again, before turning to his brothers. "I'm going to get something to drink, are you coming?" He asked, needing a cold soda at that moment.
Chris nodded, answering for himself and Nick, following his middle brother to the bar that was in the separation between the kitchen and the living room.
The space was extremely chic, a circle-shaped bar with a gold colored counter decorated with details in yellow and navy blue tiles, giving an air of wealth. At the front there were stools with synthetic gold upholstery and at the back, after the space where the bartender circulated, there was a large circular and high table filled with all types of drinks, including the most expensive ones.
Matt leaned his hips against the counter, choosing not to sit down, and glanced briefly at the bartender.
Nick sat on the stool next to him and Chris sat next to Nick, the two starting a conversation about a subject that Matt didn't pay attention to, his attention focused on the people around him, or rather, on one specific person.
His blue eyes went back and forth to Y/N's silhouette, admiring her from afar as he wished to be by her side, accompanying her and being the person she was talking to.
The girl next to Y/N and who had been talking to her since the moment Matt entered the room walked away, saying something while blowing an air kiss to the influencer, who smiled in response and turned around, facing where Matt was, but not looking directly at him, running her eyes around the people while taking sips of her drink, probably alcoholic.
Matt took a deep breath as he gathered his courage, straightening up and starting to take long steps towards the girl, crossing the room and passing among the famous people there.
"Matt, what do you want to- Matt?" Nick began, turning to where Matt was and stopping mid-sentence when he saw that his brother was no longer there.
"He's on his way to get his pot of gold." Chris commented, poking Nick with the index finger of his left hand and pointing at Matt, who was already approaching Y/N.
The brunette stopped next to Y/N, turning so that he was also facing the people around and shoulder to shoulder with her, a few centimeters between them. His hands were in the front pockets of his jeans as he breathed slowly, trying to calm his nerves.
And then her voice sounded like it was the easiest thing she'd done all day. Her voice was silky in person, so inducing that it sent goosebumps across Matt's skin.
"You were working up the courage to say hi..." She lifts the glass, taking another sip, her lips shiny with gloss and bright red lipstick, her tongue escaping her mouth momentarily, licking the residue of the drink there. "Or would you just stare at me all night?" She turned around, facing him.
Matt almost choked on his own saliva as he heard Y/N confirm that not only had she noticed he was there, but she had also noticed that he had been looking at her this entire time. A weight settled in his chest. Perhaps it was shame or lust due to the way she said that without reservation.
"I didn't mean to disturb you. You seemed quite engaged in your conversation." He made up an excuse, knowing full well that he could have gone to the girl from the moment he arrived, but his fear of what would happen held him back.
"Engaged? In a conversation about who here has the most money and fame?" Y/N threw back, furrowing her eyebrows.
Matt looked around them, stopping his eyes briefly on the girl who had previously spoken to Y/N and who was now watching the people with a gaze torn between judgment and desire. A loud laugh escaped his lips as he shook his head in denial, the pettiness of some people impressed him.
"For what it's worth, you're the only famous person here that interests me." Matt commented, his blue eyes focusing on Y/N's face, analyzing her closely. An expression of satisfaction came over his face as he saw a red color take over her cheeks.
"You flatter me, Matt." Y/N looks back at him, their eyes meeting for a few long seconds, before hers travel across Matt's face, mentally taking note of every detail she could notice in the few seconds.
The boy smiled arrogantly when he saw her eyes on him, receiving an eye roll in response.
"Do you like what you see?" He asked, his voice taking a deeper tone and his pupil dilating as his lips stretched into a smirk.
"Don't let it go to your head." Y/N responded as she scoffed playfully, allowing the beginning of a smirk to emerge on the right corner of her lip.
At that moment, Matt felt like he could do something, anything, that would make her smile like that again or smile a bigger smile. He thought of a million possibilities of what he could say to cause that reaction in her, longing to feel the butterflies in his stomach again.
"You look beautiful tonight." Matt praised, his blue eyes traveling over Y/N's body momentarily, returning to her eyes. "Not that you just look beautiful tonight. You always look beautiful. But today you..." The boy tried to justify, getting caught on his words. "Look perfect."
A sigh escaped his lips, an apologetic look taking over his eyes as his right hand scratched the back of his neck lightly, feeling like a complete idiot for getting tangled up in front of the girl he has a crush on.
"I'm sorry, this isn't how I pictured myself meeting you." He groaned, looking at the ground in shame, hoping something would surge and save him.
"So you imagined meeting me?" Y/N smiled, feeling arrogant. She bit her bottom lip, feeling smug as she watched Matt blush and his eyes widen. "I'm kidding. You look beautiful tonight, too." Y/N let out a low laugh, returning the previous compliment, running her tongue between her lips, wetting them as her eyes traveled over Matt, pausing lingeringly on his exposed collarbone with the tank top he was wearing, the necklaces that decorated his neck made her mouth water.
Before Matt could even open his mouth to answer her, the sound of footsteps approached, catching both their attention. Y/N tore her eyes away from Matt's blue ones and looked ahead, seeing the same girl from before approaching again, holding herself back from instantly rolling her eyes.
The boy realized that the conversation would change direction and that, perhaps, he would no longer be included in it. A subtle sigh escaped his lips, and he tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans again, looking at Y/N briefly, realizing that she was already looking back.
"I'm sorry." She asked, pressing her painted lips into a thin line before a beautiful, wide smile replaced it. "Text me on Instagram. You will be my priority to respond." Y/N spoke before being gently pulled away by her "friend", turning her face back quickly and sending the brunette a wink before looking forward again.
Matt watched her from behind as her high-heeled legs took long, quick steps away from him, a goofy smile taking over his features. He would definitely send that text.
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rapunzelbro · 8 months
I've been reading your fabulous Lucifer and tall reader. I found a tiktok for a Lucifer scenario. I thought it was perfect just hiding little duckies all over the castle and hotel for Lucifer to find and to also piss Alastor off. 🙂
The Great Duck Hunt of The Century! Ft. Lucifer & Alastor!
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This title is so so so fucking specific. Remember my hiatus? Yeah I don’t remember either. I feel like I like writing for Lucifer and Angel more ngl and silly prompts like these give me inspiration. Idk why anywho enjoy~ Angel , Reader, Lucifer, Alastor Husk
Masterlist Taglist
Throughout your relationship with Lucifer you always found new ways to spice it up in the bed room
If you thought sex well, that too
But you meant something else, and that was The Great Duck Hunt of The Century!
What is it you may ask?
Well let’s just say Lucifer made a bunch of mini ducks out of pure boredom one day with you. So you snagged them all when you two were done with them
And spent the next 7 hours placing 500 in the castle and 500 in the Hazbin Hotel
Why? Because why the fuck not
Lucifer was excited and was happily looking around but when you got a text from Angel you knew you were fucked, screwed, in trouble
“Girl what tf did you do”
“Whatever do you mean?”
Why is Smiles yelling about finding ducks all over the hotel”
“Husk is literally finding them in the liquor bottles and choked on one of them and not the good kinda choke if you know what I mean” “🍆💦”
“I made a scavenger hunt for Lucifer that’s all 🫢”
“You didn’t hide any in my room did you”
“Hell no you’re my friend”
“Aw thank you sweetie💗 might wanna avoid the hotel for a while he is pissed I’ll keep rehiding them though. Ttyl babe~”
“Thanks for the warning”
Yeah uh let’s just say, after Lucifer did find a majority of them. Him being short Didn’t give him an advantage and you mentioned to him there’s a ton left so out comes Lucifer in bird mode
Dude is flying throughout his castle knocking so much shit over in the process to find these ducks and he is so fucking happy? Dude is so glad you did this.
It went on for hours
When you finish counting what he found you announce he found 500/1000
He didn’t know how you had so much dedication but he did and was ready to go to the hotel to find the rest
You texting Angel
“How many did he find?”
“I wanna say 100? This radio demons is ripping this hotel apart for them, Charlie thinks her dad did it but I let her in on it and told Vag. They think it’s funny as fuck. Well Charlie not as much but Vag is dying over here”
“omg did I tell you there’s bets being placed on this shit on if he burns the building down or not? Get your ass over here “
Lucifer makes a portal for you two because stepping into the hotel
It was a mess?? There were spots you didn’t even put any that were destroyed
“What the actual fuck?”
Everyone is just at the bar watching shit go down as Alastor is ripping the hotel apart for the ducks.
Lucifer is no where to be seen. This man’s instantly looking for the ducks and fixing up the building as he goes for his daughters sake
Alastor noticing you just appeared and him going up to you with his demon form practically almost fully out from his pissed this man is
“I’m hoping it wasn’t you who did this, or I’m afraid ł’ⱠⱠ ₱ɆⱤ₴Ø₦₳ⱠⱠɎ Ⱨ₳VɆ ₮Ø Ɽł₱ ɎØɄ Ⱡł₥฿ ฿Ɏ Ⱡł₥฿ Ʉ₦₮łⱠ ɎØɄ ⱤɆ₥ØVɆ ɆVɆⱤɎ ₴ł₦₲ⱠɆ Ø₦Ɇ Ø₣ ₮ⱧɆ₴Ɇ ₣Ʉ₵₭ł₦₲ ĐɄ₵₭₴”
His voice getting so fucking loud and static holy shit it was scary but you just back away as quickly as possible before Lucifer comes out with a fuck ton of the mini ducks before running infront of you.
Lucifer and Alastor stare at each other before Lucifer almost fucking launches at his ass for yelling at you
You instantly having to hold him back
“Listen you find these fuckers easily right? Help me find them and I won’t have to kill your little girlfriend”
“Haha fuck you. I’d love to see you try. I’m looking on my own terms “
Yeah he highkey didn’t want to take that chance regardless but he wasn’t lying when he said he was looking on his terms. Him bringing the ducks back to you as he found them
You counting them but Angel distracting you so much you had to double count everything like four times.
When he found them all the hotel surprisingly didn’t burn down, which caused almost everyone to give Husk money
“Hah.. old cats still got it”
Yeah Husk knew it wouldn’t be that dramatic considering if it had any involvement with you, or Lucifer, Lucifer could’ve easily fixed the building before it got to the point of that
He is fucking good
Alastor making the ducks dissolve in thin air once you counted them all and confirmed they were all found and Lucifer mourning the loss of his ducks while you and Charlie awkwardly comfort him.
Alastor instantly going back to his room with the worlds most irritating smile
“Please when you have this.. duck hunting again..you have it NOT HERE”
“Well that went better than I thought..”
And that was the end of the Great Duck Hunt of the century
It was the most fun Lucifer ever had.
And to see Alastor in that state was the icing on the cake.
He loved you so much and was 100% going to make himself a trophy since he found them all
It’s just the little things you do or even in this case the big things that make him appreciate you even more
Especially if it involves pissing off Alastor my god you got hella bonus points for that shit
Lucifer Taglist: @vendetta-ari @brithedemonspawn @katshyperfixations @aphestina @satansmanager @irethepotato @storydays @saturnhas82moons @zamadness
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reiderwriter · 8 months
hii! could you write smut where spence and reader are bestfriends and one day shes in his car and he snaps and is like “I LOVE YOU” and like they have sex in the car (like with sub spence) and can you include spence getting bj THANKYOUUU
A/N: Car love confessions always remind me of the electric love tiktok "I kissed my best friend" trend that I was OBSESSED with two years ago, and my GOD was this a full-circle moment for me.
Warnings: sub!Spencer, semi-public sex, slight voyeurism, oral sex (m recieving), slight cum play, car sex (bj only), like this was slightly self-indulgent and I had to post it right after I finished writing...
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The air outside was cold, but the car had been running for an hour now as you listened to Spencer Reid talk about his day. Whether your cheeks were flushed from the heat coming from the fans or from his subtle attentions, you couldn't discern. 
Spencer, your best friend of nine years, who had been around the country saving lives and facing the most horrendous criminals in the world, was currently sat in the passenger seat of your car excitedly mumbling about Star Trek. 
“I can't believe you decided to watch it, and you did it without me,” he smiled at you, his body angled to face you just ever so slightly. 
He'd started by filling you in on the case he'd just returned from, then moved onto books he'd read recently (a conversation you could absolutely contribute to, being a college librarian yourself, and the source of many of his books). 
And then he'd asked you about your day, and you'd spilled about watching a few episodes of classic Star Trek, and all of his joy and knowledge had bubbled up to his lips without even a thought of pushing it down at all. 
“I've been hounding you for several years, and you decide on a whim to watch it today?” He'd meant for the question to come out with an annoyed tone, but he couldn't hold back the smile passing over his lips as you laughed at him. 
“Spencer, it's a TV show. We can watch it again together. In fact, why don't we do just that? Drive to mine, and we can sit through as many episodes of Star Trek as your heart desires.” 
“I wanted to see your initial reactions, though. I wanted to tell you all the behind the scenes knowledge only true trekkies know about.” 
You laughed loudly at this, especially as you saw the pout on his lips as he mumbled the word “trekkies.” 
“Hey, stop laughing,” he said, but his chest was heaving with a chuckle of his own. And for the life of you, you couldn't. He was sitting there pouting because he wanted to see how much you'd enjoy his favorite TV show, and by god, did he look adorable. 
“I'm sorry, Spence, I-” you tried to cover your mouth, but found your hands were both needed to hold your stomach instead as the laughs that wracked your body veered on painful. 
“Y/N, really!” He said, fully grinning now, pout abandoned. But you didn't stop.
Nothing in the air changed or paused at that second, as his head swooped closer to you, but your body instantly reacted to his closeness. 
It was as if all the hairs on your body stood on end as he tipped up your chin and quickly stole away all the oxygen in your body. 
Before your mind could react, your hands were already tangled in his hair, making sure he couldn't pull away. But you felt him smiling into the kiss, and you knew he wouldn't ever want to pull away now that you'd accepted him. 
With empty lungs, you finally had to separate, and to your surprise, a giggle still flittered from your lips. This time, you did clap a hand over your lips, though. 
“You're laughing still? I just kissed you to shut you up, and you're still laughing.” He said, tucking the few strands of hair behind your ear but still refusing to move too far away. 
“You should've seen your face. You were pouting and adorable and-” 
“I love you.” 
Your heart, that had previously been beating remarkably fast after his kiss (and likely from the fit of laughter preceding it), stopped at his words. 
You'd heard people describing butterflies in their stomach before, but this was more intense. It was more like your heart was a pinball that had just been launched back into the machine and was bouncing around in your ribcage hitting objects and trying desperately not to detach from your chest and jump into his arms. 
“I love you, Y/N.” He smiled, and it was sweet and simple, and even if you were not simple people and life had never been particularly sweet to you, you allowed your happiness to soar as you leaned back in and pressed your lips against his. 
Maybe it was the nine years of waiting (though had you been asked, you'd have been totally oblivious to your quite obvious feelings for the man). Maybe it was again the heat in the car. Maybe it was perhaps the two weeks in which you'd not seen him that led you to venture a step further than you usually would. 
But within seconds of tangling your tongue with his in his mouth, sending him reciprocated confessions with each passing breath, you somehow found the energy to pull yourself up and onto his lap. 
“Y/N, we're in a car-” his protests were weak as you suckled your way down his neck. 
“It's dark outside, and I love you.” His hands gripped possessively on your hips as you continued to shower him in affection. 
“What if someone sees us?” He whimpered as you loosened his tie, discarding it so you could pop his buttons open and trail more kisses across his beautiful collarbone. 
“Then I hope they understand enough to walk away and leave us alone to love each other.” 
You'd managed to get all of his buttons undone and sat squirming in his lap as your fingers brushed across his pert nipples. His head was thrown back to allow you access to the part of his neck that, when you'd run your tongue along it, had him gripping your ass and rubbing your core along the now obvious tent in his pants. 
“Y/N, please….” He panted, and you again returned your lips to his face, brushing over his eyes, his nose, his jaw, and his lips. You were blind and discovering your whole new world through your lips, mapping his features inch by inch. 
His whimpers grew louder, more urgent. He was almost becoming whiny, and that pout from earlier shadowed across his face again, so delightful that you'd immediately wanted to kiss it away from him. 
Dry humping in the passenger seat wasn't going to be enough  you decided, and reluctantly drew away from him quickly. 
“Y/N, what-” He weakly gripped the material of your pants, his quiet protests from earlier forgotten as he begged for your touch to return. 
“Trust me, I love you,” you winked at him again, marvelling in his flush, the hand he wiped across his face to hide his quiet joy. 
You shimmied yourself down so your face was hovering just above his cock, straining through his pants. You slowly undid the buttons and let his cock spring up, wrapping a firm hand around it when it was fully released. 
His hand came down to cover yours, even as the other covered his flushed cheeks and eyes in embarrassment. 
“Spencer, let me see your face. I want you to look at me, please, Spencer.” You cooed at him as you quietly removed your hand from under his, instead moving it to his so you could control his movements. 
You let your breaths hit his cock as you controlled his hand, helping him to slowly jerk off as he gave into the pleasures you were so desperate to gift him. 
“Spencer, please, for me. Show me your fucked out face, I want to see it so bad.” 
With each slow stroke, his body seemed to grow heavier with lust until the hand on his face eventually fell, and you could lock eyes with him once again. 
You smiled brightly at him and, without missing a beat, took him into your mouth. 
The angle was awkward, but you only needed to see that shock and just in his eyes briefly, so you manoeuvred your head into a better position and began fresh. 
You held his hand, holding his cock, and sunk your lips down as far as they'd go, before lifting slowly off. You did it again, and heard the hiss from his lips as he enjoyed the pressure. 
You sped up slightly and felt his discarded hand land on your hair. It wasn't domineering or controlling, but more comforting, as he tugged your hair behind your ear, eventually bundling it up into a gentle pony tail to keep it out of the way of your task. 
“Y/N, I love you so much,” he whimpered and moaned, and you squeezed his hand in response, intensifying the pressure on his cock while also responding to his confession. 
You were going to show him just how deeply you loved him by giving him as much pleasure as you could muster. 
“Pull off, Y/N, please, I'm going to-” He bit his lip, biting off the sentence, almost as if he were afraid of speaking the vulgar words into existence. You could feel his muscles going taut underneath your hands, though, knowing exactly how close he was to losing all control and giving into passion. 
And you certainly weren't pulling away. 
Instead, you pushed your head down once again, going further than you'd managed thus far, nose tickled by his pubic hairs as he shot his load down your throat. 
You gagged, of course you gagged, and he let out a guttural moan, sensitivity apparent in each of his twitches and ragged breaths. 
You made sure to keep as much of him inside your mouth and rose off his cock, looking up at him again through eyes half-lidded with lust. You made sure he was watching as you smiled and swallowed a mouthful of his cum, making sure to lick your lips after and watching his throat bob as he processed the entire scenario. 
You again climbed into his lap, but this time, you just pressed your head to his bare chest, wrapped your arms around his neck, and listened to the thrum of his heart. 
“I love you, Y/N,” he said again. You hummed a response and waited for him to say it  again and again. Hopefully, for the rest of your lives. 
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ghettogirly · 3 months
how do you think armando would react if He is too much in love with the reader, but she is younger than him (I mean Armando is obviously twenty-eight but the reader is still in his 20s) I would appreciate it very much, I love you 💗🌷✨
I don't know how many times I've ordered, but here I am again 🛐🙃♥️
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-> synopsis: how would armando be when loving a girl who’s 10 years younger than him? armando is 32 and the reader is 22.
-> theme: age gap, comedy, suggestive.
-> format: headcanon/drabble.
-> warnings: mention of age gap relationships, mature language.
-> authors note: i’m going to be putting updates out slower since I’m not that well guys. nevertheless i hope you enjoyed! I love your requests!! 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝! 🌸
-> older!armando would literally first meet you when he picked his son, Alejandro, up from class.
-> it would be the first time meeting you as you’re a new teacher in the school.
-> so when he came to pick up his son, it’s safe to say you was utterly shocked at the resemblance and at the way they both acted.
-> Armando displayed the same cheekiness Alejandro did, smiling at you as his son was going on about his day.
-> “Parece que realmente disfruta de tus clases.”
-> “he’s a lot like you.”
-> “they say that, gotta come see from the source though, eh?”
-> oh.
-> you found out that Armando is divorced ,
honestly you was kind of happy.
-> it may be inappropriate to admire your own student’s father but what can you do if he’s the most attractive man you’ve saw in your life.
-> he noticed your staring but didn’t mind, he thought you was the most beautiful woman to exist too.
-> so he took his chances and asked you out.
-> to which you accepted.
-> he took you to an 90s themed restaurant where old school rnb was playing, wanting you to hear the music that was around when he was younger.
-> getting to know each other, you found out that he was a business owner. Having multiple offices around Miami helping those to build their perfect house.
-> “all those beautiful houses you see in Miami, i’ve built most of them.”
-> “i never would’ve imagined that’s the work you do.”
-> seeing him laugh and smile literally made your heart warm. “what can i say? i like getting my hands a bit dirty.”
-> you nearly choked on your drink. Armando was definitely enjoying seeing you flustered, making these tiny comments from even the moment he met you.
-> ordering food, you both ate and enjoyed each others presence.
-> “¿Te importa que sea mayor que tú?”
-> your eyes widened at the question. Putting your utensils down, you looked up at him to which he waiting for your answer.
-> “You would be the oldest man i’ve ever spoken to romantically but i don’t object to the idea of it.”
-> He smiled at that. “Good.”
-> after the date, he drove you back home as it was a little bit after 9pm. You thanked him and then kissed his cheek as a thank you.
-> wanting more, he lightly turned your face to his and gave you a peck on your lips. Making you blush at his bold advance.
-> “Hopefully i’ll see you again soon.”
[🌸] 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄:
-> it’s been a couple months into yours and Armando’s relationship.
-> Honestly one of the healthiest relationships you’ve been in.
-> he always picks you up from work, not wanting you to walk back anymore, especially after a long day.
-> you always stay over at his on the weekend, relaxing with him and Alejandro by watching some movies or even going out to the park.
-> The age gap between you and Armando can be visible at some points, especially when it comes to social media.
“Nena, ¿sabes qué es tiktok?”
-> You nearly laughed at him even mentioning it. “What do you know about tiktok?”
“My employees told me to download it but i just don’t get the app.”
“Stick to facebook babe.”
-> even with things like his email, you noticed that he was using @yahoo.com
“Who uses yahoo email?!”
-> nevertheless, you wouldn’t trade the relationship for anything else, inheriting both a family and a man who loves you for you. Bombarding you with compliments everyday.
-> “You look absolutely stunning today babe.”
“New hair?”
“Looks great on you.”
-> Life was great, even with a man who’s 10 years older than you.
“Parece que realmente disfruta de tus clases.”: he seems to really enjoy your classes.
“ ¿Te importa si soy mayor que tú?”: Do you mind if i’m older than you?
“Nena, ¿sabes qué es tiktok?”: Baby, what is tiktok?
[🌸] 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @dyttomori @tyneshaaa @shurisgf @milliumizoomi @sarcasticbitchsblog @armandosbabymama @thedarkworldofhananerea @amplifiedmoan @deadpool15 @wizewhispers @5tarlan7
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w2soneshots · 4 months
Can you make a short one about us singing Harry’s distrack home alone and he brings the boys home and they just hear us singing it and cooking. And We Get scared and emberesed all all it is just super fluffy
Caught -W2S
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words: 0.5k+
warnings: none.
summary: when you’re home alone you subconsciously start singing Harry’s old diss track. But unbeknownst to you four of the sidemen are listening.
notes: I love this idea! I think it's time for my monthly 'sidemen diss tracks' rewatch😂. Enjoy babe!🌟💞
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"Creature was shit. Why did we have to wait four months for it?" I sang quietly as I made myself dinner. "You said you were evolving, but you didn't do bits. You just evolved into the first male with tits." I continued before taking a sip of the wine I just poured. "You said you had to get some things off your chest. So, tell me, why the fuck do you still have breasts?"
I've been with Harry for years. We met just as he moved to London and immediately hit it off. So I was present for the entire diss track era, meaning I have unintentionally learned the lyrics to Harry's 'Ksi Sucks' song. Along with the fact it's recently gone viral and is all over TikTok. "Yeah, you're leaving the Sidemen, but, thankfully. You made the other guys. But you didn't make me. So I can stand here on my own two feet. As I chat shit about you on this old-school beat." The pan sizzled as the chicken cooked, and a puff of steam erupted into the air.
I heard a chuckle and I jumped, along with a small screech from my mouth. I quickly whirled around to see Harry, Ethan, JJ and Simon stood in my living room, with massive smiles on their faces. "Fuckin hell you scared the shit out of me!" Harry chuckled. "were you just singing my diss track?" My face turned red from embarrassment. "Uhm... yea it's stuck in my head." I replied. All four of them burst out laughing.
"Are you hungry? I made way too much food." I asked as the boys sat down on the sofa. "Yea sure, that would be great." Harry answered. The boys nodded their heads happily. I smiled lightly then returned to cooking the food. Once it was finished I plated it up onto five different plates then everyone came to sit down.
"So how come you all came back here?" I asked after a few minutes. "We need to make some last minute decisions for our next shoot so I said we could do it at our place." Harry replied. I nodded "well you could've sent me a quick text Haz. Maybe I wouldn't have been caught singing." I said sarcastically. A small rumble of laughter came from Ethan. "You were pretty good to be fair." Simon joked. I rolled my eyes and continued eating my food. Since I've known Harry for so many years I'm pretty comfortable with the boys and have amazing friendships with the girls (especially Freya since she was also here from the very beginning).
Once everyone had finished JJ offered to clear the plates away but I told him that I'd do it and for him to get on with the work he needed to do. After cleaning up I headed into the bedroom to watch tv. I heard many laughs and loud talking. "It's going to take them ages to finish that if they keep messing around." I thought. But after almost an hour they were finished and Harry was crawling into bed next to me.
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raspberrybesitos · 11 months
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Muñequita | javier peña x f!reader
Main masterlist
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Word count: ~2k
Summary: Javier comes home from a shit day at work, and puts your free use agreement to work.
Warnings: free use, oral (f receiving), mirror sex, unprotected PIV (wrap it up y’all), doggy style, papi (daddy) kink, dom!Javi, dom/sub dynamic, spanking, degradation, praise kink, creampie, fluff, after care, reader is female, reader has hair Javier can pull but no mention of hair type/skin color/body type, NO USE OF Y/N.
A/N: i cranked this out in like an hour. this literally came out of nowhere, i've just been thinking about Javi a lot. like honest to god this is just the result of me watching too many Javi edits on tiktok and a severe case of Javi P brain rot :P hope y'all enjoy! not beta’d, all mistakes are my own. 🏃‍♀️
Divider by @saradika
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Sighing as he unlocks the door to your home, he loosens the tie around his neck and tosses his keys onto the counter. He toes off his shoes and kicks them to where yours lay in the foyer. The sound of music and the smell of something cooking catches his attention, pulling him into the kitchen.
The frustration from today dissipates ever so slightly at the sight of you at the counter, preparing dinner. He trudges to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a kiss on your neck, eliciting a startled yelp from you.
“Javi! I didn’t even hear you come in, you scared me!” You yell, setting the knife down and turning around in his embrace. He sighs and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. “Rough day?” You ask, twirling the curls at the nape of his neck. He silently responds with a nod as he peppers kisses to the column of your throat. 
Javier isn’t typically one for talking about what’s bothering him. Letting him open up to you at his own pace, you two have an agreement: he can fuck you whenever and however he likes after a hard day.
A moan threatens to spill over your lips as he sucks on the spot just above your collarbone. “What can I do to help, papi?” Asking teasingly as you feign innocence, batting your lashes at him.
He snarls at your words, gripping your hair and drawing you into him. “I think you already know the answer to that, bebita.” He sinks to his knees, hands roaming to the hem of your dress. Your scent intoxicating as he leans in to hike your dress up over your stomach and bunching it up over his head. He groans as he takes in the sight of your bare cunt. 
“No panties, baby? Did you know I was gonna come home pissed off huh? Make sure my meeting went to shit so you’d get fucked like a little slut?” You whimper at his words as you shake your head.
“No, Javi, I swe-,”
You’re cut off with a light smack to your thigh, moaning at the dull sting. “Uh uh. What’s my name, bebita?” Javier growls. “P-papi,” you whimper. “That’s right,” he says, pressing a kiss to your mound.
“Look at her, bebita. She’s drooling for me. All from being called a slut?” He rasps against your thighs, his prickly mustache scratching them as he litters kisses along them. Javier doesn’t miss the way your thighs squeeze together, noticeably clenching around nothing.
A soft bite pulls you from your trance, gasping as he sinks his teeth into the flesh of your thigh. “Yes, papi. Wanted to give you something nice to come home to,” you moan, locking eyes with him as his hands roam up to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze.
“My sweet bebita walking around here with no panties on like a good little slut. You go out in public like this or just here, waiting for papi to get home?” 
“Only here, only for you, papi,” you pant, your neediness increasing by the second. Your words elicit a growl from him.
He dives in with no warning, your head swims at the sensation of his tongue on your dripping core. “Oh fuck, papi!” He hums as he laps at your juices, licking a broad stripe up your folds, parting your lips with his tongue. Endless moans stream from your lips as a new wave of slick seeps from your cunt and into his mouth.
He groans at the taste of you, his cock twitching in his suit. “F-feels so, s-so good, papi,” you whine as you toss your head back. The smell of something burning piques your interest, turning your head to the side. The pan you’d left on the stove sends smoke into the air, completely forgotten in the midst of everything. You gently tap Javier’s shoulder. “Papi, d-dinner,” you stutter through your moans as Javier curls his lips around your clit.
Grunting at your words, Javier turns it into a race - betting he can make you cum before the smoke detector sets off. Eager to win, he shoves two thick fingers into your dripping pussy. Your eyes fly open, inhaling a sharp gasp at the unexpected intrusion.
The sting from the stretch is welcomed and so utterly delicious, you clench around them as he relentlessly suckles on your swollen, puffy clit. “Ja- Papi, wait, gotta - hah - gotta turn off the stove,” you whine. He doesn’t relent, in fact, his pace picks up as he laps at your core. His long, thick fingers ruthlessly hitting your g-spot as he fucks them and in and out of you. The smoke permeates the air, your head swirling as your orgasm approaches.
He groans as he feels you clench around his fingers. The vibrations of it sending you crashing into your orgasm.
“Papi!” You scream, seizing up under his hold as you uncontrollably convulse, bucking your hips up into his mouth. Moaning as he drinks up every last drop of your slick. He pulls back, the skirt of your dress slightly falling.
Without moving from his spot, he keeps one hand on your thigh while reaching for the knob on the stove, turning it off before the smoke detector can beep. The smoke slowly dissipates through the open windows as he turns his attention back to you.
A bead of sweat drips from your brow from the combination of the heat and your orgasm. He lets the hem of your dress fall back into place and rises to his feet. His lips crash onto yours. His mustache damp as his chin glistens with your slick, smearing it onto yours. The kiss ravenous and heady, you moan into his mouth at the taste of yourself on his tongue.
“Bedroom, now,” he rasps, grabbing your hand and hurriedly leading you to your shared room.
He nearly throws you across the room as he flings you onto the bed, shucking his suit jacket off in the process.
Drawing him in by the tie, you suck his bottom lip into yours as you fiddle with the buttons on his shirt. He fiddles with his belt as you slip off his shirt, tugging his curls in your hands - deepening the kiss.
He helps you tear the dress from your body, your lips still connected. Swiftly unhooking your bra and tossing it on the floor, he growls at the sight of you laid out, stark naked on the bed for him.
You coyly spread your legs, your cunt still wet and sticky from earlier. Flames burning in your core as he removes his briefs. His angry, red cock throbbing as his seed spills over the tip as his eyes blow wide with lust.
He pumps himself in his first, lathering his length in his precum. “Turn around bebita. All fours,” he demands.
You quickly follow his instructions, eager to be stuffed full of him. Propping yourself up on all fours, teasingly arching your back as you wiggle your ass. A sharp smack comes crashing down onto your ass, a loud moan escaping you.
He snarls at your teasing. The bed dips behind you, as Javier settles in behind you. Gripping your hair, he yanks you flushed against his chest. “You gonna be a good girl, baby? Or are we gonna have a repeat of last time?”
The delicious memory of him restraining you to the bed, edging you for hours replays in your head.
Despite how appetizing that sounds, your neediness overpowers your decision making as you’re desperate for him to fuck you.
“Yes, papi, I’m gonna be good, I promise,” you keen as he nips at your ear lobe. “Good girl,” he whispers in your ear, tossing you back onto the mattress.
His girthy, long cock drags along your ass and teasingly prods at your aching pussy. Anticipation bubbles in your tummy as he lines up his length with your entrance. He enters you in one, slow motion, drawn out moans from both of you filling the air along with the squelch of your pussy.
Filling you to the hilt, you pant as he languidly pulls out of you before ramming back into you. You duck your head into the mattress, muffling your moans.
“Uh uh, don’t do that. Look into the mirror and let me hear you, baby. Let me hear those pretty sounds you make for papi,” he says as he slowly begins fucking you.
Turning your head to the side, you catch a glimpse of you two in the mirror. A particularly loud moan escapes you at the sight of him buried in you while he fucks into your sopping cunt, stroking your g-spot. The familiar mouthwatering sting of his cock causes tears to blur your vision.
“M-more, papi, more! Please!” You beg, needing more than the slow pace he’s going at. Suddenly, he’s ramming into you fast and hard, grunting with every thrust against your cervix as your cries fill the air.
“That hard enough for you? You like getting fucked like a slut, baby? Como una muñequita, like my little doll?” His hips snapping into yours, his balls slapping your clit with each thrust.
“Yes, papi, yes! Your little doll to use whenever you want, do anything you want with, papi!” You cry out on a choked sob, tears of pleasure streaming from your eyes. A tug of your hair elicits a high-pitched moan from you.
“I’m the luckiest man, bebita. Coming home to my girl cooking for me and letting me fuck her whenever I want, however I want. So fucking good for me, baby. So. Fucking. Good,” he moans loudly, his hips punctuating his words.
“Only for you, papi," you breathlessly whine. 
“That’s right, baby. Only for me. Cum for me, bebita. Wanna see you cum on my cock. Look in the mirror and look how pretty you are when you cum all over my cock, baby. Be a good girl for papi and cum, bebita,” he babbles.
You shift your gaze to the mirror again and the sight of him fucking you along with his words launch you into your climax, screaming as he grips your hips harder.
“Fill me up, papi. Stuff me full of your cum. Want it so bad, need your cum, papi, please,” you sob through your release. 
Thrusts growing sloppy as he fucks you through your high.
"Fuck!" He grunts as he coats your walls with his warm load, dribbling out of you and smearing between your thighs and onto your cunt.
Toppling over you, he remains inside as he rests his weight on top of you. Pants and the smell of sex linger in the air as he softens inside of you. He grunts as he pulls out, placing a soft kiss to your shoulder before padding into the bathroom.
Your limbs feel like jelly as you lay there, pliable and fucked out. Javier returns with a damp washcloth and kneels down to gently clean in between your legs, eliciting a soft hum from you.
He carefully flips you onto your back, delicately swiping at your mound, causing you to hiss at the contact - still sensitive from your back-to-back orgasms. 
“Lo siento, bebita,” he whispers, placing a tender kiss on your hip. “Estás bien, papi,” you softly tell him as you run your fingers through his hair. He goes to toss the washcloth into the laundry basket before coming to saddle beside you in bed.
Scooping you up in his embrace, he places a loving kiss on your forehead.
“I meant it, bebita,” his words making you perk up, your brows furrowed as you lock eyes with him, confused as to what he means.
“I’m the luckiest man and I don’t thank you enough, so… thank you, baby. I love you,” he rasps as he gazes into your twinkling eyes. Your features soften at his words, a small smile splaying onto your lips.
“No need to thank me, baby. I’m happy to do anything for you. I love you, Javi,” you whisper, cupping his face and drawing him in for a leisure kiss.
Your lips stay melded to one another’s for a moment until the sound of Javier’s growling stomach interrupts you two. You break the kiss as you burst into a fit of giggles.
“What?!��� Javier asks, a smirk playing at his lips at the sound of your laughter. “I knew I should’ve stopped you when we almost burned dinner!” You laugh, playfully swatting his chest. A chuckle rumbles from within him, you lightly bounce on his chest as he laughs.
“We can order something, I know you’re tired, bebita. Don’t worry about it, okay?” He asks, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple.
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tag list: @nostalxgic @mandoisapunk @bastardmandennis @tinygarbage @party-hearses @pascalpvnk @daydreamingmiller @persephone-girl @harriedandharassed
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xoxoluka · 5 months
Could you write one about Schlatt and (streamer)reader meeting on the sdmp?? Maybe they met before years ago like 2020 but their friendship sort of fizzled out?idk
have a nice day🧚‍♀️💝
believe it or not i haven't caught up with sdmp EEK but i will i swear; i've only watched like the first stream and then other clips on tiktok, heres what I came up with!
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jschlatt x streamer!reader headcannons
warnings: nothing crazy i don't think, schlatt's online persona
a/n: listen bro i dont really know what im talking about im doing my best, i made it headcannons because i can't write in-game content 😔
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⚜ you received an invite to a new minecraft server, one ran by the Sleep Deprived podcast members.
⚜ the last server you were in... yeah, we won't talk about that. you had left it suddenly, and no longer associate yourself and your content with specific people. a few exceptions were tommyinnit, tubbo, and technically jschlatt, although it had been a while since you actually made any content together.
⚜ when you first joined, you met so many new faces and reconnected with a few old ones. or at least tried to. schlatt wouldn't let anyone even near his property, so you couldn't really have a conversation with him without him hitting you or banning you.
⚜ you had made it a mission to yourself, and even a prediction in your twitch chat that you would get schlatt to allow you onto his very special property.
⚜ clearly, we've all seen what happens when you're too loud near his property or if you enter it without his permission. you didn't want to end up like one of them
⚜ you knew schlatt had a very pretty view over the ocean on his property, and even a tiny beach area, and you wanted in, and you also may have had a small crush on him back in the day, so you and your chat made a plan.
⚜ it started with leaving small objects in front of his fence, or putting them in a chest with a sign that said 'for schlatt.'
⚜ you would leave him flowers, some things that you had heard him asking other people for, food, coal, iron ore, anything.
⚜ you had noticed him asking around for who left it, but no one had figured that it was you, so you continued.
⚜ you started leaving larger objects, like already crafted objects, and started sending him letters.
⚜ you sent him a letter, saying 'meet me at spawn tonight. :p'
⚜ once he arrived, he was incredibly skeptical, so you gave him your proposal.
⚜ "listen, schlatt," you start. "i have a proposal. if you let me live on your land, i'll continue to supply you with all of the goods i get. what's mine is yours, if what's yours is mine."
⚜ "hm," he ponders. "i'll think about it."
⚜ he grants you small things from then on, like you're allowed to come into his property, but not yet live. you build a house fairly close to his fence, and place shared chests where you store things that you find.
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this was straight dookie my bad anon
requests still open!
© property of xoxoluka. do not repost.
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