#I've been busy as hell as per usual but it's still been a great few days for that alone
fullmetaldevil-blog · 2 years
2022 in a nutshell
A bit late to look back at last year but better late than never right?
(Note, slight suicidal warning)
If I had to sum it up I'd call it a roller-coaster to nowhere then straight to hell in a handbasket. For the most part it was business per usual dealing with the GP at work and coworkers trying the patience I don't have. That and doing a lot of home improvements trying to better the house for my aging folks. The normal stuff say for getting burned out a few times due to overworking. Lesson to be learned: rome wasn't built in a day nor should you try to do it all in one shot.
The fun really began in October when a lingering ache in my ankle wasn't going away no matter my attempts at keeping it in check. It ultimately resulted in a trip to urgent care and finding out that not only did I sprain the hell out of it, but I also have a free floating chunk of bone in the ankle as well. So we don't know what the story is about that given the location, but I still laugh at the doctor's reaction. Definitely got tossed back into a wheelchair for a minute until they got me a boot so I can walk again. Though lowkey kudos to the hospital for changing their wheelchair style cause I couldn't make a break for it like last time for which my sister could have killed me. (No sense of humor that girl lol)
Thanks to the injury I couldn't work for a month and a half which that was both maddening and infuriating. Thanks to some things, I got screwed out of pay and graced with a lovely pile of bills. The real fun was my mental health taking a nosedive thanks to stress, some mental issues, and family drama. I took a break to keep myself in check because contemplating and nearly attempting things is when I know I need help. Thankfully my mom and a few friends helped me get myself back in order and in a somewhat better head space. That and seeking mental help from services/suggestions offered by my health care provider. Depression is something I've been dealing with for years and you have your good days and your bad ones. I'm just thankful I have people I know and trust to get me out of the bad ones.
There's still things I am unwilling to go into full details about, but am hoping for a better year. 2022 just felt like 2020 part 2 and frankly I'm so done with it, but am gonna try to look on the bright side of things.
That being said, one of the things that has been lingering on my mind for the past few months is my Discord. I have a list of friends and conversations on there and am getting to the point of starting a clean slate. Not wiping everything but thinning out people or conversations. The main reason boils down to communication, or in some cases, lack thereof. 
I know I'm not the most chatty person in the world, while other times I can be, but sometimes I feel like I don't exist. Friendships are a two way street and lately it feels one sided with some. I know and understand that one person can't deal with every single person on their roster of contacts, but it doesn't take much to simply say hello from time to time. Even if it's a quick check up.
The grim reality for me is it leaves me feeling invisible and only needed when someone wants something. Nevermind simply checking in just to see if I'm still there. The negativity born from that doesn't help me one bit and leaves me bitter. I know I have insecurities when it comes to people simply because of the constant being used and tossed out for "a new model", being constantly backstabbed, being feared, or lastly being left behind. It's something I know I need to work on, but it is also the reason why I give people the 10 foot pole treatment to begin with. To protect myself from the negative thoughts of abandonment and feeling like I'm a ghost.
I get people come and go in life. I fully expect that and certainly have seen enough of it. I'm just at that point in my life where I say "you get what you see, nothing more nothing less. If you talk to me, great! If not, well, it was fun while it lasted and hope you have fun on your new endeavors." 
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miazeklos · 5 years
2020 is the first year in my life when I’ve decided to do the resolutions and ‘new year, new me’ thing and I know it’s only been five days, but I’ve got to report it’s going really well! Obviously I can’t tell if going cold turkey on every single bad habit you have and uprooting a lot of what you do in your (sort of) free time would be good for everyone, but it sure works for me and honestly, I’m very happy with the results so far. It did take Marie Kondoing pretty much every aspect of my life and getting rid of everything that made me feel in any way not great, even on SM, but it makes for a much lighter day to day life. Hopefully that’ll mean that I’ll be somewhat more consistent in my writing as well (given that the majority of this blog is also about the media I write for), so fingers crossed to a successful new year!
#personal shit#that's it that's the post#I just wanted to share without feeling like I'm bragging#which is what this sort of thing usually feels like when saying it out loud#focus is still A Struggle and though that's more an АDНD thing than a behavioural problem I'm still a bit better at it I think#I submitted the assignment with the midnight deadline for today at 6:30pm which is Something#one day I'll hopefully also stop calling actual disorders 'bad habits' but... baby steps#(potentially upsetting tags from now on jic)#since food and my relationship to it is a big part of the whole thing.. it's a huge improvement from my usual state#and it's mildly stupid because something's been bothering specifically about that uhh bad habit for a while#and it's the fact that I don't actually have the date of the last time I stumbled#like it definitely was somewhere last spring but I was too angry at the whole thing to remember when it was#so I won't know when it's been *exactly* a year or five or ten#and I want this to be the year when it doesn't happen even ONCE#because like... this shit has been with me through the last decade#the b/p cycle... the swinging from A to B and back again so to speak... the ED situation(TM) as a whole...#I'm not bringing it into this decade too#not when I think I've finally found peace in the golden spot in the middle#and now that I'm so resolute about it I feel so much lighter than before#I've been busy as hell as per usual but it's still been a great few days for that alone
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loneleesoul · 5 years
this is kinda like, obsessed reporter peter, finally gets to meet his idol tony stark, but tony knows that peters madly in love with him and offers him a thing he couldnt possibly refuse, i added Paparazzi by Lady Gaga because 1 i love her and 2 the song is kinda like an obsessed paparazzi obsesses over someone, anyways enjoy.
Peter had been working at the Daily Bugle for a while, it was an easy job.
It was also his favourite part of the day, even better than being Spider-Man.
He got to see him every day.
It was a little bit of an understatement to say he was obsessed or crushing. There was no word that could even come close to describe how Peter felt.
He basically stalked Tony Stark, hanging on every word, getting a picture from every angle. Opening doors and secretly buying his coffee. He knew that Tony could afford it, but Peter got some sickly pleasure from doing things for Tony.
A pleasure that Peter felt would get worse if he were to actually do sexual favours for him. It was already hot enough to watch the look he gives him when Peter opens the door. Or the signature smile when he poses for pictures.
God don't even get Peter started on Tony's voice, a deep baritone. Every syllable and noise goes straight to Peter's sensitive ears and just.. does crazy insane things to him.
It makes him melt, the soft grunts he wished he could hear in the bedroom, the soft praised he gave to fans as encouragement. He wanted that.
He needed that.
He's craved it for years, and he sure as hell deserves it.
He's ignored all of his other assigned celebrities to photograph and interview, it was just him. Only him.
It eventually became a problem and he was fired, but he still followed Tony everywhere. Pretending to be a reporter, only to find out the information he could never ask as a professional reporter.
One day, Tony speaks to him. "Why don't we have coffee? You've been following me around for months. I guess you haven't gotten any answers."
Peter agrees immediately, desire pooling in his gut. He wanted Tony to take him to... anywhere private, bend him over any surface and fuck him senseless.
"Do you like your lovers in lingerie?
"What's your favourite position?"
"I've been waiting for so long, I need you."
Peter has to force himself from saying the filthy words in his head. His Spider Senses have been frying his brain, he's nearly overstimulated by the time Tony sits down across from him.
"So, you're obsessed with me." Tony starts, freaking the hell out of Peter.
"I-" He squeaks, setting down his notes. "I'm joking, it's your job to follow me right?" Tony laughs, the sound heading straight to Peter's cock.
Peter smiles, "Yeah, I'm a big fan."
Fucking understatement of the year.
"That's great, I love my fans." Tony beams back at him and Peter quickly wonders how soft his hair is.
He has to refrain from asking, smiling sweetly. "I love you."
His smile falters, heartbeat rapidly out of control and about to shatter against his ribs.
Tony chuckles. "At least let me buy you dinner first."
"I- I mean, your story! Sorry I tend to forget to finish sentences and make an ass of myself! I mean, you like changing your father's company and becoming Iron Man, a hero and legend. Fighting evil and saving lives." Peter trails off, somewhat sated as Tony's smile grows.
"Are you really a reporter?" He asks, twirling the straw in his cup.
Peter's taken completely off guard. "W-What? Of course I- fuck." He sighs.
"I was fired a few days ago, but I never finished my work on you." He says, and it's not technically a lie, or the truth either.
Tony sighs, a smile still on his face. "You're adorable kid. I understand it's hard losing your job, especially when you have to buy me coffee secretly without me knowing." Tony smirks.
Peter's frown grows. "I'll find another job, and I honestly thought I was smooth in buying all of those drinks." Peter says sullenly.
"Well I mean, you only bought me like 236 coffee's this year alone, so I guess I owe you."
fuck me.
"What?" Peter ignores the dark desire in the back of his mind.
"Hmm, let's see, around 250 drinks. I owe you 1,000.. 4-ish per coffee." Tony pulls out a wad of cash and Peter is speechless. Disappointed he wasn't offered anything else.
"I- I can't accept this." He mutters, suddenly remembering that he's been stalking his man for months, obsessing over him for years.
Taking money from him, with or without consent or knowledge seemed wrong.
"You can and you will, it's not even that much kid." He smirks then adds. "Gotta make a living somehow."
"I'd rather earn that money, Mr. Stark."
"Well, then we're in business Mr. Parker." Tony puts his hand out to shake and Peter feels like he's in a dream.
He's glowing with pride and victory, he could get whatever he wanted from a man wanted by millions.
He's well succeeded earning the thousand in coffee cash, he was just doing it not to please Tony.
Idol, dolden dream, daddy... his sugar daddy.
Just another thing he could call Tony
as usual this turned to hot garbage near the end, sorry but tumblr tends to not save drafts ive worked on for hours, so this was written in about 70-80ish minutes, but y'all dont really care. if you want more then lemme know, i really need to fix my life.
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lavender-lotion · 7 years
Do you take prompts? It's my birthday tomorrow and I've always loved your work and I would love a stetopher fic where it's stiles birthday but his dad doesn't really like peter/chris but they want to help him celebrate anyway
Happy Birthday, Baby | 2,277k
John isn’t a fan of his sons ‘husbands’. Peter is trying his best to keep it all a secret. Stiles is suspicious - and absolutely not paranoid. Chris is just in love.
Read it on AO3 here!Read the rest of the series here!
“I don’t like either of you,” John began, barreling on when he saw Peter Hale’s affronted face, “But, but I recognize the fact that you love my son, and while I may not agree, I respect your devotion to him.”
It was a far cry from what he had told his son when they’d first come to John. To Stiles he had been supportive, offering the acceptance he knew his son needed. However, there was no need for him to lie directly to these two men, and although he had made his opinion clear in the past John wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to remind them how he felt.
Argent nodded steadily, face as blank and stoic as usual and it made John uneasy. He had a particular talent for reading people, always had and the skill had come in more than handy during his years of duty. But Christopher - Christopher was impossible to get a read on. Nothing he felt ever showed on his face and it worked to fester the distrust John already felt.
“That being said, Parrish nor I have any hangups with putting you both down.” he said seriously. Sheriff or not, no one was going to hurt his little boy - even if Stiles was turning twenty three and had reached his height years ago. He would always see him as the small thing that curled up between he and his late wife, falling asleep more often that not. John could still remember all the nights he had carried his son up to bed, his boy cradled to his chest and it didn’t matter how big or how old Stiles got - he would always be John’s son and he would always do his best to protect him.
If that mean threatening the boys ‘husbands’, well.
Planning the party wasn’t hard - though keeping it from Stiles was. Peter had always known his boy to be brilliant, even from the first time they met. He had seen something in the younger man, something that interested him. Of course he hadn’t expected anything to come from his idle flirting, either.
It was Chris who had come to Peter about Stiles, had brought up the other boy up in any way. Of course Peter was aware that both he and Chris  went to the same coffee shop, however he never would have guessed they were both infatuated with the same barista. It made sense that their interests would be similar, after spending so many years together, but Peter wouldn’t have ever thought Chris would be the one to suggest bringing someone into their relationship.
Chris had always been so uptight. Peter knew it was a product of his upbringing, and although he teased the man he respected the way Chris behaved, the nuisances his husband had. So offering to bring Stiles into the mix was not something he would think his husband to do. Though they had done so and although neither Chris nor Peter expected to fall in love, neither were upset when they did.
Well, at least not after they realized they were on the same page. So they had courted Stiles, caught up in the boys brilliance. And they had never gone back, never questioned the boys place in their lives. Now, it had been years since that first confession in the coffee shop and it seemed like it was a lifetime ago. Their boy - far more of a man now - was turning twentythree and they had been together for nearly four years.
When Peter thought about it like that, four years didn’t seem long enough. It just didn’t seem possible that all the memories they had made, the experiences they shared together could have all happened in such a short span of years. They had built a life together, lived together, and had for some time. And sure, maybe their relationship had progressed rather quickly - he could admit that - but it wasn’t like their relationship followed any societal norms.
However, living together meant lying to Stiles was - difficult, to say the least. It wasn’t as though Peter was in the habit of lying to his youngest husband, either of his husbands really, but desperate times and all that. The problem with living with Stiles was simple; the boy had grown up with a Sheriff for a father. He was far too clever, even for someone as smart as Peter, to easily hide things from.
He kept all the important paperwork at his office, filing them away in the back of cabinets or under piles and piles of other papers. All the communication he made was done with his work phone or with a new email he had created specifically for the event. He made sure he refilled the tank in his car if he ever drove more than usual though it was often easier to walk during his lunch break, just to be safe. He did his best to keep everything as well hidden from Stiles as he could.
It made it difficult to plan a surprise when hiding anything from his husband was near impossible. It didn’t help that Chris wasn’t exactly subtle, either. Of course the man was trying, but aside from stoic silence he wasn’t exactly great at keeping things secret. The problem with his stoic silence was it was so obvious, and the fact that Chris cited a headache for nearly two weeks made it even more so.
Peter sighed. He would have to distract Stiles somehow, lead him off their scent in case the boy actually was getting suspicious. Hmm, maybe a few good orgasms would be enough to keep the boys mind busy.
Stiles wouldn’t say he was paranoid. Really, he didn’t think himself to be overreacting. It was just, he knew he was being lied to. He wasn’t an idiot, was far from stupid. It didn’t matter what others thought of him, he was smart, and yeah sometimes that wasn’t glaringly obvious, but it wasn’t his fault his brain often moved too fast.
He had always been good at reading people, at seeing what others tried to hide. He figured it was something that came with being a Sheriff’s son, essentially growing up in a police station. He knew how people acted when they were lying, when they were being honest. He could sniff out deceit with relative ease, had been able to for years now.
So he knew that something was up. It wasn’t just Chris’ silence or how much Peter was suddenly working. It wasn’t how Chris avoided coming to bed before Stiles was asleep, waiting and waiting and waiting until the younger man had to go to bed, then waiting more until Stiles finally drifted off. Hell, Stiles had tried waiting up and Chris had just never entered their bedroom.
Sure, the man cited work - explained it away as being busy and unable to stop but Stiles - well, he wasn’t stupid. Then there was Peter who was acting much the opposite. Yes the man was suddenly working longer hours but when he came home he focused all his attention on Stiles, pulling the attention on himself in turn. Peter took him out, cooked with him, spent far more time in Stiles’ space that he ever had before.
He was also fairly sure his dad was in on it, knew the other man didn’t work nearly as much as he once did and it didn’t make sense for his dad to suddenly be working crazy shifts again. His dad was always ready for a visit, readily invited Stiles back into his space but lately he had been selective with the time they spent together. He complained when Stiles just barged into his office, or dropped by his dad’s house - things that had never bothered the man before.
There was something going on - Stiles was sure of it.
It was suspicious. He had no idea what could be causing either man to act so strange, why they were being so weird. But he knew he wasn’t paranoid, no matter what his research was pulling up. It wasn’t like Stiles didn’t trust his husbands - well, not exactly. He didn’t think they were doing anything bad, per say, but he couldn’t stop feeling uneasy.
Stiles had tried to figure out what it could be. He would shamelessly admit to going through both man’s phone - he had never realized Chris took so many photos of Stiles and Peter cuddling together - and their emails. He looked through call history, bank history. Just - just nothing strange was coming up. He had dug into it about as much as he could and he just couldn’t find anything.
And he was starting to worry. He was trying to tell himself that it wasn’t a big deal, trying to convince himself that he couldn’t find anything because nothing was actually wrong. But Peter and Chris had been acting so strange, each in their own sure, but strange nonetheless. Maybe - maybe they were having a delayed freak out about moving? Or, or maybe regretting their decision?
Stiles cut that thought off fast. He wasn’t stupid enough to fall into his insecurities, especially as he looked down at the rings on his finger. He wasn’t about to start doubting his husbands, something just wasn’t sitting right and he didn’t know how to go about finding out what it was.
He - he wasn’t going to ask them, either. No, that would be far too simple and they didn’t know he was already onto him and it was far better that way. There was a higher chance of them slipping up if they weren’t aware that they needed to be extra cautious. So he waited it out. He spent another week watching, observing. He refused to let himself do anything as extreme as stalk his husbands - he also vetoed the idea of bugging them - and instead let time work it’s course.
And it did. The morning of his birthday he found himself awoken with a blowjob and a cupcake - not at the same time, of course - both his husband curling around him and submitting to Stiles’ wishes of long cuddles. They had finally made their way out of bed, Peter urging Stiles to make himself presentable for dinner with his father.
It was just something else to add to Peter’s ’suspect behavior’ list. But he had, donning pressed jeans and a button up to appease the man and had piled into the back of their car for the short drive. He was surprised to see his father’s street littered with cars, even more surprised when he recognized a few. What would - oh.
Stiles eyes widened as it clicked into place. The secrets and the suspicious behaviour was for this, for him! He smiled and leaned into the front seat once Peter parked, pressing a long kiss to Peter’s lips before turning, pulling Chris into one for even longer.
“Thank you,” he mumbled, leaning back into his seat with a wide smile.
Chris looked around the backyard. Streamers were hung high along the branches, fairy lights twined with them. There were hanging lanterns providing extra light now that the sun had finally set, leaving the moon bright in the sky. It wasn’t full but the sky was near cloudless and the yard was bathed in soft light. The April night was cool, spring fully in season as nature bloomed around them.
It was calm and the quiet hum of conversation was following the astophere that nature had created. A few of the guests had already left, Boyd and Erica leaving with their son and a few others with kids ducking out hours earlier, though a few other people who Stiles had been friendly with during high school were still around. Peter’s sister and her family - accompanied by Derek and Cora - had also yet to leave.
Chris hadn’t invited his own family for obvious reasons, but it was nice to see the few Hales that had shown up. There was the Sheriff speaking lowly and standing just a little too close with a younger deputy, a few other long-standing officers spread out along the yard. Stiles’ Babcia was sat in the same lawn chair she had been the whole night and Chris was fairly sure the woman was now asleep.
Soft music was still playing from the speakers they had set up and Chris looked over the yard to find Peter and Stiles tangled together, swaying softly. His heart swelled with affection and he was once again struck by just how lucky he was. He never thought he would have this, could be so happy.
Finding Peter had been a miracle of itself and creating their life together had been more than Chris could have imagined for himself. But now they had Stiles, there was one more person who loved Chris wholly, whom he loved the same in turn. He never would have pictured this life for himself, but standing in his ‘father-in-law’s’ backyard and watching the two men he loved with everything he was, it felt like his heart was too big for his chest.
He watched as Stiles unwrapped himself from Peter, a long lingering kiss shared between the two before Stiles turned toward him, smile soft and eyes light with affection.
“Come dance with me,” Stiles said, voice soft as he tugged Chris by the hand, pulling him into the middle of the yard and tugging him close. Chris wrapped himself around the Stiles, holding him tight and swaying with the music.
“I love you,” Stiles whispered into his ear. 
“Happy Birthday, baby.” Chris said softly, and he pressed a long kiss to the boys temple.
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 2: Librarian the seductress
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Hyeonji was standing at the library computer, running the wand over the first of the huge pile of returned books, when something caught her eye. Something bright and red. She glanced up through the glass door to see a shiny red car turning its brand-new nose into the empty parking space right outside the library. It brought no flash of recognition, despite being a memorable model. Not quite a sports car, it was stills stylish and expensive looking. A newcomer to the area, no doubt. Not knowing that this particular library branch was closed to the public on Wednesday morning. Hyeonji was about to return to the job at hand when the driver's door opened and a heart-jolting familiar head of hair came into view, gleaming under the summer sun.
Her heart leaped. So he had remembered her birthday. He'd even come in person. She could hardly believe it. Her happiness knew no bounds as she watched him close the car and stride up onto the pavement and across to the front doors. He smiled at her through the grass as he tapped on the wooden frame.
"Can't they see were closed?" Choon Hee complained from where she was sitting at her desk, flipping through one of the new publisher catalogs. She could not see who was knocking. If she had, she would not be so anxious to send the unwanted visitor away. Min Choon Hee might be happily married to her husband Min Yoongi with three children, but she still had an eye for a good-looking man.
Hoseok was just that –and more. At twenty five, he was in his physical prime, his elegant body in perfect tune with his handsome face. His height was no joke either, his lean frame made him look even taller, and did his choice of clothing. In winter they range from soft suede numbers to tweedy sports coats. In summer he chose linen or lightweight wool in neutral colors, and teamed them with cool T-shirts. Ties rarely graced his neck. In fact, Hyeonji had never seen Hoseok dressed formally.
Today he was wearing stonewashed blue jeans, a navy shirt and a loose cream jacket with sleeves pushed up to his elbows. His black hair was longer than when she'd seen him last, falling to his ears from its side parting and flopping with its usual rakish charm across his high forehead. He looked slightly wind-blown and utterly gorgeous. Hyeonji immediately put her "moving on" decision on hold for a good seven years. Thirty, she decided a new, was soon enough to give up all hope. The fact that Hoseok was standing where he was at this very moment had to give her some hope. Fancy him abandoning his precious business on a working day to drive this long from Seoul to Gwangju, just to see her on her birthday.
"For pity's sake!" Choon Hee snapped when Hoseok knocked a second time. "Can't they read? The library times are on the darned door!"
"It's someone I know," Hyeonji said. "I'll just go let him in." Choon Hee jumped from her sit "But it's almost..." The sight of Hoseok's handsome-self stopped her in her tracks. "Mmm, yes by all means let him in," she murmured, primping her glossy black straight hair as Hyeonji hurried out from behind the reception desk across the functional grey carpet. Hyeonji wasn't worried that Hoseok would find Choon Hee attractive. As pretty as she was, she was a married woman. Hoseok believed in keeping his sex life simple.
"One girl at a time," he'd once confided in Hyeonji. "And never anyone else's."
It was surprisingly conservative attitude in this day and age, especially coming from a man who looked like Hoseok, who had women throwing themselves at him all the time. He had a similarly strict attitude to marriage. Only one per lifetime, which was why he'd always say he would not bother with marriage till he was in his thirties and financially secure. He didn't want to make a mistake in finding his partner.
"In the meantime," he joked to her one day, "I'm having a lot of fun auditioning possible future candidates for the position of Mrs. Jung Hoseok." It had always terrified Hyeonji that one of those future candidates might capture Hoseok's love as well as his lust. Fortunately, that hadn't happened, and Hyeonji had taken heart from the failure of his various very beautiful girlfriends to last more than a few months. But his latest was a bit of a worry. A statuesque brunette who went by the name Tinashe, she'd already lasted six months –a record for Hoseok. He'd even brought her home with him for Christmas break, during which time Hyeonji had many opportunities to see Tinashe's assets. What she could do for a bikini was incomparable.
But I'm not going to think about Tinashe right now, Hyeonji told herself as she turned the key and swept the open door. Today is my birthday and my very best friend has come to celebrate it with me. "Hoseok!" she exclaimed, smiling up into his dancing brown eyes. "Hi there, Hyeonji. Sorry to interrupt. I know you're working but I simply had to show you my new car. Picked it up this morning at one of those dealerships just the other side of town and couldn't resist taking it for a spin. Before I knew it I was on the express way headed here. I thought what the hell Hoseok? You haven't had a day off in ages. Drive up to Gwangju and visit your Mom."
He smiled a sheepish smile, showing perfect teeth and a charming dimple. "It wasn't till I pulled up into the driveway that I remembered today is her golf day. Took all the wind out of my sails, I can tell you. But no way was I going back to Seoul without showing someone. Naturally, I thought of you. So...what do you think?" and he waved in the direction of the car. "It's one of the new Mazda Eunos 800s. The Miller Cycle version. Great red, isn't it?" he finished.
Every drop of joy drained out of Hyeonji. Hoseok hadn't come for her birthday. He'd come to show her a pathetic car. Worse, she hadn't even been his first choice of viewer. She'd run a very poor second. As usual. Something hard curled around her heart, setting in concrete and trapping her love for him deep inside. Hyeonji determined it would never see the light of day again. She glanced coldly over at the offending vehicle and shrugged dismissively. "If you've seen one red car Hoseok," she said coolly, "You've seen them all."
There was no doubt he was taken aback by the icy indifference of her tone, for his eyebrows shot up and he stared at her with bewilderment in his beautiful brown eyes. Hyeonji was disgusted with herself for instantly feeling guilty. So much for her first foray into hating Hoseok, but she was determined not to weaken this time. Enough was enough.
"You know me Hoseok," she went on brusquely. "I've never been a car person."
"That's because you've never learned to drive, Hyeonji. You'd appreciate cars more if you were ever behind the wheel. Come on. Come for a short spin with me." He actually took her arm and began propelling her across the pavement. "Hobi!" she protested, wrenching her arm away from his hold and planting her sensible shoes firmly on the pavement. "I can't. I'm at work."
"But surely the library's not even open," he argued. "Certainly they won't miss you for a couple of minutes?"
"That's beside the point," she said sternly. "You might be your own boss, Hoseok, and come and go as you please, but most people can't, me included. Besides, it's almost morning tea and I have to be here for that." The rest of the staff had all chipped in to buy her a cake. It was a tradition in the library whenever one of them had a birthday. No way was she going to run out on her real friends to indulge Hobi's ego.
"I don't see why," he said stubbornly.
No you wouldn't...
Hyeonji thought mutinously, and toyed with telling him, just so he could feel terrible for a full ten seconds. The decision was taken out of her hand when Choon Hee popped her head out the door. "Come on birthday girl. Namjoon and the new girlfriend Han Byeol brought your cake along and all twenty-three candles are alight and waiting. So get in here and do the honors. You can bring your hunk of a friend, if you like," she added, looking Hoseok up and down with saucily admiring eyes.
"We've got more than enough cake for an extra mouth" Hyeonji relished Hoseok's groan. To give him some credit he did look suitably apologetic once Choon Hee appeared. "God, Hyeonji, I had no idea it was your birthday. There I was, blabbering away about my new car, and all the time you must be thinking how damned selfish I was being." Frankly, she was enjoying his guilt. It had a deliciously soothing effect on her damaged pride. "That's all right Hobi. I'm used to your not remembering my birthday." He winced anew. "Don't make me feel any more rotten that I already do." Hyeonji almost gave in. it was awfully hard to stay mad at Hoseok. He didn't mean to be selfish. He was, unfortunately, the product of a doting mother and far too many God given talents. Brains and beauty did not make for a modest, self-effacing kind of guy.
Hoseok could be generous and charming when he set his mind to it, but in the main he was a self-absorbed individual who rarely saw beyond end of his own classically shaped nose. God know why I love him so much, Hyeonji though irritably. But then her eyes travelled slowly from his perfect face down over his perfect body, and every female cell she owned clamored to be noticed back.
But the only expression in his eyes when he looked down at her was remorse. When he forcibly linked arms with her, she glared her frustration up to him. "Don't be mad at me, Hyeonji" he said with disarming softness. "I'm not mad at you," she returned stiffly.
"Oh, yes, you are. And you have every right to be. But I'll make it you to you tonight, if you'll let me" says the man who is desperately clinging to your arms. "Tonight?" she echoed far too weakly. "Yes, tonight," he said firmly. "But for now I think your colleagues are waiting for you to blow out those twenty-three candles."
With typical Hoseok confidence he steered her into the library and proceeded to charm everyone in the place. It annoyed Hyeonji that he gave her openly curious workmates the impression that he was a boyfriend of sorts. He even extracted her promise in Choon Hee's goggle-eyed presence to go out with him later that evening. She initially refused dinner, no way was she going to disappoint her mother, but grudgingly agreed to after-dinner coffee somewhere.
Hyeonji told herself afterwards that she would never have agreed to go out with him at all if she'd been alone with him. She would have sent him on his way with a flea in his ear. She didn't need his pity, or guilt. The moment his new red Mazda roared of up the road back in the direction of Seoul, Choon Hee and Han Byeol settled their dryly knowing eyes on her.
"Well you're a dark horse, Hyeonji, aren't you?" Choon Hee said as they walked together back into the library. "I've always thought of you as a quiet little thing and all this time you had something like that on the side." Han Byeol giggled along with Choon Hee. Hyeonji silently cursed Hoseok. All he ever caused her was trouble and heartache. "Hoseok's mother lives next door," she explained with more calm than she was feeling. "I've known Hobi for years. We're just good friends."
"Oh sure. He drove all the way up from Seoul to wish you a happy birthday because you're just good friends. You know what? I'll bet you're one of those girls who go home from the office at night, and perform one of those ten-second transformations." Choon Hee laughed while Han Byeol agreeing to every word she said. "You know the type. Off come the glasses and the straight laced clothes. Down comes the hair. On goes the sexy gear, make-up, and perfume, and –WHAM! Instant meat in heat!"
Hyeonji had to laugh. It would take more than seconds to transform her. "You can laugh," Han Byeol scoffed. "But I'm no one's fool. And you're far prettier than you pretend to be. I always did wonder why you never seemed to be on the lookout for a fella. I was beginning to think all sorts of things till glamour boy arrived on the scene today. He gave me a case of instant heat, I can tell you. And I saw the way you looked at him when you didn't think anyone was noticing. You've got it bad. I know the signs. So why haven't I heard of this paragon perfection before? Why all the mystery and secrecy? Is he married? A womanizer? A bad boy? Look, you can trust me with your deep dark secrets" she whispered. "I won't tell anyone."
Hyeonji laughed a second time. "There's nothing deep or dark to tell. I repeat... we're just good friends. As I said before Hobi used to live next door. We went to school together, though not in the same class. He was two years ahead of me."
"Well, there's nothing remotely boy-next-door about him anymore" came Choon Hee's dry remark. "He has city written all over him. Not to mention success." Hyeonji and Han Byeol nodded to this "I am well aware of that, believe me. I'm not blind, but there's never been any romance between us, and there never will be. He has a steady girlfriend. Goes by the name of Tinashe."
"Tinashe," Choon Hee repeated, her nose wrinkling. "Don't tell me. She's stunning with boobs to die for, hair down to her waist and legs up to her armpits?" Hyeonji startled. "You know her?"
"Nope. Just guessed. Men like your Hoseok always seem to have girls like that on their arm" Choon Hee smirks. "He isn't my Hoseok" Hyeonji said tightly. "But you like him to be, don't you?" Han Byeol added.
Hyeonji opened her mouth to deny it. But her tongue betrayed her when a thickness claimed it. Tears pricked at her back of her eyes.
Her Hoseok...
What a concept. What an improbable, impossible, inconceivable, unachievable concept. To keep clinging to it was not only demeaning to her personally but depressing in the extreme. "There was a time when I did" she said at last, her tone clipped and cold. "But not anymore. I have better things to do with my life than pine for the impossible."
"Impossible? Why do you say impossible?" as Han Byeol curiously asked. "For pity's sake Han Byeol, you've seen him and you too Choon. You guys said so yourself men like Hoseok go for girls like Tinashe, not mousy little things like me."
"You'd be far from mousy if you made the best of yourself. To be frank, Hyeonji, a little make-up wouldn't go astray. And an occasional visit to the hairdresser." Hyeonji stiffened, despite the criticism striking home. "I wouldn't want a man who didn't love me for myself" CHoon Hee said sharply. "That's rubbish and you know it! I'm a married lady and I still have to work hard to keep my man. Now you listen to me, Hyeonji and you too Han Byeol for your sake and Namjoon's." Choon Hee turns to face Hyeonji "Now, when Hoseok comes to take you out tonight. Surprise him."
"Surprise him?" Hyeonji asked dryly feeling nervous about Choon Hee's suggestion. "Yes, leave your hair down. Slap some make-up on." Han Byeol added "Use a sexy perfume. Wear something which shows off that great little figure of yours." Choon Hee nodded in approval.
For a split second, Hyeonji was buoyed up by Choon Hee and Han Byeol's compliments on her figure. But then she thought of Tinashe's tall, voluptuous, sex-bomb body and her momentary high was totally deflated.
"I don't have any sexy perfume," she murmured dispiritedly. She didn't own much make-up either. But she wasn't about to admit that. Choon Hee gave her an exasperated glare. "Then buy some at the mall during your lunch hour!" Their library was in a small regional center which boasted a few shops, a well-stocked chemist shop included. Hyeonji declined telling CHoon Hee and Han Byeol that she only had five dollars in her purse. Sexy perfume was expensive, and she'd rather wear nothing than douse herself in a cheap scent.
Hyeonji actually contemplating asking her friends to lend her some money and reality returned with a rush. She could wear more make-up than a Japanese geisha and drown herself in the most exotic expensive perfume in the world and it would not make Hoseok fall in love with her. "Thank you for your advice ladies," she said with a return to common sense "but I really rather just be myself. Now I'd better get back to these books." Hyeonji resumed checking in the returns, blocking her mind to everything but the thought that at least she would not starve to death tonight after her mother's special birthday meal. Hoseok could buy her something delicious and creamy to go with her after-dinner coffee.
Hyeonji gave no more thought to the girl's advice about make-up and perfume, till she arrived home late that afternoon and opened her carryall to find a paper parcel sitting on top of her house keys. It contained a small but expensive-looking bottle of perfume.
And a note. "Happy birthday darling!" Choon Hee and Han Byeol had written with their usual extravagant hand writing. "This always worked for me. Well, sometimes. Still, what have you got to lose? Go for it! We chipped in so don't worry about it. We love you. Go get your man!"
Hyeonji sprayed a tiny burst of perfume onto her wrist and lifted it to her nose. It was a wonderfully sensual smell, its heavy musk perfume bringing images of satin sheets and naked bodies and untold unknown delights. Hyeonji shook her head. To wear such a scent in Hoseok's presence would be the ultimate torture, and let's face it, Hyeonji told herself, wearing perfume, no matter how sensual, isn't about to turn Hoseok into some kind of sex-crazed lunatic. With a girl like Tinashe in tow, no doubt he has all the sex he can handle. Hyeonji glanced at the perfume's name and laughed.
Good Lord. It would've been a powerful potion to turn her into that. It was a nice thought of Choon Hee and Han Byeol's, but a total waste of time and money. So was her advice. For Hyeonji she believed she did have something to lose. Her self-respect, and possibly Hoseok's friendship.
Chapter 03
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