#I've been at this for 12 hours now! :-P
marierg · 2 years
Of Light and Darkness: Phantom in the Dark 2
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!:  DARTH MAUL (A warning in and of himself), Death, injuries, loss and sadness. AAANNNNGGGSSSTTT!!!!!  Ok we all know what’s coming but it’s still gonna hurt!
A/N: I don’t own any rights to the story or characters in Cannon Star Wars.  There are a few portions of the dialogue within this chapter.  This is a Loving tribute and work of Fan fiction, with a few tweaks and twists of my own!  If you haven’t ever read the novelization there’s a few things that I tossed in there, highly recommend the read.  As a kid I thought that the Baddies were more greedy than evil, but after reading a little and watching clone wars I tweaked this to fit more how I thought it should go.  Hope you all enjoy! 
PS- This is gonna be VERY picture heavy, because I'm not always confident in my ability to write without giving a visual. Sorry....
Picture Credit: Pinterest/ Lucasfilm LTD
Word Count: 4700
MASTERLIST Next Part (3)
Upon jumping out of hyperspace it became apparent that the blockade was over with only one control ship remaining in orbit.  None the less your craft was surely detected and time was precious.  That the Nubian cruiser landed on the planet in one piece completely solidified your opinion that this was indeed a trap.  Queen Amidala seemed to have a plan in mind to garner support and possibly an army from the neighboring Gungans.  Enlisting the help of the exuberant Jar Jar Binks your small force was to make their way to the underwater capitol Otoh Gunga.  Having found the city deserted Jar Jar surmised that the Gungan populace had probably sought refuge in their sacred temple. 
You made plainly clear that you didn’t like the idea of dragging a child into a warzone to Master Qui Gon.  Unfortunately, there really wasn’t anywhere safe to put Anakin till this blew over.  He was a spitfire though. Having reunited with his friend Padme he insisted that he could help her protect the Queen.  Not wanting to give away the surprise you kept your big mouth shut and smirking. 
It was during the negotiations with the Gungan leadership that Queen Padme Amidala finally dropped her façade.  You and the men knew of course, but you still had to give credit where it was due.  Padme had managed to avoid capture and assassination from this well played deception.  Not only was she resourceful, but humble and brave. 
She made an impassioned speech before Boss Nass and his council, stating that though the two did not always see eye to eye the two groups would always be united by the planet they called home.  Humbling herself before them, Queen Padme begged the Gungans help to save her people and their shared planet.  It was this act of faith that sealed the pact with the Gungans, even though it was likely that many of them would be killed in this little war. 
After the recon team returned from Theed and the last of the strategy had been completed you stepped away to clear your head.  Obi Wan was needed to help work with the pilots, but you needed to think away from the cacophony of preparation.  Taking a stroll into the woods a ways, you found a clearing.  Naboo was a beautiful, vibrant world so teeming with life.  You sat meditating for a long while, til small footsteps approached you.  “Miss Y/n?”
“Yes Anakin?”  you kept your eyes closed, not moving.
“Um … can I sit with you for a while?” His voice seemed tired for a youngling.  
Opening your eyes, you studied him.  It was clear that he was anxious, but about what was the question.  Patting the grass next to you, he took the offered spot.  Looking at how you sat he tried his best to imitate.  You had to straighten him out a little though.
“Here, chin up. Head tall, no slouching.  Master Windu always says that the better the posture the sharper the mind.  Just breathe and listen to what’s around you.”
“All I here are speeders and animals dragging things?”  Anakin's small face was scrunched in concentration.
Laughing a little, knowing that you were going directly against your own Master’s directive, you thought how best to put it.  “Try…filtering it?  Listen beyond to what’s going on in the woods.  Then hold onto that and just breathe, kind of let go of everything?”
Obi Wan had finally apologized to Master Qui Gon about his attitude of late towards the boy.  You had caught him earlier doing a slight of hand trick causing Anakin to laugh.  Once he had gotten past his initial dislike and territorialism Obi Wan had actually found that Anakin wasn’t so bad as he thought.  The boy couldn’t help that he had gotten attached to Qui Gon, or that the Master had become fond of the boy as well.  Anakin was a sweet kid and very easy to like.    
“Now feel for something warm like…a blanket on a cold night.”  Looking at Anakin’s face again you could see the calm settle over it.  “Good job buddy.  Why don’t you keep practicing, I’ll send Master Qui Gon over, Huh?”
Peeking one eye open, he smiled, “Ok!  Thank you, Miss Y/N!”
“You can just call me Y/N, Ok Ani-Man?”  The boy smiled brightly and you set off to find the Master in question.  As it would happen he wasn’t too far off.
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                Qui Gon Jinn had been a Jedi Master and instructor for many cycles and had the opportunity to watch others as they taught.  Some had patience, some were strict, and some were just naturally in tune with children.  His own apprentice he could see one day being a wise and patient master.  You he saw as more of a guide, working with students and letting them lead, but also letting them learn from failure.  Both you and Obi Wan complimented each other in those respects. 
Qui Gon did worry about the bond that the two young Jedi had with each other.  Not for a second did he believe that either of you wouldn’t uphold the spirit of your vows as Jedi or let it interfere with your duties.  No, his concern was that one of you may be lost one day, and that the other would face what he had.  Together though you and Obi Wan were perfectly paired.  He never told Obi Wan that he knew about the relationship, giving that small piece of privacy.  He suspected that Mace was unaware, or the two of you would have been separated immediately.  Stepping out of the shadows he called out.  “Y/n, have you seen Anakin?”
“Oh Master Qui Gon!  Yeah, he’s meditating over by the pond.  Did you need something?”  You were not expecting him to pop out of the blue, normally being able to sense those around you far sooner.
“Actually, I hoping for a word with you.  I’m sorry that you got pulled into all this.”  Qui Gon looked sadly at you.  There were days that your youth was dimmed and the toll of life was evident within your eyes.  Today he could well see the map of every battle in your past and felt the apprehension within you, it well matched his own. 
“I feel that it’s less anything you did and more Master Windu testing me yet again.” Your eyes rolled, but there was no spite in the statement. Disagree though you often did, you cared deeply for your Master.
“Just the same.  I did want to ask, do you believe this to be a foolish venture?” Qui Gon folded his arms leaning against the nearest tree.
“Freeing a people from oppression and pain is never foolish.” You said with ease and confidence.  “I do however feel that going into occupied territory, in broad daylight, in large numbers… that might be a little foolhardy.”
Qui Gon chuckled a little under his breath.  “Well, I can’t argue that wisdom.  Unfortunately, time is not on our side this time my young friend.”
“Is it ever?” You sighed gazing out as if to see a portent of the events to come. 
“No, I suppose it’s not.”  Smiling he turned towards Anakin, who by now was fast asleep having meditated too deeply.  The boy’s future was in the air as much as any of theirs.  While Qui Gon knew that Obi Wan was now more amicable towards Anakin, you had developed a small friendship with him as well.  “Y/n?”
“Yes Master Qui Gon?” you quirked your brow up, turning to face the older Jedi better.
  There was an odd tone in his voice, one you weren’t used too.  Cocking your head to the side you looked at Master Qui Gon, really studying him.  He seemed far too tired; stressed from the mission and the Council’s decision regarding Anakin’s training.  In a way he appeared to have aged rapidly in the last few days.
“I need you to promise me something.”  He saw you nod in acknowledgement, though he also saw the suspicious look in your eyes.  Smiling a bit to himself he thought about what Melri would have thought of all this, knowing that this was similar in action to the path she had put he and Mace on years ago.  “Keep an eye on them for me.”
“Two, if I can.”  You winked at him.  Your face grew serious then. "Is everything alright Master?”
                He tried to relax his expression, smiling confidently at you despite his own wariness.  He knew that you too sensed something was amiss.  “Everything will be fine.  I think Obi Wan was looking for you though.”
Again, you had kept your expression a schooled neutral, though Qui Gon noticed a very small blip in your signature.  He often wondered if maybe he noticed these small nuances because he had spent so much time with you and perhaps Mace hadn’t?  Taking a few steps forward he gave you a genuine smile and your shoulder a gentle nudge in the direction he knew you wanted to follow.    Perhaps you and Obi Wan would avoid the pain of loss.
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The two small assault forces infiltrated the capitol of Theed with little trouble.  While the second group, led by Captain Panaka, distracted the plaza guards the other went for the main hanger.  That’s where all farking hell broke loose between a platoon of droids raining blaster fire down on you and trying to get the pilots to their ships and away.  As the fight intensified you had seen Anakin duck into one of the fighters.  As the joint assault force finally took out the last of the droids, the hanger seemed secure for the moment.
“Your Highness are you alright.” You asked the young woman from across the bay.
“Yes, thank you.  My guess is that the Viceroy is in the throne room.”  She straightened an errand hair, checking her blaster.
“I agree,” Master Qui Gon was already scanning the bay for anything out of place.  Seeing Anakin trying to get out of the fighter eager to rejoin you all he raised a hand.  “No Ani, you stay there, stay right where you are.”
“But I…” Anakin was cut short.
“Stay in that cockpit.”  Qui Gon’s voice was firm, it was the end of the discussion.
“Don’t worry Ani-Man, we’ll be back in no time.  But keep your head low, Ok?” You shouted to the young man before making your way to the end of the bay, giving him a small smile.  He’d be ok, you hoped.  If nothing else the ship provided ample cover and concealment.
Your lightsaber was tucked into your boot, out of sight but within reach.  You had opted instead to use a blaster like the others so as to not look out of place.  Suddenly you felt something, something cold.  It was as if you had been dropped in a vat of liquid nitrogen, the hairs on your neck stood straight up.  Grabbing young Padme, you pulled her back… from what you weren’t sure.  She looked at you startled, “Y/n what are you…”
The bay doors opened revealing not a man, but a monster of legend.  The dark figure dropped his cloak, revealing a head of black and red markings crowned by jaundiced horns.  The eyes of the creature though, they glowed yellow like the fires from the depths of Perdition.  Like many others as a youngling you’d heard the stories of the Sith, had a few nightmares about them too.  But none of that compared to the sight in front of you.  Stepping between Padme and this creature your first instinct was to grab for your blade.
“We’ll handle this,” Master Qui Gon and Obi Wan had already moved to engage.  Nodding to them you understood that your job was now to stay with the Queen and end the fighting on the planet.  Giving both of them a glance you sent them a final wish.  “May the Force be with you.”
Padme had already switched gears, “We’ll take the long way.”
                Heading through the maze of hallways and up a grand staircase the group was soon overtaken by a squad of battle droids.  Split down the middle of the hall you were all taking heavy fire.  Looking around there wasn’t any real cover, just exposed tall windows.  You looked to the Captain, “Any way we can bypass those stairs?”
Panaka nodded his head then blasted the window closest. “One.”   
A six-flight ascent by grappling, and yet another blasted window later you were within reach of the objective.  However, a detachment of destroyer droids and the Viceroy had other plans.  After being captured you were brought before Viceroy Nute Gunray and his second in command Rune Haako in the throne room.  Haako sneered at the Queen, raising a hand to strike her.  Knowing there was no time to block the blow properly you moved between the two, taking the hit instead.  It was made with enough force that you were knocked back onto the floor. 
Haako laughed, smiling at his own cruelty, “You should teach your handmaid some restraint.”
“Rune there will be time for that later.  Your little insurrection is at an end your Highness.  Time for you to sign the treaty and end this pointless debate in the Senate.”  Gunray was pacing on the opposite side of the ring of chairs.  Haako was still towering over both you and Padme.
“Maybe we shouldn’t kill them after all.  Both would bring a fair price on the slave markets.”  He ran a lascivious finger down the young Queen’s arm.  To Padme’s credit if looks could kill, Haako would have been an ashen pile on the floor.    
The Nemoidian was already counting his credits, judging by the look he was giving all of you.  Captain Panaka had helped you back to your feet, offering you a sleeve to wipe the blood from your lip.  The droids had taken all the blasters but had failed to find your saber.  Placing yourself again between the Queen and harm, you swatted away Haako’s hand.  He raised his arm once more to strike you, but was interrupted by a commotion in the hall.    
Gunray and Haako looked down the hallway shocked at seeing what appeared to be the Queen in her full garb, armed guards in tow.
“YOUR REIGN OF TERROR IS AT AN END!”  Sabe blasted a few of the droids for effect. Her group then dashed down an opposite hall.
Viceroy Gunray wasn’t silent for long, gesturing wildly. “AFTER HER!  This one’s a decoy!”
As some of the droids marched out Padme used the distraction to perfection.  Retrieving a set of small blasters hidden in her throne, she tossed one to the good captain.  Running forward you went into a slide under the remaining droids as they tried to blast you.  Rising with your blade in hand you sliced through the clattering machines.  You turned again, pressing the control panel on the wall bringing down the doors, effectively locking everyone in.  The Nemoidians were stunned, but weren’t about to surrender yet.  Padme turned to the two jaw set, “And now Viceroy, we will discuss a new treaty.  This is the end of your occupation here.”
Gunray scoffed haughtily, “Don’t be absurd.  There are too few of you, even with a Jedi.  It won’t be long before hundreds of destroyer droids break into this room and rescue us.”
At that moment you doubled over in agony, the feeling one you had only experienced once before.  It wasn’t an injury to you, but as if someone dear to you had been.  It was soon followed by another wave of both sorrow and anger.  The Force itself was rippling from the shockwaves.  You recovered as quickly as you could, knowing that the enemy would look for any opening to make an escape attempt.  Re leveling your saber at the Viceroy and his man you glared and stood your ground. 
Haako sneered, “Our Lord's plaything has finished your friends, and soon he will finish you all.”
Maker but what if he were right?  What if Master Qui Gon & Obi Wan were gone?  No, you had to focus.  The first priority had to be the mission and the people in the room.  You lowered your blade infinitesimally, narrowing your eyes.  Haako was far too over confident for the situation he was in.  Even Viceroy Gunray had begun to sweat a little.  So what was the other Nemoidian playing at?
You stared down, or up as the case was, the Trade Federation Skughole. "Not if I have anything to say about it."
     Captain Panaka must have had a suspicion of his own, slowly coming to stand nearly in front of the Queen on her throne.  The moment happened so fast though, thinking back on it.  You saw Haako pull a knife from below his robes and leapt towards Padme.  Panaka kicked him, sending Haako back but not disarming him.  Sprinting the second the initial threat had appeared you moved again to face the Nemoidian.  His red eyes boring into yours with abject hate.  “I’m not waiting for Maul to come.  I’ll finish you both myself for the trouble you’ve caused!”
                Raising his arm he swung the knife to land a blow that would end you.  Master Windu often said that it was never about rising to the occasion, but falling back to the level of your training.  Simply put you didn’t think about the actions as you took them.  Spinning quickly into Haako to close the distance you grabbed the arm with the knife.  Twisting and with a great pull you flipped him forward. But as the Nemoidian fell his cloak twisted around, causing him to fall at an awkward angle.  This pulled you forward to roll with him. as you both landed Haako slashed your arm and kicked the saber across the room.  
Haako had regained the upper hand, kneeling over you.  He simultaneously kept a stranglehold on your throat and with his other hand was trying to jam the blade into your chest.  It was enough of a struggle that you were barely preventing the blade from doing more than superficial damage.  Padme raised her weapon to fire but Captain Panaka stayed her hand, “No! you might hit the girl.” 
You were struggling against his superior physical strength and loosing air rapidly.  Closing your eyes you focused on using the Force bringing one of the throne room chairs flying across the floor.  Like a bug in front of a speeder the chair careened into Haako, and then into the marble wall.  Both landed with a deafening thud.  Padme kept her blaster leveled at Gunray, “Don’t even think about it.”
Sitting up you coughed, throat finally able to pull in air once more.  Something was wrong though, you could sense it.  Moving cautiously to where your opponent had fallen you looked down in horror.  The knife that had almost ended you was now embedded into Rune Haakos chest.  He must have died on impact, near instantaneous.  Not even the sacred crystals in the Halls of Healing could have brought him back.  Bile rose in your throat, stumbling back you wretched your guts upon the floor. 
Your mind reeled,  “What have I done?”  
“What you had to do.”  Captain Panaka had come to stand behind you.  He pulled you up by your arm and handed your lightsaber back to you.  “It was him or you.  Make no mistake he wouldn’t have regretted killing any of us.”
Your mind became a torrent, not wanting to accept that your hands were now stained with this Nemoidian's blood.  What kind of Healer…what kind of Jedi were you?  The logical part of yourself knew that the Captain was right of course.  That is had you not acted then you and or Padme would be dead.  Staring at the body one last time you asked Panaka to ensure that Haako’s family be given the body for burial. He may have been a fallen enemy, but you could at least ensure that courtesy.  There were no tears to shed, only the feeling of hollowness and cold.   
The word came down that the control station destroyed and the war over.  The reports from the field were still counting the Gungan injured and dead, casualties mercifully still less than initially expected.  After securing the Viceroy and his remaining staff you went in search of your friends.  Tracing your way back to the hangar you found Anakin who, as asked hadn’t left the cockpit of the spacecraft.  He had however flown said craft straight into the dogfight above and been the one to blow up the control ship.  You had crushed the boy to you upon finding him, relieved at his safety.  That was one accounted for at least.
Placing him in the care of the other pilots you continued your search.  The power station below the capitol was deep and winding.  You had to reach with the Force to find an exact location, focusing with all that you had left.  The signatures weren’t distinct initially and one faded as you were making the descent, snuffed out of the world like a flame in the wind.  When you came at last to the pit, you were both relieved and saddened. 
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Obi Wan cried out like a wounded animal, cradling the body of his fallen Master.  There was no sign of the Sith.  Making your way to them you had to fight the bile rising in your stomach again.  Slowly you knelt next to Obi Wan, not wanting to jolt or startle him.  You tried to reach your signature to his,  whispering to him, moving cautiously. “Obi?”
He didn’t hear you, so again you called to him, placing a gentle hand to his arm.  “Obi Wan, are you hurt?  Is that thing still here?”
Tear-stained eyes looked at you, so lost and in pain that it tore your heart to absolute shreads.  His signature finally flickered against yours, wrapping tightly.  “Y/n?”
 “I’m here, I’m Here.” You voice cracked.    
Your hand moved to rest on his cheek turning him to look at you, thumb swiping away the tears.  Looking down at Master Qui Gon you could see the evidence of what had befallen him.  The tears you were holding back threatened to break loose and join Obi Wans.  Master Qui Gon had to have felt something within the Force, that was the only explanation you had for all of his odd behavior leading up to this.  Falling back to your training once more, you reached out to see if Obi Wan was indeed uninjured.  His gaze was far away, tolerating your examination with little acknowledgement.  His gaze passed from Qui Gon to the Pit, then finally back to you.  “I killed him.”
Your hands paused their work, looking into his bleak eyes.  “Who did you kill Obi Wan?”
“That thing, I killed him.”  His voice cracked. 
Obi Wan finally blinked, coming back to himself.   It was as if he was finally seeing you; that until then you had only been a part of the ether.  Obi Wan glanced to your face, then to your neck.  The bruising was starting to form dark purple marks, the cut on your lip very apparent.   Anger rose within him again, threatening to set loose on whomever had done this to his woman.  Raising his hands he turned your chin, seeing the full extent of what had happened.  Then he noticed the cuts on your chest where your dress had been blood soaked from the struggle with the knife.  Rage crossed his features, no longer only from the loss of his Master and mentor. 
"Who did this?" Obi Wan's voice took on a distinctive growl. "Who?!"
“Obi I’m alright.  I promise I’m alright.”  You had never seen him like this, it frightened you.  Reaching further you felt something terrible within his signature, trying to get out.  No, you wouldn’t lose him, not to the darkness... not like this! 
"I'll kill the bastards..."
“Obi Wan look at me…  Its over, it’s over!  Please, let it stay over.” Your pleas high pitched but soft spoken. Stroking his face you prayed to whichever higher being was present to aid you.   “Obi please…  Stay with me love? Please stay please....”
                Obi Wan saw the tears in your eyes finally fall, twin trails marking your battered face.  He felt your signature calling for his own to be calm, to find peace.  Was it not enough that his Master had been killed this day, was it not enough that he was now responsible for a young man’s future?  Was the Universe itself trying to beat him down, crushing him beneath its weight?!  But Obi Wan knew that he could not give into these feelings of fear, of anger, of despair.  No, he would not abandon the light, not abandon all that Master Qui Gon had taught him.  Most of all he would not abandon you.
You saw it, the minute that it was over for him.  When the light returned to his eyes and he pulled you into his arms, kissing your forehead gently.  Obi Wan held you tightly, as if you too would disappear.  You clutched him just as tightly, crying like you hadn’t in years for the losses of this day, true wracking sobs.  The tension within you began to uncoil, you gazed into his clear blue eyes again. 
“I’m so sorry Obi Wan.  I’m so very sorry...”
“I know love,” pressing his forehead to yours, pressing a ghost of a kiss to your lips, “I know.”
The two of you brought the body of Qui Gon Jinn back to the hanger, from there the pilots took him to their chapel nearby.  A gesture of kindness and respect.  Anakin was with Padme, having insisted that he protect her until your return.  As he saw you and Obi Wan enter the room his young face fell in sorrow, Padme held him as his tears fell. 
Obi Wan wasn’t sure how to comfort Anakin, but he had made a promise to his Master and it would be done.  He moved to kneel in front of Anakin, Padme and her escorts let you three have the room, she informed you that both the new Chancellor and members of the Jedi Council would arrive soon. There was a river of unwept tears behind the Queens eyes, for her people and the Gungans and for the Jedi. In the years following Padme would observe the anniversary of the victory in the Naboo Temple, deep in prayer for the souls of who gave all their tomorrows for the peace of today.  
Using the sleeve of his robes Obi Wan tried wiping the tears away, giving a sad smile.  At first he though what would Qui Gon do, but there was still too much pain there for an answer.  So, Obi Wan looked at you, now kneeling next to him and thought what would Y/n do?  That answer came more readily, he pulled both of you to him in a hug.  It was brief but it seemed to help you all, a little balm on such a large wound. 
“It’s alright to feel sad Anakin, we miss him too.”  Your own eyes threatened to cloud over again.
“Why…Why did he have to die?”  Anakin’s eyes held just a touch of anger behind them. 
Obi Wan swallowed thickly, “Qui Gon was a protector of the light, at times that means making a great sacrifice so others may carry on.”
 “I’m sorry mister Obi Wan, for your loss.  You don’t have to worry about me.”  Anakin stared at the floor, trying to figure out what he would do from there.  “Maybe… Maybe I could stay here instead?  Or one of the pilots could bring me back to my mom?” 
“Anakin, look at me.”  Obi Wan was firm but still used a soft tone with the boy, not wanting to upset him further.  “I promise we will talk with the Jedi Council, you need not worry.”
  “Ok.”  It was a soft, small reply.  The young man looked from Obi Wan to you.  “Do you promise?”
It was not an easy question to answer.  From experience you knew that it was never a good idea to make a promise that you may not be able to keep.  Once given your word was your bond, but it would seem that you were already bound to these two men.  Extending your hand Anakin took it.  “You have my word, Anakin Skywalker, we will see this done.”
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Considering taking a week off to try and get some energy back
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Date Night
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PARING: Tangerine x fem!reader
SUMMARY: Tangerine has been away on a mission for the last week, and is back in time for date night. Missing each other like crazy, you decide to have a not-so-quiet night at home
TAGS/WARNINGS: 18+ only. mutual masturbation, lazily handjob, cowgirl, unprotected p in v, creampie, established relationship. MDNI no mentions of y/n
A/N: this is a repost, bc i accidentally deleted the original🥲
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rewritten 07/12/23 - deleted big chunks (1.2k words to be exact) as badly written and adds no context, just a load of waffle
Every alternating Friday, you and Tangerine would have a date night - a special night dedicated to prioritise each other. An evening together, no distractions. 
Today was date night, your favourite day. The same day that Tangerine returns home from his ten-day-long mission in South Africa.
As you pace the living room impatiently -waiting for your husband to come home to you- you see car headlights shine through the blinds, your favourite indication that Tangerine made it back safe.
Feeling giddy at his arrival, you run to the front door, ready to greet him with a kiss and a smile. 
Keys jingle in the lock, and you rush over to him. "Ah!" you shriek, wrapping him in a tight, welcoming embrace. "God, I've missed you," you blurt out, planting quick, hurried kisses over his cheek.
He chuckles, gripping your waist, hugging you with one arm as he walks into the house. "Missed you, love," he adds, dropping his bag to the floor to wrap his now-free arm around you. "How you been?" he asks, lingering a kiss on your lips, blue eyes lit up huge.
"Good, bored. Same old, same old," you smile. "How was your business trip?" you jest, pulling away to shut the door behind him. "Get many kills? Win mvp?"
He snickers, kicking off his shoes to follow after you. "Dickhead." 
You make your way into the kitchen, but he hangs back, sifting through his away bag. He meets you at the island a moment later, a bottle of wine and a single red rose in hand, a sweet, sincere smile on his face. "For you," his grin brightens, placing the gifts on the countertop. 
"You're annoyingly sweet," you smile, placing the rose into an old wine bottle - half-filling it with water. "Puts my present to shame," you playfully frown, nodding to the gift bag on the dining table.
He rolls up his sleeves, adjusting the collar of his shirt as he makes his way over, laughing almost obnoxiously when he sees what's inside. He picks up the small bottle, turning to face you. "Lube? Really?"
"I know, I know. It's stupid," you offer an apologetic smile, scratching the side of your neck - almost embarrassed. 
"Should I be insulted?" he jokes, walking back over to you, standing on the other side of the island, resting his hands on the surface with a wide stance.
"No," you dismiss. "It's, you know... my way of telling you I missed you," you respond suggestively, leaning over the counter to kiss him. 
"Oh, yeah?" he grins cockily, eyes half-lidded as he focuses on you. 
You hum, checking the time on your phone. "We got over an hour til dinner arrives," you innocently suggest. "Want to play cards? A board game?" you tease.
"Mh-hm," he nods, playing along. "Monopoly. That will kill the time."
"Okay then, great," you grin. "Let's go play," you add, walking away - heading for the stairs.
You halt when you reach the bottom of the staircase, waiting for Tan, hand extended for him to take. You lead him upstairs, him holding onto your hand from behind, following after you like a dog on a lead. 
Walking you both through the door of your shared bedroom, guiding him to the armchair in the corner of the room, you ask him to sit. He does as asked, adjusting his groin in the chair, manspreading in the way he knew you liked - keeping his eyes fixed on you in front of him. Gaze lidded and focused as he slowly unbuttons his shirt.
You stand a mere foot away, undressing yourself of your baggy sweater to reveal a black lace bra - one you wore specially for tonight. You're close but not close enough, just out of reach, just out of his grasp. You keep your attention locked on Tangerine as you tug your pj bottoms down, revealing a matching pair of slinky underwear. 
"Fuck," he sighs, exasperated, biting on his fisted knuckle. 
You perch upon his thigh and slip your arms around his neck, leaning forward and brushing your lips over his teasingly. "Missed you," you whisper, slowly circling your hips over his spread thigh. 
You lazily drag your palm over his chest, stroking down his stomach, pausing when you reach his belt. He makes haste movements at unbuckling it, bringing his hands up to cup your cheeks the second he's free. "Fuckin' missed you," he replies, voice strained and hoarse against your mouth. 
You slip your hand into the front of his trousers, fingers leisurely trailing over his pubic bone til they reach the edge of his aching hard-on. You make a soft coo, silently instructing him to lift his hips.
A soft smile forms on your lips when you pull his thick cock out of the waistband of his boxers - tip messy and leaking, waiting impatiently to be touched. You place your thumb over his head, applying slight pressure as you swirl his precum around, lightly brushing down the side of his cock.
His grip tightens on the side of your face, cupping your cheeks firmly, groaning and mumbling into your mouth about how good you're making him feel. You make a soft hum noise - an almost moan, rolling his cock in your hand, slowly rubbing him off. Nice and gentle.
His hands fall from your face to stroke down your bare back, halting when he reaches the clasp of your bra. He undoes it with ease, dropping the flimsy piece of lingerie to the floor, letting your tits spring free, just mere inches from him.
Tangerine slides a hand between you, reaching for your underwear the way you did him. Teasing at your clit through the damp fabric, flicking his thumb over the sensitive mound as you continued to make those desperate whines he loved so much.
"Get on my dick," he instructs, voice strangled and urgent as he handles you, spreading your legs over his other thigh - making you straddle him. 
You reach between you, parting your underwear aside and grip his base, pushing his reddened head through your slick, puffy folds - rimming his head around your hole before slowly sinking onto him. Thick cock spitting your insides nicely as you lower down, ass cheeks resting on his upper thighs.
He slinks his arms around you, tightly holding around your waist as you wind your hips over him, mumbling spluttery curses when his tip kisses at the hilt. 
"Yeah, yeah. That's it," Tangerine whispers, praising you for the way your walls work over his dick - like your cunt was stroking him, tightening and releasing with every soft, little bounce.
"Really, really missed you," you whimper into his mouth, holding the sides of his face, using him as stability as he nudges up into you - meeting you halfway with clumsy, sloppy thrusts. 
The soft, sticky clicking of your pussy wrapped around his cock, and muffled moans and whispers fill the air, sounds getting progressively louder when he shimmies down the chair - hands on your waist as he fucks up into you by himself.
"God— fuck," you cry out, limbs seizing up as you cum, your body turning limp above him. Pussy clamping and jolting with your release. 
He reaches his high a moment later, a groaning and grunting mess as he spraypaints your insides with his warm, thick load, your tightening walls milking his cock in the most delicious way.
His forehead rests against yours as you catch your breath, both completely blissed out.
"Shower?" he offers, speaking suggestively, toying with your tits, rolling them with his palms.
You hum, lingering a kiss on his lips as you slowly lift yourself from his dick, cum leaking around the base. You head for the shower, nodding for him to follow, a devious smile on your face.
After your lengthy shower -and some more fooling around- you and Tangerine find yourselves on the sofa, freshly washed, tucking into your dinner as you watch tv - enjoying the rest of your special night together. 
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Pt. 3 of modern Wolf Hybrid! Katsuki Bakugou X Bunny Hybrid! Reader
Help, I've been tricked into writing ANOTHER series! This time on Accident! This is part 3 of my first Wolf!Katsuki fic, and while technically not required to enjoy this one, I highly recommend giving it a read for context(Check the masterlist for pt. 2)! This is about you getting comforted by your wolf kemonomimi boyfriend after getting basically disowned by your parents for being with him...of course, he has his own way of making you forget allll about that ;)
words: 3.3k
Warnings: cursing, Reader is AFAB, Pretty sure this is hurt comfort, Penetrative sex, P in V, breeding kink (Reader is using some kind of contraceptive), monsterfucking(? Maybe?), biting, fairly vanilla by my tastes but reader is bratty bottom and Kat is brat tamer
Smut starts after the *
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You were awoken to the feeling of Katsuki nipping at your neck, something he did all the time as a sign of affection. Your eyes were still a little puffy from crying, despite the fact that you've been sleeping for...what? 10 hours? 12? You had no clue.
You just didn't want to face the reality that you've been thrown out by your family just yet. You told your parents that you were dating a wolf man last night, and they didn't take the news well. It could be worse, you could be living with them or relying on them financially, but they still practically disowned you.
"Don't come back until you've rid yourself of that...that....heathen!"
Your mothers words still rang in your ears, and although you were lamenting the fact that she was so willing to be rid of you, you also felt some...anger. Not anger for yourself, but rather anger for Katsuki.
How could she call him that? She didn't know him at all...Sure, he could be rude, brash, a little arrogant, but he also loved you. He was the man that would go to the ends of the earth for you, who lit up in his own way every time he saw you, who was holding you close right this second...He hasn't done a damn thing to hurt you.
If anyone hurt you, it was your mother, your parents...
"I know you're awake," Katsuki grumbled. You forgot he was trying to get your attention. His voice was gruff and low from the lack of use, his arms tightening around you as his tail began to thump across your legs.
"Time 's it," you asked sleepily, turning in his grasp so you could press your face in his broad and muscled chest. He immediately started to pet you, smoothing your bunny ears down and against your scalp as he glanced at the clock.
"6," he responded, kissing your forehead.
"Too early," you scoffed, nuzzling into the crevice between his pecs.
"It's late, dumbass," he grumbled, moving to tilt your chin up, wanting to look you in the eyes.
"For you," you mumbled, looking up at him with a pout. He fully pouted back, his brows furrowed and his lip jutting out ever so slightly as his ruby red eyes pierced into yours.
"Just let me sleep in," you pleaded, your hand sliding up his shoulder and to his ears, giving them a nice scratch at the base.
he hummed in response, eyes closing as he leaned into your touch. "what'm I supposed to do while you sleep," he groaned, hand moving to your waist.
"What did you do before me," you asked tiredly, your eyes slowly shutting.
"Can't remember," he sighed, tilting your bodies so you were both laid diagonally across the bed, his face now nuzzled into your neck. he planted little kisses on the spot where your shoulder met the base of your neck, nibbling at the flesh and breathing in your scent.
"Cut it out," you groaned, smiling despite yourself as your fingers ran through his short, spikey hair.
a low growl of satisfaction came from his chest, before he trailed kisses up the side of your neck to your cheek.
"How're you feelin'," He asked gently, his voice still a little gravely. He wasn't asking in the way he asked when he wanted you to sing his praises for pleasing you, but in a sweeter, more caring way. He was asking about last night.
"Oh, uh...ok. I'm handling it..." you sighed, seeing no use in telling him half truths like, "I'm fine," or, "I forgot about it," like you would if someone else asked. He had a right to your honesty.
"Jus' handling it," he asked with a frown, his tone laced with worry.
What did he need to do to help you? What was on your mind? Did you need something specifically from him that you weren't getting?
You see, beneath all that rough n' tough exterior was a rather anxious man, one who wanted you to have all that you deserved, and in his mind that was everything. Someone good enough to be so loved by him must deserve the word.
"I guess...I just wanna forget about it right now, y'know? I need something to keep me occupied." You rubbed at your tired eyes, looking down at his expression. You didn't know how, but he always managed to look at you like you were a deity...not in the, "I'd kneel at your feet and beg for your grace," sort of way (at least usually), more in the, "I'd set the world ablaze in the scorching fires of passion, bringing anyone who dares speak ill of you to their knees with no mercy," sort of way.
It made you melt, knowing he cared so deeply beyond his words. Maybe that's why you liked him so much. Because you know he won't lie to you for his own gain. If he didn't like you, he'd say so, no matter how beneficial a relationship with you might be to him. He meant what he said and said what he meant, and that was something you could respect.
"Forget about it, huh," he mused, holding your hand and running his thumb back and forth across your knuckles. He seemed to be thinking, considering all the ways he could help, before a devilish grin appeared on his face.
You knew that look all too well. A smile crept onto your own face, a little bashful and a little lustful. Good thing it was early, that way you'd have time to sleep in after what he no doubt planned to put you through.
"Yeah," you sighed, putting on an oblivious expression you both knew was fake, if not from your tone then from the way your little cottontail was wagging quickly.
"I can help with that," he offered, his voice husky and his face in a cocky grin. He slowly shifted the two of you, his chest against yours and his rough hands on your arms.
"Well aren't you sweet," you giggled sarcastically, kissing him gently as your hands ran up and down his broad back. He kissed you back with fervor, smiling against your lips as he kept himself hovered above you with one arm, holding your hip with the other.
You could feel his hand slipping under your shirt, caressing your side as his kisses became more desperate. "Katsu," you whispered seductively, laughter laced within his name.
He was grinning like the Cheshire cat, his hand moving farther up your torso, taking your breast in his hand with no restraint. He was used to your body, he saw no reason to beat around the bush, and your little moans definitely confirmed that for him as he kneaded the doughy flesh. The arm that holds him up shifts to cradle your head, his fingers buried in your hair.
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling yourself up to him and kissing him passionately, already kicking your pajama pants off. Once those were removed, you began to take his shirt off, something he did nothing to fight against, tearing away from you and helping you lift the clothing above his head as he sat on his knees.
You sat up with him, but he gently pushed you back down as your lips collided once more. You could tell he was being extra sweet with you, clearly not wanting to give you any extra stress after the night you had previously, and although you appreciated the thought it wasn't exactly what you wanted. Thinking of how to bring this up to him as he took the shirt off your body, you didn't even realize that he could plainly see you were lost in thought.
Frowning, his ears flattened back ever so slightly. What could you be thinking about right now that wasn't him? Actually there were a lot of things...but he was supposed to be distracting you right now, and he knew he was a pretty damn good distraction!
He leaned in and planted kisses down your collarbone, moving towards you breasts and watching you closely for a reaction. You idly toyed with his hair and ears, your eyes on him but thoughtful and clearly not present. He pouted, before abruptly biting down on your nipple. He didn't do it too hard, knowing how sensitive it was, but he did it hard enough to make you gasp in surprise.
"Katsuki," you yelped with a scolding yet slightly amused tone, eyes wide and lips in the tiniest of smiles. There he was. The Katsuki you wanted.
Ever impatient, he scowled at you whilst trailing kisses across the valley of your bust, then down the center towards your navel. "What? You told me to distract you," he scoffed, gripping your left calf and hoisting it over his shoulder.
"Am I not allowed to think," you argued, knowing full well this was a battle you were losing terribly.
He grinned malevolently, a fire in his eyes you were so used to seeing.
"Y'know what, bun? That's a damn good idea," he laughed, peppering kisses beneath your belly button and towards your increasingly aching sex. He kneaded your thigh with his hand, not once breaking eye contact as he carefully pulled your underwear down (for once).
His mouth moved around your pussy lips and across the innermost parts of your thigh, smiling up at you devilishly.
"Don't fucking think," he ordered gruffly, his open mouth kisses moving agonizingly slowly towards your soaking folds. He wanted you to say it. To say you wouldn't think...
"Make me," you sniffed, an expectant smile on your face. What kind of brat would you be if you just took his orders? This was how you played your part, your role in the game that was your sex life with Katsuki...just as he played his role by taming you.
"You must think you're so fuckin' cute," he scoffed, to which you quickly shot back, "I thought I wasn't aloud to think."
He bit down on your right inner thigh, hard enough to leave indents but not break the skin. You cried out in pain, and he yanked on your left leg to bring your dripping sex closer to his face. "You're lucky you taste so damn good," he grumbled, sticking his tongue out and watching for your reaction. He didn't need you to beg with your words, not when you begged like that with your eyes and body...of course, a little verbal begging never hurt.
He pressed his tongue flat against your clit, listening to you moan for him and roll your hips against his face. He immediately pinned your hips down with one hand, glaring up at you before continuing. His lips met the area surrounding your clit, tongue lapping up and down the nub, slow at first but speeding up with the encouragement of your voice.
"Mmmnh...Katsuki...don't stop..."
He hummed against you, powerful vibrations adding that extra stimulation you needed. His ministrations sped up, tongue moving faster and faster, the hand the held your hip down now encouraging your thrusting into him.
your hand snaked into his hair, playing with his ears as the fingers on your thigh moved to prod at your entrance. He moaned at your touch, more of that sweet vibrating coursing through you, and promptly shoved two fingers into you.
They immediately curled upwards, hitting your G-spot and increasing the writhing you did in his grasp, as well as the volume of your moaning. How he loved listening to your voice, the rhythmic sounds burned into his brain to be replayed on nights alone, spurring his pace along.
You watched his face closely, his blissed out expression as he got off to pleasing you and only you, the way he subtly humped the sheets not going unnoticed. the very sight of him like this, shirtless and groaning and eating you like a man staved was enough to make you cum...
and you did.
"fu-FUCK, C-cumming..." you managed to splutter out, thighs tightening around his head, hands yanking his hair to stay in place. He let you ride out your high, more than happy to be nearly suffocating in your grasp, and after a few hip-rolls and loud moans, you released him with a sigh.
He sat all the way up, completely wet from the tip of his nose to the bottom of his chin after being soaked in your juices, licking his chops like you were his pray. He licked his fingers clean while he was at it, not once looking away from your sweaty, heaving body. So fucking hot. So fucking his.
"You ready for more," he chuckled, already crawling over you and pinning your hands above your head. "But my back's so sweatyyyy," you whined, arching it a little to prove your point.
"So," he scoffed, his hand sliding beneath you to hold the small of your back.
"So it's gross," you huffed, clearly just trying to buy yourself a little time for composure.
He rolled his eyes, but thought of the perfect solution as his gaze met yours again. "You don't havta lay on your back," he said slyly, as if he won some game. In one swift motion, he flipped you over, his hand sliding to your hip to knead your ass immediately.
"Kat," you whined, smiling to yourself. Why'd he have to be so damn hot?
you could hear him fiddling with his sweatpants, the sound of the fabric leaving his body sending chills down your spine. You could just see his cock in your head now, thick and solid and standing at attention, uncut with a slight lean to the left. You spent a lot of time looking at it, you should know.
"you mad because I'm smarter," he asked sarcastically, leaning down in a plank so his mouth could be right next to your ear, before resting his knees in between your legs.
"You're so funny," you scoffed, rolling your eyes. Your face was annoyed, but every inch of your body was crying out for him to take you. You even arched your back and sat up on your arms out of instinct.
"Yeah yeah, seein' as I'm about to fuck you, you shouldn't talk to me like that," he grumbles against your ear, kissing where the lobe connected to your jaw. You didn't know when to expect it, although it helped when he sat up so he could see what he was doing. He didn't really need to, but he just loved watching his cock slip inside you, especially when you're still throbbing from an orgasm.
You sat in wait, biting your lip and closing your eyes for the best experience. You could feel his tip, sticky from all the pre he leaked, prod against your pussy lips, before it slowly moved around your entrance in tight circles. He was teasing you, although knowing him, he was far too impatient to keep it up.
Just as you suspected, in mere seconds he was pushing his way deeper and deeper within you, causing your to grip the sheets in pleasure.
He wasn't doing any better, hands firmly holding your hips as he panted watching you take him in. You were so tight around him, squeezing and pulsing, sucking him in as he forced his way through.
"Fuck..." he groaned, wishing he could see your face. He finally hit your cervix, his hips meeting your as he caressed your ass. He was going to give you a moment to breathe, he could see you panting with him, your back tensing as you breathed in and relaxing as you breathed out.
"Katsu," you urged, wanting him to go already. If this were your first time with him, you might have said, "I'm ready," or, "you can go now," but those phrases have a level of innocence you no longer contain.
He let out a derisive laugh, smirking down at you as he slowly pulled back out, his tip barely staying in, before shoving you back down on him. You let out a satisfied moan, your voice muffled from your mouth pressing into the sheets. He could see your little cottontail wagging, and as he continued to thrust at an inclining speed, he grabbed it.
"Katsuki," you squealed, your voice vibrating a little from the amount of force each collision of your bodies made. The sensation you got from him gently pulling your tail was a mixture of sharp pain and intense pleasure, causing you to moan even louder and tighten around him.
"holy shit," he choked out, panting and groaning more at the new level of tightness.
The two of you were losing your rationality as Katsuki fucked you senseless, his hands moving anywhere he could access, his tip kissing your cervix over and over again in a constant rhythm. Eventually, he felt himself getting close, and he had to see your face before he finished.
He grabbed you by your bunny ears, causing you to yelp, and used his other hand to grab your chin and move your face so he could see your side profile. he shoved your head back into the pillow, this time with your head turned, his grasp still on your ears to keep you there.
"Katsuki, fuck, I'm close," you whined, trying to catch his gaze in your new position. He held eye contact with you, his hips moving at a sloppy pace.
"Fuck," he huffed, releasing your head as he planted his arms beside your head, mouth right against your fluffy ears. "I'm gonna fucking cum," he moaned, pistoning in and out of you with lust driven fervor. "You better take my fucking cum," he blathered, rambling nothing and everything into your ear.
"You're so fucking perfect" "Your body was made for me" "Don't let any drip out" "Gonna get you nice and pregnant"
with each phrase punctuated with intense thrusting, moans, and groans, you found yourself reaching your climax with him, until the knot in both of your stomachs burst simultaneously.
You cried out for him, his name like honey dripping from your lips, drowning out the sound of his several final pumps into you, each one angled perfectly and shoving every drop of his thick load deep within you. He gripped the sheets in his hands, nearly ripping the fabric, his cock buried to the hilt as he road out the wave with you.
"Kat, you don't have to do all this," you giggled, your protective boyfriend prepping to give you the best aftercare of your life. He already showered with you, a sweet and gentle gesture as he spent that time washing your hair and body (After scolding you for doing it wrong, of course). He even got out before you, seeing as he tended to shower fast, and already replaced the sheets by the time you were done.
Now, he had you wrapped up in a nest of pillows and blankets, forcing you to drink some water while he held you close. You suspected it was something primal in him, like some wolfish mating instinct, but he always said that any boyfriend worth a damn would do it.
yawning and setting your water bottle aside, you nuzzled your face into his chest, watching as the sunlight peaked in through the windows.
"Thank you for distracting me," you whispered, looking up at him with a grateful smile. He just sucked his teeth, looking askance and blushing.
"Shut up, Dumbass...It's my job as your boyfriend..."
"Right...so, about getting me pregnant, you know that's not possible?"
"I just said that 'cause I was in the moment, damn idiot!!!"
you loved your wolf man, no doubt about it.
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can't write a single PinV smutfic without breeding, can I? Just completely blacked out while writing this, and somehow ended up with 3,283 words. Well, I hope you enjoyed, please leave a comment so I know how it made you feel!
tagging you because I care <3: @b134ch-m4h-ey3z
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mantis--hymn · 3 months
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hey there, i really hate to do it but i'm really desperate right now as my financial situation is pretty dire. currently i'm on the lookout for a second job as i've only been able to get around 12 hours a week which is just barely enough to pay for rent, but recently i've had to book an appointment as my cat junito might be suffering from a uti. due to being sent home on one of my shifts last week since i was sick, i wont be able to pay for rent and pretty much have no money for the appointment. im hoping that $350 all up can account for my rent and at least Some of the cost for the vet appointment, even if it turns out to be a bigger problem.
$0 / $350
even if you're unable to give anything, a reblog will help more than anything
i also make mlp and homestuck fantroll designs at a starting price of $5 usd if anyone's interested, if so shout me a dm
thanks all, have a lovely day <3
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leebitkitty · 1 year
welcome back !! I've missed you sm 🤞
I'd like to ask for dom!jeongin x sub!gn!afab!reader with the prompts:
4: "you're not.. wearing anything under that.. are you?"
8: "you're sitting on my lap, we're friends and I'm hard, I'm sorry."
19: "I'm done being just roommates."
26: "it's late, shouldn't you be asleep?"
46: "fuck, I really need you right now."
48: "if you wanted me so bad you should've said it."
64: "you're driving me crazy right now, you jerk."
65: "I love you."
context: my idea was, jeongin living with his friends; he was crushing on reader and one night, he happens to be awake in the living room when reader goes for a glass of water, they see him; starts prompt 26 and for the rest I trust you <3
Hope its not too much, you can delete some prompts and adapt it as you want to !!
thank you so much for your time <3
– 🍥🍡 or 🍡🍥 Anon (can't remember, it's been a while 😭)
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"i knew this would happen one day. us. together."
pairings: dom!jeongin x sub!gn!afab!reader
genre: tiniest bit of angst, smut
note: (its 🍥🍡!!) hi anon!! it has been a while lol i have missed you! i am going to remove prompt 19 since i have done that already😭 also this is like hella short.. and extremely rushed🥰🥰 anyways, please enjoy!
4: "you're not.. wearing anything under that.. are you?"
8: "you're sitting on my lap, we're friends, and i'm hard. i'm sorry."
26: "it's late, shouldn't you be asleep?"
46: "fuck, i really need you right now."
48: "if you wanted me so bad you should've said it."
64: "you're driving me crazy right now, you jerk."
65: "i love you."
warnings: explicit sexual content, roomate!jeongin, exhibitionism(?) jeongin has friends over, unprotected sex (be careful), penetrative sex (p in v), cumming inside, unestablished relationship
minors do not interact
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"hey y/n, could i invite my friends here for a sleepover?" jeongin calls from the living room, eyes still glued to the tv ever since the morning. "sleepover? yeah, sure, i mean it's your house too," you say from the kitchen, jeongins happy face immediately turning towards you, giving you a big grin as you feel your heart swell at how cute he looked in that moment. "thanks! we won't be too loud, and they'll probably just be in my room anyways," he continues, eyes focusing back to whatever show he was playing.
and that is how you ended up with 8 men in your house. not in his room like he said, but in your living room. hogging the tv at 9pm. to be honest, you were a bit upset at just how many people he had invited. you expected a few friends.. but definitely not 7 people. you sprint to jeongin, who was currently making snacks for everyone in the kitchen. "you didn't tell me you were inviting this many people!!" you whisper-scream. "and they're not even in your room!" you continue, so angry that steam could probably be seen coming out of your ears.
"reeeelaaaax y/n, c'mon. it's not even that many people! they're just having fun," jeongin slurred, obviously drunk out of his mind. you rolled your eyes and angrily stomped back to your room, slamming the door. why were you so angry? you honestly had no idea, and you felt mad at yourself for yelling (kinda) at jeongin when he was just having fun. you turned on the tv in your room to chase your thoughts away, falling asleep a couple hours later.
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you wake up from a nightmare, drenched in sweat, your oversized shirt with nothing underneath clung to your body. you rub your eyes and look at the digital clock on your bedside table, reading 12:43pm. you fan yourself off for a bit before getting up off the bed and heading to the kitchen for a glass of water. you walk towards the kitchen, opening the refrigerator for some ice for your water. "hey, y/n," jeongin calls out from his spot on the couch. "holy sh-," you nearly yelp out. "you scared me to death, jeongin. it's late, shouldn't you be asleep?" you continue, pouring your water.
"didn't feel like sleeping. my head hurts from the alcohol," he says, scooting over the couch to give you room to sit down. you sit on the couch, turning on the tv as you think. this could possibly be the perfect chance to tell jeongin you like him, you think to yourself. you look at jeongin once more as you scoot closer to him, eventually straddling his lap. to his suprise, he looked up to you, eyes widened, resting his phone on his pants to give you his undivided attention.
"i really need to tell you something," you start, staring into his eyes. "i.. i like you. always have. ever since i met you, i really could not stop myself from constantly thinking about you. i know its a bad time to say that but-" jeongin is quick to suprise you by setting his finger on your lips, smirking but still with a fond look in his eye. "shh.. i know." he purrs. "w-wait. jeongin?" you question, feeling something poking you from his lap. you look down, suprised to see him hard. "you're sitting on my lap, we're friends and im hard. i'm sorry. but am i? i couldn't help it.. with you moving around so much and telling me how much you love me," he giggles menacingly.
jeongin looks down to find you slightly grinding yourself on his boner, seeing you close your eyes and breathe shakily. his eyes almost pop out of his sockets when he sees your glistening cunt peeking out of your shirt. "wait." he stops you, "you're not.. wearing anything under that.. are you?" jeongin faintly murmurs. "mmm, i had a feeling we'd start doing.. this." you whisper. "you little whore. if you wanted me so bad you should've said it," he annouces. "can i.. touch you there?" he asks, reaching out to your clit. "yes, please, i really really need you," you whisper, bringing jeongins hand under your shirt to lightly trace your arousal.
"do you like it when i touch you there, baby?" jeongin rasps, kissing your clavicle. "fuck, i really need you right now." you grind harder, whimpering in his presence. "shh.. not too loud. we don't want my friends to wake up and see you helplessy grinding on my lap like a little whore, do we?" he interjects, ironically touching you faster. "f-fuck, no.." you lightly groan, muffling your mouth into jeongins neck. "i'm.. i'm close, jeongin," you quietly whine, grinding faster. jeongin rips his hand away from your cunt, putting his wet fingers into his mouth, rolling his eyes back. you look up and groan from the sight, trying to withdraw from jeongins tight hold on your waist to chase your already ruined high.
"mmm.. you taste so sweet, don't you? i've always wondered how you'd taste," he muffles, fingers still in his mouth. "you're driving me crazy right now, you jerk," you mutter angrily, still trying to squirm away from jeongins grip. "ah ah ah.." jeongin smirks, "you're not going to get any pleasure by acting like a little brat," he firmly hisses, implying the last 3 words with a flick to your clit making you shiver. "would you rather i have you cum on my fingers or my dick? the choice is yours, baby." he says lowly, fondling with your tits under your shirt. "o-on your dick," you hush. "right answer," he pecks your lips, untying his sweatpants.
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jeongin aligns with your cunt, both of you leaking like crazy. "can you be a good pup and ride me?" he asks gently, fingers tracing your lips. you nod, finally sinking jeongins cock in your hole. jeongin closes his eyes and lets the currently overwhelming pleasure take over him. "remember, we have to be quiet," he hushes, fingers playing with your shirt. you start moving, connecting your lips to jeongins neck leaving warm hickeys behind. you move faster, quiet whines leaving your throat. jeongin moves his hand to your mouth, silencing you from any loud noises. "fuck, you're doing so well," he strangles, lips pulled into a tight line, holding back his own moans. staying quiet was hard for him too, you thought.
"j-jeongin, i'm close," you say breathlessy, movements becoming sloppy and off-time. "relax, baby, i got you," jeongin sits up, thrusting up once, eventually pulling back out and thrusting into you again, setting his own pace. he keeps rutting into you, eventually touching your clit to get you to your high faster. you cum with a scrunched face, body shaking from the stimulation. jeongin feels you clenching onto him from overstimulation, cumming not much later.
you collapse on jeongin, both of your chests heaving, warm breaths fanning eachother. jeongin lifts his hand to pet your hair, calming you down.
"you make me so happy, y/n. i love you so much."
© leebitkitty, 2023
237 notes · View notes
ebonysplendor · 20 days
There's Something Wrong With Sunny Day Jack (Demo) Review🌤️
TL;DR: Sunny days, keeping the clouds awaaaaaay~! ... Okay, but like what if our cloud is the "sunny day", and it won't go away? Do we even want it to at this point...?
Game Link: https://snaccpop-studios.itch.io/sunny-day-jack
Game Link (classic): https://snaccpop-studios.itch.io/sdj-classic
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Notable Features: Gender Neutral language, Self-Insert, Yandere LI, Voice Acting, Create a cup of froyo ... yo Spiciness: 5.5/5 -- Let me tell you! It's a whole scene going down in this thing, okay?! FULLY delivered. The literal only thing that would've made this any spicier is if you saw it. You kinda do, but it's just out of frame. LI Red Flags: 3/5 -- Manipulation, possessive, lowkey obsessive, implied violence and possession, but like, I'm pretty sure I can fix him, so whatever, ya know?
Wanna know more? Lmao naaah. Not if you aren't at least 18, and I mean that. There is a WHOLE spicy scene in here. This one's for the adulty adults. Anyways, if you don't care about my yapping and/or you're in the 18+ club, let's get into it!
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Okay, okay, okay, I know, yeah, I know, but listen...I'm only getting around to making the review now.
Okay, okay, okay, wait, stop, listen. I know that this game is damn near two years old, but I didn't start getting into reading visual novels until last year, and I didn't start taking the plunge to make reviews until this year so... :P
ANYWAYS! I do have news that you may not know yet! When I was looking for exactly how old this game is, I stumbled upon a little news~
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As of me typing this (which was on the 28 August at about 9:30pm, but who knows when I'll actually post this review lmao), the game was updated an hour ago. I'm talking this shit is fresh out of the box! So, naturally, I went scouring for a download button...but then it occurred to me that that message said that it was for the $12+ tier of their patreon supporters. Not gonna lie, the spicy scene in that damn game has got a girl tempted, okay? But the way my bills are set up...
Okay, anyways, getting back on track because I've started yappin'. I'm going to go ahead and jump into this thing because, let me tell you, if you're like me, and you're late to this game, you've gotta hear about it! Granted, the download to the version that I'm talking about isn't available anymore (at least for the public/non $12 patrons), but the classic version is! I don't know how different it is though ^^;
Admittedly, because this game is almost two years old and because there's not a download link available currently, I might spoil it just a little so that you're not left too much in the dark about the game, especially since, again, the download link isn't available. That being said, it may still be spoiler friendly because habit lol.
But you get it by this point. Let's stop talking and start summarizing. Let's get into it!
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So boom.
Basically, we're being...haunted?, we guess?...by this very attractive, but frankly super cheesy, children's TV show host. How'd it happened? We aren't really sure. We just remembered that we got some weird tape and was like "Huh...okay", watched it, and boom, here he is. Speaking of "he" and "here he is", here he is!
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Everyone, this is the bae, Sunny Day Jack, but he doesn't mind being called just "Jack", so refer to him as such.
Jack has kind've been rocking with us for a few months at this point, and admittedly, it was very poor but really great timing. The reason why that is the case is because we had experienced something pretty tragic, and we were having a really hard time getting over it, but honestly? Jack's child-like explanation of working through problems and explaining emotions actually came in clutch, because we were lowkey able to get this far because of him. That being said...our relationship with him is getting a little blurred -- more than a little.
Ya see, things kind've...escalated between us, and we honestly aren't sure if we're glad that we got called into work or if we're pissed about it. Like, the undertones have been there for a while, but it was only today that those undertones became more pronounced and obvious. I mean, the man had his tongue-- ANYWAYS!
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So, we go into work where our asshole manager ditches us because apparently the things that he has to do is way more important than us having a day off from babysitting and picking up the slack of our lazy ass co-workers. The only upside to this is that the day is likely to be slow because of the rain and that we're alone, meaning that we can openly talk to Jack.
Oh, now that I think about it, I forgot something super crucial -- we can see and hear Jack. More specifically, we can touch him, feel him, smell him, fuck him, the works, but, for whatever reason, others can't do the same. I guess it's like...medium privileges or being a ghost's host perks or something? Anyways, I'm getting off track. Gonna stop it there before I start spouting some stupid shit.
We kind've flashback to what happened right before our boss called, and whoo boi, does that steamy feeling come back full force. It's weird, because it's like Jack can read our mind about how we felt so comfortable and so safe and so protected and, frankly, so curious about him and what all went down in that moment. Jack basically reassures us that the feelings that we have are okay, and what would be best described as "love". Oh...oh, haha, uh...
"Nah, dawg, it's not love."
"Well...do you love me?"
AYO? I beg your finest pardon, sir!? Like, he's just gonna come out the woodwork with that shit?!
Regardless, he's still reassuring us that, "It's okay if you see me as bae" and we're just "We're roommates, dude, and seeing someone as bae is way more complicated than you're making it sound!" He pretty much just laughs it off and is like "Well, either way, I'll be here. Always. I'm not going anywhere. Ever. I'll be anything and everything that you need". Oof, that is...a bold ass claim, and one that we're not so entirely sure we should trust...but damn does it feel good to hear those words and have some support...anyways.
Our work day continues, we run into this awkwardly cute guy (I'll explain more later), our whore of an ex-boyfriend called and ruined our fucking mood, Jack lays down some more heavy words of reassurance, and the day goes onto the next.
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Unfortunately, we land ourselves back at work, but fortunately without the "un-", we are alone and can freely talk to Jack again. Like mentioned, the guy is a ghost, but he's so very real, just not to others, which can be super disorienting sometimes; this is one of those sometimes. Jack wanted us to make him a yogurt and...oof, his reaction was...
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...less than thrilled. Disgusted, even. Horrified.
Now, this doesn't sound like a huge detail or issue, but he actually got a bit scary here because, what is this shit that he's spouting about us "not being that type of person anymore" and "being better than that, now"? Like, when I say that this man -- clown? ghost? -- had a full shift in personality, and it was just...fear in his eyes, desperation in his voice? Like, he looked and sounded absolutely haunted and terrified of something. Like, this was beyond the horror in a cup that we apparently made him experience; it only triggered it.
Thankfully, although awkward, he easily moves past this saying that the combination of flavors just threw him off, and a customer walks in to provide a diversion for an extra layer of safety.
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Oh! It's that awkward but polite cutie from the other day!
When we see him, or rather when we hear the door, we say our awkward ass, lame ass greeting, and it's kind've an opener for him to start some super brief small talk. He eventually takes the plunge and shoots his shot. Now, personally, I think the guy is damned adorbs, but at the same time, it's just...it's too soon. That mixed with this whole thing we've got going on with Jack...
We're pretty conflicted on how to answer, un-- Wait, huh? What did...?
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Did-- Wait, Jack wants us to tell him that we have a boyfriend? And what does he mean that "it doesn't even have to be a lie"? ... He said the thing again, too. That thing about being whatever he wants us to be.
This is so anxiety inducing, too, because it's like, first off, we weren't expecting to hear him talking to us, and second, we can't acknowledge him in any shape, way, or form. Jack is quite literally looming right behind us, whispering in our ear, and we cannot so much as look his way without the guy in front of us thinking that we've completely lost our shit. Even still, our feelings for Jack have been complicated lately. Should we even take that plunge? Something about doing that doesn't seem right, though...
...We tell the guy that we don't have a boyfriend. Before he gets his hopes up too much, though, we tell him that we aren't really looking for anything right now, either. The guy leaves. The store is quiet, and we're left with alone with Jack with that awkwardness from earlier back in the air at full force; he's the first one to speak.
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He apologizes and starts asking if he's pushed anything onto us that we didn't want. Before we can really answer though, he apologizes again. He explains that he thought that he was speaking in terms of what we wanted, but he keeps going back and forth like he's trying to find the right words but also figure out where he misunderstood; better yet, and more accurately, he's trying to figure out why he misunderstood in the first place. The poor guy is honestly so pitiful at this point, and we try to stop him from rambling and reach out for him... but our hand falls right through him.
Obviously, we start panicking, and Jack explains to us that he doesn't want to do anything that we don't want him to do nor feel comfortable with, and if it's him that we don't feel comfortable with and it's him that we don't want...this is what happens.
Okay, now, we're past the point of panicking; we're on the verge of tears because had we known us saying "No, I don't have a boyfriend" meant that Jack would start questioning if we actually wanted him around and fading away, we would've never said it. True to his optimistic nature, Jack reassures us that he's not "fading away" or "disappearing", and we're just like "Dude, piss off with that. Now, is not the time" because it's like, bro, this isn't a joke or us not wanting to get up for work; this is serious.
Jack chills with the reassurance and explains that he understands that we're serious, but that this isn't an issue that he can fix himself. Jack basically said that our words -- better yet our acceptance or denial of him -- are very weighted and that the only way to fix what's going on right then and there is to reaffirm that we accept him being there and truly meaning it, and that's only because he doesn't want to do anything that we don't want or need from him.
Even still, do we really trust him fully enough to do this? He's not the kind of guy to hurt us, is he? I mean, it's Sunny Day Jack. Then again, we also thought the same about---
"Yeah, Jack?"
"I know it's scary, I honestly do, but you can trust me. All I want is to be with you, protect you, and make you happy; that's what I'm here for."
All of that sounds so nice, too nice, but...
Can we trust him so easily...?
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We really shouldn't...
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But that horrible, heartbreaking moment...
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That pain that Jack somehow made bearable, took away even...
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That companionship he gave us in the place of loneliness...
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His comfort...
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His gaze...
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What's wrong with feeling good? Why doubt him, and why feel like this unique and irreplicable connection is a bad thing? It's like Jack said: these feelings are okay; it's normal. There's nothing wrong with this.
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Y'all. You all. Guys. Gays. Theys. People. Friends. MY friends. SQUAD. (all right, enough...)
Hot and bothered, bothered and hot. Like, please allow me like 3 - 5 sentences of degeneracy. Between Jack and Ren (iykyk) ... Ren still laid down the pipe better but Jack?? Jack was a damned close second. Like, did you see the way that man was looking in our eyes and holding us? Then he's so big and masculine looking and ahhhhh~! That is BAE right there!
Anyways, getting back on track, when I had to go back and get those screenshots, what should've taken me like 5 - 10 minutes took me like 30+ minutes because I had to relive these moments. I had to relive this story! Like I mentioned earlier, the game is damn near two years old, but it reads like new, you feel me? The story, the implications, the art style, the scenes, the drama -- ahhh! I LIVE. I ASCEND. Like, when these developers hit the mark, they hit the damned mark with such precision!
I'm pretty sure that it's been mentioned at this point, but do you know what I loved the most about this visual novel (degeneracy aside, of course lol)? The subtle but oddly specific ass details that you're sure to miss or gloss over if you're not paying attention. I'm talking those details that you probably wouldn't catch until you've already read it once, seen how things have panned out, and then read through it again. Like, how it described us feeling cold whenever we thought about Jack leaving or fading away from us, or how the air would feel like syrup or cotton candy whenever he spoke to us, or how we'd get all warm in the most literal sense whenever Jack was near, or feel full, or completed, or -- the list honestly goes on. Like, there's a lot of allusion to being slowly corrupted/possessed by Jack, because this guy is a ghost, remember? Yeah, I had lowkey forgot, too.
Those specifically subtle details really made the story come together, and once I caught onto what was going on, I was just like, bro, the signs were there! I'd have to say that my absolute favorite "subtle" sign was when Jack always seemed to know exactly what we were thinking, almost like he was able to read our thoughts, but as soon as we started to "reject" him, all of a sudden he wasn't exactly sure what we thought. He went from responding to our thoughts to questioning what we may have been thinking about. Like, what? Go the eff off SnaccPop!
I love this visual novel, I love this visual novel, I love this visual novel, I love this frickin visual novel. I could ramble and geek way more but I'm gonna start wrapping it up before I start yappin' too, too much. Just allow me a few more sentences, a paragraph or two, please.
I. Cannot. Wait! For the full and official release! I am so excited to see how the team is going to mold this story and how things are going to pan out. I'm excited to see how and if we're able to get away from Jack because, at this point, he has a damned strong hold on us, but I'm speculating that our horror movie fanatic and director friend is going to come in clutch for this one.
If it was not obvious (and honestly, if you were somehow later to this game than I was) 100/10 would recommend, and I am recommending. It is so good, and I really hope that I'm not over hyping it, because the foundation that has been built for this story is so damned solid. Like I mentioned way earlier, unfortunately, you can't play the (free) updated demo anymore, but you can still play the classic one; I just don't know how different it is compared to the new version. Either way, I'll give you the link to both just in case (Update | OG). If you're able, definitely give them that monetary support and play the updated version. Hell, tell ME how it is because...I really don't want to put off my bills but, at this point, Jack has me in a fucking chokehold all over again. What's an extra, unplanned $12 at this point? Also, if able, visit the game's page and give SnaccPop that ever so encouraging but thirsty "NEED. MOAR. I mean, you take your time because perfection can't be rushed, and I know you all are people with a life and other responsibilities and such, BUT I NEED. MOAR. IT'S SO GOOD. STAND AND DELIEVER. ...please UwU I beg OTL"
Meh, that was highkey three paragraphs, but I'm not gonna split it so it can still be the two paragraphs that I requested. Lol sorry for pushing it there, but I'm done now! Promise. No more yappin'. The yap has been concluded, and I'm gonna go ahead and head out.
Big preesh for getting this far, and please, remember to drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack (Updated; download not available to public)
Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack (Classic; download available)
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Car Hookups
Pairing: College AU! Oboro Shimurako x Fem! Reader.
Summary: You and Oboro regularly meet up late in his car for sex.
Warnings: Smut, Car sex, Oral sex (make receiving), Intercourse (P in V), College AU, Casual sex, Protected sex (the second time I've remembered to use a condom in my works), Slight hair pulling, Reader sends Oboro a nude and Oboro jacks off to it, Masturbation, Oboro and Reader smoke weed, So sex whilst on drugs?
Writing Time: 40 minutes.
Word Count: 930.
Format: Kinktober Fic, Day 12.
Not the first time an imagine of mine has turned into a fic. Oh well. I love Oboro and would love to write for him more so please send requests for this boi! Car sex is hot so I'll definitely be writing this again, I can't believe I haven't before. I purposely didn't add Oboro's exact dick size here because it's supposed to be the reader's idea of the perfect size, which is different for everyone.
Here are my other Kinktober 2023 works.
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It had become normal now, leaving your dorm late at night to run out and meet Oboro in his car for a dicking down.
This had become a regular thing for you two. Having sex in the middle of the night in his car. He would text you around 11pm asking if you was busy or available to meet a few blocks down from campus.
You had always said yes and ran down there to meet him. You couldn't quite remember how this started but it's not like you was complaining. Even if you knew that your roommates knew exactly what was up.
You weren't exactly subtle leaving in the middle of the time with just your phone and clothes on your back and coming back about two hours later with your clothes and hair all messy.
It was a great stress reliever for the both of you. You had been stressed out a lot with all the assignments you had and Oboro was the same but also with all the hero training too.
When you two would meet up Oboro was always in the driver seat smoking a blunt. He happily past it over to you when you got in next to him and you two would get high before the main event.
When you indicated you was ready, Oboro would eagerly pull down his pants and smile at you. His dick was beautiful, you thought. The perfect size, thick and veiny. Just looking at it made your mouth water and your pussy clench. You would get to work immediately, leaning down and putting him in your mouth.
Your head would bob up and down quickly as Oboro finished off the blunt, sighing the smoke up into his car slowly. You knew it was the best feeling for a guy ever. Smoking a joint whilst getting head. You was happy to be the one to give that kind of pleasure to Oboro.
You could tell Oboro was about to let go inside your mouth when he started gripping and pulling on your hair slightly whilst groaning loudly. You sighed as you pulled his erection out of your mouth and he whined.
You pulled the pretty much finished the blunt from his fingers, took the last puff and threw it out the window before climbing into the back seat.
Oboro was eager to join you. He would help pull your clothes off and lay you face down into the seats. He pulled the wrapped condom from his pocket and had you tear it open with your teeth before chucking the wrapper somewhere and pulling the rubber down his length.
Once you were both ready, Oboro would push inside and give you a night to remember. Lots of skin slapping and moaning. The windows would be steamed up in no time and the car would be shaking and grabbing the attention of anyone walking by.
You and Oboro would have to go multiple rounds in back. Just to make the most of the condoms and space you both had.
Oboro's aftercare is beautiful. He would light you up another blunt and cuddle you in the back seat. Even give you a small back massage because he knew how uncomfortable laying down on the back seat was. Also rub your head if you had head butted yourself due to the lack of space.
You'd definitely have to rub his head too, there's no way his clumsy ass didn't bang his head whilst fucking you in his car.
Oboro never failed to ask if you wanted to go eat before he dropped you back to campus, even though you always said no. He'd also if you wanted him to drive up closer to your side of the campus so it wasn't just a long walk for you. You'd say no again, because if he did that it would be a longer walk for him seeing as his dorm was on the other side.
You would walk back to your dorm with a giant smile of your face. It was dark so you was sure no one would notice the cum on your face and in your hair and honestly you was right. With how dead it was and how fast you was to jump in the shower afterwards, nobody saw your filthy 'freshly dicked down' look.
Before stepping into the shower, you send Oboro a photo of yourself. Completely nude, in front of the running shower and covered in cum which was now brightly lit from the bathroom light.
He took till after you was done in the shower to respond. You knew he was getting off to your sexy picture.
His text back was, "When are you next free 🙏🍆💦?"
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt 7.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex, p in v sex, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst, possessiveness, talk of kids. Mentions of dominant behaviour. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Love potions? But none are actually used.
A little fluff, a little smut 🤍 all aboard the Freddie train 🌹
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A constant, thumping noise woke you from your heavy sleep, firstly permeating your dreams before you roused, eventually realising it was someone knocking on the door.
Ginny, beside you, groaned as she pulled herself out of the bundle of blankets on the floor and stood up to answer the annoying knock.
Hermione seemed to also groan as she woke up abruptly, sitting straight up in bed on alert as she waited for whoever was knocking to reveal themselves.
"What?" You heard Ginny say abruptly as she flung open the door, making you turn your head towards the noise.
"Bloody hell, had a fight with a thunderbird in your sleep?" the voice laughs, noticing her disheveled appearance.
"What do you want?" She mutters, annoyed.
"Mum says breakfast's ready sleepyheads," you heard George say, at least you were 80% sure it was George; your eyes were still bleary and you're consciousness hadn't fully set in yet.
"Okay," Ginny says, closing the door in George's face.
You rub your eyes and try to come round but it was a struggle. You had gone to bed late after staying up to watch another movie and gossiping well into the night. You'd painted each others nails, talked about boys and pretty much every teenage sleepover cliche you could think of, laughing and giggling until the early hours.
You considered getting changed briefly but when Ginny and Hermione made no attempt to dress, you decided to stay in your pyjamas for breakfast. Ginny threw her robe over herself and you cursed yourself for not bringing yours.
"You go on, I've just got to grab something from Fred and George's room," you told the girls as they made their way downstairs, "tell your mum I'll just be a second."
The door was open and the room was vacant so you stepped into the room and walked straight over to your case, reaching for the jumper you'd left there the previous day, throwing it over you with little thought before making your way to the table.
The twins were sat together for once and the only vacant seat was between Fred and Ginny so you sat down in between them, greeting everyone as you took your place. Ron was already heaping food into his mouth as both Hermione and Molly warned him to chew as everyone else tucked in with more civility than Ron, except maybe for the twins.
You could feel both of their eyes on you as they ate but you ignored them for now, much too tired to be playing games this early in a morning.
"Here you go dear," Molly says, placing down a steaming cup of tea in front of you as she whizzed around. You turned with a wide smile, thankful she'd been so thoughtful and she smiled back, "just like me, can't start the day without a cup of tea."
"And rightly so," Arthur says with a nod as he raises his own mug of tea, making you chuckle. "So what does everyone have planned for today?"
Ron immediately begins talking with his mouthful, explaining that they had all decided to hold a mini quidditch match on the back field and everyone would be joining in.
"Bagsy referee," you said quickly, Not wanting to actually play. It worked out well as there were seven of you and it would have been uneven if not. Ron looks over at you and smiles, nodding, as if he'd already predicted it.
You could still feel Fred's eyes on you so you bit the bullet and turned to look at him, seeing that he was looking at your braids, his eyes washing over your face each time he could sneak a glance.
You frowned, wordlessly asking him why he was looking but he merely smirked and gave you a subtle wink, focusing his attention back to his food.
After breakfast, you walked up to Ginny's room to help her clear up before grabbing your makeup bag and hairbrush and walking to the twins' room. They weren't back yet and so you sat down at the desk and began putting a little bit of makeup on, namely just a little dab of concealer under your slightly puffy, tired eyes and some mascara, finishing with a slick of lip balm.
"Morning," George drawls, walking into the room and noticing you sat at his desk. You turn and smile at him, greeting him with a good morning as you reach out your arms for him, making little grabby hands. He chuckles, walking over to you and immediately lifts you into his arms so that you're stood facing him. You immediately rest your head on his chest, feeling comforted in your sleepy state, knowing that George cuddles would make everything better.
"Still tired baby?" He asks quietly, reaching up to pull a little strand of hair that you'd pulled from your braid out of your face. You nodded into his chest, the soft material of his jumper rubbing against you, feeling his chest rumble with a light chuckle. You felt yourself go a little mushy at him calling you baby, having never heard him call you that before and you couldn't help but smile into his chest.
"Well well well, what do we have here?" You heard Fred say as he walks noisily into the room, shutting the door with a bang. You lift your head from George's chest, still entwined with his body and turn to see Fred smirking at you. "I nip for a piss and he gets all the affection?"
"Ssssh," you say weakly, too tired for his sarcasm as you reach your hand out for him.
"Our girl's still tired," George explains, passing you over to his slightly older brother. You can't help but feel that same warmth at being called our girl, apparently George was attempting to turn you to mush this morning. Fred immediately opens his arms for you as you limply slide from one body to another, instantly burrowing into his chest as his arms wrap tightly around you.
"Wanna take a nap before quidditch?" Fred asks, but you shake your head, knowing you just needed to wake up more.
"Ron'll be pounding at the door soon anyway," you explain, knowing the youngest male Weasley had little to no patience.
As you predicted, it took Ron no less than twenty minutes before he was yelling and banging about trying to get everyone over to the field as quickly as possible. A few years back when Fred and George had wanted to join the quidditch team, the family had made a little homemade quidditch pitch on the field behind the house, made from scrap metal for the goals and a selection of used balls Arthur had managed to find cheap. There was no golden snitch but rather a muggle golf ball Arthur had lying about in the shed which he had enchanted to act like the real thing, he'd even charmed it to turn a golden colour.
Seeing Fred and George in their quidditch robes always made you want to squeeze your legs together, the vivid colours and the silky flowing robes mixed with the rigid leather safety armour did something to you that you couldn't explain. You helped Fred put on his forearm protectors, doing up the little buckles before helping George with his. The attraction died a little at seeing them place their goggles around their necks but still, they made it look better than a his e you'd ever seen.
They grabbed their bats from the little closet and they were ready for the game.
"So do we get a prize if we win?" Fred smirks, pulling you by the hips to crash into his body, flirting and smirking dangerously at you.
"Hmmm, I'd say so," you flirt back, reaching up to place your arms around his neck. His gaze flicks down to your lips and he wastes no time in devouring you, fixing you with a passionate kiss that makes your knees tremble.
"Do we get to chose our reward?" George says, moving in behind you as you pull back from Fred's lips, George's now placing little kisses to your neck, behind your ear.
"You're on opposing teams right?"
"Yeah princess," Fred nods, his brow knitting together as he questions you. "Can't have two world class beaters on the same team now can we?"
"I'll make you a deal," you say, smirking. "Whichever team wins, that brother gets to do anything to me or have anything done to them," you flirt seductively.
"Merlin," you hear George say behind you, pushing his hips into your ass at the sudden arousal that washes over him. Fred growls under his breath and does a little involuntary shiver at your words.
"Brother, you're going down," George says with a sudden determination, flicking his gaze to Fred.
"More like she'll be going down, on me, when I win," Fred bites back sarcastically as equally competitive as his brother.
"Come on!" Fred says, marching out of the room with a renewed vigour that you have to laugh at.
It was neck and neck for the majority of the game. You'd been keeping score for the past hour and twenty minutes and it had been a close call a few times as Harry and Ginny had come close to catching the 'snitch' but had not yet managed to catch it.
Due to limited players they had all agreed to sharing some roles and limiting the number of bludgers on the field.
Fred and George were opposing team captains due to their age, or seniority as they had put it, and had picked their teams wisely. Fred had gone first, naturally stating that he was the older twin and had picked Harry, with George choosing Ginny immediately after. Fred then chose Ron and George picked Hermione, though he was left with no choice.
Ron and Hermione were acting as keepers, with Fred and George as beaters and Ginny and Harry were chasers and seekers. The primary goal was to score the highest points within the given time frame of two hours, hence why Harry and Ginny were split between roles. If the snitch could be caught by then it would be an extra bonus and a game winner but unlike regular games, it wouldn't be the primary focus.
"10 points to Team F!" You shout as Harry sneaks a goal Ron. "Well done Harry! Come on Ronald! That big silver hoop behind you is supposed to be guarded!" You shouted out heckling Ron who shot you a glare and held up two fingers as everyone laughed.
You'd been shouting praise and also heckling the entire game, keeping neutral to both teams and you were thoroughly enjoying yourself. All the Weasley's seemed to have a pure talent for quidditch, most especially George you'd noticed, and you had to admit that the twins had a knack for making it as hot as possible.
"WOO well done Hermione!" You shouted as she blocked one of Ginny's shots.
Arthur had come out and dropped off some post game refreshments courtesy of Molly and had sat with you cheering everyone on for a little while.
"Dad... Dad!" Fred shouted with a beaming smile, getting Arthur's attention. "Want to join? I'll sub out for you!" He laughed as he whizzed by. Arthur chuckled and shook his head vigorously, waving off his son as he flew past. George then began shouting over asking for Arthur to join and they did eventually manage to get Arthur to clumsily mount Fred's broom and hover around just far enough off the ground that it could count as flying, though he was mightily unsteady. “It's a young ones game, flying," he laughs, handing Fred the broom back as he claps him on the back and sets off back to the house.
There were only 5 minutes left of the game and Fred's team was winning by 10 points, a fact he was proudly boasting about as he cockily whizzed around the opposing team.
You watched intently as Ginny zipped around doing flamboyant acrobatics on the broom, trying to throw off Hermione, who's eyes were trained in on the youngest Weasley. Ginny suddenly whizzed through Fred and Harry's defences as George and Harry collided mid-air and managed to get one last goal in as Hermione was momentarily distracted.
You cheered and looked at the little chicken shaped egg timer that Molly had leant you and saw that there were just two minutes remaining until the two hour cut off was up. Both teams were now tied, locked in a draw between.
The tension between the teams increased tenfold as you shouted out signalling the last two minutes as the friendly game suddenly turned painfully competitive as each team fought to be the winners, desperate to gain one last goal.
Suddenly, Harry whizzed away on his broom as he approached the goal, narrowly avoiding a bludger that George had slung his way. You frowned, watching Harry suddenly take off in the complete opposite direction, abandoning the quaffel altogether. Ginny immediately took notice of Harry's disappearance and began following him, though her broom was not as quick as Harry's. Harry suddenly lurched, coming to a full stop midair and dropped down atleast 20 feet, pulling back and then lunging forward. He lost his balance and toppled off his broom, falling the last bit of distance onto the ground, which was thankfully not too far away. He managed to fall somewhat gracefully as everyone looked on in shock.
The F team erupted in cheers as Harry suddenly turned and waved the golden snitch in the air, jumping in victory as the other team looked on with sour faces.
"150 points to the F team!" You cheered, announcing their overwhelming victory, just in time for the timer to ring out, signalling the end of the game.
"Fred's team are the winners!"
"So princess, when do I get my prize?" Fred asks cheekily as he peels off his leather arm and shin guards once you and the twins had returned to their room.
"Once you've showered," you joke, hopping onto the bed as you watch both twins change out of their quidditch uniform.
"I don't blame her, you smell like a bin mate," George jokes, tossing his quidditch jumper into the little washing hamper in the corner of their room, shoving a plain, dark grey T-shirt on in its place.
"You're one to talk," Fred mutters, seemingly unable to come up with a better retort, causing George to snort out a laugh before throwing himself onto the bed beside you.
"You know he's right," you say, trying to distance yourself from George, "you both smell like an oozing bundimun."
"How dare you angel," George gasps as he reaches out to pull you closer. You immediately squirm away as you hold back a squeal.
"Shower then cuddles! No chance of me cuddling you both until you've had a good scrub," you laugh though you're being entirely serious.
Fred slinks away to shower, grumbling under his breath as he walks out, leaving just you and George in the room, both of you lounging perpendicularly on the bed.
"So what's our plan tonight?" You ask, reaching over to him to play with his hair, making his eyes flutter closed as he smiles, enjoying the sensation.
"We? Nothing angel, you're all Fred's tonight," George says with a smirk. You immediately stop your ministrations at the new information, not realising tonight would be Fred's night with you.
"What will you do?" You ask, realising only after you'd spoken how worried you sounded at the prospect of George being kicked out of his own room, unless Fred was taking you somewhere.
George simply smiles and winks at you, "that's not your concern tonight angel."
Fred comes back in a little while later, with only a towel wrapped around his hips and messy, drying hair which looks unbelievably good on him. George immediately heads towards the bathroom himself to shower and you're left alone with a cheeky, smirking Fred.
"See something you like princess?" He smirks, pretending to pose for you in his towel. You bite your bottom lip to stop your smile spreading but you nod anyway, looking seductively up at him. He immediately notices the look in your eye and his own eyes seem to darken in both realisation and arousal.
He moves closer to where you are lay on the bed and leans down to kiss you, his hand instantly cupping the curvature of your jaw.
"Do I get my prize now?" He asks, pulling away just slightly to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. You nod, unable to take your gaze away from him, watching how his smile breaks out over his face.
"Anything you want Freddie," you say breathily, a nervous excitement building in you at the thought.
"Get naked, right now," he says, giving you one last kiss before pulling you off the bed and taking your place. Arousal shoots over you at the thought of stripping for him and you briefly thanked yourself mentally for wearing cute underwear.
You take off your thin jumper, dropping it to the floor before shimming out of your jeans, wiggling your hips just a little more than usual. You peel the T-shirt off over your head in a way that briefly pushes your breasts together as you throw it down onto the little pile.
You hear Fred take a deep breath as you stand before him in just your underwear, a pale blue set with floral embroidery on, mostly see through in all the right places.
"You've been wearing that all day under your clothes?" He asks and you nod, biting your lip at his suddenly dominant tone. "Leave them on."
He reaches for you and pulls you by the hand to stand in front of him and immediately begins peppering kissed along the waistband of your panties; the wave of arousal at his actions has you uncomfortably wet already.
"On your knees princess," he says into the skin of your tummy, a little smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He immediately opens up the towel he's wearing, leaving him completely nude before you. Your mouth waters at seeing his perfect cock already hard and leaking, virtually begging to be sucked. You look up into his eyes, finally managing to pull your gaze away from his body to see him staring at you in anticipation, watching your every move.
You begin to kiss his inner thighs, teasing him, making his hips surge up at the contact as you get closer and closer to where he needs your mouth. Each time to get closer, his cock twitches in anticipation and you have to hold back a little smug smile at seeing the affect you have on him.
You surprise him but licking a long stripe on the underside of his cock, from the very bottom right to the leaking tip. He gasps and curses at the contact, staring down at you as you focus on teasing him. His cock twitches again and this time you take pity on him and place his tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around the sensitive head as he curses and drops his head back onto the pillows. You begin to take more and more of his beautiful cock into your mouth, deeper each time as your tongue works over him, giving him the best possible sensation you can.
His gaze flicks between watching you take his cock and squeezing his eyes shut tightly at the pleasure. You kiss down the seam of his balls and begin to take them into your mouth, toying with each one and giving them a little suck, earning you an even louder moan from him.
Suddenly, he pulls you away and stares at you for a moment, breathless and aroused.
He suddenly stands and towers over you, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips as you feel his fingers begin to toy with the thin straps of your thing. He roughly pulls it from your body until the tiny panties fall at your ankles, leaving your bare pussy exploded to him.
He kissed your inner thighs as you stand in front of the bed whilst he props himself on the edge of the bed, teasing you as you had him. His kisses move inwards and you can't help but rock your hips, trying to make his tongue make contact with your clit. He smirks, chuckling slightly before leaning in and licking along your pussy lips, getting a taste of you.
His tongue immediately drags down to your centre and he gathers up some of your pooling wetness, moaning as it hits his tongue before dragging his tongue through your folds and up to your clit. He teasingly circles your clit a few times in feather like motions before sucking on it, his mouth wrapping around your little bud and sucking in short sharp bursts, making you gasp and force your hands into his still damp hair.
He moans as your hips rock against his face until he suddenly pulls away and scoots up the bed so he's now lying back down. "Want you to sit that pretty pussy on my face sweetheart," he says, holding out his hand for you to grab onto.
He manhandles you into position, facing away from him so you're face to face with his raging erection and his mouth is in perfect reach of your pink pussy. His tongue finds your clit and you have to force yourself to hold back a loud shout at the sensation, finding that the new angle was absolutely perfect. You felt his tongue prodding at your wet little hole and you couldn't help but spill out a moan that earned you a swift spank your bum cheek.
Not able to wait any longer you immediately put your mouth back on his cock, sucking with everything you had as you wrapped your lips around him, hollowed out your cheeks and attempted to suck him right down. He moaned and growled into your folds at the feel of your mouth on his cock, fuelling him to lick faster and harder as he focused his attention on your swollen, pink nub that was desperate for him.
You felt yourself building to an almighty climax and couldn't help but roll your hips on his face, desperately chasing your orgasm. He moaned wildly as you began to ride his face, his big hands resting on your bum as he pulled you open, desperate to get as far into your pussy as he could.
You cried out, unable to stop yourself as your orgasm crested, the feel and taste of his cock in your mouth and his perfect mouth on your pussy was too much and you came all over his face. As soon as your orgasm began to drift away, his hips started jerking and you knew he was about to cum himself. He poked his tongue into your dripping hole as you moaned around his cock and he suddenly came down your throat, growling and groaning into your folds as his cock twisted violently in your mouth. You never stopped sucking him until you were certain he had rode out his orgasm, only stopping once he pulled away from you as his limbs fell limp on the bed. You crawled off of him, placing a gentle kiss to his tip before turning to look at him, seeing his eyes closed and a wide, satisfied smile on his lips.
"Merlin princess, think you just sucked my soul out," he says, still smiling and blindly reaching for you.
"Gingers don't have souls," you joked back, using the old time joke you'd heard time and time again.
He barked out a laugh before flicking open one eye, "I was trying to be sweet there," he chuckled and you join him, flopping down onto his chest as you rest your head on his shoulder.
He pulls you into a lazy but sensual kiss and you suddenly taste yourself, only fuelling the sensuality of it all. When he pulls away, his long fingers drift down to your bra which is still on.
"I really like this," he says as his fingers pluck at the little embroidered flowers over the blue material. "And the braids, actually. All of you really."
You look up at him and he has one of the most sincere looks in his eye that it momentarily shocks you, seeing so much adoration in them that you can only smile and burrow into his chest. He kissed the top of your head as you burrow and just holds you for a few moments.
"We really need to change these sheets," you say as you pull away to get dressed after one last kiss, "George will be mortified if he has to sleep on these."
You turn as your hear Fred let out a dark chuckle,
"Georgie isn't sleeping here tonight."
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p-redux · 7 months
So, more info from Hyrox Glasgow 2024! Again, thanks Team for all the DMs, I really appreciate you! ❤️
Reminder of what I posted yesterday.
So, today, I get this video of Sarah Holden competing at Hyrox Glasgow, and you can CLEARLY hear Sam Heughan cheering her on. Sam's voice is at the very end. At the beginning, you hear a man with a thick Glasgow accent pronouncing Sarah's name Serah. That's NOT Sam. There's also a woman's voice. And at the END of the video, you can hear Sam's unmistakable "C'mon, Sarah!" This was shared by one of the Team and I saved it to my YouTube Channel. Enjoy!👇
I also received this DM with additional info. 👇 Posted with permission.
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Here's the pic where Sam is tagged. 👇
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And Sarah posting she got FOMO aka Fear Of Missing Out and spontaneously competed today in the women's open race. 👇 She definitely matches Sam's energy level! I'm tired just looking at her. 😊
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Anyhoooo, I also got some conflicting info regarding whether Sam competed yesterday after all. I was alerted to this Tweet. 👇
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And then I received this DM from someone I've never talked to. 👇
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It's all very confusing. On the one hand, it is weird that if Sam competed, he never posted anything on his own IG. On the other hand, Hyrox DID post his results as if he DID compete yesterday. 👇
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If Sam decided to not compete and wanted to give his slot to someone else, why wouldn't Hyrox be able to substitute the other man's name? Everything is computerized, so I don't see why they couldn't have made the change easily. Also, isn't it fraudulent to post results with Sam Heughan's name if he wasn't the one competing?
On the flip side, if Sam didn't actually compete, then he literally went to Hyrox to watch Sarah! Those saying "No, he went to watch his friend, Valbo. who also competed." Yeah, except Valbo didn't compete until 6:00 PM yesterday, and Sam was there at 12:00 PM, when the women's competitions started. Literally RIGHT THERE where Sarah was competing. 👇
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No reason for Sam to be there 6 HOURS before Valbo was competing if he only went to support Valbo. 🤷‍♀️
I ran out of room to post pics since Tumblr limits to 10 pics, but I also got a DM saying Sam got a bunch of new Instagram follows who are Sarah Holden fans. That leads me to think they went to follow him because they saw him with Sarah at Hyrox.
So, that's it for now. I'm in the process of vetting someone from the Glasgowish area who approached me with some Sam and Sarah info. If she and the info check out, then I'll post it.
PS. I'm hearing from people that my usual haters and assorted newish haters are gnashing their teeth about my #samarah posts...same as it ever was. This has happened any time I've ever posted about Sam possibly dating someone. If you look at my track record for the last 10 years, my info has been at least 90% accurate. No one in the Outlander fandom would have known about Cait and Tony, and Sam and Cody, Abbie, Mackenzie, etc if not for my INSIDER source info, and me posting it FIRST. Facts, people. So, the hate makes no never mind to me. I keep doing me. I'm here for those who want the info. If that's not you, go somewhere else. Simple as that.
Oh, one more thing...the LIE that I have a restraining order against me from Sam resurfaced in my Inbox. Let's use our brains once in our lifetime, shall we? If I had a restraining order or a cease and desist, I wouldn't still be here, now would I? Doh. 🤦‍♀️ My blog is just like any celebrity news blog. It's called freedom of speech, peeps. And in the USA people have died to protect this right. That's all, folks.
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koka-mi · 28 days
hii koka how have you been doing recently?^__^
as always feel free to go on a rant / yap session :ppp
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I'VE BEEN DOING PRETTY ALRIGHT!!!! >:D I've already mentioned this before BUUUT yesterday my grandma came over to do my hair after who knows how long..I think the last time she did it was when I was 12?? so it's been four years :'D and she was a little sloppy in the beginning bcz it's been so long but she got the hang of it pretty fast!
AND IT TOOK SIX. HOURS. tbh that's not that bad--if I actually went to the salon it would've taken longer :p bcz they have multiple ppl to work on ykyk but that's okay. My mom and grandma were talkin a lot about some random stuff while doing my hair like how much my grandma hates her coworker and yadyadyaydaysh and they fought abt a few stuff but got over it super fast--their relationship is just super rocky so a lot of convos they get mad at each other for something xD but it's okay 'cause I was minding my own business playing on my vita and reading tbhk >:D AND I HAD HALF A CARTON OF ICE CREAM!! IT WAS SO GOOD ABSHFBDSAHBF I WANT SOME NOW but I haven't had breakfast yet SO I GOTTA EAT THAT FIRST xD
so now my hair is thisssss black and red mixture?? It looks better than it sounds I promise BAHSBDHSAB the red isn't like neon or anything so it's fine ! It's more of a burgundy to be honest--which looks pretty good with the black! My mom picked it out bcz she wanted me to match her :3 her hair is a similar color :D only thing is I hateeeee having my hair down so that sucked to deal with while it was getting done :'D I just don't like longer hair tbh it gets in the way when I'm trying to do like.anything. and I don't like how it feels when it goes down my back--so I usually have it in either plaits or a ponytail. SPEAKING OF PLAITS I AM NO LONGER ROCKING THE MOEMURA LOOK :[[ I MEAN..I'M SURE I COULD STILL HAVE MY HAIR IN TWO BRAIDS BUT IT WOULDN'T BE THE SAME WITH THE RED THERE :'D AND WITH THE WAY MY HAIR IS NOW IT'D BE HARDER TO PUT IT IN TWO BRAIDS CAUSE THERE'S JUST.SO MUCH OF IT BASHDBJ I still have the red glasses though so my moemura swag is still prominent!! >:D
OOH YES AND ON MY VITA One of the games I was playing was the battle pentagraam and there were a few kyosaya moments I noticed in some stories that were suuper cute <3 !! I wish I took some screenshots!! (I think I took like.one xD I SHOULD'VE TAKEN MOREUGHHGUHGU. maybe I can still show later when I transfer them from my vita to my laptop!! :3). I also played some project diva, im@s and neptunia! :D
and now I'm watching some pmmm amvs and mmvs!! I just love watching the way people connect certain scenes or panels to song lyrics! or sometimes it's not even to the lyrics, it's just to the general feel of the song. it's so creative!
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sunchaserwings · 10 months
Incoming rant about The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Herlock Sholmes from The Great Ace Attorney, and the BBC Sherlock (no major spoilers ahead I promise).
A preface before I begin; I was never a big fan of Sherlock Holmes or any adaptation of the stories. I've seen Elementary although I was very young so I only have the vaguest of memories of enjoying it, and my roommate had me watch a couple BBC Sherlock episodes when I was a tween/young teen. My mother claims she tried to get me into Sherlock Holmes but I'm rather skeptical. Anyhow, onto the story.
Back in March my boyfriend bought me the Ace Attorney games for my birthday which included the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (or Dai Gyakuten Saiban for those who are still stuck on the pre-localization names ;p). I was on my flight home from my birthday trip after I got the news my manager fired my brother while I was out of the state and figured why not, I'd start playing the first TGAA game on the flight. I'd probably enjoy myself and I couldn't sleep.
Second biggest mistake of the year (first biggest was trusting Les Schwab to do my brake job). I. Was. Hooked. I played the first case and fell in love with Kazuma instantly (he's so Zero shaped!). I played the second case and realized that calling him Zero shaped was way too accurate. We all know what happened there. Most important to this rant, I met Herlock Sholmes (more on my opinions on him later). I could barely put the game down but I had to take a break due to finding a new job and getting adjusted. I ended up finishing the game in June or July, one of the two. I finished the final case of the first game in one long 12 hour gaming session it was that good (my back didn't thank me though).
Now, the man of the hour: Herlock Sholmes. I didn't think much of him initially. He was simultaneously charming and annoying in the second case but as I played more he grew on me. I cried when the start of 1-5 happened. He clawed his way up into like the top 7 favorite characters at the time. The ending of the game with him playing his violin made me bawl my eyes out. I. Loved. This. Game.
It took a few more months to start and finish the second game. In between Adventures and Resolve I played Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, and some others so I had a healthy break. I came back to play Resolve and finished it like two months ago. It hit me in the gut just as hard as the first game did although there are a great many things I'd tweak and do differently. But Herlock Sholmes... man, he's not my favorite but he's up there underneath Kazuma and Van Zieks.
Anyhow, I finished the game but the hyperfixation had started and would not let me go. I've never been one to go out and seek fanfiction due to... personal stuff but I had a feeling I didn't want to go probe the depths of AO3 yet for fear of crying. I started a graveyard shift at my job which severely limited my ability to talk with people about stuff and also there's so many major spoilers but very few people I knew had played the game. A thought occurred to me, however. What about Sherlock Holmes audiobooks? I have an auditory processing issue which has made listening to audiobooks hard but I decided to give it a go. Perhaps it would satiate the TGAA hyperfixation hunger.
I found the ones produced by Magpie Audio, expertly narrated by Greg Wagland. Go check him out, he has over 77 videos of Sherlock Holmes audiobook recordings and all of them are a minimum of 40 minutes, often times far more. I went through over 30 hours of audiobook in a few weeks listening to these. Sherlock Holmes is such a good character and I can understand how and why he took late Victorian England by storm. And you know what the best part is?
Herlock Sholmes is the most faithful adaptation I have personally seen as a character of the original Sherlock Holmes.
They got so many of Sherlock's little idiosyncrasies right and you can tell the entire team were genuine fans of the books. I listened to Mr. Wagland's narration *and I saw 221B Baker of the games*. Especially the jack knife impaling the communications to the mantle being referenced in the game? The sheer mess of the flat? It's so good!
My roommate (whom is also a Sherlock Holmes fan) noticed my newest hyper fixation that spawned off of TGAA and that reignited his Sherlock Holmes obsession. He was a fan of the BBC Sherlock and now recognizes it was not a very great show but it's a comfort media for him nonetheless. He just dragged me into rewatching it and... okay, it's playing into a lot of inaccurate Sherlock tropes I don't like but goddamn Martin Freeman carries the whole show. I love his John Watson because it feels like a reasonable version of a modern, younger Watson. He feels real in a way. I do like the fact that even in the first episode, it's established that John and Sherlock can make each other laugh and smile just like in the books. I don't forgive them calling Sherlock a sociopath, however (speaking as someone with a brother that has been diagnosed with being a high-fuctioning sociopath). He's AuDHD to the max and deserves recognition in that department.
All of this to say, I can trace my current Sherlock hyperfixation back to Mega Man. Finding Mega Man in 4th grade led to watching the Ace Attorney anime in late 2021 which led to playing The Great Ace Attorney and that led to listening to Sherlock Holmes. I don't know why I decided to make this post but maybe I might start live blogging this shit? All in all, this is going to be a wild ride.
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for deciding to live with an old woman and her gaggle of adoptive daughters?
I (12 F) have been practically raising my brother, who we'll call N (10 M) for as long as either of us can remember. We're orphans, and had been living at a boarding school for about two years when our headmaster was revealed to be a human trafficker, who was planning to sell us to a domestic terrorist group as canon fodder. Luckily, however, a group of girls who looked about my age were able to fend him off, along with the help of a roughly 14 year old boy, who we'll call P, and his three friends. However, in the process, one of them fell off a nearby cliff, and is presumed dead.
Now, here's where it gets hairy. The girls invited us to stay with them for about an hour or so, and in that time, their mother, who we'll call A, approached me and asked if I wanted to join them. The only catch is that she only adopts girls, never boys, meaning my brother can't join me. On top of that, she has very strict rules when it comes to male contact with her daughters, and they're big fans of travel anyhow, so this means I may never see him again if I take her up on the offer.
Now... I love my brother, but he's a handful. I'm barely able to take care of myself, and having to look after him has been unbelievably draining. I'll admit, even though I know it's not his fault, I'm starting to resent him for how much he needs me. How much he's always needed me. This sort of arrangement, where I only have to look out for myself because A's basically got it all covered, and I have the freedom to do basically whatever I want so long as I don't talk to boys, seems perfect for me. And I don't know if I'll ever get another opportunity like this. So I signed up, took the pledge, and swore I'd never look back.
Here's the thing though, I keep looking back.
I know he'll miss me, how could he not? But P seems to really care about him, and he specifically told me he'd look after N if anything happened to me.
Still, part of me feels like I've abandoned him.
Luckily, I'm going on a road trip with a few of my sisters, along with P (who came uninvited), so hopefully this'll clear my head. Will update after the trip is over with.
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greyplainsttrpg · 2 months
5e Villain Arc 5
You know, perhaps I've been too harsh on 5e. Something kind that I CAN say about it is that it does a great job distributing Class and Archetype Features, especially at around Level 2. The best example for this is the distribution of useful statistical improvements that proc off a bonus action (not even a full action)!"
For example, some Class and Archetypes get to use their bonus action to give themselves longstrider for an hour. Others can use their bonus action to give themselves 19 Strength for an hour. Others can use their bonus action to give themselves multi-attack for an hour. Others can use their bonus action gain a temporary pool of 4d10+12 hit points. Others can use their bonus action to cast spiderclimb and give themselves movement about equal to their base walking speed. Others can use their bonus action and spend their spellcasting in order to heal 1d8 hp per level of the spell slot. Others can use their bonus action to give them advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks (you know, the best Skill in the game).
Wait... I'm getting a call.
"Hello? No, this isn't the number of 'D&D 5e's #1 Hater,' you've reached the number of 'I'm trying to be nicer to 5e for the purpose of this setup.' What is that you say. All the things I just described are not spread around the various Classes and Archetypes? The Druid gets all of these? JUST the Moon Druid gets these? At level 2? Now that you mention it, maybe I am D&D 5e's #1 Hater, because..."
This post is about the Moon Druid
Do you remember 5e Villain Arc 3 where I discussed in exhausting detail exactly how much shit the Beastmaster Ranger is? In summary, the problem with the Beastmaster is that the character-build shifts you character's action, the most important thing that they are going to do that round, to a weaker alternative for no real benefit. I argue in Villain Arc 3 that the reason the Beastmaster is structured this way is because the authors were concerned with 3.5-esque action-economy cheese.
And yet, the Moon Druid walks among us. Twice per a short rest, the moon druid can wild shape into a brown bear.
Twice per a short rest, the moon druid can wild shape into a brown bear.
Twice per a short rest, the moon druid can wild shape into a brown bear.
Twice per a short rest, the moon druid can wild shape into a brown bear.
Twice per a short rest, the moon druid can wild shape into a brown bear.
Twice per a short rest, the moon druid can wild shape into a brown bear.
Twice per a short rest, the moon druid can wild shape into a brown bear.
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Twice per a short rest, the moon druid can wild shape into a brown bear.
T w i c e p e r a s h o r t r e s t , t h e m o o n d r u i d c a n w i l d s h a p e i n t o a b r o w n b e a r .
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As a bonus action
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iheartgod175 · 4 months
Some Thoughts...
While I've still got some Zula Patrol brain rot, I've been rediscovering some old shows from Playhouse Disney (the fact that I called it that versus Disney Junior should tell you how old I am, haha XD). Special Agent Oso was one of them, and I remember watching an episode because Phil Lewis was in the series. But I didn't care for it, even though the theme song is a total bop. Then I started rewatching the episodes. And then I stumbled upon that lore video by Athena P. And then I realized I'm in too deep XD
Watching the show, I understand why folks initially disliked Oso. On one hand, his incompetence is not something a secret agent should have. On the other hand, he's a cinnamon roll. He just needs a little extra help, that's all. Not to mention that during season 2, he gets a lot more independent and competent, with his overconfidence being one of his main flaws. He's a himbo, plain and simple. That's probably why I like him.
I read that the show's creator, Ford Riley, has a son with autism and that his son's autism therapy was the main reason he implemented the "three special steps" into the show. As an autistic woman myself, I just wanted to say kudos to this guy for creating a show geared to teaching autistic children, and sorry for my initial criticism.
I also discovered that there were ships for this show: Wolfie/Dottie and Oso/Dottie. After confirming their ages (because for some reason, the Disney Junior wiki's got Dottie as an eleven-year-old while Oso and Wolfie are in their twenties--which is, uh...SUPER WEIRD O.O), my general consensus is this: Oso/Dottie is a solid "nah" for me. To me, they're more like siblings rather than a couple. Wolfie/Dottie, though...I see the vision. You've got me, folks. (I totally didn't come up with that after seeing the "One Unique Pair" video xD) If you enjoy Oso/Dottie, that's cool! I won't bite your head off for it, lol XD
If I had to pick a character I liked aside from Oso, I'd say that Wolfie is my favorite. And not just because Phil Lewis plays him. He's just too darn cool. Oh, and he has the patience of a saint.
Those dark theories are something else, though. And of course, I now want to write a story with my own spin on those dark theories. Yesterday, I spent about two hours writing up page after page of a proposed fan fic where Oso uncovers the true purpose of U.N.I.Q.U.E. and, uh...doesn't take it well. And he messes up everything for everybody so badly that outside forces (aka the Super Readers) have to get involved. To put it simply, he becomes this fic's Origami Tobiichi. (@0range-flames, this is why I had that Super Why: Infinity War joke XD)
I decided that in this story, Jack is gonna be heavily involved. Playing Revue Starlight gave me an idea of how Jack could be a fighter, heavily inspired by Fumi's Orpheus card.
Speaking of Disney Junior, I'm thinking of writing more Callie/Peck. As of last night, my Wattpad story, Time After Time, is now the number one Sheriff Callie story. That filled me with such indescribable happiness, that I felt inspired to work on a Callie/Peck one-shot for the first time in forever.
That being said, while I haven't forgotten the Disney fandom or the fans who've read this story, I'm writing this purely for free. Badgering me about updating this story (or my Wattpad story collection) will not make me write it faster. Please show some consideration for your fellow authors!
The response to the Bula/Firestorm WIP has been really heartwarming. 12 notes already?! You guys are awesome!
11 notes · View notes
strangerstilinski · 1 year
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Stiles Stilinksi/Original Female Character
TW | S2
chapter two
summary; as if the last month and a half hadn't been stressful enough — now there were a few more werewolves, a kanima, and a seriously disturbed old man added into the mix. but amber, stiles, and scott could totally handle this. it would be fine. everything was great.
word count; 7,965
chapter notes; pack recruitment doesn’t go quite as smoothly as derek had hoped. the whole gang tries to help when isaac finds himself in a tight spot on the night of his first full moon.
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c h a p t e r   t w o
shape shifted
"Are you sure you guys have to lock me up? I mean, I feel like things are gonna be a lot easier tonight." Scott repeated optimistically for the third time.
Stiles rolled his eyes as the two of them headed down the hallway toward the locker room to get ready for their morning practice, tugging the strap of his backpack more firmly over his shoulder.
"Yeah.. I, uh- I'd love to believe you, Scott. But-"
"I'm serious." Scott insisted, "It's not like the last full moon. I don't feel the same."
"Oh? No wolfy urges?" Stiles started, "You're not feeling any urges to kiss your unbelievably attractive and now, might I remind you, ridiculously unavailable best friends?" He asked pointedly, wincing at the mere thought of the way Scott had made a move on Amber the month before. Flashes of pink lipgloss smeared over Scott’s lips, Amber’s wide hazel eyes and bruised knuckles, the angry words that had been shouted back and forth between Scott and himself, all still fresh in his mind.
"Are you describing Amber or yourself?" Scott asked with a grin, amused with his own joke.
"I'm not going to respond to that. Because it wasn't funny." Stiles stated before continuing, "How about the urge to maim and kill people? Like us? Your best friends?"
"I swear I don't have the urge to kiss and/or kill either of you." Scott promised as they walked through the door into the locker room.
"Y'know, you say that now-" Stiles disagreed quietly, "But then the full moon goes up and out come the fangs and the claws and there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere, okay?" He rambled off quickly, gesturing emphatically with his hands as they approached his locker, "And it's very stressful on me. So, yes. We're still going to be locking you up."
"Okay, fine," Scott conceded, leaning against the end of the lockers, "But I do think I'm more in control now. Especially since things are so good with Allison-"
Stiles' face pinched up in annoyance, "Yeah, I'm aware of how good things are with Allison."
"They're really good." Scott repeated suggestively.
"I- Thank you. I know." Stiles muttered.
Scott grinned and raised his eyebrows in insinuation, "I mean like.. Really good.."
"Alright! I get it!" Stiles snapped, "Just, please. Shut the hell up before I get the urge to maim and kill myself."
Scott looked at his best friend in amusement, "Why're you so bitter, anyway? I texted Amber last night. So I know you were planning on sleeping at her place. Alone.." He hinted, "I mean, didn't you guys-"
"No, we didn't." Stiles told him, readjusting his backpack over his shoulder again agitatedly, "I- Which is fine. I've been in love with this girl for nine years. Waiting a little bit longer isn't gonna kill me, I just. It doesn't mean I don't want to. Really bad."
He sighed as his mind unhelpfully supplied him with the same image he'd thought back to a million times in the last 12 hours — Amber, in nothing but the thin lace of her underwear, shivering, smooth skin pebbled with goosebumps, the muscles in her stomach clenched from the cold-
"-Like, all I think about doing every second of every day, bad." He rambled on, huffing angrily when his eyes caught on Scott's smug face again, "And it would just be a whole lot easier if I weren't listening to you brag about your incredible sex life, alright?"
"Okay, okay." Scott raised his hands in surrender and changed the topic, "Do you guys at least have a better plan than handcuffing me in my bedroom this time?"
Stiles nodded and moved to pull his locker open, "Yeah, much better-"
As the door to his lacrosse locker swung open, the sturdy metal chains that he'd stuffed in there haphazardly in preparation for the full moon slipped from the top shelf. They slowly and forcefully slid out to the tile floor of the locker room, clinking loudly as the long link of chains began to coil in a pile at their feet. Stiles made a few aborted motions to catch the mess but they were made in vain, the chains slipping through his hands as they fell until he simply dropped his arms to his sides with a wince.
Coach Finstock stepped up beside him and smacked his gum loudly in Stiles' ear, peering over his shoulder as the chains slowly fell and gathered in a heap. Stiles risked a glance back at the man and then around the locker room, shrinking back awkwardly under the judgemental gazes of the guys around them as the chains continued to fall, seconds stretching painfully slowly to prolong the embarrassment.
When the long chain finally finished piling up on the floor, the changing room was thrust into a stunned silence.
"Part of me wants to ask," Coach Finstock told him, eyes glued to the large pile of chains on the floor at his feet, "But the other part says that knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine." He confessed, taking a few steps and backing up slowly, "So, I'm gonna walk away."
"That's good," Stiles choked out, a pink flush on his cheeks, "That's a wise choice, Coach."
He quickly knelt down onto the ground to attempt to collect the mess so that he could stuff it back into his locker and Scott squatted down beside him.
Stiles' hands fumbled with the chains for a moment, his gaze drifting up toward his friend and pausing when he noticed Scott looking around the room distractedly. His friend's eyes raked over their teammates in a slow trail as he searched for something.
"You okay?" Stiles questioned after a few moments, watching his friend continue his survey of the room, "Scott?"
Scott's attention finally snapped over to Stiles with a frown, "There's another," He said vaguely, "In here. Right now."
Stiles blinked in confusion, "Another what?"
"Another werewolf."
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Even though they'd skipped both first and second period to get coffee in an attempt to settle some of Lydia's nerves, the redhead still hesitated nervously outside the school building, both Amber and Allison watching her apprehensively out of the corners of their eyes.
"You okay, Lyds?" Amber asked softly, "If you don't wanna do this today, I'll take you home right now. I can just borrow Stiles' Chemistry notes and I'll go to classes after lunch-"
"I'm fine. I can do this." Lydia assured her, "I am not some emotionally scarred little girl who got lost on a hike, okay? I’m better than that. And I don't even remember it, so."
"You seriously don't remember anything?" Allison asked from the redhead's other side.
Lydia looked between her two friends with a sigh before delving back into the explanation she'd already given Amber that morning when she'd first picked her up and asked about her visit to the hospital the night before.
"They called it a 'Fugue State'. Which is basically their way of saying 'we have no idea why you can't remember running around the woods naked for two days.'" Lydia shrugged, "But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds."
Amber's hand went to Lydia's shoulder protectively, "Oh, cut it out, will you? You're gorgeous. Always."
Lydia rolled her eyes but didn't deem the compliment worthy of a response, hesitation seemingly gone as she reached out to wrap a hand around the door handle.
"Are you ready for this?" Allison checked again.
"Please," Lydia scoffed, "It's not like my aunt's a serial killer."
Without waiting for a response, Lydia pulled the door open and stepped into the building. Amber shot Allison a small grimace of sympathy and the other girl smiled weakly in response as they followed Lydia inside.
The hallways were crowded at the tail end of the fifteen minute morning break and it seemed as if every one of the students froze in their movements, all of the eyes in the busy hallway suddenly drawn to the reappearance of the girl they'd all been gossiping about since Winter Formal.
The heavy weight of the stares of their classmates had Lydia faltering in her steps once again and Amber stepped up beside her, hand settling on her friend’s back reassuringly.
"Maybe it's the nine pounds." Allison suggested slyly from Lydia's other side.
The comment seemed to jolt Lydia back into action and she tilted her head thoughtfully before stepping away from Amber's outstretched hand and strutting confidently down the hallway toward her locker. Amber scrambled to follow behind her, tugging her backpack straps tighter over her shoulders as she regained her footing and matched her friend's steps.
"Hey, I'm gonna head to Chem, but I'll talk to you later, okay?" Amber checked in quickly, watching as Lydia waved her hand dismissively and hummed, "Text me if you need anything, Lyds. I mean it."
"Honestly. You're worse than my mother, Amber." Lydia commented, flipping her hair over her shoulder as the three split apart at the intersection of the hallways, "If I suddenly have some life threatening emergency, you'll be my first call!" The redhead promised over her shoulder, waving her arm above her head without turning around and disappearing down the hall.
When she could no longer see her head of strawberry blonde hair amidst the throng of students, Amber finally turned only to flinch embarrassingly in surprise when she spun directly into Allison.
"Sorry!" Allison apologized quickly, "I thought you knew I was right behind you."
Amber's heart rate slowed after the sudden spike and she shook her head with an uneasy laugh, "It's fine, no worries."
They looked at one another in uncomfortable silence for a few seconds before Amber took a small step to go, Allison's hand snapping out quickly to wrap around her wrist in a gentle grip.
"Wait!" Allison pleaded, "I just- I wanted to talk to you for a minute. Y'know, without Lydia."
"Oh. Yeah, sure," Amber agreed easily, assuming the other girl wanted to talk to her about their red headed friend, "What's up?"
Allison released her wrist to rub her hand along her own arm uncomfortably, "I just- I know there's no real way to apologize for everything that happened.." She started slowly, "But, I still wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. Like, so unbelievably, ridiculously, and absurdly sorry. For everything."
Amber sighed, pulling at her backpack straps awkwardly, "Thanks, Allison." She said honestly, "I- That- It means a lot."
Allison's stiff posture slumped in what looked like relief, "Does that mean I'm kinda, sorta, a little bit forgiven?" She questioned hopefully with a dazzling smile.
"Kinda, sorta." Amber laughed quietly despite herself, holding up her hand to pinch her thumb and forefinger together and showing her the small gap of space between them, "A little."
Allison's smile widened, "I'll take it!" She laughed excitedly, bouncing on her toes and throwing her arms around the other girl in a hug. Amber laughed and hugged her back for a moment before Allison stepped back with a wide smile. "I'll let you get to class, now." Allison told her, smiling and giving her a wave before darting down the hallway toward her locker.
With an amused shake of her head, Amber turned back to head to the west stairwell and made her way toward Mr. Harris' room on the second floor.
The Chemistry classroom was nearly empty, so she settled in at one of the slightly larger tables near the back of the room and took the center stool out of the three that were squeezed in at the table, dropping her backpack to the ground at her feet. She hummed a tune under her breath and began to bounce her leg absentmindedly, her foot propped up on the lower rung of her seat as she waited for her best friends to join her.
When Scott and Stiles walked through the doorway together, they both seemed to stumble over their own feet at the mere sight of her and they picked up their pace as they rushed toward the table she'd claimed at the back of the room.
"Dude! Where have you been?" Scott asked immediately, settling into the stool on her left.
Her eyebrows furrowed at the tinge of anxiety in her friend's voice and she turned her head toward Stiles when he came around the table on her other side. He hugged her head to his chest in greeting and she reached a hand up to pat his back, nuzzling her nose into his shirt for only a second before she turned her head to speak.
"Allison and I took Lydia out for coffee before we came in-" She explained slowly, cheek still pressed against the soft material of Stiles' shirt. As he released her and sat down, she looked between the two boys on either side of her curiously, "Why, what's going on? Did something-"
"There's another werewolf." Scott told her in a harsh whisper.
"Isaac Lahey." Stiles cut in quickly.
Amber's foot slipped from the rung on her stool and she managed to catch herself with her hands, slapping them down on the tabletop loudly as he continued.
"And it gets better. He was pulled out of practice this morning and is gonna be taken in for questioning because, drumroll please-" Stiles tapped his fingertips on the surface of the table dramatically, "His dad's dead. They're thinking it might be murder and if Isaac's a suspect, we're all seriously screwed because somehow, I doubt the cells at the station are up to code for holding the supernatural."
Her eyes were wide. Derek had assured her everything would be fine. This was decidedly not fine.
"His dad's dead?" She squeaked.
"That's the part that got you?" Stiles asked in disbelief, "Not the sudden appearance of another teenage werewolf?"
"Wh- I.." She stuttered with a wince, pulling her pencil from the spiral of her notebook, desperate to have something between her fingers to fidget with, "I mean, it's just-"
"You knew didn't you?" Stiles interrupted, narrowing his eyes at her suspiciously.
"You knew Derek turned someone?" Scott whispered frantically.
She made a face, tapping her pencil eraser in a fast rhythm against the tabletop, "Technically, I knew he was planning to turn someone-"
"What!" Scott said a touch too loudly, looking around them sheepishly before training a harsh glare on Amber.
Stiles reached out to wrap his fingers around hers, pinning her fidgeting hand down against the table, "Amber. What the hell?" He said seriously.
"I'm sorry!" She apologized in distress, looking over at Stiles with wide eyes, "Derek promised everything would be fine because he was sure that Isaac-"
"If you three are finished, I'm going to start class now." Mr. Harris' voice cut out sharply.
Their attention snapped to the front of the classroom where their teacher was standing at the blackboard, a loathing look of annoyance on his face as he scowled at the three teens through his glasses.
Amber blinked in surprise and looked around the now full classroom. She hadn't even noticed the final bell ring.
"Sorry, sir." She apologized quietly as she felt Stiles' fingers retreat from where they'd been wrapped around her hand.
Mr. Harris glared for another few seconds in silence before he turned to the blackboard, grabbing a piece of chalk and beginning to write, the loud clacking filling the room every time the chalk tapped back down against the board.
"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Scott asked in a hushed whisper, turning back to look down the table at his friends.
Amber bit down on her lower lip, eyebrows drawing together, hesitant to tell her best friends about herself being Derek's first choice, but equally reluctant to broadcast Isaac's abusive home situation.
Stiles watched her hesitation and he sighed quietly, leaning forward on the table to peer around her toward Scott as he spoke softly, "Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you, it could kill you," He said quietly, "Maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving."
Amber reached out under the table to squeeze his knee in silent thanks for covering for her and he gave her a small, tight smile in response.
"Well, he is a teenager. So, your dad can't hold him, right?" She asked Stiles quietly, smoothing her thumb along the outside of his knee.
He frowned in thought for only a fraction of a second, "Well, not unless they have solid evidence," He whispered in response, "Or a witness.. Wait-" His eyes narrowed and he whipped around, scanning the classroom for a moment before turning to the table beside them, "Danny." He hissed at the boy sitting a few feet away, "Where's Jackson."
Amber's eyes locked on the empty stool beside Danny that was usually occupied by the boy in question, her eyebrows furrowing.
"In the principal's office," Danny told Stiles, the look of confusion on his face revealing that he was surprised the three of them didn't already know, "Talking to your dad."
"What?" Amber whispered frantically at Danny.
"Why?" Stiles asked immediately after.
Danny shrugged, "Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac."
Stiles turned slowly on his stool, looking at Amber and Scott, jaw agape.
"Witness." Scott supplied quietly.
"Shit, fuck." Amber hissed under her breath, her hand abandoning Stiles' knee so that she could tangle her fingers agitatedly in her hair, elbows on the table in front of her.
"We gotta get to the principal's office." Stiles said quietly.
Amber looked up again with a frown, "How?" She and Scott questioned at the same time.
"Everyone please turn to page seventy-three." Mr. Harris announced as he finished up writing his notes on the board.
Stiles was quick to reach out for Amber's notebook and rip out a blank page, tongue pinched between his lips in concentration as he rolled it into a tight ball. She frowned at the messily torn paper in the notebook in front of her and was about to question him when her eyes were drawn to the small white bundle soaring through the air toward the front of the room. She watched with wide fearful eyes as the ball of paper bounced against the back of their teacher's head with a quiet smack before dropping softly to the ground.
Mr. Harris turned around sharply, furious eyes raking over the students behind him, "Who in the hell did that?" He asked angrily.
A few student's laughed and Amber balked, heart pounding with nerves in her chest. Her accusing finger came up to sell out Stiles in a flash, hyper-aware of the haphazardly torn notebook page sitting in front of her. Stiles pointed his own index finger over her head toward Scott, and the third boy gestured vaguely to his right in the direction of both of his friends.
Mr. Harris took an enraged breath, his jaw clenching as he gestured toward the classroom door, "Principal's office. All three of you. Now."
Amber swallowed nervously and nodded, attempting to quickly collect her books into a pile in her arms with fumbling hands and tripping over her stool as she stood to leave. Stiles reached out to steady her with a hand on her waist as she stumbled and the three of them rushed out of the classroom hurriedly.
When they stepped into the hallway, Amber reached up with her free hand to smack Stiles in the chest.
"Are you out of your mind?" She hissed as they fast walked toward the office.
"Sorry." He apologized weakly, tightening his hand around her waist and squeezing her hip in a way that brought infuriating tingles to her stomach, "Desperate times and all that."
Her face scrunched up and she huffed a sigh, knowing that he was right and they'd needed some way to know what Jackson was telling his dad. But it didn't mean she had to like it.
When they got to the hallway just outside of the principal's office, the boys quickly settled into the two chairs outside of the open door, all three of the teens dropping their books to the ground beneath them.
The secretary narrowed her eyes disapprovingly at the trio as they settled in, clearly having already gotten a call from Mr. Harris while they'd made their way to the office. Amber gave the woman a sheepish smile as she sat back against the armrests between the two seats, tilting her head as the three of them listened in on the voices coming from the office behind them.
"Listen to me," Sheriff Stilinski's voice said from the other side of the wall, "You're telling me you knew Isaac's father was hitting him?"
"Hitting him?" Jackson scoffed, "He was kicking the crap out of him."
Amber frowned at his words, finding herself angry on Isaac Lahey's behalf despite barely knowing him. As if he could sense the moral need for justice flaring up inside of her, Stiles reached up to rest a hand on her thigh where she was propped on the arm of the chair.
"Did- did you ever say anything to anyone?" The Sheriff asked, "A uh, a teacher? Parents? Anyone?"
"Nope." Jackson said easily, "It's not my problem."
"No, no. Of course not." The Sheriff agreed quietly, "Y'know. It's funny. That the kids getting beaten up are never the ones that deserve it."
"Yeah." Jackson agreed immediately, "Wait, what?"
Amber snorted a laugh.
"I think we're done here." Sheriff Stilinski announced.
The sound of footsteps approaching against the tile floor alerted them as the Sheriff and a deputy moved to exit the office and Amber was yanked roughly from her perch between the two chairs. She yelped quietly in surprise as Stiles hauled her down onto his lap and wrenched a magazine open in front of her face. Her hands reflexively came up to hold the edges of the glossy booklet and she raised it up to cover their faces just as his father stepped out into the hallway.
"Hi, Scott." Mr. Stilinski greeted slowly, his eyes flicking over to the seat beside the boy with an unimpressed look, "Amber." He added pointedly.
She peered around the side of the magazine, resolutely keeping it held up in front of Stiles over her shoulder, "Good morning, Mr. Stilinski." She greeted with a nervous smile, keeping her body determinedly still as she acted as a wall between Stiles and his father.
The man continued to look at her in disbelief for a few seconds before shaking his head and disappearing down the hallway without another word.
"Dude. You know he definitely saw you, right?" Scott asked Stiles quietly after a moment.
"Boys. Young lady." A voice addressed them from the door of the office, causing Amber to flinch from her perch on Stiles' lap as they all looked up at the old man who was decidedly not thirty year old Principal Thomas whom they'd been expecting, "Come on in." The old man summoned.
Amber scrambled to her feet and the boys followed suit, the three of them looking between one another in confusion as they followed behind the man and stepped into the principal's office.
There were three chairs waiting for them in the small room and Amber settled into the center seat with a nervous breath, looking around the office and frowning at the absence of their usual principal's things.
The older man settled into the seat behind the desk and picked up a small folder, peering inside for a moment before his gaze rose to examine Scott.
"Scott McCall," He drawled in a slow rasp, "Academically not the most accomplished.. But I see you have become quite the star athlete." He said, soundly mildly impressed.
Amber peeked over at her friend and watched Scott nod just before the old man picked up a new folder and spoke again, addressing her this time.
"Amber Callisto," He read off the top of the page, eyes lifting up to look at her with an indiscernible expression, "A 4.0 GPA and first line on the girl's soccer team." He commended in approval.
She nodded nervously at his assessment, picking anxiously at her thumbnail in her lap. She slumped in relief when he dropped her folder atop Scott's and moved on to another. She watched the old man squint at the page silently for a few seconds, undoubtedly trying to figure out how to pronounce the name at the top of the page.
"Mieczysław." She supplied quietly after a moment, unaware of the way Stiles' eyes snapped over to her in awe at the easy way the pronunciation slipped past her lips.
The old man behind the principal's desk looked between the girl and the folder in his hands for only a second before he turned his attention toward Stiles.
"Mr. Stilinski," The man addressed him finally, eyes dropping to look down the page, "Oh. Perfect grades," He assessed with an impressed eyebrow raise, "But little to no extracurriculars.. Maybe you should try lacrosse."
Stiles leaned forward in his chair, "Oh, um. Actually, I'm alr-"
"Hold on-" The older man interrupted, turning his attention back toward Scott, "McCall.. You're the Scott that was dating my granddaughter."
"Granddaughter?" Amber repeated quietly, sitting up straighter in her seat as she looked between her two best friends in surprise.
"We were dating," Scott told Allison's grandfather quickly, "But not anymore. Not dating. Not seeing any of each other, or doing anything with each other.. At all." He rambled nervously.
"Relax, Scott. You look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth." The older Argent observed amusedly.
Scott took a nervous breath, "Just, a hard breakup."
"Oh, that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me." The old man commented, pausing for a moment before turning his head to look between the three teens, "Now, listen guys. Yes, I am the principal. But I don't really want you to think of me as the enemy."
"Heh," Stiles huffed sarcastically, "Is that so?"
Amber reached across the small gap between them to smack his arm anxiously, glaring at his lack of verbal self-control.
The old man raised his eyebrows before continuing on as if nothing had happened, "However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers, so.. Unfortunately, someone will have to take the fall and stay behind today for detention." Principal Argent looked between them slowly, pursing his lips as he waited for someone to speak up.
Amber turned her head between her two friends slowly. Scott was giving her a look in silent objection to doing it himself, which she supposed made sense since he was the werewolf of the three of them and thus slightly better equipped to deal with the Isaac situation. Her gaze drifted to her other side and she watched Stiles distractedly picking at a hangnail on his thumb and making no move to speak up himself.
His attention snapped up, however, when she finally sighed and turned to face the principal in slow reluctance.
"I-" She started.
"It was me." Stiles announced quickly, "Yeah, I'll stay for detention."
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At the end of the school day, Amber ran down the hall when she saw Scott take off down the stairs.
"No, no," She muttered to herself, pushing past a few students with mumbled apologies as she ran after her best friend, "Scott, wait up!" She yelled with the hope he'd be paying enough attention to hear her.
She stumbled down the staircase near the school's side entrance, nearly losing her footing a couple of times. When she got to the end of the hallway, she pushed through the metal doors and toppled outside, running straight into Scott's back and catching herself with her hands on his shoulders.
She spotted the Sheriff's cruiser finally pulling away from the school, Isaac Lahey looking out the back window at them worriedly.
"Oh, shit." She muttered, "I guess they think he might've done it?" She questioned, not really expecting an answer.
Scott looked down at her with wide eyes and she grimaced, unsure what to do next.
There was a sudden squeal of tires against the pavement as a familiar black Camaro skidded to a stop in front of the building.
Derek leaned toward the open passenger window and called out to them, "Get in. Both of you."
"Funny. I could've sworn you didn't need my help." Amber reminded him snarkily.
"This is your fault!" Scott snapped at Derek from beside her, pointing at the police cruiser that was pulling out onto the main road, "You did that."
"I know." Derek said generically to the both of them, "Now get in the car and help me."
"No, I've got a better idea," Scott said as the two of them walked closer to the idling car, "I'm gonna call a lawyer, because a lawyer might actually have a chance of getting him out before the full moon."
Amber raised her eyebrows at the decent suggestion from her best friend, lifting a thumb to point at Scott while sending Derek a nod of agreement.
Derek shook his head, "Not once they do real search of the house."
"What d'you mean?" Amber questioned.
He sighed, "Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse. A lot worse."
Her stomach turned uncomfortably, mind racing as Derek threw the passenger door open and looked at them expectantly. She met Scott's gaze and he sighed with a frown, dropping a hand between her shoulder blades to guide her into the backseat of the car.
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It didn't take long for nightfall to set in beneath the early winter sunset once they pulled up to the Lahey house. Under the cover of the darkness, they crept into the house, their path dimly lit by the flashlight Derek had handed off to Scott.
"I thought Isaac was supposed to be a safe bet?" Amber asked Derek quietly as they moved through the dark front hallway, "What happened to that, huh? He's a werewolf for less than a day and he kills his dad?"
"Isaac didn't kill him. He told me he didn't." Derek said assuredly.
"Well if he didn't, then who did?" Scott asked, turning back toward them in the dark as he walked.
Derek frowned, eyebrows furrowing in frustration, "I don't know yet."
"Well then how d'you know he's telling the truth?" Scott questioned disbelievingly.
"Because I trust my senses," Derek said easily, "It's a combination of them, not just your.. Sense of smell." He emphasized with a knowing look.
"Huh?" Amber asked in confusion, looking between Derek's raised eyebrows and Scott's ashamed grimace, "What did you do? What'd I miss?"
"You.. Saw the lacrosse thing today." Scott realized quietly, focused on Derek.
"What lacrosse thing?"
"Yeah." Derek told Scott, unimpressed.
"Did it look that bad?" Scott questioned.
"Yeah." Derek repeated.
"Wh- What lacrosse thing?" Amber asked again desperately.
Scott winced, "Stiles got me in goal, so I could sniff some of the guys on the team, so that I could-" He caught her incredulous look and continued dejectedly, "So I could figure out who the new werewolf was. By scent."
"Dear God, Scott." She breathed, patting his shoulder.
"I was surprised you didn't tell them about Isaac." Derek commented to the girl as they approached a closed door off of the kitchen and slowed to a stop.
"Yeah, well. I trusted that you knew what you were doing," She scowled at him in the dark, "Evidently that was a mistake." She said pointedly.
Derek shook his head, resting on hand on her shoulder as he pulled open the door in front of them, revealing a dark stairwell that led down into the basement. He turned his attention toward Scott, grabbing the flashlight and nodding toward the open doorway.
"You wanna learn?" Derek prompted, "Let's start now."
"What's down there?" Amber asked nervously, following behind Scott as he began to descend the stairs.
"Motive." Derek said simply.
"And what am I looking for?" Scott asked as he got to the bottom of the stairs and looked around.
"Follow your senses." Derek told him.
Amber examined the dark cellar with slow steps, squinting at the mess of old furniture and stored junk. She fought the urge to run her finger through the dust on the worktop along the wall, turning in a slow spin as she looked around. Her eyes caught on a large chest freezer that was unplugged from the wall and she frowned at it in confusion.
"What happened down here?" Scott asked.
"The kind of thing that leaves an impression." Derek answered ominously.
Amber felt the warmth of Scott's body when he came to stand beside her in the cool basement. He too frowned as he looked down at the freezer in front of them. Her hand trailed over the top of it, fingers toying gently at the open padlock secured to the front. Scott pulled the lock into his own hand and he let out a shaky breath as his fingers came into contact with the metal.
Just as she was about to question his reaction, Derek shined the flashlight in their direction and spoke up from behind them.
"Open it."
Scott unhooked the padlock from the staple and flipped the hatch before slowly lifting the lid to the freezer. Derek helpfully shined the flashlight around the inside of the chest and Amber gasped, her stomach twisting sickeningly as her eyes took in the sight in front of them.
The inside of the freezer was covered in small, shallow, very human, claw marks. Someone had raked their fingernails along the walls and the top of the freezer in deep scratches. There was red caked into some of the gouges where fingertips had bled as they'd scratched painfully against the hard plastic.
"God." Amber whispered, reaching out to touch one of the marks gently, her fingertip running over the indents on the inside of the lid. She turned to Derek with a horrified look, "Isaac's dad locked him in here?"
Derek nodded, "Among other things."
"This is why he said yes to you." Scott stated, turning to look at Derek.
"Everyone wants power." Derek told him.
"If- If we help you, then you have to stop," Scott demanded, "You can't just go around turning people into werewolves."
Derek looked at him incredulously, "I can if they're willing."
"Did you tell Isaac about the Argents? About being hunted?" Scott questioned.
"Yes," Derek replied, "And he still asked."
"Then he's an idiot!" Scott snapped.
"And you're the idiot dating Argent's daughter." Derek raised his eyebrows when Scott looked at him in surprise, "Yeah. I know your little secret. And if I know, how long do you think it's gonna take for them to find out?" He asked, "You saw what happens to an Omega."
"Wait, what Omega?" Amber interjected, "There was an Omega? What happened to them?"
"The Argents cut him in half." Derek explained quickly. He moved to speak again and Amber gaped, looking between the two werewolves.
"What!" She squeaked, "Th- They.. When- Who-"
"The Omega was the one stealing and eating the organs. At the graveyard, the ambulance-"
"We- We desperately need to work on your information redistribution skills." Amber told Scott in disbelief.
"Enough." Derek interrupted before focusing on Scott, "With me, you learn how to use all your senses. With me, you learn control." He stepped closer to them and grabbed Scott's hand, lifting it as the boy's claws emerged with his budding anger, "Even on a full moon."
Scott pulled his hand from Derek's grip, "If I'm with you, I lose Allison."
"You're gonna lose her anyway." Derek told him, "You know that."
A moment of silence passed before Scott spoke, "I'm not part of your pack. But I want Isaac out. He's my responsibility too."
"Why?" Derek questioned, "Because he's one of us?"
Scott shook his head, "No. Because he's innocent."
"So, what do we do?" Amber asked after another few moments of silence between the two boys.
"We need to break Isaac out." Derek said simply.
"But Stiles and I were gonna lock Scott up at the school." She stated, looking over at her best friend worriedly, "How are we gonna get Isaac out of a cell and get you taken care of?"
"I'll have Alison lock me up." Scott told her easily. She frowned and he continued, "It'll be fine, I promise. I can have her lock me up down here."
Her eyes drifted back down to the freezer and her stomach churned nauseatingly at the thought of her best friend locked inside, "I don't know, Scott-"
"Look, there's no time to come up with anything else. We have to do this." Scott reached out to squeeze her shoulder reassuringly, "You and Stiles help Derek get Isaac out. I'll be here. And when the moon goes back down, Allison will let me out."
She frowned but nodded at him, even as her eyes drifted back down to the freezer, "Okay."
She reached into her pocket to pull out her phone, sending a few texts to Stiles to explain the plan and telling him to meet them at the Sheriff's Station. When she was finished, Derek gestured for her to follow him back upstairs and she looked between the two boys hesitantly before throwing her arms around her best friend in a quick hug.
"I love you." She told Scott softly, hand ruffling the fluffy hair on the back of his head, "I'm sorry we can't be here with you."
She pulled back and Scott released her with a small reassuring smile, "Dude, I'll be fine." He promised, "It's just one full moon."
She frowned as she recalled the last two full moons they'd experienced and Scott grimaced.
"This time will be different. I'm sure of it." He said.
Derek reached out to grab her shoulder and she let out a long-suffering sigh, "Alright, yes. I'm coming." She said, taking a step back toward the stairs with the older werewolf.
"Good luck." Scott called out in a hopeful tone.
"You too." She replied, shooting him one last look before she climbed the stairs back up to the main floor.
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Stiles threw the Jeep into park outside the Sheriff's Station and Amber climbed into the vehicle quickly, Derek following close behind. As soon as she was settled into the center seat, Stiles reached out to take her hand in his, already angled toward them in his own seat with an elbow propped up on the steering wheel.
"What's the plan?" She asked him automatically.
"Okay, well. The keys to every cell are in a password protected lock box in my father's office," He explained, looking between Derek and the girl sitting between them, "The problem is getting past the front desk."
They all turned to peer out the passenger window at the young female deputy behind the desk who was typing away at a computer.
Amber chewed on her lip in thought, "Well, I could-"
"I'll distract her." Derek said easily, already reaching for the door handle.
"Woah, woah, woah! You?" Stiles asked incredulously, reaching across the cab of the vehicle to pull Derek back, "You're not going in there-"
Derek scowled at the hand Stiles still had stretched across Amber's chest to hold the werewolf's shoulder.
"I'm taking my hand off-" Stiles conceded quickly, dropping it to land in Amber's lap.
She let Stiles rest his hand palm down over her denim-clad thigh and rubbed her own hand over the backs of his fingers soothingly as Derek continued to glare at the boy. The werewolf's narrowed eyes dropped to where Stiles' hand was now draped over the girl's leg before he looked back up to address them.
"I was exonerated." He reminded them.
"You're still technically a person of interest." Amber shrugged with a wince.
"An innocent person." Derek reiterated.
"An inno- You?" Stiles scoffed, laughing sarcastically, "Yeah, right!"
Derek's jaw clenched as he looked between them, thoroughly unimpressed.
"Okay, fine," Stiles sighed, "What's your plan?"
Derek looked genuinely stunned at the question, "To distract her." He said slowly.
Amber snorted, "Okay, but how?"
Stiles looked at Derek in disbelief, "Uh huh. How?" He questioned, "By.. Punching her in the face?"
"Ha." Derek said sarcastically, "By talking to her."
"Oh! Gimme a sample." Amber suggested excitedly, turning toward Derek, "Pretend I'm her. What're you gonna say?"
Derek tightened his jaw silently and looked between them with his eyebrows raised and a long moment passed before Stiles spoke.
"Dead silence.. That should work beautifully." He observed sarcastically, "Any other ideas?"
Derek looked up at the roof of the Jeep and tilted his head in thought with a small shrug, "I'm thinking about punching you in the face." He admitted.
"Okay, alright. No one is punching anyone in the face." Amber interrupted, turning and pushing her hands up against Stiles' chest to urge him out the driver's side door, "Let's just.. Get inside. I'm sure Derek will figure something out."
"Yeah, we better hope so." Stiles muttered under his breath as he opened the door of the Jeep.
The three of them snuck in quietly through the front entrance and while Derek went through the main doors and up to the front desk, Amber and Stiles peered around the doorway to wait for an opportunity to pass through the without being seen.
"Hi, how can I help-" The deputy looked up from the folder in her hands and caught sight of where Derek was leaning up against the desk with a charming smile, "-You?" She finished weakly.
"Hi." Derek smiled, teeth on display and pulling his handsome features into an open, friendly expression.
"Hi." The woman breathed, stunned.
Stiles rolled his eyes in annoyance at how easily Derek's plan seemed to be working due to his good looks alone, and Amber reached up to pat him on the back consolingly.
"Um. I had a question," Derek said in feigned distraction, "Uh, sorry. I'm a little- A little thrown."
Amber urged Stiles forward with her hand on his back and they took slow, careful steps through the main entrance toward the back hall as Derek continued.
"I wasn't really expecting someone-"
"Like me?" The deputy asked softly.
"Well, I was gonna say, 'someone so incredibly beautiful' but I guess that'd mean the same thing." Derek flirted just as Amber and Stiles disappeared down the hall.
Stiles took her hand and led her down the hall toward his father's office, leaving the lights off as they crept into the room. When they got to a small lockbox hanging on the wall behind his dad's desk, Stiles dropped her hand to flip the cover up and reveal the keypad, his thumb quickly moving to type in the code, a quiet clicking filling the room with the press of each button.
2 - 6 - 1 - 9 - 9 - 1
The tiny door on the box opened with the release of the lock, but the space inside was decidedly empty.
"Isn't there supposed to be a set of keys in there?" Amber questioned obviously.
"Yeah." Stiles murmured, looking at the empty box in disbelief, "Oh, no. Allison was supposed to- Oh, no."
Amber dashed back toward the door and Stiles followed only half a second behind her. They stumbled out into the hallway and moved in the direction of the holding cells at the back of the building.
When they rounded one of the final turns, Amber tripped over her own feet in surprise and froze as they came face to face with another uniformed deputy. Stiles nearly rammed into her back when he stopped abruptly behind her and she took another cautious step forward, laughing awkwardly and feigning innocence.
"Uh, we were just looking for, uh-" Stiles trailed off.
Amber followed his eyeline down to the small syringe in the man's hand and their eyes widened in realization.
Not a deputy. A hunter.
Upon further inspection, the man was also bleeding badly from a small arrow wound in his upper thigh.
"Oh, shit." Amber and Stiles both muttered, the latter pulling on her shoulder as he started to step away.
As they spun the hunter managed to grab Stiles around his chest, knocking the boy from his feet so that he dragged along the ground backwards. In the same quick moment, the man caught a handful of Amber's hair and yanked her back with them.
Still on her feet, she yelped and stumbled backwards as she followed the painful tugging of the hunter's fist in her hair and she could hear Stiles struggling against the man's tight, one armed grip around his chest as he tried in vain to get his own feet back underneath him.
Amber whined quietly as they were dragged around a corner and her eyes caught on the fire alarm on the wall. They moved further down the hall and she flailed her arms, her fingers managing to catch on the small red lever and pulling on it roughly just as she was yanked away.
A shrill alarm sounded out through the building as the hunter threw them into the back room of holding cells and he released them carelessly. Amber gasped as her hair was finally freed and she instinctively reached up toward the sore spot on her scalp as Stiles fell to the ground.
The hunter fiddled with the syringe of wolfsbane in his hand and Amber caught the moment that the man's eyes drifted up to where the holding cell's door was already broken and swung open.
"Shit-" She exclaimed just as Isaac growled loudly and tackled the hunter beside her down against the desk at the front of the room.
She stumbled back a step where she tripped over Stiles' feet and tumbled to the ground beside him, landing painfully on her backside. He grabbed onto her arm and pulled her back along the floor as Isaac threw the hunter against a wall.
The hunter went to thrust the syringe into Isaac's shoulder but his arm was caught by the werewolf with another angry growl.
As soon as she was close enough, Stiles wrapped an arm around her stomach from behind, pulling her between his legs as he continued to scramble backwards. She fell back against his chest and they finally came to a stop when they thumped against the wall on the opposite side of the room.
They watched with wide eyes as Isaac gripped the hunter's head in his hand, slamming it back with a loud crack and dropping the hunter in a heap onto the ground.
Derek finally ran into the back room and stopped in the center of the space, stomping down on the forgotten vial of poison on the ground and causing it to shatter loudly beneath his foot. At the sound, the younger werewolf turned suddenly and Isaac's attention was drawn to the two teens on the floor as he growled again.
Amber pressed herself back against Stiles more firmly and her heart raced violently in her chest in fear. Isaac's clawed hands twitched at his sides and he stepped toward them with a low rumbling sound in his throat, eyes still glowing bright gold.
Derek side-stepped in a quick movement to block the path to them and he growled loudly in Isaac's direction, the sound rumbling and furious. The younger werewolf whined, falling to the ground on the other side of the room as his arms came up above his head to protect himself from an anticipated blow. After a second, Isaac looked back up from behind his shaking arms to he peek out at them, his face distinctly human once again.
Stiles was breathing heavily against the back of Amber's neck, arm still wrapped tightly around her stomach as he held her against his chest.
"H- How did you do that?" He asked Derek.
The older werewolf turned slowly to look down at them, "I'm the Alpha." He supplied as explanation.
Isaac flinched when Derek went over and held out a hand in offering to help him to his feet. Without a word of goodbye, Derek led Isaac out of the back room and the two were gone.
Amber scrambled to get to her feet in their absence, pulling Stiles up with her before spinning around to face him.
"Are you okay?" They asked each other at the same time with worried expressions.
She laughed quietly and Stiles brought a hand up to the back of her head, gently smoothing down the mess where the hunter's hand had been fisted in her hair.
She placed a hand on his cheek and stroked her thumb over his mouth softly, "How exactly are we gonna explain this?" She asked suddenly.
He dropped his hand from the back of her head and tangled their fingers together with a frown, "Shit. I actually hadn't thought that far ahead yet."
"That's okay. We'll uh, we'll just say that we came to see your dad.. And we'll explain that, y'know.." Her eyes drifted over to the hunter, "That guy must've broken in disguised as a deputy, attacked us, and let Isaac out." She said quickly, "I mean.. That- That's somewhat believable, right?"
She looked up at Stiles with wide eyes and he made a face as he very clearly tried to think of something better. His fingers tightened around hers and suddenly the fire alarm cut off, plunging the building into a silence that left their ears ringing.
Stiles opened his mouth to say something but didn't get a chance to speak before his father stepped into the back room. The Sheriff looked between them, the uniformed man sprawled beside the wall, and the empty holding cell at the back of the room. His eyes narrowed in an angry glare of disbelief as he took in the scene in front of him.
"Uh," Stiles swallowed heavily, pointing toward the unconscious hunter in a deputies uniform, "He did it."
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