#I'm working on this blog purge slowly but surely
I wouldn't be so quick to jump ship just yet. Tumblr tangos with death so often death is looking for a new dance partner. Remember the porn purge? How everybody said it would be the end of the site? It's still here. This kinda panic happens every few months, it'll pass.
The post.
Oh, I'm not jumping ship jumping ship, I'm still here, I'll still be answering some asks probably, I just don't expect it to last, but this one... this one actually is different.
True, a miracle could happen, but this is tumblr actively pulling almost all support from the site. This is the first step a site takes in slowly ending its life and the only way out of that is if it becomes profitable and they can as a company afford to have people working on the site except that every attempt at profitability has ended in disaster.
The porn purge people thought would end the site because everyone would leave/all potential to make any money would be lost. This is tumblr stating "I will no longer invest more than the bare minimum to eek out the little profits I do get and will not put any effort into maintaining anything".
Now, if you ever have to contact staff because your blog has randomly been deleted for no reason, there's only one person on the other end who probably doesn't have time to get to you. If for some reason the site malfunctions and you can't reblog things or do basic functions, there's only one person to fix it and it's probably not their top developer. If they get routing issues, they may or may not fix them, if some of their servers go down that content will probably be lost with no backups.
And at the end of the day, it means that as of right now, tumblr will not put in to repurchase the domain when the time comes and will probably not bother updating their certs when they need renewal. Which means that yes, when that happens, the site is officially dead.
You're free to disagree with me, I'm sure many do, and certainly they do about my doomsaying about ffnet since that's still 'accessible' per a certain definition, but this is the sign of the beginning of the end of any website and I can't say I'm surprised it's happening.
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flameleads · 4 months
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I have... questions about possibly coming back. And thoughts. Bear with me while I think out loud here. I'm seeing people move over to carrd versus Google Docs. Are they really that much better accessibility wise? Because, if so, I'll switch over. I'm just staring at the website right now not sure where to start, and my brain is very resistant to doing that much more work. I know I need to rework my rules anyway, but moving everything over to a new site with new formatting rules... yeah my brain said nope. At least right now. I would probably purge my entire ask box. That anxiety is not worth it. I might also purge some of my drafts that I'm just not feeling. Honestly, part of me was considering starting over completely on a new blog, but I really like how I built everything here, and I don't want to do extra work. I think that's what a lot of it is coming down to: I don't want this to feel like work. I like writing replies from my phone on Disco, which is where Roy is letting me write again. Slowly. No pressure. Coming back here would mean I would have to make a lot of changes. I don't miss how I made this feel like a job in the past, how many hours I felt I had to put into everything so it was perfect, how I continued to seek validation from my RP partners that I was good enough. See a pattern? It's me. Hi. I'm the problem. It's me. So... low activity? Just come on here once in a while to write when I feel like it, have fun, ignore FOMO, and not feel obligated to be a writing machine? Maybe it's possible. Maybe it's Maybelline.
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thezoraprince · 1 year
slowly (but surely) coming back to this blog
i've been in such a weird place lately. with transitioning to a new job; being stuck on other projects; and not being in a TLoZ mood for a bit, it's been hard to come back.
now that i actually have weekends free and a consistent schedule through the US academic school year, i'll be able to push out some more stuff for you all to look at!! i could not be more excited!
i'm editing a piece at the moment (that's a tiny bit nsfw toward the end... oops), so i'll have that out soon! (hint hint: it's for you @rocklover719)
i really want thank you all for sticking with me and checking in, especially @originaltyphoonkryptonite for keeping me entertained to the max during this break i've been taking. i've been a mess since leaving my last job, and it's been really hard to work through my feelings. but we're getting there, and i know that this new path i'm taking will benefit me in so many ways.
in the meantime, feel free to browse the masterlist (and other blogs too because there are some TOP QUALITY writers in this community!!!!) i will be going through my inbox and most likely purging some requests. it's a scary mess in there honestly, and even just thinking about it gives me slight anxiety. but i'll post a little update about requests when i'm ready to take them again :)
thank you again and i love you guys <3
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-{{ Corrupted Starcharts }}-
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A No Man's Sky RP/Ask Blog following the journeys of two Travellers, Raskol and Onfim, also known as the Twin-Iterations.
Character references and info under the cut, as well as a deeper dive into the blog as a whole. Some liberties may be taken with No Man's Sky's storyline and lore.
-{{ Iteration: Raskol }}-
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Pronouns: They/Them
Specialties: Astrocartography, Cosmology, Language, Agriculture, Communications.
Raskol is an incredibly old Traveller, one who claims to have been around since the early days; they have lived more lifetimes than they care to count. Taciturn and a bit socially stunted, it was until very recently that Raskol largely kept to themself. They dip their hands into many different projects and fields, but their work begins and ends with, well, the beginning and end of the universe. Known for being particularly grumpy, Raskol is finally learning how to relax and be a bit more... well, fun. It's probably the Nipnip. Particularly sensitive to the v̴͔͒̕ͅo̵͓͑̉i̵̧͇͋̊d̵̗̻̆.
Commander of Korvax freighter CS-16 Parhelion
Overseer of Korvax settlement Okinowa's Blight
Primary starship is a Sentinel Interceptor, callsign: Purged-EVA
Often settles on paradise, swamp, or desert planets
Runs a pirate radio station alongside Onfim; Raskol broadcasts from Isdoraijung Galaxy
Cultivated a strain of Nipnip that will knock your boots off
Spent many lifetimes convinced they were a Korvax entity
Difficult to anger, but their anger sure is terrifying
Raskol's Tags:
Character Tag
-{{ Iteration: Onfim }}-
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Pronouns: They/It
Specialties: Tech Development, Mechanics, Piracy, Smuggling, Hacking and Data Siphoning.
A much younger Traveller, Onfim met the early legs of their journey with unbounded enthusiasm and optimism. They were reckless and feared little. Onfim loved to dig for information, to pull things apart and study them, but trouble only followed when they dug too far and found only c̵͚͖̝̈́r̸͚̀̇i̵̗͐̒m̷̨̧͑s̴͈͚͗̿o̴̬̜̅n̶͖̓͐̈́ and g̷̩͂̀l̴̡̠͊̔͝a̵̭̲̻͗ś̴̢̄s̵̗̱̀̇. They're back now, though, feeling more stable and yet incredibly discordant. The more social of the Twin-Iterations, Onfim is eager to meet with others and constantly be in a crowd.
Commander of Korvax freighter CS-22 Tresserhorn
Overseer of Vy'Keen settlement Sajiru's Crossing
Primary starship is a particularly nasty Sentinel Interceptor, callsign: Hellrider
Frequently settles on paradise, dissonant, or anomalous planets
Runs a pirate radio station alongside Raskol; Onfim broadcasts from Eissentam Galaxy
A bit of a silly goose to the point of being a menace to society
Deathly afraid of lightning storms
Their physical form seems to stutter, glitch, and lag
Onfim's Tags:
Character Tag
-{{ OOC Blog Info }}-
Hi, call me Shy! I'm the fool running this blog, my main is @blackcr0wking, and I have an art blog - @blackcr0wkingart - as well. I've been playing No Man's Sky since 2016, and have fallen off now and then, but currently play fairly actively on PS5. My PSN is saintvoid if anyone would like to add me and/or meet up!
Posts on this blog are made both in and out of character depending on content as well as my energy levels at the time. In- and out-of-character posts are usually tagged as such, though I tend to make clearer distinctions in the text of posts as well, as follows:
》 Raskol's broadcasts are denoted by purple symbols, and ten-.. -kzzkt- ..-o have very little interference.
-{{ Out of character text posts will be in brackets, like so. }}-
》 Onfim's broad-.. -kzzzkt- ..-oadcasts are marked with - with orange symbols, and their corrup-.. -kzzk- ..corrupted signal is - is - is evident in text.
I also have No Man's Sky playlists! Check them out here:
Fell Into A Black Hole But It's Fine // A simple, chill, lo-fi playlist with songs that felt (to me, at least) like calmly drifting through space in your starship, or slowly wandering planetside. Chill beats to explore the galaxy to, if you will.
Corrupted Starcharts // A little bit weird, a little bit sad, and a little bit silly, this playlist somewhat centers around my interpretation of both the canon of No Man's Sky's story, as well as the journeys Raskol and Onfim have undertaken. If I'm being completely honest, it's a collection of songs I'm picturing silly little NMS animations/music videos to. For best/most fun results, shuffle.
-{{ Tag Directory }}-
I'm a monster with an insatiable need to sort things, so I figured this could potentially be helpful to newcomers. Commonly used tags are as follows:
Answered Asks
Other Travelers
Planetary Records
Scheduled Posts
And I think that about covers it, thanks for reading! Inbox is always open for questions and such both in- and out-of-character. :)
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Brain purge
In light of recent AI developments, I've decided to take my Ao3 to registered users only. I do have account creation codes, so if you want to become a registered user, let me know.
It's also more likely than not that bots are also scraping Tumblr for art and content. I'm not sure how I want to handle this, but am thinking about it.
Found out that when you have an invisible like or reblog, it's someone who has blocked you unblocking, raiding your content, reblocking, and then using it on their own blog. It's a deeply chickenshit move, so I have blocked the most likely shitting chicken in return. It's not a blacklist when it's just taking out the trash - not even the recycling or the composting, but the straight-up trash.
More brain dumping below the cut.
I'm going to be doing some more blog-housekeeping in the next few days.
Had an aspiration on a large thyroid cyst, and a biopsy of both the fluid and the nodule tissue. The immediate result is a spectacular bruise that looks like a hickey from something with a mouth the size of a sink plunger. The biopsy showed atypical but not cancerous cells, so now I get to add another MD to my dance card.
I hate vaccines, even as I know the need for them. I was finally cleared to get my second COVID booster, was feverish and achy yesterday, and not much better today. Tylenol and Pedialyte are my morning.
Made a lot of food over the course of the week, now have zero appetite for any of it. Will eat it anyway.
Mom has been gone for two weeks, and when I was talking to my therapist yesterday, I said that I found myself smoothing over some of the truly shitty shit she did - cashing out my college fund, cheating me out of my due on a real estate deal, beating me unconscious, and once using a chokehold on me because I wasn't washing my face right. I also said that she was a nicer person with dementia than she ever was sane. My therapist said that children of Cluster B parents who develop dementia often say that.
I feel a combination of grief, relief, and ding-dong-the-witch-is-dead. My mother in dementia was by and large the person she should have been. No gaslighting, no manipulation, no emotional abuse. She was safe, cared for, had dignity, and I have been reminded that I was well within my rights to cut her off as I was on the verge of doing.
I'm writing, but it's a fractured effort. I'm working on my fic, but also on an actual get-paid story. I want a little more income, and writing is about what I can do at the moment.
My post-treatment physical issues remain... variable? The neuropathy in my feet makes me feel as if I am wearing the most uncomfortable socks ever. My hands lock up from time to time. I still have occasional joint pain - your spine is a joint.
In +1 news, I have been able to walk and even navigate the stairs without my cane. My core, upper body, and leg strength is slowly coming back. After getting my booster yesterday, I went to the grocery store - did not get much because I'd have to get it up the stairs, but I did fill my backpack.
Once Mom's estate is settled, the Big Out will commence My mother was very much about Stuff and I am about what will do the most good. Certain items go to friends, more to charities, some to consignment. I think that things ought to go where they are wanted and will be cherished, whether it's a big poofy quilt to a fostered dog or a 200-year-old rocking chair to her friend's front porch.
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sloptime · 10 months
Ok but the thing is the thing is, you're kinda misrepresenting the game
(incoming long post)
Tl;Dr: To me, someone familiar with HtR, it seems you have a fundamental misunderstanding about what the game is all about. I urge you to give it another chance and reconsider your opinion.
HtR isn't about playing superheroes or holy warriors and it's not a game about playing the oppressor if anything it's the opposite. On a meta level I would say one of its major themes is empathy, considering how callously, cruelly even, humans are treated by the other splats. It's about putting yourself in the shoes of a normal person finding out they live in the world of darkness
You might say the imbued aren't normal people. They aren't crusaders on a mission from God to purge the world. They aren't angelic warriors or battle priests or tier one operators or government spooks. They're bus drivers, garbage men, plumbers, lawyers, doctors, cops, firefighters, paramedics, sons, daughters, wives, husbands, human beings who've had their eyes forced open by something utterly beyond their comprehension and forced to act.
Sure they have extraordinary abilities but they also have friends, a family, a dog, a shitty job that they need to make rent on their shitty apartment, they're still entirely normal people. The powers themselves aren't even that good and only serve to turn the tide in a pivotal moment (hence the name, edges. An edge up on the supernatural), a hunter couldn't get by just using the powers because they A. Are limited by conviction, basically the fuel for the powers, B. Terrifying and slowly drive you insane, C. Won't be able to stop a pissed off vampire from ripping you in half. The game gives many options for approaching the supernatural, whether you want to kill the monsters, save them from themselves, find common ground and maybe even peace, or just protect you and yours, there's an archetype for that.
Considering that you said you only skimmed it, I highly recommend giving it another shot. HtR has stellar writing, it's honestly a great read. The characters are varied, down to earth, and compelling and the tone is so oppressive and conspiratorial, the horror works in my honest opinion. Besides some mildly problematic writing (I chalk it up to it being a product of it's time) I really have no problem with it. I think it would be worth your while.
By superhero I mean someone who has power without also being a monster. I did read about the messengers, and while they leave things up to interpretation, I think their choice of imagry and their name 'the reckoning' makes it pretty obvious what they're alluding to. Of course, all white wolf games need a degree of positive interpretation and erasing of some lines to enjoy, but I am just not the kind of player who's gonna enjoy it. I don't really like playing Mages, Mummies or sorcerers either for the same reason, power without enough consequences. You're not a monster unless you choose to be one, it's just not what I go to World of Darkness for.
I do appreciate WoD characters who are normal people, I admit I find it a lot more compelling when Janet the Secretary is forced to become a Ventrue than when Janet the Secretary gets some superpowers and realizes there are monsters to fight. I'm sure it's full of some compelling writing, these games always are, but if you're not tainted by the power you've been given, I just don't see the point in making it a Gothic Horror game. I'd rather play those kinds of characters in more straightforward fantasy or sci Fi adventure games, and if I am gonna be not a tainted monster, I want to be a completely normal person with no supernatural powers at all.
While I do feel compelled to criticize what I see as reactionary tendencies inside these games, I'm not calling you a bad person for liking them, I'm just posting my feelings on my blog here. So by all means, enjoy your taste, it's just not what I'm interested in..
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
Did another following purge. Down to 186 blogs followed, I think total I’ve cleaned out almost 100. (Edit: an important note, I’ve pretty much unfollowed all Ratchet and Clank blogs, I will no longer RP with or interact with anyone from that fandom, due to the recent incident.)
Also... I really need to get better about talking to my remaining active mutuals more, I’ve been a shitty friend by being too shy to talk to y’all most of the time and I feel guilty about that. If we have each other on Discord, definitely gotta make myself talk to you peeps more. 
Reminder that if you wanna reach out to me to talk more or RP with me (preferably mutuals or you’re someone I’m somewhat familiar with and know who you are), you’re free to add me on my Discord, just make sure I know who you are when you add me. 
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do you have any idea why some blogs are being deleted, seemingly at random? at this point, i'm afraid to post anything new or original content in fear that i'll loose all my other work. did your friend get a warning or reason?
Hello nonny! Unfortunately, we have no idea why, really.
My understanding of what happened, and @koortega who had her blog deleted and then restored could probably answer this better, but my understanding is that a huge group of blogs were deleted all at once. They were given no warning or explanation, which violates the terms of service for tumblr. Of course immediately people took to email and twitter to protest this and were given the explanation that they had used copyrighted material, which makes no sense. Some were gifmakers, for example, but some weren’t, some were fanfiction authors who are protected under fair use, etc. It just didn’t make any sense. AND if all the things they were doing were using copyrighted material, then literally 99% of tumblr would have to be purged because we’re all doing that in one form or another.
So it really made no sense what tumblr was doing, it seemed to be they chose blogs at random or perhaps popular blogs that generated a lot of fan content. Who even knows. @mearcatsreturns was deleted, and for what, posting liveblogs of her ER rewatch? @gelbmantrees does the same thing with her shows. So why was mearcats chosen but not Chelsea?
People tried petitioning tumblr for days but weren’t getting a response. I know I petitioned them on @qqueenofhades‘ behalf, as did @extasiswings. After days and days we finally got a response that our petitions were being noted, but then nothing. @koortega as I said had her blog restored and so did some others, gradually, but more people like @mearcatsreturns and @qqueenofhades have gotten nothing.
The one silver lining for you, nonny: as far as I know, if you escaped the initial purge, you’re okay. They seemed to delete everyone at once, people just woke up to find their blogs vanished (Hilary lost hers not ten minutes after she’d last been on it). So I don’t think you’re in danger of being deleted. And blogs are returning, slowly but surely. @timeless-season-three is back, thank God, although why they restored the sideblog but not the main blog of Hilary and others, God only knows.
All we can do at this point is continue petitioning tumblr until they get off their asses and finish restoring all the blogs. And find some way to own the servers, because until we have something like Ao3 that’s for the fans by the fans, we’re always going to be at the mercy of dispshit bottom-line-pushing asshole corporations who can and will do things like this.
tl;dr *singsong like John Mulaney* We’re tumblr, and life is a fucking nightmare!
But if you survived the purge, you’re safe. Post away, nonny, post away and rejoice in the anarchy of it! Viva la liberté!
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