#I'm terrified of waking up and having my entire day ruined again. Of waking up and having to go through the.
nehts · 2 years
Every. every time
#I need to sleep as I need to rp with my wife tomorrow but .#I've been having... worse. worse off dreams than I usually do. I. don't ... trust that I'll be okay tonight.#I'm terrified of waking up and having my entire day ruined again. Of waking up and having to go through the.#Entire. entire fucking grieving process again because I'd rather never wake up again than have to adjust to.#not. existing within the dream even one more time going forward.#I am so fucking tired. physically. mentally. emotionally. I'm exhausted in every way#I just want to sleep without fear.#That's all that I ask.#Yet it's too much.#I wish that I had. some. form of comfort. in any way#I keep returning to this but. I sleep so much better with someone with me. Not physically. just.#Even to call someone while I'm sleeping. Or. going to sleep. It helps so much.#Yet. I'll just have to accept that it'll remain a fantasy. both that and ever escaping this isolation.#I guess that it doesn't. ultimately. matter really. I'm... simply. terribly terribly exhausted.#Wishing for a better situation. Of. having. any form of comfort when these situations come up.#I don't. know what else to do other than get unbelievably intoxicated until I either. 1:#Pass out and go unconscious - hopefully without dreams‚ or. 2: Get intoxicated enough that being awake isn't torture.#I'll write in my journal. at some point.#I'll try to. I just hate that every fucking entry is the same.#It's supposed to be for worship. instead of just. 'I can't survive without the dynamic. I'll be dead soon'#Every time. without fail.#Anyway. intoxication time.
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th3secr3th1story · 1 year
can you do one of geto and gojo when they say i love you for the first time??
gojo and geto saying "i love you" for the first time
of course, thank you for the request, anon! and whewww sorry for being mia but im back (hopefully.)
warnings: none, just fluff! some angst in gojo's if you squint?
words: 1,060
he had to physically restrain himself from saying it after just a month of dating. it was a struggle.
he didn't want to rush you or make you feel like your relationship was on full blast, but he was so smitten! he knew he loved you practically right away.
he wanted to save it for the right moment, maybe after a romantic outing at your favorite restaurant, but it slipped out during one of your fights after you caught him neglecting his well-being yet again.
"my god, satoru, you're not listening to me, i swear," you mumbled, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands.
you weren't sure how long the two of you had been fighting, but you were so tired, just wanting to get your point across and go to bed. however, you couldn't see that happening anytime soon, as gojo wasn't even trying to acknowledge what you were saying.
"really? because i think my ears are working just fine. and it sounds like you want me to quit," he retorted, hands on his hips as he looked over at you.
you knew he was sensitive about the topic of overworking, but there was only so much you could ignore before stepping in.
"i'm not saying i want you to stop going on missions! we're both sorcerers, for fuck's sake. it's our job. i'm just asking you to be more careful. you're relying too much on your infinity and you're barely taking care of yourself," you breathed, trying to keep your tone even and measured.
you pressed on, more softly this time, "did you really think i wouldn't notice your eye bags or the fact that sometimes you don't come home until 2 in the morning covered in god knows what?"
"that's not true! why do you have no faith in me?" you didn't think it was possible for your fist to clench anymore without either breaking it or throwing it at gojo's face.
"why can't you see how terrified i am? it's only a matter of time before you don't come home, satoru."
gojo's words died in his throat, finally catching sight of the fear and dread in your eyes. his heart tightened a little.
"i love you too much to let anything like that happen to me, baby."
"i know, but- wait, what?"
he walked up to you, placing his hands on both sides of your waist, pulling you into him.
"you heard me. i love you so much, baby. you're everything to me. i understand what you're saying now."
you placed your hands on his chest, the entire fight forgotten with just those three words.
"i love you too, satoru."
gojo pulled you in tighter, afraid that if he let go you'd take those words right back.
"say it again. please?" he asked.
"i love you so much," you smiled, half-whispering.
gojo moved one of his hands up to the back of your neck, pulling you in for a gentle kiss.
"so...are you still mad at me?" he quipped, smiling softly.
"this is a nice moment. let's not ruin it."
similar to gojo, he also wanted to find the right time to say it. but unlike the other, geto can actually wait for the perfect moment.
it took him a little longer to come to terms with his feelings for you due to his fear of vulnerability, but once he realized how deeply he loved you it was practically the only thing on his mind.
you and geto had slept in longer than usual that morning, seeing that it was a saturday.
"baby, wake up," he whispered, trailing soft kisses down your neck, pulling your back into his chest tighter. he had successfully convinced you to spend the night at his place (although, you hadn't resisted at all).
"nooo," you whined, melting into his embrace. "it's saturday, we can just stay here all day!"
"i was going to take you to that one cafe you love down the street, but i guess this works, too."
you huffed. "why do you hate me?"
after a nice breakfast spent over pastries and coffee, geto walked with you down the street to your favorite bookstore, letting you pick out a few novels to bring home. he paid, of course.
now, the two of you were seated together on the couch, your legs straddling his waist as you played with his soft hair. his hands held onto your hips, somehow pulling you in closer with each passing minute.
you noticed how his breath kept catching in his throat. "are you okay, suguru? something you want to talk about?"
finally, with a mix of courage and fear, geto took a deep breath and whispered in a soft tone, "you are the most important person to me."
"above satoru? i'm honored," you chuckled, hoping to distill some of his fear.
he merely smiled, continuing on with his speech.
"i've always been scared of opening up. i mean, of course, i have satoru and shoko, but vulnerability was never something that came easy to me," he spoke, a light blush dusting his cheeks at those last words.
you listened attentively, taking in everything he was saying, noticing how he was struggling to get his thoughts out. you gently stroked his neck, hoping it would encourage him to keep talking.
"but with you, it's different. i've always been drawn to your presence. this feeling i have, it's confusing and so complex, but absolutely undeniable."
he paused momentarily, perhaps bracing the both of you for his next words.
"i love you, y/n. you don't have to feel the same way, and you also don't have to respond right now, but i needed to tell you."
you cupped his face, rubbing your thumbs over his cheeks.
"i love you too, baby. more than you'll ever know," you whispered, the impact of his confession clear in your expression.
he (somehow) pulled you even further into his embrace, a hand coming up to the back of your head to rest it on his shoulder as he buried his own in your neck.
"move in with me?"
"huh??" you gaped, pulling yourself away from his neck to look into his eyes, seeing only sincerity and adoration.
"baby, you basically already live here. this would just make it official. what do you think?"
"...of course."
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sidhewrites · 10 months
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22! Someone else write this for me i'm just throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. We got the end of the renfield arc and setting up for the climax of the book, but god knows if any of it makes any sense.
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"Right," I say. "Cool." We're fucked. "What's next on the list?" When Josie doesn't answer, I look over to see her wide-eyed, mouth agape. "Josie?"
"I don't know. This is..."
"We've got to convince him to trade his body for this one," Lucy butts in. She's flickering in and out of visibility. Magnus' magic ghost power shit is messing with her own tether to this world as she stares down the ghosts around us, daring them to come closer. "It's a banishing ritual, right? So we've got to drag him out of there quickly."
[They go up, and have to basically distract him while the world is being sucked into the grave, while Lucy and Josie say a spell. Rocks are floating, bits of the church are starting to crumble.]
I feel a piece of my heart break off with every brick that starts to crumble. The church hasn't been used in decades, but it's part of the graveyard. My graveyard. And I won't let some old fart with a noise complaint ruin it.
So I renew my efforts to get his attention. I jump around and wave my hands. "Hey! Mags! Over here, asshole!" He spares me a single glance, but it doesn't work for long. I throw a rock, but it misses him entirely and falls into the grave with the rest of the rubble. I try again, but my aim really is shit, so I resort to something else.
"Behold the power of..." I pull my phone out and search for the most annoying song I can think of. It blares out of the tinny speakers, pathetically quiet all things considered, but it's enough.
Magnus whirls on me, eyes glowing. "Turn that off."
"Welcome to the 21st century, Maggie! We got music everywhere!"
He lashes out, throwing a wave of ectoplasm at me. I dodge, barely managing to keep a hold on my phone as I circle him as fast as I can. "Any time now would be good!" I shout. I don't know where Josie and Lucy are anymore, but it doesn't matter. I just have to keep him distracted long enough for them to finish the invocation.
The song ends, and I press play again, ready to loop it for as long as necessary. My heart's hammering, and my lungs burn, but I don't have time to waver. Instead, I push through, drawing on as much strength as I can to keep circling Magnus, staying just out of reach and just ahead of his poorly-aimed attacks.
He scolds me and monologues as we go, telling me I'm stupid and useless and kids these days, but it doesn't matter.  I can outlast him. I have to.
And, sure enough, a few minutes later, his rambling stops. I let myself slow to a walk, ready to sprint away again in a second if I have to, but there's no need. He's bent double, apparently having the world's worst stomach ache as the ghostly body around his bones starts to waver and deform. Blobs of light pull away and break off, pieces of him coming apart one by one, until there's nothing left but bones.
With the glowing power gone, there's nothing left to hold Magnus' corporeal body together. The skeleton falls apart piece by piece, nothing but a crumpled heap on the ground. What I can only describe as ghost goo remains floating above the pile, waiting a moment before flying at me.
"Run!" I shout, but we don't have a chance. It hits me in the chest, leaving me feeling sick and dizzy for a second, but it fails to do anything more. Instead, the ball of goo simply goes right through me, towards where Josie and Lucy have hidden. Josie's still got Renfield in her arms when the lights hit him and begin to melt into his fur. He wakes up with a start, yowling and hissing -- and then heaving. For a second, I'm terrified Magnus is possessing Renfield again, but it doesn't last long.
The light centers into a single point in Renfield's chest, and he hops down from my arms. Slowly, it rises up his throat, and with the familiar hacking that comes with a hairball-prone cat, he vomits up what looks like a glowing glob of goop that slithers over, slug-like, to the urn.
I feel my mouth twist into a scowl of disgust. "Is that...?"
Lucy nods. "That's Sunthorpe's soul. Or, rather...what's left of him."
"Do we banish him? Sweep it up?"
She shakes her head, and looks to Josie. "You're the expert on this sort of thing."
We watch for a second, scowling in disgust as Magnus' soul slorps into the urn. It takes all my will not to go kick the damn thing, if only because I'm afraid that touching it might fuck something up.It doesn't make me feel less angry, but I'm doing better at the whole thinking-before-I act thing.
Plus I'm exhausted, so. "Now what?" I want to go to bed, but I don't think that's going to be in my immediate future.
"We should get Renfield checked out again," Josie says. "Just in case."
"Poor thing," Lucy agrees. "He's been through a lot in so short a time."
I sigh. He didn't deserve to get mixed up in all of this. He was just a frightened old man with kitty Alzheimer's and kitty arthritis and kitty asthma and... well, now, he deserved a trip to a kitty spa, or something. But I can't just leave. One look at the mess around us makes it clear that won't be happening any time soon. I don't have solid proof that Mr. Ngo would blame me for whatever is happening here, but I don't want to risk it after my behavior the past few days.
Helplessly, I turn to Josie. "I'm sorry, but..."
"I got it." She puts a hand on my arm. "Am I still your emergency contact at the vet?"
"Yeah. Thanks."
She nods, and squeezes my arm. "You both owe me an interview later." She points first at me, then at Lucy -- who starts. "I can see you now, Mrs. Blue, and I intend to make the most of it." Before heading off into the night, Josie whispers a quick, "She's really hot," into my ear. I don't get a chance to respond before she slips away. I don't let myself dwell on it for long before getting to work. There's a lot that needs cleaning up before Mr. Ngo shows up today, and I don't want to risk being caught out here in the rubble.
My first target is Magnus's skeleton, gathering his bones and funeral suit up in a sloppy pile and dumping it into the coffin lying in pieces at the bottom of the hole. As soon as they land, a twinge of regret has me thinking I should have been a bit more ceremonious about the whole thing. But what's done is done, and I tell myself I did more than enough by not spitting on him again, especially now that my lip isn't bleeding. Fucker.
I'm nicer to the urn, at least. I don't want to risk it breaking and releasing him back into the world.
Lucy waits at the grave while I sprint to retrieve a shovel and work gloves from the shed. When I return, she says "I feel it would be appropriate to say a few words." Before I can blanch in terror, she rushes to add, "I'll take care of it. You take care of him."
I nod, and begin to fill the grave as she gives her eulogy.
"Here we lay to rest Magnus Sunthorpe -- again -- and, hopefully, this time for good. In life, he was a steadfast man who knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to get it. He was much the same in death. [She gives a two-sided pointed eulogy.]"
She stays off to the side, watching as I move the dirt. I even catch her ogling a few times, gaze shamelessly trailing down my gross, sweaty bare arms and my sexy muscles.
I totally don't flex. But, if I had, it would have been extremely subtle and suave and not obvious at all.
"You okay?" Lucy says, in the minutes before dawn.
I hesitate. Then, "I will be. I think. Things will be better after this."
"Come back at sunset, all right? Let me know how the little boy is doing."
"Yeah. Okay."
"Okay." She gives me a weary smile, and wanders off into the shadows to fade into nonexistence until night. Now all that's left is to review the work. It's not exactly pretty. Even if I've done what I can, it's all too clear that the dirt's been freshly dug. My job is in enough jeopardy as it is, and I don't want Mr. Ngo thinking I was one who dug it up and destroyed the coffin and skeleton, even if the dead guy totally deserved it.
So instead, I don my thickest gloves, and wander around the overgrowth. There are hundreds of people here, names lost to time, with nobody left to mourn. I spend the day at war with the wildflowers. By noon, I'm covered in sweat, and I've scraped both my knees and tried not to think about any potential consequences that might arise from accidental blood sacrifices to the dead. But the scrapes, the blisters, and the aching back are worth it. I've made a rudimentary walking path to each grave and cut roses to lay at the head of each grave.
"I know it's not much," I say each time, "but I hope it helps you have a nice day."
Next, I retrieve Ruby's spell book and find one of the tour guides -- Aiden, a young kid who still doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. I ask him to see if he can find a list of everyone who's been buried here. I promise to pay him under the table, since anything on the books would be wildly expensive with overtime.
"It'll likely be in basement level two at the library. If the librarian's there, don't make any Star Wars puns or anything. Just ask her for what you need. Oh-- and give her this." I hand over the spell book. "Don't open it. Just tell her Kaz says thank you for the help, and that I owe her my life. Literally." I hope that mentioning my name doesn't put him on Ruby's bad side immediately. For a moment, I think she might like me after yesterday, but I don't want to push my luck with someone like her.
Aiden gives me a salute and heads off to his secret mission. I look and feel half dead, but dutifully take his place as a tour guide to a group of costumed visitors, talking them through the history of Sutton Cemetery and its purported ghosts.
I'm standing by the old tree -- by Lucy's grave, I now realize, and pause for a moment, my face growing warm. I know she can't manifest during the day, but it's hard not to almost expect her to leap out from behind the tree in an attempt to spook me.
And then something rustles.
I frown, and turn back to the group. "One second, please." Abandoning them on the walking path, I step carefully over to the tree. Footprints lead around the grave, crushed leaves and flattened grass painting a clear picture of someone's trail through the graveyard.
A low groan emanates from the other side of the trunk.
Jesus fuck, I think. If zombies are real, I'm going to sacrifice to the horde just to get it over with.
It gets louder as I approach the tree, and more frenzied. More hungry.
"Hello...?" I say.
The zombie leaps out at me with a snarl -- and comes up short as I fall back, cursing and swearing. It's silhouette looms over me, blotting out the sun, viscera dripping from its limbs.
It bends low over me, and tilts its head. "Kaz," Mr. Ngo says. "I'm very disappointed in you for stealing my costume idea."
I have no words.
Mr. Ngo helps me up, giving me a long and disapproving once over. He's clearly spent hours on his costume, with fake wounds, an eye bulging from the socket, green and grey mottled skin visible through bloody, tattered clothes.
It's a fair assessment on his end. I'm covered in dirt, sweat, and band-aids, and my clothes are only mildly less disgusting. With a heroic amount of restraint, I avoid going into detail, and answer,  "I had a personal project to take care of."
He looks distinctly unimpressed.
"In the historical quarter. Wanna me to show you?" I think I'd rather melt into my shoes.
Still, he raises a brow, and nods. "Excuse me," he says over my shoulder. The crowd of tour-guests aren't quite sure what to make of the zombie currently talking to them as if he was in charge here. "I'm afraid the tour has to be cancelled for now. See the front desk for refunds."
When they disperse, I look at him helplessly. "Mr. Ngo, I--"
"I don't want to hear it, Kaz. You've been causing trouble for weeks now. Is something going on outside of work I should know about? Is something wrong?"
"No -- well. It..." I fumble. "No, not anymore."
His look doesn't waver. I know I've fucked up royally from the first time I called the Haunted Archivists begging them to come back. I guess I should be more grateful he isn't firing me on  the spot, when showing up to work the way I do would count as a serious warning to anyone else.
"Let me...just show you." I gesture vaguely, and take him out towards the oldest part of the graveyard, shadowed by old growth trees and, until recently, overrun with tall grass and weeds. But now, you can see each headstone, scraped of all moss and lichen, weeds removed from the immediate area. I've got weeks worth of work left to make the whole area presentable, but it's easy to see how much work I've done in just one day.
Mr. Ngo doesn't want to look impressed, but I can see the corner of his mouth twitch under the latex and costume makeup. He has every right to be angry with me, but I know that, were the circumstances better, he'd be over the moon. In the end, however, he holds back from saying anything about it at all. "Go home, Kaz. I'll see you tomorrow."
I let out a breath. I still have my job. And, now that Magnus is dealt with, I won't be doing anything to put it in jeopardy ever again.
"Can I get you lunch or anything?" I ask. "The flesh of the living? Brains, maybe?"
"Don't forget to shower."
I don't have to be told a third time.
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meleanatargaryen · 1 year
The prince's convict
Aemond x Fem reader Part 2
Hi this is the part 2 of the ennemies to lovers kind of "The prince's target" 👀
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-This time Fem reader wakes up in the dungeons of the Greens and Aemond visits her sometimes...
Warnings: kidnapping, incarceration, sequestration, incest (uncle/niece), dacryphilia, bite, bruises, pain, degrade speech, 18+ MINORS DNI, dark, medieval-canon sexism, heavy dub-con, DD:DNE, mean Aemond, manipulation, abusing power, gore, blood, violence, major angst, oral sex (f receiving), Aemond being a possessive horny weirdo with a power complex, thigh riding, de spit kink, creampie.
(Before anything, I considered changing two things :
1- I will not write with y/n anymore so that more people could appreciate it + it's disturbing for some and I understand so from now it will only be written at the 3rd person.
2- Some of you told me to make the smut longer and the intro/scenario a less developed.
I tried to do so here but I can not guarantee that there will be no context at all (I'm incapable of writing smut if there is not a bit of dialogues, slow burn and tension before anything "real")
Please remember English is not my first language so the writing is not perfect, for that i apologize. Anyway enjoy ! )
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When she opened her eyes, her entire body ached in soreness. Trying to lift her arms, a terrifying realization invaded her conscience, the old stoned walls and the rusty dungeons bars and the so tiny wood bed definitely did not belong to Old Town or Dragonstone, but to King’s Landing. Her breaths quickened as she closed her eyes once again, memories flooding back to her head.
The next thing she knew, she were confined in this chamber.
The door cracked open.
Long silver hair, black leather suit.
Of course.
“You kidnapped me?!” She shrieked in rage, “In Bravoos? Are you out of your mind? You destroyed the chance of peace between the Greens and the Blacks! They will come for you and your family if I don't return soon...”
Aemond rolled his one eye and responded cooly, “Dear niece, we both know you don’t give a shit about peace. You are just mad because you lost your chance of escaping from me.”
Aemond approached, his hands gripped her wrists firmly in place as she continued to try to slap him, “They will try to get you back, but I won't let them take you from me. It's not like we were afraid of the Blacks.”
The insolent girl bit his hands while Aemond winced in pain, “As if it wasn’t my cunt of an uncle who pushed you right into my claws!”
“You’re right,” she gritted her teeth as he reclaimed her wrists, pinning her on the bed this time with much more force, “All this bloodshed, betrayals, all for the insatiable greed of the few. I won’t take part in this anymore. I’ve fought for my family, hard, for a long time, but it’s time to think for myself. This isn’t my fight anymore,” he leaned closer, “And I refuse to let you be in pawn in this game. I freed you from a fight that wasn’t yours. You… You will be mine.”
Aemond’s lowered his guard as glimmers in her eyes and silence reigned in the room.
“Aemond, you’re hurting my wrists,” she whimpered softly, her innocent doe eyes blinking.
He sighed and released his grasp.
A bright red mark imprinted on his ethereal Valyrian face.
“You fucking pervert, Aemond! I am your niece! Your niece,” she breathed in disgust and rage, “You will make me succumb to your Targaryen queer traditions over my dead body!”
Aemond covered his stinging cheek, humiliated and surprised, “Over your dead body? Hmm,” he captured her neck, his grip authoritative, commanding and frightening yet not causing true pain, “You are mine to touch, to possess, to own, to use,” his hot breath on her neck, “ I am the only man you will ever get to have. Your needy little cunt won’t last until the end of your days. When you beg me to take you, I will ruin you like I did the other night.”
He left the chamber.
Cries and sobs filled the chamber for weeks after that encounter. She cursed her insufferable uncle for forcibly taking her life away, to mock her desires and body in a such crude way. How dared he? She was the temptress, the Black Targaryen’s precious little princess, the one who hypnotized preys in her web. How dared he talk of using her as if she was a plaything?
Aemond returned to her side countless times, trying to apologize and make amends, yet every time his attempts ended in his hand slapped away. He hated to see her cry, his little viper cracking in vulnerability.
All he wanted to do was tend to her in his arms, even risking poisonous bites from her fangs.
Days turned into weeks, the little viper was not broken. If she were ever going to be, it would be of boredom.
She observed everything around her to her imagination. Whenever Aemond and the maids were gone, she wrapped her body with the opulent crimson blanket and prayed for a company, his. Eventually, her attention drifted inevitably to her uncle captor. The way he avoided her gaze as she narrowed her eyes, his desperate yet reserved request for touching her hand, the way his silver lock cascaded down his sharply beautiful features as she slaps his hand away.
He amused her.
But amidst her boredom there was another dire situation.
Of course, she would rather torment herself in chastity than giving Aemond the satisfaction of offering herself.
But the viper always finds a solution.
One day, she blackmailed a maester that Aemond sent by threatening to accuse him of touching her into delivering a piece of literature.
Cautionary Tales of Unchaste Ladies Across the Seven Kingdoms Since Aegon’s Conquest.
Knelt on the stone ground, Lady Aryana gazed in fear at the two knights before her. One of them muscular and broad, another tall and slim. Yet amidst her fear, strange tingling sensation erupted in her stomach. The muscular knight bent down and whispered, “My lady, your lord husband fetched us to tend to your needs. He informed us that you prefer to be taken without mercy -”
“What in the Seven Hells is this?!”
The heat in her stomach dissipated the instant the book was snitched away from her hands.
“Give it back!” She protested, hands reaching desperately the forbidden text held high by her captor, “You sadistic prick!”
Aemond hummed, his eye glazing over the next lines of the scandalous story. He swallowed subtly and raised his brows toward the annoyed girl, “Sadistic? Should I take it as a compliment? Considering it comes from masochistic.”
“This is beyond inappropriate for a lady of your station,” Aemond scolded her.
Frozen for an instant, she gracefully settled on the bed and smirked, “A girl has needs. What? My prince?” She pouted, “Want to lend a hand?”
Aemond clenched his fists and seethed, “When you indulge in such sinful acts, you won’t be rewarded.”
She whined in feigned disappointment, pretending to settle in the quilt again.
Turning away to leave the chamber, Aemond’s heart skipped a beat as he felt a feather light kiss landing on his cheeks. Before he had the time to process the delightful peck, horror and rage took over as the delicate hands snitched away his eye patch, exposing his sapphire eye in all its beauty and vulnerability.
He growled in frustration and he chased after the giggling viper.
He gripped on her waist and restrained her on the bed steadfast.
She blinked at him playfully, “I am bored. It’s been a moon since I’ve been confined in this horrid prison. I can’t find a better entertainment than tormenting my captor.”
As his boiling and intimidating presence radiated on her, she realized that she had pushed Aemond Targaryen onto his limits.
“Are you going to spank me?”
With a swift move, she was effortlessly flipped over and her white night gown pulled up, revealing her vulnerable flesh.
Aemond’s hand raised high. As it was about to land, he stopped.
The little viper was squirming and arching her back in need.
Aemond chuckled, “You say tormenting me is your form of entertainment, hmm?” He hovered her body and his lips brushing over her earlobe, “Consider that we have similar taste in entertainment, little viper. Your body is mine to pleasure, you should have known better than reading such obscenities.”
He brushed his fingers on her sensitive backside, inciting an arousing whimper from her lips, before leaving his captive in frustration.
She buried her head in the pillows for hours and shrieked in embarrassment and frustration after that encounter.
She was a viper, an untamed, wild and free creature, confined in a golden cage.
She hated the silver haired prick. Always looking so damn perfect. Always keeping his annoying ass proper facade when he literally betrayed his family, broke an alliance, kidnapped her across the Narrow Sea to own her, claim her, break her.
How fucking dared he? What kind of decent man does that?
A few days later...
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When she woke up this morning, she was no longer in that cell, instead she was standing in an exotically luxurious chamber decorated in Bravoosi green silk and the bed was so comfortable she probably had slept till noon as it was bright in the room. She looked everywhere around her but nobody was in here. As soon as she realized it she ran to open the front door but it was locked.
Then, she returned to the bed waiting for something to happen, she knew exactly what she was waiting for... As painful and horrible this night has been, she couldn't help it but appreciated it, no, she secretly loved it and now she was in need. She wanted this to happen again.
She waited a long time, so long, it was becoming to be dark outside and the moon started to appear. She had the time to look to everything inside the room, enough to understand she was in Aemond's personal chamber. She was shocked as well as flattered. It was an honour or maybe something she should have been feared of...
The prince finally came through the back door of the chamber.
Smirking from seeing her in his apartments "Did you appreciate my gesture? You told me you hated your cell which I understand... Is that chamber better? Does it suits your royal blood princess?" He stood there so fierce.
She answered as unbothered as she tried to sound to not let him think a second she was happy to be here (even tho she really was).
"Well, this is much nicer than my cell but I hate the color green as you may know... Except that, yes, I appreciate this gesture dear uncle."
"Dear Uncle?" He replied smirking only more now. "We're making progress little princess. Aren't we? I will change the sheets to another color tomorrow. Until then sleep well and enjoy your new chamber!" He turned back to leave the room.
Surprisingly she didn't wanted him to leave so soon...
"Are you not going to sleep here? This is your own personal apartments after all!" Everything went quiet. Aemond turned to face her in surprise "What? You would like me to stay now?"
She couldn't say yes even tho she secretly wished to...
"No, of course not, this would be rather inappropriate my prince. Wouldn't it?
The prince looked at her deeply in the eyes slightly shaking his head to mean yes because he was incapable of saying it out loud, the envy was too loud for that, before turning his back and leaving smiling, frustrated but satisfied of this encounter with his little viper soften.
Later on this night, the prince couldn't sleep, maybe too occupied to think about what could occur with his precious convict... This was never enough. He wanted more. After having desperately tried to find sleep in vain, constantly counting this special night in Braavos, their last exchanges ; in a burst of frustration, anger and certainly madness the prince walked determined in the direction of his prisoner. He was up to no good.
The doors to his chambers opened so quietly and shut so softly, she didn’t even realise he had entered. He stood at the door, watching as she lit the rest of the candles, tiptoed on a stool.
It was only when Aemond began to unbuckle his doublet that the clinking of silver urged her to turn around. She scrambled to her feet, curtsied and straightened her back.
“You grace” she said softly.
They met eyes, his were still as they raked over her and hers were darting across his face, trying to figure out what he might be thinking. Usually, he would be pensive, but there would be clear anger on his face and in his body language. But this night, where she had seen him visibly distressed, he was eerily calm, movements precise as all his buckles had been undone. And she wasn’t sure which side of him she preferred. She knew what to expect before, but now, she couldn’t predict what he might do.
He let his arms fall when his doublet was unbuckled, still looking at her. He motioned with his head for her to come to him. To undress him.
She had never done that before. He had always been clothed, or at least partly so. She swallowed nervously, but let her small steps go to him, small hands smoothing under the leather doublet to shuck it from his shoulders. The only thing underneath was the cotton undershirt, and through it, she could feel his skin, how warm it was. It was as if she was discovering for the first time that, as much of royalty he was, as much a Targaryen, a dragon, he was a human. A living thing that lived and breathed. Somehow her heart beat just that bit faster.
Folding the doublet over the head of a chair, she moved with scattered breath to unlace his breeches. Aemond felt himself become aroused merely at the thought of her hands on him, but his hand came to hers to push them away.
It was clear he'd changed his mind and did not want her to undress him after all. Perhaps the motions were too intimate. Foreign.
“Wine” he instructed simply.
She was more than happy to oblige instead of undressing him completely. So she turned around and filled a goblet of wine, the only sound in the chambers was the rush of wine to the cup and the muffled sound of clothing being dropped to the floor, and then the soft thump of a mattress.
When she turned back, filled goblet in hand, Aemond had rid himself of his breeches and undershirt, now entirely bare as he sat on the end of his bed. Even his eyepatch was off. Aemond wordlessly outstretched his hand to take the goblet and finished the bitter, red liquid within in a single gulp, licking the remnants of his lips a moment after, his eye fixed on her.
Her eyes were downcast, tracing the patterns of the floor. Of course, she had seen his most intimate areas, he had done the most intimate things to her. But seeing him completely naked was something else entirely and she felt her entire body become hot, uncomfortably so. Aemond’s jaw twitched in annoyance, dropping the silver goblet to the floor which made a shrill noise that made her jump.
“Look at me”
His eye was brimmed with fury. And it terrified her. He was so calm.
“Are you frightened of me” he asks coldly.
Her hands clasp around one another tightly.
“No, your grace” she says, her voice small, “Rather, I am afraid of what you will do to me”
Her honesty shocks both of them equally and she internally scolds herself that the words came tumbling from her mouth as quickly and thoughtlessly as they did. Perhaps she should not have said it. He did say before that he 'would have her fear if he could have nothing else'.
Aemond stays eerily still. Processing her response.
"Take off your dress"
Her nerves were struck, and her eyes that were previously fixed on his were still there. Her lips parted in shock. She had never been bare before anyone before, much less before a man. Before a prince.
He could see her clasp her hands tightly, fingernails digging into her skin.
She considered saying no. For a split second.
What would happen if she did say no.
Slowly her hands came to her apron, pulling the string and letting the fabric pool at her front. Aemond's eye watched intently, as if it were a show he had to be quiet for. Her apron folded on a chair, she took a breath and began unbuttoning from her collar, each one that came showed more and more of her chest, smooth and flushed pink with embarrassment.
Pretending to be preoccupied with her undress, she doesn't want to look up, but her eyes catch the smattering of hair that leads down to his hips, where she sees his slow, languid pumps of his cock. The angry head of his cock poking through his fingers with every slow thrust of his fist, a small, breathy sigh escapes him at the contact he's granted himself.
She steels her nerves and opens the front of her dress, pulling the open collar over her shoulders. Once the fabric is over the curve, she lightly lets go and the fabric falls to the floor, at her feet, the slight chill of his chambers hitting her now naked body. Her nipples perk up hard from both the temperature and the slight friction of her dress.
Aemond stops his movements as soon as the dress wafts against the floor, his eye going from her neck to her feet and back again, settling on her face. So much time passes that she wonders if he will say anything else at all and wonders if there's something wrong with how she looks.
Embarrassed, she looks down, crossing one arm across her chest, trying to hide herself. Aemond half sits up, pulling her harshly by her arm towards him and snatching it away from her.
"Do not hide yourself from me"
She swallows nervously at the way he speaks to her, the way his voice is lower now. It was as if he could command her solely with the tone of it. He could feel her trembling slightly, but his hand remained around her tight, no doubt leaving a mark. Touching her now, her bare form right in front of him completely for the taking, he can feel himself painfully hard. She is his, completely and entirely his.
He loves that stupid, doe-eyed expression she gets on her face whenever he’s making her do something. Loves the way her lips part, as if she’s going to complain or tell him to stop, but knows she has no authority to do it. He is much larger, stronger than her. What could she possibly do to shake him up.
He pulls her to his lap, letting her legs straddle his broad, muscled thigh, his breath tickling her bare breasts, making the skin around her nipples erupt with gooseflesh. He can feel the warmth of her cunt against his skin, even though there is no contact. She’d be so warm around him. Tight. His mind almost doesn’t work thinking about it. What will happen once he’s inside her. Would it feel like the clearest, purest paradise? Or would it spur on the darkest parts of him, pulling him back into that deep, ancient place that men go to when they see blood for the first time?
“Bring yourself to peak”
Her chest is tight.
Say no.
He pulls her hips down, so that she sits on his thigh and he outright groans at the feeling of her warmth on him, wet and hot. His thumbs press almost painfully into her hip bones, shuffling her back and forth. Again…and again…
Tell him no.
She can’t bring herself to utter the words, even though his touch is bruising and the pain is there, the pleasure of her bundle of nerves rutting against his thigh is starting to cloud it.
This is wrong.
Her breaths became more hurried the longer he guided her against his leg and she hated the fact it gave her pleasure, shooting warm sparks inside her belly at the friction. One of his hands comes to her front, pressing against her clit to give additional pressure, drawing lazy circles with the aid of her slick, which somewhat betrayed how she felt inside.
“That’s it…” he whispered, his face close to her breasts.
Aemond leaned forward, knowing that now she would not stop and his other hand massaged her breasts in his palm, moulding the flesh harshly. They felt better than he’d imagined they would, a perfect fit for his hold. And he’d heard the way her breath hitched when he brushed over her rosy bud, still rutting her cunt against his thigh like a bitch in heat. It almost made him laugh. His sweet girl, fucking herself on his leg like a whore.
He hummed as his tongue came to massage her other nipple, giving it the attention he felt it deserved, the vibrations rumbling in her chest. He sucked and grazed his teeth against it, and she whimpered, in pain or pleasure he didn’t care much.
“Touch me, sweet girl” he ordered, bringing her hand to his erection standing proud against his taut stomach. Her small hand wrapped around him but could barely encircle it, stroking his length in tandem with the fucking of herself against his leg, in the same languid rhythm. He kissed her breasts, thinking he could live in this moment forever with them against his face. He groaned against her as her hands squeezed the tip every time she thrust her hand against his cock, focussing his pleasure on that sensitive spot.
He could feel her legs trembling and the warmth of her slick against his leg. She was close and he knew it. He wanted her to peak at least once before he laid claim to her. Dragging her nipple through his teeth as he pulled back, she kept her pace stroking his cock and almost outright  moaned when he moved his leg to assist the faster rhythm.
“Give it to me” he whispered to her.
He reached up and wrapped his fingers around her neck, not applying pressure to the front as such, but rather to the sides to keep her there. Against her will, she lets out a quiet moan at the constriction, the coil in her belly tightening unbearably so. And it only takes one squeeze, one movement of his leg against her for her to completely fall apart. Her limbs briefly go numb, warmth flooding them a moment later, her lips parted in a silent scream as her climax completely obliterates her. He keeps the pace with his leg the entire time, prolonging the soft tingle of arousal.
Aemond lets his grip go ever so slightly, hearing the way she sucks in a breath, clarity engulfing her mind once again. Her breasts move softly with the force of her breathing, her heart beating quickly and he admires her like this for a moment, smirking and swatting her cheek softly, praising her.
“Good girl” he coos.
She barely has time to open her eyes to look at him, to process it, before he throws her to the mattress. The sheets are soft against her front, but there’s not a moment to appreciate it when she feels Aemond’s hand thread through her hair at her nape, dragging to her crown to grip. She gasps as he yanks her hair up, his other hand grabbing her face tightly, forcing her mouth open.
“You are mine. Understood?” he growls lowly in her ear, setting her survival instincts on edge.
She nods, unable to steel herself to say no. Not when he has her like this, his broad body looming over her back, fingers grabbing her harshly. His words right now upset her more than they should as well as they arouse her against her own will.
She was his.
“Open” he grips her jaw tighter and when she obeys, eyes softly shut, still recovering from the warmth of her peak, she feels his warm saliva land on her tongue. It sends a bolt of humiliation through her, one that settles in between her legs now that she can feel his hardness against her backside, hot and heavy. She mewls at the feeling, which makes him smirk.
His hand keeps hold of her hair, shoving the side of her face into the sheets as his other trails down her spine, tracing the feminine dimples at the top of her buttocks, perfect for his thumbs to rest in once he fucks her. He thinks she looks so perfect, small against him, but he would never tell her that. She whimpers in something akin to pain as he grips her buttock hard, smirking as he smacks it, leaving a pink mark behind. He’d love to mark her. Every single fucking bit of her.
But not now. It was too early
“You had been a good girl, you are free now”, he stood up suddenly, smirking at the sight of her little viper naked, helpless, frustrated and perplexed. She didn't say a word, too chocked of what happened and what didn't. He then proceeded to got dressed again quickly, forgetting his cotton undershirt and only wearing his leather jacket, before leaving only saying "good night princess".
She could not sleep either now, overthinking everything that occured this night but culpably picked up his undershirt and smelled it, wanting to remember his perfume, his touch, the feeling and eventually started touching herself just at the sight of those memories. She cumed filled with guilt just before falling asleep hoping in spite of herself to see the prince again. Hoping to see more, hoping to feel more...
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mmargots · 1 year
The end is near.
I feel it closing in, my chest is heavy and my throast is tightning
I feel like im going to choke on my own words
and I feel like my eyes are burning with guilt.
Im packing up my life for the 5th time? 6th? Can I even remember how many lives I've lived by now?
Do i eep chasing opportunities or am I just running away from something that I cannot put my finger on?
After 7 years of my life, on and off in this strange city in the mountains, in just 30 days i decided to pick it up and pout it away, writing a new chapter in my book , again?
And it doesn't matter anyhow, because I've chosen, even if im riddled with fear, even if my eyes are drowning with water and my stomach is emotionally sick... I chose, once again, myself, and myself alone.
Once again, I'm leaving people behind, I'mleaving love and I'm leaving friendship, I'm leaving my memories and I'm leaving this version of myself, bevause I've outgrown myself, and when will I ever be satisfied?
When will I wake up and not wish to be somewhere else, when am I going to stop running away from myself, when will I proclaim to myself that I like wherer I am, and that it's enough?
Is it my age? Is it my wishful thinking? Is it that I'm delusional?
I am delusional, I know that for a fact, but when willthis dilusion show itself to me as either the best chance I took of plain stupidity?
i am...terrified, jesus christ I am terrified of myself and the things I'm doing..
Is it a mistake? Am i ruining the good things that I have because I want to chase these imaginaries?
My love, that I'm leaving behind, will I remember in 10 years and regret being so selfish? Am I running out of time or am I early to the party?
My head is spinning, my shoulders are tense and my feet are aching.
God, oh god oh god oh god, I want to crawl in a hole and turn my brain off for 1 year, a year of rest and relaxation, no choicces to be made, no desires to follow and no longing.
What is a life without longing? Will I long for something I don't have or will enver hace for my entire life?
I wish somebody could make my choices for just a second, for just a second I want to be in complete discontrol of my life, tied at the hands , no otehr choice but to follow the order, no ACTUAL choice, no thinking of all the otehr options and answers i could choose, just an ACTUAL one choice, given to me by somebody else.
Just this once.
I'm terrified of my choices, more than ever, just this once, I wish I knew it was right, or that I am completely wrong, jut so I could tell myself 'I told you so' and KNOW i told myself.
jesus christ
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mrsmarlasinger · 1 year
(CW: anorexia/disordered eating, medication abuse, depression, death ideation)
I spent last week in Texas on vacation with my parents and sister (yeah, during the record-breaking heat wave). It was nice: eating twice a day, having dessert, eating out, trying pastries. Walking tons and wearing huge T-shirts and men's gym shorts every day, so I didn't have to feel too guilty.
Then I came home and was instantly convinced I'd gained an impossible amount of weight.
On top of that, I've recently realized that the coughing fits that have been getting progressively worse and steadily ruining my stupid life for the past 6+ weeks, finally culminating in me waking myself and my family up 4–5x per night to cough during our vacation...are an asthma flare-up, and one best treated by the five days of Prednisone my doctor prescribed me when I got really sick a few months ago.
(Which I never touched, because apparently, corticosteroids can cause weight gain through appetite increase and insulin suppression. Terrifying.)
Yesterday, after days of acute consternation, I finally succumbed and started the damn Prednisone. Like magic, almost immediately after my very first dose, my cough improved tenfold. Crazy how the medicine your doctor prescribes you actually works sometimes!
The vacation. The steroid. The body dysmorphia.
Well, I've never once had trouble with my asthma until I got sick earlier this year, so I only use my rescue inhaler once in a blue moon. I've got years' worth of old albuterol lying around my room. Not like that shit expires and loses effectiveness after a year or anything.
Decided to kill three birds (the asthma, the albuterol surplus, and the so-called weight gain) with one stone. Decided to eat nothing for two days and abuse stimulants all the while.
Decided that if I did this, I could enjoy my family's annual Fourth of July BBQ (the first one my partner, posing as my "bestie" for my homophobic father, could attend!). I'd have fun and dress cute and talk to people and eat barbeque and desserts, and I wouldn't feel guilty at all, because I'd have budgeted for it.
Having been too scared to consume more than an anxious grazing session in the pantry on Sunday, I skipped food on Monday. Oh, god, I think I slammed at least half an old inhaler that day. Got so comically sick, so ridiculously dizzy and jittery, I started laughing at my trembling reflection in the bathroom mirror. Jesus, I don't puff this much albuterol in an entire year.
Despite the melatonin I took, my usual killer insomnia struck again last night (I'm sure the steroid and albuterol didn't help). I was up all night and only fell asleep long after the sun had risen, nauseous with exhaustion and aching with hunger.
Slept four hours. Woke up midday. Took my damn Prednisone.
Started tossing back albuterol and Benzedrex like there was no tomorrow. Slonked nearly half a gram of caffeine via zero-calorie drink drops.
All on an empty stomach, alone in my room.
Already I'd fasted more than the 48 hours planned. My heart rate skyrocketed from its usual 60–80 bpm to 125 bpm. I was fucking wired, jittery, anxious and nauseous and sweaty, shaking like an old lady's purse dog. My joints hurt. My dizzy head was pounding. A sort of awful feverish heat radiated from my poor quivery flesh.
It occurred to me that I felt exactly like I had that time I snorted [redacted]. Never thought my shitty, slapdash little stim stack could hit me this hard. I felt so sick I thought I'd puke or pass out or both.
All I could do was chant, "I'm going to die. I'm going to die" under my breath, then suck down another musty, powdery hit of expired albuterol.
But hey. I could see the weight I'd lost in those 48+ hours of hell.
What does it matter if I never came down for the party, never had a burger hot off the grill, never talked to anyone, just got progressively wired in my bedroom until my hand shook so bad I fucked up my lipstick?
Eventually my partner arrived and held my sweating, trembling wreck of a body, making nervous note of my tachycardia and hyperventilation as I repeated, over and over, "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die."
When I felt a little better, we went to root through the leftovers, and I proceeded to low-/medium-restrict on a mini kids' Clif bar, three slices of watermelon, two spoonfuls of pasta salad, and, for some fucking reason, a glazed doughnut. Panicking all the while.
And yeah, sure, I ruined my day, but what's new? I'm ruining my pathetic excuse for an existence too. All in pursuit of, what, becoming more underweight than I already am? Destroying my body more than I already have?
For a spoiled, privileged, rich little white girl without a responsibility under the sun, my life sure feels like a goddamn living nightmare.
I'm so upset.
I'm so sad.
I'm so angry.
I'm angry at the world, because what the fuck did I do to deserve chronic anorexia? I of course believe that I'm a nasty little bitch who deserves the worst of all things, but god, even I don't deserve this. No one deserves this. Anorexia is cruel and unusual punishment for the crime of possessing a tangible form. I'm only 22, and I've dealt with this bullshit for, what, seven years now?
I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so cripplingly, earth-shatteringly sad.
I fasted and slammed stimulants for more than two days so I could enjoy a once-a-year party with my family and our friends (the cringe of American nationalism notwithstanding), only to starve and panic and isolate myself anyway. Now I'm hungry and sick to my stomach, parachuting kratom like it'll fix things. Like eating toilet paper and fake opiates will nourish me. What was it all for? What the fuck is any of this for?
It's not worth it. None of this is worth it. I'm miserable, spiraling. I can't work. I can't function. I'm out of control. It's not my rock bottom by a long shot—hell, I haven't even gotten my lowest weight back—but it sure feels like it. This is hell.
I just want to eat. I want to eat. I want to eat. I want desperately to eat. Please, god, let me eat. If I can't eat, let this vile disease kill me already. I want to eat. I'm so unwell. I want to eat. I'm so, so sick. I want to eat. I want to eat.
God. God. God. God. God. God. God.
0 notes
twiceasfrustrating · 3 years
I'm sorry if I already requested this of you I honestly have the memory of a walnut. But can I request headcannons of the boys + dia who find out MC has an emotionally abusive husband? Like fluff with some murder maybe?
thank you
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Characters: Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Leviathan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Satan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Asmodeus (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Beelzebub (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Belphegor (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Diavolo (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
Additional Tags: abusive relationship mentioned, some are a bit murdery, I don't know how to write fluff for such a situation but I tried
A/N: If you are in an abusive situation in the USA and need to speak to someone, please call 1-800-799-7233. If you cannot call, you can also text “START” to 88788. If it is safe for you, you can also go to the website directly. Abuse takes many forms, but it is always about control.
Feel free to add the numbers/contact for other countries if you have them.
He got upset at MC once and they flinched when he yelled and they started apologizing like there was no tomorrow. That was how he found out something was wrong. They wouldn’t say anything, but he could tell that something was deeply wrong. Perhaps he had never noticed before the formation of their pact how MC shuddered around him whenever he got upset, but now he did.
He is very careful not to yell again and when he does he is quick to lower his voice the second MC shows distress, reassuring them that he is not angry at them and would not harm them. It sounds almost hollow after how he acted when they originally met, but he means it.
There was one time MC dropped a dish on the floor while cooking and it broke, spilling hot food everywhere. They started picking up the pieces in a hurry, not even paying attention to how the hot shards burned and cut up their hands.
Lucifer was quick to pick them up off the ground and tend to the fresh injuries, all while they kept apologizing and saying that they would clean it up as soon as they could and saying they would make something else. Lucifer forbade them from doing either and cleaned the mess himself. He did that a lot. Took care of their ‘mistakes’ and cared for them. They would almost believe he wasn't the same terrifying man they had first met.
It takes a long time for MC to get used to their new relationship with Lucifer and once they do they are far more comfortable and less skittish.
He is not pressuring the story out of them. He can wait, as difficult as it is, for them to open up. However, he is no fool. He knows who is to blame, and that man should be very afraid should Lucifer and he ever meet.
MC always spoke so well of their husband when they first met the brothers. Mammon was actually jealous and wished MC would talk about him that way. They would always say how kind their husband was and how he loved them and how he wanted the best for them. It sounded like some kind of cheesy romance novel.
Things started to get weird though when he and MC started to get even closer. He would invite them out, only to hear “I don’t think my husband would like that” or “I shouldn’t be alone with you”. It was weird the first time, but it quickly became a pattern. A very worrying pattern. Mammon knew abuse when he saw it. He was the family butt monkey and a witch punching bag, after all.
The difference is that he’s a fallen angel that is used to such treatment and, as a demon, the things done to him do very little in the long run. Humans are far more fragile though; their minds, bodies, and hearts. And then Mammon started to hate MC’s husband with a passion that could not be matched.
He cared less about making that bastard pay and more about taking care of MC. Such treatment can ruin a person, especially good people like MC. He would do anything to show them that they deserved better than that man, whatever that eventually meant.
He and MC have a little too much in common for his taste. It is actually almost disgusting how little self-worth they seem to have, but he can also see how that was trained into them.
They play down their worth a lot: “It’s nothing”, “It could be better”, “I failed again”, etc. They never say anything positive about themself. They are really good at picking out their flaws, but almost incapable of pointing out their merits.
It goes against everything Levi believes in, but he has to start praising them since they won’t praise themself. He likes hanging out with them, the stuff they make is nice, they are a really quick learner. It feels weird to praise someone, but it’s nice to see MC start to feel a little better about all the things they do.
Although, he also has the mild thought of showing MC’s husband that there are more terrifying things in the world than the horrors a human is capable of. After all, Levi has seen the monsters that dwell in the deep; he is one of those monsters and there is a reason humans fear the darkest depths.
There are some wonderful upsides to being the avatar of wrath. Normally, Satan wouldn't be so crass as to give into them, but sometimes humanity is just so vile that he can't help himself.
One of those upsides is a mind filled to the brim with the instinctual desire to rip and tear anything he can get his hands on to pieces. It's an instinct he fights off constantly with his centuries of training and self-discovery, but just this once he doesn't mind becoming the beast he was born as.
MC's husband squeals like a stuck pig throughout the entire night, only the winds, spiders, and Satan being able to hear and appreciate the sound. And appreciate it he does, until the screaming stops and his hands are drenched with blood.
He really needs to get himself cleaned off before he sees MC again, otherwise they will be terrified. He needs to look his best when they come running to him worried about their missing husband. It’s sad how much they worry about him despite everything.
MC was always so calm and docile when he wanted to spend time with them. He didn’t really get it at first but it was easier to dress them up and take them out, so he didn’t question it. At least, not until someone (read: Solomon) not so subtly pointed out that it is unusual for someone to be so passive, almost to the point of being doll-like.
Asmo didn’t believe it at first. How could anyone treat someone as sweet as MC so cruelly, especially someone that is supposed to love them? But from that day onward, his eyes were opened up and he started to notice things.
The way they didn’t put forth their own opinions and let him take the lead on everything, how they stuck close to him when they both went out, the subtle way their fingers reached out then drew back when they liked something.
“Do you like it?” He would ask and their response was “do you?”
It was so difficult to get them to start putting their own wants and desires above what they thought he’d like. When they showed interest in something, he would fawn all over it. If they liked something, he liked it too. He would buy them things they even glanced casually at, told them they were worthwhile and lovely, anything that other man would never say to them.
He tore them down so completely, but Asmo would work tirelessly to build them back up.
He is the softest man in the world, and sometimes MC just lets things slip out. He’s very easy to open up to and they don’t think about what they say. He was the first person that they opened up to about what was happening to them.
Suffice it to say, Beel was shocked when they mentioned how terrified they were for the exchange program to end. Despite everything that they had been through over the past year, they didn’t want to go back.
Beel had only felt so powerless one other time in his life. He couldn’t go with them to protect them and they couldn’t stay in the Devildom forever to stay safe. It was painfully cruel just how much he couldn’t help them.
All he could do was hold them and listen to them get everything off of their chest, dreading the day that the exchange program would end.
MC has to hurry up and learn how to summon him, because he wants to keep them safe from that awful situation. He would never allow another person it the world to hurt them again.
Belphie likes exactly one human in the three realms and every other one is none of his concern. Or, they wouldn’t be his concern if it weren’t for the fact that the one human he cared about was the victim of this particular instance.
He’s not like some of his other brothers. He doesn’t do comfort and he isn’t the best at torture, prefering to get everything over with quickly so he doesn’t have to expend all the extra energy. But, for such a special occasion, he is more than willing to put in the effort.
Humans really do create their own worst fears. Their minds run a mile a minute and they have the strangest way of finding how their own terrors can overpower what little defenses they have.
He may not be able to touch MC’s husband, but he can certainly return every slight against his favorite human. Long, sleepless nights wracked with unending horrors that only that man can truly appreciate.
All the while, he will gladly hold MC when their own nightmares overtake them, trying to put their mind at ease for just this moment. How he wished that his powers could control the waking world as well as their dreams...
“Don’t go back.” It was the first time Diavolo had brought up the idea. It was one he had been considering for a long time, knowing that it was extreme given that MC was a human and had to live in the human realm. However, he couldn’t live with himself knowing the kind of life MC would return to once they left.
The shouting, the insults, discarding everything MC liked because their husband doesn’t care for it… Diavolo would never feel right knowing he sent someone dear to him back there.
He had the means to help them get literally anywhere but back to that man. Diavolo could help set them free from that life, even if they didn’t want to stay in the Devildom. He knew MC would have the support of everyone they had met.
All they had to do was say yes and he would move the Devildom itself to get them out of there.
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theewokingdead · 3 years
Wonderful Tonight Pt. 2 - Eternal Sunshine (Francisco “Catfish” Morales x F!Reader)
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Part One
Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader Warnings: 18+. Language. Fluff. Angst. Light teasing. A lot of cheesiness. A lot of relationship nonsense. Frankie has second thoughts. Tears. A proposal?!?! Please don't hurt me if you cry. I love you. Words: 6.8k (this got away from me holy cow) Summary: It’s the morning after Santiago’s wedding, and a certain question hangs in the air. Frankie starts to spiral, and you try to ground him. Part Two of “Wonderful Tonight,” but this can be read on its own. Inspiration drawn from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. A/N: Some spoilers from the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It’s one of Pedro’s favorite movies, and I figured it would work well with how Frankie may be feeling post-divorce as he contemplates diving into another marriage. Is a smutty third part in the works? Perhaps. I’d love to write sex with Frankie, but we’ll see how this goes. I am so, so sorry if this sucks. I'm still learning Frankie, y'all. Please forgive me if I fucked up any Spanish. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ll happily fix it if you point me toward mistakes.
So, whaddya say? Will you…marry me?
Ask me again when you’re feeling better. Ask me then, and I promise I’ll give you the answer you’re hoping for.
You stand at the counter, lightly chopping vegetables for omelets. It’s a wonder you can focus enough to not chop your fingers off, the previous night playing on repeat in the back of your mind, running on a continuous loop like a catchy song that your brain can’t seem to get enough of. Nothing could ruin your mood. Not even the gray, dreary day outside the kitchen window.
Your body sways to the music flowing through your earbuds as you quietly hum along, unable to contain your happiness, but you try to keep it down, not wanting to wake Frankie. However, your efforts are all for nothing.
You’re completely unaware that you have an audience. You don’t know that Frankie woke to the sweet sound of your voice drifting through the house. You don’t see him leaning with his shoulder against the wall, his arms crossed loosely in front of him as he gazes at you from across the room, wondering what he did to deserve you. You have no idea just how deeply in love with you he is. And, somewhere deep down, how much that terrifies him.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Frankie finally questions, causing you to startle and whip around, utility knife in hand.
Your body relaxes the second you realize it’s only Frankie. Despite having slept, he appears even more disheveled than the night before. His eyelids are heavy and his hair unkempt, sticking up every which way like he’d gotten caught in a windstorm. He had apparently removed his pants at some point, leaving him in boxer briefs, his white dress shirt completely unbuttoned, revealing his undershirt.
“Jesus Christ, Francisco!” you wail, removing your earbuds, pausing the music as you do so. He winces slightly at the volume of your voice, reminding you that he’s feeling the effects of the alcohol today.
“Good morning to you too,” Frankie grumbles, turning his wince into a small smile.
You lay the knife and earbuds down on the counter, your voice lower as you question, “What were you trying to do? Give me a heart attack or get yourself killed?”
“Just trying to figure out what you’re doing,” he says, pushing himself off the wall. “You know Sunday breakfast is my thing.”
“First of all, we’re heading into Sunday brunch territory,” you correct him, alerting him to the time. He had slept the entire morning away, and you were more than happy to allow it, knowing he needed the rest. “Secondly, I figured you’d be a bit”-you pause, trying to find the right word-“incapacitated this morning, so I figured you wouldn’t mind if I took over.”
“I’ve been worse,” he says lowly, though you find that hard to believe. “Not sure the other three can say the same. Have you heard from any of them?”
“Santi messaged me to check in, so he’s alive at least,” you reply, leaning back against the kitchen counter. “I’m sure he and Yovanna are off to their honeymoon by now.”
Frankie similarly rests on the counter across from you, crossing his arms in front of him, his hands lightly gripping his biceps. “And the other two?”
“Haven’t heard from them but I’m sure they’re fine,” you say with a shrug. “I called an Uber after Benny nearly killed himself trying to do the splits. Don’t you remember giving him shit about how he could’ve torn something in his legs? After you got him the ice?”
Frankie chuckles, the memory seeming to resurface in his mind. “Right. He convinced the DJ to play ‘Old Time Rock and Roll’ so he could reenact the scene from that Tom Cruise movie.”
“Risky Business?” you question with a giggle. “Yeah. And he did. Underwear and all. Beer bottle as a microphone. That’s when he tried to do the splits. Obviously didn’t go too well. He may be athletic, but he’s not gymnast.”
He covers his mouth with the palm of his hand. He raises his eyebrows, as if imagining the pain, though you know Benny was so drunk he hardly felt a thing. “He’ll be feeling that today.”
“Don’t worry,” you assure him. “He has a pretty hands-on girlfriend who’ll help take care of him.”
“Linda, right?” Frankie questions.
You laugh and nod your head, remembering where the name came from. Santi grabbed Benny’s hand while they were messing around and said, “Qué linda manito!” What a cute little hand. From that point of the night on, Benny drunkenly dubbed his pretend girlfriend and wedding-date - his hand, the poor lonely idiot - Linda.
Frankie shakes and lowers his head, hiding his laughter before uttering, “Pendejo.”
“I can’t believe you remember that,” you say, wondering just how much of his memory is intact.
He looks up at you, seeming to examine your face.
“Recuerdo todo,” he says, stepping toward you.
You look up at him from beneath your eyelashes, watching as he leans forward, his hands on the counter on either side of you.
“Recuerdo todo lo que ocurrió a la perfección.”
You understand just enough Spanish to make out what he said. I remember everything that happened perfectly.
His voice sends a tingle through you, though you try not to make it show. You’re excited that he remembers, that none of it was forgotten, especially the important question he seemed to ask you before drifting off you sleep…
“You do, do you?” you inquire.
“How are you feeling?” you ask, your eyes searching his face, looking for any indication of what he’s thinking. “Well enough to ask me…anything?”
Frankie smiles slyly. “Maybe.”
“No pressure,” you add, not wanting to feel as though you’re forcing him. “But I’m ready to answer any question you might have on your mind.”
“Probably would be rude to keep a lady waiting, huh?” Frankie asks rhetorically, still giving you a lopsided grin.
You shrug. “Maybe a little.”
“In that case…” He pushes himself off the counter, backing away from you.
Your heart pounds against your chest and you wonder if this is it…if this is finally it.
“Will you”-he pauses for a moment, letting the beginning of the question hang in the air before continuing-“let me help with breakfast?”
You exhale, realizing that you had been holding your breath. You should’ve known that it wouldn’t be so easy.
“Speaking of pendejos,” you jest, lightly pushing past him as you laugh. You move to the fridge and open the door, grabbing the carton of eggs you’d originally set out to get before he startled you. “And it’s brunch, remember?”
You turn back to the counter, placing the carton down before reaching up and grabbing a bowl to prepare the eggs in.
Frankie approaches you from behind. You feel him brush against you before a hand wraps around your waist. His other hand lightly brushes the fabric of your sleepshirt off your shoulder, revealing the skin beneath it. He lightly plants a kiss there.
You purse your lips, trying to hide your smile as you feign annoyance. “What do you think you’re doing, Mr. Morales?”
“What does it feel like I’m doing?” His hand slithers down your arm, his soft lips moving toward your neck, planting more kisses as he goes.
“It feels like…” You take a deep breath and close your eyes, forgetting for a moment what you’re doing. “You’re distracting me.”
“Do you want me to stop?” He presses against you as his hand runs down your body.
“Frankie, please…,” you whine, completely unsure if you want him to continue or stop. The tone in your voice isn’t any clearer. The week leading up to Santi’s wedding had been a busy one for Frankie, between the rehearsal and tux fitting and dinners and bachelor party, meaning the two of you haven’t had much alone time. You want him, you need him, but no matter how well he plays it off, you know he’s hungover and feeling it. Not to mention you’re hungry.
“Tell me what you need, cariño.” His hand finds the waistband of your pants and slips beneath them. You tremble under his touch.
“I-I need…I need you to… Frankie, please.” You bite your lip then grab his wrist, mentally cursing yourself as you force him to quit. You shudder and giggle at the ticklish feeling as you guide his hand out of your pants. You twist around, turning around to face him.
He sighs, once more gripping the counter that you’re now backed against, boxing you in with his arms like before. “You can be such a tease.”
“It takes one to know one,” you argue playfully.
“Yeah, well, you’ve been trying to kill me ever since you sent that damn picture.”
You cross your arms. “If you’re so desperate for an orgasm, why don’t you call Benny? See if Linda can come play.”
Frankie exhales through his nose. “Baby, if I had to choose between you and Benny’s hand, there’s really no competition.”
You giggle. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhm. I mean, have you seen the muscles on Benny? I’m sure Linda would give pretty good hand.”
“Get out,” you say sternly as he cracks a smile at his own joke. You lightly push him away before finally breaking into a fit of laughter. “Why don’t you go shower so I can cook in peace?”
“Only if you come with me.”
“No thanks. You smell like a damn distillery if it was inside a middle school locker room. Go shower.” You turn him around start ushering him out of the kitchen.
“Linda would never talk to me like that.”
“Go!” you laugh, giving him a light tap on the ass to push him along. “And don’t come back until you’re clean!”
“Yes, ma’am!” he snorts, cackling as he moves.
You cross your arms and purse your lips, watching him disappear. The corners of your mouth quirk up into a smile. That’s the man you get to spend the rest of your life with.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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“I’m all clean.”
You look back at Frankie after laying a plated omelet on the table. He’s standing behind the threshold of the room, as if waiting for your permission to enter. He is freshly showered, his hair wet and tousled, wearing gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt that hugs his body just right, especially the sleeves, which seem to accentuate his arms. God damn. Now who’s killing who?
“You better not be expecting me to get you all dirty again now,” you jokingly warn. You set a second plate down, biting your lip and telling yourself to get a grip. The table all set, you turn and look at him.
“Not when you worked hard to make me food,” he says, entering the room. He gives you a peck on the lips. “It smells delicious. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you say, gesturing for him to sit. But he doesn’t. Instead, he moves to a chair and pulls it out, waiting for you to sit in it.
“Siéntese por favor, querida.”
Chills run up your spine, as they almost always seem to do when he speaks Spanish. The way he rolls the ‘r’s’ is as soothing as a cat’s purr. It’s almost funny how weak in the knees you get just by the things he can do with his tongue.
Giving him a warm smile, you acquiesce to his request. He pushes your chair in as you sit; a proper gentleman.
Frankie sits across from you. He picks up the mug in front of him. “Coffee too? You know the quickest way to my heart.”
“Of course. Through your fourth and fifth ribs,” you respond nonchalantly, causing him to nearly spit into his coffee while taking a sip. “Does it taste alright?”
He swallows then nods. “Perfect, as always. I don’t know how you do it.”
“It’s not hard.”
“Says you,” he retorts. “I can’t replicate it. Trust me. I’ve tried. Mine always tastes like shit. What’s your secret?”
“No secret,” you reply, sticking your fork into your omelet. “But if there is, I’ll never tell you. How else will I keep you around?” You give him a small smile, crinkling your eyes before taking a bite of your food.
“You’re more than just good coffee, babe,” he assures you.
“Am I?”
“Yeah. I mean, this omelet is pretty good too.”
You shoot him a glare. “Enjoy it. It may very well be your last meal.”
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“Anything you’d like to do?” Frankie eventually asks, your plates nearly empty.
You shake your head, putting your fork down and cleaning your lips with a napkin. “No. I didn’t really have any plans today. Figured we’d be too tired to do anything. What’re you thinking?”
He shrugs. “I was hoping I could take you to the lake today, but it seems the rain isn’t going to let up any time soon.”
You sit back in your seat, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. “Any particular reason you wanted to take me to the lake, Mr. Morales?”
“Nope. Not at all.” He shoots you a lopsided smile.
The room falls silent as you look at him. You can’t believe how happy he makes you, and how hard he wants to try, despite the fact he’s probably feeling like utter crap.
“You know, we don’t have to do anything special,” you assure him. “I am perfectly fine with just being here with you. Maybe watch a movie. Listen to the rain while we cuddle. Just a boring, lazy Sunday at home.”
“I like the sound of that. Only problem is that any time spent with you is anything but boring.”
You cock your head and lightly shake it. “You are ridiculous,” you tease before rising from your seat.
“Ridiculously cute, right?”
“Mhm. Sure.” You roll your eyes before chucking. You start to clean up the table, but Frankie immediately stops you.
“Ah-ah. No. Quit,” he says, reaching out for the plate in your hand.
You don’t immediately hand it over. “What?”
“You cooked, so I clean. Give it here.”
“Frankie,” you laugh. “There’s not a lot to clean up. It’s no big deal.”
“Then I get the easy job. You won’t hear me complaining.” He motions for you to give up the plate. “I insist.”
You sigh. “Alright.”
He takes the plate in your hand then stacks it on his own. “How about you take a nice, long bath while I clean up.”
“You going to tell me I stink?”
“No. Because, unlike some people, I’m not rude.” He smiles. “Go relax. Slip back into something comfortable. Don’t come back for another hour.”
“An hour?” you question, an eyebrow raised. “What do you have up your sleeve, Francisco?”
He plants a simple kiss on your lips. “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”
As badly as you want to return to Frankie as soon as possible, you do as he says, taking a long soothing bath before throwing on something comfortable, which for you is an oversized t-shirt and a pair of panties. If he’s going to tease you with those damn sweatpants, you’re going to tease him with this. Two can absolutely play that game.
Once you’re dressed, you lay in bed, lost in your thoughts while time ticks by. You can’t stop thinking about the night before.
I will love him for all that he is. I already do.
Enough to marry him?
He’ll have to ask and find out.
Well, how about now? I can just-
You’re a little mad at yourself for preventing him from proposing right then and there. The moment was perfect. The two of you dancing under the dim lights, you dressed so beautiful, him looking handsome. Damn wedding etiquette.
Will you…marry me?
He finally got the words out. He finally asked the question. And your reply was “Ask me again…” You groan just thinking about it, nearly wishing you’d just given him your answer. God knows it nearly killed you stopping yourself from blurting out yes. But he was drunk and practically asleep. You’re unsure how long he’s thought about the proposal, what sort of plans made, but you absolutely doubt that was his ideal situation.
Will he do it tonight? You wonder. Or will he make you wait for a better opportunity? You don’t need anything special, but you know Frankie wants it to be. Is that why he hasn’t asked yet? Or is he afraid that you’ll say no? No, of course he wouldn’t think that. Just because you basically shot him down twice in night doesn’t give him a reason to be afraid…right?
Sighing, you roll over in bed, looking at your phone to see the time. Thankfully, it seems the hour has passed. You head to the living room in search of Frankie, excited to see what he has in store for you, wondering what all the commotion was while you were hiding in the other room.
When you step into the living room, you see that Frankie has transformed it into a perfectly beautiful and whimsical date night location. All the lights are off and curtains closed, the gray day outside allowing it to be dark in the house, as if it’s nighttime. The TV is on, casting enough light for you to see the tiny tent in front of the couch that he created out of dining chairs and sheets, books sitting on the seats to keep the fabric taut. He strung white Christmas lights at the entrance, which is open to allow you to see the TV while beneath it. Beneath the tent is an air mattress, blankets, and pillows. A couple tealights flicker around it. Sitting on the mattress is a plate of mini marshmallows, graham crackers, and Hershey’s bars to make s’mores, your favorite camping trip snack.
“Is that a blanket fort?” you question in surprise, your eyes moving to Frankie, who’s standing proudly beside it. “I haven’t been in one since I was a kid.”
Frankie looks at you with a wide-faced, dimpled grin, his eyes gleaming. “Welcome to Morales Cinemas, the only theater in town where clothing is optional and highly discouraged,” he greets in a cheesy customer-service type voice, like when he speaks to customers at the auto shop. “I see you took the liberty to read our dress code policy before arriving.”
You throw your head back and laugh. “Aren’t you a bit overdressed then?” you say, pointing to the fact he’s still wearing pants.
“Yes, ma’am, you are correct. I apologize, and I’ll be sure to fix it right away.” He slips his fingers into the waistband of his sweatpants, pulls them down so that they fall to his ankles, then steps out of them, leaving him in a shirt and a pair of tight boxer briefs. “Is this more to your satisfaction, ma’am?”
You bite down lightly on your tongue, preventing yourself from pouncing on him. “Yes, I believe so. Thank you.”
“If you’d like to come this way, I’ll show you to your spot on the mattress.” He gestures to under the tent.
Laughing/, you get down on your hands and knees and crawl into the blanket fort.
“Or you could just stay in this position if you like.”
“Quit it, you horndog,” you tease.
“It was worth a try,” he chuckles before joining you inside, laying down on the mattress beside you, propped up on pillows. He hands the remote to you.
“Our first showing will begin whenever you make a decision on what you want to watch,” he says, customer-service Frankie returning. “We have a wide selection of movies and TV shows to choose from, from drama to thriller to action. We have comedy, romance, porn…”
You slowly turn your head to him and cock it. “What was that last one?”
“Romance? A great choice if you ask me.”
You roll your eyes then flip through the selection of movies on the screen. Nothing immediately jumps out to you, though you don’t know why it’s difficult to decide, considering you’ll probably make it about fifteen minutes before one of you starts to get handsy. After a minute or so of scrolling, you come across the familiar poster for the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
“Oooh, have you seen this?” you ask. “It’s one of my favorites.”
“Can’t say I have,” Frankie responds, straining his eyes to look at the screen. “Is that Jim Carrey?”
“Mhm. And Kate Winslet.”
“The girl from Titanic?”
You lift an eyebrow. “You’ve seen Titanic?”
“Erm, yeah,” Frankie replies, hanging his head as he chuckles. “I watched it for the uh…the plot.”
“Uh-huh. Sure. Kate’s plots were pretty nice in that movie, weren’t they?”
Frankie turns red. He quickly changes the subject. “Do you want to watch this?”
“I, uh…” You consider for a moment, not knowing if he would like the movie. “I’m not sure it’s one of the best date movies.”
“Why not?” he asks curiously. “Romance. Science fiction. Jim Carrey, which means some comedy, right? Not to mention it’s one of your favorites. I’m sold.”
“It depends how you look at it,” you reply, knowing that people have dramatically different views on the movie.
“Well, let me judge for myself.”
“Fine. If you decide you don’t like it, we can turn it off and you can choose the next thing we watch.”
“Deal,” he agrees. “But I’m sure I’ll like it.”
Frankie adjusts his body, moving his head further down the pillows before extending his arm, inviting you to come closer. You snuggle into him then press play on the remote. He pulls a blanket over both of you. Once you’ve both settled, the movie begins, somber music playing with a dark, gray shot as Jim Carrey’s character gets out of bed.
“Random thoughts for Valentine’s Day, 2004,” his character says. “Today is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Frankie jokingly grumbles.
You poke him in the ribs. “Shhh,” you say with a giggle. “Watch the damn movie.”
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The finale scene of the movie plays on the screen, the closing song flowing through the speakers.
Change your heart, look around you
Change your heart, it will astound you
I need your loving like the sunshine
And everybody's gotta learn sometime
The credits roll. You look up at Frankie, seeing his eyes soft and wet.
“Well?” you prod, turning the movie off so you can talk.
Frankie nods, his eyes still glued to the screen even though there’s nothing more to see. He takes a deep breath then breathes, “Wow. That was…that was heartbreaking. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it was good. But damn. It’s a break-up movie.”
“Yeah, but they got back together in the end,” you say, pushing yourself off him.
“Just so they can restart the cycle of misery,” he says glumly. “They’re just going to repeat the past and hurt each other again.”
“You really think so?”
Frankie lowers his head and knits his eyebrows together, his forehead wrinkling. “I don’t know.”
“Frankie? What is it?”
“I-it’s…” He shakes his head. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”
You can tell he’s shutting down, wanting to hide his feelings from you, from himself. You shift to sit on your knees beside him, then put your hand on his.
“It’s not nothing. It’s something. Talk to me. Please.”
“I just…” He sighs. “I think I can relate to the movie a bit too much. It’s too real, you know?”
“How so?”
He frowns, shaking his head more. You know he doesn’t want to talk about whatever’s on his mind. You sit patiently, waiting for him to feel ready enough to talk.
“After Grace…,” he begins, speaking his ex-wife’s name. “After the divorce…I wished I could erase everything. Forget it all. My past. My memories of her. The things we said and did to one another. I…I fucked up. A lot. And it destroyed every bit of happiness that we had.”
“You weren’t the only one who destroyed the marriage, Francisco,” you assure him. “Grace played a large part in it too.”
“But it was mostly me,” he retorts adamantly. “You can try to convince me otherwise all you want, but it’s the truth. I know it. The missions I’d go on no matter how much she begged me to stay. The PTSD that made me want to shut down and distance myself from reality. The coke. Losing my job. It was all me.”
“Was, Frankie. Past tense. None of that is who you are anymore.”
“How can I know that I’m not doomed to repeat my past?” he questions, looking at you, his eyes watering. “That I won’t destroy this relationship too?”
You shake your head, knowing there’s only one honest answer. “You can’t know.”
“Then why are we doing this?”
You narrow your eyes, pulling your eyebrows together in a frown as you try to understand what he’s saying. “Doing what?”
“Setting ourselves up for the next big heartbreak. Why would we do that to ourselves? Why shouldn’t we call it quits before we hurt each other like every other relationship in our pasts?”
“Frankie...” You’re hurt, but you don’t let it show. You know he doesn’t mean it. It’s obvious that he’s spiraling. It’s the only explanation for why he’d go from wanting to marry you one day to suggesting you call it quits the next day. “This isn’t you talking. It’s your anxiety or insecurities or the hangover, even. But it’s not you.”
“No, it’s-” he starts to argue, but you interrupt him.
“Francisco.” You place your hands on either side of his face, forcing him to focus on you. You look deeply into his eyes and firmly say, “Take a breath and listen to me. It’s not you. Okay?”
He nods.
You release his face, nervously clasping your hands in your lap. “What are you afraid of?”
“I don’t know…”
“Frankie, please.”
“Of losing you,” he responds. “I’m afraid of losing you.”
You look at him with soft, sympathetic eyes. The fact that he thinks he could ever lose you breaks your heart more than anything. “What makes you think that you’ll ever lose me?”
“Because all I ever do is mess things up,” he says. “Whenever something seems to be going right, I just fuck it all up. And you…you deserve better than that. You deserve a man who has his shit in order. And that’s not me. All I’m going to do is break your heart in the end.”
“You’re not going to break my heart, Frankie,” you assure him.
“How can you say that?” he asks. “Because you just said we can’t know that.”
“I just trust it,” you say. “I trust you.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t.”
“What’s wrong with heartbreak?” you ask. “Why is it so terrifying that you want to walk away?”
“Are you serious?” he asks, almost laughing. “It fucking sucks. It hurts like hell.”
“I know it does. It can hurt so much,” you affirm. “But what would happen if we embraced heartbreak instead of fearing it? Instead of grieving it like a loss, we accept it as a part of who we are?”
“What do you mean?” he asks confusedly.
You squirm, wondering how to get him to understand what you’re saying. “Okay. Let me ask you this: Are you the same person you were before you and Grace separated?”
Frankie is quiet for a moment, considering the question. He shakes his head. “No. I don’t think so.”
“Would you say or are a better or worse person now?”
He scoffs. “I would hope better.”
“You are,” you assure him, nodding your head. “Do you know why? Because you made mistakes. And learned from those mistakes. You grew from them.”
“I…I guess so.”
“That’s the beauty of life, Frankie,” you say, smiling. “We get to make mistakes. We get to learn from them. History is only doomed to repeat itself by those who have forgotten it. Because we have the memories, we can break the cycle. Don’t you see that’s the entire point of the movie?”
“Is it?”
“Yes,” you confirm. “It’s saying that memories…memories shouldn’t be treated like files which can be deleted at will. Because memories are important. They shape who we are at our very core. If you get rid of them, you’re just destined to repeat yourself over and over, like the girl who went right back to having an affair with the same guy after deleting her memory of the last affair. People need both the good and the bad to learn and grow. Which is why I see the ending as hopeful.”
“Hopeful? Seriously? How?”
“Did we watch the same movie, Francisco?” you joke, trying to lighten the mood. “By the end, the characters have regained the knowledge of their past relationship, and they can use that knowledge to make it work this time around. They don’t have to be trapped in an endless cycle of pain and misery.” You reach out and grab his hand. “You don’t have to be trapped in the cycle either, Frankie.”
He looks from your hand to you, seeming to take your words to heart.
“Can’t you see how far you’ve come?” you ask. “You’re clean. You’re managing your trauma better. You’ve got a home. A stable job. Yeah, you have a shitty past. But do you think you would be the person you are today if you didn’t have a past to learn from? No. You wouldn’t be where you are. You wouldn’t be who you are, and that is a man who I love with my entire being.”
“You can run from things because you’re afraid,” you add. “You have to take risks sometimes. And isn’t love always worth the risk, Frankie? I mean, just look at what the love you once had for Grace created. If you hadn’t taken the risk, if you had never loved her, you wouldn’t have Sophia.”
He looks up to you, knowing that if anything made the past heart break worth it, it was his daughter. His daughter and the fact that the break led him to you.
“Please don’t let the past destroy you. A lot of bad shit happened, yeah, but a lot of good came from it too.”
He nods, seeming to understand.
You raise your hand to his face, gently cupping his cheek with the palm of your hand. You feel his facial hair under the palm of your skin, and you lightly rub the little bald patch you love so much.
“I am not going anywhere, Frankie,” you assure him. You move a hand down to his chest. “I am not afraid. I don’t care if there’s any chance for a million heartbreaks. I accept the risk…because you are worth it. So incredibly worth it.”
He looks at you, his eyes wet with tears that he won’t let fall. You can see the shift in his features. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“Nothing. But you are absolutely deserving.”
Frankie places a hand on the side of your face and pulls you into him, his lips crashing into yours, claiming your mouth with his. He cradles your face with his hands, warm and rough against your skin, kissing you with an intense urgency. Your heart thrashes against your chest, and you feel his pound equally as hard beneath your hand. His hands slide into your hair while his tongue slips into your mouth.
He grips you tighter, pulling you into him as if he wishes for the two of you to meld into one. You ball up the fabric of his shirt in your fist, holding onto him like he would float away if you let go. Time seems to come to a standstill, and suddenly nothing matters. You’ve forgotten the world, focusing only on how soft he feels against your mouth, how perfectly his lips seemed to mold to the shape of yours, as if they had been made for you. As if he had been made for you.
You’re the first to break, pulling away from his lips. But he doesn’t let you go far. He rests his forehead against yours, his nose brushing against yours, his thumb stroking your jaw. You close your eyes once more, sucking your lips inward and biting down, trying to control your emotions.
“You are amazing,” Frankie whispers. “Thank you.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“You did everything,” he says. “You accepted my past. You accepted my daughter. You – for whatever reason – accepted my friends and their bullshit.”
Air expels from your nose, your lips turning into a smile.
Frankie pulls back, his hand slipping away from your face. You keep your hands on his chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breathe.
“You accepted me for who I am instead of trying to make me into something you want me to be. But you also make me want to be a better man. With you, I have faith I can do it. You are my strength, my rock, my safe space to land.” He reaches up and lays his hand on yours, feeling the warmth of his skin against yours. “Eres mi amor. Eres mi vida. Eres mi todo.” You are my love. You are my life. You are my everything.
His words make your stomach flutter. You grant him a smile, thankful that your Frankie seems to have returned to you.
“Do you remember our first date?” he asks.
“Of course,” you say quietly, smiling. “How could I forget? We had an early dinner at the diner then saw a double feature at the drive-in.”
Frankie nods, then bashfully lowers his head. “I can’t even tell you what was playing.”
“I see it was memorable for you,” you say with a smirk. “It was the last two Spider-Man movies. They played the first one before the sequel. Don’t you remember? We were running late after dinner, got caught in traffic, and you kept apologizing. I kept assuring you that I didn’t mind if we missed anything. All I cared about was spending time with you.”
“I was memorable,” he assures you. “I just don’t remember the movie because I was too wrapped up in you. I couldn’t stop staring at you. The way you smiled. The way you laughed. How you looked when you were concentrating on what was happening on the screen. I was so afraid I’d screw up. I’d say or do something stupid.”
“Well, obviously you didn’t, or we wouldn’t be here right now.”
“I fell in love with you that night,” Frankie admits. “I couldn’t stop thinking about a future with you. I went out with the boys the next night, and you were all I could talk about. Benny threatened to punch me if I didn’t stop, and Santi had to talk me out of buying a ring that night.”
You laugh. “Oh, so Santi is the reason I’m not engaged?” you joke. “I’ll have to deal with him later.”
Frankie smiles. “No. I’m to blame. I’ve had a ring for…” He runs his tongue along his cheek. “Well, for longer than I’d like to admit. I kept telling myself that I was just waiting for the right time, but the truth is, I was always afraid. Afraid of, well…you know…and I’d let every perfect moment slip by.”
“Oh, Frankie,” you coo.
“The boys came up with what they had hoped would be one final perfect moment.”
“And what, dare I ask, was that?”
He shrugs nonchalantly. “Nothing special. Just the two of us dancing together under the spotlight to one of our favorite songs. You looking like the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen…”
You wonder if he’s saying what you think he’s saying…
“Santi and Yovanna gave me their blessing to propose, but…”
A laugh escapes your lips when you understand what he’s saying: the wedding. He was ready to propose then and there before you stopped him, and he had permission from the bride and groom to do it. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
He shakes his head, a lopsided grin on his face. “Nope.”
“Then why’d you let me talk you out of it? Why didn’t you correct me when I said it’s rude to propose?”
He shrugs. “Maybe there was a reason you said that. Maybe it wasn’t the right time. I mean, that wasn’t us. All dolled up like that, drinking fancy beer and popping champagne like we just won the lottery.”
You smile and nod, knowing he has a point. Why do proposals have to be big and elaborate and fancy?
“I always imagined something simpler,” he continues. “Maybe take you to the lake. Pop the question as we laid in the bed of my truck under the stars after talking the day away. Just like the night of our first date.”
You smile. “I would like that.”
“I would too,” Frankie says, returning your smile, but only for a moment. He sighs. “But it’s fucking raining, and I’ll be damned if I let one more moment slip away.”
You blink, watching as Frankie reaches under a pillow laying on the air mattress. When he pulls his hand from under the pillow, you see he’s holding a small box.
Your eyes grow wide. “Frankie… What are you…?” You trail off, trying to wrap your head around what’s happening.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so scared to do this, but I’ve never been more certain than now. I know I’m not perfect, mi amor, but they say the perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other. You will never give up on me. I know that. And I promise you that no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me. I want to grow old with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Loving you, fighting with you, irritating you, getting irritated by you.”
A tearful laugh escapes your lips.
“However my life is, I want it to be with you.” He says you full name while opening the box, but you pay no mind to it. “Will you marry me?”
You don’t break your gaze from him, not even long enough to look down at the ring he’s offering you. You’re in absolute awe of this man. You want to answer immediately, but you let out a sob before you can.
“Yes,” you finally cry, flinging your arms around him. “Yes! Yes! Absolutely, yes!”
He wraps his arms around you, holding onto you tightly while still clutching the box.
“Thank fucking Christ,” he breaths quietly. He chuckles. “I’m not even sure who I have to thank for this. Spider-Man or Jim Carrey.”
You laugh tearfully, burying your face into his shoulder as you hold onto him tightly. You guess it’s true that movies can bring people together.
Slowly, you unwrap yourselves from each other. You look at each other awkwardly for a moment before Frankie fumbles with the box, removing the ring.
You hold out your left hand for him to take, watching as he slips the ring on your finger.
“Benny will be heartbroken he can’t steal me away.”
“He’ll be fine. That’s what Linda is for.”
You bite your lip, examining the ring now fully on your finger. “It’s beautiful, Francisco.”
“Just like every part of you.”
Your eyes move from the jewelry to him. He smiles at you gently, his love and admiration shining in his eyes when he gazes back at you. His features are soft, the skin on his forehead smooth, looking like a man who’d finally had the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders and left without a single care in the world.
“How do you think we should celebrate, Mr. Morales?” you question.
“I have just the thing,” Frankie informs you, lifting the sheet and grabbing an expensive bottle of champagne that’s sitting beneath one of the chairs holding up the blanket fort you’re under.
You laugh. “Did you take that from the wedding?”
“Maybe. It’ll be our little secret.”
Grinning from ear to ear, you watch as he tries to ease the bottle open. Without warning, the cork shoots out of the bottle with a pop! followed by some bubbly liquid.
“Shit!” you exclaim, watching the bottle shoot its load.
“I swear that’s never happened to me before,” Frankie jokes, causing you to bust out laughing.
You reach for the two glasses sitting under the chair and hold them out for him. He pours the golden liquid into both glasses then sets the bottle aside.
“Drink up, young man,” you say, quoting the female character in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind as you hand him a glass. “It’ll make the whole seduction part less repugnant.”
tags: @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage, @dobbyjen
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hazbbyhaz · 3 years
sleepless || harry styles
twenty six
pairing: harry styles x OC
synopsis: an emotional night
disclaimer: nightmares, child abuse, blood, descriptions of child abuse, kissing
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The mind returns in dream
-Amy Bonner
"Did you know that Queen Victoria had a 14 year old stalker who broke into Buckingham Palace at least four times?"
"I didn't know that." Harry mumbles, turning himself on his side to look at Avery. She is lying on her back, eyes trained on the ceiling, saying anything that comes across her mind.
"Apparently he even stole her underwear once!"
"Avery, we’re supposed to sleep." There was a small bat of silence after Harry’s statement. In truth, Avery had been doing everything she could to avoid sleeping, despite agreeing to rest.
"Oh right" She murmurs, closing her eyes before opening them again. "I’m sorry. What time is it? Is it morning yet?"
"It must be around 1am."
"That's not close to morning at all," Her lips start to quiver at the realization. He watches as she takes two deep breaths, shuts her eyes, and turns to face him; the quivering coming to a stop.
"can't we drink a cup of tea? I always sleep better with tea."
Harry can hear the desperation in her voice. He can see her clinging to any possible scenario that will keep her awake. Every possibility that will prolong the inevitable. She needs sleep. At this point, more than anything.
“You’ve had more than enough tea for the night. We can make more in the morning. But first, we have to sleep." Right outside the window streetlights cast ambient light upon Avery's bedroom. The golden rays dance across her face so elegantly; so gently.
Her eyes are trained on something Harry can’t see, but he is acutely aware of her. He can see the three freckles that have made themselves home on her nose, the heart shape of her lips, the cerulean blue hue of her eyes. He’s never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life.
If only he could take a photograph. Try to capture this moment in its entirety, in all of its beauty. Show them how amazing these small, intimate moments are. Or maybe he didn't want that. Maybe he just wanted to keep her close. Keep this for him, and only him.
"What about my Valerian pills? They help me fall asleep."
"Love, don’t they make it worse?"
"Sometimes, but at least I'll be asleep." Her eyes finally trail up to his own. While his are calm and reassuring, hers are filled with fear. Fear that runs deeper than he could ever imagine.
"What do you dream about, Ave?" His fingers caress her cheek, he can feel her breath hitch as he gently brushes her hair behind her ear.
"I’ve never told anyone," She mutters, her eyes never leaving his own. Not for a second. "not anyone I cared about."
"Then let me be the first" With his hands on her cheeks, his eyes fall to her rosy lips. The familiar urge to kiss her resurfaces, flowing from his head to his toes. But he can’t, he knows he can’t. What they have is too delicate to risk.
From the moment that he had met her, he knew that she was alone. He has never seen her with anyone else, never seen her receive a text message or a phone call. To his knowledge, she doesn’t step foot out of her flat unless something important warrants her to do so.
Deep down, he knows that he is all that she’s got. The only person who is there for her in any true sense. The last thing he wants to do is ruin what they’ve created by giving in to his own urges.
Regardless of Harry's string of thoughts, their eyes meet. Sky blue on forest green. As Avery's eyes trail down to his lips, he slowly leans forward, pressing his lips to her own. The kiss is delicate and soft. With his calloused hands gently cupping her cheeks, Avery feels like that of porcelain. Like a fragile piece of glass someone is terrified to drop.
His hands drop from her face to her hip, pulling her impossibly closer. She grabs at his shirt, heavy breaths escaping as their lips briefly part. They are so close to one another, entangled with each other in every way they could, but it isn’t close enough.
His lips taste like earl grey tea and peppermint gum, a blend Avery didn’t know could be so addictive. Her lips taste of bitter coffee, but he doesn’t mind. They’re hers, that’s all that matters.
A few moments later Harry pulls back. He rests his forehead atop her own, leaving a gentle kiss to her nose as they both regain their breaths. Harry's thoughts diminish as he focuses on what’s happening now. The present. It’s only now that he can really see just how Avery is reacting. Her hands are latched tightly to his shirt, desperately trying to pull him closer. Harry's gentle call of her name does nothing to aid in her growing frustration.
He lets her pull him in once again, their lips reconnecting in a more heated kiss. She bites down on his lower lip, letting him know that he can continue. Harry slowly turns them over, leaning up with his elbows on either side of Avery's head, Avery laying on her back. And they kiss. Averys lips continue locking with his own because this feeling is so different from how numb she has felt. How she has been feeling for far too long.
For the first time that Avery can remember, she feels alive. Feeling Harry's lips on hers, feeling the warmth of his skin underneath her touch, it feels like home. Like comfort and safety, like last minute trips to the beach and drinking tea at house parties. It feels like everything finally coming together.
If only she could stay here for the rest of her life - stay right here, in this moment. Forever. Then everything would be alright. No worries, no mean girls, no nightmares, no sleepless nights. None of it. She would be okay. She could handle every thought spiral, every mean word, every single doubt, if she knew that she could come home to this. Know that she could feel Harry's lips on hers at the end of the day.
The small sounds Avery is emitting make Harry slow his movements down "Ave..." he mumbles in between kisses. “Hey hey hey, it’s okay… slow down, love. It’s okay.”
She can’t look into his eyes, he sees the tears welling up in them. Her whimpers only grow louder once she knows that he is aware of them, worrying him even more. In an effort to calm her, Harry starts trailing kisses down her face.
“I’m not going to hurt you… I am never going to hurt you… I don't ever want to do that.” She hasn’t said a word to him in an alarming amount of time, not letting him know what is going on in her head. His kisses trail down her jaw before pressing softly into her neck, right above her pulse point. “Talk to me, love. Please say something…”
“You will leave…” She says it so quietly that he almost misses it. But when those three words hit his ears his own eyes begin to water. He immediately stops his actions, softly cupping her cheeks in his hands. Her lips quivers once again before she whispers “I don’t want you to leave, Harry.”
"I won’t, Avery. I’m not going to leave." He reassures her, pushing another strand of hair out of her face as a few tears roll down her cheeks. "Look at me, please... I know you’re scared, I know. This is something new for the both of us, and new things are always scary."
"God I'm pathetic," Harry wipes the tears away from her cheeks, looking down at the girl below him with empathetic eyes. "I'm sorry"
“It’s okay. You’re not pathetic. If anyone here is pathetic, it’s me because I am just so smitten by you!”
Avery giggles as Harry presses one final kiss to her lips, both of them smiling into it like lovesick idiots. His arms wrap around her before turning them over, settling into a comfortable silence.
“Are you going to be able to sleep?” Avery nods her head, looking up at Harry.
"Do you promise you’ll wake me?" Her head is lying on his chest, right above his heart, and his arm is tightly wrapped around her petite frame.
"I'll wake you, I promise."
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“Mommy!” I cry, hitting the cellar door with my fists. I can see a little bit of light from under the door, it shines on the staircase all the way down to the floor. I’ve been trying to get her to come here for a while, I don’t know if she can hear me.
“Mommy! it’s really cold…” I still don’t hear her. Hitting the door that many times makes both of my hands hurt. I sit up against the wall next to the door, shivering. The wall is just as cold as everything else. The stones in it hurt my back as I sit.
I got to talk to Daddy on the phone a couple days ago, and he said we would go to the park today. I really want to go, but I don’t know where he is. I don’t want to be here anymore, not with Mommy. I just want to go upstairs to my room. Sleep in my bed with all my stuffed animals and my blankie. Maybe I could stay with Daddy after the park.
“Can I please have my blankie?… Please, Mommy. It’s really really cold!” Sheepy is sitting against the wall opposite me. I grab him and hold him close to my chest. “Are you cold, Sheepy?” I pet his fur, but it’s not as soft as it used to be, and he is missing one of his button eyes. It fell off earlier today.
“Don’t worry, Daddy is gonna take us to the park soon. He promised, remember?”
There is a very loud noise and I scream as the door slams open. Before I can move out of the way, I am falling down the stairs. My head hits the wall and all it’s stones many times before I hit the bottom. I open my eyes and see the bottom of the staircase, my eyes all blurry as I cry out to Mommy. She is standing all the way at the door.
“Mommy!” I try to walk towards her, but my head is so dizzy I can barely move. As soon as I stand I fall back down again. “Please let me out… I know i’ve been bad, but Daddy wants to take me to-“
“Your Father isn’t coming today, so be quiet! For god's sake, how many times do I have to tell you to stop screaming!” She starts walking down the stairs.
“But he promised he would…” All of a sudden I can hear a loud slap, Mommy’s hand hitting my cheek really hard. My ears start to ring as my head hits the hard concrete floor. She stands over me as I keep crying. I can see Sheepy laying on his side not far from me.
"Listen! I don't care what your father said, I need you to be quiet. Understood?"
"Yes, mommy. But can you fix Sheepys eye? Please? It fell off earlier and I can’t put it back on." I grab Sheepy and hold him out to her, she takes him out of my hand. I pull his button eye out of my pocket, keeping it in my hand. "Here's his eye."
Mommy huffs, looking at Sheepy but then she turns around and starts walking up the stairs, his eye still in my hand.
"No! NO! Mommy, the button, you have to take his eye to fix him! He can’t see without his eye! Please don't take Sheepy away from me, please!" I stand up super fast, still very dizzy, and try to walk to the stairs. But Mommy is too far away to hear me and I can’t reach her anymore. I can hear the door close; leaving me down here all by myself.
I lay back down on the floor, it feels even colder down here now. My whole body hurts. I am cold and all alone.
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Avery wakes up without a sound. Everything is silent; impossibly still. The silhouette of a tree looms over the room, encasing the space in it’s dark, sinister shadow.
Hot, heavy tears stream down her face, her breath beginning to quicken. Every inch of her body hurts, every movement awakening an ache she didn’t know was there. But of course it hurts, the fall just happened yesterday. How couldn’t it hurt? No body could heal after only a few hours time from something like that. She can feel bruises beginning to bloom beneath her skin, no doubt covering most of her body.
Her anxious eyes roam over her surroundings. She is not locked in the cellar, but sitting atop a bed. It is still cold, so very cold, but comfortable and familiar. She can’t quite place it. Only now is the body laying peacefully by her side of notice to her. Harry is still asleep, his head resting mere inches from her thigh. Harry… where did he come from? Has he just arrived? Did he see the bruises?
The sound of a car backfiring rang through the silence, making Avery jump and her head shoot to the window overlooking the London street. her motion startled Harry awake, he began to stir beside her.
His eyes opened slowly, his gaze falling upon her figure. She was visibly shaking, tears streaming down her face. She looked terrified. At this sight, he was wide awake, quickly sitting upwards.
"Oh Avery, I'm sorry I-I didn't hear you-"
"My arm hurts really bad, Harry." She whimpers, cradling her left arm to her chest. "It hurts so much."
"Where does it hurt?" He carefully reaches out to her, his fingers softly brushing over her skin. To the touch, she was ice cold. No wonder she was shivering.
"Everything hurts…" Harry slowly pulls her towards him, encasing her shivering figure in two blankets before settling her body between his outstretched legs, wrapping both of his arms around her. His hands are rubbing up and down the expanse of her back, the motion attempting to soothe all the distress. Her head rests between his neck and shoulder.
"Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs," Her cries grew to hiccuping sobs, her breath irregular and too fast for her lungs to process. Harry freezes at her words.
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
"And now everything hurts, Harry. Look at all the bruises." Her words are spoken through heartbreaking sobs. He looks over her, searching for any evidence of the fall, but nothing can be seen. There aren't any bruises on her, no visible ones anyway. Just her cold, pale, flawless skin. She's hallucinating, she thinks her dream happened yesterday.
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
"It's going to be okay, Ave... just breathe" Harry murmurs into her hair, his hand resting gently on the back of her head, lightly pushing it farther into his neck. And as Avery concentrates on her breathing, tears fill Harry's eyes, quietly running down his cheeks.
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
"Look... the bruises are already gone." He lifts her blankets ever so slightly, letting his fingertips run over her skin. Harry delicately lifts her arm to his lips, pressing soft kisses to it. Starting at her hands, he trails them all the way up to her shoulder before moving to the other arm. "No more bruises, angel. See?"
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
She nods slowly, pressing her head against his racing heart, her tears now beginning to dry on her raw cheeks. After a few minutes, Harry can feel her stable breaths against his neck. The small puffs of warm air signalling that she has fallen back asleep.
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
Harry looks down at her, replaying what has just occurred over in his mind. He leans his head down, Kissing the top of Averys head as all of it catches up with him. He can’t help the sob that escaped his lips, the weight of it shaking his chest, tears falling from his eyes.
At the sudden movement, Avery shoots up. Raising her head to look at him, her eyes meeting his own. A worried expression plastered across her tear stained face.
"What’s happened?" She exclaims, her hands coming up to rest on his cheeks, eyes searching what could have caused him to cry. "Harry, don't cry... is everything alright? Please tell..."
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
That's enough for him to know that she doesn't remember waking up. Doesn't remember crying to him about all the pain. Telling him what happened. "It's nothing," He manages to let out, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead, then her nose, before leaving a lingering one on her lips. "I'm just so happy that you're here with me. That you’re safe."
"I'm happy too." She smiles softly. She wants to press further about what has happened, but she knows now is not the right time. Harry laces their fingers together before bringing their joined hands to his lips, trying his hardest to push all of this out of his mind.
It takes half an hour for the both of them to get settled into bed again. Harry leaving Avery's side only to steep her a cup of peppermint tea. With time, she fell back asleep, this one being dreamless. With her finally at rest, Harry was left awake, watching over her carefully. His hand rests atop her cheek, his thumb carting over the soft skin, letting her know that he is right by her side.
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
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Me And You (Pt. 02 of 04)
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A/N: This GIF isn't mine. So if you're the original owner, let me know so I can give you the credits.
Pairing: Rick Grimes X Reader
Word count: 2.9K
Summary: You and Rick got married on the farm, some time after he divorced Lori for cheating on him with Shane. Now, several months later, setting and fortifying the prison as your home, Lori hasn't accepted your relationship yet, doing everything she can to turn your lives into a living hell.
<- Previous part (01)
Next part (03) ->
{The Walking Dead Masterlist}
The guard tower is completely different. There's a mattress on the corner, covered with pale green sheets and some blankets. A table is set with a hell of a good meal, and the whole place is lit up by candle lights. With your mouth half-open, you take it all in, not quite believing it, still by the door frame.
“(Y/N), I'm so sorry but I didn't know,” Rick says, and it makes you look at him. “I wasn't counting and–”
“Counting what?” You inquire, happy to know what was the secrecy about, but still confused about why this was made.
“Well, somebody was countin',” Daryl mutters, a low chuckle coming out of his mouth.
“Yes, someone has too.” Carol has both hands on her hips, eyebrows raised. “Today is your one year anniversary and the only reason why I'm not disappointed at you two was because I successfully managed to pull this off behind your backs.”
“One year?” You mutter, mentally counting. Checking the calendar daily was never one of your priorities. And being with Rick sometimes feel like forever already, and yet not long enough. “Holy shit. An entire year!” Turning at your husband, you tiptoe to kiss him, happiness overcoming you for being able to celebrate this date in such a wrecked world. It's a true blessing.
“Well, Daryl and I will leave you alone,” Carol speaks up, and you break the kiss just to give her some attention. “Have fun. The guard tower is yours alone all night.”
“Thank you so much you two.” You can't help but say. “Actually, I must thank everyone because I bet they all had a part in it.”
“That's true. Now, let's go, Daryl. Let them enjoy their special night.” With that, Carol pushes the door closed, and soon enough you can hear their footsteps as they walk down the stairs.
“That's absolutely amazing.” You breathe out, taking off the jacket and laying it on a small side table by the door. Holding Rick's hand, you pull him towards the table, checking on your dinner. Deer and potato salad, one of your favorites meals when it's cooked by Carol.
“Not nearly as amazing as you.” He gives you a gentle pull, and you turn towards him. You can't help but blush under his eyes, as you did on your first date. Well, on the run you went alone with him, when things started getting clear between you two.
“Well, this is the dress you got me a while ago and the hair was all Carol's doing.” Slowly, you step closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“You're gorgeous. Well, you're gorgeous every day, actually.”
“Even when I'm covered in dirt and bone meal?” Giggling, you stand on your toes, eyes closing when your lips brush against his.
“You get more beautiful every passing day and I have no idea how you do that.” Then the kiss comes, and it's different now because there's no risk of being interrupted. No risk of being seen.
You and Rick barely have the chance to be alone. It usually happens when you go on a run together and that's why you do it every now and then, just to spend a night or two away from everyone. But you usually have to stay in the car since sometimes is hard to find a house you can secure to spend the night in without having to worry too much. But there's nothing to worry about here, you're safe inside the fences. And you are safe in his arms.
“Dinner first.” You tell him with a giggle when you pull apart to breathe. “We have all night.”
“When was the last time we had all night for ourselves like this?” He asks as you move to seat on the small table, across from each other.
“On our three days honeymoon on Hershel's cabin a few miles from the house.” It quickly comes to your mind, and you can't help but giggle as you remember how terribly nervous you were back then. And how kind and caring Rick was. “And it's been a year.”
“A wonderful year.” Rick takes your hand over the table, a bright smile on his lips.
“The very best.” You agree, biting your lip. The only reason why you want to eat first is that you're really hungry since you had lunch a little too early today.
But something like an hour later you're lied down, Carol's good work on your hair ruined ever since you stumbled from the table to the mattress because you just couldn't get there fast enough. You'd be freezing it is wasn't for the warmth Rick provides, with his chest pressed against your back. As you look at the night sky through the windows, to the many stars, tiny diamonds scattered across the Universe, Rick places soft kisses on your bare shoulder, all the way up to the back of your neck.
“Your beard is tickling me.” Giggling, you mutter, playfully trying to push him away, but that only makes him hold you tighter, placing a delicate bite on your neck. “Ouch! I thought you said you didn't bite unless I asked.”
“I don't remember saying these vows.” And he starts kissing you again, making sure to gently rub his beard on your neck.
“Rick, c'mon.” You whine, the laugher coming from your lips suddenly interrupted when your eyes find a figure in the distance, on one of the bridges that connect two different cell blocks. “Hey, wait up.” Your voice gets a little more serious as you squint your eyes. The figure is quite familiar and it takes only two seconds for you to recognize Lori.
“Over there. On that bridge.” You know when he sees her because a sigh escapes his lips. “Is that...?”
“Yeah.” Rick sounds frustrated, a little angry even. But then again, everyone feels like that when it comes to Lori and you don't know for how long it can go on. Whenever she's in the room, the atmosphere changes, and people always expect some kind of confrontation.
“That's creepy.” You mutter, pulling the blankets up to cover your body. She can't see anything from this distance, but even so, it makes you feel a little better. “Do you think she was watching?” The thought comes to you suddenly, and it doesn't help one bit.
“I don't know. I don't know what to expect of her anymore.” As he speaks, you see someone else on the bridge, talking to Lori. You recognize Carol as an argument begins. It takes only a few seconds before Carol steps back, giving a look your way before disappearing.
“You know, sometimes I...” Taking a deep breath, you give up giving your thoughts a voice. “Nevermind.”
“Hey.” Rick moves away from a little, and you take the space to turn around so you're facing him. “Tell me what's bothering you.”
“Sometimes I feel like I'm the other woman.” Avoiding his eyes, you look at his chest, sadness spreading through your heart. “Like she's the wife and I'm the lover.” You never intended on being a homewrecker, but even though you and Rick only started dating months after him and Lori broke apart, she still manages to make you feel this way.
“But you're not. Look at me.” With his index finger on your chin, he moves your head up until your eyes meet his. “I divorced Lori. If the world still played by the old rules, I'd have the papers to prove it.”
“I know, it's just that...” Tilting your head at the bridge, you stare at him as his eyes move there. And by the looks of it, she's still there.
“You're my wife. You.” As his eyes fall on you again, Rick takes your hand, placing it over his heart. “And the love I have for you haven't changed at all. Well, it only gets stronger, and sometimes, in the morning when I wake up and see you there, on my chest, I feel like my heart could explode.” It makes you giggle, a heat spreading through your cheeks. “It's me and you, remember? This is between me and you, and nobody else has a say in it so it doesn't matter if she was staring or not.”
“I love you so much.” Smiling, you place kisses all over his face, pushing him to lay on his back as you move to lie on top of him. “You know what, I should bite you.” You decide to push all those thoughts away because this is your anniversary after all. Well, it's probably after midnight, but the night is yours and you intend to enjoy it.
“Oh, I'm terrified.” Chuckling, he quickly moves, a strong hand holding your hip as he switches positions, lying now above you. “How are you planning to do that?”
“Are you challenging me?” Raising an eyebrow, you wrap your legs around his waist, since it's pretty much the only way you can cage him in this position.
“Alright then. I'll–” You suddenly feel eyes on you, and when you look at the bridge to check, there she is, still staring. “...We could maybe look for some curtains and put them here so–”
“Or we could do that.” Rick pulls the blankets over both of you, and soon enough you're surrounded by darkness. “Now, where were we?”
“I was about to bite you.”
It takes quite a while for you and Rick to finally get to your feet, get dressed, and head out. You didn't want to leave though, and an agreement was made. At least once a week you'll clean up the tower and use it to spend the night. You'll make sure it won't be on either yours of his watch, so it won't mess up with anyone else's life. And you're very happy about it. Even more, because he'll use some dark piece of fabric you have here to cover up the windows.
Hand in hand, you walk through the patio, giggling like two kids.
“I need a shower.” You tell him as you get into the prison, walking backwards, pulling him to the bathrooms. “Join me?”
“Starting the day with multiple good ideas.” He mutters, ending the distance between you in a sudden motion, an arm encircling your waist, pulling you into a kiss.
“You seem to be quite happy today.” Carol's voice reaches your ears and pull away.
“Morning, Carol.” You say with a bright smile, blushing slightly. “We'll take a shower and start the day.” As you speak, you start pulling Rick again, ignoring her smirk.
Soon enough you hit the showers after stopping by your cell to get something clean to wear. As you get rid of your clothes, Rick makes sure the door is locked before joining you under the water.
“Damn, it's cold!” You exclaim, bracing yourself.
“I'll warm you up.” When you feel his hands on your waist, you turn around, tiptoeing and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Better hurry up because I'm freezing.” Whispering, you connect your lips to his, and it takes no time for the cold water to stop bothering you.
“Give me a little jump.” He mutters and you do as he says, moving up and wrapping your legs around his waist. Rick firmly holds your thighs, and you use his shoulders to steady yourself. “Still cold?”
“You have no–”
Loud bangs on the door cut you short, startling you a little. They go on for long seconds until they finally stop.
“You can't monopolize the showers. There are more people here who want to use it.” It's Lori. A very angry Lori, once again making sure she'll get on your way.
Taking a deep breath, you exchange a glance with Rick. “We'll be out in a minute.” He says.
“You can't–”
“Who's in there?” Another voice says and you whine, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Rick,” Lori answers, and after the other person makes a funny sound, you hear footsteps walking away.
“Rick, man. Daryl and I were talking and you know those books I found? I read them and I think I could maybe install those solar panels.” Glenn's voice sounds muffled by the door, and you raise your head to look at Rick, eyes rolling.
“Glenn, can we talk about this in a minute?” Rick snaps back.
“I just thought it would be urgent news. I mean–”
“Hi, Glenn. What about you and my husband discuss this awesome news when we're done here.” Deciding to make your presence known despite knowing Glenn will use this against you later, you raise your voice. “I'm super excited about electricity but I'm kinda in the middle of something.”
“Oh... oh! My bad, Uhm... I'll go now.” He stutters, clearly embarrassed. But not as much as you.
“The good part is that we'll laugh about it in a few days.” You tell Rick, biting your lip. “But right now it's just awkward.”
“You know he'll pick on both of us, right?”
“Yeah, but let's worry about it later.”
A minute easily became ten. At least that's what you think since you weren't really paying attention to time. But eventually, you're out, Rick going straight to see what Glenn wants as you join Carol, heading to the storage.
The day goes by pretty well until Carol has to leave the storage and you're left alone. But that's not the problem. You're humming to yourself a soft, happy song, writing down the new stuff Glenn brought when you hear someone behind you. By the way they just stand there, not saying anything, you know exactly who it is. And that's why you don't even turn around, focused on your task.
“You gave quite a show yesterday.” She starts and you sigh.
It's been a year. Well, a year and eight months if you count the time you started dating Rick. And after all this time things have only gotten worse. Lori is not letting go, and that's obvious. “I wasn't trying to give a show, I was celebrating a special day with my husband.” You don't even bother to look at her.
“What he did to you in one night, he never did to me in all our years together.”
“Really?” You breathe out, running a hand through your hair.
“He was never that intense. What do you have that I don't, (Y/N)? I'm the mother of his children. You're just young and cute.” She loves doing that, bringing up the age thing as if it meant anything to you or Rick.
“Correction.” Putting the pen down, you stand up from the table and finally turns to look at her. “You're the mother of his son. Judith is Shane's daughter. Or do I have to remember you got pregnant four months after Rick and I were dating? While you and Shane were hooking up.” You try not to argue with her, but sometimes you just can't help it. “Then Shane went mad and got himself killed so Rick, because he's so noble and kind, decided to be Judith's father figure.” Crossing your arms, you lean against the table.
“Is that what you have in mind to convince yourself you didn't steal my husband?”
“I didn't steal your husband, Lori.”
“Yes, you did. If it wasn't for you batting your eyelashes with this innocent act you know–” Lori steps closer, a finger pointed at your face. “–you know it lures men in, I would have a chance to fix my marriage, but no. You were there, stealing glances, asking Rick for gun lessons, talking to him, smiling and flirting.”
“I never–”
“Then I get the full view of what you do, you little slut. I got to see exactly what you did to hook him up.” She's yelling now, at the top of her lungs.
“What you saw was an intimate moment between husband and wife.” Snapping back, you raise your voice, but not like hers, just enough to make your point. “You stood there and watched it because you wanted to. But don't worry, Rick is putting some curtains so it won't be a problem anymore.” Then you walk away, meeting up with Carol by the door. She's pissed, maybe just as much as you.
“You're a whore, that's what you are!” As you walk away from the storage with Carol, you hear Lori's voice echoing.
“Now I'm a whore for sleeping with my husband.” You mutter.
“Don't even bother. People are starting to give up on Lori. I already did.”
“Yeah... I don't know why I even try.”
“(Y/N),” Rick calls and you turn to look at him. He's with Daryl, both carrying bags. “I heard Lori yelling. Is everything alright?”
“I am, babe. Are you going on a run?” Walking over him, you mutter a 'hello' to Daryl. There weren't any runs schedule for him, not in the next few days.
“Yes. Glenn is confident he can set up solar panels so Daryl and I will go and take it. Remember when I told you I found some? But didn't bring it since there was no way we could install them.” As he speaks, a hand comes to caress your cheek. “Sorry, but it's urgent. We just decided to go.”
“Don't worry. Just be safe and come back to me on one piece.” Tiptoeing, you kiss him, slow and passionately, despite the small audience. “Take care of him, D, please.”
“I will.” He assures you.
Ten minutes later you're at the gates, watching as the car disappears among the trees, a hand in your heart as the usual feeling washes over you. Every time Rick leaves, you can't help but feel a anxious. But he knows what he's doing, and so does Daryl. They'll be alright.
Without Rick, you're always cold. And as the nights get colder, it only gets worse. But during the day, you keep yourself busy between the storage and anything else there's needed. Glenn, as you expected, keeps teasing you since the showers incident, but with him, you can't help but either blush or laugh. He's very secure about the solar panels thing, and on this cold morning, as you sit on the table at the North side of the patio, he tries to explain to you how it'll work. You don't really understand it, but it's good to see him so excited.
“So this means that–”
“(Y/N).” Maggie's voice comes from the radio attached to your belt. “We have company. A man and a woman are coming our way.”
“Let's go.” You tell Glenn, and he's quick to gets to his feet and accompany you to the gates. The whole group joins you, guns in hand.
“Everybody full alert. Anything weird you notice, you know the code.” With your glock in hand, you aim and the couple as they approach the gates.
“Aren't you the first lady?” Lori says, from somewhere behind you. “Deal with it by yourself.”
“We're family. We do things together.” Hershel answers, and you smile to yourself, right after putting on a serious face.
“Hands up.” You command, and the couple quickly do as they're said. “We have the upper hand so we'll make a few questions. Is that clear?” You use the same words Rick does since he was the one to teach you how to deal with these situations. He wants you to be prepared for everything. And as much as people may look harmless, you should never trust them one hundred percent. Not in this world.
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sophi-s · 3 years
It's been a while since I last touched my Darksiders/Hollow Knight crossover thingy. It's because I'm mostly out of ideas. I tried to do Avarice but I'm kinda scared where this is gonna go from the point I got to 😂
To fill in a hole, I give you a short backstory for Moth!Azrael (with Abaddon being mentioned there, of course).
Just a head's up, Azrael is sad. Very sad.
Out of all members of the long gone moth tribe, the powerful sorcerer Azrael was the most devoted to their Goddess, the Radiance. He used to teach hatchlings her ways and spread her religion wherever he went, acting kind of as her prophet. As long as the bugs of the land that would eventually become Hallownest remained in Radiance's grasp, primitive and following the basest of instincts, all linked to their hive mind, everything seemed to be just fine. But this serenity was abruptly broken by the arrival of the Pale King.
The Wyrm granted bugs the ability to formulate thoughts and a free will of their own. Not long after this, they started to turn their backs on the Radiance, choosing this new God, pale as moonlight, a stark contrast to the sun they used to revere. Eventually, even the moths abandoned her. All of them. Except for Azrael. Of course, possessing free will meant freedom of choice. And he chose the Radiance.
At first, the Goddess hid away, deep inside her Realm of Dreams, hurt and slowly fading as her followers left and forgot her. Azrael attempted to console her, assuring her that he's, after all, still there for her and that as long as he lives, so will she.
But it wasn't long before hurt turned into bitterness and bitterness into blind rage. Radiance unleashed the Infection upon Hallownest as an act of desperation and aggression against the Pale King. To say Azrael was horrified, would've been an understatement. The Goddess he knew his whole life, one who loved him like her own son, one he loved like his own mother (to some extent, she was his mother), transformed from the soft sunlight he trusted into a twisted monster blinded by spite, driven by vengeance against the Wyrm.
Azrael tried reasoning with the enraged Goddess but to no avail. Heartbroken and scared, he eventually left her side like all others have before him. His kind nature couldn't stand the atrocities committed in the name of petty revenge.
One day, the one who unintentionally angered the Radiance, extended his hand to Azrael and proposed an alliance, offering the depressed moth a way out of the hole he found himself in. Azrael reluctantly accepted and soon had a new purpose.
To some extent, Azrael recovered and even made some friends in the White Palace (Monomon and Quirrel were his fellow scholars and he enjoyed their company) as he attempted to aid the King in battling the Infection. The moth tribe began to die out until very few of them remained and Azrael was one of them.
Though he was utterly devoted to stopping the plague of the Old Light, his faith in the Pale Monarch faltered once he learned what the Wyrm intends to do to the silent child who one day returned to the Palace with him. And when he discovered what the King had done to create the Pure Vessel, the scholar was left heartbroken and betrayed once again but… Should he remain alone, he'd surely succumb to grief and fall down. Honestly, he couldn't decide which of the two was worse. A once loved Goddess driven mad by lust for vengeance after the loss of her children? Or the Pale Wyrm who was willing to sacrifice everything to achieve his goals? After some time with his thoughts, Azrael settled on the latter. The King at least had good intentions and wished to save Hallownest and his subjects, no matter the cost, while Radiance was forcing innocent bugs under her whim in hopes of reaching and getting rid of the Wyrm once and for all. Trying to seek out the Fallen Brother of the Radiance was out of question as Azrael had no wish to get involved in the affairs of the Nightmare King.
At some point in time, Azrael was approached by his friend, one of the generals of the Pale King, Abaddon. The other bug told the moth he was having dreams of searing light and a soft but spiteful voice calling him, telling him to "remember" and "destroy the Pale Usurper". First symptoms of the Infection.
Because Azrael was a moth, he knew a lot about the Dream Realm and even wielded a Dream Nail of his own. This is exactly the reason Abaddon came to him. No amount of convincing would dissuade the stubborn warrior from taking the steps against the source of the Infection that was the Radiance. Azrael eventually agreed to help, even though he knew his friend stood no chance against the Goddess. If they didn't do anything, he would meet fate worse than death but if he tried, he would surely perish. A lose-lose situation. However… if somehow, by a stroke of luck this mad plan succeeded.. It was worth a shot. If only to end the suffering and spare the Hollow Child from the torment awaiting them.
In secret from the King, Azrael and Abaddon retreated into the Resting Grounds where the veil between the Dreams and Reality is thin. Using herbs and magic, Azrael managed to project Abaddon's consciousness into the Dream Realm, first lending him all the strength he could spare.
His fears were unfortunately confirmed as not even two hours since falling asleep Abaddon suddenly started to convulse violently, shaking and letting out strained screams of pain. Radiance was undoubtedly winning. It was over in barely a minute. The unyielding warrior passed away on Azrael's hands before the moth had a chance to pull him back into the waking world.
Ashamed, devastated and terrified, Azrael laid his friend to rest in a grave beside his beloved who succumbed to the Infection long ago and returned to the White Palace. The King would've heard about it sooner or later. As expected, the Monarch was not pleased by the news. However, with how useful Azrael was, all Wyrm did to punish the moth for disobedience and indirectly causing the death of one of the most skilled warriors of Hallownest was forbid him from ever setting foot in the Palace again until he revokes this decision.
After this fiasco, the Infection seemed to be spreading even faster, decimating entire villages in merely a couple months. There was no way of stopping it. The only one who could make a difference was the teenage Pure Vessel. But they still needed time to grow up and finish their training.
Azrael spent about four days in exile before something strange happened. While he was at the Blue Lake to enjoy some peace and quiet, a sound of footsteps ripped him out of his silent musings. When he turned around, his heart skipped. He could've sworn he saw his deceased friend dart across the pathway to the Crossroads. Confused and apprehensive, Azrael decided to investigate. And that was a mistake.
Once the moth caught up with his friend who limped through the caverns, he realised what a fool he'd been as a single, orange eye glared at him beside a ruined, empty eye socket. Infected. But Abaddon - or rather his infested corpse - didn't charge at Azrael. With a disturbing, garbled voice, he told the moth that the Radiance wants to speak with him face-to-face. It didn't seem he had much choice. Using his Dream Nail, Azrael travelled to the Realm of his mistress. Soon, he found himself before his once beloved Goddess who pleaded for him to help her crush the Pale King. Return her children he'd taken from her. Azrael again tried to reason with her but still in vain. If anything, the Radiance decided sadly the King managed to corrupt even his once pure thoughts to turn him against her. But she neither killed nor Infected Azrael. She still loved him after all.
One of the last members of the moth tribe vanished without a trace, leaving the Pale Court in confusion. His spirit, trapped by his "mother" in the Dream Realm - as she hoped she will be able to eventually convince him to return to her side, to be her son again without forcing the Infection into his mind - remains shackled to the Dream without a chance for rescue. Azrael patiently awaits the end of the Infection, hoping that either Radiance will eventually let go, or the Pale King actually succeeds in defeating her for good. Until then, his body protected by a Seal of Binding - created by the Radiance herself - slumbers hidden away from the world under the supervision of the former Champion of the Wyrm, nobody (except for the Infected as they share the mind of the Old Light) knows where, waiting for someone to release him from the hold of the vengeful Goddess.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
Chapter 15
Hi! This chapter has some sad parts but MC finally stands up to a big threat. LMK what you think!
Warnings: none, this chapter is SFW
The true nature of my Illusion Magic is in the way that it effects the human brain. My magic can trigger responses within the mind of another, forcing their brain to release the hormones and electric signals necessary to conjure up what I want them to perceive. Images, sounds, feelings... but one spell does this better than any other; the spell I have only cast once before.
Fear Landscape.
This spell targets a single region of the brain, the amygdala. Stress hormones are released in a massive stampede, causing pupil dilation, heart rate increase, and restriction of breathing. All of these things compound upon each other until the body shuts down. 
The first time I used it was an accident. We were on a mission in the woods, and were almost done, when a massive wolf appeared out of nowhere. The spell manifested in that moment, probably triggered by my own fear. I don't remember it very well, since I blacked out in a similar fashion to today, into a warm, golden sleep. But according to Alice, the wolf collapsed into a whimpering pile, giving us enough time to escape.
I never really thought about what happened to that wolf. I wonder if it died, just like the dozen or so men that were unlucky enough to be around me today.
But now, lying silently in a hospital bed while the nurses checked up on me for the fifteenth time tonight, I have plenty of time to reflect.
I killed that man... the general. I killed all his men. 
The nurses and doctor keep talking among themselves. From what I've gathered so far, the slime mold penetrated my body much farther than they thought at first, and kept proliferating even after the caster was dead. It'll take a while for me to heal completely.
It's been around three days since the attack- at least, I think it has been that long. My mind has been foggy and disoriented, so I can't be quite sure. My only reference for time is the light coming in through the curtains, and the three times per day that a meal is brought to me. I'm barely able to eat, but it could be worse.
After all... someone was hurt much worse than me that day.
The door creaks open once all the nurses are gone, and none other than Captain Hervey and his two vice captains come in. My gaze flickers up to Julius's face first, catching a glimpse of his worried expression. I quickly look to Hervey next. "Captain..."
I start to sit up, but Hervey raises his hand to pause the movement. "Stay still, you're injured enough as it is." He lets out a heavy sigh, his eyes narrowing for a moment. "How are you feeling?"
"As good as I can." I motion vaguely at my right arm, where green mold veins still linger under my skin. "The doctor said maybe two more days before my system gets flushed of this stuff."
"I see." Hervey nods a little. "It'll be good to have you back on your feet..."
I gulp nervously, scared to ask the next question.
"Captain... is Alice-"
"She's still in her coma."
I fall silent. 
"The doctor doesn't think she's going to wake up."
... she's... not going to wake up? 
"Like... not today? Or-"
"Not ever." The words come out sharply, freezing my heart.
I was told as soon as I was conscious enough to listen. The other Shining General was a powerful ice mage. He managed to trap Julius in Ice before making a break for it. Hervey took off in pursuit, but it was too late; The general ran into Alice's group, and in the fight... 
"People don't recover from a frostbitten brain." Hervey muttered, a little callously. I'm too weak to even summon tears, but I feel every part of my soul being shredded apart. 
Alice... you have to wake up... you have to.
"But I told you; My ice magic countered his. I killed that Bastard... both of us felled Generals in this battle. That's why I'm here today."
I look back up at Hervey as he walks to the side of my bed, producing what looks like a small plaque. "Captain, what's this for?"
"It's a special commendation from the Wizard King himself," Hervey explained, giving me a strained smile. "You've been promoted to Senior Magic Knight."
"Congratulations," Malota says, giving me a rare smile of her own from the other side of my bed. "You're basically at the top now."
"You've impressed all of us. Well done."
I look at the foot of my bed, where Julius still stands, and he gives me the same smile as the others. He's happy for me, I can tell, but that tenseness is easily explained; today feels like no time to celebrate, while Alice lies unresponsive in another room.
Impressed... congratulations...
The words feel bitter in my mind.
"I... I'm getting this now... because I murdered someone, right?"
My voice is numb, cold and emotionless. My head falls back onto my pillow, and I stare blankly up at the ceiling. 
Hervey exchanges a glance with the other two before clearing his throat. "NO! Well, yeah... but don't think of it that way. You defeated an enemy of our Kingdom, and now he will never harm anyone again."
That general... his magic hurt. I remember how Giles writhed in pain, and how my mind snapped as he pushed me past my limit. But, I saw something in his eyes. He had a family... there were things in this world that he loved. But me... I can't love anything. Love was ruined for me, so I ruined it for all of them, too...
"I didn't even mean to do it." Slowly, my eyes flicker close. Maybe if I pretend to be asleep, they'll leave me alone. "I was trying to escape..."
"Our bodies do unexpected things when we think we're about to die."
Julius's voice pulls me out, and my eyes open again. I can't bring myself to move and look at him, but I'm listening... I'm listening.
"You did what anyone else would have done... but you deserved this promotion before that, trust me." 
Even from where I lay, I can hear the smile on his lips. This time, there is no tension.
How many people have you killed, Julius? You've been to battle far more than I have... and I've heard the stories of your terrifying power. That power scares me, too, but at the same time... I know it protects me.
If I had any less restraint, I would have reached out to him, begged him to take my hand, pleaded for him to stay. I don't care who sees, I don't care who disapproves, I just want him here with me, forever.
But there's just enough restraint within me to keep me still. After that awkward moment, Hervey leads the others out, leaving the plaque on my bedside table.
It's not until later that night that the full gravity of the situation dawns on me. Alice, my closest and oldest friend, was going to die, and I could do nothing about it.
"You're in my group, right? So I'll protect you! No matter what. And you're going to protect me too!"
Alice said those words to Cecelia. She promised that she would live.
Alice... I'm sorry I ever doubted you. You're my friend, nothing less, and I know in my heart that you could never hurt me. As sure as the sun rises, as sure as it sets... you would have never betrayed me.
But why...
I roll over in the dark, my delirious mind breaking down as tears and wet sobs rip from my throat.
Why did I have to realize that after it's too late?!
I clutch a pillow tightly as I cry, holding onto it for dear life. And maybe it's just my imagination... but I feel it hug me back, warm and soft.
When I wake up the next morning, there was no large pillow that I could have been curled up into. The side of the bed next to me is warm; at least, I think it is. But I can't see anyone there, and my fever makes the entire world burn.
Maybe that was just my imagination.
"There you are! Oh, god-"
Two days later, I'm sitting up in bed, feeling good enough to eat. I look up from my soup to see the door open, and two very familiar older people come rushing towards me. I drop my spoon in surprise.
"Mom? Dad?"
Indeed, it's my parents, and a moment later they both tackle me in a hug that's definitely more rough than they should be giving me right now. I let out a hollow gasp as the air is knocked out of my lungs, but I quickly get over it and smile. "Hi... It's good to see you two."
I hug back, burying my face into their shoulders, and am suddenly overwhelmed with... nostalgia. Both of them pull back and start fawning over me, telling me how proud they are of me, and how worried they were before they could visit. It's bittersweet, and it takes everything I have in me to keep from bursting into tears. 
All the pain and trouble I've gone through, I did it for them. For the hope that I could free them from the path they think they're trapped on. Marrying a Kira will give us status for life, but now that I'm a Senior Magic Knight, we don't need that status. By myself, I can support them, and then...
"Oh!" My mom's eyes suddenly lit up. "Look who insisted we bring him with us!"
"Huh? Who-"
I look around her shoulder, and my blood runs cold.
Lawrence Kira stands there in the doorway, not even the faint ghost of a smile upon his face.
My heart starts to pound.
He's here... oh god...
"Congrats on your promotion." He walks inside, and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. "Looks like you got pretty hurt, though..." He comes to a stop at the foot of my bed, and I resist the urge to scoot back further. My grip on my mother's hand tightens slightly. "How long are you going to keep this up?"
Uh oh. I open my mouth, not sure what to say. He better not use this time to confront me... he's evil. I look over at my parents, who also start to look worried. In front of them, too! He knows that if he pressures me here, my parents will join them. They're looking forward to the wedding, and they don't want me to get hurt again... I start to panic. SHIT!
Finally, I manage to cobble together a response. Play dumb! "Um... well, they should let me out of bed tomorrow-"
"I'm not talking about that-" Lawrence snaps. "I'm talking about you playing Magic Knight for years and years. Face it, you're not cut out for this." He motions at my fading injuries. "You almost died, I don't want you to face something like that again before our wedding."
"He has a point, Darling," Dad pipes up innocently. "If you died... I don't know how I would go on living."
"I know, but I'm not going to die." I tighten my hold on my mother's hand again. She doesn't say anything, but I see something flicker in her eyes. I look back over at Lawrence, his stone cold grey eyes staring right into my soul. "Lawrence, I killed a General. A Diamond General. And I just got promoted. Do you think I'm weak or something?"
"Not weak..." He crosses his arms, and I see his cool exterior waver for a moment. "But you're not strong enough to avoid this type of injury... you Captain knows it too." His confidence returns, and he points at my plaque. "Have you ever heard of a pity promotion? It's not unusual for a weak magic knight to receive a big promotion right after they sustain a bad injury. It's supposed to convince you to leave, because you've done enough. And that's true for you." 
I feel my heart sink. No, I've never heard of pity promotions before, but that adds up.
Am I... am I really that weak?
"I... I- er-"
"FILLER WORDS-" Lawrence snaps, shutting me up immediately. He calms himself after the momentary outburst. "Stop using filler words, remember?"
I nod, my hands shaking.
"Listen... you're not being disgraceful." Lawrence offers me a shallow smile, stepping forward. I feel my heart jolt again, like a deer cornered by a hunter. "But it's time to leave this path and become what you're meant to be..."
I... I can't... I have to... I-
"My wife-"
The word slips out, and Lawrence freezes. His eyes widen a little, somehow getting colder.
"What did you just say?"
Shit, shit, shit! My heart pounds, but it's too late to go back.
"I- I said no." I take a shuddering breath, ignoring my parents' shocked faces. "I don't want to marry you, Lawrence, and I'm not going to."
The words don't quite register for Lawrence, ricocheting around between his ears. But once they do, it's obvious. His cheeks start to redden, and his wide eyes crumple with rage.
"You... you can't just say no now! We've been engaged since I was ten!"
"Honey, what on earth are you thinking?" Both of my parents look scared. Their whole lives, they placed their entire future on this marriage, not considering any other way to protect us. But now, I've found another way.
Yes... through my own strength, I forged a path! With the help of Alice, I created a fate far different from what Lawrence tried to create for me. I won't let Alice's work go to waste! I found a life I can live with pride... and I found someone that I want to love with all my heart!
"I am a Magic Knight, Lawrence." I sit up, shaking off my parents' hands, and point accusingly at the man who's caused me so much pain over my entire life. "You are the lowest of the low. You forced me to do things I wasn't ready to do. You hurt me, and manipulated me- and I'm not going to just lay down and take it any more!"
My voice raises steadily in volume, and so does my courage. Somehow, a smile starts to grow on my lips, and I clench my fist as I say the words I've always wanted to say.
"For my family, and for my own pride, I reject you, Lawrence Kira-"
Just as I utter his name, I see something in his gaze snap.
Oh- God-
Instantly, mana caves in around him then shoots out at me. I don't have time to finish my sentence. Poisonous, thistly grey vines hit my throat, wrapping around it and blasting me backwards. My parents both scream, and I hit the wall above the bedframe with a resounding CRACK. My mouth opens with a silent scream, the thistles pricking my skin and drawing blood. My back hurts, my legs kick helplessly, and my fingers claw uselessly at the tight chords that choke the life out of me. But at the same time...
That's it Lawrence. Show the world what a monster you really are.
"YOU WENCH!" he basically gargles, still overcome with indignancy and rage. A vein starts to pop out of his temple. "Do you think I'm going to just let you leave? After all the work I put into you?! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT AN UNGRATEFUL SOW WITHOUT ME!"
The thistles tighten, and I start to taste blood too.
More... more... show me more of your hate!
Lawrence looks unhinged as he clenches his fist, controlling his magic. "So... I'm going to teach you a lesson... and then you're coming right back to the castle WITH ME-"
He's cut off suddenly. I crack open an eye to see both of my parents on their feet, hands and Grimoires up. Both are already forming magic in their hands, Eye magic and Memory Magic, and both are targeted at the prince. Lawrence's eyes widen. "What- What do you think you're doing-"
"Let go of her." My dad's voice is deadly soft. Both of them aren't freaking out, but I can hear the urge to tear into Lawrence in his words. "Now."
"I don't care if you're a prince. You don't touch her ever again." My mother's voice holds the same quiet threat.
Lawrence opens and closes his mouth a few times, and I feel his thistles weaken slightly. All I can do is hold my breath and stay still as the edges of my vision start to blur. 
yes... both of them stood up for me... Mom, dad, I promise this wasn't a mistake!
"If you defy me... your status will mean nothing. Society will ostracize you," Lawrence threatens. "Are you really going to throw everything I gave you away?"
"Status means nothing, now that we know what you really are like," my dad's voice starts to waver. "Let her go before I show you what I'm really like."
After one more tense moment, the thistles disappear. I let out a deep gasp before collapsing back down onto my bed, a trembling mess. My parents immediately retract their magic and rush to my side. "I-I'm fine-" I wheeze, sitting up with their help.
Lawrence still looks mad, but that calculated coolness in his eyes returns.
"You... you'll regret this."
Without another word, Lawrence turns dramatically and storms off, slamming the door behind him.
The nurses are called back in, fixing up the wounds on my neck. They aren't deep, but Lawrence's Thistle Magic leaves millions of microscopic wounds. It hurts like a bitch, too.
But the whole time, up until my parents leave, only one thought circles through my mind.
I did it...
I'm free.
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moth-and-raven · 4 years
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The rest of the day passes in a haze. Loud cheers met Nadia’s announcement and Portia slipped into the rush just in time to board the carriage, tear-stained but determined to fight through it.
I must have been imagining things. I don’t want to think poorly of Julian, but I have to face facts: people will do and say anything to keep themselves off the gallows. He’s smart. He’s charismatic. He knows I’m working with the Palace. I can’t help but think he was just trying to endear himself to me, taking advantage of how obviously attracted to him I am. I can’t blame him for that. It’s my own fault for chasing what was a pathetic pipe dream from the start.
I retreat to my room after we return to the palace. It’s not unreasonable, considering I haven’t slept much in the past few days. From my bed, I watch spots of sunlight creep across the ceiling until I fall asleep. At least it’s dreamless this time.
Portia comes to get me for dinner in the late evening, when the sky’s turned purple. She’s itching with curiosity, peeking at me from the corner of her eye the whole way to the dining hall. Before we enter, she clears her throat.
“So, um.”
“It was nothing.” If I keep telling myself that, maybe it’ll hurt less. “Did you—?”
“Safe and sound. At least as much as he can be.”
“How long had it been since—?”
She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth just like he does. “Ten years, give or take. The last time I saw him was right after his apprenticeship. He came back to Nevivon for a few months while he was figuring out what else to do. I was only sixteen, so he must’ve been… twenty-five?”
The same age I am now. I didn’t realize he was that much older than me, though I suppose it makes sense. He’s lived quite a life. Yet more reason for him to see nothing of interest in me.
Portia pushes on: “What will you say to—?”
“I’m not telling her anything.” I shake my head and look away. “I don’t have anything to tell her anyway.”
That’s not a lie. I may know more about him now, but nothing pertinent.
“She’ll ask.”
“I know.”
I must not be doing as good of a job hiding my sadness as I thought I was, because Portia rests her hand on my shoulder and squeezes gently. I don’t have it in me to say that whatever she’s imagining isn’t true.
I can’t do this.
“Could you tell Nadia that I—” Humiliated, I choke on my tears. “I'm— I’ll be in the library.”
I’m already around the corner by the time she agrees. I don't know what I’m going to do there, but at least I’ll be alone. Again.
I may not remember beyond the last three years, but I know in my heart that I’ve never been loved like I am in my dreams. I probably never will be. With all the beautiful people out there, who would choose me, the fat twenty-five-year-old virgin so gullible she falls for every man who looks at her twice? What could I possibly offer someone like him?
Painful, empty nothing.
I end up at the library eventually. At least I can navigate the palace better than I could the South End. My tears have almost stopped before I feel the metal arc of the crescent moon still hanging around my neck and break apart again. I manage to reach an armchair, nestled in an alcove near a half-flight of stairs, and curl up in it as best I can to weather the storm.
I’m so ugly when I cry. Thank god no one can see it. No one ever should.
When the waves settle and my breath doesn’t feel so foreign in my lungs, I press my palms to my eyes and sigh heavily. I have a headache now, as I always do after I cry like that. I know I should be hungry, but I’m not. I don’t know what I am.
But I made a promise. To Nadia and to Julian. Even if I never see him again, I’ll help him as much as I can. And with all of his research, all the palace staff who knew both him and Lucio, all the magic echoes swirling around waiting for someone to hear them, I think I can help him a lot.
I was always more comfortable at night. I sleep a little bit, curled up in the armchair, but it’s not very comfortable and I wake up sore. I’m glad I came to the library, though: Julian’s desk is a mess of torn papers and marked-up books, underlines and strikethroughs and question marks in the margins, and I have so little time to piece it all together. If I hadn’t slept yesterday away… yesterday. I shouldn’t be thinking about yesterday. It was nothing. It is nothing.
He’ll be nothing if I can’t figure this out.
Portia brings me something to eat in the very early hours, right before dawn. Without saying a word, she draws up another chair and starts sorting through things too. She can read his handwriting much more easily than I can.
And Count Lucio’s name shows up. And again, and again. Lucio’s temperature rising. Lucio says wine tastes metallic. Alchemical fluid in Lucio’s prosthetic turned red, wouldn’t survive replacement. Observations in clipped clinical speech, but scrawled with ever-increasing desperation. Lucio spitting up blood. Lucio not sleeping, complaining of bad dreams. Lucio too weak to eat, still alive.
Notes on the dissection of a beetle, a cross-section of a human brain, a map of the palace with large red Xs over half the rooms in the east wing. Peeking over my shoulder, Portia points at them.
“That’s the Count’s Suite. He had the whole wing, actually. No one goes up there anymore.”
I straighten up, my joints crackling from the hours I've spent hunched over. “Why?”
She shrugs. “Nadia had the whole thing blocked off. It’s really dirty, from the— all the ash and stuff. And people say it’s haunted.”
“By Lucio?”
“I guess. One of the other housekeepers swears they saw the ghost of a weird guy at the top of the stairs once. That it looked right at them with spooky red eyes. I think they’re full of shit, but maybe it’s worth a look?”
There could be a thousand things worth a look. If I had more time… “I don’t know. I have a couple spells that might be able to pin down a ghost, but I’ve never actually tried them.”
“If it is Lucio, though, wouldn’t he be able to say who killed him?”
“Hm. That’s true. Is the wing locked?”
Portia grins and fishes in her pocket. “Not if you have keys.”
The main staircase is close to the library. I feel the air get colder as we approach, and the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck start to stand up even before Portia unlocks the corridor that leads to Lucio’s bedroom. It’s eerily quiet, all gray and black, luxury gone to ruin in the wake of a disaster. I’ve seen reproductions of burned-out buildings that look like this, after heavy battles. It crosses my mind that destruction of that caliber had taken extremely powerful magic to accomplish, not the actions of a single man weakened by pressure and long hours in the midst of a plague. Julian can’t even do magic. He said as much during our long conversation at the Raven. I can’t imagine anything else that would do this much damage without bringing the entire palace down.
Cinders crunch underfoot. Charred paintings watch us pass. A primal fear creeps along just behind us, whispering then asking then screaming at us to flee. I can feel my heart in my throat and adrenaline in my blood, every sense heightened. Tattered curtains move at the corner of my eye: I’m terrified to look and even more terrified not to.
But I can tell without bringing magic to my hand that there’s nothing here. At least nothing that wants to make itself known. There’s just a spark of pure rage somewhere deep inside the wing, but it doesn’t want to be seen. No ghosts, no goats, no ghost goats. No spooky red eyes. Just soot and smoke stains and three years of neglect. The fear lurking in the back of my mind isn’t supernatural, just the normal human mistrust of the dark and abandoned.
We go all the way to the end of the suite to no avail. Part of me thinks I should stay, but I’m getting tired now and the idea of sleeping in these rooms isn’t appealing. Portia takes my sigh as an admission of defeat and pats my arm. It was a distant hope anyway.
Near the end of the corridor as we leave, a small glimmer catches my attention. If I hadn’t been looking that way to start with, I never would’ve noticed it.
“Hey Portia, what’s in there?”
She lifts up the lantern and peers into the room. “Bath chamber, I think.”
We see it at the same time, as the light catches the red gleam again: falling from the sink are drops of blood. More of it trickles across the floor. The walls are stained from it, up to the window.
“What the fuck?”
My sentiments exactly. What is this? It can’t be actual blood, can it? This is the top floor of the palace. Is it bubbling up through the plumbing?
“Nadia’s gonna want to know about this,” Portia says in a small voice.
“Wait. Let me check it out first.”
She turns to look at me, pale in the lantern’s glow. “This is way beyond whatever my brother might have done. It could infect the whole palace!”
“Do you think it’s infectious?”
Portia frowns. “Did you… Were you in Vesuvia back then? During the Plague?”
There’s no point in lying. “No.”
“Neither was I, but I heard about it. Before I left Nevivon, some sailors docked and told everyone what they’d seen. People died so quickly, there wasn’t space to keep their bodies. And they were all red, their eyes and their fingertips, everywhere you could see veins.” She shudders. “I can’t believe Ilya worked with it and… and…”
She must’ve been so scared, knowing that he could die any day.
“You know that big ugly crematorium out in the bay?” she asks.
“The Lazaret.” Everyone knows about that. You can see it from shore, a jagged silhouette reminding everyone of the toll the Plague took on the city. I don’t like looking at it: it makes my heart ache.
“Yeah. Even with that, there were too many bodies. So many people… There was a rumor that the Palace stored the extra ones, until they could be burned.”
“Where would they have been able to keep them?”
“Dunno. But there’s a huge tunnel system under here, all the way down into the cliffs. And the dungeon’s really big.”
I’d wondered how Julian could escape the prison cells, when the only way out was through the palace itself. Tunnels would explain that, I suppose. “So do you think there’s still something tainting the water?”
Her eyes are wide in the dark. “There might be. Kinda like here, no one’s been in the dungeons for ages. Probably since then.”
I frown. It’s unlikely, but I can’t deny the evidence right in front of me. I take another step into the washroom and trace the flow towards the wall. Some of the stones are loose now, after years of water damage. There’s more than enough room for it all to drain away between them.
Weak dawn sunlight floods the horizon as I stand up and glance out the window. I can see most of the city from here, out across the harbor to the Lazaret and down through the South End and directly into the lush gardens below.
And beyond the gardens, flowing from the palace along the channel of an aqueduct, is a stream of blood red.
Nadia scowls at the dripping red water, then summons her bodyguard to her side and dispatches them with a whispered order. Both Portia and I follow her out of the wing, but Portia splits off at the base of the stairs to see to her duties while Nadia invites me into the dining hall for breakfast.
A massive, gaudy painting hangs over the table, eyeing us as we pick over the array of egg dishes and sliced fruit. It depicts a celebration scene, I think, presided over by a muscular blond man with his arms spread wide over a crowd of adoring citizens. Nadia notices me looking at it and chuckles.
“Admiring my late husband’s art sense, are you, Reyja?”
I don’t want to offend her, but I think Count Lucio should’ve stuck to partying. “It’s, um, very vibrant.”
“That was typical of him,” she laughs. “Ostentatious to a fault.”
People don’t talk about Lucio much, unless they’re cursing his name for all the damage he did to the city with his warmongering and overspending. I’m trying to solve his murder, but now that I think of it, I don’t know much about the man himself. “What was he like?”
Nadia grimaces. “Much as you’ve heard, I expect. Loud, brash, insolent. Committed to his life of luxury. I would not have married him, had I been sober when he proposed.”
She must catch my surprise, because she fixes me in her dark eyes and raises a brow as if daring me to judge her.
Of course I won’t. “How did you two meet?”
“He was visiting Prakra,” she says. “To present himself to Empress Nasrin, my mother, as the Count of Vesuvia. He had been in power for some time by then, as I recall. I believe he told me that he’d first come to this city nearly twenty years before, on a mercenary contract.”
“He wasn’t from here?”
“No. He was of the Southern tribes.”
That’s confusing. “How did he get to be Count?”
“The former Count grew quite fond of him. Lucio was named his heir shortly after he arrived, and took the throne shortly after that. He spoke often of the battle in which he lost his arm—” She points at the painting. Lucio’s left arm shines, gilded in gold leaf. “—the same in which Spada was killed.”
Lucio may have been bloodthirsty, especially fond of the fights to the death at the coliseum Vesuvia used to be famous for, but everyone knew his roots as a successful mercenary. Even in his forties, when he died, he was strong and virile.
Which was why his death came as such a shock. Who would’ve thought such a man would die in his bed, ravished by sickness and weak enough to fall to an unskilled assassin?
“What about the Plague?” I ask quietly. People talk about Lucio a little bit, but no one discusses the Plague at all, as if the mere mention of it will cause its return.
Nadia nods. “It appeared nearly overnight, five years ago. No one had seen its like before. To my knowledge, nothing like it has been seen since, either.”
“Do we know where it came from?”
“I’m afraid not. Little is known of it, save that it killed thirty thousand of my people in two years.”
Her people. Nadia may have been Prakran by birth, but this was her city now.
“I had been visiting my sisters when it struck,” Nadia continues, gaze unfocused as she looks back through her memories. “As such, I was forbidden from returning until we were certain it had passed.”
I remember the parade that welcomed her back, but I didn’t realize she’d been gone that long. It’s been less than a year: she must be so busy, trying to pull Vesuvia together again. No wonder the search for her husband’s murderer hadn’t been her top priority until now. “I’m sorry.”
She tilts her head, looking at me. “Understand this, Reyja: if the Plague has not truly left the city, and what you and dear Portia discovered today is proof of that, then the search for Doctor Devorak must be set aside. I am eager to see justice done, but one man’s life, when weighed against the lives of thousands, will not tip the scales. I hope I may rely upon your services regardless of that outcome.”
Her visit to the shop feels very far away. I’m attached to this now, however big it gets. “I’ll be here.”
“Thank you. I have sent Yazakh to fetch an expert on the Plague from their estate. I hope they will return soon, but in the meantime, I urge you to rest. We may have much to consider in the coming days.”
I take a small pastry with me when I leave the table and make my way back to my room. I don’t doubt that she’s right, but even with this additional set of problems, I can’t keep my mind away from Julian. Thoughts of him cloud my head as I lay down for a nap and they’re still there when I wake up. My stomach isn’t happy with me, swirling with guilt and humiliation and anxiety, but I don’t know what to do about it.
The expert still hasn’t arrived when I go up to Lucio’s suite to check. I pass the library on the way back and my fingers fly to the silver moon pendant still around my neck, following the divot Julian’s own nerves wore in the metal. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to look through his notes while I wait, if I can concentrate enough to get anything useful out of them.
I can’t.
When the sun sets again, I give up. Another day gone, and I’ve only discovered more things to do. I need something to focus on, something with a solution, something… something that might distract me from the fact that I’m no closer to clearing Julian’s name.
I can follow that water, if nothing else. I don’t know where it’s coming from, but maybe I can learn where it’s going. And I can get out of the palace, maybe work off some of this nervous energy. And I won’t be surrounded by pieces of him, distracting me from my mission. It’ll be perfect.
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tansypoisoning · 5 years
I'm a slut... Stalker Bucky with a breeding kink. Noncon please and thank you. 😖🙏🏼
No worries; you’re among fellow sluts here 🙏🏼(This obsessive Bucky isreal mushy, my dudes)
Warning: non con, stalking, breeding, light bondage
You braced yourself, your eyes shifting from side to side as youwaited for the locksmith to repair the bolts in your window. You hadhad to spend the previous night with them unlocked, and you didn’tget a wink of sleep. You didn’t dare close your eyes, in fear thatwhen you opened them you would be met with a stranger’s.
It had been two months, two weeks and three days since your peace ofmind had been put in jeopardy. It all started with a letter, brimmingwith declarations of love and devotion from a secret admirer, left inwith your mail. You laughed it off, deciding it had to be a prank,but ever since that day you had a little voice in the back of yourhead telling you to watch your back.
Two days later, there was a bouquet of red roses at your doorstep.Three more days, and it was an envelope with pictures of you goingabout your day, a little message scribbled on the back of eachphotography: “I love the sound of your laughter”, “You’re socute when you sneeze”, “I can’t wait for when we finally can gofurniture shopping together”, “I’ll never let you go”.
You talked to the cops and showed them the collected evidence, but asthe culprit had left no clues to lead them to his identity, and youcouldn’t even begin to imagine who might be sending you those, therewas nothing they could do. You didn’t have money to even buy acamera to catch the suspect in the act, much less to move and hopethey wouldn’t follow after, so you had no choice but to remain inyour home, where your stalker could always find you.
You spent the following weeks amassing all the little gifts youreceived and sending them to the police station. Nothing ever came ofit, despite the fact that the items grew progressively more complex,more fitted to your interests – trinkets that one might purchase onValentine’s day morphing into things you had picked up in storesbut put back on account of their being too expensive; the bouquetsstarted carrying your favorite flowers instead, filling the yourentrance with their sweet smell; the pictures your stalker took ofyou were all in your favorite angles, the ones you thought flatteredyou the best. All you could do was go about your life as if nothingstrange was happening, as if you weren’t terrified every wakingmoment.
Last night, though, your fear took a much more concrete form.
You came home to find your bedroom window wide open, the lock bustedfrom the outside. You had huddled in a corner and called the police,explaining the situation through your tears, but when they arrivedthere was none else at your place, and nothing had been stolen oreven moved. The officers left, one shaking his head and the othermumbling in annoyance. You didn’t expect they’d be of much helpif someone eventually broke in.
“M’am?” The locksmith called you, concern reflected in his blueeyes. You smiled at him, half sincere and half panicked. He was quitehandsome, but you were too distraught to give it more than a passingthought “Can I use your bathroom?”
“Ah – yes, of course. It’s the first door left down the hall.”
He nodded, fixed his gloves and left you alone to mull over yoursituation. Your stalker had never been explicitly violent, none oftheir letters expressed a desire to hurt you and he never tookanything. The sudden development from dedicated fan to literalintruder was worrisome. Had they been biding their time all thiswhile and were now ready to act on whatever plan they had?
The locksmith returned, offering you a small smile before gettingback to his work. New locks should see you through for a coupleweeks, and then… then you could leave this damn place.
You had passed out cold quickly, feeling safer and exhausted. Youwere sure you would’ve slept for the entire night and then some,but it wasn’t to be.
Your eyes snapped open. It took you a moment to realize what thestrange weight on top of you was, but when you did you screamed.
A hand muffled your voice before you could get a single syllable out,and you latched onto the wrist attached to it on reflex. You pulledat the intruder’s arms furiously, tried to swivel your body to geta better leverage to push them off, but their legs pinned your, andyour wrists were tied to the headboard.
Once you stopped your pointless struggle and your eyes adjusted tothe darkness of the room you saw the eyes of your attacker andwhimpered when you recognized their blue hue.
How could you have been so stupid? You let a stranger intoyour house – a man nonetheless – and gave him free reign over itwhile you were too busy bemoaning your fate, not realizing that yourcarelessness was what had sealed it.
“Hey.” He smiled “Remember me?”
You waited for the locksmith to pull his hand from your mouth, but hedidn’t, so you just nodded, making his grin grow that much wider.
“I was scared you wouldn’t.” He ducked his head bashfully andchuckled “I’m sorry I had to do things like this. I couldn’twait to talk to you the normal way, you know? Couldn’t risk it.” He looked up and touched your cheeks “I know how to make you happy,I spent all this time learning about you… You don’t have to worryabout a thing.”
That was what it took for you to finally bite his palm, using whatyou hoped was force enough to pierce through flesh.
The man winced and pulled his hand away, but he gave you no time tocry for help, quickly pushing your face against the pillow you laidon.
“I know you’re not ready to accept me.” He said, wrapping hislegs over and around yours to lift his torso and kept you pinned downat the same time.
Something slid along the side of your body; something cold and hard.You feared it was a gun, until it reached your waistband, hookingaround it like a metallic claw and tugging at it.
“I know love takes time; everything good does. I’ll help youevery step of the way,” he punctuated the last word with a huff ashe pulled your panties down your legs “but I can’t let you ruinthis for us.”
He lifted his arm triumphantly, your underwear firmly clutched inbetween metal fingers. He turned your head to him and pressed againstyou cheeks until you had no choice but to unclench your jaw. Heshoved the cloth in your mouth, and in contrast to the aggression heused to do that, the kiss he placed on your open lips was soft assilk. You gagged as the scent of your own lubrication flooded yournostrils.
“Sorry. I didn’t even introduce myself.” The man stated,smoothing his palm over your brow as if to ease your frown. “Myname’s James, but… call me Bucky, okay?”
He didn’t wait for your response, kissinging the tip of your nosethen his way down your body. His movements were paradoxical, at timeshovering his lips over your skin and shuddering reverently, and atothers grasping at you like he wanted to rip you open and crawlinside.
You both gasped when he reached your pussy. You tried to close yourlegs, but his hands grasped your thighs and held them up against yourchest. He lingered above you, his breath giving you goosebumps. Helifted his head, presumably to look at you (youcouldn’t see hisface in the dark) and you felt his flesh hand tremble.
“You are beautiful.” He rasped “I… I didn’t know you’d beso beautiful.”
In the silence of the room, you could hear him swallow.
Bucky hovered his lips above your cunt, then, as if to gathercourage, he breathed you in before licking a path from your entranceto your clit. He trembled above you and looked up.
“And you taste so good.” He whispered airily, before ducking hishead down again.
The movements of his tongue mimicked those of his hands and lips whenhe had been exploring your body. He couldn’t decide between sucklingyour folds and diving inside you as if to devour you. You feltyourself growing wetter despite your wishes, and your hips did littleupward thrusts whenever he would lick your clitoris.
Bucky ripped himself away from you, so suddenly it looked likesomeone had pulled him up by the hair.
“Fuck, I’m close.” He panted, and you believed him. You couldsee the strain on his shoulders. “I’m sorry, I can’t make youcum yet. Can’t waste it.”
He grunted and dragged his body up until he was face to face withyou. His jaw and eyes glistened as he leaned over you to peck yourlips.
“I can’t wait for when you finally kiss me back.” He whispered,then bowed his head to nuzzle your neck.
He pulled his real hand away, and you used the opportunity to try andkick him. His metal fingers hardened against the flesh of your thigh,making you yell around the makeshift gag.
“Don’t.” He warned, looking up at you squeezing your leg alittle tighter before releasing “If you don’t struggle, I’m notgonna hurt you.”
He stared a little longer, then huffed and went back to your neckwhen you didn’t respond. He fiddled with his bottoms, slipping themdown just low enough to get his cock out. It slapped against yourass, already rock hard and leaking.
“I’m so sorry” he began, rubbing himself against your pussy “Icouldn’t make it more romantic. I’ll make it up to you. We have allthe time in the world…”
He pushed into you slowly, wheezing with each inch that entered yourquivering cunt. He bottomed out with a grunt, then fell on top ofyou, hugging your body to his and panting. You wished you could sayit was painful, but having him inside you felt horribly right.
“You’re squeezing me so tight.” He whispered against the top ofyour head. “It’s like you don’t want to let go.”
Bucky sighed in contentment and rutted against you. He moaned withevery slow roll of his hips, kissing your hair in between hisinterjections. It was a while of grinding before he began to plungeinto you, his pelvis doing all the work while his torso remained inplace, practically crushing you under his weight.
“It’s okay. I don’t want to let go either.”
His pubic bone bumped against your clitoris with each thrust, andalthough he huffed like a man who couldn’t handle anymore, his hipskept a steady pace that had you seeing stars. You hated the way yourbody reacted to his onslaught, growing slicker and becoming moreattuned to his, reacting like he was your lover rather than anassailant.
Your mewls were muffled by your panties and your loins burned as theysought more contact with the man above you. If Bucky didn’t stopsoon you’d end up coming and you couldn’t let that happen – notwhen he was already deluded enough to think you’d ever love him.You clamped down around him so he would finish faster, but all thatdid was make you feel even better.
“Look at me, look at me.” He murmured, cupping your cheeks andforcing you to lock eyes with him. “I’m so close, baby, I-”
He didn’t finish his sentence, fading into a cacophony of gruntsand his hips slammed into you relentlessly. You wheezed as breathingthrough the gag became harder with each of his thrusts. You felt youwere suffocating when you underwear was ripped off. You only had timeto take one gulp of air before Bucky crashed his lips against yoursin an open mouthed kiss.
Your brain short circuited; the lack of oxygen coupled with yourorgasm made the room spin around. You were just barely cognizant ofthe warmth pooling around in your core and the hissing sound aboveyou. Your body twisted until the pleasure slowly ebbed away and youcould finally think again. You had come, and he had come inyou.
“Get off me!” You tried to scream, but your throat was too sorefor the sound to come out as anything more than a rasp.
“No.” He sighed, thrusting upwards to stop his semi-soft dickfrom slipping out of you “Can’t waste a single drop.”
You frowned, wiggling your body to push him off. Bucky didn’tdislodge his pelvis from yours, only lifted his torso to look at you.His smile was sweet and fond, as if your eyes weren’t glossy withtears.
“I hope this isn’t too uncomfortable. I gotta make sure it’sgoing to take.” He whispered, and you mouthed ‘what?’ inreturn, your voice nearly gone, making him chuckle “Our baby.”
It was as if your larynx was constricting in on itself as your mindworked a million miles an hour to process his words. You couldn’tgrasp it, refused to to, even if he was being perfectly clear: thiswasn’t just a one time thing for him, and he intended to make yourbond to him permanent.
“Hey, it’s okay. I meant it when I said I would help you everystep of the way.” Bucky pressed a gentle lingering kiss to yourlips “You’re going to be an amazing mother.”
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The Trials of Emi
Pairing: A little Minho. A sprinkle of Frypan. Gally x Emi(OC)
Summary: Emi, her twin brother Thomas, and a small group of gladers had been rescued and taken to a safe haven. Or so it seemed. It doesn't take long for Thomas to realize something is wrong. What happens next is a true trial for all of them but Emi's trials began the moment she was ripped away from a dying Gally. Watching someone you love die right before your eyes truly takes a toll.
Finally meeting the right arm could have been the end but betrayal leads to even more chaos and loss. A new mission to rescue those taken from them leads them to a city. The last city. After Emi finally comes to terms with everything that's happened something unfolds that changes everything again. She will have to not only deal with helping her brother take down WCKD and save their friend but also deal with all the new problems in her head and her heart.
Rating: As of right now it’s at most PG13. Some strong language that’s about it but it could change.
(This is the 2nd part/book to my other story "The Maze trials: A Gally Fanfiction". This will cover the events of the scorch trails and the death cure.)
Chapter Five
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The bright sun of the glade felt good on my skin. I didn't realize how much I missed this feeling. I was standing alone in the middle of the glade just looking around. The door of the homestead opened revealing a smiling Gally. He ran over to me quickly. He picked me up in his arms squeezing me against him.
"I miss you," I whispered.
He let go of me and stepped back. His hands grabbed each side of my face. He smiled at me.
"It's okay to miss me but don't stop living Emi. I want you to be happy. That's all I've ever wanted. Whatever it takes." He spoke softly as his thumbs rubbed my cheeks.
"How am I suppose to be happy again?" I asked him.
He chuckled softly.
"You'll have to figure that out my dear. Remember I will always love you." He kissed my forehead.
He started to walk away back to the homestead. He stopped about halfway then turned back to me.
"And Emi, don't stop talking to them. Don't drown yourself like that. They need you and you need them." He waved then disappeared.
"Hey! Hey! Get outta here!" Thomas shouted waking up the group.
I woke up practically laying on top of Minho. One of his arms was draped around me. I was using his chest as a pillow. I looked up seeing him now awake too.
"Good morning" he said with a smile.
I scoffed and pushed myself away from him. Pain shot through me reminding me of my open wound. I looked down to check it seeing even more blood. Some of it had gotten onto Minho while we slept. I watched Thomas slowly stand up. He turned in a circle taking in our surroundings.
"Are they gone?" Newt asked.
"Yea, we're safe for now. We should get moving. Let's pack it up." Thomas said bending down to get his bag.
Minho tried getting my attention but I was already on my feet walking towards Newt. I can't believe he let that happen. He knows how mad I am at him.
"Aris, Fry, Winston come on get up," Thomas said.
Winston groaned in pain. He looked like he was panting. Fry bent down and gave his hand to the boy to help him up. We started climbing out of whatever we had found ourselves in. At the top of the broken building I saw the most incredible yet terrifying thing. An entire city that looked like it had been blown to pieces. It looked old like it was abandoned a very long time ago. We began our trek through the open path between all the mountain-sized buildings.
"What the hell happened to this place?" Fry asked after a while of walking.
"I don't know. It looks like no one has been here for a long time." Newt answered looking up at the buildings.
"I hope the whole world s'not like this," Aris added.
"Woah, hang on stop," Thomas ordered suddenly from the back of the group.
We all stopped immediately turning to look at him. He seemed to be concentrating or listening to something.
"You hear that?" He asked looking up to all of us.
We all stood motionless trying to hear what he was hearing. Just as I started to think he was going mad I heard it.
"Everybody get down! Hide! Hide!" Thomas shouted.
We all ran diving under a large piece of concrete. It was big enough for each of us to crouch under without being seen. The sound grew louder and louder until it was directly over us. As the three aircrafts passed there was no doubt in my mind that they were WCKD.
"Their never gonna stop looking for us are they?" Minho asked.
Once they were gone we climbed back out. Thomas led on to a large hill of rubble. He started climbing.
"Everyone good?" He asked once we were about halfway up.
I heard coughing behind me. I turned to see Winston not looking so good. He took a deep breath then continued on. I tried to stay close just to keep an eye on him. We climbed over another sand dune. At the top we could see for what looked like miles. In the far distance, I saw the mountains.
"Mountains, that's gotta be it. That's where we're going." Thomas said.
"That's a long way off," Newt stated simply.
Beside me Winston seemed to be having trouble again. He pulled his bag off himself while breathing heavily. Before I knew what happened he took one step then fell face-first into the sand.
"Winston!" Thomas and I shouted in unison.
All of us dropped to our knees around him. He looked bad. Pale and sweaty. It definitely looked like he could be running a fever. I grabbed the boy's face turning him over. His breathing was ragged and sharp. A few of the boys called his name trying to get him to open his eyes or say something.
"What do we do?" Teresa asked looking around at us.
Without a word I stood grabbing Fry to help me. We quickly gathered material and roped together a way to carry Winston with us. It was slightly harder for me to do this with the use of one hand. My other arm hadn't stopped burning since I had woken up. Once it was made and we laid Winston on it Fry and Minho took the first turn pulling him.
We kept walking. On and on threw the sand. Some of the old ruins were breathtaking. It seemed to get harder to carry Winston with each step we took. It got worse when the wind picked up choking and blinding us with sand. We found shelter to wait it out and take a breath.
At that shelter Thomas and Teresa stood on top of one of the dunes talking. I noticed Newt constantly glancing towards them. I wish I could say something to help him out. I could tell Thomas didn't look at Teresa the same way he did Newt. There was affection in his eyes every time he looked or spoke of Newt. When it came to Teresa he was more curious. She was the connection to his lost memories. He needed her to remember what he had forgotten.
A loud shot rang out making me jump and grab the closest person to me which, my luck, it was Minho. Winston had woke up and immediately grabbed the gun. He was now in seriously bad shape.
"I'm not gonna make it," Winston said quietly.
We all just looked at him. What could we say? We all knew how bad he looked. We all had the same thought he just spoke but he was apart of our family. We had to try to get him to safety.
"Please, don't let me turn into one of those things." He begged reaching for the gun Fry was holding.
Newt silently took the gun from Fry then gave it to Winston. I would have done the same if I wasn't frozen in shock.
"Thank you. Now, get out of here." Winston said softly.
We packed our things leaving Winston behind with the gun like he wanted. We made it to the other side of the sand dune when the shot rang out. I jumped letting my tears spill over down my cheeks. Another one of us gone. Another glader. We kept moving knowing we had to. There was nothing else we could do.
That night when we made shelter I sat between Minho and Teresa by the fire. My tears were still falling in a steady stream. Minho had been cutting up a piece of wood for a while but decided to put it down. He scooted a little closer to me. He silently wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. At this point I didn't care about him touching me or being close to me. I just wanted to cry. I needed my moment to mourn another friend.
The next day we moved on. Always moving. It seemed like the more we walked the farther the mountains got. Our water started running out but we kept going. We were too far to turn back now. We had no actual shelter when night came so we all made our peace with the hard ground and eventually fell asleep.
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kateebear702 · 5 years
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I wake up, take a deep breath and force myself out of bed. I wipe the fog off of the mirror, hoping it will somehow reduce the hollow look of exhaustion in my eyes. Nope. The lines aren't on the mirror, they're on my face. My eyes are swollen and my skin is pale. It's one of those days again. The kind of day where I see more of you than I see of myself. Despite sleeping for 12 hours, I'm still just so tired. That's you again. You let me sleep for days, but you never let me rest. There are days where I feel as if you make up 99 percent of my identity. Those days are the hardest. I want nothing more than to be free from you, yet that prospect is terrifying to me. Who am I if I am not you? I look in the mirror and I see you, rather than myself. Who was I meant to be if you had not ruined my life? So many questions will forever go unanswered, and all of them are about you.
You took everything from me. You didn't just take my prime years, you took my friends and my career. You took my life experiences and my ability to be a normal person. You tainted my virtue, making me angry at the entire world for something it had no control over. I was no longer seeing the world through the rose-colored glasses that love and happiness makes us see from. Instead, my vision was obscured by the blinding lights of hospital rooms. I have more scars on my body from IV needles than I do from falling on the playground as a kid, all because of you.
I can't stop wondering, why did you choose me? Was it expediency? Was I just the easiest target? One thing that brings me solace is the thought that because you chose me, someone else out there didn't have to suffer. As if I was the one who took the statistic instead — the one in a million. Yet I can't help but wish that this never happened. That somehow, someway, I could go back and time and make sure that you don't choose me as your host. Sadly, that isn't possible, so I'm stuck with you. I'm in this abusive relationship with you and no matter what I do, I can't escape your grasp.
I wonder how many years I could've saved if they had found you earlier. You were a disease I should've beat. Instead, you grew stronger. You were misdiagnosed left and right and I was just an innocent bystander who was stuck in the crossfire. I can't blame those doctors though. Who would've ever thought that you were my own antibodies eating away at my brain. It wasn't just migraines or dehydration, it was you.
I have to fight you with every ounce of my strength. I wish I could look you in the face and tell you what you took from me. I was broken, and you made sure I knew that. All while I was trying everything to make life somehow bearable again. Those damn empty orange pill bottles seemed to litter my floor. Sometimes, I feel like I could drown in them.
Because of you, I hurt people. I was so angry at you that I took it out on everybody who dared cross my path. I treated people like their feelings didn't matter because I was miserable. I had to find a way to express my anger towards you without hurting others in the process. That in itself was a battle that could've lasted lifetimes.
Not only am I stuck with you, but I feel stuck in the past. Because of you, I am nowhere near where my dreams would've led me. I hate it. I hate feeling like a failure all because you chose to ruin my life. Day after day, you make me jump these hurdles that become barricades. They add up over time, and now I feel as if I'm stuck behind these tailor-made mountains. Mountains that feel so impossible to climb.
Don't get it twisted though. I'm not giving up. Although there are mountains in front of me, I look back and see the others that I have already climbed. I see how far I've made it from my past and it motivates me to keep going. You see, the one thing you will never be able to take away from me is what I have survived. Most people couldn't walk 10 feet in the body that you've made me walk a million miles in. When you're breathing down my neck and making me feel weak, I remember one simple thing. I have survived 100 percent of my bad days. So, you may be able to take experiences from me, but you can't take away my strength. My feet hurt from trudging and my back hurts from carrying this weight, but I'm not giving up. Whatever is on the other side of the mountain in front of me will be worth all of the pain you put me through. So, just keep this in mind. You're the one who is now stuck with me. You chose the wrong person to attack. You chose me, the one who is going to conquer you if it's the last thing I do...
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