#I'm talking about Xanxus
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songsofadelaide · 5 days ago
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Edward Elric in my childhood, Xanxus in my teenhood, Gojo Satoru in my adulthood... Is there some kinda pattern I'm not seeing here...
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zoroara · 9 months ago
So, it is pride month, and I'm Aro-Ace, I'm not really into romance at all and I am what some know as sex-repulsed. This admittedly means a lot of positivity around this especially in fandom is, kind of hard to portray, as strong feelings, powerful loyalty and affection is often seen as tied to more romantic or sexual scenarios(You would not believe how many accusations of being attracted to someone I've had for this, I just care about my friends so much).
I understand why this is, but I'd like to take this post, to sort of talk about my own readings of relationships and head canons based on this, and if you have any similar, I encourage you to do the same and share! But if you start ship bashing I will hit you with hammers(block you) because that's not the point of this post.
For me, though in rare situations I'll ship them, Xanxus and Squalo are incredibly important to me in their relationship. They aren't even friends, and yet there's this powerful tie between them. The loyalty Squalo shows, the enjoyment of watching Xanxus fight. It's great. I do like to say, Xanxus does respect Squalo in the only way he can, Xanxus is built to see himself above everyone. He doesn't see Squalo as an equal to him, but he does see Squalo as above everyone else, and that's the most amount of respect Xanxus can give another person. Is that enough for Squalo? No. But it is a lot from Xanxus. It's so deeply interesting to me that it's probably on Squalo being so willing to keep his word being potentially the only reason they'll even stick together. They both benefit from this, both in ways challenging the other to improve in skill. (by the way, I think it is so funny how Amano continuously tries to imply Squalo is equally strong to Xanxus but flat out fails because of how they treat Squalo.)
Honestly all the bonds the Varia have despite not being quite friends are so interesting to me. They just all mesh in a great way, but they also all are ready to throw down with another. The only thing that brings them into one focused goal is murder and being attacked sometimes. They are so fucking interesting to pick apart and try to figure it out.
This certainly isn't the most analytical post i've made but I also wanted to ramble a bit. But I hope to hear some too!
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morcai · 20 days ago
[chin in hands] do you have any thoughts about vampire!tsuna that didn't make it into the fic?
(for reference, this is about my vampire!tsuna fic nightcap, where i thought simply So Much about vampires)
Specifically I had a lot of thoughts about the Trinisette IN a vampire AU. Some of it came through in the fic, but I had to step around a lot of it for fear of silly infodumping.
So let's talk about the Vongola! In this vampire AU, the Vongola isn't the family, it's the specific bloodline of vampire that Tsuna is. More accurately, it's the specific vampire that Tsuna is.
Canonically, there's a directionality associated with each part of the trinisette. Vongola moves vertically, Mare moves horizontally and Arcobaleno moves diagonally. In the vampire AU, this means that those specific vampire bloodlines have some Real Weird inheritance characteristics. I'll put a cut here for people's dashes, and then get Into It underneath.
A bit of this does show up in nightcap! If you're paying attention, Xanxus draws some really specific boundaries between "Tsunayoshi" and "the Vongola", and there's the mention of the Vault and Tsuna's first "deliberate murder". In this universe, the Vongola is a single vampire, carrying every memory back to the beginning of the bloodline. They're turned in the Vault, and then kill and drain their predecessor, which is what makes them the Vongola. So while Tsuna spent years in training to be Timoteo's heir, and was exposed to and integrated into vampire society actually fairly early on, he wasn't a vampire until he and Timoteo were locked into the Vault together, and he killed Timoteo. Tsuna-as-Tsuna has some weird feelings about that murder, but Tsuna-as-Vongola doesn't actually see it as any kind of thing. Which is the sort of thing that happens when you're simultaneously oh, twenty-something and [redacted] years old.
([redacted] because it's actually entirely possible that the Vongola is many many generations deep, and the name Vongola is only the most recent title for a bloodline as old as like. proto-humanity. i am not spending my time thinking about the evolutionary history of vampirism. I'm busy with the population ecology of superheroism.)
So the Mare and the Arcobaleno have similar atypical presentations! I think in terms of lateral spread, Mare weirdness is transmitted vampire-to-vampire more or less randomly (or due to unknown environmental pressures). I think it similarly comes with a huge history, which is why it's got an unfortunate tendency to drive whoever accidentally contracts it stark raving. Whoever it lands on is usually completely unprepared to have [redacted] years of experience and selfhood land on them.
Diagonal spread is a little harder to figure out. I think probably it SHOULD mean that rather than passing directly parent-to-child, Arcobaleno skips generations? This is not at all coherent with canon, but canon is just. it's So. I think this does solve the issue of What Is Up With Aria maybe a little?
So Luce is the Arcobaleno, she turns Aria, who is NOT the Arcobaleno. Aria turns Yuni, at which point Yuni becomes the Arcobaleno. Does this kill Luce? ehhh.....maybe? At the very least, it would have majorly weakened her, because whatever memory and power is associated with the Arcobaleno has left her.
I don't think Luce, Aria and Yuni are necessarily genetically related. the latest generations of Vongola have maybe been playing blood-descent games (made extra fun by the fact you need your member of the bloodline to procreate BEFORE they take up the mantle) but that's ended with Tsuna. Other vampire families count bloodline by who turned who.
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months ago
Swualo is actually the holder of the tier list cause no one would expect it and he finds it funny as hell. He does in fact encourage Tsuna towards Xancus though. Or Skull because that would be funny.
Dino on the other hand is highly suggesting Reborn cause yes: the daddy issues they do not want to unpack but there's a reason the man has a reputation after all.
Kyoko in ace solidarity helps make the list. Hana and Haru also have thoughts.
Tsuna has banned Haru from making suggestions after she argued there was no such thing as to much bondage.
Lambo had declared he will tattle next time someone brings it up around him because that's his nii-san ewwwwwwwwww.
(Viper is on the list to as a ‘High Possibility but id probably have to pay for it’. Viper upon realizing it also knows that this is the sole thing they would not charge for because imagine the kind of leverage they'd have.)
Nana mentions she has a similar list and bemoans her stupid choice to pick Iemitsu. Except her list was ‘who would give me a good baby’ cause she is aro ace and wanted to be a mom but got stuck with Iemtisu who she had to fake a relationship with cause he would take her baby.
(I'm having to much fun)
Squalo is both the holder of the list because who would think the loudest motherfucker alive would be binding the biggest secret and even id they do find out he has it good luck getting it from him. He is willing to die for the bit, and this is the funniest thing he has ever seen. He, having slept with Xanxus more than once before his weird divorce/situationship with Dino knows exactly how good Xanxus is in bed and is completely unashamed of going into detail.
Kyoko has a whole binder full of pros and cons. She has thought of this extensively throughout the years. There are diagrams.
Haru: Oh Muruko 100%
Tsuna: He is into some weird bondage I just know it
Haru: you say that like it’s a bad thing
Tsuna: I mean it’s not but can I have training wheels on first before you throw me into the deep end!!???
Lambo hates all of them so much. That is his brother they’re all talking about and it’s weird. He also loudly argues against Reborn whenever he comes up because that is frankly a loss Lambo can never recover from. “I fucked your older brother” is too powerful of a weapon to put in that bastard’s hands.
Viper would have the ultimate blackmail in their back pocket at all times if they were chosen and tbh the knowledge that they were picked over reborn would sustain them for years.
Anndjdjsjsnsnnsd Tsuna would hear about nana’s list and just pause for a second like “um hold on post canceled we have to get my mom a divorce yesterday” because there is no way he would leave her in that situation with anyone much less iemitsu of all people.
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dearcat1 · 1 year ago
Part 5 of The Advantages of Thirsting
Tsuna frowns, thinking that over. He thinks he's functional enough for killing, he looks down at his body. Then again, he could eat more healthy food, if that's what he means. His sanity has long been a part of the past. Since the day Reborn showed up, to be exact. If Reborn is the reason why this beautiful creature won't kill him, Tsuna will riot. There will be blood and death and a western standoff. Tsuna deserves this death. He earned it fair and square.
"And you think we're just going to give you the address?" Reborn snaps, somewhere to his right.
Turning to stare at him, Tsuna frowns that little bit harder. That's not nice.
The sexy villain just snorts, however. Before Tsuna can react, - not that he's complaining - Tsuna finds his face squished between the assassin's palms and his vision blocked by the most gorgeous pair of red eyes Tsuna has ever seen. His would-be killer (hopefully) arches a brow. "Well? Where's your house?"
"Tsunayoshi." Reborn's voice promises pain. But then again, Reborn's voice always promises pain and for the more minor inconveniences as well. It's his own fault that Tsuna has become a little desensitized. So Tsuna proceeds to give out his address with no shame. With instructions of how to better get there, just in case.
"You were saying?" The Varia Commander snorts, dismissing the glowering Reborn in favor of pulling Tsuna along. Presumably home.
Seeing as Tsuna has absolutely no problem with following, he lets himself be dragged along. Bubble butt, too. Tsuna smiles to himself. No, he's happy where he is. He's dragged all the way home and then up the stairs and to his bedroom, where the assassin deposits him on the bed. The omega snorts at Reborn's small hammock in the corner. "He'll kill you tonight, you know?" It's said with more humor than Tsuna has seen in him before.
"I'll fight him off for you," Tsuna promises. He's happy to die. This moment, even. But only as long as it's this gorgeous man who crushes him.
Xanxus looks at him for a long moment before snorting, dragging the blankets up and over Tsuna's face before slamming a pillow on the younger Sky's nose. "We'll see."
The sound of the door slamming signals the disappearance of Tsuna's future killer. Cute. With a sigh, the alpha pulls the blankets down and unclasps the mask. Damn that contraption.
"Useless-Tsuna," Reborn growls, gun glinting in the moonlight. "What was that?"
"If you try to kill me, I will fight you off." Tsuna squares his shoulders, fingers itching towards his pockets, where his gloves are safely stored.
Reborn stares at him for a long moment, expression blank. "That's your enemy. He's trying to kill you. He's trying to kill your friends."
"My friends will understand," Tsuna knows this. They love him enough not to take this from him.
"I'm cursed with idiots for students," Reborn laments. "If you wanted deadly, you could have gone for Bianchi. She can kill you just as easily."
"Have you smelt him?" Tsuna smiles at the ceiling. "And he's so cute, too."
"Cute?" Reborn shoots at his shoulder. "Xanxus? Commander of the Varia? Are we talking about the same guy? Tsunayoshi, he's killed more people than you can imagine."
"Lucky assholes," Tsuna growls, imagining all the ways he would kill them again if they weren't a thing of the past. "He is cute," he defends, dropping back down on the mattress. "He even tucked me in."
"He tried to smother you with a blanket and did hit you with a pillow." Reborn jumps on the bed, hitting Tsuna on the head as soon as he reaches him. "That's not tucking you in!"
"So cute," Tsuna repeats, breathing in the faint scent of the assassin lingering on his clothes. "Did you see how strong he is?"
Reborn stares at him for a long moment before he sighs. "I saw."
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stepswordsen · 5 months ago
【Magi】 Judar Wearing Hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
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【Magi】 Judar wearing hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
【マギ】 漢服(ハンフ)を着るジュダル
Judar is my fave Magi chara, and JuAli is my fave Magi ship, so I REALLY wanna create plushie designs of them one day, as well as a Tegaki fan-animatic MV... It's my dream 🙏
My unhinged gremlin black cat son who's Black Sun, Moon, and Eclipse themed! 🐈‍⬛☀️🖤🌙
1st Judar doodle is a planned concept art reference sheet I wanna do for my headcanon design of him wearing black and red hanfu 💞
2nd Judar doodle is based on a Vocaloid song parody with JuAli (Judar/Alibaba) x Unfriendly Hater by Meddmia (drawn by WOOMA) 🖤❤️💛
In my HCs, Judar wears a type of hanfu called Ruqun (襦裙). Ru (襦) is the cross-collared top of a hanfu, and the wrap-around skirt is called Qun (裙). The coat jacket is called Da Xiu Shan (大袖衫)
He'd look great wearing black and red hanfu with white and gold accents~ The black outer coat jacket is slightly translucent, so it'll show the cross collared top's red sleeves through it.
I drew some tentative rain drop earrings for now, but I imagine he would wear gold and red hanfu earrings, and/or snowflake/icicle ones (since Judar is an ice magic user) ❄️
I've been forgetting to post my doodles from my side account onto main, so here you go. I missed talking about my son and drawing him.
I think my art style is getting more refined 🥰💖 The way I draw faces/eyes has been improving steadily! The first Judar doodle was the first time I experimented with an eye style with thicker eyelashes and underlashes! I love the new eye style a lot, so I've comfortably settled into it for the rest of my arts.
I want to draw him in different styles of huafu too, but I made the main hanfu he wears in my HC version, simple to draw (black coat jacket, red cross collared top, black wrap around skirt) with simple patterns, just for my own sake.
I'm obsessed with Meow meow mf charas. Black and white colour scheme and design aesthetics. Black and/or white hair. Black Sun & Moon themed. Sharp tsurime eyes. Eyeshadow. Causes problems on purpose. C*nty Sen-core bastard cat. Smug chaotic edgy evil asshole character. Violent, unhinged, bloodthirsty and murderous. Arrogant with a huge ego that distances them from humanity (or social interactions).
I love "Sen-core Meow meow mf" and "Cunty Sen-core" bastard cat Annoying Nyam Nyam types like him /pos <3 🐈‍⬛💗
Judar's long black hair with braids, and black + white + red + yellow design hits my fave aesthetics 💗I love his braids sm
Judar is my fave Magi chara. No one is surprised LOL. Judar is a perfect Sen-core character.
Especially since I KNEW I have a history of being obsessed with Kuroha (KagePro) since I was 12. I knew exactly what would happen
The fact that my evil unhinged meow meow pipeline has led me from Kuroha (2013) to Judar (2022) is really not surprising at all.
It's so funny rereading my messages from 2022 when I first read Magi and guessed that he'd be my fave after seeing his 1st CAMEO appearance 😭😂 It's like watching my downfall in real time /lh
My friends mainly associate me with my meow meow mf faves like Douman, Xanxus, Judar, Idate, Kuroha, and Hibari. To be known for them is an honour ✨ It makes me very happy (❁´◡`❁)
Judar's a fun chara and a perfect squishable gremlin it's natural I'm devoted to him. I love my son
I wanna draw even more of him cuz he's just so fun to draw. I need to practice more cuz I have trouble drawing his spiky hair at times
I put the rest of my doodle WIPs, and talks of my headcanon design for him, and my art process under the cut ✨ Cuz I don't think I ever talked about how I got obsessed with this chara in full? I'll put that too
WIP Shots
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The last one is an older doodle. I still like aspects of it but I'd redraw it (also the above doodles are just better drawn versions of it)
Headcanon Design
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Judar wears hanfu and hanfu earrings in my headcanon design.
I imagined that he would wear gold and red hanfu earrings, and also snowflake/icicle ones! Silver snowflake ones, and glass icicle earrings would be cool...
So I think I may wanna put snowflake/ice and dragon patterns on his hanfu. The silhouette of a Chinese dragon (ice dragon) would be rad 🐉
I want Alibaba to wear traditional Arabic clothes (white and yellow). I've been looking into it for now, but I wanna draw it soon... I also HC Alibaba to have tanner skin in my HC design
Ohtaka is really good at harmonizing colour palettes (seen with the volume covers). I loooove using teal/cool tinted black when colouring my meow meow mf faves, so this is a treat hehe
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Since Judar is from the Kou Empire, which is based on China, I wanted to project Judar's ethnicity onto his design more (since many friends who I've spoken to from my other interests didn't know he was even CN inspired until I told them)
I always take aspects I like from canon and imbue it with my own tastes! I base my drawings on my own headcanons/interpretations of my faves.
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I agree with the above post <3
Magi is in my top favourite series ever in terms of art and writing. It's generally peak imo
Magi's biggest flaws are the whitewashing, colourism and racial stereotyping (ex. racially stereotyped clothing in the character designs) and some parts of the setting being bastardized takes on SWANA and South Asian cultures, and I've always been critical of that.
Of course, it's totally normal for cultures to do cultural exchanges with each other, but that's not what's going on here.
A lot of EA media feeds into insensitive/distasteful racial stereotypes on non EA cultures, we don't need more of it being perpetuated in fandom spaces. I personally won't be drawing certain Magi charas in their canon clothing designs.
Ohtaka's drawn him (Judar) in hanfu before, it should've been his canon clothes instead.
I love his hair design with the braids sm. I draw him in huafu in my HC design instead as a fix-it for the obvious colourism going on in Magi's chara designs, and also, the charas' clothing designs and parts of the settings too, being bastardized and racially stereotyped takes on SWANA and South Asian cultures.
WIP Shots (Art Process)
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I drew these, which I like, but I liked the original best (up top). A few of them have slightly more curled hair strands! I think 1st and 2nd are the best in capturing the vibes, but the others are also interesting to see. I might incorporate some aspects from them when I refine this doodle
I think there's a lot of improvement from my past doodles. I still like this but I'd redraw it (since I feel like my recent doodles are just better drawn versions of this)
Admittedly I'm MUCH better at drawing meow meow mfs, so I haven't gotten the chance to draw Alibaba yet.
I find Judar's spiky hair hard to draw so I'm still trying to decide how I want to draw it...
I love how Ohtaka draws the shape of his braids. I didn't get the time to refine the sketch yet so I just blocked in the shape of his braids roughly with a silhouette (so I'll go fix it later)
I wanna redraw and refine the hair and clothes later 👍
I think when I actually get to colouring, though, I'm gonna desaturate the teal tinted black colour slightly
On the 1st sketch pass, I just care about making the face and eyes look good (since it's usually the main focus of my pieces)
Then I just scribble whatever for the clothes.
And then when I go back to clean up the sketch, then I fix everything else, including the clothes
(Magi: Kou Empire Arc - Ch. 255 Spoilers)
I was rereading the Judar vs. Aladdin fight in the Kou Empire arc and I love how dynamic Ohtaka's art is. I'm in love with the compositions
Judar's ice dragons and the the last page with Judar being themed with the moon!!! That's so cool. My son is so cool and iconic
Judar’s leitmotif is the Black Sun and Moon ☀️🖤🌙
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I reread the Kou Empire arc so many times cuz it's SO good art/writing wise and just in general like WHDSHDHSH
But this is why I want Judar's hanfu to have snow/ice and ice dragons on it. I'll make it an easy pattern/silhouette and use a stamp brush probably cuz uh I don't want to have to draw that by hand every time
Ohtaka is one of my main art inspirations of what I wanna draw like someday in terms of technical skill. Her inking is godly.
Ohtaka is BRILLIANT with inking, dynamic battle compositions, perspectives, and colours... Her art is soooo good, it's such visual eye candy.
Ohtaka is brilliant with complex dynamic perspectives and inking. She draws GREAT expressions. Her colours harmonize really well. She's a brilliant author/story writer.
Her inking style is so unique. And it fits thematically too with how Magi is mainly in black and white (black and white rukh)
Since Magi was loosely based on 1001 Nights for the charas' names and parts of the setting, the roc/rukh is a giant legendary bird.
It's apparently a reference to Rukh/Rok (A mythological bird) and Rūḥ ("Essence/Soul")
Source: (X)
The way her inking stands out on its own with minimal screentone usage (except for BG effects and lighting) is a testament to her skill
Misc Rambles
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These are my top fave meow meow mf faves.
My top main faves are all very important and personal to me, just in different ways. So I tie them all as no. 1 ✨
Irt Judar and Kuroha/Saeru, they're completely different characters personality wise, since Judar is mischievous, bratty and playful, childlike and emotionally immature (due to his personality and context), but they have similar~ish designs and a couple similarities, in terms of their basics.
As in, they're both evil black haired meow meow mfs with similar expression ranges, who are bloodthirsty, sadistic, and love causing violence for fun. They have the same Sen-core character type.
They have similar~ish hairstyles (black hair with braids in the back, unique eyes (Kuroha's snake eye pupils and the rings in Judar's eyes), and are unhinged bloodthirsty meow meow mf core charas
My History
(Magi: Ch. 15 - Judar's 1st Cameo Appearance)
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Ok I don't think I ever told in full my origin story with this chara, I guess. Basically I was going off the mutuals/blorbo osmosis and just my friends' rambles at this point before I read the series.
And I was reading back my messages of what I sent to my friends at the time
I first read Magi, I think around Sept 2022, two chapters, then started again in Oct 2022 read to Ch. 15 saw Judar and was like. (.) 🧍 This design is Sen core. Don't let me go down like this.
When I first saw Judar’s CAMEO in Ch. 15... I had a feeling.
Cuz I sensed Sen core meow meow mf.
I felt my doom. I knew it... I sensed it with my instincts 😭
And then I was like, "Well I made my bed, so time to go lie in it 👍"
Since I saw the charas from my friends' tweets before, can you believe that at this point I was like "Wow I wonder how my would be ship interact together. They're on the same page!!!" 🤸
My friends were like "I can't believe you're shipping them this early 😭 Even before they actually interact omggg"
And I started shipping JuAli by Ch. 15. So before they even interacted. So when I JUST saw Judar. And then I doodled them right after (it was my first doodle of them!) 😭😂 LMFAOOOO
Good god me getting obsessed with charas/ships is like my insanity speedrun
Me with JuAli and KuroEne... Insanity speedrun x1000000
Like I had a feeling that he'd become my fave by his first CAMEO appearance... He makes his first major appearance around like ~Ch. 44
Douman took 5 days for me to be obsessed with after I found out about his character/writing.
Judar just took me seeing his 1st cameo appearance in the manga.
Kuroha/Saeru took just seeing the Outer Science MV when I was 12 (Tbf, Outer Science is peak KagePro and is one of the best KagePro MVs in terms of visuals and storytelling)
Judar is extremely important and personal to me, I feel this as someone who comes from a similar cultural background to him as well, Judar is EA/CN inspired and so his background and backstory context really makes me feel for him… Speaking personally, as someone who is Viet/SEA diaspora.
Considering Judar's backstory context, and his character arc themes of resentment and grief… Wahhhh ;__; I can mildly relate to him.
Like, ahhh, this character makes me so emotional… He makes me want to cry (in a good way). Emotional tears, cuz this chara is so healing and cathartic for me. I'll punch him out of love! 🫶
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rebornologist · 1 year ago
Xanxus, Squalo & Yamamoto ♡ Relationship + Kink headcanons ✧ REPOST
tumblr ate my post (it probably got flagged but idk how else to cope so I've dug it back out of my google drive to repost it) If you've seen this already, I'm sorry. If you haven't, I'm still sorry.
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♡ Xanxus
Doesn’t let you off the hook just because he’s in a romantic relationship with you; In fact, he has very high standards for who he would deem a worthy partner, to be seen with him, to be his arm candy, to fight alongside him, etc.
You were definitely the one to woo him, mostly with your impressive work as a hitman and the occasional bending over in front of him to pick up the reports you dropped before handing them over to him. He knows that you’re far too careful to accidentally drop them, so he’s only amused by the games you’re playing and enjoying the eyeful. It takes quite a bit of brains and skill to stand out to him.
He keeps it very much on the down-low, he believes in your capability to protect yourself, but it’s only natural to keep your relationship under wraps because that’s vulnerability, babes! He knows you’re too smart to get caught and ransomed.. but there’s still a nonzero chance if there’s a target on your back and that doesn’t sit well with him.
You just happen to be seated next to him at every organized dinner event, adorned in the fattest diamond rings and gold necklaces, with luxury furs and a beautiful smile on your face as you laugh along with his men. Guess it pays well to be "just a Varia officer".
♡ Superbi Squalo
I’m biased as hell but I think he’s a fairly sweet and simple partner. He remembers most anniversaries, is surprisingly sentimental, and is overworked but tries to make time for you. Unfortunately, it means that he’s unlikely to be with someone high maintenance, he just has too much on his plate already, and his partner should be a solace for him, someone that both appreciates him for all that he does and doesn't add more expectations for him to meet.
Oh to get fresh sashimi omakase dinners for your anniversaries with the best sushi chefs (Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, ofc), you tease him and try to get him to play little drinking games with you and y’all reminisce your best and worst times that you’ve experienced together. The more liquor you get into this man, the softer he gets, and he will absolutely ramble on and on about you.
Squalo didn’t really know how to take people on dates for the longest time, because he committed himself to the art of the blade, or whatever... so his best shot at taking you out initially was just a fancy candle lit dinner and dessert. He didn’t know what to talk about, and his hair almost caught on fire with the open flames, but you laughed it off and found him super charming regardless, because you knew him outside of the whole dating scene as one of the most handsome, dedicated, and impressive men you’ve ever met. He didn’t have to do a lot of work to sweep you off your feet, even though he did try.
♡ Yamamoto Takeshi
He’s such college sweetheart material, have fun attending all of his games! You either get to tag along for away games (good luck keeping up with your coursework) or he calls you every night that he’s out of town to update you on how he’s doing.
You’re one of his biggest supporters, and he relies on you more than he wishes he did. I see Takeshi as a fairly monogamous man, and being raised in a traditional household, he withholds a lot of his emotional vulnerability, and alas, it’s kind of dumped on a significant other. On the bright side, you make him happier just by existing and being in his life. He feels so lucky to have you, and thanks his ancestors for blessing him with your presence every day.
He seems like a childhood-friends-to-lovers type of guy, which is super funny to me because he also seems like a notorious friendzoner! Yes, Takeshi, they definitely invited you over to hang out alone, as friends, in their room, with the lights dimmed, as friends, with a bottle of wine, looking at you like they want to kiss you breathless, as friends. (He knows, he's just avoided addressing it with everyone that he didn't reciprocate feelings for.)
You had to sit him down and tell him that you wanted him in more than just a platonic way, and you watched as he turned beet red, clumsily asked a few clarifying questions, and had to excuse himself for a moment to process the information.
He shares some of the most ridiculous bits of gossip with you! He’s a social butterfly that seems to be in every circle and people share everything with him since he’s such a good listener and tactful enough to not blab.. except for to his partner! You get annoyed with him for not asking the important questions to dig up more tea, to which he just giggles and shrugs like “I’m sorry, they just told me all of that unprompted! Do you want me to ask next time..?” (to which you’d scream “NO THAT’D BE TOO SUS”)
Voted number one most likely to hit a home run and sprint over to the stands to steal a kiss from you before running the bases. He almost got penalized for it, but they let it slide because everyone thought it was really cute teehee
Ngl idk what to write for kink HCs anymore I’ve written about their kinks enough
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✧ Xanxus
I think.. Xanxus is a bastard, and when you sit him down in thebedroom to talk about kinks for the first time, he has the most blankly confused expression on his face because “what the fuck are those?” (HE’S ACTUALLY SO STUPID LORD HELP US)
You furrow your brows and rephrase the question; “so… what are you.. into? sexually,”
You do not get a good answer out of this man because he’s so repressed dear lord.. He grumbles about just being like.. into fucking, or whatever.. and you decide to just lay out what you like first, and let him respond with whether he agrees or disagrees. The discussion goes much smoother that way. He was much too invested in the whole ‘being the 10th generation boss of the Vongola’ thing to think too hard about his sexuality during his developing years.
He likes to get kinky with his partner because he likes his partner. He doesn’t particularly consider himself a kinky person, he’s just full of sexual energy and open to finding new outlets for it, especially anything that’s particularly intense. He does not like to be a gentle dom, and he gets impatient easily, so don’t count on him to play along with anything for too long before he just jumps your bones.
Generally speaking, he tends to be quite rough, or at least intense; he tends to like.. cum (yours and his).. dirty talk, and marking (giving/receiving), and y’all have recently come to terms with the shared affinity for predator/prey play in the bedroom.
He tends to agree with what kinds of kinky activity to engage in with his partners as his partner proposes them. Bring in some dark chocolate syrup next time and he would probably eat it all up ;)
Completely unarmed (though he could never truly be unarmed), he steps out of the shower to find you waiting for him, scantily clad and leaning against the wall, batting your eyelashes. It’s going to be that kind of night, huh... He snorts quietly under his breath, and a small smirk dances across his features.
With a few taps of your fingers, you turn and run, hiding in a corner until you hear him approaching. You dodge him and slip from his grasp a few times before he finally knocks you over and pins you to the ground, roughing shoving a knee between your legs and holding your wrists above your head.
You giggle, kicking up at his hardened muscles and squirming. He buries his nose in your neck and inhales your scent before biting down roughly on your shoulder. “Quiet, bunny.” He grumbles, and you whine in what could easily be satisfaction. You were in for a long play session.
✧ Superbi Squalo
He’s considered his kinkiness before. He doesn’t really know how to list them straightforwardly, because he also thinks of it as ‘I just like what I like’, similarly to Xanxus.
I’m not sure what this is called, but I think he’s definitely christened every shared space with you. The kitchen island is not safe from your lovemaking, the shower is not safe, the bathroom counter is not safe.. the couch, however, is. He thinks you look beautiful when you’re completely drenched, and nothing makes his day more than receiving a tasteful and slightly fogged up picture of you getting nice and clean in the bath. He often enjoys joining you in the shower to hoist you up against the wall just to kiss and caress down your entire body. It’s times like this where you tend to be less careful with digging your nails into his back, as you hold on for dear life in the slippery space. He wears the marks with pride.
He does get off on semi-public risky business on occasion, but it’s specifically when he has close to zero chance of getting caught. He doesn’t admit it, but he does enjoy you teasing him through his pants under the safety of the tablecloth at dinner, with onlookers believing that you’ve just got a hand innocently placed on his thigh. He side-eyes you with a raised eyebrow, as if to tell you to knock it off, but it does nothing but spur you on until he whispers for you to meet him on the balcony.
And that you do; you excuse yourself to “use the bathroom”, and he later follows with a mumble of “let me make sure they’re okay..”
That’s how you find yourself hidden out of plain sight behind a sharp corner, pinned up against a wall, in a spot where you’re unlikely to be spotted. The cool night air makes you shiver as it hits the wetness between your thighs as he roughly tugs your underwear aside, grumbling under his breath about how “damn impatient” you were, and how you’re “such a fucking brat”, but you know that he loves that you’re his fucking brat.
There’s something so raw and hot about you biting down on his gloved hand as he fucks you from behind, muffling his own sounds by kissing your shoulder while his other hand wraps around you to work you to your climax. He’s not often a fan of quickies, but there’s something so special about it being a quickie in this specific context.
✧ Yamamoto Takeshi
I actually deny what I said 3 years ago about him being only a dom, he’s a soft dom and a very good little subby puppy
He’s fairly vanilla, especially compared to what usually comes to mind with the rest of the KHR cast, but he enjoys anal play for both himself and his partner, and is sooo down to be pegged please bend him over nicely and sweetly
He doesn’t really enjoy sensory or impact play, because he’s not a fan of pain for either parties, but he has a lot of fun with dirty talk, role-playing, and anything more.. mental? The physical acts of intimacy are already so much for him, and you’ll still be in for a ride because he’s got stamina. He can just go and go and go and go..
He has never said this outright to you, but he kind of enjoys being edged, and the few times you did it accidentally, he came so hard that he saw stars. He proceeded to breathlessly ask if you could do that again, and when you asked, “what do you mean? Do what again?” he found himself stuttering in front of you like it was the day he first asked you out.
He can be a bit of size queen, and he loves watching his partner try to take his whole cock in their mouth, and the mean side of him doesn’t want to let up even when they gag or tear up; he thinks it’s so sexy, and one day he finally gets brave enough to let some praise slip when they gag, spurring them to take him even deeper.
If his partner is okay with it, there’s something so hot to him about cumming on them; be it their face, their chest, their stomach, ass, or back.. He cums quite a bit and it goes pretty far. He definitely failed to warn them beforehand (not on purpose) and felt so terrible when it got everywhere, but he also... instantly got hard again.
He has a habit of holding your hand in some way in most positions, but if you ask him nicely, he’ll release them to let you run your hands down his body :’) if you’re face-to-face with him, he likes intertwining your fingers, and if you’re facing away from him, he might… hold you by your wrists or lay his hands over yours. The constant contact is a regular thing with him.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years ago
About Ottabio being the Cloud Guardian, I have almost never seen that take. All I've seen is that Ottabio is the Cloud OFFICER, not Guardian. I agree with that, too. There wasn't nearly enough Rage from Xanxus when he talks about Ottabio. Like, the Varia hate him because he betrayed his Boss and got him Iced but not the Loathing I'd expect from him betraying Xanxus. Since the entire Fandom agrees that Harmonizing is a Thing, even if Canon never gave us that, that would have been a soul deep betrayal. Like on Nono's level.
What I've always been exposed to is that he was good enough at making sure the Clouds did their jobs and wrote a report on it but not talented, strong or smart enough for Xanxus to consider him for more.
Also, the opinion was that the Good Clouds all saw the pain in the butt job and bailed. Like they didn't want to wrangle other Clouds. I mean, just look at Hibari or Skull. Neither of them would want that responsibility and would leave entirely. Those 2 are just lucky that they're strong enough and geographically and familially lucky enough to escape being pressganged into a Family when they're at their weakest. Whereas the rest of the Italian Clouds need be to under someone's banner before they're forced into one. The Varia happens to encourage their violent tendencies so there should be Good Clouds Xanxus would like.
I think he never had a Cloud Guardian because none of them have stepped up to control the territory. Xanxus is the Boss. His Elements have to be ready to Step Up and since none of the Clouds he would have been willing to consider never took that step, he won't consider them in turn.
The only one that did step up wasn't qualified enough for Xanxus. Ottabio did the job so he was enough for the Officer position but not the Guardian one. Xanxus is Particular about his Guardians. Varia is a place for the Best which shows how good his Guardians are to be the Officers as well.
Varia is HC'd to be Survival of the Fittest, so if someone doesn't like you having the job, if they can kill/beat you, they get the job. So with Xanxus's Guardians all running their divisions, it shows that they are Very Good. Of course, there's always allowances for people who just don't want the jobs or just aren't suitable to the position but may be stronger. But his Guardians all run their divisions smoothly enough that there's no gossip about them being bad at it. (Umei no Mai's Black Sky shows good examples of this and is now the only way I can see the Varia operating. She also has fascinating theories on how Flames effect others, and might explain a bit of Nono's Everything and also has a Galaxy Brain Take on Giotto (and Alaude by extension). It's so freaking good.
And about Nono's betrayal being soul deep, I Highly Recommend that you read Hidden Sky by Sefiru. (I actually have the title AND the author memorized for this. That tells you it's good enough to Remember so you can look it up whenever.) It brings up such an amazing idea about Xanxus and a peek at what made the Cradle Affair happen (the Flame side of it, I mean). Also it has poly Tsuna, amazing PoVs, actually SHOWS how Skies are treated as Royalty, not just has people respecting a Sky (PoVs of Flame Actives in Namimori reacting to Tsuna, it was so clear how highly Tsuna was regarded and then they MET him) and Hana squaring off with the Vindice (Iconic).
Since I'm ranting about Clouds, I'm going to keep going. I hate that everyone says that Clouds are Lone Wolves. Like, statistically, yes some probably are, but Every Cloud we see is part of a Community. Whether they're the Leader of it (Hibari, Skull) or a Follower (Visconti), they are always connected with others.
Hibari is Obviously a Leader but I Swear Skull is, too. This HC will Never change. Cause this is a travelling stuntsman. The World's Greatest who does his own shows. That means he needs a Crew. People to rent venues, advertise, do the finances, his mechanics (for during the show to keep things moving, otherwise I HC Skull taking care of his bikes), the Run Around Agent (thanks, Serifu) and whoever is Skull's Right Hand to pass on Skull's orders. (I'm going to do a stunt here and this is what I'll do. Ok, Skull, I'll order/build the equipment, rent the venue, let everyone know you're performing, etc. Right Hand then makes the calls to his minions.) Because I can't believe that Skull wouldn't rigorously maintain his Crew since they are needed to let him break physics and go against the supposed laws of nature. His stunts should be impossible. I HC that as that being what Skull fights against, not people (no offense, Hibari). Also, I low-key HC the Carcassa Famiglia is Skull's Crew dressing up as Mafia to that Skull has his own banner to be under, otherwise people would be Stupid enough to keep bothering Skull since he's just a Civilian pushover. This way, if someone wants to hire Skull, they'll contact the Carcassa's and his Run Around Agent will "Lose" the requests. So Skull isn't having to fight off recruitment all the time.
Another Highly Recommended fic is Karmic Balance by Sanjuno. KHR/Naruto cover where Kakashi and Obito are reborn in KHR and break the patterns of Fate. The 10th Gen are taught to be BAMF ninjas and break off the worst of their character traits (ie Hana's misandy, Gokudera's Issues since he's taken in early enough, Hibari's disdain for everyone/thing(I love him but I would hate/fear him if I ever met him)). The idea of Clouds being Pack Animals became crystal clear to me in this. Through Kakashi's Summons, of all things. But so many subtle HCs that I had subconsciously thought but never articulated about both Fandoms were spelled out so clearly, it was amazing.
Once again, the recs are:
Black Sky by Umei no Mai
Hidden Sky by Sefiru
Karmic Balance by Sanjuno
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famiglia-lealta · 3 months ago
⚡️ For Neri - What is something you find attractive about Vergil, Squalo, and Xanxus?
⚡️ Ask my muse a question and they MUST answer honestly
"Are questions like these really necessary?" Neri muttered under her breath, fiddling with the few stray hairs around her ears.
"Well, let's see.. Vergil is-- he's very surprising. Obviously, one shouldn't go into meeting other people with their own assumptions, but he's not at all what I would have imagined. Or he was, in the beginning.. he always strikes me as so purposeful. Like everything that he does, he knows that's what he was destined to do, although that seems silly.." Smiling a little as her cheeks grow rosy, she presses a hand to one of them. "I don't like people treating me like I'm fragile, or need any special treatment, but.. he's always so gentle and delicate whenever he touches my hands or anything of the like.."
After a brief moment of silence, she coughs over the awkwardness. "But, ah-- he and Squalo are very similar in their motivations. Power and pride and all of that. I've always admired how Squalo can work amongst some of the most volatile and unhinged people, performing under so much pressure. He's a great strategy captain, and although I'm not fond of weapons myself, I can appreciate the dedication he puts into his swords. Watching the way he fights.. it's absolutely incredible, seeing how driven he is in his facial expressions.."
Good lord, this was turning out to be a lot harder than she'd first hoped. Her ears were now looking like someone had severely burnt her usual honey-coloured skin. "Xanxus is.. difficult." Chewing at her lip for quite some time, she pushed on. "I'm not sure I would use the word attracted, so much. He's a good leader in how he brings such a dysfunctional family to work cohesively, but the way that he does things.. a true mafioso, I suppose. Brutally unrelenting in throwing all that power around."
Neri half-turned herself away, a heavy note of shame in her voice. "I don't know what it is. I shouldn't be drawn to someone like that in the first place, but it's just.. there's no time to think, to be logical about it! He gets all up in your face, he's just there-- does that make me some sort of adrenaline addict? It isn't normal to have your heart racing, to have someone completely unravel and disarm you so easily-- I don't know. I don't know, he makes me feel a lot of things, and some of what he says isn't exactly wrong, I.. I work so hard to hold myself on my own two legs and every time-- every time! He pulls it all away and I'm just.. falling. I think.. I think I'm done talking about this, for awhile. I'm sorry."
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year ago
This might be kinda a random request but in an KHR AU where everyone one is a celebrity what kind of celebrity do you think everyone would be? Or just the characters that interest you most. For example who would be an actor, model, singer, or YouTuber/tiktoker. Maybe even Instagram model or blogger
I love random requests so don't even worry about that! This was an interesting AU to think about, especially as I'm not really a big part of celebrity culture as a whole. I hope you'll enjoy what I came up with and thanks for sending in the request!
Getting the important out of the way first, setting up kind of this post really: this AU is obviously very much set in modern-day, with all the various forms of media and content available to us. Now, KHR has an absolutely astounding amount of characters and I really tried to consider where each and every one of them would fit. By doing so, I need ya'll to suspend your disbelief and put aside actual canon for a moment, because you will see things like Giotto and Tsuna existing together at the same time despite the fact that canonically, that wouldn't be able to happen. Now, because, as mentioned, KHR does have such a huge cast of characters, I admit fully to being a little lazy in how I set up this post. You'll find the major categories of different celebrity types below with characters kind of sorted into the categories. If I had actual thoughts and headcanons on their 'brand' or celebrity status in any way for the characters, I kind of included them alongside the character's name. I'm so sorry if that disappoints anyone but when the box does reopen, if you want more particular headcanons on any character within this AU, I'll be more than happy to really focus in on figuring out things for that character.
⦁ Reborn - all I have to say on this one is he's been in some amazingly huge pictures, largely is an action star, and is known for doing all his own stunt work. I'm thinking like Jackie Chan type celebrity. ��� Giotto and G. are both famous actors who often co-star together with Giotto as the leading man and G. as his brooding sidekick. ⦁ Akiko Irie ⦁ Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Ryohei, and Lambo are all, in this world and in my headcanons, new actors who really hit it big with a massively popular television series. Both Yamamoto and Ryohei had careers in sports before being talked into doing the show. ⦁ Basil plays a secondary character in the television series Tsuna stars in. ⦁ Xanxus was a hugely famous child star turned action hero. He was one of the biggest stars around, followed by paparazzi and such, until the show Tsuna and the rest of the cast came along, when they became the hottest thing going. ⦁ Dino Cavallone ⦁ Byakuran ⦁ Dendro Chilum, well known for playing villanous roles in action films.
⦁ Reborn ⦁ Vongola Quarto ⦁ Hanako Tsuruta is a famous mime and silent performance artist.
⦁ I can't fully explain why but I see Jaeger as being on some sort of competitive show, something along the lines of Fear Factor or Survivor or even something like Ultimate Beastmaster or American Gladiators. ⦁ Both Nana Sawada and Tsuyoshi Yamamoto have cooking shows they host. ⦁ Osamu Abe probably got super famous for like 15 minutes when he was on one of those Big Brother type reality shows. He was the first one out of the show, which is why his fame never grew beyond that. ⦁ Levi A. Than, Uno, Tre, and Due all become famous off a reality show about, I like to think, the gang life. ⦁ Tazaru and Nosaru are both part of a popular reality show about the skateboarding scene. ⦁ Romeo
⦁ It's probably just bias because of her name, but I love imagining Aria as being musically inclined even in canon. I think she's had formal voice training and could become a really well-known and respected opera singer. ⦁ Another thing I love imagining? A cute girl-power pop band comprised of Kyoko, Haru, Hana, Chrome, and Yuni. The girls are all so different in terms of personality, looks, and appeal so there's a girl in the group for everyone and every single one of the girls have their own groups of fans entirely devoted to their fave. I really kind of envision this as a Spice Girls type huge cultural touchstone style girl band. ⦁ Vongola Terzo ⦁ Lavina ⦁ Ugetsu Asari ⦁ Eiji Kuroda, Yukio Kisanuki, and Takuya Ookura all have a rap group together that does fairly well. Enough so, at least, that they definitely have fans. ⦁ Enrico Fermi, Massimo Ranieri, and Federico Ferrino are all part of a boy band together. ⦁ Shoichi Irie ⦁ Large Ooyama ⦁ Lunga
⦁ Jack ⦁ Vongola Quinto ⦁ Sakura Kikumomo ⦁ Shizue Murota ⦁ M.M. ⦁ Ivan Draco ⦁ Kikyo ⦁ Julie Kato ⦁ Adelheid Suzuki ⦁ Pantera ⦁ Cervello
⦁ Alejandro ⦁ Fabio ⦁ Sawako Narita ⦁ Makoto Kozato ⦁ Totem Ross - Famous jewelry designer and fashionista ⦁ Lussuria is a famous fashion designer with his own line of shoes, handbags, and makeup as well as a signature perfume. ⦁ Cappuccino is a famous hair stylist for the stars, probably has even had his own shows and social media presence about his work. ⦁ Shitt P! is a designer who is also a social media darling. ⦁ Talbot
⦁ Reborn has a best selling biography, if that counts. ⦁ Verde is famous within scientific circles, both for the amount of scientific breakthroughs he's acheived and for his always intriguing, if really heavy, research papers. However, what I think he becomes most famous for is a series of sort of Science for Dummies style books he publishes that really break down a lot of heavier scientific concepts, ideas, inventions, breakthroughs and such. Written with his acerbic wit, the books are not only really informative and easy for the layman to understand, but are written well enough and with enough charm and wit to keep the average person amused while they learn. ⦁ Simora - I see him writing spy novels, things along the lines of James Bond and such. ⦁ Mako Yuide writes love poetry. ⦁ Christine Hattori is a pretty big name crime reporter. ⦁ Oregano is a screenwriter. ⦁ Innocenti
⦁ Lampo ⦁ Sadaharu Uchida ⦁ Daigoro Ooyama and his brother Ushio make a lot of YouTube videos not only showing off their karate skills but teaching others easy karate-based workout routines and breaking down the basics of the sport. ⦁ Teppei Oda and Koji Sato have a YouTube channel together where they play games or really break apart fandom in some way together, bouncing a lot of ideas off each other and bantering and they get strangely popular because a lot of people find their friendship and conversation pleasant and relaxing. ⦁ Hajime Azuma, Jiro Chinada, and Yozo Kannazuki all have a channel together that features some prank-style stuff but to be honest, a lot of their content is just really roasting other people and a lot of their videos are really mean. However, they do seem to attract a rather large audience and do get really popular for some reason. ⦁ I-Pin has a channel of her showing off the various martials arts, gymnastics, and other skills she's learning as she moves towards her grand goal of becoming a stunt person in the film industry. ⦁ Ottavio is a former film actor whose bad reputation made it impossible for him to gain more roles. He became YouTube famous for his channel where he dishes about celebrity culture, working on film sets, and spills secrets about actors and such he has worked with. ⦁ Ape ⦁ Paolo Aldina has a YouTube channel teaching self-defense and Krav Maga techiniques. ⦁ Naito Longchamp - fun fact, Mangusta is always his camera man.
⦁ Colonello really becomes a hit on TikTok. Not only do a lot of his fans believe he's a real thirst trap, but he gains a following for his training and fitness videos. He makes a bunch of military-style boot-camp training TikToks, plus he teaches people about his various weapons and basic self-defense moves are incorporated into some of his workouts. ⦁ Lal Mirch will sometimes co-star in some of Colonello's Tiktoks. There are at least a couple little 'series' of his Tiktoks where she's very much shown on camera a lot, but I believe that's the closest she's willing to come to any sort of celebrity and only does it because she also really enjoys teaching people things and if the internet allows her to teach someone who she might never have been able to help otherwise, she isn't going to sneer at it. ⦁ Chikusa Kakimoto ⦁ The Delivery Man becomes a TikTok thirst trap. ⦁ Toshiko Sano ⦁ Kaori Furuta though a lot of her Tiktoks focus on her work in the customer service field, she gains a really large following. ⦁ Bianchi ⦁ Moretti, whose TikTok is full of magic tricks and such. ⦁ Baishana ⦁ Iris Hepburn, not only a TikTok thirst trap but someone whose TikTok is used to spread correct information and wisdom about the BDSM community. ⦁ Kouyou Aoba
⦁ Ken Joshima ⦁ Terumi Gomi ⦁ Yaginuma ⦁ Bono Hughson ⦁ Giaggiolo ⦁ Enzo Maccarinelli, who is also big in the competitive gaming scene. ⦁ Wonomichi
⦁ Daniela - I can see her hosting a podcast where she really digs into and gives her opinions on a variety of topics, mostly things about society, justice, politics, and just important issues happening in the world. The podcast definitely leans more towards pro-feminism, pro-equal rights for all, and social reform. ⦁ Masato Hitsuji ⦁ Turmeric ⦁ Simon Cozzato ⦁ Rossi Valentia has an educational podcast. ⦁ Lenny and Manny have a podcast on the subject of mechanics and robotics. ⦁ Koenig
⦁ Mukuro - you remember that huge craze where guys like Criss Angel and such became huge celebrities? Where illusionists and mentalists had television shows? Hell, even just the fact that Penn & Teller are still household names should be a reminder of how big magicians can get in popular culture and I think Mukuro would definitely fall into that same kind of category as a magician whose act and tricks became famous. ⦁ Fran sometimes assists Mukuro or accompanies him, the two of them doing tricks in tandem and Fran normally at least opens for him and has a pretty solid following of his own. ⦁ Viper/Mammon also has a pretty solid magic show of his own that was the initial beginnings of his fame. However, he really took off and became super popular with a series where he showed how magic tricks work, step by step, and debunked any actual 'magic' existing. He's also a best-selling author of branded magician kits and tools because Viper knows how to hustle and market things really well to earn that money. He also does paid advertisements and really monetized his social media presence. ⦁ Mitsuru Fujimori ⦁ Torikabuto ⦁ Genkishi, who combines magic and athletic feats in a hugely popular magic show. He even gets his own solid run in Vegas because of it. ⦁ Ginger Bread ⦁ Ichiro, Jiro, and Saburo Shibaki all have an act together. ⦁ Kawahira has straight out achieved the same level of fame as a magician as Harry Houdini.
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lixenn · 5 months ago
Your turn! Does Dave & Chief have designates animal motifs ( what animals do you relate to them) 💕🤭
My turn! And I'm super duper late but I'm here! Thank you so much for visiting my inbox again Jojo, love you love you love you 💜💜✨✨
This took a bit because I'm bad with motif stuff, specifically I'm bad with motifs when it comes to Dan he was fighting me with all he had but I won in the end 🫡👍
Starting with Dave-boy because his animal came to mind the instant I was presented with this ask.
Have Fox!Dave:
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Because his animal motif is a fox or specifically kitsune (I'm stretching the definition a bit here by including mythological creature, hope that's okay). While Dave is also catcoded, kitsune fits better in the end because he's a trickster, lives for mischief and chaos. He's also a flirt and seduces as he breaths which fits in with the "fox wife" tales. As for the shapeshifting... Spoilers :)
Dan was so difficult until I talked with rika ( @unwrathful ) about nicknames.
Me: I want Xanxus to call him something animal themed and I was thinking raccoon because of the eyebags and grey hair. But it needs to be insulting. Rika, galaxy brained: Trash panda. Me: Omg, trash panda!
So, on went my wikipedia search for raccoons, pandas and red pandas (cause my lovely buddy myell reminded me of them). I scrapped pandas from the list even though they are cute af and while red pandas still fit, raccoon fits better so Dan's animal motif is a raccoon 🫡
Also because I'm completely delulu have this:
Xanxus, completely hammered: Raccoons are cute. Dan, looking up from his book: I see. The next day in Squalo's office. Dan: Xanxus said I'm cute. Squalo: He did NOT! Dan: He totally did! Squalo: The hell he didn't! Dan: He told me raccons are cute. He calls me trash panda. Trash panda = raccoon = me. Therefore: I'm cute! Squalo: ... Squalo: ... Squalo: I can't argue with that logic Dan with a smug smirk on his face: So, you think I'm cute? Squalo: SHUT UP!
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zoroara · 9 months ago
I'm gonna be quick and simple here as I usually am(lie). My name is Shade, and I post about Katekyo Hitman Reborn only really, my favourites are the Varia, I love them all equally but usually have more to work with when it comes to Squalo and Xanxus so I tend to talk about them more. It has infected me.
I'll reblog things but I also make art and analysis posts. Head canon and theory posts though are a rarity.
I also do some writing on Ao3 my handle being ShaderiaVoid, and two of my current series I'm working on are two Aus:
What could have been A series I am writing exploring the differences Timoteo being upfront with Xanxus could have changed and how some things stayed the same. It is filled with head canons on the characters and has an oc in there.
Parasitism Pact A series where instead of being frozen a parasite has been put into Xanxus to make him protect those of Vongola blood. With some serious unintended consequences.(Though at the start it's kind of silly)
There is also an additional arc that I wrote(and am slowly having updated):
Temporal Tribulations A series where the TYL go back in time to help their present counterparts fight off a new enemy. Has a lot of ocs(they are the villains)
I also have an Oc ask blog! I love my guys a lot they're very fun.
Other than that, I'm cool with getting asks whenever. I promise I don't bite, much.
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morcai · 1 year ago
Your current fave blorbo for the headcanon meme!
but i have so many favorite blorbos :pleading: but since i'm writing a fic with him, and he is a Core Blorbo, let's talk about Xanxus di Vongola
he's a Loyalty Guy! no one is surprised by this being one of my core xanxus headcanons, but he's almost unshakeable once he's sworn to someone. almost. it can be fucked up, and if you fuck it up, you're boned. @ timoteo di vongola: square up. But while his loyalty is given, he'll do anything. He will complain, though. He's that variation of the rotten work meme--he'll do it, but christ alive.
one of his easiest meditation tricks to kill time while working is to completely strip, clean and reassemble his X-Guns in his head.
One day after Tsuna is actually in charge of the Vongola, he definitely storms into the manor and goes "here's all your security vulnerabilities, fix them or we can do Cradle round two." Tsuna was touched. Hayato blew several gaskets.
It's always one of my Tsuna/&Xanxus headcanons that Tsuna sometimes escapes the Vongola mansion to lie on the couch in Xanxus's office and bitch or nap or just be Not In Charge for a while. Xanxus complains endlessly about this. Tsuna stopped for a while once, and Xanxus became so fucking unbearable that there was a whole game of Telephone (Squalo -> Takeshi -> Tsuna) about "please whatever happened stop it, he's Awful to live with right now"
He and Tsuna have the same favorite whiskey. They developed this taste independently, and Xanxus drinks it neat while Tsuna prefers it on the rocks.
Fencing AU: he's a saberist. known for hitting hard, he's definitely from a school that thinks you should make sure the ref calls for you by having your opponent flinch. If he's fencing kids, all that goes away, and it's all very precisely metered, but up against people in his age range, you know when he hits you.
He can cook! he's actually really good at it. When he was a weird out of place little preteen, he liked to hide in the kitchens of the Vongola manor, and eventually the head cook (Erica Martelli) put a knife in his hands and said if he was going to lurk he should be helpful. She's been retired from working for the Vongola for most of two decades now, but Xanxus keeps an eye out on her
The only person he trusts to cut his hair is Lussuria, but the process of him actually GETTING a haircut is fraught every time. there's lots of fire and yelling.
His handwriting is very narrow and slanted, with a constant sense of impatience. he's also a deft hand at sketching? he doesn't do it much, but his ability to render things he's seen quickly, cleanly and recognizably startles a lot of people when they first experience it.
he's very good with money, and keeps a very close eye on both his own personal finances and the Varia's. A certain amount of this comes from his childhood, but he's also just extremely good with numbers and he finds the accounting soothing. the varia books are scrupulously kept, it's a little eerie.
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cloud0818 · 2 years ago
I'm going to talk about the first,second person in Japanese. In Japanese, how you call yourself/others gives a completely different impression. They are also very varied and vary from situation to situation. For this reason, I will excerpt the most commonly used ones in the KHR.
The personal pronoun will affect their impressions, but do not represent all of them. I hope you feel free to enjoy them!
It takes the following form. Hiragana is the reading of Kanji, so the meaning is exactly the same.
Kanji/Hiragana (pronunciation)
One part of the KHR character who uses this.
〇 First person ("I")
It is the first person most often used by men, and very few women use it in real life. It's used by all ages, but it have casual expression and don't used in formal settings. It gives a slightly rough impression but it's very common and not distinctive or unique by use this.
Tsuna,Reborn,Xanxus,Lal, Many of main characters
This is relatively formal expression. It is often consciously used when formal expressions are required, such as in business situations. Mostly used by men and not many people use this in real daily life. It feels elegant and modest. However, children may also use this. Therefore, the impression may be quite different depending on who uses it.
It's the first person most used by women. This is used in both dail life and in formal situations. Generally, when used by women, it doesn't give a distinctive impression, but men use this, it looks quite formal and elegant. Very few men use this on a daily basis in real life.
Their own name
Some people call themselves by their own names or nicknames. It's seen on some of children and teenagers, but can't be used for formal situation. It makes cute but childish impression.
Lambo calls himself Lambo-san!(Mr. Lambo) cute.
〇 Second person ( "You" )
To begin with, personal pronouns and subjects are often absent from sentences and conversations in Japanese. The second person in particular is not often used, calling by the second person pronoun is itself distinctive. When necessary, we call their name or attribute. In Japanese KHR the same is true, in most cases, the other person is called by name. For that reason, I will only give a light introduction here. Please ask a question or wait for the post If you want to know how each character uses it!
It's used for people who are in an equal or lower position to them. In some cases, it may seem bossy. But it hasn't only a negative meaning. It's used for people you have never met or for children. Overall, a bit distinctive, but also neutral. And there is a distance between the person talking to.
The dictionary introduces it as "a second person that respects to equal person. But It's rarely used verbally even in writing. So when actually be used, It feels more quite polite. Or it can be used ironically. Anyway, this also gives a sense of distance.
It's one of the few second person pronounse used in everyday life. But It's very casual and rough. Therefore, usable situation are limited. To someone close, as an expression of affection for child, or as an insult or disrespect to the other person. In any case, it isn't to be used in formal settings or with superiors.
These can be more rough or transformed by the flexibility of the Japanese language. They are too diverse to describe here. And these are just a few. other personal pronouns appear in the KHR as well.
In addition, the nuances vary depending on the person using it and the situation. And even for the same person, the pronouns used change depending on the situation and the person they are speaking to. For example, Tsuna uses "Ore" call himself but when he first met Dino, he politely used "Boku". After that, he continues to use honorifics toward Dino but uses "Ore".
"The Japanese language is difficult" is a common saying even Japanese people :D
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dearcat1 · 2 years ago
(School Trip)
Part 6 of Sass and Squirrels
When the next morning arrives, Xanxus manages to take about three steps out of the house before going back in.
"Ah? Did you forget something, Xan-Xan?"
He'll just wing it, Xanxus decides. He can out-stubborn the lot of them if it comes down to that. He finds Tsunayoshi still in the bassinet, fist shoved into his mouth. "Come on," he picks his brother up. And yet… "Well, this is going to be difficult." After a moment of consideration, he gets Nana's bag, puts down Tsunayoshi in there with a blanket and a few pillows plus the plushie and nods. Good. As long as he's careful and keeps his backpack on his back and the baby-bag on his front, it should work. "Let's go, Tsuna."
Tsunayoshi can't be bothered to answer but that's ok.
It takes forever to walk down the stairs but he manages, waving absently at Nana who is still in the kitchen. "Bye, ma."
"Bye, bye Xan-Xan!"
Bless her stupidity. It's not a kind thought to have but he isn't over yesterday's blunder.
Xanxus barely makes it in time but he manages, his baby brother in tow and everything. Tsunayoshi is a quiet brat, unless somebody is talking to him. He's content to chew on his plushie's ear in silence under Xanxus's watchful eye. It helps that he's still tired of yesterday's crying spree. So nobody notices him until the first lesson is over and Xanxus pulls him out of his bag.
"Uhm, Sawada?" The teacher walks closer, stopping just in front of Xanxus's spot. "Who do you have there?"
"This is my little brother," Xanxus lifts him a little higher. Sawada is the fucking cutest, he's fine with showing him off sometimes. So long as nobody gets any ideas and everyone keeps their hands to themselves.
"Oookay." She leans down to smile at the brat, cooing when Sawada smiles back. "Does your mom know you have him?"
"Yeah." Probably not, Xanxus amends mentally. He has zero confidence in his mother's observational skills. Then again, he could be wrong. For all he knows Nana noticed and thought nothing of her six year old taking her eight month old with him to school. The woman's sense is shot to hell.
"Sure." The teacher doesn't look convinced but that's a she-problem not a Xanxus-problem.
He does pull the kid away when she tries to reach for him, though. "Don't touch him," he warns. Xanxus should invest on a stick or a knife. Guns are depressingly difficult to come by at his age in Japan.
In front of him, the teacher blinks. "Alright." She claps her hands, straightening up. "How about we call your mama? I'm sure your little brother misses her, don't you think?"
"No," Xanxus shakes his head, not batting an eyelash when Tsunayoshi starts chewing on his shirt. "He likes me better."
She sighs. "Xanxus, I think it's best if we call your mother so she can pick up your brother."
Xanxus thinks of the day before, of coming home to an abandoned Tsunayoshi and leaving his mom's room in ruins. "I think you're wrong."
The teacher sends him a look.
He stares harder.
"Kid," she warns, "I am going to do it."
"I will bite you," Xanxus cuddles Sawada closer.
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shnebrght · 5 months ago
Unlikely KHR Pairings Worth Exploring*
Hi it's Red again, with another small bit.
To get my muse running a little I've decided to share a bit of my opinions and analysis on some of the unlikely, but worth pairings throughout KHR. Please note that this is my opinion, and if somehow this ends up manifesting, then ohmygod I'll be extra excited to see it.
Basically if you want to read a little bit of weird ship/pair dynamics in a fictional universe, then this is my take and I hope you enjoy yourself.
First we need to look at what encompasses a successful pairing worth exploring (in my words).
The way I see it, a good pairing between two characters happens when their personalities compliment each other, when their ideals match and they work together towards them, when their skills augment each other (this is a BATTLE SHOUNEN), and most simply, when their respective canons displayed them to have good chemistry. That is to say, not all canon pairings are good pairings -- because a dysfunctional pairing can also ensue in canon, if underdeveloped and not justified well enough. An example of a bad pairing, is Reborn and Bianchi. The comical aspect of their relationship is apparent, with Bianchi being in her 20s and Reborn being a baby, but. It also plays into Bianchi's character, so we need to take it seriously... Regardless of the fact Reborn is an Arcobaleno.
An example of a good pairing in my opinion would be Ken and Chikusa. Simple enough, even if not romantic, Ken is close-range and Chikusa is long-range. They're both devoted to Mukuro greatly, and their personalities - while uncomplimentary of each other, can have good dynamics for back and forths. I do however feel like this pairing takes better stage in action, more than anywhere else, by virtue of what these characters showed us.
Okay? We got a rough idea? Cool. Let's give 3 of them.
Basil and Haru - Discount Tsuna and Gremlin Kyoko. While I ship Haru with Gokudera, this pairing is 100% platonic/romantic. I feel like this pairing would work really well by virtue of their personalities more than literally anything else. Basil is lax and polite, but serious when it counts. Haru, being more on the chaotic side, would throw a wrench into Basil's composure and force him to react, which I feel is a very potentially funny dynamic to explore. Basil is also very dedicated and kind-hearted, and that kind-heartedness (that was shown in Tsuna too), would probably sway Haru to his good side. If these two end up together, they'd be in for a good life.
There's also the "rejected by Tsuna" dynamic to take into account.
Gamma and Lancia - Remember that bit above that I said close-range and long-range? This applies here too. Power/Platonic/Romantic. While opposites attract, this is a case of complete likeliness. Gamma and Lancia are both extremely devoted to their bosses. Gamma doesn't like fighting kids, and Lancia is flat out great with them. I feel like these two have a lot to talk about, aside from their devotions. Their general vibe, I feel, also meshes well greatly. Granted, Gamma is a little more loose and Lancia is a bit more rigid, but if they were entirely alike, this wouldn't work, right?
Xanxus and Byakuran - This pairing is why I'm writing this post in the first place. Skewed Romantic/Power. This is easily a hate-pairing, from Xanxus' side. But if Byakuran works his magic and manages to persuade Xanxus to move sides, the potential is terrifying. Their personalities directly contrast each other, but in a very complimentary way: Byakuran's laid-back and all-knowing nature can really rile up Xanxus' rage and drive, while Xanxus' constant action requires Byakuran to constantly be on check. If these two end up a pairing, no one is safe; even themselves.
Yeah that's all for now, thanks for reading!
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