#I'm sure there are more that i don't recall at the moment
whateverisbeautiful · 17 hours
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#61: The Happy Ending (1.06)
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The Grimes family is reunited.😭🙌🏽
That's it. That's the intro. 😋 Because we just gotta dive right in and break this super rewarding and moving Grimes family reunion all the way down. It's everything. 🥹...
First off - The way we WIN.
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After so many years, we really got to witness our babies get their happily ever after with their babies. They won. We won. 🎉😭
And the biggest reason I say we win is because something that we love lives. Richonne's story has been able to live to its fullest potential and in the most captivating and fulfilling way. From the iconic start in TWD to this impactful conclusion in TOWL. 🙌🏽
When working on these TOWL revelings, I tried to have the majority of them written and ready before I even started sharing the posts in July to ensure I’d deliver on my promise and follow through to the end. These final Grimes Family reunion posts are the only ones I put off writing for a while because, as far as we know, this is it. 🥲 The last page we get to see of Richonne’s beautiful years-long story. The last new Richonne scenes to break down and revel in. 
Since TOWL was announced as a 6-episode miniseries, I’m currently approaching this final scene as the official conclusion of Richonne's story. I know Andy, Danai, and Scott haven't outright said they're never reprising these roles, and the more I hear their answers to the questions about a return, a part of me thinks they know they're coming back in some capacity, be it a cameo or more, and already have an existing contract perhaps, which is why they can't 'spoil' anything by confirming or denying a return.
The way I view it - if Richonne makes another appearance, I'm absolutely seated and celebratory. And if they don't, I'm absolutely satisfied and grateful for what we got. As the gift that keeps on giving, they've already given us over 10 years of golden Richonne content, and this Grimes Family 2.0 reunion put a lovely bow on top of this gift. 💝 It was truly a beautiful and fitting conclusion to their story. And most of all I want the Grimes Family to get to live happily and at peace together, so I'm more than elated with how Richonne's story comes to a close here. 😇
So, as the broadcast announces “A historic day to begin a new chapter for the Republic” - which of course Rick and Michonne Grimes would be the ones capable of bringing about a fresh, historic, and thriving new chapter for a whole city of thousands - we see a glimpse of Judith sitting beside her walkie. And then I love hearing Michonne on the other end say, “Shoto, it’s Daito.” 🥹
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Ahhhhhhh the Grimes family reunion was happening! 🥳🥳🥳 And I'm so glad it's with the original actors too. 😭🙌🏽
I remember there was a period when some were a bit worried that Richonne wouldn't reunite with their kids in TOWL. For me, I felt so sure it was gonna happen because that was the only way Michonne and Rick would feel their mission was successful. And I love how it gets confirmed that they’ll be seeing the kids as soon as we see this walkie-talkie moment. 
...Even tho for some of us, the Grimes family reunion was basically confirmed a little earlier, when a certain two illustrious actors filmed a trip down memory lane in Senoia, Georgia. 🤭
Our lovely captains have a sweet little exchange during that great memory lane special that clued me in on what to expect. There's a part where Danai is talking about Judith and RJ and how she loved seeing Judith with the mini sword on her back. Then, as others also picked up on, Danai said something to Andy about how now Cailey has nearly outgrown the sword, and she seemed to think Andy could co-sign that she has. And that had my extra self’s ears perking up. 😋
Because Andy had been having to work double time to recall some TWD scenes he was actually a part of during this trip down memory lane - so I said to myself - Self, it is highly unlikely that he knows if Cailey, who he never had scenes with, is now outgrowing the sword…unless he’s already filmed a scene with her wearing the sword. 😏
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gif cred: @nerd4music
So yeah, after that I was no longer even 1% unsure if Richonne would have their family reunion. It was happening. 💯 And the way it happened is Love personified. 👏🏽💗
It had to be such a euphoric moment for Judith to finally, after over a year, hear her mom on the other end of that walkie that she said she'd always keep with her. And it had to be euphoric for Michonne to no longer get static but finally get her baby girl on the other end. 🥹
I remember it was emotional watching Michonne and Judith's final walkie-talkie conversation in TWD, especially knowing they'd eventually fall out of range. And so it was a great feeling to see their walkies finally make a connection again.
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I like the way it’s shot with the walkie on the steps and Rick’s holster and gun on Judith’s hip. Again, Michonne summed it up perfectly when she said Judith is her and Rick. And it’s sweet seeing Judith immediately grab the walkie when she hears her mom’s voice. 
Also knowing Michonne was able to reach Judith on the walkie, I think this would definitely imply that Rick was able to talk to or at least hear Judith before they see each other in person. I’d be so curious what that very first exchange over the walkies was like between Michonne, Judith, and Rick. I'd imagine it was quite emotional for Rick to hear Judith's voice on the other end for the first time. 🥲
So then there’s the return of Rick’s battle-tested cowboy boots as he steps off the helicopter. And I really like the way it’s shot as we just see his feet first and then Michonne’s feet join him. It feels like yet another way to illustrate and celebrate that Rick is no longer alone. The love of his life found him and now they really will be by each other's side for pretty much all things going forward. 
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gif cred: @taiturner
As TV's greatest husband and wife step off the helicopter, we get to see Rick and Michonne more fully and I adore that they’re holding hands. 🥰 They always look so married. And as has been established, holding hands is one of Richonne's favorite things.
And then you know we gotta take a moment for Michonne’s outfit 🔥🔥🔥. Cutest outfit she’s ever worn. 👏🏽 I LOVE it. 🤩
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gif cred: @alwaysthequietones
It’s great how they chose something that feels both fresh but also so true to Michonne for her final outfit and it just feels like she’s again getting to return to herself through the clothing. A fashion It Girl, through and through. 💅🏽
Michonne stayed proving an apocalypse does not have to stop you from stylishly color-coordinating and accessorizing. And I love the cowrie shells being back in her hair too. One of the last times she wore cowrie shells - a symbol of fertility - RJ arrived shortly after. So of course seeing the shells in this finale had my Richonne baby fever activated. 😋 It’s also great she got her katana back as well. That sword will always find its way back to its Mama Michonne. 👌🏽
And I of course also love that Michonne and Rick are wearing matching colors. A signature Richonne thing to the end. 😌 And Rick and Michonne matching in that tan color is great because the color scheme is giving "Must've been something else then." 😊
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Then, I think it’s such a touching and well-acted moment when, before we even see the kids, we can tell that Richonne has spotted their kids from the way they react. 😭
Something about the way Michonne holds Rick's hand and then runs to her babies just feels like such a wife and mother and it’s so sweet. Like if you showed this running clip out of context to someone unfamiliar with the show, I feel they'd immediately be able to tell that who Michonne and Rick are running to is their children.
I love how Michonne drops her bag and just immediately runs to the kids. And then it’s precious that Rick sees his children for the first time and drops his bag as he eagerly runs to them as well. Goodness, this whole thing is just heartwarming x10, I can’t. 🫠
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gif cred: @nat111love
And it gets extra heartwarming when we see Judith and RJ for the first time, sprinting to their parents with the biggest smiles on their faces. 😭😭😭 Richonne's babies are here. 🥹
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gif cred: @alwaysthequietones
The way I rejoiced seeing the adorable Grimes kids running the first time I watched. 🙌🏽 I love seeing how ecstatic they are and the way Judith looks back at her little brother as they run. A true big sister. And of course, I adore that Judith is wearing the sword like her mom and her gun in her holster like her dad and that RJ is wearing his dad's signature Sherriff hat and dressed like little Carl. It’s all so perfect. 🥹
And for me, watching this scene would be the hardest Try Not To Tear Up challenge yet, because the way Judith and RJ smile and run into Michonne’s arms, and the three embrace - My heart bursts. 😭❤️‍🩹
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
They all hold so tightly to each other and it’s precious. For a long while, the only Grimes family Judith and RJ had been used to was just the three of them. So it’s really sweet that the three of them have a moment to reunite after missing each other for so long. RJ's smile and Judith's face when she hugs her mom always makes me want to cry. 
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gif cred: @nat111love
(Side note: There are people out there who ignorantly discredit and downplay Judith and Michonne’s mother/daughter relationship and that will forever be foolish to me (though sadly not surprising 😪). Judith has only ever known life with Michonne, and Michonne has been raising Judith since before she could walk. Their mom/daughter status cannot be denied. Interestingly, Judith is the one Grimes kid who has only ever known life with both Rick and Michonne. Carl was old enough to recall when Michonne entered his life. RJ is old enough to recall when Rick entered his life. But Judith doesn’t recall when either entered her life because her parents have been raising her since she was in diapers. They’re the only mom and dad she’s ever recognized. Yes, Judith knows Michonne didn’t birth her but that’s not the only qualification one needs to be a mom. In every other way, Michonne has been Judith’s mom for as long as she can remember. So when Judith looks at Michonne it’s clear she sees her mom, not 'the woman who looks after her', not her 'play mom' - her mom. 👌🏽)
I love that Michonne gets her own moment to reunite with her kids and that they let that moment breathe. Michonne is the anchor to this reunion as they all look to her as the connecting piece of this family right now. It’s realistic for the kids to take their time greeting Michonne because that’s the only parent they really know.
And just like Rick and Michonne had to do a lot of sacrificing on this journey, so did Judith and RJ.
These kids sacrificed valuable time with their mom so that she could go bring their dad back home. So I love that they get to have a moment of being just so elated to be back in their mom’s arms.
Rick stands in the back of the shot, as he anxiously awaits greeting his kids. I know Rick appreciated seeing this moment between the three and immediately seeing that his kids love and view Michonne just as highly as he does. He got yet another reminder that he chose the perfect woman to be the mother of his kids seeing the way his babies beamed and ran in Michonne's arms. 😊
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
And then it is again so precious when Michonne and the kids look at each other and whisper "Hi" and just again have these joyous smiles on their faces.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
RJ’s quiet little ‘hi,’ 🥹 Michonne asking how they’re doing and acknowledging they’ve got so big since she last saw them, 🥹 the way they can’t help but smile and laugh, 🥹 and then when Michonne and Judith put their heads together. 🥹 I love every second.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Michonne finally gets to hold the two who fueled her to keep going even in the moments during this TOWL journey where it felt like all was lost. She was not going to let her kids down and she was going to ensure she made it back to them.And Judith and RJ knew their mom would make it back to them too, no matter how long it took. 
I also love seeing Michonne’s M bracelet in the shot. Again, she really came back adorned with gifts from her husband because Rick loves her the way a cherished wife should be loved. And of all the gifts Rick has given Michonne, we know she cherishes most the gift of their children. 💛
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
It really is beautiful how we went from Michonne telling Carl one kid was enough for her to her now having four kids (…and counting possibly). And I love the way it's visible how Michonne's soul just lights up so brightly as she holds her kids in her arms.
So as the three embrace, Rick stands back and watches his beautiful family. And the way Rick is looking at them, it’s clear this is all so surreal for him.
It makes sense that Rick would hang back for the reunion as Michonne has a moment with their kids. It reminds me of how on Carl’s last day, Rick approached it like he understood Michonne and Carl needed their time together as a mother and son because he knew he was losing his son and Michonne was too. Also, it's evident during this reunion that Rick wants to be mindful of whatever contact Judith and RJ want with him.
So Judith gives one more smile over at her brother and mom, as Michonne adorably lifts up RJ’s hat and embraces her baby boy, who is not such a baby anymore, saying, “Hi there.”
And then Judith turns to Rick with a smile. As they look at each other, Judith becomes emotional and starts to cry. She walks to Rick and finally, after all this time, gets to embrace her dad. 🥹
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gif cred: @twdfranchise
Y’all, there is a reason I put off writing these reunion posts for so long. 😭 This entire scene between these four makes me emotional for so many reasons.
I think it’s so sweet that Rick is letting his kids set the tone for how they want to interact with him in this scene. You know if it were up to him, he’d probably be bawling and pulling them into an embrace, but he also knows that he’s in some ways a stranger to them now. So the thoughtful way Andy plays it, I love that it’s clear Rick wants to let the kids decide what they’re comfortable with. And the second Rick knows they want to hug him, he so tenderly and lovingly hugs them back. 🥹
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gif cred: @twdfranchise
The way he hugs Judith, you see how layered this moment is for Rick because he’s so happy to be back with his daughter and also sad to see just how much he’s missed as she’s done a lot of growing up in his absence.
Plus, during his time with the CRM, Rick had to devastatingly accept that he may never see Judith again and even tried to convince himself that maybe she'd be safer if he didn't come home to her and protected her from afar. I feel like hugging Judith right now, Rick probably feels so overcome with emotion knowing that he's actually getting to hold his daughter after thinking he'd never get this chance again.
Hearing Judith cry as she hugs him and seeing the fatherly way Rick holds her head and tries to hold it together while clearly feeling so many emotions. I cannot. ❤️‍🩹 My heart is moved during each part of this Grimes family reunion. 
While still hugging him, Judith emotionally says, “I knew it, Dad. I knew you were still out there.” It’s so sweet that this is the first thing she says and that Rick gets to hear that Judith never lost her hope that Rick was alive.
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gif cred: @twdfranchise
While Rick came close to ending it a few times during his years away, he managed to stay another day and then another after that and another after that, and I like to think that day by day he was somehow subconsciously being fueled by his wife and kids belief in him. They believed he was still out there and that energy helped keep him here long enough to now be back with them again.
I also love how no one ever came and took Rick’s place in his family’s life because these three Grimes were always believing Rick was still out there. Judith held onto this faith that her dad was alive even when the odds of Rick being alive seemed low. It feels like Michonne modeled that example to her of continuing to believe. And their belief was worth the wait. 🥹
And then Judith looks up at Rick and says, "I just never wanted you to feel alone.” It moves me so much that while Rick was afar hoping Judith was okay, he now gets to know that his daughter had been hoping he was okay too. 🥲
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gif cred: @twdfranchise
As a big sister myself, I just gotta say Cailey plays the big sister role so well. Especially when you’re the family-oriented and responsible big sister, you always just want to make sure everyone is okay. Your younger siblings, your parents, aunts, uncles, everybody. And I love that Judith’s big thing was wanting to be sure her dad never felt alone. That’s so caring. 😭
I also feel like her saying this is her reiterating why she encouraged her mom to go after Rick. On the walkies in Michonne's last full TWD episode, Judith told Michonne, "What if he's trying to come home too, but no one will help?" And she was spot on with that prediction. In TOWL ep 3, Rick even verbalized to Michonne that he had asked for help, but he didn't get it.
So even though it made Judith really sad to be away from her mom, she knew Rick might be alone and in need of Michonne's help even more. Never wanting her dad to feel alone was among the many reasons Judith urged Michonne to go get him.
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And another thing that's poetic to me is that Judith is such a pivotal character in getting Rick and Michonne to meet the way they did. Had Glenn and Maggie not gone out to the store to get Judith's formula, Michonne wouldn't have run into them and brought the formula to the prison for her future daughter. Also, even the very night Rick and Michonne became an official romantic couple in 6.10, their couch moment began with smiling over Judith on the baby monitor.
Since she was born, Judith has helped ensure her dad didn't feel alone because her very existence played a part in Rick finding his ultimate life partner and soulmate, Michonne.
So next, Rick says his first words to Judith in years when he looks at her and says, “I thought I was..."
I like that he's honest about how he did think he was alone at first. There definitely was a time when Rick was confronted with the depths of loneliness within the CRM.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Rick continues, "Then I realized..." and I love that he looks over at Michonne as he says this. And the way Michonne holds RJ while smiling at Rick and Judith interacting again for the first time in years. 🥲
All those years in TWD, Michonne saw how much Rick loved Judith, and so it clearly means a lot to her to see Rick face to face with their daughter again. Rick and Michonne both just seem so present and grateful for this moment as parents.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Rick looks over at Michonne, knowing how instrumental his wife was in both his daughter being who she is today and in helping him realize what he says next - "I wasn’t.” 🥹
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It’s really nice to see that Rick realized he was never alone because he always had his family.
When Rick tells Judith that he realized he wasn’t alone, Judith gets to hear Rick essentially say he realized her own little mantra that she wrote on her family drawing, “My family is always with me.”
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Judith and Rick both know the sadness of losing your loved ones' memory, but I’m so glad they now have each other back to affirm that while the memory can seem lost, it can always be found again.
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gif cred: @andremichaux
Also the way Rick says this line with such a tender tone and tears in his eyes and then he looks at Judith with a smile and blinks probably still trying to comprehend that this little lady in front of him is the daughter he last saw as a toddler. 😭
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gif cred: @alwaysthequietones
And then Judith cries again as she leans in and hugs Rick and I’m a puddle of tears inside. Like when you think about how hard Rick fought for his daughter all those years on TWD, it’s just so special to now see him get to hold her and already get a glimpse of the great loving person she’s turned out to be.
I know Judith is about to feel so loved and protected by this great dad, and I love thinking about how they’ll now get to reestablish their bond and just have the best father-daughter relationship. 
It hit me that years ago, we got to see the very first time both Rick and Michonne ever held baby Judith and how it was a big moment for both of them. While she stirred up painful memories from their past, Judith was also this little bundle of hope for the future in their arms.
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And then in this TOWL finale, we beautifully got to see Rick and Michonne hold Judith in their embrace one more time. 🥹
Michonne reuniting with her son and daughter and Rick reuniting with his baby girl were such golden TOWL moments.
With these touching exchanges, the Grimes Family reunions had all occurred. And now it was time for the big Grimes Family introduction. It was time for Rick to finally meet Rick. 😭
So we gotta bring it on home now and talk about the special, heartfelt, and rewarding final moment of The Ones Who Live. 🥰👌🏽
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muchanmocha · 14 hours
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Round 7 (and beyond)
I never intended on releasing a prediction post bc Team Vivinos is capable of excellent plot twists and there wasn't enough to go on imo to really have any solid guesses. But the recently released teaser gave me enough confidence in my current theories to put this out there. (Apologies if it's incoherent bc I'm basically just reposting a discord spiel I gave to an unfortunate friend a while ago lol.)
In sum:
Luka will be the winner of season 50 but Till won't die.
Bonus half-crack prediction:
Luka will win against Till, but Till won't die and Hyuna crashes the party to win season 50.
I can't recall the source but I believe Team Vivinos has mentioned that we're entering the main plot/part 2 of the story. Everything in this post is formulated based on this premise.
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The artbook synopsis also seems to back up the claim that a bigger plot is coming.
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Luka wins
Fairly sure Luka will win because that's his role. He is the epitome of this system. He is the symbol of Alien Stage. He cannot fall this easily.
Him maintaining his position at the top means he and the segyein enter part 2 with a strong presence.
Alien Stage may be fractured — 2 current participants have escaped to the rebels alive — but the system is still standing. It's scandalous, sure, but they have a winner and they will eventually go on to have Season 51.
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Till survives
Till won't die because that's just weak sauce writing, plot, and character and we know Team Vivinos isn't capable of weak sauce writing, plot, and character.
Fact of the matter is, if Till dies in the next round he and his personal story will forever be overshadowed by Ivan's.
The climax of Round 6, Ivan's narrative and ending, it was executed so goddamn well. It was compelling. It was incredible. We are still not over it. And so—
There is nothing Till can do in the space of one episode ending in his death that can overpower Ivan's momentum from the previous episode. (Ofc everything in this series was somehow packed into 4 minute spurts that leave us emotionally wrecked so I am fully prepared to eat my words)
If Till dies here, regardless of what he does on stage before it happens, Till will be reduced to "the character who dies of guilt and regret after being the subject of someone else's obsessive love and sacrifice." He'll end up a passive player in his own story.
But if Till survives:
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Till from here on out
Imo it would be FAR more interesting to see where his feelings and relationship with Mizi develops and shifts from here because Ivan has effectively tainted his idea of love.
Why do I say this?
Well Till's love for Mizi is... very innocent, very pure, very "first love"y. It's all things naive and fantastical and shoujo manga heart-shaped bubbles.
Meanwhile Ivan's love for Till is dark and gritty. It's obsessive. It's all things murky and ugly (I mean it in the best of ways don't come at me with your pitchforks) — the complete opposite of Till's impression of love.
Which makes it all the more impactful when Ivan forces Till to come face to face (literally) with that deep, obssessive love in Round 6 with his last moments.
After this incredibly traumatic eye-opener — an intimate, violent look into a different kind of love — I don't think Till can look at Mizi the same way again. (No not because he does or should be obligated to return Ivan's feelings, and that's a hill I'll die on regardless of pitchforks. If Till develops feelings for Ivan it should be on his own terms. If Till falls out of love with Mizi that should also be on his own terms.)
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Hyuna wins Season 50 (jk)
Look it'll be funny.
Luka facing off against Till and then Hyuna crash the party, stomps him (vocally), effectively wins Season 50, and then yeets with Till and Mizi — one over each shoulder, hauled like sandbags.
(In all seriousness tho, not a very high chance of happening. They clearly have a lot of issues to sort out that'll prob happen later in part 2.)
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"Never come back again"
The whole reason why this post is up. The caption for the new promo art gives me more confidence in the theory that everyone leaves except Luka.
'Never come back again.' I feel like there's a good chance this is Luka saying or thinking this to Hyuna (and co). If indeed it is, there's a lot to unpack there.
Hyuna and Mizi busts Till outta there, Luka is left utterly alone seated on the throne again, Sua and Ivan eventually come back wrong to wreck emotional havoc as zombie androids
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picturejasper20 · 3 months
Do you have any good Danny and Vlad fics you can recommend to the viewers at home? 👻🎤
That depends on the story you are looking for but i would recommend:
-Seeing is Disbelieving: ¨Caught in the crossfire between Time and Existence, Danny and Vlad are forced to face the Master of Time, the Defenders of Existence, a new Enforcer, and, ultimately, extinction. ¨
These Cold Days trilogy: ¨After tragedy befalls Amity Park, an injured Danny and his friends must flee with authorities snapping at their heels. As Sam and Tucker try to protect their suffering friend from ghost hunters and himself, they begin to worry why Danny is hiding the truth from them. Why the Fruitloop is madly trying to contact him. And what truly happened in Amity Park...¨ -Miasma: ¨When Freakshow is broken out of prison, he teams up with Walker to repair the shattered scepter that grants the wielder the ability to control ghosts. Together, the two form a diabolical plan and agree to go after the one ghost who has ruined both of their lives¨ -The Crossroads Betwixt Life and Death: ¨Takes place instead of Phantom Planet. Danny is left alone after a 'Nasty' explosion and it's up to Vlad Masters to help the lonely ghost boy pick up the pieces and move on. But along the way, they find themselves entangled in a mysterious plot which could destroy all they have left.¨- TUE timeline AU
I would also recommend reading other stories from History101, they are one of the best writers i have seen when it comes to Vlad and badger cereal.
-Protection: Danny and Vlad are on the run from the GIW and they have to work together to survive and getting captured.
-Second Chance: ¨After an intense battle Danny finally receives the chance he's been waiting for. Remembering a valuable lesson from the past, the young half-ghost confronts Vlad Plasmius once more. But what exactly is our hero trying to achieve with his actions?¨ (One-shot)
How to Mentor a Troubled Ghost Child: Takes place after Bitter Reunions. AU- Vlad tries to be a good mentor to Danny instead of becoming his enemy. One of the best badger cereal fics you can find.
Survival of the Fittest: ¨When Danny and Vlad are fighting in the Ghost Zone, they accidentally go through a portal to the human world... one that leads to the middle of nowhere. They later try to learn who was behind sending them there. Takes place after Eye for an Eye.¨
Playing with Fire: ¨Danny knew something was up when in the dead of night he saves the distressed spirit of a phoenix from being captured by the Guys in White. However, what he didn't know was that by doing so, he was in for one heck of a ride… Now the ghost of some sorcerer has abducted his friends and he's stuck in yet another forest with a certain fruit loop..¨ -Sequel to Survival of the Fittest
Shattered Identity: ¨ Vlad has been shot with a weapon that breaks him down to his very core, more specifically, his ghost core. But before Maddie can shoot Danny with the same weapon, he saves the core and flies off, stuck with making sure he stays safe despite his conflicting feelings about it and tries to keep it from breaking despite not knowing what will reemerge from the unstable core. But as Vlad finally reforms, both of them realize that the core fiasco was just the beginning of a new disaster.¨ Written by mutual Hello-I'm-Not-A-Possum
Paradigm Shift: ¨Danny is snapped out of his dream by Vlad of all people, seeking his help to defeat Nocturne. Though they succeed, Nocturne’s latest scheme sets off a chain of unforeseen consequences that lead toward a future even Clockwork cannot see. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance Danny must face one of the most difficult foes of all: his fellow humans, and the tangled messes they weave with one another.¨ This one is more about Jack and Vlad but it has parts about Danny and Vlad. Written by mutual KuzAnn
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loumauve · 3 months
the thing (well, one thing anyway) about chronic pain is how you'll have a day or half a day or even just a few hours that'll get you so close to just fucking wanting to end it all right then and there because you're just so tired of being in pain and it feeling like it'll never end and never get better, and your brain feels like it's on fire and you can't remember the last time you felt even just okay, much less fine or good.
and logically you know it'll probably be alright again in time, but the effort it takes to just make it through that moment is so exhausting that it just leaves you drained.
and it's not like you want to die, you just want the pain and misery to stop, and sometimes it feels like it never will. like you're just stuck on that endlessly-looping train track through hell with no stops to get off, and nothing will help you feel even minutely better at all.
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seospicybin · 28 days
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Bangchan x reader. (s,a)
Chapters: Part II
Synopsis: Having issues to break up with your boyfriend, you seek help from the boy next door and the number one fuckboy in the area, Chan. (10k words)
Author's note: I went through a nasty break up a few weeks ago and this is basically just me trying to cope by being delulu about having a fuckboy Chan as a neighbor. Enjoy x
It becomes a habit now that Chan doesn't know where he is when he wakes up in the morning.
The first thing that he'll do is retrace everything to last night. He was DJ-ing at a club, had a few drinks in between, met a girl who was eyeing him the whole night, had a few more drinks, there was a little touching and a quick makeout session in the dark alley and people can guess what happens after that
So this is where he is right now, the girl's bedroom and he can recall everything that happened last night except the girl's name.
"Fuck!" Chan mutters under his breath.
Judging from how bright the sun is outside, he knows he only has a little window to make his escape so he quickly gets off the bed as calmly as possible. He then tiptoes around to gather his clothes and put them on without making any noise.
However, he fails at it as the head from his belt hits the bed frame and the clanging of metal meets metal echoing in the room.
The girl steers on her sleep and rolls over to the side, she brushes her hair away from her face, catching Chan putting his belt on.
The plan to make a quick getaway has come to a failure but he keeps his cool, continuing to buckle his belt and then plants his hands on each side of his waist.
"Morning," He awkwardly says with a forced smile.
"Morning," the girl replies with a smile then props an elbow against the mattress, sending the duvet sliding down her body and exposing her bare chest to him.
Chan might have been a little drunk when he met her but damn, his fuckboy radar works well even under the influence of alcohol.
"You're leaving already?" She asks, flipping her hair to the back to expose more of those beautiful mounds to him.
Chan has to tell his pervy brain to focus actively, he looks away and picks up his jacket from the floor.
"I promised a friend to help him move out today," He lies, then pretends to check the time on his phone, "And I'm kind of late."
The girl nods then twirls her hair around her finger, "Well then... when can I see you again?"
"I hope soon," Chan says with his charming grin that disguises the insincerity in his answer.
The girl smiles at that which confirms that the grin works, "But seriously, I can't wait to see you again," she says.
"I'll call you," he says because that's what he can promise her at the moment but whether he'll do it or not is uncertain.
"But you don't have my numbers yet," she says with her eyebrows wrinkled in suspicion.
"No, I'm sure you already did," he says, convincing her by scrolling the contacts on his phone.
"Yup. I have your numbers already," he lies again, showing her a random contact on his phone for a quick second.
"But my name is Thalia," she says, cleverly catching the name on the contact.
"Yes, of course, you're Thalia," he says with utmost confidence and his ultimate weapon of a dimpled smile.
The girl seems alarmed though. She sits up on the bed and clutches the duvet close to her chest, "We're going to see each other again, right Chris?"
"Yes," he answers without a beat, and at this point, lying is as easy as breathing to him.
"Can I get a kiss before you leave?"
"Sure," he says, coming around the bed to give her a quick peck on the lips.
The girl smiles when he lets go and watches as he walks to the doorway, "I'll call you, Tanya."
"It's Thalia," she corrects him with an apparent displeasure on her face.
Chan shoves his phone into the pocket of his jeans and takes the time to properly bid her goodbye. Nothing a girl likes more than a sweet mouth and a little assurance, he'll give her exactly that.
"I'll see you soon, Thalia," Chan says with a smile.
"See you soon, Chris," and the girl naively believes him, if only she knew that this will be the last time they're seeing each other.
Yet again, Chan makes another successful getaway.
The warm weather of spring makes it a pleasant walk from the bus stop to his apartment building. He wants to stop somewhere for breakfast but his head feels heavy from the hangover, he just wants to go home as soon as possible, have a bowl of cereal then take an aspirin for the pounding headache.
In the lobby, he makes a quick stop to collect his mail and takes a quick check at it, sorting them out on the spot so he knows which ones he should bring upstairs.
From the corner of his eyes, Chan catches his neighbor, you with your boyfriend chatting by the elevator. He notices the gestures, the expression, and the whole interaction, it doesn't take a genius to know that something is going on there that the naked eyes can't see.
Chan throws the unnecessary mail into the trash bin nearby and walks to the elevator, hearing the little conversation going on between you and your boyfriend.
"...the waffles were delicious. We should have breakfast there again," the boyfriend says as he looks at you, "What do you think?"
"Yeah," you meekly answer while looking at the little screen that shows the floor the elevator is stopping in.
Chan tries to remain invisible but his eyes accidentally make contact with your boyfriend so he may as well make his presence known.
"Hi, neighbor," he greets, he knows your name but you seem to prefer to be called that way.
You do what you always do whenever you meet each other in the building, give him a quick judging look and a courteous smile.
"And hi neighbor's boyfriend," he greets your boyfriend next.
"Hi," your boyfriend greets back, "Chris, isn't it?"
"Yes and you are Lee," Chan responds.
"Right. So how was your Friday night?" Lee initiates a small talk.
"I believe it wasn't as good as yours," Chan playfully answers.
"Oh, we just stayed in and watched a movie, right baby?" Lee says, putting his arm around your shoulder.
All of a sudden, you take a step forward and say, "It's here."
The elevator doesn't chime until a moment later but you seem to be more than eager to get in. You turn around to give your boyfriend a quick hug.
"I'll try to leave early so we can have dinner together," Lee says with a quick kiss on the cheek.
"It's okay. Take your time," you say with a faint smile.
Chan quietly gets into the elevator and holds the door open for you, he tries not to look at what's happening in front of him not out of politeness but it's just painful to watch.
"I'll call you," Lee adds, catching your hand as you enter the elevator and kissing it.
"Okay," you say then wave your hand at him.
To help you get out of it, Chan releases his finger off the buttons and sends the doors sliding shut.
"Bye, baby," Lee says for the last time before the doors completely close.
It's just another awkward elevator ride with you and he'll usually try to endure it but after watching all that and trying not to say anything is hard, he can't help but impose.
He glances at you to check whether you're ready to hear about what he has to say but you always have the same stoic expression. Then it occurs to him that he has never seen you smile impolitely or out of joy, or even hear your laugh, but maybe after you hear what he's about to say, he'll get to see a different facial expression on you.
"Oh, man! That was painful to watch," he sighs as he keeps looking straight ahead at his reflection in the shiny furnace of the elevator.
There's no one else in the elevator so you're fully aware that he's talking to you but you don't respond until a while later.
There you go, with your judging look and stoic expression, looking at him as you say, "Excuse me?"
Chan doesn't want to sound rude but beating around the bush isn't his thing, he prefers to be straightforward. He knows it's all based on assumptions but he's pretty sure his judgements are pretty accurate.
He's going to just do it and lay out the facts, he turns to the side, then leans his back against the cold surface of the elevator.
"Your shoulder tightens when he called you baby and the fact you lied about the breakfast tells me that you didn't actually like his choice of restaurant," he pauses to let out a cynical chuckle, "the waffles weren't that good, I guess?"
When he wants to see a different facial expression on you, he doesn't mean seeing your angry one, but oh well, the damage has been done.
"Because I'm a good girlfriend that's why I let him choose the restaurant," you become defensive all of a sudden but that's an unconvincing answer.
"No, you let him choose out of pity," he simply remarks, "And just now, your nostrils flared when I pointed it out."
With all of these signs combined with his personal experiences, Chan narrows it out to one conclusion. He looks at you in the eyes and says, "You're about to break up with him, don't you?"
It looks like you've been slapped right on the face except that the slap doesn't come from someone, it's from the truth that comes out of Chan's unfiltered mouth and he instantly regrets it for meddling in in someone else's business.
"I'm sorry, but why are we having this conversation?" You ask, crossing your arms together in front of you.
"It's not like you're any better. You slept around, you're scared of commitment and now, sticking your nose at my business. You are the kind of person that I deeply despise!" You angrily say with your chest heaving.
It seems like you're saying all of those things about him out of anger because he sees right through you but now he knows why you always give him that judging look. He's the one who started it so yeah, okay, maybe he deserves that but that doesn't change the truth. The problem is what he said and your response, they're heading in the opposite direction.
"I think someone has her panties in a twist," Chan coyly responds.
"Look, there's nothing wrong with wanting to break up. That doesn't make you a bad person," he adds and decides to end the talk right there.
It gets quiet in this enclosed space and it's already suffocating as it is but how lucky that he has to patiently wait for the elevator to ride through three more floors to get out of here.
When the elevator finally dings open, Chan lets out a breath he doesn't know he's been holding but he's not the one in a hurry to exit both this space and the situation. He stays where he is and lets you out first.
When he thinks you don't have anything else to say, you stop right outside the elevator and look at him with a piercing gaze.
"Don't, for one second, think that you had any effect whatsoever on my panties!" You emphasize every word in anger, then storm off.
Know what? Maybe Chan should skip the bowl of cereal and take two aspirin instead. As for you, maybe you need to chill the fuck out.
Just because you've been neighbors with Chan for the past three years doesn't mean that you know each other on a personal level.
All you know about him is that he's a DJ which explains why there's always music playing in his apartment, he always wears a sleeveless top to showcase his muscles, and he always has a stupid grin on to show off the stupid dimples on his stupid face, an annoying Australian accent and from how many times you caught different girls taking a walk of shame out of his apartment, it's safe to say that he's the number one fuckboy in the area
So how dare he say all of that stuff in the elevator when he doesn't know anything about you at all? Moreover, what does a fuckboy like him know about relationships?
It shouldn't be hard to ignore because it's something you usually do but gosh, the memory of the conversation still vexed you a few days later.
Then it hits you that it bothers you so much because deep down, you know what he said is true. You've been wanting to break up with your boyfriend and hearing that comes from someone outside that relationship only solidified that thought.
There's nothing wrong with your boyfriend, Lee is nice, too nice even, and when you think about it, maybe that is the problem, he is too nice and that leads you to another problem, you don't know how to break up with him without hurting his feelings.
But you know who can help you with that? Someone who has a lot of experience in breaking up with people.
Oh, what a joy that you find the answer right across your door!
Before you get to ask for his help though, you're fully aware that there's another thing to do and there's no other way to do it but walk up to his apartment, knock on his door, and apologize.
As you're standing there in front of his apartment door, you're dreading it. All sorts of thoughts crossed your head like why did you have to be so riled up that time in the elevator? Why did you have to say that thing about the panties? Just why? Ugh!
Let's just get it over with, you mutter inside your head.
With hesitant hand, you knock on his door and then hold the urge to turn around and run back to your apartment. You let yourself take a step back as you wait for him to come for the door.
Do not open the door, do not open the door, you chant inside your head while tapping your foot against the floor. However, things are not always going the way you want.
The door swings inward and a second later, Chan appears with disheveled hair and he only has one arm in the sleeve of his t-shirt, then you spot a girl's shoes next to his feet.
Oh no, please don't say you're coming at the wrong time.
You reflexively take another step back but he grabs your forearm and then opens the door wider, showing you that there's a girl there.
"It's my neighbor, she's here to remind me about the tenant meeting," he says to her.
The girl looks at you rather suspiciously and crosses her arms together in front of her as she glares at Chan.
"No. Don't you dare try to get out of this, Chris!"
"But it's true. We have to leave now," Chan says, then gives you a look that tells you to lie along with him, "Right?"
Running a quick assessment of the situation, you're certain that Chan is trying to get himself out of it to avoid having a difficult conversation with the beautiful lady. You hate to be the accessory to his crime but if this means that it would help you earn his forgiveness...
"The pigeons!" You make up a lie on the spot.
"The pigeons are ruining our rooftop garden so we held this urgent tenant meeting," you add with what you hope is a convincing smile.
"Oh, those damn pigeons!" Chan heavily sighs with a phony expression.
The lie makes your throat dry and your cheeks hurt from forcing a smile, you have to keep it going as the lady considers whether to believe that the tenant meeting is true or not.
Chan grabs his jacket from the clothes hook and puts it on, "We'll continue this later, okay?" He says to her.
Without waiting for her answer, he gets out of the door and drags you with him to go to your apartment. Once both of you get inside, he immediately closes the door behind him and lets out a long sigh.
"Oh, wow!" He exclaims once he realizes that he's inside your apartment.
He allows himself further inside and leisurely walks around your apartment, checking your kitchen, trailing his fingers on your book collection on the shelf, and observing the potted plants lining up on the window sill.
He walks back to the middle of the room and takes another 360-degree look around the apartment, then nods in approval.
"So, this is what the inside of your apartment looks like," he says in a cryptic tone.
Not sure if he wants you to respond to that or if should respond at all. You choose to remain silent and only respond when his intentions are intelligible.
Chan then sits on the sofa, making himself comfortable, and looks at you, then at what you're holding in both hands.
"Is that for me?"
The jar of cookies you've been unknowingly holding in your hands is a token of apology and it is for him.
"Yes, it is for you," you say, handing it to him with both hands.
"I'm sorry about the other day," you sincerely apologize, but you know you have to let him know what you're apologizing for, "for what I've said to you. I'm terribly sorry."
"Well, since you're helping me with the uh... situation," he coyly says as he scratches his eyebrow, "consider us even."
See? That wasn't so hard. You feel bad for lying to the girl but at least, you've been forgiven.
"Thank you," you add with a smile.
Chan doesn't say anything else but opens the lid and takes a cookie out of the jar. He gets comfortable on the sofa, sitting slumped with his legs spreading wide, and then he takes a big bite of the cookie.
It doesn't take long for him to notice that you have something else to say to him other than an apology.
Before he gets to it, you force yourself to start speaking.
"So, Chris..." you call, then abruptly stop talking. You suddenly have a second thought about asking for his help.
"What's up?" He asks while chewing on his cookie.
It's at the tip of your tongue but your mouth feels like they're sewn shut. You clasp your hands together and muster up the courage to just blurt it out.
"Do you want something to have with the cookies?"
You swear you plan on asking for his help but somehow, your mouth saying a different thing.
"Milk would be nice," he answers.
"Milk. Yes, I have milk," you awkwardly say, slowly making your way to the kitchen like a walking dead.
You take a carton of milk from the fridge and while pouring it into a glass, you're scolding yourself for being so cowardly.
After taking a moment to take a deep breath and muster up the courage to ask, you walk back to the sofa with the glass of milk in hand. With a smile, you hand it to him.
"Thank you," he says, his eyes catching something in your eyes.
You immediately break the eye contact and take another step back, standing and watching him finish his third cookie then wash it down with a sip of milk.
"I hope you don't mind that I'm going to stay here until the girl leaves my apartment," he informs.
"Oh?" You meekly gasp.
"But I can leave if you're uncomfortable," he says as he sits straight on the sofa.
"No, it's fine," you shortly reply, "Take your time."
"Okay, thanks," he says, reclining back on the sofa and continues munching on the cookies.
You can't decide if he stays longer than you expected is a good thing or not. You use the opportunity to reconsider it and walk to the kitchen to get out of his sight.
"Do you need help or not?" You quietly ask yourself as you pour yourself a glass of water.
Why is it so hard? He's right there. All you need is to go and ask for his help.
The water sloshes out of the glass as you fill it too full and you reflexively back away to avoid getting water all over the front of your dress.
"Everything good there?" Chan asks in a slight panic.
That's it! Enough time has passed from overthinking it! You walk up to him and just do it.
"You're right," you blurt out, "I've been wanting to break up with my boyfriend."
Sensing that it turns serious, Chan slows down his chewing and puts away the cookie jar. You expect the I-told-you-so grin on his face but no, he looks saddened instead.
"Things aren't working out," you openly share with a sad sigh.
You take a seat on the ottoman facing the sofa and sadly sigh, "I've been wanting to break up with him for a week now but I just don't know how."
"How long you've been dating each other?"
"Three years," you answer.
"Wow," Chan lowly gasps in awe.
Three years is not a short time, he understands why you hesitate to break up and it isn't an easy decision either.
"I need your help," you hopelessly say, unintentionally becoming vulnerable in front of him.
"My help?"
"Help me how to break up with him," you further explain.
"Of all people, why me?" He asks in utter confusion.
It's hard to answer that without being rude, you decide to let him process the question until it leads him to the answer. After a while, he lets out a dry chuckle and nods, "Okay, yeah. Make sense."
Chan takes another minute to accept the fact that his help is needed because he knows how to break up with someone without feeling awful about it afterward.
"I guess you want to let him down gently?"
"Yes," you answer.
"Well..." he inflates his cheeks then lets the air out through his pursed lips, "You can break up with him through a text."
Which part of 'let him down gently' did he not understand? How is it a good idea to break up through a text? But okay, it's just one suggestion, you give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Who knows he'll come up with better suggestions.
"I'm sorry. No, I can't do that," you kindly refuse his suggestion.
"You can send it when he's sleeping," he adds.
Oh, God! He gives you an even worse suggestion instead of better ones. You know what? This is a bad idea and you regret asking for his help.
"I don't—" You stop yourself from talking and get up from your seat.
"I'll just check if the lady is still..." Your words trail off as you walk towards the door and check through the peephole first, then you get out of the door to check his apartment next.
"Hello? Excuse me?" You shout from the doorway but no one is answering you.
You take it the lady has left and walk back to your apartment to deliver the news to the rightful owner of the apartment.
"She already left," you tell him.
Chan lets out a sigh and closes the cookie jar, he finishes the milk to its last drop and then gets up from the sofa.
"Thank you for the cookies and the milk," he says with his signature grin.
"No worries," you reply, trying so hard to hide the disappointment in your voice.
Chan holds the cookie jar in one arm and takes a step closer to you, "if you need help on how to write breakup texts, I'm just across the hall," he says.
You don't respond to that but keep a smile on for him as to seem polite.
"And good luck!" He says with gentle pats on your shoulder.
The second he walks out the door, you collapse onto the sofa and dread it even more than before. Turns out, asking for his help is not helping at all.
The next day, you meet him as you collect your mail in the lobby and it's hard to ignore him when his mailbox is next to yours.
"G'day!" Chan greets you as he leans the side of his body against the wall while sorting his mail.
"Good day!" You respond and hurriedly walk toward the elevator. You push the button to summon it to the lobby and hope it comes soon enough for you to avoid talking to Chan.
Of course, things don't go as you want it. He comes just in time for the elevator about to arrive, he crumples a few letters in his hand into a ball and then tosses it into the trash bin.
"How did it go?" He asks.
"Pardon?" You nonchalantly respond.
Good thing that the elevator chimes open and you can pretend to forget about what he asked you a while ago. You get inside while clutching your mails in hands in front of you but it's not safe yet as you have to share the elevator ride with him.
"So... the break-up texts? Did you do it?" He asks again, going to the corner of the elevator and leaning his back against it.
"Chris, I think you can't just end a three-year relationship with a text," you put it as nicely as you can.
"Yeah, I reckon," he innocently answers.
It seems like Chan can't tell the difference between what is easy and what is right. It isn't a good idea in the first place to ask for help from someone like him who doesn't consider other people's feelings except his own.
"What are you going to do then?" He asks, shifting his weight on one leg.
Since his help is not helping at all, you have no answer to that yet. This should be something you have to figure out on your own in the first place.
"I'll figure it out," you not-very-convincingly answer.
Chan crosses his arms in front of him, making the muscles and veins on his arms more evident under the fluorescent light of the elevator.
"Lee seems like a nice guy," he remarks with a deep inhale of air.
Well, if you have to compare your boyfriend to Chan, then yes, Lee is a really nice guy. Lee excels in a lot of things, including how to treat a person with feelings.
"Yes," you settle with a simple answer.
"A drawn-out break up is only going to end in a big scene," he says, "Just saying."
Chan has a point. It's worse to prolong the pain for both you and Lee, you can't keep pretending that the relationship works and it's unfair that you keep Lee oblivious about all this.
"We can practice, you know," he offers.
"On how you're going to break up with him," he explains.
He comes up with a better suggestion this time and is almost endearing even but again, he wouldn't know how a person with real feelings reacts to a break-up which makes you unsure if the practice would be any help.
The elevator is about to arrive anyway so you decide to skip on responding to his offer. Once it chimes, the doors part open and you take the first turn to get out with Chan getting off after you. You turn to the left to your apartment while he turns right. You take the key out of your pocket to unlock the door and push your way in while clutching your mail close to your chest.
"You know where to find me if you need help," Chan says just before you close the door to your apartment.
Hard pass, you answer in your head but you put on a smile for his kind offer, then close the door
Okay, you admit it. You were too haste when you said that you didn't need his help. You were doing fine for these past few days, you've been avoiding meeting your boyfriend to give you some more time to think of the best way to break the news to him until he calls you.
The phone rings and you just stare at it, considering whether to pick it up or not. If you pick it up, that means you have to lie to him and if you don't, it'll alert him that things are, in fact, not okay.
The latter seems like a better idea so you pick it up after taking a long, deep breath.
"Hi, baby. Am I calling you at the wrong time?"
Not entirely wrong but it would be nice if he didn't call you, you answer in your head.
"Yeah, sorry, I was in the bathroom," you lie.
"Coconut shrimp for dinner. What do you think?" he asks out of the blue.
"That sounds nice," you easily respond.
"I know you'll like it but, babe, do you mind getting us a bottle of wine on the way?
"I'm sorry?" You ask in confusion.
"For our dinner, remember?" he answers, "I'll cook tonight we'll be having dinner at mine."
You hardly paid attention to him because your mind was always elsewhere, you couldn't remember saying yes to the dinner but you did and it must be out of pity.
"No, of course, I remember, I'm just..." you rake your brain to think of something to say.
"I thought it was next week," you lie again with an awkward chuckle.
"You silly!" Lee says, "Aren't you glad that I called, huh?"
"So glad," you lie, again and again.
"I should start prepping the ingredients so they'll be ready when you get here," he says, his voice exuding enthusiasm.
"Don't forget the wine!"
"I won't."
"I can't wait to see you, baby," he sweetly says.
The lies are piling up so may as well add another one to the pile, "Me too."
"I love you, bye."
Don't think you can lie your answer to that, you gulp air, "Bye," you say to the phone, then quickly hang up.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and you don't know your desperate measure means knocking on your neighbor's door. Probably because you hate to admit that you need his help.
Not long after, Chan opens the door and his head pops out from the gap, "What's up?"
"My boyfriend just called and tonight, we'll be having dinner in his place," you blabber in panic.
It takes a second for him to process it then his face turns a little surprised, "What are we going to do then?" He asks in confusion.
You may be in dread but you catch the error in his question, "We? Now, you got your panties in a twist," you tell him.
"Shame on you!" He responds with a sly grin then opens the door wider and shows himself dressed in nothing but a white towel hanging low around his hips.
He puts one arm against the doorframe and leans close to you as he says, "Cause I'm not wearing any panties right now."
You should have noticed it from his wet hair and the beads of water rolling down his neck, and now that you're seeing the whole of it, your eyes immediately following where the beads of water going, they're going down the outline of his abs and eventually, to where they're all gathered as his pelvic bones leading down to one way: down south.
However, your instinctive reaction goes against what you're actually feeling inside.
"Ugh!" You groan and turn to the side, "Put some clothes on and I'll see you at my place!"
Without waiting for his answer, you rush back to your apartment and close the door behind you as fast as possible, then you rest your back against it.
The images of his naked body flashing through your head, his glistening wet pale skin, and how some parts of his body are blotchy red around the neck and chest. You get flustered all of a sudden, you immediately press the back of your hand to your cheek and you can feel them heating.
"Get it together!" You scold yourself.
After waiting for almost fifteen minutes, Chan finally comes knocking on your door like it's a musical instrument.
"Are you dressed?" You ask with your hand on the doorknob.
"Hardly," he jokes.
You peek through the peephole and see that he's already dressed to what you can say is his usual attire of dark short pants with a matching sleeveless top, showing off his bulging biceps. You open the door to let him in and he coyly walks in, treating your place like it's his own, sitting on your sofa with his legs spreading wide.
"Okay, so, why am I here?"
You stand in front of him with your hands clasped in front of you, "I've been lying to him the whole phone call and honestly, I've been doing it since the moment I decided that I want to break up with him, and I... I don't think I can lie to him again."
It's easy to admit your mistakes to him because he barely knows you and his opinions about you won't matter that much to you.
"I need to do it tonight," you hopelessly say.
"I take it you need my help to practice your break-up speech?"
You hate that he guesses it right but it's also convenient that you don't have to beat around the bush to ask for it. But first, you try to explain the situation as much as possible so he has ideas on what you're facing here.
"Lee is a man of many emotions and I'm not exaggerating when I say he'll likely cry," you inform.
Chan's forehead wrinkles as he processes this piece of information then stifles a nod. It seems like he still has no idea what you want him to do about it.
"I think it's less painful if you acknowledge the dumpee feelings," you blatantly explain.
"Okay, I got you. Let's practice!' He says, sitting up straighter on the sofa and then putting his hands on his knees.
It's just a practice but your anxiety takes over you not just mentally but also physically as your palms get sweaty. You wipe them down your jeans and take a breath.
"Lee," you call him by your boyfriend's name, and even though it's weird that you're roleplaying, you continue, "I want to break up with you."
Chan looks at you and gets quiet for a moment, "Wow. I'm in utter shock and it makes me very sad to hear that," he says with a rather serious tone.
Not the kind of reaction Lee would likely pull off but that will do if you decide to continue with it.
"I'm fully aware that this is so sudden but I've been thinking hard about it for some time and I think this is a decision that I should take," you say and you know it's a practice but you feel something caught in your throat.
"I'm sad and I need time to process it, but I'll be okay," he calmly says.
Chan gets the tone right but you believe breaking up wouldn't be this easy in real life, especially when there are real feelings to protect. To be honest, you're not ready to face the truth that you may hurt those feelings tonight.
"I think that went very well," Chan says, returning to his default settings.
"Yeah, I think that's it," you meekly say.
The worries and sadness are drawn on your face that Chan can easily see through your veiled expression, "If Lee is as nice as you said he is, then you shouldn't worry much," he says.
He waits until your eyes meet his to continue, "He may get surprised or shocked even, but he'll come around and respect your decision."
You can't believe that those words are coming out of his mouth or that he even tries to comfort you, but you appreciate it. Maybe his heart is still there, he just doesn't let it control him most of the time.
He gets up from the sofa and walks up to you, he takes your hands, ignoring how cold and sweaty they feel in his, "You got this," he assures you.
"Thank you, Chris," you sincerely say with a sad smile.
It is time to stop torturing both you and Lee with lies and forcing yourself to believe that the love is still there. It's time to accept the truth that if you can fall in love, you can also fall out of love.
It's a surprise that Chan worries about things that aren't his business. He's been playing some music to distract him from his head but he keeps the volume low because he doesn't want to miss hearing the sound of the elevator that will tell him any signs that you're back from the dinner.
Eventually, he tires himself out from worrying and falls asleep on the sofa. He startles always close to midnight after hearing the knocking on his doors.
Half disoriented, he trudges his way to open the door and finds you there, surprisingly, looking nice in a white cotton dress and your eyes dry.
But from the way you let yourself into his apartment, forgetting your impeccable manners and walking with shoulders slumped and carrying your shoes in your hands, he takes it that you did it.
"So... how did it go?" He carefully asks, following you as you're making your way to the sofa and then sitting on it.
You let a heavy sigh and your shoulders slumped even more, "At least, there's no crying," you answer with a sad smile.
Chan is unsure of how to react to that, is that a good thing or a bad thing? He just stands there with his arms crossed on his chest, thinking out loud.
"And even though it was ending... it was incredibly meaningful to me and I'm going to miss him," you say with your lips trembling.
Oh, no, Chan knows when a girl is about to cry, he quickly finds a remedy to it, one that he knows always works wonders for him. He runs to the kitchen and brings a bottle out of his alcohol stash, then hands it to you.
"Let's have a drink!" He says, realizing that he forgot the glass.
"Wait another second, I'll get the glass," he says, sprinting to retrieve two glasses from his kitchen cabinet.
When he returns, he sees that you're chugging the alcohol straight from the bottle. You gasp and then wince from the bitter aftertaste of it.
"Okay, straight from the bottle it is," he says, popping onto the sofa next to you.
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and then hand the bottle to him in which he wastes not another second to take a sip of it.
"The thing is... I really care about him but he wanted to get married, and I'm just not ready for that," you share with your eyes blank and looking at the void.
You take a deep breath but it seems like it only sends your heart sinking deeper and deeper, and making it harder for you to breathe.
"And if I'm not ready with a guy as great as him then what if I'm never ready?" You say, turning your head his way with your eyes glassy, pooling with tears.
"What if that was it..." you lift your shoulders then drop them as you let out a low sigh, "my one chance at love?"
The tears start streaming down your face like a bursting dam and Chan knows he can't do anything about it but let them out.
Hearing your words makes him think about what his idea of love is. He used to think that it was something he could get whenever he wanted it but now he knows that he's wrong, because that's just a short-lived infatuation, just some sort of meaningless connection.
From you, he learns that love is a privilege that not everyone can experience.
"What if I never get a second chance?" You ask him the question that he doesn't know the answer to.
"I don't know. I'm just sad," your voice cracks, then you break into tears.
Chan is quick to catch you into his arms and offers you his embrace. He knows he can't do anything about this sadness but he can try to soothe the pain, he's placing gentle rubs on your back as you cry into his chest.
The cry is resounding in this space, echoing the sadness back to you and it makes him inexplicably sad too, and he gets the urge to make it stop.
"It's going to be alright," he murmurs at the top of your head.
You look up with your eyes wet and red with tears caught in your lashes, "Is it?" You croak.
He doesn't know when but he knows for sure that time heals everything.
"It will be," he answers with a gentle caress of his knuckle on your wet cheek, "eventually."
Your eyes tell some more assurance for him and he doesn't know what drives him to do it, but he leans in, then kisses you.
To his surprise, you kiss him back and he knows you're doing it because you seek his comfort and he wants to give you exactly that. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, giving you that closeness you seek. He kisses you ever so softly because he knows he's kissing a broken heart and he wants to mend it. He can taste your sadness and the bitterness of it, and also the relief underlying all of it. As he kisses you, he lets his heart open just enough to take some of that sadness away from yours.
As the kiss deepens, the sadness withers, and something else emerges. Chan loses in it for a bit until he realizes what you're trying to do with your hand that reaches for the front of his jeans.
He abruptly detaches his lips from yours and shakes his head, "No, we can't do this," he says.
As much as he fancies you enough to have sex with you, he knows better not to do it when you're not in your right mind and your judgments are clouded with sadness. The last thing he wants is you waking up in the morning full of regrets.
"I want this, Chris," you croak.
"No, we can't," he adamantly says and takes your hand away from him.
"You're sad. You do want this," he says in an effort to put some sense into you.
You roughly crumple the front of his t-shirt and pull him close, "I want– No, I need this, Chris," you say to him with your eyes dark like two bottomless pits.
"Please?" You plead as a tear rolls down from the corner of your eye.
This is the most hopeless he ever heard of you and it breaks his heart. You said it yourself, you need this and he knows what you mean by that. You need the distraction, you need him to take this pain away even just for a fleeting moment, moreover, he can't break what's already broken.
He takes your hand off of his clothes and puts it in his, he leans in until his forehead is pressed against yours.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks once again.
"Yes," you answer without a beat.
That's all Chan needed to hear, he inhales air and puts an inch between your faces. He then tenderly holds your face with both hands and looks at you, unsure where to start but maybe, he can start by making those tears coming out of your eyes.
Chan dabs the tears pooling in the corner of your eyes with his knuckle and without the slightest of hesitancy, he places a gentle kiss on each of your closed eyelids and before you can open them, he captures your lips in a kiss.
Sex is not something new to him but Chan knows that this time is not about physical fulfillment, but a way to offer comfort and hopefully, to also mend your broken heart.
He takes his time to strip away every piece of clothing on you until you're bare, lying on the bed with nothing but sadness that fills your heart.
He touches you with utmost gentleness, using just his fingertips to feel the softness of your skin and you're so pliant, sensitive to his touch.
To make it fair, Chan takes his clothes off as well before joining you on the bed, caging you in between his arms and hovering only inches away above you.
"Touch me," he says to you, taking your hand and placing it on his shoulder.
He then glides your hand down his neck and chest, he makes you feel every inch of his pale skin with him. However, when he looks at you, your eyes remain on his.
"You feel so warm, Chris," you lowly mutter.
He brings your hand close to his mouth and kisses it, then crashes his lips on yours.
The gap between your bodies becomes non-existent as you keep pulling him close, he relents by lowering himself on top of you and props an elbow against the mattress to not put his whole weight on you.
Lips locked, hands around each other, bodies pressed together and the temperature keeps on rising in the room. Chan makes you feel every part of his lips brushing and gliding over yours. He skillfully parts your mouth open with his tongue so he can kiss you deep and hard, yet slow until you run out of breath.
At the same time, his hand makes its way down until his fingers land on your delicate flesh. He touches it tenderly, running his fingers between the folds, and drags them upward to rub on your bundle of nerves.
"Ah..." you moan against his lips as you curve your hand around his neck and pull him incredibly closer.
Judging from it, he knows he's doing it right and he should continue, he applies gentle pressures on your clit, making you drenched and that way, he can slowly put a digit inside of you.
You let go of his kiss to let out a moan and your head falls onto the pillow as he puts another digit into you, two fingers pumping in and out of you.
Chan intently watches as your face contorted along to the pleasure, how your jaws slack open and breathless moans keep spilling out of your parted mouth.
The way you clench around his fingers makes him impatient to feel you and how tight you feel around him, and the noises you make oh, they're his new favorite tune that he wants to keep listening to until his eardrums burst.
He glances down as he pulls his fingers out of you and finds them thickly coated with your essence, it doesn't stop him from shoving them into his mouth and lick them clean.
Chan holds you by the chin to keep you still as he kisses you, "Give me a second to get a condom, yeah?" He says to you and you nod in answer.
He makes his to the bathroom and pulls the drawer open to take a condom. To save time, he decides to put it on right away, he tears through the foil packet with his teeth and rolls the rubber down his hard length.
On the way out, he catches his reflection in the mirror and gets reminded that this is not about him. Tonight, it's all about you.
He returns to the bedroom, finding you still lying in bed naked and hugging yourself. He climbs onto the bed and lowers himself on you, letting you absorb his body heat to warm you.
Craving for another taste of it, he goes down and plants his mouth on your cunt next, tasting you right on his tongue.
You're squirming as his tongue laps over your wetness, drinking in on your essence and then using it to circle on your clit.
He's not the only one getting impatient and asking more of it, you both want it and there's no wasting time anymore. Just before he takes it to the next part, he places a long, tender kiss on your clit and immediately brings his mouth to yours again so you can taste yourself on him.
"I'm going in, mmh?" He says as he endearingly brushes your hair away from your face.
You hold on to his shoulder as he settles himself between your legs, aligning his cock with your entrance but before that, he rubs his length between your folds, lubricating it with your essence.
Your hands fly to your chest, hugging yourself again as you lowly moan to his hard length rubbing over your clit and then, pushing its way into you.
"Goodness fu—" he can't even finish his sentence without breaking into a satisfied groan.
It's just the tip but he can already feel how tight you are around him, he's scared yet excited to push more of him into you. He reorganizes his breathing and rests his hand on your abdomen to do it.
Chan looks down to check and he still has a little more of him that needs to be inside you, he sharply inhales air through his nostrils and pushes the remaining length in one quick push.
"Oh..." you breathlessly moan as you're squeezing on your breasts.
Chan allows himself to take a moment to adjust himself to being inside you and you seem to also need time to adjust to his size because you feel so incredibly tight around him. It makes him wonder how this little thing can take him so well.
He takes your hands away from your chest and puts them around his shoulders, that way he can put his body on top of you, lips locked with yours again in no time as you wrap your legs around his waist, sending him deeper inside you.
As he takes a breath in between kisses, you hold his face and look at him with a different kind of sadness in your eyes which only reminds him that his initial plan is to make it go away.
He starts thrusting into you, wanting to fuck this sadness out of you. He wants to make you think of nothing but how his cock fills you full and how good he is fucking you right now, and soon, he's going to make you feel nothing but immense pleasure.
"Ah... ah... ah..." you moan for every thrust going into you and the skin-slapping sounds echo along with it in the room.
Chan plants his mouth on your breasts to contain his grunts and groans while keeping the steady motion of his hips pulsating against you.
A hand reaches for his chin and forces him to look at you, instantly engaged in eye contact with you. He continues thrusting into you with eyes looking deep into you, they're no longer looking like bottomless pits, they look like deep oases that he wants to dive into.
The next thing he knows, Chan finds himself deep in you, not just physically but also connected with you in a way that he's never experienced with anyone else until now. He feels barer than he already is and instead of shutting himself off, he embraces it and lets you in.
Soon enough, he finds himself lost in it and fully connects himself to you in a way that lets him know how it feels to love without fears or insecurities holding him back, without worrying if it's being reciprocated or not, to love wholly and completely.
"Oh," you let out a broken moan and that's when he notices that you break into tears again.
Chan abruptly stops moving, afraid that something he does is hurting you without realizing it.
"No, keep going, keep going," you tell him with your voice hoarse.
He needs to make sure to continue, he cups your jaw and asks, "Are you okay?"
"Yes, please, keep going, please," You repeatedly nod and plead with your teary eyes.
He wants you to stop crying, he wants you to stop thinking about what hurts you and start to see him as he tries to take this pain away from you. His body picks up the pace, going impossibly fast and also taking himself close to his high.
Your eyes are screwed shut, your breath is ragged and your hands are gripping onto his shoulders, overwhelmed by the pleasure that he brought on you.
The moment he's sure that you already come to your climax, he allows himself to let go and uses all of his strength to give you a few more thrusts until there's nothing left in him but waves of pleasure that wash over him.
"Chris..." you softly call and then pull him for a chaste kiss on his lips, "Thank you."
Chan's face hovers only inches above you as he softly gazes into your eyes, you look so fragile and open like a wound and he's just glad that he can make your heartache gone even just for a while.
"Shh..." he stops you from talking by running his thumb over your lips and then kisses you with his heart wide open. He lets this beautiful feeling pour out of him and into you.
"No, thank you," he mutters his gratitude between kisses.
Thanks to you, he experiences something he's never felt before with someone else, something new, something pure and real, something that feels a lot like love.
When he wakes up in the morning and finds you're not there, it hits him that maybe it is love but Chan is not ready to admit it yet.
A week passes and Chan hasn't seen you ever since that night.
He can't tell if you're avoiding him or needing the space and time to piece yourself back from the break-up, he hopes it's the latter. Gosh! Let him be right.
Regardless of what happened, he can live with the fact that you despise him but it would be sad to know if you choose to go down the path of believing that you're not going to find love again.
Chan just needs to know if you're doing okay, that's what matters for now.
Fortunately, the two of you have been neighbors for quite a long time to learn your routine and knockabouts. He knows what you like to do on a Saturday morning, he goes to the lobby and chats with the concierge as he waits.
At the first sight of you entering the apartment building, his heart palpation, and in all honesty, he's just so happy to finally see you after a while.
Are you not seeing him there? Or you're just pretending which only confirms his initial thought that you've been, in fact, avoiding him.
You're walking through the lobby carrying a bag of groceries in your arm, you skip checking on the mailbox and go straight to the elevator. It just happens that the elevator is vacant and the doors slide open after you push the button.
Chan decides to take the risk, sprinting to get into the elevator before the doors close. You already despise him so a little more hate shouldn't be a problem to him.
"Morning, sunshine," He greets you with his dimpled grin.
"Good morning," you politely reply without looking at him.
Things are going back to normal and he should be glad, right? At least, you're back to your usual settings of looking stoic and acting polite, and the best thing about it is you're still talking to him.
"I should learn to avoid people from you. You're good at it," he pushes it a bit just to see if he can crack through this facade.
"Excuse me?" Your head turns his way and with your eyes widen, "I have not been avoiding anyone."
Chan holds the urge to smile for successfully getting your attention and rests his back against the cold, metal furnace of the elevator, "Are you sure?"
"Well, we're seeing each other now," you tell him.
"That's because I know you like to go to the farmer's market every Saturday morning," he says at the same time, admitting that he knows about your routine.
You slowly turn your body facing him and squint your eyes at him, "You've been keeping tabs on me?"
"It's my favorite pastime activity," he shamelessly answers then pokes his cheek with his tongue.
"It's better than watching porn," he playfully adds, something that he knows will annoy you the right way.
"Ugh!" You groan as you look straight ahead.
Oddly enough, that's what he misses the most about it, interacting with you and seeing your reaction to his antics, but you, especially.
"Don't be so uptight," he coyly says.
He takes a step closer to you and puts his hand on the handlebar, "it's not like we haven't slept together or anything."
You let out a scoff and hoist the strap of your grocery bag higher on your shoulder, "I'm shocked you even remember," you say.
You turn your head next and your eyes immediately lock in a gaze with him, "I figure I'm just a low notch on a very long bedpost," you add.
"Are you calling me a man whore?" Chan says, feeling offended.
You take a step closer to him and daringly stare back into his eyes, "I didn't call you a man," you answer with a sly smirk.
There's a few seconds of silence until Chan realizes what you just said to him but you know what? He's going to give it to you, for now.
He looks at you and smiles, "Touche!"
You both look at each other and at the same time, burst into laughter, and it keeps going until the hilarity subsides with each passing second.
Is this real? Did you just poke fun at him with a beautiful smile on your face? Did you really laugh and the sound of not only echoing in this enclosed space but also in the back of his mind? Did he just see a different facial expression on you? Either way, he likes it and he likes how it makes him feel.
The elevator chimes open and soon, the doors part open. He lets you get off first and then takes his turn after, he gets a little disappointed as you both are going in the opposite direction.
"Hey, Chris," you call as he's only a couple of steps away from the door of his apartment.
His heart palpation again but he keeps his calm and then slowly, turns on his feet to face you, "Yes?"
"I'm cooking curry for dinner and I know it'll be not as good as the one you always ordered but you can come and..." your hand is fiddling with the strap of your grocery bag as you speak but your eyes remain steady on him, "see if it suits your taste."
And did you just invite him for dinner? Him, the neighbor you despise so much?
Chan acts coy and scratches the back of his head, he holds the urge to answer right away. He has a reputation to uphold and he reckons, you have to at least wait a minute for his answer.
"Yeah, okay, let's see," he nonchalantly answers but his smile tells otherwise.
You crack a laugh and nod, walking to your door with the keys jangling as you're unlocking it.
Chan thinks that's the end of it until you call his name again, his heart leaps this time and he almost flies his way to you.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you what are we," you say with a smile then get inside of your apartment.
That's funny because, after that night, he was hoping that you would ask him that as most girls do but that's where he is wrong, you're not most girls, you are his neighbor whom Chan is secretly in love with.
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punkshort · 2 months
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Thank you Anon for this request!
A Deeper Purpose
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader one-shot
Summary: Living in Jackson during the apocalypse doesn't do anything to curb your desire to have a child. The problem is, most of the men in town are unavailable... except for one.
Warnings: smut (18+ MDNI), unprotected piv sex, breeding kink (given the request, obv), language, friends to lovers, mentions of anxiety, infertility, pregnancy, angst, pining, alcohol
WC: 3.4K
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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When you first asked him, he thought you were crazy.
He stared at you in complete disbelief, his gaze flickering down to the drink in your hand, trying to recall how many you had to propose something so insane. But it was only one.
"Are you fuckin' serious?"
"Mhmm," you said confidently. "I've thought about it for a long time. I want a baby and the men in this town are either taken or have the mental fortitude of a child," you joked nervously. "You're neither of those things. Besides... I trust you."
His eyes softened for a moment and he dropped his gaze to the table. You had known Joel for the better part of five years, and while at first he was brash and gruff, throughout countless patrols and fights against infected where you had to have each other's backs, you had grown rather close. Neither of you ever crossed the line past friendship, and you had never even thought about it until recently when your anxiety was keeping you up late at night, wondering if you would ever find a man and settle down to start a family.
It was a luxury in this life, to be sure. The population of Jackson wasn't very large, but in five years you had come to get a good read on most of its citizens. And you kept coming back to the same conclusion: the man for you was not there.
So after much thought and self-reflection, you worked up enough courage to get a drink with Joel after your route and ask him if he would be willing to give you a baby.
You followed up by telling him you would be solely responsible, that you would do all the work and he could be as involved in the child's life as much as he wanted to be, if at all, while he sat there dumbstruck.
Now he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck nervously as he weighed your proposal.
"Can I think 'bout it?" he finally asked.
"Oh, god, of course!" you exclaimed, eyes widening in surprise that he was considering it at all. "However much time you need."
But that was almost a month ago. Each day that passed you became more anxious, more impatient, and it was beginning to sour your mood.
On that particular day you were checking out the park rangers outpost hidden deep within the Wyoming forest. The building was up within the trees, providing the park rangers in the past a bird's eye view of the forest, and now it gives Jackson the same.
Joel was scribbling something in the log book while you strolled aimlessly around the cabin, opening and shutting drawers loudly, already knowing what was in them but just looking for something to do.
"Somethin' on your mind?" he mumbled over his shoulder, his focus still on the book.
"No," you said defensively, but when you angrily began to struggle with a window that refused to open, it became clear you were lying.
"Here, lemme help," he offered, dropping the pencil and walking to your side of the room.
"I'm fine, I don't need your help," you snapped, though you obviously did.
His hands gripped your shoulders and forcibly moved you out of the way before he took hold of the window and gave it a quick jerk, loosening the window in it's frame and finally allowing fresh air in.
He smirked at you and you rolled your eyes before breezing past him.
"This attitude 'bout the window or 'bout what you asked me?" he challenged, stopping you dead in your tracks. Slowly, you spun around, unsure what to say.
"The window," you finally answered, then shifted your weight and shrugged. "Okay, maybe a little of both."
"Mhmm," he said, advancing toward you. "Thought so."
"Well... have you thought about it or are you just trying to come up with a nice way to say no?"
He frowned and propped his hands on his hips. "Now why d'you think it's a no?"
"Because you haven't said a single word about it in a month," you told him like the answer was obvious.
"Well maybe the answer's yes but I don't know how to casually bring up into polite conversation that I'm ready to knock up my goddamn friend!" he argued.
You stared at him, jaw hanging open in disbelief.
"Wait, really?" you whispered.
He nodded and scrubbed his palms over his face. "Yeah, I mean... if you still wanna or... whatever," he grumbled.
The first time was bad, to put it mildly. Your kisses were all teeth, chins and noses bumped together awkwardly. You had hoped once you got down to it that it would have gotten better, but you were wrong. Your rhythms were all off, you hit your head on the end table, and Joel nearly fell off the couch at one point. Needless to say, you didn't come. It was a miracle he did by the end of it.
Afterwards, you both sat there, catching your breaths and wondering if you made a huge mistake.
No, it wasn't a mistake. It was always a means to an end. Ultimately, it didn't really matter if the sex was good or not, the end result would be the same.
"I'm not usually that bad," you finally said, breaking the thick silence. He groaned and tipped his head back to rest on the couch.
"Me either. I swear, I ain't lyin'. I never usually..." he trailed off, rubbing his chin, deep in thought. "We'll try again. Back home. In a bed. That's the problem. It's gotta be, right?"
"Yeah," you nodded, not fully believing him but at that point, what could it hurt?
The next time was the following day at your home. It was a little better than the first time, but not by much.
"It doesn't matter, Joel," you assured him, tugging your blanket over your chest.
"Matters to me," he said defensively. "I'm too in my head or somethin'. It's still weird, don't you think?"
"Yeah, it's weird," you agreed.
"It's too planned out. Maybe it's gotta be more natural. More... spontaneous."
"Yeah," you agreed.
A couple evenings later one of the other men on patrol was having a bonfire at his home and invited a handful of others, you and Joel included.
Ten or so people sat around a roaring fire, tossing back whiskey and playing cards or swapping war stories. The alcohol made you feel warm and relaxed, your limbs as loose as your tongue when you joked around with the others, joining in on the teasing when a seasoned patrolman admitted to shooting off a crossbow at a leaf that fell just a little too loudly in the woods.
Then you felt a hand on the small of your back and you turned, your eyes glassy and face warm from the booze and the laughs. Joel stood beside you looking just as at ease as you and he gave you a knowing look.
For once, you were on the same page. Neither of you said a word.
You made your excuses, said your goodbyes, and slipped into the night. It was quiet, the rest of the town asleep, so it was easy to hear Joel's voice carry over the wind a few minutes later when he announced his departure, your heart skipping an excited beat in your chest.
He didn't hurry to catch up with you and you were glad. It helped. The anticipation built up on the walk home, and for the first time you felt a warmth bloom between your legs. Your fingers shakily worked your front door when you heard his steps growing closer, the crunching of gravel growing louder and louder until your door swung open and the squeak of old wood under his boots as he walked up your stairs echoed in your ears.
You didn't bother to turn the lights on. His hands were on your waist instantly, kicking the door closed behind him as his mouth crashed against yours with a groan. All you could hear was your shared breath and the rustling of fabric, each of you working to strip the other of their clothes as quickly as possible.
Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the spontaneity of it. Whatever it was, it was better. Oh, so much better.
Somehow you had made it to your bed and you had never been more grateful to have a small ranch home in your life. When he first pushed inside, you moaned and arched your back off the mattress and his teeth gently grazed your collarbone, sending a wave of goosebumps over your skin. Instantly, you found a rhythm. Your hips rolled to meet his at the perfect time, his hands squeezed and pinched your breasts while his tongue invaded your mouth, only sliding down to cup your ass when he sensed it was becoming too much.
"More," you moaned into his mouth, heels digging into the backs of his thighs. He alternated between snapping and grinding his hips, the mix of sensations quickly bringing you over the edge.
You could feel the excitement in his body when he finally made you come. Like he was reenergized and focused, like he had finally accomplished what he set out to do.
"Come for me, Joel," you whispered in his ear before nipping at his earlobe. You could tell he was close by the way his muscles tensed and the deep groans emanating from his chest.
"Yeah? Want me to come in this tight little pussy?" he growled, the dirty talk sending a jolt of surprise through you. Before, he had been so quiet. This was new.
"Yeah," you whispered back, "want you to fuck a baby in me. I want everyone to see what you did to me."
He groaned so loudly you wondered if it could be heard from outside. His teeth sunk down into your shoulder when he came, muffled words being spoken into your skin as he shot thick ropes of his seed deep into your womb, only slowing when his legs began to shake and he collapsed on top of you with a huff.
"Fuck," he gasped, still trying to catch his breath on top of you. "That was..." he trailed off with a chuckle and you felt him swallow tightly. "That was much better."
"Yeah," you whispered, your eyes sliding shut as your fingers gently raked through his hair. You didn't even realize you were doing it or how intimate it seemed considering your arrangement, but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he leaned into it a bit as he waited for his heartrate to slow.
Once he collected himself, he propped himself up on his hands and slowly eased out of you with a hiss.
"Can you hand me-"
"Yeah," he said, already knowing you were asking for the small, firm pillow you used last time to prop your hips up, and gave it to you. With a groan, he got to his feet and went to your bathroom while you tucked your knees against your chest, hoping you were getting the angle right.
When he emerged from the bathroom, he handed you a wet washcloth to use when you were done, then began to dress.
He glanced at your face, then your hips propped up in the air.
"You need anythin' else?"
"No, I think this'll do," you joked, and he chuckled before he stood.
"Alright then. See you tomorrow?"
"Yep," you said with a smile, then watched him as he left your bedroom and listened while he slid his boots back on and quietly shut the door behind him, leaving you all alone.
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"Fuck, it better work this time," you muttered as you bounced up and down on Joel's lap, your hands digging into his shoulders for support as you slid up and down on his cock. His hands held your waist, guiding you while you rode him on his couch, his eyes transfixed on where you were connected.
"Gotta relax. I told you, it ain't gonna work if you stress yourself out," he replied, eyes still glued to the way his cock emerged from your clutch even wetter than before.
"It's been six months, Joel," you whined, but he shushed you by slanting his mouth over yours. He didn't want to admit it, but he didn't mind when you came to him each month with a look of dejection when your efforts inevitably failed. He felt bad for you, don't get him wrong, but he had grown very fond of the one week every month you found yourself wrapped around his cock.
His thumb found your clit and he felt you tense and your mind went blank. Perfect.
"'S'right," he murmured, watching your face go slack, "just turn off that pretty little head of yours for a minute and lemme take care of you."
You nodded, eyes sliding shut as your hips began to work faster, rolling and grinding down on him until your nails dug into his skin and you cried out his name. Fuck, he loved hearing that. It didn't take much more for him to come, his hands gripping your sides so tight, he was afraid he might leave bruises as he thrusted up into you, giving you every last drop of his release.
"Goddamn," he whispered, head falling back onto the couch as he panted for air.
"Shit," you gasped, voice a little cracked. "Shoulda finished with me laying down. It's gonna leak out when -"
Without a word, he wrapped his arms around you and, still plugging you with his cock, twisted around so you were laying flat on the couch and he was hovering above you.
"Much," you giggled, playing with a stray curl over his ear. You gazed warmly at one another, neither of you saying a word as your pulse slowed and his cock softened.
"Thank you for doing this for me, Joel," you whispered, your eyes drifting all over his face, taking in every little detail.
He nodded and swallowed then forced himself to look away. If he didn't, he was worried you would see too much.
He slid out of you and grabbed a pillow, handing it to you blindly before standing and strolling to his bathroom. After he cleaned up, he leaned over his sink, hands curled around the cracked vanity, and stared at his reflection in the mirror with a pit in his stomach.
How did he let this happen?
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He should have known. The morning before you came over, he had a bad feeling. Like something had shifted in the air, something had changed without his permission and it left an empty feeling in his chest.
The overly excited knock on his door as he sipped his coffee almost made him want to pretend he wasn't home, that you weren't about to bounce into his kitchen holding two white sticks with a huge grin plastered across your face. But he didn't, and you did.
Either he really sold his reaction to your news well or you were too elated to notice his heart being ripped from his chest.
It was over. You were pregnant, and you no longer needed him. You would no longer come by every month and keep his bed warm. You would no longer share breakfast with him or talk to him about the books you were reading. He would go back to being utterly and completely alone.
It took a good month or two, but he adjusted back to his normal life. You still did patrol runs with him, which he protested, but when you finally began to show around five months, you agreed to stop and found a different job in town, instead.
That made his chest crack back open. Now he hardly ever saw you. It was bad enough he didn't get to be with you, taste you, fuck you anymore, but now he didn't even get to hear your voice. Occasionally he would see you in the dining hall or in the street and you would always talk to him, but it wasn't the same. Meanwhile, you walked around Jackson with his child growing in your belly, your shirts straining against the swell of your womb, the life he put inside you blooming before everyone's eyes. And all he wanted to do was claim you, right there in the center of town for everyone to see. For everyone to look in awe at what the two of you had created together.
One evening he was sitting alone in front of his fire, sipping whiskey and staring blankly into the flames. He had a decent life, considering the circumstances. So why couldn't he just be happy?
Then a rap came at his door. Urgent and loud. He placed his tumbler down and quickly went to open it, surprised to find you waiting on the other side.
"Hey," you said breathlessly, one hand over your round stomach. His eyes dropped down to take you in before he met your gaze again.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah," you replied with a look on your face that told him you didn't realize he would obviously panic about your wellbeing at this point in your pregnancy. "Sorry, I just - can I come in?"
"Yeah, 'course," he said, stepping aside to open the door wider. You toed off your boots and shrugged off your jacket, allowing him to take it from you and hang it up before you wandered into his living room. Your eyes fell on his abandoned glass and you smiled.
"I miss drinking," you said longingly. He grinned and, leaving the whiskey where it was so as not to tempt you, sat on the couch.
"What're you doin' here so late? Is the baby okay?"
"Yeah," you nodded, tearing your eyes away from the glass and sitting down near him on the sofa. "Baby's good. I just was thinking about you and I wanted to see you."
He perked up at that, he couldn't help himself. "Oh, yeah?"
You grinned and bit your lip shyly before looking away. "I miss you, I guess."
A smile spread wide across his face. "Aw, how sweet."
You swatted an arm out to smack him on the shoulder and he laughed, his heart finally feeling like it was mending a bit.
"Jerk," you muttered, and he laughed again.
"I missed you, too," he finally admitted, his cheeks rosy from the fire and the whiskey as he gazed at you, the reflection from the flames making your skin glow. Maybe it was that pregnancy glow that everyone used to talk about. Or maybe you always glowed and he just never allowed himself to notice until it was too late.
He watched your throat work, swallowing dryly while your fingers fidgeted in your lap and he realized you were nervous.
"What if I told you I missed you as more than just friends?" you whispered, your eyes pinned to the floor, unwilling or unable to meet his gaze.
His breath caught in his throat. Surely, he must have misheard you. But then you finally turned to look at him, tears welling in your eyes, and his heart lurched in his chest.
"What if I told you I'm in love with you?" he bravely whispered back.
Your eyebrows pinched together and your face crumpled before you reached forward, curling your arms around his neck and pulling him close, your lips pressing together earnestly before opening your mouth and letting his tongue lick behind your teeth.
He wasn't sure how you both made it upstairs and into his bed. He couldn't remember peeling your clothes off, one by one, revealing more and more of your changing body to him for the first time. But he did remember seeing your bare, swollen belly underneath him while his hand slowly slid across your skin in wonder. And then he felt it. A little flutter. A little jolt. And he looked up at you in surprise.
"She's kicking," you explained, and his eyes fell back to your stomach.
You nodded, placing your hand over his lovingly. "I think it's a girl."
He smiled as tears began to cloud his vision, then bent forward to press a kiss against your stomach, letting his lips linger so hopefully his unborn daughter could feel him there and feel the love he had for her.
You had to pull him away by his shoulders, the both of you laughing softly, unable to believe how much things had changed in just a year.
Because not only were you a couple months away from finally being a mother, but you also realized you were very, very wrong all those months ago.
The man for you was, in fact, right there all along.
Please follow @punkshort-notifs and turn on notifications for fic updates ❤️
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Sensitive | 18+ | Sato/Sugu/Fem!Reader
The argument had gotten out of hand. You weren't quite sure how it had spiraled the way it had, but both men were nearly at each other's throats debating who was better at "giving head"... yeah.
"You didn't even know where the fucking clit was until I showed you." Suguru nearly yelled, your hands coming up to hide your face as you began to laugh. "Oh, bull shit! You didn't even know there were two holes down there till y/n told you!" Satoru retorted, face turning red.
"Neither did you?" Suguru's eyes narrowed, forehead creasing as he stared at Satoru. "At least I made her cum the first try." Satoru spat, a low gasp interrupting your laughter at his comment. Suguru's lips parted, eyes widening as he stared at Satoru.
"At least I didn't blow my load within two thrusts." This time, your gasp was accompanied by Satoru's, a hand dramatically splaying over his heart. You half expected him to throw in the towel, but instead, you were graced with Satoru's loud proclamation of "At least I didn't blow my load in my jeans because she sat on my lap."
Now you were hiding your face again, trying to desperately stifle your laughter as the two men hurled insults at one another regarding their first times. More specifically... their first time with you. You only found it funny because you could recall each moment they brought up. "At least I didn't cum untouched cause she kissed my neck." Suguru shot back, watching Satoru visibly crumble at that one.
"Alright alright enough!" You clapped your hands, effectively shutting both men up. "Just admit you're both whores for me and move on." They just looked at you, eyes slowly shifting over to one another before looking back at you. "I guess I can't deny that." Satoru admitted in defeat, moving to sit beside you on the couch again.
"Neither can I, but it settles nothing!" Suguru huffed, moving to sit on the other side of you. "it's not really a debate either of you can answer, ya know." You comment softly, settling back into the plush sofa now that both of them are beside you again. "Again, you're right... so how do we settle this then?" Satoru sighed, throwing his arm over the back of the couch and glancing at both of you.
"We settle it by using the only option we have." You stated boldly, hoping they would understand. "Ahh I see..." Suguru started, arm coming up to rest on top of Satoru's just behind your head. "You want us to both put our skills to the test, and you decide?" Suguru smirked, watching as you nodded triumphantly. "Well, you heard the woman, Satoru. Get to work." Beside you, Satoru was laughing, already pushing himself off of the couch and to his knees before you.
"Sure thing, just don't get pissed when she says I'm better."
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eaterofman · 11 months
Yandere Coworker Harem x New Hire Reader: A Meeting with the CEO
Follow up to this post
Finally fed up with it all, you decide to leave... but you learn it may not be that easy.
Content Warnings: General creepiness, yanderes, financial manipulation, manipulation, power difference, gaslighting
AN: Holy shit the first part blew up, more so than any post I've ever made on tumblr... ever. Thank y'all, and I hope this lives up to everyone's expectations? Had to ignore a few asks since they were essentially the plot to this part, haha.
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As nice as Jake is... it starts to wear on you. The seclusion from your other coworkers, Warren and Jax's constant attention, it all becomes too much. This was the easiest money you've ever made, but it almost felt... condescending in a way. Seriously, you feel like you haven't actually worked in months, just given simple tasks to complete so that Jax could praise you. Otherwise, you felt like you were just eye candy set in a pretty office. No more, you figure. You make up your mind to go back to HR, it's been a long time coming. They either fix it, or you're gone.
With your mind made up, you return to Leon. He'd been so kind before, surely he'd help, right? As you explain your problems to him, he nods and gently smiles. In your distress, you don't notice his hand moving to cover yours, massaging yours comfortingly. You welcome the comforting sensation, overwhelmed to the point of not really considering the implications. You look into his dark eyes as you finish, silently pleading with him for help.
"That really is something. I'm sorry to hear your experience with the company has been so distressing. Tell me, do you have any proof?"
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His demeanor seems to shift instantly back to the colder man you remember from your first sight of him. His fingers rubbing gentle circles into your palm shift into a harsher grip.
"Proof? I-I mean, the cameras have probably caught something?"
You'd say there were eyewitnesses, but all of your other coworkers had been avoiding you. You barely even knew their names...
"Unfortunately, our cameras have been malfunctioning lately, I doubt they'd catch anything. Without any actual witnesses, I'm afraid I can't do anything for you."
"How can you say that without even looking? This place is insane- you know what? I'm just quitting. I can't take this anymore."
You try to remove your hand but he keeps it there. His gaze is suddenly ice cold. He lets your hand go after a few moments of tension, fingers lingering before you yank your hand to your chest.
"Ah, you could quit... but I'd really recommend against it. You'd of course have to pay the dues you signed in your contract, as well as any additional fees. I'm not in charge of finances, but my estimate would be somewhere around... 200 thousand or so?"
You gasp, blood running cold. 200 thousand?! You don't remember signing that, but you also don't recall really reading over the contract in your excitement. You try to think of a way out, surely there had to be some sort of loophole-
"Of course, there's always the option of asking the CEO to change your contract, but..."
You'd tuned anything after that out, insisting to meet with the CEO as soon as possible. Which, to your surprise, was almost immediately. Almost like he'd been... waiting for you? Leon himself lead you to the CEO's room, at the very top of the skyscraper your office resided in. As you're let in, you're met with the biggest office you'd ever seen. It composed of the entire top floor of the skyscraper, massive windows encircling the entire ornate office.
You really try to ignore the feeling that you're walking into a trap.
The CEO was patiently waiting for you. Like a king on a throne, he sat in the middle of the room in front of a surprisingly simple desk. You'd heard of the CEO, Kennedy Grey, but you'd never met him in person before. He had an air of sophistication around him, an older gentlemen with salt and pepper hair and a well trimmed beard. His suit was pristine and looked expensive, probably costing more than your entire yearly salary. He smiled, urging the two of you to sit. His eyes glanced over to Leon's, a slight smirk on his face as if the two were in on a joke you weren't.
"So, what brings you two here? I've heard very good things about you from Jax. Things are going well, I presume?"
You fidget, despite his welcoming tone, he felt oddly... menacing. Like you weren't supposed to disagree with him, even if he asked you a question. You begin to explain your issues, but are quickly stopped with a firm look of disapproval when you bring up the idea of leaving the company.
"Now now, we can't have that, can we? With your contract, that wouldn't be a very smart idea, would it?"
Before you can even respond, he simply continues to talk over you.
"No, no it wouldn't. And you've just been such a good worker, we'd just hate to lose you."
"Well, I was actually hoping we could talk about the contract, I just don't think it's fair-" you can barely get your thoughts out as he cuts you off again.
"Unfair? But my dear, you signed it. I'd just hate to get my lawyers involved... they're top of the line, y'know? Besides, you don't actually want to leave, you're just... stressed. What do you need, a paid week off? A bonus for your hard work?"
"Well, now that that's done, let's get back to work, shall we? You'll have a bonus on your next pay-"
You've had enough of his condescension and interruptions, it's time for you to interrupt him.
"You know what, I'll take the lawsuit. You people are insane. You can have the money if you want, but I'm out of here."
As you get up, you find you can't. Leon has moved behind you, surprisingly strong arms holding your chair in, preventing you from moving. You look up at him in angered confusion, but he's sharing a look with Kennedy. You once again feel like you're missing an important part of an inside joke again. You try to struggle, but you're stopped as Kennedy interrupts.
"Apartment 101, Evergreen Apartments, right?"
"You know, I've been venturing into the rental market recently. Very profitable at the moment. I actually just bought a few buildings in your area, including your little apartment. Such a shame, you know you could do better, right? All you have to do is ask..."
He smiles at you as if this was a normal conversation to him, like he was doing you a favor.
"I guess that makes me your landlord now, if you think about it!" his smile turns colder, eyes crinkling like he's laughing at you, "That being said, I just don't see how you're going to pay for the rent increase without this job. I hate to do it, but it's a necessity, y'know? Cost of living and such."
He waves his hand like it's no big deal, like he isn't playing with your livelihood and threatening you.
"You could move out, of course, but well, word gets around, and I just don't know how the other investors in the area would react to your... history."
You feel dread well up in the pit of your stomach and tears in your eyes. He... has you. What could you even do? Moving out of the city would mean starting over, and that's if you could even find a place and a job to pay for said place, and paying for the lawsuit-
In your panic, you can only whimper, "I just... why? Why me? i don't understand-"
"That's the beauty of it all, you don't have to. All you have to worry about is coming in and doing your job. We'll handle all the rest."
You jump, having almost forgotten Leon was behind you in your panic. You go to open your mouth-
"Wonderful insight, Leon. Now that we're all on the same foot, let's get back to work, shall we?"
You can only numbly nod your head, too overwhelmed to continue fighting.
You're finally allowed to sit up and begin walking towards the door, trying to speed walk out of the huge room that somehow managed to feel claustrophobic. You just wanted out at this point, you needed somewhere to think.
As you step into the elevator, Leon staying behind in the office-thank god-you're interrupted one final time.
"Oh, and I meant what I said. If you ever need any assistance, anything at all, just come to me. All you have to do is ask."
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retiredteabag · 1 month
soft Toji dog-sitting for a generous!reader
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pt. 1 - pt. 2 - pt. 3 - pt. 4 - next
synopsis: Toji was quite accustomed to objectifying himself for a check. And to be frank, far worse actions as well. Now he’s not sure what to do with himself after meeting the kind and generous owner of the dog he pet-sits for.
read along as Toji grows more comfortable around you despite his past.
It could be argued that where one places one's identity is what keeps then grounded in themselves. And when one's identity is threatened, then, and only then, can you see what a person is at their barest, most vulnerable form.
Toji doesn't like feeling vulnerable. In fact, there might not be anything he detests more.
After the incident with his hands, Toji would go on to swear his interest in you was transactional. I mean, how could he NOT want to know more about his employer? He found himself thinking of you even when he wasn’t at the house, what were you doing? What kept your time so rapt? What did you think of him?
Toji would lay on his back, the couch in his apartment had been a popular spot since Tuesday. He hadn't seen you or your dog since the night you let him go. Pet him with a feather-light touch and sent him away.
You had taken off less work when you had become ill...
Despite his lack of work and true to your word, you had paid Toji double for that night. He would never complain about more money but he couldn't get the thought of you out of his mind.
He found himself waking from dreams of a soft voice and a gentle hand, he tried to recall every moment of the previous night in excruciating detail. Everything about it,
Your face when you reprimanded the veterinary staff, your voice when you told him everything would be okay, the way you had gently stroked at his hand when you wiped the blood from his palms. The way you had whispered...
"I'm sorry, was it too much?"
Toji drags his hands across his face.
He stared at the hands you had put so much care into, so grimy, guilty of such sin.
He kept your towel, by the way, It lay on his bedside table.
With every passing day Toji craved to return to your presence once again. He wanted to peel back your layers and see what you looked like at your core. You had been so shy with him, yet, so ready to stand for what you wanted.
This difference was stark. When the pair of you had met, you had been barely awake, and badly ill. Clad in baggy pajamas. He had thought of you as ill-prepared, silly and frumpy. When you reconnected the other day, your blouse had clung to you, he recalls watching your back tense as you spoke with the hospital staff.
He wanted to see more.
Toji felt a strange need to wait before responding to your eventual text, but he couldn't find a good reason to.
"Mr. Fushiguro, are you healing well? The dog and I have been staying home and taking it easy, I hope the same is true of you. I wanted to reiterate how sorry I am that you had to go through all this, and thank you for protecting my boy. When you get the chance, please allow for me to pay for the cleaning bill on your car, additionally, I would love to treat you in some way, please let me know your favorite place to eat."
Toji began typing only to delete his words and try to rephrase.
"It wasn't a serious injury to begin with. Don't apologize again. Are you taking me out?"
He hit the backspace... "to eat?"
Toji knew thats not what you had meant. But he couldn't help but wish to see you again. Speak to you. Watch you. Learn you. He watched as an ellipsis appeared at the bottom of the screen and vanished. He reread his message, had he been too forward?
Eventually you responded.
"It was serious, you were hurt, and I AM sorry that it happened to you while you were taking care of my dog. I cannot express how grateful I am. You are a hero."
Toji choked out a laugh at the word you used. He pushed himself up onto his elbow, smooshing a couch cushion in the process. He did not respond, awaiting your answer to the question he cared about.
You replied to his text, "Is that what you would prefer?"
and then, "I wouldn't want to take up your time."
"I never do things I don't want to do." His response was quick, he didn't have to think.
Again, you typed for some time before, "Oh, well if that's what you'd like."
A date was set.
Toji had insisted that you pick a place to eat.
The few days before your meeting you felt sort of panicked. Anxiety was a norm for you. You had always had quite the... sense of urgency, one would say. Your desk was pristine, your calendar forever in order, your work was always completed early, and well.
That was why your first meeting with Mr. Fushiguro had shook you so badly. You hated for people to see you as anything short of perfect, you hated to be venerable.
This anxiety was always the double-edged sword it sounded like, success clung to you in the way you needed it to. However, it had become an integral part of your identity, and now, you could not go without. The dread, the disappointment, the hurt that surrounded you when you did not succeed was like nothing your peers could understand.
You needed to prepare for this lunch. It consumed your thoughts as you turned in your final report for the day and went to sit with the dog. Questions had arisen within your mind when Mr. Fushiguro had sent his text.
"Are you taking me out to eat?"
"I never do things I don't want to do" he had said.
Thoughts of "why does he want to meet in person" prevailed. He was good at his job. Your dog had never been so easy-going. He could be left alone for longer, he had more energy to play, he drank more, and he had started fearing the delivery man less.
He deserved every cent you gave him, but maybe he was looking for a little more. That could be worked out, you supposed. Actually, you realized, maybe he's looking for a referral? That would make sense, maybe he wants to get in contact with more people like you, lonely... workaholics with dogs that deserve better.
Your eyes met your pooches', and his innocent, loving gaze lit a fire of cuteness aggression within your soul. Grabbing his fluffy neck you shook him a little while smooching the top of his head.
You would be more than happy to make a list of people in the market for a dog sitter that are willing to pay a competitive rate so long as you write him a nice recommendation. The man had saved your boy, it was truly the least you could do.
Before meeting, you prepared a list with names and numbers. You figured he would be pleased with your efforts, your impressive skill in finding him more clients.
A few days later you awkwardly played with your hands as you sat at the table of a nice brunch restaurant. You had sent the address as soon as he asked you to pick. You wanted to give him plenty of time to look online at the menu, prepare when to leave his place, and decide what he would like. (If only you knew how different this man was from you...)
Even with all your planning, you showed up early, you thought of what you would say when he arrived, how you would stand and shake his hand, thank him again, and try to put him at ease.
Unfortunately, nothing goes to plan when it comes to you and Mr. Fushiguro, and none of that happened.
In your time working with officials, presenting before boards of directors, and handling the communication between groups, you had learned how to read body language well, and even without yelling and obvious disruption, you could scan a room and tell when something was amiss.
The table you had selected was against the window, you faced away from the entryway, even so, just by looking at the guests around you, you could tell that something was transpiring at the front door of the restaurant. You turn,
"I'm sorry sir, our seating is for reservation only." The host was saying. Was saying in a antagonizing tone, was saying to a large man in slacks, a t-shirt, and zip up. Was saying to Mr. Fushiguro.
You stood quickly, the last thing you wanted was to upset the man, you began to speed walk in their direction.
"Yeah, I'believe I've got one of those." He looked up at the host, as if just seeing him for the first time.
The host nodded slowly, and breathed a sigh, the look he gave Mr. Fushiguro was nothing short of offensive, a slow up-and-down of his appearance before raising a brow, "This space has an implied dress code sir-" the host began
"Mr. Fushiguro!" You called before reaching the counter, "I'm so glad you could make it, it's an honor to see you again!" You rush out, quickly turning to the host before you could even make eye contact with your guest, "Excuse me, I believe we're done here."
"I- yes of course, ma'am." He did not offer to take you to your seats but you were glad to keep your eyes on the table as the burly man trailed behind you.
"I'm so sorry, I should have waited for you outside, that was my fault- they shouldn't have-"
"It's fine." He pulls his chair out and sits.
"If you'd rather eat somewhere else I would be happy to-" you begin.
"Nah. I don't care, lets order big."
You smile at his choice of words. Straight to the point.
It was odd, to not feel the need to maintain a constant stream of conversation. You knew what you would order, of course, but you played pretend as he looked.
"You always eat from places like this?"
Your eyes shot up, he was looking at you over the menu, "Huh? Oh, no... I usually just pack whatever, you know?" You smile and shrug at him.
"Hmm" His lips puckered out in a cute way, his eyes go to look to the side, "You prob'ly should... stuffs gotta be nice... no prices on here though." Shaking the menu, he looks to you.
You shift back to the tall piece of plastic in your grasp, "Ah.. no, just, just get whatever, it's on me, of course" You suck a breath through your teeth, "I must thank you, you know."
You try for laid back, easing the conversation into your gratitude.
"Yeah. I know. Y'don't gotta keep sayin' it. It was seriously nothin'. Just doin' my job." He waves a hand back-and-forth, emphasizing just how "nothin'" his efforts were.
"Mr. Fushiguro... please don't-" You wanted to smack your forehead against the table, but that wasn't appropriate, so you settled with avoiding his gaze.
"Toji, please." He held up a palm, stopping you.
"What? Oh... well, yes, please don't call it nothing, you saved my dogs life, and put yourself in danger too."
He rolls his eyes, and you want to gasp at his... nonchalance.
"Yeah, whatever." He might have gone on to say more, but a waitress had arrived and he pointed at you to order first.
You didn't want him to have to request anything from you, so when the wait staff had left you began your proposal.
"So, Mr. Fushiguro, I was thinking-"
"Toji." He seemed to look though you at that moment.
You look down, why must he be this way? "Toji... I was thinking," You meet his gaze again, a smile, "You're great at your job, I've never known my boy to be so relaxed, I figured you might be interested in the contact information of some of my co-workers. I would be more than happy to refer you if you were-"
As you continued speaking his eyebrows narrowed more an more until eventually, "Huh? I ain't lookin' to work for anyone else."
What? Well that made no sense... "Ah... you're not? I suppose I assumed you were. Was there something else you wanted to discuss?"
"No?" He made a face as if thinking of what you could possibly mean.
"No? If there is something I could do to accommodate you in any way, I would love to do it." Why would he ask to meet you in person if not to request something?
"What'dya mean? I'm plenty accommodated now." He leans back in his seat, a wide breadth between his arms. "You think I wanted ya here to ask for somethin?" He squints at you.
"No, no! I just figured....." You staggered, "well, why else?" You smile at him, he looks incredulous.
"If I was gonna ask you for somethin' I woulda asked." He tilts his head upwards in an intimidating way.
The food that afternoon had been good. Toji didn't get to learn much about you at all though. Your words racked his mind.
"Why else?" He would scoff that night at the thought. Why else? Well... why else? He didn't know either. He just wanted to see you again.
Toji never asked for anything, it was others that asked stuff of him, so your wide eyes, and indulgent smile stuck to his mind like scotch tape he couldn't remove.
Toji didn't realize- but he was hurting, because deep down, his identity was being threatened. For years he had been viewed as a sex symbol, a womanizer, a pleaser. Could it really be that you didn't want that from him?
Could it be true that you thought he wanted to meet...to ask for your co-workers contact info? Don't make him laugh. You couldn't have been more wrong. It hadn't even crossed his mind.
Why hadn't it?
He wanted to know you but dammit he hadn't learned anything. You were breaking him down and he didn't know what to feel.
He was laying on his couch, eyes pulled to the rickety ceiling fan. Your frantic attempt to preserve his feelings this morning brought a chuckle from him.
Damn you. What were you doing to him?
pt. 5?
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rosesareredrosa · 21 days
Quick Realizations
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Mattheo Riddle x fem reader
Summary: Mattheo Riddle has always known everything about everyone—except his own feelings. When a playful conversation turns into an unexpected confession, Mattheo realises he might like you more than just as a friend.
w/c: 1287
a/n: send in requests pls I have no clue what to write about
To no one's surprise, Mattheo knows almost everything.
For example, he knows that he's your best friend.
He knows that you prefer studying by the Black Lake rather than in the library, that you secretly adore Herbology even though you complain about the dirt, and that you like sneaking out after curfew just to wander the castle halls at night. He also knows that Pansy has been in a better mood since Draco complimented her new potion-brewed perfume, and that Theo's been practicing his wandwork more than usual because he's been trying to impress a certain Ravenclaw in Charms class.
Simply put, Mattheo knows everything about everyone.
"And then what did she do?" He leans back against the stone bench, casually tossing a stray pebble into the lake, watching as the water ripples outward.
"We just talked afterward," you shrug, watching as a pair of first years try to coax the Giant Squid to the surface. "It was nice catching up with her; it's been a while."
"I bet. She's a nightmare," Mattheo chuckles, popping a chocolate frog into his mouth as he speaks. He chews thoughtfully for a moment before glancing over at you with a playful glint in his eyes.
"Oh!" Your eyes brighten as you recall something, turning to face him.
You can't help but burst into laughter when you see his face, but you quickly compose yourself, keeping your smile in check. "She also said the funniest thing—she said that she thought you had feelings for me!"
His eyes widen in surprise, his jaw dropping ever so slightly. "That's ridiculous."
"I know, right?" You snicker, adjusting your scarf as a cold breeze sweeps across the grounds. He joins you in laughter, the idea of liking you as more than a friend clearly absurd to him.
But as your laughter dies down, his smile falters.
"Theo, what do I do?!"
His roommate sits at a desk in the Slytherin common room, poring over a detailed Quidditch strategy diagram. His brows are furrowed in concentration as he plans out moves for the upcoming match against Gryffindor.
"Just tell her."
"I’ll hex you into next week."
"If it’s between you being a miserable pain in my arse and getting hexed, I’ll take the hex, mate," Theo mutters, not bothering to look up from his plans.
Mattheo raises an eyebrow. "Why are you so sure you’re going to get hexed?"
"Because I’m associated with you," Theo replies dryly, finally glancing up from his Quidditch strategy with a smirk. "Help me out first, and then curse me later. C'mon, don't be stingy."
"I literally already gave you advice, just tell her how you feel."
"One small problem with that."
"What now?"
"I—" Mattheo opens and closes his mouth, struggling to find the right words. He eventually settles on giving Theo an innocent smile. "Well, I actually don't know if I like her like that? It was an in-the-moment realization kind of thing, but now I'm just confused—"
Theo lets out an exasperated sigh, tossing his quill aside and turning fully to face Mattheo. "Are you serious?" He glares at Mattheo, disbelief etched across his face. "She can’t even brew a simple potion without asking for your help, and you’re practically useless in class if you can’t sit next to her! You two have the most ridiculous relationship I’ve ever seen!"
Mattheo crosses his arms, frowning. Theo sighs again, rubbing his temples. "...Respectfully, of course."
"Talk rubbish about her again and I'll jinx you into a toad. I'm serious."
"That’s literally my point."
"That doesn’t mean you get to be mean! Take it back!"
Theo bites back a retort, narrowing his eyes at his friend. "For someone who’s so observant," he says slowly, "you know nothing."
"What’s that supposed to mean?" Mattheo’s eyes narrow, suddenly on the defensive.
"Well," Theo shrugs nonchalantly, "I’ve noticed that Comrac McLaggen has been showing a lot of interest in her lately. He might even confess soon, who knows? Maybe even today."
Mattheo stares at Theo, completely stunned by the revelation. His mind races as he processes his friend’s words; Theo can practically see the exact moment the realization dawns on him. Like a flash, Mattheo jumps to his feet.
"Theo, I’ve got to go! Good luck with the Quidditch match!"
"Gryffindor's not going to know what hit them."
But before he can finish, Mattheo is already out the door.
The key to your dorm unlocks itself, and right on time, Mattheo bursts through the door, slightly out of breath, his hair messier than usual from the wind.
"What’s this—?" You barely get the words out before Mattheo grabs your shoulders, his eyes wide as he searches yours for a moment before blurting out, "I like you."
You blink, taken aback by his sudden confession, but he doesn’t give you time to respond before he continues.
"I was going back and forth with Theo, and honestly, he messed with my head a bit, but I’ve come to a decision, and I know I like you. So don’t even think about dating Comrac, he’s a decent bloke and all, but he’s not right for you. And besides, if you dated him, you'd have to deal with his mates, and that sounds like a nightmare."
You knew who Comrac was, but you stay silent to let him continue speaking. Mattheo was always the more talkative one between the two of you (he’s also the one with the warmer smile, which is funny because his hands feel like ice against your sweater).
His hands move from your shoulders to your arms, and he swallows nervously. "I’m usually not this anxious around you, y'know," he admits, words tumbling out in a rush, "normally I feel at ease talking to you, but right now I feel like I’m going to pass out."
"Did you run here from the common room?"
"Oh, Mattheo!" You soften instantly, placing your hand on his cheek. He leans into your touch, his eyes closing briefly as he sighs in relief. You frown at his recklessness, "You know how much running through the castle exhausts you. Why didn’t you just use the Floo network?"
"I just really wanted to see you." He pouts, opening his eyes to look at you with a vulnerability that makes your heart melt. "Like I said, Theo really messed with my head."
"I’m going to jinx him."
"Please do."
"And Mattheo?"
It’s really sweet, actually—how he’s forgotten about his whole reason for coming here. But you can’t blame him too much; he’s just dashed through half the castle after battling his own nerves, and every hero deserves a reward for their courage. Especially Mattheo, who more than deserves a happy ending, and you couldn’t be more thrilled to give one to him.
"I like you too, by the way. Theo may be a little meddlesome, but he’s got great intuition; I was actually about to head to your dorm to tell you."
He gasps. "But running exhausts you!"
You smile sheepishly. "I guess I just really wanted to see you."
His jaw drops for the tenth time that day, and he pulls you into a tight hug, burying his head into your neck, murmuring against your shoulder. "I love you, I love you, I love—"
"I love you too." You smile because you do love him. He’s been your best friend since first year, your partner in crime through every adventure, the boy you admired before you even understood what admiration was. "Since you’re here, want to watch a movie? I’ve got that Muggle DVD player you’re always curious about."
As he hums to himself, cutting up some Honeydukes sweets for your impromptu movie session.
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cheeseceli · 1 year
SKZ arguing over the bill
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Pairing: ot8!skz × gn!reader (individually)
Genre: fluff
Request: yes!
Warning: mentions of food, reader never pays lmao. Changbin, Chan, Seungmin's were heavily inspired by "Telling your Stray Kids boyfriend you can’t afford to eat out with them" by @ronnierites . If you don't allow this pls lemme know and I'll delete this post. Not proofread
A/n: that's kinda a new format, hope you guys like it! And this have been on my to do list since forever lol sorry for the wait
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Bang Chan
Doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable
But he wants to spoil you so badly
Would let you pay if you were uncomfortable but he wants to make sure you get it he would love to pay for you as well
"You know Chris, I can pay for it."
"I know."
"I'd rather do it. But thank you baby."
"But-" you stopped talking once you saw his card swiping. You truly should be used at this point "oh."
"Why do I feel like you're unhappy?"
"It's not that I am not happy, it's just that you always pay."
"It's my pleasure."
"But I don't know, I don't want you to think you're being pressured or something like that."
"Babe, I don't feel like that at all. Don't you worry. You're always doing so much for me, that's just a little 'thank you' of mine."
You gave him a little smile and proceeded to hug him, feeling safe in his warmth.
"I'm so lucky to have you."
"I should be the one saying it."
Lee Know
Bro you don't even spare a chance
He's paying before you even have a chance to take your wallet out of your pocket
I'm surprised you even try tbh
"Should we ask for the bill?"
"Oh, I already paid for it, don't worry."
You looked dumbfounded at him while he was finishing his food. You didn't see him talk to a waiter and you're sure he didn't pay for it before you two had your meal.
"What? When?"
"When we were asking for the dishes. Didn't you see it?"
"No?" you tried to recall the moment with no success "Why would you pay? I feel bad that you pay for everything all the time. I don't feel like reciprocating enough."
His eyes soften and a little smile comes to his lips while he watches you pout. If only you knew how much you did for him.
"Hey, look at me. It's okay. You already reciprocate with everything you do. That's already perfect"
He pays with the money, you pay back with kisses
Sorry but that's his boyfriend duty
He is physically incapable of not paying for everything
"Hey baby. I'm off work in 40 minutes. I'll pick you up so we can have lunch, okay?"
You were glad that for once you were on a voice call with him instead of being in a face time like you'd usually do. This way he didn't see the way your smile dropped so quickly.
"Um, I don't think I'll be able to."
"Oh? Why?"
"I'm kinda... broke right now. I haven't received my last payment yet."
"Okay? What does that have to do with anything?"
"I don't want you to be the one who always pays for our things. I should be able to pay sometimes."
"You don't need to. That's my boyfriend duty. You know I don't mind, I actually enjoy it quite a lot."
"Still bothers me though. I'd hate to not contribute at all."
"You can always cuddle with me and shower me with kisses. That will make me happier than anything money can buy."
Stop he'll be like genuinely so sad if he can't pay
He would let you pay if you were really insistent
But then he'll go like :( and you would let him take the bill out of pity lmao
"Hyunjin, stop looking at me like that."
"But darling, I can pay. You know it doesn't bother me."
"Just this once, let me pay, okay?"
"...Jinnie I really need you to stop that."
"I'm not even doing anything."
"Oh God" you sigh and let your head fall, knowing the man beside you won the argument once more "Fine. You can pay."
He didn't waste a second, swiping his card as fast as possible just so you couldn't have the time to change your mind. After he payed the meal, he took your hand in his and started to walk in the direction of the restaurant's exit with a triumphant (and really sweet) smile.
"I swear I don't get why you like to pay so much."
"My love should be treated as royalty, and that includes me paying for everything you wish for."
Bro is offended
Believes with all his heart that he should be the one paying
Tries to distract you when the time to pay comes
"Were you paying while I was in the restroom?"
"... perhaps."
"Baby. You know I like to pay for you."
"But you do that all the time."
"It's my way of showing love! If you ask me, I actually don't think it's enough. It's the least I can do."
He could see in your eyes that you weren't convinced. Unfortunately (for you), he only saw that as an opportunity to spend even more money. Maybe then you would believe him.
"C'mon, lemme show you a little bit of love. You can pay me back with thousands of kisses if that's what's bothering you."
He loves to pay.
If he could, he would pay for absolutely everything that you could ever want or need.
But if that's something which really bothers you, he will let you pay as well
Tries to do that "the one who invites is the one who pays" thing and fails
"Felix. Don't even dare."
He looked at you confused until he realised you were staring at the credit card in his hand, probably hoping that it could disappear before the waiter came back with the bill.
"C'mon, it's just a small lunch. I can pay for it."
"No. I invited you. I pay."
"Actually, if you think about it, I'm the one who suggested this place."
"Two years ago."
"Still counts."
"Not as an invitation though. I'm the one who asked if you wanted to come here."
Felix sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to convince you of otherwise. If only he could.
"Okay. Next time it's on me."
LMAO sorry you're 100% not paying
Don't even try
Boyfriend duty pt 2 except he is even more dedicated somehow
"Why did you bring your wallet?"
"I wanted to pay for this one."
"... why?"
"You always pay for everything."
"And I don't plan on stopping so you can take your wallet away."
"Minnie, please. I don't want you to be the one who always end up paying for everything."
"But I want to. I wouldn't mind paying for every single thing for the rest of our lives. So you can't take your money away of my sight because I'm paying."
"For the rest of our lives huh?"
"Don't tease." But you didn't miss how the corners of his lips lifted once he thought you weren't looking anymore.
Rock, paper, scissors. The winner is the one who pays
It's funny and neither of you can complain about the outcome of it because it's technically fair
Except you always throw scissors first and never noticed it
And Jeongin doesn't have the heart to tell you
"We should change this game."
"No way" he said while giving the money to the cashier whilst trying to hide his grin from you "Not my fault you are horrible at this."
"Seriously though, I think you're cheating. It's impossible for you to win every single time."
"How does one cheat at 'rock, paper, scissors'? Besides, you won yesterday."
"After losing at least 50 times. And I got to pay for some ice cream. It's not the same as paying for a whole meal."
"Get better at this and maybe you get to pay for a whole meal one day. C'mon, we can have some milkshake now. Maybe you'll win this time."
You had a feeling you wouldn't though. He was sure you wouldn't.
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Reblogs and feedback are appreciated!
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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mattyriddlesbitch · 4 months
Hii lovely!! I'm not sure if it's alright but just hear me out. maybe a fic stalker theo completely obsessed w reader, maybe kinda dubcon but if not i totally understand !!
Very convenient timing considering I just read Haunting Adeline this weekend. I kinda used one of the parts in it for the instigation, but I hope this works!
Fuck Off
Theodore Nott x F!Reader
Warnings: DUB/NONCON PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS STUFF, oral(female receiving), unprotected sex, cream pie, cussing, stalking.
18+ Minors DNI
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You've had a stalker for a few months now. They would leave gifts outside your dorm to begin with. Then they started showing up in your dorm. The gifts were sweet and tailor specifically to your likes and wants, which you couldn't decide if that made it creepier or not.
The gifts weren't the only thing you got from your stalker. They would also send you texts from an unknown number. They weren't threatening or anything that suggested harm to you. Maybe creepy since they'd talk about what you were doing in that moment, even when you were completely alone. Sometimes they were sweet, sometimes they were sexual. And you hated to admit it, but they knew exactly how to talk dirty to you, they could get you worked up so easily. It freaked you out but you weren't in danger. Right?
You were sitting in your bed reading, unwinding from the hectic day you just had when your phone went off for a text notification. It startled you out of your little world and you opened the message.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are when you're reading?”
Your stalker again.
“A few times.” You replied. At this point, you've given up ignoring them since they'll just keep messaging you until you respond.
“I'll tell you a million more times. You should be reminded every day how beautiful you are.”
“You already do that.”
“Maybe next time I say it, I can say it while my cock's buried deep inside you.”
“Only for you. You know you drive me insane. You make me so hard just sitting there. Especially since I know the filth you're reading. You're not so innocent yourself, bella.”
You looked at your phone for a moment before looking around. You did read dirty books, but only in your dorm. Another ping from your phone drew your attention back to it.
“You won't find me, amore mio. You should know this by now.”
“Fuck off.” You replied, angry at him for how he's treating your privacy.
“Careful, principessa. If you say that again, I'm gonna come fuck that little pussy of yours.”
You scoffed, disgusted by his words. Would he really come do it? No. Was part of you also curious if he would and wanted to see who he was? Yeah. That's why you couldn't stop yourself from replying.
“Fuck off.”
“You're in for it now, cara mia.”
You rolled your eyes and went back to your book. Your eyes felt heavy after a while and you put the book aside to fall asleep.
The next day, you got up and headed for the showers, getting ready for the day. You stripped and got under the hot water of the shower, relaxing for a moment before starting your shower routine.
You always got an eerie feeling of someone watching you or being right there when you closed your eyes while rinsing the shampoo and conditioner out of your hair. This time, though, when you opened your eyes after rinsing out the conditioner, there was someone right in front of you. You knew him, of course, everyone did. Theodore Nott.
You screamed and backed away from him, hitting the shower wall while you covered your body as best as you could.
“Get the fuck out!” You yelled.
“I'm not going anywhere, cara mia.” He smiled. You noticed he was fully clothed as he stepped towards you, drenching his clothes from the shower.
“You? You're the fucking creep that's been stalking me?” You made the connection after hearing him call you the same pet name as your stalker.
“If you recall that little conversation last night, I told you I'd come fuck you if you told me to ‘fuck off’ again, which you did.” He took another step closer, his shoes nearly touching your toes. “And I don't make empty threat, principessa.”
“I could scream right now and someone will come in and stop you.” You threatened, hoping to deter him.
“I'm hurt you think I'm so stupid. I put a silencing charm on the room and looking charm on the door so no one could come in and you can't get out.” He said as he brushed a strand of your wet hair from your face.
You flinched from his touch, closing your eyes. “What are you gonna do to me?” You whisper.
“I'm gonna make you feel so, so good, bella.” He said and moved to kneel in front of you.
As soon as his knees hit the tile, you pushed him out of the way and ran out of the shower, trying not to slip.
“I already told you, you cant get out, cara mia.” He called out to you.
You ignored him and tried the door to the bathroom. Wouldn't even budge. You didn't have your wand on you either since you were showering. Hands wrapped around your waist and you fought against him, kicking back to hit him, which just ended up making you both fall to the ground. He was much quicker than you, propping you on your knees so your face was down and ass up for him while he held your hands behind your back. You couldn't see him from this angle, but felt his tongue flick your clit, making you moan.
“You act like you don't want me, but your soaking, cara mia.” He said before licking and sucking at your clit.
Your words died in your throat, replaced by a moan leaving your mouth instead.
“Your body knows what it wants, amore mio.” He licked up to your entrance, prodding his tongue inside.
“Fuck.” You moaned, eyes rolling back before closing.
He moaned against you and kept his onslaught of pleasure on your pussy until you came.
“That's my good girl. That's what I wanted.” He said as he helped ride out your high.
“To force yourself on me?” You asked as you caught your breath once the orgasm faded.
“To make you feel good, principessa.” He shuffled behind you a bit as he kept a hand holding yours down still. You could hear the sound of his pants being undone.
“I think there could've been another way to fuck me that didn't involve stalking and harassing me.” It probably wasn't a smart move to mouth off to your stalker, but you were so angry. You pulled your hands out of his grip and tried taking off, but he just grabbed your legs, making you fall back on your stomach.
“I think you like this, though. I see how soaked you are from this.” He pulled you back onto your knees and held onto both your wrists with both of his hands. His cock teased your entrance, coating it in your arousal.
“You think I like you forcing yourself on me?” You said, hissing from how sensitive you were when he nudged your clit.
“You haven't told me to stop.” He said before thrusting into you, immediately bottoming out and making you cry out. “You're practically dripping from how wet you are for me, cara mia.”
You couldn't even deny that, maybe you were crazy, but you were embarrassingly wet from all this.
He started thrusting in and out of you, his grip on your wrists tight, bruises will probably form later from all of this.
“Not even trying to fight back anymore. You finally accepting that you're enjoying this?” He asked, letting go of your wrists to grab your hips. “Or maybe I got you too cockdrunk on me. Is that it? Am I making you feel so good you can't talk?” His voice was condesending.
“Fuck off.” You said, clawing at the floor to grip something.
“You love testing me, principessa. I don't mind. I'm happy to put you in your place each time.” He said and you could practically hear the smile in his voice. “You can stop acting like you hate this. I can feel you clenching my cock like you can't get enough of it.”
“As if.” You said between moans. He was hitting you so deep and fast, it had another orgasm building quickly.
“Keep talking like that and next time I'll have to punish you, amore mio.” He said, moving a hand from your hip to grip your hair. “How about you be a good girl instead and cum on my cock for me, yeah?”
“Fuck, shit!” You cried out, so close to cumming.
“Scream my name when you cum. Wanna hear how it sounds from those pretty lips.” He groaned, he was getting close himself. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful, principessa.”
You came around him, trembling as his name fell from your lips over and over.
“That's the most beautiful sound I've ever fucking heard. Shit!” He said before moaning, his hips stilling as he came inside you, filling your pussy with his cum.
He pulled out as you both caught your breaths and stood back up, quickly redoing his pants before pulling out his wand and undoing the spells. He left the bathroom without another word to you as you slowly got up and went back to the shower to scrub the filth of what you'd done off of you.
And hopefully convince yourself that you didn't enjoy that.
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kamiversee · 6 months
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁*𝘾𝙆 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
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✧.* CHAPTER 42 || The Assumption
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[ { SYPNOSIS } ] ➤ A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt. Sounds easy enough, right?
[ { CHAPTER CONTENT } ] ➤ language & heavy sexual tension.
[ { WORD COUNT } ] ➤ 4k
[ { PAIRINGS } ] ➤ jjk men x f!reader. gojo x f!reader. geto x f!reader. toji x f!reader. choso x f!reader. sukuna x f!reader. nanami x f!reader.
[ [ chapters mlist } ]
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——HOW LONG WERE HIS eyes on yours? Did he see you checking him out? Holy shit you're sweating now. Is this how Ino felt just a few moments ago because as you met Nanami's eyes, chills slithered down your spine and you swallowed hard due to the eye contact.
Nanami opens his mouth and you swear every second is killing you. "I've seen you before," He points out.
And boom, you're a mess already. His voice is so damn sexy you don't think you're going to be able to have a calm conversation like you planned to.
You just nod for a second and then you get the words out, "Y-Yeah, I've seen you before too."
Get yourself together woman.
Nanami narrows his eyes at you, "You were in Mr. Fushiguro's room that one time." He recalls.
Your brows furrow. Oh, that's what he remembers you from? Not the weeks you've been in the same building as him or even the times you bumped into him on 'accident'?
"U-Uh, yeah, I was." You nod again, the motion done slowly as you try to collect yourself.
The sound of Ino snickering nearby helps you snap out of your daze. "Not so confident now, hmmmm?" Ino teases, his words making you turn your head to him.
"Hush," You say with a playful glare.
Nanami raises a brow, his eyes yet to leave you. While you checked him out, he had long since done that from the moment he walked in and saw you chatting it up with Ino.
You then return your attention to Nanami after making back-and-forth silly faces to Ino before his attention is called elsewhere. Now you are alone with Nanami...
You swallow and take a deep breath. You swear you've been rehearsing this moment for months now, "Nanami Kento, right?"
He nods, just barely, "Mhm."
Is he even interested in anything you have to say? What's with the simple hum...?
Turning a decent portion of your body to him, you flash a kind smile, "I've been wanting to talk to you, y'know..."
"Have you?" Nanami asks, stern eyes boring into your own.
You nod your head, "Y-Yeah," God you need to stop stuttering. "I was just wondering if-"
"Sorry but," The man interrupts, almost as if he knew what your intentions were. "I don't sleep with women I've just met."
You blink. Oh, you're just baffled by his words. What the hell does he mean by that? And why did he say it so suddenly?? He can't just know you're talking to him because of Gojo... right?
"Uhm," You scoff, "Excuse me?"
Nanami's eyebrows raise for a moment, "Sorry, am I misinterpreting something?"
"Yeah, actually," Technically, no. But you were going to try to have an actual conversation with him before making any moves so it's almost rude of him to say such a thing to you, "You major in business, yes?"
He's almost thrown off by you and his head nods, now he's embarrassed he made a mistake. "Yeah-, yes, I do." Nanami stumbles over his words a bit.
"Right, well I'm a psychology major and I'm trying to land an internship at our university," You start explaining to him. Everything you're about to say is some bullshit you've come up with to have a conversation about but, you're sure it'll work out. "As of now, I was doing a personal study about which students in what majors experience more stress and I plan to use that data to get this position so,"
And that's when he realized he fucked up with his assumption. Nanami stares and his words come out very slowly, "...You're here to study me?"
"I prefer the term interview but, yes." You hum.
He grows a bit more serious, "I see. Well, I apologize for my earlier assumption, I just thought..." Nanami trails off a little and you watch the way he glances down.
You follow his gaze and look down at yourself. Then, you scoff again, the sound making him tense up in embarrassment and a bit of shame, "Did you assume I was some kinda' whore?" You ask bluntly.
His entire body freezes and he's visibly worried, his gaze flicking right back up to your own as he swallows, "I don't mean any offense by my assumption. It's just... Not that you look like a prostitute but, I get approached like that often and-"
"So, you thought I was a whore?" You repeat. Again, he's nervous and this time he avoids your eyes, the sight of him slightly fearful making you smirk.
"I'm sorry but, yes." Nanami says honestly, "That's my mistake, truly."
"Right..." You say dryly, your tone making him uneasy. "Well, it's a common mistake, unfortunately," You murmur, thinking back to Sukuna who previously joked about it to you, "But you can make it up to me."
Those stern eyes of his snapback over to you, "How uh, how so?" Nanami stammers, clearly again assuming you mean something else.
You chuckle and playfully hit his arm, "By letting me interview you, of course!" Your voice is suddenly cheerful and it makes him relax.
Nanami sighed heavily and then straightened up in his seat, visibly pulling himself together after the little mishap that occurred. "Right, of course." He says.
Your hand goes to your glass, "Did you assume I meant some other form of making it up to me?" You ask tauntingly.
"No," Nanami claims, his voice light, "Of course not."
You have one leg crossed over the other so you subtly move it and make light contact with his shin using the tip of your heel. Nanami's entire body goes rigid but he hopes you don't notice it.
"Of course not?" You repeat, chuckling a bit, "It's okay if you thought I meant something else, y'know."
He swallows, "I didn't." The man replies as he tears his eyes from you, glances down at your foot against him, ignores it, and then goes for his drink.
"I mean," You tip your head to the side and your confidence has returned to you, courtesy of your liquid courage coursing through you, "If you have another way to make up for mistaking me for a prostitute, I'm all ears, Mr. Nanami."
The title makes him swallow again, his Adam's apple seen moving down and then up in a slow manner. "I have no other way in mind, unfortunately." Nanami states simply, flicking his gaze to you for a moment, "Sorry to disappoint."
You grin, "Oh, I'm not disappointed at all. It just seemed like you had an idea in mind so," You shrug.
He stares for a second, thinking for a long moment before taking his eyes off you again, "Are you insinuating something right now?"
"No?" You laugh, "But, although I'm no whore, you are an attractive man so, naturally, I'm curious what you thought I meant when I said you could make it up to me."
Nanami sucks in a deep breath of air and then takes another sip of the drink he's had prepared for him. Then, as he places it down with a light tap to the bar, he turns his head to you, "Is this a part of your interview?" Nanami questions, raising a brow, "Is this some kind of reverse psychology question that'll help you get to know me?"
"There's no reverse psychology in my question at all," You giggle, "I'm being rather direct with you." The feeling of your heel slipping up his leg slightly makes him tense up, "First you assume I'm a whore, and then you think I'd want something naughty from you for doing so."
That statement causes the man to choke a bit, "N-Naughty?" He echoes, following the question with a hefty clearing of his throat and a turn of his head, "What-, I... I wasn't-"
You smile at the man and notice the tips of his ears are shaded the lightest bit of pink, "It's okay if you assumed that, y'know..."
Nanami keeps his gaze straight, "I did not-"
You move, leaning to his ear for a moment, "I'm no prostitute but, the more I talk to you, the more I think you'd prefer it if I was."
A sharp breath of air is sucked in and he doesn't dare to look at you. With a chuckle, you pull away, your eyes never leaving his face. It's so clear you have him nervous now, men like him are rather easy to work around. Show them you're not a whore but you wouldn't mind being treated like one and all of a sudden they don't know what to do with themselves.
The blond turns his head away completely, taking in the scenery of the rest of the bar before then turning back to you, "So what is it you want from me? Be honest. I can't tell if you're here for knowledge or..."
"Or?" You hum, raising a brow.
"Or if you're here to seduce me." Nanami finishes.
You shrug, "Maybe both."
It was like you could see the gears in his head turning, like he was in deep thought as his brown eyes met yours. Then, his brows tense slightly, "I didn't consider both..."
And just like that, you have an idea of where you can take this. "You should've." You reply.
"I am now." The blond responds, weighing his head to the side slightly as he maintains eye contact.
You pinch your brows together, "Mr. Nanami, have you ever slept with someone after meeting them at a bar?"
He freezes but you have him interested, so after a moment, "No, why?" He questions in return.
"Are you open to?" You proceed. And no, you're not trying to seduce him just yet. Instead, your plan here is to have him be the one to pine after you.
Nanami swallows and he's very careful with his words, "Typically no."
You pick up on it instantly, "Typically?"
"I may do something different tonight," Nanami explains, finally turning away from you. He glances past you a bit, watching Ino attend to others further down the bar.
"Yeah?" You grin, "And what's changed your mind?"
The male in front of you keeps his eyes away from your own but all his attention is still on you, "A woman who's intrigued me."
"And who might that be?" You quiz further.
He scoffs lightly, "Obviously, you."
And just like that, you've got him exactly where you wanted him. Now it was part of the next part of your plan where you reverse the flirting and force him into a situation where he reveals more of his thoughts and flirts with you.
You definitely have the alcohol in your system to thank for how smoothly this is going so far, "I'm flattered but, when I asked my question, I wasn't offering to do so."
Nanami grows embarrassed again, assuming he's made some kind of mistake as he shifts his gaze to you, "Oh, I-"
"I'm not a whore," You sigh, "But I do notice that sex-pertained questions always get the best answers out of men so," You shrug. "That was my first."
He catches on and nods his head, the slightest and simplest smirk spreading across his peach-tinted lips, "So... the interview has started now...?"
"It has," You say enthusiastically, "I'm glad you're keeping up with me."
Amusement sparks across the male's expression, "Cleaver woman you are."
"Mhm, I'm aware," You hum, smiling at him cheerfully.
With a sigh, Nanami places every ounce of his focus onto you, "Alright then, what's your next question for me?"
"Don't get too excited, not all of them are about sex." You say with a laugh, "Only the first one was. Y'know, to gain your attention since you already thought I was a hooker."
He swallows, "I really am sorry about that."
"You'll make up for it, relax," You brush off.
Then this 'interview' of yours proceeds and you ask him more mellow questions, questions that are rather simple and just help you get to know him. Such as asking about his age, whether or not he has a job, and what his day-to-day schedule looks like.
You continue the conversation, delving deeper into Nanami's personal life and interests. Asking him about his hobbies, interests, and goals for the future, all of which is done to make it seem like you're actually going to use this information. Nanami opens up more as the conversation flows, his stern demeanor softening ever so slightly.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
As you engage in the interview, there's this underlying look in his eyes. Perhaps it was the alcohol the two of you consumed but there were definitely some teasing touches and glances throughout all the talking.
Before you realized it, your questionnaire had transitioned into simply just two adults conversing. It was almost as if you'd approached the man naturally. He told you how his major in business was done with the intent of becoming the CEO of some famous company one day.
The surrounding nightclub is almost forgotten with how engaging the conversation carried on to be. Every time you made the stiff man laugh your heart would flutter a bit. You were beyond thankful for the drinking because it was clear that's what was opening him up to you.
Ino was to thank as well, as he had come to the two of you multiple times to offer another round, flashing you a cute smile and a taunting thumbs up to encourage you with Nanami.
Unbeknownst to you, your starting question weighed heavily on the man's mind. Your foot would constantly brush up against his leg and every time you giggled, he felt odd. Not to mention the sultry look in your eyes as you intently watched him speak.
Your eyes were on his lips at one point and your staring made him stammer for a moment before he decided to just point it out in hopes you would focus elsewhere. Nanami leaned in a bit and a gentle hand went to your chin, tipping your face up and trying to force your gaze to his.
"I understand you're interested in what I have to say but please," Nanami's voice is still as deep as ever but it's more relaxed and almost soft, "Keep your eyes on mine."
You're slow to drag your vision upward, "Can you handle that?"
The question throws him off and his brows push together, "I have been all this time, haven't I?"
You tilt your head and lean closer to the man, one of your hands suddenly going to his thigh to hold yourself up, "Not the whole time, no."
"Really?" He hums, ignoring how close your face is to his, "Where else have my eyes been? Hm?"
You giggle and pull your lower lip into your mouth. It's so obvious that you're slightly intoxicated, "Your eyes have been all over me," You say, your voice suddenly dropping into a whisper, "Did you think I wouldn't notice?"
He tenses as your hand starts caressing his thigh, trying to ignore the sensation. "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. I've kept my eyes on respectable areas at all times."
Another giggle slips out your lips, "I never said you didn't." Again, he freezes and this time you snicker, "You just told on yourself."
Nanami swallows and removes his hand from your chin, turning his head away from you, "You're teasing me again, aren't you?"
Your hand goes up without a second thought and you force his head to turn right back to you, "I wasn't," You murmur, inching closer, "But now I am."
The feeling of your thumb caressing his jaw makes the man's breathing pick up. He's not sure if it's the alcohol or just you in general but his body is suddenly so much more attentive to your touches. The sensation was so soft and small but it was steadily driving him crazy.
"Nanami," You murmur, breaking him from his thoughts.
His eyes dip down to your lips, "Kento," He corrects, "Just call me Kento."
Again, you have him exactly where you want him. "Earlier you said you don't sleep with women you've just met, nor have you ever slept with a woman you've met at a bar before..." You recall in a gentle tone.
He nods, unsure of where you're going with this, "Mhm..."
You bite your lips, "Perhaps we should change that tonight."
Nanami hums deeply, the sound vibrating against his throat as he struggles to lift his gaze from your lips. You're so close to him and your words and entire aura are intoxicating.
"How so?" He whispers in return.
"Take me home tonight..." You offer, soon shifting to the man's ear, "...and fuck me like a slut."
Those lewd words of yours went straight to the man's cock. Of all the things he could've expected from you, that was by far the last thing he expected to hear come out of your mouth. Sure, you flirted with him subtly here and there within the past few hours but...
That sudden offering of yours was entirely different.
There is no way you would've gotten this far without the alcohol in your system. As it is well known by now, you get horny when you're drunk so gradually throughout you and Nanami's conversation, you could feel your arousal building up.
Everything the man had done or said was noticed by you. From his large hand wrapping around the glass as he took a drink, to the way the smooth liquid flowed into his mouth, the way his voice got deeper and more relaxed, and even how he was looking at you now.
You could've never made such an offer if you didn't drink and Nanami would've never even considered it if he didn't either.
The stoic blond clears his throat and you pull away from his ear to meet his eyes, only to be met with a low and lustful gaze that makes your heart skip a beat. A careful brow is raised before you watch the man move out of his seat.
Standing at his feet, your head inclines up as nears you and that wonderful and dizzying scent of his cologne rushes into your nose. Nanami has the face of a young yet hardworking man and simply looking up at him as you are now gives you that urge to want to drop to your knees.
Perhaps the list truly has changed you. Maybe it wasn't the alcohol you drank tonight or the man in front of you. Maybe the problem here was you and your mind. Sure, you used to get horny before but to have the urge to suck someone off just because they've stood to their feet in front of you is...
Well, it makes you feel like the very thing Gojo tells you you're not; a whore.
Breaking you from your thoughts, Nanami leans down and places a hand on the bar beside you. You gulp as his face nears your own and then tense up when his other hand goes to cup your jaw, keeping your head angled up.
The man tilts his head and studies the look in your eyes closely, "You want me to take you home and... what?" He whispers.
You wished your confidence from moments ago had remained but as this man stood over you and held your face in his hands so delicately you could feel your thoughts turning to mush and your mouth going dry.
"Uh..." You mumble, staring back and forth between the man's eyes.
Nanami scoffs lightly, "Don't get all shy on me now," He says, "Tell me what it is you want me to do."
Your voice is small and barely even there, "Take me home..."
"And...?" He urges.
You swallow, "Fuck me..."
Nanami smirks, the reversal of roles here is driving him crazy. You were such a confident woman just moments ago, "Like...?" He murmurs, trying to get you to say the entirety of your initial statement.
You take your eyes off him and even try to turn your head away, "A uh-"
"Eyes on me, darling," Nanami voices out in that sweet yet husk tone of his.
You blink a few times before looking at him, taking a deep breath before speaking, "Like a slut."
He smiles just barely, "See? Was that so hard?" His voice and way of wording things are adding to your arousal for some reason.
"N-No..." You murmur.
Nanami's thumb moves to your bottom lip and his eyes sink to his actions as he swipes over it, "Exactly. And y'know what," He scoffs again, "You really aren't a whore." He says, almost as if he's surprised?
"I told you I wasn't," You whisper, pouting a little bit as he feels your lip against his thumb.
"Right, right," He hums, nodding a little, "Instead, you're one of those good girls who like to be treated like one, huh? Pinned against a wall, maybe with your hands tied up, and taking cock like it's the only thing you know how to do properly."
And just like that, you were soaked. Gulping, your breathing grows noticeably slower and Nanami could tell by your facial expression that you were aroused.
He chuckles, "We spent all this time talking, and yet I'm pretty sure the only thing you've been thinking about in that pretty little head of yours is how you're going to convince me to fuck you."
Your eyes widen and you genuinely don't understand how you let the dominance in the situation flip so quickly, "I-,"
"Don't worry," Nanami moves his thumb and he inches closer, his lips almost on yours as he whispers, "I'm convinced."
Your lips brush over his and your eyes threaten to close, "A-Are you?" Damnit, you need to pull yourself together.
The man nods ever so slightly but what he didn't expect was for you to move his hand away from your jaw and then stand up. You still have to incline your head up but as you stand, you don't miss the way his breath hitches when your chest presses into his.
Despite that, his head tips to the side again as he gazes down at you, "I am." He hums, shrugging a bit after, "I'll take you home and do just as you asked."
You hope he doesn't notice the way your eyes light up, "Yeah?"
"Mhm," His hands carefully go to your hips and you try your best not to tense up because his touch is so rough and yet oddly gentle at the same time, "Consider this my real way of making up for my assumption."
You chuckle, "You're gonna make up for thinking I'm a whore by-"
"Fucking you like one." Nanami finishes for you, even though that's not exactly what you were going to say.
The man suddenly spins you around and he begins to urge to to start walking away from the bar, moving to your ear as he does so, "This'll also help with your 'interview'." He claims.
You scoff and walk with him right behind you, his hands on your hips and his crotch bumping into yours briefly with every other step taken, "How so?" You ask in return.
Nanami stops the two of you from walking for just a second and pulls your body back into his. You can feel the large bulge in his pants pressing up against your ass and it makes your breathing stutter.
The man goes to your ear one last time and his voice is low but direct, "I'll show you just how 'stressed' I am."
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GOJO SATORU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
GETO SUGURU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
TOJI FUSHIGURO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢
KAMO CHOSO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢 / 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ZEN'IN NAOYA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ITADORI SUKUNA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮???
NANAMI KENTO ☐ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙙
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anni-writes · 3 months
match my freak
Atsumu Miya x reader | smut
Warnings: smut. this got filthy, be warned. porn with a plot. dirty talk. some light bondage. bdsm. spanking. strong and explicit language. mdni! nsfw under the cut
word count: 5.5k sorry
@ anni says: I have nothing to say on my defense.
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It was all fun and games, until the cards were out,
and you don't really know how things escalated so quickly
One moment, you were all just playing truth or dare — after being invited to a gathering with MSBY guys and some other people. Being friends with Bokuto from high school and moving to the same city as him after a job proposal made you eventually got closer
The next moment, you're exchanging kinks with Bokuto's hot friend, all because you picked “truth” one time after being tired of drinking shots and calling strangers as a dare
“A— wha— no way you're into this— you—”
Bokuto stares you with incredulous eyes, speachless , and you realize he didn't know this side of you.
The other hot friend, Sakusa you think, scoffs, diverting his eyes, trying to sound unamused, but failing to hide the soft red tint on his cheeks
“Disgusting—” he said
While the bright friend, Hinata if you recall, gasps in a similar way as Bokuto, completely red
Atsumu looks at you with predator eyes and a wicked smile
“I like yer friend, Bokkun…”
He stated with a hint of intensity in his voice, a timbre that traveled electric straight through your spine, pooling in your lower belly
You take the can of beer, gulping a big sip to try and release some of the tension on your body
“’m not drunk enough to keep this conversation going”
You murmur, avoiding Atsumu's gaze, but there is a heat rising to your cheeks that betrays your feigned disinterest.
The room fills with laughter, easing the electricity in the air, but you can't shake off Atsumu's intense stare.
Sakusa, surprisingly curious, mend his observation
“But how public are we talking about here? I understand the thrill aspect, but wouldn't that be… Unhygienic…?”
You narrow your eyes, feeling the uneasiness on Sakusa’s tone
“I mean… isn't sex supposed to be… filthy”
In unison, Sakusa frowned, Bokuto gasped, Hinata's eyes widened and Atsumu cracked a laugh,
by the thick of it, they had this conversation before
“Can't believe ya hid this girl from me all this time, Bokkuunn!”
Hinata, looking away, muttered “you're insane…” under his breath
Atsumu raised an eyebrow, his smirk not wavering
“Insane?” he retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice “or you're just vanilla”
Sakusa rolled his eyes
“Not this again”
You chuckle at their bickering, your suspicions of them already having that conversation before proving right
"Oh? Again?" — you ask curious to know, but also diverting the attention from yourself
Bokuto, finally snapping out of his surprised state, let out a laugh, joining the conversation,
"Well, let's just say we've had quite a few discussions about the topic"
Atsumu grins wider, not missing a beat
"Mostly me and Bokkun having fun and Omi being the prude he is”
Sakusa rolls his eyes yet again, but he doesn't deny it
"Just because I have some level of self-respect and don't relish in unsanitary activities doesn't make me a prude" he huffed
Hinata, looking a bit more composed but still embarrassed, pipes in
"I mean, I understand the appeal, but I'm with Sakusa on this one...”
Atsumu, feigning hurt, clutched his chest dramatically
"You're all crushing my soul here" he exclaimed
Sakusa rolled his eyes once more
"The world will mourn the loss, I'm sure" he retorted sarcastically
Not missing a beat too, I barge in their bickering
"I feel you're being too judgemental here..." — I say, subtly siding with Atsumu on the matter
Atsumu grins, catching the subtle support
"See? She gets it," he says, winking at you
Sakusa narrows his eyes, not buying into your facade
"Or she's just as insane as you are" he retorts dryly
"See? Unfair judgement" — you say playfully, somehow enjoying to poke fun in Bokuto's uptight friend
Bokuto laughs aloud at your retort, clearly enjoying the banter, and Hinata couldn't help but crack a smile too
Atsumu leans back, a sly grin on his face as he speaks energically
"Finally, someone who isn't a stick in the mud" he says, glancing at Sakusa
Sakusa rolls his eyes once again, apparently used to the banter by now.
Atsumu turns to you now, a glint of interest in his eye, a spark of mischief
"So... what else do you like?...”
I raise my eyebrow, sighing when I feel the attention coming back to me
"That's a loaded question—”
Atsumu leans in, propping up his elbow on the table, his gaze fixated on you with a playful glint
"Well, it's not like we're asking you to reveal state secrets" he replies, a smirk still present on his handsome features
Sakusa, ever the skeptic, speaks up
"Yeah, but I'm not sure I want to know the answer to that" he says curtly
You start saying, trying to use Sakusa's words to deflect the attention,
"See? Nobody wanna know about—"
“You look like you're into pain… Pain or pleasure?… or both?” — Atsumu interrupts me, and I wince internally
You let out a quiet chuckle, shaking your head, knowing Atsumu's words are like a trap. A trap you're more than willing to fall for
"They're the same…" You say smugly
Atsumu's smirk widens when he heard your reply, his eyes glinting with amusement and challenge
"Exactly my thoughts" he says, his voice a low growl
Sakusa, who'd been quiet, sighs
"Of course you two would get along in the insanity department" he mutters
Atsumu ignores Sakusa's remark, and leans a bit closer, a sly grin on his face
"You like to be in control... or you like to be controlled?...”
You narrow your eyes at how delicious that question sounded
"Both. And why not fight for control?"
Atsumu looks pleased, like he found someone who actually meets his level
"Now we're getting somewhere" he says with a smirk
Sakusa rolls his eyes, but there's a hint of curiosity in his gaze
Hinata, red as the cherry, glances away and Bokuto's eyes light up like he's just figured something out
Atsumu's smirk grows darker, his eyes fixed on yours as he continues
"You like it rough, don't you...?” he mutters, his voice lowering an octave
You raise one eyebrow at him, and your gaze slowly falls down on his hand as he holds his beer... strong big sharp setter hands that would look so goddamn delicious around your neck... or pinning your hands on your back while railing you from behind... or spanking your ass while you lay on his lap... or gripping your hair and yanking your head back...
But you don't comment on any of it, just smiling softly and looking at his eyes again, saying a quick
"I do"
Atsumu's eyes darken at your look, sensing the lust behind it
Sakusa, noticing the tension, clears his throat and mutters
"I'm sure we've established that already, no need to elaborate further—”
"Rough... you say...?" he blatantly ignores Sakusa, and repeats with a dangerous smirk, like he's imagining all the ways he could make good on his thought
Hinata seems to have turned tomato red, while even Bokuto looks slightly flushed
You repeat the word, emphasizing even more, not daring to break the eye contact
Atsumu's smirk grows even wider, a spark of challenge and excitement in his eyes
Bokuto mumbles something under his breath that sounds like "jesus christ"
Hinata just sits there, blushing furiously
Sakusa, being the voice of reason, tries to cut in
"You two are downright filthy" he mutters, rolling his eyes
You raise your eyebrow at Sakusa, poor boy meeting you today and probably already with a terrible image. But you say to him either way
"Are we that filthy or you're all just boring"
Sakusa, taken aback by your response, frowns as if offended
"Boring? I prefer the term... clean" he retorts
Hinata, trying to lighten the mood, lets out a nervous laugh
"Yeah...we're just... normal-"
Bokuto, suddenly joining the conversation again, chimes in
"No, no, no, speak for yourself! I'm definitely not that boring!”
You frown, a hint of confusion in your face, and a lot of playfulness, finding curious the word Sakusa used
"How can someone be... clean... while actively exchanging bodily fluids with someone?"
Hinata looks like he's about to combust from embarrassment, while Bokuto gapes
Atsumu, looking absolutely smug, let's out a bark of laugh
"That's what I've been sayin' all this time!" he exclaims, looking at you with approval
Sakusa, ever the skeptic, crosses his arms, a frown on his face
"And you seem so proud of it..." he mutters, his tone filled with subtle judgement
Atsumu grins, unfazed by Sakusa's disapproval
"Absolutely!" he exclaimed, leaning back on his chair with a air of confidence
Bokuto, still trying to wrap his head around the statement, chimes in
"Wait, are you saying... you like being... messy?”
You tilt your head
“It's sex! It's supposed to be messy!”
Sakusa's frown deepens, but there's a hint of a flush on his cheeks, while Atsumu laughs aloud
"Preach, baby!" he says loudly, clearly enjoying himself
Bokuto, still trying to process the conversation, mutters something he heard from Sakusa
"But...but cleanliness is important..."
Hinata agrees, nodding eagerly
Sakusa glares at you, as if trying to scold you mentally
You squint your eyes, trying to process his words
"Define cleanliness... in that context"
Bokuto hesitates, not quite sure how to explain and Hinata looks equally perplexed
Sakusa, being the most composed, replies with a frown
"Hygiene... not exchanging... excessive bodily fluids..." he mutters
Atsumu rolls his eyes playfully
"Boring." he adds, a hint of judgment in his tone
You gasp dramatically, smiling playful. Of course in your head you immediately think of all of the subversive disgusting things you might like… But you try to act composed to make your point
“Not exchanging bodily fluids in an act that consists mostly of bodily fluids exchange?!?!”
Bokuto, Hinata, and Sakusa look slightly taken aback by your reaction, while Atsumu laughs aloud at your performance, clearly enjoying the whole situation
"Exactly! It's like trying to enjoy a soup without slurping it, it's— it's just wrong!" he exclaims dramatically, with the same tone as you
You crack a laugh at his analogy, loving how he picked your cue and mirrored your tone with the same feigning drama. You back him up again
"Exactly! It's like trying to eat a sandwich with a fork"
Atsumu grins, enjoying the banter
"Or trying to enjoy a pizza without getting your hands greasy!" he adds, playing along
Bokuto laughs at the metaphor, while Hinata looks like he's trying his best to appear unfazed. Sakusa rolls his eyes again but can't hide the small smile tugging on the corners of his lips
Bokuto jumps back into the conversation, his innocent eyes now filled with curiosity
"So... just to clarify... you like it messy, right?" he asks, trying to grasp the conversation
Hinata looks flushed and uncomfortable, unsure of where this conversation is going. Atsumu grins at the question, looking at you for your response
"Ok, disregarding of what I like or dislike... the thing itself IS messy" You say, trying to divert a little, but also keeping the discussion going, exposing your true opinion
Bokuto seems to contemplate your response, but still looks somewhat baffled. Hinata is silently blushing, looking like he's trying hard to act unfazed, though failing
Sakusa, again being the voice of reason, points out
"But... there are ways to minimize the mess...”
You narrow your eyes, unable to process his point of view
"But why would you even minimize the byproduct of the pleasure?"
"Well...to maintain some level of dignity and propriety in the act...not everything has to be so... wild...” — Sakusa retorts, seeming slightly flustered by your bluntness
You gasp again, unable to follow his train of though, once your own point of view is the opposite
"Noooo! You're ruining it! It's supposed to be wild and animalistic"
Sakusa rolls his eyes, clearly not understanding your way of thinking
Atsumu, loving every second of this interaction, laughs aloud
"Exactly! That's why I like her! Can we keep her?" he exclaims, grinning at you approvingly
Hinata, still pink, mutters
“I...I think I'm gonna need another drink..."
Sakusa scoffs, but his annoyance is clearly fading away
Atsumu grins, leaning in with a playful glint in his eyes
"Can we keep you, though?" he asks, a hint of genuine interest behind his jest
"Keep me? I feel like a stray cat now”
"Yeah, a stray cat sounds about right... wild, a bit naughty, and craving attention...”
"You're gonna keep me and what? Put me on a leash?”
Atsumu grins wider, the image clearly appealing to him
"Well, depends on how obedient you are... a leash might be necessary" he retorts sarcastically
"Might be, huh? And what else? A collar with your name on it?"
Atsumu's eyes light up with excitement at the imagery
Bokuto, laughing, comments
"Yeah, like a brand of ownership"
Hinata is looking slightly flustered by the conversation
Sakusa, ever the skeptical one, mutters
"You're both unhinged...”
Atsumu grins at Sakusa's comment, clearly unbothentered by his disapproval
Bokuto, still amused, chimes in
"Come on, Sakusa, don't knock it till you try it"
Hinata, red as a tomato, tries to change the subject
"Guys, shouldn't we talk about something else?”
You all ended up changing the subject much to Hinata's innocent mind, but Atsumu switches places to sit beside you, placing a hand on your thigh under the table the whole time.
The conversation continues more lightly, but Atsumu occasionally sneaks glances your way, his hand remaining on your thigh, occasionally giving it a gentle squeeze, subtle, possessive, promising…
Sakusa, sitting across from you, notices Atsumu's gesture, but pretends to ignore it
After a while chatting and drinking some more, you claim you need to go home, having to finish some work stuff tomorrow morning.
Atsumu put up a little fight, but offers you a ride home in the end, and you agree.
Once you've excused yourself, bidding everyone goodbye, and agreed to Atsumu's offer of a ride home, he pulls you towards his room, making sure no one notices your departure.
You gasp silently, whispering with a feigning outrage
"What are y-- Miya!"
Once you're inside, he closes the door behind him, pressing you against the wall, his body trapping you between the hard surface and himself
Atsumu grins at your gasp, clearly enjoying having you trapped against the wall. He leans in close, his lips hovering just above your ear as he whispers back
"It's Atsumu, say it again" he commands, his voice low and sultry, with an undertone of possessiveness
You narrow your eyes with his demand, his voice traveling straight down your body in an electric shock, making you comply
You say, whispering softly his name. Atsumu grins, his eyes darkening with desire at the way his name rolls off your tongue
He leans even closer, his body pressing against yours, his breath ghosting over your skin as he talks into your ear
"Again. Louder" he whispers, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear
You let out a dirty chuckle, opening up a mischievous smile
"If your want me to scream your name you're gonna have to work for it, Miya"
Atsumu's eyes glint with excitement at your challenge, his competitive nature sparking. He grins back at you, equally cunning
"Oh, is that a challenge, kitty?" he asks, his hands resting on your hips, his grip tightening He leans in further, his lips now so close to your ear that they're practically touching it
"Trust me, I'm more than willing to put in the work" he whispers, his tone sultry and commanding
His hands slide up your sides, smoothly taking your arms and pinning against the door, intertwining your fingers
You raise your eyebrows, your eyes fluttering with both his voice and his breath in your ear, his tone entering your brain and delving inside your sinapses, making you almost melt
But yet, you smile equally smug, arching your back a little, the restrained arms making your head dizzy, and you just lift one of your thigh to his waist, hooking around him to bring him closer, pressing his hips against yours
"God, you're intense..."
You whisper, realizing you're about to fuck a guy you met today and probably you would totally do insane shit voluntarily if he asked you
He held your brain captive already, and you have no idea when that happened
Atsumu's eyes widen a fraction at your unexpected move, his body responding immediately to the contact of your thigh wrapping around his waist, pulling him flush against you, your pelvis meeting his hips in a provocative embrace
He lets out a low, guttural whine, his grip on your wrists tightening slightly as he tries to regain his composure
"And you're a goddamn tease," he retorts through gritted teeth, his breath hot and ragged against your skin
His brain turned to mush at your every move
Something happened outside, on that dirty little drunk chat between friends, that put both of you under each other's spell way before any physical touch happens
Atsumu's body is now flush against yours, his hips pressing into your spread thighs in a possessive manner, the outline of his hard cock making wonders to your brain, as your skirt rides up violently, the heat between you palpable
He takes a moment to regain control of himself, his breath is coming in uneven gasps, his eyes fixated on you with a mixture of desire and determination
"You really know how to push my buttons, don't you?" he says, his voice gruff and deep, his hand release your hands and slides down trying quickly unbutton your shirt
“Shut up and fuck me” — you say as breathless as he is right now, and you swear you could feel his dick twitch in his pants between your legs
You arch your back further against the door aiming to feel the delicious friction of his clothed erection against, letting out a muffled moan
Now with free hands, you take advantage to slide them down and starts unzipping his pants
Atsumu hisses at your touch, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment as he focuses on the feeling of your hand working on his zipper
He fumbles with the buttons of your shirt, his fingers trembling slightly with anticipation as he exposes more of your skin with each one
Atsumu takes a moment to take in the sight of your exposed skin, his eyes hungrily roaming over your body as he lets out a ragged breath
He advanced like a starved man, his hand cupping your breast over the black lacy bra, squeezing it like his hand was made for the curves of your body, making you envy every volleyball he ever touched
At the same time, he lean in, biting the side of your neck on the conjuction of your shoulder, your neck and your jaw, making you wince and moan languidly, as you whisper his name again
“Atsumu… Fuck…”
Your hands are already slipping inside the open zipper of his pants, enveloping his hard warm cock over the thin fabric of his boxers, sliding down on his shaft while he growl on your neck, drooling and bucking his hip against your hand
In a quick motion, his hands travel down the back of your knee, lifting you and making you hook your legs around his waist while he presses you against the door, making your skirt pool in your waist, exposing the sight of your black lacy panties
He advanced further, one arm holding your waist, the other hand threading and gripping your hair in the back of your head, angling your head to push his tongue mercilessly inside your mouth
And you take it like it's the most sweet treat you've ever tasted, sucking his wet tongue while feeling the faint taste of whisky almost vanishing. You pushing your tongue back in, and hear his groans inside your mouth, lapping on it and swallowing his pretty sounds
The way you match his energy serves only to obliterate all of his walls and restraints, and before he even realize himself, his hand slid down from your hair to wrap around your throat, squeezing — gently at first — to part the kiss and look you in the eye, an evil wolfish grin, but honey dripping eyes
“Such a fucking whore”
“If I'm a whore, what are you—”
With your retort, he groaned and squeezed further your throat without thinking twice, making you lose your breath for a sweet instant and let out a hitched moan
Your reaction made him grin, and in the back of his mind, a random thought of having you like this everyday made his cock twitch again
“Squeeze my neck like that one more time and I'll meet you at the altar”
You said, interrupting his train of thought, and even in your own heads you were thinking similar
In another swift motion, he carried you to his bed, throwing you softly in the soft mattress before standing up to grab the hem of his shirt, taking it off, giving you a spectacle
“Fuck…” You mumble under your breath, watching the carved details of his ripped muscles while he fumble with his pants
“Like what you see, kitty?”
He asks cockily, his voice deep and low
“Fucking godlike—”
He grins, groaning, his head rolling back with the praise hitting all the right spots in his brain, and, for a moment, your mouth waters, looking at the view of his soft neck from below
“Flattery will get you everywhere you want, babygirl” he purrs so deliciously, standing almost naked, the outline of his strained cock inside his boxers flirting with you
On instinct, you get up, kneeling on the bed, pulling him by the neck, biting his bottom lip and kissing him again, slowly stepping back making room for him, as he kneels on the bed
When you feel he's fully on the bed, you place your hands flat on his chest, pushing him to lay down, and he complies easily
“Then let me go for a ride, baby” you whisper
He growls as he lays on his back, with a smile that make your heart skip a beat as you hop on top of him, straddling his waist, and his hand instantly hook on your skirt to zip and finish taking it off, while you take off the open shirt
“I'll wife you up in no time if you keep that up”
You chuckle as you sink down on his lap, feeling his clothed cock deliciously settle in contact with your wet clothed pussy, probably staining his boxers as you shamelessly grind against him, his fingers gripping your thigh with bruising touch and his mouth letting out the most delicious moans, thrusting his hips up
He reaches down, unable to hold the impulse to feel your insides, and lower the hem of his boxers, exposing his cock and thrusting up against you
You moan, and his hands travels upwards to cup your breasts again, pulling your bra down to expose it all for him, supple flesh escaping his fingers as you moan again
He props his body upwards to capture them, one breast in his mouth as he sucks the sensitive hard nipple like a hungry man, while the other stays in his strong hand like he owns it, playing and squeezing
He ends his ministrations with his mouth tracing a path up, marking in purple a line from your breasts to your collarbone as you moan like a slut
You push him down again with one hand on his chest, as the other hand goes to his cock, feeling the smooth warm skin, pushing your panties to the side, lining him to your soaking wet cunt, feeling your own hand getting coated in your slick
Looking him in the eye, you start sinking your weight down as he deliciously stretches you, and he tries, he swear he tries to keep the eye contact, but the overwhelming embrace of your creamy walls were driving him wild, and his eyes rolls back instantly
“F… Fuck, baby… th-that’s some unfair pussy y’ have—”
You chuckle dirtily, feeling flattered in a twisted way, as your head leans back and your own body begs for you to move. Pressing your hands on his stomach to support your weight, you start riding, slowly at first, but picking a faster pace as you yearn for more
You moan in sync, and the view he have from you, bouncing on his cock, your boobs slipping off your bra, your blissful face with your head thrown backwards, your neck and collarbone with his marks… He almost cum on spot
He violently fists the sheets, arching his back, his knuckles white with the strength. You're riding him for minutes and he's already almost there.
But he can't, he refuses, he won't give in this early.
In a quick and aggressive move, he uses the mattress to stabilize himself, streightening his upper body, abruptly gripping your waist to make you stop moving
“Yer pussy is fucking pulsing, are you that desperate for me, baby?” he whisper close to your mouth, You moan softly, feeling him throb inside you
“Why stop? Can't handle it, love?”
You provoke, smirking, knowing exactly why he stopped, and he bite, giving one hard slap on the side of your ass, making you wince and moan
“I'm gonna handle you alright, babe…” he growls, while locking both of your arms behind your back in a tight grip, holding with only one hand, a grip I know will leave bruises
And just like that, I'm on his mercy even on top of him
He bend his knees, his free arm reaching back, positioning himself better to fully thrust up, while still restraining my arms
That's the hottest shit you've ever seen, you think to yourself
Sitting knees bent, cock buried inside you, he growls thrusting up with primal force, hitting places you may not even know existed so far
Your face contorts in pleasure, eyes rolling back, as the knot in your belly gets impossibly stronger by the second, and you're certain there's drool in the corner of your mouth
You moan loudly like a cat in heat, his name eventually escaping your lips
“Ah— ‘tsumuu… F— fuck”
“Where's that… ah— filthy sassy mouth of yours, huh?”
His tone only serves to make you clench stronger around him, fueling both his moans and his words
“Fuck, your pussy— ‘s trying to kill me”
“I'm— ah— fuckk don'tstop” You say loudly between whines
And just like that, he grips both the sheets and your arms even more strongly, gaining some leverage to fuck you harder, deeper.
That makes impossible to hold back, and without warning, the huge wave of pleasure drown you, making you pulse around his cock, cumming violently in a shock
He hisses, watching you come undone on top of him, your blissful face contorted in pleasure as he thrust a little more to prolong your pleasure, and he groans with your cunt constricting around him
“So fucking hot and for what—”
He say as you collapse your head on his shoulder, the muscles of your leg twitching
“On fours for me, babygirl. I'm not done with ya”
“I'd ask my money back if you were” you say back, still panting, still nuzzling in his neck, and he snorts
“Your mouth will be your demise—”
“…and I haven't even sucked your cock yet”
“’m gonna fucking tie you up, you minx”
You bite your lip, parting from his neck to leave his lap, eyeing him with a playful look on your face, ready for another orgasm
“Tie me up and use me”
He swear he almost came just hearing you say this with that playful face of yours, it could make men go to war. He had no doubt now that he had to do it.
“Turn around” he ordered while reaching a tie in his bedstand, and you comply eagerly.
He ties your arm on your back while peppering soft open mouthed kisses on your shoulder, and suddenly you're sure you're a goner
In contrast, when he's done with the knot, he pushes you so violently against the mattress, hitting a hard slap on your ass, and you moan like a whore, making him grin dirtily
“God, you really like this…” he says while pumping his cock a couple of times with one hand, grabbing your ass with the other
“And you're having a field day…” you say, your voice weak and strained
He starts slowly pushing himself inside you again, gripping your ass bruisingly with one hand, saying hoarsely
“Can you blame me?”
Just like that, he grip the arms tied on your back, pushing you back on his dick, making you arch and almost scream
“H—Holy shh— ‘tsumu”
And he was, indeed, having a field day, pushing his red angry cock inside you roughly, mercilessly, and out again, and in, and out— your brain turning to dust with his strength
The noise of skin slapping against each other, you're high pitched moans, his strong slaps on your ass and his moans and groans fill the room
After several minutes of his insatiable pace, he feels you're moaning louder, clenching tighter, and he leans down, his hand sliding from your ass to thread on your hair and tilt your head
“You close, baby? Give me one— one more… milk me dry, baby— ah… I can't cum without feel you one more time—”
Despite the strength and the roughness he's railing you, the delicious plead for your cum makes your head dizzy, and your body involuntarily answers him
You moan, your second orgasm hitting forcefully, his name leaving your mouth like a prayer as he straighten his body to lean his head back and just feel the blissfully experience of you coming again, groaning and closing his eyes like he's reaching nirvana
He say, feeling your walls constricting around his extra sensitive cock, and he hammers you again and again, seeking his own release
And it doesn't take long, with a guttural groan, he spills inside you as your legs shake desesperately, and you exchange seconds of synchronized bliss
Waves of pleasure still travel Atsumu's body when he reaches down, pulling the knot of the tie to release your arm
He collapses beside you on the bed, panting, breath hitching, sweating and groaning
“You… Where have you been all my life…”
You chuckle, turning to face him and dragging your body close to his, nuzzling in his chest while your muscles still shake
He receives openly, sliding his hand down your arm, taking your wrist to see his marks
“Did I hurt you too much?”
He asks softly, sounding almost apologetic, but you give him no time to feel guilty, smiling to whisper unabashedly
“No. You should try harder next time…”
He groans again, feeling his competitive fire lightening up all over again inside him, as he rolls on top of you
“You're terrible for my health, kitty” he purrs, kissing down your jaw, reaching your neck, and you can't help but let out a chuckled moan
“You can't be for real— you're getting hard again?”
He grins flicking his tongue to taste the skin on your neck while his knee open your thighs, with a dexterity of one who knows exactly what he's doing, and this time, as you feel his hardening cock poking your inner thigh, it's your time to say
“Where have you been all my life?”
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Hinata, Sakusa and Bokuto look at each other with widened eyes
“Bokuto, it's your fault” Sakusa say as another slap and another moan come in sync from Atsumu's room
“H-How is this even— I had no idea!” Bokuto tries to defend himself, and wince as he hears Atsumu loud growl
Hinata is speechless, red as a tomato, groaning softly and closing his eyes with his palms, trying to forget whatever he listened just now
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SSR Divus Crewel - Rich Fur Coat Vignette
"A full course of disciplinary action"
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[Sage‘s Island – Foothill Town]
Sage’s Island Resident: Good morning, Divus-san. You're up pretty early again.
Crewel: Good morning, madam.
Crewel: Also… Good morning, Emma!
Crewel: Your cute spots look so good on you, as always. I am truly lucky to be able to meet with such a stunning beauty so early in the day.
Crewel: …Can I give you some pets, you sweet thing?
Emma: Bark, bark!
Sage’s Island Resident: Fufufu, you're always so doting on our Emma, thank you. Look, she's so happy she's showing her belly.
Crewel: No, I should be thanking you. These fleeting moments I get in the morning are my personal solace.
Crewel: I'm grateful that I am able to see and pet these beautiful little lads and lasses.
Crewel: Especially since I'm unable to see my precious ones until I return to the Queendom of Roses on the weekends.
Sage’s Island Resident: If I recall, you have two friends looking after your dogs back home during the week, right?
Crewel: That's right. They're old friends… Or rather, they've become more like hired hands.
Crewel: I would love nothing more than to bring my dogs to Sage's Island…
Crewel: But my apartment here in Foothill Town is much too small to keep them.
Crewel: Sometime in the future, it would be nice to rent a large home here in this town and live with them together every single day.
Crewel: I'd drive with them in my favorite car on the long road along the ocean… That's the dream.
Sage’s Island Resident: Well, how lovely. I'm looking forward to the day that I'll be able to meet your precious dogs, Divus-san.
Crewel: And I as well, madam. I hope you have another pleasant day today. Bye, Emma.
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Crewel: Good morning, my good sir. A strong cup of tea, as per my usual.
Shopkeep: Good morning, Crewel-kun. Would you like some food with that?
Crewel: No, thank you. I don't eat breakfast, as a rule.
Shopkeep: Yes, yes, I know. I thought I'd just ask.
Shopkeep: I can't believe you come to my little establishment so early in the morning just to drink tea instead of our signature coffee blend…
Shopkeep: You're still an odd one, even after becoming a professor at Night Raven College.
Crewel: Hah. Truth be told, I don't come here for the tea.
Crewel: Every Monday morning, if I sit in this seat here, I can watch the ships sail into port. The sight of the sails in a row is beautiful…
Crewel: This tea doesn't even compare to the stuff I can brew, but this view is something I can't replicate back home.
Shopkeep: Hahah! I always knew you were a sharp-tongued devil in your student years, but it seems you've just gotten even more cruel!
Crewel: I think it's more of a shock that you haven't improved your tea brewing skills in 15 years, sir.
Shopkeep: Well, luckily, we're still thriving! Do enjoy your time here.
Crewel: Thanks. …Hm. This respite is quiet and soothing.
Crewel: I should relax while I can. …Because I'm sure today will end up being yet another busy day.
Crewel: Today, I have homeroom plus three other classes. There's also preparations that need to be done for next month's event, a staff meeting, and last week's tests that need grading… Whew.
Crewel: Well. I'll just have to hope those pups won't cause me any issues, at a minimum.
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Crewel: STAY!!!
Students: EEK!
Crewel: I can't believe this… What have you done?
Crewel: Why are all the ingredients needed for today's experiment scattered all over the floor?
Crewel: Which one of you mangy mutts not only stepped on but also mixed together all those spilled ingredients?
Crewel: I am only asking a simple question, and yet all anyone can yelp is "It wasn't me," or "It was someone else's fault"...
Students: EEEEP!
Crewel: So tell me, who is the culprit? Tell me truthfully, and you'll only have to deal with a full course of disciplinary action and not a bit more.
Students: Th-That is…
Students: [everyone stares]
Grim: Hm?
Grim: …Wh-Wh-Wh-What? Don't all you be lookin' down on me!
1. I think it'd be better if you just apologize honestly… 2. You'll get a lighter punishment if you just confess now.
Grim: It wasn't me who did that! It's [Yuu], definitely [Yuu]!
Scarabia Student: Don't try to blame [Yuu]. You really don't know how to give up, huh, Grim!
Octavinelle Student: Yeah, you were the one who flipped the table in the first place! There's no way I'm gonna let you take us down with you!
Grim: Heh! Do ya even got any proof that I did it?
Crewel: I see. It definitely won't do to accuse someone of the crime without proper evidence.
Crewel: …By the way, Grim.
Grim: Hm?
Crewel: The fur on your legs have turned black, but why is that? It looks just like that of a black cat.
Grim: Huh? My legs?
Grim: …Woah, you're right! My amazing grey fur's pitch black!
Crewel: There's no point in wiping it. The sap from the tree we were to use today turns black upon exposure to air.
Crewel: If it were to touch on your clothes or hair, it wouldn't matter how much you scrub or wash with water, it won't come off.
Crewel: incidentally, to return the blackened part to normal, the fastest method would be to cause another reaction to render it colorless.
Crewel: Look! Everyone see here.
Crewel: When I pour this concoction of herbs onto Grim's blackened legs…
Crewel: See, it returned back to its normal color. Make sure you remember this reaction.
Students: Oooooh.
Crewel: …Now, Grim. Do you have any idea why the ingredients we were to use for today's experiments got on your legs?
Grim: M-M… MYAAAH!
Grim: It ain't my fault! The desk shouldn't've been there!
Crewel: And [Yuu], you're to also stay behind, as Grim's prefect. It would be troublesome if you cannot even look after your own pet!
1. But I have plans after class…
Crewel: Oho, you have plans that take priority over my prescribed discipline? [Yuu shakes their head] …No? A good response from a good boy.
2. I'm sorry…
Crewel: If you truly are sorry, then lets see that as a tangible result. If you can make Grim learn to sit and stay properly as his prefect, then I'll give you a treat.
Crewel: These pups truly are a handful… My beloved pet dogs are much more well behaved.
Crewel: Everyone, sit!
[Crewel magics the ingredients]
Grim: All the stuff I dropped are just floating back on top of the desk. So why's he gotta get on me when he can just fix everything…?
Crewel: The ingredients have been properly prepared once again. I will now explain the procedure for this experiment, so make sure you watch carefully.
Crewel: …I expect all of you to be on your best behavior.
Grim: Urp. He's just glaring at me, now…
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[Interior Hallway]
Crewel: Ah, classes are finally over. Today was another tiring day.
Crewel: None of the freshmen listen and the sophomores slack off now that they've gotten used to the classes. And the juniors are teeming with arrogance.
Crewel: If I were a student, I would absolutely have literally knocked some sense into them...
Crewel: However, because of my position, I cannot do that now. I never even thought that I would be more inconvenienced as a professor, than I was as a student.
Crewel: Tch! I knew what I was in for, but still, I hadn't expected being an instructor to be this difficult.
???: And why are you clicking your tongue like that, Crewel-sensei?
Trein: As a professor of this school, I would prefer if you were to carry yourself better, so as to be a good example towards the students.
Crewel: Ugh… And now on top of everything else, someone even fussier has shown up…
Trein: What is with that disgruntled look? Do you take some issue with me?
Crewel: Of course not, don't be absurd! I would never bite back at any commentary you have for me, Trein-sensei.
Trein: Good. We should start to head towards the staff meeting, then.
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Trein: Incidentally, you seemed to look rather exhausted a moment ago. Did something happen?
Crewel: No, I wouldn't say there was anything in particular…
Crewel: …I was only thinking of how I could effectively train the students. There are more than a fair share of unruly pups.
Trein: Do you of all people have any right to say that…? Especially since you were one of the rowdiest students during your time here.
Crewel: That was simply youthful ardor. Wasn't I just a charming little thing?
Trein: Don't write it off as simple "youthful ardor." Have a little shame.
Trein: …Well, I suppose it hasn't been too long since you've become a professor, in the end. This year makes… how long?
Crewel: Six years. Have you forgotten our joyous reunion already?
Trein: Hmph. Of course I remember your scowling little, "Oh, professor, were you still here?"
Trein: But only six years, I see… Well, why don't you pat yourself on the back for doing as well as you are for such a short tenure?
Crewel: I'm doing well? …Do you truly think so?
Trein: It is a fact that the rate of students pursuing the sciences have increased since you've arrived. There would be no purpose in denying that your instruction is showing good results.
Crewel: Heh… Heheh, is that right?! Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that coming from you.
Trein: And there you go getting carried away and speaking without any forethought. I do believe I've taught you countless times since your time here as a student to respect your elders, haven't I?
Trein: …Now then, if you're feeling better about yourself, we should get this staff meeting underway. I am keeping Lucius waiting.
[Trein walks off]
Crewel: …How insensitive of you, Trein-sensei.
Crewel: Here I am, patiently enduring everything until I can finally go see my dogs over the weekend, and you say that.
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[Alchemy Workshop]
Crewel: Now that the meeting is done with, I should try to finish grading the tests while I can.
Crewel: …The rate of students pursuing the sciences, hm. I suppose it's true that everyone's grades are improving, even if at a slow pace. …A truly slow pace.
Crewel: Heh. I do enjoy seeing these pups grow.
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[knock, knock, click]
Grim: Hey! I went 'n did that assignment for ya!
Crewel: What is it that you've done for me...?
1. I'll have him try that again. 2. He just misspoke!
Grim: I-I mean, I finished the assignment ya gave me. I'll put it here on the desk, 'kay?
Grim: …Hm? There's a book with a fancy cover mixed in with all these boring lookin' books. What's this?
Crewel: Oh, did that catch your eye? That book contains the collection of an apparel brand I worked for in the past.
Crewel: I keep telling them to not send anything to my office, but are some who just refuse to listen…
Crewel: Not only do I receive their catalogs, but also phone calls, all asking for my advice for the next fashion season.
Crewel: …It's just like your tests, don't you think? I'll have to fix their mistakes later to the best of my abilities.
Grim: Urgh, that sounds annoying. Why don'tcha just ignore 'em?
Crewel: Ignore them… Hahah, that's one idea. I can imagine their panicked and frantic faces.
Crewel: …But no, I do consider this somewhat of a hobby for me.
Crewel: Just because I've become a professor, that does not mean I can fall behind the current fashion. I want to constantly be checking the latest trends.
Crewel: I'm sure even you'd prefer a fashionably cool instructor over some decrepit, antiquated teacher, right?
1. I want a cool teacher.
Crewel: Right? You're quite a lucky one on that account, pup, because you have me as your homeroom teacher!
2. I want a nice teacher.
Crewel: You'll get bored if they're just nice all the time, you know. You might understand what I mean when you get a bit older.
Grim: I don't really get all that hard fashion stuff, but I totally wanna look cooler!
Crewel: Well, I'll consider that good enough for now. Don't you worry, I'll make sure to turn you into polished gems before graduation.
Crewel: You students here at Night Raven College may have a knack for magic, but your fashion senses are severely lacking.
Crewel: …And since I've taken on the duties of being your teacher, I won't allow that to continue.
Crewel: When I first started here, I vowed that I would craft every single one of you into the most fashionable and capable mages you can be.
Crewel: You have a first-class instructor, and first-rate instruction. …It would be impossible for you all to not become fantastic mages.
Grim: Heh. I'm totally gonna become a great mage even without your help!
Crewel: Hahah, you're a cheeky one. …Now then, if you've finished your task, go on. Looks like your friends have arrived to walk you out.
Crewel: Your time as a student may seem long, but it is deceptively short. I will do what I can to support all of you so that you can live your life here without any regrets.
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Requested by @revengeofreaper32.
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lirotation · 3 months
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This set is done =D
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Putting it together with a fanfic.
Dancing Across Faerûn
Spawn Astarion X Female Tav, fluff. Post game, on the journey to search for a cure.
The aged tome lay open before Amaara. She leaned in, squinting to make out the faded text as the nights blurred together. A promising lead at last began to take shape...
Suddenly, familiar arms encircled her from behind as Astarion's chin came to rest on the top of her head. "Still poring over those dusty books, my dear?" he purred, "It's well past time you retired for the evening."
Amaara waved him off distractedly. "In a moment. I'm so close to..."
Astarion turned her chair around, “Oh, no, eyes on me.”
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With a sly wink, he began to unbutton his shirt with exaggerated slowness. Amaara's eyes widened as she realized his intent. Piece by piece, his clothing puddled to the floor until he stood gloriously nude before her.
Then, as only he could, Astarion launched into an impromptu lap dance - swaying his hips and running his hands over his body in a practiced routine that would surely make even the most experienced courtesan blush.
By the time he finished by straddling Amaara's lap and crushing his lips to hers in a searing kiss, any thought of research had completely evacuated her mind. She could only gaze at him with a mixture of desire and exasperated fondness as he broke the kiss with a self-satisfied smirk.
"Bed. Now," Astarion commanded with a husky growl.
"Only if you teach me how to dance like that."
“It’s too advanced for you just yet, my pupil, let's continue your lesson for the horizontal dance first.”
Amaara couldn't help but laugh, even as she allowed him to tug her to her feet.
She knew she had a tendency of being single-minded, rushing headlong into everything as if it were a critical mission. An intense focus that had served her well in battle, but often caused her to neglect the simpler pleasures in life.
She was grateful to have Astarion by her side. He was full of life.  His very presence was a reminder to occasionally pause and truly savor the journey they were on together - not just endure it.
There were the inevitable hardships of life on the road - long days of hard travel, scratching out camps in the wilderness, and more than a few close brushes with dangerous beasts and unsavory folk. But those challenges seemed insignificant compared to the wealth of fond memories.
Amaara's mind drifted back to the spectacle of their first stop in Waterdeep, where Astarion had effortlessly charmed them into one of the city's most exclusive noble's balls. She could still see the look of devilish glee on his face as he bowed deeply and offered his hand. "My lady, would you honor me with this dance?"
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Who was she to refuse such gallantry? With an elegant curtsy, she had taken his hand and allowed him to whisk her into a waltz amid the candlelight and champagne. 
For once, she just enjoyed the moment and the swirl of the dance.
Sometimes their travels found them staying in decidedly lower-end dwellings. Amaara vividly recalled one particular evening at a rather disreputable brothel.
She had been casting cleanse spells on everything in the room when the raucous sounds of music and laughter filtered up from the lobby below.
Before she knew it, Astarion was at her side, eyes gleaming with mischief. He grasped her by the wrist, flashing that irresistible smirk. "Shall we dance, my dear?"
Amaara tried to pull back with an awkward laugh. "Oh, I couldn't possibly. I don't know the steps..."
But he simply tsked, refusing to release his gentle grip as he tugged her toward the door. "Then you'll follow my lead."
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She didn't have a chance to protest further before he swept her into the rowdy fray below. courtesans and patrons spun energetically to the driving beat. Before Amaara could catch her breath, Astarion pulled her in close, one arm snaking possessively around her waist.
Then, they were moving - his hips rolling sinuously against hers as he guided her into the smoldering rhythms of a tango. She could only gaze up at him, wide-eyed and flustered, as he led her through the heated, intimate steps.
His eyes burned into hers with a look that made her heart flutter. One calloused hand traced tingling lines up the curve of her spine as he dipped her into a deep backbend, bodies melding together. By the time he drew her backup, chest heaving, Amaara's face was flushed bright crimson.
The memory of that dance, of being so utterly undone in his arms, still brought a fierce blush to her cheeks.
Amaara's mind drifted to another fond memory - this one taking place in a small town they had passed through. The townsfolk were in the midst of some local celebration, gathered in the square as lively folk music spilled out into the streets.
She had always harbored a secret longing to join in the kind of unbridled communal dancing she witnessed, but had never had anyone to dance with. This time, however, she turned eagerly to Astarion with an huge grin.
"Oh, will you dance with me, please?" she asked, giving his arm a playful tug. "I've wanted to take part in one of these since I was a little girl."
Astarion raised one elegant eyebrow, “How unsophisticated.” Before her smile faded, he continued, “but how could I refuse such an earnest plea?”
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He seized her hand and led them out into the swirling dancers and began leading her through a series of joyfully choreographed turns and circles.
Soon they were whirling amid the crowd, all cares forgotten in that moment. Amaara couldn't resist throwing back her head with a pearl of unfettered laughter, brown locks bouncing freely.
When she turned her bright smile back toward Astarion, she was surprised to find him chuckling as well. His deep crimson eyes sparkled with mirth, face awash in an unguarded expression of pure delight she didn't often see him wear.
Amaara's wandering mind was abruptly pulled back to the present as Astarion rolled them over, pinning her to the bed with his weight. His lips found hers in a deep, searching kiss that made her toes curl.
When they finally broke apart, breathless, she gazed up at him. This passionate lover, this mentor who had taught her to seize life's pleasures with unbridled zeal - had once been subjected to centuries of unspeakable torture and abuse. The fact that he did not merely survive that unimaginable hardship, but emerged with his radiant lust for living defiantly intact, left Amaara in awe. 
She nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his intoxicating scent. Despite the dark horrors he had endured, despite the vampiric curse inflicted upon him, Astarion still embraced each new day as a precious gift. His rich laughter rang out freely and without restraint - the most triumphant of melodies after the dissonance of his past. To him, the scenery unfolding with every winding mile was worthwhile in itself. Each experience, no matter how small, was relished and savored to its fullest.
He is living proof that no burden, no matter how oppressive, could extinguish the indomitable essence of the soul.
Yes, they are on a mission, but there will be no frantic marching or single-minded zeroing toward the end goal. Instead, they will dance every step of the journey, spinning wildly through every rise and fall of the Realms.
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