#I'm sorry if I zoom in more it's all blurry :(
aurorangen · 9 months
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After graduation came a break before work started for Renee. It was also Jay and Miracle's wedding! Renee and Vincent travelled all the way to Chestnut Ridge for this special occasion and it was such a joy to see Jay again! Though Vincent felt a bit light-headed upon arriving. He was just tired from the long journey, right? But don't worry he felt a lot better after a nap on the bench.
Renee: Finally we are here! Now where are we meant to meet Jay and Miracle? Vincent: Uhh my head [takes a moment to respond] Didn't he say New Appaloosa? The town centre? Renee: Let me check google maps again. Aha! We are in New Appaloosa.
[Renee continues looking. She zooms out to Oasis Springs, to an area of endless desert…just out of curiosity] Renee: I guess they couldn't update the map as there's no evidence. So this place must be Strangervil-
[Vincent's mind goes blank for a second and suddenly Renee's voice seems so far away. His head sways to one side and his eyes struggle to stay open. He could see Renee but everything looks blurry] Renee: Vince! Are you ok? [she grabs hold of him and they walk towards a bench to sit down]
Vincent: Shit. I just blanked out for a sec. God, I'm so knackered from the flight. Renee: Here have some water. We'll rest for a bit longer, there's time [snuggles close to him] Vincent: [smiles and rests his eyes] What would I do without you Renee?
Jay: [clears throat] Ahem still recognise me? Renee: Jay!?! Ahh Jay, it really is you! Damn, it's been so long! Jay: You're the same as always! I missed you, Renee.
Renee: And Miracle [squeals] Woah you're so beautiful in person! Miracle: Thanks gorgeous! You're exactly how Jay had described! [sees Vincent resting] Oh is Vincent OK? Renee: Yeah he's just tired. Hey Vince look who's arrived.
Vincent: Oh it's Jay and Miracle! Sorry, my head's a bit [he blinks a few times] It's so good to finally meet you two, just call me Vince, any friend of Renee is a friend of mine! And congrats, we can't wait for the big day! Jay: We've been dreaming about it forever, right Mir? And I've heard so much about you Vince.
[The guys continue walking as they get to know more about each other] Vincent: [nudges him] Oh god what did Renee tell you? Hopefully only good things eh? Jay: Well…interesting to say the least [they laugh together]
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My go to plan as soon as I get totk:
Get through the tutorial area (probably in the sky then need to get back on to the surface)
Go to hateno. See if the zelink living in the hateno house together fanfics were real.
Check out something specific relating to the art book leak. (Not describing or sharing the leak so don't worry about spoilers from me! :)
Find a horse that at least looks like the one I had in breath of the wild, my beloved baby boy Romeo who can do and hasn't done nothing wrong ever in the entire 6 years of his life (he kicked me off a cliff four separate times):
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Go to Gerudo desert because out of all regions it's the one I'm the most interested in seeing the state of post Ganondorf resurrection(?) murderous pissy fit.
I'm going to build me a big fuck off Zonai tractor.
Zelda. I need to know if she's alright, I would like to find out this earlier on but that's probably going to be found out through story and I really do want to take my time with it.
I need to see what the hell is happening with this korok with a backpack:
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Speaking of the koroks, uhm... korok forest is gone. I definitely want to check that out. (Sorry this picture so so fucking blurry with how it's zoomed in but the forests gone)
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I need to find out if I can glue two Royal claymores together (or an equivalent) to make a big fuck off abomination claymore that does double claymore damage that looks like this:
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Go back to eventide. I wonder if they added something there. It seems like something thats a no brainer to do.
Check out what the fuck is going on with the labyrinths I can't find the screenshots now but I remember seeing some of them floating with the sky islands at some point.
If if I can find a sky island resembling at least a little bit of skyloft. I feel it in my bones that Nintendo would pull that type of shit. Or not because this is also Nintendo.
Documenting literally every even hint of a zelink moment in the entire game so I can make several posts gushing over it in the future.
Take lots of screenshots! I actually played breath of the wild on wii u and never on switch so of course I never really had that screenshot or recording capability so I finally can really go all out in this game.
The dragon that is 10000% a fucking Gleeok on the bridge of Hylia I've already determined is going to be the first overworld boss I fight. 🙂 I can't wait to fight it with only five or so hearts 🙂
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Amd finally since amiibo support is confirmed and costumes are too - the artbook actually confirmed it but I don't really think that's a spoiler because it's a very obvious mechanic to bring back than just having them be used once only for the paraglider skins you get that was officially confirmed here below so I can't wait to get my ocarina of time and twilight princess gear back that I can wear for the whole game!
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Over all I just really want to have fun in this game and really it looks like it's going to deliver. I can't wait to sink hundreds if not thousands of hours into and I REALLY REALLY hope it can at least fix a lot of it's predecessors issues, especially with how it executes it's story. I keep saying it, breath of the wild *had* the potential to be one of the best zelda stories ever but it was done so extremely poorly trying to tell it, majority of it is just ruined. I sincerely hope Nintendo has learned their lesson from that and actually let the Link/you the player actually play throughand experience the games narrative instead of just... having it exposition dumped onto you over and over in flashback cutscenes as stuff that's already happened and can't be changed. I went having this game with very low confidence it was first revealed in 2019, but the more and more I keep seeing it now the higher my optimism gets and I actually genuinely hope this game is really good.
I'm actually wishing the best for it and desperately hope it doesn't disappoint. We've all waited so long, and now we have only a little bit more to go.
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genericpuff · 1 year
Hi! So I'm really liking your LO AU so far, but I do have a few critiques. For one thing, the art is inconsistent in some places (ex: Hades has a long nose in the first panel, but then every appearance after, it's ordinary; ironically, I've heard this be said as a critique about the original too), and when Hermes explains why he got a job in the Underworld, the text is really hard to see when the red text is set against a black speech bubble, even when zooming in. This might also just be a Tumblr thing, but some panels also appear slightly blurry compared to others.
Aw I'm glad you like it! And thanks for the pointers! I am going to respond to them in my own defense a lil' if you don't mind (but rest assured I do recognize them as issues):
1.) That first episode was my first time drawing a Rekindled episode in full color (before I had even decided I wanted to stick with color, back then I was planning on just doing black and grey with color gradients) and it was more of a tribute to S1 LO/a coloring test that doubled as a potential opening for Rekindled (due to how it does diverge slightly from LO and is still relevant to Rekindled's plot). So that was before I realized looking back on old LO material that Hades' nose is, in fact, normal in the original pilot version of the comic! So I decided "Yeah, I'm gonna give him his normal hooked nose back" and it wasn't until I was on episode 2 or 3 that I realized that meant Episode 1 still had Pinocchio nose Hades 🤣 So that's something I may go back and fix later on but that's just like, the context of what happened there LMAO
2.) Yes, I've had someone else also point out to me that text issue and I've been neglecting going back and fixing it, that will be something I try to get to tonight!
3.) That's unfortunately a Tumblr thing, my way around it is just to crop each panel individually as much as I can to ensure they show up clearly in the feed, but not every panel will show up equally (despite all being drawn and exported in the same resolution). So my best recommendation for the user end is to either click it open on mobile or on desktop, click it open then right click "Open Image in New Tab". Tumblr doesn't display images vertically quite as cleanly as WT does but I have no plans to upload to WT (as I would get crucified by RS, WT, and the LO fanbase) so this is the only workaround for now until I find some kind of alternative. Sorry about that 😅
Thank you for taking the time to leave those points! Regarding #1 and #2, those are just things I can find time at some point to go back and tweak, #2 is easier than #1 but I'm sure I can still find a way LMAO In the meantime, I hope those responses clear up your questions or concerns!
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sankta-starkova · 1 year
022; the field trip
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previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
summary: the one where ej and andy realise that there may be some romantic feelings between them that hadn't been there before, or had they? the new year test this revelation
wordcount: 1.2k
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EJ and Andy sat in a room in front of a camera as they prepared for the news show they signed up for, the east high morning news show.
"Welcome to the East High Morning Show, I'm Ej Caswell," he said as they both sat on the chairs
"And I'm Andy Kennedy and we're co-hosting the first ever East High Morning show," she introduced herself.
"Cause I'm the president of the AV club," EJ said with a grin.
"And I'm also the president of the AV club," she said with a laugh, the two smiling at each other.
Andy had been trying to convince Mr Mazzara to let them have a morning show for ages and now that there were more people in the AV club, it was allowed.
Now the two of them sat there, nobody knowing about their relationship as they co-hosted a show.
"And now for our first guest, you know her from the Rose Song which has been blowing up the East High Instagram," she said and EJ quickly cut in.
"Sorry, quick reminder, tickets for Beauty and the Beast go on sale next week," he added in.
"Thats right EJ, now, please welcome Nini Salazar-Roberts," Andy said and she walked in, the duo cheering.
After her song about being the Rose went viral, they were hoping to convince more people to come onto the morning show and to come see the theatre production.
"Thanks for having me," she said and EJ placed a finger on his ear like he was on a real morning show.
"This just in, Ninis song has over 2,500 views, making it the most viewed post in drama club history," EJ explained and Nini looked shocked.
"Nini, how does it feel to be you right now?" Andy asked and Nini said she felt good.
Nini had never had this level of popularity before and it felt weird, but also kind of nice
They continued the interview until the show ended, the three having to go to an impromptu meeting by Miss Jenn.
"Everyone, attention please. We are in such a good place and today our wonderful actor/designer Kourtney Greene is going to show you the completed costumes," she explained and everyone cheered.
Kourtney pulled the tarp off of the rack and everyone cheered as they saw their costumes.
But then she went to show individual costumes. She showed them the details of the dress and the design.
"EJ, I gave you some abs that would make Captain America proud," she said as she handed him his costume.
"I have abs, ask And-" then he realised what he was saying and froze, "-ask Ashlyn my cousin, who must have seen me at water polo practice,"
He looked so awkward and Andy just giggled, her and Ashlyn watching from the other side of the room.
He hoped that the comment wouldn't make people think that they had slept together because they hadn't.
They'd done other things, a few heated make out sessions with a shirt or two off - thus allowing her to prove that he had abs.
"Well, everyone has abs, these are Kourtney Originals," she said and he took it with a smile.
Clearly she had not heard the slip up that he had as nobody commented on the words.
"And every Gaston needs a Beast," she said before realising the mask was missing.
"I know where our beast mask is," Carlos said as he looked on his phone. He showed everyone a picture of the North High drama stage.
Everyone looked at it confused, not seeing it. "What are we looking at?" Andy questioned.
"Look at the trunk," he said as he zoomed in, but they still didn't get it, "Thats obviously Beast fur. It makes sense why they would want to take it,"
It wad a little bit blurry and some people would definitely not believe that it was the Beast mask but they had no other leads.
"We have to get even right," Big Red said after everyone agreed that it definitely was the Beast mask. 
They were all bickering amongst themselves, Andy not sure that North High had taken their beast mask.
"They posted something new, 'North High gonna steal your heart this spring' they must have stole it," Carlos said as he read it off his phone.
Maybe they were reading too much in between the lines or maybe they were just teasing them and wondering if they even knew.
"Stop. I want you to keep looking for that mask and let it go," Miss Jenn said, "Understood,"
They all nodded their heads, muttering that they understood as she left the room.
But as soon as she had left, they rushed over to North High as fast as they could.
By the time that they made it there, they were all ready for the sneak attack. They stood in the hallway, Carlos organising them.
"Based on their Instagram post, the mask has to be in the costume shop," he explained.
"Isn't this kind of trespassing?" Seb questioned, looking around suspiciously.
The group didn't say anything as they knew that it was kind of wrong to be stealing something back but they had stole it initially.
"There will be other people still in school, we'll blend in," Carlos said, trying to reassure everyone, "Though Ashlyn, you may have taken the camouflage thing too far,"
Everyone looked at Ashlyn as she wore a yellow hoodie that said 'North High Hornets'
"No, today, I am Diane. I play volleyball and I love North High," she explained to everyone.
Andy and EJ laughed about it, everyone talking amongst themselves and Carlos got frustrated.
"Focus! Who's gonna be the lookout?" He asked, looking around at them.
"Me and Andy could be lookout. I can't promise I won't go all Gina 1.0 and Andy can reign me back if I try to escape," Gina explained.
Andy smiled at her friend, placing a hand on her shoulder as a supportive mechanism.
"Okay, we've got this. Everyone ready?" Carlos asked and everyone nodded their heads with excitement.
"What team?" Ricky asked with a huge smile on his face, placing his hand in the middle of their circle.
"Wait, maybe we shouldn't yell," Carlos said but his voice was frowned out by everyone else placing their hands in the middle and yelling out 'wildcats'.
"Be careful," EJ whispered to Andy before he walked off with the others. 
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@maggiecc @hesfasttandshesweird
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gothicfrogsmiley · 2 years
slasher hell: maybe just a bit obsessed?
ghost face:
you we're walking home from school, you still couldn't get it through your head
"a murder? in my town? it just cant be possible"
you shook your head to get rid of the thought, stepping inside your house and taking your shoes off you walked to your room and plopped down onto your bed, you snuggled up in the blankets and took out your phone to check the news, when you saw the killer himself, Ghostface.
your face got red. this couldn't be the man, right? something about the mysterious vibe Ghostface gave off made you get butterflies, you zoomed in on the picture to just look at him, and you couldn't help but feel drawn to him, bad boy thing? they say that people like bad boys, and that's all this is, a small little weird crush on a bad boy.
you put your phone down and rolled over to stare at the blank wall next to your bed, you tried to think of anything else besides Ghostface. homework, your job, your cat, anything. but your mind always went back to him, all you could think about was him
"What does his face look like? what does his body look like? is he strong? what's his favorite food?" you wanted, no. needed, to know more about him, as the days passed your obsession for him grew, you needed to see him now, at least for a second. even if he kills you you need him, now.
you were walking home from work, it was dark and you were tired, when you got home you took your shoes off and passed out on the couch, when you woke up you heard something, the phone was ringing, this was a sign Ghostface was coming after you, right? you jumped up, running to your phone and answering it
"Hello? hello? who is it?" it was a spam call, you slammed your phone down when you heard footsteps behind you. you turned around.
it was him, Ghostface..
your face flushed, and you stood there, shocked. Ghostface looming over you, he held up his knife. you grabbed his arm and kissed his hand, Ghostface was shocked and taken aback, you kissed up his arm, going to take off his mask, but when you grabbed it you felt his knife plunge into your side, you gasped as you fell onto him, you didn't care, you were finally close to him, the man you were obsessed with all these weeks, day, hours, minutes, second. you ripped off his mask, kissing him as Ghostface stabbed you once again, he took his camera out and took a picture of both of you, and he pushed you off of him. you groaned, your vision was blurry, you reached out to touch his face, but before you could your eyes closed, your arm falling to your side.
well, at least you got that kiss.
Patrick batmen:
you fixed your skirt walking into his office, you saw Patrick on the phone, and you stared at him before he hung up the phone and looked up at you
"yes. (Y/N) ?" you felt butterflies in your stomach every time Patrick said your name, you looked him up and down, he raised an eyebrow, clearly getting annoyed that you haven't said anything yet
"well (Y/N)? I don't have all day!" he folded his hands, placing them on the desk "I'm a very busy man and I don't like you wasting my time." he glared at you, almost looking through you.
you snapped out of it, coughing and finally speaking
"i was maybe wondering if you would-"
he cut you off
"(Y/N) are you asking me on a date? because I'd love one, drinks and dinner?"
you nodded, Patrick smiled and nodded
"great! dinner and drinks at 8?"
"oh I'm not-"
"8 it is! meet you there!"
you had no choice, you just had to agree with what he said, but you didn't mind at all, you loved when he bossed you around.
you met Patrick at the restaurant, you were late so you hurried to your table and sat across from Patrick, he was mad
"(Y/N), remember when I said NOT to waste my time?" he smiled through his anger, you giggled a bit, fixing your skirt
"I'm sorry I just-"
he cut you off once again
"listen." he pointed to the menu
"you are going to have seared duck with salad as the side, no dressing. and the champagne, only one glass." you nodded, you felt so flustered when he talked to you like that, you just wanted to kiss him right here right now, but you knew that wasn't a good choice.
later he took you to his apartment. you sat on the couch, looking around a bit, you couldn't believe you were actually in his apartment. you watched Patrick go to his kitchen, grabbing wine from his cabinet. walking over and placing two wine glasses on the coffee table, pouring wine into both of the glasses, the smell of the wine hit you, it smelled good, amazing for something you've never really enjoyed, you took your hair down to be more comfortable, Patrick looked down at you, pointing
"keep your hair up, you look bad with it down."
you quickly nodded, putting your hair back up, folding your hands in your lap
"you know, that's a very expensive wine you're drinking, a Leroy Domaine d'Auvenay Auxey-Duresses, Cote de Beaune from France, aged for up to 18 months, the max selling price being 10,447 dollars, you're a very lucky girl right now (Y/N), do you realize that?"
oh, you definitely realized that. you were lucky to even be working for Patrick, let alone be drinking in his apartment.
hours later you felt hazy, Patrick was on top of you, holding an axe up. you couldn't say anything, you were too weak, but you could feel your cheeks flush with the way Patrick was looking at you, did he really want to do this? either way, it didn't matter, you felt the axe dive into your stomach, over and over until you were dead, Patrick stood over your bleeding dead body, hacking at it more and more before finally dropping the axe.
good thing he was wearing a rain coat.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
hi, I was just wondering what kind of camera you use for skating events! I'm going to my first one this year (SCI) and I really want to get some good photos like yours, but I don't know anything about cameras lol. (sorry if you already talked about this in a post or something, I couldn't find anything like that but I know tumblr's search algorithm sucks 😂)
I am so sorry that I haven't answered this in time at all for your trip to Skate Canada. 🙇‍♀️ I hope you had fun there! And I hope that even without my reply you took amazing pictures!
Thank you for complimenting my pictures! ❤️
I will still answer the question - just much too late!
Tbh I am not an expert on cameras either - I am just some fan with a camera 😅 Taking pictures looked fun so I went with that. I informed myself via Google which camera to buy and that's was it.
I use a system camera - Canon EOS M10 (I have no idea if this is the correct English term for it) with two different objectives, both in the 50mm to 200mm department. I bought my camera and my first objective in 2017 - the system camera was a compromise between a really expensive reflex camera with detachable objective and the system camera which quality is a bit less compared to the reflex camera but is much lighter and cheaper. The first objective I got is a Canon EF-M 50-200mm. For last seasons world championship however I bought a new objective, which was much more expensive almost 8times the price of my first objective a CANON EF 70-200 mm f / 4L IS II objective with an adapter to make it compatible with my system camera. I used it for Worlds and Nebelhorn Trophy and the difference in quality is apparent, but the objective is also much heavier to use.
My next goal is to finance a better corpus for my new objective so I don't need the adapter that also reduces a bit of the reaction time of the camera.
In general I think for starters a good reflex camera or a system camera like mine and one objective will do. The expensive parts are always the different objectives and their level of performance. For figure skating photography you need a focal distance of 50-200mm at least, because otherwise you have very small figures unless you are super close. I don't think you need an expensive objective for the first time, because you should try if you like taking pictures at all. The objectives the official photographers use at rinkside costs 3000€+, my new one was around 1600€.
Btw I can't recommend digital cameras because they are too slow and also make quite blurry pictures in skating, optical zoom is no comparison to the zoom of the attached objectives.
Also I am not a professional photographer at all, so I mostly rely on the automatic use of settings. I also have loads of pictures you cannot use afterwards. In figure skating getting perfectly clear pictures is a challenge as it's so fast. I think most importan is that you have fun taking pictures and you also have to decide whether you want to see the full action or take pictures bc both at the same time is not possible.
My goal for the future - if my irl gets a bit less busy - is to invest in a new corpus for the new objective and do a photography course, because atm I learned everything on my own.
Let me finish with a favorite Shoma picture and the difference between my objectives in sharpness. (I didn't upload either in full quality like on my computer but I still think the difference is quite clear)
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Sometimes asks get buried in my inbox, also the last weeks were a struggle in real life with so many things happening at the same time. Who knew life could change so much in just 8 weeks, anyway I am sorry if I don't answer your questions on time.
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24hlevi · 3 years
can i just say that i've just finished reading that angst headcanons/imagines/scenarios or whatever it's supposed to be called about the boys reacting to y/n dying and i'm just...i'm just a sobbing mess.
it's well-written so 1000/10 for that, but whY MUST YOU ATTACK MY HEART IN THIS MANNER???? i love your work, but my poor heart ack-
btw is there any possibility to ask for a request for a same scenario but for kazutora, mitsuya, and hanma? like for kazutora's part, imagine if it wasn't yknow who died but its y/n 🥲
omg you’re so nice first of all thank you 😭 and OMG YES
TR Boys Reaction To You Dying Pt. 2
Tokyo Revengers Boys (Kazutora, Shuji, & Takashi) X Gn!Reader
Genre: Pure Angst
Warnings: Swearing, Suicide (kind of? it’s what happened to baji did so idk what to label it as 🤷‍♂️)
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Hanemiya Kazutora:
All Kazutora could think was that it was all his fault that this happened. He was too caught up in his own world that he didn’t even know what he was doing anymore. He didn’t even know you had shown up to the fight until he stabbed you instead of Baji.
“Y/n?” Kazutora asked, dropping the knife immediately when he saw you standing between him and Baji, blood dripping onto the ground below you. He completely froze, not knowing what he had just done or why he even did it. “Baby, are you okay?”
You held onto the stab wound, coughing up blood as you looked at your boyfriend. “I just wanted you…to stop.” You choked out before collapsing to your knees.
Everyone had stopped and was watching you by now, shocked that you had even protected Baji from both sides when your whole body landed on the car below you. Spitting blood out of your mouth, you laid on your back, staring up at the blue sky that was dusted with white clouds.
You heard multiple people yell your name, but you couldn’t even tell who it was until you saw Kazutora kneeling beside you. “Y/n! Keep your eyes open, okay?!”
You shook your head from side to side, raising your hand to put it on Kazutora’s face before quietly speaking, “Give it to me, the knife.”
“What? Why? Look, Y/n you just gotta stay awake okay?” Kazutora spoke fast, clearly freaking out on both the outside and inside, not even caring about the gang fight anymore.
“Hand it over, Kazutora.” You said his full name which caused him to go quiet, staring down at you with saddened eyes before handing you the knife that already had your blood on it. “Thank you, babe. I love you.” You told him.
“I love you too, Y/n.” Kazutora said to you.
You bundled up your shirt at the top, putting it in your mouth so you had something to bite down on before plunging the knife into your stomach and twisting it around, then pulling it back out and dropping it.
Kazutora wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him as you lived your last moments, and he couldn’t even say anything. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I always will love you.” Was all he said after you died.
Kazutora then took the blame for killing you, resulting im him ending up in jail again but he wasn’t angry about it. He was just sad. So sad that he didn’t even try to get out of jail and get back into the gang life. He just sat around, continuously saying,
“It’s all my fault.”
Hanma Shuji:
Shuji swore that he would never allow you to get hurt while he was away doing gang activities that he didn’t want you included in. That’s why he always had someone beside you and a bodyguard to make sure you would always be safe. But even then, it didn’t work.
It was half past 1 in the morning when Shuji’s phone rang while he was with the other Valhalla members, beating up some random other gang member. Shuji stopped punching the other male, standing up straight and took his phone out of his pocket and opened it, answering. “Yes?”
Shuji’s breath hitched when he heard your shaky and quiet voice, and he immediately knew that something was wrong. “Y/n? Where are you, darling? Is something wrong?”
“I’m…at home. B-But someone..got in.” You tried your best to reply, but it was coming out shaky and slow. 
“I’ll be there in five minutes. I promise, baby. Okay? I love you.” Shuji told you before turning around and looking at everyone, taking the phone away from his ear. “Kazutora, you’re in charge until I get back, understand? As for everyone else, just do what you’re told.” He said to everyone, proceeding to then walk out and make his way onto the streets when he started to sprint down the different roads. 
Now he was just making sure that he made it to your place in five minutes like he said he would, which usually he would be able to do easily, but he was more determined now that he had heard something had gone wrong whilst he was away. Upon reaching your place, he saw the front door opened already and he quickly rushed inside. “Y/n?! Baby, where are you?!” He called out as he started to run through every room in the house. 
He finally made it to your room where you laid on the floor, a puddle of blood beneath you as you were taking shallow and slow breaths. “Y/n!” Shuji yelled out your name, going over to you and kneeling down beside you. He grabbed you and lifted you up, holding you in his arms as he checked for your pulse. When he felt it he let out a sigh of relief but it was very weak and barely noticeable which made him realize he probably only had a few more moments with you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n. For not being here when I should have. I’m so fucking stupid, I should have just stayed here with you. I’m sorry, darling. I’m sorry.” Shuji said to you, his voice cracking halfway through as tears welled up in his eyes.
You looked up at him and smiled lightly despite you dying in his arms. “It’s okay, Shuji. Don’t...blame yourself. I still love you.” You had never seen the boy cry before, that’s how you knew that he did really love you, that he wasn’t just saying it so he could manipulate or get things from you. 
“I love you too.” Shuji whispered out. 
Soon enough, your head went limp and your eyes were stuck open, all of the life drained from your face as blood dirtied the floor and Shuji’s clothes. “Y/n? Y/n? Wake up, please.” The boy pleaded to your now deceased body, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get you back. Not ever again. 
Shuji became what you would have never wanted him to become, a terrible person who killed anyone if they even looked at him the wrong way, and most importantly, one that drank all of his feelings after the day was over, crying to himself over your death still. 
Because he would never get you back. And he regretted that the most.
Mitsuya Takashi:
Takashi was the most important person in your life, just like you were to him. He had told you on multiple occasions that he wanted to be with you forever. And he thought it would really happen. Boy, was he wrong. So, so wrong. 
You two were walking down the busy street, eating street food while going inside stores and just admiring the night scenery. Everything was going perfectly normal, until it all changed within a few seconds. 
“Hey, babe?” Takashi said, looking over at you.
“Yeah?” You repled. 
“Do you wanna get married some day in the future?” 
The question that came out of your boyfrien’s mouth shocked you, and you didn’t know how to reply. You both were still teenagers, how the hell were you supposed to know? “Only if it’s you I’m marrying.” You aswered with a smile. 
Takashi smiled back and pressed his lips against yours before pulling away quickly after. “Same here.” He told you. 
Suddenly, car tires screeched on the black cement road and one zoomed around, an all black van. It’s windows opened and guns pointed out of them before they started to fire. Takashi quickly wrapped his body around you and covered you with his, not even caring if he would end up getting killed because of it. 
After the car drove off, Takashi looked at you and asked in a frantic voice, “Y/n, are you okay?”
You looked at him, then down to your side, shaking your head as you spat out blood. Takashi’s eyes widened as he yelled out your name, but you had collapsed onto the ground, grabbing at your abdomen where the gunshot wound was, blood beginning to soak through your clothes and onto the sidewalk below you. 
“No, no, no. Y/n! Stay with me!” He yelled, taking his phone out of his pocket and about to call the polce when you grabbed his hand, stopping him. “What?”
“Don’t. It’s okay.” You told him, a small smile on your face. 
“It’s not okay! I can’t lose you! We-We just talked about getting married some day!” The boy continued to yell.
“Maybe...in another life, we will.” You spoke barely above a whisper, your vision starting to darken and turn blurry. “I love you, Mitsuya Takashi.”
“I love you too, Y/n.” Takashi replied to you but you didn’t respond. “Y/n?” He reached his hand over and shook you gently, and when you didn’t move he looked at your face, then realizing that you were gone. He sat on the ground, and put his hands over his face, beginning to cry. 
Takashi cried and mourned over your death everyday, despite people telling him to move on. He just couldn’t. He would never be able to find someone he would love like he loved you. He knew that. So that’s how it remained the rest of his life. Lonely, and depressed. 
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Bangel Appreciation Week Day 2: Favorite Kiss
I told you I'd eventually get back to this:)
Like I said in my one post, my favorite kiss is actually the "I Will Remember You" one in the sunlight... because it's just wonderful in every way, shape, and form, and everything you could ever want for a kiss from them. Especially in their "happily ever after moment." But this is the runner-up, and I feel I can better explain why I like this one than that one, so that's why I'm going with it. ^_^
First of all, there are the emotions of everyone involved (three people), and it's kind of golden that way.
Xander is spying on Buffy and Angel, and just found out through this that Angel is back from Hell and that Buffy has been keeping this secret from the Gang and feels threatened and betrayed by it-- because of everything that Angelus put the Scoobies through in season two.
Buffy has finally given into her feelings for Angel here, that she's been bottling up since he came back--and it's a nice and powerful moment for sure, with a lot of payoff there--but there's also a lot of guilt on her part in the instance, because she's so afraid of repeating past mistakes and Angelus coming out to play again, if she's not careful. She's been trying all season (thus far) to distance herself from Angel--to just be his caretaker, that he badly needed after he came from Hell feral, as well as his friend, and she's definitely ashamed of herself for letting her feelings get the best of her in a second. And she probably feels bad about lying to her friends, yeah, but she knows that they would kill Angel without a second thought if they knew about him being back, in not caring that Angel isn't Angelus.
And Angel is still definitely in love with Buffy (Buffy is still in love with him, too, but fighting it). And he also doesn't want to risk Angelus coming back, but he's less sorry for the kiss than she is. Surely because he was in Hell, and any kind of comfort is a good thing in his book right now.
All of these emotions coming together just make for a lot of tension and a good scene, indeed.
I also really love how this scene is shot? At first we're in Xander's point of view, and he's spying on them from behind a window. And thus, the image of them is blurry at first--and zoomed out on--before the image clears and we zoom in on the two.
We also get a commercial break, because Xander is clearly seen more than he wants to and is not happy about this and then storms off.
But when we come back, our couple are still kissing, and this is Buffy and Angel's point of view now--much more intimate, and we get to get lost in the kiss like they are. And everything about the kiss moving forward reflects that.
Like, everything about the kiss before the commercial break hints that it's locked in Xander's PoV, and everything after that shows that it's now in Buffy and Angel's perspectives, and it's just done very well, imo. -shrugs-
Also, a very weird thing to comment on here, but I just love Buffy's hair in this scene.
And her seemingly standing up on her tiptoes and stuff is also cute.
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halaboyz · 3 years
made up title: in another life + juyeon🌙(make it hurt pls hehe)
pairing: juyeon x fem! reader genre: angst .... word count: 1.4k warnings // notes: mc death !! profanities ; i had to change the plot three times.. i'm sorry if it's meh )): ; references from the book 'you'll come back to yourself' by michaela angemeer!
send me a made-up fic + idol and i'll make a drabble for it!
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"Juyeon, look here!" You wave at Juyeon behind the camera, filming him doing the techniques he knew in basketball.
"You're filming again?" Juyeon jokingly sighs, posing for the camera. Your giggles were heard, zooming into Juyeon's nostrils. "You're filming me weirdly, aren't you?"
"I'm not?" You feign innocence, zooming now into his pretty eyes you always adored.
Squeals were later then heard and all Juyeon could fathom in the video was nothing but blurriness, and he could vividly remember he was running after you to check the video.
A smile spreads on Juyeon's face ass he relives the memory, pressing on the remote control for the next video once it ended.
"Look at him." Your voice fills the quiet room, zooming into Juyeon's face from afar. He was soundly sleeping, head leaned on one of your soft pillows. "He said he'll go here because he'll make me food. Looks like I'll have to make one for him," You sigh, a content one. "Wait a damn minute.." You whisper, and you zoom in more to his lips. It kept on twitching as if he was stopping himself from bursting into laughter. "Lee Juyeon! Are you really pretending to sleep so that I can cook for you?!" Leaving the camera running as you let it on the table, you tackle Juyeon in your bed as you pushed him out.
"Fine, fine! I'm cooking," Juyeon surrenders, a big smile on his face.
"Finally!" You shout, grabbing the camera once again as you held it up to your face. "He's finally cooking," Waving your brows victoriously to the camera, it stopped.
It took a moment before Juyeon presses the next button, staring at your beautiful face he missed the most. It was the first video that had your face on it, and he was honestly looking forward to more. He was getting tired of his own face.
He wished he did the same with you when you were still there beside him.
"Juyeon!" You squeal, holding the phone up high to record the both of you while you rode the Vikings. You see Juyeon's hair flying around which made you giggle, pointing at him.
"Hey! How could you record right now?!" Juyeon tries to grab your arm only to fail, his hold on the handle tightening. "I almost flew," he mumbles, but it was heard among the cheers of the people in the background.
Your cheerful laugh fills the void of Juyeon's flat, filling every corner there is that made it feel like you were still there beside him. It makes him smile, despite the wilting of his heart.
Because he knew it'd end.
The video will end, your laugh will end. And he could only rely on the videos you took with him until he's on his grave.
He'll take his love for you until death.
"Sunwoo.. I really, really like him." Your voice emerges from another video, now taken by Sunwoo discreetly as it was pointing on the field.
It was all too familiar for Juyeon, the grassy field, the tall scoring board, the familiar faces of the audience.
"But.. Wait– I know. I know I can feel something between us when.. it's not even us. We're not together. But– I'm just so fucking confused," You grumble, and Sunwoo's chuckles were heard through the video.
Your continuous dilemma as you waited for Juyeon's game to start made Sunwoo laugh, the shaking of the camera evident as it glanced on your disgruntled face.
"You'll be fine, y/n. Just go and confess later," Sunwoo's words were drowned by the sound of the beater, and the camera points at Juyeon's team emerging from the bleachers.
"This football game is going to be the death of me," You mumble, hands pressing each other as your eyes worriedly watched Juyeon play the game, getting tackled, head getting repeatedly hit with the amount of smacking, tackling down, and the ball getting thrown at his face.
At the last point, Juyeon asks for a second time-out when he rushes to his bleachers, fumbling his bag as if looking for something.
"What the fuck is he doing?" You grunt, tipping on your toes to have a better view of Juyeon.
"The fuck do I know," Sunwoo nonchalantly replies, thinking that 'this wasn't what they planned.'
Juyeon finally sighs, raising his fist that held a bunch of bruised flowers.
"What the.. fuck?" Sunwoo bursts into a fit of laughter, while you stared at him confusingly.
"Are those flowers? What the fuck? He still has a game!" You punch Sunwoo on the arm, stopping him from laughing but failing miserably.
So this was Juyeon's big picture.
He runs back on the field holding the flowers up, glancing at you.
Getting the megaphone from the speakers, he runs to where you were settled on the bleachers, pointing the immensely bruised flowers at you.
"If I get this to the other side of the field.. y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Juyeon asks expectantly, and you could hear nothing but cheers and hollers around you, including Sunwoo who was embarrassed for Juyeon.
Juyeon was shameless when it comes to things like this. When it comes to you.
"Juyeon," You say under gritted teeth, "You don't have to do that, you're going to get injured."
But you were too clueless about the man's plans. He had already planned everything– from his team covering up the tackles for him, to him safely landing on the other side of the field.
"I'm going to that end of the field just fine.. for you." Juyeon's cheeky lines get the best of you, overwhelming enough to make you nod hesitantly.
"If you don't, then goodbye." You mumble, shooing Juyeon away before he gets thrown out of the game with how much time he was taking.
When Juyeon leaves, you squeal internally and repeatedly pinched Sunwoo's side, mumbling high-pitched incoherent things to Sunwoo at how much you were just blushing.
Sunwoo suddenly points the camera at you, and it could be seen how your face dropped at the revelation of the camera.
"Since when the fuck did you start recording?" You hiss at Sunwoo, pushing the camera away to land a light smack on his head.
He doesn't reply but points at Juyeon, ready for the run– as if it was his last.
And as the whistle blows, all the players of the opponent's team were tackled to the ground, making Juyeon freely run to the end of the field.
It was as if the world around Juyeon was too fast. He took his time cherishing his sweet way to the end of the field, glancing at you.
Screams were the next thing heard, nothing on the screen but the blurry vision of the field and the audience as Sunwoo was also one of the people that jumped out of happiness.
Sunwoo regains his composure and you were now nowhere to be seen beside him, zooming below the bleachers where Juyeon held the flowers in front of you, kneeling.
You pushed his face away, taking the bruised flowers and waving it to the camera.
Helping Juyeon up to his feet, you finally reached for a hug.
And Juyeon realized that it may be the happiest he's ever been. He now didn't know whether it was tears of joy or simply tears of missing you that were escaping out of his eyes.
He lifelessly stared at the screen, letting the tears drop to his shirt.
Before the video ends, he hears your laughter as your smile beams through the camera, making him wave at Sunwoo.
And it stops.
It stops where the both of you were smiling, happy, in love.
It breaks Juyeon more when he presses the next button, hoping to see you more.. but there was nothing. He had finished every video there is that you took, but he wasn't near to satisfied, near to stop missing you.
If anything, it made him miss you more.
And as if the recollection of memories included the memory of watching you die right in front of his eyes, he sobbed as he remembered every detail, just as thorough as every memory he had with you.
How he let you walk away after a fight.
How he just stood there as he watched the speeding car approach you.
How he wasn't the first one to run to you, traumatized at how everything was too fast.
And he was too slow.
How he had to hear from the doctors that there weren't any saving to do with you.
How he couldn't turn back the time.
He hugs his knees to his chest, sobbing and quietly keeping the cries, desperate cries to himself.
He should've done everything. Anything. But he doesn't know what– and it was too late.
Now he couldn't do anything of everything.. but wait for his next life.
He was sure he loved you in more than a thousand different lifetimes.
What was another life more?
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permanent taglist: (send an ask/message to add/remove) @deputyjuyeon @sunlightwoo @90s-belladonna @grassbutneo @skrtbabe @cosmiclele @flrtwoo @jaerisdiction @zvae @karsohn @moonieric
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cacodaemonia · 4 years
So um, hi. I'm sorry to bother you. I asked this before on one of your paintings. I dont know if you'll see this. Do you have any tutorials on how you render? Your work is truly amazing!❤❤❤
Hi! You’re not bothering me at all. :D I saw your comment but I’ll reply here since there’s more space.
First of all, I’m honored! <3 Second, I do not have tutorials, but I do have some timelapse videos on YouTube if that might help explain how I draw/paint? I also stream on Twitch sometimes, though not usually when I’m doing TCW stuff (I get very few viewers then, so don’t want to waste bandwidth).
My overall process is straightforward, I guess? I use Corel Painter, which is software specifically designed to mimic natural media, so it has lots of really good brushes, paper textures that you can play with, etc.
(Gonna put this under a cut because I’m a rambling fool and this got long)
Anyway, I start with a rough sketch and once I’m satisfied with it I draw a clean layer over that, either in pencil or ink. I often find things I need to fix at this stage, so make adjustments as necessary.
Once I’ve got the lines finished, I start painting. I do all my painting on the background layer, unless there’s some kind of layering effect I need, like the stars I did for the Codywan image (I had to figure out how to make those from scratch but it was really fun!). Mostly I don’t use a lot of layers because Painter kind of sucks at them, haha. I think because of how all the textures, brushes, and colors interact in that program, having multiple layers of color is generally a headache.
I start out with the scratchboard tool, which basically makes really sharp, crisp lines, on a really large setting and roughly block in colors and shadows, etc. At this point I stay zoomed out - usually around 50% - so that I can see how everything is working together. I refine a bit as needed, then when I’m happy with that I use the grainy water tool to blend everything. I swear, this brush is a miracle worker, haha! So after a blending pass, then I zoom in to 150 or 200% and start refining all the details and edges with the round camelhair brush, which is classified as an oil brush in Painter, and adjusting colors as necessary.
I also generally start from the background and do all the stuff that’s not the figures first (the Codywan image is an exception, because I felt like I needed to get the campfire worked out before I could start coloring the surroundings and figures). That way I don’t have to try and paint a rough or blurry background behind a really refined, detailed face or something, and have to repaint all the edges.
Once I’ve got all the painting done, I pop over to Photoshop to adjust levels and add some shadows or highlights in a few key spots, then slap on a bunch of textures with layer mask tool. I have folders and folders of textures - things like rusty metal, wood grain, fabric, rocks, etc. The textures help the image not look so plasticy, which is something I hate about my own stuff.
Sorry that got so long! I’ve been using this basic process for so many years that I forgot how many steps there are, haha!
I hope this was helpful in some way, and thank you again for the kind words! :)
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moodypetrichorlove · 4 years
MacGyver Drabble
Mac-centric / Mac's thoughts on Riley. Based on his speech to Gwen about how having one person that you count on can make all the difference. This was supposed to be two paras, max, but it took a life of its own. And since it's less than 1k words, I'm putting it up here. Hope you guys like it, even though it's not the best thing I've written, lol. Also, I'm sorry I can't do the "read more" break here because Tumblr on mobile is stupid. Believe me, I tried.
"It doesn't take the whole world! Sometimes, you just need that one person that you can count on. Who you trust. And together, any problem can be solved.”
He remembers saying that to his aunt, trying to bring her to the good side, the right side. He recalls her scoffing out a laugh at that, as if he had said something next to impossible.
But, most of all, he remembers the feelings coursing through his veins when he uttered those words. Remembers how something inside of him kept telling him he knew a person like that. That he counted on, trusted without reservations. He had this vague feeling that he already had that one person on his side. He remembers a blurry face popping up and disappearing in his mind, as if a wisp of a memory. Just there to tickle him, to set the cogs in his mind to motion and leave the rest up to him.
However, back then, in the truck, was not the time to discern whose face had just flashed on the screen of his mind. Stopping Codex's nuke took priority over everything else, even his own life. So, he compartmentalized and focused on the task at hand.
Now, as he sits outside on his deck, looking at the dark 3 am night sky, a sudden stillness takes over him, reversing the compartmentalization. His brain starts working overtime on depixelating the blurry picture, zooming in and out, and he thinks God, this is Riley's area of expertise, not mine. How the heck does she do it?
It takes him a beat, but Riley's name in his thoughts acts like the code or program or whatever needed to clear up the image, and Mac sits up, all wide-open blue eyes and abrupt movements. He's on his feet, then, pacing restlessly, dismayed by the fact that it took him this long to figure out.
Riley. It was Riley's face.
He stops pacing, looks out towards the city, and sighs deeply.
Riley has been here, since day one. He trusts Riley, and knows she trusts him back, even when she's doubtful of the situation they're in or his it should work hypothetical plans. She believes in him to find a way. He can count on her to always support him, give him a pep talk when he needs one, to always know what he needs or wants to do when on a mission. She can read him like he's the easiest-to-understand book in the world, which he knows is not true because he's as complicated as they come.
Before Riley came into the picture, it was Jack. Together they solved all and any problems that came their way. And Mac will always trust Jack, always believe in him to back him up. But Jack isn't here any more. And he doesn't know how it happened, but since Jack left, Riley has been gradually shifting closer to him. She cannot replace Jack, because no one ever can, and because he wouldn't want Riley to be anyone other than her own self. After all, there is only one Riley Davis, and Mac is uber grateful to the powers that be that he gets to have her in his life.
She has sneaked her way into his heart, way higher and deeper than anyone else. Which demands a whole other dissection and in-depth self-exploration because he has a girlfriend. He does have a girlfriend, right? (Yeah, definitely something to ponder on another day.)
So yeah, he doesn't want her out, ever. And he's going to do whatever he can to ensure it. He has to figure stuff with Desi out first; then he can move forward, and explore how deep his feelings for Riley run.
As he realises, though, that he doesn't want her out, a calming warmth spreads through his entire being, and God knows he needs it. He's been feeling a little too cold these days. Not the kind of cold that you need layers against, but the kind that just stunts you, makes you act unlike yourself.
A few days later, when his heart cracks a little too loudly in his chest because Riley tells him she is moving out, he feels unable to take a breath, like someone's sucking all the oxygen out of the room, and he thinks oh, karma, how I hate you.
But Mac also feels a hope bloom inside; Riles is talking about leaving him all alone in his too-empty home and his heart is breaking and he takes it as a sign. A blaring, screaming neon sign that makes him more certain in his feelings for Riley.
And he knows then. He knows he can't let her go.
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
I'm Not Over You // Ben Hardy x Reader (Part 8)
A/N: Ayoooo. Hey guys, here's part 8 and I'm so sorry if the previous chapters kind of frustrated you. I didn't really mean for it to but I hope you enjoy this one. I'll be posting 9 tomorrow or the day atfter. Thanks again for your feedbacks, y'all motivate me a lot ^^ ♥ (My Wi-Fi has prejudice against tumblr rn)
Summary: You had always loved Ben ever since you two met in university and became the best of friends. That feeling went out like a candle flame when the two of you parted ways until he re-entered your life...but this time with someone who has already occupied his heart.
Warnings: Angst, bois. ANGST (I cried like a sucker during one part I wrote 😔) mention of blood, yet again drinking, some speckles of fluff, and unnecessary dialogue if you look closely enough :^ I feel like a terrible writer today
WC: 4k I think?
Tags: As always my taglist is always open uwu
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"You look...beautiful." Ben's comment is indeed one thing to start the night. It's not like he's never told you that before–it's just the tone in which he has said it in is...different. A foreign tone never been released from his lips until you. You look up at him through your lashes, giving him a slanted smile accompanied by a bubbly chuckle. "Thanks. You smell nice too."
The corner of his eyes crinkle as his curving lips push them up. As expected, Rosy chimes in between you and Ben almost too quickly, the blurry speed in which she has arrived in making you gasp. "Excuse me, babe. You got interviewers on your tail and I- oh," her brows shoot up upon seeing you, seemingly haughty eyes flicking up and down your outfit in mild contempt.
"Surprised to see you here as well." The smile plastered on her face couldn't be any more forced than it is.
Girl, chill. Anti-aging soaps are not easy to manufacture these days. You begin holding your breath to prevent yourself from bursting into a fit from hearing that thought ring in your head. You shrug, garnering the guts to shift on your heightened stance and lean in an inch close.
"You're not the only one with a celebrity date."
You turn around too early to gauge her reaction, finally exhaling from holding your breath too long. You can finally conclude that she's had an effortless transition from being benign to far from being benign. The smoothest one-eighty you've ever witnessed. You remember her clearly being downright considerate of you the first time you met her yet now is a whole different story. You wonder if she was actually ever considerate.
As the boys and Lucy indulge in brief interviews, you stand behind the scenes and get the first-class chance of conversing with Brian. He's readily the coolest person in the house right now, bantering with you every once in three, fascinating topics. How fortunate are you to be in the spot a million Queen fans would die for but of course, you don't want to leave out Roger who - by a landslide - makes you wish you could wheeze and snort all you want if you weren't in a luxury event such as the Oscars. He seemed intimidating for you at first but as he joined in your talk with Brian, things escalated real quickly.
With the pre-ceremony interviews and the clinking of champagne glasses dampening, you begin hunting for your seats in the theatre.
Before you know it, you are informed that only a specific line of people are given exclusivity for the seats. And it shocks you that Joe, Allen, Ben and Gwilym are not given that card when in fact they were part of the very film that brought forth a new generation of fans.You shake your head disappointingly albeit contented that Rami, Lucy, Brian and Roger and their wives are part of the exclusivity.
Utterly determined to know the results - by Joe's 'sovereign' vote - the rest of you hang around in the waiting area, focusing on the ceremony rights shown on TV. Quietly sitting through the results, you all whoop and applaud at the mention of Bohemian Rhapsody obtaining three awards straight– your cheers amping up a notch as Rami brings home the 'Best Actor' award. Joe begins filming your reactions for Instagram, zooming into Gwilym, Ben and Allen's faces for most of the video. You throw your head back in laughter at how goofy the boys look; a bunch of men in their 30's bouncing up and down with one of them documenting the entire episode. At one point, Gwilym yanks as you in for a group hug, mercilessly crushing you in between their muscles– the disorienting experience now being something you wish you would never undergo again.
As Rami's thank you speech unfolds, you pay attention closely. The sentimentality of him lovingly thanking Lucy for being his anchor after dedicating his award to Freddie Mercury is just overwhelming and you wish you could tear up but your mascara would be waste. You're certain that made Brian and Roger emotional as well.
An hour after the ceremony, you all head down to the Vanity Fair after party in the same limo you had arrived in with every single person in the group eager to get the night progressing. Regardless of saying that these type of parties are not up to your speed, you try to get along with the evening and revel in what you know would be your last night with them. Sadly enough, Roger and Brian had to skip out on this with rough schedules on their hands. The moment they walked out of the place, they spent nearly half an hour congratulating the boys and having other celebrities congratulate them.
As you are seated across Ben and Rosy, you can't help but notice him acting a little distant from her. She's all nuzzled up against his arm and he is nowhere close to returning the favor. He's just...lost in thought, staring out the tinted window. It's still early to assume that in all the hours you were within a close range to them, Ben only ever acted aloof, giving her attention when the situation required it.
Perhaps a lover's tiff took place?
"Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing too." Mimicking your position, Joe calling you back to Earth makes you gasp a little. You close your eyes and look at your fingers blankly after recovering, sighing. "I think we should end all this pretending. It was simply a cop-out in the first place."
"I know," he whispers audibly enough for only you to hear, running his fingers through his fiery, red hair, "you should probably come clean soon enough before you leave."
And that you will. At least, you'll try.
In your defense, you thought the after party would host a fancy banquet but seated around with celebratory drinks -considerable with something classy - and attendees breaking down on the dance floor is a rather okay scene as well. As long as you don't end up like the night you were invited out for a drink with your colleagues, you should be fine for the most part.
The boys and Lucy have fully immersed themselves in the beat of the music while you've decided to remain stationary with one glass of wine, the only glass you'll be having for the rest of the party.
The entire time you gawk at them amusingly as they break out their dance moves, your eyes always find their way to Ben, who makes you snort painfully from all his antics as he moves along with Joe. They're a mess with their ties and buttons undone from all the movement and the sight inspires you to stay put.
But oh dear lord, can Ben dance like an uncle.
Keeping your attention on them, a descending weight sinks down next to you. You pay no mind to whoever it is but do as her voice interrupts your thoughts. "I hope your eye is on the right person, honey." You click your tongue in exasperation, turning your body towards Rosy and her developing, bitchy tendencies, scoffing as you place your drink down to set things straight with her. "First of all, what did I ever do to you to deserve this kind of talk?"
She smacks her lips together at you, simpering. "You didn't think I'd notice?"
"What are you talking about?"
Her almond eyes narrow as if she's trying pin you down with a warning. "Please, don't act like I never noticed. You're overstepping that boundary between you and your best friend- my fiance." Okay, so she's noticed. But your neutralized expression is not going to be giving away anything.
You incline your head to one side in hopes that the facade you're pulling would decompress her suspicion. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Ben is like my brother. "
Grabbing her drink from the table, she sighs and stands up, hands firm on her hips and face silhouetted under the beaming light nevertheless giving you a transpiercing glower in the manner of seeing through the makeshift barrier you've pulled up. "He better be. Try backing off every once in a while when I'm around."
To your dismay, you snap inside, whipping your head up at her and replying sharply to make the message crystal clear. "Rosy, you have no idea." Unable to withstand the atmosphere you're in, you put great emphasis on your words and snatch your drink, walking out to the mini garden to finish what's left of your wine without having to bear being around her.
The question is unadulterated and obvious– bold and italicized if you wish to give it a stretch and clarify it.
Why is Ben still with her?
Is he that clueless not to realize it?
You don't want to pry the answer out yourself but ruminating on it, Rosy pulling off a full one-eighty only when Ben's at an appropriate distance for her to squeeze you between her fingers is just about good as a reason as anything. Your unwavering feelings for Ben are clearly perceived by her– from the way you had reacted the day he introduced you both to each other to not so long ago.
You wonder if Ben ever took heed of her growing attitude towards you.
Finishing your wine in one, immediate, swig, you place it down on the marble surface before you with your fingers cradling the stem of the glass– relishing the spicy liquid flushing down your throat.
At the extent of overexerting themselves, Joe and Gwilym flop down back on their seats like jelly, tuckered out from the unconventional combination of alcohol and unsteady movement. Panting like a dog who had just participated in a marathon, Joe shrugs out of his blazer and tosses it over his shoulder, silently wishing the ice in the bucket that held the bottle of wine would save him from the grinding heat of the wine he had just about five minutes ago.
"Mate, you're deep in the heat." Gwilym comments as it is followed by a gentle laugh on how Joe's glistening in sweat under the dimming lights. He hands him a partially bland look before wiping his forehead with his handkerchief. Lucy and Rami are situated at other end of the place enjoying a chat with another party of people meanwhile Ben and Rosy are nowhere near any of them. Until, of course, they reappear from God knows where and Ben suddenly asks Joe where you've gone.
"I-I don't know." He says after a hefty sigh. Somewhat eager to find you, Ben begins excusing himself from Rosy whom which he has spiked a bitter reaction from for sharing his supposed time for her with you. Fed up and jealous in the slightest, Rosy snaps at him.
"Okay Ben, why do you always have to skip in between minutes to hang out with her even when we're together?"
He pauses from turning around completely and sighs. "She's my friend, babe."
Unwilling to accept his statement, she claims. "Well your friend is getting in the way of what was supposed to be our time together! Can't you set aside a limited time for her?! " This has alarmed Joe and Gwilym but it isn't their business to butt in and stop a quarrel from breaking out. Unless it turns physical, which is doubtful to happen. Ben, a little frustrated but still tolerant of her ongoing skittish behavior, tries to reassure her. "I know that, alright? But something's been bothering her for days and I just want to make sure she's doing alright."
"Can't you leave the worrying to Joe? He's her bloody boyfriend anyway!"
Wagging his forefinger at Rosy, Joe grumbles as he is not having any of her talk, scrunching his brows at her.
Grabbing her shoulders gently, Ben tries to relieve her of tension and assures her once more, but with a well-known fact she obviously still doesn't accept. "Joe's a little drunk. She's like...a sister to me," it really took him an abrupt pause to say 'sister', "besides, you're my fiancee. There's nothing to be jealous about."
"Why does she still have to be a part of your life? Our life?" Now that's a question that has just shifted Ben to a farther side. His brows knit together in momentary disbelief, unable to take her words in a good light. "God, Rosy! She's been around for so long! At least make an effort to accept her!" Like a slap to her conceitedness, Ben turns on his heels and walks out to find you. Leaving Rosy a steaming mess of insecurity.
However slightly drunk, Joe mutters to himself as he makes sure neither Gwilym or especially Rosy hears his words stumble out in a whisper. "You've grown a pair, Ben. You've grown a pair."
You've been outside for nearly half an hour; wine glass empty and your hair, along with the skirt of your dress, drifting along the harmless breeze and the waning moon spilling some light from behind the shaded clouds. Though there were a couple of people that found their way here to get some respite not too long ago, you're just glad to have this space to breathe in from the draining background of the party.
As you lose yourself in thought, a certain voice brings you back to reality.
"Nice night out, huh?"
Turning around slowly, you are met with the cool, forest green irises that you've grown to never tire of seeing. "I'm surprised you're still well-kept in that suit despite the scene back in there. " You give in to a chuckle, your smile pulling Ben to approach your side leisurely. "It's my Oscars suit. Something worthy of protecting."
As he rests his elbows on the surface next to you, the distance between your skins makes you a tad bit anxious. Comfortable silence falls upon you both– for Ben at least, it's tolerable however you're not taking it well, not even in the slightest. You rub your hands together and sigh, prompting Ben to finally ask you.
"You alright? You've been tensing up lately."
You nod, closing your eyes and opening them afterwards. "This dress is just depleting me of bodily warmth." Half a lie told by you. Acting on his thoughts, Ben begins taking his blazer off but you stop him mid-shrug. "Keep it on. You look better with it on."
"This would look better on you, you're obviously freezing." He's really keen on keeping you warm but you're just as so in letting him keep it on. "I'm serious. Keep it on. I'm fine."
What can he do but just give in? When you're serious, you're serious. He lifts his shoulder in half a shrug, ducking his head as an idea flickers in his head like a bulb. He wants to relive something that has been lost through the years and it's only right that he does...now that you have less than a day to disappear from his life completely.
"Y/N..." He muses gently. You raise your brows at him in question, taken by surprise that he has his hand held out to you. Bewildered, you raise your finger to ask what on Earth he's doing. "What- what are you doing?"
He licks his bottom lip and the smile on his face becomes bashful but certain. "What else does it look like I'm doing, silly girl? Asking you to dance."
You're sorry that you couldn't keep a snort at bay. "Pfft. Ben, I think you're asking the wrong girl."
"Just let me dance with my best friend."
"Wow! That's noble of you," your chuckles can not be contained, even so much as restraining yourself from letting the blush spread throughout your face. But he has the fragments of what was once your heart, so why wouldn't you? You slip your hand in his and the grin on his face widens. "There we go. Easy does it." He breathes out, his voice getting gravelly. You hit him softly on his chest for cooing, at the same time realizing that his voice becomes that way only and only when he's nervous– something uncommon between you both. As his hands find home on your waist, you throw your arms around his neck, laughing at how awkward yet funny it feels. What a huge nod to how you danced with him on Homecoming.
"You're so weird sometimes. You got your fiancee, why don't you dance with her?" Getting used to the sting of referring to Rosy, you question anyway. He initiates with a sway before responding. "I already have. But, " he diverts his heavy-lidded eyes from staring off the distance to yours and suddenly, it feels like you're home, "I want to finish that Homecoming dance."
You find yourself speechless as you shift your unflinching gaze at him and he at you, your bodies swaying along the concrete and in perfect sync, coincidentally to the sudden change in music from inside, compared to the bittersweet night you had before the day that parted you both. Thin silence hangs in the atmosphere but only because you are looking at each other in a way you never have in your entire lives.
Instinctively, you break your gaze from his and rest your head on his chest, your hair falling into your face as your eyes screw shut. You hear his heart skip a beat, unusually in the same manner yours always has. Feeling your head follow the rise and fall of his chest tickles you inside– temporarily making you forget about the pain of soon letting him go and producing a sense of safety.
Maybe it's because of exhaustion? You wonder. He doesn't hesitate to stroke your hair and revel in the moment as well, easing you in closer to his body without breaking the sway. "You'll be there on my wedding day, right?" He asks nervously, his question pulling you back to the harshest reality.
You open your eyes slowly, your lips trembling as you let out the saddest sigh, feeling your chest tighten from the anxiety of soon telling him the truth.
"Y/N?" Your tensed-up body alarms him and so he breaks away and lifts your chin up lightly, being met with glossy and regretful eyes. His messy brows drawing together in slight worry. "What's wrong?"
However uneager to push him away, you do, escaping his warm embrace. "Ben, I..."
He's dreading for your answer, painfully anticipating for the best or the worst to the point where his hands are lubricating with sweat.
You swallow the lump that has hardened in the back of your throat, pressing your lips together to prevent a sob from escaping and shunning his prying stare. "I can't..."
Joe's half-assed predicted, worst case scenario is slowly unfolding.
"What are you saying? You're not- you're not going...to be there?"
You bite down on your lip hard enough to make it swell, shaking your head and casting a sideways glance.
Tell the truth. Just tell him and you're either getting a support or another jab to the heart.
"Y/N, please! Tell me why!"
"I'm leaving, Ben!" The words didn't seem to stumble or carelessly flop from your lips, in fact it speared through him clean thereby catching him off guard. His eyes have fallen gravely, lips parted due to shock.
"I got into a medical school I had previously applied for. And I'm leaving," you snap your eyes shut and open them in tears once you've looked up at him, "on your wedding day."
"Why didn't- why didn't you ever tell me?" He's pleading for your explanation, barely clinging on to the belief that you would always tell him things.
You don't answer as you are battling to muster up the courage to say it.
"Y/N, please! You never tell me anything these days! And this- this news, it's important! You're leaving on the day I need you the most, and you never bothered to squeak a word about it! Not a single, bloody word! Why?!" He's racked up with disbelief and apparently, anger. Eyes rimmed, clouded with mixed emotions and face full-blown red from the pressure.
He grabs you by the shoulders and pleads heartbreakingly, his lively voice reduced to but a whisper. "Why..."
"I-" You're still holding back.
"Say it! "
"You'd soon forget about me, Ben!" You inhale sharply as you add, croaks present in your voice while you take two steps further away from him as you lament. "I'm hopelessly in love with you, you idiot! I've always been. I try- I try to brush off every single prick that stems out every minute I realize that you already belong to someone else..."
"I figured not telling you would help me let go. And it's the only way I can...because screw you for being a clueless, irreplaceable bloke! I can't imagine my bloody life without you in it! I don't think I can ever love anybody else...but you, "
You don't let him finish and achingly throw your hands to your chest as a gesture, pounding your chest thrice as you're finally wearing your heart on your sleeve. "I can't blame you for being oblivious to my feelings. You're committed to Rosy...and as much as I want to see you happy, I don't want to stand idly by and- and feel this way when you've pledged your heart to her...I want to forget and for you to forget me," As the warm tears you've held back for so long roll down your cheeks, you hug yourself through the pain, "I want you to be happy without worrying how I'd feel. And disappearing from your life, is the only way I know how..."
"Y/N, please, don't say that- don't do this...you can't do this...you c-can't..." With hands shaking, he strides towards you to haul you in back into his arms but you take an agonizing step away, stopping him in his tracks. "I have to. I...I want to. It hurts so much, Ben. It always has but promise me," even if you have taken a step away, you take it upon yourself to take those steps close to him and cup his cheek with a cold hand, "promise me you'll revel in that happiness. It's going to hurt being away from you. But it's going to hurt even more if I stay. And watch...my best friend grow old with someone else." Finally rendering him wordless, you shake your head and whisk past him back into the party which has died down a bit, leaving him a pondering mess out under the bleak sky.
"How could I be happy without you..."
You'd gladly do anything to go back home right now. The weight of what just took place is crushing you and the need to escape is fuming. But the thing is, Ben was never one to let you go easy.
He never did and possibly never will.
He sniffles and inhales sharply, jogging in after you and calling out your name amidst the constant noise and chatters. "Y/N, wait!"
You reach your table just in time to see everyone still gathered around with drinks raised and laughs released but you have to excuse yourself deliberately. "Y/N? Where have you been? What's the rush?" Lucy notices your hastened movement and places her hand on your tense shoulder. You snap your head at her with your purse in your grasp, shaking your head and apologizing that you have to leave, forgetting to rid your eyes of tears; the sight of you amping up Lucy's concern therefore leading you into her embrace. "Oh my god, are you okay? What happened?"
Ben's distant but audible voice echoing through the place just sends you panicking inside. "I'm so sorry, Luce. I have to go."
"Y/N, wait! What's wrong?"
Just as the rest could react to Lucy calling out for you and Ben dashing past them to catch up, you've already disappeared into the crowd, headed out the theatre to take a cab ride back to the hotel. Relentless to let you go, Ben follows your trail, spurring a quick frenzy from the rest and having them pursue Ben in return. Once you reach the outskirts of the pavements, you don't think twice before crossing the highway with your focus hardened before you.
Gasping for air upon exiting the theatre, Ben glances around in haste and finally spots you marching down the street oblivious to your surroundings despite treading along the pedestrian lane. His eyes widen in dread and acting on a fight or flight reaction, he yells for your attention as he speeds down the street to pull you in or rather save you from a possibility of getting hurt with all the rushing vehicles and careless drivers. "Y/N! Y/N!"
The boys, Lucy and Rosy arrive outside just in time to witness Ben race towards your direction and in a moment of feeling time slow down, you feel your heart in your throat at the late flash of nearing headlights, to add a heavy force propelling you off your feet and onto the other side of the road. What gets you up from the ground are the mixed screams of a familiar bunch and the sight of a bloodied man in white laying unconscious on the cold surface of the road.
White noise suddenly fills your ears instead of your own voice as you scream out his name.
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kindlespice · 5 years
i'm sorry if this is too much but how did you get such nice and close up pics in post/185926064901 ?? i feel like whenever i try to do them they end up looking odd? i was just wondering if you had any like... tips n tricks or things you do when taking those types of photos? i rly love them and those sims are adorable ♡
hi there and thanks for the compliment and don’t worry, i got you! :D
for taking close up pics it’s definitely a must to use the tab camera, i’ll activate that before i do anything and then zoom all the way in. that way i don’t have to fumble with it later and mess up a shot i though i had setup and ready to go lol.
also, bc i like doing close ups as squares, i try to imagine what the image would look like as a square. so i just disregard the background and put the subject smack dab in the middle
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and of course, you can always “zoom in” in post editing by making the image bigger if it’s still not as close as you like, but that’ll make the image more blurry so i try to do that sparingly!
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also don’t be afraid to spend a while taking pics! i’ll take like, at least 50 for any particular edit and usually only end up liking four, and then only two make it into the actual edit. try different angles and locations to find what works bc your first shot is almost never your best!!
i hope this helped and good luck!!
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deadgirl-requiem · 3 years
Goddess, a Concept
[Is been a while since I did one of these. I know i never got around to the Phases concept and i apologize]
I put the concept below the cut because the song and the concept I wrote for it were a bit suggestive in violence and abuse. You've been warned.
It opens up with a static effect (like an old tv) The Scene focuses on a lone girl- her appearance flips between a clean, well-put-together young woman and a tattered, worn roughed-up one.
He punched me in the mouth And it felt like a gift
As she starts singing the appearance lingers on the roughed up woman, her face becomes a bit more clear and you can start to see old make-up and old bruises.
I bet you'll never know How twisted that role is
The camera does a vertical 360/ like a rollover and when the camera pans back the young woman is clean and well-put-together again, this time her look and attire is more aggressive and bold- dangerous. She stands in a white room and the lighting behind her as she stands in the bold dangerous attire is darker- a navy blue and a dark violet.
Yeah, it's true what they say Boys think with their dicks No, this ain't something That sorry can fix
With the lighting behind her, she walks towards the camera as it trails back and film footage begins to play on the wall behind her just over her left shoulder.
You're fuckin' with a Goddess And the bitch bites back
The camera pans to the footage playing over her shoulder and it focuses on a frame on a new shot. It's the tattered young woman- her clothes are wrinkly, hair a mess, and lipstick smudged. The wall behind her is white but the lighting is now a burnt orange and a blood red.
I'd love it if you're honest But it ain't like that Boy, now you're the one who's godless Mmm Am I scaring you yet? Am I scaring you yet?
As she sings her hand comes up and wipes at her mouth to show the mouth of the navy-blue lit woman. Her eyes darken as she sings "Am I scaring you yet"
Cause I might do you wrong But it'll feel right Let you play along Act like the tough guy
She rolls her head forward, the lighting slowly dimming as she raises her head and her smudged lipstick is back.
I can be the jailer And you can pay the crimes Oh, you do it all the time
The camera slowly zooms in on her face hyper-focusing on a bruise as it zooms out. As it zooms in, her arms go up and when they come down they cross over each other and run down her shoulders to her elbows. As they do in the trail behind them revealing the navy-blue lit woman's arms.
He said my pretty face shouldn't look this way He thinks that my body is his to take He won't look me in the eyes Afraid to see what's looking back Oh, you'll regret doin' the devil dirty like that
In each line, she says she has a specific movement and each touch reveals a piece of the navy-blue lit woman. When she says "pretty face", her hands swing up rapidly- arms still crossed and fingers spread, cover most of her face.
When she says "my body" her arms come down one crossing over her chest and the other laying across her abdomen to the opposing thigh.
When she says the line "Look me in the eyes" her eyes fade darker, and a devilish smile appears. Her arms snake across her torso in a lazy fashion and the bit's of the navy-blue lit woman disappear to reveal a double exposure of the blue-lit woman behind her. Her eyes don't lighten to her normal color till she says "Doin' the devil dirty like that"
He believed that I could take a beating But the bruises down my back don't mean a damn thing
As the red-lit woman turns it's like a mirror shot, her seeing the navy-blue lit woman. The same darker eyes, devilish smile. The shot zooms in through the camera and it refocuses on the navy-blue lit woman.
As she says "take a beating" there's a blurry image in the background and her hands graze of her jaw and shoulder reveal pieces of the red-lit woman. But when she says "Bruises down my back" both her hands comb through her hair pushing it back and the darkness in her eyes grows.
Cause I brought the God of War to his knees With the back of my hand wiped his blood from my cheek
The camera pans back a little and lighting begins to tint a bit, part of it bleeding a dark violet. And as she says "God of War" The lighting tint adds navy-blue.
When she begins the line "Blood from my cheek" Her hand rises and with the back of it she wipes from the corner of her mouth up to her cheekbone.
Now you're pointing fingers into mirrors Crying thinking somebody will hear ya
She points at her reflection, pieces on her body that were once revealed to be the navy-blue lit woman are shown in a mirror shot. Her hand combs through her hair tugging at its ends.
But this bitch is your queen I can promise you one thing You won't like me when I'm mean
As she says "Bitch" and "Queen" for each word the colors start blending fully, the blood-red, navy-blue, burnt orange, and dark violet.
Mean Mean You won't like me when I'm mean
The colors come back to blood-red and burnt orange and she is fully the dangerous woman.
You're fuckin' with a Goddess And the bitch bites back I'd love it if you're honest But it ain't like that Boy, now you're the one who's godless Mmm Am I scaring you yet? Am I scaring you yet?
The red-lit woman stares straight at the camera unblinking as she grins. When she blinks the shot splits and shows her facing the navy-blue lit woman.
Cause I might do you wrong But it'll feel right Let you play along Act like the tough guy I can be the jailer And you can pay the crimes Oh, you do it all the time
As the tempo slows the scene glitches back to the neutral woman we saw in the beginning, she is in a bathroom, sat on a bathtub ledge. Dressed in comfort clothes.
There's a ribbon 'round my neck and it's red It's red Sweeter than the liquid that I bled I bled Heaven ain't a place you forget Forget When there's hell to pay You'll be screaming our name's
As the tempo slowly picks up through the verse she begins to stand and when her eyes meet in the mirror the shot gets static.
This time as she starts the next verse It's a split short between the 3 versions of the women; the navy-blue lit woman, the red-lit woman, and the neutral woman.
Goddess, Goddess Baby boy is fuckin' with a Goddess Goddess, Goddess Baby boy is mother fucking godless
The shot either switches between each of the 3 every few words till "Mother fucking godless" Which is focused on the neutral woman.
Fuckin' with a Goddess (Goddess) And the bitch bites back I'd love it if you're honest (honest) But it ain't like that Boy now you're the one who's godless (You're the one who's godless) Mmm Am I scaring you yet? Am I scaring you yet?
The shot goes back to the red-let woman and seems angrier. Tugging at the ends of her hair as she sings each line. For each line/word echoed there's a faded shot over her shoulder of either the navy-blue lit woman or the neutral woman.
Cause I might do you wrong But it'll feel right Let you play along Act like the tough guy (so tough) I can be the jailer You can pay the crimes Oh, I do it all the time I do it all the time I do it all the time
When the line "I do it all the time" repeats the shot starts to focus on the neutral woman who is rolling her head and shoulders.
Prayed You're gonna wish you prayed Gonna wish you prayed Prayed
The neutral woman now stands alone, in front of a mirror, her eyes darkened- as she sings the next verse, hints of the blended spectrum of lighting can be seen from the bathroom decor around her.
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lucykisaragi · 6 years
Hello! I'm sorry if this sounds rude, I hope you don't take it that way >
you’re message isn’t rude in my opinion so no need to apologize, though to be honest, if the picture is super blurry or blurry in general i don’t even save it. I mostly use waifu to just smooth out the jpegs enough to easier render them because it’s a lot more work to render a jpeg file due ot the pixelization so trying to select via color difference can be a huge hassel. remember i’m doing these 100% by hand with a mouse, yes a mouse- i dont own a tablet. main reason the wedding set might look slightly blurry near the legs is cause i tried to cheat and combine them with the card render versions. which sometimes i do when i dont have as much freetime when i do SR or R fullbody renders
though this is why i state that if people send in renders i prefer them to be two or one idol in the screen shot & the zoom in level set to the 3 idols option. this gets the idols as close to the screen as possible. so the further back the idol is the less good quality it’s gonna be in fullbody format.
i’ll also not that for fullbody screenshots majority of people upload them to twitter which defaults them to jpeg and often slightly lesser quality and saddly i do not spend money on this game much to at all and specially not recently so i don’t have access to over 80% of the units and people want more rendesr from the game so there comes a point where we, myself & the followers on this blog, have to remember the phrase ‘beggers cant be choosers’ and now note i’m not calling myself nor my followers ‘beggers’ but the reason i chose that quote to reference is because especially with the game closing in basicly a month & 11 days, we can’t really be too picky when it comes to image quality. i mostly use waifu to get rid of the jpeg pixels to try to make the images look more hd and sometimes that doesn’t always work for fullbody images cause unlike card renders i do often have to stretch the images out to get them to fill in the whole image space from top to bottom. so that can sometimes mess with the quality as well. 
i’ll also note that besides twitter some users that follow me share their own screenshots as well.  
on the note of reverse google image search, you don’t always get images that relate to the one your trying to reverse search. google gives images it thinks are simiilar and sometimes those images are from sites like weheartit or pintrist and what not which steal images and repost them. i also suggest a site called ‘saucenao’ for trying to find the op artist for reposted fanart on this note! it’s a lot more reliable for stuff like fanart. (unrelated but figured i’d mention it)
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scootervoid · 7 years
What do you do to get that kind of staticy feel? It's really amazing and it brings out the work of art that you used on it. I'm asking because I'm both curious and I'd like to use that kind of thing one day? Unless it's like something that you're not comfortable with saying or it's a secret. I've actually seen a couple of people do it. Your blog is just the most recent one I've seen the.. style? In so I thought I might ask. Super sorry this is long and drawn out-
thank you so much, i’m glad you like it!!! hopefully this is the effect you mean, but if not, feel free to ask again!! :) there are three main things i do!! 1 is adding effects to the line art, 2 is adding noise/texture and 3 is chromatic aberration (that 3d effect you sometimes see artists using). btw, i’m using photoshop cs5 but i think it’ll work for most versions of photoshop - i’m not sure how to do it with other programs though!! (the first image in the series below is what the art looks like without any effects btw!! and the full image is at the bottom of this post)
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1. line art effects!!
i kind of talked about the process here, but!! what i’ve been doing lately is duplicating the line art layer and using gaussian blur (any blur effect would probably work fine if ur not using photoshop!!). i change the blurred line art layer to a tone that compliments the image (i think i chose a warm pink for this one) and set that layer to multiply. i then duplicate the blurry line art layer and offset it from the original line art by a few pixels. that makes it look like the line art is casting a shadow, which you sometimes see in old cartoons and stuff!! btw both these layers are placed below the original line art layer! 
2. adding noise
i create a new layer above all the other layers and fill it with pure black. then i use the hue and saturation window to slide the ‘lightness’ up to +50 - this gives me a perfect midtone grey colour (we’re gonna set the layer to overlay later, so having a perfect midtone means the overlay effect won’t darken or lighten the image below). or!! alternatively!! you can also go to the top menu bar and click layer > new > layer… then in the pop up window change the mode to overlay and check the neutral colour box!! i then go to filter > noise > add noise… i tend to zoom out to the size most people will view the image and adjust the noise level so that the grain is just visible. then i set the layer to overlay! i think the noise effect is really cool bc it adds texture to the image in a way that’s kind of subtle!! the more noise you add the more static-y and fuzzy an image will look - but if you add too much it can be a bit distracting :0
3. chromatic aberration 
this is my fave effect, but if you make it too extreme you can cause eyestrain for viewers, so be careful!! there’s a bit of a process, but i don’t think i’ll be able to explain it better than this tutorial here, so definitely check that out if you’re interested!! :)
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