#I'm sorry anon-san for taking long in answering this!
edenesth · 3 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
Dear Soulmate
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I'm sorry it took me so long, anon! I didn't know how to approach this and was waiting for a friend to do it first🙈
For my one and only, my pookie, @itstheghostofmypast💖
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Choi San — soulmate au (idiots to lovers)
In a world where soulmates exist, most people discover their other halves before reaching twenty-five, you struggle to find yours, even when he had been right in front of you all along. You've witnessed those around you revelling in the bliss of finding their destined partners, all the while blindly awaiting your own.
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"I cannot believe this, I'm dying alone!" you cried.
"Pooks, he'll come when the timing's right, I just know it," Eve, your closest friend and platonic soulmate, reassured you, wrapping you in a comforting embrace as you poured out your frustration. Despite being on the cusp of turning 26, your soulmate remained elusive.
"How did you and Hwa find each other again?" you asked, desperate for answers.
Eve sighed, "Whenever one of us gets hurt, a flower tattoo appears on the other in the same spot of their body. You know how clumsy I am, he found me through those blossoms. But each soulmate pair has their own unique connection. Haven't you felt anything special?"
See, in this world with soulmates, each pair discovers their connection in their own way. There's no universal formula, and you despised that fact vehemently. It only added unnecessary complexity to the already challenging quest for love.
Your parents had found each other through their inner voices, where their internal voices are the other's instead of their own. Your sister had found her soulmate through a compass on her body that led her to where her other half is.
And then there was you. Nothing. Nada. Niente. Absolutely nothing at all.
And as your birthday drew near this year, panic set in. You'd soon be a year older than the age when most people found their soulmates. Maybe you didn't have one, maybe he died, maybe he got aborted as a foetus, maybe—
"Woah, woah, just take a deep breath, everything will be okay," your friend reassured, trying her best to help in any way possible, "Hey, didn't you say you've been having a lot of dreams lately? And it's always that same dream?"
You blew a raspberry in frustration, "Yeah, but I doubt my recent dreams have anything to do with my soulmate, assuming I even have one. They're always about that art museum I go to on weekends. I think it's just because I spend so much time there."
She pondered for a moment, "Wait a minute, didn't you mention that San guy you always see there? What if—"
"Oh, hell no," you exclaimed, shuddering at the possibility of that annoyingly gorgeous mountain of a man being your destined lover, "I'd rather be alone forever than end up with someone like him."
It all happened on a day when you sought solace at the museum after a taxing week at school. Exhausted from dealing with incompetent classmates and antagonistic professors, you longed for a moment of peace as you approached your cherished spot in the corner. But to your dismay, you discovered an ignorant man occupying not just one seat, but the entire bench with his belongings. And not just any bench, your bench, the one everyone knew better than to occupy.
So you did the first thing that came to mind, you might have uttered some unkind words out of irritation. Looking back, you acknowledge it was all very unnecessary, considering it was likely his first visit to the museum and he clearly didn't realise it was your spot. However, your pride prevented you from admitting fault.
Consequently, he responded with equal unpleasantness. Even the museum guards had to intervene before things escalated into a fight. Like dealing with children, they persuaded both of you to share the bench since there was clearly more than enough space for two.
You adamantly refused to yield your spot and relocate, asserting your presence since you were here first. Similarly, it seemed his foolish pride prevented him from budging as well; thus, you both found yourselves locked in a silent standoff, exchanging wary glances as you engaged in a weekly silent war.
"Ugh, was hoping I wouldn't have to see your face today," San sneered, earning a glare from you as you settled down beside him. You were running slightly late, having trouble getting up after yet another frustrating dream, one slightly more annoying than usual.
Deliberately nudging his bag aside with irritation, you narrowed your eyes, "You wish, loser. This spot is mine, and it's staying that way."
He smirked in response, "Someone's in a foul mood, but then again, when are you not? Hope it's not because of that dream where your precious bench gets snatched away for good."
"Shut the hell up—"
You stopped short, a sudden realisation hitting you like a ton of bricks. You hadn't shared that dream with anyone, not even Eve. No one should know about it except... No freaking way. He couldn't possibly be the one you've been waiting for all this time. It seemed too absurd to be true. Why, out of all people, would fate pair you with this insufferable, infuriating, irksome yet undeniably attractive, bastard?
"Surprise, genius. It's me, your soulmate."
"I knew," he confessed, his voice carrying frustration and resignation, "I knew from the moment I saw you that you were my other half. That's why I came here in the first place, why I was in this exact spot."
Your breath hitched as his words sank in. All this time, he had known, yet he had still chosen to engage in your petty conflicts.
"But when I met you," he continued, "I was excited, hopeful even. But your attitude, your stubbornness... it's unbearable. As much as I feel the pull towards you, I can't ignore how immensely annoyed I am by your behaviour."
His words landed like a punch to the gut.
"I know that if I had a choice in who my soulmate is," he admitted, his gaze intense, "it would never be you."
After a moment of processing his words, you gritted your teeth in anger, "Well, joke's on you, buddy. I don't want you either. Maybe it would be best for both of us if you stop showing up here from now on."
Days turned into weeks, and true to your request, San ceased his visits to the museum. At first, you felt a strange sense of relief, but soon, that relief morphed into a tumult of conflicting emotions.
You didn't know how to feel. Did you truly mean what you said, or were those words simply born out of anger? Your emotions were a tangled mess. On one hand, you had just turned away your soulmate after yearning for his presence for so long. On the other hand, you couldn't shake the resentment that it had to be him, of all people. Part of you longed to be near him, to reconcile and embrace your destiny. But another part recoiled at the thought, recoiled at the frustration his presence brought.
Unbeknownst to you, San wasn't doing much better. His heart felt hollow, the absence of your presence leaving a gaping void. He tried to carry on with his life as before, but the weight of your rejection hung heavy on his shoulders. But his pride also kept him from reaching out to you.
He suppressed the pull towards you, buried it beneath layers of denial and indifference. But no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, your essence lingered in his dreams, haunting him with visions of what could have been.
Then, one day, fate intervened in a way neither of you could have predicted. You fell ill with food poisoning and ended up in the hospital. In a panic, San saw it in his dream, a vision of you lying pale and weak in a hospital bed. Without hesitation, he raced to your side, his heart pounding with fear. As he stood in the hospital room, watching over you, he realised the depth of his feelings. Despite everything, he couldn't deny the truth any longer. You were his soulmate, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing you.
You furrowed your brows at his unexpected appearance, "What the hell are you doing here? Who invited you?"
His heart sank at your coldness, but before he could form a response, Eve intervened, giving you a playful smack on the shoulder, "Stop it, you! He came all this way, and you're still going to be mean to him?" Turning to San with a warm smile, she continued, "You must be San! I'm Eve, her best friend. It's nice to finally meet you. Oh, and please don't take her words to heart. She likes to pretend as if she hadn't been dying to see you again."
Blushing furiously at her blunt revelation, you shot her a glare, but she simply tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "Behave yourself. I'll be back shortly after settling the bill with Hwa," she said, brushing past San. As she passed him, she gave a polite nod, "Please take care of her for me, won't you?"
"Of course, Eve," he replied, nodding in return.
As soon as your friend left the room, he took a step closer, his tone serious, "Listen, I'm tired of playing games. I came here because I realised I can't bear to lose you again. So, tell me if you feel the same right now. If you still want me gone, I'll leave and never show my face around you ever again."
His words struck a chord, and you couldn't hold back the tears any longer. He couldn't resist the pull any longer, sitting down beside you on the bed and wrapping his arms around you. Relief flooded through him as he felt you relax in his embrace.
"I don't want to lose you again either. I'm sorry I was an idiot," you whispered.
"You should be," he teased, planting a kiss on your hair, "But I'm sorry too. Perhaps I should have told you who I was from the start. Let's just... not say things we don't mean and hurt each other again, okay?"
You nodded, squeezing him tightly, "Okay, Sannie."
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sxcret-garden · 6 months
HI ITS 🪐 ANON AGAIN, SO I FINALLY REMEMBERED WHAT I WAS ALSO THINKING ABT THE OTHER DAY so most likely of any of the the ateez members (i don't have a specific one you can choose BAHASHFKCNMXKD) with an s/o who is like pretty quiet in bed like bcs sometimes people take it as a bad thing but IDK i'm not super loud so it just makes me wonder :")
Aaaaaaa i'm finally getting to this as i try to empty out my askbox a bit!! Sorry for the long wait 😭 gonna answer this as an mtl, explanations are under the cut~
I put Jongho first cause I think even if you don't make noise at all he wouldn't mind, so long as you have other means to communicate whether you like what he's doing at the moment or if he should change things up a bit. Will definitely be more talkative in this case and fill the silence with praises and muttered "I love you"s, and always asks if you feel good. The type to hum in response when he does tickle a sound out of you, and if he manages to make you moan as he makes you cum, he will certainly tease you about it with a soft smile afterwards - don't be fooled though, this guy adores every single sound you make, and will figure out over time how to lure those sweet whines out of you
Yunho does like hearing your voice during sex, and even as you're making out and fooling around before getting to business, but I think he actually prefers a partner who's on the quiet side. Little whines and silent moans do so much more to him than if his partner is super loud, and you bet he'd get drunk on hearing your voice like this alone. Whispers all the things he wants to do to you in between kisses, and if all you can respond with is a weak whine against his lips he'll just feel that much more turned on (and this might lowkey make him want to ruin you....)
I think Yeosang is a bit similar to Yunho, in that he prefers a partner who isn't super loud. He does like having you talk to him during sex, because the communication makes him feel comfortable during the whole process, but if you're not one to moan a lot or to cry out when he hits just the right spot that's totally fine with him. Even just the way your breathing speeds up and becomes heavier as you're nearing your high is a sound he'll appreciate and that'll make him eager to keep going. Whisper praises into his ear about how good he's making you feel and the guy is melting under your words alone
I see Mingi as the shy type if he hasn't been with a partner for long enough, so I think he'd absolutely understand if you're not very vocal in bed - whether the reason is because you're shy about it or because it's simply not your style. However, he will encourage you to let out your voice a bit more when he's having sex with you, because he's just really really curious about all the sounds you might make while he's pleasuring you. Very patient and will do his best to ease you into the process, and whenever you let out even the most quiet of moans he'll be right there to tell you how beautiful your voice sounds to him and how much hearing you turns him on
Seonghwa would definitely be surprised if you're barely making a sound, eventually stopping what he's doing to question whether you're enjoying yourself or if you're just doing this for his sake (which he really doesn't want). It definitely feels a little unfamiliar to him at first to have such a quiet partner, but that isn't to say he wouldn't get used to it. Would definitely talk to you more than he would with a more vocal partner, and will naturally slow down a bit to make sure you're liking what he's doing. However, he would certainly also sometimes nudge you to make more sounds, because no matter how understanding he is, there are times where he's just desperate to hear your voice during sex
I put Wooyoung so low because I'm convinced he'd have sooo much fun with a very vocal, loud partner, and because I think he's very vocal as well. He too will be surprised when he learns that you tend to be very quiet in bed, and this will just instantly make him that much softer for you. Doesn't know what to do with himself when he gets to hear your soft whines and deep sighs at the way he's touching you, and will soon find himself addicted to luring those little noises out of you. He just can't stop himself and will go as far as to overstimulate you out of pure curiousity and because it's fascinating to him how you can make him feel so many feelings at once with a simple quiet mewl
Now San is one who needs the verbal communication, even if it's just you two moaning at each other's touches. Gets seriously worried if you don't make a single sound because he's scared you might not like being intimate with him or that he's set you off in some way. However, he will be soso soft for you in an instant once he hears you give him little whines and moans or even if you whisper a curse through gritted teeth - the latter especially is gonna be such a huge turn on for him. I feel like he'd naturally match your energy and sex with him is gonna be a lot softer if you're on the quiet side than if you're very vocal from the start (but that doesn't mean he won't be willing to be rough or more experimental if you ask him to!)
I feel like Hongjoong lives off of dirty talk and getting the most desperate noises out of you, which is why he's last in the list! Not to say I don't see him enjoying himself with a quiet partner, but sometimes this guy just needs someone to talk back at him and his teasing as he's fucking you, someone to whisper the dirtiest things into his ear and to let him hear the sweetest whines when he's going just a bit too slow on purpose, and sometimes also someone to shower him with praises while you're making love at the end of a rough day. Just loves hearing your voice so much and the way you talk to him during sex just turns him on the most out of everything, so he just thinks it's a shame he doesn't get to hear more of it! Though he will be the most understanding ever if you're not comfortable with the idea of being a little louder too
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
ah omg pretty princess anon here 😞😞 so sorry i forgot to specify :(( ateez please ^_^ thank you love <3
ateez when their s/o asks them who they think the prettiest princess/prince is
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genre: scenarios; fluff, crack
word count: 0.8k
warnings: idk most of them are a mixture of crack and fluff but MINGIS ONE IS SO FLUFFY, GOT ME IN MY FEELS AND EVERYTHING anyways enjoy ig
pls like and reblog if your enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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"joongie, who's the prettiest princess/prince in all the world?"
you asked this as cutely as you possibly could. however, you did have a terrible cold and had been sick with it for a couple of days now. your boyfriend was taking care of you for all this time and you felt especially clingy today.
hongjoong tried his best not to grimace as he passed you a box of tissues. "i couldn't possibly answer that now, my love."
"joongieeeeee" you whined before blowing your nose loudly, making him shuffle away slightly.
"i still love you though," he smiled and patted you on the head, to which you rolled your eyes.
"you're my prettiest princess/prince, of course."
seonghwa pressed a warm kiss on your forehead. he had you wrapped up in his arms and both of your bodies were messily on the couch of his dorm room.
you could he hongjoong go 'eww' in the background, making you chuckle slightly. seonghwa peppered you with more kisses after hearing hongjoong's little remark, becoming more and more dramatic with each withdrawal of his mouth. you couldn't help but giggle at his actions.
"wdym mingi??"
this was literally a text conversation between you and your boyfriend, yunho. you asked him who the prettiest princess/prince was and awaited a very easily accessible compliment, only for yunho to reply with someone else.
you scrunched your face up, confused as you awaited his response.
"the other members agree too 😩"
you rolled your eyes at his response. well, there you have it. mingi is the prettiest princess and you just had to accept it.
"you're so pretty," yeosang whispered under his breath as he watched you instead of the tv. undoubtedly, you were much more interesting to him.
"am i the prettiest princess/prince ever?" you fluttered your eyelashes at him and did your best pretty pose.
yeosang drew back in fake horror and whacked you with a pillow, "never do that again."
you, in turn, hit him back with your pillow.
"you're just jealous because you know i'm the prettiest!
catch sannie in a soppy and romantic mood, and you don't even need to ask him this question. he's already calling you these types of names, and more.
"you're my precious princess/prince. my prettiest person. my angel, the love of my life, my soulmate, my everything-"
how many beers had he drunk tonight? oh wait, no. he's completely sober."okay san, i get it," you cut him off, amused by your boyfriend's new mood.
"you didn't let me finish!" san gasped, pretending to be appalled. "you're my honeybunch, sugarplum. pumpy-umpy-umpkin. you're my sweetie pie~
"cut it out," you giggled as he sang even louder for you on purpose. you couldn't help but find it endearing.
"yes, you are."
mingi would reply to your question immediately and without any thought.
both of you say on your shared bed together, sheet face masks in your face and jade rollers at the ready. it was your skincare session, where both of you got to fully relax together and enjoy each other's company.
mingi looked at you dreamily and, god- you'd never thought you would get a man to look at you the way he did.
you pressed a long, slow kiss against his lips, masks still on. there was nowhere you'd rather be.
wooyoung obviously said he was the prettiest princess in all the land. which was actually really hard to argue with.
"i'm prettier than you," wooyoung said in the most childish voice possible before doing the most horrendous aegyo you'd ever seen.
"that was disgusting," you laughed at him hysterically and he shoved you a bit.
"you're not a princess, woo," you retorted when you saw him sulking, "you're boo from monsters inc!"
his eyes lit up at this comment, "oh my gosh you're right! hold on lemme get some hair ties-"
i think you won that argument.
"yes, you're the prettiest princess/prince," jongho replied to your question with a dull voice, not even looking up from his phone as he said this.
you crossed your arms over your chest and pouted slightly.
"you could be more enthusiastic about it, you know."
jongho shrugged at this and finally looked up. he liked doing this; teasing you was just too easy. "you already know you're pretty," he mused, looking back down.
"yeah, but it's nice to hear it from you once in a while," you pointed out, sinking into the couch next to him. jongho chuckled at your behaviour and reached out to hold your hand.
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fallenclan · 9 months
Notably, interestingly, maybe - Otterslip is the son of a former leader and a respected deputy, the former apprentice of the current deputy, and by all accounts a good mentor. I feel like he'd be seen as a fairly respected warrior. If this *did* come to light? I think it would shake up the clan very, very badly. Expose a rot growing in the core of their clan - not only that, but in the heart of a well-respected, and more importantly, well-beloved warrior. I could go on a whole tangent here about how evil is not something black and white and how people are flawed and how it is SO delightfully interesting to have someone like Otter who we've known and loved so long do something like this. Because this *doesn't* cancel out the rest of that, he's still that cat who's adored, who's suffered hardship and helped others weather it, who comforted his apprentice when she felt unworthy.
And he still killed someone - a *medicine cat,* of his own clan - because he felt he had a right to, and he felt it was deserved. And because his mother did the same, moons and moons ago. He lashed out in pain and fury and a refusal to face the truth, and did something horrible and irreversible for it.
Hm. Still typing what I actually meant to send. But I can hand you this speculation, at least, without the research.
- What do you think Scorchstar felt, looking down at this? Regret? Not even for her actions, necessarily, I doubt things between her and Sunwish will ever be truly okay in the stars, but for the *precedent* they set? For what her son, who's grown so well in her absence, but never abandoned his soft-hearted, unerring belief in his mother, took from it? She's clearer of mind, up here. Does she dread the results of his actions?
- Do you think clouds covered the sky, overlooking them on that cliff-face? A storm that may have been brewing in the distance all day, coming to fruit above them in deadly silence? Do you think Otterslip cared about the eyes upon him - about Silverpelt's doubtless disapproval? Or did he wait to act in the sun's scornful gaze, instead?
- Do you think it rained, on his walk back? Sorry I've just got the image of like. A three day storm, or something, just enough to haunt him. Starclan's wrath or a mournful goodbye or the insistence of a truth that refuses to go unheard. All three, maybe, depending on who you ask... I wonder if it would wash away the blood, or not.
- How Sunwish felt, looking down...
- .
- I think it's a feeling she remembers all too well.
(fun fact. Every medicine cat since Sunwish, sans Eaglestripe, has been at some point righteous.) (- 🐈‍⬛)
LITERALLY ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like. i absolutely adore the moral grayness of it all. and the fucking Parallels..... cant articulate my thoughts all that well rn but like. i am Thinking about the stuff with Otterslip being a cat that We Watched Grow Up!!!!!! we saw him as a little baby cat and we saw him become an apprentice and then a warrior and we saw him love and lose and grow and. he fuckin whips around and murders??? and . idk i'm Thinking. i had to look back to all the old art of him and it's like. this is a murderer. he murdered someone.
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babyrubysoho-maiden · 5 months
Long ask anon here!
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. Or that the entire ask would go through. Also, thank you for all your effort and dedication to this manga. It's really appreciated. You're a true MVP 👌
And I even left some questions out, and shortened paragraphs (I kept getting interrupted and I was in hurry too) but I answered them myself when read the manga again right after I sent the ask just to be sure I wrote the right questions. Spoiler! Not completely or as eloquently as I would've liked.
And by the time you answered me, I realized I wasn't far off from what I wrote (based on your reply and the comments I saw, or maybe I'm giving myself too much credit) but also the completed answers were hiding in plain sight. I just didn't pay enough attention. Short attention span, you see. And I wanted to kick myself in the head. Specially because I reread mangas for the same reason. (Not completed answers since the story it's still being developed)
Again, thank you for your reply 👍😀
Off topic though, are interested in any other bl mangas, whether in progress or completed? Not at MR level but to be part of another fandom and have these types of discussions.
Happy new year! 🎆🎉
Happy new year to you too!
And you're very welcome, I enjoyed thinking about your questions ^^
Yes, I have a couple of other BL manga I'm very into, although not at all at the obsession level of MR🤣
For completed stories, I love "Boku no Omawari-san" (Sorry, I don't know the English names of any of these, but I think there are official English translations?) It's a very sweet daily-life story about a middle-aged local shopkeeper and a hot tall police officer who's been in love with him for a decade😍
For ongoing stories, "Megumi to Tsugumi". This one is omegaverse, but I like it because it's one of the best explorations of omegas and alphas who don't fit in with social expectations I've seen in manga. Plus it's adorable and hilarious!
And "Hidamari ga Kikoeru". This is a nuanced and really thoughtful exploration of deafness, when a super handsome but introverted university student with partial hearing loss falls in love with a very earnest young man who has a really loud voice XD. There are several volumes and many deaf characters with different approaches to daily life.
I think those are the ones I love most at the moment!
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juergenklopp · 1 year
hiii i hope youre enjoying le mans rn! unrelated but id like to get into baseball and youre one of the only blogs i know that follows it, do you have any tips for where to start? :)
Hi hi hello dearest Anon! I had a great time at Le Mans, thank you, sorry for taking this long to answer your ask, hope you're still interested in checking baseball out!
I was drafting a writeup on how and where to start following the MLB, but @baiyunli beat me out to it with this primer that's better than anything I could ever put together—I'm a new fan myself, I'm sure I would've missed so many things. I used to watch it growing up, so getting back into it did feel 'easier' than if I'd gone in completely oblivious of the sport. I'm going to put a little addition to their wonderful post, some notes from my short career of being a baseball fan.
MLB.TV The official streaming service. A season pass for all team is now $60, blackouts and restrictions apply if you're located in the market. With a mlb.com account, you can watch a selected game for free each day. MLB66 (mlb66 [dot] ir) The layout is a bit unintuitive, but it's by far the best 🏴‍☠️ streaming site for MLB. Click on the Select Game button on the top right, and navigate to the game you want to watch. On the bottom right, there's an option to select the home or away broadcast. It can take a few seconds to a minute to load, but so far, it has worked well for me. FSL (mk [dot] freestreams-live1 [dot] top) My go-to for sports streaming. The domain changes regularly, it's worth joining the Discord server for updates.
There's a kind of nostalgic longing for a time I've never been a part of when I scoured Tumblr tags to find mid-late 2010s baseballblr posts: hundreds of notes, some reaching quadruple digits. Anything going double digits feel like breaching containment now, but there are still some blogs posting about baseball on Tumblr.
Here are some, sorted by their allegiance—by no means a complete list and it will be very biased, but it's a start...
GENERAL BASEBALL BLOGS (and those whose allegiance I can't quite place and I'm scared of offending by assuming but I love your blogs I'm so sorry guys) @ baiyunli, once again thank you for the wonderful primer! @ nacseo-scrawl, + Braves, also the go-to for Bananaball content @ greinkeephus, + Phillies and Red Sox @ pindergarten, + the A's @ hootball, for your Americacentric sportsball needs (NHL, MLB, NFL...) PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES @ soyouwinagain, my most beloved, and @ toyotagazoo, also my dearest, who dragged me down to this hell with them... @ kurchatovium, my original Philly sports brain rot enabler (GO BIRDS) @ jcamilov06, + for all your Philadelphia sports needs @ phillyphangirl @ janosglove TORONTO BLUE JAYS @ donttelltheelff @ byebyebichette @ danny-jansen @ 7th-inningstretch @ based--ball @ kevin-gausman LOS ANGELES ANGELS @ whatincornation, the most wonderful and delightful artist in all of sportsblr @ iichliwps @ auditers BOSTON RED SOX @ eovaldi @ barbiebobby PITTSBURGH PIRATES @ fryinreynolds ATLANTA BRAVES @ colonel-clucker @ emietook SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS @ everydaywynns MILWAUKEE BREWERS @ kimsparis NEW YORK YANKEES @ judgerizzo @ gleyby LOS ANGELES DODGERS @ miggys
(Please @ me if you want to be included in/excluded from this list!)
Well, two at-bats, actually, but let's not talk about that one and instead talk about the storied matchup, the one now written in immortality and will be talked about for years to come.
Baseball is considered a slow-burner sport by many, even more so before the official introduction of the pitch clock, 'boring' even on the surface especially compared to sports with constant high-octane action like hockey or basketball. But as with sports in general, among the things that makes the game so exciting (or devastating) is the buildup to the matchup—the storylines and the narratives, as well as the ebb and flow of the clash itself with how the game is structured—it's not over until it's over, a comeback to tie the game and a walkoff win is always possible.
The final of the 2023 World Baseball Classic is one of the prime example of all the stars aligning to make a historic matchup between the best of the best.
Mike Trout is a three-time MVP in the MLB, and is considered as one of the best baseball players of all time. Ohtani Shohei is nicknamed 'The Unicorn' by fans and experts alike, being the first elite two-way player (a player who pitches and bats) and is regarded as the most talented baseball player of all time. They are both in their primes and are currently considered to be two of the best players in the MLB. The term 'generational talent' tends to be thrown around casually in sports—for Trout and Ohtani, it's more than a worthy title.
Ohtani and Trout both play for the Los Angeles Angels in the MLB, with Trout being one of the reasons why Ohtani chose to play for the Angels in the first place. They've been good friends since Ohtani signed with the Angels leading up to the 2018 season. Unfortunately the Angels haven't found success despite both players being extremely successful, breaking long-standing records left right and center. Many consider it to be a shame that Trout and Ohtani were 'wasting' the prime years of their careers not playing 'meaningful' games since the Angels have not made it to the playoffs since their last appearance in 2014.
So we have two of the best players in the game, who happen to be teammates and good friends, playing in the final of baseball's equivalent of the FIFA World Cup on opposite sides representing their respective countries. Added to that is of course the novelty of an elite and truly one of a kind two-way player in Ohtani, pitching to one of the best hitters of all time in Trout.
The matchup was pretty unlikely in the first place too because of how batting orders work, and yet everything aligned for them to be up against each other in the top of the 9th—final barring extra innings—with two outs.
Japan were leading 3–2: strike Trout out, and Ohtani would win it all for Japan.
Here's the link to the full game on YouTube.
The whole tournament was such a treat all throughout, with exciting pool games, upsets, and rallying comebacks in the knockout stage. Two standout games for me are the quarterfinals matchup between Venezuela and the USA and the semifinals clash between Mexico and Japan. Both games were rife with gutsy baserunning and hitting, back-and-forth offense and lead change, and topped off by clutch plays to lead the respective teams to victory.
As much as we can weave romantics about America's pastime, it's also inseparable from how the US projected itself abroad in its foreign and military policy. My dearest @outofbodyinjury's research project led me to look into the history of the sport and its role in USA's long history of war and foreign intervention.
Starting from the 19th and 20th century as the game was growing and all throughout the 21st century, for example in response to 9/11 and the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions, baseball has been omnipresent as a tool to promote and serve US interests. The book The Empire Strikes Out: How Baseball Sold U.S. Foreign Policy and Promoted the American Way Abroad by Robert Elias dives deep into this topic. I have yet to find a DRM-free .epub of the book, but I will try to rip it if there's interest. Here's an .m4b rip of the audiobook, and here's a condensed version of the book: an article by the same author published in The International Journal of the History of Sport.
Once again: @baiyunli is the MVP for their primer, it has pretty much everything you need to know to start getting into the sport, so check that out. Don't hesitate to send me asks or DMs if you have questions! And I fully believe sports teams pick you: it could be through a player that happens to compel you, or the mascot, or the colors of the unis, or just for no reason at all. You'll know and feel it when you're chosen. That being said: LET'S GO PHILS!
And I hope you'll fall in love with baseball as I did :]
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OOOOOH uhhh dec 13 and tsumugi!! congrats and happy early bday!!! - 🍑 anon
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Secret Santa!
w/ Tsumugi Aoba x GN! Reader
thank you so much for waiting! im sorry i couldnt get this out sooner!
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Warnings: Nothing! Enjoy!
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Tsumugi squinted his eyes, taking a good hard look at the name he pulled out of the ballot for Secret Santa assignments. Then, he double, triple, quadruple-checked it just to be sure his eyes weren't playing any tricks on him. Uwahh... I really got (Y/N)-san. His lips formed a tight line as he realized just how big of a predicament he was placed in.
"What's with that face, senPAI." Natsume maneuvered around, stealing a quick glance at the paper Tsumugi was holding. Their eyes slowly shifted towards you, who was in the process of picking out a name yourself. Sora sees the two of them and follows suit, assuming it was some sort of game.
"HaHa! It seems that Senpai has quite the interesting color coming out of him! A very happy, but nervous kind...?" Sora surmises, and Tsumugi tries his best to make him lower his voice.
Tsumugi usually didn't like these kinds of office parties, seeing them as nothing more than formalities that he has to tolerate as one of the more senior idols in New Di, lest he lose what little power and position he has in the budding company. This time though, he can't help but form a sheepish grin at the thought of being able to gift something to you of all people.
To keep it short, Tsumugi was absolutely smitten by you. The two of you were close in age, and you joined the company just a bit later than the Yumenosaki idols, but you seemed so experienced and used to this kind of corporate lifestyle already. If that wasn't enough, you still had it in you to be a kind and caring person, always offering to help him out in his work if ever you catch him pulling all nighters or stressing about particularly arduous tasks.
Tsumugi had always wanted to give you something as a token of his appreciation, but could never quite find the time, place, or occasion. Thankfully, with this Secret Santa game that the higher ups in the company set up, he was finally able to get the chance he was longing for.
Of course, a new problem arose. What, exactly would he give you? This was a one in a million chance and Tsumugi knew he could not afford to waste it. But at the same time, he does just feel so elated at this opportunity. "Geh, whatever you're doing, senpai, you better stoP. Sora looks like he's going to be sicK."
"Ah, I'm sorry, Sora-kun! I was just troubled thinking what I should give to (Y/N)-san." He starts patting the blonde's head, which seems to work in calming him down. Still, Natsume chooses to drag Sora away, leaving Tsumugi alone as he watches you chat up with some of your shared co-workers. I wonder who they got...
Tsumugi internally hoped it was him, but he knew that he couldn't have two such major streaks of luck appear at the same time. Just being able to give you the gift probably ate out all the good luck he had for a good portion of his life. He sighs, choosing to instead just leave the meeting room in order to start brainstorming what to gift to you.
Well, it shouldn't be that hard to think of a gift, right? You seemed like the type to say that it was the thought behind it that counts. Tsumugi's lips formed a tight line at the thought, not really wanting to resort to that kind of answer when he still had more than enough time to think of a gift you'd actually like.
Alright! I still have quite a bit of time; this should be more than enough to think of something! I hope...
The next thing Tsumugi knew, it was the evening before the gift exchanging, and he only had so many hours before it was time. He found himself sitting in the crafts room in the ES building, listlessly staring at all his failed attempts of something to give you. He wanted it to be something personal, but still useful, but anything he made just seemed like it wasn't going to be good enough.
He didn't need to check the time to know that most stores would already be closed at this time, meaning he'd have to make something he can consider worthy of you before the party starts. Tsumugi starts sifting through ideas in his head again, wondering if you'd enjoy something practical more than something sentimental. Maybe he could make you a good luck charm really quick? Ugh, but it's not like he knows if you believe in that sort of stuff.
Tsumugi takes off his glasses, massaging the space between his eyes in an effort to calm down. When it doesn't work, the internal panic start setting in. Uwahhh... What do I do??? Maybe this wasn't good luck after all! He calmly places his head on the table, realizing just how cheeky he was for thinking this was finally a sign of his awful luck turning around for the better.
Ugh... (Y/N)-san is going to be so disappointed... Tsumugi perks up at his own thoughts, as if a wave of clarity had hit him. Well, on hindsight, it might have actually been his last rational brain cell giving up on him. Regardless, Tsumugi scavenges for some nice-looking paper before writing a way too long letter describing his feelings of utmost gratitude and affection for you. When he finishes, he doesn't even have a chance to give it a once over, passing out on the spot as he didn't realize just how tired he was.
When Tsumugi next opens his eyes, he didn't think much time passed if at all, seeing as he was working in an enclosed room all this time. What he did notice though, is the uncountable number of messages and missed calls he had received asking of his whereabouts. His eyes widen when he reads just a short excerpt of the letter he wrote, wondering just what the hell the him of last night was thinking.
Not like he had the time to think about it anyway, he folds the letter and places it in a cute little envelope along with a good luck charm he made days prior. If this was the worst decision he was about to make in his life, then he'd just have to live with the consequences. He dashed all the way to the room where the party was being held, bursting open the door to see you standing in the middle.
"Ah! Aoba-senpai! There you are! I was waiting for you!" Before he could process what was going on, he felt you tug at his wrist and pull him in towards the center of the room with you. "Ta-da! I heard that Aoba-senpai likes Arts and Crafts, so I made this soft doll all by myself!"
Tsumugi looks down to see you presenting to him a very crude looking doll, the seams coming apart at some places and the doll overall just having a very amateur look to it. He takes a closer look at it, seeing that the doll has very curly and messy dark blue hair, and was wearing what he assumes would be glasses. Shu would definitely rip this thing apart, he thinks.
Thankfully, he's not Shu, and he appreciates this gift wholeheartedly. "Th-thank you! Actually, I'm the one who got your name, too!" He hands you the envelope with his letter and good luck charm, a goofy looking smile on his face appearing when you didn't seem to hate it.
"Oh my, a letter? Do I read this out loud, Aoba-senpai?" You ask as you open the envelope, pulling his letter out and unfolding it. He watches your eyes skim through the entire thing in seconds, your face turning an unbelievable shade of red by the end. You cover your face with the letter, "A-ah... I guess this not."
Tsumugi didn't want to assume anything, but if your constant fidgeting and eyes darting around everywhere were a sign of anything, then he would hope it was of good things. "S-stupid Aoba-senpai." Yikes, that does not inspire confidence.
Suddenly, he sees you cover the two of your faces from the crowd with the letter in your hand. Before he realizes what was going on, he feels your lips over his for not even an entire second. "Save this stuff for Valentine's rather than Christmas next time, okay?" Gasps erupt from the other guests in the room, but honestly, Tsumugi could only hear and see the person in front of him right now.
"I love you." The words come out of his mouth involuntarily, not even loud enough for anyone to overhear. Actually, he wasn't even sure if you heard. Well, not that it matters, this was the luckiest Tsumugi has ever been in his life after all.
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The end~ sorry if it's a bit rushed towards the end 😔.
Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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oumaheroes · 1 year
Sorry if this has already been answered but what are the requirements for a nation to reset? Like it involves dying but does it require upheaval within the nation or a period of turbulence? Is it like great natural disasters and they're events that nations have to naturally go through every so often to "release pressure" but only when they incur a fatal wound/illness (like how the San Andreas fault is theoretically overdue or how some volcanoes erupt every 100,000 years)? Does it just happen whenever a nation's heart stop beating and their brain ceases activity? How often does a nation reset on average in the past then?
Does that mean that nations in this universe are even more wary of death and injuries than usual? Do some nations fear being reset? (BC even if they do survive it in a sense they have to live another life before they return to being a nation. Tho England and France in the epilogue of Reset seemed to remember their reset adventures in medieval Europe with fondness so maybe not entirely.) Do they have different opinions on it for modern day or try to avoid death more as humans live longer now and they'd be living even longer reset lives than typically?
Have there ever been instances where a reset nation became famous for something like a celebrity of sorts? Like idk if America reset and Alfred became a famous singer or youtuber or politician? Would it be awkward for the others and Alfred himself? What would happen if a country goes through political turmoil or troubles while the nation is reset or if the nation somehow dissolves during that time? Does the nation live and die permanently as a human?
Just realized I'm asking a lot ajdhjkf I'm sorry if you mind or are bothered ^^;;;
Oh God Anon, you have made me JOYOUSLY happy with this ask, you have no idea. Questions about Reset , my dearly beloved ancient son, just make my heart so happy ;u;
Warning to anyone who reads this, long feral answers ahead
What are the requirements for a nation to reset? Like it involves dying but does it require upheaval within the nation or a period of turbulence
Yes! Resets are caused by a significant cultural change where the day to day lives of people are significantly different to those who came before them. Religion, war, language, culture influences and mindset- there are many reasons that could cause it. In essence, anything that is significantly different in humanity’s way of life that would mean that their nation would be a bit out of touch with their experiences and troubles and would benefit from seeing things from their mortal viewpoint.
Before the age of the internet and after, the Industrial Revolution and after, Post and Pre WW1- all are good cases. We today grew up so so different from people born 100 years ago.
A Reset wouldn’t be enforced though. Nations wouldn’t one day just keel over and be thrust into a mortal life. The Reset would take advantage of whenever they next die, which is what worries England so much in the fic- it wasn’t a good time to go.
Is it like great natural disasters?
If that causes a significant cultural impact! If a people’s lifestyle has been drastically altered, then yes. If it’s just a big event, then probably not.
How often does a nation reset on average in the past then?
Oh, this is a good question! Previously, on average a nation would Reset every 200 or so years, sometimes much more and sometimes a bit less depending, on what happening in their lifetimes. Really, the lives of the majority of the population wouldn’t have changed much generation to generation, it was more the religion or culture mindset which did.
These days however, with the great technology boom and the fast increase of scientific breakthroughs, ease of travel, and religious shakeups, human lifestyles are changing more rapidly than ever before. Resets will likely be more frequently needed to keep up
Does that mean that nations in this universe are even more wary of death and injuries than usual? Do some nations fear being reset?
Yes! This was explored with England’s worrying after he narrowly put his one off in chapter 8:
‘England had been in danger many times during his long life, but this time felt different. He was not scared of death, he had died too many times in too many ways for him to harbour any trace of the primal terror surrounding his own mortality, and death was not an end for their kind. Death was a mere painful inconvenience which meant that England was out of action and more vulnerable on the world stage for however long it took him to revive again. But this was the first time that he could remember where he was actively conscious of wanting to stay alive for no reason other than he didn't want to die.
Avoiding a Reset added an odd layer of humanity that he hadn't experienced before. He knew full well, of course, that if he were killed now England the nation would not die. The body housing the spirit of the English nation and his own consciousness would momentarily cease to be, but England itself would construct a new body in due time and Arthur the person would once again be aware and alive and healthy. But now he felt more semi mortal, more human- closer to that strange line between life and death- than he ever had before.
There was also the added element that if he died now, at a time when a part of his consciousness was collected and bound up by a few priceless artefacts in the hands of a knowledgeable enemy, it could affect more than just England the person, it could affect England the nation and that made dying dangerous. Knowledge was always power and the knowledge of nations was a powerful piece of information indeed; England felt uncomfortable that a human, not even one of his own choosing, was made, in a way, equal to him by knowing what they knew.’
This time, he knows a Reset is coming and, as people are currently hunting him and France because of who they are, him dying will leave both him and his nation vulnerable. That has never happened to him before, and he hates it.
Aside from this, Resets are just a part of life and can have benefits, as you mentioned with France and England reminiscing at the end.
Do they have different opinions on it for modern day or try to avoid death more as humans live longer now and they'd be living even longer reset lives than typically?
ANOTHER REALLY GOOD QUESTION. Usually they don’t know they’re coming (they can guess but they never know for sure) but they avoid dying as much as the next person. But you touched on a really good point that makes me euphorically happy- people live longer.
Before, a Reset could be over fast. Death was everywhere, infant mortality was high, and the average life expectancy could easily be in the 30’s. Now though, they live longer and it is this exact oversight which got England and France into trouble in the first place:
“'Going forwards, we can make sure this won't happen again,' England's quiet voice prodded France away from the doze he'd been about to slip into after a few long minutes of silence, 'The main issue was that I didn't consider the possibility of you-' He stopped abruptly. It was going to take some time for both of them to get used to the name changes. 'Of Francis going into a home. Every other Reset we’ve either died at home or in battle and the case was found after the Reset or the other could bring it.'
England sighed through his nose. 'The concept of living for so long never occurred to me until it happened, honestly; we've never lived that long before.'
'Our populations have never been this healthy with stability almost guaranteed before.' France reminded him, 'I assume that's why you followed m- Francis, into the home?'
England hummed in agreement, 'I didn't consider he'd last that long there. I thought I'd either smuggle the body out or I'd Reset you quick, depending on the time or day Francis died. Either way, I'd know what happened straight away and could prevent the inevitable medical nightmare. Once I was in there, of course, I was in it for the long haul.'
France felt him turn to lay on his back.
'Which, was a mistake.' England admitted. 'I was away from home for too long and if there hadn't been a problem, Francis could have lived for another five or even ten years with the right care.'
'Oh, don't say that,' France groaned, flinging an arm up to rest over his eyes, 'he was so bored. Could you not have killed him sooner?'
'Could have done,' England agreed far too easily, 'but most of our people are now going through that part of the ageing process; I thought s'probably a good idea to experience it.'”
Chapter 7
Have there ever been instances where a reset nation became famous for something like a celebrity of sorts?
Most definitely! Not in the modern era as they’ve not, aside from France, Reset so recently. But in the past? God yes. I’ll leave exactly who and what to your imagination 😈
What would happen if a country goes through political turmoil or troubles while the nation is reset or if the nation somehow dissolves during that time? Does the nation live and die permanently as a human?
You saved the best question for last 😉 For my headcanons, I think that when a nation truly dies- the culture too changed to adapt to, the people no longer connecting to the culture which came before nor the history it was attached to- they Reset one final time and then die peacefully after living one last human life. If this happens whilst they’re already Reset they just don’t come back and this is seen as the better way to go- without knowing what they’ve lost. Otherwise, they slowly turn mortal and have to live on knowing that they’re on their last go, watching their bodies finally grow older and heeding to the passing of time.
This is what I think is happening to Gilbert, explored in Reckless Mortality
Anon really, you need to know how happy your questions have made me. I’m utterly emotional and I really appreciate you wanting to know more about this fic and AU <3
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eclipsecrowned · 10 months
I just wanted to drop in and say that I am very sorry that today was a culmination of bad for you. Sorry this isn't an ic thing and doesn't fit any of the qualifications in your post I just have very little brain today and am not sure how to throw any of my current active muses at any of your cast of characters. I do want to say though that we have been mutuals for a long time and that you are always such a force of nature and passion and I love seeing you and all your iterations on my dash. You are so creative and you give so much dedication and love to all of the iterations of characters that you portray. It inspires me as I'm sure it does others. Please know that you are loved. And yes, hair grows back. And your doggo will be very happy to see you when you get back and I am sure that all will be well. You deserve these days ahead for fun and relaxation and spending time with your loved ones. All my good thoughts go with you and yours on your vacation, lovely.
are you aware of the situation wherein babies will look at a caretaker or a pet or favorite toy and then have to look away repeatedly? apparently it is because they get so overwhelmed with happiness, because they are so new and still learning how to process things, that they need a second to get what we'd probably call baseline again before engaging with whoever or whatever inspired the emotion again. they need a minute to sit with their happiness and sort through it because it is simply too big for their fat little baby bodies and smooth little baby brains.
yeah that's me right now with this ask. i'm feeling a lot of things today and the overwhelming tenderness and kindness in this message is kind of pushing it all out of the way. i keep having to come back to m askbox and reread this and then go make a shitpost to ease my way into answering this. this was such a wonderful message to receive today, and i want to thank you for taking the time to send it. it also gave me some perspective on events today that frankly snowballed and is helping me to keep my head about it all. your support is more appreciated than you know or that i can properly express, frankly.
especially right now. it's gotten dark and it's rough knowing my buddy's spending it back in a kennel sans context. but he's with other dogs he can hopefully chill out with and people who care for him. i'm on my way to be with humans i can hopefully chill out with and care for me. and if nothing else, my baby besties will be there to keep my blood pressure low.
i wish you all the best, anon, today and for the coming week and forever. i hope someone repays you your grace as often as you need it, and even when you don't. i hope i can continue to live up to your goodwill and your investment in not just my writing, but your faith in me.
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ettawritesnstudies · 1 year
Hello, I saw one of your posts about getting involved in the writeblr community. I wanted to know how I could step out of the dark and into the sun! I am new and so lost, so any guidance would be appreciated! Thanks! :')
Hi and welcome to writeblr! Sorry this is such a late answer I was super busy with Easter weekend travels, hopefully you still see this anon.
I'm guessing you're referring to this post, which has the "crash course" version, but if you haven't read it yet and you are referring to something else, here's a good place to start.
If you're trying to get started posting about your own work, I think the easiest way to "step out into the sun" is to introduce your WIPs with their own post. I just realized I haven't done one of these in ages because most of my projects are 3rd drafts or stalled, but here's some old examples from when I first got started: AI-Lia Antares, Runaways. It can be as simple as a bullet point list, or you can include all sorts of cute graphics if you want. Another popular way of doing these is "Comic Sans Powerpoints" like this one for Storge, so those can be fun if you want to be silly about it.
Try to include the following info:
Genre/Audience (ex. middle grade portal fantasy, dark historical romance, etc.)
Plot Synopsis
Maybe a quick run-down of the main characters
Any neat worldbuilding details you want to share
Featured tropes, similar books that inspired it, or a vibe/tone to expect from your writing style
Do you plan to publish it? Where can people read it if it's already published? How long is it? Not required but useful
Offer to create a taglist for people who want to follow the story
You can break this idea down into character introductions sharing their backstory, likes/dislikes, motivations, etc, or a blog introduction sharing links to your WIP and character intros, as well as the general stuff you like to write. You can pin a blog introduction to the top of your blog so it's easy for people to find by clicking the dots/meatball menu in the top right corner of a post and clicking "Pin". This makes it easier to notice writeblrs and make friends with common interests at a glance. Here's my pinned post for an example.
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If you're struggling to make friends, honestly I don't mind if people send me links or tag me in their intro posts. It might take me a while to respond with thoughtful comments, but I go through my drafts pretty regularly and I'll boost your work to help people find you. Really we're all just attention starved theater kids so I promise you nobody will mind if you pop into their askbox and just start asking questions about their WIP. In fact it would make their day. people regularly beg for interaction. Being a "regular" in their notes liking and reblogging goes a long way
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
hi !! it is sd anon i know i’ve been gone for a While and also i would like it made known i keep trying to respond and then i get so incredibly distracted
ANYWAYS i am. in ohio rn. screaming. so like, i’m doing an internship in ohio and i’m here for the summer
for the first fucking time, i’m not in my city. and Everyone is about to converge there. i am Upset. at the same time also no? but i’m getting like fomo from not being in LA!!! i wanted to go to vidcon but the 24$ an hour in tempted me to ohio
i miss my city i miss socal i will be back for the july fourth weekend but. still. i am missing tommy meeting CHARLI. what even. i’m missing Everything. it’s okay though!!! i’m having such a good time here i went to a gay club for the first time and made out with some random person! tried tequila and gagged!
had some very good cocktails! won at my first ever game of top golf! found out my fifth grade best friend is in the city for the summer too so i’m going to go see her literally constantly! i’m going to an open mic poetry night tonight! i’m super close w one of the other interns and i am also somehow friends w his gf who has now tipsy asked to kiss me (their relationship is a bit open) And told me she wants me to be a bridesmaid in their wedding! also i went to pride w this intern and then we both realized we are Not parade people and left to get food and i got a bunch of drunk compliments from random people on the street!! i have so many things to tell you bee. i watched the other intern throw a chair in the pool and try to sit on it. one of the other interns got so drunk at a spanish club and we found out she was a Runner. she tried to climb the patio fence to get to the uber and eventually got carried out to the car by security !
how are you????? you graduated yes? how does it Feel
HI SD ANON!!! sorry this took me so long to answer I wanted to have a moment to properly read your message. but omg ohio?? that's so far goddamn. also trust me you probably dodged a bullet not going to vidcon. so many people got covid from it because literally no one was masking. (I also have covid rn but I didn't go to vidcon, I just went to santa monica pier one day and thought I'd be fine to not wear a mask since it was outdoors. hahaha I was wrong and I am suffering) (also $24 an hour fuck yes get that bread)
and DAMN CONGRATS ON GETTING GAME!! I've been to a lesbian bar several times and I've never made out with anyone there :/ you get more bitches than I do good for you sjkdfkldsf
(also, tequila gets easier to drink the more you try it. now i'm at a point where i genuinely like the taste of it in cocktails)
holy shit you're literally living out some college coming of age movie out there. tbh it sounds like you're having an amazing time and i'm so happy for you sd anon!!! what kind of internship are you even out there for?? that's so cool and I hope you keep having the time of your life because it sounds like this is just a really cool summer!!
I'm alright! currently have covid rn which sucks ass, and yes I kind of graduated—did the whole ceremony hullabaloo. but I do have to take summer classes to actually finish out my degree requirements so those just started, and currently I am too sick to actually pay attention to my lectures so we're off to a great start. hoping to go on a road trip with my friend up to san fran in a few weeks (after I've recovered of course) so we'll see how that goes!! otherwise i'm just lowkey panicking trying to figure out what i want to do for work after my summer classes end bc I really have no clue atm. i'll figure it out but i'm sick rn so i'm just not gonna worry about it lmaooo
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misswoozi · 2 years
Hey cap!! Hold my beer while i show anon how tf its done....
So its the apocalypse right??
Where does onkai build the safehouse?? How do they start bringing others to it for taohun to start training?? How long does it take them to join up with ateez and start building the beginnings of utopia??
Who does key let help him in his garden?? What project do they assign taemin so that he doesnt actually like. Do anything??
Bear with me because it is ABSURD but HEAR ME OUT!! Onkai sets up shop in a motherfucking lighthouse!! It's abandoned, way out a rocky part of a beach that no one frequents but that Onkai likes to walk on when they're high. When shit hits the fan, it's Jongin's idea. He packs two bags for them and INSISTS. He absolutely INSISTS that they go to the lighthouse. It's insane but Jinki just goes "okay let's do it."
They get there and, of course, it's empty. The entire beach is empty. Everyone is inland and fighting for their lives but Onkai climbs all the way up to the top and make a weird little home for themselves.
It's a few days before they leave and go back into town. Their radio works just fine so they get lots of news updates even after their phones die. About a week or so in, they decide to return to town, gather supplies and check on their friends.
They find Tao and Sehun holed up in their house, terrified and almost out of food, and explain their situation. There's plenty of room in the lighthouse and it'd be great to have extra people so they can sleep in shifts, so TaoHun joins the squad.
While on a run, Jinki and Tao find San, Yunho and Yeosang trapped inside a gas station, surrounded by walkers. They manage to distract the walkers and free the boys who explain that they're part of a larger convoy. They kinda become friends and ATEEZ move onto the beach right outside the lighthouse, living inside of cars and tents.
Taemin? He wanders in. He's walking the beach, backpack on his back, barefoot, about a month or two into the apocalypse. He makes Jinki laugh and so he invites him to stay and it's Taemin who takes over the gardening.
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baekhvuns · 1 month
HEY! I really hope you're doing fine. (Answer this first before you answer anything else🙂)
I'm not sure if you're comfortable with this but the anon who asked you to write the Joong imagine where they are best friends and she grows up and gets into San because she thinks Joong, her childhood friend, doesn't like her back. I saw that exact same ask, word for word in not one, but three pple, two of whom I follow on my for-you page. I thought I was tripping but then I scrolled up and I was like yeah these really are three different people who have received the same ask.
If you aren't/are comfortable with that, I just would like to let you know. I just thought I would tell you first since between the four people, you were the first person I followed.
I just don't understand personally why someone would do that, since the only reason I request stuff from a specific writer is because I would like to see my and their ideas merge, as well as their writing style, who they would portray the request, how their mind works as a writer.Why exactly would you want a million different people to write the same thing? Are you comparing them or something?
I'm sorry if I blew up on you, that kind of behavior just makes me mad. If I was overreacting, pls tell me, I won't mind🥲💜💜
oh my god what?? 😧 not one but three?
yeah no you’re not making me uncomfortable at all, i actually appreciate you sending this ask. as much as i understand the anon wanting a specific story to be written, it really is a waste.
asking three different writers, each with their own distinct style, to dedicate their time, energy, and skill to writing a fic without realizing that others are following suit? even if the anon had good intentions when they asked these requests, i think it's just a waste of our time as writers bc all it’s gonna do is create a mess.
i agree, i don’t understand why they’d want to do that. i get they’d really want to see this fic but, hear me out, maybe don’t go around parading it to every door? it takes a very long time to write a fic, to connect everything alongside the plot, word building, characters and dialogues. either you ask one person, or write the fic yourself tbh, as of now, i’m not writing that request 🤚🏻
no please you’re not overreacting, thank you in fact for letting me know !!!!
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earnono · 2 years
Excuse me, greetings. I'm an anon suffering from m!dimileth content deficiency. If you don't mind, would you be so kind as to give some recommendations on m!dimileth fics to read or art accounts to follow? Especially if you know good m!dimileth fics o(-(
Hello fellow anon~ I totally understand the need to quench the mdimileth thirst because I do so everyday. I only follow jp artists cus that's where the fandom is really active at but there are also english speaking artists on twt! As for fics, I'll be listing down the ones I bookmarked and fave. This list might be quite long but I wanna put everything I know so far. It'll be divided to dimileto/ディミレト[Dimitri x Beleto] and letodimi/レトディミ[Beleto x Dimitri] (also I only follow dimileto content so that one might be many) Dimileto/ディミレト @hyaku_jitapero @natume_0w0_ @moshi___mo @rkgktosh0909 (I think they have a tmblr account too since I've seen their art here but idk the name tho) @miimaru06dmlt @mugimugirou @weooooow @mizu_2015 @satosato2990 @3hnmc @sakuri_dmlt @u_f1231 @hiroichino @Chigo_03 @moco_888 @Curcurco @toriningen1192 @hotorilui @vgmondo @kusayukadl @takawo_wood @5ilviadove @babunon_no @wly169168 @churchofdimitri(inactive but their art is lovely so check them out) @peff155 @doggyet @dimdim4400 @miyakom_fe @UROTOZM @Oyasai_feao @silhiko @ten_dmlt @erumei24/tumblr acc. @nishikawa_fe @waiwaiwa_1 @Loooooneutral @umai_yo_kiwi @niku3ram4 @sotya_desu_ga03 @Tokinox(lovely art, one of my fave~) @mi_zu_no(they're into The Great Ace Attorney now so idk if they moved on. Pls do check their dmlt artworks it's lovely! They made me discovered and love dmlt!) @earnonoart/@nonochan801 (lol here's my twt account. 2nd one is for rting dmlt stuffs hehe) Here's a dedicated dmlt event account! Every week there's new contents (I recently am joining this hehe): @1h_nernenk0 Letodimi/レトディミ(sometimes called lethdimi) @Biz6ls(I'm entirely not sure cus they don't tag but in their pxv account they do tagged their works ltdm I believe) @tsurutt_aa @fuunerudon @ldouzisama @airbrush_99 @mogmog_0205 @zzz_mgx @karashino @S_upernova @wa___fe @dotFlafla @sara_hjmk @ruminasu_sorane
(This is the ones I know... more likely the list that I was given by someone I know ahaha...) Here's a dedicated ltdm event account. There's gonna be another event from them soon:@mlethdimiweek Here's a dedicated english MDimileth event account! There's a planned event later this year~ Hope you can follow the account for updates! (I might also post any news from there to here if I have the permission from the mod): @mdmlthweek As for fics, I don't often visit AO3 that much so I have little to recommend but I'll still list the ones I like. Please be mindful of the tags! I'll still label ero fics with the jp tags cus some fics don't label who's top/bottom(if any of you out there has preferences).
Fics I like wew (it's mostly dmlt and ero I'm sorry) Promise me (Dmlt. It's on hiatus, I've been waiting for this for a long while but it seems the author/artist is very busy huhu) Temperate Grasp (It's like one of the only 3-5 omegaverse mdimileth fics in the site and it's unfinished. I hope I'm wrong with that one ughhh) You Should Have Chosen Me (Dmlt) Summoner's Summer Beach Festival Episode: Moment of Eternity (Dmlt) The Courtship of Boars and Dragons (Dmlt) The Flame of Doves (Dmlt) A lifetime of wanting and waiting and deadly persuading (Dmlt. Again. One of the few omegaverse fic in AO3 lol) Moonlit Mirage (Dmlt) Tower (I died reading this. If you're upset that they don't have an s support then this fic will be here to remind you) A favour from the Goddess. (Dmlt. me likey. ehe) Blue (I enjoy this one) You Should Have Chosen Me (Dmlt. me likey ehe) The Azure Moon of Illusions Weeps Blood, Part I/ Part 2 ( pt. 2 is on hiatus, author will be back at it tho) Chasing Daybreak (Ltdm. Was reading this one since I bookmarked when I first found this till I reach the ero part and it's actually ltdm lol Just gonna put it here cus I think it's good)
Here's an AO3 collection from last year's MDimileth event: (Click Here) There's more in AO3 but I'm not sure how many. You go to the M/M section the dimileth tag and it'll still be not M/M at all. 700+ fics is a lie but there's defo fics out there!
In the jp side, I think there are exclusive doujin events that were held before! So hopefully there's another event and more doujinshis for both dmlt and ltdm this year~ As far as I know, there's no exclusive MDimileth zines in the english side. Though there are mix dimileth zines/events where they accept MDimileth but it's very few. It's still there but few. I guess this is it! It's a bit long so thanks for reaching at the end. Hoping for more MDimileth contents this year~
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hansama · 3 years
Heya! I have received your Secret Santa request and I'm super excited to work on it!! I'm already very interested in that Accursed AU and would love to learn more about it! :D
omg!! hello Santa!! 👋✨
I hope you're doing well and that you're having a nice day ❤️️❤️️
aaaahh//// thank you for showing interest in my AU???////
Here's the summary,,, It's a post-genocide AU where a human falls underground (on purpose) and then revives the dusted monsters with dark magic
*looks at notes* hooo kay this will be a bit wordy and a lil messy, so i'll continue the rest undercut ;)
just going to say that this AU is not sans centric, but I'll add a smol section of info about him anyway aslkjghaldkhjfg
So, Accursed au.
Frisk did the genocide run (including the evacuated monsters) and is stuck in the void (the one with chara).
The protagonist: A female adult, an only child, her parents are divorced, she lives alone.
One of her ancestors is one of the seven mages that sealed the monsters underground.
Through generations, the story of that one guy is passed.
For protag, it was her mom that told her that she's related to a very great mage that sealed monsters underground. (The father thought the mother was crazy. That is one of the reasons why they divorced.)
The protagonist was very affected by the story and wanted to see the magical beings herself.
She also wanted to train her magic. (She thinks she would be worth more as a person if she has magic/skilled at magic. She doesn't think she's worth anything atm.)
She doesn't yet know she's already a mage at birth, she wants to become one.
The only hint she has to help her quest to find magical beings is that they're underground, and the some spells written in a book by her ancestors.
The book is incomplete, but it was enough to guide her to magical places.
Eventually, she falls through mt. Ebott. But nobody was there.
Still, the protag saw that there was a remain of society here. She was fascinated with it, but it was still so eerie and quiet.
Protag walks through the underground for a bit. Nabtablook was stalking her the whole time, and he decided to confront/talk with her.
They bonded over that they're both worthless beings. They lie down and do the feel-like-trash thing... and napstablook decides to project and show her what the underground was like before it was wiped; when it was a magical place full of hope and love.
(By the way, Napstablook is even more depressed than what you see in the game, believe it or not.)
So anyways, Protag decides that she needs to learn magic asap and try to save the underground.
Blooky isn't a teacher, nor does he know anything about human magic, so he just leads her to the librarby.
There, she finds a book written by her ancestor. An incomplete spellbook (the continuation of the book she used to find the underground.)
Within the book she finds spells about reviving.
Protag has questionable morals, so she doesn't think much about that. She asks blooky, who, after a while of being completely alone and depressed, is messed up. At first he hesitates, but then in the end he goes along with her, because she just insists more and more.
The ones are who get revived from the main cast :
Toriel is the first to get revived, so she has the spottiest memory, she only remembers her family, and she asks for asgore... Who has better memory and remembers why toriel hates him.
Alphys also gets revived
Papyrus gets revived as well, and he makes her revive Sans (who drains the last bit of magic she had) << nabstablook didn't know that sans is stronk
The only one who doesn't get revived is undyne cuz she requires too much energy
So now the many of the resurrected monsters wish they're dead, they want to kill each other or kill the human who revived them. They're filled with hate, rage, despair and depression.
...... so let's recap a bit and add a bit more information, shall we?
A human falls underground (on purpose) and she revives the dead monsters with dark magic
But here's the thing, in this AU, Magic is divided, monsters are made of good "white" magic, they are NOT meant to be created from dark/"black" magic, which is the complete opposite
Since the core fundamental of the resurrected monsters changed from their OG magic which was based around love, hope, and compassion.
Now it's the opposite...
Now some complete Sans centric info:
memory not so good
depressed lad
feels some kind of guilt/responsibility over the whole mess cuz he never stopped Frisk in the first place (which is bull but whatever)
wants to kill himself but can't bring himself to do that (cuz it'll be running away from his "mistakes")
desperately tries his best to fix everything, and finding a "solution" so he overworks himself in his experiments and drowns in books
which results in major insomnia
but he doesn't actually find anything
so he switches between sleeping all day long hating himself and everyone around him (yes, including paps) and barely sleeping
somewhere deep down he hates papyrus for (indirectly) bringing him back and suffering through this he feels betrayed. Which makes Sans hate himself even more cuz he feels this way, looping over and over till it bursts. (then it gets back to simmer again.. And burst.. In a loop)
has slept in the weirdest places and weirdest positions
used to like eating risotto with mushroom
his eyes are hazy, barely focused (has bad eyesight)
has trust issues
feels like he's living a nightmare, not sure if this is a joke or not
dissociation hours say hi
The first thing Sans tried to do after he got revived was trying to kill the human, but then he discovered that if he does, he basically gonna kill everyone underground
(It's a dilemma they're in, they want to kill the human, they want to get out of the misery, but they also don't want to be the one responsible to kill their loved one.... Again....
And what if there's hope...? )
now Idk how to write this so it'll be in Q/A form
The reason why they can't kill the human cuz if they do, they're basically gonna kill everyone the human revived, cuz they're feeding off the human magic to live (they also consume healing/green food, the only thing that they can eat)
hopefully, this drawing makes a little bit more sense after reading a bit more about him? :D (click on link)
"where does the black magic come from?"
From the human's soul that's filled with KINDNESS, ya know, just like how the power of DETERMINATION fills Frisk (even throughout the genocide run)
The power of KINDNESS and the magic that already over flowed from within the protagonist was one of the things that aided in the creation of the monsters
But it's not... The right(?) kindness
What i brought this up for is that this is why his (Sans) eyelights are green (his magic, too) it all got affected
"why not leave underground/break the barrier?"
No, they can't break the barrier, they don't have enough SOULS to break the barrier
The previous souls all vanished with frisk's genocide run, so they're back to square 1
"No flowey resurrection?"
No, they don't even know where his dust is? Besides, he was already lacking a soul; he lived off pure determination
Isn't Flowey just a flower injected with determination + asriel's dust? xD
He'd be a torn up flower in the post-game void
Aanddd yeah!! I think this is a general overview of the AU and a bit of insight into Sans's character? xDD
I hope this is fun to read
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sugokawata · 3 years
Hiiiiii can I request baji's younger sister reaction to his death and her reaction after the toman captains tell her if you feel comfortable doing it
• All Members of Toman
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Genre: Scenario, Angst
Warnings: mention of violence and death character, cursing.
Request: Yes
Note: Hello anon-chan, thank you so much for you support, I really appreciate it !❤  I’m still crying over here
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It was already night. The clock was pointing at 11 pm and you were sitting in the kitchen with your head lying in your arms. Today was Toman's battle against Valhalla, you didn't know how long it would take, but the worry was already big, because the chances of a fight taking that long were almost zero.
You looked out the window again, trying to see if there was any sign of a motorcycle appearing on the street, but again, there was no one.
"I wonder where is he?"
You didn't know how long you had been running around in the kitchen, the anxiety was huge and a bad feeling filled you with every second that passed.
You noticed the small changes in your brother. How every time he came home he was always cranky, how he cut off contact with Chifuyu, and how he switched to another gang. You knew that something was going on, but you also knew that there was nothing you could do, because you had no idea what had happened at the last meeting with Toman.
Your thoughts were cut off when you heard knocking on the front door and quickly ran to it letting out a few curses on the way. You opened the door and looked forward seeing the Toman members in front of you with a serious expression and full of bruises, but what you found strange was that Keisuke was not there.
“What is going on? Where is Keisuke?“
"S/O-san, may we come in?" Chifuyu whispered but it was enough for you to hear him and you immediately gave the boys permission to enter your house, since your mother had not yet arrived home.
Everyone sat down on the couch in the living room and did the same, staring at the boys for a few minutes and Draken was the first to start talking.
“I'm sorry we came at this hour.” You felt the insecurity and fear in his eyes and you couldn't help but start to feel nervous. “But we need to have a serious talk with you.“
You took a deep breath and plopped down on the couch staring at all the members present in the room.
“Before we start talking, you didn't answer my question. Where is my brother?“ A silence formed from the room and you stood up and started to get irritated by their behavior. “Are you guys going to keep ignoring me?! I'm just asking a little question, what the fuck is wrong with you people?!“
“Baji is dead.“
You looked toward Mikey who also stood up. His eyes were blank and his expression serious. All the captains looked at him shocked by the sudden revelation and Draken stood up looking at him.
“Mikey! You know that these things must be told calmly!“
“Ken-chin. She needed to know.“ Draken just turned around and let out a little 'tsk' and started walking around the kitchen.
“W-what?” You let out a small, forced laugh, thinking that this was just being a unfunny joke. "Come on Mikey. That's not funny."
“S/O. I'm not laughing.“
You felt how your heart was breaking into pieces and your legs were shaking as if you were losing your strength. No matter how many times you looked at all of them, the expression was the same. Serious and sad. That was not a joke, that was reality.
"I can't believe it." You let your body fall back, eventually sitting back down on the couch as you felt the tears trickling down your eyes. In the room you could only hear your crying along with small hiccups.
“S/O, I-”
“Get out.“ The room was silent again and no one dared to take a step or say anything. You looked up facing them in a cold way, "I told you to get out!"
You saw Mikey opening his mouth, ready to speak until he felt a small tap on his shoulder and then he closed his mouth when he saw that it was Draken shaking his head. Mikey let out a sigh, walking out of your house.
All the members have left the house, all except Chifuyu.
“Chifuyu please don't make me repeat myself. I told to-”
“S/O-san.” You looked at him the moment he interrupted you. You could feel his voice failing, just by calling your name. “Do you like peyang yakisoba?”
You bit your lower lip trying not to cry even more and felt your heart squeeze as soon as you saw Chifuyu was trying not to cry either.
You were not the only one who was suffering. Everyone was.
 You took a deep breath and gave him a small, forced smile.
“Let's split it, right?“
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