#I'm so tired but the coffee shop AU is calling me!!!!!
euphoricfilter · 1 year
hello <3 i'm requesting fluff + ceo au + "you're unbelievably cute when you're tired." + OT7 or namjoon, if that's ok!!
lucky flowers:
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pairing: ceo! namjoon x florist! reader
genres: fluff || established relationship || non-idol au || ceo au ||
summary: after a hard day at work, it's always nice to be in your safe space; and for you, Namjoon is just that.
word count: 1.1k
tags/ warnings: people, fluff and a lot of comfort. no pronouns are used <3
notes: as always, drabble requests are no longer open and feedback is encouraged so please let me know what you think!
drabble masterlist || my full masterlist
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
There’s a lump on the couch when Namjoon walks into his office. Velvet blanket wriggling with the force of human limbs at the sound of the door clicking shut.
“My love” Namjoon calls out for you, laptop left and forgotten on the rounded coffee table before he sits beside what he assumes is your feet.
You hum. Tugging the blanket under your chin to meet his eyes- as tired and weary as your own.
“You're unbelievably cute when you're tired” he runs a thumb over your cheek, the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
You sigh, “Am not”, watching as he tugs his suit jacket off. “Today was the busiest I’ve ever seen the shop. And I was the only one working this afternoon. I think I'm exhausted”
That hint of a smile on Namjoon’s face melts into a frown, eyebrows drawn down with the force of his displeasure.
“You poor thing. Surely there was someone to help you?”
You shake your head, “They clocked out early, so it was just me most of the day” your bottom lip tugs down into a pout, “I hate working at the front desk”
“I know you do, love” he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, “How are you feeling?”
“Not sure” he watches your shoulders shrug under the blanket, muscles wound tight with the tension of the day.
“Not sure?” his head tilts ever so slightly.
“Tired. But I’m too aware of everything to even think about sleeping. And overwhelmed. Like I wanna itch my brain a bit or remove my ears from my head”
Namjoon hums, “What about a nap? Would music be too much for you at the moment?”
“Silence it is then” he nods, slouching a little further into the back of the couch, “I’ll catch up on some work, and you can tell me all about your day when you feel better? A little less overwhelmed? We can always talk at home later, or in the morning too, whenever you're ready, love”
You tug the blanket over your chin, sinking into the plush cushions, eyes falling shut.
The rhythmic tapping of Namjoon’s keyboard is more welcome than a conversation, and Namjoon doesn’t hold that against you. Knowing that in your own time, the fizzling frustration and wound-up emotions of the day would spill past your lips, unfurling all the bad that had been weighing you down for what he can only assume is most of the day.
“There was a dog in the shop today” you break the silence, maybe an hour later. Voice foreign to your own ears, and you wince a little at the shattered silence.
Namjoon closes his laptop, leaving it on the coffee table once more as he turns his attention back to you.
“A dog?”
“Mhhmm” you push yourself to sit up, blanket still wrapped tightly around your body, “This old man brought his dog in, and then it peed all over the floor and I had to clean it but, he was cute, so I didn’t mind”
“The old man, or the dog?” Namjoon raises an eyebrow.
A smile stretches your cheeks, “Both. I’m not sure what breed the dog was, but the old man told me he was buying flowers for his wife, it’s their anniversary tomorrow”
“Ah, they must have been married for a long time” he muses, and you nod.
“I hope we’re like that one day”
Your nose scrunches up at that, “Old and together” you nod, “And married” you add.
“Is that all?” Namjoon tugs you closer until your body is leaning against his side, his arm slung over your shoulder.
“Yeah. As long as we’re still together then I don’t mind”
“You’re lucky I have no plans of getting rid of you” he hums and your eyebrows furrow at that, head tilting up to catch a look at his face.
“Excuse me?” you scoff, though Namjoon can hear the hint of a smile laced between your words, “if anything, I would be the one getting rid of you”
Now it’s Namjoon’s turn to look down at you with furrowed brows, “I would sure hope not”
“You’re lucky I like you”
“Is that so?” he challenges, head tilting down slightly to press a kiss over the warm skin of your cheek, then to your temple.
Your hand slips from the safety of your blanket, fingers tracing over his jaw before you gently tug his lips to meet your own.
Your lungs expand with the harsh intake of breath you suck in once the both of you part, your lips shiny with Namjoon’s saliva.
“There was also a young boy that came in today” you whisper against his lips, losing your breath when he gives you a fleeting kiss, lips pillowing yours. Silently begging for more, drawing you closer as he pulls away.
You press another kiss to the corner of his lips.
“A boy?” Namjoon encourages, mind trailing after what you had been about to tell him.
“And what about him?” Namjoon prods.
He doesn’t think it’s jealousy that colours his words. He never found himself to be a jealous man, not even when he had started dating you. He wasn’t oblivious to the looks you would get, eyes of men that would never be yours probably conjuring up a thousand fantasies to fuel their lonely mind. And Namjoon wasn’t an insecure man; he would never subject you to a strict way of living—limiting your self expression simply because of outside forces.
And he knew you wouldn’t cheat. Just as he, himself would never imagine himself stooping to that level. That didn’t mean he wasn’t wary when you brough up other testosterone filled, bull-headed men that were more than likely to hit on you. Never seeming to grasp the concept of ‘no’ or ‘I’m not interested’.
You blink up at Namjoon, scooting yourself from his side, legs crossed under your blanket with cheeks dusted the lightest pink.
“So?” Namjoon asks, strange feeling whittling its way throughout his blood stream and into his heart.
“He reminded me of you”
“He reminded me a lot of us, when we were young” you say again, and Namjoon blinks.
“How so?”
You let the blanket fall off your shoulders, “He was curious. Asked so many questions about the flowers. Genuinely interested in what I had to say.”
“I only ever asked because I knew you loved them so much” he huffs, and you catch your laugh on your tongue.
“Not only that” you continue, “He got her the same flowers you got me, the day you asked me out”
“He made the right choice then” Namjoon tells you, “And I suppose, their relationship will be just as lucky as ours”
“You think so?” you ask him, arms slipping around his stomach, head resting on his shoulder.
“Maybe. Though he’ll never be as lucky as I am to have you”
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luvly-writer · 10 months
Ch. 2: She is as beautiful as she is poisonous
Tim Drake x reader
Fic + Social Media Au
Warnings: Blackmail, she’s a bitch a first, get to know her
Series: Ongoing
Author’s note: Enjoy! Feel free to leave feedback! It is always appreciated <3
Taglist: Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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How difficult Christmas time must be for all of those on the Upper East Side?
"Honestly, Tini, what do you get a woman who practically owns everything? I swear I have no idea what to get my mother for Christmas!" Y/n spoke on the phone as she carried quite a few bags in her arms. Dior, Channel, Yves Saint Laurent, if it's expensive and you can name it, it's there. "And to be even more honestly, I regret going Christmas shopping the same day Bartie is doing groceries. Seriously, I should learn to coordinate with my butler better, balancing all of this is getting preeetty difficult" she complained as she rearranged her bags again. "I didn't take the limo because I wanted some fresh air, you know how I get when it gets too stuffy" she laughed as she began to search for her purse. Because of so, she wasn't able to see the tired young man walking directly towards her. "It's silly, I know but- HEY!" and down she went with all her bags.
Tim had had a rough day. Between waking up to Dick and Jason singing Baby its cold Outside highly off-key just to piss off Bruce for making them patrol on one of the coldest nights of the year without their thermal suits; his secretary forgetting to send him a copy of the agenda for today's meeting causing him to practically have to improvise most of his points; Damian appearing on his office and refusing to leave his chair trying to establish dominance for "his future empire" to which if Tim had a say, he would absolutely not get if he kept on acting like this; and finally, with Steph who insisted they went Christmas shopping today only to ditch him and leave him stranded in the middle of the street with all of their presents with the excuse of having to repaint her closet which only translates to "I'm getting your present so bye bye". He was completely exhausted and the stitches on his shoulder were getting more painful by the hour with the cold. He had decided to get some coffee at a cafe down by Wellington Street and had been too caught on his thoughts to see where he was going.
Tim's and Y/n's bags, both shopping and personal, simultaneously fell, getting mixed up in the way. Both reached down to catch their stuff as fast as they could.
"Sorry, I was-"
" not paying attention, yes I figured. S, I'll call you later, I have a little situation here. "
Tim was taken aback by the attitude he received from this random stranger...this totally absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous stranger who just so happens to not be a stranger at all. If all of his years being lectured about the hierarchy of the Upper East Side had served correctly, he was standing in front of one of the heiress of the city, Y/n Vanderbilt and she was the most dazzling woman he had ever seen...and just as bothered as she was gorgeous.
"Yeah" he said breathlessly, "that" Could he sound any dumber.
"Yes, That. Ugh! The ONE time I get out without Bartie and this happens. How many of these are yours?" said Y/n without looking up. She hadn't recognized him yet and he wasn't sure how to feel about that. Finally, their eyes met and she raised her delicate eyebrow at him and he swore his heart stopped for a second. "Have we met before?" she asked after taking a good look at him. He sure was handsome as hell. Pale skin, dark hair which was a little bit messy but it suited him, sharp suit and even sharper blue eyes who she swore she had seen before.
"Timothy, Timothy Drake Wayne" he replyed cooly.
"Hmm, a Wayne adoptee and a Drake socialite, Gotham Academy?"
"Yes, but I-"
"-Dropped out, yes. Yes, you did, I remember reading the news. Dropped out to become the CEO of Wayne Enterprises."
"Funny" he laughs out getting up after making sure that all of his stuff was there and then looking up at her. "Can't recognize me but seems to know all my business, miss Vanderbilt." he said snarkly.
"Important enough to know, yet simultaneously not enough to get to actually know" she said with a wolfish smile. Touche.
Y/n checked all her bags and smiled to herself. "Well then, mister Drake Wayne, lovely to meet you. Watch your step next time." She said as she looked at him dead in the eye. "Have a nice day, Timothy."
And she walked away, leaving him dumbfounded watching her go.
"Tim Tim Tim! You will not believe the boots i just got! They are sooooo comfortable and warm for night patrol. My toes were freezing last night....Tim? Hey, what's wrong? You have a dazed look in your eyes?
"I think I just met the love of my life...and shes kind of a bitch." said Tim, making Stephanie laugh and link her arms with his.
"Let's go hide these and you can tell me all about the supposed love of your life."
Y/n paced around her room trying to see where she would hide her presents. Shopping had helped distract her mind from the matter that had been plaguing her mind these last few days. Most of the bags had been cleared by now and she only had three left. As she cleared her final bag, she noticed something strange. Two files. She takes them out curious to see what these are. "Can't be part of my gifts...hmm...let's see"
She opens the first one and sees it is directed to Red Robin?
"What...?" she whispered to herself. "Ivy's exploits on the newest power plant close to Gotham Central Park make a solid case worth observation. Following up on her latest attacks with the reports of Red Hood and Black Bat, we begin suspecting where her next attack will play out....holy shit" Y/n whispered in amazement. She then looked at the rest of the file. Some red yarn here and there. A mixture of scribbles and computer manuscripts. Folded papers and a lot of red ink.
Then she looked at the next folder, a meeting agenda filled with notes directed to one Tim Drake Wayne..."wait a minute.."
These are directed to the same IP address..with the same handwriting, including the signatures...
"Tim Drake Wayne is Red Robin"Y/n smirked, "I believe I found a solution to my little problem"
Y/N went to get her cellphone quick and marked her driver's number. "Donnie, get the car ready, we have a little visit to make"
"Where is it?" Tim searched frantically throughout his apartment. In his work bag, there were two very important files. The first being the final agenda of the meeting he had today with all of the notes he took which he needed right now in order to send it back to his secretary. If she wasn't so busy making googly eyes at him, he wouldn't have to waste time on the job and focus on the case. Speaking off, Tim decided to search for that file and found that it was also missing. "Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, if Bruce doesn't kill me, Batman will for loosing those two things. Where are those fucking THINGS?" If his apartment was a mess before, it was even worse now.
Thankfully, fate is such a humorous thing.
//kmock, knock, knock//
Close to a breakdown out of frustration, Tim walks towards the door only to be pleasantly surprised by a face that had not left his mind.
"Miss Vanderbilt, what a lovely surprise" said Tim as he opened the door, letting the young girl walk in.
"Yes, just as lovely as this apartment. Are you always this well kept?" She responded with sass. Making Tim chuckle, "No, but i made sure to decorate it like this just in case there was a posibility of a pretty Vanderbilt showing up."
"Funny, that won't last long." She said with a tight smile. "I'm here for business."
"What ever business could you have with a Wayne? Our parents are business partners, so there is not related to networking. You have much more money than all of my family combined, so it isn't that. Status won't be either, you are practically modern day royalty. So, what could it be? What..could..it..be?" he said aproaching her. He may be lacking 48 hours worth of sleep, but the detective in him was up and on high alert. You were picking the skin around your nails and your nose had this adorable twitch that could only mean nervousnes and the look in your eye was cunning with a tinge of desesperation. What could Y/n Vanderbilt want from him?
"I need you to be my fake boyfriend."
Tim had always been proud of being observant and with that, came the ability to not be surprised yet, never in his 22 years of life did he think that he'd have Y/n Vanderbilt, THE Y/n Vanderbilt, asking him to fake date her in HIS apartment.
"What's in it for me?" he asked skeptical of the situation.
"My silence, Robin Boy" she said as she got the two files he had been frantically searching for this entire time and showed them to him. "And don't try to deny it, the handwriting is the same, I had the pleasure of taking DNA samples and they match, and have seen enough videos to be well aware that you have the same body type. Oh and worry not, only i’m aware of this information. Unlike Miss Vale, I do have various PI's on speed dial, and the weight of the Vanderbilt name, so any information out of me will be credible." She said with a pretty smile.
"Pretty, cunning, and poisounus. Who would have throught." He said, not confirming nor denying anything.
"And I am sure Daddy Brucie dearest, would just love finding out one of his little birdlings let the family secret out, wouldn’t he?" she said looking at him dead in the eye.
Tim felt his heart stop. She knew about all of them.
"You have until monday, lover boy. My phone number is written in there. Call me when you have made up your mind and if you accept, make sure you clear up your schedule cause that meeting will take a long time. Kisses" She ended as she handed the files to Tim and saw herself out.
"This is officially THE worst and simultaneously best day ever" He said as he threw himself on the couch.
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
hi socks just wanna let u know i have been thinking about those vashwood as roommates headcanons and i always come back to it cz it’s somehow??? so comforting??? 10/10 chef’s kiss thank u!
it's honestly my comfort au-- so here's a part two ! (here's part one)
Having Vash and Wolfwood as roommates would include(part two);;
warnings;; I included some nsfw headcanons this time. they're at the end and have a warning. This also has a bit of fighting/angst that ends in fluff notes: i have a couple of fics in the work for this au. let me know if there any big moments you would like to see written out into a full fic! (also possibly a knives spin off??)
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Their jobs/majors
I kind of feel like Vash is studying in the science department. Specifically something that has to do with plant science? Botany, Environmental science, maybe even biology? I know it’s a little on the nose but I really do think it would work perfectly for him
Maybe he even opens up his own little flower shop in the future??
No matter what he has a lot of labs and he is always tired after them.
He probably has a part-time job as a barista at a little cafe on campus
No thoughts just Vash in a cute little apron
He’s a fan favorite among the college kids. They say he makes the best coffee, and he sometimes gives people little freebies when they look sad
His manager Meryl actively yells at him for it, but she doesn’t actually care that much.
He ALWAYS will give you freebies if you come in to visit him. He gets a free drink as an employee, and he’ll save it for you just in case you come in. Sometimes he’ll even take it to go and drop it off for you
Wolfwood gives huge phycology vibes. Mans had a messed up childhood and wants nothing more than to help other people through that stuff
Either that or he’s an art student. I can see that too
He takes school very seriously, but he is horrible at math. He cannot divide to save his life. He’s had to retake his math class like three times
His job? Well nobody knows and at this point everyone is too scared to ask. (He’s a security guard lol)
Whatever it is, he hates it. He comes home grumpy and needs lots of hugs and kisses.
He’ll be all pouty and pissed off, and then you’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek and a small smile will break out 
Bonus; Knives is on the track to becoming a surgeon. I will die on the hill that he is going into the medical field. (he’d look so good in scrubs) and i know McDonalds knives is kind of funny, but I'm thinking he’s actually and EMT. Imagine getting hurt and having Knives be your first responder (id die on the spot)
First Date
It’s not really a date- well you don’t call it a date. Vash just walks in with a couple of free tickets to a haunted house event thing  and asks if you and Wolfwood want to come
You’re like hell yeah
The drive there is like the calm before the storm. You listen to some music, seated in front with wolfwood driving. He definitely has his hand on your thigh. Vash is super excited about finally doing something that isn’t getting high and playing games
You all thought it was gonna be some dumb little spooky house. They’re never that scary. It’s just fun to see all the decorations and actors
Oh boy were you wrong
It’s so well put together. The actors are really into it, and they have amazing make up. When you’re standing in line, some clown girl walks up to Vash and you watch the regret build up on his face. The guy is already terrified
The first hallway is pitch black, and you have to rely on a feeling your way through it. Vash is mumbling about how much he hates it the entire time
Wolfwood is like “Don’t worry guys I’ll protect you.” And then proceeds to let out the loudest scream when the lights come on and there’s a girl dressed up as a ghost standing there
Soon all three of you are huddled up, holding hands, and shaking
These things should not be that scary!!!
It’s Vash who gets you kicked out
He gets so spooked that he runs into a bunch of boxes and knocks one of the fake walls down. The entire thing has to stop to fix it
You’re all banned
After that you go eat pancakes and complain about how scary it was
When things get tense
Fights can happen sometimes
None of you are perfect, and those boys have gone through some shit
Vash tends to shut himself away from you when he’s upset. He doesn’t come out of his room, and when he does he pretends like he’s fine. 
He doesn’t like burdening other people with his problems.
Eventually it just starts to feel like he doesn’t trust you enough to let you in. SIt gets really bad when he tells you to go away one day, and you watch Wolfwood walk into his room 30 minutes later
It doesn’t really turn into a fight. You just get sad, and even a little insecure. So, you avoid him back. Not because you’re vengeful, just because you feel hurt
A few days of the two of you not talking and Vash is in tears by your door
He begs for forgiveness and explains why he’s like this
You tell him it’s okay, but what he does really hurt you. He promises to work on it, and he does
That night the two of you make up for loss time
Wolfwood and you fight a lot more
Most of the time it’s silly little arguments that you solve pretty fast
Wolfwood is bad at communicating in general. But especially when it comes to his feelings
He has really bad days sometimes, and he can get grumpy really fast these days, and one day you really piss him off
He won’t tell you what you did though, he just gives you the cold shoulder
That pisses you off because you’d so be willing to talk it out and apologize, but he won’t tell you what you did 
So you’re mad now too
Things are tense between you too, and it all comes to an end on movie night when you start arguing about what movie to watch
You want to watch one of your favorite movies from your childhood and he says that it’s a stupid movie
Things get heated fast, while Vash just disappears into the background. He that the two of you need to workout your problems on your own (but he really wants to intervene) 
When the tears start falling, Wolfwood immediately stops
He takes a breath, and the two of you sit down and just talk. 
You talk ALL night about what happened, and what the two of you could have done better. In the end, you fall asleep on his chest while he plays with your hair. 
You have movie night the next night to make up for it, and he puts the movie you wanted to watch in before you can even talk about it ( he ends up loving the movie and after that you two watch it all the time)
Id have to make an entire other thing for when Vash and Wolfwood fight because it’s no fun for anyone
NSFW stuff
After the three of you finally get past the awkward stages and start fucking, you find out these two are…horny
They’ll grab you and go to town any time
They really like to share you, but there’s no jealousy in the relationship so it’s okay for one on one time as well!
Wolfwood will pull you into steamy make out sessions whenever. He’ll do it out of nowhere. I imagine he just really likes you, and can’t get enough
He’s very handsy. He’ll constantly have his hand on your hips, or your thigh, and your waist. He likes touching you
He’s the type to sneak risqué touches in public. He like watching you struggle to not let anyone else know what he’s doing
Quickies everywhere with Wolfwood
Vash is a lot more loving (not that Wolfwood isn’t loving– he probably has cried during sex) 
Vash takes his time though. He wants every moment with you to be special. He likes to do stuff like rubbing your back, and peppering kisses down your shoulders. He’ll run his hand up your shirt, and kiss your neck softly. He builds up to it
He really likes shower/bath sex. It’s intimate and relaxing
He also like when you take control (i know he’s a whimperer)
He is so bad at any type of public sex though. He gets embarrassed way too easily (and i think Wolfwood has fun with that) 
When the three of you do it together it’s fucking electric 
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vemuabhi · 7 months
Nanami with Coffee Shop AU please?~
Hey there Anon!!
Just one Smile
This is my first official request for the mini event and I'm done with it. Please enjoy and let me know what you think about this.
Prompt taken from here (12)
Pairing : Nanami X Reader
Word Count : 541
I was listening to Under the Influence - Japanese Version
copyright © vemuabhi Though Likes are cute and all, Please Reblog me if you like my writings.
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“How do you tell if a Vampire is sick?”
“See if he is coffin.”
You put your sharpie down and called out “One Macchiato for Nanamin”.
The blond sighed and came towards you while you held the cup with the big grin on your face.
He took the cup from you and then walked to his usual spot to get some peace. Habitually, after taking a sip from the coffee, he started to read the lame joke you wrote on the cup. The man looked at you in his usual frown of disapproval. It was getting regular. You sighed and continued your work.
‘Again not even a smile. Damn it. Is he even human?’, you grunted as you prepared another iced coffee. Its been more than a two months, more than sixty jokes, but until now, the man didn’t even smile. One evening you saw the grumpy blond with a silver haired man and as soon as the silver hair man left, his frown got worse. The next day, he was looking the same. So, you decided to cheer him up with a lame joke you found on the internet.
“What do you call fake spaghetti?”
“An im-pasta.”
As soon as he noticed it, he shot you a glance in disbelief and sheer disappointment which definitely damaged your soul that day. That was a good joke for you. You laugh at the most random stuff that you find. Normal people would’ve given up the next day, but of course, you didn’t. Your goal sheet had one more in it now. Make Nanamin laugh. Usually you forget names like Dory, but as Nanamin became regular, you remembered it well.
Regularly 4 people needed to be in the shift but, The next day, you were getting frustrated because an employee of yours called in sick and you had to cover up with lots of works. With orders, payments and more stuff. You prepared a Macchiato and called, “One Macchiato for Nana-min?”
‘That Macchiato was for NANAMIN?!!!!!! EHHHHHH?!!!!’, and he was in front of you, tired than usual today. ‘Sharpie?’ you looked on the table and it wasn’t there. DAMN IT! You couldn’t possibly miss the streak now.
“How do rabbits travel?”, you asked Nanamin and he raised a brow.
“I… don’t know”
“By..”, you bit your lip as you tried not to let that chuckle out and continued, “By hareplanes”, it was the straw and you cackled. Making the café go completely silent for a moment. Your co worker placed his hand on your mouth and apologised, making everyone go back to their work.
“Please take your drink sir”, your colleague gave Nanamin his drink as you were made to shut up.
You continued with making other espresso as you noticed the blond sitting in his place trying to cover his face. Then you saw his shoulders shake a little, you stopped your work. You were about to be witnessing something incredible now. His jaw clenched but then a soft smile formed on his face. He removed his hand from his face to face you and forgot to breath. He was looking at you as he smiled. That moment you decided that you will not let that man leave without taking your number.
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copyright © vemuabhi
Reblogs and Comments are always appreciated!!
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thissortofsorcery · 1 year
For the soft asks, could you please do 30 and/or 16 with Harringrove? You can do either one or both in the same if you want, I just really like both of those and you're such a good writer so I can't wait to see what you do with them 💚💚
So, um. It's a month and ten days later. I'm still gonna answer all of these! I'm going through rough time with writing and it's taking me a while.
This one's just for you though!!!! I did both 30 and 16, and I hope you enjoy it. Again, I tried to keep it short but it, um. Got away from me. And I added a little bit of angst. Just a smidge.
For context, the setting is a modern college and-they-were-roomates AU sort of thing.
Steve's talking to some chick.
She's pretty, Billy thinks, in the same way Nancy Wheeler is. Tiny, brunette, with huge eyes and dainty, bird-bone wrists, swallowed up by a cable-knit sweater.
And Steve's smiling at her with that wide, pleased smile he sometimes gets when he and Billy are alone and the lights are low, the one that Billy never gets tired of looking at, the only time he's sorry to kiss Steve, doesn't want to wipe that look off his face. 
Billy spots them from outside the coffee shop. 
On Thursdays, Billy has his shift at the library until six, and Steve gets off class at five. Steve always waits for him at the campus coffee shop so they can walk to the dorms together. He's been doing that since before they started hooking up. 
He isn't expecting to find Steve chatting up a girl when he's supposed to meet him, though. Jealousy hits him like a punch to the sternum, leaves him breathless and stunned. He knows he should walk away, but he can't unstick his feet from the sidewalk and force himself to move.
They're leaning against the high, long table by the window, standing close to each other. Steve's talking with so much enthusiasm that Billy would be laughing with him if he wasn't watching him talk to someone else. The girl seems plenty amused, though.
Billy's always known he liked Steve more than Steve liked him. There was no way he'd like Billy like– like this. Like Steve's the only voice he can't go a whole day without hearing. Like his heart's breaking is his chest at the sight of Steve flirting with someone else. 
They haven't talked about what they were to each other, yet, not explicitly. But Billy's been hoping, like a fucking idiot.
Billy breathes hard through his nose, and reaches for his cigarettes. He can feel himself getting worked up. He's not gonna be able to let this go. The ache is turning into anger in his chest, bubbling up to his throat. He's not gonna be able to keep it civil with Harrington when he gets back to the dorm after his date, and this is either gonna turn into a fight or Billy's gonna call it quits before he's even through the door. 
Billy's done watching his dating life go up in flames, so he's gonna go to Heather's dorm to see if she has any booze and ice cream. He turns around to leave when a shoulder checks into him hard, knocking his bag to the sidewalk, and his cigarette with it. His temper's already shot, frayed by a long afternoon listening to an asshole professor that didn't want to teach, so he yells out an, "Asshole!" to the guy's back. The dude doesn't even turn around to give Billy the middle finger. Bitch. 
Billy shrugs his bag back on, and turns around to see that Steve's staring at him through the window.
Well, fuck.
Steve doesn't look caught out, though, he's smiling wide and waving frantically for Billy to come inside, not at all deterred by his scowl.
What the fuck, right? They can do this in public if Steve wants to.
Billy shoves his way into the coffee shop, adding sway on his hips to show Steve just what he's missing, and goes straight for them.
He's not expecting Steve to take his hand, lace their fingers together, and say, "Billy, this is Amanda from my Child Psych class. Amanda, this is my boyfriend, Billy."
His what?
The girl giggles, a melodious, sweet laugh, and gives him a wave and a smile.
"He's been talking about you for like twenty minutes!" She says, hiding a smile behind her coffee mug. "Well, actually, since the semester started, but for the last twenty minutes, too! It's nice to meet you, finally."
On the outside, Billy's quick to recover, but inside, he's still reeling. He can turn on the charm and greet her, but he can't get his bearings about what he just walked into.
"Nice to meet you," Billy says, quirking his lips into a smirk. He adds a wink for good measure and hopes they chalked up any of his off behavior to being shoved outside, and not to being a jealous dick. He leans hard against Steve, squeezing his hand. Steve squeezes back, rubs his thumb over Billy's, and it sends a shiver down his spine.
"He says you have good taste in music," Amanda says, and her eyes are huge in her small face, to match her excited smile. "My friends and I are going to see Greta Van Fleet this weekend, and two of them backed out, so they're selling their tickets. Steve's been telling me you liked the band, so if you guys wanna come with us, I can totally text Cassie to hold onto them for you!"
Steve got him concert tickets?
Steve was getting him concert tickets?
"Are you serious?" Billy says, looking between Amanda and Steve, who's watching him with the widest grin, eyes crinkling at the corners. He wraps an arm around Billy and kisses him on his stunned forehead. He can't believe he thought Steve was chatting her up, and he was getting Billy concert tickets. "Steve, shut up, are you serious?"
"Yeah, Bill, we're serious," Steve says. "Amanda came to talk to me after class because I've been rambling to her about you and your playlists since I met her."
"Apparently we have the same Ratt tshirt," She says, shaking her head at Steve, "And I've been harassing him with my musical knowledge because my partner cannot hear anymore about it."
Billy's eyes narrow at Steve.
"Is that how you've keeping up with everything I've been saying about the music I like?"
Steve just shrugs, looking guilty.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sell you out!" Amanda cries, clutching her chest. "Don't be mad at him, though, he's just a good listener."
Billy looks at Steve, with his wide smile and his kind eyes, the hair he obsesses over so much falling just so over his eyes. He wants to kiss him so bad.
"Yeah," Billy says, and he can't help but match that smile with his own. "He is."
They say their goodbyes, and Amanda promises to text Steve the information they need to get the tickets as soon as her friend responds.
Steve holds Billy's hand all the way back to the dorms. Billy doesn't let go of it for anything.
As soon as they're through the door, Billy shoves Steve back against it, presses  their bodies together, swallows his gasp into his own mouth. Their lips meeting is the sweetest caress, the first breath of air after being underwater, and Billy lets the sensation of Steve's body against his, always so warm, wash over him, make him shiver. He can't get enough of Steve, needs to touch him everywhere. Billy's hands cup his face and circle his waist, his hips, anywhere they can find skin, needing to feel him, real and close.
Steve holds him just as tight, tries to pull him closer. He's already buried a hand in Billy's hair, a favorite of his, knowing just how much to pull on it to make Billy sigh or whine.
Billy pulls back, makes the kiss gentler, less hurried. Gives Steve little pecks on the corner of his mouth, makes him chase Billy's lips.
"You got me concert tickets," Billy says between kisses, nose rubbing against Steve's.
Steve hums, both in agreement and because he's pleased, having caught Billy's bottom lip between his own. "Yeah. 'Course."
"You're so…" Billy cuts himself off with a laugh, and kisses Steve again, licking into his mouth. "I can't fucking believe you."
Can't believe I have you.
Steve called him his boyfriend.
"Steve…" Billy pulls back, doesn't open his eyes. Can't help the smile that spreads across his mouth as he says, lips still close to Steve's. "You called me your boyfriend."
Billy feels Steve's answering grin against his lips, against the kiss he's pressing to them.
"Well yeah, you're what, my study partner?"
Billy laughs, a soft, quiet thing, that's not less happy for how low it is.
"Don't think we've ever studied anything."
Steve kisses him again, and Billy is distracted for a second, eyes falling closed to the feeling of Steve's lips catching against his.
"We studied anatomy, I think," He laughs, pressing another slick kiss to Billy's mouth. "And um, electricity."
"Electricity?" Billy laughs, opening his eyes to peek at Steve's face, and finds that wide, pleased smile he fell in love with, that he thinks he can't live without seeing.
"Yeah," Steve says, and laces their fingers together, sending a shiver down Billy's spine. "Do you feel it?"
Billy looks up at him, caught in that soft, brown-eyed gaze. Jesus, but Billy could look at him forever.
"Yeah," Billy says. "Yeah, I feel it."
This is in no way inspired by the Greta Van Fleet album that came out yesterday and the fact that I think modern Billy would be a super fan.
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gatorboys22 · 3 months
|•☆•☆•☆•{Helping strays.}•☆•☆•☆•|
{☆} Remember when I talked about a restaurant/coffee shop au? Yeah I'm writing about it-
{☆} TW: Blood, taking out barbedwire, going to a hospital.
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(Y/N) was crying in their hands, great they lost the bit of money they had left and now in a alley way. Bleeding, the fucking robber that got their shit pushed them into some type of trap. They guess it was for raccoons or rats since there's been a lot of those recently.
"Are you okay? I hear crying and- oh no!" A worried voice broke their crying and they turned to it. Seeing a big half blood they blinked in surprised, he crouched down and looked (Y/N) over.
"Here let me get ya outta that." The man reached down, (Y/N) flinched back. Not meaning too, the man seemed nice but the trauma of getting mugged and hurt kinda made them not want touch. The man paused and tried to make himself seem smaller?
"I swear I want to help. My shop is around the corner and I can probably help you there! Please, let me help." Softly speaking, the gator tried to calm them. (Y/N) flinched again still having their guard up, Bodie noticed and spoke again.
"My names Bodie. I'm the owner of a small shop that sells my family's recipes. Like my Ma's gumbo, Pa's favorite sandwich, my sister's favorite drink, and even my brother's favorites too." Whispering to them, Bodie watched as (Y/N) relaxed hearing about his shop. Looking down they pushed their leg to him.
Getting the hint Bodie took his belt off and handed it to them. Getting a weird look Bodie hurried to explain why he did so.
"For you to bite on, this is gonna hurt real bad." Taking in a sharp breath (Y/N) nodded and bite down on the leather belt. With gentle hands Bodie reached down and started to untangle their leg.
Muffled screams were heard as (Y/N) held the wall, pulling out the barbedwire hurt like a bitch. Blood got on Bodies hands and shirt as he slowly got it out. Tears fell again as they breathed rapidly, trying to calm themselves as Bodie continued getting them out.
"I'm almost done just a bit more and were finished." Trying to comfort the human in front of him Bodie spoke gently. (Y/N) was thankful for that, it made this a whole lot easier to do.
As Bodie got the last barbedwire out their leg he looked over the wound. There was too much blood dripping from it to move them. So a ripping noise echoed in the alley way, using his sleeve as a makeshift bandage Bodie hurried to stop the bleeding. After he finished the man opened his arms wide, slowly.
"I know ya can't walk, so can I carry ya?" Asking Bodie looked over (Y/N) incase they would faint because of the loss of blood. But they nodded and looked only kinda pale.
Slowly picking them up, being mindful of the leg. Bodie was able to walk quickly to the shop, (Y/N) leaned their head on his shoulder. He was really comfortable to lay on.
"And here we are! Hopefully Marco's back from the grocery run." Mumbling to himself Bodie pushed the door in with his back. The chime the door had made the cashier in the front look up from his phone.
"Oh Bodie your back- WOAH???" A chair screeches on the floor as the other gator gets up. Worried all over his face as he looked at (Y/N) and Bodie's figures.
"Timmy, this is....oh uuhh...what's your name?" Sheepishly asking looking at (Y/N). While, 'Timmy' was still trying to grasp what just walked through the door.
"It's (Y/N)....." Slurring out while having their head on his shoulder. They were feeling really tired all of a sudden, Bodie noticed this.
"Shit! Timmy man the fort for me. Just close the shop I gotta get them to the emergency room!" Spitting out Bodie rushed to the wall where the keys to the truck was. Snatching them he rushed out the door.
"WHAT? BODIE WAIT LET ME CALL MARCO- fuck he's in the truck already." Sighing the nerves rhe young gator was having bussled about. "Okay, Timmy don't panic just close the shop like Bodie said. Then freak out while calling Marco." Mumbling to himself he flipped the sign to 'CLOSED' and grabbed his phone.
Marco, who was at a grocery store across town heard his ring tone for Timmy. Sighing frustrated he picked it up and with an unimpressed tone.
"No. I won't buy you, your chips because you were a glutton and ate th-" His snarky comment was interrupted by Timmy shouting frantically.
"BODIEHELPEDAPERSONANDTHEYWEREBLEEDING-" Yanking the phone away from his ear Marco blinked rapidly. A few people in line gave him a look, so in a stern voice he spoke.
"Timothy. Wheat. if you don't talk correctly!" The tone he learned while growing up with Timmy got out. Causing Timmy to rethink what he just said.
"Bodie helped a person and they were bleeding a lot. He just took them to the emergency room! So hurry back quick so we can go there too!" Now understanding what the fuck he said. Marco kicked into action, luckily he was the next one in line and only had a few things to buy.
After quickly paying and rushing out he opened the trunk. Still on call with Timmy he began telling Timmy to get ready.
"As soon as I get at the shop I want you to haul that tail outside and get in!" Getting a noise of agreement Marco hunged up. Praying to the ancestors Bodie knew what he was doing.
On the other hand at the emergency room, (Y/N) was talking to a nurse about what happened. They were rushed to a bed with IV and police were brought in for their testament about their attacker.
Bodie was told to wait outside because he had no relations to the patient. His leg was bouncing like crazy as he sat outside their room, still cover in blood. A different nurse asked if he wanted a spare shirt, accepting the shirt he was happy to get the blood off.
Then his phone rang, the older gator wondered how he had it in all the chaos. Clicking the answer button he got a question out the gate.
"What hospital are you at?" Marco's voice shouted a bit from the phone. Sighing in relief Bodie answered telling him the Hospital and room he was waiting at for the person he helped.
The police men left and a doctor told Bodie about how, (Y/N) wanted to see him. Getting up quickly he walked through the door looking worried. But the person he helped just gave him a sleepy smile.
"Thank you from helping me! I honestly didn't know what I could do. Your basically my hero!" Words made Bodie blush a bit and he just shook his head. His ma raised him to help people in need, and he just saw he someone in need.
"Oh no, I just-" His explanation was interrupted by two other gators bursting through the door. Frazzled by everything moving quickly, (Y/N) noticed Timmy and waved at him.
Timmy, confused waved back. This caused (Y/N) to giggle, Marco took this chance to speak.
"Bodie! What did we say about helping people and not telling us where your going?? You nearly scared my scales off! I didn't even realized I didn't know what hospital I was going to until I was half way to the other one in the next town!" Rambling Marco exasperated as he finally catches his breath. Timmy was nodding along choosing not to say anything.
"Sorry, Marco but I just saw so much blood and needed to get them here quickly." Looking down Bodie apologized and (Y/N) felt bad so they spoke too.
"I'm sorry too-" Whispering out looking all sheepish. This caused all three gators to begin speaking at once.
"You shouldn't apologize!" The long haired half blood scolded. Crossing his arms looking shocked at their words.
"Your apologizing?? Why, you good mentally?!" The curly haired gator said. Tossing his arms in the air in aspiration.
"You got mugged! Why are you sorry?" Bodie questioned as he looked at them. Worried he made them think they should apologize.
All them speaking caused the person in the hospital bed to silence themselves. Marco, rubbing his head sighed heavily and then looked at (Y/N).
"Do you have a way to get home? We could probably give you a ride?" These words hit (Y/N) as they realized about getting home. All three noticed this, but (Y/N) beat them to speaking.
"I actually live in the apartment building down the street. I was coming home from work, then got mugged...." Telling thee three (Y/N) told what their address was. This caused the others to realized something, this must be the new tenant that moved in a few days ago!
"Holy shit you live in the same apartment complex as us!" Timmy exclaimed happily, but then fixed his tone. This wasn't a time to shout, he got a look from Marco.
"As, Timmy shouldn't have yelled, yes, we all live in the same building as you. We'll give you a ride. Did they say you were good to go? Or are you staying over rather night?" Probing for answers Marco took put his phone and saw the time. It was really late, 11:04 pm and he still had groceries in the trunk he didn't want to spoil.
"I'm gonna have to stay the night. Thank you for the ride though!" Smiling at him, then realized again. "I don't have a phone to call you guys when I get discharged!" Groaning (Y/N) really wanted that mugger to die at that moment.
"It's all good, here let me write my number on a paper." Looking around Marco got a paper and pen. Scribbling down his number he then looked at the other two. "We should get going, it's late....and I got things in the trunk that might spoil." This caused the other two to start saying goodbyes.
"Don't worry as soon as Marco gets that call I'll come over and get ya. Hopefully we can get your things back from that mugger!" Bodie exclaimed as he waved good bye walking out the door.
"Hope you feel better tomorrow! Have a good night!" Timmy smiled and left the room. Marco nodded and placed the number on a little bed table the hospital bed had. (Y/N) smiled at the words given to them.
Their really glad they had neighbors like them. Hopefully they can maybe become friends?
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hermitcraftx · 6 months
I agree with your post about hermit fans in regard to things being very popular. I’ve seen more people being angry and annoyed about scarian in the last six months than people celebrating it. Not tagging shipping is shit but it’s better than harassing people. I don’t know what was put in the water but something changed drastically and I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s seen it.
IT'S FUCKING INSANE! This fandom used to be so positive and welcoming and overall way more pleasant than some... other MCYT fandoms, but now??? I can't log on without seeing untagged negative interpretations in the main tags, can't express an opinion without getting anons calling me heterosexual sympathizers and hoping that I die, everyone has turned their back on everything that used to make this fandom really... fun? Like, I don't tag ON MY BLOG, but usually I don't maintag my shipping posts, and if I do, I tag the ship name so people can filter it.... I don't maintag duo names. What the fuck happened to make everyone so- miserable. Anons are probably going to be permanently off for me, too many people comfortable with their opinions and not comfortable with mine and desperately needing to tell me that.
And like- look. I get not liking interpretations. Personally I'm not a fan of the Double Life cheating arc because of how abusive and out of character people made Grian be, and I had to avoid ao3 for a bit because of that and filter the fucking tags. Same thing with found family dynamics. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it "overrated and popular" and just because you don't like something doesn't make it immoral or unethical either!!! People have to make everything a moral standpoint nowadays and it's really exhausting-
But that's a tirade. All over all the confessions blogs there's "scarian is overrated" despite Grian having nearly 10mil subscribers and most of them being on YouTube and considering all the hermits friends or family truthing them. Yes, there is more shipping than before- that's because Hermitcraft season 8 made it very obvious that the people on the SMP and the people IRL are very different, and it's no longer considered RPF. None of the real hermits died via moon explosion, ZombieCleo often says she's doing "lore", they make different skins, even GRIAN acknowledges that he's acting and playing a part with the permit office. Despite all that, there's STILL wars on shipping and people insisting that we're shipping real people, I fought this war on the DSMP side of things and it's SO TIRING.
DND podcast listeners, do you ship the people playing the characters? NO!!!!! Unless you do, in which case, have fun with that. I don't really care about RPF and I filtered the tags for it a long time ago, so maybe they do do that.
Every other day I see "Third life is overrated" "Last life is overrated" (LAST LIFE IS OFTEN THE LEAST FAVORITE SEASON I SEE PEOPLE SAY!), "the life series is overrated" "the cactus ring is fucking stupid" "they left the desert but we didn't" "no, THIS interpretation of scarian is bad and wrong" and like... guys. Guys. Fandom is supposed to be fun. It is not supposed to be a full time job. It is not supposed to be moral or ethical and you shouldn't feel the need to police shit. Jesus Christ, every other month there's a new fad that tumblr users flock to and once it's over everyone goes "EWWW THAT WAS LAME AND OVERRATED AND I NEVER LIKED IT ANYWAY" like.... I promise you cannibalism as an allegory for love is not mainstream you are just on Tumblr.
Like Good God. If it's so bad here go to Twitter. I'm sick of all the complaining and misery and hatred and I miss when things were fun- people are so scared of being cliche that they don't want to write things that they enjoy. Where are the coffee shop aus???? Where are the fun silly things??? Where are the 100k grimdark fics with worldbuilding??? Wheres the 500k fics that aren't even about the same characters anymore but that we love just the same??? Where are the forums and people talking to each other in comments and meeting each other that way??? Where are the roleplay servers?????? What are you all doing??????
People are scared of being judged. They want to do what everyone else is doing. They don't want to be cringe or cliche and every day I see a "cringe culture is dead" post and then someone making fun of another part of fandom, an antithesis to their previous statement. They don't want to be late to things, either. Who cares if Last Life was a couple years ago? Draw the fanart anyway!
I'm scared. Maybe I'm just old, but every post I see I notice that I get maybe a 10th in reblogs of what I do in likes, and I don't even post my art or fics to this site. Every post is like that. More and more people only like posts and they die, unseen, by everyone. More and more people misuse archive of our own's functions, treating it like it has some algorithm, when it doesn't, and it never has and hopefully never will. I see fic reuploads to "gain traction" (not how it works) and people reaching out to find RP partners (breaking TOS) and all sorts of other shit on both sites and it fucking horrifies me. I'm not even that old- I'm eighteen, and I can already tell how fandom has changed for the worst for everyone. Fandom used to be a community. Not consumption.
It's just... sad. Old fandom had PLENTY of fucking problems, and we have problems here too, but at least the positives outweighed the negatives. It's so... mean here, now. Even the happy things are mean-spirited. People treat it as if certain people have invaded this fandom space, spreading horrible opinions and ruining it for everyone, but the truth is is that shipping is always going to be a thing. It's a foundation of fandom- fandom started with housewives in the 1950s writing Star Trek fanfiction. You can never get rid of shipping. You can just interact with what you want to interact with and leave others to mind their own business.
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 28 - Dogwalker Au
@wolfstarmicrofic April 28, word count 785
Remus relished his daily walk through the little park beside his house. It was a good way to blow away the cobwebs and stretch out his aching muscles from being hunched over his desk for the last eight hours researching.
Sometimes, when he was too tired to walk, he’d just sit on one of the benches and people watch. He liked to make up little stories about them. Like today, there was a red-headed mum pushing her son around in his pushchair. She’d had a long day fighting off the evil wizards that plagued this land and wanted to ask the fairies to protect her son. But at what cost? He thought to himself, chuckling to himself at the absurdity of his made-up world.
He spotted a pudgy man who was grasping his briefcase to his chest, his eyes darting this way and that. He was clearly a spy and was on his way to divulge key information to his boss. Remus couldn’t quite decide if he was going to the good or the bad guys, but before he could come to a conclusion, a flash of long curly hair caught his attention, as a man so beautiful Remus instantly decided he was a siren with legs, raced across the grass after a huge black dog.
“Come back Pads!” The man yelled as he tripped over his own laces, falling over. He jumped back to his feet, spitting out a mouthful of grass and dirt before lunging forward again after the great beast. They soon ran out of sight, only the dog’s playful barks letting Remus know he was still on the loose. 
Remus groaned as he stood, his joints popping and creaking as he set off back to the entrance. He’d gone maybe two or three paces when his feet were suddenly not beneath him. He landed on the stony path with a loud thump. Pain instantly sped up his back and he winced until it ebbed. “I am so sorry!” He heard the man calling as his heavy boots clumping towards him. 
The dog, hanging its head a bit as though it knew it had done wrong, came and lay down next to Remus, dropping its huge head into his lap. 
The man got to him, breathless and hugging his knees as he drew in lungfuls of air. “I. Am. So. Sorry.” He said again between breaths. He held up the snapped lead. “He chewed through it when I wasn’t looking and took off. Normally he’s really good, but today, I honestly don’t know what got into him.”
Remus had barely heard what the man had said, he’d been concentrating on the way his full lips moved around the words. 
“Hi, I’m Remus,” He said, wanting to introduce himself. The man blinked at him and then grinned. 
“Hi, I'm Sirius and that clown is Sir Paddington the third or, as I like to call him, Oi come back!” Remus looked down at the now calm dog and patted his head gently. 
“Well, hello, Sir Paddington.”
“The third,” Sirius prompted. 
“The third.” Remus smiled as Sirius manoeuvred himself beside Remus. He looped the handle end of the ruined lead through the dog’s collar and slid the lead part through it, fashioning a new restraint. 
“There, I might actually be able to get you home now.” Sirius chastised the dog. He yanked the lead to get the dog on its feet and then offered a hand to Remus, who was still sitting on the ground. “Can I help you home first? Get you a coffee to apologise?” Remus shook his head and pointed at the house across the park. 
“That’s me there. No coffee shops in between, I’m afraid.” He joked. Then an idea sparked in his mind. “But you can come and make me one if you want.” The man and his dog intrigued him. The siren with legs and his furry pal. Perhaps he’d sung a song to enrapture Remus and that’s why he’d offered. Remus put aside his silly stories and waited for Sirius’s answer. 
“Yeah, go on then.” Sirius grinned. “Can this one come as well or should I take him home first?” Remus thought that Pads probably didn’t get invited to many places due to his size. 
“As long as he doesn’t eat my books, he’s more than welcome.” 
“Hear that, Pads? I think you just made a friend.” Sirius scratched his dog behind the ears. 
They walked the short distance to Remus’s house, chatting and getting to know each other. Remus and Sirius spent many afternoons after their first encounter walking Pads around the park, though Sirius had bought a metal lead now, one that Pads couldn’t chew through.            
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Your Voice - Chapter 2.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 861
Warnings None...there's a first time for everything!
This Anon request piqued my interest as I used to read a lot of Soulmate AU fanfiction 'back in the day' and I really liked this idea! AU's give me so much creative freedom...and a chance to go back to college Travis!! Now, I wasn't going to make this a series but as I was writing, I realised it is going to have to be as I had a great idea for it! I hope you enjoy! "Can I request a Travis k x soulmate au? pls 😩"
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The loud, shrill sound of the morning alarm startled you from your sleep. You rolled over in your bed and hit snooze, groaning as your head pounded, the result of a successful party the night before. Tiffany had wanted you to stay the night with her but you quickly made the excuse of an early football practice session. You didn’t necessarily like lying to Tiffany but your Soulmate’s voice had been getting clearer and louder over the past couple of weeks and you were all the more confident that it wasn’t Tiffany.
You squinted at the ceiling above you, attempting to block out as much light as possible from your vision. As you began to drift back into a sleep, your phone buzzed on the dresser next to you. Rolling over once again to retrieve your phone, you swiped up to see numerous missed calls and unread text messages from Tiffany. Ignoring them, you instead tapped on the text from your best friend and football teammate, Javen.
“Yo Trav. Wanna hang out today?”
You rubbed your eyes, quickly glancing at the clock and tapping the screen to reply.
“Sure man. About 11?”
Javen responded quickly.
You slowly rose from your bed, stretching your back and shoulder muscles before grabbing a towel and making your way to the bathroom. Turning the faucet, you stepped into the shower and let the warm water fall onto your skin. You closed your eyes and replayed as many sentences from your Soulmate as you could remember, focusing on her voice and trying desperately to find any clues that you may have missed but to no avail. You shook your head and continued to wash your hair and body, rinsing off any remaining soap before wrapping the towel around your waist. You took your hand and wiped the condensation from the mirror, checking the reflection and running your hands through your hair.
“I’m tired of it, I’m never going to find him...I give up.”
You stopped dead. Your eyebrows lowered and your heart fluttered. Your Soulmate’s voice was so quiet and downhearted and as you stared into the mirror in front of you, your hands gripped the edge of the sink.
“Come on, who are you?”
You paced back into the bedroom, throwing a pair of grey sweatpants on and a plain white t-shirt. You checked yourself over again once more in the mirror before grabbing your phone and keys, leaving the dorm early for a quick run and the hopes of possibly bumping into someone who would give you a clue or a hint.
The morning sun warmed your skin as you jogged casually through the college campus. A few people were around but for a Sunday morning it was rather quiet.
As you were early, you stopped by the coffee shop and joined the end of the line. The girl in front of you was moving her head to the rhythm of whatever music she was listening to through her headphones. She turned her head to the right and you caught a glimpse of her profile.
She continued to bob her head, her hair bouncing against her back. You gently tapped her on her arm, causing her to jump slightly and pull the headphones down onto the back of her neck.
She turned to face you, her expression brightening, "Oh hi, Travis."
You smiled a little, "Hey. You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good. How was the rest of the party last night?"
"Oh, I wasn't there long after I walked you, it wasn't that much fun." You quickly raised your eyebrows as your argument with Tiffany echoed in your head.
Y/N tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "Well, thank you again. I really appreciated it."
"Don't worry about it."
There was a somewhat uncomfortable silence between the pair of you, similar to last night and as you started to speak, so did she.
"You wanna grab a table?-"
"So, what are you up to?-"
She exhaled a laugh, as did you and you watched as she clasped her hands in front of her, "I'd really like to, Travis, but I have to get going to my study group."
Your heart sank a little, but you were unsure as to why, "Studying on a Sunday?" You said with a raised eyebrow.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders, "I got a test tomorrow morning, plus I have rehearsals for the play tonight."
"Oh right, you're in the spring musical. I forgot about that." You whistled, "Wow, you are busy."
Y/N moved to the front of the line and quickly ordered her coffee, turning back to you, "Busy is an understatement. I barely have time for anything!"
"No time to find your Soulmate then?"
Y/N grabbed her take-out cup, "Oh, I decided this morning that I've given up on that now. Anyway, I'll see you around."
You were left in the wake of her sweet scented perfume as your eyes widened with understanding, the noises around you slowly faded as you repeated your Soulmates more recent words.
“I’m tired of it, I’m never going to find him...I give up.”
"Ummm, excuse me? Can I take your order?"
OOOOH! I'll get working on the final chapter of this little series and all being well it'll be posted by the end of the week. As always, let me know if you would like to be added to my Taglist for all of my future writing!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Nothing is more disappointing than clicking on a fic for your OTP and it turns out to have what I call OC Stand-In Syndrome, wherein Character A and Character B have had their backgrounds, personalities and motivations changed alongside plopping them in an AU setting to the point where their names are just about the only thing tying them to who they were originally.
To use an example from a fandom I am not in now but saw a lot of this in when I was, take literally any MCU ship. Stony, but Tony and Steve are in the 1950s and Tony is a shy emotionally damaged Omega uwu and Steve is just a nice guy but not the badass who canonically would fight you for more or less any injustice you committed in front of him. Were their names changed to Antonio and Stefan, you would not recognize that they were supposed to be Tony Stark and Steve Rogers at all. Or it's Stucky, but it's a modern day AU and Bucky is a banker who falls for barista Steve and neither have any personality traits in common with their original namesakes outside of being I guess nice and arguably friendly with each other, though of course in addition to their childhood friendship being erased, so has their poverty, plopping them both into comfortable middle class backgrounds often with supportive living families, making them unrecognizable as far as origins go. Clintasha but Clint is a CEO of a company and Nat is a secretary with no dark backstory and they've never met until one day their soul marks activate and they go on a series of dates where they reveal personalities, backstories, interests and desires that do not match canon Clint and Nat to the point where you don't know why these two were chosen as the named characters.
If you want to write original fiction, by all means, go for it. Write your 1950's A/B/O M/M romance with an emotionally broken, shy uwu boy and his skinny sexy chivalrous Alpha. Write that coffee shop M/M middle-class-without-the-uncertainty thing. Write your busy workaholic cutesy secretary who fate has wed to a CEO and aaaah she's so nervous aaah why is this so awkward. Those are things with audiences who will love them and were they not presented to me with the names of other characters on them, I might like them, too.
But when I go looking for A/B fic and I just find a fic with a character borrowing Character A's name and they're into a character borrowing Character B's name, my thought isn't, "Wow, what a great A/B fic!" it's "you must've accidentally used find-and-replace to put in the wrong names on your OCs".
I got out of Reylo for exactly this reason. I like Reylo. I don't like the latest Sad Girl OC with a different backstory and either much more wallflower or viciously snide personality (depending on what the author thinks is cute/cool) and Sad Boy OC who lacks the rage issues, familial issues and ongoing flaws that make Kylo interesting.
And now it's creeping into my latest fandom and I'm just so tired. Please, I just want to read fic of two characters, not two of your OCs who you haven't named yet.
They probably find their portrayal IC, but yes, this often irritates me too.
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skzhua · 2 years
mornings with you ('your eyes' series)
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♡ "Come live with me."
pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader.
genre: fluff, slice of life, neighbour!AU, suggestive.
word count: 9,321
warnings: swearing, cheesy asf.
summary: you've been living in the same apartment building for years now. everything has always been to your comfort; no noisy neighbour, no argument with the landlord, a cozy neighbourhood... when you've come to the realization you could not pay for your sweet home anymore, your friendly neighbour suggests a plan for you to stay. are you going to say no to the handsome man with many charms? of course not.
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Your pen was rolling off your desk, yet again. With a small groan, you bent down to pick it up, your friend Dahye giving you an annoyed look. The class was three hours long, and with already two hours in, you couldn't wait until it was finished. As an attempt to occupy yourself, you had been playing with your coloured pens and had dropped a few of them in the process. Dahye had given you the death glare each time and you couldn't do much else than smile apologetically. As the teacher kept talking, you drew your attention on your notebook where you had drawn small sketches over the last few weeks. Inspecting your poorly drawn flower, your brought your pencil to it and started to form some shading. Focused on your work, you did not hear your teacher calling you out. Much to her exasperation, Dahye nudged your arm making you shoot your head up.
"Sorry, what?"
The professor sighed in disappointment before repeating. "I asked if you could explain the meaning of Hamlet."
Completely clueless, you stared at her as confusion spread across your face. Seeing that you did not know the answer, she asked another student which made you relax before going back to your drawing.
The class finished sooner since the professor ended it by giving you your next assignment. English literature was either your best subject or your worst depending on the teacher. This semester, it was clearly your weakest one so far. Can you blame yourself when the class was three hours with a boring woman speaking monotony in front of you?
It took you some time to gather your belongings while your friend waited, tapping her foot on the ground. Your bag all packed, you pointed to her foot with a confused look.
"What?" she said nervously in defense. "I'm stressed."
"You're always stressed." you snarked at her as you headed out of the classroom. "It's just a small assignment, nothing to worry about."
"Small? Y/N, this grade counts for 20% of the semester. If I fail this, I'm failing the course. My parents are going to kill me if that happens." she frantically explained, but you rolled her eyes at her dramatic behaviour.
"Says the girl who has perfect marks."
She kept on ranting, but you were not listening to her anymore. You reached your shared locker to get your hoodie before you walked together to the bus stop. You could not wait to arrive home to drop on your bed while watching a movie. You could only imagine the warm bowl of popcorn filled with butter with a beverage on the side. While daydreaming, Dahye's stopped on her tracks, frustrated with how you paid no attention to her.
"Y/N." she nagged, waking you up from your trance.
"I'm sorry." you smiled weakly. "The class was so boring, it tired me."
"Right, now let me guess. You're going home to do nothing of your evening?" You grinned at her guess, but she didn't copy your expression. "I don't understand why you got a dorm apartment for yourself when you could have a simple dorm. You barely get out of your room, anyway."
"And I keep telling you on how I like my place. The building is quiet enough, unlike yours."
The conversation was cut quickly when her bus pulled over in front of you two.
"I'm going to study at the coffee shop tomorrow, you're coming?" she asked, but you shook your head as a no. "Alright, I'll see you next week, then. Have fun alone, tonight!"
"Thank you, Dahye." you faked a smile as she got on the bus.
Your apartment was in the closest dorm building on campus. The landlord was not originally part of the school, but they made arrangements to accept students to reduce the fees. This made this even better. You had a wide place for yourself for half the price on the usual market. No matter how much Dahye was going to mock you for living on your own, you liked your home so much. You liked how close it was to the campus and how it was peaceful although the fact that all tenants were young adults who liked to party. One thing you had grown fond of was the cute art major student who lived at the end of your hallway. From the few conversations you'd had with him, you learned he was renting the place to make himself a small art studio. You admired the passion he held for this hobby of his. You wouldn't say you were close to the guy, but you were civil to each other. In fact, you used your hospitality many times to come to his help.
When the elevator opened when it reached your floor, you were more than happy to see the young man, who was struggling to open his front door. You chuckled from the sight, being far enough so he couldn't hear you.
"Hyunjin." you said loud enough for him to turn his attention to you.
He smiled while trying to hide his distressed look from his fight with his door lock. "Hey, Y/N!"
"Are you alright?" you chuckled again.
With a sigh, he gave up trying to look normal as worry creeped back on his face. "Honestly, no. I think I mixed up my keys with my sister's again, cause I can't open it. I'll have to ask her to come over... again."
If Hyunjin had the looks of a prince, his younger sister had the features of a goddess. Hyunjoo was, unarguably, one of the most attractive girls to have stepped foot in the college. Hyunjin was already famous among the students, so his sister entering the same school had been a big deal. You were one of the few lucky ones to be able to talk to him on a daily basis. Not like it mattered to you. For you, Hyunjin was simply this clumsy boy with a big heart. Cute.
"You can come in while waiting for her." you suggested, but he moved his hands as to refuse your offer.
"You already did this last time, I don't want to be a bother."
"You're not a bother at all."
Still reluctant, he agreed nonetheless and followed you behind to get in your place. Luckily, you had cleaned around the day before, so it wasn't as much of a mess. Being used to it by now, Hyunjin made himself home by sitting on your couch, pulling out his phone to text his sister. In the meantime, you served him a glass of water and he gave you a warm smile as a thank you.
"She said she should be here in about 15 minutes." he said while turning off his phone to put it aside.
"Good." You sat down next to him. "I was about to continue this drama I started last week. Wanna watch it with me?"
"Sure." he shrugged his shoulder.
You started to play the series on your TV, and got up to go make yourself some popcorn. You would have made Hyunjin a bowl, but if he wasn't going to be staying for more than 15 minutes, you would have made it for nothing. He commented on the characters and asked you a few questions about the plot since you were already halfway through the show.
It didn't take long when you heard a knock on your door, a cue for your neighbour that it was time to leave. You opened the door to the, now familiar, girl who was glaring at her brother, unimpressed.
"Hi, Y/N! Thank you so much for giving shelter to my dumbass of a brother." she smiled kindly to you. "I don't know how you mix up our keys all the time, stupid." she snorted at the man, not forgetting to hit his arm.
Hyunjin flinched at the contact and stared down in shame. "Sorry." he mumbled. "Thanks again, Y/N. I'll see you around." he gave you a soft smile.
"Anytime." you laughed. "Bye, Hyunjoo! It was nice to see you again."
The girl waved you goodbye as she dragged Hyunjin behind, nagging at his clumsiness. You watched them go for a few seconds before closing the door. Hearing the noise from your TV, you suddenly remembered you had a night in for yourself to attend to. Without losing another second, you brought your popcorn with you to watch your drama.
Romance was something you believed to be rare. From past experiences, you could say for sure that none of the gestures your favourite actors were doing for their partner on screen could be seen in real life. Part of you wanted to believe you could have this kind of dynamic with a significant other, but life showed you otherwise. Your past partner, Minho, was close to being your dream man. However, his detached personality could not fit with yours and resulted to multiple arguments. Since then, you had not put yourself out there. You were fine with being single, most of the time. But when you were watching your romcoms, that's when you would be longing to have this in your life.
After a few tears dropping from your eyes and two episodes watched in a row, you glanced at the pile of clothes overflowing your laundry basket. Maybe it was time for you to clean your clothes. For once, you decided to be responsible and grabbed the basket as you left your flat. The common laundry room was rather spacious. Mostly, it was a spot where you liked to interact with your neighbours. You might had been hoping that you would meet Hyunjin again, but to your small deception, you met eyes with Jeongin when you opened the door.
"Ah, you." you joked and the younger boy gasped, offended.
"Sorry I'm not Mr. Handsome."
You picked the washing machine next to his and started to load it. "I'm joking, you're handsome too." you smiled.
"I know." he smiled back. "Jisung told me Hyunjin got stuck outside his place again."
"Right. I had to let him squat at mine."
"That's twice in a month! I'm starting to think he does this purposely."
"Don't be stupid. Hyunjin is too preoccupied with his art or school that it makes sense he's being clumsy." you shrugged, closing the machine and starting it.
Jeongin's started to beep as a sign that his batch of laundry was done. After gathering his clothes (and his roommate's), he started to fold them lazily.
"Did you ask Jisung to take turns with the chores?" you questioned as you observed him.
"I did, but you know him. He stays inside all day and doesn't go out unless I force him to."
"Poor you."
As he finished placing the clothes back in his basket, he waved you goodbye and headed out of the room. As for you, you waited for the machine to be done by scrolling through TikTok. You didn't want the app, initially, but your psychology project partner, Felix, had insisted for you to download it. You would never admit it to him, but you became addicted to it. It helped you pass time, especially at times like this one.
An hour or so passed before your clothes were dried and folded. Walking out, you stumbled on your feet clumsily and lost your balance. Cursing at yourself mentally, you didn't even try to get your balance back and you let yourself fall. When your body stopped mid-fall, you let out a breath in relief.
"Be careful." a soft voice spoke and you recognized it almost immediately.
Getting back on your feet, you grinned at the sight of the man. He had changed into a more comfortable outfit: a pair sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. No matter what he wore, he looked good.
"Thanks." you said shyly.
As he was about to say something, you took off rapidly and ran to the elevator. His gaze lingered to your direction as he let out a small huff. You were one of a kind, for sure.
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Psychology class was only fun because Felix was in it and brought you brownies. The moment you learnt he had the hobby of baking, you begged him to bring you some of his pastries each time he would make them. Thankfully, he was too sweet of a guy to say no, and he started to do so since the beginning of the semester. People got the word about his baking skills and started to request baked goods from him, and he accepted. The infamous brownie boy was your creation and you could say you were proud.
When you saw a tupperware on your desk, you had never sat down on your seat so quickly. Morning class could not be boring if you had food along with it.
"What did you make, this time?" you asked Felix while you hopped up and down on your chair.
"Chocolate chips cookies. I'm trying to convince Hyunjoo that I'm a good baker, but the woman is hard to please." he let out a heavy sigh.
Although Felix had never told you explicitly he liked the girl, it was more than obvious. You could not blame him, you had a thing for one of the Hwang siblings as well.
"I'm not complaining if that results into more desserts." you said and took a bite of a cookie, moaning at the delicious taste.
Felix shot you a disgusted look. "I get that they are good, but don't make those sounds..."
"You should just take the compliment instead."
"Y/N, Felix." the professor glared at you. "Class has started."
"Sorry." Felix bowed his head before nudging your leg with his foot.
You held in a laugh as you almost choked on your cookie. Yeah, psychology class with Felix were fun. Until they were not.
The teacher allowed you to work in teams to complete the exercices and you instinctively paired up with your freckled friend. Obviously, you did most of the work, but he had brought you food so you weren't complaining. Just as you thought this course was getting pleasant, Felix had to drop a bomb on you.
"I invited Minho to eat with us."
Pausing on your writing, you looked up at your friend with a frown. "Minho, as in Lee Minho?" He nodded. "Felix, what were you thinking?" you almost yelled, but kept your tone normal since you were in class.
"I bumped into him this morning and he was talking with Hyunjin. I asked Hyunjin for some help with his sister so we agreed to eat together to talk about it. Minho has his break too, so he would tag along." he justified, but you weren't having it.
"I haven't adressed a word to him for a year, man." you whined.
"Look at the bright side, Hyunjin is going to be there." he wiggled his eyebrow.
While his crush on Hyunjoo was obvious, yours on Hyunjin was just as much apparently. However, you had avoided him since that time he had caught you from falling, too embarrased to face him again. You gave in after more bickering, determining that one lunch break with your ex wasn't that bad... No, you were definitely only doing this because Felix was your only friend in college other than Dahye and the latter had classes only in the afternoon, allowing her to sleep in. Thus, he was the only social interaction you could get and you weren't enough of a loser to eat alone in self pity.
Lunch time arrived and you followed Felix to the usual table you both would take. On his phone, he texted the two others about your location so they could join you. You were not as hungry as usual since you had stuffed your belly with Felix's cookies, so you watched him pull out his bento box where he had packed fried chicken as a meal.
"Did you cook that?" you nodded your head towards the meat.
"Seungmin did."
You could see how a roommate was useful. They could be making food or doing the laundry for you. Even though the idea was appealing, you were still content that you had a place for yourself. Sharing an apartment with someone was a no-no for you. And seemingly, sharing a table was just as much. You saw the two men approaching from behind your friend and you could already feel that the vibe was off. Minho sat next to Felix while Hyunjin took the spot next to you.
"Lee." you said in a passive aggressive tone.
"Hi." he replied coldly.
"You two know each other?" Hyunjin asked, having no idea on why there was such a tension.
"More or less." Minho shrugged before stealing a piece of chicken from Felix. You scoffed at his action, which only made him glare at you.
"Okay..." Felix trailed off before coughing to fill in the awkwardness. "So, Hyunjin. How's Hyunjoo?"
"You saw her yesterday, no?"
He blushed at the remark. "Right. Did she like my cookies?"
Hyunjin shrugged his shoulders while munching on the sandwich he had just unwrapped. "I don't know, we don't really talk. But if you want one advice, stop being a try hard. She likes soft boys."
"But I'm a soft boy..?" he mumbled before looking at you in search of any agreeing. Instead, he found you still exchanging glares with Minho. "Y/N?"
"Yeah, yeah, you're a soft boy, Lix..." you agreed carelessly.
Hyunjin was still confused and observed the staring contest more attentively. "Are you two okay?" he dared to ask.
"I guess." you shrugged. "Are we?"
"Depends. Am I too distant to be around?" Minho spat out.
Your eyes widened at his words. He did not just say that. "Am I too clingy to be around?"
In panic, Felix quickly spoke to change the subject. Luckily, Minho didn't seem in the mood to argue more and he went back to eating in silence. After more of Felix's uninteresting story-telling, you've had enough of the weird atmosphere. It was probably time you buried the hatchet with your ex.
"Min." you interrupted your friend, who sent you an offended look. Minho hummed, but he was visibly taken aback by the nickname you used. "Are we okay? I mean, for real."
His ears got red, which you took as a good sign. "I mean, I never was actually mad at you." he admitted. "I figured you wanted space after we broke up."
"Yes, but I did tell you I wanted to remain friends. So, are we good? I'm sorry for my petty comments earlier."
Even more startled, he awkwardly nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry too. We're good, don't worry."
He managed a small smile that you returned. The weight had came off your shoulders and you could feel yourself lighter. You felt someone looking at you and you realized it was Hyunjin, still in confusion.
"Ah, we used to date." you explained briefly and he nodded.
"You have something here." He reached his hand to your mouth, rubbing at the corner of your lips with his thumb. "There you go. I think it was chocolate." he laughed nervously.
Eyes wide opened, you turned to look at Felix who was pressing his lips together, restraining himself from smirking at you.
"Thanks." you coughed.
This scenario was oddly similar to your last interaction with him. Trying to contain the blush creeping on your face, you stole a chicken piece from Felix as a distraction. Heads up: it did not work as Hyunjin was still staring at you.
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"The deadline is tomorrow, how can you ask me to calm down?" Dahye exclaimed as she paced back and forth in your living room.
With your notebook in hands, you didn't bother looking at her and exhaled loudly at her usual ranting. You loved the girl, but school was making her go crazy.
"I did it under four hours of work and you know I'm much slower than you. You'll be fine."
She scoffed at your poor words of encouragement. "You don't get it. I'm not stressed about the work. I'm stressed Seungmin will stop giving me coffee each time he sees me in the shop."
You closed your notes by hearing her. "You know Seungmin?"
She pointed at you, lost on why you asked this. "YOU know Seungmin? And were you even listening to what I've been telling you for the past 20 minutes?"
Before you could answer, you heard a knock coming from your front door. You got up to answer and you saw the postman. He held you out an envelope with the school's informations on it. You were about to question on why he didn't leave it in the mailbox, but he answered before you could speak.
"Urgent news statement, I'm giving this to everyone."
Nodding, you thanked him before closing the door. Opening the envelope, a formal letter was written to inform you about new prices established on the campus. It was mostly book and food prices as well as some other service fees. Being already broke, you groaned while reading out loud the raised prices. Dahye took it from your hand and frowned upon viewing one section in particular.
"You might want to read this one."
Giving it back to you, you spotted the section about dorm prices, and the apartments had risen significantly. You were already barely able to afford the place, now you really could not pay rent anymore.
"Fuck this shit." you said, dropping your head into your hands. You heard another knock and rolled your eyes at the sound. "What now?"
Dahye opened the door for you and there stood Hyunjin, holding a cup of ice americano in his hand. "Hey."
"Hyunjin? What brings you here?"
Your question seemed to make him nervous, as he started to blink rapidly and search for his words. "Ah, um... I thought we... I don't... I... Didn't we agree on going to school together now since we have classes at the same time on Thursdays?"
"Shoot, right, I'm sorry." you got up to get your school bag.
"I'll be off, then. Call me if you need anything, okay?" Dahye said, concerned, before leaving your place.
The walk was rather uncomfortable. While Hyunjin was trying to make small talk, your mind could not focus properly. Your main problem played repeatedly in your head, trying to find a solution. Your family home was hours from the college, you could not go back there. Dahye was already rooming with a girl named Eunhee, and she most likely wasn't going to kick her out for you to go live with her. Felix had Seungmin, and Jeongin was with Jisung. Overall, the few people you knew already had roommates. The part you hated the most about the situation was that you'd have to give up your quiet place you'd grown to love.
Hyunjin noticed you weren't a 100% into the conversation, so he stopped walking and put a hand on your shoulder. "What is it?"
"Uh?" you blinked a few times.
"You look like you've seen a ghost, is everything alright? Is it about Minho?"
The both of you had grown closer immensely since that lunch break with Minho and Felix. You had exchanged numbers and went over to the other's apartment just for fun sometimes. You had told him about your break up and he told you about his non-existent love life, which surprised you considering he could get any girl he wanted.
"What about him?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "He's gotten with someone, apparently. Maybe you feel upset about it, I don't know."
From all the things that could upset you, this was the last one on your mind. "Oh, no. He can get do whatever he wants, I don't care. No, it's just that..." you paused as you felt tears building up. You felt like an idiot for crying over a stupid apartment. "The prices went up."
He let out a sigh and looked down. "Yeah, I got the paper. I'm lucky enough to have saved more than needed but I'll have to cut on some expenses."
You huffed, almost in jealousy. "Lucky you. I'll need to get a dorm instead, and chances are that I'll have to live with a pure stranger."
By now, some tears had rolled down your cheek. It took everything in Hyunjin not to brush it off for you. One thing he learnt by hanging out with you more frequently was that he was totally infatuated with you. Your careless but sensitive persona only made him like you more.
"Come live with me."
His heart stopped from his own offer. His mouth spoke before he could even think. Even then, the idea had popped only briefly. He had no idea why he let it blurt out so easily. And from your reaction, you were as dumbfounded as he was.
"I-I mean, you know my place already. And it's close to where you live. And we know each other. And I think I'm a good roommate. And I'd leave you your space. You know what? Forget about it, I don't know what came-"
"Let's do it." you cut him off.
"Oh." he gulped. "Are you sure?"
You nodded your head, uncertainly. "I mean, I don't have any other option. Not like I don't like the idea of living with you, but I mean, it's the only option that seem more than decent."
You stopped yourself from talking before you would say anything any more stupid. As for Hyunjin, you had never seen him grin so widely. Either from happiness or to diffuse the weird atmosphere, it didn't matter. It might be a bad plan accepting to live with your hot neighbour, but the perks were numerous and you could simply not refuse.
"I'll clear my art room for you, then." he beamed at you. "And before you say I shouldn't, I insist. I have access to the art studio at school, anyway, and I have a spot in my room that I can arrange for my work."
"Alright." you smiled back. "I owe you a lot then, thank you."
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Upon learning you were moving in with her brother, Hyunjoo had insisted to help you out with your boxes and such. Telling her that Felix was already going to give you a hand, it only made her plead to join the lot. An opportunity to play cupid was presented to you, so you took it and had them move your bed while giggling like children. Dahye would have come if it wasn't for her essay she had to complete, but you believed she was only making up an excuse to see Seungmin.
"How many books do you own?" Hyunjin breathed out in exhaustion from bringing the third box of books already.
"I stopped counting after ten." you shrugged your shoulders. "You don't have to do this, you know. Skipping class to help me. I have these two." you pointed to the blushing pair.
"As if you wanted to third-wheel." he rolled his eyes. "It's fine, I swear. Besides, I want to help you organize your bedroom so you can feel at home for the first night."
Your heart melted. This confirmed how much of a bad idea it was to be living with him. If simple gestures like this made you fond of him, how was it going to be the day he brings food at home for dinner?
"That is if they actually move my bed." you shifted your gaze towards your friend. "Lix, the bed." you said with a stern look.
The pair didn't stay long after finally bringing your bed into your new room. Leaving to have another baking session together, you were left alone with Hyunjin. The feeling was foreign, but you'd have to get used to it. In silence, you put your clothes in your drawers while Hyunjin arranged the covers on your mattress. It was enjoyable, not saying a word to each other but still appreciating the company. After some time, he pulled out his phone to play some music for an ambiance. Unconsciously, he started to hum along the lyrics and it might have been the prettiest voice you had ever heard. You were aware of his many talents, but his singing voice had remained a mystery until now. When the song ended, you took the time to compliment him. His face now pink, he thanked you shyly as he continued to place your books on your shelf.
Hours of work had passed and you determined you were pretty much done. You ordered food and ate, in silence still, while being on your phone. Dahye had sent you plenty of texts telling you all about her evening with Seungmin, being the first time he had actually made discussion with her instead of acting indifferent. With her starting her thing with the guy and Felix being head over heels for Hyunjoo, you were surrounded with love by then. Even Jeongin had told you about a girl he met not so long ago. Forgetting you were not alone in the kitchen, you let out an incoherent grumble, complaining about your lack of spice in that aspect. Hyunjin flinched, taken aback by your sudden noises.
"What did you say?"
Remembering the man was now your flatmate, you grew embarrassed. "Sorry, I have this habit of talking to myself sometimes."
"No problem. It's kind of cute."
It was his turn to be embarrassed as he avoided eye contact, going back on his phone. He had finished his meal afterwards, not adding another comment in fear of flustering himself any further. He waited patiently as you ate your last bite only to fight with you over the dishes. Persistent, he left you sitting alone as he washed your plates. For you, the silence had lasted for too long. Standing on the other side of the counter, you leaned onto it as you made talk.
"Did you call back that girl who asked you out?"
Alright, maybe you should have kept your mouth shut. However, you were too curious for your own good. Hyunjin looked at you curiously, but still answered.
"No. I told you I don't have the energy for that, and they only ask me out because of my looks. Not worth it." he explained as he dried the utensiles. "How about you?"
You scoffed. "Do you see me whoring around? I rather stay home and do nothing. Plus, Minho traumatized me."
"Was he that bad?" he snickered.
"Not really, but we fought a lot over stupid things." you sighed, nostalgia lingering. "I'm glad he found his person." There, one more person who had some action happening in the love department.
"Me too." he said in a yawn. "I think I'll head to bed. Do you need anything?"
"No, go ahead. I'll do the same eventually."
"Okay, but let me know if you need me. Good night, roomie." he grinned as he sent you a wink.
Damn you, Hwang Hyunjin. "Night." you replied in a murmur.
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"What's up, Jeongin!" you exclaimed the moment you saw your neighbour in the laundry room. You took notice of the girl next to him. "I'm presuming you are Youngmi, right?"
The girl nodded shyly. "Y/N?" she guessed in a small voice.
"That's me." you smiled and took your usual spot. "I won't interrupt, I'll just load this and head back."
Jeongin inspected you scrupulously and snickered at you. "I swear I've seen Hyunjin wear this exact shirt the other day."
Already two months into living with the man, you formed a routine that worked for you both. Wednesday nights were the times where you would be watching a drama together and hang out in the other's room to simply chat. His way of living was oddly similar to yours which made things much easier. He was an horrible cook, but tried his best whenever it was his turn to make dinner. He showed you his art for second opinions and you made him read some of your favourite books. Once, you accidently wore his hoodie, but he assured you that he did not mind and that, in fact, you were prettier in his clothes. What you loved the most about living with him was forming this comfortable dynamic together. As you had predicted, you had it hard for the man.
"Yeah, it's the first thing I saw before coming here." you answered nonchalantly.
"Whatever, missy."
You loaded the machine and left quickly to give the couple a moment. Entering the flat, Hyunjin was laid down on the couch, frown on his face as he read his school book carefully. It was close to the end of the semester, meaning exams were coming up soon. Summer was also nearing, so you would be going back to your parents' home in a few weeks only.
"Your sculpture analysis?" you questioned him while shooing him to make space for you.
You sat down and he pulled his legs back on your lap, letting out a groan. "Yeah, I haven't even started to write it. He wants us to use the material we saw since the beginning of the course, but it's all painting aspects." he complained.
"Oof, I wish I could help."
He sent you a warm smile before looking back into his notes. "You're helping by listening to my venting."
"We're all struggling, it's nothing."
You grabbed the TV remote and put on a movie to pass time. For once, it wasn't a romcom, but a horror movie.
"Are you being for real?" he deadpanned at you.
"What?" you said innocently.
"You expect me to study while hearing screaming?"
"I lowered the volume."
"Y/N." he glared at you.
"Please, Jinnie! You've been studying all day, don't you want a break?" you pleaded.
"Not with an horror movie."
You held out the remote to him. "Fine, choose then!"
Still doubtful, he put his book aside and took the remote from you. Scrolling through the movies, he picked a drama movie he had made you watch during one of your Wednesday nights.
"This one, again?"
"I like it." he pouted.
"You cry to it."
"I don't."
With more bickering, you gave in and watched the movie together. Hyunjin had repositioned himself to see the screen better and, almost automatically, put his arm around you. He had done the same previously and it still made you feel so many things in your belly. Your body stiffened at the contact, but you eventually relaxed. Maybe too much, as you were now comfortably installed in his arms.
With the end nearing, you heard the man sniffle a couple of times. You loved how he wasn't ashamed of crying in front of you, which was the total opposite of most men who would rather preserve their pride. The credits rolling and Hyunjin tearing up, you detached himself from him, but he kept his grip on you firm. Turning his head to face you, you were a mere inch apart. You felt small, and your brain stopped working at how he was staring at you, his eyes glistening. You couldn't help but flicker your gaze from them to his lips, his full lips you always thought to be beautiful. The same ones you had wondered many times how they tasted. His breath hitched when you dared to get closer. He could feel yours getting warmer.
As your lips barely touched, you stopped yourself just in time. Your body was moving by itself and you could not allow yourself to mess up whatever you two had.
"I should go back to get our clothes." you whispered, not moving.
Hyunjin hummed, but did not budge either. Freaking out internally, you could not take this overwhelming feeling anymore. In a matter of seconds, you broke out from his embrace and left the apartment, your pace rapid as you went downstairs to the laundry room. Folding the pieces of clothing, you felt hot and confused. This was almost causing you a headache. You were filling the laundry basket slowly, afraid of what would happen when you get back to your place.
But everything comes to an end, eventually. Placing the last shirt on top of the others, you gathered the most of your courage to go back. When you walked in, the TV had been turned off and Hyunjin was nowhere to be found. You glanced at his room and sighed when you noticed the door closed with a dim light coming from inside. You placed his pile of clothes in front of his door and went to yours to go to sleep. Spoiler alert: you did not fall asleep that night.
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Exam week was finally done. Miraculously, you had managed to study for each of them, making it fast for you to finish them. And by studying, I mean studying. You had barely gone out of your room and drowned yourself into your school books. As a result, you and Hyunjin had spoken to each other only a few times and if necessary. That arranged you, you had no intention in interacting with him since your intimate moment. You never brought it up again and neither did he. Luckily, being so busy with school, you didn't take the time to think about it much. Most importantly, you left out any details to anybody. Felix, especially, would be freaking out over this.
After reviewing your answers on your sheet, you happily left your desk to go give out your copy to the teacher. Dahye, who finished after you, gave hers as well and you met with Seungmin. He waited outside of the classroom and did not hesitate to give his newly girlfriend a kiss as a congratulations.
"Get a room." you said in disgust.
"Congratulations to you too, Y/n." Seungmin replied in a fake tone. "Chan's throwing a party tonight for the end of the semester. Are you coming?"
"Unfortunately, I'll have to pass." you smiled apologetically.
"Please! Even Jisung is coming." Dahye begged.
You huffed. "Because Hwayoung forced him to, probably. I'm sorry, maybe next year."
"You said this last semester. Please." she insisted again, in a softer tone.
"I'll see. I have to go home, for now. I'll text you."
Waving them goodbye, you went to your place to go take a well deserved shower. You crossed path with Jeongin in your hallway, who asked you if you would come to the party too. After telling him you won't be present, you went inside your apartment as you breathed out a long sigh, fatigue taking over. You didn't see Hyunjin anywhere, so you assumed he was still at school. You got yourself a new set of clothes and headed to your bathroom. The moment you came to open the door, it flung open by itself and you were stunned by the sight in front of you.
Hyunjin, in all his glory, was standing at the doorframe completely shirtless with a towel barely holding itself together around his waist. While his long wet golden locks were falling perfectly on his face, his toned six-pack was on full display for you. You could feel your face turning red as you stood still, unable to make any movement.
"Sorry." he said in a small voice as he bypassed you, going to hide into the comfort of his bedroom.
Still blushing, you finally actively moved to get into the shower. After freshening up and putting on a oversized t-shirt with a pair of shorts, you went to the kitchen to get a snack. Your roomie was at the dining table, now wearing something, and avoided your gaze. As for you, you were checking him out in an obvious way. His hair was still damped and he had put on a large white buttoned shirt and black pants. He completed his look with some chains and a few silver rings.
"You're going out?" you questioned.
"Yeah." he briefly answered, still avoiding you. "Chan's got this party for the end of the semester."
"I thought you didn't like partying."
"Yeah, well..." he trailed off. "My sister is going and she insisted for me to have fun for once."
Seemingly, you were going to be the only one not going to the said-party. Although you would rather stay in bed for the rest of the night, it shouldn't be that bad since your friends would be going. And maybe, just maybe, it would give you the courage to ask Hyunjin about the unspoken thing you two had going on.
"She's got a point." you teased. "Are you leaving soon?"
"Why? You want me out that bad?" he joked back, now looking at you. Seeing your poor reaction to his comment, he sighed. "In about 30 minutes."
"Alright, wait for me then." you said and headed back to your room.
You could not choose a decent outfit for the life of you. After already 10 minutes of debating, you called Dahye for some help. Being at Seungmin's place, Felix was there as well and joined the lot to help you out.
"Oh, that top is nice!" Felix commented.
"No, the dress is better." Dahye disagreed.
"What? Sure, but she'll look like a slut."
"Which is what we're going for. My girl hasn't had it in a while."
You rolled her eyes from hearing her judgement of your lack of intimacy. "I don't plan on getting 'it' tonight. I'll go with the top, then. Thanks, Lix! I'll see you later!"
You hung up before Dahye could make another comment about your outfit choice. Putting on a bit of makeup and finshing off with a pair of earrings, you took a better look at yourself with your mirror. Frankly, you were impressed on how you made yourself look this good. Satisfied, you picked up your purse and joined Hyunjin in the kitchen.
He was already standing next to the front door, ready to leave soon. As soon as he saw you, his jaw dropped on the floor. He had always thought you were pretty, but now you were drop dead gorgeous. Not taking his eyes off you, he took a step closer, now towering you. He smirked as he noticed the pink creeping on your cheeks.
"Dressing up to impress, I see." he cocked his head on the side.
"I could say the same about you."
He smirked while taking a step back. He grabbed his jacket and opened the door, letting you leave first.
"What a gentleman."
"That's the bare minimum, angel." he sent you one of his famous winks.
The man was going to kill you at some point, but you were not complaining. After not speaking to each other for weeks, his behaviour was overwhelming for you. As you walked to Chan's place, it being only a couple of blocks away, you shivered since you did not consider the weather to be an issue before leaving. Still having his coat in his arms, Hyunjin brought it onto your shoulders to give you an amount of warmth. Blushing again, you thanked him and he sent you a smile. Another shiver went through your body and, this time, Hyunjin flung his arm around your body, rubbing on your arm.
"You're so cringe." you laughed off.
"I read this in the book you recommended, I know you like it."
You didn't even argue back because he was damn right. You liked it, a lot. Standing in front of Chan and Changbin's place, you could already hear from the other side of the door that there was music playing and people chatting. Knocking on the door, you waited until Chan opened, beaming by seeing the both of you.
"Jin! You made it!" he hugged his friend. "Hey, I'm Chris." he now spoke to you. "I don't think we met properly. Make yourself home! I've got some pizza and drinks."
You bowed at his kind greeting and walked in to see many familiar faces. You easily spotted Dahye, who was leaning onto Seungmin while conversing with Felix and Hyunjoo. Noticing her brother was finally here, the latter raised her hand up, gesturing for the two of you to join them. She immediately hugged you tightly before doing the same with Hyunjin.
"I could've sworn you wouldn't come and stay at your place to watch cheesy ass movies together."
"That was the plan." you said in shame.
"I'm glad you came."
She moved closer to Felix as he took her in her arms, snuggling his nose into her hair. He had always been a touchy person, but the level of affection he gave her was something else. Whatever they had going on, it was definitely more than friendship. Felix had vented to you a few times how scared he was of confessing to her, but by the sight in front of you, you couldn't see why he was so scared.
The night was going pretty smoothly for you. You had refrained yourself from drinking, knowing you would regret it the next morning. The others were being surprisingly reasonable, no one was on the verge of throwing up and the discussions were still coherent. You did not participate much in them, though. You preferred observing the others interact. Chan and his friend, Sora, were fighting in the corner of the kitchen while Minho was observing them with dark eyes, jealousy plastered on his face. Hwayoung was making out with some man as Jisung was observing the scene, staying away from them as he drank his beer sadly. Jeongin and Youngmi were in their own little bubble, both painfully fond of the other. Changbin was attempting to diffuse some of the awkwardness by talking with students you didn't know at all, trying to hide the argument happening behind him.
Your friends stayed together and did not mix up with the rest, which made the party less eventful than you expected, well, for you since the others had issues to attend to. Noticing the boredom growing in you, Hyunjin nudged your arm. You leaned closer to him and he whispered in your ear.
"Wanna get out of here?"
"I was almost waiting for you to ask me, let's go."
Laughing at your demeanor, he followed you as you took his wrist and left the flat, not even saying bye to the host as he was busy with a conflict. Still giggling at your rude exit, you walked lazily next to Hyunjin as you headed back home.
"The sky is pretty." you hummed after you had calm down from your laughter.
"I painted a night sky recently. Oddly enough, it reminded me of you."
You frowned. "Me?"
"Yeah. I guess it's because we always hang out at night."
"I don't recall you painting anything of that sort."
"That's because we barely saw each other these days." he laughed, but became serious shortly after. "Well, after the other night."
Your heart started to pace faster. Despite how much you wanted to make things clear after what happened, you didn't want to bring it up just yet. You stayed quiet for the rest of the walk, until you reached the building.
"Are you going to bed right away?" he asked as you took the elevator.
"Probably not."
While shoving his hands down his pockets, he rocked his body back and forth, unsure of what to say next. He was dying to tell you how much he wished he had kissed you that night, and how much he wanted to do so right at this instant. Instead, uneasiness filled the metal box while it kept going up. The moment the door slid open, you hurried to get to your shared apartment, leaving it open for him to follow behind, and you wanted nothing more but to hide under your covers. On the other hand, Hyunjin had other plans. After catching up to you, he grabbed you by the arm to stop you, turning you around to face him.
"I'm not going to sleep either. I found a spot recently on the roof. Do you mind keeping me company?"
How could you say no to him when he looked at you as if you were a masterpiece? Hesitant, you nodded your head slowly and let him lead you to a staircase. Going up, you arrived to the roof where benches were installed as well as a few mattresses. Lights were making the place more cozy while a teapot was placed carefully on a small table.
"Wow." you breathed out, impressed. "Did the school do this?"
He rubbed his arm while you sat down on one of the chairs. "Actually, I did."
Your head shot to his direction, more stunned than before. "When?"
"Weeks ago. I wanted a spot to think and clear my mind. The teapot is mine, too. I was hoping to bring you here, eventually. I know how much you like tea, so..."
Your eyes softened as he explained his little set up. You observed his moves and he took the spot next to you. Timidly, he reached to your hand to take it in his and rubbed his thumb against your soft skin.
"Actually, I was hoping to talk to you about, well, you know."
You gulped, afraid of where this was going. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been this close to you, and I didn't want things to get weird so I kind of avoided you on purpose. I'm truly sorry."
He huffed in response. "I don't want you to apologize. That night, I realized how much I grew to like you with time. You have no idea how much energy it took me to not kiss you."
You tilted your frame away from him as doubt and confusion filled your mind. "You wanted to kiss me..?"
He smiled at how clueless you were. "And I still want to, very much. I've been having perfect grades in my last assignments because every single piece was made just by the thought of you. I know it sounds creepy or something, but I really can't get you off my mind."
"It's not creepy." you smiled back. "It's kind of sweet."
He carefully brought himself closer to you. "Do you remember the first time I saw you last year? When I moved in?" You frowned, but nodded once the memory came back to you. "I don't know why, but you left an impression on me. I was so clumsy, but you laughed in a friendly way and helped me. And after you came to live with me, I was convinced I would spill out how much I like you."
You could not believe your ears. Hyunjin, the clumsy boy with the looks of a prince, had feelings for you. The same boy you had been crushing on for months, now.
"I like you too."
That was all it took for him to grin like a child. "Good." he simply said.
The same scenario happened again; him staring at your lips while you breathed uneasily from the proximity of his face to yours. This time, however, you did not back out and were the first one to crash your lips onto his. From the way he brought you closer by the waist, you could tell how long he had been waiting for this moment.
"God, you're perfect." he whispered to you in-between kisses.
You couldn't tell for how long you made out, but it ended undeniably too soon for your liking. You continued your unplanned sort of date by going over to the mattresses, cuddled up while stargazing. You complimented the sky, Hyunjin pointed out some aspects he could add to his painting. The subject drifted slowly to moments you had shared over time when Hyunjin thought you were the one for him. You took this as a chance to point out the times he made your heart stop from his gestures. Overall, it was perfect.
It was getting late and you were yawning loudly when Hyunjin said it was time to go to bed. Sadly, you left the roof to go back inside. Holding hands, you were walking towards your room and then stopped abruptly.
"Do you want to... um... sleep in my room with me? Like, actually sleep?" you suggested nervously.
"I won't do anything, I promise." he kissed your forehead.
You didn't take the time to change clothes since you were so tired, so you slept while still having your party outfits on. You didn't mind. What mattered was how Hyunjin's warmth made you feel at home, and how his sweet words of good night made you realize how damn lucky you were to have found him.
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The morning came slowly. Not having school anymore, you didn't have to wake up early, but your body did anyway out of habit. You couldn't help the smile forming on your face when you heard a certain someone mumble in his sleep. You turned around to face him, taking in how he was still insanely handsome despite the fact he was sleeping hard. You let him rest for a bit, but you grew impatient at some point, so you poked his cheek to wake him up. He streched out his arm as he opened his eyes slowly, grinning the moment he saw you.
"Good morning, angel." he pecked your cheek, making you blush.
"Hey." you murmured. "I can make us some breakfast while you get ready, yeah?"
"Sounds perfect to me." he smiled, his eyes closing again.
You happily hopped out of your bed and went straight to the kitchen. Being the lazy ass you were, you were glad Hyunjin wasn't picky with his food and you settled for some toasts. When he walked to sit down at the table, he hummed as the smell reached his nostrils.
"You have no idea how many times I imagined this moment."
You laughed. "Sounds like you are obsessed with me."
"I might be." he shrugged while you placed his plate in front of him.
You kept on teasing each other as you ate your breakfast. Hyunjin was done before you, so he left to go to the bathroom to wash up, leaving you with the stained plates. After getting rid of the dishes, you joined him to get ready as well and came face to face with your toothbrush, all ready for you to use.
"I can do this myself, you know?" you couldn't help but giggle.
"I wanted to do it." he said unclearly, having his own toothbrush in his mouth.
You brushed your teeth together, with him tickling your sides from time to time. After washing your teeth, you took out your cream and started to apply it on your face. Hyunjin tried to get a kiss from you, but you denied, assuring him the taste of morning cream wasn't pleasing. Pouting, he started to brush his hair, still observing you in the mirror. Being bored, or cheesy (might be both), he fogged the mirror with his breath and drew a heart on it. You exploded in laughter at his gesture, but he proudly presented his drawing.
"You're so fucking adorable, stop it." you said, in awe.
"I know." he snickered. "Can I have my kiss now?"
Gladly, you grabbed him by the back of his neck and set a soft kiss on his mouth. Happily, he melted into you and deepened it. As you separated from each other, he kept you in his arms while staring right back into your eyes.
"Wait until I tell my sister about this."
You slapped his chest, rolling your eyes at his idiotic self. With the giggle it caused from him, you pressed another peck on his lips. This was just the beginning. You knew every morning with him was going to be as dream-like as this one, and you were more than content with the idea.
taglist : @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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sarahs-secrets2 · 2 years
Heart First (Phillip Graves x Reader)࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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More of me pushing the cowboy country graves agenda, I guess this is an AU? idk tho if I'm using that correctly. This is my magnum opus, I have never written something as detailed as this
based on Heartfirst by Kelsea Ballerini
fem! (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: soso much fluff, swearing, pet names, tad cheesy
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
The cafe was busy with regulars pushing in and out of doors grabbing their coffees before heading to work. You waited off to the side for your drink as the smell of fresh coffee saturated the air. 
“Iced latte to-go” the barista shouted out your order, sliding it across the counter. Before you could even grab it, someone else beat you to it. The man grabbed the coffee and popped a straw into the lid. 
“Excuse me, sorry” you approached the blonde man, “I think that’s my drink”, you pointed to the coffee sitting comfortably in his hands. 
“Sorry about that doll, but I’m in a bit of a rush and I ordered the exact same thing, so go ‘head and you can have mine when it comes out, yeah?”, he winked as he headed out of the door. 
“What the hell?” your hands dropped to your sides with a sigh as the blonde disappeared onto the street. Another 5 minutes passed before the barista finally called out another iced latte allowing you to head home to visit your parents. 
It had been years since you had visited, life had gotten busy and you hadn't gotten a chance to get home. Your parents had recently gotten a small little farm in Texas, some horses, and land. A smile crept across your face as you pulled up the gravel driveway, your parents waiting on the porch waving at you.
You jumped out of the car, grabbing your bags, “Mom, Dad, I missed you guys,” setting your bags down and pulling them both in for a hug. 
“Oh, honey, we missed you,” your mom squeezed you extra tight,
“Thought you’d never come home dear”, your dad chuckled as he rubbed the top of your head.
“Sorry, it took me so long to get down here, been busy”, your parents ushered you into the house, taking your bags for you, “How’s the new farm been doing?”
“Oh good, we hired this handsome boy to help with the horses, your dad is getting old he can't be out there every day you know,"
“I am not getting old, just tired that’s all,"
“Who’s the boy?” interjecting to your parents' bickering
“Oh what’s his name," your mom patted your dad’s arm trying to recall the name
“Phillip Graves dear,”
“Yes, Graves, what an odd name,”
“Well, he’s military maybe that’s why honey,”
“I forgot about that, what did he do again?”
“Mom- is he here now?”
“I think so honey, he got here earlier, he’s been so helpful in the barn," your mom gushed, “Go ahead and go introduce yourself,”
“Okay then, I’ll be right back,” you headed out the back door, down the path leading toward the barn. 
Entering the barn you saw the back of a blonde, cowboy hat sitting atop his head. He was tending to one of the horses, brushing through its mane.
“You must be Phillip Graves,"
He turned around to face you, and it hit you. He was the same blonde from the coffee shop, the same one who stole your coffee. 
“I remember you,” he pointed a finger in your direction, “Girl from the coffee shop, you ever get that latte?”
“Yeah, no thanks to you," faking a frown and crossing your arms as you looked at him
“Oh don't be like that doll," he smiled and tipped his hat at you. He slowly began to saunter across the barn to you. “So what do I owe the pleasure? You follow me here all the way from the coffee shop?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, cowboy, I’m visiting my parents,”
“Parents? Your folks own this place?”
“Don’t look so shocked there," you began to walk towards him, meeting in the center of the barn.
“Didn’t expect a girl like you to have parents who had a farm that’s all,” he stuffed his hands in his front pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. He sported blue jeans that were covered in light dust from the horses. On top, he wore a tight black t-shirt that displayed his arms perfectly. The thing you weren't expecting was how handsome he was, he had a chiseled face, blue eyes, fluffy blonde hair that peeked out under the tan cowboy hat, and a scar that stretched down his cheek.
“A girl like me huh?”, you laughed to yourself
“I'm surprised you're in a barn, don't want you to break a nail do we, princess?”
“Oh c’mon now, Phillip was it? I would hate to see you lose this lovely job with my parents,”
“Now we don't need to jump to that now do we? Let me take you on a ride yeah? Prove to me you aren't a city girl,”
“I’ll take you up on that offer,"
Phillip wandered over towards the horse he was tending earlier, slipping on its reins and getting the saddle prepared. He led the horse out of the stable and outside the barn, “You comin’ doll?”, you jogged quickly over towards Graves and the horse. “Go ‘head hop on up,” he steadied the horse.
“No way in hell, you’re gonna have to help me up,"
“Okay city girl, don’t worry, how bout I pull you up instead?” before you could answer he hoisted himself up on the horse, and stuck his hand out for you. “I gotcha don’t worry”, grabbing his hand you pulled yourself up as he held on tightly making sure you didn't fall
“That wasn't so hard now was it '' he laughed as he looked back at you. 
“Whatever Graves,"
“You ready city girl?”, you nodded, “You better hold on back there, don't want you fallin’ off, what would I tell your folks if I lost ya?”
“Enough talking cowboy let’s go, "your hands wrapped around his waist as he clicked his tongue signaling the horse to go. The sudden movement caused you to tighten your grip around his waist, pulling yourself closer to the blonde. He led the horse through the field behind the barn, maneuvering through creeks and faded trails in the woods.
“Where are we going?” 
“Don’t you worry I got it handled, you just focus on holdin’ on back there," he clicked his tongue again causing the horse to speed up. 
After a few more minutes of riding around, Phillip slowed the horse at the top of a hill. He eventually hopped down, then held his hand out for you, helping you off the horse. 
“You did well city girl, surprised me," he nudged your shoulder as the pair of you walked up the hill, Phillip guiding the horse with the reins in one hand. 
“Glad I could surprise you, cowboy, I’m still pissed about that coffee though,”
“How about this,” he stopped looking at you, “Next one's on me,”
“I’d like that," you smiled back at him before looking around. The sun had begun to set, casting a golden hue around you and the blonde. “Where are we, Phillip?”
“Just this lookout point I found one day, thought I’d take ya out here. They don’t have views like this in the city do they?”
“You’re right, they don't”, you sighed as you walked toward the cliff edge, “What brought you to Texas, Phillip Graves?” you sat on the ground as he tied up the horse to a tree branch. 
“Always been a Texas boy, just found my way back not too long ago”, he walked over and sat down next to you, “I used to be military, CEO of Shadow Company,”
“What happened? If you don’t mind me asking,”
“Ahh, I think that's a story for another time but it was time for me to go,” he sighed looking out into the distance before turning to face you, “Why’d you leave Texas?”
“A new life, new job, new scenery,” you leaned back on your hands, taking in the view.
“Understandable, nothin’ beats this though huh?” the sun had set completely and the moon and stars now littered the sky. He copied your movement leaning back on his hands, placing his hand on top of yours. “You want to come back to mine?”
The voice in your head telling you to slow down and be realistic but tonight you put your heart first. 
“I would like that yeah,” he grabbed your hand helping you up and back on the horse as the two of you rode to his house. 
“My parents won't mind about the horse?”
“I got you with me don't I? And to answer that no, as long as she’s back in the mornin’ they don’t mind”, he laughed as he threw you a wink. Luckily Phillip had his own stables where the house stayed for the night.
Graves unlocked the front door letting you in first, “Make yourself at home, you need anythin’ doll? A water?”
“No I’m good thank you,” you smiled sweetly, “I hate to damper the night but I am so beyond tired from traveling all day and some crazy guy stole my coffee, so-,”
“What kinda crazy person steals a coffee? And we can head to bed, don’t worry ‘bout it”, he led you through the hallway to the master bedroom. “You need pajamas don’t ya?”
“Yes please oh my god, I wasn't prepared to sleep in jeans,”
Phillip laughed as he dug through a drawer pulling out a cotton t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, “Hope these work alright”, he smiled handing them to you, “Bathroom is through those doors so you can change,”
“Thank you,” you returned the smile before walking into the bathroom and slipping on the shirt and sweats, both fitting comfortably oversized. When you walked back into the bedroom Phillip was shirtless and in his boxers, his form of pajamas. 
“Think my clothes look better on you than me doll”,  he laughed as you posed in the new outfit you dawned. Phillips walked towards the bed pulling back the covers before slipping in. 
“Come on in”, he pulled back the sheets on the other side of the bed, allowing you to jump in next to him. His hand wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him as he lay behind you. 
“You aren't too bad city girl, you know that?”
“You aren't too bad yourself cowboy,” a small blush crept across your cheeks, lucky for you it was dark and he wouldn't be able to see. 
“Goodnight darlin’, I’ll treat you to that coffee in the mornin’,”
“Goodnight Phillip Graves,” as your eyes closed you could only think about how it would feel to wake up in his t-shirt in the morning. 
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
disclaimer I didn't proofread this, I will in the morning when I'm not sleep-deprived, also ignore the rushed ending I got sleepy
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harlowhockeystick · 2 years
Is it okay if I combine paris; "i'm so in love i might stop breathing" with second chance!Sidney Crosby? If not, that’s okay! Don’t mind me, I’m just thinking of when she moves to Pittsburgh and the first time, or one of the first times, they see each other since The Big Move
meet me at midnight | contains: n/a
hehehe the first official blurb for this new au <3 this takes place when sid and reader go on their little weekend getaway
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"so, where to first?" you asked, pouring yourself a cup of coffee as you sat down next to sidney on the kitchen table. gazing out of the window you took in the gorgeous view and landscape of upstate new york. the sunlight cutting through the trees and hitting everything to perfection, making it look like a painting.
"i saw this uh breakfast shop downtown if you wanna check that out. i was looking at places last night online," sidney pulls out his phone to show you.
"looks fun, i'll go get ready."
sidney waits for you downstairs patiently. the whole twenty four hours previous was nerve wracking for him. part of him thought that you might not have joined him on the getaway. part of him thought you wouldn't even agree in the first place. but he was thankful that you did.
he was counting down the days to this, actually. he knew that he could get out of all star weekend with just one phone call, which he did as soon as possible, and he got his bag packed and ready.
the day was full of sight seeing and eating good food. sidney was great to walk around with, too. any shop you saw he took you in. even if it seemed a little girly he still walked around with you. antique shops, clothing boutiques, odds and ends, he loved it. he was infatuated with the fact that some of the simplest things made you so happy, almost like a little kid.
he also offered to buy you anything you touched. you had to tell him more than once that you were just looking, not shopping, and that there was a big difference between the two.
so now here you are, completely tired and worn out, but still having fun. sharing a blanket with sidney as your head rested on his shoulder, a movie playing on the tv in front of you.
"i had fun today," you commented, pulling the blanket more above your arms and nestling your head on his shoulder muscles. "kinda wish i got that lamp though." you shared a laugh with sidney, recalling a moment from when you were in one of the shops and saw a glass lamp that you felt like was calling your name.
"told you to get it," he teased, "it woulda looked great in your living room."
the movie continues on, but sidney's mind is roaming all over the place. he wants to make a move on you but it's been so long since he's done that sorta thing. it's been so long since he's even thought about making a move...he wonders if he's still got it.
he looks over but he catches you looking first. he chuckles, "what?" he asked in a playful tone. your cheeks turn a few shades darker and he can't get over how cute it was. sidney feels his cheeks grow a little warmer too and he wishes he could find a way to hide it.
"thanks for inviting me here," you sat up on the couch to be eye level with sidney, scooting just a little closer to him. your eyes studied his face, his blemishes, his creases, everything that made him, him. sidney did the same to you, he noticed all of your freckles, a little scar you had near your lip. he took in your beauty in full, he wanted to have it memorized in your brain forever.
then he looked down at your lips, how they were still a little tinted from the lipstick you reapplied an hour or two ago. and you were looking at his too. then his eyes, lips, and eyes again.
"can i...kiss you, y/n?" he asked you quietly, whispering as if there were other people to hear him. you nodded your head and slowly his lips found yours.
in this moment, he was so in love. love, that's the word for the feeling he has right now. his mind going crazy, he feels like those cartoons where they get heart eyes, birds flying around their head and their heart is beating out of their chest. love.
and in fact you're taking his breath away. the way your lips move with his so swiftly and perfectly. the way your lips move with his with ease and content. he never wants this moment to end.
you're the one to pull away first and you're the one who takes in a breath. his eyes are deep and dark, but they're looking at you with such grace and calmness. "i've wanted to do that for a while."
he admitted, cheeks still a light shade of red and a smile creeping onto his lips. you chuckle and put your hand on his cheek before going in for another kiss, "i can tell."
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waterfire1848 · 4 months
#6. Coffee Shop AU
Hello, anon! Thanks for the ask!!
Modern AU by the way!
Mai was gonna kill someone if she had to deal with one more annoying customer. If one more person came up to her and said she did an order wrong, even though she never did, or that someone in the shop had taken their seat, or that they didn't like how she in particular was dressed, she was going to jump over the counter and strangle them.
"You seem upset." Mura, her aunt, said, coming from the back room with a tray of pastries.
"What? No. What gave you that idea?" Mai groaned.
"Mai." Mura snapped.
"Sorry, aunt Mura." Mai whispered, "I'm just tired."
"I can see that. You look ready to kill someone." Mura chuckled, "Just, please don't actually kill a customer."
"What? You mean I can't go to jail for murder? You're no fun." Mai had a whisper of a smile on her face as her aunt chuckled, placing the pastries in front of the glass so customers could see them.
The entire shop mostly sold coffee but they also had some bread, cookies and brownies for people to nibble on. It was her aunt's way of competing with larger businesses. That and the fact that everything here was much cheaper.
Mai started working for her aunt last year after her dad went to prison and her mom ran away. She moved into her aunt's house the next day with her baby brother. Mai herself was nineteen when her mom left, old enough to be on her own but not to have custody of her brother. Her aunt refused to let her just try and make it on her own and took Mai in as well. Now, she was working at the coffee shop to earn some extra money for college.
"How many sales?" Mura asked.
"Not many. It's a slow day." Mai gestured outside to the pouring rain, "I don't know anyone stupid enough to drive out to a little coffee shop in this weather."
As if waiting for that exact moment, Ty Lee came running in. She was wearing a raincoat that was soaked and the wind has caused her hair to break free of her tight braid, "Mai!" Ty Lee cried.
"Ty? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be out in this weather." Mai tried to keep her emotions down, old habit from her parents, but she couldn't hide it. It looked like the start of a hurricane and here Ty Lee was, smiling as if nothing was wrong.
"Oh, it's just a little rain. I'm not going to let that stop me from seeing my friend! I've come here every day for the past three months and I refuse to break my record now." The acrobat took her usual seat, "So, how are you? You were planning on calling your ex, right?"
"Yeah. I backed out of that." Mai admitted, "I don't think it's a good idea to get back together with him."
"I told you. I never liked that Kei Lo guy." Ty Lee said. Her voice was filled with a dislike for the man, which was weird to Mai seeing as how Ty Lee had only met him three times.
"What?" Mai knew Ty Lee didn't like Kei Lo that much, but the way she talked about him. You'd think he killed her dog or something, "Why? He was a sweet guy."
"He was a boring guy." Ty Lee corrected, "He spent thirty minutes talking about his favorite flower. I'm sorry, Mai, but I think you would have just gotten bored of him after awhile."
"You're not wrong, but...I don't know. After Zuko, I felt like I needed something more boring and safe. Kei Lo seemed like the perfect guy for that." Ty Lee nodded.
"Fair." She allowed, "Maybe...maybe there's something else you could ask for a date?" Ty Lee suggested, pressing her lips together.
"Like who?" Mai asked, "I don't know anyone else I could date."
"Really? No one? No one has shown any interest?" Ty Lee asked. Her hand went up to her hair, releasing it from the braid to let it fall down to her hips, "That can't be true. You're really pretty and kind and funny." Mai sighed.
"I don't know what to tell you. No one has-"
"Mai!" Mura called, "I need your help." The older woman waved Mai over to her with a sense of urgency.
"I'll be right back."
"I'll be waiting." Ty Lee's smile seemed kind of sad but Mai ignored it. It was probably just in her head.
Mai walked back behind the counter and to her aunt, "Trouble with one of the machines again?" Mai asked.
"No, I just couldn't watch that anymore." Mura sighed, "Ty Lee wants to date you."
"What!?" Mai froze for a moment. She hadn't meant to yell. Mura's soft smile and nod was enough to remind her that her parents weren't here. She wouldn't get in trouble for showing emotion, "She doesn't like me."
"She just called you pretty, kind and funny. That girl has a major crush on you." Mura told her, "Even I can see that as clear as day." When Mai didn't respond, Mura spoke up again, "Do you like her?" Mai nodded, not trusting herself to speak, "Then ask her out."
"What if she says no?" Mai asked, "She's been one of the few constant things in my life right now. I don't want her to stop coming to the shop."
"I have a very strong feeling that she won't say no, but, Mai, how much happier would you be if you were dating this girl?" Mura asked, "I see you looking at the clock before she comes in because you're waiting for her to arrive. I see how much happier you are when she's here."
Mai thought her aunt's words over. She wasn't wrong. She did find herself constantly counting down the minutes of when Ty Lee would arrive and, even on their busiest days, Ty Lee always managed to make things better. Even when she was at home and tired from both work and school, Ty Lee's texts were always a big help.
"Okay. I'll do it." Mai agreed.
"Good. Pass me your apron so you can talk to her without customers talking to you." Mura said.
"Thanks." Mai walked back out into the main room with as much determination as she could muster. Ty Lee's face brightened up when she saw Mai return and take a seat.
"You look so serious. Is everything okay?" Ty Lee asked.
"Yeah. I just want to ask you something."
"Sure! I'm all ears!"
"Would you want to-" Mai didn't get to finish her question because an older woman began speaking behind her. From the way she dressed, Mai instantly knew what kind of persons she was dealing with.
"Excuse me. Are you the teenage girl who works here?" She asked.
"I am, but I'm not working at the moment." Mai snapped.
"You are being very rude, young lady. I'm just trying to buy something from your shop. You should be grateful." The older woman snapped back, "Come on, you can get up and help me pay." Mai took several deep breaths. It wasn't a big deal. This woman was not going to get to her. In fact, it could actually be a funny story between her and Ty Lee later.
"Ma'am, she's not-" The woman held up her pointer finger which made Ty lee stop talking.
"I didn't ask for your opinion, honey, I asked for your friend to do her job." She said, "Now, chop chop. I have places to be." Okay. Mai did plan on handling this responsibly but she drew the line at someone being rude to Ty Lee.
"Hey. You do not speak to her like that and you don't speak to me like that. I will not be helping you today because you can leave. Feel free to come back when you get a better attitude." Ty Lee almost burst out laughing at that but held it together to see what the woman would say.
"How dare you!? I am a paying customer-"
"Not anymore." Mura said, taking the coffee, "Please leave our shop and, as my niece said, feel free to return when you have a better attitude."
"You can't just kick me out!"
"Actually, I can. This shop reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. If you stay, I will have to call the police and I'd hate to take up their time." Mura said, "So, if there is nothing else?" The woman looked between Mura and Mai then stomped out.
"I apologize for her Ty Lee, I hope that wasn't too unpleasant."
"Are you kidding?" She finally allowed herself to laugh, "That was hilarious! I just wish we got it on camera."
"I'll send you the security camera footage." Mura chuckled, "Now, I believe Mai had something to say."
"I did." Mai confirmed, "Would you want to go out sometime? With me?"
"Of course I would!"
"Okay, I understand-wait!? Really?"
"Of course. Why do you think I keep coming here every day? It's not just for the free brownies." Ty Lee said, "I really like you, Mai." She grabbed Mai's hand, beaming at her.
"I really like you too." Mai said, "Sorry, I was so oblivious."
"No." Ty Lee brushed her hair away, "It's cute."
"Awww." Mura said, earning a look from the two, "Right, sorry, fade into the background."
"So, where would you want to go on our first date?" Mai asked.
Ty Lee brought her hand to her chin, as if pondering the question deeply, "Coffee shop?"
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kdyism · 1 year
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6. night strolls. jung jaehyun
pairing. jaehyun x reader, genre. friends-to-??!au, fluff, warn. non, wc. 0,402
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As of late, the time you spent with your friends in general quickly dwindled to planning hang outs over text or simply just an update on the locket app— entering the work field shut the doors of your socialization in a way you hadn't expected it to because you were entirely prepared to have the most impeccable work-life balance. 
Though, you have to accept, right now you don't have the capacity to be in touch with anyone once you've returned home from a tedious day. 
So the surprise on your face when Jaehyun begins waiting for you at the station, his work finishes an hour before you, just to walk back to your neighborhood together. 
"If you suddenly stop doing this, I think I will cry," you suddenly blurt, the cold breeze of the crawling night sending shivers across your body and Jaehyun smiles, "As long as I'm not moving out of this station, I'm always down for a night stroll," he says. 
"It's so late though, don't you get tired?" 
Crossing his arms across his chest, Jaehyun hums, "Yeah, I do get tired but we never get to see each other otherwise,"
"I could make time for you," you roll your eyes, stifling a laugh because you didn't feel that important that he'd go out his way to see you this often. 
"This is me," he pauses, turning his eyes to meet yours, "Making time for you," he grins, his hand tucked into his pockets and he looks around, stiffly nodding his head. 
"This is my turn," he reminds you.
You then recognise the coffee shop at the start of his turn, you'd have to walk straight on without him before getting home and you already didn't want to part with him.
He made you feel special in a way your other friends don't but you don't quite want to call it love, however, his late night strolls with you slowly paint a picture in your mind. 
Your head swirling with what ifs, his gorgeous smile in front you and before he walks into his turn, what if those three words spill out of his mouth? Would you say yes? 
As you watch him leave your line of sight, the heat in your heart already burns up with the rest of your body. When Jaehyun says he wants to walk home with you, it sounds like a confession in your ears.
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yunn note: thank you for reading, and i hope you liked it <3 comments, reblogs, likes are appreciated!
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selinascatnip · 1 year
Honestly I can't be 100% happy about DickKory in Titans. I can't.
This show should have been our Revenge, after 30 years of bullshit, relationship assassination and slander.
I can't help but think they would string us along for longer and longer if the show wasn't being cancelled.
I was so happy when season one came out, and I was nice, patient, understanding when season 2 was that mess.
But from season 3 forward... I... I'm disappointed.
And it's fucking shitty that we all know well which are the worst memories Dick has, WE HAVE FOOTAGE EVEN, and Kory started babbling about some grandfather she never got to mention before...
And have them been watching their own fucking show? Dick didn't let Kory go after the Motel, they slept together AFTER
and then, much later
If he regrets letting her go should be after they defeated Trigon! Or after the Asylum, not after the Motel wtf
Anyway, I'm so tired of the disrespect, I'm so tired of everything about Kory being an afterthought or something only done when there's a gun pointed to the writers' head, I'm tired of having to beg on social media. I love Kory so much, she deserves so much better.
I love that we didn't get an AU suburban bland as WASP unseasoned chicken DickKory.
I love that the episode used the Trope: We Are The Sum Of Our Experiences because that's my truth too (and the reason I'm so reluctant with AUs in general and really deeply hate AUs such as coffee shop AUs in which there is no fucking way the characters won't be OOC as hell).
I loved Kory asking like a billion times if her and Dick really, truly, like for realzies didn't fuck when they woke up because, baby girl, I felt like you were wanting a different answer other than "no" 🤣
I love Kory calling on Dick out on his trauma bs. I love that she was right and that good memories are more powerful than the bad ones, as someone who has CPTSD that made me cry. Because OG Kory has always been the ideal to me of someone who makes the sweetest lemon parfaits of her bitter rotten lemons. That song "Sunny" they played on season one when she was breaking that misogynist face on season one is like a hymn of what she is to me.
I love Dick in a "I couldn't save the world but lose you" mindset in which losing Kory ain't an option, so much that he won't even discuss it.
Want him to graduate to " You are my best friend and I love you. When it came the time of choosing between you and the universe, I said, hang the web of time, let the universe rot, you are more important" as stupid as such position is because love in fiction is supposed to be like that. I want to se Dick willing to go to the lowest of the low for Kory, I want him poking holes in the walls between realities to get to her.
I want that over a billion romcom scenarios. Gimme the drama, the over the top bullshit, I believe that Titans!Dick Grayson would do the stupidest things for Kory, I mean, the man defeated Death for the promise of a happy ending with her.
Brenton, thank you, you not so much the writers, you gave me the Dick Grayson that doesn't want Kory to change a single eyelash, that adores her without "buts", that wants her exactly as she is. What a breath of fucking fresh air after... Well, after 30 years of bullshit.
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