#I'm so sorry if I'm spoiling this for people who don't have subs yet
soratsuart · 1 year
Hey, you know something that really bothers me from the Fnaf fandom? The way the general fandom and theorizers ignore the daycare attendant.
Like, it could be just me, but I've never seen anyone outside of the DCA sub fandom talk about them and it's so??? Am I the only one who thinks they're being set up to be kind of important??? Take the ruin dlc trailer for example. They could have chosen anything to be the miniature for the video. Hell, the ruin logo itself would have worked. But no, they chose to spoil the trailer itself by putting Eclipse on it, one of the only two characters the fandom is theorising that might be friendly and the only one that actually does a friendly gesture towards Cassie (I'm sorry, but I really didn't interpret Roxy's head tilting as her being non-agressive until other people started saying it and I still have many doubts about her being friendly in contrast to Eclipse when Sun is there too).
Also, the Daycare has a big presence in the trailer too??? It's where we first see the Vanny mask being used and the virtual reality thingy. They could have chosen anywhere to show us that, but it's specifically the daycare.
And that's not even counting all the strange things surrounding them in the main game, like hello???? Sun is literally the only animatronic in the whole fucking Pizzaplex that doesn't try to kill you and that can't even jumpscare you even though Moon apparently is affected by the Glitchtrap virus. How come Sun isn't aggressive while Moon is even though they share a body??? Shouldn't the both of them be infected????
Also, Moon is weirdly more... Self aware than other enemies in the Pizzaplex??? The others act all deranged and like they're not fully conscious of what they're doing, while Moon always stroke me as being fully aware of his own actions?? That might just be my impression tho.
And what's up with the endo daycare??? Why is that whole area Moon themed???? Not even Daycare Attendant themed, Sun is not present there at all, it's all Moon. Why Moon? Why not Sun or both??? Especially when supposedly the company only wanted Sun for the daycare and they just couldn't get rid of the light trigger. I don't know about you, but if I made a room dedicated to teaching robots how to take care of children, I'd have the iconography of the place to be about the actual animatronic I want to take care of children. It's so interesting and yet I've seen almost no one talk about it. Fnaf fandom you're missing out on a lot.
TL;DR: The general Fnaf fandom isn't paying enough attention to the Daycare Attendant even though I believe they might be setting them to be more important than we realize
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viisoul · 1 year
{dom!sanemi , sub!reader , degrading , overstimulation , use of the word ‘bitch’ , choking , modern au.}
when y/n’s new pair of shoes are ruined because of her clumsiness enemy, her enemy is forced to apologize and make it up to her, but it seems to go a little further than just that.
"you fucking asshole!"
"oh, shut up, you whiny bitch!"
"you ruined my shoes! i hope you die!"
"shut the hell up! the shoes were ugly anyway!"
y/n l/n, the forever enemy of sanemi shinazugawa, was currently fuming because of his clumsy actions. y/n was always a spoiled daddy's girl since birth. her dad bought her anything and everything she wanted. he was filthy rich, after all. she lived in a huge mansion with a huge bedroom just for her. she'd always gotten the latest designer clothes or bags, and the newest shoes.
today was yet another day in college, y/n and sanemi arguing over every little thing. however, it was lunchtime. sanemi doesn't usually eat lunch food, so he just got a red fanta out of the vending machine. unfortunately for y/n, she was walking towards sanemi and she hadn't realized it.
the poor girl bumped into him, the red drink spilling all over her brand new white shoes and her outfit. though, she was more concerned about her shoes.
"you shut up! i think they're cute! you just don't have any fashion sense, you tacky motherfucker!"
as sanemi was about to say something else, his eyes shifted over to his friends before he spoke. "tsk. you're embarrassing me. i don't have time for you."
sanemi purposely bumped her shoulder before walking over to his small group of friends, as she walked off to the bathroom to clean off her shoes as much as she could.
when y/n made it to the bathroom, she sighed lowly. she put soap on a tissue and wet it, scrubbing her shoes roughly. although y/n was spoiled, she was very appreciative. she was happy with anything her dad gave her. it'd hurt her deeply to know that the thing that was given to her from one of the only people that actually loves her had gotten messed up.
she exhaled, throwing her head back as she let the shoes fall from her hands and onto the ground. despite scrubbing as much as she could, there was still a reddish pink color on her shoes. now she had to deal with the embarrassment of walking around with dirty shoes. hopefully bleach would do the trick when she got home.
y/n slipped her shoes back on, throwing the napkins away in the garbage before walking out. as she walked out, she saw sanemi leaning against the wall next to the boy's bathroom.
"what are you doing, you creep?" she murmured.
sanemi pushed himself off of the wall, arms crossed over his chest.
"tsk. i already don't wanna do this."
"do what?" she stared at him in confusion.
"look, i'm sorry. okay? i'm sorry about messing your shoes up." his cheeks were tinted with the reddest color possible, and his expression showed his embarrassment.
"oh? sanemi's apologizing for once?" she teased.
"shut up!" he hissed. "if you want, i can... make it up to you."
she paused. "...who's telling you to do this?"
"shino— nobody! i'm doing this on my own! now, do you want me to make it up to you or not?"
"um... how?"
"i'll take you out to dinner—, to your favorite restaurant."
"ha! unless you're planning to spend a couple hundred dollars at least, i think not."
"...whatever. it doesn't matter. so, do you wanna go or not?"
"um... sure." she replied quietly, thinking that if she said that, it'd change his mind.
"give me your number. i'll pick you up at six." he held his hand out, expecting her phone.
after exchanging numbers, y/n left to go home early with her dad. she ranted to her father, who was off of work that day, for what felt like hours on end about sanemi. her father could only awkwardly listen to her as she paced around the spacious living room.
y/n's father was used to listening to her rants. especially about sanemi. he'd suggested switching schools, yet, for some reason, she always insisted on staying.
"his dumb white hair and those ugly scars all over his disgusting face—! i hate him!" she groaned, holding her head in her hands.
"listen, sweetheart, i'll just buy you another pair."
she sighed. "daddy, that's not the point. he ruined my shoes on purpose!"
"mmh. did he apologize...?"
"w-well, yeah. he said he'd take me out as an apology..." she said lowly. "it's not something he always does."
"maybe he finally realized what he did wrong." her father smiled, though, on the inside, he was raging.
how dare someone as poor as him make his sweet baby girl so angry like that?! he was just as furious as she was, if not worse. he wanted to pounce on sanemi as soon as he got the chance.
"okay, fine." she exhaled.
"where's he taking you out at?"
"i don't know. he said he would take me out to my favorite restaurant—, but you already know it costs a couple hundred."
he pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "that boy... i'm gonna have to give him a good talking to."
"what time is it?"
he checked his watch. "five thirty."
"ah! he said he was gonna pick me up at six!" she rushed to leave the living room, hurriedly going to her bedroom.
she looked through her huge walk-in closet, looking for a dress that wasn't too over the top, yet fancy enough. she wore a tight black dress with a slit going up to her thigh, that had a black belt with her first initial in gold on it, laced with small diamonds. the dress had spaghetti straps and was quite low in the chest area. she'd also worn some black heels to go with her dress.
for her accessories, she wore some expensive gold hoop earrings and one necklace that had a famous brand on it. lastly, a gold tennis bracelet and her watch.
she then put on a small amount of makeup, having the thoughts of impressing no one—, not even sanemi... maybe just a little. she glossed her lips and stared at herself in her vanity. y/n couldn't help but take a picture and post it.
"y/n!" hearing the loud calling of her name, she stood up. she checked her watch, seeing it was already six fifteen. she was fifteen minutes late
the boy had just arrived at y/n's house, and god, was he shocked. he knew she was rich and all, but to live in such a large house? he'd almost thought she lived in a castle. he whistled as he got out of the car.
sanemi then walked up to her porch, which that alone was big.
he rang the doorbell.
not long after, her father came out. his eyes were practically piercing into sanemi's soul. sanemi swallowed thickly.
"hi—." his voice cracked. he then cleared his throat. "hello, sir. i'm here for y/n."
"why are you here for my daughter?"
"to take her out."
"on a date? so, you think you're worthy enough for her?"
"uh... it's not really a date. i'm just— making something up to her."
"you messed up her brand new shoes, didn't you? the ones that cost more than you could ever afford?"
sanemi clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, deciding not to respond.
"however, not many people would do this for someone they dislike. i appreciate it. i'll handle getting her another pair, just make her happy tonight. you understand?"
"yes, sir."
in an instant, her father grabbed sanemi's collar, pulling him close to him.
"and you better have her back home by nine. even one minute later than that and you're gonna get a piece of my mind. i want her here like she was before she left. i may not be here by nine, but i have cameras everywhere outside and inside of the house besides her room and a gps on her phone. if she comes back pissed off like she did today, you better fucking believe your life will be over and you'll see the rusty gates of hell. you hear me?"
"y-yeah, i hear ya." he muttered, nodding his head slowly.
after her father called her name, the girl rushed down the stairs and to the front door. the sound of her heels clicking against the floor indicated that she was close. the clumsy girl bumped into her father's back, rubbing her nose.
"ouch..." she muttered. "sorry, dad."
"mmh. it's fine."
she stepped away from him, standing right in sanemi's view. sanemi could feel his cheeks grow hot upon seeing her.
"hi, sanemi."
"hey, y/n."
"well, i guess we should hurry and go now. i know my dad has some type of curfew for me."
"yeah, nine pm. any later than that, sanemi. remember what i told you."
"yes, sir. i'll bring her back by nine."
"good. that's what i like to hear. now, let's see if you'll make it happen."
the man then kissed his daughter's cheek, hugging her side.
"love you."
she giggled. "i love you too, dad."
she walked off with sanemi, as her dad watched her leave.
sanemi opened the door for her, and then went inside of the car himself. she looked through the tinted windows, watching as her dad closed the front door.
"honestly, i'm not that hungry. if i ever do get hungry, i could just go for a fast food restaurant on the way home."
"what are you implying?"
"i don't wanna go out to eat. i wanna do something fun."
"let's go to a club." she grinned.
"hold on, your dad has a gps on your phone. what if you get in trouble? no, wait, i'm gonna get in trouble."
"oh—, come on. don't be such a pussy."
"i'm not being a pussy. if you think i'm gonna get in trouble because you wanna get drunk and party your ass off, you're thinking wrong."
"you're so lame."
sanemi rolled his eyes. "fine."
"there's one across the street from my favorite restaurant. it's less expensive, too. on ******* street."
"oh... that one."
"hm? you been there before?"
"yeah, once. it was fun, i guess."
she smiled. "well, come on! let's go!"
as the two arrived, they were greeted by the blaring music, colorful flashing lights, and people talking loudly. she grasped his hand, pulling him over to the bar.
when he sat down, he stared at her confusedly.
"i wanna have a couple drinks before we party, 'kay?" y/n said, taking off her jewelry and placing it inside of her purse.
"i didn't know you were a drinker."
"i don't do it much. i just have two or three before i stop. it's pretty rare of me to drink anyway."
"so, what's with the change now?"
"i just wanna have fun. take this night as a night to forget about what happened today, i guess."
he sat there quietly, lips pursed together as he stared at her. whatever this swelling feeling was in his chest, he wanted to get rid of it immediately.
when the bartender took their orders and gave them their drinks, they had a quite nice conversation with each other. honestly, the two realized they weren't as bad as they'd thought. however, they were only convincing themselves that it was just the drinks getting to their heads.
after y/n's third drink, she let out a relieved sigh.
"that was good. you drunk yet, sanemi?"
"i should be asking you that... but no. i'm nowhere near drunk."
"okay, let's go party, then!" she grinned, running off to the dance floor.
he paid and tipped the bartender, rushing after her. sanemi grasped her shoulders, stopping her where she was before she could get any further.
"calm down! at least wait for me."
"okay, sorry. come on."
she walked with his hands on her shoulder towards the dance floor in the huge crowd of people. she then grabbed one of his hands, bringing him in front of her. the smile on y/n's face made sanemi's heart flutter. he shook his head.
he was embarrassed to be seen with y/n, being that she was dancing nonstop to the loud music. he just stood there awkwardly, arms crossed over his chest.
"sanemi~!" y/n groaned. "you're being lame again!"
"uh? how?"
"why aren't you dancing?"
"i don't dance."
"okay—? no one's gonna judge you if you try."
"absolutely not."
"i'm not having fun if you won't dance with me!"
"oh, well."
"i'll tell my dad."
"okay, okay! how am i supposed to dance?"
"want me to show you?"
"um? how're you gonna do that?"
"just do whatever your mind tells you to do, 'kay?"
"what do you m—?" his cheeks began to get red as he watched the girl stand in front of him, the slight contact of her hips on his his making his adam's apple bob when he swallowed. "w-what're you doing?!"
she laughed. "dancing, duh!"
she danced in front of him, their bodies touching and grinding against each others. sanemi could only awkwardly try to follow what she did. feeling her pressing against his dick made him horny, however. he wasn't thinking about dancing.
he was getting turned on, and so was she. she could feel his hardness pressing against her inner thighs. sanemi moved his hand down, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to him. they followed each other's movements, enjoying the fun of dancing until he moved his hands down a little too far.
"y-you—! stop, you dickhead!" she turned around, glaring daggers at the boy.
"mm? you don't like it?"
"we— we're in public...!" she stammered, not wanting to admit that she did, in fact, enjoy it.
feeling sanemi's big bulge in between her thighs made her even more turned on.
"so... you do like it?"
she crossed her arms, refusing to answer.
he could only smile arrogantly. "you do."
sanemi grabbed her leg, placing it on his hip. she struggled to keep her balance, but he kept his hand on her waist.
"what time is it?" he muttered.
"it's only seven..."
"mmh. you wanna go back to your place?"
"huh— why? we've barely even been here!"
that cocky grin on his face told her exactly why. she swallowed the knot in her throat, smiling right along with him. she put her arms around his neck and brought him in closer.
"you wanna fuck me?" she asked him.
"hell yeah."
she pursed her lips together. sanemi removed her arms from around his neck, grasping her hand as he walked out of the club.
stumbling inside of her room, sanemi kicked it closed without departing his lips from hers. he pushed her against the wall roughly, items on her shelves rattling and some even falling over. he groaned, hands roaming up her dress. the mere contact of his cold fingertips on her skin was enough to get a moan out of her.
he pulled away from her, unzipping her dress. he gave her a look before gradually tugging it down. she stepped out of it, kicking it elsewhere. sanemi unclasped y/n's bra, letting it fall from her shoulders. his calloused hands immediately grasped onto her breasts, kissing her once more. she let out a dragged-out whine at the feeling of his fingers pinching at her nipples.
he moved his lips down her jawline and her neck, sucking on her skin harshly. his teeth scraped at her delicate skin as he bit on it, the flat of his tongue pressing against the spot he'd bitten. she could feel herself getting wet at his touch, getting more turned on than before.
"sanemi—," she choked out, instinctively placing her hand on his chest. "let's go to the bed."
he then scooped her up in his arms, walking over to her bed. he dropped her down, her eyes widening in surprise as she stared at sanemi's expression. y/n's lips curled into a nervous grin as she sat up, only to have him crawl on top of her.
he grasped her jaw, forcing her to look at him.
"you havin' second thoughts?" he raised an eyebrow.
"w-what—? hell no."
"mmh. thought you'd chicken out."
"i'd never. even if i did, you probably already came in your pants from just kissing me." she said with an arrogant grin on her face.
"oh, is that right?" he smirked, looking down at her bare chest before staring into her eyes.
she nodded. he roughly pressed his lips against hers once more, the two falling back onto the bed. she wrapped her arms around his neck. he moved his hand down her abdomen and between her legs. he played around with her underwear, leaning back down to kiss her.
before he could, she spoke up.
"go on, take them off. you know you want to."
hearing her words, sanemi unabashedly ripped her panties off, throwing them across the room. he dipped down to kiss her, spreading her legs out wide. he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, rushing to get his garments off.
he pulled his pants down, palming his erection through his boxers. he ogled at her rather vulnerable figure, grinning to himself.
"you're kinda hot."
"yeah, i know." she replied. "y'gonna fuck me with your eyes or?"
"nah, i'm gonna fuck your brains out."
"i'd sure like to see it."
"oh, you're gonna see it." he began pulling his boxers down, only for her to grasp his wrist. he raised an eyebrow, confused at her actions. "what?"
"can you uhm—... take your shirt off?" she muttered, eyes trailing off elsewhere.
he hummed, unbuttoning his shirt. he let his shirt fall from his shoulders and down on her bed. she stared at his abs and the scars going across his chest. it was so hot. she could barely keep her composure.
"yeah, i know." he repeated her words. "don't cum yet, i haven't even put my dick in you."
she rolled her eyes. "uh-huh, okay."
sanemi pulled his boxers down, his dick springing out and tapping against his abdomen. digging in the pocket of his pants, he pulled out a condom. she watched as he opened it, getting ready to slide it on. she could only grin, giggling at him.
"what's funny?" he asked, grasping his cock in his hands.
"you were planning this, huh? i'm that irresistible?"
his eye twitched. "shut up."
"make me."
sanemi grabbed one of her legs, holding it up so he could align himself with her entrance. he pushed himself in without a second thought, a loud squeal coming from her mouth. she covered her lips with her hands, staring up at him. the two locked eyes, a cocky grin growing on his face. he laughed derisively, sending a light slap to her thigh as he shoved himself in deeper.
"ha! you should see the look on your face right now!"
"s-shut the fuck up!" she said, her voice slurring and a string of expletives coming from her as he began moving his hips back and forth.
he chuckled, mocking the noise she made. feeling her clench around him, he groaned and picked his pace up. she grasped onto the sheets, feeling pure bliss at how deep he was inside of her. he didn't hesitate to touch all over her, grasping onto one of her tits while his other hand was tightly holding onto her thigh.
he bent down, kissing her lips sensually. she moaned into it, her stomach getting butterflies once he forced his tongue in her mouth. their tongues pressed together, mixing their saliva with each other's as he relentlessly thrusted into her.
pulling away, he stared her in her eyes while he began to speak. "y'like me fuckin' this slutty pussy? hm?"
y/n nodded absentmindedly, the feeling of her being pounded against the bed by sanemi much better than she'd ever imagined.
"use your words, bitch."
she choked out a 'yes', her eyes beginning to roll back. his hand suddenly went around her neck, squeezing it tightly, but not enough to hurt her. the feeling of sanemi's rough hand around her throat was turning her on even more.
y/n would have never thought she'd be in a position where sanemi was fucking her brains out.
"s-sanemi," she mumbled.
"what?" he asked, the pace of his thrusts not ceasing.
"rub my clit." she said.
"you really are a dirty slut." he said with a laugh, moving his free hand down so he could find her clit.
once he did, it was like paradise for y/n. he was balls deep inside of her, pounding into her like there was no tomorrow while he choked her, called her names, and added more stimulation by rubbing on her clit.
she was a moaning mess, whining and practically screaming his name and several different curse words.
"it feels good, yeah?" he asked her, slightly panting.
her eyes were squinted shut and her face was a bit scrunched, biting down on her lower lip.
"yeah—!" she nodded quickly.
"you're a whore for me, right?" he circled his fingers faster on her clit, making her whimper loudly.
"say it." he tightened his grasp on her neck, making her chest raise.
"fuck, i'm a whore for you! i'm a slutty little whore just for you!"
"that's what i like to hear, bitch." he let out a throaty groan, his adam's apple bobbing when he swallowed. he stared down at her, seeing how vulnerable she was just for him.
she heaved a short, yet rough exhale. "sanemi!"
"what is it?"
"m-make me cum, please." she blurted out.
"mmh? you wanna cum on my dick? is that what you wanna do, bitch?"
"don't worry, i'm gonna make you cum, whore. more than once, too."
"d-do it then."
and so, sanemi was like a monster. he made her bed rock back and forth, creaking as it tapped against the wall with his movements. he'd also successfully made her scream and claw at him for mercy. it was quite a sight for sore eyes, if someone were to ask him.
moving his fingers around her cunt, he gathered some of her wetness on his fingertips and continued rotating them at a face pace. it was then he let go of her neck, holding one of her legs up close to her chest. it was then he'd hit a whole new spot, making y/n's back arch.
"oh, god, sanemi! t-there, right there! m'gonna cum!"
"right here? that's what you want? you want me to fuck you just like this? yeah?" he questioned her with a grin, thrusting into her pussy harder. it'd created a squelching sound, along with the sound of their wet skin clapping together.
she yelled out a curse, sanemi tensing up as she clenched around him. he grunted, slowing his quite animalistic pace and staring down at her. she breathed heavily, covering her eyes with her arm.
"holy shit." she muttered. "that was so—..."
"it felt good, didn't it?" he laughed.
"i could say the same with you... but we're not done yet." narrowing her eyebrows, she moved her arm away from her eyes and stared at his cock that was still rock hard.
she swallowed thickly, a smile growing on her face. she didn't mind. nodding her head, she spread her legs once more, welcoming him for a second round.
y/n's hands rested on sanemi's shoulders as she bounced mindlessly on his dick, her head thrown back to give him space to kiss on her neck. his hands were grasping on her ass and he couldn't help but laugh at how worn out she was.
she was so sensitive, she'd orgasmed several times that she lost count. honestly, she'd probably gotten all of her hate for him fucked away. she let out a drawn out moan, biting her lower lip.
she rolled her hips against his, going so slow so she could calm herself.
"sanemi~." she slurred. "it hurts... i can't take it anymore."
"you can. you can take it." he mumbled against her skin, leaving yet another mark. "i think you just need help."
"then help me, dumbass." she said, stopping her movements.
tightening his grip on her skin, he began bouncing her up and down on top of him more roughly, and she could only whine at how sensitive she was. it hurt so bad, but the pain felt great.
pressing her lips against his, she moved her hand down in between her legs and began rubbing her cunt unrelentingly. they shared a sloppy, yet slow kiss, both of them getting tired and ready to finish things off for the night.
their lips smacked together as sanemi moved his hands off of her, hoping she'd take the lead. curses slipped from her mouth as her eyes were shut closed, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and beads of sweat fell down her body. their chests would press and stick together as they leaned in closer to each other.
they were unable to resist one another's touch. he hummed, moving her hand away from in between her legs. she opened her eyes, watching as he licked her fingers, soon sucking on them. her eyes widened, her stomach tingling.
"tastes so good." he muttered, tensing up and groaning. "keep riding, baby. i think i'm close."
her heart fluttered at the name, but she nodded and continued moving her hips so slowly, but in a way that felt so good. her moans were like music to his ears, so melodic, and not the mention how good she rode him. he knew that after this, no one could compare to her.
staring at her figure, he saw one hand down on her bed while the other gradually massaged her cunt at the same pace as her riding. her eyes were closed and her lips were pressed together, so concentrated on getting him to reach his climax.
he exhaled, feeling his orgasm creep up on him. he groaned, catching his lip between his teeth. he cursed, feeling his cum spurt into the condom. she smiled, reaching her own with a soft, drawn out whine.
they panted, y/n's hand going on top of his. she leaned her forehead against his, kissing him gently as she slowly inched off of him. he caressed her face, deepening their kiss. it felt so romantic and meaningful.
sanemi sucked on her bottom lip before they pulled away with a smack of their lips, y/n falling onto her bed. she stared at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath. it was then that sanemi sighed, staring up along with her.
"y'know, your dad's gonna fucking murder me?"
"yeah... i know." she mumbled. "good luck."
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wannab-urs · 1 year
The Spreadsheet Digest - Vol 13
Howdy folks!!
This week I'm gonna throw in some series I've been reading that have probably been recc'd by me before. I did read a few things this week, but I'm like way behind on these series I've been reading, so I spent more time catching up on those. I also read The Ritual which was... an experience. Oh and if you tagged me in a fic and I didn't get to it I am so sorry!! I'll get there I promise.
And as always you can find the spreadsheet here and the Fic Rec Masterlist here.
Anyway! Recs below the slut Javi
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What I Want - a Joel one shot by @proxima-writes
SUB JOEL!!!! Sometimes you need a strong, prideful, world weary man to whimper for you.
Trial and Error - a Joel/Tommy series by @thetriumphantpanda
Am I into breeding kink? No. Am I into making Tommy Miller watch Joel Miller rail me? Yes. I also love how into it everyone is. Someone in the comments said "What if Joel got a secret vasectomy" and like I know that is not true of this version of Joel, but like I also want it to keep not working.
I can see you (Javier's Version)- a Javi P one shot by @proxima-writes
I love a good file room fuck with Javi, so obviously this was just my style. I also love the way Javi gets all frustrated with the teasing. Him crumpling up that note UGHAGH. And then the way you ended it? I won't spoil it, but it made me giggle. I cannot believe you don't write Javi regularly. You nailed it.
Sacreligious - Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
Who doesn't love a little sacrilege in the morning? Fucking in the Mines of Mandalore sounds like a dream... as long as the mythosaur doesn't get you lmao
In Bloom - a Frankie series by @northernbluess
This. Fic. Is. So. Fucking. CUTE! I loved chapter one of course, but chapter two??? My heart UGH. Their date is so precious. And the smut... I have a daddy kink and refuse to be shamed for it THIS WAS SO HOT
a hungry dog on a very short leash - a Joel one shot by @iamasaddie
My Dark Joel Queen never fails to deliver <3 This was so fucking hot. The getting caught cheating thing... the semi-public sex as punishment/blackmail thing. YUMMY YUMMY!! Dead Dove and all that, read the warnings, (are the warnings supposed to turn you on? oops).
some rotten man - a Joel one shot by @iamasaddie
Zero Plot. Just a rough as fuck blowjob. Exactly what I needed... It's so good y'all.
What happens on Coruscant, Stays on Coruscant - a Din/Poe/Cassian one shot by @beskarandblasters
Look we all know the timeline here is a little fucked, but let's pretend they're all around the same age because... Din Djarin, Poe Dameron, and Cassian Andor walk into a brothel and spend the night with you... GOD DAMN that's hot
------- SERIES <333 -------
These are series I keep tabs on in a separate spreadsheet and check once a week to see if they've been updated. Most of these have been recommended before, but they deserve all the attention.
I know some people don't like to start reading WIPs before they're finished, and that is valid, but these are worth it. Oh and some are complete and I just haven't finished them yet. It's my personal spreadsheet so it's a little messy lol.
One Thing I'm Missing / Joel / @joelscruff
Seams / Joel/ @fuckyeahdindjarin
Palomino / Jack / @fuckyeahdindjarin
I Think of You / Din / @prolix-yuy
No Drug Like Me / Dieter / @jazzelsaur (AO3)
Friendly Fire / Joel / @the-ginger-hedge-witch
Psychomanteum / Dieter / @whatsnewalycat
You Make Loving Fun / Frankie / @redahlia-writes
Apothecary / Joel / @atinylittlepain
Losing My Religion / Din / @oonajaeadira
Surrender / Joel / @ezrasbirdie
Short Days, Long Nights / Joel / @frannyzooey
Left in Lincoln / Joel / @toxicanonymity
Dressed For Revenge / Joel / @jksprincess10
Cowboy Like Me / Javi P / @cutesyscreenname
Sweet Creature / Dieter / @wildemaven
Leave Off Your Wandering / Joel / @oonajaeadira
Stitches / Din / @djarinsbeskar
Feelings on Fire / Joel / @joelscruff
Hot and Heavy / Joel / @tieronecrush
Pretend Alleyways / Dieter/Marcus / @radiowallet
Run to You / Marcus P / @foli-vora
Learning to Live / Javi P / @wheresarizona
Raider / Joel / @toxicanonymity
Beskar Doll / Din / @justagalwhowrites
Lavender / Joel / @justagalwhowrites
Hungry Hearts / Joel / @atinylittlepain
June / Joel / @atinylittlepain
Your Summer Dream / Joel / @swiftispunk
Muddy Waters / Joel/Ez / @bonezone44
Adversity / Ez/Frankie / @the-ginger-hedge-witch
Sensational / Joel / @sinsofsummers
Night Walks / Joel / @toxicanonymity
Stepdad!Joel / Joel / @toxicanonymity
Yes I check all of these for updates every single Thursday, though I don't always read every single thing that updated. If you ever think no one cares about your WIP... I do!!!
Happy Reading!
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that-wildwolf · 1 year
how does fanon get Shakarian wrong? 👀👀
I'm gonna start off by saying that I'm a turianfucker too and turians are hot and I get the thirst I get y'all
too many people are attracted to turians and want a turian romance so badly that they ignore Garrus's entire character for the sake of getting a turian romance and just basically strip him down to nothing but his species. People who are into turians and have a primal kink or something, which like. I also get I'm a monsterfucker too that's fun. are also projecting too much of that kink onto turians and Garrus specifically because Garrus is just unlucky enough to be the romance option. People write a generic alien/human relationship while ignoring most of what the Shakarian dynamic looks like in canon because. Well I actually don't know why. But the amount of turian/human fics, and yes, Shakarian too, that include some kind of "turians are a bit feral or actually aggressive/possessive" take is terrifying. Have we played the same games? Turians are literally described over and over as uptight having a stick in their ass sticklers for the rules. Garrus is an awkward nerd who doesn't know how to flirt with his girlfriend. Even when he he does the evil he does it in the most rule-obedient way possible. He's a mess and he relies on Shepard a bit too much especially in the first two games. This man is NOT the growly dominant alien character insert you want him to be I'm sorry. Turians have 15,000 more years of civilisation than humans. They are not going to be feral creatures just because they have sharper teeth. The human would be the primitive uncivilised alien in a turian/human relationship if you need someone to fill that role (also, why would you?).
Not to mention Shepard being treated as a self-insert which is. well it is a lot more forgivable in my eyes, but even as an RPG PC, Shepard still has a lot of distinct character. I think this is the first time since playing The Walking Dead that I've seen a player character with such a strong personality despite the genre forcing her to be different things.
To be fair I think a lot of the problems with fanon characterization of not only Shakarian but pretty much everyone who gets commonly mischaracterized (look at the woobification of Tali) could be fixed by regularly checking back in with the source material instead of, which I understand and can also be guilty of sometimes, immersing yourself in more and more layers of fanfic until you can't tell apart the fanon Shakarian from the canon Shakarian.
Dishonourable mentions (things that aren't common bad fandom practice but bother me personally): sub Shepard and actually worse yet dom Garrus, any AU where Garrus is a human (like??? lmao. his entire personality and conflict is driven by him being a turian, that is so central to his character that I can't imagine why you would take that away and think that's the same person), Shakarian retiring to the beach (Garrus said tropical. He didn't say beach. He hates swimming he would drown save him)
Also obviously this should go without saying, but there are TONS of great fanfics about Shakarian out there. This is just a list of what people get wrong that I wrote in like ten minutes on my phone sitting on the floor in my kitchen. It's not some magic truth scroll of fandom transgressions. Also obviously everyone is free to interpret fictional characters however they want even if it's different from the source material. Sometimes ignoring canon is better, trust me. Do whatever you want and don't let me spoil your fandom experience for you.
But yeah
TL;DR: I think that Shakarian and Garrus in particular suffers a lot from Garrus being the only turian romance in the games.
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sehodreamsthoughts · 3 months
OMG i’m so sorry i am so desensitized at this point.. um yes it’s totally an ed thing i just didn’t think about that omg um.. yeah i’m really sorry just focus on the feeder part 😳😳😳
that’s crazy cuz yes hanbin too🤭🤭 like.. i’m going crazy but i don’t want to be too insane.. soo
matthew makes me so feral in general and yes i agree with u he would love a taller gf (especially a chubby one<333) i see him as either being dom most of the time but with a subby side or kinda subby loser :( definitely a good boy, would spoil u and worship you because he’s obsessed with you but also loves making you flustered (it’s “confirmed” this man has like an oppa or daddy kink…) wants to be in control but also gets turned on if u take that away from him sometimes<333 if ur into it too… lots of thoughts of matthew x jiwoong x reader poly all 3 ways cuz matthew would so sub for jiwoong like help and so would i!!!!!
but um yeah. jiwoong, hanbin, matthew love big girls<333 feeder thoughts with all of them, just want u to be their chubby gf who relies on them for everything<3 i think they’d just be obsessed with how docile n obedient you’d be for them :((( um..
i’m literally so insane but like.. i saw smth too im gonna type this and cross it out because i’m humiliated but….. vina pls tell me u see the vision agree with me i will cry but if u don’t it’s fine tooo i will shut up about it… but…. i’m screaming i really can’t even type it out. basically just.. being too big to touch urself on ur own so he has to help you and you can’t get off by urself anymore bye putting myself in jail. i’m sick 🤧 pls if this is too gross i will leave u alone and never bother u with my nasty thoughts again
- 🥟 anon
Honey, when I say that there are little to almost no things that I find hard to like I'm being real 😭
In my head, that sounds hot too 😭😭😭 (I dated a chubby girl too so I KNOW)
I imagine Hanbin a lot for that scenario 😭👌 (dubcon 🚨)
Coworker!Hanbin eyeing you for a long time because you, his chubby teammate, are always smiling around even when everyone is having a fucking hard time keeping up with the workload.
He respects you a lot because you're smart, kind and are always helping around when nobody else wants, reason why he can't understand why some people don't treat you nice simply because of how you look.
You, realizing it, stop wearing your pretty outfits at work, choosing a more "modest" wardrobe so you don't hear those comments again, shocking him because he never realized how much he liked to see your plump ass and thick legs with them.
Without being able to contain himself, he jerks off to the memory of you wearing a particular skirt that he really likes to see you on. It's simple, black, and you wear them with black stockings too. He's seen that outfit a thousand times, yet he can't stop thinking it's the hottest thing ever just because YOU were the one wearing it.
He starts to get impatient because he NEEDS to see you wearing that skirt again. Looking at your ass when you bend to lift things is not enough, he misses the way your stockings became transparent in the highest part of your thighs, and you look great with those pants, but there's nothing like your skirts.
Hanbin does his best to catch a glimpse of something new that excites him the same way, but don't get fooled, he gets hard with the mere sight of you, it's just that nothing makes him cum like your chubby legs and how they look enormous in skirts.
Not much later, thank God because he's having a harder time containing himself with each day that goes by, the office decides to make a two day one night trip to appease the people that have been complaining at work. He only decides to go after you've said that you'd too, praying deep inside that you go wearing a skirt again. You do, and, thanking the universe, he spends the whole day stuck to your side, helping you with kitchen duty and even acting bold enough to walk with a hand in the small of your back when you two get lost from the group.
At night, when everyone is drunk as fuck and most of them already on their rooms sleeping, you two stay in the open talking about work and drinking. You don't really notice how many shots he's pouring you, or how your drink has more alcohol than what a usual cocktail has. You keep drinking, laughing at the stories Hanbin tells you, and answering his questions. It's all innocent, until there's a particular moment in which you're too fucking drunk to stop yourself from blabbering, and you don't know how the topic changed to it, but you reveal that you haven't been able to cum in a long time because your tummy and your pussy lips are too much of an obstacle for your hand, which can never do much after arriving exhausted to your house because of the busy usual schedule at work.
The words that come out of your mouth make him the hardest he's ever been in weeks, thinking how he'd gladly give you a hand. Without noticing, one of his hands is already caressing your knee, murmuring a "poor girl" with those rosy cheeks and his usual smile nowhere to be found. You, not understanding much of what's happening, or the place you're at, only nod. "I know!", you cry, and open your legs when his hand trails up until it arrives to the border of your skirt.
"I could help you, you know" he offers. "Uhm?" It's the only thing that comes from your mouth, and he doesn't wait for an answer before his wrist is against the pouch of your tummy and his palm against your clothed pussy. "i'll help you" he groans, pressing his hand harder, stealing a surprised whimper from you because of how good it felt.
It doesn't take long until he has you over the table, plastic cups on the grass and some spilled drinks making a mess under you, but that's the least of the things that he could care for when he has your fat pussy in front of him. Your skirt is all up, your stockings are ripped and your panties to the side. With one hand he pushes the amplitude of your tummy, using his thumb and index to maintain your heavy lips open so they don't interrupt his job while his other hand is doing it's best fucking your gummy walls and then circling your puffy clit, taking turns with his attention, making you cry of how good he's touching you.
"Bin- fuck, please, please" you cry. You're delirious, only thinking about the pressure of your abdomen and his slender fingers being perfect for you.
"i'll make you cum baby, don't worry, leave it to me" he says, feeling your juices dripping to his wrist with how messy you are. You had no idea you could get that wet, never having been dripping to that point on your own. Your poor pussy has been so unattended it's practically begging for his cock, and he's dying to give it to you but the way you're breaking from only his fingers is making him dizzy, and with all the alcohol over his head, he doesn't stop until you're coming in front of his eyes, leaking down a heavy stream of your orgasm.
That alone is enough to make him shudder and spurt inside his underwear. He groans, feeling his cum smear against his skin, and kisses you, tasting the alcohol in your system and the salty rest of your tears. He only talks when you've regained some of your consciousness, "wear skirts at work again, and I'll help you every day."
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droolysub · 8 months
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Good evening perverted people!!! Rn i'm eepily typing from bed, nakey under my fluffy robe and mostly treating this post as a personal diary entry. Feel free to read my late night thoughts if you're feeling nosy/interested or just bored!
Stressful school is back in session now (*throws a rotten tomato* boooooo!) and I'm extremely depressed as is, which means I'll probably be masturbating/hornyblogging even MORE often to cope. Look forward to it since my blog will be full of sexy content as a result 👀 ⁼³₌₃⁼³
Technically I should already be asleep if I want to make it to class on time but I can't get myself to rest just yet...
Cumming super hard might help.
Confession: I miss posting tease vids/photosets online and getting worshipped by strangers... The amount of sweet messages I got from interested subs, switches and doms alike made me feel so wanted. Not all of them are loving but I think that makes the ones who were even more special to me. A little bit of attention means a lot to a little orphan girl like me, okay? It did wonders for my self esteem and personal outlook on life. Who knew sharing my sexuality would make me feel so much better in all these ways
Btw, @staff DESPISES when I post sexy vids of me stuffing my cute pussy, so I decided that I'll be doing none of that this time around ۹(๑`^´๑)۶ N-O-N-E! 🚫 sorry everybody- blame @staff. Until further notice, I'm playing it safe! (• ̀ - • ́) .... I'm hoping that this blog won't be deleted if I comply with the ToS... Having to tone myself down in the name of compliance is lame AF and sucks hole 🕳️ but fiiiineeee... ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
Good News: ass/tiddy, censored images and sexy text posts are still good to go~ so yay! I'll be making more of that content (ㅅ´ ˘ `) ✨
ALSO! This feels like a good opportunity to share that I made a lovense wishlist for whoever is interested in spoiling me for long distance play!!!!! Daddy doms, owners, breeders, etc. who like my blog and share similar kinks should check it out 💖🙈 if they like!!! Please only spoil if you're willing/able
SHAMELESS SELF PROMO!!! As per usual, if you like what you see and would like to request for more, my custom content is available at a premium, just DM me 💸💰
I'm still recovering from a failed suicide attempt last week. I have a lot of painful throbbing all over my body and especially a few organs. It sucks and I sincerely do not have a single family member or close friend who cares to offer anything but pity... but I'm just really grateful to still be here. That's the only way things can improve. Nobody will listen, so I'll just blog. I'm scared that I have breast cancer from how long I've been neglecting myself. I'm scared to get checked. I really don't want to. I'm too afraid. But it hurts and I should if I'm serious about wanting to live. Even now, my chest hurts
Yesterday I was lucky enough to have my begging work. I was able to get food last night thanks to a generous daddy so that was good. The delivery guy delivered it to the wrong address so I had to run around in my robe looking for the order and was so happy when I found it just down the street. I haven't had that good of a meal in a long time and I'm so full now. I can go to bed feeling full. That's always a good feeling
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thefeastandthefast · 4 years
The Rebel Princess episode 8 spoilers
Zhang Ziyi, my queen! Episode 8 is a glorious showcase of her signature barely suppressed rage face, the first appearance of which is making me so damn giddy! THIS is what I’ve been most excited for.
A’wu is so deeply furious throughout this miserable wedding ceremony (with shades of Isabelle Adjani in the wedding scene of La Reine Margot) and then she delivers this incredible monologue dripping with scorn looking untouchable and impossibly beautiful and then she tosses her hairpin with so much cold contempt and now I’m deceased and typing from six feet under. Finger and toes crossed for many more moments of icy rhetorical brilliance. 
And amidst all this hostility- that lingering, longing look on the General’s face (I know his name is Xiao Qi but he is SUCH a General) as she turns and stalks off after the ceremony! Goodness fucking gracious. 
I ALSO love that he’s wearing his armor hidden underneath his gorgeous wedding robes, just in case this becomes some kind of Red Wedding situation. Gotta applaud a man who’s prepared.
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spitdrunken · 2 years
Ngl I feel so wrong for having read so much on your blog in the span of an hour or so 😭😭 I'm a kink baby (not like littles, I'm into freaky stuff but I don't know the term for those newly/inexperienced with the stuff) and seeing the blankshipping makes me feel both so wrong yet so turned on??? Like???
I can't help but to fantasize over the submas twins corrupting their younger sister as they start to show interest in her. Like I read the Volo innocence post you wrote and I started thinking of something similar to those lines but for the submas twins. Maybe the younger sister was always their little princess that they spoiled and doted on and she repays the kindness by being super clingy and loving towards them? Like she's the pinnacle of what the twins want to protect so what better way than to become her lovers? They would hate to see their younger sister be taken and used by some random man so why not just show her everything she can gain with them? I imagine that they start slowly corrupting them and turning her into their little sub and fucking her senseless because that's what their sister deserves <3
Idk if that's weird or not but I really like your blog :)
notes: incest, grooming (all characters are 18+ during nsfw sections, but their dynamic as children is discussed)
hi anon!! i’m sorry for taking a while to get to this, but you’re so valid okay <33 i know when you’re first getting into ‘darker’ / more ‘’’gross’’’ (not my opinion but what it likely feels like to you at the moment) stuff you can feel guilty sometimes, but there’s nothing to feel bad about! enjoying this kind of stuff is super common. (just look at prnhub, anime / visual novels, the amount of fics in the ‘1ncest’ tag on ao3, etc etc.) i hope that made you feel a little better!! onto the actual content though <3
first off, that’s not weird at all-!! i have a very similar, expanded au with my girlfriend where ‘you’ are basically the submas’ little sister, so your idea is more than welcome here <3
Ingo is someone with an inherently caring nature. He enjoys looking after people, guiding them to their destinations and, in personal matters, he is much the same. While growing up, he was often fussier than your mother, but also praised you more than anyone else. Both of the twins insist on you following the rules laid out by your parents, but Ingo is more strict. (Who would sometimes sneak you an extra piece of candy!) From a young age, he’s had a fascination with dressing you up. The cuter, the better! His choices would really make you feel like a princess. He’s more passive than his brother, and would feel a little sad watching you have fun without him, but he’s more likely to try and let it go. 
Emmet just thinks you are the cutest! Your smile is the absolute best one ever, and he would do anything to keep you happy. This is the primary reasons he lets you a little loose sometimes, but only under his direct supervision. Emmet is already notably jealous as a kid, and doesn’t like you or Ingo spending time around anyone else. He’s the main reason you grow up somewhat secluded, actively interfering in your friendships with others. Kids are often a little selfish, however, Emmet never entirely grows out of it. He wants what’s best for you, but on his terms, because he knows best.
Everyone thought it was adorable how little you fought while growing up, and how inseparable you were. Now that you’re adults, though... It’s a bit more weird. 
You’ve never stopped being sweet and adorable to them, they never stopped wanting the best for you and wanting to protect you! Through their work as Subway Bosses, they’ve gotten to meet so many people, and realised that... Tons of people are terrible. Horribly rude and completely dismissive of any and all safety regulations! Sure, not everyone sucks, but when imagining you dating some stranger... They can’t imagine it going well. It’s a common subject between the two of them. They are actively concerned about you getting a crush on someone. Thankfully, you always tell them you still love your big brothers the most ♡!
(At the same time, I love the idea of you essentially having a bit of a puppy crush on your big brothers... Since their job has made them decently famous, there’s a lot of content featuring them online! When you read romantic self insert fanfiction about your brothers, that’s definitely just to laugh at how they’re written! Nothing else!!)
After one more conversation about ‘the state of humanity in regards to our little sister’s dating options’, Emmet asks: Why shouldn’t we date her? There are a million arguments against it. First off all, you’re related. But Emmet plays on Ingo’s emotions, he knows how worried he is about you, and how guilty he feels about is poorly hidden feelings for you. Emmet is the one who will end up taking the lead. You trust and love your brothers the most, so it only makes sense they’d take your most important firsts too... (Emmet will end up jerking Ingo off while whispering fantasies about you into his ear. How tight you would be about your big brother’s cock, how cutely you’d moan, how nice you’d look in a cute set of underwear... He cums embarrassingly fast.)
You’re already so clingy, that it’s easy to ease you into a bit more affection! Holding your hand, kissing your cheek, pulling you on to his lap... All of that is easy for Emmet. You happily soak up all of the extra attention. When you complain eventually about being permanently single, Emmet will ‘jokingly’ ask about preparing for the future ahead of you... He’ll offer. to teach you how to kiss! You get so embarrassed you can’t get a word out, but when he softly pecks you on the lips you can’t find it in yourself to protest too much. By the end of it, you’re making out with him on the couch, sitting flush against him on his lap.
Emmet has been hiding his feelings for you for so long, and is so intent on ruining you for anyone else, that there’s a decent chance he’ll fuck you open on that couch right then and there, for Ingo to walk in on you two. 
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kookie-doughs · 4 years
Beta Tester
Kozume Kenma X Reader
-YN LN is a popular mangaka
Chapter 16: Stage
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Seeing you running towards him made Kenma frown.
"Kenma!" You waved. "Thank you for not leaving yet!"
Ignoring you he continued to walk towards the direction of the stage.
You pouted and crossed your arms. "You know... As sorry as I am for that kiss I really don't regret it."
Jogging up in front of him with a shit eating grin, you positioned yourself in front of him where he'd have no choice but to look at you while you looked at him. His ears were slightly red without a doubt but who were you kidding yours were too.
Kenma cleared his throat, "Good for you then. Now get out of the way so I could get out of here. "
"And honestly I liked that kiss." You continued determined to see him flustered again. "Your lips were soft and I bet my ass you're a great kisser. I rate you 10/10 would do it again."
With a glare he looked at you straight in the eyes, "So do it pussy." Then went ahead before you could see the red settling on his face.
"I- Wh- Excuse me- Wh- Huh? K-Ken- Kenma!!" You squeaked as you chased after him.
"I said what I said."
You finally caught up to him when he was about to climb the stairs towards the stage. Luckily(?) you also have to go up with him.
"Ehh... Where's the flustered Kenma? I wanted to see you all blushy and panicked. You looked so adorable. I don't want hot daddy Dom Kenma. I want cute baby sub Kenma..."
As he was halfway up the stairs your height gap grew and he was way over you. He just looked down on you, leaning closer the gap barely existent he smirked.
"Too bad." Then turned away.
There were a handful of people who saw the scene. Which made you more embarrassed. Holy shit you acted all alpha online only to be dominated by a hermit named Kozume Kenma.
Boy were you happy. You'd happily submit to him.
"Let us all welcome the two people who made the game possible! YN LN and Kozume Kenma!!"
You might be confused why you two were the ones going and why you were introduced like that.
As you are the creator of Puri-Puri you of course are the reason why this game existed.
But Kenma came here as he's the biggest investor, the face of the game and no one else wanted to go. So yeah...
As you two came up the stage you were just wishing the blush from the scene a few moments ago. The cameras flashed and claps were heard.
"Shit the media is here..." You mumbled.
"Your surprised, why?" Kenma gave you an amused and disappointed look. No idea how he managed to do that but he did.
"Shut the fuck up. I just got a feeling the questions won't be about the game thanks to the media."
"So you do think sometimes..."
"You want me to hit you?"
A clearing of throat behind you stopped your argument. It was Akaashi handing you both microphones to be clipped on you [I'm sorry I dont know what they're called] .
"Good luck, don't do and say anything stupid. And remember this is the release of PPM's demo." He reminded and got off the stage.
"Good evening to you all! I hope you've been having a great time!" I started.
"We'd like to thank you again for attending the release of PPM's demo."
"Now of course the game is yet to be played but from the trailer that was shown, I hope you had enjoyed it since the game is going to be much better than the trailer!"
"I'm sure you all must've questions as well. That's why Me and your idi-- dear author will answer."
"You definitely were about to call me idiot." You frowned at him.
He smirked and shrugged. "I have not a slightest idea what you mean."
"You're the worst."
Ignoring you... Again. He motioned at one of the reporters to probably ask their question.
"Ms. LN, as the initial plot of the Puri-Puri Magika is about [REDACTED], and the trailer we saw have quite a large difference from one another only having the universe in similarty. Is it just the universe of the similar one to the manga? "
"Of course the plot would be different. It disappoints me quite a bit that none of you realized how they're connected aside from the universe. Well, I don't really want to spoil you but if you actually read the Manga and saw the trailer," You gave a proud smirk. "Everyone that was a fan of PPM in the team were ecstatic. They were all just-" You mimicked a mind blown. "They were so excited about the game and a those."
"Thank you Ms. LN."
"Next please."
"Mr. Kozume," the next one called. "You were neither a fan of YN, nor PPM, why did you decide to not only beta test the game but sponsor and invest big sum of money on the game."
"No wait ! I want to answer some of those questions!" You cut off cackling. "The one about him investing and him beta testing! It's actually an annoying and Hella funny story."
"No I was a--"
"Shut up you'll probably lie."
"Shut up." Kenma now had his ears red. "Don't you--"
"He was the biggest asshole back then!"
"Stop talking."
"He fucking beta tested despite not knowing shit about PPM because it was the biggest game. And he just banwagoned  on it like a bitch he was."
"I did not. I had some clues about you Manga."
"You did not know shit about PPM cut yo bullshit. You didn't even know who the MC was!"
"Shut up."
"That's why he beta tested! Now the reason why he invested is really hilarious!"
"I really hate this story..."
"This was the reason why Kenma became Bae too! We didn't know shit about how to contact Kenma, we only had his email address and his social media. Keep that in mind. "
"So since he didn't know shit about PPM he really couldn't care about the plot and just looked for bugs and shit. He wasn't even aware of the bugs in the plot since he didn't know which what was supposed to be part of the plot and not. This bitch ass decided there wasn't any bugs anymore so we went with that. But then we had to play it and saw a shit ton of bugs."
"I said there were some bugs don't make me seems so stupid."
"You didn't even inform us about the glitch at the time skip part! That could've ruined the entire thing! Anywayz, so we had to code the game again. So we emailed him that there were way too many bugs other than what he told us so the next testing would be later. But the asshole never replied. And since I was the one entasked to guide this bitch ass, I  had to flood his email! And he didn't respond! Not once! It had been DAYS! I send him at least 20 emails everyday! I have up on the 3-4th day and DMed him on Twitter."
"I really hate this part."
"No. No. This is the best part. Do y'all remember that one trending #KodzuGone started by Tenma? It's because, this asshole never responded to our emails so I DMed him all the shit important shit in the emails. Then this bitch fucking blocked me! I fucking rante to Tenma and he canceled Kenma like he deserved to! I was panicking about it since Mr. Suzumiya told me that Kenma could be a potential investor if he wanted. And I needed cash... "
"Do not call me that publicly. You are disgusting."
"He went full sugar daddy on me!" You cackled. "His entire squad had betrayed him! They were canceling him so he just fucking slid into my DMs apologizing about the shit he did and I told him, bitch I'm coming over there and see you play this fucking game or I will not stop this canceling and make it worse. So he was forced to telll me his address and I'm not sure if yall saw the live but it was hot shit. The next day he bought all the copies of PPM at this one store and gave them to me and then he invested shit ton of money on my on going works, bought me a new tablet, paid my Keiji bills, and many other shit. Yall would die to have him as sugar daddy I'm telling you. Ya don't even have to give him sugar for the treats. "
"That was the biggest mistake I made."
"Awwe, but thanks to that we're closer than ever. "
"Exactly my point."
"Thank you for answering Ms. LN."
"I hate you so much." Kenma sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
"No you don't. Admit it you love me."
"I really don't. Next question please."
"A-Ah, my initial question was actually answered in the previous question. It about your live. Now my question is, Ms LN and Mr. Kozume, is your relationship really a platonic one or a romantic one? "
"Okay, babe," You chuckled. "my man won't even let me breathe the same air he does. Ya think we're dating?"
"Well your right."
"Excuse me?"
"Huh?! " You exclaimed a little louder than you thought since the mic made a loud noise.
"The relationship we have is both platonic and romantic. As labels aren't placed we share a romantic relationship." Kenma smirked.
You looked at him and the crowd with a clear eminent blush. "I-I I- Wh-"
Pulling you closer to him and turning around so the crowd won't see you both. He lowered the mic to prevent them from hearing.
"I wanted to see you all blushy and panicked . You look adorable." He whispered to your ear before facing the crowd again who were now going crazy over what Kenma had just confirmed.
"Y-You're an asshole..."
"Yeah, an asshole who..." lowering his mic again he leaned to your ear. "Still has your favorite onsie at his place. You really shouldn't have left it at my place. I'm so tempted to burn it."
"You leave my onsie alone! I will drown your consoles."
"With that threat, you're suddenly stripped of your house visit privileges."
"W-Why would you say we're dating?!"
"I didn't. I just said we both share a romantic and platonic relationship with no labels. I technically didn't lie too."
"Why did you do this?"
"Aside from wanting to see you all flustered? I'm probably drunk." Kenma smiled and turned to the crowd again. "Next question please."
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I'm sorry lately there's been to many words and less pictures it's just that... Idk
Lol I'm sorry this was supposed to be smau but there's been too many words
Ooc Kenma is shit so I made him drunk
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @synx-ed @normalisthenewnorm @0majuh0 @leachann @nikanikabitch @almondeupeach @immxnty @mer-majesty @yamayoomi @simpingoveranime-men @lostmarimoismyhubby @mariishat @just-snog-already
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lucian-evander · 3 years
Second : you of course matter whatever your ships and probably even more given what your ships are when you say ''marvel sucks for doing that to stucky shippers'' when you're not even invested
(Btw this is maybe a personal opinion but i would actually respect you if you shipped the notpest of my notps which isn't even the case given i'm perfectly OK with sambucky and stony, like the stony fandom is talented af by example i just reblog their fanarts on my side blog instead and isn’t really invested in the ship 🤷🏻‍♂️)
Third : well i guess this is for you, fellow stucky shipper who will find it in the tags 😁⬆️ (for context it's about the first episode of what if )
Fourth : omg cole please breath 😂 so many caps 😂
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chut-je-dors · 6 years
Sorry but I don't think you can say you're trying to "contribute" to making the mclennon fandom "more equal" with the way half your fics portray paul thistring after john's dick and making him be sub in all your fics and I hear people say how good the hor mechanic is but I think paul is just super annoying, not realistic at all and I'm sorry I don't understand how that fic became so popular in the first place or how your contributing to this fandom
You know what, I usually delete all this kind of asks after the whole hysteric!Paul controversy took place, ‘cos my patience was just running out and I was simply getting tired of it, but I actually want to answer this time, and will do so thoroughly. So beware, a LONG post coming through.
I’d like to begin with the claim that half of my fics portray Paul as the “bottom” one. First of all, I’d like to clarify that for me, it doesn’t matter who bottoms and who tops — the important thing is whether the relationship between the two men is equal, and that equality has nothing to do with who bottoms. One of them has to, if they were to do anal sex. It is true that in most of my fics, Paul has been the one to bottom, but that doesn’t mean he’s beneath John in any other way than just physically, literally lying under him.
There is a lot in this whole thing that people don’t really get:
First of all, you need to understand what kind of a place our fandom was when I was first starting as a reader. Most of the fics featured Paul as the bottom one, but John as the emotional drive in the stories. I’ve lost count of the oneshots I read back then that had John pining after Paul, and there didn’t seem to be any corresponding fics where Paul was the one desperately pining for John. Their relationship didn’t seem equal; Paul was too soft, John was too hard. Paul was the romantical one, John couldn’t have cared less. Paul was a stuck-up nun, John was a reckless arsehole without any regard for others feelings.
I started reading fics in 2009 at the age of 13, and two-three years later I was writing my first fic ThighGHGHGHGS. This was both an outlet for my personal frustration over John’s thighs (man was I high on hormones at 15), a desire to write something that would make other people laugh, and an attempt to do something that was often less seen; Paul pining over John.
After that, there were a couple of smaller fics that I won’t be discussing here, meant as crack fics and never to be taken seriously. (What 1 being my personal favourite.) The big needle in the wound for everyone seems to be the Hot Mechanic and the Hot Series in general, so let me tell you about that fic:
In 2012-2013 the steady stream of new fics on JohnHeartPaul seemed to be dying down. There were maybe one or two multichapter fics being published, new chapters appearing every now and then, and the place seemed to be dying down. At that point the JP-archive stopped being updated. I was 15, going on 16, and growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of good new fics in the fandom (at that point I’d read the whole archive through like, twice). I started roaming over to the Merlin fandom and was blown away by the amount of good fics that incorporated the characters into all sorts of AUs seamlessly. I especially loved the modern AUs, and felt that that was missing from our fandom. At this point (in 2013) there were about two or three Modern AU fics in the fandom, and all of them were oneshots! We simply had no multichapter modern AU fics.
I decided to simply continue on the same policy I’d previously had with ThighGHGHGHS; I wanted to bring something new into the fandom. (Note: I don’t want to sound egoistical in this essay — the reason why I haven’t explained this before now is because I am a very, very modest person, and I have a problem in taking credit and compliments over something that I don’t feel was such a big deal. But these are things that I’ve heard from other people over the years, and as such I feel safe saying them, even though I’m still battling to accept the high praise.)
So why is The Hot Mechanic so popular? Because it is the first long, plot-driven modern AU in this fandom.
I wanted to do it as a crack fic, because I love humour. I wrote a fic that made me laugh, and I never expected it to become a thing that’s still going on. But because it’s a crack fic, it brought a few changes into the characters. They don’t react like normal people do. Hell, George isn’t a normal person. Ringo is the closest one we get to a normal person in that fic, and Paul literally walked in on him fucking his cousin! They’re all completely out of their heads, and it’s made for the laughs. Since it is a deliberate crack fic that isn’t even trying to make the characters look real (think of it as a really long Monty Python sketch), and since I literally wrote it SIX YEARS AGO, I don’t think it is fair to continuously keep on using that fic against me as a proof of how I “always” write Paul and John.
The following parts to the Hot Series have followed the same pattern as the first part, because, y’know, continuity. You can’t change a character just like that in the middle of the story without an explanation, and since the lads’ characters were well-established in the first part of the series, I had to keep it up. And I wouldn’t have changed it either, because writing them was, and is, genuinely fun, and that’s what matters.
What’s important is also the fact that Paul and John’s relationship is equal. They are both loving towards each other, showing affection openly. John is pining after Paul at work, dreaming about the moment he gets back to Paul on a regular basis, and Paul often reacts to this with fond humour. They laugh at each other’s jokes, walk out hand-in-hand, are equal when it comes to sex — they decide together what they want, standing constantly on equal ground. That sort of an open, fluffy relationship was kinda new as well, mainly due to the fact that this fic takes place in the modern day; they are allowed to be together.
I wrote the Hot Mechanic with a conscious wish of people copying it, taking my lead and jumping into the world of AUs. I hoped that people would get inspired by my first futile attempt at a modern AU, and bring more of them into the fandom. In the end I don’t know how much of an impact the HM had on the authors in general, but some sort of a switch has happened in any case, since in these days we’re gloriously swimming in Modern AUs.
In 2015 I wrote the Vomiting Adventure. I can’t remember if there was any particular reason, other than that I had probably been ill, and wanted to write a fic to commiserate with my subconsciousness. (And those who complain about the hysteric!Paul never seem to mention it at all. Maybe because it doesn’t fit the profile?)
The same year I wrote Hate Is Such A Strong Word. That fic was... never intended to be what it is today. It started as deep, thoughtful few sentences, and then suddenly Paul was tied to the bed, and ??? It suddenly became a try on how to write smut, since I had no real experience in it. It was also a crack fic, and as such I ask you to look at it like at the HM: As nothing meant to be realistic. It was not planned, and Paul bottoming didn’t hold much meaning. It was my first smut, and someone needed to bottom. And Paul was already tied to the bed, which was convenient.
When you look at my fics, you’ll see that most of them are in fact meant as a light, fun reading experience. They are crack fics. The only clear exceptions are This Is Not Them, and Ten Minutes.
This Is Not Them came from that old damned desire to once again do something new, but this time something new for me, since all I had ever done was write crack fics. I wanted to challenge myself and write a fic in a completely different style and tone, I wanted to show people I could do other stuff as well. This fic has Paul bottoming at the beginning when he’s with John, because wordless agreements between characters about who tops and who bottoms? Y’know how those work -- but he tops with other people. He is depressed. Sex is his only way of feeling something, which is explained in the fic (meaning that he is not a slut, but feels conflicted because he feels like one, but doesn’t want to, and doesn’t know who he is anymore). And John has his own depression to fight against, and here, Paul bottoming is kind of a plot point... uh, like a small dot in a bigger plot point about who John is and Why Is He Like That? I don’t want to spoil the fic for those who haven’t read it yet, but; there isn’t a sentence written in that fic that doesn’t have a meaning behind it. Paul doesn’t bottom for the reader: he bottoms because John won’t, due to the man’s ghosts from the past.
What underlines my work is that I always want to do something no one else has ever done before, or has never done properly. I have decided not to delete my older work, because I know people enjoy those fics, and I hope people wouldn’t judge how I write now based on those 6-year old works. The fics that I’ve been working on within this past year are This Is Not Them, Ten Minutes, and 5 Thomas Lane. Read those fics, and tell me whether you see a sign of the “feminine and girlish” Paul. (or don’t read them, ‘cos they’re really long... like so many words..... god)
I can say that personally I’ve never liked the fics where Paul was made out to be the crying princess, just based on his looks. The fandom tended to do that (as they often do for “pretty” characters), and I wanted John and Paul to be equal. They are equal in banter, equal in feelings, and yes, equal in bed as well in the way that it matters: mentally. (Except for This Is Not Them, but that is a plot point)
I highly encourage you to take a look at my fic page, where you can see all the fics I’ve written at a glance! It really sounds like you haven’t read most of them, so do give them a go!
As a response to your thoughts that I have not contributed to this fandom at all — I’m sure you’re aware of the JP-Library by now. At least I hope so! Here is how all that happened:
As I mentioned before, in 2013 the fandom seemed to be dying down. 2014-2016 continued in the same way, with everyone having sort of scattered around after JohnHeartPaul had gone quiet. Tumblr isn’t the best place to keep your whole community in, since it doesn’t offer any possibility for good fandom discussion. AO3 was slowly gaining foot in the fandom, and new fics started to appear little by little — AUs to my delight, although even as recently as in 2016 there just didn’t seem to be any new ground-shaking fics. Overall the whole place seemed to be dying down, and I was feeling desperate, because this fandom had been my home for years by then.
4th of January 2017 I had a thought that if no one else was going to do anything, I was the one that had to. Here is a quote from messages I sent that day to one friend after bringing up the idea of a new, updated JP-archive:
CJD, [04.01.17 23:43]I just kinda wanna keep the jp fandom alive
CJD, [04.01.17 23:43]cos I’ve been watching it go down for years :/
This was my core motivation from the start. I collected all the fics from the JP-archive, went through them to sort out the broken links, and started adding AO3 fics into the mix. A month after the idea of doing this had surfaced, I published the site, and have been updating it ever since. Soon after that I took over @mclennonrecs​.
I have been told by several different people that “you’re the one who’s keeping this fandom alive” or “you revived the whole fandom”. I’m not... sure if I agree, but it does however give a picture of what at least a one group of people think of my contributions to this fandom, and I’m glad to think that I’ve managed to make at least a small difference.
Truthfully I find it quite offensive that you would question my involvement in our fandom after all the work I’ve put into the Library and Mclennonrecs. I won’t say anything else on the matter, but I hope you take your time reading through my answer and considering what I’ve said.
I am always ready to receive criticism about my writing and the work I do, as long as it is given constructively. I do hope people would stop hounding writers for writing stories with bottom!Paul. It is discouraging to new authors and tiring to the old ones. I’ve always loved how people of all ages can unite over our love for John and Paul without judging anyone, so let’s not start creating unnecessary tension now.
Learn to see the fandom through its rich history, and don’t judge people without knowing their motivations. Please spread love instead of hate. Thank you! :)
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phoneismybf · 5 years
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TharnType The Series Ep. 7 Review
"You two looks so close now?" Techno. Yes, they are Ai No, officially.
#TharnTypeEp7 #TharnType #TharnTypetheseries
"Type, you already have a girlfriend?" Champ.
"Why should I tell you?" Type. Still can't believe it hah? Lol.
Techno knows naturally. He is so cute for being unsure and badly want to make his assumption is true. And you got the answer. I believe he got a goosebumps at the same time. Hahaha. Moreover, they were really fast on getting the new dorm. Don't want to spend more time in the old one, right? Hurring get the new one so Type can scream more louder. (oops)
P'Klui - P'Seo..... I guess they know exactly what was happened in the next room. Yes, they fought a lot and a also "fought" a lot. Lol. Of course you are right, P'Seo, thick wall will reduced any loud sound including a scream. HAHAHAHA (WHY AM I SO CURIOUS ABOUT TYPE'S SCREAM? HOW SEXY IT IS? OOPPSS. No, private property only, belongs to Tharn). And the news is P'Seo like P'Klui.... I knew something is odd.
Haven't watch the episode? Check on here, TharnType Ep.7 Eng Sub
Seems you already knew well your bf Ai Type, don't you feel grateful for it, do you? Dad already know how close you are. Good things to be noted.
What a bullshit, I really hate you with all my guts. Type... Then he smiles in blush. Please....... I can't handle this kind of boyfriend. Bad mouth but so adorable. A proof that is why Tharn so in to him. I might too... Bro, envy you.
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Park? Oww he is Kom. Lol... Hi! how are you? You are the last person who made a chaotic situation in 2 Moons 2. Different role man... Totally different role... Ok, sorry. Hahaha, still he is cute though.
Hey Mr. ... You get in to a wrong line. I can understand why Type still hate gays. In previous episode he said to Techno that he still hate gays excapt Tharn. May be he thinks all gays are the same as the person who harassed him but Tharn is a gay that he have been experienced with a good treatment and he has good personalities. That is why Type only feel comfortable to Tharn, the only one gay he really knows and.... Loves.
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Now I feel bad for the girl. I'm sorry but not every man knows who like him easily May. And it was so long for holding that feeling and at the end you got nothing from it. I know it's hurt, but we can't force someone's feeling to love us back.
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I don't like someone get in to my room and take a look at my staff like Tum did. You are unforgivable. But those paintings always make me sad... Tar is deeply shaken.
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Yet, his words are f*cking irritating. Yes, I know you still hate the other gays. But they are also human who have feeling. You can being prejudice but be careful. Not all the gays are bad, some of them need help, friends, lovers, even parents. They also want to be loved, cared, friend, usefull in the society. I'm really want to know what Tharn will say in this situation since he is an open minded and mature, feel bad for Kom to hear all of them. I totally agree with Kom, you already said what I want to said to Type. Don't be sad Kom, we have the same situation, we both want at least our best friends know and can understand this matter.
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Even though they can't understand at least we want let them know because it's so frustrating to keep it all alone and they will know how to react to us later on or ruin the relationship. Well we don't care, why? People won't even care others' problems except their own. That's why we just want you to only know who we are so you can behave. Hit the guts man... Even I still don't receive any response from my best friend about this. They are just think and act like nothing happen, so f*cked up for all I and they've been doing for being poker face every time we meet. Yes, we are really sorry for being a gay. Sorry, spoiling a personal matter, LOL .... Let's continue... I can see, Type is feeling bad and confuse right know and questioning "what the hell with these people?", the right question is "what f*cking hell with you bro?" come on you have a boyfriend just think how he would feels if you always being like this. I care about you, Tharn care about you, we care, you were forgiven because you are adorable. HAHAHAHA...
Yes, cing cing lau, you are so hot. Hahaha. Type always says what he wants but not for the cheesy things, he always keep for him self. He prefers saying assh*le to his boyfriend and keeps the words missing him. If I'm Tharn, I would never know just guessing that his bad words mean some carings. Yet, we are audiences and was provided the scene behind Tharn. We know that Type is very cute for missing Tharn by that behavior.
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Type should talk first to Kom before going. It's very sad knowing that we lose one of our bestfriend without having a good talk. I hope they can make up someday so he can introduce Tharn to Kom.
A text can meet them in a minute. A very sprightful boyfriend. And I think his family know he is a gay, do they?
F*ck, now I cannot see this scene. Since the preview, I shooked for seeing him wearing that oversize shirt. For me it is kind of sexy, or maybe it is the second thing for Tharn that Type not only sexy when he screams but there are more. Moreover, Type said the shirt is the welcoming gift. WTF... What did he think? What did he prepare? Can't clear my mind. (avoiding lag connection, restarting soul, I need not only mind but also soul to be ready for this, Type is way too ADORAB... AD... ADOR.... BLE.... ADORABLE)
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This is a serious problem. When he is not ready, you can't forced him. Because everyone's opinion and way of thinking are different. I'm at Type's side na Tharn, sorry. Even though I admit that I like you but this coming out matter is never been easy for me though. Please be patient, I know Type has been thinking about it. "Hoping for the impossible" is my wish too. Where is the tanning line you mentioned Ai Tharn? Lol. I barely can see that Tharn dosen't like raw food that is why he ordered grilled one instead. But I think Type didn't realize about it. I even thought he has an allergic but not.
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Hahahaha, the same saleswoman. I can't hear her explanation. I don't want to hear. What squeaky sound is that P? Yes, you can try to sit on it one by one Type, incase you know which one is the right one for both of you. This P'Sun, who is this actually?
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Sometime Type is innocence, he just knew Tharn's birthday and asks him directly in no time if he has a free time or not. See, Tharn's family knew. He invites Type to his birthday party with his fam. What? He came out at 12 grade?! I can't think how his family reacted to him at that time. He was really brave and so much young for this. I want to be a member of the royal family, please. Be patient Ai Tharn, Type is not ready yet. He trys to accept every condition he is doing now. But, Tharn's reason to invite Type as his birthday gift is kind of cannot be refused. Yes, Type, you are his now. What did Type wishper to Tharn then? It caused Tharn smiling like that. God..... Those kisses, I shouldn't watch them.
Okay, next spoiler is P'Sun. What will going on, next week? See you later.
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