#I'm so happy that you guys like TRC
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sakuraswordly · 1 year ago
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crimeronan · 2 years ago
it's ESPECIALLY not romantic for adam to want to leave his relationship but to be unable to because of codependent attachment. and then we never examine that further or address that it's fucked up. and we never interrogate anything about what this means for his independence or autonomy or ability to set healthy boundaries in his future/marriage. i will not lie to you guys that shit made my skin CRAWL. adam break tf up with your boyfriend and get your life together i swear to GOD,
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tearsasmascara · 2 years ago
worlds apart once more—
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genre ⤍  angst
relationships ⤍  diluc x reader
warnings ⤍  abandonment, crying, written in like nine minutes
a/n ⤍  hey guys !! so first of all THANK YOU MARIN for helping me finish this fic bc of this post, trc is one of my fav series and i was honored to include a line from it in this <33, second of all shoutout to zee for helping me decide on diluc for the fic lmfao, and third of all thank you zee (again mvp fr), yuki, and wren for pressuring me to finish!! also this entire fic is vauge but i based it upon the idea diluc has to leave for a very life threatening mission. i hope you guys like it !
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each tear that leaked out of your eyes was followed by a finger tracing it, erasing any proof that it ever existed. you closed your eyes, your sorrow crashing over you in waves, trying to drown you.
the silence was a gift provided by your lover; the knowledge that his voice might set you off again wasn’t much of a secret. you knew his sweet words would remind your heart of what it would have to long for once more.
soft fingers brushed your hair out your eyes, even softer lips pressing a show of affection into your hair.
your body shuddered, a physical manifestation of your heartbreak.
“why you?” your broken voice whispered, now dry eyes looking into your lovers.
your eyes may be done weeping, but your heart wasn’t.
he appraised you silently, looking at you in a way that still sent butterflies into your stomach, engulfing your sorrow for a brief, serene moment.
diluc gathered you, holding your fragile body in his, and rubbed his hands up and down your arms, the soothing motion sending breath into your lungs that you previously couldn’t inhale.
“you are intelligent enough to know the answer to that question, my love.”
the answer was, why anybody? why did people have to die for a cause greater than them? what made diluc any different from the others sacrificing their lives for what they believe in?
diluc was different because you loved him. it was as simple as that.
a fresh wave of grief overtook you as you crumpled into yourself, sobs wracking your body as you clutched his shirt, star shaped tears staining it.
his fingers slid under your chin, the gentle force causing you to look up into his eyes.
“while i'm gone, love, dream me the world”
you looked up into your lovers eyes, fresh tears blurring your vision.
“you are my world.”
and you broke all over again.
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hi !! thank you for reading this! if you did please rb (tags make me so happy but no pressure) and i hope you liked it!
taglist: @calyxcore, @ireallylikehamsters (send an ask to be added !!)
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hklnvgl · 2 years ago
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(tagged by the lovely @ailec-12 ✨)
I posted 1,471 times in 2022
48 posts created (3%)
1,423 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 884 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#trc - 243 posts
#tdt - 206 posts
#mdzs - 111 posts
#pynch - 79 posts
#d - 54 posts
#aftg - 32 posts
#greywaren spoilers - 32 posts
#fic - 17 posts
#greywaren - 15 posts
#ask - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i also want to check the country of others by leïla slamani out from my library so whenever i do that i'm pushing it to the top of my list
My Top Posts in 2022:
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
i was tagged by both @flitwickslittlebrotha and @kelliealtogether thanks!!! 💕
the real hawk: Ronan knocked, and then knocked again with more force.
est quaedam flere voluptas: On some hidden level, Adam wanted to be the kind of person to effortlessly enjoy parties.
Yiling’s apples: There were plenty of homeless people in Yiling.
overflowing: Sirius regretted many things.
little dolls for sale: It wasn’t the first time Ronan had thought about it.
enormous are the groves: Adam poured himself out of his car, barely pausing to close the door after him.
into silence: It was Blue, Gansey and Henry’s fourth going-away party.
the plum tree flower: Adam inhaled deeply when he got the door open.
arm as a pillow: Declan didn’t technically live with Jordan.
stars parting: The nightmare wasn’t special.
all in all i'm pretty happy with these first lines! so much that some of them doubled as summaries 🙃 i'm not sure who's been tagged already so i'm just gonna tag @of-stars-and-moon @ailec-12 @parakeatswrites and you guys can ignore me if you've done it already 💛
10 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
ages ago (i'm super late sorry 🙃) @andrea-lyn tagged me to do this! 💛 (thank you lovely!!)
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2021. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
when the world is one color (pynch, 2k). so this is the first of the many one shots i managed to write and post last year and i'm very happy with how it turned out! aka how to combat being cold with hugs (missing scene, post-trk, pre-epilogue)
but for their voices (pynch, 5k). this was very exciting to write bc it was fun to explore adam's thought process in this cdth-inspired au. aka adam is not unkowable if you stare at him long enough (different meeting au, college)
a persimmon (pynch, 1k). oh dear i struggled so hard to finish this little piece bc there were many different things i wanted to include, but i'm quite happy with the result! aka adam panics bc he's horny (missing scene during ch. 39 of trk)
the puppeteer (pynch, 3k). i made myself cry while writing this one. aka once upon a dream (sickfic, mi-adjacent)
yiling’s apples (mdzs, 2k). i've fallen hard for their story so i had to write something for it. aka why does everything important happen in yiling (pov outsider, gen)
tagging @ailec-12 @of-stars-and-moon @cheeeryos @behindtheatlantic @parrished @catboyadamparrish @flightspathfic @kelliealtogether @parakeatswrites 💛💛
12 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
back in march (😅😅) the lovely @ailec-12 tagged me in this game! i'm super late but 🤷��♀️
rules: tag 9 people you would like to know/catch up with
Last Song: can't remember as usual 🙃
Last TV Show: twenty-five twenty-one (yes it's destroyed me thanks! 🥺)
Currently Watching: crash landing on you (it's a rewatch!)
Currently Reading: you are not like other mothers by angelika schrobsdorff and i'm listening to beloved by toni morrison's audiobook
tagging @ive-garden @creativefiend19 @kelliealtogether @of-stars-and-moon @parrished @sleepy-skittles @purgatorybfs @catboynecromancy @cheeeryos 💛
12 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
Describe yourself with ONLY pictures you have! You cannot download or search new pictures.
i was tagged by @parakeatswrites @kelliealtogether and @behindtheatlantic 💕💕💕
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See the full post
13 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
writing prompts 💖
it's been a hot minute since i last opened prompts and i don't really have lots of time in my hands to write but i think having little things to serve as inspiration is exactly what i need to get back to my usual writing rythm! so. please send me a pairing and a prompt and i'll write a little one-shot 💕 (i'm mainly in the mood for writing pynch and wangxian but if you wished to see any other pairing just send it my way and i'll see if i can write something for it!)
thanks @ailec-12 for helping me compile this lovely list of prompts! 💛
50 Angsty Questions Prompt List
more questions
dialogue ideas
kiss prompts
more kisses
100 dialogue prompts
bad things happen bingo
anon asks are of course welcome as well! 🥰 thank you!
14 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dykefever · 3 years ago
hello hello, of course I’ve immediately forgotten which numbers I chose for the game but! I think it was 7, 12, & 20 :)
heyyy hi!! literally every time i go to ask someone for one of these games i have to repeat the numbers in my head on loop lmaooo
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
definitely remus in here we are, again. he's my fav guy ever! him smelling like biscuits particularly behind his ear, wearing glasses, getting really surprised and confused when he sneezes etc. just everything. here we are, again is also the story i'm still most proud of. it grew to a lot bigger than i anticipated and i just adore it. there's so much love in it and i'm still happy with how i brought them back together again after so long apart <3
12. Who is your favorite author?
i answered this here - maggie stiefvater due to my trc reread. i reckon also jonathan franzen. i haven't read his stuff in a while but i went through a phase of reading quite a few of his books and his writing is phenomenal! his characters make me want to bang my head against the wall but in a, like, good way (sort of).
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear?
absolutely ANY feedback is amazing! from my mutuals in particular makes me so happy. i'm like twirling my hair whenever one of y'all comments anything on my fics!! but i adore feedback that points out specific bits in my writing they really enjoyed- whether it be something the character is doing or my writing, it really helps me improve and it's also just really nice to hear :)
writer q's
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chubbydino · 3 years ago
Sorry I haven’t actually looked through all the numbers but I’m so intrigued by you because I’ve never read a fic like fg before (or dojbt really) - I would love to know more about you
- do you write for other fandoms?
- how did you think of the premise of fg?
-what kind of fics do you like reading yourself? And which f1 ships are your favourite?
- one I always think about for fic writersd do people in your life know about your fics
Again sorry I haven’t actually used the numbers
Just one final one, on dojbt, can you say for me even if it’s not necessarily what you think, that max finds his way to daniel and they get their happy ever after. I just need it for them 🥺
do you write for other fandoms?
yes, but not currently (rip me). MCU Marvel was my big one (my fic Horsepower reminds me of FG in some ways except way worse writing LOL).
I also wrote a fic for The Raven Cycle series called Divinity that is one of my favorite fics I've ever written. I still want to write another TRC fic someday.
- how did you think of the premise of fg?
I kind of alluded to it in chapter 1 but i saw the awk photoshoot of charles and carlos last year and jokingly messaged a friend about charles being like "ugh this guy" comparing carlos to seb and my friend was like "i'll pay you $5 to get a coffee and write this" and then the rest is history. the royalty aspect felt natural to me just because of how f1 drivers are treated. and if i'm doing an arranged marriage fic it doesn't make sense to just have some normal dudes forced into marriage. where is the ~drama and intrigue~ in that?
-what kind of fics do you like reading yourself?
I actually don't read fic very much at all. I've maybe read 30 fics ever lol. i like @blackwayfarers on ao3 (amazing) and there are a few fics i read once a year but other than that i read published works, usually nonfiction.
-And which f1 ships are your favourite?
hm. charlos. i like maxiel too but...charlos.
- one I always think about for fic writersd do people in your life know about your fics
fandom-approved people in my life do, but that's it. i talk about FG sometimes but i pretend it's a novel i'm writing and i call it by a different name lol
Just one final one, on dojbt, can you say for me even if it’s not necessarily what you think, that max finds his way to daniel and they get their happy ever after. I just need it for them 🥺
you can choose to see their story how ever you want ;)
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clamityganon · 4 years ago
girl where is my live blogging. where are your thoughts on trc. I've been promised such things dude I NEED IT PLS DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME
i guess i'll just add in my thoughts under the cut? yeah i'll do that
also i don't know when i got this ask because sometimes tumblr puts my inbox in through a wringer and i get things a lot later than i should. hopefully you find this?
dream thieves
i loved his POV. what an angsty dude. what a spectacular thought about the taste of gasoline being summery and sexy.
my favorite so far man it was very nice development for ronan and it was a great look into his brain
the book was nice and fast which sometimes made me a bit confused but it held my attentio
kavinsky's... well, he's kavinsky.
i hated him a lot but since we were kinda made to hate him i appreciated how he was written
the gray man was awesome
i hated him and then i hated him more for trying to get with blue's mom but then i realized he was a cool guy and now i love him a bunch
THE KINKS SOUNDTRACK!! i love the kinks
ALSO I LOVE GANSEY TOO HE'S SO CHILL i'd love to talk with him about old welsh kings and drive around in that shitty camaro
however this book did sort of instill some hatred for adam in me because all throughout the book his point of view was unbelievably whiny
i wasn't a big fan of him in this book especially since i liked him quite a bit in TRB
gansey and adam's little trip out to D.C was a little out-of-place to me personally, but i did like how gansey's whole family cared about adam in their own rich-people way
i know we're supposed to ship adam and ronan but gansey and adam were so gay together i couldn't help but ship them instead
annnnd blue was blue
i like her and i love how her outfits are described but i think more can be done with her, y'know? she's technically the main character but i feel like stiefvater threw her aside in favor of the boys
also her sudden "i like gansey now" emotions were confusing as FUCK throughout this arc. it didn't really make sense to me when she and adam were making moves in the first book
blue and noah have such a great friendship though i really love them together! when they went to monmouth and kissed it was everything they were so so so cute
all in all, it gets a solid 8/10 as a book because of everything we saw through ronan's eyes. his back must ache like a bitch from carrying the plotline
blue lily, lily blue
maura you goddamn idiot. you fucking idiot
i thought she was kidnapped but no? she decides to suddenly up-and-leave to look for a man who left her 18 years ago at the exact same time her daughter's entering her senior year and when another perfectly good man shows interest in her
her note wasn't even specific? nobody knew where she was, nobody had any means to contact her...
hurrah, they found her in the end with blue's dad. was i supposed to be happy for her while her family and friends were worried sick about finding her?
fuck you maura sargent, you irresponsible, rash, fool. fuck you
the "finding maura" plot left me feeling disgruntled and frustrated the entire time but i'm gonna stop talking about it before i put my fist through a wall
adam was a lot better in this book! i forgave him for being annoying because we were finally shown why he was so irritable in the last book
blue was blue yet again. i keep saying this like it's a bad thing but do know that i like her all well. the scene on the boat was pretty great, with her jumping in and orla shamelessly flirting with everyone.
but blue and gansey were so weird. one second she's saying she finds him irritable and the next she's trying to kiss him? make up your mind! or don't! just don't confuse him or the readers any more!
persephone, persephone, persephone. i really liked her and they just snipped her off :// i'm glad she got along with adam and helped him out before she died though!
the gray man's employer was forgettable and just plain fucking annoying. i really wish ronan had been able to kill him. what a cowardly, weak man. i expected more from him but in the end he was disappointing.
his wife was a girlboss though and while i hated her i respected the grind she went through to get to the caves.
her waking up the sleeper while ignoring neeve's instructions is probably going to be of significance in the next book but i think it's a pretty wonky ending. not really looking forward to her or neeve's return.
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aaronstveit · 4 years ago
🖤 - so one thing that made me happy recently was reading the raven boys. actually started it because i see you posting about these guys basically everyday and that got me curious and i'm loving it and i can't wait to read the rest. so yeah, thought i'd drop by and share that. lol have a nice day or night, jamie! ♡
scream oh my gosh i LOVE that !!!!!! i'm really glad you're enjoying it so far and i hope you like the rest!!!! like any series, trc has its flaws but ultimately i really love it and the themes of magic and friendship <3 feel free to come scream at me about it any time!!!!! okay so res, first of all you are just such a kind person !!! you are so supportive of other creators and you always have something nice to say in the tags, it makes me smile so hard <3 and your creations are beautiful!!! i love your gifs, they're so clean and pastel !!!!! i hope you have the best day/evening 💛💛💛
send me an emoji + something that made you happy recently and i will say something nice about you!
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marmelade-sky · 6 years ago
Ugh I'm kinda fell again for Renee/Jean and suffering without content T.T So I'm goona torture all my fav with requests of them sorry! So some hurt/comfort during summer break; Jean struggling with communication and Renee helping him to talk to Jeremy at least? Sorry I'm bad at prompts >
okay I’m not quite sure if you meant this to be shippy? I don’t ship Jean and Renee at all so this is gonna be more of a friendship thing… I hope that’s okay. Do feel free to interpret this however you want, though.
Thank you for the prompt! :)
prompt me, guys, I reached 1000 followers
(aftg, trc and the dream pack prompts will be accepted)
Renee, 11:34hi Jean :) How are you doing? Are you having a good summer?
Jean, 11:47I’m doing okay, how about you? 
It didn’t slip Renee’s attention that Jean had not answered her second question, and that “I’m okay” did not read as very convincing either. 
He did answer her call after the third ring, though, so that was good at least. 
“Oui?” His voice was rough, like he’d just woken up. 
“Hi! I just thought calling you would be nicer. Do you have a few minutes?”, she asked, gently cheerful as always.
A yawn came from the other end of the line, and then rustling, like bed sheets crinkling. “Yeah, sure.” 
“Are you still in bed?”, she asked. It was almost noon. Sleeping in wasn’t a bad thing, but for someone like Jean, sleeping in this long could mean more than just a lazy day. 
The hesitation in his voice confirmed her suspicion. “…yeah.”
“Are you alright, Jean?” She knew he preferred direct questions over gentle nudging. She was happy to comply. 
A slow sigh came from the other end of the line. “…summer is… strange. Nobody is here… campus is so empty. I don’t know what to do on my own. I go to Court and to the gym and I read lots of books but still.” 
She was very glad that he could put his feelings into words like this; it was a huge progress. This first semester with the Trojans had done wonders for Jean’s mental health.
“Are you still going to therapy every week?”
There was a little break, and she could hear him take a deep, slow breath, sounding… sad.
“I didn’t think it was possible, but I miss the team.” 
It would probably take more than one semester for Jean to see the Trojans as his team. But this was progress enough, for now.
“Can you call or skype them?”, she suggested.
“…I could. I guess.” He paused. She waited patiently. “…Jeremy asked me to come visit him at his parents’.” 
“Oh, that’s very nice of him. When are you going?” Knowing Jean, he had probably immediately declined; knowing Jeremy, that No had been met with southern charm and firm but friendly resistance.
“I… I don’t want to bother him.” Jean sounded genuinely torn up about it. And Renee understood; Jeremy had been so busy taking Jean under his wings during this last semester, even though it had cost him a lot, and even though Jean was slowly allowing himself to be grateful for it, she still knew he felt guilty about it, like he was a burden. 
“I’m sure you’re not, Jean. I think Jeremy would really like having you around, if he offers. Also, y’know… isn’t that a thing friends do? Going to each others’ houses over the summer?” She herself was with Allison right now, sitting in the shade under an enormous palm tree.
“How should I know?”, he asked, but it was without malice. 
“You could just take my word for it.”, she replied lightly. From the other end of the line came soft, hoarse laughter at that, and it made her smile. It was their in-joke by now: Renee teaching Jean how normal human relationships were supposed to work. 
“I do trust you.”
“Thank you.” She smiled down at her bikini-clad legs, running a hand over a small scar on her thigh. “…you can come visit me after you’ve visited Jeremy, if you’d like. I think Stephanie would love to meet you.” 
She could somehow hear his smile. “…I think I could do that.” 
“Great. I’ll text you some flights.”
“Thank you.” 
“Remember I’m here for you, okay? Whenever.” 
He was quiet for a long moment. 
“Thank you. I appreciate that.” 
“…now go call Jeremy and tell him you’re coming.” 
“Yes Ma’am.” 
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serenity-the-firefly · 6 years ago
Tell me all about your blue turns into a tree rant!!! I'm so interested to read it.
anon i have been waiting my WHOLE LIFE to be asked this question. This is a tale of PERSONAL GRIEVANCE that spans SEVERAL YEARS and THREE different fictional universes. Before i get into it, here is the reason i have such strong feelings about this: as previously mentioned in this post, female heroes (especially in YA novels) get much more brutal arcs than male heroes. They often start as outsiders to society, but unlike male heroes they end as outsiders as well. One way this happens is that the female character is literally transformed into something non-human because apparently the concept of a successful woman becoming a part of society without giving up some intrinsic part of herself is just so completely abhorrent. Instead it’s preferable to have her become Something Else. Basically, female characters don’t get to live out happy, normal lives, and this is a manifestation of that. 
Okay, actual reasoning over, RANT TIME GO:
1. A Bad Beginning.
A long time ago, circa 2016, when The Raven King was released, a younger & more innocent me was tentatively excited to read the conclusion to this series that she enjoyed a lot, and to get see how everything was wrapped up. Now, there were….a lot of things that i really disliked about this book and in fact that i have largely blocked out of my memory. But the thing that i will NEVER FORGET/STOP BEING BITTER ABOUT was that blue’s arc was literally concluded by it turning out that she was PART TREE. First off, I love Blue, and I love what her character explores, and I specifically identify heavily with the whole “wanting something more” deal- that Blue doesn’t just want to be magic-adjacent, she wants something more. And the fact that Stiefvater chose to resolve that issue with “ the real magic was the friends we made along the way, and also ur part tree. have fun backpacking around the world without addressing any of your actual issues.” made me FURIOUS. On a less personal level- look at the other main characters of trc. Ronan is this dreamer with untapped raw potential who created an entire magical forest, Adam is a powerful magician in service to said forest, Gansey is somehow…the forest itself?? (still not clear on that one), and Blue is….a tree. She is a tree, singular, with barely any power in her own right, while the three boys are entire orders of magnitude above her both in terms of power. The guys get an entire world of magic and her consolation prize is that she is a tree. 
2. Twice is a Coincidence?
Then, last year I mainlined all of the Shannara Chronicles, which is SO BAD AND STUPID but also i enjoy it a lot. (It checks a lot of boxes for me and is in general a fun time!) And my favorite character was Amberle, the cool elf princess (who was absolutely into Eritrea, fight me) with a heart of gold and ironclad sense of duty. Now, Amberle was sent on a mission to find a cure for the dying Elcrys (a magical tree that, like, kept 1,000,000 demons at bay or something), because for some reason the Elcrys kept sending her visions. She was the only one the Elcrys talked to, which, cool, I’m down for a fun mystical quest involving trees. I didn’t mention this earlier, but Amberle is basically the main character of season 1. Austin Butler is nominally the protag but Amberle gets the hero arc, drives the plot, and is also just way cooler. So you spend this entire season getting to know & love Amberle and at the end of the season when they finally get to the place with the cure or whatever for the Elcrys, Amberle goes into some mystical vision only to discover that the reason she could hear the Elcrys was because……sHE WAS THE ELCRYS THE WHOLE TIME!!! LITERALLY ANOTHER VERSION OF HERSELF COMES TO HER AND IS LIKE…AMBERLE THE ACTUAL CURE IS THAT YOU HAVE TO SACRIFICE YOURSELF FOR THE GREATER GOOD AND BECOME THIS TREE TO ONCE MORE BANISH THE DEMONS. AND SHE DOES. SHE REALLY GOES THROUGH WITH IT AND BECOMES A TREE AND IS NOT IN THE SECOND SEASON!!!! like i was so mad about this that when i put this and the Blue thing together i texted my poor friend at like 4 in the morning on a wednesday. like JESUS was your big season finale idea really that AMBERLE WAS A TREE THE WHOLE FUCKIGN TIME? you put this character through the RINGER just to set her up to SACRIFICE her life and BECOME A TREE.
3. JEsus Christ…I am so tired.
Going even farther back, to like junior year of high school, i stumbled upon The Magicians books and read them all in quick succession. Then, this year I got into the TV show and remembered a crucial fact about Julia’s arc in the books: she ends up turning into a dryad. Julia, who is horribly assaulted and put through absolute hell by Lev Grossman, finally gets her shiny prize at the end of the race, and it’s that she. turns into. a fUCKINg TREE. She is traumatized and changed irrevocably and loses her humanity, but hey. she gets to be a tree goddess now, so thats cool i guess?
4. Conclusion.
In two of these cases, becoming a tree was the conclusion of a character arc where the male protagonists get to become happy, well adjusted members of society. In the third case, a female sacrifices her life and becomes a tree to save others (and give austin butler some good man angst). Separately, these could all be perfectly good and satisfying arcs! (Well, most of them) Being a tree isn’t inherently bad; but man, what does it say that this is a pattern with female characters? 
At the end of the day, this is a manifestation of society’s discomfort with women who are fully people and not just objects, and honestly i think there’s a case to be made that this is a form of violence against characters who dare to defy that. It’s misogny, plain and simple. 
tl;dr: Stop turning your girls into fucking trees. 
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tintaszirmok · 3 years ago
mid year book freak out tag 2022
I don't usually do these kind of tags but I saw this fun one on Youtube, so I thought why not? So this was inspired by Cari.
I read 19 books so far, 13 of these were YA and mostly fantasy, which is actually better than what I was expecting after my reading slump/lack of motivation/time during April, so here are my superlatives for books in the first half of 2022.
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1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2022?
Might be because it's one of my most recent reads but I really enjoyed The Raven Cycle series this year, especially Blue Lily, Lily Blue and The Raven King.
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2022?
Since the above-mentioned books are sequels themselves, they apply to this question as well.
3. Most anticipated release for the second half of 2022?
The Final Gambit without doubt, even though the 2nd book wasn't as strong as the first, I'm really curious about the final instalment of The Inheritance Games, so I can't wait! I've pre-ordered it before I even finished the second book.
4. Biggest disappointment?
Red, White & Royal Blue. It's disappointing especially because I really enjoyed the beginning, it was so fun and the premise was so promising but the second half of the book was just not for me.
5. Biggest surprise?
Probably The Raven Cycle because I haven't expected to like it so much
6. Newest fictional crush?
Richard Gansey III because I love me some smart guy with complexes and a bit of trauma, all in for his friends, really.
7. Newest favourite character?
I feel like I keep answering with the TRC but I really liked the characters: Adam, Blue, Gansey, Henry, Matthew, Ronan... I can't really choose.
8. Book that made you cry?
I don't remember crying over a book this year but probably Everything I Never Told You would be the closest.
9. Book that made you happy?
Iron Widow because it was nice to read about a female main character like Zetian.
10. Favourite book to movie adaptation you’ve seen so far this year?
Not a movie, but I read Queen's Gambit after watching the show and it was very well done!
11. Most beautiful book you bought/got this year?
House of Salt and Sorrows
12. What books do you really need to read by the end of this year?
I don't have a TBR but I started the Dreamer Trilogy, so I would like to finish that. Also The Final Gambit. I got The Committed as a gift, so that.
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f0x-meets-w0lf · 8 years ago
ahhhhhh i'm so happy u said u'd post more drawings! i was getting a little worried that maybe u had lost interest in trc but thank god thats not the case lmao
i haven’t lost interest!! i’m just working hard on my tattooing career while also trying to balance my serving job and various freelance art jobs and attempting to maintain some (very small) semblance of a social life/friendships/relationships. but i haven’t lost interest at all. i’m just hella fckin busy and on my grind!! trying to make things happen for myself so i can quit my miserable restaurant industry job asap bc it sucks the soul out of me lmao!!!! and then i’ll be able to return to fandom, ah, my little internet home
in fact, i was just about to make a trc-related post - i was like 99.9% done with a typing really fun response to a trc headcanon question that i got in my inbox…. and then my laptop literally shut itself off for no reason and i lost everything i’d written :’)))))) which was quite a substantial amount. ahhh
and at this point it’s 2:19 in the morning and i worked for 12 hours today and i’m tired and mad at my fckin old ass laptop for doing exactly what *i* should be doing (powering down lmao) so im gonna wait til tomorrow to rewrite it. im too pissed at my computer right now. but. soon. SOON i swear to you guys i will have content for you…… the elusive “soon” haha but please……… believe me……………….. soon 😘
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jeanmoreaux · 8 years ago
I've seen posts about The Foxhole Court for a while now, but I'm trying to figure out if it is a series i should read - how would you convince someone to give it a shot?
as much as i like to shove the things i love into people’s faces, i am bad at convincing them by giving the facts and sneak peeks! mostly, i just make them read/watch it :D i am that person who will tell you “it’s great i love it! why, you ask? idk, i just love it”BUT i will try and give you some info (without spoiling too much)?
((this turned out way too long, i am so so sorry))
first of all, i think it’s important to mention that the All for the Game series is a self-published piece of ya-fiction. It’s not perfect, but i have definitely read professionally publishedbooks that have been way worse! so in my eyes, the writing style is average with some amazingly great high points (some parts/dialogues are like “asdfghjkl tattoo that shit on my body”).
the plot is strongly character driven but it is really interesting and i read all three books in like 4 day because i wanted to know how the story unfolds. the characters are complex and interesting, they are all flawed human beings who have seen/experienced some pretty bad/horrible shit in their young lives. during the series, they form some sort of family/unity (personally, i live for things like this; misunderstood humans who find family in other misunderstood humans!).especially the girls are amazing, i love them with all my hear and every inch of my body! so strong, independent and badass but still girly, loving and caring. then there is this fictional sport called Exy, which is quite brutal but i would totally watch it if it was real.aaand there is (surprise, surprise) some (gay) romance! it’s not super cheesy and horrible to read, i actually like it! (i am really happy there’s no love triangle, i hate love triangles).some clichés and stereotypes appear, especially when it comes to the “bad guys” like that they always wear black and there are some story elements which may seem a little overdramatic to some people (they never really bothered me that much tho)
from time to time, there is much brutality and cruelty. the books include some scenes of abuse, torture and even rape (but it’s just a small part of the story, not on every page). i don’t have a problem with these scenes, but i know some people who are pretty sensitive when it comes to explicit violence, so yeah definitely trigger warning!!!
in conclusion the writing has its ups and down, the plot and characters are captivating/fascinating, the gay romance is great, it’s flawed but it’s definitely worth a shot. Noora Sakavic did a great job with these books and blessed us with some of my most beloved characters in ya-lit. (fun fact: tfc/aftg fandom is number 8 on the fandometrics 2016 chart, meaning it was the 8th most active book fandom in 2016. I think that pretty impressive for a self-published book series.) i would give the entire series a 4.25/5 (but like i love it with all my heart so if my heart would do the decision all on its own it would be a 5/5)
i would recommend this series to people who have read The Raven Cycle books and enjoyed them.
((if you like the same books i like (trc, tsoa, aaddtsotu, thg, asoiaf, hp, looking for alaska, revenant series, jane eyre, so so many more) there’s a good chance you’ll like The Foxhole Court too))
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angelmatsuyo · 8 years ago
What i want to know is why sakura can't be bi AND tomoyo have a crush on her at the same time?? Just because someone is bi doesn't mean they'll have a crush on everyone. Tomoyo knows sakura doesn't like her back, but that's just because sakura sees her as a friend not because tomoyo is a woman. Like I'm going through something similar also. I like a girl friend and i know she's bi, but i also know she doesn't like me back. So i just don't pursue a relationship with her, like it's that simple.
That’s a difficult question for me to answer, Also I feel for you, I have a guy that I like but I’m pretty sure he only sees me as a friend too. Someone else commented about how CLAMP supposedly came out and said that “Sakura would still love Syaoran if he had been a girl”, and while I haven’t been able to find any evidence about this, I am taking it into consideration. If that really is the case, then I’ll admit I was wrong on that front, but until I can find or get sent a source for their claim, I’m going to at least keep my own headcanon that Sakura is strait. I’ve just never seen anything in CCS, TRC, or even the Clear Card arc that gives any kind of indication that she might be gay.
Last year, there was a big uproar among the fans of X-Men when Wolverine was revealed to be bi. Yes, there were some that were happy, but from the people I’ve talked to there seemed to be a lot more people upset about this than not. Most of these people were either LGBT, or supporters of LGBT rights(like myself). Because they changed a character without any kind of build up or hints that he might be bi previously, it came off as “they're just making him gay for the sake of being gay.” I’ve said before that I highly support the need for LGBT representation in the media, but it has to be done right. If you’re going to take a previously established character whom has been known for certain traits, and then completely betray said traits, it’s usually called bad writing. However there are also ways this can be done correctly. It really just comes down to the writer, and how much they respect the material and the cause. While LGBT’s have been getting more noticeable roles in media, it’s done so haphazardly that you can tell how much the writers are doing it more to appease fans than to have an actual LGBT character.
I guess this topic is so important to me because I’m also a writer. I have so many of my own characters who identify as LGBT(Lano is the most beautiful trans merman ever and no one can tell me otherwise), but I made them LGBT after analyzing them as characters. I didn’t create Terika just to have a crush on Hanna, nor did I intend Renae to have feelings for Karen. I looked at these characters and how I had written them, and realized they couldn’t be anything but. In fact, I created these characters long before I even knew it was POSSIBLE to be attracted to someone of the same sex(ah, what a sheltered life I once led. Didn’t even know racists still existed). It was my best friend and honorary little brother who helped to educate me on the topic(kinda glad I was so sheltered though, cause it meant never being introduced to homophobia either), and it’s mostly thanks to him that I’m able to have the views I have now.
Until I can find an actual source that says without a doubt what Sakura’s sexuality is, I think it’s best if I just let this topic die. The fact that so many people seem to have twisted my words around and are now accusing me of being homophobic is really upsetting, but the internet is full of those kinds of people(I call them extreme-anti-prejudices), but I can also understand somewhat where their anger comes from with how much majority groups have suppressed minorities over the years. I’ve seen red myself when I see truly horrible people say nasty homophobic things. I might be a liiiiittle bit over protective of my friend(AND IF ANYONE DOES OR SAYS ANYTHING TO ATTACK MY PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL I WILL STAB THEM SEVERAL TIMES OVER AND BURN THEIR CORPSE IN THE SCHOOL INCINERATOR!!!), but I also know that we won’t get anywhere if we just strait up accuse every hetero of being homophobic, every cis of being transphobic, every white of being racist, and every man of being mysogonistic.
As for your personal situation, I’m afraid I’m not the best person to give advice. While I do fully support LGBT’s, the fact does remain that I am indeed a cis-hetero(although I do identify as a demisexual hetero-romantic) and can’t properly identify with your situation. I do sympathies with you, and hope things turn out for the best regardless of the outcome between you two, but as someone who will always remain on the outside looking in, I can’t give you advice in confidence. Also my track record in the romance department has been terrible over the years, with my last three boyfriends sadly falling into the stereotypes and me not realizing it until further into the relationships. Still, there’s gotta be someone out there for you and I, and I hope you don’t give up your search for just the right person. I know I won’t.
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sofhtie · 8 years ago
Can you tell me more about you'll never meet me? I'm looking for a new book to read
OMG YES THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY Coherent version:So, the book is written as a series of letters between two teenage boys, Ollie and Mo. Ollie has almost an allergy to electricity, being around it gives him seizures. He lives out in a cub in the forest with his mom, and is the actual human embodiment of sunshine and the most pure bean to ever exist. Mo is this angsty teen doesn't have an eyes but can "see" with echolocation and has a pacemaker. He starts out as this pretty rude and obnoxious guys who thinks he's better than everyone else his age, but this changes over the book. Because Ollie can't be around electricity and Mo has a pacemaker, it impossible for them to meet. But they're put in touch by Ollie's doctor/therapist and start writing regular letters to each other. As the book goes on, you see the much darker side of both the characters life's, and the authors creates these amazing and truly moving character arcs. It's honestly one of the best books I've read in a long time, and really hope everyone else reads it too. Incoherent version: oH MY GOD!????? tHIs BoOk?!?!???!!! it's SO GOOD?!??!!!? It's like a sci-fi version of magical realism and the characters arcs are B E A U T I F U L and it has this way of representing love that rlly reminds me of the kind of real and raw way love is in igyts. tbh it feels kind of like a mix between igyts and trc. Idk how to describe this but it also just gives me this warm and comforting sense of happiness??? Idk if that makes sense but it's true. IT FEAUTURES: dealing well with disabled characters!!! LGBT rep handled super well and just not made a big deal of!!! as previously stated, amazing character development!!!!! and best of all: PLATONIC (actually debatably kind of gay but mostly platonic) LOVE MY ACTUAL FAV THING EVERin conclusion: PLEASE READ IT ITS AMAZING
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