#I'm putting on The Cure
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lunapwrites · 1 year ago
Really cool of both of my brothers to have life-changing crises requiring my immediate intervention the same week I come down with Covid.
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ceniwen · 2 years ago
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Their conversations sound like they're both just pining for another so badly it makes me want to eat my entire fist
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psalmsofpsychosis · 1 month ago
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On DC Joker's narrative status as the empty space. //
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radarsteddybear · 6 months ago
Writing fic set in the past is a constant struggle of "Wait, did that exist yet?" *checks Google* "NOOOOOOOO"
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transingthoseformers · 2 months ago
Love the idea that Sentinel Optimus and Elita all get spidered. Geting all of them as Decepticons because the three rechno Organicshave nowhere else to go?
I feel like they'd all at least start out as becoming decepticons together, though I can't promise any staying a decepticon tbh
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thedemonsurfer · 7 months ago
hi I'm talking about Ruin again
My kingdom for more fancontent with Ruin, especially post-Thanos snap.
Like! Authors were barely using him before, maybe a few fics with him shipped with Solar-- and then the Thanos snapping happened and now there's NOTHING (okay there's not nothing, but at the time of writing this, there are about twoish ongoing fics focused on him and a handful of others where he's a participating character)
AND LIKE. THAT'S SUCH A SHAME??? Ruin went from "alright youre kind of boring as an antagonist" to "I guess you're cute now that you're cured" to EXTREMELY interesting.
He's a villain that isn't an antagonist! He takes Sun's hero complex and Moon's martyr complex to the extreme! The only goal he had was to get rid of the threat offered by the creators, in a permanent and complete way-- and nothing else. He holds no ill will towards anyone else--hell, he's so willing to work with people that he doesn't personally like that it keeps throwing him off when others don't think the same way (like showing up to ask for Moon's help and getting tossed into baby jail and strangled instead).
He doesn't like causing harm. He made certain to stress that the whole dimensional evaporation thing wasn't painful, and he despises Dark Sun for being a sadist. He did his best to sabatogue Bloodmoon’s plan and minimize the damage to Earth.
He's desperate to be helpful and useful to others-- even if they keep taking from him without his consent, he still keeps volunteering. He also has a hilarious response of being belligerent when annoyed with someone, like pretending not to know about the wither shard.
He's exceptionally traumatized. Can you imagine what it was like running around for 50 years pretending you're infected, all the while watching the mental and physical deterioration of everyone you know-- and knowing it's YOUR fault they're like this? And it was the person who MADE you, your actual literal Creator, who first started the infection?
And he has no hope. Everything Ruin has done since Thanos snapping the dimensions has been a kind of filler for him, because he expects to die soon. Actually he's lived longer than I think he expected and didn't really know what to do with himself for a while in there. When/if Dark Sun or Nexus feeds him to the witherstorm, I'll be surprised if he tries to fight back.
Also he keeps getting kidnapped and imprisoned, which is kind of funny. I think we're up to 4 kidnappings, 2 jailbreaks, and 4 imprisonments.
Just like... he's a fascinating guy with strong personal motives, and a much more agreeable personality than our other strongly motivated ex-antagonist, Eclipse. There's a lot of potential to work with, and how to get him out of the hole he's dug himself into. Overcoming the whole "I erased 5000 dimensions, including one that your family member came from, and also indirectly caused a different family member to leave" is just one of the challenges!
I know it's not an issue of "but he's hurt/killed one of the other characters!" Because -points at Blood Moon and Eclipse-. Both (all five? six?) have killed other main characters and been antagonists, and it hasn't stopped folks from writing them. Hell, Eclipse killed his own estranged brother for no reason other than petty revenge, and folks still somehow make it work.
So yeah idk. I think Ruin is really interesting and deserves a bit more attention.
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fabled-art · 6 months ago
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Inktober except I just randomly generate a ghost Pokémon every day, Day 3: Drifblim.
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crvngefrvll · 3 months ago
I wondered how many gladers promised their friends, partners, and loved ones to take them to safe haven yet ended up becoming cranks, losing their loved ones, or even themselves trying to fight through..
Great. I am now in tears.
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zukoromantic · 6 months ago
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I did not ever in a million years think the villains would get cameos. I am beyond happy. MY GUYS .
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star--anon · 27 days ago
they changed Minho
nobody's surprised. obviously
WCKD's not blind enough to not realize the eventual annihilation of the Last City
nor would they not put up preventive measures
what nobody expects is how they change him
when they encountered Minho in the Last City, they countered a stone cold killer who shoots Thomas in the heart without flinching
thank god WCKD guard armor is bulletproof
Gally says it's an uncommon to have bulletproof anything in WCKD
not a lot of lethal weaponry in WCKD
except for the soldiers, it seems
what nobody expects is for Minho to wake up and call out in his empty hospital room through thick tears
nobody expects him to flinch and cower away from the doctors
nobody expects him to beg for his life at every moment
to meekly offer his arm when doctors wield syringes
to curl up and cry quietly on the corner of his bed
to obediently eat when told to eat, to stand when told to stand, to hold his arms out to the side and let the doctors stick whatever they want onto his skin
pupils contracting at the sight of adults in lab coats, but they tell him to hold still, so he does
a full dozen guards posted outside his hospital room, but the hunk of muscle that was trained to kill for 6 months just pliantly lets the doctors strap him down and do what they please
who whispers "thank you" when they sedate them like it's some kind of mercy
who wolfs down his meals like he'll never see food again
at a meeting with Minho's top doctors (he's been assigned 8, which is the most Paradise can spare), Jorge, Vince, and surviving Gladers (plus Brenda), Gally presents his theory
after hunting through WCKD laboratory and stealing cures, he's familiar with how they operate
"A mental switch," he says tonelessly, "between two Minho's. Whichever one they needed at the moment."
His voice betrays nothing of how he feels.
"When we saw Janson, he was still taking the cure. The only Immune whose blood worked for more than a few minutes was Minho, and to get the cure out of him, they'd need to get be flat-out terrified. And that soldier that we saw Minho become in the Last City isn't the type of test subject to get scared."
there was a hope. nobody says it out loud, but there was always a hope from the moment they restrained soldier Minho on that helicopter and barely escaped the burning ashes of the Last City
that Minho — their Minho — was still alive
that they could train the soldier back out of him, or maybe they could uncover a full, healthy Minho from the layers upon layers of torture and brainwashing
they thought they'd get someone violent but still whole. someone they could rescue
but Gally's theory breaks that delusion
their Minho has been broken into nothing at all
and they'll have to do the impossible task of putting him back together
their Minho holds his pudding spoon with trembling hands and needs a doctor to give him explicit permission to eat for each bite
because dessert is a luxury and he's used to having luxuries dangled over his head
their Minho doesn't run or fight when the guards come into his room to guide him to the toiletries
because he's used to having them visit him at their pleasure, and he knows running wouldn't do anything but make it all worse
that healthy, powerful Minho they saw in the Last City was something crafted entirely out of WCKD
and the only real thing left needs to be blindfolded when he sleeps because he sobs quietly about the "beetles in the black walls" if they don't
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kotaki · 2 years ago
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hirogaru sky! pretty cure ♡ ending messages
↳ episode seventeen → cure heart
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makuzumepjsk · 1 day ago
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New hyperfixation go hard
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meownotgood · 11 months ago
also while I'm on the topic of being off topic. this is my beloved durge tav moon. her wizard boyfriend sprays her with water when she tries to bite people
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ghost-proofbaby · 9 months ago
do you ever feel bad that your ocs are cursed to be written by you, of all people?
like i'm sorry you've been cursed by the narrative that is being created by my own two bloody palms solely for me to project every bad thing that has ever happened to me onto you, babe. you deserve a happier ending. sorry i can't give it to you.
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ai-higurashi · 8 days ago
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Hasn't kissed anyone in 300 years VS Expecting a kiss with tongue is so real with them XDDD
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monstermoviedean · 6 months ago
hey do you think next time i'm stuck in another pearl-clutching hysteria fest about how cell phones are ruining The Children i should tell them cell phone bans are the technological equivalent of abstinence-only sex education
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