#I'm planning to do a deep dive on cat boi at some point
the-owl-tree · 1 year
oh my GOD I love your isekai warriors au.... I love that the isekai trope is becoming a lot more popular, especially in anime... please tell me more about it!!
shaking ur hand rn hello fellow isekai anime/other mediums fan :3c FIRST lemme go on my tangent about this genre and my main inspo because wow this got way too long lol
isekai is total comfort food for me haha it's my go to genre of manga/manwha/webcomic reading whenever i'm feeling down and while i generally feel the genre is getting bloated and somewhat stale in anime, i still enjoy it quite a bit. It's a cute idea with a lot of potential, i just wish less of the shows went for the wish fulfillment route of things since we have so many by now.
mine is very inspired by a lot of korean manwha style stories in which the protag gets trapped in a show/game/book/etc. and has to deal with it, specifically what if you became the villain of a story. A lot of them play off the trope of the one dimensional evil villainess and how an average person would have to deal with coming into the body of someone like that and dealing with consequences. That, or it's the tragic villain, someone's who's life is marred by tragedy usually of their own doing.
The most interesting ones are those that play on how character archetypes would actually work in the story. The cold bad boy is just a shitty abusive guy, the shy guy who follows the girl is kind of a stalker, and so on.
One of my bigger inspirations was a plotline that also stuck out to me: a teen girl who died too soon and got reincarnated as the mother of the protagonist. obviously she has no clue what to do, she's a kid who wants to go home! And the only way she thinks she can is by ensuring the story goes as planned (and this of course is doomed from the start, unbeknownst to her, the villain is a reincarnater too and has already made tremendous changes). She dies and the reader never knows if she gets to go home or not. It's kind of this rough around the edges gem of an idea that I love and obviously had to steal for myself.
note for anyone getting intrigued by my descriptions uh a lot of these stories tend to be pretty shallow in their exploration. this subgenre consists a lot more of wish fulfillment/revenge fantasies comparatively to like a deep dive of "oh my god i've fucked up the narrative". Not to say they don't have interesting ideas! many are super interesting. just like. temper your expectations if you're going in
originally the story was gonna be set in a canon arc but that felt boring so i decided to just make up a whole story for it
The story is meant to be a (loving) poke at old fanfiction, common tropes in the aforementioned subgenre of isekai, and just a general ""cliche"" Warriors series (in the human universe here, I figured it's call Battlers/Battle Cats or something stupid lmao). In this story, Frostblaze is born into [ONE OF THE FOUR FAKE CLANS I HAVENT FIGURED OUT NAMES YET IM SORRY]. She's the born to an unnamed mother who tragically died of illness when she was just a young baby and has no clue who her father is.
She's isolated from her peers due to her eyes which some believe are an omen of her unnaturality. This only worsens when she is apprenticed to their Clan leader and causes Honeypaw, the daughter of the Clan leader, to become enraged with jealousy. She is one of Frostpaw's worst tormentors in the early parts of the book and eventually, during a battle, tries to off Frostpaw herself....but is killed by Frostpaw's love interest, the dashing and handsome (if a bit stupid) Eaglepaw of [INSERT RIVAL CLAN HERE].
The two hit it off (Honeypaw is an after thought at this point) and work together to stop the eeevviilll leader of uuhh eviiiiilll clan. They win, live happily ever after, Frost is actually their Clan leader's daughter and Honeypaw is her half-sister and blah blah blah.
At least, they're supposed to. Honeypaw, out hunting, is hit by a truck at the same time a human is. Human wakes up as a cat about to be buried because everyone thinks Honeypaw is dead and freaks the fuck out.
A lot of the plot points are kind of just me working through my gripes of the subgenre lmao:
"the person who is reincarnated is more adept and cool and better than their character and everyone loves them" -> Honey is awkward, neurotic, and can come off as rude to those who don't know her. Even her coolest trait, her wrestling ability, is off-putting because oh my god why are you putting a cAT IN A SPIDER GUARD THEIR SPINES DON'T BEND LIKE THAT HONEY PUT HIM BACK TO NORMAL-
She reread the story before she died but, because she has no pen, no paper, and sadly of all, no thumbs, she's unable to write it down to keep remembering it when she gets sent to this world. It's awful and she desperately wishes she had thumbs back.
she stands on two legs, makes weird comments alluding to being a human, and just is a bit of a weirdo. Honeypaw was isolated for being mean, Honey is isolated for making everyone uncomfortable (unintentionally). However, her isolation allows her to slip under the radar and do some more investigating, as she's noticed that some of the details in the story aren't adding up...
The story is strange and the characters aren't as she remembers now that they're in the flesh. Of course, her main priority is to thwart Honeypaw's assassination attempts, the spirit being intent that the way to get her body back is if she dies again. It's only from a near death experience that they realize that that's not gonna work and have to work together to change the story so they don't die!
and, as many people have pieced together, they're not alone.
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meimae · 3 years
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Despite being out with a regular old cold for two weeks in October, I managed to finish my 7th VN, 大正×対称アリス! This was part of VN Club's October challenge for the month, and yet another 乙女ゲーム to keep in my books.
Didn't really have many expectations diving into this; the blurb leaves something to be desired and basically just says "Hey, here's some gender swapped fairytale characters. Oh, and by the way, have fun with no memories!".
This is the 5th VN I've read that makes the protagonist draw the short straw - start off 記憶喪失 and discover who and what they are along the way. An easy way to introduce characters perhaps, and I'm not necessarily sick of it yet compared to the very common Schrodinger's cat or Theory of Relativity reference.
This VN is episodal; you get to interact with two particular characters per episode, except for the epilogue. It was an odd choice, because it spurred some people into thinking they could just skip to the episode with the character they like.
However, this does not remain the genderbent romantic comedy fairytale recreation I thought it was going to be, and the longer I read, the more I was pleasantly surprised and disturbed by the true story that unfolded episode by episode.
Time Spent Per Route: prologue 1.61; シンデレラ 9.45; 赤ずきん 5.89; かぐや 7.02; グレーテル 7.97; 白雪 7.67; 魔法使い 6.5; アリス 6.71; and omake 1.29. Total: 54.11 hours.
As I expected, my reading speed dropped down from my peak with あやかしごはん. It's not particularly bad, just a few thousand characters less, but still remaining consistent throughout. Also managed to hit 100k characters towards the end which will forever feel really good to do.
Discussion about every route and CGs:
As usual, I implore you to stop reading now if you plan to read this visual novel. This is a story meant to be experienced and it would be a pity if reading forward ruins it for you.
Trigger Warning: themes dealing with depression, anxiety, paranoia, drug abuse and overdose, suicide, and other mental health conditions.
Who would've thought that this seemingly fluffy and sweet otoge would contain all of these?
I'm not going to lie, while reading through the first episode, I kept thinking, wait, what was the point of this game again? Do I just go around and date all the guys and maybe somehow get her memories back? It honestly reminds me of Island, happily going around and getting to know the characters, but in the back of my mind I was waiting for something big to happen, and I must say I wasn't disappointed.
有栖 百合花
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The moment 百合花 started speaking, I knew I'd love her; her banter with the characters were fantastic. She's smart, clever, and funny, and while she does somewhat evoke the very feminine damsel-in-distress type she takes everything in stride. If anything, the strange situations she ends up in are strategically planned by her, even though the guys think they're in control, which makes her an even more brilliant protagonist in my books. She has a very interesting layer of cunning that surprised me and honestly made me concerned, too, because oh boy, the choices she makes in some of these? Absolute insanity.
What a gal, what a gal.
Episode 1
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シンデレラ was like fine wine; the longer I read the more I appreciated his role in the story and his character quirks. I loved him as an older brother figure the more I saw him in other routes. Shh, its my white/grey haired character loving self speaking.
He has a bit of a bad spending habit, hinting on a twisted version of the Cinderella fairytale, but he eventually develops a deep sense of duty to right the wrongs of his father, pay off his debts, and to help establish his brothers and their family's cafe before truly taking on the role of being 百合花's fiancee.
It was all very sweet; this was a nice and mature romance story through and through, with our lovely protagonist helping him change for the better along the way. Again as I said, the more I got into the story, the more I appreciated him as a character - they barely dropped any hints in this route or rather you wouldn't even understand the connection til much later, so playing blind, it was practically a SoL story and you really can't expect much more to happen in the next routes.
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Oh, but I was wrong with that assumption.
Much like the first route, 赤ずきん's was just as sweet. My favorite 真面目 character trope makes a return! I'm sorry, but I've become such 剣が君 trash that it was impossible for me to stop imagining 黒羽実彰 saying all his cute, embarrassed lines, that I had such a good time reading this. (•///•)~♡ I've become obsessed looking through voice actors' VNDB lists, send help.
I like that the twist to the fairytale was that 赤ずきん was the actual 狼 in the story. オオカミ, 猟師, and 百合花 all plotted it out to help him forgive himself for the things he did in the past and to bring him out of his paranoia embedded into him by his mother that all people are cruel and would treat him different, so its best to stay inside. Even though my next point actually should make him feel more paranoid.
This is a turning point for 百合花'a character for me. She started to evolve from this nice, witty, pretty lady to someone to watch out for, since its suddenly revealed that she's capable of controlling a situation to such a point. Its actually pretty scary how easy it is for her to pretend and act a certain way to get to a conclusion that benefits her. In this case it does benefit everyone involved and everyone ends up happy, but the way it was brought about still feels kind of icky.
If you think about it more critically, 赤ずきん really feels like victim of 百合花's controlling nature. Of course he wouldn't be able to tell that himself because he fell in love with her, and his other friends don't see or seems fine with it, especially because one of them is her brother. Ooof, yikes. Beauty and the Beast stockholm syndrome vibes, only its the "beast" that is trapped (albeit self-imposed because that's what he was taught as a child and he thought he was doing his job) in beauty's plot. She practically won't leave him alone and it felt as if she was throwing herself at him almost.
Please let me know if you feel the same, because the longer I think about it the more wrong it feels. Wouldn't it have been easier to just all sit down and talk about it rather than to come up with this ridiculous rouse of someone wanting to attack her? C'mon now.
From here on out 百合花 and the story becomes more interesting and thrilling to read, so if you dropped this game after episode 1, I do implore you to pick it up again.
Episode 2
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In an interesting turn of events, 百合花 turns out to be one of the siblings of シンデレラ, グレーテル, and 白雪 instead of 猟師 in 赤ずきん route or siblingless like in シンデレラ route (if I remember correctly). Not going to lie, I kept forgetting that she was trapped in a strange dream state with アリス, but from this route onwards it was finally made blatantly obvious to me that nothing in this game was normal.
Why is it that the playboy characters are always those who are seriously depressed? Oh but wait...it isn't as shallow as I thought it was going to be.
The most interesting character design of the six, and the only one referencing Japanese folklore and mythology, and of course can't forget the 関西弁 as well to cap it off.
There was a lot of heavy topics in this route and very much like our protagonist, he had some sort of amnesia, but it turned out that he was just suppressing all the bad memories in his life.; かぐや was an unwanted child constantly put through the foster system and was essentially forced to witness or to help push through someone else's suicide attempt against his will. He grows up feeling unwanted, hence the multiple relationships, and he is extremely possessive and desperste for attention as well since he never had stability in his life. GEEZ.
百合花 was very nice to him from the get go, always giving him the benefit of the doubt until she figured out what the root of the problem was. The issue is - and I can't believe you have to go through this to get the good end - is that she also takes it to the extreme and stabs herself in the gut to make him trust her enough to quit his own suicide attempts. She actually dies in one of the bad ends, which is an obvious end, and one of the only bad ends that didn't feel pointless.
Let me tell you, I lost my mind when it happened! Where did all the fluff go and why is this suddenly so depressing? 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
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This time around, everybody is siblings with each other except for 魔法使い and アリス. They're really pushing this sibling narrative with all of the past romances, huh....
One glance at this boy, I knew something terrible was brewing underneath the surface. It takes かぐや's possesiveness and easily triples it - literally the first scene at the start of the route involves a gigantic cage in a dark room. ドS sibling has arrived.
グレーテル has a massive シスターコンプレックス, and she is constantly trying to snuff his urges in a manner that won't cause him to go bonkers with jealousy. The scenes switches a lot to explain why グレーテル made the extreme decision of locking 百合花 in a house in the middle of the woods.
Turns out he wasn't actually a sibling of 猟師 and 百合花, but someone who was kind of just taken in as a family member. He was always made to feel inferior to his siblings, so he was constantly striving to excel in all of his school activities. His obssessive love for 百合花 causes him to get picked on in school a lot, and for 百合花 to receive equally nasty comments from his peers as well - which then causes everything to snap causes him to almost beat a student, and eventually many other students, to death if not for someone else holding him back. He gets suspended from school and he misses a year, causing him to not be able to go to school with 百合花, who at this point, he obsessively wants to protect from the 狼 of the world, which explains the cabin in the woods, and his distaste for オオカミ, 百合花's friend, and someone he thinks is making moves on her.
To control his anger, and later on what was revealed as what I can only describe as schizophrenia - extreme hallucinations and delusions of himself mocking his decisions - he eats a lot of "sweets" or really he takes his medicines for his condition just so he could pull through and function like normal. It was presented as an addiction, and it was very concerning the way he gulped down multiples from his prescription bottle.
Again, 百合花 with the strange suggestions such as staying together in a house that's about to burn down to the ground, welcoming the urges of her "sibling" in one of the bad ends, and telling him to quit his medicines. Now I'm not a psychiarist, but I do know that you shouldn't suddenly not take your medicines for illnesses such as these, even if you feel fine, because it can actually cause more psychotic breakdowns in the future. Obviously that didn't exactly occur in this since this is fiction, and they get a pretty questionable happily ever after as sibling...fiancees? Ick.
Still, this was a riot from start to finish, and pretty much my favorite next to the best end, because of just how ridiculous the whole thing was.
Also, the ribbon. ( ゚• ゚)
First of all, can we talk about this absolute fire of an opening song?! Easily my favorite rendition, and I never skipped listening to it whenever I booted up the game. Coming from the chaos of Episode 2, you just know that things were about to go down!
By this point, I was very alert to any scent that would lead me to a a hint to what was going on, but I was still left flabbergasted at what was to come.
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Honestly, coming from that epic soundtrack and the events in Episode 2, this started really tame, with 百合花 hanging out casually with 猟師, 白雪 and his mom a lot.
If anything the most suspicious person was his mom - I honestly thought she was poisoning him or something, a theory based on the original Snow White fairytale, especially because 白雪 was starving himself and refused to eat anything that he was given - easily interpreted as an eating disorder - except for his mother's apple pie which was his favorite. Even the stuff that she gave 百合花 turned rotten and made her sick.
As it turns out, 猟師 made 白雪's acquaintance first, when he saw him at the dead of night by the lakeside. He earned his trust eventually by giving him books to read and talking about his sister 百合花 ありす, who had beautiful blonde hair and strange two-toned colored eyes.
His family used to be rich, until a time where his father left him and his mother to fend for themselves. They moved out of his mansion house to a cottage in the woods, and his mother worked herself to the bone, dodging tax collectors and teaching 白雪 to do the same, because the 狼 of the world are terrible people. They lived in this kind of seclusion, with 白雪 occasionally sneaking out to the lake.
One thing led to another, and 白雪 revealed his secret to 猟師 - that he kept the decaying body of his mother at their dilapidated house in the middle of the woods, and kept himself alive by munching on the now rotten apple pie she last baked for him. He also believed that him leaving her to sneak out caused her death, and that he deserves the kind of life he lives because of it. OH BOY.
The other thing was that he was aware. He knew that he was both real and unreal, and that at the other side of the looking glass was a person named アリス - the same name 猟師's sister had - and he was keeping 猟師 close as a friend, but also to get to his sister who might be his way out.
Thankfully both 猟師 and 百合花 were kind enough to make him realize that not all people are evil, and that he wasn't responsible for the things that happened to him.
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And so we move on to 魔法使い, one of the biggest enigmas in the game, and another piece of the puzzle who is aware of everything that is going on.
Of all the characters and throughout the game, both 白雪 and 魔法使い were the most secretive of their backstories and intentions with acceptable reasons. Both of them knew what the world was and how it functioned - through the looking glass of アリステア's mind.
魔法使い was there to act as a reset button - which explains why he appears at every bad end - to make sure that 百合花 made the correct decisions that would solve every other character's problem, except for his.
I think its better to explain further in the next section, to kill two birds - well three - with one stone, and since he won't get his proper, unselfish, happy ending until the Epilogue anyway.
アリス & アリステア
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アリス, the beginning of it all and the first split personality of アリステア.
For a good beginning of the Epilogue, ありす chases after アリス, through all the different characters' stories, only to reveal that she wasn't the ありす they knew and loved, and the only people who could explain why were partially 白雪, 魔法使い, and アリス.
Which brings us to the original, truly existing person, アリステア.
アリステア is a shy and reserved boy from a classy family, a dad who had many riches and a kind mom who loved fairy tales. His parents hosted a party one day, and he decided it was best to keep to himself in his room, much to his mother's disappointment. He would often talk to himself in the mirror, convincing himself or rather, the then unbeknownst to him split personality アリス, who was confident and bold and someone he believed to be a better version of himself.
With アリス's urging, he goes down to the party and finds ありす crying, with her beautiful blonde hair similar to his, and a pair of strangely beautiful colored eyes that were the cause of her to be teased. It probably happened at the same time, both アリステア and アリス were besotted by this girl who shared their name, hair, and eventually her ribbon, and for the remainder of her stay before she moved countries, she played with one or both of his personalities - again most likely unbeknownst to her.
Years passed and they grew up and lost touch with each other when アリステア's father's empire collapsed and his family was left with a lot of debt. By this point アリステア was already struggling without his friend ありす, his family was in shambles, and he had began to have these out of body experiences - his multiple personalities slowly appearing and taking over.
He got acquainted with 猟師, ありす's brother who was left in the country to pursue his studies. He also helped アリステア to talk to someone who could handle his case. Eventually through this connection, ありす and アリス reunite, with her parents deciding to officially take him under their wing as part of their family, despite all of them knowing about the multiple personalities.
Their first encounter was with シンデレラ, ありす being able to tell the difference immediately. He was dead set on making his father's wrongs right, and their only work around was to make him ありす's fiancee so they can live together without the stern looks of others.
ありす, with the help of her brother's initial guidance was able to tell all of the multiple personalities (the six initial characters except for 魔法使い who doesn't appear til much later) apart and treat them accordingly to how they interact with her, all along loving the original アリステア, unbeknownst to him who feels like he doesn't own his body anymore.
All that happened in the five previous routes except for 魔法使い, was アリステア's reality split into five to form fairy tale characters - a reflection of his mother's obsession - for the personalities lived in his mind and possessed his body at different occasions which also got him into trouble for obvious reasons - グレーテル being the most violent personality.
It all boiled over when one evening, he wakes up in bed with ありす - with the smell of sex in the air - and none of the memories. He reacts to the extreme, in a fit of anger, and demands to know who dared to damage ありす's body as well. I still don't know who it is - probably グレーテル because he was the one who blatantly expressed such urges multiple times in his route.
He chugs a bunch of meds which leaves him comatose in the hospital in the hopes that he can enter his mind and talk to his multiple personalities.
Which is where ありす comes in. She actually somehow manages to create another personality of herself in アリステア's mind - a game to be played repeatedly, with 魔法使い as a sort of overseer, to make all personalities happy with a version of ありす for themselves.
It pretty much works out, they all pick the ありす that catered to their needs, except for 魔法使い who actually was in love with the human ありす, and アリス who was hesitant as well since he knew about the human ありす from their shared childhood. アリス talks to them carefully, and leaves all of them a version of ありす that loves them or that would at least would love to keep them company.
So that's at least 12 different personalities that all live rent free in his mind, but won't take over his body for the most part.
The biggest twist even, is one of the bad ends, where one of the ありすs goes rouge and actually just takes over アリス's body and murders the original ありす, so for obvious reasons アリス would be left to deal with the repercussions and live with the fact that with his own hands, he killed the one person who ever loved and cared for him - whether or not that was own mind's doing.
I honestly can't even begin to explain how mind blowing this entire revelation was to me. I'm writing this two months after reading, and I'm still so impressed by how this entire story teased the reader with so many hints and still be able to drop a bomb this big at the end.
Fantastic storytelling, and I'm absolutely dying for people in my club to start reading this, so I could talk to someone about it. 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
It was so long and there was so many things to keep track of by the end - probably the reasons why I couldn't sit down and write this. I'm incredibly surprised that something written so well would be hidden under the otoge genre never to be even looked at by a lot of people just because of the tag. If only they knew!
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 30)
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Sparking a joint on the way to see Pete at Flappers, Colson, Luna, Ashley and Dom chatter away. Talking video and music concepts still, how they think Colson's gonna do on stage and Luna's hatred for the paparazzi.
Walking in to the comedy club, Luna stops Colson. Looking up at him, she strokes his jawline with her thumb.
"You're gonna do great, Bunny." She tells him, smiling brightly as she stands on her tippy toes to kiss him.
He smiles, her words calming him. "Thanks, Kitten." He replies, bending down for her to reach him.
"And did you know.." She continues as she laces her fingers into his "Holding hands syncs up the heart, becoming a natural anxiety reducer?"
He laughs, always amused at her knowledge. "Then I'm glueing our fucking hands together!" He exclaims to her laughter, as they continue inside, holding hands.
Once inside, Pete comes out to greet them, giving Luna a big hug. She winces in pain. "Ohhh!! That's right!! Dirty Fucking Harriet over here, leading the anti-deportation railroad!" He teases her. Making Colson, Ashley and Dom laugh.
"Fuck you." She says smirking. Then with wide eyes, knowing her friend too well. "Don't you fucking use that in your set!"
Pete strokes his chin. "I just might." He says smiling down at her.
"Fucking Asshole." She laughs, shoving him with her good arm.
"Alright, alright." He says, throwing his hands up. "Lemme get this Sicko set up." Referring to Colson.
"Break a leg, Bitch!!" Luna says to Pete, hugging him again. She turns to Colson. He's gripping her hand.
Giving him a knowing smile and That One Look he loves so much, all she says is "Great." Before squeezing his hand and kissing him.
"FUUUCCCKK. I don't think I've ever been this nervous before." He thinks following Pete. Even though he's naturally funny, stand up is completely out of Colson's realm
Luna, Ashley and Dom find their table.
"And now, we'd like to welcome, for the first time ever to Flapper's stage... MGK!!!"
The crowd claps as Luna stands up. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!" She screams at the top of her lungs, clapping hard as he comes on stage. She grins, as he starts, knowing his nervousness. She watches him, through her camera.
"So, I'm up here" he looks down, moving and adjusting the mic around. "Because I lost a bet because I can't keep my clothes on." Luna laughs as other women cat call him. He blushes and laughs as he continues "I have a 9yr old daughter, so I may tell some dad jokes. So, bear with me, please." The crowd and Luna laugh. She can see him loosening up. *CLICK* "Aight, check it, this one of our favorites..." He continues.
"The secret service isn't allowed to yell "Get down!" anymore when the president is about to be attacked. Now they have to yell "Donald, DUCK!" The crowd erupts as he lays another one, relieved and smiling. *CLICK*
"Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?.... Because the pee is silent." He laughs at himself with the rest of the room. Luna's watching him intently, moving around slyly. *CLICK* Colson sees the wrap it up signal from side stage.
"Ok..ok..one more, one more.. What does a zombie vegetarian eat?" He asks himself. Putting his arms out, hanging his tongue, he growls "GRRRAAAAAIIIINNNNS!” *CLICK*CLICK*CLICK* The crowd loses it. "Thank you! Thank you!" He says beaming before walking off stage. *CLICK*
"Ladies and gentleman, MGK!!!" The crowd erupts with cheers.
Luna heads back to Dom and Ashley. The girls look at each other with the same thought. "He was fucking GREAT!!" They shout in unison, laughing. They ALMOST share the same brain at this point in life.
"BUNNYYYY!" Luna shouts, jumping into his arms as Colson walks over to their table. "AMAZING!!!" She beams, kissing him all over. "You feel alright?" She asks him.
Looking into her eyes grinning he responds "Kitten, I FEEEEL WONDERFUL tonight. All I need is you and a drink." Adrenaline still flowing from the stage through him.
Heart racing from his special words she thinks to herself "I FUCKING LOVE HIM!!"
"Let's get you that drink, then." She smiles sliding off of him and grabbing his hand.
Pete goes on as they get back to their table. He really enjoyed watching Colson sweat and is on fire himself. He runs through anything and everything. Trump, Ariana... He bust Loius CK's balls, both personally and publicly. Saying that he rathers offering girls weed in his hand. Over his weiner. He's killing the crowd. Then he steps in with.. "So, I've got this friend, a tiny, little white girl, just like me... Woooh!" He purses his lips and pretends to curl his hair with his finger. The crowd laughs, her table even harder as they glance at her.
"Oh, FUCK." Luna thinks to herself. Shaking her head, as she rolls her eyes with a smirk.
"She thinks she the Dirty Harriet of the anti-deportation railroad." He continues, walking around the stage. "She says to me while we're gettin high one day, talking about the ICE situation..." Pete changes his voice and wiggles his fingers, looking like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings. "We could use teamwork, get a train and save alll the little children." He laughs, continuing, "I look over." He starts pointing. "And this Bitch has Dora the Explorer on the TV and Thomas the Train on her laptop and The FUCKING Wonder Pets on her phone. She's SO fucking high, that she's doing a Dora/Thomas/WonderPets CROSSOVER!!" He stops and looks at the crowd sideways. Continuing, "I wanted to say 'TURN OFF NICK JR, YOU CRAZY BITCH!!!!!' But I was so HIGH, all I could ask was..." Dropping his voice. "'Can I be the conductor?'." He laughs at himself with everyone else. "Fucking white people, Man..." He finishes shaking his head to an erupting crowd.
"Thissss MOTHERFUCKER." Luna laughs to herself, shaking her head as she drops it into her hands.
Pete ends his set flawlessly.
After Pete finishes, he meets up with his friends. They greet him with cheers. "Yo! You KILLED IT tonight, Dawg!" Colson tells him, slapping his hand while pulling him in for a hug.
"Funny as Fooking hell, Mate!!" Dom chimes in.
"Great set, Pete!" Ashley agrees, hugging him.
"Thank you! Thank you!" Pete grins, looking at Luna as he swigs his beer. She has that 'I may fuck you up' smile on her face that he knows oh, so well. "You know you set yourself up." He states to her with a grin.
She's grinning back. "Enh. I'd be more pissed of there wasn't any truth to the Nick Jr bit." Both of them bursting out laughing to the inside joke. "Where you staying tonight, Petey?" She then asks, nodding her head as she swigs her beer.
"With us." Colson says, grabbing Luna and Pete around the neck with his arms, pulling them in close.
"Yeah, I just gotta meet my manager by 3P..."
Deciding to head back to Ashley's, Colson declares "WE OUT!!" as they exit the club.
Back at Ashley's they drink some more, burn A LOT, A LOT, laugh and play a VERY intense game of Trouble. Colson and Dom agree they're going to do the open call for their video. Over dinner, they had titled the track "I Think I'm Okay". Luna and Ashley are in love with it, encouraging the guys to play it for Pete. HE fucking LOVES it too. This prompts Colson to play "Bad Things" for them. No one's heard it yet outside of the band.
"YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING SICK!!!" Ashley shouts after she watches Luna and Colson twist and dance around each other to the beat, singing to the other along the track. It reminds her of herself and Gerald sadly, as the others listen. "THAT'S gonna be a Fucking hit!!" She shakes her head, pointing her index finger knowingly in delight.
Pete agrees "That's fucking gnarly!! And so different for the both of you." He observes. Luna and Colson beam together, thanking them, while she's tucked under his arm.
"Bet-ah every time I Fooking hear it, Mate!!" Dom tells Colson. Luna cocks her head up.
"I played it for him the other night." Colson says to a nodding Luna.
They hang out for a bit more before Luna changes into a pair of boy shorts and an old oversized Carolina hoodie, signaling that they're heading out.
Ashley congrats both Pete and Colson on their sets with hugs. Dom with hugs and kisses. Luna and Ashley smooch, making plans to meet up over the weekend.
"I'm starving." Luna states as they head to The Benz. Colson tosses her the keys.
"Then you drive."
Luna doesn't support hateful organizations but she's starving and Chick-Fil-A is the first thing she sees. Pulling in they order almost EVERYTHING off of the menu. Luna hate-liking her food. She fires up a joint to ease her guilt as she pulls them out.
Colson's drunk and aggressive when they hit the bedroom. He started pawing her once they left Flappers. She had popped 2 percs before eating, in anticipation. As he throws her on the bed, she's credits herself.
"I'm gonna fuck the shit outta you, you Brooklyn BITCH." He slurs as he pulls her shorts off with her panties. Luna beats him to the jump, pulling her own hoodie and bra off for him, protecting her wound. "I love your fucking titties!!" He declares drunkenly, diving into her chest face first, knocking her onto the bed. She laughs, trying not to wince, as she holds his head by his hair, positioning herself comfortably on the bed. He's sucking all over her breasts. Tonguing each piercing before moving up her neck to her mouth. "I FUCKING WANT YOU." He demands, pushing his solid dick against her. Hard. He pulls her arms up above her head with his hands. Holding her hostage, sucking on her neck, as she wraps her silky legs around his long body in pleasure. Not caring about the pain in her shoulder as she arches her back with a purr. Still holding both wrists but with one BIG hand, he slides the index finger of his other between her lips. "Mmmmm... Dirty girl." He says, pleased with her wetness. He lets go of her wrists, throwing her legs over his shoulders quickly. Then he grabs her wrists again with one hand, using the other to guide himself into her. A moan escapes her as he enters her. Fully. She arches her back, pushing her hips into him, settling him deep inside her. They both groan in pleasure as he hits his Home.
Hands pinned above her head, with his dick filling her, Luna feels like she's tripping. He's so big that she can cum by just tightening herself around him. He feels her clench and shake in pleasure before he begins to pump. Feeling her heart racing through his chest. He takes her ankles with her wrists, over her head and pounds into her hard. Rocking her like a Fucking chair.
"Unnhhhhh. Bunnny!" She breathes in heavy as his dick pounds her wet pussy.
"Like that, hunh!" He demands pounding himself into her. Panting as she pushes her hips up against him. He lets her right leg go, she pushes off the bed, relieving her shoulder as she fucks him sideways. Swirling her hips and grinding on him harder. The switch intensifies both of them. Bucking against him with half her body in the air, they're clawing at each other.
"I'm going, Bunny!" She cries out.
"NO, you ain't!!" He tells her, biting the thigh next to his face.
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" She screams bucking harder against him.
"Hold it." He demands, pounding into her harder.
"My fucking vagina is going to fall off." Luna is convinced. Mind hysterical in pleasure.
He holds one ankle next to his cheek, kissing it, as her other leg is wrapped around him. She's pumping into his slamming rythym. He lets go of her other leg. She slides it around him as he slides his hands around her throat to her pleasure. She's bucking against him. Fast, hungry and hard. He slides his hands off her throat, up the sides of her face. Big hands cradling her delicate face and pleading eyes. Fucking her hard. "Do it." He tells her, pulling her body hard into him by her neck and skull. Slamming into him, she follows his direction. It's ONLY in the bedroom, does Luna do what she's told. Bucking hard, she tightens around him as he throbs and fills her.
""FUUUCKKKKKK!!!!" She cries out. Still swirling her pussy around his cock in pleasure. "Fuck shit, Bunny..." She happily purrs, shifting her shoulder under his weight. SO fucking thankful for Percocet.
"You're my dirty, little whore." Colson giggles, burying his drunk face into her right shoulder. Her legs are wrapped around him and she's trying not to laugh, not wanting to push him out. His drunk ass is dumb and cute and she can't help it.
"Oh NO!! You kicked me out!" He cries out, visibly devastated.
Laughing, she pulls him close to her. "Oh, Bunny, Come'er." She kisses him sweetly before he lays his drunken face and WHOLE body weight upon her chest and breasts. She shifts, dying, even with both 30s. Happily dying underneath him. Nevertheless.
To be continued.....
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