#I'm open to RPs
that-girl-cupid · 15 days
*Rosalie sat near the strawberry fields on a blanket, sketch book in her lap, she decided to draw one of her new friends and she was going to surprise them with the drawing later*
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Open to all
Willow looked over the crowd of people. Why on earth she had decided to throw a party was beyond her, networking, she told herself. It's so very important to network. She would much rather be lying in bed with a face mask and a home improvement show on in the background. Yet her she was, well might as well make the most of it.
"You know, is it just me, or does the idea of a chocolate fountain always sound better in theory rather than in practice." She asked the person beside her as she absently sipped her red wine. "When I see people indulging it always ends up making me a bit....uncomfortable."
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radicheart-a · 5 months
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Both halves of his broken staff are clutched tightly in either hand. His ears are pinned back. Blood gushes from the injury slicing across his chest, staining his suit an even darker shade of red, as well as trickling down from his mouth.
The sound of footsteps draws his attention, making the Radio Demon force his smile a little higher before he lifts his head to see who's approaching. He's assuming it's Adam, so before he even realizes who it really is, he speaks, the radio filter on his voice missing.
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"If you're going to finish me off, at least show a little more class."
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ravensroleplays · 6 months
Into the Woods--Open AHIT RP
Well, not like this was the first time someone wandered into Subcon Forest and ended up knocking themself out.
This time, however, Hatty had questions for them as they woke up in the tree house she shared with her father and siblings.
"What are you doing in our home?!?" The little alien questioned accusingly, only for Snatcher to speak from behind her.
"Don't be rude, kid." The ghost gently scolded, coming a bit closer and looking at the person. "Though I've got to admit--I'm a bit curious myself. Most people don't exactly come to Subcon Forest if they can help it."
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kotikaleo · 1 year
Fluffynight killer week DAY 1
Song inspiration
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I am sooooooo proud of this one you can't even imagine! But enough of excitement, let me tell you more about this piece and the story and my plans for this week.
So I decided to tell a story that me and my good friend @viralay roleplayed over the years. I will reveal so parts of past and presend over the next seven days, but also do not get tooo hyped - I will be DEFINETLY NOT ABLE to make such grand pieces for next days qwq
It all started with Nightmares depression. In this universe he was the first one to feel The Balance, and he realized the importance and the weight of his actions. But Dream refused to listen, being to young and bold, and still hoping to get his little brother back, time and time again refusing Nightmare and not accepting him for who he is now. Not feeling any connections to anyone and also feeling guilt for who he is, his past and present actions, and inability to change anything, Nightmare fell into depression and one day started to crash into Ccino's cafe. At first he just stayed there for a cup of black as his soul coffee but then he started to stay for longer and one night he just... stayed. For a night. And then slowly their relationship started. At first unclear, weird and maybe even one-sided, but later they both were happy.
To be continued~
Fluffynightkiller Week by @help-im-a-gay-fish
Ccino by black-nyanko
Nightmare & Dream by jokublog
Killer by rahafwabas / rahaf-wabas / rahofy-sketch
The song:
The song suggested by Vira btw
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ask-alexander-feoc · 9 months
Pokemon Black RP
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Cheren sighs "Where is Bianca? She is always so late..."
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"I'm not sure Cheren.. Maybe She forgot?"
Bianca rushes into the room
"I'm sooooo sorry" she apologized "I didn't realize the time and-'
"it's fine Bianca. The professor has already given me the box of Pokemon in it." Alexander said.
"Yes, let's let Alexander take first pick since it's her and her mom's house." Cheren said.
"Hmm. Who to pick? " Alexander wondered.
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They were hanging upside down from a tree, something that was made harder thanks to their mask. Their blood ran to their head and they held their mask in place, unwilling to risk letting it fall when someone could stumble across them but also not wanting to admit defeat to gravity.
They were trying to sort through their thoughts, usually they'd climb a tall building or something to clear their mind, but that wasn't an option right now, so they took one out of Spring's book and did this instead.
Of course, Spring didn't have to worry about the blood rushing to her head like they did, so it was arguable if they were actually getting anywhere.
It was strange. Everything felt lively, yet quiet. Things were definitely happening, but never where they were, and if anything big was happening, clearly no one felt the need to include them or ask for their help.
And that was fine.
That was what they told themselves, anyway. They had always intended to leave distance between them and the rest of the team. It was better that way, no one really needed to know them. Sure, V had accepted them, but there was no saying if anyone else would.
That logic didn't hold up as well as it used to. Not after everything that had happened, from the bots showing up to everything that was Halloween and so on.
They swung slightly back and forth, deep in thought. Honestly, they were distracted by their own thoughts and probably a bit too easy to sneak up on.
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There's a trail of oddly colourful looking spiders leading into an alleyway.
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The man who called himself Jones rolled out of town at the break of dawn, his hands stained with blood and mud. He couldn't claim to enjoy such callous brutality, but some debts could only be settled through violence.
Perhaps this next case would be different.
The wheels of his old jalopy squealed against the road as he pulled to a stop. They'd be out here somewhere, in the in-between place between Hollowville and everywhere else, the places where things were sane.
"I know you're out there," he muttered, his voice dense and earthy. "Could you come out, please? We need to talk."
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imhisangelhesmydemon · 8 months
📚Open Starter📚
-For Crowley-
"I-I-I" the words stuttered from Aziraphale's mouth as he opened and closed he was trying hard to understand what was happening.
After what seemed like an hour words formed into a whisper, "Do it again."
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angclnumber · 3 months
OPEN TO : f / nb
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"YEAH, WELL, DON'T THINK THIS CHANGES anything between us . i still hate you ."
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midncghts · 3 months
like this post if it's okay for me to reply to some of your open starters ❤
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serious-tabaxi · 10 months
-*a bunnygal*-
*you have been wandering through the forest a little, for your own reasons, when you come across a young man in a brown cloak, inspecting a familiar-looking flower.*
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justsigma-bsd · 1 month
Sigma, a silly little question, but should i just quit?
like on one hand, i should and get it over with, and stop feeling this stress and pain, but on the other, i still want to finish what i have started :/
would i elaborate more on that? nope :p
so, please, honest answers, should i just quit?
(sorry, i would most definitely answer that myself, and then everyone will be confused if there's like no more asks or posts about it, haha...and there goes the thoughts of everyone will just forget about it since it seemed whatever i did seem to start more people to make their own things, and it's scary and stressful for me right now :/. sorry, mod, for you to hear my ramblings)
"Well, without elaborating that's a bit hard to answer... but you should do what you think you'll be happier with. If you think quitting is better for your health, well... you should do whats best for you. And you don't have to quit entirely- you can still pick whatever it is back up where you left it after a break"
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Oh nooo, I suddenly feel veeery patriotic, god bless america and cheeseburgers, I sure hope no hot vampire version of me comes bite me...
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yunalai · 5 months
— League RP had an era where it felt so wholesome and united and right now looking at the TL just... fills me with anxiety tbh. Could people reply to this if they'd like to be in touch on discord? I don't know if I'll return to RP here.
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